St. John Evangelist Catholic Church

April 4, 2021 Pඉකඑඛඐ Mඑඛඛඑ඗ඖ Sගඉගඍඕඍඖග: St. John the Evangelist Parish is welcoming and responsive faith community, nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharisc Table. are open and trusng in the love of Jesus Christ to advance the power of the Holy Spirit, within the parish and beyond, by living the Gospel.

Pඉකඑඛඐ Iඖඎ඗කඕඉගඑ඗ඖ Sඋඐඍඌඝඔඍ ඗ඎ Mඉඛඛඍඛ එඖ Cඐඝකඋඐ!! 5751 Locust Avenue S਴ਭਣਠਸ Mਠਲਲ: Carmichael CA 95608-1320 SATURDAY VIGIL: 5 ඘ඕ Parish Office: (916) 483-8454 SUNDAY: 8 ඉඕ, 11 ඉඕ ຺ 5 ඘ඕ Web: Dਠਨਫਸ Mਠਲਲ: Email: offi[email protected] 6:30 ඉඕ ຺ 8:30 ඉඕ; 5:30 ඘ඕ Lඍඖග (MON-FRI) Pඉකඑඛඐ Oඎඎඑඋඍ එඛ CLOSED **Please Contact Us by Phone or Email** 8:30 ඉඕ (SATURDAY)

Hਮਫਸ Dਠਸਲ: C඗ඖඎඍඛඛඑ඗ඖ/Rඍඋ඗ඖඋඑඔඑඉගඑ඗ඖ 6:30 ඉඕ ຺ 8:30 ඉඕ; 7:00 ඘ඕ SATURDAYS from 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM Hਤਠਫਨਭਦ Mਠਲਲ: 1:30 ඘ඕ--3කඌ Sඝඖඌඉඡ ඗ඎ ගඐඍ M඗ඖගඐ


Pඉකඑඛඐ Cඔඍකඏඡ ඉඖඌ Sගඉඎඎ Sග. J඗ඐඖ ගඐඍ Eඞඉඖඏඍඔඑඛග Pastor Fr. Bernardin Mugabo Sඋඐ඗඗ඔ Pastor Emeritus Fr. Thomas Bland WWW.STJOHNEV.COM Mercy Hospital Chaplain Fr. Alban Uba Deacon Keith Johnson 5701 Locust Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 Deacon Jack Wilson Phone: (916) 481-8845 Deacon Emeritus Larry Niekamp Fax: (916) 481-1319 SJE Business Manager Linda Gospodnetich Email: [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator Mrs. Joanne Giffard Principal: Christie Horton Director of Music & Liturgy Cara ’Shea

Youth Minister Cara O’Shea SJE Pastoral Council Chairperson Tom Ennis SJE Finance Council Chairperson Mary Ellen Meier

ST. VINCENT PAUL (916) 483-2161 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (916) 483-4628

Registration/Change of Address: Allow at least 3 months to receive envelopes or for any changes.  want to register in the parish.  I have changed my address; my envelope # is ______Name: ______Address: ______City: ______ZIP ______Phone: ______E-mail: ______Pastor’s Page

