The way wc were Only woman in Ad Hall of Fame! First ad woman vp First woman on board of directors! Reports from 33 offices re: advancements professionals executives and af ter-S achieve' ments!

Counterclockwise: Helen Lansdowne Resor as she looked upon her retire­ ment in 1958. Peggy King, co-director in fifties and early sixties of "Woman's Copy Group" with Nancy Stephenson, upper left; 1942 version of advertise­ ment for Pond's Cold Cream, with Helen Resor's famous slogan. First with testimonials Mrs. Resor's obituary in the Janu­ ary 3, 1964 New York Herald Tribune credited her with other firsts: originat­ ing testimonial as in the famous Pond's campaign, "She's en­ gaged, she's lovely, she uses Pond's", inducing famous photographers and artists, such as Edward Steichen, Cecil Beaton and Norman Rockwell to illus­ trate advertising copy and training and placing women in major agency posts. It has been said that Helen Resor assembled a working group of women whose combined talents and special­ ized capacities have not been equaled before or since in U.S. advertising. Trained other women Important to the famous "Woman's Nancy F. Stephenson was elected vice cents the importance of our women's Group" were Ruth Waldo, the first president of JWT in 1955. She was named groups in the various offices of the com­ to the board of directors in 1963. Norman pany." Nancy served on the board until her woman vp at Thompson and Peggy Strouse's announcement of Nancy's elec­ retirement in 1965. She is seen here with "The Hat" King. Both women are as tion read in part, "Mrs. Stephenson's ad­ retired chairman of the board Strouse at a legendary as their mentor. It took Ruth vancement to the board comes as a result party given last year in honor of former Waldo from 1915 when she first joined of her broad contributions to the creative board members. JWT till 1930 to become chief of JWT's excellence of our work. It also further ac­ entire woman's copy department. Harriet Rex, NYO vp, remembers her, "You always called her 'Miss Only Woman In Advertising Hall Of Fame Waldo'—and the women under her wore hats all the time. Like most good "In 1908, when Mr. Stanley Resor The entire statement makes fascinat­ creative people she was extremely curi­ opened the branch office of the J. Wal­ ing reading, outlining as it does, the ous about everything—even your vaca­ ter Thompson Company in Cincinnati, depth and breadth of Helen Lans- tions!" I went with him as the only writer and downe's involvement in the develop­ stayed in this branch doing all the ment of JWT, before she became Helen In the Resor tradition copywriting done here until January, Resor. Of course, some will say, she "Decorum was very important to 1911 when I went as a writer to the was smart, she married the boss. But her. There was a right and a wrong New York Office of the J. Walter not until 1917, the year after Stanley way for a lady to act, proper manners, Thompson Company. I was the first B. Resor became vice president and no shouting," adds Ruth Downing woman to be successful in writing and general manager of the company. Karp, NYO sr. vp, creative supervisor. planning national, as opposed to retail, "To me, she always represented what advertising." The above is part of "Greatest of generation" was best about this agency—high prin­ Helen Lansdowne Resor's stockhold­ ciples, absolute devotion to the busi­ er's affidavit, dated "March 20, 1924. David has called Helen Resor ness and the client's product. She did There was more. In part, it read, "the greatest copywriter" of her genera­ more for the cause of women's rights— "Most of the clients of the J. Walter tion. And she is the only woman in the and opportunities than anybody else Thompson Company were making Advertising Hall of Fame. I can think of." products, the ultimate consumers of No wonder Advertising Age reported which were women. In advertising these in a special 100 Years of Advertising Great opportunities products I supplied the feminine point edition, "Thompson was the first Peggy King, who followed Ruth of view. I watched the advertising to agency to raise women to major posi­ Waldo in both positions, was equally see that the idea, the wording and the tions and one of the first to elect a regarded. About her Harriet says, illustration were effective for women. woman vice president." " 'Good' from Peggy King was worth During 1911, I made five trips back to Helen Resor opened the trail and three cheers from anyone else." Cincinnati to represent our agency be­ set standards against which much of Upon her retirement in 1964, after fore the Board of Directors of Procter today's best work is still measured. She 45 years at JWT, Norman Strouse, then and Gamble, to answer questions from coined "The Skin You Love To Touch" president, described Peggy King as "a the woman's point of view, which arose for Woodbury's Soap. A slogan which living demonstration of the opportuni­ regarding the of Crisco. This caused one famous ad man to observe ties that exist for women in American was the first time Procter and Gamble that "Thompson's stolen the march on business, in the field of advertising, and had ever opened their board meetings us. They put sex in soap advertising." particularly, in the Thompson Com­ to a woman." (Ed note: Gloria Steinem, please note.) pany." If much of the above is news to Since this JWT NEWS is devoted to "The most of the readers of this publication, Thompson Women" it seemed appropriate to hear from a woman who is very impor­ perhaps the last paragraph of Mrs. tant to a man who is very important to Resor's stockholder's affidavit might JWT. Don Johnston. Therefore, in lieu of serve as explanation, "I have been the regular column, "From The Desk Of —", asked for articles on myself, or on my with thanks to a gracious lady, here is: work, by many of the women's maga­ zines and by the following newspaper An syndicates: Doubleday Page Service, McClure Syndicate Service, North Interview American Newspaper Alliance, Hearst's International Service. As publicity of With this kind does not appeal to me, I have Sarita refused these requests." Johnston Mrs. Johnston, you have seen women JWT/Corporate in many countries, are women's roles Rena Bartos different today? Rena Bartos points End stereotyping Oh, there is a terrific change in this the way - for marketers There are many examples of this new country and in England particularly. awareness of the changing roles and Women have equal opportunities now and women! living patterns of American women but with jobs, so they can make a real Rena is the first to caution U.S. adver­ contribution. Not so in Tokyo, when "There is no way we can write ads tisers "to keep stereotypes out of ad­ we first lived there—it was so frustrat­ that show women as competitive house­ vertising—let's not invent new ones. ing—the women were kept close within wives working to have the whitest wash And get rid of all those ads which cast the family and there was no contact or the shiniest floor on the block, or the man as a dumb-dumb." i with the outside—with foreigners like as simple-minded slobs or simpering us. I didn't like that because when I idiots," opined Rena Bartos in last A-1 spokeswoman am living in a country I want to learn December's issue of Madison Avenue, Rena's work at Thompson has put about the people, the customs and if the national advertising magazine in her in a position of great influence. In you are kept from the women you miss the U.S. 1976, she coauthored with Theodore so much. The new generation in Tokyo The article was part of a special is­ F. Dunn, a study for the American is different—more open. sue on "Thirty Years of Advertising to Association of Advertising Agencies Are women better off now? Women". Rena's opinions on the sub­ which was published as "Advertising Certainly! This change is very good ject are