Dolentium Hominum N.47
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DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 47 – Year XVI – No. 2, 2001 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE ARCHBISHOP JAVIER LOZANO BARRAGÁN, Editor-in-Chief CORRESPONDENTS BISHOP JOSÉ L. REDRADO, O.H., Executive Editor REV.FELICE RUFFINI, M.I., Associate Editor REV. MATEO BAUTISTA, Argentina MONSIGNOR J. JAMES CASSIDY, U.S.A. REV.RUDE DELGADO, Spain REV.RAMON FERRERO, Mozambique REV.BENOIT GOUDOTE, Ivory Coast EDITORIAL BOARD PROFESSOR SALVINO LEONE, Italy REV.JORGE PALENCIA, Mexico REV. CIRO BENEDETTINI REV. GEORGE PEREIRA, India DR. LILIANA BOLIS MRS.AN VERLINDE, Belgium SR.AURELIA CUADRON PROFESSOR ROBERT WALLEY, Canada REV. GIOVANNI D’ERCOLE, F.D.P. DR. MAYA EL-HACHEM REV. GIANFRANCO GRIECO REV. BONIFACIO HONINGS MONSIGNOR JESÚS IRIGOYEN EDITORIAL STAFF REV.JOSEPH JOBLIN REV.VITO MAGNO, R.C.I. DR. COLETTE CHALON DR. DINA NEROZZI-FRAJESE DR. ANTONELLA FARINA DR. FRANCO PLACIDI DR. MATTHEW FFORDE REV.LUCIANO SANDRIN REV.BERNARD GRASSER, M.I. MONSIGNOR ITALO TADDEI DR.GUILLERMO QWISTGAARD Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE VATICAN CITY; Tel. 06-6988-3138, 06-6988-4720, 06-6988-4799, Fax: 06-6988-3139 - - E-MAIL: [email protected] Published three times a year. Subscription rate: Lire 60.000 (or the equivalent in local currency), postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR S.p.A., Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Spedizione in a.p. - art. 2, comma 20/c, legge 662/96 - Roma Contents MAGISTERIUM TESTIMONY 5 Addresses by the Holy Father 60 The Servant of God, Manuel Lozano Garrido: Paralytic, Blind Man, NINTH WORLD DAY OF THE SICK Journalist and Writer SYDNEY, 11 FEBRUARY 2001 Rev. Rafael Higueras Álamo 64 The Hospital of the Holy Spirit 12 The Holy Father’s Letter of Rome as an Example to the President of the Pontifical of the Apostolate of Compassion Council for Health Pastoral Care Prof. Marian Surdacki John Paul II 73 The Department of Pastoral Care 13 Do not Forget those at the Cardinal Tien Hospital who Lack Health Care in Taiwan John Paul II 75 Archdiocese of Philadelphia: 2 14 The Sick are a World Protocol for Evaluating of Hope and Joy Catholic Health Care John Paul II Collaborative Relationships 15 United to Christ the Suffering Become 77 The Paulinian Approach Ministers of the New Evangelisation to Nursing Education: A Response H.E. Card. Edward Bede Clancy to the Church’s Call for Compassionate Caring 18 The Celebration of the Sr. Rosamond Marie Abadesco Ninth World Day of the Sick ‘The New Evangelisation and the Dignity of the Suffering Person’ Rev. Krzysztof Nykiel TOPICS 24 Physical Pain and Moral Suffering of Everyman and the Christ-man Prof. Pierluigi Zucchi Rev. Bonifacio Honings 34 The Spiritual Needs of the Sick Child and his Pastoral Care H.E. Mons. José L. Redrado 45 Philosophy, the Construction of a Profession Rev. Cecilio Eseverri Chaverri 52 Neurological Aspects of Death Dr. Purificacion de Castro Rev. Miguel Angel Monge 55 Fears and Hopes in the Face of Death Rev. Arnaldo Pangrazzi The illustrations in this edition are taken from the book “Pittura e scultura nella Chiesa di San Domenico a San Miniato: studi e restauri” Antonia D’Aniello Pacini Editore - Ospedaletto (Pisa), 1998 Magisterium Addresses by the Holy Father DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 47-2001 We are Certain that Life will Triumph THE SPEECH OF JOHN PAUL II TO THOSE TAKING PART IN THE SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PONTIFICAL ACADEMY FOR LIFE AT THE AUDIENCE GRANTED ON THE MORNING OF 3 MARCH IN THE SALA CLEMENTINA. 1. It is always a great pleasure for me to than ever is able to offer powerful means meet you, distinguished members of the that unfortunately are not always used for Pontifical Academy for Life. The reason to- man’s true good. On the contrary, at times day for this opportunity is your annual gen- research in many fields even seems to turn eral assembly, which has brought you to against man. Rome from various countries. I extend my cordial greetings to each of you, worthy 3. Therefore, it is appropriate that you friends who make up the family of this wished to clarify the foundations and di- Academy which is so dear to me. I extend a mensions of the culture of life. With this in particular and respectful greeting to your mind, you stressed the great themes of cre- President, Prof. Juan de Dios Vial Correa, ation, showing clearly how human life must whom I thank for his kind words expressing be seen as God’s gift. Man, created in the 5 your sentiments. I also greet the Vice-Presi- image and likeness of God, is called to be dent, Bishop Elio Sgreccia, the members of his free co-worker and, at the same time, to the Executive