HAPPY EASTER: Dear Parishioners, dear visitors who are visiting us at Easter and you dear family members and friends who came to spend Easter with our Parish members; Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church wishes all of you a Happy Easter. There are two greatest feasts of the Liturgical year. The first one is the Nativity of Jesus that we celebrate on Christmas. God the Son took flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary to like us, to live with us and teach us the Most Important thing in life: The Kingdom of Heaven described in the Gospels as the pearl of the greatest price or the greatest treasure hidden in the field. One can sell all he/she has in order to obtain it, be- cause, if you have it, you have everything. The second greatest feast is the Resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate on Easter; that is, today. This feast reminds we Christians, especially Catholics, that death is not the end. Death is the beginning of the new life with God if one has done God’s will, or is the beginning of eternal punishment in hell if he/she didn’t confess or repent. The risen Lord broke the chains of death and rose triumphantly from the grave. Death has no more power over Him. There are so many proofs about the Resurrection that cannot be denied unless one hardens his/her heart: † Jesus prophesied about His resurrection before it came so that we may not be confused. † The tomb is empty; the body is not there. This is what the women who went to the tomb first told us. † Jesus risen appeared to Mary Magdalene who went early in the tomb searching for the body of Jesus. † The Risen Lord appeared to Peter and the other apostles in the upper room. † Jesus risen from the dead convinced the doubting Thomas who wanted to see and to touch in His nail marks. † Jesus appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus and convinced them about the scripture. † The Risen Lord appeared to Saint Paul on his way to Damascus to persecute the early Christians. Saint Paul was converted into a fiery preacher and defender of the faith he once persecuted. † Jesus, risen from the dead, appeared to Sister Faustina Kowalska in Poland and gave her the beautiful image of the Divine Mercy, a wonderful message preparing us for His second coming. † Jesus, risen, appeared to so many other saints known and unknown, such as Saint Anthony of Padua. † Last but not least, the Blessed Virgin Mary tells us over and over again to believe in the Risen One who won over death for us. Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, Knock, Medjugorje, Kibeho, … We can go on and on. All these are done so that you may be a believer, that you may have faith. Dear Parishioners, I know that some of you here present come only once or twice a year in the Church. That is bet- ter than nothing, but not enough. Please turn to God strongly and wholeheartedly. The Church is here for you. Coronavirus or Covid-19 shows us that death is way too close and much more serious than we ever think. Don’t play with sin or condone sin. It might hurt you badly and for a very long time, if not for all eternity. Happy Easter, Father Bernardin MUGABO Fr. Bernardin’s Joke of the Week

Joseph of Arimathea was a very wealthy Pharisee, a member of the council, and a secret follower of Jesus. It was Joseph who went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body after the crucifixion. And it was Joseph who supplied the tomb for Jesus’ burial. Well, it seems that someone pulled him aside and said, "Joseph, that was such beautiful, costly, hand-hewn tomb. Why on earth did you give it to someone else to be buried in?" Joseph just smiled. "Why not? H o n ly n eed ed i t fo r t h e w eek d ." “Thematic” Sunday Readings (April 4, 2021) From JS Paluch BulleƟn Publishers: “Parishes can provide their parishioners a link to the readings at hƩps:// but they can no longer re- print the texts of the readings in their bulleƟns without paying a fee to the United States Conference of Catholic


Easter Sunday

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Imagine the flood of emotions that Mary of Magdala must have experienced on that first Easter morning. Grieving and yet determined to visit the place where Jesus’ body had been laid, Mary would have been stunned to find the tomb empty. Imagine Simon Peter and the other disciple who, upon hearing Mary’s announcement, ran to see for themselves. On Easter, we hear the story of Jesus’ resurrection as though for the first time, through the account of Mary’s discovery and the testimony of Peter, who powerfully shared Christ’s Paschal Mystery. We, too, have come to believe through their faithful witness. We are called to seek what is above, turn away from sin, and live as people who are forever transformed by the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection.


Mary ran to tell Simon Peter and the other disciple that the tomb was empty. No doubt confused and concerned, Peter and the other disciple set aside whatever fear might have occurred to them and ran to see the tomb for themselves. We do not always understand God’s ways. We, too, are confused at times; our lives are marked by moments of uncertainty, and at times, we are afraid. We can learn from Mary, Simon Peter, and the other disciple and step out in faith, trusting that we will find the Lord in the midst of the circumstances of our lives. When life gets complicated, as it often does, the best thing to do is step out, perhaps even run to the Lord!


