Icon of Our Lady Catholic teacher of Paisley to to be inducted tour parishes into Traditional ahead of . Music Hall of Page 3 SUPPORTING 50 YEARS OF SCIAF, 1965-2015 Fame. Pages 4-5

No 5621 VISIT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER ONLINE AT WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK Friday May 22 2015 | £1 Pontiff Canonises first Arabic-speaking saints

POPE Francis named two encounter with the risen Jesus Palestinian women as saints present in the , she on Sunday, saying they were received strength to endure models of Faith for all suffering and to give herself, as Christians. bread which is broken, to many The Pope Canonised four people who had wandered far I saints at Mass in St Peter’s from God and yet hungered for Mary’s Meals feeds Square: two Palestinians, Ss authentic love,” he added. Marie-Alphonsine, founder of The witness of the four one million children the Rosary Sisters, and Mary of women, said, Jesus Crucified, a Melkite should prompt all Christians to daily, encouraging Carmelite—as well as French examine the strength of their St Jeanne Emilie de Villeneuve own witness to Christ. “How do them to stay in school and Italian St Maria Cristina I abide in Him? How do I dwell Brando. Palestinian President in His love? Am I capable of Mahmoud Abbas was present at ‘sowing’ in my family, in my the Mass, as were Melkite workplace and in my community, Patriarch Gregoire III Laham the seed of that unity which he and Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal has bestowed on us by giving of Jerusalem and around 2000 us a share in the life of the pilgrims from the Middle East. Trinity?” Speaking about St Mary of The Faith of Christians today, Jesus Crucified, the Pope said: the Pope said, is firmly linked to “Her docility to the Holy Spirit the testimony of the Apostles made her a means of encounter who witnessed the Resurrection. and fellowship with the Muslim “Like the apostles each one world. So, too, Sister Marie- of Christ’s followers is called Alphonsine Danil Ghattas came to become a witness to His to understand clearly what it Resurrection, above all in means to radiate the love of God those human settings where in the apostolate, and to be a forgetfulness of God and witness to meekness and unity. human disorientation are most She shows us the importance of evident,” he said. becoming responsible for one The Pope returned to that another, of living lives of service theme the next day when he The million-meal miracle one to another.” held a special audience with The four women saints, the dozens of Rosary Sisters and By Ian Dunn numerous, that it must be fulfilled.’ experienced enrolment increases of more Pope said in his homily at the Carmelites from the Holy than 50 per cent at large numbers of schools Canonisation Mass, were shining Land, who had come to Rome MARY’S Meals announced onWednesday Testimony in Liberia. links in the chain of witnesses to for the Canonisation. that it is now feeding one million of the One of the children at Chirimba is 14-year- The Mary’s Meals movement has grown Christ’s resurrection, offering “Pray to the two new saints for world’s poorest children every school day. old orphan Marita Wyson (above), who phenomenally over the last few years, and their testimony not primarily peace in your land so that this The charity was founded by devout lives with her frail grandmother Doris and enjoys support from fundraising groups through their words, but through interminable war would end and Catholic Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow in younger sister Maria. across the globe—in Australia, Austria, their actions of love. there would be peace among Argyll and now works in 12 countries “We are so happy to be receiving this Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, “This love shines forth in the nations,” the Pope told them. across four continents, setting up school food in school!” she said. “When you feel Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, UAE, testimony of Sr Jeanne Emilie de “And pray for the persecuted meal programmes that encourage children hungry, it can be difficult just to stand up in UK and USA—as well as from celebrities Villeneuve, who consecrated Christians, those chased from to attend school. the morning. But the phala [the vitamin- such as Gerard Butler and Celine Dion. her life to God and to the poor, their homes and land,” as well enriched maize porridge Mary’s Meals serves A book, The Shed that Fed a Million the sick, the imprisoned and the as for victims of ‘white-glove Milestone in Malawi] is making a huge difference. It Children, written by Magnus MacFarlane- exploited, becoming for them persecution,’ those discriminated In Malawi’s Machinga district—where the makes me feel strong and I am able to Barrow and telling the extraordinary story and for all a concrete sign of the against because of their faith. expansion of the charity’s school feeding understand what my teachers are telling me. of Mary’s Meals, was published yesterday, Lord’s merciful love,” he said. programme has enabled it to surpass the My grandmother doesn’t have to worry so by William Collins, an imprint of Harper- St Maria Cristina Brando, he I Pope Francis and Palestinian million threshold—celebrations are under much about how she will provide food for Collins Publishers. The book is being said, ‘was completely given over President Mahmoud Abbas way at Chirimba Primary School, one of the me and my sister.” published in the US and Canada on May 26, to ardent love for the Lord.’ meet ahead of treaty signing, latest schools to benefit from the generosity by Harper-Collins 360. “From prayer and her intimate pages 6-7 of Mary’s Meals’ supporters. Support and growth Mary’s Meals’ founder and CEO, Magnus The exact number of children Mary’s Meals I For more information on Mary’s Meals, MacFarlane-Barrow, joined invited guests is now feeding is 1,035,637—across countries visit www.marysmeals.org —including government education officials including Liberia, Kenya, Zambia, Haiti and and village chiefs—to mark the occasion. India—meaning that the continued support I Don’t miss, extended coverage in the “It is quite remarkable to think that a million of donors has allowed the charity to expand Mary’s Meals feature in next week’s SCO children are now eating Mary’s Meals every its global programme by more than 45,000 school day in some of the world’s poorest children since the beginning of 2015 alone. I [email protected] countries,” he said. “The extraordinary ways The charity says the nutritious daily meal in which this work has grown and developed draws hungry children into the classroom, have continually surprised me and filled me where they can receive an education that with a sense of mystery and awe.” can help them escape poverty in the future. He said he was not totally surprised that It states that enrolment and attendance rates the charity had become so successful as he at schools supported by Mary’s Meals had ‘long felt that the vision of Mary’s increase dramatically after the introduction Meals—that every child receives a daily of feeding, with enrolment rising by an meal in their place of education—is so average of 24 per cent in Malawi within the compelling, and people of goodwill so first six months. Meanwhile, the charity has

SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015


Archbishop Cushley celebrates the Feast of the Ascension in Edinburgh

PARISHIONERS Jesus Christ into Heaven life of the Trinity,” the from Edinburgh and St was ‘our glory and our Archbishop (above) said. Andrews Archdiocese hope’ because ‘He has “This becomes the came to St Mary’s gone there before us with source of our own eternal Cathedral in the capital our humanity and where life, that our humanity city to celebrate the he has gone, we hope can be and has been— Feast of the Ascension to follow.’ in the person of Jesus of Our Lord. “Our humanity, having Christ—taken up into During the Mass been taken on by Christ the eternal life of God. Make a place for Mary in your hearts, Archbishop Leo Cushley in the Incarnation, is now It is a wonderful thing bishop urges young pilgrims at Carfin said that the Ascension of taken up into the eternal to celebrate.” SPOTLIGHT ON By Daniel Harkins

BISHOP JosephToal of Motherwell celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima at Carfin last week as he told 350 children from three dioceses to make a place for Mary in their hearts. The bishop reminded the children (above and right) of the words of St John’s Gospel that when Jesus was dying on the cross He gave Mary to all of us to be our Mother. “Do you have a special place in your home for Mary?” Bishop Toal asked those present. “Perhaps a pic- ture, a statue, your Rosary—any of which reminds you to honour Mary in your home and in your prayers.” The children were reminded that the three children to whom Our Lady appeared in Fatima in 1917 were the same age as many of them and when Six seminarians were accepted as those children had asked Our Lady candidates for last week. what she wanted of them, she replied: Pictured above in St Mary’s College, Oscott, in Birmingham are Fr (rector), “Pray the Rosary every day; pray Sean Wyllie of St Patrick’s in Shieldmuir, for peace.” Bishop Mark O’Toole of Plymouth Diocese, After Mass, roses were blessed, John Paul McShane of St Francis Xavier later to be distributed by the children, The Mass at Carfin was part of a who promote Devotion of the five Carfin, and Bruce McPhail of St Margaret’s and as the children processed up the 24-hour celebration of Our Lady’s first Saturdays are encouraging as in Airdrie. In the Scots College in Rome aisle—accompanied by the bishop Feast day. The previous evening, many people as possible from meanwhile, Paisley seminarian Jonathan and Fr Frances McGachey, Fr Joe Canon Joseph Dow, parish priest of several dioceses to support the vigils Whitworth and Motherwell seminarians McAuley and Fr Hugh O’Donnell— Christ the King, Howwood, wel- at Howwood which for many years Bernard Mournian, and Paul Denney (right everyone was reminded of their comed a packed congregation to the has been central to devotion to Our with Bishop Nolan)—a former Scottish pilgrimages to Fatima as the children Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima for the Lady of Fatima and to her message Catholic Observer employee—were accepted waved white hankies in salute while first of the monthly vigils that are of praying for Peace and devotion to as candidates for the priesthood by Bishop singing O Immaculate Heart of held there from May to October. the Holy Eucharist. William Nolan of Galloway, Paul’s former Mary, a new Hymn specially written With the support of Bishop John parish priest in Our Lady of Lourdes, for the Feast. Keenan of Paisley, the National Team I [email protected] East Kilbride

INSIDE YOUR SCO INDEX TO NEWS, OPINION AND FEATURES THIS WEEK EWTN - THE CATHOLIC SATELLITE CHANNEL The perfect Christian present NEWS pages 1-7 LETTERS page 9 CHILDREN’S PAGE page 21 Tel: SAS 0141 774 5000 or 07971 514 703 LOCAL NEWS pages 2,3,4 and 5 COMMENT pages 10-11 INTIMATIONS pages 17-20 WHAT’S ON page 2 FEATURES pages 8, 12-13 BISHOPS’ ENGAGEMENTS page 20 for our special offer WORLD NEWS pages 6-7 SPIRITUAL REFLECTION page 15 SPECIAL OCCASIONS pages 22-23 VATICAN NEWS pages 6-7 PUZZLES pages 16 and 21 CATHOLICISM AND page 24 SAS - SCOTLAND’S CATHOLIC SATELLITE COMPANY

WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER NEWS 3 Nil by Mouth to hold national Our Lady of Paisley icon to go on tour conference on sectarianism THE charity Nil by Mouth communicate the same message By Daniel Harkins together with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. is to host the first national face-to-face.” “Pope Francis says in Evangelium Vitae conference on Scottish He also warned that ‘these AN ICON of Our Lady of Paisley will that it was Mary’s presence that made sectarianism next month, keyboard warriors also have a travel to every parish in the diocese possible the Pentecost outpouring of the with the focus on stopping tendency to assume that their over the next year in preparation for Holy Spirit on the Church. So we ‘keyboard warriors’ who comments are protected the Easter 2016 diocesan synod on consecrated the synod and the whole spout online bigotry. through freedom of speech or laity and evangelisation. diocese of Paisley to Our Lady for the Nil by Mouth will hold its the right to privacy.’ Beginning its journey during the month bringing in [of] the certainty that She Beyond Religion and Belief “In fact the law has not yet of Devotion to Our Lady, the icon (right) would make possible a new outpouring of conference at Edinburgh City kept up to speed with these new has spent a week each in St Paul’s and St the spirit of evangelisation on the whole Chambers on the June 2 and it technologies and does not provide Peter’s churches in Paisley, and moved to diocese, clergy and people.” will also focus on workplace easy answers,” he went on. St Cadoc’s in Newton Mearns on Thursday. “Our devotion to Our Lady is under the sectarianism. The conference is “What we can say is that The icon will finish its journey in St patronage of Our Lady of Paisley,” the targeting human resources and comments that are harassing Mirin’s Cathedral on Holy Thursday 2016. bishop added. “This was a pre-Reformation equalities’ staff from large and discriminatory may well The life-sized icon features Mary standing devotion that arose from the Paisley public and private sector have repercussions as the law on a carpet of Paisley pattern and holding Abbey, dedicated to Our Lady from the employers as well as charities develops, particularly when the the baby Jesus in front of Paisley Abbey 14th century, that reached to the whole and trade unions. comments are made in connection and St Mirin’s Cathedral. Above Our Lady diocesan area… we are setting out on our In recent years there have been with work and employment.” are the Greek letter abbreviations for Jesus synod journey singing our Aves to Mary a number of high profile incidents Nil by Mouth Campaign Christ and The Mother of God and this, the pilgrimage of the Our Lady of Paisley knowing Her grace will get us to our goal.” regarding sectarian behaviour Director Dave Scott said he had along with the halo, are what make the icon will form part of that for the diocese. Paisley was once famed throughout at work and research published seen ‘examples where people painting a holy icon rather than a work of art. The icon will be welcomed with a Mass as Scotland as a place of pilgrimage and last year by Edinburgh University have encountered sectarian The icon began life five years ago when it arrives in each parish and will be sent off devotion. In The Abbey of Paisley, highlighted that nearly two thirds attitudes right across the artist Bernadette Reilly and Denis Murphy, at the end of the week with a short parish published in 1878, it is described as ‘one of Scottish local authorities employment spectrum—from the who would later become a deacon in the devotion. During its stay the parishes will of the four great pilgrimages in Scotland,’ were perceived as paying only boardroom to the building site.’ diocese, discussed the idea for an icon of organise prayers and take the icon to the where ‘the shrine of St Mirin and Our ‘lip service’ to protecting faith “People should be able to work Our Lady of Paisley that would tour parishes. local school. Lady of Paisley were held in high esteem and belief at work. free from fear or harassment and Consulting with a then Fr John Keenan, Bishop John Keenan said he believes by the devout.’ Jonathan Rennie, employment we want to use this conference Ms Reilly got to work on the icon. Once Fr the icon pilgrimage is the most important In a work by noted Catholic scholar partner at TLT LLP, who will as an opportunity to focus Keenan was appointed Bishop of Paisley, part of the upcoming diocesan synod. John Durkan, the ‘chapel off the choir of be speaking on social media at employers’ minds on how they some new ideas were incorporated into the “Synod is a great word which means ‘Oure [sic] Lady of Paisley’’ is described the conference, said social can best tackle any issues they work, including a Latin phrase ‘Hac ne ‘travelling together,’” he said. “So this as a ‘probable pilgrimage shrine’ while media has provided a whole encounter on both a day to day vade via nisi dixeris, Ave Maria,’ which journey is one that the whole diocese has The Monastery and Abbey of Paisley, new arena for religious bigotry. and policy level,” he said. “We was once written on the walls of Paisley embarked upon. But to me we are like the edited by John Malden, describes how ‘in “Social media has the allure of have developed workshops and Abbey and translates to ‘Go not this way Church that gathered in the upper room February 1533, 12s was paid to 12 chaplains instant communication to a wide resources which help employers unless you have said Ave Maria.’ waiting for the Holy Spirit. God was to say Mass for the King’s grace before audience,” he said. “It can identify, discuss and deal with The Canon law that guides diocesan preparing the new Church for a journey to Our Lady of Paisley.’ provide a platform for individuals issues related to sectarianism. The requires a preparatory period of take the Kingdom of God to all creation. to ‘sound off’ and hit the send message must go out loud and catechesis, consultation and prayer, and [Yet] He ensured they were first gathered I [email protected] button when perhaps they clear: Sectarianism has no place would not be so comfortable to in a 21st century workplace.” Refurbishing work begins on St Peter’s Seminary in Cardross

