Acoustic Ecology JIM 09 Présences ´Electronique Musical Instrument Competition
News Acoustic Ecology The JIM 09 scientific conference hall. Other artists presenting works sessions included “Real-Time and at the festival included Japanese cy- The World Forum for Acoustic Ecol- Instrumentality,” “Creative Works berpunk writer Kenji Siratori, the live ogy (WFAE) held an international Explained,” “Image, Gesture, Move- electronic composition performance conference in Mexico City 23–27 ment,” “Sonification,” and “Multi- group Kernel, composer Christine March 2009 (see Figure 1). Hosted by Disciplinary Training in Art, Science, Groult, and composer/performer Phil the Fonoteca Nacional of the Mexican and Technology.” A concert held on Von. National Council of Culture and the the opening evening included music Web: by Jean Haury, Hugues Genevois, 113/1783-PE programme complet.pdf Arts, the conference title was “Me- Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 galopolis´ sonoras” [Sound Megalopo- Bertrand Merlier, Noe´ Guirand and lis]. The sub-theme of the conference Kevin´ Sillam, Michel Decoust, Ludger was “Cultural Identity and Sounds Brummer,¨ Jean-Claude Risset, and Musical Instrument Competition in Danger of Extinction.” Presenta- John Chowning. tions, papers, workshops, concerts, Web: The first annual Guthman Musical and installations by artists, engineers, Instrument Competition was held doctors, activists, environmentalists, 27–28 February 2009 at the Georgia biologists, and architects from 14 Presences´ Electronique´ Tech Center for Music Technology on countries were scheduled into morn- the campus of the Georgia Institute of ing, afternoon, and evening sessions. The fifth Festival Presences´ Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
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