From the Editor...

There is great importance laid on Sacrifice in Islam. One can make sacrifices in many different ways whether you sacrifice your time, your money or even your life in the way of Allah. As a Waqfe Nau, however, the ENGLISH EDITOR concept of making sacrifices should be an essential part of our lives on a Hina Ahmedi much broader scale. We have pledged to dedicate our whole life to the Jama’at. Such dedication cannot be achieved without making sacrifices. URDU EDITOR We have vowed to sacrifice all worldly desires and give our heart and soul Sabah Un Noor Tahir to the service of the Imam of the time and his jama’at. EDITORIAL BOARD With regards to the standards of sacrifice that a Waqfe Nau should aspire Hibba-Tul Mussawir aba to, our beloved Khalifa, Hazrat related the story of Maleeha Mansur as Hazrat Abraham and then said: Meliha Hayat Salma Mahmood Malik “If a man is ready to bear hardships in the way of Allah, then, Allah saves Nayla Muzamil him from the suffering. This is the standard told to us by the Promised Mashel Chaudhry Messiahas to absorb the love of Allah and receive His blessings and he Samina Yasmeen Arif expected us to attain it. This is the standard that every Waqfe Nau should Amatul Wakeel Maha not only try to reach but also remember that until our measures of sacrifice Sameera Mirza will rise higher, our claims of dedication of life will be shallow.” Kashifa Qamar (Friday Sermon, 28th October 2016) Sidra Mahmood

May Allah enable us to fulfil our Waqf to the highest standard and always MANAGER be prepared to sacrifice all that we have for our faith. Ameen Zanubia Ahmad

This issue of Maryam Magazine is packed with interesting articles with ASSISTANT MANAGER topics including, the great Sacrifices made by Hazrat Abrahamas, the life Dure Jamal Mala of Hazrat Fatimara and the Origins of Life; plus you can learn how to make your own pen-holder in our Creative Corner! Hina Ahmedi COVER DESIGN Atiyya Wasee

PAGE DESIGN Soumbal Qureshi Adeeba Tahir Naeema Amjad Do you have any comments, suggestions or want your Shumaila Ahmad article featured in our next edition?

Email us at: [email protected] ARABIC TYPING Safina Nabeel Maham

PRINTED BY Raqeem Press, Tilford UK CONTENTS

JULY - SEPT 2017 | ISSUE 23

Hazrat Fatima (Peace be 03 Divine Commandments 23 upon her) Hera Ahmad

04 25 Tarbiyyat Page

Writings of the The Eid of Sacrifice as 05 Promised 27 Kashifa Qamar

The Life and Character of Origin of Life saw 07 the Seal of the Prophets 29 Maryam Zakria

Class Waqifate Nau 10 Germany Frankfurt 23rd 31 Prayers of the Khalifa April 2017 Uzma Khan

Hazrat Moses (Peace be 13 upon him) Study topic from 36 Arabic Lesson Waqfe Nau Syllabus

16 Kids Spread 38 Creative Corner

Responsibilities of the Story: The Cat and the 18 Parents of Waaqifeen-e-Nau 40 Mouse

Focus: A Misconception 42 Poem: Purdah 20 Removed Khalida Jamilah   DivineDivineCommandmentsCommandments   

THE IMPORTANCE OF RECITING AT DAWN  َ َ ُ ُ ﱠ ٰ َ ﱠَ ٰ ُ  ْ َ ْ ﱠ ُ ٰ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ اﻗﻢ ﱠاﻟﺼﻠ ٰ ﻮة ﻟﺪﻟ ْﻮك اﻟﺸ ْﻤﺲ ِا ﻏ َﺴﻖ اﻟ ْﻴﻞ َوﻗ ْﺮان  اﻟ ﻔﺠﺮۭ ِان ﻗ ْﺮان اﻟﻔﺠﺮ ﺎن َ ﱠ ِ ِ ٰ َ ُ ُ ْ ِ ﱠ ْ ِ ٰ َ ِ َ ﱠ ْ َِ ُ ْ ٰ َِ ْ َ ْ ﱠ ُ ْ ِٰ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ِ ا ِﻗ ِﻢ َاﻟﺼﻠْ ﻮُة ِْﻟ ًﺪﻟﻮ ِك اﻟﺸﻤ ِﺲ ِا ﻏﺴ ِﻖ اﻟﻴ ِﻞ وﻗﺮان اﻟﻔﺠ ِﺮۭ ِان ﻗﺮان اﻟﻔﺠ ِﺮ ﺎن ْ ﻣﺸﻮدا۝   ﺑ اﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻞ     َﻣﺸ ُ ْﻮ ًدا۝    ﺑ اﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻞ      Observe the prayer at the declining and the paling of the sun on to the darkness of the night,  and the recitation of the Qur’an in prayer at dawn. Verily, the recitation of the Qur’an at dawn is specially acceptable  to God. (Bani-Isra’il:79)  

QURANIC VERSES ARE SOURCE OF INCREASING FAITH  ﱠ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ ﱠ ْ َ َ ُ َ ﱣ ُ َ َ ْ َ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ُْ ُ ُ ْَ َ ْ ْ ٰ ٰ ُ ٗ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ ً َ ِاﻧﻤﺎَ اﳌﺆُِﻣﻨﻮن اﻟ ﱠِﺬﻳﻦ ِاذاٰ ذ ِﻛ َﺮ ا ﱠوﺟﻠﺖ ُﻗﻠٰ َﻮ ْﻢ َوِاذا ﺗِﻠﻴ ُﺖ ٰﻋﻠَ ْﻢ َاﻳﺘﮫ َزادَﻢ ِاﻳﻤﺎﻧﺎ۔  ا ﻻﻧﻔﺎل   ا ﱠﻗ َﻢ ْ ُ ْ ﱠاﻟﺼﻠُ ٰ ْﻮةَ ﻟ ُ ﱠﺪﻟ ْْﻮ َك َاﻟﺸُ ْﻤ َﺲ اﱣُ َﻏ ََﺴ ْﻖ ُ ُاﻟ ِْﻴْ ُ ُﻞ َْوﻗَ ْﺮاَن ُاﻟَﻔ ْ ْﺠ َﺮۭ َ ْا ﱠنْ ٰﻗ ْٰﺮُا ٗنِ َاﻟَ ْﻔ ُ ْﺠْﺮ ْ َﺎنً ِا ِﻧ ِﻤﺎ اﳌﺆ ِﻣﻨﻮ ِن اﻟ ِﺬﻳ ِﻦ ِاذا ذ ِﻛﺮِ ِ ا و ِﺟﻠ ِﺖ ﻗﻠﻮِﻢ وِاذا ﺗِﻠﻴﺖ ِﻋﻠِِﻢ اﻳﺘﮫ زادﻢِ ِاﻳﻤﺎﻧﺎ۔  ا ﻻﻧﻔﺎل   َ ْ ُ ْ ً  ﻣﺸﻮدا۝     ﺑ اﺳﺮاﺋﯿﻞ      True believers are only those whose hearts tremble when  the name of Allah is mentioned, and  when His Signs are recited to them they increase their  faith. (Al-Anfal:3)         َ ُ َ ْ QURANَ ْ َ َ َSLOWLYَ ﱠ َ َ ْ COMMANDMENTَ ُ ٰ ْ َ َ َ َ ٰ ُ َ ٗ َOFْ َ READINGَ ﱠ ْ ُ ٰ َ ٗ ﻻ ﺗﺤ ّﺮك ﺑ ٖﮫ ِﻟﺴﺎﻧﻚ ِﻟﺘ َﻞ ﺑ ٖﮫ ِ۝ان ﻋﻠﻴﻨﺎ ﺟﻤﻌﮫ وﻗ ْﺮاﻧﮫ ٗ۝ﻓِﺎذا ﻗ َﺮاﻧﮫ ﻓﺎﺗﺒﻊ ﻗ ْﺮاﻧﮫ۝ َ ُ َ ّ ْ ِ َ َِ َ َ ْ َ َ ِﱠ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ٰ ْ ُ َ ٗ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ٰ ُ َ ﱠ ْ ُ ْ ٰ َ ِٗ ﻻ ﺗﺤ ِﺮك ِﺑ ٖﮫ ِﻟﺴﺎﻧﻚ ِﻟﺘﻞ ِﺑ ٖﮫ ِ۝ان ﻋﻠﻴﻨﺎ ﺟﻤﻌﮫ وﻗﺮاﻧﮫ ٗ۝ﻓِﺎذا ﻗﺮاﻧﮫ ﻓﺎﺗ ِﺒﻊ ﻗﺮاﻧﮫ ٰ۝ ﱠ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ ﱠ ْ َ َ ُ َ ﱣ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ُ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ ٰ ٰ ُ ٗ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ ً اﻟﻘﯿﻤﺔ   ِاﻧﻤﺎ اﳌﺆ ِﻣﻨﻮن اﻟ ِﺬﻳﻦ ِاذا ذ ِﻛﺮ ا و ِﺟﻠﺖ ﻗﻠﻮﻢ وِاذا ﺗِﻠﻴﺖ ﻋﻠِﻢ اﻳﺘﮫ ز ادﻢ ِاﻳاﻟﻤ ٰﺎﻧﻘﯿﺎ۔ ﻤﺔ  ا ﻻﻧﻔﺎل         Move not thy tongue with this revelation  that thou mayest hasten   to preserve it. Surely upon Us rests its collection  and its recital. So when We recite it, then  follow   thou its recital. (Al-Qiyammah:17.18,19)

(     )   (    )  َ ُ َ ّ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ﱠ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ٗ َ ُ ْ ٰ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ٰ ُ َ ﱠ ْ ُ ْ ٰ َ ٗ ﻻ ﺗﺤ ِﺮك ِﺑ ٖﮫ ِﻟﺴﺎﻧﻚ ِﻟﺘﻞ ِﺑ ٖﮫ ِ۝ان ﻋﻠﻴﻨﺎ ﺟﻤﻌﮫ وﻗﺮاﻧﮫ ٗ۝ﻓِﺎذا ﻗﺮاﻧﮫ ﻓﺎﺗ ِﺒﻊ ﻗﺮاﻧﮫ۝ اﻟ ٰﻘﯿﻤﺔ   (English Translation of the Holy Qur’an by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali Sahibra)       

(    )


A Saying of The Holy Prophetsaw (May Peace and Blessings of Allah Ta’ala be Upon Him) ﺪﯾﺚ اﻟﻨﱮ ّﺻﲆ ﷲ ﻠﯿﮧ وﺳ ّ ﲅ ﲅ The Excellence of Learning and ﻗﺭﺍٓ ِﻥ ﮐﺭﻳﻡ Qur’an ﺳﻳﮑﻬﻧﮯ Holy ﺍﻭﺭthe ﺳﮑﻬﺎﻧﮯ Teachingﮐﯽ ﻓﺿﻳﻠﺕ

ِ ، ﱠ ِ ﱠ َﻋ ْﻦ ﻋُﺜَْﻤ َﺎن َرﺿ َﻲ ﱠاُ َﻋْﻨﻪ ُ َ ﻋ ِﻦ ا ﻟ ﻨﱠ ِِّﱯ َﺻﻠﻰ ﱠاُ َﻋﻠَْﻴﻪ َو َ ﺳﻠ َﻢ ﻗَ َﺎل : " َﺧْﲑُُﻛ ْﻢ َﻣ ْﻦ ﱠ ﱠ َﺗـَﻌﻠ َﻢ ُاﻟْﻘْﺮ َآن َوَﻋﻠَﻤﻪ ُ." (ﺻﺤﻴﺢ اﻟﺒﺨﺎری ، ﮐﺘﺎب ﻓﻀﺎﺋﻞ اﻟﻘﺮ ،نآ ب ﺧﲑﻛﻢ ﻣﻦ ﺗـﻌﻠﱠﻢ اﻟﻘﺮآن وﻋﻠﱠﻤﻪ ) ) َ َُُْ ْ َ ْ ََ َ ُْْ َ َ َ َ ُ :TRANSLATION Hazrat Usmanra narrates that the Holy Prophetsaw said; The best among you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it. (Sahi Bukhari, Kitab Fazail ul Qur’an) ﺗﺮﲨ      EXPLANATORY NOTES: The Holy Qur’an (2:130) informs us about the prayer of prophets  Ibraheemas and Isma’eelas, as they erected the Ka`bah, when they prayed to God to send a prophet who would recite God’s words to His people and “would teach them the Book and wisdom.” This prayer was fulfilled with the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw, who taught ﺗﺸﺮﻳQur’anﺢ  the best moral values and wisdom through the Holy Qur’an. Learning the Holy and teaching it to the others is, therefore, a superb way of following the Holy Prophetsaw. In another Hadith (Muslim), the Holy Prophetsaw said: ‘Keep reading the Qur’an for it will  intercede for its readers on the Day of Judgment.’      