WORK has finally begun on hoped it will already be on graffiti and stripping asbestos is leading the restoration effort, the refurbishment of St Peter’s track to become one of the from the building so it can be was praised by Mike Cantlay, Seminary in Kilmahew, nation’s leading cultural and opened for a one-off event chairman of national tourism Cardross, which is being heritage attractions. next spring. agency Visit Scotland. turned into an arts complex. Plans are already emerging Around 10,000 people will “NVA’s inspirational and After being abandoned for 30 for what is widely regarded as be allowed onto the site for a imaginative plans to partially years, and numerous attempts the country’s finest ‘modernist’ dramatic night-time event to be restore St Peter’s Seminary, a to restore it falling through, the building to play host to staged over several weeks in masterpiece of Scottish £7.5 million restoration project Scotland’s national performing the spring, which is expected to modernist architecture, present began this week with the site arts companies, pop and rock start a Scottish Government- a wonderful story of history, (right) being closed off. concerts, visual arts exhibitions backed celebration of the regeneration and transformation, When it fully reopens at the and festivals. nation’s best architecture as well as a fantastic opportunity end of 2016, the 50th anniversary Dozens of contractors will and design. to shine the spotlight on Argyll of the building’s opening, it is spend eight months removing NVA, the organisation that and Scotland,’ he said.

Mancunia Tangney Tours JOE WALSH TOURS Archdiocese of St. Andrews & Edinburgh PILGRIMAGE SPECIALISTS SINCE 1961 Lourdes Flights 2015 Lourdes Pilgrimage 10th - 17th July We are pleased to operate direct fl ights to Lourdes on Led by Archbishop Leo Cushley the following dates from Edinburgh MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE £ from £569 3rd - 10th of July & 17th - 24th July, 1 JULY & 26 AUGUST | 7 NIGHTS per pepersonrson NEWS st From Manchester: 31 of July, from Glasgow 7th & 14th August ‡ 'DLO\ %UHDNIDVW 'LQQHU From Birmingham: 21st & 28th August From Liverpool: 24th July for 7 nights FATIMA & LISBON COAST £ Flights from Edinburgh direct to Lourdes from £629 Rome in the Autumn per pepersonrson with B&B from £632 full board from £706 pp. 16 SEPTEMBER | 7 NIGHTS 6th - 10th October - led by Fr Edward Perera from Liverpool £429 per person plus fl ights. 2015 theme - the Joy of Mission Pilgrimage & Sun Holiday! Shrines of Europe Pilgrimage We are pleased to operate direct fl ights to Lourdes on the ‡ 'DLO\%UHDNIDVW 'LQQHU/XQFKDOVRLQFOXGHGLQ)DWLPD'DLO\ %UHDNIDVW 'LQQHU /XQFK DOVR LQFOXGHG LQ )DWLPD Fatima, Santiago & Lourdes 10th - 18th September - £819pp following dates from Edinburgh FatimaFatima Pilgrimages 3rd - 10th of July & 17th - 24th July. 10th - 15th June, 11th - 16th September Hexham & Newcastle Holy Land Pilgrimage & 11th - 16th October From £565 pp Spend some time with Our 12th - 19th October - £1,295. Return fl ights, full board Lady of Fatima on the 12th & 13th of the month accommodation & English speaking guide. www.mancunia.com www.tangney-tours.com Joe WalshWalsh ToursTours | Glasgow Tel: 0141 530 5060 ABTA No.Y5280 | [email protected] [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.joewalshtours.co.uk Telephone: 0141 155 1344 Follow us: Joe Walsh Tours Pilgrimages @JWTPilgrimages 5126 5126 FREE BROCHURE LINE: 0800 917 3572 Bonded and Licensed by the Civil Aviation Authority in the UK | ATOL 5163 WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 4 SCHOOLS/LOCAL NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 Former Catholic teacher is

By Gerard Gough

A FORMER Catholic schoolteacher is to be inducted into the Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame for 2015. Frank McArdle, a former maths teacher at St Roch’s Secondary School in Glasgow, has, since 1978, been teaching and inspiring generations of young musicians via evening classes and the school’s celebrated ceili band. Many of Mr McArdle’s alumni have gone on to enjoy careers in traditional music, including fiddler John McCusker and accordionists Gerry Conlon and Paddy Callaghan—with the latter having been St Ambrose making a difference in Malawi named BBC Radio Scotland’s Young Traditional Musician of the Year in 2013. By Daniel Harkins “Malawi is one of the poorest nun who has worked in Malawi The Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame countries in the world, and now for more than a decade. It is hoped was founded in 2005 to celebrate the vast array of DISABLED children and babies who are born in Malawi the project will be completed talented people that has worked and promoted their families in Malawi will will have the opportunity to have by October of this year. Scottish traditional music. It is a project that soon have a new medical their lives radically transformed,” North Lanarkshire Provost Jim was inaugurated by Hands Up For Trad—an assessment centre thanks to she said. “These children can Robertson, who had visited the organisation formed in 2002 to increase the the fundraising efforts of now be assessed immediately at school’s work in Malawi twice profile and visibility of Traditional Music pupils at St Ambrose High birth and the impact of their before, came to St Ambrose and through information, education and advocacy. School in Coatbridge. disabilities will be reduced and accepted the cheque on behalf Mr McArdle grew up Dalmellington, Ayrshire, Pupils and staff from the their lives vastly improved. of Aiming Higher in Malawi. and took accordion lessons when he was young, school were inspired to “The group would like to “Thanks to the outstanding before taking up guitar and performing in the local community groups,” Mr McArdle (above) improve the lives of disabled think everyone involved in this efforts of St Ambrose pupils and Scottish folk scene. After graduating from said. “They also got involved with the Glasgow children in Malawi after they venture including, pupils, staff, the money will go a long Strathclyde University in 1972, he began teaching Irish Minstrels branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí visited the country in 2014. parents, sponsors and staff who way to providing a much needed maths in 1973, initially at St Gerard’s in Govan Éireann, the Irish traditional music association. Out of the African visit, St have given so generously of centre for disabled children and before moving on to St Roch’s, forming folk Through Comhaltas, they were encouraged to Ambrose’s Bricks For Malawi their time and money since their families,” he said. “I’d like clubs in both schools. He had become interested play at ceilidhs and before long they were in big project was born and spurred September of last year to help to congratulate everyone involved in Irish music after attending a fleadh in 1972 and demand playing Scottish and Irish ceilidhs. I the pupils’ fundraising efforts. achieve this wonderful target. in this fantastic initiative.” in 1978—while already running the folk club— started teaching with Comhaltas and moved the The group set up a just-giving “It has been a long journey, The new medical assessment he started a ceili band at St Roch’s. Having spent classes to St Roch’s, where they have remained page and organised various but everyone is delighted with centre is just one of a number 36 years at St Roch’s, he has now retired but still ever since.” events such as a strictly come the progress of the group and of projects supported by remembers that the humble beginnings of the The classes take in pupils from across Glasgow, dancing competition and a the impact this centre will have schools in North Lanarkshire band boasted only ‘some whistles, a mandolin, a with some 200 currently converging on the school camel race. The result was a on the lives of the children with a Girls Go for Health couple of fiddles and a couple of accordions.’ for these Tuesday night sessions, when they are total of £14,500 raised to build in Malawi.” Prospect in Malawi equipping One young member of that initial band, a first- instructed by around 20 voluntary tutors and a medical assessment centre for The foundations for the new girls with vocational skills such year pupil called Gerry Conlon, would go on to many of the lessons were free for many years. the disabled children of Malawi. medical centre are currently being as farming, photography and become four times All-Ireland champion and 12 “The teachers who themselves learned for free Antoinette Millar, principal laid, with North Lanarkshire cooking which can be used to times Great Britain champion on piano accordion are happy to put something back,” Mr McArdle teacher of business at St charity Aiming Higher in Malawi earn money for their families. and piano. said. “But in recent years we’ve had to start Ambrose, paid tribute to the discussing plans with Sr Anna “The band started playing a few tunes for various charging a nominal £2 to cover administration, work of her pupils. Tommasi, an Italian Franciscan I [email protected] Holyrood students fast to fundraise for SCIAF Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia to hold two THE Dominican Sisters of Elgin. The day includes Mass, ball, and enjoy some Scottish HOLYROOD Secondary PIC: PAUL McSHERRY St Cecilia are organising talks and a connecting of faith dancing, with the day ending School pupils experienced the two youth festivals to to art, prayer, service and with a guided Holy Hour hunger of their counterparts take place in June in practical school skills. around the Blessed Sacrament. in the developing world as Aberdeen Diocese. All priests and seminarians The Elgin event will be they took part in a 24-hour fast. Now in its second year, The of the diocese have been followed by The New The pupils at the Glasgow Power of Grace event for 12-16 invited to attend and the young- Evangelisation retreat at St school were joined by headteacher year olds will take place on sters present will get the chance Michael’s in Tomintoul from Laurie Byrne, teacher Attracta June 6 in Greyfriars Convent in to speak with them, play foot- June 19-21. The retreat offers O’Reilly and chaplain Fr John Carroll as the presented a cheque for £6000 (right) to Mark Booker from the Scottish Catholic SPOTLIGHT ON International Aid Fund (SCIAF). S6 pupil Sam McNulty will travel to Malawi in June and said he believes he felt the need to experience the hunger of people in Africa. “Now that I’ve felt what that her realise how hard hunger is us,” she said, and encouraged other hunger is like I can go out there for people. pupils to take part in future fasts. and sympathise,” he said. “I would “Once you have raised the Each pupil raised £100 in say you have to help people money and you know you sponsorship money before taking around the world—we are all helped others it makes you feel part in the arduous 24 hours, with God’s children. But we also better to know you have made a one pupil even fainting during need to remember people close difference,” she said. the school day. to home who are hungry.” S5 pupil Lauren took part Headteacher Mr Byrne said the Megan Martin, S5, who has after seeing an advertisement and school’s charity work is ‘a part fasted in previous years for realising she had to get involved. of the kids’ education and global SCIAF, said it is difficult to take “I learned that people in other citizenship but also, as a Catholic part in the day but that it makes countries aren’t as fortunate as school, in terms of Gospel values, it is what we are commanded to do for the love of God and for the love of fellow human beings.’ EWTN CATHOLIC TV IS ON SKY EPG 589 “It comes though their primary Sky Freesat £175 total cost , no monthly charges. schools—we are very fortunate 200 Free channels including EWTN TV & Radio. in that our primaries are solid in Call Sky on 08442411602 for installation. their Faith,” he added. “So children Call EWTN on 020 83502542 or e-mail [email protected] come here and continue that Primary 7 pupils at Holy Family Primary in Lenzie hold a cheque for £2445. The money, raised from events over Lent, will now go to the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund and will be doubled by the government’s for free monthly posted programme guide and work and we see that connection matched funding scheme PIC: PAUL McSHERRY visit www.ewtn.co.uk for more info. in terms of faith in action and their belief.” WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SCHOOLS/LOCAL NEWS 5 Catholic Worker members join in silent headed to the Hall of Fame witness for migrants who lost their lives

