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2018 Westfield Primary School School Travel Plan

1. Introduction 2. Engineering & Planning 3. Working Group & STP Summary 4. Surveys, Modal Shift & Targets 5. Consultations 6. Travel & Transport Issues 7. Actions 8. Sign off 9. Planning


School Details

Name of school* Westfield Primary School

Name of STP Champion* Kate Cox

DfE Number* 2941

Telephone Number* 01483764187

Twitter* @ (https://twitter.com/)

E-mail address* admin@westfield..sch.uk (mailto:[email protected])

Address* Bonsey Lane, Kingfield and Westfield, GU22 9PR

School Travel Policy* http://www.westfield.surrey.sch.uk/page/?title=Policies&pid=8 (http://www.westfield.surrey.sch.uk/page/?title=Policies&pid=8) School Details


Website* http://www.westfield.surrey.sch.uk/ (http://www.westfield.surrey.sch.uk/)

Type of School* Primary

Pupil and Staff Information

Age Range of Pupils* 4-11

Number of Pupils* 480 including Nursery

Full Time Staff* 27

Part Time Staff 34

Where our pupils travel from Westfield Primary School is located at the end of Bonsey Lane, between the woods of and the Hoe stream. Bonsey Lane is a quiet residential street, which leads into a small housing estate with no through access. This means all traffic must access the school by the same road, which is only wide enough for two cars and can get blocked if people parking inconsiderately.

The school currently shares the site with Surrey Arts (Arts Suite & Gym) and Adult Education (Highlands Centre) and hires out part of the building to ABC Preschool.

Although a high proportion of the current reception year come from a local estate on the other side of the main Westfield Road, the school takes pupils from a wide catchment area with many older pupils travelling in from , and West . The school estimates that over 50% of pupils live distances greater than one mile from the school, making it unrealistic for many parents and pupils, especially the younger ones, to walk on a daily basis. In addition many parents drop off on their way to work meaning they need transport to continue on a longer journey.

Opening times Closing times

School Site* 06:45 21:15

Pupils Official Times* 08:40 15:10

Breakfast Clubs (if applicable) 07:30 08:40

After School Clubs (if applicable) 15:10 17:10

Other timings Surrey Arts use the site during weekday evenings from 16:30 - 21:15 and on Saturday mornings. e.g. Nursery timings Facilities

Description Numbers

Car Park* Staff parking spaces* 36

Visitors parking spaces* 1

Disabled parking spaces* 1

Cycle Parking* Covered Sheffield Stands* 18

Sheffield Stands* 0

Cycle Racks*

Cycle Pod / Mini Pod* 0

Other Cycle Spaces* 0

Scooter Parking* Scooter Parking Spaces* 18

Storage Lockers* Storage lockers for cycling paraphenalia* 28

Shower Facilities* Showers available* 0

Coach Parking* Facilities for coaches to park* 0

Details of coach parking facilities No specific coach parking facilities

Transportation Links

Buses* Public bus service - Arriva Number 34. Nearest stop is on Westfield Road, which is a 5 minute walk to the school. At least one bus per hour.

Rail* Nearest station is Station, which is 20 minute walk from school or can catch the Arriva Number 34 bus.

Roads* School is only accessible from Bonsey Lane, which then joins Westfield Avenue.

Walking Routes* Travel Smart Woking has a walking route - Loop Road Loop, which passes up Bonsey Lane right next to school.

Cycling Routes* National Cycle Route 223 ( to Shoreham by Sea) passes across the bottom of Bonsey Lane.

Engineering & Planning

Engineering Measures

Cost Dates Details of Measure

Working Group & STP Summary

Name Role

How many volunteers have been involved in supporting the school travel plan work and initiatives, this year? i.e. working group members, transition mentors, Footsteps tutors, Crocodile escorts, cycle trainers etc

Other Information

STARS Routes to School Audit

The STARS Routes to School Audit has been designed to assist schools with identifying the sustainable travel and transport network that surrounds the school site. The audit is a great activity to conduct with your pupils and will count as evidence towards the ‘Consultation Initiatives’ in your Action Plan.