Council, the staff and bene- be responsible for the “stewardship” of cre- factors. ation. You have also wished to reaffirm the in- 2. You have chosen a topic of great inter- alienable value of the personal dignity of est as the theme for your assembly’s reflec- every individual from conception to natural tion: “The Culture of Life: Foundations and death; you revisited the theme of bodiliness Dimensions”. Its very formulation already and its personalistic meaning; you focused expresses your intention to focus on the pos- your attention on the family as a community itive and constructive aspect of the defence of love and life. You dwelt on the impor- of human life. During these days you have tance of the communications media for a been asking yourselves about the necessary far-reaching dissemination of the culture of foundations for promoting or revitalizing a culture of life, and with what elements to propose it to a society marked – as I recalled in my Encyclical Evangelium vitae – by an increasingly widespread and alarming cul- ture of death (cf. nn. 7, 17). The best way to overcome and defeat the dangerous culture of death is to give firm foundations and clear content to a culture of life that will vigorously oppose it. Although right and necessary it is not enough merely to expose and denounce the lethal effects of the culture of death. Rather, the inner tissue of contemporary culture must be continually regenerated, culture being understood as a conscious mentality, as convictions and ac- tions, as the social structures that support it. This reflection seems all the more valu- able if we consider that culture influences not only the behaviour of individuals but al- so legislative and political decisions, which in turn facilitate cultural trends which, un- fortunately, often impede the authentic re- newal of society. Culture, moreover, orients the strategies of scientific research, which today more DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 47-2001 life, and the need to be involved in a person- sonal, for it consists in the proclamation of al witness to it. You have also recalled how, the very person of Jesus. Jesus made himself in this area, everything that encourages dia- known to the Apostle Thomas, and in him to logue should be pursued, in the conviction every person, with the words: ‘I am the way, that the full truth about man supports life. and the truth, and the life’ (Jn 14:6)” (n. 29). The believer is sustained in this by an enthu- This. is a fundamental truth that the com- siasm rooted in the faith. Life will triumph: munity of believers is called, today more this is a sure hope for us. Yes, life will tri- than ever, to defend and promote. The umph because truth, goodness, joy and true Christian message about life, “written in the progress are on the side of life. God, who heart of every man and woman, has echoed loves life and gives it generously, is on the in every conscience “from the beginning”, side of life. from the time of creation itself, in such a way that, despite the negative consequences 4. As always happens in the relationship of sin, t can also be known in its essential between philosophical reflection and theo- traits by human reason” (Evangelium vitae, logical meditation, in this case too the word n. 29). and example of Jesus, who gave his life to The concept of creation is not only a conquer death and to give man a share in his splendid message of revelation, but also a resurrection, are also an indispensable help. sort of profound intuition of the human spir- Christ is the “resurrection and the life” (Jn it. Likewise, the dignity of the person is not 6 11:25). only an idea deducible from the biblical Reasoning from this perspective, I wrote statement that man was created “in the im- in the Encyclical Evangelium vitae: “The age and likeness” of the Creator, but a con- Gospel of life is not simply a reflection, cept rooted in his spiritual being, by which however new and profound, on human life. he shows that he is a being who transcends Nor is it merely a commandment aimed at the world around him. The body’s claim to raising awareness and bringing about signif- dignity as a “subject”, and not simply a ma- icant changes in society. Still less is it an il- terial “object”, is the logical consequence of lusory promise of a better future. The the biblical concept of the person. This is a Gospel of life is something concrete and per- unified concept of the human being, which has been taught by many currents of thought from medieval philosophy to our times. 5. The commitment to the dialogue be- tween faith and reason can only strengthen the culture of life, combining the dignity and sacredness, freedom and responsibility of every person as indispensable components of his very existence.