PIC: GERARD GOUGH just five and was fulsome in his support of Mr CATHOLICS from Glasgow McArdle’s induction into the hall of fame. travelled to London last Friday “Frank has given so many young individuals to join Christians from across the opportunity to be musicians,” Mr Callaghan said. Europe in silent witness to “Devoting so much of his life to teaching on a the tragedy of migrant deaths voluntary basis and giving young people experience in the Mediterranean. of performing is such an incredible feat. Members of the Glasgow “I most certainly would not be a professional Catholic Worker group were musician but for the Frank’s work, and there are amongst the many campaigners many more who would say the same.” who took part in a silent procession His comments were echoed by St Roch’s Senior to the Foreign and Commonwealth Ceili Band member, Danny Boyle, who has also Office and a public prayer vigil, benefited from Mr McArdle’s teaching. before acting out a symbolic “Everyone past and present who played representation at the Home Office through the Irish Minstrels branch and St Roch’s of the thousands of people who Ceili Band are delighted that Frank has received have died trying to cross the this worthy recognition,” Mr Boyle said. “He has Mediterranean Sea from Africa influenced huge numbers of successful and to Europe. professional musicians but his success was not The Glaswegians were taking solely based on that. Over the years, literally part in a biennial meeting of hundreds of young people and their families have European Catholic Worker groups, participated in a positive environment, which has and joined forces in London with Christians begin a morning vigil and lying on the pavement—to increased their confidence, developed a community Christian Peacemaker Teams, the with a silent march at St Martin ‘remind the government of their spirit and had additional benefits across a number international and ecumenical in the Fields to the Foreign and recent failures to rescue vulnerable of areas. As a maths teacher he also helped many non-violent peace group. Commonwealth office where they human beings.’ of us with our academic progression. He’s a man of More than 1800 people have said prayers, told stories and held Michael Sutherland, a member let of the school, insurance and the like. The lessons many talents and deserves this recognition.” died this year trying to cross the a naming of the dead ceremony. of the Glasgow Catholic Worker themselves are, in effect, still free.” While Mr McArdle modestly said of the Mediterranean. Last year, Mare The group tried to deliver a letter group, said the event ‘continues For competitions, the young musicians split induction that ‘it’s always nice to be recognised,’ Nostrum, an Italian military search of protest to Foreign Secretary the Catholic Worker tradition of into as many as 12 different ceilidh bands, ranging he was more forthcoming when speaking about and rescue programme, stopped Philip Hammond, before moving creative non-violent witness to from under-12s to seniors, and nine grupai cheoil what motivated him as a teacher. operating due to a lack of funding to a permanent peace picket at raise awareness to injustice.’ or music groups. Some of these have qualified from “I just think that it’s very uplifting music,” Mr after many EU countries pulled Parliament Square and visiting “Whatever the solution to the the Scottish fleadh to theAll-Britain thenAll-Ireland McArdle said. “There’s a great buzz from teaching support. The Commission of the the Home Office to deliver a letter exceptional number of refugees events, with pupils winning numerous All-Ireland children who want to learn and watching their Bishops’ Conferences of the to Home Secretary Theresa May. coming to Europe is, it cannot medals for solo or ensemble performance. progress. I get it occasionally in teaching maths, European Union have called for The participants there acted include letting our brothers and Mr McArdle’s highlights of his time as a music but in the music the people who come to me are the reinstatement of that operation. out the part of drowned migrants sisters drown as some sort of mentor have included ‘having the first St Roch’s all dead keen to learn. I don’t know how anyone The London gathering saw —pouring water over their bodies deterrent,” he added. under-15 ceili band qualify for the All-Ireland in can’t be motivated by traditional music, and 1986, playing to a crowd of 12,000 in George something that gives me great satisfaction is the Square at the end of Glasgow’s City of Culture number of people who continue to play music year in 1990, and watching Paddy Callaghan become after they leave the classes, in ceili bands and Celebrating 175 years of St Margaret’s parish Young Scottish Traditional Musician of 2013.’ sessions, while many come back for the annual Paddy Callaghan—now an acclaimed young concerts and competitions.” PRIESTS who have served PIC: DOMINIC G SMITH accordionist and multi-instrumentalist—arrived the parish of St Margaret’s at the St Roch’s Ceoltoiri branch when he was I [email protected] in Airdrie returned to the church recently as they celebrated its 175th anniversary year. youth festivals in Aberdeen Diocese in June Mass was concelebrated by Archbishop Emeritus Mario 15-18 year olds the opportunity experience and depth of faith,’ are thirsty for Christ and have Conti (right with priests) who to deepen their faith and bring whilst the second, when first very few places to find Him.” was invited by present parish the Gospel to life. held last October, proved a priest Fr Raymond Breslin. Sr Christiana of The Dominican turning point in the young I The first youth event is free St Margaret’s was the first Sisters said the first event is pilgrims’ faith experience. of charge and the second built in geared towards a balanced “Almost all are coming back reasonably priced. For more Motherwell Diocese and was approach to Catholic life as to help run the retreat and take info or to sign up contact Sr opened on Christmas Day 1839. ‘we know that youth will come part in it again,” she added. Christiana at dominican. Only four parishes in the west from a varying level of religious “This is because, again, youth [email protected] of Scotland predate it.

St Paul’s Primary pupils are driven to practise good road safety

By Hugh Dougherty

PRIMARY four pupils from St Paul’s Primary School in Whiteinch, are quite sure that you can’t—as the old song says—‘shove your granny aff the bus!’ They were joined by their grandparents on Monday May 11 on the top deck of a vintage Glasgow double decker outside the city’s Riverside Museum (right) to launch a council, police and fire service drive to remind older pedestrians to keep safe when crossing the road. The St Paul’s youngsters were Thank-you Ryan for chosen to take part thanks to their work on the school’s donating and fitting the fire own road safety awareness Post, to help make their safety Councillor Alistair Watson, grandparents joined us in the programme which impressed message just the ticket for readers Glasgow City Council executive launch of the campaign. alarm system in council chiefs. of a certain age. member for sustainability and “Pupils at primary schools The junior safety ambassadors “We have a good road safety transport, said. “The St Paul’s across the city will be following Christ the King Community Hall, and their grandparents were record in Glasgow, but far too youngsters have become really their lead and taking our road joined by cut-outs of the famous many elderly pedestrians are involved in road safety and we safety message pack home to Holytown Broons family from the Sunday still becoming road casualties,” were delighted that they are their their own older relatives.” WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 6 WORLD/VATICAN NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 Holy Father names mgr as new bishop for Nottingham Diocese Closer Vatican-Palestinian

POPE Francis has appointed Bishop Malcolm McMahon, POPE Francis called on Palestinian leader Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Mgr Patrick McKinney as now . I Mahmoud Abbas to become ‘an angel of The members of the Palestinian Delegation were the new Bishop of Notting- know a little of the diocesan peace’at a meeting in the Vatican on Saturday. Ambassador Rawan Sulaiman, assistant minister of ham. You are Living Stones parish The summit took place just days after the Vatican foreign affairs for multilateral affairs; Ambassador Mgr McKinney (right) will renewal programme which he and Palestinian representatives finalised the text of Issa Kassissieh, representative of the State of Pales- be the 10th Bishop of Notting- had begun, encouraging every- a formal agreement recognising freedom of religion tine to the ; Ammar Hijazi, and deputy ham, succeeding Bishop Mal- one in the Diocese to work in the ‘state of Palestine’, a move criticised by the assistant minister of foreign affairs for multilateral colm McMahon, who was together in serving the mission- Israeli government, even though the Holy See has affairs; and Azem Bishara, legal adviser of the appointed Archbishop of Liver- ary outreach of the Church, and referred to the state of Palestine since January 2013. PLO. pool in March last year. I will do my best to build upon Pope Francis and President Abbas (right) met President Abbas met the Holy father while he The new bishop will be this. privately for 20 minutes. Afterwards the Holy See was was in Rome for the Canonisation of two ordained to the episcopate by “I have much to learn as I issued a statement, saying: “The hope was Palestinian nuns yesterday, among 2000 Christians Cardinal Vincent Nichols, prepare to take up my new expressed that direct negotiations between the par- from Palestine and the wider Middle East to attend Archbishop of Westminster, in ministry within the Diocese of ties be resumed in order to find a just and lasting the event at St Peter’s Square. Marie Alphonsine St Barnabas’ Cathedral, Not- Nottingham, but am greatly solution to the conflict.” Ghattas, from a Palestinian family in Jerusalem, tingham on July 3 2015. looking forward to it.” The statement continued: and Marian Bawardy, from “Throughout my priestly Mgr McKinney is currently “To this end the wish was a Greek Catholic family in ministry, now almost 37 years, parish priest of the Church of reiterated that, with the sup- According to the Galilee, both lived in I have always tried to do my Our Lady and All Saints in port of the international Vatican, the new Ottoman-era Palestine. best in whatever has been Stourbridge in Birmingham Malcolm McMahon said. community, Israelis and bilateral treaty also Prior to the Canonisa- asked of me,” Mgr McKinney Archdiocese. Archbishop Palestinians may take with tions, Fr Rifat Bader, direc- said. “In this I have been Born in Birmingham on of Birmingham said that Mgr determination courageous ‘deals with essential tor of the Catholic Centre deeply conscious of God’s April 30, 1954, he studied for McKinney's ‘many years as decisions to promote peace.” aspects of the life for Studies and Media in abundant grace and mercy, and the priesthood at St Mary’s parish priest and local dean and The Holy Father also and activity of the Amman, Jordan said: I have been greatly sustained College, Oscott in 1972, and his skills as a theologian and gave President Abbas a Catholic Church in “Patriarch Fouad Twal by the prayerful support of my was ordained to the priesthood teacher will equip him well in medal with a figure of an affirmed that ‘the declara- brother priests, the deacons and on July 29, 1978. He was leading the diocese of Notting- angel of peace, telling him: “ Palestine.’ tion of the sainthood of the religious in the Archdiocese of appointed rector of St Mary’s ham into the coming Jubilee “I thought of you: May you two nuns from Palestine is a Birmingham, and by the College in 1989, a post he held Year of Mercy.’ become an angel of peace.” spiritual event of prime importance for the citizens prayers of the parishioners for nine years. “As an accomplished hill- Atotal of 130 countries have already recognised of the Holy Land, amid the difficulties we are expe- whom I have been privileged to “The Diocese of Nottingham walker I am sure he will come the State of Palestine. riencing, as the two saints enlighten our path.’ serve. I will miss them all very is a big diocese with a big to love the landscapes of his According to the Vatican, the new bilateral treaty “As the Holy Land, wrecked by violence and much. heart, and I hope that Mgr new diocese as much as the also ‘deals with essential aspects of the life and dissent, has for some time had a tarnished image, “I am deeply conscious of McKinney will be as happy as counties of and activity of the Catholic Church in Palestine’ and is our two saints emerge to restore its sanctity, the rich legacy left by my pred- Bishop of Nottingham as I was Staffordshire that he knows so ready for signing on ‘a date in the near future.’ reminding us” that sanctity is possible even in the ecessors as bishop, especially for almost 14 years,” Bishop well,” he added. The treaty, ‘will be submitted to the respective most difficult circumstances. The Canonisation of authorities for approval ahead of setting a date in the two girls from the East during these dark times the near future for the signing.’ is an invitation from His Holiness Pope Francis to The members of the Delegation of the Holy See pray, knowing that only prayer can miraculously were Mgr Antoine Camilleri, under-secretary for help save our faith in the midst of these times of Relations with States; Archbishop Giuseppe Laz- trial. Now we have two new saints who represent a zarotto, apostolic delegate to Jerusalem and Pales- model of perfection for Christians, as well as for tine;ArchbishopAntonio Franco, apostolic nuncio; Muslims and Jews alike. Fr Luciano Lorusso, under-secretary of the Con- “They are both named Mary, and this name is gregation for the Oriental Churches; Mgr Alberto widespread and commonly used among all three Ortega, official of the Section for Relations with traditions. It is a sign of our modern time which States of the Secretariat of State; and Fr suggests that we can talk about the three religions Emil Salayta, judicial vicar of the Latin without any discrimination.”


