The 'County Council are satisfied HIGHWAYS ACT, 1959 that a suitable alternative right of way will be pro- vided over land specified in the Order. BEDWELLTY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL A copy of the Order and the map contained in it HIGHWAYS ACT 1959 showing the route of the existing footpath and the SECTION 108, 12TH SCHEDULE alternative route has been deposited at the offices of Notice is hereby given that .the Bedwellty Urban the Wycombe Council, Bellfield House, District Council intend to apply to the Magistrates' 80 Oxford Road, High Wyoombe, where it may be Court at Blackwood, Mon., at 10.30 a.m., on the inspected free of charge during normal office hours. 19th January 1973 for an Order that part of Ivor Any representation or objection with respect to the Street, Fleur-de-lis in the County of Monmouth Order may be sent in writing to the undersigned at from a point 62 yards south-east of its junction the County Hall, , before the 29th January with Commercial Street for a distance of 103 yards 1973, and should state the grounds on which it is in a south-easterly direction be stopped up on the made. grounds that it is unnecessary. If no representations or objections are duly made, A plan showing the effect of this Order may be or if any so made are withdrawn, .the Buckingham- seen during office hours at the Municipal Offices, shire County Council may, instead of submitting the Aberbargoed, Bargoed, Glam. Order to the Secretary of State for the Environment, themselves confirm the Order. If the Order is sub- Dated 13th December 1972. mitted to the Secretary of State any representations /. E. Rogers, Clerk of the Council. and objections which have been' duly made and not Municipal Offices, withdrawn will be transmitted with the Order. Aberbargoed, Bargoed, Glam. CF8 9UB. (141) Dated 29th December 1972. R. E. Millard, Clerk of the Council. County Hall, BIRKENHEAD COUNTY BOROUGH Aylesbury. (518) COUNCIL HIGHWAYS ACTS 1959 TO 1971 The County Borough Council of Birkenhead (Borough BURNLEY COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL Road Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order, 1972 HIGHWAYS ACT 1959 Notice is hereby given that the County Borough The Burnley (Police Footbridge) Public Path Council of Birkenhead hereby give notice that they have made, and submitted to the Secretary of State Diversion Order, 1972 for the Environment for confirmation, an Order under Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order, sections 1 and 62 of the Highways Act 1971 for made on the 29th December 1972, is about to be authorising the Council to stop up highways all on or submitted to the Secretary of State for the Environ- in 'the vicinity of the route of the classified road being ment for confirmation, or to be confirmed, as an the Woodside Birkenhead to Arrowe Park, Birken- unopposed Order, by the Council of the County head, classified road (A.552) and known as Borough Borough of Burnley. Road, part of which the Council are proposing to The effect of the Order, if confirmed without improve from its junction with Whetstone Lane to modifications, will be to divert the public path known and 'including its junction with Singleton Avenue and as the Police Footbridge running from Massey Street Highgreen Road. to Kedrby Walk. Copies of the Order and of the relevant plans may A copy of the Order and the map contained in it be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours may be inspected free of charge at the Town Clerk's from 29th December 1972, to 28th February 1973, Office, Town Hall, Burnley, during normal office at the offices of the Birkenhead County Borough hours. Council, Town Hall, Birkenhead, and the Municipal Any representation or objection with respect to Offices, Borough Engineer and Surveyor's Depart- the Order may be sent in writing to the Town Clerk, ment, Cleveland Street, Birkenhead, and the Central Town Hall, Burnley, before the 29th January 1973, Library, Borough Road, Birkenhead, and at the and should state the grounds on which it is made. Department of the Environment, St. Christopher If no representations or objections are duly made, House, Southwark Street, London S.E.I. or if any so made are withdrawn, the Council of the Any person may not later than 28th February County Borough of Burnley may instead of sub- 1973, object to the confirmation of the Order by mitting the Order to the Secretary of State for the notice to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Environment, themselves confirm the Order. If the North-West Region, Sunley Building, Piccadilly Order is submitted to the Secretary of State for Plaza, Manchester M14 BE, stating the grounds of the Environment any representations and objections objection. which have been duly made and not withdrawn will Dated 29th December 1972. be transmitted with the Order. Dated 29th December 1972. (539) Ian G. Holt, Town Clerk. (507) C. V. Thornley, Town Clerk.

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL NOTICE OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF CONGLETON BOROUGH COUNCIL WAY ORDER PUBLIC PATH EXTINGUISHMENT ORDER ACQUISITION OF LAND (AUTHORISATION PROCEDURE) HIGHWAYS ACT, 1959 ACT, 1946 COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1968 HIGHWAYS ACT, 1959 Borough of Congleton (Hollybush Farm) Public Path COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1968 Extinguishment Order, 1972 The Buckinghamshire County Council (Footpath No. Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order 5, Parish of ) Extinguishment of made on the 30th November 1972, is about to be Public Right of Way Order, 1972. submitted to the Secretary of State at the Depart- Notice is1 hereby given that the above-named Order, ment of the Environment for confirmation, or to' be made on the 15th December 1972, is about to be confirmed as an unopposed Order, by the Congleton submitted to the Secretary of State for the Environ- Borough Council. ment for confirmation, or to be confirmed, as an The effect of the Order, if confirmed without unopposed Order, by the Buckinghamshire County modification, will be to extinguish the public right Council. of way running from Congleton Edge Road to the The effect of the Order, if confirmed without top of Congleton Edge (Footpath No. 62). modification, will be to extinguish the public right A copy of the Order and die map contained in it of way in the Parish of Great Marlow from a point has been deposited and may be seen free of charge approximately 91 metres (100 yards) north-west of at the Municipal Offices, Congleton, between 8.45 a.m. the footpath's junction with the A.4155 Henley- and 4.45 p.m. on any normal weekday. Marlow road, running 'in a south-westerly direction Any representation or objection with respect to for a distance of approximately 33 metres (36 yards), the Order may be sent in writing to the Town Clerk, thence in a generally northerly direction for a dis- Municipal Offices, Congleton, before the 9th tance of approximately 122 metres (133 yards), a February 1973, and should state the grounds on total distance of 'approximately 152 metres (166 yards). which it is made.