2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in , Eritrea. OSAC encourages travelers to use this report to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Eritrea. For more in-depth information, review OSAC’s Eritrea country page for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private- sector representatives with an OSAC password.

Travel Advisory

The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Eritrea at Level 2, indicating travelers should exercise increased caution due to travel restrictions, limited consular assistance, and landmines. Review OSAC’s report, Understanding the Consular Travel Advisory System.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation

Crime Threats

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Asmara as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Obtaining official crime statistics for Eritrea is difficult. Most of the U.S. Embassy's reports regarding specific crimes originate from other diplomatic missions, international organizations, and foreign business expatriates with whom U.S. diplomats share a cordial relationship.

Walking the streets of Asmara during the daytime hours is generally safe. The downtown area of Asmara is generally populated from morning until midnight. Asmara is a very active city during the night. People can walk around fairly freely, although the Embassy advises avoiding venturing onto isolated streets late at night so as to avoid encounters with youth gangs, intoxicated individuals, and emotionally disturbed persons (EDPs). The Embassy is unaware of any major criminal activity aside from petty theft and harassment from EDPs, who have been known to assault and foreigners alike.

Although crime is present, particularly at certain hours and in certain locations, Asmara is generally safer than many capital cities. There are dozens of neighborhoods and shopping areas throughout Asmara that attract residents and visitors alike and, therefore, petty criminals. Pickpockets and purse/bag snatchers are a cause of concern. Although previously rare, women are increasingly involved in such thefts, which usually occur in crowded areas such as bus stops, stadiums, movie theatres, marketplaces, and even places of worship. The Embassy has received reports of Eritreans and Westerners assaulted and robbed while walking late at night.

Crime is generally higher in the early morning hours near area bus stations, and in areas with high bar/club concentrations (i.e. the Expo Center and downtown area). Some bars stay open until 0500. Disturbances and fights are not uncommon on weekends; youth gangs are indiscriminate in who they target. Women walking alone during these hours are particularly vulnerable. Crime risks may be higher during electricity blackouts that leave large areas in darkness. Over the past few years, Westerners reported five instances of assault. In the most severe case, a Western female was returning to her home at night when two men violently attacked her, kicking and punching repeatedly, and demanding she hand over her phone and money. Eritrea 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

Crime also tends to be higher during the summer, when Eritreans from the diaspora visit, and during the Christmas and New Year holiday season. In June, when schools are about to close for the summer, instances of group fighting, bar brawls, and hooliganism tend to rise. Crime tends to be lower from April to June. Crime peaks again during Eritrea’s National Festival held during the month of August. Review OSAC’s reports, All That You Should Leave Behind.

While homicides do occur, they often involve perpetrators known to the victim (e.g. land disputes, crimes of passion, domestic issues). In October 2019, an Eritrean man killed his wife and mother-in-law during a domestic violence incident using an AK-47 issued to him by the government as a member of the People’s Militia. Sexual assaults usually involve individuals known to the victim or situations where the use of drugs or alcohol plays a factor. However, the occasional homicide has occurred as the result of an assault or robbery against strangers; these incidents are generally opportunistic and typically occur in the early morning hours. The Embassy has no specific knowledge of homicide or sexual assault committed against persons in the expatriate or diplomatic community.

Financial scams are rare. Eritrea has no ATMs and is virtually a cash-only economy. You cannot use credit or debit cards in Eritrea for any purpose, as there are no credit card processing services operating in the country.

Vehicle break-ins are common, but vehicle theft occurs rarely. Incidents of stolen vehicles are usually isolated to joyriding. In November 2019, car thieves stole an Embassy employee’s car parked overnight near the Embassy, but authorities recovered it abandones the next day near an area hospital. The thieves allegedly used the car to transport stolen diesel fuel. The Embassy recommends parking in well-lighted areas, and whenever possible to park in secure parking areas.

Residential crime ebbs and flows. Over the past few years, there have been reported break-ins and burglaries of expatriate residences. In one case, a suspect broke into a home, held a female expatriate at knifepoint, and stole personal belongings. Common items of interest reported taken from residences include propane gas cylinders, money, jewelry, and electronics. Review OSAC’s reports, Hotels: The Inns and Outs and Considerations for Hotel Security.

The Eritrean government restricts the travel of foreigners outside of Asmara via a 2006 decree. While it has granted requests to travel to Keren, Mendefera, and Massawa, access is not guaranteed. Travel permits are very specific, and do not allow for side trips/deviations. Would-be travelers must request and receive specific approval to access religious and other significant sites.

The Filfil Road from Asmara to Massawa has a large amount of mountain debris and has washed away in parts. You may see wild baboons on mountain roads. They are not safe to approach. Keep vehicle windows closed and doors closed. Review OSAC’s report, When Wildlife Attacks.