       

(From the book ‘‘Basics Religious Education’’ Hadith no.8, p.98,99)

4 WRITINGS OF THE PROMISED MESSIAHAS “The Holy Qur’an” “The Holy Qur’an” (Extracts taken from the Writings of the Promised Messiahas ,Hazrat Mirza as (Extracts taken from theGhulam Writings Ahmad of the of Promised ) Messiah ,Hazrat of Qadian) The Holy Qur’an Extracts taken from the Writings of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian دل ںیم یہی ےہ ہر دم ریتا � وچومں دل ںیم یہی ےہ ہر دم ریتا � وچومں

قرآں ےک رگد وھگومں ہبعک ریما یہی ےہ قرآں ےک رگد وھگومں ہبعک ریما یہی ےہ “My heartheart yearns yearns every every moment moment to kiss to Thykiss Book; Thy Andof to theperform world. circuits Each around and the every Qur’an, word for thisof it Book;is“My my heart Ka‘bah.” And yearns to performevery moment circuits to kissaround Thy Book; the Andconsistently to perform circuits carries around thousands the Qur’an, of repeatedfor this Qur’an,is my Ka‘bah.” for this is my Ka‘bah.” confirmations and it contains a large quantity [Essence of Islam Volume 1, Chapter 4, p.347] of the waters of life for us and comprises many [Essence[Essence ofof IslamIslam Volume Volume 1, 1, Chapter Chapter 4, 4, p.347] p.347] rare and priceless jewels which are hidden We are a witness and testify before the whole worldin itthat and we are have being found displayed in the Holy every Qur’an day. theIt is Wereality are that a witness leads toand God. testify We before have heard the whole the voice worldan of that excellentGod we and have havetouchstone found witnessed in the whereby theHoly signs Qur’an weof thecan worldmightyreality that thatarm weleadsof Himhave to Who God.found has We in revealed thehave Holy heard the Qur’an Qur’an.the voice Wedistinguish of believeGod and thatbetween have He witnessedis truththe True and the Godfalsehood. signs and ofis theIt is theMastermighty reality armof thethat of worlds.Him leads Who toOur hasGod. heart revealed We is filledhave the withheard Qur’an. this certaintyWethe believeone asbright thatthe oceanHelamp is theiswhich filled True shows with God water. andthe wayis We,the of thetherefore,Master voice of oftheinvite God worlds. everyone and haveOur to heartwitnessed this isfaith filled theand with signs to thisthis lightcertaintytruth. on Withoutthe as basis the doubt, oceanof enlightened is the filled hearts with perception. of water. those We, Wewho ofhavetherefore, the found mighty invite the arm trueeveryone oflight Him whto Who ichthis dispels faithhas revealedand all darknessto this lighthave and on whicha the relationship basis really of renders enlightened with thethe straightheart perception. cold path to We allare the Qur’an. We believe that He is the True drawn to the Holy Qur’an. Gracious God has thathave is found beside the God. true This light is the wh onlyich dispels way by all following darkness which and awhich person really emerges renders from the the heart grip coldof passion to all God and is the Master of the worlds. Our heart so fashioned their hearts that they are drawn that is beside God. This is the only way by following which a person emerges from the grip of passion isand filled the darknesswith this ofcertainty the ego as thea snake ocean sloughs is filled off its towardsskin. this beloved like a lover and find withand the water. darkness We, of therefore, the ego as ainvite snake everyonesloughs off its noskin. rest elsewhere, and hearing a plain and [Essence of Islam Volume 1, p.349, Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 13, p. 65] to this faith and to this light on the basis of clear directive from it, they listen to nothing [Essence of Islam Volume 1, p.349, Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 13, p. 65] enlightened perception. We have found the else. They accept joyfully and eagerly every The straight path and the principal means which is full of the light of certainty and constant true light which dispels all darkness and which verity contained in it. In the end, it becomes The straight path and the principal means which is full of the light of certainty and constant reallyexperience, renders and the is heartthe perfect cold to guide all that for isour beside spiritual welfarethe means and our of intellectualillumination progress, of the isheart the Holy and God.Qur’anexperience, This which is and the is is chargedonly the wayperfect with by guidefollowing the settlement for our which spiritual ofa all welfare lightingthe religious and up our the contests intellectual conscience of the progress, andworld. of is Eachwonderful the Holyand personeveryQur’an word whichemerges of isit charged consistentlyfrom the with grip carriesthe of settlementpassion thousands and of of all repeated disclosures.the religious confirmations It contests leads everyone ofand the it world.contains to the Each aheights large and thequantityevery darkness word of theof of itwaters the consistently ego of aslife a for snakecarries us and sloughs thousands compris offes of many repeatedof progress rare andconfirmations according priceless jewels andto their it which contains capacities. are ahidden large The itsinquantity itskin. and ofare the being waters displayed of life forevery us andday. compris It is anes excellent manyrighteous rare touchstone and have priceless always whereby jewelsbeen we inwhich needcan aredistinguish of hiddenwalking betweenin it and aretruth being and displayedfalsehood. every It is day.the oneIt is brightan excellent lampin the whichlighttouchstone of shows the Holywhereby the Qur’an.way weof Whenevercantruth. distinguish Without Islam [Essence of Islam Volume 1, p.349, Kitab-ul- has been confronted with any other religion in doubt,between the truth hea rtsand of falsehood. those who It haveis the a relationshipone bright lamp with whichthe straight shows path the areway drawnof truth. to theWithout Holy Bariyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 13, p. 65] consequence of some new condition of the doubt, the hearts of those who have a relationship with the straight path are drawn to the Holy Qur’an. Gracious God has so fashioned their hearts thatage, they the sharpare drawn and effective towards instrumentthis beloved that like has a TheloverQur’an. straightand Gracious find pathno God rest and has elsewhere, theso fashioned principal and their hearingmeans hearts a plain thatimmediately theyand clearare drawncome directive totowards hand from isthis it, the belovedthey Holy listen Qur’an. like to a whichnothinglover andis else. fullfind They ofno accepttherest elsewhere,light joyfully of andcertainty and eagerly hearing and every a plain verityIn the and contained same clear way, directive in whenever it. In thefrom end,philosophic it, itthey becomes listen thought the to constantmeansnothing of else. experience,illumination They accept andof thejoyfully is heartthe andperfect and eagerly lighting guide every up theverityhas conscience been contained given and in publicityit. of In wonderful the end,in opposition it disclosures. becomes to the Itit, forleadsmeans our everyone of spiritual illumination to welfarethe ofheights the and heart of our progress andintellectual lighting according up thethe to conscience theirHoly capacities.Qur’an and has of The destroyedwonderful righteous thatdisclosures. have poisonous always It progress, is the Holy Qur’an which is charged plant and has so humiliated it as to provide beenleads ineveryone need of towalking the heights in the lightof progress of the Holy according Qur’an. to their capacities. The righteous have always with the settlement of all the religious contests a mirror to its students which shows up the been in need of walking in the light of the Holy Qur’an. Whenever Islam has been confronted with any other religion in consequence of some new condition ofWhenever the age, Islam the hassharp been and confronted effective instrumentwith any other that religion has immediately in consequence come of tosome hand new is conditionthe Holy of the age, the sharp and effective instrument that has immediately come to hand is the Holy Qur’an. In the same way, whenever philosophic thought5 has been given publicity in opposition to it, theQur’an. Holy In Qur’an the same has way,destroyed whenever that poisonousphilosophic plant thought and hashas beenso humiliated given publicity it as to in provideopposition a mirr to orit, the Holy Qur’an has destroyed that poisonous plant and has so humiliated it as to provide a mirror true philosophy which is contained in the Holy a surging ocean of the water of life. He who Qur’an alone and nowhere else. In the modern drinks from it, comes to life; indeed, he brings age, when Christian missionaries started their others to life. propaganda and made an attempt to draw away unintelligent and ignorant people from [Essence of Islam Volume 1, p.356, A’ina-e-Kamalat- the Unity of God and to make them worship e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 545-546] a humble creature and employed every kind of sophistry for dressing up their doubtful The Holy Qur’an is a Book which has proclaimed ideas and thus created a storm in India, it was its own matchlessness and has claimed its own the Holy Qur’an which repelled them so that greatness, its wisdom, its truth, the beauty of its they are not now able to face a well-informed composition and its spiritual lights. It is not true person and their extensive apologetics have that the Muslims have themselves put forward been folded up like a piece of paper. these excellences on behalf of the Qur’an. It sets out its own merits and excellences and puts [Essence of Islam Volume 1, p.354-356, Izala-e- forward its matchlessness and peerlessness as Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 3, pp. 381-382] a challenge to the whole of creation and calls out loudly: Is there any contestant? Its verities I call Allah to witness that the Holy Qur’an is and fine points are not confined to two or a rare pearl. Its outside is light and its inside three which would leave room for doubt on is light and its above is light and its below is the part of an ignorant person, but are like the light and there is light in every word of it. It surging ocean and are visible in every direction is a spiritual garden whose clustered fruits are like the stars of heaven. There is no truth that within easy reach and through which streams lies outside it. There is no wisdom that is not flow. Every fruit of good fortune is found in comprised in it. There is no light that is not it and every torch is lit from it. Its light has obtainable through following it. These things penetrated to my heart and I could not have are not without proof and are not mere words. acquired it by any other means. And Allah is It is an established and clearly proved verity my Witness that if there had been no Qur’an which has been shining through 1,300 years. I would have found no delight in life. I find We have set out this verity in great detail in that its beauty exceeds that of a hundred this book and have expounded the fine points thousand Josephs. I incline towards it with a of the Qur’an at such length as to constitute a great inclination and drink it into my heart. It surging ocean for the satisfaction of a seeker has nurtured me as an embryo is nurtured and after truth. it has a wonderful effect on my heart. My self is lost in its beauty. It has been disclosed to [Essence of Islam Volume 1, p.361, Brahin-e- me in a vision that the garden of holiness is , Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, pp. 662-665, irrigated by the water of the Qur’an, which is footnote 11]

6 The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets

Extracts taken from the book ‘The Life & Character of the Seal of ProphetsPeace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him “Sirat Khātamun-Nabiyyīn”

By Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra M.A | Translated by Ayyaz Mahmood Khan

The Father of Prophets – Khalilullah1 as promised, enriched the progeny of both these The name of Abrahamas does not at all require children with virtually every type of reward in this an introduction, for who is unacquainted with world. Therefore, the Banū Isrā’īl, among whom Khalīlullāh, the Father of Prophets? He is accepted such high-ranking prophets were born, such as as, Davidas, Solomonas and Jesusas, were the by the Muslims, Christians and Jews alike. In Moses descendants of Isaacas. However, presently, we are approximation, his era has been declared to be concerned with the Banū Ismā‘īl who settled in 2100 to 2200 years before Christ, in other words, Arabia, from whom the being of the Pride of the Abrahamas lived approximately 2700 to 2800 years prior to the advent of the Holy Prophetsaw. First and the Pride of the Last, Muḥammad, the Abrahamas was a descendant of Noahas and was Prophet of God, peace and blessings of God be a resident of Iraq. However, later on, he travelled upon him was born. through Egypt and ultimately settled in Northern Palestine. He married three times. The name of his Settlement in Hijaz and the Population of first wife was Sarahas, that of his second was Hagaras Makkah as and the name of his third wife was Keturahas. The Ishmael was still a child when his step-mother as particulars of the last of these wives are not known, Sarah , at one occasion, in her anger, asked Abrahamas to expel Hagaras and her son from nor are we concerned with them in this particular home. Naturally, Abrahamas was very grieved by instance. However, it would not be irrelevant to the thought of this. However, God the Almighty mention that she was among the descendants of the instructed Abrahamas, “Grieve not, nor be offended, nation of Midian. Among his first two wives, Sarahas was a close relative of Abrahamas, but Hagaras was rather, do as Sarah has suggested – Isaac is also your not related to him, and was a native of Egypt. Both offspring but I wish to produce a nation from Hagar’s 6”. Hence, in accordance with this divine of these wives begot children who spread in such son, Ishmael instruction, Abrahamas travelled hundreds of miles multitude, as today, they are found in every corner in order to settle Ishmaelas and his mother Hagaras in of the world. Ishmaelas was born of Hagaras and was the eldest son of Abrahamas and Isaacas was born of the Valley of Becca situated in the Arabian region of Sarahas. Both of these children were born under the Ḥijāz. This valley is where Makkah is now populated. distinct glad tidings of God and both were promised At that time it was a completely uninhabited and the accompaniment of extraordinary blessings desolate valley. In this valley, near the mountains of as left these two helpless from God the Almighty2. Their names were also Ṣafā and Marwah, Abraham given by Divine revelation3. Moreover, in relation and forlorn souls in the midst of the desert with to Ishmaelas, Abrahamas and Hagaras had especially diminutive provisions, and left for his homeland. On as as prayed for him4, as is apparent from his name, which observing Abraham leaving, Hagar followed him in fact is a compound of the words Sa-mi-‘a and Īl5. anxiously and inquired in words of extreme pain, Therefore, God the Almighty made both of these “Where are you going? And why do you abandon as silently stepped children the recipients of immense blessings, and us in this manner?” Abraham 7 forward and did not respond. At last, Hagaras said, pinnacle, after her seventh circuit she heard an “At least say something – has God commanded unseen voice saying, “O Hagar! God has heard the you?” “Yes” responded Abrahamas, and once again cry of you and your son.” Upon hearing this voice, continued moving forward in silence. At this, Hagaras she returned to where her child writhed in agony and responded, “If it is God who has commanded this, found an angel of God striking the ground with the then without a doubt, you may depart. For God heel of his foot, in a manner, as if excavating, in the shall not forsake us.” After this statement, Hagaras extraction of something. As Hagaras moved forward returned7. The Holy Qur’ān alludes to this instance she found a spring of water gushing forth where the in the words of Abrahamas as follows: angel ploughed the earth by the heel of his foot. Hagar’sas joy knew no bounds. She immediately quenched the thirst of her infant child, and in her concern that water be not wasted, she placed stones at the surrounding perimeter of the spring, In other words, when Abrahamas began to depart, thus transforming it into a reservoir. It is narrated by after leaving Hagaras and Ishmaelas in the Valley of Ḥazrat Ibni ‘Abbāsra that the Holy Prophetsaw would Makkah, at some distance he cast a glance back and say, “May God have mercy on Hagar, for had she supplicated before God in the following manner: not controlled this water, it would have become a “Our Lord, I have settled some of my children in flowing stream.” The Holy Prophetsaw would also an uncultivable valley near Thy Sacred House – state, “During the pilgrimage, the Sa‘ī9 between Our Lord – I have done so that they may worship Ṣafā and Marwah is in sacred remembrance of Thee and their lives may be dedicated to Thee. Hagar.10” A brief and somewhat transposed and So make men’s hearts incline towards them and altered version of these accounts is mentioned in provide them with the best of fruits, that they may the Bible as well11. The Holy Prophetsaw honoured be grateful to Thee8” Generally, historians narrate, the sacred remembrance of Hagaras with such and it is also mentioned in Ḥadīth, that upon the magnitude that in another narration, at one instance complete depletion of her provisions, due to natural the Prophetsaw said to his companions, “When God human necessity; Hagaras became concerned for the makes you the victors of Egypt, treat the people of well-being of her child. She began to dash here and Egypt with goodness and kindness. On account of there in search of water but not a drop of water was our mother Hagar (who was Egyptian), the people to be found and the infant’s condition continued to of Egypt possess a distinct right upon you.12” In any deteriorate. Ultimately, Hagaras could not bear the case, after Abrahamas left Hagaras and Ishmaelas in sight of Ishmael’sas worsening condition. Hence, the abandoned land of Makkah and then departed, she got up, so that she would not be compelled to a divine spring came into being. Afterwards, due witness the death of her child by thirst and looked to this spring of water, which is known as the towards the heavens and cried. Again she began to fountain of Zamzam in Islāmic history, other people run here and there in search of water. She climbed also began to settle in the Valley of Becca and the up the mountain of Ṣafā, but when she was unable habitation of Makkah commenced. It is recorded to find anything, she ran to the mountain of Marwah. that the first tribe to settle there was the tribe of From there, she once again ran back to Ṣafā, and Jurhum, which was a branch of the Banū Qaḥṭān. in this manner, performed seven circuits between This tribe emigrated from Yemen and was initially these mountains in a state of extreme anxiety and settled at some distance from the Valley of Becca. helplessness. At the same time she would cry bitterly However, when they were informed of the existence and would supplicate continuously before God, but of Zamzam, their chieftain named Maḍāḍ bin ‘Amr no water could be found, nor was there a man in Jurhumī sought the permission of Hagaras to settle sight. At last, when Hagar’sas anguish reached its in the close proximity of the water spring. Hagaras

