The Pledge Newsletter is a monthly publication for the contributors in the National Libertarian Party's Liberty Pledge Program and the Torch Club. It is also distributed to current National Committee Members and State Party Chairs in appreciation of their involvement and to serve them as a regular update on Libertarian activities at Headquarters and in the news.

Clippings and other stories of interest are appreciated.

Libertarian Party National Headquarters • 301 W. 21st St. • Houston, 77008 • 713/880-1776

Want to raise your Pledge? Adjust it? Call us at 1-800-682-1776.

January, 1987 Dear Supporters of Liberty,

Good news: '84 ballot drive debt reduced by $6,793.38 in December and January!

The January fundraising letter (your copy enclosed) went out the door on the 15th, and is without a doubt one of the best letters yet. About this month's issue: You'll notice that there's a preponderance of articles about former congressman . So, before anyone jumps to the conclusion that the National Headquarters is "pro" Ron Paul, let me state categorically that we're going to feature clippings about any and all that vie for the nominat- ion. No favorites.

Worked in with the clippings on pages two and three are ads for list companies that could be of help to state parties looking for new names and sources for fundraising. The ad on page three includes an offer for a free catalogue.

Page four is particularly interesting to activists. Offered are FOUR different types of specific lists (through brokers):

* Two are for lists of "tax avoiders". * One is from New Options, an outfit with over 1,800 peri- odicals mailing lists...something for every facet of your state or local parties ideas on expansion. * Also included is an ad for a highly informative guide to TV News media. Well worth the investment. Read the ad carefully. * Last, and my favorite, is the list for the Americans Against Gun Control CONTRIBUTORS list! There's over 200,000 names available! We're about to bring the recently donated micro computer on-line. Soon we'll be offering merge/purge services to all state and local parties, and they'll be able to send and receive their material via modem. This will greatly enhance affiliate parties mailings and fundraisings, example: merge/purge your list with ours and/or the Mother Earth News subscribers list for your area. Saves time, work, and money. See you in Seattle in September! Libertarian Presidential Nominating Convention Seattle Sheraton Hotel • September 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1987