much sought after anytime the and Consumers, New Perspectives". for women. For too many years we subject comes up in public forum. As She is a frequent speaker at industry were quiet and put away in the house. events, in both the U.S. and overseas. well they might be, since as sr. vp, You and Don have lived in how Her writings have been published by director of communications develop­ many countries? How has it been to the American Marketing Association ment for JWT/Corporate, Rena care­ travel around so much? and LA A Life Advertiser. There are fully studied the subject in 1972. The Let's see, we have lived in six coun­ other articles in the works for Harvard first results were presented in the JWT tries. First, in my country, Colombia, Business Review and the Journal of publication, The Moving Target, for where we met and were married and Marketing. which she was responsible. This study then in the U.S., the Netherlands, was one of the first to define the im­ In 1976 she was appointed chair­ Tokyo, Germany, England and now portant changes that have been taking person of the 4A's Research Commit­ back to the U.S. I have loved it. I think place in the target market of most tee and this year will be her second any woman who has the chance to do American advertisers, women from 18 as chairwomen of the AMA's "Effies" such a thing should just do it—just to 49. (Effectiveness in Advertising) Award go! go! It makes us all better human Committee. She was also elected to beings to meet all the people in the Women on the move Board of AMA in 1976. different countries. We used to say And what do the facts reveal? 46 She has developed programs for Ad­ "Oh! Those English, they are so stiff!" percent of all females, 16 or older in vertising Women of New York which They are not. When you get to know the U.S., are in the work force. Three have general industry interest. For ex­ them you see this is just their manner percent more than three years ago. ample, the mayor of the City of New and they are really nice—and wonder­ Only 45 percent of U.S. women are York, Abraham Beame, will speak at ful people. full-time housewives. Three out of five the April meeting. In May of this year How about the children? Has it been working women are married. These she will be installed as president of good for them—traveling around? facts led Rena to exhort marketers—at Advertising Women. It's interesting to Yes, yes, definitely. They are better Thompson and in the industry general­ note that the speaker at this event will for it. It has been a unique experience ly, to start looking at American women be the chairman of JWT/London, for them to meet and live with people in non-stereotypical ways, to reach Jeremy Bullmore, himself something of in all the different countries, to see the them with nonconventional methods. a stereotype smasher. Continued on page 4 3 JWT/Australia Twenty women are professionals and Sarita Johnston continued nine of them have advanced from cleri­ ways different people live. They have Reports from Thompson offices in cal positions. One of these is Celia E. grown tremendously because of it— all parts of the world show that the Leuterio, who came to Thompson in they're more aware of the whole world, women's movement is a worldwide 1954 as secretary to the general man­ more tolerant. phenomenon, not in any way confined ager. She became executive assistant to Did you ever have a job? to the U.S. or the West. Judging by the president in 1961 and personnel Yes, when we were first married I the increasing number of women who manager in 1971. Now, she is adminis­ was a secretary for Shell Oil in Colom­ are working outside the home, it is tration and personnel director. bia in charge of Short Wave Commu­ nications to the oil fields. I enjoyed it. clear that women have learned that Yolanda R. Villanueva is a creative Do you think there is a special con­ economic equality is the big step to group head who started in 1971 as a sexual equality. tribution women can make to adver­ trainee writer with Philippine Advertis­ tising? Worldwide the advertising business ing Counsellors. She came to JWT in employs a large number of women. Well, women are much more sensi­ 1974 as a copywriter and was pro­ tive—they perceive other people's feel­ For example, our Sydney office has 67 moted in April, 1976! men and 82 women, one-third of ings better than men. It's natural for Corazon O. Almazan is also a cre­ whom are professionals. them. And so advertising is a tremen­ ative group head. Corazon started out dous field for them. They can use this Edwina Dusseldorp is the director of with Dentsu in '71 and came to Thomp­ sensitivity in research, in creative and creative research in Sydney. She has a son in '73 as concept copywriter. She then they are always using so many B.A. degree from New York Univer­ was promoted in March '76 to her products that are advertised, they can sity with a major in psychology. After group headship. bring in their own experience with the graduation she worked in New York products and yet be objective about City, then in 1972 returned to Austra­ There's a woman senior account them, too. And they can communicate lia. She was a free lance market re­ manager, Guillermina S. Vargas, in all this to women because they know search consultant before coming to JWT/Manila. Mrs. Vargas came to what women understand. JWT to help form the creative research unit. You've said you think their new freedom is good for women; do you Many famous women copywriters think it is also good for men? have started in retail and so Norma Yes, very good. Women and men Watson followed in a respected tradi­ will soon share, not just the household tion when she started out with the problems—women will know more David Jones store in Sydney. She went what's going on outside in the world off to London for a spell to get agency and be able to discuss more—to com­ experience; returned to Sydney and municate more with their husbands. joined JWT as a copywriter in '56. And that will help them both. Now she's one of three creative group heads. JWT/Puerto Rico JWT/New Zealand The women outnumber the men in Minda R. Lansang Wellington and Auckland together sunny JWT/San Juan—there are twen­ have five women: Maureen Tahere is ty women out of a total roll of 34. media planner and buyer and has been Maritza Carrero is public relations at Thompson for 6 years. Lynne Mella officer and joined JWT last year. She is TV coordinator with 5 years experi­ has a B.A. in communications and pho­ ence at JWT/Sydney and Auckland. tography from the College of Notre Sue Jones is receptionist/secretary in Dame, Baltimore and also Rochester Wellington and Lyn Goody is senior Institute of Technology. secretary in the same office. In the Margarita Rivera has a B.S. from the Auckland office, Yvonne Collingwood University of Puerto Rico and a M.S. is receptionist/secretary. from Columbia University. She came to Thompson in 1968 as assistant account executive. Now Margarita is account JWT/Philippines director and supervises media and mar­ keting for all clients in Caribbean mar­ Nominanda R. Lansang, media di­ kets. rector of the agency, started as a secre­ Celia E. Leuterio tary in 1961. "Minda" was just elected Philippines continued chairman of the board of Philippine Thompson in 1960 as a secretary. She Another woman in account manage­ Mass Communications Research So­ was promoted to account representa­ ment in the Manila office is Teresa S. ciety for 1976-77. tive in 1966 and in 1971 was given Abesamis, who joined the agency in There are fifty women in the Manila her present responsibilities. She is 1969 as account representative. She office out of a total of 116 employees. married with three children. became account director in July, 1976. JWT/Uruguay