You can use the audit below to identify any ‘Travel & Transport Issues’ that the school faces and begin to think about solutions that may need to be put in place to make it safer and easier for people to travel to your school.

Name of road (main gate)

Name of other roads surrounding the school Westfield Avenue

Date of assessment 20-11-2017

Time of assessment 10.30am

What is the speed limit of the road outside the main gate? 30mph

What is the speed limit on the other roads surrounding your 30mph school? (please select all that apply)

How many of the following crossings are present? Pelican Crossing 0

Puffin Crossing 0

Toucan Crossing 0

Zebra Crossing 0

School Crossing Patrol 0

Traffic Island 0

Is there any traffic calming within 500m of school, e.g. speed Yes bumps, build outs? (If yes, please provide details) Speed bumps along Westfield Avenue

Are there railings present outside or near the main gate? (If Yes yes, please provide details) No

Is the main vehicular entrance used for pedestrians/cyclists as No well as cars? (If yes, please provide details) Speed bumps along Westfield Avenue

Does the school have a dedicated car park for parents (not Yes teachers)? (If yes, please provide details) The school has an agreement with Adult Education which allows parents to use their car park for drop off and collection and the start and end of the school day. This car park is also used as an overflow car park for staff and visitors.

Are there any dedicated cycle lanes leading to the school? No

What is the quality of the pavements like within 500m of the Average school? (If poor/Inadequate, please record any details)

What is the quality of the 'SCHOOL' and zig-zag road markings Good like?

Please record any other obstacles or road layout issues within Bonsey Lane is a narrow road which only has pavements along one side and has no dedicated 500 metres of the school entrance which could be deemed as cycle lane. Pupils and parents choosing to walk from the local area to the east of the school preventing young people or making it more difficult for them have to cross the main Westfield Road, which doesn't have a pedestrian crossing close to to use sustainable transport on the journey to and from Westfield Avenue & Bonsey Lane. school. Surveys, Modal Shift & Targets

Pupil Survey Results

Responses: 405 (14th November 2017 - 14th December 2017), Absent Pupils: 24

Response Rate: 88.8 % (14th November 2017 - 14th December 2017)

Pupil Survey Comments

Normally lots of traffic around school Local secondary school kids don't move off the path when children are cycling People stop in the middle of the road which backs up traffic


Staff Survey Results

Responses: 44 (14th November 2017 - 14th December 2017)

Response Rate: 72.1 % (14th November 2017 - 14th December 2017) Staff Survey Comments

Mix of car and walking.

slow drivers; road works with no one manning them; cyclists;

Narrow road with no pavement, quite dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians.

In future, I would like to see more cyclist’s lanes as this would encourage more people to cycle and as a result the roads would not be as congested.

traffic from the M3, road works

better street lighting in the winter months


Can't carry all the books to be marked on the back of a bike! I also carshare with my husband who works nearby.

Broken glass on cycle paths makes it dangerous in some sections as the road is small so cars drive very fast

When it snows I take the bus

Journey is usually only 13-15 mins long and fairly traffic free. Would like to car share, but as working different hours to those in my area, not usually viable/

No issues with walking to school, would rather do this than sit in traffic

Sometimes there is traffic. I would like to cycle but it is a tight and winding road, so feel unsafe to cycle. No showers to shower at if I ran in either.