We may not have opportunities to address crowds of people and share the Gospel with them. Still, we are called to bear witness to our faith in the ways that we are able, in word and in deed. We cannot share what we have not fully - braced ourselves, however. The Easter season is the perfect time to reflect on Christ’s Paschal Mystery, the unfathoma- ble love of Jesus, who shows and shares God’s love perfectly. Our Lord gave His life so that we might have life, and have it to the full. Christ’s victory over sin and death is our victory, our promise of eternal life with God in the fullness of time. See in Christ’s life, passion, death, and resurrection the sign of God’s mercy. Let this Easter day be a moment in which you allow yourself to be touched by Christ’s incredible, undying love. Then, renewed in faith, look for ways to bear witness to the mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love of the Lord with others. Easter Sunday (A Good Day to Die) by Tom Schmidt Do you remember your own baptism? I wish I could; I was baptized as an infant, just a few days old. I envy the adults I have seen baptized at the Easter Vigil. Hopefully, they experience what St. Paul says in the epistle we hear at the Vigil. For Paul, Baptism is a sign of dying and rising to new life. Sounds like Easter to me. So when Jesus died, He rose from the dead. Is Paul telling us that we will rise from the dead, too? Yes, but that is not his main point. If all we think about is our physical death, and hope we go to heaven afterwards, we’re missing the point. The new life starts with our baptism, not just our physical death. That’s why Paul says things like, “our old self was crucified” or “sinful body done away with….” (Rom 6:6) Baptism gives us a new life NOW. The water is both cleansing and a sign of dying (symbolic drowning) that help us see we are free from sin. We are dead to sin when we begin to live in Christ. The fictional Klingons have a saying “today is a good day to die” to express cour- age in battle. But real Christians might say that Easter is a good day to die: we have died to sin and begun a new life in Christ. How do we experience this dying to sin? First, we identify the sinful areas of our life. Do I watch movies, video games, or TV shows that encour- age promiscuity, lying, revenge, hatred or selfishness? What sins do I confess repeatedly and what can I do to avoid them? Next we look for ways to act differently: Can I spend more time with friends/relatives who are examples of love? Can I spend less time enter- taining myself and more time in prayer? Instead of complaining about what is wrong with the world, can I find ways to make it better? (If not the world, then my community or family.) These are a few of the ways we begin our new life in Christ.

Parish Notice SJE Weekly Offertory Collection

PER DIOCESE & CDC REGULATION, Actual Budget Surplus/ Week of: (Week): (Week): (Deficit) FACE MASKS ARE REQUIRED TO BE WORN, March 28, 2021 ------$10,365 ------COVERING NOSE & MOUTH Throughout ANY INDOOR MASS ˘˛ LITURGICAL SERVICE. March 28th Collection was not available due to March 26th Early Bulletin submittal deadline) for EASTER. Fr. Bernardin’s Homily (April 4, 2021)


If there is a feast, today is the Feast of feasts. Easter Sunday is the Day Jesus, our Brother, broke the chains of death and rose in triumph from the grave. If Jesus was not raised from the tomb, vain would be our faith, vain would be our joy, vain would be our gathering today. The queson is: how can we be sure that He rose from the grave? Since no- body else rose from the dead, it sounds like a fairy tale, just good for children.

A. Jesus predicted His resurrecƟon: A His transfiguraon, Jesus told His disciples to tell nobody only aer the Son of Man rose from the dead. He also said; “Destroy this temple; in three days I will raise it.” He was not talking about the temple of Jerusalem built in 40 years, but His own body.

B. Mary of Magdala: She is the first witness of the risen Lord. Mary of Magdala has a history of demonic posses- sion. Jesus had made her whole, forever changing her life. Since then, Mary of Magdala was one among a group of women who were following Jesus. While Jesus was alive, she could support him and aempt to express her gratude. With His death, her world had plunged into darkness. His followers knew they had lost Him forever. They saw it as the end of everything that maered. It was the most unthinkable of tragedies. There was no consolaon for such a loss. Very early in the morning, Mary of Magdala went to the tomb. Poor Mary, even Jesus dead; she never gave up on Him. One does not go to burial places hopefully or expectantly. One goes reluctantly; to do what must be done. To pray, put flowers, clean, to cry, or to anoint, as this was the purpose of Mary.