Fr Ignatius Rai, vicar of Assumption Relics of saint’s parents arrive in the UK Parish in Lalitpur, Nepal, chats with BISHOP Mark O’Toole has He received the relics last Fri- Louis and Zélie Martin were 85-year old Padam welcomed the relics of St day night at the Cathedral Church beatified in 2008, becoming the Kumari Magar, who of St Mary and St Boniface in Ply- second beatified married couple had crawled out Thérèse of Lisieux’s parents unscathed from the to Plymouth Diocese at the mouth. A Holy Hour with in history after Luigi and Maria rubble of her stone start of their tour of southern Evening Prayer was followed by Quattrocchi who were beatified in home on Baretol England. Mass with anointing of the sick. 2001. Pope Francis is expected to Mountain after the Shortly after he became The cathedral then remained open Canonise the Martins during the April 25 earth- Bishop of Plymouth in January for private veneration of the relics. family synod in Rome in October. quake. Caritas is 2014, Bishop O’Toole wrote to The relics will remained in the continuing to help PIC: MAZUR/BISHOPS’ Lisieux to request that the relics cathedral until Monday, May 18, the mountainous of Blessed Louis and Zélie Mar- before touring throughout south- CONFERENCE OF ENGLAND AND nation rebuild tin visit his diocese. ern England. WALES

pray for the beloved people of Polls tighten over band and wife if a change is the US who vandalised a uranium journal the Tablet has been NEWS ROUNDUP Burundi which is living through marriage made to the Constitution. storage bunker have been celebrated with a thanksgiving a delicate moment: May the Lord ARCHBISHOP of Armagh “For a long time, we were led released from prison. Their Mass at help all people to flee the vio- Eamon Martin has said he is not to understand there was not lawyer said Michael Walli, 66, last Saturday. First published in Appeal for peace lence and to act responsibly for surprised the polls have tightened much to this but now people are and Greg Boertje-Obed, 59, were 1840, the Tablet is the second in Burundi the good of the nation,” the Pope ahead of Friday’s referendum on realising that is not the case,” he let out of prison after they, along oldest surviving weekly journal POPE FRANCIS made his said. Recently different army fac- allowing same sex marriage in said. However the polls still sug- with nun Megan Rice, 85, were in the UK, after the Spectator. appeal for peace in Burundi in St tions have fought for control of Ireland. He said many people gest the changes to marriage will ordered free. The activists have The Mass, was led by the Peter’s Square last Sunday dur- the capital, Bujumbura, follow- are now only beginning to realise be supported by a majority. already spent two years in prison. , George ing his address just before the ing a failed coup. On Saturday the far reaching implications for Stack, and featured the world recitation of the traditional Easter 18 people appeared in court the future generations and for Catholic peace 175th birthday of premiere of a special Marian prayer, the Regina Coeli. charged with aiding the families, and for the unique spe- activists freed The Tablet commission by classical “I wish to invite all you to attempted coup. cial relationship between hus- TWO Catholic peace activists in THE 175th birthday of Catholic composer Roxanna Panufnik. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER WORLD/VATICAN NEWS 7

CARDINAL of Manila has been elected president of Caritas Internationalis, becoming ties as leaders meet in Rome the first person from Asia to hold the post. The cardinal (right with Pope Francis) was nominated at the confederation’s 20th General Assembly in Rome while he was in Chicago receiving an honourary doctorate from the Catholic Theological Union. Following his election, the cardinal, nicknamed the ‘Asian Francis,’ spoke by phone to delegates, saying: “Buona sera a tutti! Thank you for your Manila cardinal to lead trust. I’m limited in my capaci- ties but with all of you, with the love that Jesus has poured into Caritas Internationalis our hearts and in the name of all of the poor people in the “I assured him of our support Gariguez said. world, I accept this election.” at Caritas Asia,” he said. “And Chacko Joseph, head of Cari- He added: “Let us together this is not for anything else but tas Internationalis’ Solidarity strengthen the Church of the for our commitment and whole Team for Emergency Prepared- poor so our witness can help hearted service for the poor so ness (STEP) program in the guide us to a world of under- we need him for this.’ Philippines, said: ‘I strongly standing, justice, true freedom Fr Gariguez, who attended believe that Cardinal Tagle is and peace.” the assembly in Rome, said the darling for Europe. He is The charismatic cardinal, who Caritas Asia led the ‘clamor’ well-versed with everybody turns 58 on June 21, replaced for the cardinal to be nominated there and he is a down to earth Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez for the post when the process person.” He added that, with Maradiaga of Honduras, who started early in 2015. Cardinal Tagle’s close ties with has served as presidents for two Last week, Fr Gariguez said, Pope Francis, he would be ‘a terms lasting for four years. he learned that Caritas agencies huge advantage’ for Caritas. Cardinal Tagle will become in Europe and other countries “They really understand each the global representative of also gave their full support for other,” Mr Joseph said. Caritas Internationalis when he Cardinal Tagle. Caritas Internationalis is a officially takes office at the end “The charism and reputation confederation of 165 Catholic of the assembly on May 17. of the cardinal is not only here relief, development and social Fr Edu Gariguez, Caritas in the Philippines and it’s service organisations operating Philippines executive secretary, because he remains much the in over 200 countries and terri- said that Cardinal Tagle ‘has same low-profile personality, tories worldwide. The staff and the qualities of a good leader he’s not grandstanding but is volunteers at these organisations for the organisation.’ making a huge impact,” Fr number about one million.

Priest in South Sudan seeks help from his former parishioners in Scotland ANNUAL WEST END By Ian Dunn CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION A TANZANIAN priest who served in Scotland has pleaded for help from here as his new INHONOUROFSTJOHNOGILVIE home of South Sudan faces a ‘humanitarian crisis.’ Fr Beatus Mauki, SJ, was based A displaced in St Peter and Paul’s Parish in girl cares for Corpus Christi Procession led by Dundee, and Sacred Heart Lauris- her sister ton while studying atAbertay and inside a UN Archbishop Aberdeen universities, but has base in said life has been very tough since Malakal, Sunday 7 June 2015 moving on to South Sudan. South Sudan “The country is on the brink of We are calling on Catholics and anyone of good will or interest to a humanitarian crisis,” he said. never managed to get back on its students paying the school fees, “The life is becoming very diffi- feet. So many issues with alliances running the school has become join in a Corpus Christi procession from cult. The prices of commodities based on tribal lineage is eating very difficult. I am also worried are going up all the time. It has away our social fabric like can- about the number of students who Turnbull Hall, University of Glasgow, 13-15 SouthparkTerrace, been a month now with no sugar, cer.” drop out from school because their rice in the market, etc. It is hard.” He has been running a school parents had to move to safer place. Glasgow G12 8LG Since becoming the World’s but said it had become very diffi- Some, especially girls, are getting newest nation in 2013 South cult. into early marriages or given fam- to Sudan has been wracked with vio- “We are here continuing run- ily responsibilities. It denies the lence and instability. ning the school despite the worries students their basic right to educa- St Peterʼs Church, 46-50 Hyndland Street, Glasgow, G11 5PS. The priest said the world had and uncertainty facing the coun- tion.” grown bored with the suffering of try,” he said. He now hopes that he may get The day will commence with Holy mass celebrated at 11.30 a.m. his land, but it continued. “I must confess that it is diffi- some help from Scotland and his “With no end in sight, the cult to run the school at the former old parishioners to start a by Archbishop Philip at Turnbull Hall, University of Glasgow media has grown tired of report- moment; paying the teachers and ‘food programme in the school’to ing the killings and the situation workers is becoming increasingly encourage attendance. followed by the procession leaving Turnbull Hall at 1.00 p.m. on the ground is now fading in the difficult. We completely rely on Holy Hour will commence at 2.00 p.m. at St Peterʼs Church minds of those around the world,” the school tuition to pay these I For more details contact the he said. “Republic of south Sudan teachers and workers, but without SCO at [email protected] followed by a light buffet in the church hall. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 8 ARTS FEATURE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015

Duke Special’s new long-player Look Out Machines! summons the singer’s eccentric and tender take on modern life in Belfast— from community and politics to the late Seamus Heaney. RICHARD PURDEN reports. A melodic take on Belfast life

HAT’S in a name? Quite a lot Freewheel (2007 hit record) years before. It was actually.Peter Wilson better known this very human thing where people were aware of as Duke Special understood you, after a little success people see you in a the ‘theatre’ of music from an different way, that shouldn’t be the case but it is. It early age. was sobering to be off the radar again.” His alias, stage-craft and song-writing possess In 2009 he wrote the music for and appeared in an out of the ordinary quality that separates him Deborah Warner’s critically acclaimed production of Wfrom fleeting scenes and passing phases. Emerg- Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children ing over a decade ago his platinum selling first at London’s National Theatre. The experience album Songs From The Deep Forrest heralded a brought about a fresh perspective and impetus. quirky, singular and eccentric talent from the north “It was encouraging and it showed me that there of Ireland. He is about to release his eighth studio was a much bigger world than the pop way of long player Look Out Machines! doing things; recording, rehearsing, touring etc and From the new album In A Dive immediately doing the same thing over again,” he said. “When summons some of the problems and struggles I looked at artists like Tom Waits or Nick Cave associated with religious life in Belfast, said Duke. who have written for theatre or film, it blew apart “That song is anti-religious in the fundamentalist the model that I had been used to.” sense, coming from Belfast, growing up with religion and the outworking of that,” he added. ike those artists Duke Special has brought “Some of it is really great, you see kindness and elements of music hall and vaudeville to his grace and you see forgiveness but you also see an artistry, he's used everything from cheese unbending attitude, a lack of tolerance and the Lgraters and wardrobe doors to old gramophone assertion that one side is right and the other is records to bring a unique atmosphere to the work. completely wrong. I loved the idea of seeing a true Musically we are living through a particularly religion of love and compassion held up as virtues, conservative era where television talent shows you can find those things in unlikely places, often devour public attention and industry song-writers it’s not churches, it might be in bars or even in people are cynically drafted in to enhance the chances of that profess to having no faith. Of course you modern pop stars. Writers with the talent and might find it in a church as well but I wanted to originality of Duke Special have sadly become as draw attention to this idea of finding the virtues of rare. What strikes you about Peter Wilson is his goodness in the most unlikely places.” willingness to talk up other artists. You also sense Born in Lisburn, the singer grew up in his genuine concern for his home city of Belfast Coleraine, Hollywood and Downpatrick, today the and how the cuts are affecting communities. father of three resides in East Belfast. The creative “In the arts we’ve been hit massively by cuts, compost of his music remains in the streets of his there is a huge amount of work done in communities youth, Look Out Machines! also draws from the from reminiscence therapy in homes and hospitals work of the late Derry born poet Seamus Heaney: to projects in schools with music, poetry and ‘The title of Stepping Stones’ was inspired by dance,” he said. interviews with him over a period of years, around “Belfast also has a huge number of festivals the time he died he was writing about someone at the which have been affected. My hope is that the arts end of their life wondering where the time had gone, will prevail because who wants to live in a grey in that work there was a yearning for something society that is all about the buck and the financial they had lost, something hadn't materialised line? It's an important consideration because why or happened. we are here, what makes us thrive and flourish?” Do you think Northern Ireland has embraced hese austere times are particularly difficult grass roots politics in the way that parts of for those in the creative arts, although Duke Scotland has since the independence referendum, Special was originally signed to a major I ask? Tlabel he found himself without a record deal in “I think there is still a lot of ground to cover, 2009. He has since went on to fund his work people are frustrated that politics remains a very “I certainly look forward to a time when there kinds of people who are disengaged from supposedly through Pledge Music where a community of fans black and white subject here,” he said. “I think we are more people getting involved at grassroots level normal life because everyone has the ability to create and supporters provide finance to cover recording need more colour and thinking in a different way, who are not defined by their religious backgrounds no matter what it is, it seems to me such a healthy costs and promotion: we have definitely made progress but it can still be or allegiances to governments. It would be really mental aide in whatever way for the individual and “The good thing (about a major deal) was that it difficult a lot of the time because it can get stuck great to see people that want to do something that society as a whole.” suddenly opened a lot of doors, it puts you on the on things that we are trying to move on from. I makes a difference in their community. radar in a way that I hadn't been before, but it’s not don’t know what the answer is, I’m not a politician, “I appreciate very much the people who are I Look Out Machines! is out now. like you are suddenly any better. I had written but I don’t envy their task. involved and work at that grassroots level with all I Duke Special is currently on tour WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER LETTERS 9

LETTER OF THE WEEK When Council 490 of the Knights of PICTURE OF THE WEEK St Columba in Blantyre heard that At last, recognition of the none of the classrooms in St Bride’s ISIS genocide Primary School in Cambuslang had a crucifix on the wall they decided to YOUR recent report on the prospect on do something about it. ISIS carrying out a genocide on the The Council purchased 13 crucifixes, Christians of the Middle East (SCO May one for each of the 12 classrooms 15) was very timely. There is not nearly and a larger one for the headteacher’s enough coverage of this shocking situation. room. What is happening in the Middle East is Last week three of their members tragedy that seems to never end. The war in visited the school and presented Syria and Iraq grinds on consuming life them to Headteacher Patricia Cullion after life. There is no end in sight. And the during the morning assembly. Regions Christians have no one to help Ms Cullion thanked them for this them. They are suffering most. generous gesture and said: “St Bride’s Primary School is a fabulous It seems bizarre that the region Christ new building, but it lacked something came from may be cleared entirely of those very important—Crucifixes. Now, who follow him. Yet with every day that because of the generosity of the passes it seems more likely. Knights of St Columba, we have a Military solutions seem to offer no hope, focus for our prayers and worship diplomacy has failed. Charities like Aid to within the school. We will remember the Church in need and SCIAF are doing them in our prayers.” good work helping those who are in Seen here are (back row, from left) desperate need. But beyond that it’s very Harry Gilroy, Owen Flannigan and hard to know what can be done. The only Michael Madden of the Knights of St option now is prayer, prayer that some Columba. (Front row) Headteacher kind of peace can be found in that wretched Patricia Cullion with four of the land. John Hastings schoolchildren. EDINBURGH