Distance makes car most practical

I drop my son off at his school en route

Historical Pupil Mode of Travel Data

Pupils Modal Split Walk Cycle Public Dedicated Park Train/Tube/Metro Car Car Scooting Absent Unknown Total Service School Bus & Share Pupils Bus Stride

2018 Number 140 33 2 4 32 0 19 166 9 0 429 14th November 2017 - 14th % 32.6 7.7 0.5 % 0.9 % 7.5 % 0 % 4.4 % 38.7 2.1 % 0 % 100% December % % % 2017 Historical Staff Mode of Travel Data

Staff Modal Split Walk Cycle Bus Park & Stride Train / Tube Car Share Car Total

2018 Number 4 1 0 0 0 3 36 44 Tuesday 14th November 2017 % 9.1 % 2.3 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 6.8 % 81.8 %

Local Authority % 17.5 % 3 % 1.1 % 2.7 % 0.8 % 2.7 % 72.1 % 3189

New Targets

Target Details Annual Monitoring Due Year

Mode: Cycle Previous: 0% 2018 / 2019: 2018 / 2019 Date added: 14/12/2017 Projected Target: 12% % Change: 0% Percentage Points: 0

Mode: Walk Previous: 0% 2018 / 2019: 2018 / 2019 Date added: 14/12/2017 Projected Target: 38% % Change: 0% Percentage Points: 0


Pupils Consultations

Parents Consultations

Staff Consultations

SMT & Governors Consultations

SM1 The School Travel Plan / STARS is Person Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads discussed at Senior Management / Responsible Completion date acquired Governors meetings

The Governors have discussed potential Governing April 2018 One of the governors has met with 31-03-2018 issues should Surrey CC not allow the Body Surrey CC to explain the issues and school to continue using the Adult should Surrey CC not agree to include Education Centre car park after usage of the Adult Education Centre car conversion to an academy. This includes; park in the lease then the Chair of safety of our pupils, parents & staff, Governors will meet with local impact on local residents and avaliability counsellors to gather their backing and of parking for all staff members. support.

Residents, business and local community Consultations

RBLC1 Residents are informed of the Person Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads school's efforts to promote safe and Responsible Completion date acquired active travel

One of our Governors is also a local Governors April 2018 Local residents are regulalry informed at 31-03-2018 counsellor and she regularly meetings about the schools travel and communicates with local residents on the parking communications to parents. school's behalf regarding school initiatives to promote safe and active travel amongst our pupils and parents.

Local Authority Consultations

LA1 School is engaged with the LA with Person Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads regards to implementing the School Travel Responsible Completion date acquired Plan and STARS As part of our move to an academy, the School April 2018 The school continue to liaise with Surrey 31-07-2018 school is liaising with the Local Authority Business CC and is awaiting the draft lease plan to try and secure future use of the Manager & which should now include useage of the neighbouring Adult Education Centre car Headteacher Adult Education Centre car park by the park for drop off and pick up from school, school. overflow staff car parking, visitor parking and parents for parents when attending school events.

Travel & Transport Issues

No travel / transport issues were identified last year.

New travel / transport Issues

Dates Details of Issue How the issue was identified Possible Solutions Resolved


Parking along Parents, residents and visitors park The issue can be seen at the Send visitors details of parking on the school site & Bonsey Lane along Bonsey Lane & Hoebrook start and end of the school adult education car park ahead of their visit. Remind Close, restricting the flow of traffic day by the large queue of parents not to park along Bonsey Lane & Hoebrook and creating large tailbacks at the traffic along Bonsey Lane & Close, but instead use Adult Education centre car park start and end of the school day. Hoebrook Close for dropping off and collecting children.

Parked cars Parked cars along Bonsey Lane & Local residents make Double yellow lines along Bonsey Lane & Hoebrook blocking local Hoebrook Close block residents complaints to the school. Close. residents driveways and restrict access. Daytime parking restrictions implemented, with an enforcement officer checking e.g. no parking between 08:00 - 09:30 & 14:30 - 16:00


Creation of a The school would benefit from a All parents that drive have to The school is next to Westfield Common, and has a stop and turning circle neat the school which park as they don't have patch of grass/shrubland right next to the main school drop area could be used as a drop off area for anywhere they can pull in and entrance which would be ideal for the creation of a older pupils. drop off quickly. drop off area.