. Paul: A good Libert n s may draft Paul fir sident Libertarians like Ron Phil Gramm, R-College Station. he was torn between a desire to continue his medical Calling Paul a "libertarian in the generic sense," -- By ROBERT McGLOHON Libertarian choice At the time, Paul said he was retiring from elective practice and a very intense interest in the current an organizer of the draft committee said he "would The Brazosport Pacts ( P I's view °int 75e ) politics to rebuild his medical practice. U.S. political situation. be extremely disappointed and surprised if he Influential members of the Libertarian Party have PAUL SAID HIS dissatisfaction with the Reagan "I've been giving it some very serious thought," didn't" accept. formed a committee to draft former U.S. Rep. Ron administration and with both major political parties Paul said. "I've been back here two years and I've Committee organizer Burt Blumert, a The last major national campaign by the Libertarian Party Paul as their party's candidate for president in 1988. has led him to reconsider his retirement. rather enjoyed my medical practice. That's just friend and business associate .of Paul's, said Paul Party stresses freedom Paul, a Lake Jackson obstetrician and a former "What makes me stop and ponder this a bit — and really getting started and therefore I have lots of "knows exactly what we're up to. He's been very, was for Ed Clark as president, six years ago. Now the party is three-term Republican congressman from District I'm a long way from deciding — is the fact that peo- mixed feelings. very happy with the flood of support from our best By ROBERT McGLOHON considering Ron Paul, physician And three-term congressman • Paul said he would make a decision by February. Cr know Ron and they were teasing 22, said Tuesday he is giving the offer "serious con- ple are so frustrated, so sick of what's happening," people." him, 'Well; you did it again, Con- from Lake Jackson. He would probably accept the nomination, sideration." Paul said. "That's the message I get from 10 years LIBERTARIAN PARTY members involved in the More than 40 prominent Libertarians have ex- Paul left his soat'iu the House in 1984 after a failed in politics. This was even before the Iran scandal." "Ron Paul for a Free America" committee said they pressed their support for a Paul presidential cam gressman Paul.'. despite the personal sacrifice. • • • • • ---•.,011•• woo by Paul des gibed his decision as a dilemma, saying were confident Paul would eventually decide to run. See RON PAUL, Page 15A Dick Blumert, the California "And when they asked him why No one in the Libertarian Party has any illusions about captur- businessman behind the cam- he voted against that, he an- ing the presidency. The party might nevertheless make a signif- paign to draft Ron Paul as a presi- swered, 'Why is it any of our busi- icant contribution to good government in the United States by dential candidate, says Paul is a' ness?' natural for the job. "That's the kind of man Ron the effort. • Ron Paul 1986 ELECTION RETURNS Though Paul served three full -is." As it is now, the pendulum swings back and forth between two terms as a Republican member of major parties. Neither is a distinct, definable entity: They vary Contin.sed from Page 1 nation)." a few people got together and had a little recep- AND THAT, Blumert says, is a paign. including Ed Clark, the party's 1980 Turney said he thinks Paul will eventually tion for me. I was sort of a very passive mem- There were 160 statewide third party candidates on the the U.S. House of Representa- Libertarian kind of man. from region to region, and change with time and conditions. The candidate, and David Bergland; the 1984 candi- decide to seek the nomination because "I think ber of that reception. I attended bedause they ballots of the various states in last November's tives; Blumert says the Lake Bill Evers, a party theoritician trend is for voters to ignore the parties in favor of appealing he understands that '88 is a great opportunity invited me." Jackson obstetrician really be- date, Blumert said. election. For a free list of all of them, how many and also a member of the Ron . Candidates have tended to follow that trend by Jim Turney, the national chairman of the for libertarians." • Paul did note, however, a presidential cam- longs in the Libertarian Party. Paul for a Free American Com- Libertarian Party, said BILL EVERS, a Libertarian Party officials paign "can be a very expensive, from a person- votes they received, what percentage they received, and "If you use the word libertarian mounting campaigns rather than as standard-bear- and one of the backers of the draft Paul cam- mittee, agrees. Paul would face little or no al viewpoint, involvement." how the same party did in the same race four years in the generic sense, then Ron is a Paul is "pretty much in line ers for a party. . opposition for the party's paign, agreed. Should he decide to commit to such an in- earlier, send a stamped self-addressed envelope to A party is actually a coalition of powerful political interests, nomination, should he lie said the party, with Paul's cooperation, volvement, Paul said he would do so with the libertarian," Blumert says of his with the Libertarian Party view- want it. ' already has begun to line up financial support knowledge that his campaign would likely be Richard Winger at the address below. When you write, friend and business associate. point," Evers says. and its character is whatevef• these interests agree on at a given TURNEY SAID PAUL'S for a presidential campaign. unsuccessful. please tell me your opinion of HR 2320 and how the "Ron is very special. His record And just what is that viewpoint? time and place. The end product is a party without fixed prin- • national reputation as a "He (Paul) participated in some fund-rais- The Libertarian Party, with 400,000 regis- new version can be supported. in Congress, we think, was an im- "It is very strong for personal ing events that were held in early November in ciples, and with goals that reflect a compromise between the leader of the "lowercase tered voters nationwide, has about 60 elected peccable one." , the Bill of Rights, for a demands of component interests and constituent voters.. libertarians" in the Repub- California," Evers said. "Funds were not