SCIAF’s work goes beyond emergency aid

I WAS pleased to read in last week’s SCO that SCIAF are campaigning to toughen laws on the mining of minerals in developing countries. The exploitation of the land and people in South America and Africa is the Committee washed its hands It was always up to the Parliament as a shameful face of rampant capitalism and on assisted suicide whole to accept or reject their the western world has for too long stood by recommendation, had there been one, but and put personal profit before the lives of PROPOSALS to allow assisted suicide in the failure to produce a recommendation ESTABLISHED IN 1885 others. Scotland contain ‘significant flaws,’ has rendered the proceedings to date a It is heartening to see this Scottish according to a report from Holyrood’s complete waste of time and Parliamentary Catholic charity championing the rights of health committee. resources. often overlooked vulnerable people who A majority of members of the committee There can be no correct way of live in fear of paramilitary groups and their opposed the general principles of the implementing something which is wrong in corporate paymasters. Charity, as SCIAF legislation but they have decided to let the principle as perceived by the majority of knows, is not just about donating money, whole Scottish Parliament decide whether the committee. You ‘cannae’ label ‘canny’ put putting Catholic teaching into action. or not to throw out the measure. Grace McDonnell What a dereliction of the responsibility Michael Creechan COATBRIDGE given to this committee.!!! GLASGOW Scottish Catholics

IKE the proverbial search for the Holy Grail, the ‘Catholic Support and concerns for CAN YOU tell me why in the May 8 report We have lost some faithful vote’in Scotland—once an urban legend—is rapidly being Cambuslang priest in the SCO on Fr Paul Morton of St Bride’s Catholic MPs translated into the annuals of time as myth, often by those Cambuslang Fr Morton was referred to as who do not have a firm grasp on either politics or religion I FOUND the May 8 report in the SCO on ‘formerly’ of St Bride’s? I WONDER if the SCO had printed Tom in Scotland. Fr Paul Morton of St Bride’s Cambuslang My fellow parishioners and I sincerely Clarke’s article in response to Scotland’s A UK Catholic magazine celebrating an impressive anniversary both uplifting and concerning. I am hope that, God willing, our beloved parish bishops general election advice (SCO May this year has extrapolated from post-general election statistics that delighted that the name of a hard-working priest will soon be returned to us. He is 8) before the electorate had decided his thereL was a massive swing in the Catholic vote in Scotland away from priest cleared and I pray that Fr Morton only temporarily on leave until the fate if the outcome would have been the Labour Party towards the SNP. The report was picked up by a may soon be able to return to his pastoral formalities of clearing his name are different? I read his sage words when the daily Scottish nationalist newspaper (that should have known better) duties. completed, as your report indicated. votes had been counted and felt very, because it suited its own ends and, perhaps, filled a hole in its own While I would never advocate a return to very sad. post-election analysis. Times are, of course, tight in society and in the days where accusations were not properly St Bride’s parishioner Unlike his fellow MPs who were ousted newspapers. investigated, in the Church and in society at CAMBUSLANG for a whole host of different reasons, I What the Catholic and secular publications failed to note is that the large, I do agree to a large extent with Fr believe Mr Clarke fell on the altar of 48 per cent of Catholic voters pledging support for the SNP more or less Morton’s family that there has to be a better G EDITOR’S NOTE: When a parish priest is placed on tactical voting pure and simply. A mirrored the percentage of support in Scottish electorate in general, so administrative leave while under investigation his way that affords the same privacy and pastoral duties are suspended and he does not act 74-year-old Catholic politician with a any change in the so-called ‘Catholic vote’ in fact match rather than protection to the accused as the accuser. as parish priest until matters are resolved. The SCO voting record by and large in keeping with bucked the national trend. Religion, therefore, was a non factor.And the Catholic teaching, well that is a real loss I magazine’s attempt to compare 2015 Labour support in Scotland to K MacFarlane apologises for any confusion the use of the word ‘formerly’ might have caused with regards to St say. He was not my MP, but my MP was Labour support in the rest of the UK was an exercise in futility that MOTHERWELL DIOCESE Bride’s Parish Priest Fr Paul Morton’s status. unseated also. He was a Christian. His showed a failure to grasp the unique factors in Scotland, in our Catholic successor? That is a chapter yet to be Church and our society, during the 2015 general election. written by that brand new MP, who will In last week’s SCO Aidan Michael Cook encouraged young remain in my thoughts and prayers Catholics to become more involved in the political process. The Thanks you Canon Canning in the Paisley area. aforementioned pundits would have us falsely believe they were all for St John Ogilvie insight How very fortunate we are in the Paisley T Boyle rushing to the SNP camp. Scots are not called ‘canny’ for nothing, Diocese to have such a dedicated archivist/ HAMILTON however. The Catholic Church in Scotland is a broad Church, made I WISH to express my sincere thanks to historian in the person of Canon Canning. up of city and country dwellers, including all social classes and those the SCO for the very informative, and of all political persuasions. Commentators who speak of it in sweeping interesting article, written by Canon John R Miller Keeping our traditions generalisations run the risk of showing their ignorance of developments Canning on the links of Saint John Ogilvie GREENOCK alive matters in Scotland and demonising and alienating Scottish Catholics. On the World Day of Prayer for Communication on Sunday IN A world, and a Church, where there is Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, president of the Bishops’ Conference G SCO reserves the right to edit letters to conform with space or requirements so much to do, it is refreshing to see of Scotland, highlighted the need for a Catholic conversation at home G This page is used solely for reader opinion and therefore views expressed are not necessarily Archbishop Cushley make the time to and in the press, and he was wary of the secular press when it jumps shared by SCO revive the p[ilgrimage of St Margaret (SCO to conclusions or pushes agendas. G If you would like to share your opinion, send your correspondence to the address below May 15), proving keeping our traditions Perhaps we all need to work on our lifelong Catholic education and G Whether you use e-mail or post, you must provide your full name, address, and phone number or and priorities alive truly still matters in our include religious and political analysis written out with Scotland in a your letter will not be used secular society. list of what to read with care when it comes to our Faith and our M Hannah Church. There are, after all, Scottish and European elections, and, no EDINBURGH doubt, many issues of concern to the Church, ahead. WRITE TO LETTERS, SCO, 19 WATERLOO STREET, GLASGOW G2 6BT [email protected] 10 COMMENT SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015

Why celebrate 800 years of Magna Carta? The document credited as the foundation stone of British liberties only enhanced power of the nobility

EXT month sees the was more complicated than that, both barons basically to police the King’s eventually agreed between the monarchy 800th anniversary of as regards the position of the Church actions was a particular provocation in and the barons at Lambeth in 1217. Magna Carta, generally and the constitutional significance of the eyes of Pope Innocent III. Thereafter, Magna Carta entered represented as the Magna Carta. Three months after Magna Carta had English mythology. foundation document of been agreed the Pope denounced it as Pope Innocent III’s apparently English, and later British, liberties. arlier in his reign, King John ‘not only shameful and demeaning but intemperate reaction, though obviously While it is undoubtedly a significant had been excommunicated by also illegal and unjust’ since the King based on the interests of Papal politics, historicalN document it is now difficult the Pope for his depredations had been coerced by military force into can also be seen as farsighted. The to assess it accurately, due to the great againstE the Church’s rights and property. accepting it, therefore Pope Innocent III aggression of the barons against royal mass of mythology in which it has But by 1215 the quarrel between the declared it ‘null, and void of all validity power foreshadowed both their seizure become enmeshed. Magna Carta has king and the Papacy had been of Church lands at the become one of the schoolroom myths healed, King John had by then Three months after Magna Reformation and the emergence of English history, along with the been restored to full communion of the Whig political tradition black legend of Richard III, the so- with the Church and he had no Carta had been agreed Pope which was responsible for the called ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688 BY GERALD WARNER stronger supporter than Innocent judicial murder of Charles I, and similar fables. III. The barons had made every Innocent III denounced it as ‘not the overthrow of James II and Since it was conceded by an English effort to present themselves as VII, and the anti-Catholic king almost four centuries before was the Church, at a time when the defenders of the Church. The only shameful and demeaning’ penal laws in the 18th century. Scotland became a part of Great Britain, whole of Europe was Catholic. The oath they had sworn when they Since the Union, Scotland that obviously poses the question: Church was deeply embroiled in the rose in rebellion against the King but also ‘illegal and unjust.’ has theoretically benefited from How relevant is it to Scotland? The struggle between King John and the was to ‘stand fast for the liberty Magna Carta on the same nearest historic document Scotland barons and the main architect of of the Church and the realm.’ terms as England. In reality, has to Magna Carta is the Declaration Magna Carta was Archbishop Stephen Magna Carta also included a pledge for ever.’The King was even forbidden, most of its provisions were repealed of Arbroath, issued a century later. But Langton, theArchbishop of Canterbury. regarding the liberty of the Church. under threat of excommunication, to by parliament during the 19th and it would be misleading to compare Archbishop Langton’s peace-making But this cut no ice with Pope Innocent observe it or the barons to enforce it. 20th centuries. Despite enlightened the two. efforts between the king and the III, who was enraged by the provisions Papal commissioners excommunicated provisions forbidding arbitrary The Declaration of Arbroath was barons came to fruition at Runnymede of Magna Carta. The Pope was the barons and Stephen Langton was imprisonment and promoting early essentially a statement of national on the Thames, when both sides agreed personally involved because, since suspended from his post as Archbishop access to justice, Magna Carta was independence and identity, directed to the articles of the great charter on 1213, King John had assumed the of Canterbury. essentially an instrument for enhancing against an external aggressor. Magna 15 June, 1215. On the face of it, the status of a vassal of the Papacy. This the power of the higher nobility. Only Carta, in contrast, was a domestic archbishop appeared to have acted gave the Pope direct jurisdiction over ing John died shortly after and Whig mythology accorded it the document that attempted to resolve an very constructively to end the civil war England, so that he saw the barons’ the regency for his heir Henry grandeur of a fundamental constitutional internal dispute between the two rival and in accordance with his character reduction of the King’s power as an III reissued a watered-down document. power factions in England, the King as a churchman (‘Blessed are the attack on his own authority. The radical Kversion in 1216 and that less radical There is not really a great deal to and the barons. The third party involved peacemakers.’) However, the situation proposal to establish a council of 25 charter was part of the peace treaty celebrate next month.

The views expressed in the opinion What do you think of GERALD WARNER’S comments on Magna Carta? Send your points of pages of the SCO are those of view to the SCO. Write to or e-mail informed individuals and groups and Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT [email protected] not necessarily those of the newspaper or the Church