8 gladly granted permission and this is how the tribe (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) from of Jurhum settled in the Valley of Becca. the descendants of Ishmaelas in order to fulfill this (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophetssaw, sacred dream. This man (peace be upon him), along Vol.1, p.87-90) with his companions, sacrificed his entire life in the propagation and publication of monotheism in its as 13 Ishmael – Dhabihullah true letter and spirit. It is this great slaughtering, After having settled Hagaras and Ishmaelas in the or in other words, this magnificent sacrifice to Valley of Becca, Abrahamas would occasionally visit which the Holy Qur’ān alludes15 whilst stating that and then return. When Ishmaelas grew older, that we decreed a glorious sacrifice in exchange for is to say in light of various narrations, when he the literal slaughtering of Ishmaelas. The custom reached the age of thirteen, Abrahamas saw a dream of slaughtering animals among the Muslims at the in which he was slaughtering his son, Ishmaelas. occasion of Ḥajj is also to rejuvenate this sacred Since no injunction on the prohibition of actual memory, in that everyone should always be prepared human sacrifice had been revealed to Abrahamas to sacrifice themselves in the way of their Lord. and human sacrifice was a custom in the country, (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophetssaw, Abrahamas desired to fulfill this dream in the literal Vol.1, p.90-91) sense. Abrahamas indicated his intent to Ishmaelas, who responded, “Indeed, fulfill your dream, for REFERENCES 1 The Friend of Allāh (Publishers) I present myself to fulfill the command of God.” 2 Genesis (16:1), Genesis (17:20), Genesis (17:16-19) as as Hence, Abraham took Ishmael to the outskirts of 3 Genesis (16:11) and Genesis (17:19)4 As-Sīratun-Nabawiyyah, the inhabitation and lay him on the ground in order 4 Aṣ-Ṣāffāt (37:102-112) and Genesis (16:11)6 Religious Law [Publishers] to sacrifice him. This extraordinarily loyal son also 5 Sami‘a meaning ‘he heard’ and Īl meaning ‘God’, i.e., ‘God placed his neck before his father in complete silence heard the prayer’. (Publishers) and contentment. Abrahamas was about to proceed, [Publishers] 6 * Genesis (21:12-13) knife in hand, when an angel of God called out, “O * Tārīkhul-Khamīs, By Ḥusain bin Muḥammad bin Ḥasan Abraham! Verily, you have fulfilled your dream. Now Dayār Bakrī, By Ḥusain bin Muḥammad bin Ḥasan Dayār release Ishmael and in his stead sacrifice a ram in the Bakrī, Dhikru Hājirah, Volume 1, p. 86, Muwassasatu Sha‘bān, Beirut way of God. Apparently, this is its symbolic allusion. 7 * Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Kitābu Aḥādīthil-Anbiyā’, Bāb 10, Ḥadīth However, the actual purport of this dream shall be No. 3364 fulfilled in another manner.14” Therefore, Abrahamas * Tārīkhul-Khamīs, By Ḥusain bin Muḥammad bin Ḥasan Dayār Bakrī, Al-Manṭaqu ka-mimbari Shiqqah Talbasuhā, Volume 1, did as he was commanded, and in its remembrance p. 93, Muwassasatu Sha‘bān, Beirut the custom of sacrificing animals at the occasion of 8 Ibrāhīm (14:38) 9 Ḥajj was established among the Muslims. There is Refers to the running to and fro between Safā and Marwah during the Ḥajj (Publishers) a disaccord in the actual inference of this dream. 10 Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Kitābu Bad’il-Khalq However, in our belief, the true meaning is that * As-Sīratun-Nabawiyyah, By Abū Muḥammad ‘Abdul-Malik ‘slaughtering’ symbolically refers to devoting one’s bin Hishām, p. 96, Bābu Ishāratin ilā Dhikri Iḥtifāri Zamzam, Dārul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (2001) life for the sake of God, which in relation to one’s 11 Genesis (21:14-21) worldly life, is equivalent to bringing it to an end. 12 Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Kitābu Faḍā’iliṣ-Ṣaḥābah, Bābu Waṣiyyatin- Therefore, it is apparent that the purpose of settling Nabīsa li Ahlil-Miṣr, Ḥadīth No. 6494 13 Sacrificial Offering of God (Publishers) Ishmaelas in Makkah was the construction of the 14 * Aṣ-Ṣāffāt (37:102-108) as Ka‘batullāh and that the life of Ishmael be devoted * Jāmi‘ul-Bayān ‘an Ta’wīli Āyatil-Qur’ānil-Ma‘rūf - Tafsīruṭ- in the service of God and in the establishment of Ṭabarī, By Abū Ja‘far Muḥammad bin Al-Jarīr Ṭabarī, Under the commentary of Aṣ-Ṣāffāt (37:102-108), Dāru Iḥyā’it- monotheism. When with the passage of time, Turāthil-‘Arabī, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (2001)15 idolatry overcame monotheism, God the Almighty Sacrificial Offering of God (Publishers) 15 gave rise to Muḥammad, the Prophet of God Aṣ-Ṣāffāt (37:108)


Class Waqfaat-e-Nau Frankfurt Germany 23rd April 2017

Waqifaat-e-Nau all over the world are very fortunate that they have the opportunity of having classes with our beloved Huzur, Hazrat Khalifatul Massih V (May Allah strengthen his hand). We should never forget how favoured we are that we sit in the auspicious company of Khalifatul Massih, especially in this uncertain era and time. In these classes, Huzur-e-Anwaraba guides Waqifaat-e-Nau with his precious advice on various matters. Huzur-e-Anwaraba also graciously allows Waqifaat-e-Nau to ask questions. A summary of the report of some selected questions and answers is hereby presented for the readers to gain knowledge and wisdom from a Waqifaat-e-Nau class held with Hazrat Khalifatul Massih V (May Allah be his Helper) held on 23rd of April 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany.


A Waqifa-e-Nau asked Huzur-e- Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that if Anwaraba that if Hajj may be performing Hajj is possible on behalf of someone else then why not Umrah? perfomed on behalf of someone Umrah may also be performed on else, is it also permissible to behalf of someone else. perform Umrah on behalf of A Waqifa-e-Nau said that a few someone else? of us Waqifaat-e-Nau had

10 committed to go into a certain people who think well of the Jama’at field but were unable to and we and think well of Khilafat. He said pray for such people that whatever got married and had children. obstacles are preventing them from She asked Huzur-e-Anweraba becoming an Ahmadi are dissipated what does he suggest for such and that they do Ba’ait (a pledge of allegiance) because Ba’ait is the Waqifaat-e-Nau? essence. It is your duty to pray for such people. Huzur-e-Anwaraba said Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that the field of Tabligh (propagation for Islam) is open for that you cannot force people to everyone. If you have had children then become an Ahmadi. Convey the the field of training them is open too. The message, afterwards pray to God field of worshipping God Almighty is also Almighty and leave it to Him to guide open. Huzur-e-Anwaraba said that you them. At least, this way the message should set good examples of worship. will be conveyed. In the future, there Huzur-e-Anwaraba said that you should will be circumstances when their train your children well and do Tabligh in obstacles will be removed or the fear your surroundings. If you are given some of world will diminish or the Jama’at work by Lajna Imaillah then you should will progress so much that everyone do it in the manner of a life devotee. will know that people are joining A Waqifa-e-Nau said that she Jama’at. Then people will not have the excuse that they were not informed had a question related to about Jam’at. Huzur-e-Anwaraba said Tabligh. She said that many that when that breakthrough will people are highly impressed by happen, people will join the Jama’at Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya and are Insha'Allah. That is why in the Holy Qur’an God Almighty has mentioned highly impressed by Khilafat too Translation, ‘And thou]’ی ِْف یدْیننن یہللا یا وْ َْ وجْ ننن ‘ but despite this, they do not wish shall seest men entering the religion of to be a part of the Jama’at. She Allah in troops.] Huzur-e-Anwaraba said that it is your duty to do Astaghfar asked Huzuraba how should we and to pray. Keep on doing that and guide such people? continue conveying the message of Islam. Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that if they do not want to join the Jama’at then so be it. A Waqifa-e-Nau said that she God Almighty says that it is upon Me to Guide people and include them in the has done a Bachelors in Jama'at. God Almighty advised the Holy Engineering and currently she is Prophetsaw that doing a Masters in Intelligent ’َبِّلغغغغغغغغغغغغغ ََ غغغغغغغغغغغغغ َ ََ َل یغغغغغغغغغغغغغ َ َ‘ [Translation; ‘Covey to people what Systems? She said that in the has been revealed to thee.’] Huzur-e- Anwaraba said that it is your duty to do Master’s course there are three Tabligh. Convey the message to them. fields that she can choose from. Those who have a pious nature and Firstly Artificial Intelligence, those who fear God will join. Huzur-e- Anwaraba said that there are many secondly making medical devices

11 a th t ae teet t ae the te ae ee. She t eeat that ae hh e he h aat tae Huzurenaraba replied that you do not Huzurenaraba replied that you should need to offer rak’at aain. n at, even tae the third ield hih is to mae an uoodusahv rostrations o ntellient ystem or disabled hildren. ondonement are not neessary. Huzure Huzurenaraba said that e have naraba said that never mind it is o i opened a shool or disabled hildren in you have orotten to reite uae abah, so, you should also o there or Qunoot. There is no need to oer the aai. rak’at again or to offer Sujoodeahv. aaea a he a a aaea a that he t a thee a a ha a e ae the hae t at ea a eetat eah aaa also has a doctor’s the t he thee aat. She ae h a eetat ae t et thee e ee a ha t ae aet e a th e at th aat hh eeta ea t Huzurenaraba ased her that don’t ae you have any rules and reulations or any bylas or your assoiation Huzure Huzurenaraba replied that both naraba said that one o these is that you husband and ie ho have hih should o or aai e have epetations rom eah other are ron. hospitals in ria and hmadi dotors ou should not loo or an ideal in eah an o there or aai. ou an o other. ou should understand the reality to to azlemar hospital, abah and o lie and the orld. o human is peret. also to Qadian. Huzurenaraba said Both men and omen have shortomins that alternatively those ho are earnin and eanesses. Huzurenaraba said an provide sholarships or poor that that is hy hen ouples ome to see students. imilarly, you an enerally me ater their marriae and reuest or my serve humanity by puttin up a medial advie, advise them that i both husband amps here in ermany. ou an also and ie ignore each other’s shortcomings serve by oin to reuee amps. then they shall see that all their uarrels end. Huzurenaraba said that i you aaea ae that e pry deeper and deeper you ind many et t ete aet thins to uarrel over.

12 Hazrat Moses(Peace be Upon him) (Study topic from Waqfe Nau Syllabus)

Atmosphere at the time of Hazrat Moses’as birth: At the time of Hazrat Moses’sas birth sraelites were liin in oression in yt. The haraoh amses had subected them to ery hard and difficult conditions. To eretuate their control oer sraelites one of the measures taen aainst them was that the male children of sraelites be slain.

Birth and Upbringing: The Holy Qur’an says that at the birth of Mosesas od reealed to his mother sayin: “… You suckle him; and when thou fearest for him, then cast him into the river and fear not, nor grieve; for we shall restore him to thee, and shall make him one of the messengers.” (28:8)

The mother of Mosesas was a ery sincere belieer and had a liin relationshi with od. After the birth of Mosesas she sucled him as od had directed her and then without any hesitation she laced the infant Moses in an ar : : and floated it in the rier and directed her dauhter to discreetly follow it. The ar was iced u by a member of the family of haraoh who haened to be bathin in the rier. The ar was brouht to the alace of haraoh where his wife saw the beautiful sraelite baby. he was attracted towards the infant and leaded with the husband to not ill him asin to adot him instead. Then she sent for wet nurses for the baby. The baby did not accet any one of those who came. Meanwhile Moses’as sister manaed to reach there and offered a solution to the roblem. Hence haraoh aroached the mother of Mosesas for the nursin and ubrinin of the child.

