Spanish-Based Creoles

Gaby Meneses Refresh our memories a little bit...

★ Creoles → essentially when a pidgin develops native speakers ○ more complex!! ○ mixture of different languages ○ imperialism and slave trade ○ parent language lexicon derivations ■ semantic and phonetic shifts do occur Spanish-Based Creoles

○ South of Cartagena, ★ Chabacano ○ Southern island of Mindanao and Northern island of Luzon in the Philippines

Palenquero - History

→ runaway slave community ○ Founded by Benke Biohos ○ Geographically isolated for years ■ mountains

Phonological differences with Spanish

★ Presence of tense geminates ○ due to assimilation of syllable-final liquids Phonological differences with Spanish

★ Presence of tense geminates ○ due to assimilation of syllable-final liquids Phonological differences with Spanish

★ This has caused phonemic oppositions not found in Spanish Phonological differences with Spanish

★ Lambdacism and rhotacism present with word-initial or intervocalic Spanish /d/ Phonological differences with Spanish

★ Lambdacism and rhotacism present with word-initial or intervocalic Spanish /d/ Lexicon Lexicon Grammatical differences with Spanish

★ No inflectional morphology ○ characteristic of creoles ★ Gender is non-existent Dialects

★ No dialects! ○ mainly because of its isolation and concentration of speakers Writing system

★ Latin ○ Spanish alphabet Contact induced Changes

★ No real contact induced changes ○ again, a secluded community

Chabacano - History

★ Spanish colonization ○ mid 1500s-1898 ○ contact with Tagalog ★ Earliest known texts in mid-18th century ○ thought to have formed in late 19th century → the lack of literary texts poses issues for historical linguists Dialects

★ Zamboanga → most speakers (359,000) ○ Zamboanga City ★ Caviteño (4,000) ○ Cavite City, Manila Bay ★ Ternateño → oldest variety (3,000) ○ Ternate, Manila Bay


★ Different pronominal systems, particularly in the plurals ○ 1.PL ■ Z → kame [inclusive] and kita [exclusive] similar to Tagalog’s exclusive/inclusive features ■ C → niso ■ T → mihotros ★ All have the presence of 3 aspectual particles

Phonological Differences with Spanish

★ Loss of distinction between Spanish trill /r/ and flap / ɾ/ ★ Intervocalic /d/ is often elided Phonological Differences with Spanish

★ Loss of distinction between Spanish trill /r/ and flap / ɾ/ ★ Intervocalic /d/ is often elided Lexicon

★ Content words are primarily Spanish-derived Lexicon

★ Content words are primarily Spanish-derived Grammatical Differences with Spanish

★ Austronesian grammatical features ○ VSO word order ○ plural marker ‘maga’ < tagalog ‘mga’ ★ Also no inflectional morphology ★ Masculine gender applied to almost all nouns ○ feminine exceptions exist like in → la virgen Writing System

★ Latin Contact induced changes

★ English influences by US occupation (1898 - 1946) References

★ ★ ★ ★ Lipski, J. M. (2013). Remixing a mixed language: The emergence of a new pronominal system in Chabacano (Philippine Creole Spanish). International Journal Of Bilingualism, 17(4), 448-478. doi:10.1177/1367006912438302 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Moñino, Y. & Schwegler, A. (2013). Palenque, Cartagena y Afro-Caribe. historia y lengua. Berlin, Boston: Max Niemeyer Verlag. Print. ★ McWhorter, J.H. (2000). The Missing Spanish Creoles: Recovering the Birth of Plantation Contact Languages). University of California Press.