The 13th International Seminar from February 27th until March 12th, 2016

Theme: Church and responsibility for the world- Prof. Dr. Walter Altmann (Sao Leopoldo, Brazil) and Prof. Dr. Lubomir Bátka (Bratislava, Slovakia)

Here you can read statements of participants:

Rev. Patras Marandi Satar,Nepal Evangelical Lutheran Church, It is a great privilege for me to participate in a 13th International Seminar in Wittenberg. This seminar has been an inspiring experience in my ministry life. Pastors and church leaders coming together from all over the world and having discussion on the common issue or common theme is a blessing for me. I could understand the historical background of Lutheran by site seeing. I found a friendly relationship from the wonderful people of God in this seminar. Thanks to LWF Wittenberg center for organizing such an important seminar. Thanks for your love and caring.

Rev. Amani Daniel Kabelege, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – Southern Diocese The 13th International Seminar on Church and Responsibility to the World has made me grow a greater height in Lutheran Theology and in my daily ministry to the people of God as a Pastor. Study Tours in the places of Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Katarina von Bora, etc. have changed me to become an eye witness of some of the Reformation History places and part of its 500th Anniversary preparations of which I had learned verbally and by reading books. I have the honor to convey my sincere gratitude to the leadership and all staffs of the LWF, LWF- Wittenberg Centre, and the ELCT - Southern Diocese for enabling me to be a participant in this important 13th International Seminar. May our LORD Jesus Christ bless you all. Rev. Enelda Gloribel Rubio, The Salvadoran Lutheran Synod Assisting the 13th International seminar in Wittenberg has been a very rewarding theological experience. Reviewing Martin Luther writings has brought me more knowledge to be of a great value to my pastoral ministry. Thanks to the organizers of the LWF Center in Wittenberg. Blessings. Gloribel of El Salvador

Pastor Cletus Mumuni Alale, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana

I wish to express my profound gratitude’s first to Almighty God, LWF and you for given me this opportunity to participate in this seminar. It has been a blessing to me and ELCG. I have really enjoyed lectures by two professors and tour to various history places within Wittenberg other places. I pray that God will bless all those contributed financial and spiritual for this seminar. I also thank my colleagues for socialization and safe journey back home. Thanks and God blessing.

Rev. Daniel Mono, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, South East of Lake Victoria Diocese

Reflecting Luther's writings while in Wittenberg for two weeks, inspired me to continue to be a faithful Lutheran. It is Important for every Lutheran Pastor to reflect in Luther's writings where they are because they help someone understand the meaning of being a Lutheran. Thank you for having me this wonderful opportunity.

Rev. Gunhild Ingela Maria Winqvist Hollman,

Reading Luther in English (rather than in Swedish or German, as I have done before) was new to me, and most relevant for exploring further the significance of a globally shared Lutheran legacy. But then again, reading texts was not half as important as actually getting together with people from all over the world and finding friends among them!

Pastor Etienne Momtott, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon It was a very genuine blessing to be part of this 13th seminar. We have being living and sharing Martin Luther's thinking in different ways: social, economy, political, theology and spiritual. This is very challenging for us as pastor and for our churches today where ever we are. Thank you people for the fellowship and rich experiences. Your input is welcome in any time of my life. Pray for the lord give us health, knowledge and skill to challenge the world by faith to live peacefully and faithfully. Hopefully, we will meet if it is not on earth it could be in heaven. Let stay in touch by prayer and by mail or facebook. I'm looking forward to come to the anniversary, if it is possible. I'm proud be Lutheran by the grace of God and servant of God. Please, you may read on behalf of me Psalm 133. I thank you and I thank the for everything you have done, accommodation and knowledge

Rev. Henriett Cairns-Lengyel, Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Hungary These two weeks provided a great opportunity for all of us: - To have a better understanding of whom we are and where do we come from. - To learn from each other. - To share our different opinions, views and experiences and reflect on them and through all this - To become more responsible children of God.

Rev. Johnson Ashok Kumar Jesudoss, Arcot Lutheran Church, India

Wittenberg, place of sense and reason where Brother Luther lived and this is what I felt while visiting here. Luther made sense not only in Christian Life, but in the life of humanity. Yes, it was proved in his pen when he inked on Education, Economy, Warfare, Government, Parenthood and Citizenship to witness God in the world. Let these things help me to live as a human being.

Pastor Joona Matias Toivanen, Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church I must admit that I didn't know what to expect when I arrived in Wittenberg to attend this seminar. It was difficult to imagine that Luther’s writings would have inspiring content for the variety of social situations for Lutherans from different cultures across the world. However this international seminar in Wittenberg has been a rewarding experience and I have learnt much. It was wonderful to meet Lutheran pastors from all over the world and really see and understand that Triune God is working through all of us in his church everywhere. Soli Deo Gloria!