Incident of fighting an Egyptian As Mosesas adanced toward maturity he was able to see ery clearly the cruel treatment of the sraelites. Mosesas had reat aersion aainst oression and was ery much helful to the wea. An incident is related in the Holy Qur’an: “… One day he entered the city at a time when its inhabitants were in a state of heedlessness; and he found therein two men fighting—one of his own party and the other from enemies. And he who was of his party sought his help against him who was of his enemies. So Moses struck the latter with his fist; and thereby caused his death. Then Moses said, ‘This is of Satan’s doing, he is indeed an enemy, a manifest misleader.’ ” (28:16) Mosesas had no intention of illin the ytian but his sinle unch caused his death. n this Mosesas become ery much uset and imlored od for forieness. After this incident the ytians were in search of the iller of the ytian. A wellwisher of Mosesas who haened to now the eil desin of authorities came to him with the news that the chiefs were counsellin toether to ill him and adised him to deart from the area immediately.

Mosesas Departs for Midian Mosesas secretly dearted from home to some direction rayin and moin watchfully. After coerin some distance he decided to o to Midian. n the outsirts of Midian he found sheherds waterin their animals. Amon them were two youn ladies who could not water their animals until all the sheherds had dearted. Mosesas watered their flocs and returned to the shade of the tree while rayin to od for hel and uidance. hen the two ladies came bac and narrated the story to their father he wanted to reward Mosesas and too him home under his rotection. The father was fully coninced of the nobility of Mosesas he therefore offered him one of his dauhters in marriae. n due course marriae contract was made. Mosesas remained in Midian in serice of his ather in law huaib for to years.

13 Mosesas ommissioe to rophethoo After to years Mosesas set forth from Midian with his family. n the way he saw a manifestation of od. He went u the mountain where he had seen the liht and was eectin reat communication of od. n arrial at the sot he was called by a oice from the riht side of the alley in the blessed sot out of the tree: “… Moses, verily I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds; Cast down thy rod. And when he saw it move as though it were a serpent, he turned back retreating and did not look back. O Moses, said the voice, come forward and fear not; surely thou art of those who are safe. Insert thy hand into thy bosom; it will come forth white without evil effect, and draw back thy arm toward thyself in order to still thy fear. So these shall be two proofs from thy Lord to haraoh and his chiefs. Surely, they are a rebellious people. ” (28:3133) ith these words Mosesas was commissioned to return to haraoh and his eole for their uidance and reformation. Mosesas had lied amon them and was aware of their arroance cruelty and inhumane behaiour. The resonsibility of uidin them seemed to him ery heay and the tas etremely difficult. That is why he said “My breast is straightened and my tongue is not fluent; so send word to Aaron (peace be upon him) also. ” (26:14) Allah the ise rantin the reuest of Mosesas said “We will strengthen thine arm with thy brother, and We will give power to you both so that they shall not reach you. So go with our signs. You two and those who follow you will prevail (28:36).”

Mosesas i the ort of haraoh Mosesas and Aaronas with a mihty messae and full assurance of ictory from od reached airo. n arrial first they contacted sraelites and ae them the lad tidin of achiein freedom from the bondae of haraoh and ersuaded them to reare for the imendin dearture. Then they went to haraoh. Mosesas coneyed him the messae of od in a ery lain and olite manner. n hearin his messae haraoh demanded some miracle to be shown to him sayin “… ‘If thou hast indeed come with sign, then produce it, if thou art truthful.’ So he (Moses) flung down his rod and behold It was a serpent plainly visible. And he drew forth his hand, and lo it appeared white to beholders.” (7:10710) These miracles were so imressie that haraoh was dumbfounded but his courtiers the chiefs of his eole came to his aid sayin that Mosesas was most surely a silful sorcerer.

The other chiefs adised haraoh to call all silful sorcerers from all oer the country for combatin Mosesas. Then they ased Mosesas for the aointment of a date for the final contest. Mosesas returned to the aointed lace on the fied date and time. haraoh and the chiefs had already athered all the eole and their silful sorcerers. This contest established the truth of Mosesas but haraoh and his eole did not ay heed to it. Thereafter haraoh and his chiefs intensified in their brutal treatment of sraelites while Mosesas intensified his ehortation to the sraelites for becomin more steadfast in their faith and seein hel from od.

ther is ho to haraoh a His eope od Almihty afflicted the eole of haraoh with drouht scarcity of fruits and by sendin uon them storms locusts lice fros and blood as clear sins. ut they behaed roudly and were a sinful eole. And when there fell uon them the unishment they said “O Moses, pray for us to thy Lord according to that which he has promised to thee. If thou remove from us the punishment, we will surely send with thee the Children of Israel.” (7:131, 13413) ine miracles were shown to haraoh and his eole throuh Mosesas but they did not benefit from them. o od ae Mosesas final orders for dearture from yt sayin: “Take away My servants by night, and strike for them a dry path through the sea. Thou wilt not be afraid of being overtaken, nor wilt thou have any other fear.” (20:78)

14 hen Mosesas and the sraelites arried at the northern etremity of the ed ea the ebb of the tide had beun. As the water receded it left behind dunes the tos of which were radually uncoered leain the interenin deressions full of water. The sraelites crossed oer at that moment. n arrial at the sot the ytian forces saw a bare stretch of the shore and ursued the fuities their chariot wheels stuc fast in the wet soil and the water returned uon them when the wind shifted and they were thus destroyed by od.

Mosesas a the sraeites i iai After hain crossed the sea safely sraelites saw the destruction of the owerful enemy with their own eyes and thaned od. od called Mosesas for thirty nihts on Mt. Tur and then this eriod was etended for another ten nihts. efore leain for the meetin with od Mosesas said to his brother Aaronas, “Take charge of my people in my absence and manage them well.” t was durin this eriod that Hazrat Mosesas was ien the Ten ommandments for sraelites.

urin the absence of Mosesas sraelites due to their wea faith resorted to the worshi of calf. They did not heed to the olite admonition of Aaronas. n return from Tur Mosesas rebued them and was hard on his brother. He iced seenty leadin men and went bac to the mountain for reentance. An earthuae too lace which struc terror amon the sraelites. They oined in reentance with Mosesas and were forien by od. Mosesas introduced the diine ommandments on the tablets and adised them that their roress and roserity lay in obedience to them. sraelites were to be trained in inai for the ictory of anaan. Hain lied for a lon time in bondae and in a state of deendence the sraelites had become cowardly and indolent. o od intended them to stay in the desert for some time and to lie on ame and wild herbs in order that they may shed their cowardice and laziness by liin an indeendent life in desert. Thus reitalised they were to be led to the romised and and made rulers of alestine. The sraelites howeer failed to understand the real urose of od or hain understood it failed to areciate it and foolishly insisted uon liin in a town. od wanted to reare them to rule oer the romised and but those unfortunate eole hunered after worldliness. o they were told to o down to a town where they would et what they desired.

romise a a the sraeites Reference to the Promised Land has been made in the Holy Qur’an in the following verse: “And We have already written in the book of David, after the reminder, that My righteous servants shall inherit the land.” (21:106) Mosesas and Aaronas encouraed sraelites to march forward from inai to conuer anaan the romised and and assured them of ictory roided that they strie to enter the ates thereof. ut they relied sayin “O Mosesas, there is in that land an unruly and owerful eole, and we shall not enter it until they go forth from it. But if they go forth from it, then we will enter it. … Go thou and thy Lord and fight the enemy, we sit here and wait for the victory.” (5:23, 25) hen the sraelites behaed in a cowardly manner od decreed that they should continue to wander in the wilderness for forty years in order that the life of the desert should iniorate them and infuse in them new life and should strenthen their morals.

Mosesas had succeeded in brinin the sraelites out of Pharaoh’s bondage and brought them freedom but could not conince them to conuer anaan and died in inai.

eferee htts:www.alislam.orlibraryodandmanrohetsofod

15 Kids Spread Essence of Waqf-e-nau Fill in the Blanks

• Waqf-e-Nau children are ______to the parents on behalf of the Jamā‘at.

• Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that Hazrat ______(Peace be upon her) prayer has not been related merely as a tale of the past, rather God loves it so much that He desires all ______to pray likewise and devote their children for extraordinary service of their faith.

• A Waqf-e-Nau should ______think of how they will make ends meet if they offered themselves for Waqf.

• Huzooraba reminded the parents of the Waqf-e-Nau children that it is not enough just to get the label of Waqf-e-Nau, rather it is a ______that they have to fulfil until the children come of age and then it becomes their own responsibility.

• Huzooraba said: Always remember the saying of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) that in matters of the ______look at those below you, but in matters of ______look at those above you.

• Waqf-e-Nau should raise their standards of ______and ______.

• In order to be truly special and distinguished, they have to ______in terms of their relationship with Allāh and their ______.

• Waqf-e-nau should be ______in terms of purdah in case of girls and be ______and keeping their ______low in case of boys.

entrusted | Maryam’s | responsibility | world | faith | sacrifice | contentment exemplary | excel | modest | worship | gaze | mothers | never

16 • Waqf-e-Nau children are entrusted to the parents on behalf of the Jamā‘at • Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that Hazrat Maryam’s (Peace be upon her) prayer and said that this prayer has not been related merely as a tale of the past, rather God loves it so much that He desires all mothers to pray likewise and devote their children for extraordinary service of their faith. • And the Waqf-e-Nau should never think of how they will make ends meet if they offered themselves for Waqf. • Huzooraba reminded the parents of the Waqf-e-Nau children that it is not enough just to get the label of Waqf-e-Nau, rather it is a responsibility that they have to fulfil until the children come of age and then it becomes their own responsibility. • Huzooraba said: Always remember the saying of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) that in matters of the world look at those below you, but in matters of faith look at those above you. • Waqf-e-Nau should raise their standards of sacrifice and contentment. • In order to be truly special and distinguished, they have to excel in terms of their relationship with Allah and their worship. • Waqf-e-nau should be exemplary in terms of purdah in case of girls and be modest and keeping their gaze low in case of boys.

Word Search


S E L N Q H E Y T F O D E V Commitment

X C Y U E P G L K M D W S J Obedience G N O R S I P D M T E M P S Selfless H A O F A L L I B L S I E S Resilient S R Q B X L T I R X T B C E Tolerance C E E F E M P N S N R K T L Special W L F M E D C M O E F I A F Respect Y O E N X K I I E F R O R L Exemplary Modest F T T F O U T E Q X V N I E DevoEon W T V M K O E A N F E V T S Waqf L M Y W V Y W S J C E G A D W A O E W Y F R S X E F C C J D D L A I C E P S K E W G

Commitment Resilient Respect Devotion Obedience Tolerance Exemplary Waqf Selfless Special Modest


In the Friday Sermon of 3rd April 1987, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (May Allah have Mercy on him) while announcing the launch of a highly important and blessed scheme called Waqfe Nau, said that “I thought that I will convince the whole Jama'at that as we are trying to increase our spiritual progeny before the next century through propagation, we should also offer our yet to be born children as Waaqifeen in the cause of Allah, right now and we should pray, O Allah! Give us a son but if You have decreed to give us a daughter then we offer our daughter to You. Ma fee batanee - whatever is in my womb. This should be the prayer of the mothers, and the fathers should pray in the words of Hazrat Ibraheemas: 'O Allah! Let our progeny be among Your elect servants so that they be entirely dedicated to You'. So that a magnificent army of Waaqifeen children, who are willing to relinquish this world, should enter the next century as the slaves of the God of Hazrat Muhammadsaw the Messenger of Allah. We should be offering young children as gifts to Allah. This Waqf is urgently needed. In the next hundred years Islam will spread widely and we will need millions of trained slaves, who should be slaves to the God of Hazrat Muhammadsaw. We need large numbers of Waaqifeen-e-zindagee from every class of the society and from every country.” In view of the objective of this blessed scheme of Waqfe Nau and also for the purpose of education and training, the parents of Waqfeen-e-Nau have a huge responsibility. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVra gave some very important instructions to the parents of Waqfeen-e- Nau and Huzur-e-Anwar, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) also repeatedly advises and gives instruction in this regard. In light of this very important advice, a few extracts are hereby presented for the attention and benefit for the parents of Waqfeen-e-Nau. May Allah enable us to act upon these to our best with our heart and soul, Ameen.