Naresda Enriquez Carole MacGregor Marina Hernandez flowing with words, curiosity and Marina Hernandez started at Thomp­ Elena Mayobre ideas." She has two daughters who, if son as a secretary in 1971. Robin re­ Ably countering the idea that women following their mother, are probably ports, "Outstanding efficiency and will­ aren't adept at figures is a JWT lady studying very hard. ingness to help have led Marina to be in charge of accounts, finances and ad­ In a managerial position alongside appointed traffic controller. ministration. She joined the agency in Yrma is Naresda Enriquez, research Carole MacGregor must like the 1955 as a clerk in the media depart­ director. Naresda has a degree in soci­ challenge of working for Lee Preschel ment and was soon transferred to the ology from the University of Caracas because she first joined JWT in 1969 account management department. She and has done post graduate studies in as Lee's secretary. Then she resigned gradually rose to her present position. dynamics of group conduction, psy­ to go to Spain for an 18 month sab­ Her name, Elena Mayobre. A graduate chology, computer programming and batical. In 1973 she returned to her of "Sacre Couer" school, Elena is mar­ its application to . present job. "Tremendously hard­ ried and has two children. In her 3Vi years at JWT she has con­ working, efficient and dedicated" is There are seven persons in the Uru­ ducted hundreds of group sessions. Robin's further word on her. guayan office; three of them are fe­ male. Elena is the lone professional of 1976, Milena was appointed to the the trio. management committee; she also serves on the Plans and Creative Review JWT/Venezuela Board. "Woman's touch is needed in advertising and we've learned to be more aggressive — so nothing can stop us now!" — Yrma Perez Milena de Atala Robin Restall of JWT/Venezuela reports, "Out of the total staff of 62, there are 31 women. How's that for Fedora De Marzi equality?" 12 are professionals and 19 Three of the professional women in have clerical positions. Four of the pro­ the Peruana office have advanced from fessionals have progressed from cleri­ clerical positions. Fedora De Marzi cal to their present jobs. moved from secretary to account rep­ resentative and is now account super­ visor. Also in account management is Miriam Sano, who went from secretary Norma Belgrano to junior account rep to her present position as account supervisor. JWT/Peru Norma Belgrano came to Thompson "Maybe by the 1980's we'll in 1974 as coordinator in the audio­ even have a woman director visual department. In 1974 she became of the office — a first for the cinema, tv, and radio producer. Before Yrma Perez third world! Thompson, Norma was a tv model, For example, the creative director in —Norma Belgrano announcer and "mistress of ceremo­ Caracas is Yrma Perez. She joined nies". JWT as a secretary to Lee Preschel in Milena dc Atala, vice president and Yamile Hirsh de DeLama was ap­ 1966. Then she attended evening media director of JWT Peruana, joined pointed head of the copywriting depart­ classes at Caracas University to earn JWT in March, 1957 as secretary to ment in September, 1976 after three her degree in social communications. the media department. As such, she years as a copywriter at Thompson. In 1969, she was transferred to the copy was one of the three persons who At present, there are eight women in department. Yrma speaks Spanish, started the Lima office. In 1964, she clerical positions at JWT/Peru. Add Italian, French and English, and in became media department head and that number to the six professionals for Robin's words, "is dynamic—over- in 1973 was elected vice president. In a total of 14 out of 45 employees. and for new products from existing months ago as head of the audiovisual JWT/Mexico clients. department, responsible for the entire "In 10 years maybe women Maria Luisa Mendicute, also cre­ production of tv and radio commer­ will not be shown in ads as ative director, has received literary cials. Experience before Thompson in­ sex/mother symbols but as in­ prizes from official and private institu­ cludes a stint with the BBC in London dividuals."— Blanca Vargas tions for her essays, stories and poems. where she wrote movie reviews and And one of the offices' assistant ac­ also broadcast to Latin America. Blanca Vargas is an account execu­ count representatives is Ana Mayorga, Leonie Assaly is an account super­ tive who has been at JWT for three who doubles as correspondent of visor who points out that "being a years. A thoroughly professional ad­ Historia y Vida, a magazine published woman in advertising is an asset—our vertising executive, she's also a much in Spain. finer qualities such as acute perception, sought-after expert on bullfighting. Thirty-nine percent of the staff of the patience and attention to detail are She is even consulted by such well- Argentina office are women—that. very useful—and working side by side known fighters such as Manolo Mar­ makes 43 in all. 29 have clerical jobs with some wonderful guys is a marvel­ tinez and Cruz Flores. and 14 are professionals. Six of the ous experience—I would not want it Esperanza Munoz is the head of the above have moved from the clerical any other way." payroll department at JWT/Mexico. staff to professional positions. JWT/Rio has three women who She's been there for 32 years. Working Among the latter group is Mary

Susy Katz de Palacios Mary Martin Martin, who began at JWT in 1960 as assistant in the media department. She later was secretary to an account repre­ sentative. In 1969, she was promoted Esperanza Munoz to assistant account representative and for an international company has in­ four years ago she was assigned to her spired her interest in collecting dolls present job as account representative. from many nations. Now all traveling The report concludes, "A number Maria Elena Sayanes Cavalcanti Borba Thompsonites bring her dolls from the of our women employees are studying countries they visit. at night at the University and will be Of the 19 professional women in the receiving degrees in the next months office, 10 have advanced from clerical or years." positions. Now there are 23 women in clerical positions. The total staff is 97. JWT/Brazil "Sole female among the tough guys" JWT/Argentina is Maria Elena Hernandez Kerfoot, Susy Katz de Palacios, a creative who is management supervisor and director in Argentina, also writes a member of the operations committee. Leonie Assaly Maria Elena H. Kerfoot page in the women's supplement of a She also runs the communications plan­ started out as assistants or typists and Montevideo newspaper, El Dia. And ning and research department. Maria who now have important managerial she has scripted tv programs for the has been with JWT since '72 and has positions. Maria da Conceicao Cruz television station there. In the same visited the New York, Chicago, Detroit went from typist to media planner; vein, Rita Ryan, producer, has won and London offices. "If all runs to Maria Vicentina F. da Silva is head of prizes for a documentary in her own schedule, she will be in New York the personnel department having and other countries. Rita has been at again this year to pick up any know- started as assistant there and Zamila JWT since 1961. how she can lay her hands on," reports Azulay went from media assistant to Another creative director in the of­ Maria Cristina Jahnel, our Sao Paulo media coordinator. fice is Margarita Pelle, now in charge correspondent. Brazil's statistics are: Rio, 62 on of a special creative group responsible Maria Elena Sayanes Cavalcanti staff, 21 women; Sao Paulo, 187 on for initial campaigns for new clients Borba joined the Sao Paulo office two staff, 62 women. JWT/Canada and worked throughout Europe—in of music and was born, raised and ed­ London, Brussels and Madrid. She is ucated in Ontario. _ "There are no feminist organ­ now a Canadian citizen. Toronto izations in Canada but we Our Montreal correspondent reports Of JWT's three Canadian offices, women in advertising are try­ on Anne Mysyk, senior copywriter. Toronto is the largest with a staff of ing not to show women in "Before joining JWT 17 years ago, 179, of whom 76 are female. housewife/drudge roles any­ Anne learned how to write, produce, Professionals in the office number more."