Rev. Joseph Bernandus Emirit, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia

The seminar has given an insight into sacred scriptures to understand divine revelations which in turn paves way to strengthen the relationship with God. Thanks!

Pastor Kathleen Jean Baker, Lower Susquehanna Synod, ELCA, Harrisburg, PA, USA

Thank you to the Lutheran World Federation for providing this 13th International Seminar in Wittenberg. The finest professors of theology combined with a diverse gathering of students from around the world, brought together by a compassionate, dedicated and efficient staff, in historic Lutherstadt Wittenberg, is a living testament to God's work in the world. From the people of Biblical times through the reformation through today and into tomorrow, we are an integral part of God's journey with God's people.

Wittenberg, place of sense and reason where Brother Luther lived and this is what I felt while visiting here. Luther made sense not only in Christian Life, but in the life of humanity. Yes, it was proved in his pen when he inked on Education, Economy, Warfare, Government, Parenthood and Citizenship to witness God in the world. Let these things help me to live as a human being. .

Pastor Luis Jao, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mozambique I am happy to be here, in 13th International Seminar. For me, all the topics were important, because I have opportunity to know other Christians and theologians. The freedom and the bondage of the Spirit. For faith, a Christian is a perfectly free Lord of all, subject to none. and for love, a Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all. =LOVE ONE ANATHER= Liberated by Gods grace, a communion in Christ, living and working together and in reconciled world.

Rev. Reshma Paul Wellington Katam, Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church, India Seminar: A time machine which takes you to the time of reformation. An excellent journey all through met Luther saw Melanchthon and others. Great experience. Thanks.

Pastor Isaac Sissou, Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon Thank you very much to God to giving me the opportunity to take part of the 13th International Seminar for the year 2016 in Wittenberg. For me the seminar was well appreciated and I hope with all my wishes, the perennial repetition of this experience. Yes, we have learned about Luther’s ideas of his time, for the next seminars, I think it is better also, that the participants learn more about the actuality of Luther: what his vocation could teach the Christians in particular and the society in general to facing the secular evolution today. God bless all those who providing the possibilities for the good organization of the seminar.

Pastor Sören Wogensen, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark, Ribe Stift

Wonderful days in Wittenberg with time for reflection in historical surroundings. Lutheran Christianity is a living Christianity, and it is being reflected in the light of contemporary society while respecting the historical dimension.

Rev. Steven Lawrence, LWF/DMD/Asia Desk/Asia Regional Office, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

It was interesting to go back in time to interact with Luther's writings and to compare what happened then during the Reformation in the 16th century with contemporary issues of the present day society of the 21st century

Rev. Thomas Samuel Drobena, Slovak Zion Synod, ELCA, Connecticut, USA

The international seminars provide an unequaled opportunity to see the Reformation in action through people from all over the world-- not as a historical footnote from the Wittenberg of 500 years ago, but as the lively work of the Holy Spirit that still challenges and transforms His Church all over the world and brings us together in ever-renewed thirst for the Gospel.

Pastor Tonya Lynn Eza, Montana Synod, ELCA, Wyoming, USA

The last time I was in Wittenberg was in 1995, which is 21 years ago now, and I thought I knew what this town was about. But I was wrong: I have learned so much from attending the LWF Luther Seminar. What a thrill to wrestle with Luther’s theology in the town which became his almost 500 years after he nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church! And how wonderful to meet Christian brothers and sisters from around the world and hear their perspectives on Martin Luther and the Lutheran faith! Thank you to LWF for this wonderful opportunity.

Pastor Jean Niaina Valisoa Augustin Randrianirina,

I am very pleased to be here in Wittenberg. It is wonderful and exciting study on Luther s theology and his story. Well organized and equipped but one question raises what is the main criteria to be teacher of Seminar (It does not mean that I am not satisfied on the teacher, no by mean. They are very strong and able men). Thank you millions, God may bless you and your staff.

Bishop Sithembiso Nelson Ntsikelelo Ngqakayi, Moravian Church in South Africa

1. It was a wonderful and unique opportunity for me to interact, in person, with fellow Christian leaders from sixteen different countries of the Lutheran World.

2. The seminar was well organized and, as a result it, was very educational especially the lectures on Luther's writings as facilitated by the two Professors, no doubt about that.

3. Lastly, I would like to reflect on travel arrangements. While financial considerations will always be a factor in this regard, however I feel direct flights to Germany for countries that have such flights like my own country are preferred. Not only are participants spared extra fatigue but unfortunate incidents like my lost luggage are prevented.