Parents should watch the Waaqifeen closely

„„We have, by the grace of Allah, ample time for this new stock of Waaqifeen children. If we neglect their upbringing and moral training we will be held accountable for it before God. Now, it cannot be said that these are accidental instances. Therefore, first of all the parents should watch their children closely. And, as I will explain, they should pay special attention to certain aspects of moral training. If they, God forbid, think that their child is deviant and not worthy of Waqf, then they should fear God and inform the Jama'at honestly that they had a sincere intention of presenting a gift to God. Unfortunately the child has these bad habits. If the Jama'at is still willing to accept him in spite of these habits, they are ready, otherwise the Waqf should be annulled. Thus, in future, we have to train the Waaqifeene-nau along these lines in a very serious manner.‟‟ [Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVra on 10th February 1989]

18 Inculcate in your child the habit of recitation of the Holy Qur’an with comprehension hs h it th ‟a ith hsi ith thi hats ti at th ssa th ss i itd ad id ith th ah ha th t siit itati th hs Waaqifeen-e-nau this ast itati shd stssd i tah ss d s ith tasati ad ai th ais at i hid th hait itati ith hsi d t t th hid i th hait dai itati th ‟a i th i a ha t tah hi t ad st th ai tt a id ti t a ith this shd ti t stss hi th d t a its tasati ad ais ida did aat haiat asih a th a

This is no ordinary responsibility on the part of the parents of Waqf-e- Nau children, particularly of the mother

„„……….the upbringing and training of Waaqfeen-e-Nau hid as as idi thi sa ad iis dati ad th t st th t th Jama’at i th st a ssi s th ssiiit th ats i this st that th ad a d th ith th hid that t hid hih i hth a a th i dt it i th a d iht ad th ti th issi th ht‟ssa adt dt hih is th sad ad aati th tth ad th aati th tahis sa t a ats th d h issi is t da th world‟s attention to fulfilling th ds d iht ad as t i th ihts ath i th tahis sa t ah ad s hs this is dia ssiiit th at th ats Waqf-e-Nau hid atia th th h dts h hid its ith hi ai a at ith d iht ad th as iti t th haia th ti that th d i t id thi hid i th Waqf-e-Nau scheme by making the same pledge Hazrat Maryam‟sas th ad ith God.‟‟ ida did th t aat haiat asih a ah his

Parents need to make an effort to prepare Waaqifeen-a-Nau for a very special objective

„„In order to prepare their children for this special objeti hih is t sa th d dstti ad i th ths ad aths ist d t a a t t a th this h ha t i ti t thi hid h ha t staish thi as ad th st ist a t thi hid ith ah th atd h st tah thi hid th hidhd at th ita th Nizaam-e-Jama’at sst th Jama’at ad adi th ita ii saii this i sh a a that th hid d t ha thhts athi s h th hid ah t a a sisss ad atiiat i th as th Waqf-e-Nau ad th as th Jama’at it shd staishd i thi ids that th st ly and only dedicate their lives for the sake of the religion.‟‟ ida did th aa aat haiat asih a ah his



This section of the magazine aims to provide a brief insight into one of the books of The Promised Messiahas. In this Issue we introduce “Eik Ghalati Ka Izala.”

TITLE: Eik Ghalati Ka Izala AUTHOR: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas LANGUAGE: Urdu ENGLISH VERSION: A Misconception Removed NUMBER OF PAGES: 12 YEAR WRITTEN: 1901 YEAR PRINTED: 1901 PRINTED BY: Diya’ul-Islam Press, Qadian

EIK GHALATI KA IZALA , remained dedicated to the study of A Misconception Removed is the English the Holy Qur’an and to a life of prayer and title for Eik Ghalati Ka Izala (Urdu) written by devotion. Finding Islam the target of foul the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim attacks from all directions, the fortunes of Jama’at, The Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Muslims at a low ebb, faith yielding to doubt Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian and religion only skin-deep, he undertook (on whom be peace) in 1901. First English vindication and exposition of Islam. In his Translation (A Misunderstanding Removed) vast corpus of writings (including his epoch- was published in the UK in 1978. The most making ‘Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya’), his lectures, recent revised Edition (New Translation) discourses, religious debates etc., he argued was published in the UK in 2007 by Islam that Islam was a living faith and the only faith by International Publications Ltd. following which man could establish contact with his Creator and enter into communion ABOUT THE AUTHOR with Him. He announced that God had Born in 1835 in Qadian (India), Hazrat Mirza appointed him the Messiah and Mahdi as Ghulam Ahmadas, The Promised Messiah and mentioned in the prophecies of the Bible, the

20 Holy Qur’an and Ahadith. In 1889 he began caused, wrote a book entitled Eik Ghalati Ka to accept initiation into his Community which Izalah. It threw a new light on the concept is now established in more than two hundred of the . This leaflet marks a countries. His more than eighty books are very great change in the Promised Messiah’sas written mostly in Urdu, but some are in Arabic conception of prophethood; and in view of and Persian. the later schism brought about among the community by the Lahore seceders it would BACKGROUND AND not be out of place here to throw some light INTRODUCTION upon the significance of this change. For the On November 5, 1901, the Promised Messiahas previous ten years, the Promised Messiahas issued a leaflet to correct a mistake. One had been assuring the world that he did not of his followers was asked whether the lay any claim to prophethood and now in Promised Messiahas himself was a prophet of this leaflet he definitely declared that he God or not, and he replied in the negative. was a prophet of God. This was due to the So the Promised Messiahas explained in simple fact that the Promised Messiah’sas this leaflet that the mere negative answer was conception of prophethood had undergone not correct because God had addressed him a change. In the al-Hakam, no.29, v.3, 1899, as a prophet and called him as such in a letter written by the Promised Messiahas hundreds of revelations. [Hidden Treasures is published in which he says that in Islamic of Islam, Pg.300] A Misconception Removed terminology prophet and messenger imply deals with some misconceptions regarding that “they bring a perfect Shari‘ah (Law) or the Promised Messiah’sas claim. The Promised cancel some of the edicts of the previous Messiahas goes into exhaustive detail to Shari‘ah or they are not called the followers of define the true nature of his status asa the preceding prophet and keep in touch with Prophet and Messenger of God, and explains God directly without receiving any benefit at length how his Prophethood does not in from any other prophet.” But in this leaflet, Eik any way contravene the concept of Khatm-e- Ghalati Ka Izalah, he emphatically declared Nubuwwat (the Finality of the Prophethood that it was not necessary for a prophet to of Muhammadsaw). Apart from resolving once bring any new Shari‘ah. He declared that, and for all the extremely vital and contentious according to the Divine term, prophethood issue of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, Eik Ghalati only implies to the making of numerous Ka Izala is also the last word in settling prophecies about the future which are the dispute between those who believe fulfilled. (See Chashma’-e-Ma‘rifat p. 325; Al- the Promised Messiahas to be a Prophet of Wasiyyat p. 12; Lecture Sialkot, pp. 17, 18) It is God and those who do not. [A Misconception clear that the two views are not identical. The Removed, Publisher’s Note, pg.v] Promised Messiahas himself indicates that this change in his conception of prophethood THE BOOK was prompted by God. So long as he thought The Promised Messiahas, sensing the danger that it was necessary for a prophet to bring a that a serious misunderstanding may be Law or Shari‘ah, or attain to prophethood

21 directly and independently, the Promised “The Promised Messiahas writes: Wherever Messiahas denied being a prophet and I have denied being a prophet or a believed that he could not be superior to messenger of God, I have denied only in the Jesusas, who was a prophet of God. But when sense that I have not brought an independent he changed his conception on account of Law, nor am I an independent prophet; but I the numerous revelations he received from am a messenger and a prophet of God in the God, he considered himself a prophet and sense that, by acquiring spiritual blessings in as such had no hesitation in declaring his following in the footsteps of the Holy own superiority over Jesusas. It is needless Prophetsaw and getting his name, I have to point out here that this change in concept been granted by God, through Him on the part of the Promised Messiahas did abundant knowledge of the future, without not in any way effect the work entrusted any new law. I have never denied being to him. He fully understood his mission and called such a prophet. God has indeed called right from the very beginning he knew what me a prophet and a messenger in the same was required of him to do by God. He was a sense.” (Eik Ghalati Ka Izalah, pp. 6-7, Ruhani prophet of God and did the work of a prophet Khaza’in, v. 18 p.210-211) from the very beginning. [An Introduction to the Hidden Treasures of Islam, pg.300-302]

SPECIMENS OF WRITING SAMPLE GLOSSARY FROM THE BOOK ‘A MISCONCEPTION REMOVED’ BURUZ: Spiritual manifestation; or the person who is the spiritual manifestation of a Prophetas “There is a holy being in heaven whose or Saint spiritual grace is with me and he is Muhammadsaw, the Chosen One. It is on the KHATM-E-NUBUWWAT: The Seal of basis of this relationship, and by merging Prophethood myself in him, and by receiving his names— NABI: Prophet Muhammad and Ahmadsaw—that I am a Rasul as well as Nabi, which, in other words, means NUBUWWAT: Prophethood that I have been commissioned by God and I receive knowledge of the unseen from Him. RASUL: Messenger Thus the Seal of Khatamun Nabiyyin remains intact, for I have received his name by way ZILL OR ZILLIYYAT: Signifies such complete of reflection and Zill, through the mirror of devotion to the Holy Prophetsaw, and such self- love.” (A Misconception Removed, pg.11) effacement that a person begins to reflect the image of his Mastersaw


“A Misconception Removed” is available to read on

ra HazratHazrat Fatimara By By Hera Ahmad Hera Ahmad Before Islam, women in Arabia were not treated very kindly, in fact were treated harshly, and baby Before Islam, women in Arabia were not treated very kindly, in fact were treated harshly, and baby daughters were often buried alive and seen as a bad omen and useless. However, the Holy Prophet daughters weresaw often buried alive and seen as a bad omen and useless. However, the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw set an incredible example of the love and care that he bestowed on daughters, not Muhammad set an incredible example of the love and care that he bestowedra on daughters, not only his own but others as well. His most beloved daughter Hazrat Fatimara was one such recipient of only his own but others as well. His most beloved daughter Hazrat Fatima was one such recipient of hishis love love and and respect. respect.

ra saw HHazratazrat Fatima Fatimara waswas thethe belovedbeloved daughterdaughter of the Holy PProphetrophet MuhammadMuhammadsaw. . SheShe was was the the ra youngestyoungest of of his his children children with with Hazrat Hazrat KhadijaKhadijara and was born 55 yearsyears beforebefore th thee first first revelation revelation of of the the HolyHoly Q Qurur’an’an. .She She was was courageous courageous andand veryvery brave, examples ofof thisthis cancan bebe seen seen from from a a very very young young saw ageage; ;along along with with the the Holy Holy PProphetrophetsaw andand otherother Muslims sheshe tootoo facedfaced crueltycruelty at at the the hands hands of of the the nonnon-believers-believers, , oneone incidentincident inin whichwhich sheshe shoshowed great couragecourage waswas whenwhen thethe HHolyoly PProphetrophet saw MuhammadMuhammadsaw waswas prayingpraying inin thethe KKa’a’babah,, Abu Jahl and somesome ofof hihiss companionscompanions decideddecided to to saw embarrassembarrass the the Holy Holy P Prophetrophetsaw byby placingplacing thethe intestines of aa camelcamel onon hishis back back when when he he was was bowing bowing saw ra downdown in in prost prostratrationion, ,t hethe HolyHoly ProphetProphetsaw diddid not lift his headhead untiluntil HazratHazrat FatimaFatimara came came and and took took themthem off off hi his sback, back, only only then then did did thethe HHolyoly PProphetrophet Muhammadsawsaw lifliftt hishis head head and and prayed prayed to to Allah Allah “O “O AllahAllah deal deal with with the the Quraish” Quraish” threethree times,times, byby this unfortunate eventevent wewe cancan clearly clearly see see that that Hazrat Hazrat FatimaFatimarara witnessed witnessed the the cruelty cruelty towards towards herher father first hand andand actedacted with with bravery bravery in in the the face face of of it .iti . i

TThehe love love between between Ha Hazratzrat FatimaFatimarara andand thethe Holy Prophet MuhammadMuhammadsawsaw waswas very very dee deepp and and they they hadhad a aspecial special bond bond. .Hazrat Hazrat Aisha Aisharara has has relatedrelated that whenever HazratHazrat Fatima Fatimarara visited visited the the Holy Holy saw ProphetProphetsaw, , he he always always stood stood upup showingshowing respectrespect for her,her, kissedkissed herher hand hand and and had had her her seated seated saw whewherere he he himself himself had had been been seated.seated. TThehe HHoly Prophetsaw waswas veryvery kindkind toto her her and and treated treated her her with with utmostutmost respect respect and and through through thisthis showedshowed thethe importance ofof lovingloving andand respectingrespecting your your daughters, daughters, ra ii thisthis way way Hazrat Hazrat Fatima Fatimara also also respected respected andand loved her father deeply.deeply.ii

saw WWheneverhenever t hethe H Holyoly Prophet Prophet MuhammadMuhammadsaw had to travel toto farfar placesplaces he he would would always always visit visit all all of of ra hishis loved loved one’s one’s homes homes and and wouldwould lastlylastly visitvisit Hazrat Fatima ra,, leavingleaving straightstraight from from her her house, house, and and upon returning from long journeys the first house that he would visit was the house of Hazrat upon returningra from long journeys the first housesaw that he would visit was the house of Hazrat FatimaFatimara, ,this this caring caring naturenature ofof thethe HHolyoly PProphetrophetsaw showed thatthat hehe cherishedcherished hishis daughter daughter and and showed his obvious adoration for her. showed his obvious adoration for her.

ra ra When Hazrat Fatimara reached the age of 15 years old, her marriage to Hazrat Ali ra took place. This When Hazrat Fatima reached the age of 15 years old, her marriage to Hazrat Ali took place. This marriage was in accordance to a divine revelation from Allah the Almighty. When the proposal was marriage was in accordancesaw to a divine revelation from Allah the Almightyra . When the proposal was sent, the Holy Prophetsaw sought the consent of Ḥazrat Faṭima ra, who remained silent out of sent, the Holy Prophet sought the consent of Ḥazrat Faṭima , whosaw remained silent out raof modesty; this was also an expression of acceptance. The Holy Prophet saw called upon Ḥazrat ‘Ali ra modesty; this was also an expression of acceptance. The Holy Prophet calledra upon Ḥazrat ‘Ali and inquired of him as to whether he had anything to pay the dowry. Ḥazrat ‘Ali ra only had a coat of and inquired of him as to whether he had anything to paysaw the dowry. Ḥazrat ‘Ali only had a coat of mail attained from the spoils of Badr. The Holy Prophet saw said that that would suffice. Hence, this mail attained from the spoils of Badr. The Holy Prophet saidsaw that that would suffice. Hence, this coat of mail was sold for 480 dirhams and the Holy Prophet saw arranged for the expenses of the coatwedding of mail from was this sold very for amount. 480 dirhams The dowry and the which Holy theProphet Holy Pro arrangedphetsaw gavefor the to Ḥexpensesazrat Fa ṭimaof thera saw ra weddingconsisted from of thisan embroideredvery amount. shawl, The dowrya cushion which made the of hideHoly which Prophet had been gave filled to Ḥwithazrat dry Fa dateṭima consisted of an embroidered shawl, a cushion made of hide which had been filled with dry date