—Marlene Hore direct and interview during brief stints 15. Anita McDougald, elected in 1976, Marjene Hore, vp and group cre­ at regional tv stations. Her interest in is the only woman vice president in the ative director with the Montreal office tv became so keen, she wrote two half- Toronto office. She joined JWT in for Wi years, has had a story pub­ hour scripts for the now defunct 'Mil­ 1973 as a group media director. A lished in Miss Chatelaine. She also lionaire' series and sold them without graduate of the University of Manitoba, guest lectures at McGill University and an agent. she has a B.A. in English and Psy­ has received numerous awards from the "The weekly Kraft tv commercials chology. New York, Montreal and Toronto Art seem to have provided the challenge Two of the woman professionals in Directors' Clubs, as well as from tele­ she needed. The Canadian vehicle is Toronto are copywriters-—Faye Fonz- vision festivals in the U.S. and Canada. patterned on the JWT/Chicago NBC low and Pam Weprin. Robyn Davidek Sylvie Demogeot's answer to a ques­ model, and over the years JWT/Chi­ is an account representative now, hav­ tion about her professional achieve­ cago copywriters (Margo Adler, Marg ing been promoted from account sec­ ments is succinct. "First female account Buchen) and Kraft's Dorothy Holland retary to account coordinator to her executive, account supervisor and ac­ have seen her over the rough spots. present job. She is also managing editor count director in JWT/Canada." And All this close exposure to food has of JWT's Canadian Newsletter, The Sylvie has been with JWT/Montreal given Anne a vast background. Some­ Commodore's Log. only since 1973. Previous experience day she'd like to acquire a flour mill in includes four years at Grey, and two Alberta, and produce the 'right' kind JWT/South Africa years at McKim/Benton & Bowles. of products, internationally. One of the exciting developments in Raymonde Lavoie joined JWT five Vancouver the advertising world in South Africa years ago as a copywriter. In 1974 she The word from Vancouver reveals is the recent approval of television as was promoted to creative group di­ that 11 women out of a staff of 21 a medium for commercials. Until now, rector. "man" that office. And professional only cinema commercials have been Two of the 13 professionals in the women outnumber those in clerical po­ permitted. And who's in charge of Montreal office advanced from clerical sitions six to five, a first for this report. tv commercial production at JWT/ positions. One is Sharlene M. Harrison. Among the former is Virginia Alsager, Johannesburg? A young woman, Gill Sharlene joined JWT in 1975 and a who started at JWT in April of '76 as Burt, who has had six years experience year later was promoted to junior copy­ assistant art director, after attending producing commercials for independent writer. She works on "Kraft, Montreal Art Center College of Design, Los television in Britain. Trust, Northern Telecom and any Angeles for a year. She also has a Other women of special note in the other client I can become involved in." diploma in Art in Merchandising from offices are Penny Alder, Helen Fosbury Sharlene also works on internal com­ Vancouver Community College. and Angela Magness, who are senior munications for JWT/Montreal, con­ The office manager of JWT/Van- research executives. And our corres­ tributing frequently to The Commo­ couver is Inez Wilde, a 12-year vet­ pondent, Su Birch, who is an account dore's Log. eran of the agency. Our reporter tells supervisor as well as associate director.

Raymonde Lavoie Sylvie Demogeot Gill Burt The second professional to work her us Inez is "very active in choral groups Recently, Sylvia Desfontaines has way up from a secretarial job is and choirs." advanced from a secretarial job to Daphne Labbe, who was promoted to Dawn Thompson, a professional media buyer. media buyer three months ago. writer for over 13 years, is now cre­ In all, there are 45 women out of a Daphne was born in Cairo, Egypt, ative director in JWT/Vancouver. total staff of 110 in Johannesburg and educated in Canada, and has traveled She's published a novel and an album 12 out of 37 in Cape Town. JWT/Sweden

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Christina Danner In the Swedish spotlight is Christina Danner, project leader of JWT/Stock- holm's Finance Group. Christina made a big step at JWT, starting as assistant to the former fi­ nance manager. Now she is responsible for the group and works with outside financial experts like Hans Ihlefeld in Frankfurt. Ingrid adds, "Although the working hours have become much longer, Christina still insists that she is even having some fun apart from get­ JWT/London Judie Lannon ting all the figures in the proper boxes." "In England now, women have tising is that although much of it is certainly not advertisements. Indeed, less chance to excuse them­ directed at the ladies, women have little I think ads have widened perspectives, selves for lack of progress on say in its content," commented the given women new images to contem­ the grounds of discrimination London Times recently. Obviously plate. It's so difficult to generalize they couldn't be referring to JWT, about women as a category. There are than because of a lack of more differences among women than talent." — Ursula Sedgwick since Judie Lannon is a member of the board of directors of JWT/Lon­ there are between men and women." Ursula Sedgwick, our London corre­ don. Miss Lannon's answer to "what- Other notable women at JWT/Lon­ spondent, sent a fat package of infor­ a-triumph-for-women" comments is don include associate directors Lee mation about the 339 women out of apt to run something like "If anything Godden, account planner; Patricia a staff of 737 employed at 40 Berkeley is relevant, it's probably the fact that Mann, copywriter/producer and Anne Square. It arrived, in Ursula's words, I'm American. We have a certain rep­ Isaacs, creative supervisor. "stark and naked to use as you wish." utation in business." Lesley Heath is a relative newcomer (Ed. note: As "we wish" would be to having joined JWT in 1975. She's an use it all, but even though four pages Any reputation Judie has is, no award-winning tv producer. have been added to this issue, space will doubt, well deserved. She arrived at The statistical report re women and not permit publication of the wealth of JWT/London 7 years ago as head of JWT/London, in part listed above, is detail from London. We're immediately creative research and dug into work impressive. In addition, Ursula reports requesting permission to produce The on women's attitudes about how they nine women who now have important Thompson Women, Part II very soon.) are depicted in advertisements and, senior professional positions started Let's take Ursula first. She's a senior more recently, into a large study on out at JWT/London as secretaries or associate director, now in charge of JWT how housewives changed over the past clerks. That figure includes head of art communications, internal, interoffice decade. buying, Violet Skeates; head of mailing, and external. Starting at JWT in '51 as What did she learn? "Our study Julie Orr; personnel officer, Cecile"Bar­ a copywriter, Ursula has "worked on all showed that women are very much nett; creative supervisor, Jill Firth; re­ sorts of accounts from Kraft to Lever more aware of having a dual role of presentative, Elizabeth Oxley; copy­ Brothers." She's also written "cookery being able to work and run a home," writer, Patricia Mann; PR executive, books", published in 11 countries. explains Judie. "If women learn their Maureen Cropper and Elvira Bruhnsen, "A frequent complaint about adver- roles from anyone, it is their mothers, European coordinator. son in a clerical capacity. Married to JWT/Belgium an American novelist, Louisa has three JWT/Netherlands Any report from Belgium involving children, speaks Dutch, French, English women and advertising must mention and some German. the seminar presented in Brussels, late Monique De Wilde became a media in '76 by the Belgian and German planner after her initial clerical assign­ chapters of the International Advertis­ ment at Thompson. ing Association. "Women in the Ads: Claudine Danon, head of the PR Serving a Purpose or Just the Coffee" department, is another of the Brussels was the subject and Albert Brouwet, women who have attained professional managing director of JWT/Brussels, status from a start at the typewriter. was the host. Moderated by Lorelle Art director Josette Taes really en­ Burke, communications director of the joys her work, according to our corre­ Dialog Division of the Brussels office spondent. Other pleasures? Shopping, and Hugh Holker, world president of cinema, gardening, cats and tropical I.A.A., this discussion was notable for aquaria. the comprehensive audiovisual presen­ tation given by the moderators and for the spirited discussion it provoked. The former was based on Rena Bartos' Ruth Schaerer study, "The Moving Target" (page 3, Now a member of the management this issue, JWT NEWS) and another board, as well as an account super­ study of purchase influence, "The Elu­ visor, Ruth Schaerer joined JWT in sive Commodity", by Y & R and Read­ 1969 from Norman, Craig & Kummel er's Digest. where she had reached account execu­ The moderators concluded that tive status after four years. At Thomp­ "women's lib" translates into "market­ son, Ruth is mainly in charge of Uni­ ing lib"—a golden opportunity not to lever business. be missed. As our Brussels correspon­ Monica-Doris Hangartner is known dent, Bruce Emmer reports, the panel as "Mo". A writer and conceptionist, discussion which followed showed she is a native of Zurich. Before com­ many marketers present were not ready ing to Thompson as a trainee writer to shed the old stereotypes of women. in 1970, "Mo" was secretary to man­ One felt that women are shown in ad­ ager of a film production company. vertising strictly for commercial rea­ But let her tell it. "I'm now working sons, as a prop, and how she is por­ on almost everything suspected to be in trayed has no bearing on her larger good hands with a woman: Lever hair role in life. Lorelle Burke products, perfume, detergent, Lux soap Fortunately, Rena was on the panel, and liquid, on Warner-Lambert gums, and pointed out, "It is just good busi­ on Pepsi-Cola and—because there is ness sense to keep up with your target JWT/Switzerland generally some English to translate— group, with its changing self-percep­ on Pan Am." tions." Prominent among our Amsterdam What she likes about what she's professionals is Kitty Steingrover, who doing: "every problem being different, The provocative discussion was re­ started with Thompson as a free lance periods of intense working being fol­ ported in depth in the Brussels adver­ secretary in 1959. Kitty spent three lowed by times to relax and that the tising publication, Pub, which also years typing, filing and answering kind »f work does imply a constant carried a photograph of Lorelle and phones until she was recruited as PR dialogue." her co-moderator. executive in 1963. She functioned "with "Mo" has not yet seen Madison Lorelle came to Thompson as a distinction" in that role until 1973 Avenue and considers "a good meal copywriter in JWT/NYO in 1969. She when she was chosen to be office man­ and a good chat in good company was chosen for her Belgium assign­ ager of Lexington International. Janu­ among the best things in the world." ment in 1973. She "adores" cooking, ary, 1976 brought her to The Zurich score: 13 women to 10 photography, antiques and also plays associate director. Kitty speaks five men—and the clerical-professional bal­ the banjo expertly. languages—English, German, French, ance is close as well—seven clerical to Of a staff of 53 there are 24 women Dutch and Indonesian. six professional. in the Brussels office, 16 in clerical po­ sitions and eight professionals. Three of the latter have been promoted from THE JWT NEWS Guest Art Director for this special issue: their former clerical jobs. Editor: Jane Collins Snowday Stella Grafakos, JWT/NYO, without whose Louisa Quisquater-Eaton, now in Assistant: Sharon Gordon good humor and dogged determination PR, is among those who joined Thomp­ Thanks to all the men who helped us and to we never would have gotten it together. 9 JWT/Germany JWT/Austria "Our newest research shows The following telex exchange tells the a swing back to the warmness tale from Austria: of family life in Germany— TO: ALFRED TIEFENBRUNNER, AUSTRIA FROM: EDITOR, JWT NEWS which will again change how DID YOU RECEIVE TELEX OF JAN 18TH, women are shown in ads." RE: WOMEN AND JWT NEWS ISSUE? — Carmen Lakaschus ABSOLUTE DEADLINE IS THURSDAY, MARCH 10. IF YOU WISH YOUR OFFICE That's a Thompson woman at the TO BE INCLUDED, PLEASE SEND MA­ TERIAL ASAP. microphone, commentating a fashion j^s^ show for Swakara (South African Kar­ ATT: JWT NEWS OFFICE FROM: A. TIEFENBRUNNER— VIENNA akul Board). Her name is Helga Erasmi RE: WOMEN OF JWT and she's the account supervisor on the WE MUST BE A MALE CHAUVINIST ORI­ fur board's business. It seems unusual ENTED SHOP. NO FEMALE EXECS ONLY EXCEPTION IS HEAD OF OUR P.R. OF­ Gabriele Chmielewski to an NYO reporter for an account FICE. BIO AND PIX IN MAIL TO YOU. supervisor to narrate a fashion show, vice in Frankfurt is Erentraud Menar- REGARDS. however, our Frankfurt correspondent bin, who joined the agency in 1971. TO: A. TIEFENBRUNNER points out that Helga is known as "Mrs. Gabriele Chmielewski is now an ac­ FROM: JWT NEWS OFFICE Swakara" throughout the fur world in count supervisor, having come to JWT CAN YOU TELEX CORRECT NUMBER OF WOMEN IN YOUR OFFICE, BROKEN Germany. Her group's work with the in 1975 from 10 years at a small DOWN INTO CLERICAL AND PROFES­ brand has been instrumental in raising agency. There she had been associate SIONAL CATEGORIES? the market share considerably. director. TO: JWT NEWS OFFICE FROM: A. TIEFENBRUNNER — VIENNA The Frankfurt office responds to Renate Danhauser came to JWT/ THIS MORNING'S COUNT SHOWED 45 the attention of women if one is to Germany when it was just six months PERSONNEL AT JWT VIENNA, OF WHICH believe the figures. Out of 360 on staff, old, in 1953. She now manages the per­ 24 ARE FEMALE. 168 are women. 46 are professionals, sonnel department, which, considering SPECIFICALLY THEY ARE ONE CLEAN­ 15 of whom have worked their way ING LADY, 2 PHONE/RECEPTION, 9 SEC­ the number of employees, is something RETARIES, 4 ASSISTANTS, 6 SPECIAL­ from clerical positions. Now there are of a task. She spends her vacations in ISTS (ACCOUNT PLANNING, MEDIA, TV 122 women in clerical jobs. Bavaria helping to manage a small PRODUCTION, ART BUYING), 1 BOOK­ KEEPER, 1 P.R. DEPARTMENT MANAGER. Carmen Lakaschus, manager of hotel of which she is co-owner. THE ONLY TRUE PROFESSIONAL (AND JWT/Frankfurt's "Basisresearch Insti- One of the women to advance from EXECUTIVE) IS THE P.R. MGR. tut", is also a professor in the Science secretary is Erika Schmidt, who came REGARDS. of Communications at the University aboard in 1961. She was promoted to (Ed note: The bio and pix of Eybe of Mainz. Carmen joined JWT is 1969. account management and became an Salcher-Brockdorff missed the dead­ The manager of the JWT Press Ser- account supervisor in 1973. line. Sorry.)