C. Empty tomb: the stone was removed. Jesus' body was not there. Wow! That was even worse. Imagine you go to the cemetery and find a tomb of your rela or best friend open. There is nothing more scary than that. She runs to alert Peter. Her first reacon is that someone had broken in and taken Jesus’ body. Why would the grave robbers bother unwrapping the body first? Lugging around a naked, decaying corpse in the night is not a very pleasant pro- spect! It would be less risky on all counts simply to leave the body wrapped in its burial cloths and for what? No inves- gaon or autopsy or even a scienfic study needed at this me; he was not buried with treasure. He was a poor car- penter. In Africa, Hyenas are known to dig the body several feet from the ground. But there is no such thing as Hyenas in Israel; worse sll, they can’t push a heavy rock. The disciple who came with Peter went in and saw and believed in what Jesus said about His resurrecon. He understood the scripture, but could he convince others such as Peter and Mary of Magdala? No way. D. AppariƟons: Jesus, raised, appeared to Mary of Magdala first, and to other women on their way back. He ap- peared to His disciples in Galilee and even ate and drank with them. He even commissioned them to preach and to tell other people what happened. They are to witness the resurrecon. E. The worst thing is I can kill you; but if you know that you are dying, you would not be afraid. If he/she knows that he is dying too, nobody would have the courage to kill. Each day is one minus of our lifeme here on earth. Today’s feast of Easter shows us that death is the beginning of a new life for all Chrisans. “Seek what is above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God“ says today’s 2nd Reading. Jesus Himself said: “Do not be afraid of the one who can kill the body but can’t do anymore. Be afraid of the one who can kill and send your soul to Gehenna.” As we go home, let us spread the good news that Jesus is raised, death has no more power over us. Do not be afraid of death because Christ won over death for all of us. Death is the way to Heaven for all Chrisans. No anxiety, no fear, no sick- ness, no terrorists, no nuclear arms, should scare us. F. New life: New life always implies that old life has to be abandoned. Buerflies leave their cocoon once and for all. Chicks peck their way out of their eggs once and for all. Babies are anxious to leave their mother’s womb. Bapzed in Jesus Christ, we became new creatures; we le darkness once and for all, we should never try to go back. Following Jesus, He leads us to Heaven, our ulmate goal. He is the way, the truth and the life. G. First Reading: Peter is a witness of the resurrecon. He saw Jesus ng killed, risen. He saw him again and ate and drank with Him. H. Responsorial Psalm: This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. No more fasƟng; take your ice cream, glass of scotch, tea with milk and sugar… Liturgy (Intercessory Prayers) for April 4, 2021

The triumph of the resurrecƟon inspires us with confidence in God’s everlasƟng love. We bring our pray- ers to the God of life:

For the Church: that we may radiate the light and life of Christ each day and confidently live as daughters and sons of God. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all the newly bapzed and confirmed: that they may faithfully follow Jesus and keep the light of Christ burning brightly in their lives. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all believers: that Christ will pour out the Spirit upon us and enable us to connue the mission of bringing hope, meaning and love to all in our society. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all the human family: that Christ’s victory over death may bring hope and healing to all who are burdened by poverty, disease, prejudice and fear. Let us pray to the Lord, LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all children: that they may live and grow in peace, safe from all harm, and celebrang God's love each day of their life. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all who are burdened by sickness, disease or chronic illness: that the healing Spirit of the Risen Christ may bring light and wholeness to them. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

For all our deceased Parishioners, relaves and friends, that our merciful God may give them eternal rest. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

For these intenons, the intenons shared by this community during the week that we bring to the Altar, and for those intenons wrien in the silence of our hearts. Let us pray to the Lord. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

God of life, you have promised to be with us always. Hear these prayers we bring before you in the name of your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Parish Mass Information Holy Eucharist Reception CHURCH MASSES ඉකඍ BACK!!! DriveIn and then Walk Through

“SUNDAY” Mඉඛඛ Rඍඏඑඛගකඉගඑ඗ඖ එඛ STILL Rඍ඙ඝඑකඍඌ ඊඡ: is offered each Sunday in the SJE Church Narthex, Vඑඛඑගඑඖඏ ඗ඝක Wඍඊඛඑගඍ ඞඑඉ after the 11 am “Livestreamed” (now Public) Mass, Fඔ඗උඓN඗ගඍඛ, ඗ක C඗ඖගඉඋගඑඖඏ PAM JOHNSON beginning at approximately ඉග (916) 716-6228 12 pm through 1 pm. ග඗ Rඍඏඑඛගඍක ඎ඗ක Nඍචග WEEKEND’ඛ MASS Tඑඕඍ