screen next along with Jude W Law for a show called The IRE Young Pope. Could the marriage referendum D I The eight-part drama will N follow the life of Lenny Belardo, an Italian-American born man who becomes the Pope. The in Ireland be decided by turnout? An SCO diary official statement describes him as ‘a complex and conflicted WHEN Declan Donnelly character’ who is ‘stubbornly —better known as the shorter resistant to the Vatican BY DECLAN half of Ant and Dec—ties the courtiers.’ Mr Sorrentino has McSWEENEY knot this summer his brother co-written the show with Dermott, his older brother and Umberto Contarello, Stefano a Catholic priest will preside Rulli and Tony Grisoni. HE referendum over the wedding. In an interview last year with taking place tomor- And the TV star has Corriere della Sera, producer row (Friday, May revealed that he could have Lorenzo Mieli said the character 22) in the Republic ended up on the altar instead would be up there with morally of Ireland, on the of in front of it. conflicted television icons such issue of same-sex marriage, “It was something I thought as Walter White in Breaking Bad will serve as a mirror to the I could do and maybe I should and Tony Soprano in The extent to which changing T do,” he has said. “But I went Sopranos. The Young Pope will social mores have taken root, through the process and be a joint production between or alternatively that traditional realised that I couldn’t do it.’ Sky and HBO and will start values continue to dominate. However his brother’s shooting this summer. While past opinion polls pastoral work has benefited Mr Sorrentino’s last film The have shown support in the from having a famous brother. Great Beauty won the Oscar region of 80 per cent, no one As Fr Dermott has said. for best foreign language film. seriously expects it to be at “I don’t advertise that I’m However given the lack of such a level, and there are Dec’s brother, but the kids understanding of Faith in increasing fears on the part of always seem to know,” he Hollywood, Catholics may fear politicians in the ruling Fine said. “It bridges the gap this upcoming programe may Gael and Labour parties that between me and them.” be more of a fantasy than the measure may be defeated. Game of Thrones. At a political level, defeat GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG would be a severe blow for the GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG coalition parties, but the meas- THE blood-stained cassock ure is also supported by the worn by the late Pope John Paul AFTER more than 10 years’ opposition Fianna Fáil and II on the day of a failed dedicated work, Italian-born Sinn Féin parties, and by many assassination bid on May 13, artist Dino Mazzoli (below) has independent politicians. How- 1981 at the Vatican went on completed his hand-written ever, that is no guarantee of display last in the Polish city of illustrated Bible. The Bible, success, and in the past meas- Krakow. Karol Wojtyla, the only which is 1473 pages long in 23 ures which enjoyed cross-party Polish pontiff in history, was volumes, has the complete text support came close to being seriously wounded in the of the Christian Community defeated e.g. the 1995 divorce shooting attack by Turkish Bible handwritten in small referendum was only passed extremist Mehmet Ali Agca in St capitals, with around 5000 by a whisker. Peter’s Square. colour illustrations on its A4 Just as there has been much Thirty-four years later, the pages. Some are full-page, but talk of ‘shy Tories’ as a factor reasons behind the attempted most are embedded in the text, in the UK general election, it is assassination are still a mystery. in the tradition of medieval widely believed that ‘shy no “From the stains you can tell illustrated Bibles, though in a voters’ will be an important that John Paul II was bleeding more abstract style. feature of the referendum. The Catholic Church in Ireland is heavily... In hospital there were Born in Terni, Italy, in 1935, tions, one heard reports of Mothers and Fathers Matter. A moments when physicians had Mr Mazzoli studied art in or the Catholic Church, supporting traditional marriage priests being spat at on the prominent part is played by ahead of the referendum, but in doubts whether he could be Rome before moving to the nature of its response street and doors slammed in gay men opposed to same-sex measured tones saved," Cardinal Archbishop of Britain in 1961. He has had will have important their faces. Today, the intense marriage, such as Paddy Man- Stanislaw Dziwisz Krakow said. numerous exhibitions long-term implications. It is F anger is largely gone, but one ning and Keith Mills, who Cardinal Dziwisz, former including in Eastbourne, hardly surprising that the still finds a mix of hostility and said: “Marriage is the gel that in referendums on anything secretary to the Pope, was where he lives, Brighton and Church is calling for a No indifference. brings a couple together to relating to sexual issues. standing next to John Paul at London, and his work is vote, in line with episcopal Inevitably, when Catholic raise a family. That should not the time of the attack. Nuns displayed in collections opposition here in Scotland voices query same-sex mar- be redefined.” he poll has even caused caring for the pontiff kept the around the world. and in other parts of the world riage and raise the possible It should also be remem- divisions among the long, cream-colored garment A devout Catholic, as he where same-sex marriage has implications for , they bered that opposition is not ranks of Ireland's Gaelic bearing a bullet hole and large grew older he became more been proposed. footballers and hurlers, with are reminded of the role of just coming from Catholic T blood stains after removing it and more engaged in his Faith The Church, however, is Catholic authorities in having sources—the Presbyterian and Dublin footballer Ger Brennan from the hospital, where he was and took this product while well aware that its standing in the children of unwed mothers Methodist Churches, and some calling for a No vote, distanc- taken for emergency treatment. rereading the Bible as a way of the Republic has changed consigned to children’s homes evangelical and Muslim lead- ing himself from the Gaelic The popular Pope, who died engaging with the text. Pages beyond recognition since the or exported to wealthy Ameri- ers have also urged No votes, Players Association, who have in 2005 at the age of 85, was from the Illustrated Bible can be 1980s, when its word held can families in the past. As a though clearly opinion is also urged a Yes vote. By contrast, Canonised last year and seen at Dinomazzoli.com. The sway in various referendums. result, while many bishops divided in those communities. Cork hurling brothers Donal visitors to Krakow may find Bible is available as an Apple Weekly Mass attendance in the have been speaking out, they Og and Conor Cusack, both of this a fascinating, if slightly app for the iPad and iPhone, Republic was 87 percent in have expressed their opposi- n the other hand, the whom are gay, have urged a ghoulish, piece of history. and the family are looking into 1983; today it is down to 35 tion to same-sex marriage in (Anglican) Church of Yes vote. the possibilities of publishing it percent, and only 14 percent in Ireland is still neutral, More controversially, the measured tones, acknowledg- GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG as an ebook, and maybe Dublin Archdiocese (in some ing that the gay and lesbian Owith some bishops in favour Garda Representative Associ- publishing parts of it in a Dublin working-class parishes, population has been ill-treated and others opposed—two for- ation (GRA) has urged the IT’S been announced that printed version. An inspiration it is down to single figures). in Ireland, and condemning mer Archbishops Walton country’s police officers to director Paolo Sorrentino, will to all the ageing artists out Vocations have fallen, reli- homophobia. Empey and John Neill of vote yes, though the force itself be heading to the small there… gious orders are increasingly Bishop Michael Smith of Dublin have urged a Yes vote, has been keen to stress it is not withdrawing from schools and Meath stated: “I do not think but the current archbishop, taking a position on the matter. the overall attitude to the that there is anything offensive Michael Jackson, has been All one can say with cer- Church has changed utterly in believing, as we have silent on the issue. tainty is that the vote is likely from the exalted position it always done, that marriage is a Some Catholic priests and to be tight, and it is even pos- was on 30 years ago. permanent union between a nuns have rejected the episco- sible that weather conditions The revelations from 1994 man and a woman. The search pal line and supported a Yes on the day may determine the onwards, of scandals involving for equality in our society will vote, for example Sr Stanislaus outcome, by affecting voters' of children by not be advanced by undermin- Kennedy and Frs Tony Flan- ability to get to the polling priests and brothers, and the ing the very cornerstone on nery and Gabriel Daly. booths. cover-ups of such abuse by which a just and stable society However, one can expect a No voters will be hoping Church authorities, have led to is built.” divide between the big cities, that the traditional low voting enormous anger among the Much of the real opposition like Dublin, Cork, Limerick among young people will public, and the loss of an entire to same-sex marriage is com- and Galway, and the smaller negate the high levels of generation. ing from lay-led organisations towns and rural areas. Similar support expressed on social At the height of the revela- such as the Iona Institute and divides have always emerged media.


HAN eil ach 1.6% de Pàirt dhen Àrd-Eaglais ùr Chaitligich na h-Alba a’ anns an Òban le pàirt dhen fuireach ann an Sgìre- seann eaglais stain, 1935 Easbuig Earra-Ghàidheal (dealbh le Mìcheal Hughes) agus na h-Eileanan. Ach tha an Dtr Watts a sgrìobh leabhar mu eachdraidh na Sgìre-Easbuig Cdhen bheachd gu bheil buaidh nas làidire air a bhith aice na shaoileadh tu a-rèir a meudachd. Tha e ag aith- neachadh ge-tà nach eil cultar na Sgìre-Easbuig cho diofraichte bhon chòir dhen t-saoghail an-diugh is a bha e ag aon àm. Ach tha e a’ dol gu làidir an aghaidh a’ bheachd gun robh Eaglais Cheilteach shònraichte ann. Na bheachdsan tha fianais gu leòr againn gun robh daoine sna dùthchanan Ceilteach a’ cur spèis ann an ùghdarras na Ròimh. A dh’aindeoin sin tha e a’ gabhail ris gun robh spioradaileachd Cheilteach shònraichte ann. Bha daoine a’faicinn Dia anns a h-uile nì, gu sònraichte anns an àrainneachd. Tha an Dtr Watts dhen bheachd gum faodadh mar a bha àiteachan naomh cudromach dha na draoidhean a bhith air leantainn às dèidh do Chrìosdaidheachd a thighinn a- steach. A thuilleadh air sin is coltach gun robh barrachd naomhan aig na dùthchanan Ceilteach na bha aig àite sam bith eile san t-saoghail agus bha gu leòr dhaoine a’ cur taic ris agus a’ faicinn luach ann an sabaid agus blàran. Bhon Naomh Cholm Chille chun an là an-diugh tha an Eaglais Chaitligeach air a bhith stèidhichte ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is na h- Eileanan fad 14 linntean. Tha an leabhar ga roinn ann an dà phàirt. Sa chiad leth tha an Dtr Watts a’ toirt sùil air coimhearsnachdan tràth nam manach agus mar a chaidh Sgìre- Easbuig a stèidheachadh sna Meadhan Aoisean, an t-Ath Leasachadh agus mar a bha an Eaglais a’ strì gus cumail beò. Tha e a’ mìneachadh mar a tha Caitligeachd ga cur air bun- stèidh nas làidire air Ghàidhealtachd tron 18mh linn agus an 19mh linn.

an dara pàirt tha sinn a’ Show people Christ’s merciful face leughadh mu mar a chaidh Sgìre-Easbuig Earra-Ghàid- In our series looking at what happens AFTER THE RESURRECTION, the focus falls on bringing God’s Word to others Sheal agus nan Eilean ag ath-stèid- heachadh agus mar a chaidh ùghdarras na h-Eaglaise a chur air AST month I considered Pentecost and I’m going. Before long I understood that I was not powerful has changed me? If they don’t then I’m dòigh a-rithist às dèidh 1878. Tha an the transformation it brought about in going to die but had no idea what was wrong with me. obviously not displaying the sort of behaviour in leabhar cuideachd a’ toirt sùil air na the Apostles. It seems to me that I need my life that would draw people to Christianity. leasachaidhean a thachair sna to examine more closely what Pentecost ow often have you gone to Mass and heard After all, that is what Christians are for. I remember bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh le did for the Apostles and how that relates the readings recited as though they were a being taught in school that my task in this life is to paraistean ùra a’ nochdadh m.e. ann to our own lives. We read of the tongues of fire that list of words to be pronounced with no regard save my soul. That is nonsense. Jesus did the saving. an Leodhas, sna Hearradh, san appeared over the heads of the Apostles and the forH their meaning? Unless we are to understand My job is to bring others to Jesus. Eilean Sgitheanach (far an deach dà Lroaring noise like a mighty wind. These were sure what is being communicated we might as well not The wrong message is getting out there and it eaglais ùr a thogail) agus air Eilean signs to the Apostles that something wonderful was listen. This is at the heart of our current problem. In can’t all be blamed on an ill-informed press. Countless Arainn, gun dìochuimhneachadh air occurring and that a great power was involved. our Gospel we have the greatest story ever told. people have told me they don’t like the Church na taighean-ùrnaigh ann an Dail Clàr De Dhaoine Fialaidh I have no such recollection of my Confirmation. They even made a movie of that. In 2000 years we because it condemns gay people or divorced people Mhàilidh agus air Eilean Ì. Tha Did the Apostles get a stronger Holy Spirit than the have managed to make that story boring. or terrorists. To be clear, the role of the Church— sinn cuideachd a’ leughadh mu one I received? That might seem to be a likely This is the story that brought about the that’s you and me—is not to condemn anyone; we eachdraidh na h-Àrd Eaglaise anns conclusion when we consider the effect it had on JOE McGRATH’S conversions the Apostles made of the very people are about bringing everyone to Christ. That was an Òban agus mar a thòisichear le In his Gaelic column this month, ANDREAS WOLFF GÀIDHLIG the Apostles. They went out into the streets to who crucified Jesus. The implications of this story what the Apostles were doing. They were not eaglais stàin mus deach an togalach address the very people they had been hiding from. AFTER THE RESURRECTION are such that we must re-evaluate what it means to condemning the Jews who crucified Christ; they a th’ ann an-diugh a thogail sna gives an insight into a new book that documents Not only did they face the Jews but they accused PART TWO: PENTECOST AND CONVERSIONS be a human being and realise that each and every were out in the streets bringing them back to Christ, 1930an. them of unlawfully killing Jesus and went on to one of us is special. On that first day the Apostles Baptising them and washing away their sins. Tha Gàidhlig aig an Dtr Watts the proud history of Argyll and the Isles Diocese proclaim the resurrection. (above) converted about 3000 people. Why are we There are lots of ‘Christians’out there condemning agus bha e a’ miannachadh barrachd The striking thing in this episode was not just the power they have. They received the Holy Spirit and not having a similar effect on those who have people and warning of a vengeful God. That’s not dhi uisneachadh san leabhar aige, new-found courage of the Apostles, but the fact his gifts and seem thoroughly bored by the whole drifted away from the Church? the God I know. The God I know is a loving God. ach cho-dhùn e gun sin a dhèanamh. that they were ‘speaking in tongues.’In the ‘Acts of thing. The power to communicate to people of It is easy for us to place the blame squarely on He is the loving Father who watches patiently for Nach biodh e air a bhith math ge-tà A Record of Generous have liked to include more the Apostles’ it says that each of the listeners heard different languages is nothing to write home about those who drift. We can console ourselves by the return of the prodigal son. Is that the God we nan robh e ri fhaotainn ann an cànan People by Dr John Watts of the language in the book. them in his own language. It doesn’t say that the in the age of the internet and Google Translate. You claiming they have no sticking power. But, surely are putting out there? Do we behave like Christ, quick na Gàidheal cuideachd. Tha an t- tells the history of the Ann am Beurla (In English) As Bishop Toal writes in the Apostles spoke different languages. When the can write anything on your computer and have it that is not the truth. If we were proclaiming the to forgive and always ready to make peace or are Easbuig Toal ag innse dhuinn san ro- Argyll and the Isles foreword it was financed by Apostles spoke each of the hearers understood instantly translated into almost any language for message properly, providing understanding, not we ready to fight? I look at my hands as I type this ràdh aige gun deach pàigheadh Diocese. a generous donor. Maybe a what they were saying. It is the understanding that your audience. Who needs ‘speaking in tongues?’ just words, then I think the drift would be in the other —I should really learn to touch type—and I’m airson an leabhar le taic bho neach According to Dr Watts the was a distinct Celtic ing in the name of the Faith restoration of the hierarchy translation into the native is important and I will come back to that. This is where I’d like to make a distinction direction. Now, don’t be alarmed. I’m not suggesting thinking how a stranger sees my hands. Are they prìobhaideach. Dh’fhaodte gum Diocese, which only repre- Spirituality. People saw God was accepted. in 1878 and the restoration language of the diocese I suppose I didn’t need a tongue of fire and a between hearing and understanding. I had occasion we all buy loudhailers and get out into the streets open, ready to shake hands or are they clenched, biodh e no i deonach taic a chur ri sents 1.6 per cent of Scottish in everything, especially the The book is split into two of the Argyll and the Isles could also be financed. It mighty wind at my confirmation because I was not to make use of Google Translate when I was in my and start drowning out everything with the sound of ready to make a fist? eadar-theangachadh gu prìomh Catholics, punches above its landscape, and the many parts. The first half looks at Diocese. New parishes—set would be well worth it as a hunted man, afraid for his life and unaware of the Camino adventure a couple of years ago. I had the Gospel. It’s not the sound of the Gospel we need We usually make a fist if we are afraid. We chànan na sgìre-easbuig thar nam weight. It still has a distinct holy places may well have the early history, from up more recently—get a the book is easily readable powers he had been given. Those signs at Pentecost chest pains and was consulting a doctor in to spread; it’s the message we have to broadcast. should take a leaf out of the Apostles’ book and bliadhnaichean? Bhiodh an leabhar culture although globalisation Druidic origins. monastic societies to how mention, for example on and well-researched. proved to the Apostles that a greater power was at Accident and Emergency. The doctor spoke Spanish I think it was as much the example of the Apostles throw off the fear and meet people with confidence. làn airidh air. Tha e ri fhaotainn bho has reached this part of the Apparently the Celtic the diocese was founded in Lewis and Harris, Arran and For a copy visit St Mungo’s work in them and gave them the courage to proceed. and I spoke English. She used the computer to getting out there and proclaiming the truth to a If we put our trust in the Holy Spirit we will always bhùth an Naoimh Mungo an Glaschu. world as well. But Dr Watts lands produced more saints the Middle Ages, the on Skye, where two Bookshop in Glasgow or e- When I was confirmed I was not in any danger and translate. She typed the questions in Spanish and I hostile crowd that won people over. By their find the right thing to say to put people at their ease Sin e bhuamsa uair eile. Gus an rejects the idea that there than any other region in the Reformation and the struggle churches were built. mail: [email protected]. I had the power of the Universal Church to was given five versions of what she said in English. behaviour they made people think that there must and show them the true face of the Church, the face ath-mhìos: Beannachd Leibh. ever was a Celtic Church. world and they were a to survive that followed. In Dr Watts has the Gaelic convince me that God is at work in the world. be something in this message worth listening to; I [email protected] I chose what I thought she asked and replied in of the Merciful Christ. In his view, though, there martial society where fight- part two, we read about the and explains how he would It is of some concern, then, that many Baptised English. The computer gave her five versions of just look how these men have been changed. I wonder I [email protected] and Confirmed Catholics don’t seem to realise the what I might have said. I think you can see where if anyone looks at me and thinks that something I www.theviewfromjoemcgrath.com WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 12 GÀIDHLIG SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER MAY 22 2015 MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER AFTER THE RESURRECTION 13

