The Principles of Training Workbook Lesson 8 Anticipation is your best friend or your worst enemy

Dedicated to the people traveling the Journey to being the best horsepeople they can be. Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy

i Key Conceptsj

If you want your horse to anticipate something do it the ______way .

If you dont’ want your horse to anticipate something, do it ______everytime. Using the ______principle.

What things do you want your horse to anticipate more? ______

What things to you want your horse to anticipate less? ______ - No unauthorised duplication or distribution allowed © Warwick Schiller 2018 Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy

i Exercisej

The next time you turn your horse loose, either in the stall or the pasture (paddock), practice what is in the video.

1. Have two halters on your horse and go to where you are going to turn him loose.

2. Remove the top halter and act like you are going to turn him loose.

3. Have a hold of the bottom lead rope so that if when you remove the top halter you still have a hold of him and he cannot leave.

4. Repeat this until your horse stands still and does not anticipate anything when you take the first halter off.

5. Start to remove the second halter, but do not complete the removal - put it back on again. Repeat this until he is not it.

6. When you remove the second halter from the nose, keep the strap over the neck and do not let him pull away. Repeat until he is standing and waiting for you to leave. Make sure he is facing you when you leave.

THe Principles of training workbook - Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy

i Notes & Questionsj

______ - No unauthorised duplication or distribution allowed © Warwick Schiller 2018 Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy schillernyms Acronyms commonly used on the Warwick Schiller Performance Horse Group

BTS...... Bend to a Stop XH...... Cross Hairs DS...... Desensitising DA...... Destination Addiction DE...... Disengaging FTH...... Fill/Find the Holes FR...... First Ride FAB...... Focus and Bend FTF...... Follow the Fence GW...... Groundwork HO...... Hooking On HYGW...... How’s Your Ground Work? LF...... Lateral Flexion NMCNMM...... Not My Circus Not My Monkeys P2P...... Point To Point R&R...... Rinse and Repeat RP...... Round Pen (aka Round Yard) RY...... Round Yard (aka Round Pen) S ...... Sensitising S1...... Square One SATS...... Start At The Start STTDP...... Stcik To The Damn Plan/Process TPOT...... The Principles Of Training WS...... Warwick Schiller WC...... Worry Cup WTHRTE...... Wrong Thing Hard And The Right Thing Easy

THe Principles of training workbook - Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy The Principles of Training PRINCIPLE #1 Make the wrong thing Hard and the Right thing easy

The basic tenant of this principle is leave your horse alone while he is doing what you want.

2. DON’T GO TO BED ANGRY 7. ANTICIPATION IS YOUR BEST • When your horse is no longer relaxed, FRIEND OR YOUR WORST ENEMY you need to get him relaxed again before • Horses are masters at anticipation and proceeding. (Like a married couple, if knowing when to enhance it and when to anything has built up during the day, get suppress it is a key element of training. rid of it before you go to bed.) 8. APPLICATION OF YOUR AIDS 3. DO THE OPPOSITE • Otherwise known as order of cues, this • As the olde English saying goes “You ride a principle is very important in teaching a horse slow horse fast and a fast horse slow.” how to respond to subtlety.

4. CHOOSE WHERE YOU WORK AND 9. CREATE A TOOL BEFORE YOU CHOOSE WHERE YOU REST USE A TOOL • Be aware of your horses internal GPS and • When solving a problem you need to their ability to recall places where no rest make sure the tool or exercise you are occurs. An amazing tool to that is one of using to solve the problem is fully functional the foundations of Warwick’s training. before you use it.

5. THE DONKEY KONG PRINCIPLE 10. ISOLATE, SEPARATE, RECOMBINE • This horse training principle, like Donkey • Anytime you are asking a horse to do two or Kong or any other video game, relies on the more things at once they need to know them idea that whenever you get something wrong, perfectly well separately. When you put them you return to the beginning and start all together and it is not working you need to over again. mentally isolate the one that is not working, separate it and correct the issue before 6. THEY NEED TO KNOW THE recombining them. ANSWER BEFORE YOU ASK THE QUESTION • Similar to how we teach children to count before they add, and add before they multiply, because the answer to the current question lies in the previous teaching. - No unauthorised duplication or distribution allowed © Warwick Schiller 2018

Dedicated to the people traveling the Journey to being the best horsepeople they can be. Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy

i Answersj

— Same — Different, Do the Opposite — Student’s response — Student’s response

THe Principles of training workbook - Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy