Commander : Joey Smithson November 2009 1st Lieutenant Cdr : David Allen 2nd Lieutenant Cdr : I Salute The Confederate Flag With Affection, Reverence, and Undying Robert Beams Devotion to the Cause for Which It Stands. Adjutant : Frank Delbridge Color Sergeant : From The Adjutant Jarrod Farley Chaplain : Gen RE Rodes Camp 262, SCV, will meet Thursday night, November 12th,2009, at 7 PM Dr. Wiley Hales at the Tuscaloosa Public Library. Newsletter : The video "The South Speaks Out" by Charles Lunceford will be shown. We will also still James Simms be trying to elect new officers for 2009-2010, and discussing plans for the Lee-Jackson
[email protected] Website : Banquet. Brad Smith Members who haven't yet paid their annual dues are their dues are now delinquent. They
[email protected] will now owe $67.50, which includes late fees of $5.00 National SCV and $2.50 to the Alabama Division. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Birthdates of Confederate Ancestors: Chuchwell J. Harris --11/22/1827 -- Pvt, Co B, Freemans Prison Guards General Rodes 2 General's Birthdays John N. Harris GGGrandfather and Markers 4 Civil War Unit 5 War Service Medal 6 Unknown Soldier 7 CWPT News 8 MOC News 12 Wirtz Ceremony 13 AL Museum 14 Look in Mirror 14 Upcoming Events 12 November - Camp Meeting Ole Miss 15 Wal-Mart 16 10 December - Camp Meeting 2010 14 January - Camp Meeting TBD Lee-Jackson Dinner 11 February - Camp Meeting 11 March - Camp Meeting 2 The Rodes Brigade Report is a monthly publication by the Robert E. Rodes SCV Camp #262 to preserve the history and legacy of the citizen-soldiers who, in fighting for the Confederacy, personified the best qualities of America.