Please visit our House Blessing Website to sign To schedule a HOUSE BLESSING appoint- -up: ment, please contact St. John the Evangelist’s Parish Office and click on at (916) 483-8454. the “sheep” Fr. Bernardin Mugabo, Fr. Alban Uba, icon at the top Fr. Tom Bland, Deacon Keith Johnson or right hand cor- Deacon Jack Wilson, are available, depending on their ner to register. schedules. Religious Education Mass Intentions April 4, 2021

ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Daily Mass Intentions for the Week of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CCD/CFF April 5-10, 2021 Grades: Kindergarten through Junior High Phone: 916-483-4628 Monday: Monday within the Octave of EASTER Email: [email protected] 6:30 am Domenic Colangelo † On March 24, our CCD students and the Parish School eighth 8:30 am Amanda Young † graders at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmaon with the Reverend Bishop Soto, Tuesday: Tuesday within the Octave of EASTER their family members, teachers, and other vital members of our 6:30 am Leslie Estrada (I) Church community. Through this sacrament, the Holy Spirit 8:30 am Kathy Baxter (I) came to our candidates further strengthening their bonds with Jesus Christ and our Church. Likewise, the Holy Spirit, the Para- Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of EASTER clete, again gave them the gis of wisdom, understanding, 6:30 am Leslie Estrada (I) counsel, fortude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Our 8:30 am Dominic Ielati † most Reverend Bishop Soto during the Homily referred to the appropriateness of celebrang Confirmaon on March 24, Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of EASTER which is the special feast day which commemorates the Incar- naon, the day when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, who 6:30 am ALL SOULS having found favor with God, then conceived Jesus, her Divine 8:30 am Veronica Siverling † Son. Friday: Friday within the Octave of EASTER It was obvious both before and aer Confirmaon, that our candidates, their sponsors, family members, and many devoted 6:30 am Sr. Fintana Riedl † church leaders were glowing in the Spirit of the Lord. Our 8:30 am Amor Herrera † teachers and sponsors, united with their family members, not only supported their children by happily being present during Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of EASTER Confirmaon, but throughout this year, they have been living 8:30 am Holy Souls in Purgatory witnesses of Jesus, who have been consistently reviewing the essenal teachings of our Catholic Faith. In addion, prior to Readings for the Week this celebraon, various devoted church leaders enhanced the beauty of our Confirmaon ceremony by adding colorful flow- ers, notable banners, capvang music, immaculate red robes, Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 and arsc Confirmaon booklets, which were unique for this memorable occasion. Also, teachers, a doctor, and other dedi- Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn cated staff members, encouraged by our bounful Father Ber- 20:11-18 nardin, coordinated a covid-free environment for our parci- pants by organizing check-in protocol tables complete with Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 hand sanizers and temperature checks for all the church as- sembly. Likewise, there were seang charts for all our guests, Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35- students, sponsors, and assistants. Through the intercession of 48 many, we were all safe amid this pandemic. Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1- As temples of the Holy Spirit, let us all always act out of love 14 for one another. May we never cease to learn about what it means to be the followers of Jesus, especially now during Lent, Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; our season of rebirth and renewal. Mk 16:9-15

Yours in Christ, Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Mrs. Joanne Giffard, Religious Educaon Coordinator 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 [email protected] jkoeckgiff[email protected] Sje Prayer List Please Pray for our sick and their caregivers: Andrea Armstrong, Bob Bodem, Nancy Born, Robert Burns, Geoff Carter, Alicia Cortez, Russ Davis, John DePiazza, Rick DiRegolo, Melissa Duran, Brenda Elazier, Kate Ellis, Karen Emmons, Madeline Endres, Debbie Erichs, Teri Erickson, Velia Escalante, Juanita Estrellas, Marn Fiorino, Anthony Gabriele, Mary Gibbs, Ella Gomes, Jimi Grant, Steve Guerrero, Donna Harris, Tom Harvey, George Heffner, Dick Hill, Gabe Howser, Mary Jeffries, Eduardo Jimenez, Yelena Kanavalchuk, Max Keyawa, Sayed Kian, Dalice Lee, Janice Lima, Ray Lloyd, Pat Lobrovich, Karen Lydon, Mary Mandara, Angelica & Cheryl Marn, Jennifer Marn, Arielle McLeskey, Pat Minnard, Manuel Molina, Michael Niekamp, Tony Nolasco, Gilles Ouellet, Mary Pai, Lynn Parry, Mike Peterson, Alex Quiroz, Max Rankin, Jeff Reynolds, Ruth Salazar, Monique Sandoval, Rena Scherman, Robert Scholtes, Christopher Sco, Paul Scur, Lili Simic, Carol Smith, Joan Smith, Hank Thompson, Kim Van Blaricom, Deanna Vest, Bob Walker, e Walker, Theresa West, Amanda Young and all those with COVID-19. SJE School News Commentator Ministry Help Needed ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST A BIG THANK YOU to MELINDA SHULL (Preschool through 8th Grade) who volunteered to lead our SJE Commentator Ministry.

