Lighting and

‰ Reading Assignment: Chapter 6

Lighting and Shading

‰ Is this a plate or a ball?

‰ What color should I set for each pixel? Physical Reality

‰ As light hits the surface: –Part is absorbed –Part is reflected

‰ Visible light includes all colors of the rainbow

Physical Reality

‰ Physically, objects can be said to have the color of the light leaving their surfaces:

W hite Light Colours Absorbed

t n Ligh Gree

‰ If a blue object is illuminated with red light, it will appear as ______. Our Objective:

Understand and model what light does in a scene.

A Model for Lighting

‰ Follow rays from light source

‰ Only light that reaches the eye is ever seen –direct light is seen as the color of the light source – indirect light depends on interaction between material and light Lighting in

‰ For Computer graphics we replace viewer with projection plane

‰ Rays which reach COP after passing through viewing plane are actually seen

‰ Color of pixels is determined by our interaction model

Light‐Material Interactions

‰ Determine whether an object appears red or brown, light or dark, dull or shiny

‰ Reflection of light from a surface can be:

Specular Diffuse Translucent Specular Surfaces

‰ Smooth, shiny, glossy

‰ Mirror‐like

‰ Reflection focused to one direction (angle of incidence = angle of reflection)

Diffuse Surfaces

‰ Rough (grainy, matte)

‰ Light reflected almost uniformly in all directions Translucent Surfaces

‰ Allow some light to pass through

‰ Glass or water‐like

Light‐Material Interaction Summary

‰ Surfaces may be – Specular –Diffuse –Translucent

‰ A surface is never perfectly diffuse or perfectly translucent or perfectly specular.

‰ May have all these properties!

‰ To model these properties, we must understand how light reflects off each of these surface types. Basic Illumination Model

Basic Illumination Model

‰ We will consider a basic illumination model which gives reasonably good results and is used in most graphics systems

‰ The important components are: –Diffuse reflection – Specular reflection – Ambient light Example

‰ The total reflected light from a surface is the sum of the contributions from light sources and reflected light

Ambient Light

‰ Walk around the back of box. No light beams hit it directly. Can you see the back face?

‰ This type of indirect light is called ambient light. Ambient Light

‰ Like sunlight on a totally clouded day!

‰ Uniform level of light, position‐independent

‰ Tells us how bright an object looks when no light source can directly reach it

Ambient Light

‰ Also called background light

‰ Not created by any light source

‰ A constant lighting from all directions

‰ Contributed by scattered light in a surrounding

‰ When used alone, does not produce very interesting pictures Ambient light only Ambient Light

‰ To incorporate background light we simply set a

general brightness level Ia for a scene

‰ Different surfaces may reflect different amount of ambient light, based on their reflectance properties. We model this by a constant factor for each surface:

ka × Ia

RGB Color Considerations

‰ For an RGB colour description each intensity specification is a three element vector

Ia = ()IaR , IaG , IaB

‰ Similarly, the reflectance is given as a vector:

ka = ()kaR ,kaG ,kaB

‰ Red, green and blue ambient light intensities are

()kaR IaR ,kaG IaG ,kaB IaB Illumination: Ambient Light

Material Color Light Color

Hands‐on Session

ƒ Run the lightmaterial tutor, and right‐click select “Material Parameters”

ƒ Make the light source ambient‐ only (set all other material reflectivity coefficients to 0).

ƒ Try different color combinations of ambient light and material, and see how the scene reacts to these changes. Diffuse Reflection •Light scattered with equal intensity in all directions (ideal diffuse reflection) •Light from a point is independent on viewing direction (equally bright in all directions)

Intermezzo: Surface Normals


N where p0 is the center of the sphere Diffuse Reflection

‰ The angle between the incoming light direction and a surface normal is referred to as the angle of incidence, denoted θ.

L = unit vector to light source N = unit vector normal to surface

‰ Law of reflection: the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection, and L, N and R(eflection) directions are co‐planar.

Modeling Diffuse Reflection

‰ The amount of incident light depends on the orientation of the surface relative to the light source direction. Diffuse Reflection •The amount of incident light on a surface depends on the angle of incidence:

•As θ increases, the brightness of the surface decreases by L L N θ N ______? d

Recall: Dot Product N

θ N∙L = |N||L|cos θ L

‰ If N and L are unit vectors, then N∙L = cos θ Diffuse Reflection

‰ If surface has brightness Ι when facing light, it has brightness Ι*cos(θ) when tilted at angle θ. N N∙L = cos θ θ L (N, L are unit vectors)

‰ You will see the brightness written as I(N∙L)

Diffuse Reflection

‰ A parameter kd set for each surface determines the fraction of incident light scattered as diffuse reflections from that surface

‰ This parameter is known as the diffuse reflection coefficient or the diffuse reflectivity