There are landmines in many remote areas in Eritrea, particularly in Nakfa, AdiKeih, Arezza, the 25 mile- wide region (40 km) between the Setit and Mereb Rivers, and in areas north and west of Keren, near Massawa, , , Barentu, Dekemhare, and south of Tessenae.

Certain remote Eritrean islands have military facilities and are not accessible to tourists. Travel to any islands requires a special travel permit for sea excursions, which travelers can arrange through local tourist and boating agencies. Eritrea 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

Cybersecurity Issues

Review OSAC’s reports, Cybersecurity Basics, Best Practices for Maximizing Security on Public Wi-Fi, Traveling with Mobile Devices: Trends & Best Practices, and Satellite Phones: Critical or Contraband?

Transportation-Safety Situation

Road Safety and Road Conditions

Asmara is on a plateau. The roads leading to the city are dangerously steep, curving, and narrow, with most in poor condition and with minimal/no guardrails. Roads are frequently littered with rocks and debris.

Driving is challenging. Drivers often do not observe rules of the road. It is not uncommon to find vehicles stopped in active traffic lanes. The causes for vehicular accidents are predominately speeding, driving under the influence, not observing traffic rules, and bad road and vehicle conditions. Trucks hauling products from Massawa sometimes lack regular maintenance due to the expense and lack of spare parts; drivers tend to improvise repairs. Thick fog is also common during certain times of the year. A significant amount of travel is on precarious roads, where fog and haphazard driving regularly result in fatalities. Defensive driving is imperative. Trucks are heavily laden with goods, and many drivers tend to exceed speed limits and ignore local traffic norms. According to a 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) report, more than 1,250 people died from road traffic accidents in Eritrea last year.

The biggest road hazard is non-vehicular traffic in the roadway (e.g. pedestrians, persons in wheelchairs, bicycles, donkey carts). Pedestrians and bicyclists are a particular hazard because they tend to disregard vehicular traffic; many walk/ride with earphones on, and are not cognizant or situationally aware of road hazards. Bicyclists will sometimes turn unexpectedly in front of drivers, or end up on the side of a vehicle at intersections, which is dangerous when making a right turn. Almost no bicyclists use reflective gear or lights. It is also common to see a large number of young children in the streets going/coming from school or playing soccer. Children are most visibly present during the summer (end of June-beginning of September) when schools close. Pedestrians should be extremely vigilant at night, and always carry a flashlight.

An added complication to driving is the road conditions. The main roads in Asmara are good; however, side roads have little maintenance and often contain significant potholes. Many roads, particularly in residential areas, are unimproved dirt. Driving at night is especially dangerous due to frequent power outages. Avoid travel outside of the city after dark or under less than ideal weather conditions.

Local law enforcement regularly maintains a police presence at various intersections via foot patrol and in police vehicles. Police also conduct random sobriety and driver’s license checkpoints. Authorities regularly administer sobriety checks on the spot, with a more thorough examination at a local police precinct. The legal alcohol limit is 0.08%. Drivers in Eritrea must obtain an Eritrea driver’s license; U.S. or international driver’s licenses are invalid. Those involved in an automobile accident should contact the local police immediately. Leave your car in place until the local police arrive to take a report. If a crowd forms and becomes hostile, contact the U.S. Embassy. Eritrea 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

Review OSAC’s reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Department’s webpage on driving and road safety abroad.

Public Transportation Conditions

While many Eritreans rely on the local bus service, the Embassy does not recommend foreigners use public buses due to severe overcrowding, lack of maintenance, and high probability of pickpocketing.

Taxicabs are generally safe and dependable. Ideally, travelers should negotiate the price in advance, but this can be often be difficult in practice without local language skills. Taxicabs customarily pick up multiple passengers; if you do not want this to happen, advise the cab driver in advance. The cost for a non-shared taxi will be ten times the normal fare. Review OSAC’s report, Security In Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights.

Aviation/Airport Conditions

Security at Asmara International Airport (ASM) can be unpredictable. While the airport does show signs of due diligence in security, screening, and identification verification, the use of national service conscripts generally results in a lack of efficiency and consistency in their job performance. Persons manning passport control are often inexperienced. It is not uncommon to have a number of people check your passport upon arrival/departure. It may take up to an hour to get through incoming passport control. Foreign passports and entry documents may face heavy scrutiny. Carrying identity documents such as ID cards and passports belonging to other individuals in or out of Eritrea is prohibited. Airport personnel may screen arriving passengers’ personal effects coming into Eritrea. Airport security personnel also often search departing passengers’ personal effects for possible contraband. Airport security lacks technology to detect fraudulent documents.

Terrorism Threat

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Asmara as being a LOW-threat location for terrorism directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. There have been no known acts of terrorism in Asmara in recent years. The government maintains a particularly tight hold on security in Massawa, Keren, and Asmara, the most densely populated cities.