Actions Planned Actions

Completed Actions

Road Safety Actions

R1 Cycle training for pupils (e.g. Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Bikeability) Completion date acquired

The school offers Level 1 Bikeability to Y4 Office staff to liaise March 2018 Bikeability is booked for Y4 & Y6 31-03-2018 pupils & Level 2 for Y6 pupils. with Bikeability contacts and complete the administration R5 Pedestrian skills training Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

The Safer Transport Team are booked to TAs to deliver March 2018 The Safer Transport Team are due 31-03-2018 come into school to deliver training to training and school to come into school to deliver the Teaching Assistants to allow them to office to liaise with training. deliver pedestrian training to pupils. Safer Transport Team to finalise training

R9 Road safety assembly/presentation Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

Road Safety Magic Show assembly for YR School office staff to November The assembly was enjoyed by all 20-11-2017 pupils book and YR class 2017 the children and the staff were teachers to support able to take key safety messages pupils and continue back into the classroom and use learning in classroom them in their role play and learning.

R19 Other Road Safety & Training initiative Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads 1 Completion date acquired

The school offers Pedals road safety Office staff to liaise April 2018 The Pedals Cycle Scheme has been 31-03-2018 awareness training to all Y2 pupils to teach with Safer Transport offered to all pupils in Y2 them the basic concepts of stop, look & Team and complete listen. the administration

Cycling Actions

C7 Cycle reward scheme Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

The school council as part of their travel School Council Lead March 2018 The school council ran activities to 31-03-2018 focus will run a promotion to encourage Teacher promote cycling into school pupils to cycle to school. amongst pupils.

Walking Actions

W1 Living Streets WoW Campaign Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

The school council will use the Living School Council Lead March 2018 The school council ran a class 31-03-2018 Street walk to school resources to Teacher competition to promote walk promote walking amongst pupils and run amongst pupils. class competitions and award individual effort.

W11 Walking trips Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

To reduce congestion from coaches, Y4 teachers for November All Y4 pupils ate successfully 20-11-2017 teachers are encouraged and supported to swimming and all 2017 walking to and from their walk within the local area e.g. Y4 teaching staff, when swimming lessons, accompanied swimming lessons at Pool in the Park planning local trips. by their class teacher, with support from parent volunteers.

Air Quality Actions

AQ1 School promotes car sharing Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

The school will run an article in the school School administrative December An article was included in the 31-03-2018 newsletter asking parents to consider if assistant to produce 2017 newsletter asking parents to they have other parents locally that they article for school consider car sharing. could car share with to help reduce newsletter congestion at the start and end of school

Public Transportation Actions PT1 Public transport used for school trips Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

Staff are encouraged and supported to use Classteachers July 2018 Teachers have been reminded 31-03-2018 public transport where possible when about using public transport planing and arranging school trips e.g. where possible for trips. school trips into London

PT4 Private coaches for school trips pick up Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads and set down in safe / accessible places Completion date acquired

The school has set up an agreement with a Classteacher July 2018 Teachers have been reminded 31-03-2018 local restuarant, who have kindly agreed arranging trip to about using the local restuarant to let coaches park in their car park off advise office who can car park as a coach pick up and Westfield Road, reducing the need for then make contact drop off point for school trips. The them to come up Bonsey Lane and the with the restuarant office manage the contact with children walk down and cross at the to confirm useage the local restuarant when trips are pedestrian crossing. arranged.

Promotion Actions

PR1 Newsletter Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

The school regularly puts reminders about School office to November The newsletter is made avaliable 20-11-2017 safety & parking in the school newsletter, include reminders in 2017 to all parents and staff on the gate which is made avaliable to all parents school newsletter also remind parents if they see them acting in an unsafe manner or parking inappropriately

PR2 Info sent to residents / school Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads communicates with residents Completion date acquired

The school regulalry communicates with Headteacher & November The local residents acknowledge 20-11-2017 local residents, advising them of updates school office 2017 receipt of the communications and reminders sent to parents and and will provide feedback and cofnriming actions taken by the school to updates regarding new or ongoing try and reduce congestion issues.