Helga Erasmi at microphone. U.S. West JWT/Italy 59 are women. And 25 of those are JWT Honolulu professional with the balance of 34 in "You can see the great clerical jobs. In the JWT office in the 50th state Any publicity in local media about the staff fluctuates between 10 and 12 change for women in our dia­ persons. The steadying influence is the monds advertising where now the female professionals in Milan? "All the senior ladies in our companies are six women; four professionals which a woman can think of buying include media director Margot Todd one for herself!" married. Thus between working and being wives they don't have much time and art director Betty Amendola. —Wilma Vigano for other activities," reported David More about two of these stalwarts Campbell-Harris, manager of the office. is best told in office manager Ridge Wilma Vigano is account executive Lundwall's words: on DeBeers diamonds. She started at "When Linda Brock, our traffic co- JWT as a secretary in 1965, then in JWT/Spain '68, moved on to the PR department, Putting it plainly, the ladies of Spain where she began work on DeBeers. are doing well. There are 33 women "She has had some fascinating experi­ out of a total of 94 employees. Two ence including making a three hour tv women are heads of departments and film, traveling literally all over the associate directors, three are account world." Has also served on the jury representatives, two are PR executives of the International Diamond Award. and the head of personnel is a woman. Likes reading, poker and traveling . . . There is also one woman tv producer she obviously does a lot. Married, she (see below), three assistant art direc­ has one son. tors and two media buyers. ••


Wilma Vigano Franca Invernizzi Maria Del Carmen Itziar Zabalgogeazcoa Sherry Sternberg Margot Todd Pequeno Franca Invernizzi joined JWT in Maria Del Carmen Pequeno is about ordinator, took her first job seven years 1961 as secretary to management. to celebrate her 10th anniversary with ago at a New York City agency, she When the Rome office was opened in JWT. She started as a secretary and thought a "mechanical" was something 1962 she became the eyes and ears of was promoted to account executive in you did to a car. But, she learned fast. that office in Milan. A role that still 1970. Her travels have taken her to Four years ago Linda left the Big fills part of her time. She also heads Greece, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Apple for Hawaii on a leave of ab­ the "I" group, which services inter­ Austria, Germany, Holland, Belgium, sence, which became rather extended. national clients. Franca is married and France, England, Thailand and the "In Linda's spare time she paddles the mother of two sons, ages 8 and 12. U.S.A. outrigger canoes, a very important and Maria Rosa Castellano is managing The aforementioned tv producer is popular sport in Hawaii. Last year her director of EMARBI, the research arm Itziar Zabalgogeazcoa, who was born crew copped the Oahu, State and World of JWT/Italy. She worked for six years in Havana, Cuba where she lived until Championships. She's seen here with in the research department of JWT/ she was 17. She started at JWT as the Gold Medal they won! Milan before joining EMARBI. She secretary to the managing director, a "Copywriter Sherry Sternberg is rela­ has one son. job she kept for. five years until she tively new to the JWT/Hawaii team. Anna Scotti, an associate director, was promoted to her present position. Over the past ten years, along with is head of the creative department. She Maria Angeles Bartolome, assistant copywriting, she has served in every started as a copywriter, then went from art director, has an interesting history, job from traffic clerk to bookkeeper group head to creative coordinator. best told in Manuel de Elexpuru's with various broadcast and print ad­ Now, she is also responsible for ac­ words, "Her working life has consisted vertising firms. count planning. Married to a distin­ of a long list of unpleasanrexperiences "When you ask Sherry where's guished doctor, Anna has two children for the firms where she worked: they 'home', you'll never get the same an­ and spends her spare time collecting all had to close just a few months after swer twice, 'My father was in the Army avant-garde art for her house at Lake she went to work for them. and my husband is in the Navy; con­ Como, gardening, reading and em­ "Then she came to work at Thompson sequently, I've lived and traveled ex­ broidering. and so far she hasn't been able to do tensively ... I carry a suitcase instead Out of 104 on staff at JWT/Italy, anything about us!" of a purse . . . force of habit.' " 11 JWT/San Francisco Hard by the Golden Gate is a JWT office where the women outnumber the men by 19% and there are three women vice presidents. One is Sally Lowry, vp, account supervisor on the Jantzen business. Sally has a series of "firsts" for S.F. to her credit—first woman account rep, first woman account suprevisor and first female vp. Suzanne Beauregard, our S.F. cor­ respondent also reported: "This month Louise DeWald, re­ ceptionist, will celebrate 30 years with JWT/SF. Louise says that she started working for the company just to help them out for a few days and ended up staying for 30 years."

Charlotte Beers sociation and a member of the Ameri­ JWT/Chicago can Association of Advertising Agen­ "Once women were oddities cies. Three years ago, she was named in business but now there is a Advertising Woman of the Year by the new generation of men who Advertising Women of Chicago. Char­ don't blanch at working with lotte, her husband and daughter live in Evanston, Illinois. Sally women!" Lowry —Janice Mary Kidwell The other "first" of note is Janice "Because of Charlotte's clearly super Mary Kidwell's advance from typist to qualities as an advertising professional vice president. Janice came to JWT in she is a unique force. Add to this her 1953; then she went on to be secre­ ability to hype the professionals around tary in the media department for two her and you get a model for everyone years. In 1956 she became business at JWT," exclaims NYO manager Ron publications print buyer and in 1968 Sherman about Charlotte Beers, direc­ tor of client services in the JWT office at 875 North Michigan Avenue. No wonder she was the first woman in the i Sue V Bohle 110-year history of J. Walter Thomp­ son Company to be elected senior vice president in 1973. J WT/Los Angeles Charlotte has direct management re­ This special edition of JWT NEWS sponsibility for four major accounts has uncovered a West Coast trend. Vp and is a member of the management Sue Bohle's report (received just before committee and of the plans board of press time) reveals there are also more the Chicago office. Charlotte joined the women than men in the Los Angeles agency in 1969 as an account repre­ office—53 out of 82. sentative and was named account su­ Maybe L.A. women staffers don't pervisor and vice president the follow­ Janice Mary Kidwell realize their superior numbers because ing year. She was promoted to manage­ when asked for publicity re extra-agency ment supervisor in 1972. became print media manager with re­ achievements the word was, "Few L.A. Charlotte's "few" other professional sponsibility for supervision of all print women have had time to much more activities include serving on the boards media buying, on sev­ than survive in a man's world." of directors of the Better Business Bu­ eral accounts and for the Chicago end Edie Gruber first joined JWT in reau, Chicago Advertising Club and of the JWT-IMS print computer sys­ NYO as a secretary in 1966. She is now Chicago Educational Television Asso­ tem. Janice has been nominated as associate media director, Los Angeles ciation. She is also a vice president 1977 Chicago Advertising Woman of office. How's that for a trip? elect of the American Marketing As- the Year. 12 Early in January of this year, Glam­ years. Helen joined JWT/Detroit in the our Magazine named the country's 10 media scheduling department, three JWT/Washington Outstanding Young Working Women. years later was moved to the purchas­ Capital news about JWT women in Included in this group was Elizabeth ing department, and has been involved the District of Columbia comes from Harrington, vp and management super­ in office administration ever since. Bari Biern, pr and account representa­ visor, JWT/Chicago. Jill Lubbers, an associate creative tive. One of the company's first female supervisor of the 50-person sales pro­ A woman, Laura Graves, is respon­ account representatives when she motion department, joined JWT in sible for administration/management, joined JWT in 1968, Liz was promoted 1972, after working as a senior copy­ reporting to John Maher, office man­ to account supervisor in 1973. She is writer on the Dodge car and truck sales ager. Laura has been with JWT for 25 married and the mother of two promotion pieces and direct mail at years, starting as a secretary. daughters. BBD&O. Another female who has moved Other officers of the company in the Jill was born in Egypt, where her along from receptionist is Stephanie Chicago office are Marion Howington, father was a minister and teacher, and Davis, now assistant to art. directors. sr. vp, creative director and vps spent her earliest years there. The traffic and production manager responsible for government contracting Margo Adler, Constance Cameron, After concentrating on English and liaison is Betsy Garrison. Jane Ellen Murray and Gail Petersen, Journalism — and Psychology — at Out of a total staff of 41 there are associate creative supervisors; Mary Western Michigan University, Jill wrote 27 women. Pat Hutton, creative department ad­ commercials for a Colorado radio and ministrator. television station before starting her In all there are 47 professionals out Detroit career. JWT/Atlanta of the 238 women in Chicago, 54 of­ The resurgence of the American ficials and managers, 130 women in South has been marked in these pages clerical positions and 6 technicians. 17 women advanced from clerical to pro­ fessional positions in 1976. The total roll is 412.