Ethiopia and Eritrea signed a peace agreement in 2018. The four border crossings reopened for a short period of time before closing again temporarily until proper border regulations and infrastructure are in place to address cross-border trade and security concerns.

Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Asmara as being a HIGH-threat location for political violence directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests.

Civil Unrest

There is a modest risk from civil unrest in Asmara. Demonstrations are rare. Review OSAC’s report, Surviving a Protest. Eritrea 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

Religious/Ethnic Violence

It is unlikely that the Eritrean population would be radicalized easily.

Anti-U.S./Anti-Western Sentiment

There is an undercurrent of anti-U.S. and anti-Western sentiment among some Eritreans, mostly related to economic issues. Most incidents have not escalated above a verbal altercation.

Post-specific Concerns

Environmental Hazards

As Eritrea is located on a fault line, earthquakes are possible.

Critical Infrastructure Concerns

Frequent power failures cause blackouts without warning.

Eritrea is experiencing a shortage of water supply. The government rations water.

Minor accidents occur frequently in factories. Some factories are in ill repair, with safeguards found in Western factories often absent. Safety training for employees is rare, leading to deaths at factories.

Telecoms are unreliable, and internet service is intermittently available. Local SIM cards are not available for purchase without a residence permit. There is no data service or roaming available. The government controls communications (cell phone and internet), and has shut down social media during periods of civil unrest.

Economic Espionage/Intellectual Property Theft

Counterfeit products are common at stores that sell movies via downloads and via thumb drives. Intellectual property theft is limited to small-scale goods.

The Eritrean Nakfa (ERN) is the official currency. The economy is cash-based, and there are no ATMs. No merchants accept credit cards. It is illegal to use foreign currency to make purchases, except at a few official hotels where foreigners must pay in U.S. dollars or Euros. Businesses that do accept U.S. bills require bills printed from 2003 or later. For those transiting from Addis Ababa, Ethiopian authorities impose a limit of $3000 (or foreign currency equivalent) they may carry out of the country. It is illegal to exchange money anywhere other than at a state foreign currency exchange Himbol branch. You must declare all foreign currency brought into Eritrea in excess of $10,000 (or the equivalent). On departure, you must prove that you exchanged any missing foreign currency at a branch of the Himbol or provide receipts for items you purchased. The Eritrean government prohibits travelers from taking more than 1,000 Nakfa (currently approximately $66) out of Eritrea; authorities may confiscate the money and/or detain the violator.

Eritrea 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

Personal Identity Concerns

Domestic violence, punishable as assault and battery, is common but rarely reported; authorities hardly ever prosecute perpetrators. No information is available on the prevalence of rape. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for female travelers.

Consensual same-sex sexual activity is punishable by ten days to three years of incarceration. Antidiscrimination laws relating to LGBTI+ persons do not exist. There are no known LGBTI+ organizations in the country. Hotels do not allow two females or two males to share one room unless it has separate beds. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for LGBTI+ travelers.

Persons with disabilities face limited access to transportation, public buildings, hotels, and communication accommodations. Within Asmara, sidewalks are plentiful, although most are in bad condition and do not have curb cuts. Few buildings have elevators. Due to frequent power outages, these elevators may not function. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for travelers with disabilities.

Eritrea does not recognize dual nationality. Eritrean authorities consider dual U.S. - Eritrean citizens as Eritrean nationals alone, severely limiting the ability of the U.S. Embassy to provide consular services. Eritrean nationals are subject to certain obligations, including taxes and conscription into national service; the National Service Proclamation of 1995 states that any Eritrean national between the age of 18 and 50 must participate in National Service. The government requires proof of payment of the 2% income tax to obtain any civil documents (e.g. birth certificates, educational transcripts, property ownership records, court records). Inquire at an Eritrean embassy or consulate regarding status before you travel.

The government officially recognizes four religions: Orthodox Christianity; Sunni Islam; Lutheranism; and Roman Catholicism; followers of unrecognized religions, particularly Jehovah's Witnesses and Pentecostals, have been subject to persecution. Jehovah’s Witnesses International publicly alleges the incarceration of 55 believers. Many speculate that Jehovah's Witnesses may be persecuted due to their unwillingness to bear arms, and their refusal to participate in the original vote for Eritrean independence. In a country with mandatory national service and no alternative for conscientious objectors, these individuals may face prison sentences for not fulfilling their duties as citizens. Authorities also detain Pentecostals regularly for participating in unauthorized worship gatherings, although they fulfill national service obligations. Review OSAC’s report, Freedom to Practice, and the State Department’s webpage on security for faith-based travelers.

Drug-related Crime

Eritrea has very strict drug laws; penalties are harsh.