23 palm leaves, and a watersin his showed that Hazrat atimara lived in simple means, but she never complained and followed the Holy rophetsaw whole heartedly After the uhsatana of Hazrat Alira and Hazrat atimara, the Holy rophetsaw visited their new home andra called for some water to be brouht to him, Hazrat he prayed on it and sprinled Fatima it on both Hazrat atimara and Hazrat Alira whilst repeatin the words: “O my Allāh! Bless the mutual relations of both of them, and bless By those relations of both which are built with others and bless their progeny.”iii Hera Ahmad On the blessed occasion of the birth of Hazrat AlHasanra the Holy rophetsaw instructed Hazrat Before Islam, women in Arabia were not treated very kindly, in fact were treated harshly, and baby atimara to ive silver eual in worth to the weiht of AlHasan’sra hair to the As’hab usuffah the daughters were often buried alive and seen as a bad omen and useless. However, the Holy Prophet followers of slam who were pooriv. She accepted her father’s decision despite being financially Muhammadsaw set an incredible example of the love and care that he bestowed on daughters, not challened, she was very obedient only his own but others as well. His most beloved daughter Hazrat Fatimara was one such recipient of his love and respect. In a narration by Hazrat Alira, he related that due to the hard labour of usin a rindin mill ra saw Handazrat other Fatima duties, was Hazrat the beloved atimara daughterhad developed of the corns Holy on P herrophet hands Muhammad t so happened. She thatwas thein saw ra youngestthose da ofys his a fewchildren servants with Hazrathad been Khadija brouhtra and towas the born Holy 5 years rophet before, so th Hazrate first revelationAli suested of the ra saw Holythat Q Hazratur’an. atimaShe was reuested courageous for and a veryservant brave, hen examples the reuest of this wascan made,be seen the from Holy a rophetvery young ageresponded:; along with “Fatima! the Holy ear P Allah,rophet fulfilsaw andyour other duties Muslims to Allah she o yourtoo facedhousehold cruelty chores at the with hands your ofown the nonhands-believers At niht, one when incident you oin towhich bed, sherepeat sho wedthirty greatthree couragetimes ubhanallah, was when thirtythe Hthreeoly P timesrophet MuhammadAlhamdolillahsaw andwas thirtyprayingfour in times the KAllahua’bah ,Abar Abu Jhisahl andmaes some the totalof hi ones companions hundred hisdecided act isto embarrassbetter than the desirin Holy Prophet a servant.”saw by placing This would the intestin also alleviatees of a camel the fatigue on his thatback waswhen brought he was onbowing by ra downhousehold in prost choresration ,Hazrat the Holy atima Prophet said,saw “I did submit not liftto histhe headWill ofuntil Allah Hazrat and hisFatima Messenger.”ra came and (Sunan took v saw themAbu offawud his back, n thisonly way, then t didhe Holythe Hrophetoly Prophet ave Muhammad his belovedsaw dauhterlift his head a ift and that prayed would to benefitAllah “O her not only physically but spiritually as well she would turn to Allah to relieve her pain Allah deal with the Quraish” three times, by this unfortunate event we can clearly see that Hazrat Fatimara witnessed the cruelty towards her father first hand and acted with bravery in the face of it.i Hazrat atimara was the imae of a pious, modest and patient woman he passed away ust ra saw Tmonthshe love after between the death Hazrat of Fatimathe Holy and rophet the Holysaw, but Prophet in her Muhammadshort life span wasshe achievedvery dee psuch and hih they hadspiritual a special accomplishments bond. Hazrat thatAisha thera has Holy relatedrophet uhammadthat wheneversaw once Hazrat said Fatimathat “Ofra all visited the women the Holy in Prophetaradise,saw , thehe alwaysmost noblestood areup showingHazrat hadiah respect forbint her,hwaild kissedra, herHazrat hand atima and tulhadohra her ra seated bint wheuhammadre he himselfsaw, Hazra had tbeen ariam seated.ra bint T hemran Holyas andProphet Hazratsaw wasAsiya veryra (wife kind of to Pharoah).” her and treatedvi, what her hiher with utmostpraise respectcould there and be, through she was this a trueshowed inspiration the importance to all women, of loving may Allahand respecting enable us toyour follow daughters, in her thisfootsteps way Hazrat Ameen Fatima ra also respected and loved her father deeply.ii

Whenever the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw had to travel to far places he would always visit all of References: his loved one’s homes and would lastly visit Hazrat Fatimara, leaving straight from her house, and upon returning from long journeys the first house that he would visit was the house of Hazrat ra saw Fatimai The Life, &this Character caring ofnature the Seal of of theProphets Holy (May Prophet Peace and showed Blessings that of Allāh he becherished upon him) his VOLUME daughter I (Sīrat and showedKhātamun hisNabiyyīn), obvious adorationḤaḍrat Mirzā for Bashīr her. Aḥmad Ara, irst ublished in nlish in in , slam nternational ublications td, p ii he eal of rophets Hisra ersonality and haracter, Hadhrat irza ahir Ahmad halifatul asihra , resent Wrevisedhen edition Hazrat , Fatima slam reached nternational the ageublications of 15 years td, old,p her marriage to Hazrat Ali took place. This iii marriage The Life was & Character in accordance of the Seal to ofa Prophetsdivine revelation (May Peace from and BlessingsAllah the of Almighty Allāh be upon. When him) the VOLUME proposal II (Sīrat was sent,Khātamun the HolyNabiyyīn), Prophet Ḥaḍratsaw Mirzāsought Bashīr the A ḥconsentmad Ara, of irstḤazrat ublished Faṭima in ranlish, who in rema in ined, slamsilent out of nternational ublications td, p saw ra modesty;iv this was httpswwwalislamorlibraryarticlesAshab also an expression of acceptance. The Holyusuffah Prophetpdf called upon, , Ḥazrat ‘Al i ra and inquired pm of him as to whether he had anything to pay the dowry. Ḥazrat ‘Ali only had a coat of mailv he attained Holy rophet from of t heslam spoils Hadrat of uhammadBadr. The Holyustafa, Prophet r arimullahsaw said irvi,that irstthat dition would , suffice. Hence, this coatublications, of mail pwas sold for 480 dirhams and the Holy Prophetsaw arranged for the expenses of the vi usnad Ahmad, ol, p, wedding from this very amount. The dowry which the Holy Prophetsaw gave to Ḥazrat Faṭimara consisted of an embroidered shawl, a cushion made of hide which had been filled with dry date

24 Tarbiyyat Page (Extracts from the summary of the Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah strengthen his hand) on 30th June 2017 from the Baitul Futuh Mosque, London)

Performing Nawafil is a means of attaining nearness to God Almighty “If you have acquired the habit of offering Nawafil in Ramadān, then you should try to adopt it permanently. If we are fully determined, we can always continue to benefit from God’s nearness. When God is close to man, man comes under His refuge. One who remembers God is like the living, and one who doesn’t is like the dead. To confine remembrance of God to a few days makes a person spiritually dead. If we want to be among the truly living, we ought to remember God in the remaining 11 months as well. Having come under God’s protection in Ramadān, we should use all the means to permanently keep ourselves under His protection.”

Our prayers should not be limited to ourselves “Our Lord is independent and besought of all, He does not care for someone unless one fervently and consistently prays to Him. It is important that we feel true sympathy when we pray for someone. Just as we pray fervently for ourselves, in the same way we should pray for the Jama’at, for the Muslim Ummah, and for our respective countries. We should also pray that God may remove the dangers that are looming over the world today. We should not keep even our enemies out of our prayers. The greater the scope of the prayer, the greater the benefit to the one who prays. And the more miserly one is in one’s prayers, the further he is from God.”

Prayer is our only weapon “In our routine prayers we should include the Jamā’at. Everyone is well aware of the situation in Pakistan. Time and again there are lawsuits made against the Jamā’at or Ahmadis are harassed in other ways by the maulawis or by government officials. May Allāh save every Ahmadi from their mischief. Sometimes the governments do certain things to create law and order situations, which help them implement harsh

25 laws that help strengthen their governments. Such acts were also perpetrated by past governments. Therefore, special prayers are needed. Ahmadis in Pakistan should particularly pray for themselves. We have never taken the law into our own hands, nor sought revenge, nor shall we do so in future. It is only the weapon of prayer that we shall always use. Allāh has always saved us from their designs and will continue to do so and the Jamā’at shall progress more than before. Before God, worldly powers are of no worth. Trials do come and sacrifices have to be made, but the ultimate victory belongs to those who remain with God. History of the Jamā’at shows that at every occasion God remained with the Jamā’at and protected it, and the enemy was always frustrated.”

When one prays for others, one’s own difficulties are also removed “Those who think they are not in direct danger and are therefore lax in their prayers should remember that these trials can come upon them as well. Before this should come to pass, they should turn their attention to prayer. Even if you are living in ease and security, you should pray for your Ahmadi brothers with an anguished heart that Allāh may help them in their tribulations.”

The world is marching towards destruction “America and its allies are working as a team to ruin and cause chaos in Muslim countries. Syria, Qatar, and Korea are all countries ready to engage in war and the damage and result could be horrific and a huge war could breakout.”

Only Ahmadis can save the world through their heartfelt prayers “Most Muslim leaders have already antagonised their own people by committing atrocities against them, and they commit even greater atrocities to save their rule, but this is not the solution. The solution is the one told by the Holy Prophetsaw, which is to accept the Promised Mahdias. We are fortunate that, in keeping with the command of the Holy Prophetsaw, we have accepted the Promised Mahdias. Today the world can only be saved in the way told by the Promised Messiahas. Only Ahmadis can save the world through their heartfelt prayers. Every Ahmadi should feel the suffering of all the people of the world and pray for them. Calamities are fast enveloping the world. While we spread the message that salvation only lies in coming under the protection of the Promised Messiahas, we should also pray fervently that God may bring the world to its senses and save them from destruction.”

26 THE EID OF SACRIFICE By Kashifa Qamar

Eid-ul-Adha is a festival celebrated by millions of Muslims worldwide to commemorate the obedience of Hazrat Ibrahimas and his son Hazrat Ismailas to the commandment of Allah. It comes approximately ten weeks after Eid-ul-Fitr, and marks the completion of the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).

Hazrat Ibrahimas received a series of dreams after Hazrat Ismaelas was born where he saw himself slaughtering his son with his own hands. Once Hazrat Ismaelas reached an age where he was able to walk and was able to assist his father with work, Hazrat Ibrahimas told him:

“…O my dear son, I have seen in a dream that I offer thee in sacrifice. So consider what thou thinkest of this?...” (37:103)

To which Hazrat Ismaelas replied:

“…O my father, do as thou art commanded; thou wilt find me, if Allah please, steadfast in my faith” (37:103)

Such was the faith that Hazrat Ismaelas had in his Lord. Even at such a young age, he was prepared to give up his life in the way of Allah without even a slight bit of hesitation.

So when Hazrat Ibrahimas prepared himself to sacrifice his son, Allah the Almighty commanded:

“…O Abraham, thou hast indeed, fulfilled the dream. Thus, indeed, do We reward those who do good.’ (37:105-106)

Allah the Almighty stated that Hazrat Ibrahimas had in fact fulfilled the dreams prior to this event (when he had listened to Allah’s command to leave his wife and son in a place far away on their own). Allah commanded Hazrat Ibrahimas to not kill his son and offer the sacrifice of an animal instead. This command can also give us some implications that Allah the Almighty was instructing for the abolition of human sacrifice which seemed to be in vogue in Hazrat Ibrahim’sas time and to substitute this with the sacrifice of an animal instead.

Allah the Almighty, being omnibenevolent, was so pleased with the dedication of his two righteous servants that He stated that:

“…We left for him a good name among the succeeding generations.” (37:109)

What greater testimony could there be to Hazrat Ibrahimas having left behind him a good name than that the followers of three great religions – Islam, Christianity and Judaism – take pride in ascribing their ancestry to him. The fact that the greatest man born in this world was the offspring of Hazrat Ismaelas shows the blessings that Allah the Almighty showered on both Hazrat Ismaelas and Hazrat Ibrahimas, as a result of this great sacrifice.

To commemorate this event, Muslims from across the world sacrifice an animal in the name of Allah on the occasion of Eid ul Adha, to remember the great sacrifice of Hazrat Ismaelas.

The Holy Qur’an succinctly describes the significance of animal sacrifice:

“Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him.” (22:38)

The act of sacrifice is symbolic reminding the person who offers it that as the animal is inferior to them so they, also, are inferior to God and should, therefore, be ready to sacrifice themselves and all their personal interests and inclinations for the sake of God when they are required to do so. The attainment of righteousness should be the goal of every Muslim. 27 Hazrat Ibrahim’sas preparedness to sacrifice his son was perpetuated in the Islamic institution of ‘Sacrifice’, which forms an integral part of the ceremonies of Hajj.

So, what lessons can we learn from this incident?