real- officials at low levels, the highest being a state The cumulative total for statewide third party candidates BLUMERT POINTS TO to a day and no foreign med-. lican Party would serve ly raised, but pledges were raised contingent legislator in Alaska, Turney said. during Paul's last term in Con- A forum by these two giants leaves something to be desired. him well in a presidential upon him deciding to run. lie cooperated with IN 1984, THE Libertarian 19arty candidate in 1986 was 9,182,628 votes. This does not include tiling," Evers explains. campaign. that." polled less than .5 percent of the popular vote. independent candidates, nor third patty candidates for gress as an illustration. • • The Libertarian Party, he says, Criticism is restrained, for each is in the position of a pot calling "Libertarians in the Lib- PAUL Evers said he didn't know the extent of the However, Paul said a presidential campaign district or local office. The biggest cumulative totals "The Greeks and Turks were is about liberty. the kettle black. pledges received at the fund-raisers — one in killing each other, as they've been ertarian Party have always admired him," can have an important effect on the national were racked up by the Libertarian Party (2,813,710 And so is Paul. Libertarians are at this stage free of the influence of political Turney said from his Richmond, Va. office. northern and one in southern California — but debate. • doing for a thousand years," Blu- "PEOPLE HAVE KNOWN I action committees, for these, potential winners. "He's always been a good friend of the Liberta- he said they were successful. "That's exactly what motivated me to go into votes) and the Illinois Solidarity Party (2,259,680 mert recalls, "and the U.S. Con- Blumert, who attended both events, said the haven't been a very typical Re- rian Party. He's not just your typical politician politics in the first place," Paul said. "The last votes). gress was going to send a They are therefore free to lambast either party from' a platform that gives a speech to the local Jaycees every pledges totaled between $30,000 and $40,000. publican, even though I've worked thing I needed or wanted was to run back and statement to the effect that they very closely with the Republicans of cleai-cut principles. • now and then. . • PAUL CHARACTERIZED the meetings as forth to Washington. In many ways, I think I Ballot Access News "Most all of the Libertarians I've talked to receptions. did influence the debate, especially in the mon- were supporting the Turks, be- over the years," Paul says. The nucleus principle of *libertarians is that the cause of indi- would be very pleased to see him as a candi- "I was in California for some hard-money in- ey issues." 3201 Baker St. cause the Greeks have a commu- "We have conservative Republi- vidual freedom is the uppermost consideration, and that any date. I don't think he'll really have much of a vestment seminars," Paul said. "Following Both Paul and the Libertarian Party espouse San Francisco Ca 94123 nist government." cans and liberal Republicans. My degree of government is a risk'to that freedom. A government. problem if he decides he wants it (the nomi- those seminars, which I was there for already, free market economic policies. (415) 922-9779 The vote was 479 to 1. It wasn't views came together more as' a must exist to establish and control an armed force,` to protect the first time Paul was the 'Ione small 'I' libertarian Republican." • citizens from foreign predators; and a system of laws to protect voice in the wilderness. A lowercase libertarian, Paul Former Rep. Paul jumps ship on the GOP "The Washington Post was explains, believes simply "in free- one citizen's freedom from encroachment by another citizen. there," Blumert continues. "They See RON PAUL, Page 20A Beyond that, services and regulation should be the absolute inin- "All Republicans rightly chastised imim and' even at that represent a compromise and risk of WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Rep. early in the Reagan years, I knew it 20A think the biggest difference is growth through self-interest. • Ronald E. Paul, R-Lake Jackson, a fis- was all over." (former President Jimmy) Carter for not so much disagreement in phi- cal conservative In a three-page letter of resignation his $38 billion deficit. But they ignore At ita*pi•esent. level of membership the party tends to take an or even defend deficits of $220 billion, losophy as disagreement the ;way during his four sent to the Republican National Com- one carries on a lifestyle," Paul extrerni4t•sttgude toward this limitation of government. Any -terms in • Con- mittee, Paul detailed reasons for re- as government spending has grown 10.4 Ron Paul growth in- the party walla tend to moderate its position, and it percent per year since Reagan took of- says. "There are some who want gress, resigned nouncing his membership in the GOP. Qontinued from Page 1 to be left alone mainly because does with any party. in disgust from Since Reagan took office as president fice, while the federal payroll has Atlantic dom across the board." they have weird lifestyles. I'm the GOP Wed- six years ago, Paul said he has grown zoomed by a quarter of a million bu- Libertarians are perhaps, the only minor party that can ad- Unfortunately, Paul says, free- just one to let people alone." dress.the full range of national interests. Other parties tend to nesday, saying weary of ineffective attempts by the reaucrats." dom isn't a popular concept. his 'convictions Republicans to reduce the size of the Blumert admits the Libertarian be either one-issue groups or advocates of an alien system of Paul called Reagan's defense buildup List Company, Inc. "The basic premise of a liberta- Party does tend to attract people were shattered federal government, which instead has of recent years a drain on the economy government. by Ronald Rea- grown to mammoth proportions. rian is that you do not ever initiate from outside the mainstream of that fails to provide even an adequate violence against another person," life. The party might have a direct influence if there was a vote so gan's economic "How is it that the party of balanced shield from aggression. policies. budgets, with control of the White Paul says. 'That would be a pretty "If they're serving hors close that neither major party achieved a majority vote. But the' House and the Senate, accumulated red "Knowing this administration's re- perfect society if nobody would d'oeuvres, I'm sometimes afraid chief, yalue is as a critic of the major parties. "I guess it's Paul SPECIALISTS steal from anybody else, defraud something I've ink greater than all previous adminis- cord, I wasn't surprised by its Libyan to eat one, if you know what I • In this, the Libertarians •could find no one with govefnmental trations put together?" asked Paul, disinformation campaign, Israeli-Ira- anybody else, or hurt anybody mean," Blumert says. been thinking about for months, if not IN POLITICAL else. experience more sincerely devoted to the principle of limited for years," Paul said. "My struggle has who represented the 22nd district near nian arms-for-hostages swap or illegal "I understand Ron's point," he government than Ron Paul. been to minimize government. Very Houston from 1976-84. funding of the contras," Paul said. AND "IF YOU BOIL IT down to not adds, "and I, too, sometimes won- initiating violence and respecting der, 'Who are, these people?' But ENVIRONMENTAL other people's property and their that doesn't mean I'm an advo- lives; it's pretty simple and I don't cate of any of that lifestyle, and ioTrustee Walsh won't run in 1987 FUNDRAISING ,kno'w how anybody can disagree neither is Ron Pan)." with that. brother-in-law (Sass)," said Walsh. Walsh said. BUT BLUMERT says he has• to trustees in April. Incumbents Gayle "But when it comes down to say- By SUSAN SHERLOCK Smolinski and Jim Rak along with Everhart had sought the party's "I put in my four years. It's • CONSULTATION wonder about "only a small per- Staff Writer newcomer Ronald Sass are the nomination, but lost to Sass. Mayor unfortunate (because) I would like ing; `-Well, are you going to let cer- Sandra Birdsall's relative and a to see someone in there stirring up centage" of the party regulars. Trustee Gerry Walsh, the top candidates of the longstanding Ro- tain 4Deople follow lifestyles that member of the Zoning Board of a little mischief, but I don't have • ANALYSIS "I would say the profile of a Lib- vote-getter in the Roselle's 1983 sae Village Party. Greg Everhart, Appeals. With Walsh out of the the time to do it this time." you don't like,' nobody likes that. municipal elections, will not be a the owner of Countryside News eitarian is more Yuppie," he race. Everhart is the only candi- The lameduck trustee said he be- • LIST. RENTALS & EXCHANGES re-election candidate in 1987. Agency, has announced his "They say, 'We shouldn't let date who lives north of Irving Park lieves that without his input Roselle says. Walsh, a research engineer for candidacy. Al. "Woody" Monroe, Road in Roselle. residents would have been taxed them do that. We should put them Quaker Oats, has decided the de- had considered an independent .And while Paul says he is only Everhart said the party has a. for auditing services and the vil- in jail for that.' " mands of his job preclude another campaign but has decided not to "seriously considering" running "representation problem" by not lage's utility tax may not have Contact Dodee M. Black run for trustee. Walsh a Libertari- become a candidate. Paul and the Libertarian Party having a candidate living in his been withdrawn at the end of 1986. . as a Libertarian, Blumert be- an, is the only independent member "I know that Adlai Stevenson area. However, he said he was not Walsh worked for a tax cut or Ingrid E. Loukota disagree. of the Village Board. He was the announced that he would not enter lieves he'll eventually decide to upset that the party did not slate referendum in Roselle which limit- Libertarian's lieutenant governor politics again. I would not say that. for your However, Paul says one of the him. ed the village's corporate tax rate. represent those Yuppies. candidate in the recent gubernato- I would be surprised if I did not run reasons he still hasn't decided for something again." said Walsh. The effort was led by Residents List Brokerage needs Officially, the Ron Paul for a rial election. Walsh said Monroe, a former Organized to Enlighten and Serve. whether to run a Libertarian is "For the past year and a half Walsh said, his exit from the race trustee, would not have provided an Free- America Committee' has leaves the village without any truly R.OS.E. succeeded in getting vot- their disOarate reasons for dis- I've been doing a lot of traveling independent alternative. ers to approve a referendum by a been designed to draft Paul as a for the company. At this point I independent candidates. agreeing. "I would not see that (Monroe's three-to-one margin. don't have the time to do it and I "I don't see him (Everhart) as a Suite 109 candidate. The phone at the com- Despite those efforts, Walsh la• Other than his pro-life position don't see the situation getting any serious opponent. He is pushing the candidacy) as a major change meats that the tax rate has contin- 1101 30th Street, N.W. mittee headquarters, however, better in the next year," Walsh same things (as the incumbents). I from what we have now. I don't see on abortion, Paul says, he and the think he is just upset about them him as being any different from the ued to-climb. sends' out a different message. said. "The bottom line Is the tax rate Washington, D.C. 20007 Libertarian .Party are in accord Village voters will elect three (the party) slating the mayor's slate or any different from Greg," - It's answered by a machine that keeps going up," he said. "I would (202) 965-6644 on most philosophic issues: all •says: "Thank you for calling the guess it would have gone up more they really want is to let people Libertarian was top vote-getter had there not been the referendum Ron Paul for President campaign or if I was not elected." alone. DI NOW MORE THAN EVER TV NEWS IS: TAX SAVINGS REPORT The Most Important Tool 42,283 Subscribers 0/ SI25/M Maintenance: List is cleaned quarterly. 15,000 Expires 5100/hf Arrangement: 1000, Zip Code sequence. For The Savvy Addressing: Key Coding S2.00/M LIST DESCRIPTION: SCF 53.00/N1 Public Relations Professional Newsletter is published by the . It is a digest of lax information for subscribers who are anxious to reduce their tax Zip 53.00/N1 burden. 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