U.S. East

JWT/Detroit Stephanie Davis Denise Fisher, an art director who joined JWT in 1975, is unusual in that she has lots of art directing experience on such "unfeminine" products as auto wax. According to Wally Clayton, our Detroit correspondent, everyone was pleased to find so much automotive know-how in one so young and attrac­ tive. Now Denise's still involved in auto­ motive, as an art director on the busy • '•*• Charlotte Champion account. She's also on the Ht« Weissenberger WXYZ-TV account, and is deeply and before ("The Greene-ing of Atlanta, Helen Cole happily involved in working for the JWT NEWS, Nov. 1976). To service Detroit Institute of Art, a public service newly acquired clients, there were sev­ account for nearly twenty years. She In the Motor City office, JWT has 41 eral additions to the office's 47 person was described by the Detroit Free Press professional women; they are in virtu­ staff. as one of the "Wonder Women of J. ally every department of the office; per­ One of the most important is a wom­ Walter Thompson" who produced a sonnel, office administration, editorial, an, media director, Charlotte Weissen­ TV spot for an Institute exhibition art, media, account service, accounting, berger who joined JWT/Atlanta in which the writer, the paper's advertis­ sales promotion, traffic and production, October, 1976. ing columnist, rated as particularly im­ public relations and the literature Among the 28 women in the office pressive. group. The success of their develop- are Alison Baker, broadcast production Office services manager Helen Cole, ment-from-within program is the fact coordinator; Regis Chivers, media buy­ a vice president, has been with the com­ that 32 of the professionals have been er; Patti Elliot, personnel manager and pany and the Detroit office for 27 promoted from clerical assignments. Minna Reidel, media supervisor. 13 JWT/New York



Jacquelynne M. Treacy Ruth Downing Karp Jeanne Maraz

Jackie Treacy, vp and director She's a sr. vp, creative supervisor in "The encouragement I got from my of personnel, JWT/NYO, answered the Owett group and she was having a husband was important. And from my quickly, precisely, "there are 1141 frantic week. But Ruth Downing took supervisors. They made me feel like I people in the New York Office and 614 five to reflect, "Let's see, I came here could do anything I really wanted to. are women. There are 21 women vice fresh out of NYU in my loafers, So I kept trying," answered Jeanne presidents and of 736 professionals— sweater and skirt. They took me on as Maraz, vp, account supervisor on Lis­ 277 are women. a secretary at first. I went to copy class. terine Antiseptic and Lozenges. "Account managers? We have 153, One of the assignments was for 'Gil­ "I started at JWT in 1969 as assis­ of which 55 are women. And many of lette's Lye'—a product used in out­ tant media planner and became a them have been advanced from clerical houses in Northern Canada. Everyone senior media planner two years later. or secretarial positions to account work. else thought it was a big chuckle. I At first, I didn't want to be in account And all three of our female account su­ was the only square in the crowd. My management. My perceptions of ac­ pervisors—Gayle Carlisle, Gaby Her­ copy was used. That's how I got pro­ count people were—well, that you mann and Jeanne Maraz have been moted to copywriter. couldn't really be candid with the promoted from other jobs in the agency. "I worked for Peggy King in the client. I was afraid I'd have to com­ "We have so many outstanding 'Woman's Group'. I soon saw the pos­ promise my true assessment of a situa­ women here in creative, TV produc­ sibilities here. I was surrounded by fan­ tion ... I thought service departments tion, research, media, public relations tastically strong, influential women ex­ like media could be more honest." —everywhere! Of course, we always ecutives and they set an impressive What changed your mind? "Experi­ have since the days of Helen Resor example. They were very fair, very ence. Watching pros at work. Seeing —our management has always felt businesslike. that what was important to clients was strongly about the importance of a "I wanted so much to learn—to be what was important to consumers." woman's point of view in communicat­ good. I stayed up nights, working over Jeanne became an account repre­ ing to women consumers. You saw my copy—r. After about a year, Miss sentative on Miles One-A-Day Vita­ what Ron said in the New York Times King told me I was getting a raise. My mins in 1973 and was promoted to recently—'They bring some insights reaction was, 'Oh no! I can't work any senior representative in 1974. Then that males just don't have.' " harder . . . please, don't give me more she went on to work on ScotTowels money.' She looked at me. 'Downing, and Scotties in '75. She went on to the that's unprofessional. Don't ever ques­ Warner-Lambert business in Feb. '76. Lady negotiator tion a raise.' On the whole, I think this Before Thompson, Jeanne spent Marion Preston, vp, is a specialist in is an exceptional place to work—and 2>V2 years at Y&R, starting as a sec­ music rights and broadcast talent union I've always felt fairly compensated and retary. She has a B.A. (cum laude) affairs and contracts. She is vice chair­ lucky to be here." in history and political science from man of a committee which negotiates What have you enjoyed most about Muhlenberg College and an M.A. from contracts with SAG, AFTRA, and being here? "So much. Meeting the the University of Rhode Island. She SEG, and is also vice chairman of the Resors. Always working in a free cre­ taught an experimental American his­ 4-A's Broadcast Administration Com­ ative atmosphere and being with people tory program in a Long Island senior mittee. She also serves as vice president who are good at their jobs—yet are high school. of JWT-Music, Inc., JWT's wholly loose and good-humored." "My liberal arts background helps continued p. 16 continued p. 16 continued p. 15 14 ." -•' - •••': :•" "" Marie Luisi Doris Ostrom with copy class

"I was 17 when I started as a "You've gotta do something about goleum and more. Her work at trainee, worked part-time while going that name—it's too quiet—put some Thompson has won "Addy's", Clio to college. It was in the old media pizzazz in it. The copy's great—it's citations and other important awards. research department and I loved it. right of the moment, but everything She guest lectures every year at We worked with the few Neilsen and you've got going for you is lost if you Tobe-Coburn School of Fashion. She ARB rating books that existed, helped don't have the right name! A good became interested in developing young print and radio buyers—it was a very name furthers your concept. OK, let's creative talent. "When NYU asked Bev active place. Television had just started hear what else you have," urged Doris Corbin to recommend a copywriting making the big difference in media and Ostrom, vp, copy group head, JWT/ teacher he thought of me. I must say, it's the department was being restructured NYO. She was doing her usual Tues­ good. I like knowing how young people to accommodate it. We were very in­ day night lecture in Room A to a class are thinking, talking, acting, feeling." volved