One of the lessons that we can learn from this story is the importance of obedience to Allah. Hazrat Ibrahimas was so devoted to being obedient to his Lord that he was prepared to sacrifice his son in the way of Allah. One cannot even imagine the courage it would have taken to perform such an act. Not only this, but Hazrat Ismaelas, even at such a young age, did not hesitate to offer his life to abide by the commands of his God.

Living during this time, we have been blessed to witness the second manifestation through Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. The obedience to khilafat is equivalent to the obedience to Allah the Almighty. The Khalifa of the time is our direct connection to God and therefore, it is obligatory upon us to abide by the Khalifa’s every command.

Another important lesson that one can learn from this incident is the importance of sacrifice in Islam. One can make sacrifices in many different ways whether you sacrifice your time, your money or even your life in the way of Allah. As members of either the Lajna Imaillah or the Nasiratul Ahmadiyya Auxilliary organisations, we pledge to sacrifice our time, money, children and life for the propagation of the true Islam.

Sacrificing your wealth and giving in the way of Allah plays an important role in a Muslim’s life. Zakat (giving 2.5% of ones earnings to the poor) is one of the five pillars of Islam. There are numerous accounts of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw where he spent in the way of Allah and gave generously to His creation setting an example for the world to then follow.

As a Waqf-e-nau, however, the concept of making sacrifices should be an essential part of our lives on a much broader scale. We have pledged to dedicate our whole life to the Jama’at. Such dedication cannot be achieved without making sacrifices. We have vowed to sacrifice all worldly desires and give our heart and soul to the service of the Imam of the time and his jama’at. The account of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ismaelas is one of many accounts mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, which can inspire us in our mission of propagating the message of the true Islam.

In a letter by Hazur-e-Aqdasaba written at the launch of the first edition of the Ismael Magazine, Hazuraba stated that:

“It is required of all Waqfeen to inculcate in themselves the high qualities of waqf in the light of the standards set by Hazrat Ismaelas whose sacrifices were accepted by Allah the Almighty and who was blessed with the Perfect man from his lineage.” (Isma’il Magazine Apr-Jun 2012, pg. 2)

Eid-ul-Adha is an occasion on which Muslims everywhere are encouraged to make every kind of sacrifice for the spiritual, moral, social, and economic uplift of mankind and especially their own. If they make it a common cause and strive to manifest in themselves the attributes of God in accordance with the teachings and guidance of the Holy Qur’an and teachings of the Holy Prophetsaw then, indeed, the message of Eid-ul-Adha would have borne fruit.

So, as we celebrate this Eid of sacrifice with millions of Muslims all around the world, we should take this opportunity to remember the great sacrifices made by the people of Allah in the past, which have essentially caused the message of the one true God to reach all the corners of the earth. We must strive to follow in the footsteps of these great people and live up to the expectations that the Khalifa of the time has of us as Waqf-e-nau. May Allah give us the strength to make every sacrifice for the propagation of the message of the true Islam. (Ameen)

Sources: English Translation of the Holy Quran – Maulana Sher Ali

Explanatory notes taken from the translation and commentary written by Maulana Sher Ali and Hazrat Khalifatul Messiahrh (urdu)


Origin of life: different theories and propositions in different religions

By Maryam Zakria

Although each person has their own belief on what defines a religion and what a religion should consist of, the dictionary definition of religion states that a religion is “a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.” As of 2017, it has been projected that there are approximately 4,200 existing religions in the world; each having their own unique ideology on crucial concepts. Of these 4,200 existing religions, Christianity (33%), Islam (21%), Hinduism (13%) and Buddhism (6%) comprise of the most followers. One of the major beliefs of a religion includes their standpoint on the origin of life. Since the beginning of time, philosophers have been trying to figure out how the universe originated, the origin of life is a major part of unravelling this puzzle.

Christianity: Christianity is one of the Abrahamic religions, along with Islam and Judaism. Because they are all Abrahamic, they share several beliefs. One of the beliefs that they share is the spirituality and significance of Adam and Eve, although their interpretations of how they played a role in the origin of life is somewhat altered. In Christianity, the first two chapters of the book Genesis in the Bible explain how the world and life itself originated. It states that God created the world in six days and then rested on the seventh. God first created the earth, the sky, the seas and the plants. On the fifth day, birds and fish were created and then on the sixth day, animals and humans were created. The Bible also states that Adam was the man created by God; he was created by taking some soil from the ground and breathing life into him. The Bible states, “The Lord God took soil and formed the animals and birds; the man named them, but none was a suitable companion for him. The Lord God put the man unto a deep sleep, and while he slept he took one of the man’s ribs and formed a woman out of it (Genesis 2:17)”. There are different ways that Christians interpret these biblical accounts. Some take the biblical accounts literally while others take them as symbolic and usually take help from science and evolution to help explain the origin of life.

Hinduism: Hinduism holds many different views on the origin of life. These views are clearly explained in the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. The Rigveda, which is one of the four ancient scriptures, states that the Hiranyagarbha or the “golden embryo” was the source of the


creation of the niverse. hymn called asadiya ukta from the igveda states that primordial Gods came into being after the world was created, however, it is not specified when the world originated. n the later uranic tets, it is stated that Brahma, the creator God, performed the act or creation within the universe. ome tets consider him euivalent to the Hiranyagarbha, other tets state that he arose from it. The trinity of Gods, consisting of Brahma, ishnu and hiva, are responsible for the preservation and destruction of the universe. However, in a recent survey conducted in the nited tates, of Hindus agreed that evolution is the best eplanation for the origin of human life on arth. maor belief on the creation of life is the Hindu belief in reincarnation. The Hindu’s believe that your actions throughout your life will define who or what you will be in the net life. They believe that a human in this life can be reincarnated as an animal in the net.

Islam: s stated previously, the story of dam and ve are similar in the Tanakh, Bible and ur’an. However, in the ur’an, there are verses that indicate that the origin of life was due to the Big Bang Theory. The absence of an oone layer in the stratosphere as well as the atmosphere of the arth being oygenfree is what caused the planet to lack life. The absence of the oone layer caused high energy radiation from the cosmos to reach the arth. The bombardment of high cosmic energy became a maor factor in the creation of prebiotic organisms, which then helped the transfer of material from inorganic to organic. The synthesis of inorganic materials into organic form, such as amino acids, in the ocean was then also caused by cosmic radiation. mino acids oin to form proteins, the building blocks of many forms of life. lthough the ur’an does not go into this much detail about the origin of life, it is stated, “Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a oined entity, then e separated them, and made from water every living thing Then will they not believe?” (Qur’an 21:). This verse clearly indicates that all matter in the universe came into eistence from one immensely hot point, which eploded and brought about the origin of life. This verse goes in correlation with the Big Bang Theory.

Buddhism: There are three schools of thought regarding the origin of life, Buddhism is in accordance with the third school of thought. The third school of thought states that the origin of this world and of life itself is inconceivable because they have no beginning or end. Buddhists believe that the world was not created once but is created millions of times every second and will continue to do so on its own. ccording to Buddha, the world consists of nothing but amsara, the cycle of repeated births and deaths. Buddha believed that the beginning of the world and the end of the world is within the amsara. Because this process is cyclic, Buddha believed that the life of a being gives rise to another being with no connection in identity.


Truly, the Khalifa is chosen through the will of Allah the Almighty and, therefore, holds a special place in the sight of Allah. With this, he is given a distinct status with regards to the acceptance of prayers. He tirelessly works day and night to help individuals and society to adopt the attributes of Allah, thus, this special favour is granted to the Khalifa. Our community is fortunate in this regard that they not only see, but experience these magnificent phenomena in their everyday life.1

Allah the Almighty listens to the Khalifa’s prayers and assists him against all challenges. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty says:

And your Lord says: `Pray unto Me; I will answer your prayer. But those who are too proud to worship Me will surely enter Hell, despised.’ 2 aba By the Grace of Allah the Almighty, our Jama’at members are blessed(Ch.40 to, Vbe.61) able to request Huzoor for prayers, with the firm belief that Huzoor’saba prayer will be accepted and answered by Allah the Almighty. For example, a young man called Abbas who had recently moved to Holland from met Huzooraba for the first time in his life. He said: “Just moments ago I was seated before the greatest person in the world. It was impossible for me to speak but somehow I managed to raise my voice to ask for Huzoor’saba prayers. That is enough because I truly believe Huzoor’saba prayers will protect me for the rest of my life. Those few seconds will change my life forever.”3 Hence, every single member of our Jama’at, including young children, women and men, has experienced the acceptance of Huzoor’saba prayers in one form or other. This may be through attaining success in business, educational achievements, betterment in health or any other unfortunate circumstances confronted in life such as difficulty in child bearing and many other troubles. To think that Huzooraba spends literally every second engaged in his worry and concern for the millions of Ahmadi Muslims across the world is something that one can never thank Allah the Almighty enough for. No doubt many of our problems and many issues we face are resolved only because of the love and prayers of our Khalifa. Speaking of the unique relationship between Huzooraba and Ahmadi Muslims, Huzoor-e-Anwaraba said: “Which leader or dictator is there who eeps personl onnetion with eh o his itiens n the other hnd the hli o the ie intins personl onnetion with hdi Muslis ro onst eery re nd ro ll prts o the world. t is hilt lone tht res or nd eels the pin o eery hdi Musli nd prys or them.”

An incident was related by aeem sahib whose son was unwell. He said: “Huzooraba is so busy and has the burden of the entire Jama’at on his shoulders and yet he loves each Ahmadi so much that he contacted us in the remote village of Thailand where we were staying to enuire about our son. I swear that only halifatul asih can be so compassionate, loving and kind.” Huzooraba also spoke about his own love and connection with the members of the Jama’at and said:

“eore sleepin t niht there is no ountry o the world tht do not isit in y iintion nd no hdi or who do not pry whilst sleepin nd whilst we. not doin ny our euse this is y duty nd y llh enle e to eer inrese in ssuin y responsiilities. he only reson he sid this is to e it ler tht there n e no oprison etween hilt nd other worldly or secular leaders.”

Allah the Almighty granted the romised essiahas a vast scale of acceptance of his prayers as a sign of his prophethood and also bountiful acceptance of the prayers of his hulifa. The heavenly sign of hearing and accepting the prayers of Hazrat asih aud as has been evidently continued at an eceptional etent in his hulfah. Thereby, not , nor but , incidents of the acceptance of prayers of the hulfaheAhmadiyya eist. In this article, I have collected a handful: 1) Sudden change in weather uring Huzoor’saba visit to Africa in , Huzooraba travelled from igeria to Benin. At his arrival at the mission house, it was time for Asr prayers, although heavy rain was pouring down and it was difficult to even stand under the maruees which were set up for prayers as they were open. Huzooraba stepped out and enuired about the preparation for Asr prayers. Ameer sahib told him that the rain was very heavy and the maruee for prayers was ready but due to the rain, there was difficulty. pon this, Huzooraba looked up at the sky and replied, after minutes we will read prayers, and went back inside. nly minutes had passed and suddenly the rain stopped, the sky begun to clear and with a blink of an eye, the sun begun to shine and prayers were held in the same maruee 2) Recovery from illness n rianmrian madi ad rom atimor said: “In our Jama’at we just witnessed a miracle du to t rars o Huzooraa. n o our madi adis am arasd and t dotors said tr as no o tat s oud ror. Hor ist t dotors a u o nr did and so rot to Huzooraa or rars. a sur istns to Huzoor’saa rars and so on a s atr rid ord tat t madi ad as rorin and ust or omin to t arnd tat s is no ain aain dotors a said tat it is a mira tat annot aind amdoia.” 3) An emotional meeting Adeela Sahiba’s tars od rom r s ist narratin: “In m i a ad man diiutis ut r tim rot to Huzooraa and tratr aas m roms usd to anis or t sod somo. a tim it smd as tou a mira ad ourrd. ar itnss to t trut o iaat as a sn o Huzoor’saa rars ar answered.” 4) Life after husband’s martyrdom aia aia narrats: “Undoubtedly, the past 6 years have been extremely tough but when I look a at tis riod onsidr t martrdom o m usand to a n an immns ssin uon m and our ami. ratst am o tis as n t o and ar a rid rom Huzooraa. i nr ort t da Huzooraa ad us atr t martrdom as t omt astoundd and sod. ad not n t sitst tout tat somon i m oud r a t oortunit to sa to m aia and so tat da raisd at a rat honour martyrdom really is. The pain of my husband’s loss was great but the love of Khilafat shielded us and healed our grief.” ain aout t ssins o Huzoor’saa rars aia saia said: “Today, I am iin on m on it tr oun idrn and am in a ountr ar aa rom r as rout u. t m and m idrn ar a and ar doin . is is roo tat a istns to t rars o aia at otris it oud a n imossi or somon i m to mirat aa aross t ord to a a tat did not no at a. amdoia our i is no au it is ssd and above all we know that Allah is with us.”

