Item 2

North York Moors National Park Authority Planning Committee

Public Minutes of the meeting held at The Old Vicarage, on Thursday 28 February 2019, 10am.

Present: Leslie Atkinson, Jim Bailey, Malcolm Bowes, Guy Coulson, Janet Frank, David Hugill, David Jeffels, Christopher Massey, Heather Moorhouse, Sarah Oswald, Caroline Patmore, Clive Pearson, Ted Sanderson, Andrew Scott, Jeremy Walker

Apologies: Alison Fisher, Ena Dent, Patrick James,

Copies of all Documents Considered are in the Minute Book

07/2019 Minutes

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 17 January 2019, having been printed and circulated and subject to an amendment to Plans List Item 1 to clarify that Andrew Scott, Jeremy Walker, Malcolm Bowes, Janet Frank and Sarah Oswald declared a personal interest in the item as members of the Working Group and chose to withdraw themselves from the Meeting, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.

08/2019 Members Interests

Members were reminded of their responsibility to declare any personal, prejudicial and/or discloseable interests relating to any agenda item prior to its consideration.

09/2019 Emergency Evacuation Procedure

The Chairman informed Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation Procedure.

10/2019 Miscellaneous Items


The report of the Director of Planning

Resolved: That the report be noted.

11/2019 Enforcement Progress Report


The report of the Planning Team Leader (Enforcement)

Resolved: That the report be noted.

12/2019 Applications for Planning Permission

The following members of the public addressed the meeting regarding the Plans List Items indicated:

Plans List Item 2 – Mrs Cheryl Ward spoke in favour of the application as the agent. Plans List Item 4 – Mr Brian Senior spoke in favour of the application as the applicant and Mr Noel Barrett spoke in objection to the application. Mr Barrett requested an extended speaking period and at the Chair’s discretion a four minute speaking period was granted. Plans List Item 7 – Mr Judge spoke in favour of the application as the applicant.


The report listing applications and the Director of Planning’s recommendations thereon. Members also considered further information circulated on the Members’ Update Sheet at the meeting including; updated recommendations from the Director of Planning and comments received after the agenda was printed from: consultees, objectors and supporters.

Resolved: (a) That with regard to all applications listed in the report and subject to: (i) the amendments specified below; and (ii) the imposition of conditions in accordance with the relevant provisions of Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, except in those instances where an alternative condition is contained in the Director of Planning’s recommendation or in an amendment referred to in (i) above; decisions be given in accordance with the Director of Planning’s recommendations:

List Plan No and Description of Proposal No 1. NYM/2018/0310/FL – Demolition of existing Filling Station and construction of Bed and Breakfast accommodation, comprising up to 7 no. letting rooms with manager's accommodation together with Tearoom and spa/beauty facility and associated parking and landscaping works at Honey Bee Nest, Glaisdale for Guy Bentley Ltd, Bentley Buildings, Windhill, Glaisdale, YO21 2QY. Decision Consideration deferred to enable a site visit to be undertaken to fully assess highway safety matters in particular parking availability, and to obtain further information relating to the size of the proposed Spa and the number of covers proposed, with the attendance of Members being regarded as an approved duty for the purposes of the payment of Members’ allowances. 2. NYM/2018/0827/FL – Change of use of land from agriculture to domestic garden, holding of a Charity event once a year, and erection of multipurpose home office/tractor store at Ainthorpe House, 1 Brook Lane, Ainthorpe for Mr Mark Hall, Ainthorpe House, 1 Brook Lane, Ainthorpe, Whitby, YO21 2JR. Decision Refused as recommended. 3. NYM/2018/0324/FL – Alterations and extensions to domestic building to form residential annexe accommodation together with construction of double garage at 14 North End, Osmotherley for 14 North End, Osmotherley. Decision The application was withdrawn from the Agenda to allow further negotiations to take place.

4. NYM/2018/0720/FL – Demolition of garage and construction of single storey side and rear extensions together with replacement porch at 76 Main Road, Aislaby for Mr Brian Senior, 76 Main Road, Aislaby, Whitby, North , YO21 1SP. Decision A motion for deferral to allow a site visit to take place was moved, seconded and a vote undertaken which was lost. A motion for approval was moved, seconded and a vote undertaken which was carried. Approved subject to the expiration of the re-consultation period and amendment to condition 3 as set out on the Members Update Sheet: 3. The development hereby approved shall be rendered in a texture to match that of the original building within 3 months of the completion of the structural building works. The rendering shall then be painted with Sandtex Ultra Smooth Masonry Paint in 'Mid Stone' no later than one month after the extension is first brought into use. The finish shall be maintained in that condition in perpetuity unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority. 5. NYM/2018/0832/FL – Removal of condition 3 of planning approval NYM/2016/0762/FL to allow the occupancy of the dwelling to be unrestricted at Church Farm Cottage, for Mrs Vivien Wilton-Middlemass, Church Farm Cottage, Scawton, YO7 2HG. Decision Jeremy Walker declared a personal interest in this item as he is an acquaintance of the applicant and chose to leave the room. Janet Frank declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as she is a friend of the applicant and left the room. Approved as recommended. 6. NYM/2018/0835/OU – Outline application for the construction of 1 no. dwelling (most matters reserved) at Fox Hounds Farm, River Lane, High Kilburn for Mr Paul Dean, Orchard House, , York, YO61 4BL. Decision The application was withdrawn from the Agenda to enable Officers to seek an Independent agricultural appraisal. 7. NYM/2018/0730/FL – Removal of single storey kitchen extension and replacement with two storey extension, removal of shed and construction of single storey extension to outbuilding to form studio together with erection of summerhouse/workshop at Sycamore Cottage, West End, Ampleforth for Mr Paul Judge, Sycamore Cottage, West End, Ampleforth, York, YO62 4DX. Decision Consideration deferred to enable a site visit to be undertaken to fully assess the impact on the Conservation Area and the host dwelling and neighbouring amenity, with the attendance of Members being regarded as an approved duty for the purposes of the payment of Members’ allowances. 8. NYM/2019/0070/FL – Construction of a toilet/shower block at High Farm, Beadlam Rigg, Pockley for Mr Ian Teasdale, High Farm, Beadlam Rigg, Pockley, , YO62 7TG. Decision The Authority’s Solicitor Richard Smith declared a personal but non- prejudicial interest in this item as he has occasionally stayed in the static caravan at the application site. Approved as recommended with an amendment to condition 5 and additional condition as set out on the Members Update Sheet: 5. The amenity block hereby approved shall not be used until the associated foul sewerage tank has been commissioned for use and thereafter it shall not be used unless the tank is maintained and is fully operating. 7. Prior to the development being first brought into use, the soft landscape works outlined in the applicant’s email dated 27 February shall be carried out and thereafter be maintained to standard field boundary height once established. This planting shall include reinforcing and new hedge planting along the west and south site boundaries to match the species and density along the northern and eastern boundaries. 9. NYM/2018/0542/FL – Alterations to windows, doors and granary steps and removal of dormer window together with construction of replacement single storey extension and sun room to north west elevation (part retrospective) at Atkinsons Wood Farm, Easby for Mr P G Yewdall, c/o Agent. Decision The application was withdrawn from the Agenda to allow further consideration in respe of the impact on the Listed Building to take place. 10. NYM/2018/0544/LB – Listed Building consent for internal alterations, alterations to windows, doors and granary steps and removal of dormer window together with construction of replacement single storey extension and sun room to north west elevation at Atkinsons Wood Farm, Easby for Mr P G Yewdall, c/o Agent. Decision The application was withdrawn from the Agenda to allow further consideration in respect of the impact on the Listed Building to take place.