HAN eil ach 1.6% de Pàirt dhen Àrd-Eaglais ùr Chaitligich na h-Alba a’ anns an Òban le pàirt dhen fuireach ann an Sgìre- seann eaglais stain, 1935 Easbuig Earra-Ghàidheal (dealbh le Mìcheal Hughes) agus na h-Eileanan. Ach tha an Dtr Watts a sgrìobh leabhar mu eachdraidh na Sgìre-Easbuig Cdhen bheachd gu bheil buaidh nas làidire air a bhith aice na shaoileadh tu a-rèir a meudachd. Tha e ag aith- neachadh ge-tà nach eil cultar na Sgìre-Easbuig cho diofraichte bhon chòir dhen t-saoghail an-diugh is a bha e ag aon àm. Ach tha e a’ dol gu làidir an aghaidh a’ bheachd gun robh Eaglais Cheilteach shònraichte ann. Na bheachdsan tha fianais gu leòr againn gun robh daoine sna dùthchanan Ceilteach a’ cur spèis ann an ùghdarras na Ròimh. A dh’aindeoin sin tha e a’ gabhail ris gun robh spioradaileachd Cheilteach shònraichte ann. Bha daoine a’faicinn Dia anns a h-uile nì, gu sònraichte anns an àrainneachd. Tha an Dtr Watts dhen bheachd gum faodadh mar a bha àiteachan naomh cudromach dha na draoidhean a bhith air leantainn às dèidh do Chrìosdaidheachd a thighinn a- steach. A thuilleadh air sin is coltach gun robh barrachd naomhan aig na dùthchanan Ceilteach na bha aig àite sam bith eile san t-saoghail agus bha gu leòr dhaoine a’ cur taic ris agus a’ faicinn luach ann an sabaid agus blàran. Bhon Naomh Cholm Chille chun an là an-diugh tha an Eaglais Chaitligeach air a bhith stèidhichte ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is na h- Eileanan fad 14 linntean. Tha an leabhar ga roinn ann an dà phàirt. Sa chiad leth tha an Dtr Watts a’ toirt sùil air coimhearsnachdan tràth nam manach agus mar a chaidh Sgìre- Easbuig a stèidheachadh sna Meadhan Aoisean, an t-Ath Leasachadh agus mar a bha an Eaglais a’ strì gus cumail beò. Tha e a’ mìneachadh mar a tha Caitligeachd ga cur air bun- stèidh nas làidire air Ghàidhealtachd tron 18mh linn agus an 19mh linn.

an dara pàirt tha sinn a’ Show people Christ’s merciful face leughadh mu mar a chaidh Sgìre-Easbuig Earra-Ghàid- In our series looking at what happens AFTER THE RESURRECTION, the focus falls on bringing God’s Word to others Sheal agus nan Eilean ag ath-stèid- heachadh agus mar a chaidh ùghdarras na h-Eaglaise a chur air AST month I considered Pentecost and I’m going. Before long I understood that I was not powerful has changed me? If they don’t then I’m dòigh a-rithist às dèidh 1878. Tha an the transformation it brought about in going to die but had no idea what was wrong with me. obviously not displaying the sort of behaviour in leabhar cuideachd a’ toirt sùil air na the Apostles. It seems to me that I need my life that would draw people to Christianity. leasachaidhean a thachair sna to examine more closely what Pentecost ow often have you gone to Mass and heard After all, that is what Christians are for. I remember bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh le did for the Apostles and how that relates the readings recited as though they were a being taught in school that my task in this life is to paraistean ùra a’ nochdadh m.e. ann to our own lives. We read of the tongues of fire that list of words to be pronounced with no regard save my soul. That is nonsense. Jesus did the saving. an Leodhas, sna Hearradh, san appeared over the heads of the Apostles and the forH their meaning? Unless we are to understand My job is to bring others to Jesus. Eilean Sgitheanach (far an deach dà Lroaring noise like a mighty wind. These were sure what is being communicated we might as well not The wrong message is getting out there and it eaglais ùr a thogail) agus air Eilean signs to the Apostles that something wonderful was listen. This is at the heart of our current problem. In can’t all be blamed on an ill-informed press. Countless Arainn, gun dìochuimhneachadh air occurring and that a great power was involved. our Gospel we have the greatest story ever told. people have told me they don’t like the Church na taighean-ùrnaigh ann an Dail Clàr De Dhaoine Fialaidh I have no such recollection of my Confirmation. They even made a movie of that. In 2000 years we because it condemns gay people or divorced people Mhàilidh agus air Eilean Ì. Tha Did the Apostles get a stronger Holy Spirit than the have managed to make that story boring. or terrorists. To be clear, the role of the Church— sinn cuideachd a’ leughadh mu one I received? That might seem to be a likely This is the story that brought about the that’s you and me—is not to condemn anyone; we eachdraidh na h-Àrd Eaglaise anns conclusion when we consider the effect it had on JOE McGRATH’S conversions the Apostles made of the very people are about bringing everyone to Christ. That was an Òban agus mar a thòisichear le In his Gaelic column this month, ANDREAS WOLFF GÀIDHLIG the Apostles. They went out into the streets to who crucified Jesus. The implications of this story what the Apostles were doing. They were not eaglais stàin mus deach an togalach address the very people they had been hiding from. AFTER THE RESURRECTION are such that we must re-evaluate what it means to condemning the Jews who crucified Christ; they a th’ ann an-diugh a thogail sna gives an insight into a new book that documents Not only did they face the Jews but they accused PART TWO: PENTECOST AND CONVERSIONS be a human being and realise that each and every were out in the streets bringing them back to Christ, 1930an. them of unlawfully killing Jesus and went on to one of us is special. On that first day the Apostles Baptising them and washing away their sins. Tha Gàidhlig aig an Dtr Watts the proud history of Argyll and the Isles Diocese proclaim the resurrection. (above) converted about 3000 people. Why are we There are lots of ‘Christians’out there condemning agus bha e a’ miannachadh barrachd The striking thing in this episode was not just the power they have. They received the Holy Spirit and not having a similar effect on those who have people and warning of a vengeful God. That’s not dhi uisneachadh san leabhar aige, new-found courage of the Apostles, but the fact his gifts and seem thoroughly bored by the whole drifted away from the Church? the God I know. The God I know is a loving God. ach cho-dhùn e gun sin a dhèanamh. that they were ‘speaking in tongues.’In the ‘Acts of thing. The power to communicate to people of It is easy for us to place the blame squarely on He is the loving Father who watches patiently for Nach biodh e air a bhith math ge-tà A Record of Generous have liked to include more the Apostles’ it says that each of the listeners heard different languages is nothing to write home about those who drift. We can console ourselves by the return of the prodigal son. Is that the God we nan robh e ri fhaotainn ann an cànan People by Dr John Watts of the language in the book. them in his own language. It doesn’t say that the in the age of the internet and Google Translate. You claiming they have no sticking power. But, surely are putting out there? Do we behave like Christ, quick na Gàidheal cuideachd. Tha an t- tells the history of the Ann am Beurla (In English) As Bishop Toal writes in the Apostles spoke different languages. When the can write anything on your computer and have it that is not the truth. If we were proclaiming the to forgive and always ready to make peace or are Easbuig Toal ag innse dhuinn san ro- Argyll and the Isles foreword it was financed by Apostles spoke each of the hearers understood instantly translated into almost any language for message properly, providing understanding, not we ready to fight? I look at my hands as I type this ràdh aige gun deach pàigheadh Diocese. a generous donor. Maybe a what they were saying. It is the understanding that your audience. Who needs ‘speaking in tongues?’ just words, then I think the drift would be in the other —I should really learn to touch type—and I’m airson an leabhar le taic bho neach According to Dr Watts the was a distinct Celtic ing in the name of the Faith restoration of the hierarchy translation into the native is important and I will come back to that. This is where I’d like to make a distinction direction. Now, don’t be alarmed. I’m not suggesting thinking how a stranger sees my hands. Are they prìobhaideach. Dh’fhaodte gum Diocese, which only repre- Spirituality. People saw God was accepted. in 1878 and the restoration language of the diocese I suppose I didn’t need a tongue of fire and a between hearing and understanding. I had occasion we all buy loudhailers and get out into the streets open, ready to shake hands or are they clenched, biodh e no i deonach taic a chur ri sents 1.6 per cent of Scottish in everything, especially the The book is split into two of the Argyll and the Isles could also be financed. It mighty wind at my confirmation because I was not to make use of Google Translate when I was in my and start drowning out everything with the sound of ready to make a fist? eadar-theangachadh gu prìomh Catholics, punches above its landscape, and the many parts. The first half looks at Diocese. New parishes—set would be well worth it as a hunted man, afraid for his life and unaware of the Camino adventure a couple of years ago. I had the Gospel. It’s not the sound of the Gospel we need We usually make a fist if we are afraid. We chànan na sgìre-easbuig thar nam weight. It still has a distinct holy places may well have the early history, from up more recently—get a the book is easily readable powers he had been given. Those signs at Pentecost chest pains and was consulting a doctor in to spread; it’s the message we have to broadcast. should take a leaf out of the Apostles’ book and bliadhnaichean? Bhiodh an leabhar culture although globalisation Druidic origins. monastic societies to how mention, for example on and well-researched. proved to the Apostles that a greater power was at Accident and Emergency. The doctor spoke Spanish I think it was as much the example of the Apostles throw off the fear and meet people with confidence. làn airidh air. Tha e ri fhaotainn bho has reached this part of the Apparently the Celtic the diocese was founded in Lewis and Harris, Arran and For a copy visit St Mungo’s work in them and gave them the courage to proceed. and I spoke English. She used the computer to getting out there and proclaiming the truth to a If we put our trust in the Holy Spirit we will always bhùth an Naoimh Mungo an Glaschu. world as well. But Dr Watts lands produced more saints the Middle Ages, the on Skye, where two Bookshop in Glasgow or e- When I was confirmed I was not in any danger and translate. She typed the questions in Spanish and I hostile crowd that won people over. By their find the right thing to say to put people at their ease Sin e bhuamsa uair eile. Gus an rejects the idea that there than any other region in the Reformation and the struggle churches were built. mail: [email protected]. I had the power of the Universal Church to was given five versions of what she said in English. behaviour they made people think that there must and show them the true face of the Church, the face ath-mhìos: Beannachd Leibh. ever was a Celtic Church. world and they were a to survive that followed. In Dr Watts has the Gaelic convince me that God is at work in the world. be something in this message worth listening to; I [email protected] I chose what I thought she asked and replied in of the Merciful Christ. In his view, though, there martial society where fight- part two, we read about the and explains how he would It is of some concern, then, that many Baptised English. The computer gave her five versions of just look how these men have been changed. I wonder I [email protected] and Confirmed Catholics don’t seem to realise the what I might have said. I think you can see where if anyone looks at me and thinks that something I www.theviewfromjoemcgrath.com WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 14 PRAYERS/OBITUARY SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015