Other Issues

Exercise caution when taking photographs in Eritrea. Individuals taking photos of military or government installations can face a warning, harassment, confiscation of the phone/camera, arrest, detention, or interrogation. Do not take photos of Eritreans without their permission. Review OSAC’s report, Picture This: Dos and Don’ts for Photography. Eritrea 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

GPS devices and satellite phones are illegal and subject to confiscation. Read the State Department’s webpage on customs and import restrictions for information on what you cannot take into or out of other countries.

Police Response

The emergency line in Eritrea is 113. Police generally do not speak English; communication can be difficult. Local police are generally willing to assist, but sometimes lack the capability. It is possible that officers will not be able to arrive at the scene of the crime, but would be willing to take a police report at the station. It is not uncommon for individuals to provide police with transportation to a crime scene if a police vehicle is not available. District stations manage most crimes. However, if a crime involves corruption or the diplomatic community, districts refer it to headquarters for investigation.

U.S. citizen victims of crime should also report the incident to the Embassy, as it is unlikely that the local police will share that information. The U.S. Embassy is limited in its ability to assist in cases of arrest of U.S. citizens, especially those who are dual nationals of Eritrean descent. The government does not notify the U.S. Embassy of arrested U.S. citizens, and it does not allow U.S. Embassy visits to detainees. If authorities harass or detain a U.S. citizen, call or have a friend report the circumstances to the Embassy (+291-1-120-004). Attempt to get the name of the officer; this may be very difficult due to language barriers, and the fact that the Eritrean government is generally not cooperative. Download the State Department’s Crime Victims Assistance brochure.

A centralized police service investigates crimes and enforces traffic laws. Traffic police handle any traffic accidents/violations. Eritrea is divided into six districts. Maekel (meaning “Central”) District encompasses Asmara and the surrounding areas. Each district has smaller areas of responsibility, each with a police station. Maekel District has seven police stations.

Crime Prevention Unit: +291-1-125-229 Investigations Unit: +291-1-115-402 Airport Security: +291-1-186-604 1st police station: +291-1-127-799 2nd police station: +291-1-116-219 3rd police station: +291-1-114-942 4th police station: +291-08-373-068 5th police station: +291-1-151-118 6th police station: +291-1-115-551 7th police station: +291-1-186-743

Besides the criminal and traffic police, there are also military police responsible for responding to protests, riots, or other civil disturbances. Although the government maintains a special “riot police,” military police or actual military units generally respond to anything resembling civil unrest.

Eritrea has a diplomatic police unit that purportedly provides mobile and foot patrols at diplomatic missions in Asmara. These types of patrols have not been visible in recent years; however, the police have responded to alarms that originated from Embassy drills. This unit is also responsible for the investigation of crimes involving diplomatic property or personnel. Eritrea 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

Eritrea employs municipal/administrative police managed by each municipality. These are unarmed police who do not have arrest powers and are mainly oversee administrative issues. They are responsible for visiting building sites to ensure the builder has a permit; verifying that businesses have first-aid kits and fire extinguishers; and checking grocery stores for selling expired items or using plastic bags, which are illegal. They also regulate street vendors.

The civilian militia has taken on some patrol duties. At night, members patrol their neighborhoods. The civilian militia has static posts where they provide coverage to banks, gas depots, government buildings, the airport, etc. They are similar to police officers, just with more specific and restricted mandates, and are sometimes (particularly during large national holidays or events such as the May 24 Independence Day celebration) specifically instructed to check the documents of pedestrians to ensure compliance with National Service requirements.

Medical Emergencies

Medical facilities and physicians are limited. Find contact information for available medical services and available air ambulance services on the U.S. Embassy website.

Medicines are in short supply. Bring your own medical supplies, prescription drugs, and preventative medicines. Review OSAC’s report, Traveling with Medication.

Doctors and hospitals expect payment at the time of service for foreigners. The U.S. Department of State strongly recommends purchasing international health insurance before traveling internationally. Review the State Department’s webpage on insurance overseas.

The following diseases are prevalent: dengue; diarrheal diseases; and malaria (in the lowlands only, outside Asmara). The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Eritrea.

Review OSAC’s reports, The Healthy Way, I’m Drinking What in My Water?, Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad, Health 101: How to Prepare for Travel, and Fire Safety Abroad.

OSAC Country Council Information

Asmara does not have an active Country Council. Contact OSAC’s team for more information.

U.S. Embassy Contact Information

179 Alaa Street, Asmara. Monday-Thursday 0730-1700, Friday 0730-1330 Embassy Operator: +291-1-120-004 Website: http://er.usembassy.gov

Helpful Information

Before you travel, consider the following resources: OSAC Risk Matrix; OSAC Travelers Toolkit; State Department Traveler’s Checklist; and Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).