in programming then—produc­ of 35 students in New York Univer­ This is the third semester for Pro­ ing shows like the Lux Video Theatre sity's course in Advanced Copywriting. fessor Ostrom. Her classes keep grow­ —it was so exciting for a kid from How did she ever get into this? "It ing. A number of Thompson people Brooklyn. Soon I came on full-time." was considered the thing to do in take the class each term. Many of her Marie Luisi, vp and manager of Superior, Wisconsin for a young woman students are from advertising, publish­ spot broadcast buying and syndication to be a teacher. All my aunts were. ing and direct response companies. for JWT/NYO went on, explaining I was supposed to be. But I wanted Many go on to writing jobs. Here and about her advancement from part-time New York. I wanted to write . . ." elsewhere. researcher to head of a department And write she has. At BBD&O, "My father didn't like it when I that is responsible for $125,000,000 where she started, then to Thompson didn't stay with teaching in Superior. of billings each year. for uncounted (she won't) years on Now that I'm doing this, he feels better "I was never held back—even at R. T. French, Scott Paper, Stouffer's, about me. Even better than when I first when there weren't many women Lever Brothers, Pond's, Kodak, Con­ was elected vp." in executive positions. I went from re­ searcher to secretary to junior buyer, junior planner, network and spot ne­ dom. And our other shows—like 'Up­ worked." gotiator. Even leaving here to start my date on Health' with Dr. Timothy Does anything suffer in your life own media business didn't seem to hurt. Johnson of Harvard Medical School because of working? "Yes, housework When I came back I became head of and our new five minute inserts—'Off ... but that's not all bad! local spot buying area, then I began the Wall with Stiller and Meara' that to work on new business presentations, have just been offered. And are getting helped to develop new systems. Now great reception! We won't peddle any Maraz, continued from p. 14 we have eight regional spot buying junk. We only take something if it's me in solving problems, and I draw offices. We started a trend in the really good. The FCC says a station upon my history to understand social industry." 'must program in the public interest' trends, economics—it all gives me a And now? "We've come full circle and that's what we're interested in help­ greater appreciation of creative work, —we're back in the programming ing them do." too." area again with our syndication ser­ Does working interfere with mar­ The best thing about your job? vice—with shows like 'Today's Women' riage? And with bringing up your son? "Helping people. Seeing them learn —2 minute and 45 second segments "No, my husband and I have the same and develop. Actually, I love all the produced by Newsweek editors which interests—he's in the theatre . . . and challenges this business offers, because show how women are relating to their my son, he's 10 years old and proud we can never be satisfied with an easy new challenges, new roles, new free- that I work. Of course, I've never not answer." 15 New York Times advertising editor, Philip H. Dougherty, noted 2nd row: Susan Bonner, Libby Petrarca, Dolores Winowsky, Jeanne in his column of February 11, "People in the agency world tend Davidson, Baiba Leipins, Gayle Carlisle, Donna Mangiapane, Gaby to agree that women were slower to gain a foothold in the account Hermann, Kathy Shields, Adele Finaly. 1st row: Bette Schillberg, area than in creative, research or media either because of client Jackie Geffke, Michele Kucker. Seated: Kathy Stevens, Jan Glaser, bias or fear of client bias. That situation has all but evaporated." Jill Friedman, Lynne Dominick, Stephanie Charney. On floor: Phebe The picture has certainly changed at Thompson as evidenced Moore, Gertrude Schuler, Jeanette Schiavone. Absent (at the client's) by this group of 28 women involved in account management. Repre­ when the shutter snapped were Jenny Ogsbury, Jeanne Maraz, senting NYO advertising, Deltakos, international and corporate com­ Cynthia Perry, Carol Good, Bea Lothrop, Mary Cay Menk, Dorothy munications are/left to right: back row: Olga Rhodes, Flo Karns, Wrigley, Susan Allard, Gloria Heidelberger, Lodi Kemper, Bonnie Judy Block, Diane Rose, Cindy Colt, Amy Ziesel, Joan Bullwinkel. Wender and PR's Jeanne Cole, Rhoda Green and B. J. McCabe. Treacy, continued from p. 14 the numbers might make you think the wildly diverse ways. Barbara Flowers owned music publishing subsidiary, and women are running the show in NYO- is mayor and police chief of her town; as trustee of AFTRA Pension and PR. In addition to the vp's mentioned Flo Karns is a sculptress with many Welfare Funds. Marion started at above there are 13 professional women exhibitions to her credit. Another, Thompson as a secretary in radio traf­ in PR account and promotional ser­ LuAnn Horstman, wrote the book fic and is now administrator of the vices. They are Katie Glauber, Susan and lyrics for the "World's First Media Department and manager of the Kaspar, Beth Keillor, Maria Kibby, Country-Western Women's Lib Musi­ broadcast labor relations section. Susan Meicalf, Bernice Mosesson, cal-Comedy". She also produced it off- Maureen O'Day and Lynda Simonelli. Broadway where her play was stage One of three Beverly Simons, Susanne Slattery, managed by JWT'er Marion Gottman, Sonia Yuspeh Margaret Spader, Jennifer Walker and propped by Jane Ruggles and photo­ is one of the Joan Wood are also involved in crea­ graphed by Anne Luisi. Such was three women se­ tive and client contact work in the de­ LuAnn's success that just before press nior vice presi­ partment. time, she left the agency to record in dents in NYO. We have women researchers, recep­ Nashville and "put her show on the As director of tionists, telephone, teletype and audio­ road." Research & Plan- visual operators, as well as talent co­ ! ning, Sonia's ordinators and multilith operators. In Sonia Yuspeh . Karp, continued from page 14. work encom NYO there are women as well as men, passes both communications and mar­ proofreading and keypunching, typing, Marriage and working? "It's a man­ ket research as well as market planning. tabulating, filing, bookkeeping and ageable proposition. First you have to She joined JWT in 1972, having buying. have a husband who can accept a work­ been executive research director at However, one serious area of dis­ ing wife without his ego being bent. Grey Advertising for 10 years. Before crimination in the company was found Then for the children, you must have a Grey she held senior research positions —there were no men in the person­ good housekeeper and enjoy spending at D'Arcy Advertising and at Inter- nel department. "We quickly corrected most of your nonworking hours with public's Marplan Division. that!" explained Jackie Treacy. them. My children have all turned out fine—so I guess it's been all right for Women into everything! After-5 fame us. And if a woman has a place to go Don't tell Yustin Wallrapp, director Also, JWT/NYO women use their to be her own person . . . well, it's of NYO Public Relations, but a look at time and talents out of the office in got to be good for the marriage, too." 16