Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.4620
Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.4620 § 872.4465 Gas-powered jet injector. ishing periodontic knife, periodontic (a) Identification. A gas-powered jet marker, operative pliers, endodontic injector is a syringe device intended to root canal plugger, endodontic root administer a local anesthetic. The sy- canal preparer, surgical biopsy punch, ringe is powered by a cartridge con- endodontic pulp canal reamer, crown taining pressurized carbon dioxide remover, periodontic scaler, collar and which provides the pressure to force crown scissors, endodontic pulp canal the anesthetic out of the syringe. filling material spreader, surgical (b) Classification. Class II. osteotome chisel, endodontic broach, dental wax carver, endodontic pulp § 872.4475 Spring-powered jet injector. canal file, hand instrument for calculus removal, dental depth gauge instru- (a) Identification. A spring-powered ment, plastic dental filling instrument, jet injector is a syringe device intended dental instrument handle, surgical tis- to administer a local anesthetic. The sue scissors, mouth mirror, ortho- syringe is powered by a spring mecha- dontic band driver, orthodontic band nism which provides the pressure to pusher, orthodontic band setter, ortho- force the anesthetic out of the syringe. dontic bracket aligner, orthodontic (b) Classification. Class II. pliers, orthodontic ligature tucking in- § 872.4535 Dental diamond instrument. strument, forceps, for articulation paper, forceps for dental dressing, den- (a) Identification. A dental diamond tal matrix band, matrix retainer, den- instrument is an abrasive device in- tal retractor, dental retractor acces- tended to smooth tooth surfaces during sories, periodontic or endodontic irri- the fitting of crowns or bridges. The gating syringe, and restorative or im- device consists of a shaft which is in- pression material syringe.
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