‰ kd is assigned a value between 0.0 and 1.0 –0.0 for dull surface that absorbs almost all light –1.0 for shiny surface that reflects almost all light Diffuse Reflection

‰ Diffuse reflections:

⎪⎧kd I(N ⋅ L) if N ⋅ L > 0 Id = ⎨ ⎩⎪ 0 if N ⋅ L ≤ 0

Diffuse Reflection

‰ Spheres lit by diffuse (kd) values of 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 respectively Ambient Light vs. Diffuse Reflection

Ambient lighting only With diffuse lighting

Hands‐on Session

ƒ Run the lightmaterial tutor

ƒ Make the light source diffuse‐only

ƒ Check the color of a blue object illuminated with red light

ƒ Try different color combinations of diffuse light and material

ƒ Change the light position and observe the changes in the brightest spots on the torus

ƒ Combine diffuse and ambient light Diffuse Lighting: What’s Missing?

Diffuse Ambient + Material Color Light Color Diffuse

‰ Ambient + diffuse reflections produce shaded images that appear three‐dimensional

‰ But the surfaces look dull, somewhat like chalk

‰ What is missing?

Specular Reflection

‰ Intensity depends on where the viewer is!


‰ The white specular highlight is the reflection of white light from the source in the direction of the viewer Specular Reflection

‰ The bright spot that we see on a shiny surface is the result of incident light reflected in a concentrated region around the specular reflection angle

‰ The specular reflection angle equals the angle of the incident light L = vector to light source N = vector normal to surface R = direction of reflected light V = vector to viewer

Specular Reflection

‰ A perfect mirror reflects light only in the specular‐reflection direction

‰ Other objects exhibit specular reflections over a finite range of viewing positions around vector R The Phong Specular Reflection Model

‰ The Phong model sets the intensity of specular reflection as proportional to the angle φ between the viewing vector and the specular reflection vector:

α I s = I × k s × cos φ α = shineness exponent

ks = specular reflectivity of material

The Phong Specular Model

α I s = I × k s × cos φ α = shininess

ks = reflectivity

‰ The shineness α is determined by the type of surface we want to display – Shiny surfaces have a very large value (>100) – Rough surfaces would have a value near 1

‰ The larger the α, the more concentrated the light is around R. For mirrors, α Æ infinity. The Phong Specular Model

α I s = I × k s × cos φ α = shininess

ks = reflectivity

‰ Recall that R∙V = cos φ ⎧ α if V ⋅ R > 0 and N ⋅ L > 0 ⎪ks I (V ⋅ R) I s = ⎨ ⎩⎪ 0.0 if V ⋅ R < 0 or N ⋅ L ≤ 0

Illumination: Specular Lighting

Ambient + Specular Diffuse + Material Color Light Color Specular

‰ Create shining surface (surface perfectly reflects)

‰ Viewpoint dependent Specular+Diffuse Reflection Example

Phong Reflection Model Summary

‰ Due to the ambient light, nothing can be entirely black

‰ Mirror reflections are possible

‰ Can be computed very fast (used in VR and games)

‰ Very good approximation of diffuse surfaces

‰ Physically inaccurate

‰ Expressed in terms of vector geometry Putting it All Together

‰ The intensity of light from one point is a sum of the diffuse, specular and ambient components:


Red Bluish Specular ambient diffuse Highlight

I = I a + I d + I s

Putting it All Together

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 diffuse specular = 0 shininess = 0

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 specular diffuse = 0.5 shininess = 120

10 30 60 160 250 shininess diffuse = 0.5 specular = 0.5 OpenGL Lighting Functions

OpenGL Lighting Functions

‰ OpenGL provides functions for – setting up point light sources and spotlights, – selecting surface reflection coefficients – choosing values for several parameters in the basic illumination model

‰ Implements the Phong reflection model Steps in OpenGL Lighting

1. Enable lighting and select shading model 2. Specify normals 3. Specify material properties 4. Specify lights

Enable Lighting Calculations

‰ Lighting calculations are enabled globally in an OpenGL program using

glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);

‰ Once lighting is enabled, glColor*() ignored Enable Individual Light Sources

‰ Up to eight light sources (GL_MAX_LIGHTS) can be included in a standard OpenGL implementation –Some implementations may allow more than 8

‰ Each light source is referenced by its identifier: GL_LIGHT0, GL_LIGHT1, ..., GL_LIGHT7

‰ A light source is enabled with: glEnable (lightName); Example: glEnable (GL_LIGHT0);

Select the Light Model

‰ Select the light model: glLightModeli(parameter, GL_TRUE);

‰ Parameter can be: • GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER –do not use simplifying distant viewer assumption in calculation • GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDED shades both sides of polygons independently glLightModel(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDED, …)

‰ Either shade only the outside of polygons, or both sides

‰ How does OpenGL know what is the outside?