PR13 Information on website Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Completion date acquired

The school office will send out a reminder School office to send December A reminder was included in the 31-03-2018 to parents, explaining our agreement with reminder out to 2017 December school newsletter, Adult Education, which allows them to parents explaining the school's park safely in their car park and not on the arrangement with Adult Education road, causing an obstruction. and reminding parents to use this area for safe parking at the start and end of the school day.

Curriculum Actions

CU9 School uses Living Streets Travel Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Tracker to collect data Completion date acquired

The school council will use the Living School Council and January The school council used the travel 31-03-2018 Streets Travel Tracker to look at pupil Lead Teacher 2018 tracker to look at pupil methods of methods of travel to school and monitor travel and use it as part of their the success of new initiatives and walking and cycling promotions. promotions

Partnerships Actions

P1 School works with Police / Safer Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads Neighbourhood Team / PCSO to promote Completion date acquired safe & sustainable travel The school has arranged for the locak School office to liaise November The PCSO has visited the school on 20-11-2017 PCSO to visit the school radomly at peak with PCSO to pass on 2017 a couple of occassions at the end times to monitor the parking and talk to information of the school day and talked to parents who park dangerously and regarding parking parents. He will continue to visit inconsiderately. issues and liaise with the school regarding issues.

Residents, Businesses And Local Community Actions

RBLC1 Residents are informed of the Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads school's efforts to promote safe and active Completion date acquired travel

One of our Governors is also a local Governors April 2018 Local residents are regulalry 31-03-2018 counsellor and she regularly informed at meetings about the communicates with local residents on the schools travel and parking school's behalf regarding school initiatives communications to parents. to promote safe and active travel amongst our pupils and parents.

Local Authority Actions

LA1 School is engaged with the LA with Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads regards to implementing the School Travel Completion date acquired Plan and STARS

As part of our move to an academy, the School Business April 2018 The school continue to liaise with 31-07-2018 school is liaising with the Local Authority Manager & Surrey CC and is awaiting the draft to try and secure future use of the Headteacher lease plan which should now neighbouring Adult Education Centre car include useage of the Adult park for drop off and pick up from school, Education Centre car park by the overflow staff car parking, visitor parking school. and parents for parents when attending school events.

Senior Management Team And Governors Actions

SM1 The School Travel Plan / STARS is Person Responsible Target Reporting Completion Funding Uploads discussed at Senior Management / Completion date acquired Governors meetings

The Governors have discussed potential Governing Body April 2018 One of the governors has met 31-03-2018 issues should Surrey CC not allow the with Surrey CC to explain the school to continue using the Adult issues and should Surrey CC not Education Centre car park after conversion agree to include usage of the to an academy. This includes; safety of our Adult Education Centre car park in pupils, parents & staff, impact on local the lease then the Chair of residents and avaliability of parking for all Governors will meet with local staff members. counsellors to gather their backing and support.

Sign off and Formal Approval

Title Name Sign off

(for pupils a name is not required,e.g. school council)

STP Champion Kate Cox Signed off on: Friday 11th May 2018 10:03:42

Head teacher Mrs Karyn Hing

Governor (if applicable) Signed off on: Friday 11th May 2018 10:21:12 Title Name Sign off

(for pupils a name is not required,e.g. school council)

Pupils School Council Signed off on: Friday 11th May 2018 10:04:58

LA Officer

Planning Applications

Details of Application Monitoring Details Upload(s) Application Number: WO/2015/0550 Next Monitoring Date: 08th Dec 2018 Planning Application: Date of application: 06/04/2015 (87 days) Decision_notice_WO2015_0550.pdf Date application approved: Date of annual visit:08-12-2017 (planning/160/planningApplication/Decision_notice_WO2015_0550.pdf) 07/08/2015 Length of application: 5 year(s) Development overview: Monitoring Fee: £ 0 Installation of modular classroom block Monitoring Proposals: Other uploads of 3 classrooms and associated services. Annual monitoring is required. Westfield_Full_Travel_Plan_FINAL.docx Objectives of the Travel Plan: 1 The amount of pupils and staff who (planning/160/otherUploads/Westfield_Full_Travel_Plan_FINAL.docx) use green travel on the school journey is Added By: Lynne Howard increased. [email protected] 2 The congestion caused by waiting (mailto:[email protected]) coaches on Bonsey Lane is improved. 08/12/2017 Postcode Plots