will soon be ENROLLING for the We are still in need of volunteer MASS COMMENTATORS 2021-2022 school year. (at least three per each Mass time to alternate). Commentators read our prepared statements that: Excellent academics, art, music, drama, 1. acknowledge and welcome our Parishioners and visitors athletics and much more are offered in a before the start of all our “Sunday” Masses and Catholic atmosphere. 2. advise and/or remind our assembled congregation of im

Please email our Principal, portant Parish and Diocesan matters at the end of Mass. Any St. John’s Parishioner over 18 years of age Mrs. Christie Horton at is eligible to become a Commentator. [email protected] Please email us at or the SJE School office at (916) 481-8845 for [email protected] or call the SJE Office at more information. (916) 4838454 to volunteer. Thank you and God bless!! Wit and Wisdom St. Vincent de Paul Give God what’s right - not what’s left. Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference thanks you for your conƟnued support, which allows us to help the A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing. poor and needy in our neighborhood.

Happy Easter Blessings to All! He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

Be fishers of men - you catch them and He’ll SVdeP’s food closet is open on Wednesdays from 8 am to 10 am if you find yourself in need of food. Everyone is welcome clean them. and meat, fresh veggies and fruits are in abundance!

When praying, don’t give God instructions - just If you can, SVdeP can use top ramen, jelly or jam, and mac & cheese. report for duty.

Donations can be left in the “Giving Wing” or in the Chapel Wisdom has two parts - 1) having a lot to say and 2) Narthex on weekdays.

not saying it. YOU make a difference! God bless you! Wear a Mask! Stay safe! HAWAII Raffle - St. Vincent de Paul

SVdP Hawaii Raffle - TICKETS

Tired of being quarantined? Does laying on the beach with a Mai-Tai sound good?

YOU’RE IN LUCK!! Tickets for a trip to Hawaii are being sold this weekend aŌer all MASSES!!

The Grand Prize is 6 days/5 nights at the SHERATON MAUI RESORT AND SPA, AIRFARE for TWO, HERTZ CAR RENT- AL VOUCHER and a $500 AMERICAN EXPRESS GIFT CARD. Tickets are $10 each, with all proceeds going to our SVdP Conference. Aloha.

Easter Offertory Envelopes St. Vincent de Paul Help Wanted Blank Easter Offertory Envelopes are available for your Our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry could use convenience at the SJE Registration Table and some Volunteers to help out in the Food in the Narthex Brochure Holder. Locker on Wednesdays or to help out with socially-distanced home visits.

CRS - Rice Bowls If this is the ministry that is calling out to you, CRS Rice Bowls for Lent are available at please contact CùÄã«®ƒ Z›½½›Ù at (916) 320-6838 the sign-in table in the Narthex; please or [email protected] take one home and visit their website to learn more. Thank you for all your support!!! AUTO Bounty Point Real Estate DJ’s & TIRE TIRE AND Sacramento Area AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Grow in your faith, Real Estate Fast & Friendly Service find a Mass, and Specialist 916.944.1704 and Dedicated 7705 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA connect with your Parishioner Catholic Community DRE# 01014440 with OneParish! Pam Johnson (916) 716-6228 [email protected] Download Our Free App or Visit The Most Complete Online National Directory of Check It Out Today! 6443 Fair Oaks Blvd. Catholic Parishes (916) 713-2692 For All Your Real Estate Needs Glenda Hill REAL ESTATE AGENT 916.761.7548 Parishioner since 1973 [email protected]

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