2. Specify Normals

‰ In OpenGL the normal vector is part of the state

‰ Set by glNormal*() – glNormal3f(x, y, z); – glNormal3fv(p);

‰ Usually we want to set the normal to have unit length so cosine calculations are correct – Length can be affected by transformations –Note that scaling does not preserved length – glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE) allows for autonormalization at a performance penalty Intermezzo: Normal for a Triangle

n = (p2 – p1) ×(p1 - p0 ) n p2 normalize n ← n/ |n| p p1


Note that right‐hand rule determines outward face.

Intermezzo: Vector Cross Product

Use the right-hand rule to determine a x b. Intermezzo: Vector Cross Product

Intermezzo: Unit Vectors i, j, k Intermezzo: Exercise

‰ Calculate a x b if a = (3, 0, 2) and b = (4, 1, 8)

Normal for a Sphere

‰ Associate a normal with each vertex:

glBegin(…) glNormal3f(x,y,z) glVertex3f(x,y,z) … glEnd() 3. Specify Material Properties

‰ Reflectivity coefficients: GLfloat mat_ambient[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0}; GLfloat mat_diffuse[] = {1.0, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0}; GLfloat mat_specular[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; GLfloat mat_shine = 100.0;

‰ Material properties: glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, mat_ambient); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, mat_diffuse); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, mat_shine);

‰ The default is to light only front faces


‰ Material properties are specified as RGBA values

‰ The A value can be used to make the surface translucent

‰ The default is that all surfaces are opaque regardless of A 4. Specify Light Sources

‰ Properties of a light source such as position, type, color, attenuation, and spotlight effects can be specified using glLight* (lightName, lightProperty, propertyValue);

‰ Each light source is referenced by its identifier: GL_LIGHT0, GL_LIGHT1, ..., GL_LIGHT7

Light Properties

glLight* (lightName, lightProperty, propertyValue);


‰ Setting the position of a point light source:

Glfloat light0_pos[]={1.0, 2.0, 3,0, 1.0};

glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glLightv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0_pos);

Light Types

‰ Two types of lights –Local (point) light sources that are near the objects –Light sources at infinity

‰ The type of a light source is independent of the 3d position we assign to a light source. It is determined by a fourth parameter value: –1.0 indicates local light source –0.0 indicates light source at infinity Local Light Source

‰ For a local light source, the emitted light radiates in all directions and the position of the light is used in the lighting calculations –i.e., the light direction changes Point (Positional) Light for every object (Emit in all directions) –In OpenGL, it is referred to as “Positional Light”

Infinite Light Source

‰ For a light source at infinity, the emitted light radiates in one direction only and this direction is applied to all objects in the scene – I.e., the light direction is constant for every object –In OpenGL, it is referred to Directional Light as “Directional Light” (Infinitely far away) Hands‐on Session

ƒ Run the lightposition tutor, play with light parameters

Positional light Directional light

Light Source Colors

‰ You can specify three different color properties to a light source –This is unrealistically flexible compared to real‐world lights which have one color

‰ We can specify the ambient, diffuse, and specular components of a light source with different colors. Example

‰ Setting the RGBA values for the ambient, diffuse and specular components of a point light source.

GLfloat diffuse0[]={1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; GLfloat ambient0[]={1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; GLfloat specular0[]={1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; Glfloat light0_pos[]={1.0, 2.0, 3,0, 1.0};

glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glLightv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0_pos); glLightv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambient0); glLightv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse0); glLightv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, specular0);


Black ambient White diffuse White specular

Black ambient Red diffuse Blue specular OpenGL Light Defaults

‰ Light 0 is unique in having a default diffuse and specular setting of fully bright white (1,1,1,1) – saves us the hassle of setting up lights

‰ All other lights have a default settings of totally dark (0,0,0,1).

‰ All lights also have a default position of (0,0,1,0) –this would effectively place it as a directional light, facing forward, from just behind the camera


‰ a.k.a Directional Light Sources

‰ Limit the light to a cone‐shaped region of space

‰ Use glLightv to set –Direction GL_SPOT_DIRECTION –Cutoff(θ) GL_SPOT_CUTOFF – Attenuation(α) GL_SPOT_EXPONENT • Proportional to cosαφ −θ φ θ Directional Local Light Sources

‰ Example: GLfloat dirVector [] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; glLightf (GL_LIGHT3, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, dirVector); glLightf (GL_LIGHT3, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 30.0); glLightf (GL_LIGHT3, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 2.5);

Example Emissive Light

‰ Used to add a fixed color to surfaces.

‰ Do not add any actual light to the scene.