3 To highlight through the travel plan the concerns of the school to Highways to investigate a widening of the school Site Plan entrance.

4 Reduce complaints received by the school regarding parking in inappropriate places outside school grounds by 10%

Planning Status: Approved Approved 08th Dec 2017 Lynne Howard [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Approved 08th Dec 2017 Lynne Howard [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

Secured by condition: Condition 8 - The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until the School Travel Plan has been updated and submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The submitted details shall include details of measures to promote sustainable modes of transport and provisions for the maintenance, monitoring and review of the impact of the Plan and its further development. The approved Plan shall then be implemented upon first occupation of the development and shall thereafter be maintained, monitored, reviewed and developed to the satisfaction of the County Planning Authority.

Transport Summary: Located in a cul de sac off Westfield Road, with no controlled crossings directly outside of the school; the nearest crossing is located on the main road, enabling pupils to cross from the school to where many of the pupils live. The school is served by public bus 34. This route runs from Guildford, Slyfield Green, Jacob's Well, Sutton Green, Westfield, Woking, St Johns, , Bisley, Lightwater, Bagshot and Camberley. Nearest bus stops are approx a 5 minute walk from school; the times are not convenient for school drop off but do work for school pick up. Nearest rail stn is Woking, 1.9 miles from the school - approx 30 minute walk; it does not serve the area that the pupils live in, but may cover some teachers’ commute. The school is situated on the Mars cycle route. The small coach/ minibus picks up children who have been allocated to our school but live outside the area. In October 2015 there were 15 allocated children and 4 concessionaries (sibling use). We also have one allocated child who comes in a taxi from Guildford.

The small coach/minibus has to be small enough to reverse into the car park alongside doubled parked cars so a full size coach is inappropriate.

Details of SEN pupils (number) and if they have a transport statement: None currently identified.

Travel Plan Author: Kate Cox PTAL Input:

Future development likely to increase traffic levels or influence travel patterns: Nothing identified currently.

Planning/ Review Details Monitoring Approval Details

Review date: 08th Dec 2017 Upload Finalised STP: Pending Administrative Approval Number of days until review date: - day(s)

Monitoring Fee Paid (if applicable): £

Review date: 08th Dec 2017 Upload Finalised STP: Pending Administrative Approval Number of days until review date: - day(s)

Monitoring Fee Paid (if applicable): £

Review date: 08th Dec 2017 Upload Finalised STP: Pending Administrative Approval Number of days until review date: - day(s)

Monitoring Fee Paid (if applicable): £ Review date: 08th Dec 2017 Upload Finalised STP: Pending Administrative Approval Number of days until review date: - day(s)

Monitoring Fee Paid (if applicable): £

Review date: 08th Dec 2017 Upload Finalised STP: Pending Administrative Approval Number of days until review date: - day(s)

Monitoring Fee Paid (if applicable): £

Current New

Pupil Roll 480

Staff Roll 61

Staff Car parking space(s) 36

Visitor Car parking space(s) 1

Accessible Car parking space(s) 1

Cycle parking space(s) 18

Scooter parking space(s) 18

Public Transport drop off arrangements -

Storage lockers 28 undefined

Shower Facilities 0 undefined

Proposed Opening/ Closing times Are there any proposed changes to opening/ closing times. If yes please provide details:

School site:

Pupil times:

Breakfast Clubs:

After school clubs:

Other e.g. Nursery: