Originalni naučni rad UDC: 29 Danijel Sinani1 Department of Ethnology and Anthropology Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade FLYING BUT UNIDENTIFIED! A BRIEF 2 3 INTRODUCTION TO UFO PHENOMENA Abstract: This paper deals with the most important aspects of the UFO phenomenon. What has been presented here is a short history of the development of the phenomenon, the most important protagonists and the key events that have influenced the shaping of the idea about the existence and contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences. The phenomenon of the contact with extraterrestrial beings, the role and the positions of the most famous persons who claimed they had maintained communication with alien entities, abductions by aliens as well as the organizations of contactees have been considered. The conceptualization of the role of extraterrestrial beings and the messages that they are, allegedly, sending to mankind have been presented and the messages’ religious contextualization was pointed out. Key words: unidentified flying object, aliens, contactees, abductions, UFO organizations, UFO movements, UFO religions Introduction Have you ever seen an unidentified flying object? Or... have you had a close encounter of a different kind with the extraterrestrial phenomena and beings or... do you know someone who claims to have had such an experience? Still, whether or not you’ve ever had an opportunity to see unusual lights coming from above or unknown objects in the sky, whether aliens have ever abducted you (or people close and known to you) or you may not be able to recall a personal experience when possible "evidences" of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligences are being talked about, you must have heard about the UFO phenomenon and know the elementary assumptions related to the 1
[email protected] 2 Unidentified Flying Object.