GLfloat mat_emission[] = {0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0}; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, mat_emission);

Emissive Light Example

3D sphere reflecting Apply a light source Same sphere, with green emissive light. with red ambient light, no emissive light Effect similar to red diffuse light, and ambient light, until light white specular light. sources are introduced. Global Ambient Light

‰ Ambient light depends on color of light sources –A red light in a white room will cause a red ambient term that disappears when the light is turned off

‰ OpenGL also allows a global ambient term that is often helpful for testing:

GLfloat global_ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0} glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, global_ambient);

Light Attenuation in OpenGL

‰ Attenuation:


‰ Default OpenGL values: –a = 1, b = 0, c = 0 (no attenuation with distance) Applying Transformations

‰ A light source is like an object in the scene and included in the scene description

‰ Geometric transformation matrices and viewing transformation matrices are applied to light positions as applied to other objects –If you want to fix your light position relative to the objects in your scene, you need to set the light position after you specify geometric and viewing transformations –If we want the light move as the view point moves, set its position before gluLookAt(...)


‰ To successfully model lighting effects, must consider: – Ambient light –Diffuse reflections – Specular reflections

‰ Ambient component is independent of the surface orientation and viewer position

‰ Diffuse component is independent of the viewer position but depends on the relative orientation of the light source and the surface

‰ In specular reflection the position of the viewer is also important Polygonal Shading

Lighting Revisited

‰ Light calculation so far is at vertices

‰ Vertex illumination from a light of intensity I = ambient + diffuse + specular α = (k a + k d cos θ + k s cos φ )I

‰ Pixel may not fall right on vertex

‰ Shading: calculates color of interior pixels Polygonal Shading

‰ Technique to render solid surfaces

‰ Determines how surfaces will be filled

‰ Process for computing the color intensity value for each pixel contained in a polygon

‰ The most common shading techniques are: – Flat Shading –

Shading Techniques

No Shading Flat Shading

Gouraud Shading Phong Shading Flat Shading

‰ Simplest, Cheapest, Fastest Shading Method – Works well for objects really made of flat faces. – Appearance depends on number of polygons for curved surface objects.

‰ Fills an entire polygon with one color intensity

‰ This model is only valid (realistic) if: – The light source is imagined to be at infinity – The viewer is at infinity – The polygon is not an approximation to a curved surface

Flat Shading in OpenGL

‰ Specify using glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);

‰ The color at the first vertex will determine the shade of the whole polygon Mach Band Effect

‰ Flat shading suffers from “mach band effect” –human eyes accentuate the discontinuity at the boundary

Smooth Shading

‰ Fix the mach band effect –remove edge discontinuity

‰ Compute lighting for more points on each face

‰ Two popular methods: – Gouraud shading (used by OpenGL) – Phong shading (better specular highlight, not in OpenGL) Gourad Shading

‰ The default shading algorithm used in OpenGL: glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH)

‰ Lighting is calculated for each of the polygon vertices

‰ Colors are interpolated for interior pixels

Flat Smooth

Gourad Shading

‰ Per‐vertex lighting calculation

‰ Normal is needed for each vertex

‰ Per‐vertex normal can be computed by averaging the adjacent face normals:

n1 + n 2 + n3 + n 4 n = 4

‰ Requires knowledge about adjacent faces Gourad Shading

‰ Use normals to compute vertex illumination (color) before the projection transformation

‰ Shade interior pixels: – color interpolation (normals not needed)

Gouraud Shading

‰ Color Interpolation Algorithm – Interpolation along polygon edges – Interpolation across polygon surfaces

‰ Given:

– Colors c0 ,c1, c2 ,c3 –Coordinates of points colored

c0 ,c1, c2 ,c3 , ca, cb

Determine the colors ca, cb using linear interpolation. In‐Class Exercise

‰ Given the coordinates: P0 = (0, 3) P1 = (1, 2) P2 = (0, 1) and normals n1, n2, and n3, we can use the Phong reflection model to obtain a color ci for Ca each vertex. Let c0 = 60, c1 = 50, Cb and c2 = 20. Find Ca and Cb for a scanline with coordinates Pa = (0, 1.8) Pb = (0.8, 1.8).

Gourad Shading Problem

‰ Lighting in the polygon interior can be inaccurate: Phong Shading

‰ Instead of interpolation, we calculate lighting for each pixel inside the polygon (per pixel lighting)

‰ Need normals for all the pixels –not provided by user

‰ Phong shading algorithm interpolates the normals and compute lighting for each pixel

Phong Shading

‰ Interpolation Over Normal Vector, NOT Vertex Color:

‰ Slow! Not supported by OpenGL and most graphics hardware. Polygonal Shading Summary

‰ Gouraud shading –Set vertex normals – Calculate colors at vertices –Interpolate colors across polygon

‰ Must calculate vertex normals!

‰ Must normalize vertex normals to unit length!

‰ Phong Shading – Creates greater realism than Gouraud shading – Computationally intense – Not supported by most graphics hardware