BBWtSSXSSSSSXSXSSSSSXSSSXXSSSSXSXXSVSXSXSSS^ aoooooosxsssssssxxssxsssss^^ / *t Stock-Reducing Sale in jk| p . Parcel Post Mail Orders Bring Our Store to Your Door 1 ¥F Stock-Reducing Sale of Art Needlework " emo torsets Store Hours: 8:15 AJVL to 5 PJVL Daily LOI lg KimonOS Table & Towels \ 1 Style 356 ^ 420TO43^ 10 T ST. Values to $4.00 | Extra Fine Double Pattern Tablecloths at jj I Stamped Shirt Waists, Values to $1.25, 65c ^ Extraordinary Reductions. / \ $3.50 Value V Mm. M2x2 yards. Regular values, bpecial $4.00 0 Stamped Shirt Waists on fine quality , French $625 values. 5 J Lawn and . New and daiaty designs, with Ball of ?f * 1 2x2}/2 yards. Regular Special $5.00 2 4 embroidery floss to flnish same. 2x3 yards. Regular $7.50 values. Special $6.00 4 * Center- of fine »2** Bleached Extra Flee Quality Hem- < Scute. Corset Kimonos, crepes . | Stamped .lies. Neglige Gowns of Double Dumesk. in Pitched Hark Towels. 4 5 then and Pillow Sllpsi I colored J*1"*newest and most de- Swiss and dainty Covers. f QJ/ $2.69 sirable extra ^ large sise and $1.00 t also handkerchief Bar*. In w/2C N:emo Corsets, made mmV prettily trimmed with patterns: regular ^ 25c values. trimmed; me- W * lace an