5) Personal experience Just i r otr studnt in the Jama’at trouout m duationa riod rot ttrs to Huzooraa rustin or rars or aiin ood mars. on omtin m sond ar at nirsit rsntd m rtiiat o n in a muaaat to Huzooraa. Huzooraa d t rtiiat in is and and atr radin t rmars t an o t nirsit asd m: “Will you be able to get a gold medal from me?” as stunnd as did not on tin aout ain or t Jasa aana am aards durin m duationa riod. tr t muaaat ord tirss and aid r i mars amdoia and as rand in t to to airs in m oort. is uaiiation suid and as ii or t Jasa aana aadmi aards. aid in tim or t Jasa aana and as rsntd it t mda a rtiiat and a copy of the Holy Qur’an signed by Huzooraa and a Jaan amdoia. Not only do the Jama’at members benefit from Huzooraa rars ut aso a or t ord r Huzooraa isits, Ahmadi’s and nonmadis ar astonisd and ssd it is rsn and atan o is rars. Huzooraa as said: “Only through prayer and the worship of Allah will our efforts and our work be blessed his is the secret to our success! Without Allah’s Grace and Mercy we cannot achiee anything ood nes Ameer Sahib Spain relates that the architect who is associated with the constructiondevelopment works at asharat osue, edroAbad, is a married young Spanish man. After a number of years of marriage the couple still did not have any children and were uite depressed due this situation. His attention was drawn to the extra ordinary blessing Ahmadis enjoy by virtue of the prayers of our beloved Khalifatul asihaba. He was told that Allah Almighty answers Huzoor’saba prayers because he is appointed by Allah the Almighty. He was advised to write a letter to Huzooraba reuesting for him to pray that he and his wife were blessed with children. This young architect, afael eon, obediently sent a letter to Huzooraba reuesting for prayers. Alhamdolillah, only a week after he wrote to HuzooreAnwaraba Allah blessed them with the glad tidings that his wife was expecting. Now they are parents of a lovely girl, she is years of age. The architect came to attend UK in , he met HuzooreAnwaraba and had family photograph taken with Huzooraba. eoery from ness and inury The Spanish construction manager at edroAbad was diagnosed with cancer HuzooreAnwaraba sent homeopathic medicines for him and prayed for him, Alhamdolillah he recovered. Similarly, one of the Spanish site foremen’s hands got stuck under a heavy concrete beam. Alhamdolillah, he also recovered fully by virtue of the prayers and medicines HuzooreAnwaraba advised. ratitude for Huzoor’saba rayers A politician from the overnor of uatemala told Huzooraba about his experiences in Jalsa Salana UK 6. She said: “our Holiness, I thank od for the feelings of humanity he has instilled in your heart because all of mankind is benefitting from your love and prayers.”

rime inister of anada efore running for the leadership of the iberal arty, Justin Trudeau had come to meet Huzooraba in eace illage in . emembering this meeting, Huzooraba said: “When I first met you in Peace illage I prayed for you and said that one day you will be rime inister. erhaps you do not remember.” Hearing this, the Prime Minister responded: “Your Holiness, I do remember it very well.”

an of od His wife, Mrs. Susan Burgess said: “Your leader’s speech was marvellous but he does not have an easy task because there is so much negativity about Islam in the world. At the same time, you can see he is determined to fulfil his mission and I got the feeling that he will not give up, whether it takes one year or whether it takes years I really liked how he said that the biggest weapon that uslims have are prayers. He is truly a man of God!” ordide reiious eader At the first national eace Symposium held in anada, a number of the guests were not only appreciative but also extremely emotional. or example, a ilipino lady could not hold back her tears and her sentiments were also broadcast on an TA clip that was widely viewed. The lady said: “I have been following His Holiness by watching his programmes on the internet… I kept saying to my friends that I wish to meet His Holiness and finally I met him today. I even got his signature and I am so emotional and so blessed. His message is so strong, it is really sharp and it is so good that we have a leader, a worldwide religious leader that wants nothing but for us to love and for peace for humankind.” HuzooreAnwaraba constantly reminds us to pray for the Jama’at but also the circumstances this world is in in order to prevent massive destruction. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty says:

And when My serants ask thee about Me say a near answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me o they should hearken to Me and beliee in Me that they ay follow the right way’ 2 herefore, as Waifaateau, it is our duty(Ch. to obey2, V .the187 halifa) of the time and always remember to follow his command of praying to Allah the Almighty to seek help and protection for the Jama’at and its members and sustain world peace. May Allah enable us all to build a strong relationship with Huzooraba and always write to him to reuest for prayers for spiritual and worldly affairs. Ameen frs

. MPA A SPIIA AHIY H ISII HIAA BY AI MI https:www.alislam.orgtopicskhilafatAuthorityofhilafatM.pdf . Holy Qur’an: Surah Al Mu’min Ch40:V61, Surah Al Baqrah Ch2:V187 . Huzoor’s tour of Holland & Germany Octoober 2015, Part 1: http:www.pressahmadiyya.comwp contentuploadsHollandGermanyPart.pdf . riday Sermon delivered on from the Kalbach Sports and Recreation Centre in rankfurt by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered his weekly. https:www.alislam.orglibrarypressreleaseworldmuslimleader eplainstrueconceptofkhilafat . Mohammad Ilyas Munir, MurabieSilsila, irst Session from Mannheim, Jalsa Salana Germany : . Maulana Abdul Maid ahir Second Session Jalsa Salana : . Jalsa Salana , Part :https:www.alislam.orglibraryarticlesJalsaiaryPart.pdf . Huzoor’s tour of Germany MayJune , Part : https:www.alislam.orglibraryarticlesGermanypart .pdf . Huzoor’s tour of Canada October ovember , Part : http:www.pressahmadiyya.comwp contentuploadsanadapart.pdf . Inspection of Jalsa Salana : https:www.khalifaofislam.compressreleasesinspectionalsauk . Huzoor’s tour of Canada October ovember , Part : http:www.pressahmadiyya.comwp contentuploadsanadapart.pdf . Huzoor’s tour of Canada October ovember , Part : http:www.pressahmadiyya.comwp contentuploadsanadapart.pdf ArabicArabicArabic Language Language Language Lesson Lesson Lesson PleasePlease note: note: y yes/noes/noArabic questions questions Language are are marked marked with with Lesson a a ههللَََ==َأَأ Arabic Language Lesson Lesson 22 ْْ أ Or Or . .هَلَ specialspecial particle: particle: hal hal yes/no are marked questions with a special are particle:marked hal with a أnote: questions هَْْلPlease note:Please yes/noَ هلََ=َأ Please note: yes/no questions are marked * *PleasePlease with note, note, a the the answers answers to to this this wor workshopkshop are are provided provided upside upside down down special particle: hal . Or ْ أ هَلَ هلََ=َأ .oonn this this page. page ْ ْ special particle: hal . Or Please note, the answers to this workshop are provided upside down أ هَلَ :Below is some * Vocabulary:Below is some Vocabulary* ْ *Please note, the answers to this wor *Belowkshop is aresome providedo Vocabulary:n this page. upside down سيَّارةٌَ: a car َََََ معلِِّم: مِريض:sickََََََََ ِم ِن:َ on this page. ََََََfrom سيَّ ا رةٌَ: a car َََََ ُُم علٌٌّم: مِري ٌٌض:sickَ َََََََ مْ ْن:َ fromََََََ Below isَََََََََََََ some Vocabulary:a teacher* Below is some Vocabulary: َََََََََََََa teacher* سيارةَ: a car َََََ أين: معلِم: Where ِعن ِدمِيري:َ ض:sickI haveَ فِرن َََََََِس ِيم : ن:َ from I amََََََ طِويل:َ َّ ٌ ْأي ن: ُ Whereٌّ ِْعْن ِدي:ٌَ I have فِْرنْ ِسٌّيْ: I am ِط ِويٌل:َ ِ ْ سيَّا رةٌَ : a carٌّ َََََ ُم علٌّم: ٌ مِري ٌض:sickََََََََ م ْن:َ fromََََََ TallTall (m) (m) FrenchFrench (m) (m) َََََََََََََa teacher .Pleasea teacher fill the dotted lines with the missing wordsَََََََََََََ أين: Where ِعن ِدي:َ words. I have ف ِرن ِ سmissingي: fill thewith dotted the missinglines I witham words.the طlines ِويلPlease fill the dottedَ:Please ْ ْ ْ ٌّ ٌ أ ين: Where ِعن ِدي:َ I have فِرن ِسي: I am طِويل:َ FeminineFeminineْ ْ MasculineMasculine ْ ٌّ ٌ Tall (m) French (m) ِ ِ (Tall (m) French (m أيْأي ن نََ سيَّسايَّ ارتَُرتَ.words كَكََ ييَأَِأِبَبَ؟missing؟ lines with theََ أ يْأيdotted ن نََ سيَّسtheاي َّ ارتَُرتfillَ كَِكََ يَيَأَُأّمُِمPleaseيي؟؟ ْ ُ ْ ُ ّ Please fill the dotted lines with the missing words. ِمنَأينَأنتََيَم علِِمي؟ َ ِمنَ...... َيَ...... ؟ ِمْنَْأي نَْأن تََ يَُم ّعلّمي؟ َ ِمْنَ...... َ يَ...... ؟ Feminineْ ُ ْ ْ ْ Masculine

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37 38 匀琀攀瀀 㤀⸀ 倀甀猀栀 戀漀琀栀 猀椀搀攀猀 椀渀 匀琀攀瀀 ㄀ ⸀ 刀攀瀀攀愀琀 猀琀攀瀀猀 ㄀ⴀ㤀 昀漀爀 匀琀攀瀀 ㄀㄀⸀ 倀甀琀 最氀甀攀 漀渀 漀渀攀 猀椀搀攀 甀渀琀椀氀 琀栀攀礀 挀漀洀瀀氀攀琀攀氀礀 琀栀攀 爀攀洀愀椀渀椀渀最 㔀 瀀椀攀挀攀猀 漀昀 漀昀 攀瘀攀爀礀 琀爀椀愀渀最氀攀⸀ 漀瘀攀爀氀愀瀀⸀ 挀愀爀搀⸀

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39 THE CAT AND THE MOUSE A retelling from the original story by the Brothers Grimm

This is the story of a crafty cat and a foolish mouse. This mouse lived in a bare hole under the church pulpit. The cunning cat of this story lived on an old cushion in the vestry. They had crossed paths several times, the mouse often scurrying away quickly to the safety of the bare hole. She did not like the look of the cunning cat or her claws.

One day the cat made a visit to the mouse at home.

“Miss Mouse,” purred the cat, “why don’t you and I make a house together? We could live in the bell tower and look after each other and share our food.”

The mouse thought things through for a while. She may have been foolish but she had never been fond of cats, ever since her great grandfather appeared on the dinner menu for the farm tom cat one cold frosty night. The cat had a warm smile on his face, so she agreed to the plan.

They put all their belongings and savings together, built their home and bought a pot full of fat for the winter. The cat decided to hide the pot away safely away under the altar, so no one would ever reach it. They both promised not to touch it until the weather became really bad.

So trusting her new friend the cat, the mouse went about her business, happy in her new home, although climbing the stairs became wearisome at times. The cat however, could not stop thinking about the pot of fat nestled safely under the altar. So he thought up a plan.

“Miss Mouse, my cousin has just had kittens,” he said looking at the mouse with greed in his eyes. “And she would like me to be godcat. I would like to go to the christening if you don’t mind?”

“Not at all, Mister Cat,” was the mouse’s response. “I have plenty to do today.”

And as the mouse innocently went about her business the wicked cat went straight to the pot of fat and licked off the top. Then he went to sleep for the rest of the day. When it was evening, he stretched and leisurely walked back up to the bell tower.

“Did you have a nice time at the christening?” asked the mouse innocently.

“Oh yes, very nice,” said the cunning cat.

“And what is the name of the kitten?”

“Topoff,” replied the cat, licking his lips.

40 “Topoff?” replied the mouse, somewhat confused by the name. “That is a very strange name. But I suppose cats have different family names,” and she naively went on about her day. The next few days passed quietly but it was not long before the cat began longing for the pot of fat under the altar. So he went back to the mouse. “Good news I have another godkitten. Would you mind if I went to the christening?” said the cat as his greedy eyes glistened with delight. “Another godkitten?” said the mouse. “My, my you do have a big family.” And the cunning cat slinked away to the altar and ate half the pot of fat. He sauntered back up the stairs where the mouse was waiting for his return. “Well, how did it all go? What is the name of this kitten?” “Halfempty”, replied the cat. “Halfempty?” remarked the mouse. “I have never heard of such a name.” But by this point the cat was fast asleep with a full tummy and a sneaky grin across his face. And it comes as no surprise that soon enough the cunning cat was feeling hungry again. “Miss Mouse can you believe it I have another godkitten! I should really go to this christening too,” said the cat. Miss Mouse became suspicious, but she was a kindly creature and so she waved the cat off again to another christening. The cat of course quickly scuttled down the stairs slid under the altar and licked the pot clean. He came back very late that night. “Now let’s hear the new strange name your family gave the kitten this time” said the mouse crossly. She had a headache from all the noise from the bell tower. “Allgone,” replied the cat. “Topoff, Halfempty and Allgone!” said the mouse in complete disbelief. “Well, I am very glad I am not a member of your family, I couldn’t be doing with all these strange names.” And she went to sleep with her paws over her ears. After that there were no more christenings. The weather became colder and colder, and the mouse began to think of that pot of fat hidden under the altar. “Mister Cat,” she said one frosty morning, “I think it’s time we collected our pot of fat, I’m so very hungry.” We will see about that thought the cat, as he padded downstairs behind the mouse. She reached the altar and came back with an empty jar.

“What a foolish mouse I have been!” she cried in despair. “Now I have seen what a wicked cat you have been.” “Such is the way of cats” cried the cunning cat, and he put out his paw to grab the mouse, but she was too quick and she dived back in to her dear little mouse hole under the pulpit. From that day on, she never trusted cats again. The End (Adapted from 100 Classic Stories Edited by Vic Parker)

41 Protect Purdah protects me from immodest behaviour and superficial beauty.

Unite Purdah unites my actions, behaviour, and mind-set to always remember the Creator. Respect Purdah makes people respect me for my inner beauty. Dignity Purdah is dignity as beautiful to charming. Aesthetic Purdah gives great aesthetic. It makes you glow naturally from inside out. Honour My purdah is my honour.

By: Khalida Jamilah , 23 year-old, Los Angeles USA