WE BRING before the Lord those who have Church matters were not successful, and there recently been Baptised or Confirmed—or who are were mistakes made on both sides. about to be—that they may be true to themselves St is known as the and may live their Faith in a genuine and credible way. ‘Apostle of the English. Today, May 27, is his Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. feastday. Two days later in 1982, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury spoke to the Pope We pray for our families and friends that the during John-Paul’s visit to Canterbury Cathedral, power of the Holy Spirit may be in our lives, so saying: “Augustine became the first Archbishop that we may live fully with His gifts of wisdom and of Canterbury, and I rejoice that the successors of understanding, of knowledge and right judgement, Pope Gregory and Archbishop Augustine stand of courage and reverence and of wonder and awe here today in the church which is built on their in God’s presence. partnership in the Gospel.” Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. God our Father, when times are difficult, I ask for Let’s pray for those about to sit exams, that nothing courage and determination. may prevent them from doing as well as they When there is hostility between people, lead me deserve. to see the best in people and in situations and Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. give me the gift of making peace. Remove from me whatever contradicts your We pray for all in the mass media—in TV, radio, love that I may share more fully the Good News films, newspapers, advertising and the Internet, of your love. Amen. that they may be guided by good principles and the best motives. ON May 28, 1982 Pope John Paul II started his We pray for wisdom ourselves that, amidst the visit to Great Britain. Later in the day he met influences and pressures around us, we may many sick and disabled people and gave them the make good decisions and grow in wisdom and Sacrament of the Sick. character each day. PRAYERS FOR THE WEEK Only a year after being shot and seriously Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. wounded, he spoke to those who were ill or Space Mission to the Moon in 1970, but the men The musical Les Misérables has these words disabled: “I myself have had a share in suffering, AN OLD Chinese story tells of a farmer returned safely. in its Finale: “To love another person is to touch and I have known the physical weakness that whose only horse runs away. “How terrible!” Jim Lovell was the Commander of Apollo 13, the face of God.” comes with injury and sickness. It is precisely his neighbours say. “Maybe!” the farmer says. and he once talked of piloting an aeroplane in A Church document says that: “The human because I have experienced suffering that I am The next day his horse returns, bringing along combat conditions. He was to fly back and land person is the clearest reflection of God among us.” able to affirm with ever greater conviction that three wild horses. “How wonderful!” his neighbours on his aircraft carrier, but his radar and homing nothing at all can ever separate us from the love say. “Maybe!” the farmer says. signal had failed. A great ocean lay before him, Father, God of love, as I come to recognise you in of God. The following day his son tries to tame one of he was fast running out of fuel, and he was too the faces of those people you have placed into my “Dear friends, there is no force or power that the wild horses, but he falls off and breaks his leg. far out to sea to return to the land. Where was the life, I ask that I may grow as the loving person you can block God’s love for you. Sickness and “How terrible!” his neighbours say. “Maybe!” the aircraft carrier? In which direction should he fly? call me to be. Amen. suffering seem to contradict all that is worthy, all farmer says. He thought that matters couldn’t get worse, that is desired. And yet no disease, no injury, no The next day some soldiers come along to force and then, suddenly, all his cockpit lights went out. SOME 1400 years ago a monk called Gregory infirmity can ever deprive you of your dignity as young men of the village to join them in war. Then, below him, as his eyes became adjusted to saw some boys being sold as slaves in Rome. children of God. Because the lad has a broken leg, he is left the darkness, he could see a long path of green They looked alike with fair hair and blue eyes, “We often find in the Gospels the loving bond behind. “How fortunate!” the neighbours say. phosphorescent algae. There could only be one and Gregory asked where they were from. of affection between Jesus and the sick or “Maybe!” the farmer says. explanation for that long path—the aircraft carrier “They are Angles,” he was told. “Angles?” disabled. We believe in Christ’s healing love, and The soldiers, still one man short, take the young must have churned up the algae in the sea. All he Gregory replied. “They look like angels!” we reaffirm that nothing will separate us from man’s cousin instead. “How dreadful!” the farmer’s had to do, with his fuel running low, was to fly When Gregory became Pope, he sent a group that love. Surely Jesus wishes to say: ‘Be clean; neighbours say. “Maybe!” the farmer says. along that phosphorescent path, and then he of 30 monks from Rome to bring the Gospel to be healed; be strong; be saved.’” That night a landslide covers the house in which would be able to land on the aircraft carrier. the Angles and Saxons in what we now know as the cousin would have been sleeping if he had not “I thought it a disaster that the lights in my air- England. Leading the group was Augustine. As Lord Jesus, we read in the Gospel that you spoke been taken by the soldiers. “How fortunate!” the craft went out, but if they had not gone out, I they travelled through Gaul (France) the group individually to many people and said: friends say. “Maybe!” the farmer says. would never have been able to see the algae began to lose heart as they heard how rough it “Be cured.” (Luke 513) And so the story could go on! One of life’s which led me back to the ship, and I would have would be to cross the English Channel and “Get up and walk.”(Luke 524) great lessons is this: we’re never sure just how died in the sea when my fuel ran out,” he said. particularly how fierce the occupants of the country “What do you want me to do for you?” (Matthew things are going to turn out. We’ll live a good life “Some things work out well when you least were reported to be. 2032) if our attitude is always positive—determined to expect them to.” Augustine returned to Rome, but Pope Gregory “Of course I want to cure you: be healed.” make the best of all situations that come our way. Let us pray for God’s protection, using a prayer the Great sent him back with encouraging words (Matthew 83) of St Columba, written 1400 years ago. for the whole group. In the year 597AD they “Let what you want be done for you.” Lord Jesus, you promised to be with your people landed on the Kent coast. They discovered that the (Matthew 929) always, and so we know that you are with us in Be a bright flame before me, Lord. Be a guiding wife of the King of Kent was already a Christian, “Receive your sight.” (Luke 1842) good times and bad. star above me. Be a smooth path below me. Be a and the monks were well-received. Augustine— “Receive back your hearing.” (Mark 734) Nothing that ever happens to us can separate kindly shepherd behind me, today, tonight, and sometimes called Austin—became the first “Young man, arise.” (Luke 715) us from your love. forever. Amen. Archbishop of Canterbury, and many people “Go, your son will live.” (John 450) Help us always to be positive in our attitude became Christians. “Go, your faith has saved you.” (Mark 1052) that we may seek and find the best in people and WE ARE going to listen to three one-sentence The ancient Britons—whose land and country in situations, and so draw good out of all that quotes had been taken over by the Angles and Saxons— Knowing that you are present in our midst, we happens to us. Amen The American poet, Walt Whitman, who died understandably were hesitant to trust any ask you today to touch each one of us individually on May 26, 1892, said: “In the faces of men and newcomers, even fellow-Christians. Augustine’s and bring us your healing of body, mind and spirit. MAJOR problems occurred during the Apollo 13 women I see God.” attempts to reconcile fellow-Christians about Amen

love. Perhaps it was because County Essay Prize. She won a musical plays and pantomimes, countless religious celebrations great Faith, which shone OBITUARY she had received so much place at Glasgow University were part and parcel of school more prayerful. through all she did. It would love that she in turn where she planned to do an life. It was not just the arts that Cath’s ‘retirement’ also saw fail to mention her energy, bestowed it so easily and so honours degree in English, but were nurtured. For good measure her develop in yet another passion, and tenacity; her keen generously upon others. her medical advisers counselled Cath ran the school football direction. She became a writer. sense of justice; her facility for Cath’s musicality was evident her against it and she accepted team too. Cath had ten happy Her output over the years was friendship; and her lively— very early, and at the age of the advice. Instead she went to and fulfilling years as a prodigious, and the spectrum of some might say wicked—sense four she was—as she described Craiglockart College of headteacher before she retired her interests was wide. There of fun. It would forget the loyalty it—‘put to the piano.’ Her Education and qualified as a from teaching on health grounds. was fiction and non-fiction. and encouragement she showed parish priest, Canon McCann— primary school teacher. But ‘retirement’ as most There were three books—one to family and friends, and the a wonderful musician—was a Cath’s talent and hard work as people know it was not Cath’s of them a musical drama for delight which she took in their great source of encouragement a teacher were soon recognised idea of retirement. She was far children. There were many good fortune or progress. Even to her. By the time she was 12 and rewarded. She was promoted too gifted, and had far too much short stories and serials for more remiss, it would neglect she had passed all her board twice in her 20s. She then had to offer others, to be content journals and periodicals. She to mention Cath and Michael’s exams, and Canon McCann two stints as an assistant with that. She had more time to was a regular contributor to love for, and devotion to, each taught her to play the organ. headteacher before being devote to her beloved music, The Scottish Catholic Observer other, which was evident to all. CATHERINE (CATH) DOHERTY While still only 12 the canon appointed headteacher of a and she did so with gusto. She and other publications. Her The parable of the talents 1939-2015 made her the organist and put large school—St Francis Xavier became organist and choir articles were diverse. They must have made a profound her in charge of the choir. Primary School, Falkirk—at the director at St Mary’s, Stirling. included discussions of social, impression on a young child in CATH was born in Rumford, Cath excelled academically. age of 35. More important still, Numerous singers benefited moral, religious and pastoral Rumford all those years ago. near Polmont. She was the She was dux of Maddiston their shared profession brought from her voice coaching. She issues, and carefully researched Cath put her remarkable gifts to adored only child of Neil Primary School. At St Modan’s Cath and Michael together. was a gifted composer, and her historical pieces. great use. We thank God for McAllister and Molly High School, Stirling, she won In each of Cath’s schools many compositions—including If the account ended there it that, and for a life well lived. Sweeney. She could not the English prize five years in a music and choirs blossomed. three Mass settings—enriched would be impressive, but it THE HONORABLE LORD have been more loved by row. She was the first St Participation in musical worship and also uplifted would not begin to do Cath (RAYMOND) DOHERTY, SENATOR them, and she returned their Modan’s pupil to win the festivals, and the production of congregations. Her music made justice. It would overlook her OF THE COLLEGE OF JUSTICE WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER REFLECTION 15 EWTN PROGRAMMES


DOL-MAKING was a strongly dis- If I tell Him things ------couraged practice in the Old Testa- A SPIRITUAL Little things that happen? And ment. In the act of idol-making, the Do the Angels' wings maker imagined a god, created a sym- REFLECTION LAY READERS’ GUIDE bolic representation of him, and then Make a noise? And can He hear worshipped this god, work of his own hands. Me if I speak low? We wonder, from our modern perspective, Does He understand me now? Ihow anyone could have seriously believed Tell me ------for you know.” SUNDAY MAY 24 this god he had fashioned was real. The rhetorical questions in these stanzas Pentecost Sunday. Acts 2:1-11. Response: Yet, if we are honest with ourselves, we invite us to share with God all the things that find that while we don’t form idols of wood happen to us in a familiar way. It is not that Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the or stone, we often and easily make mental he is ignorant of daily happenings, but in the face of the earth. 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 idols of God. We can attribute to God many act of sharing these things with him, we or Galatians 5:16-25. Sequence: Veni, Sancte of the qualities that exist within ourselves invite him into all areas of our lives. Nothing Spiritus, John 20:19-23 or John 15:26-27; and use this image of God in our prayer. We grasped. Rather he emptied himself, taking is to be compartmentalized into items wor- 16:12-15. can think that he is looking at us either the form of a servant and being found in thy or holy enough to be mentioned and harshly or indulgently for our actions, that a human appearance’ (Phil 2:1-2). He has things too dishonourable or unimportant to misfortune in our lives is a punishment from taken on a human body and soul so as to bring to God. Even the smallest matters can MONDAY an angry God or that a fortunate turn of share in our condition. He is a humble God, be shared with him. In this way, we can Ecclesiasticus 17:20-24. Response: Rejoice, events is a reward for good behaviour. We who while retaining all his transcendence develop the habit of ‘praying always.’ The rejoice in the Lord, exult, you just! Mark 10:17-27. think he is indifferent to worldwide suffer- and otherness, has come close to us. difference between talking to ourselves ing, because no facile remedies show them- “Did you lift Him up, about our day and selves. But in all this, we are in danger of sometimes, talking to God TUESDAY creating a false god, an idol of our own mak- Gently on your knee? We can let our about it is vast. Feast of St Philip Neri. Ecclesiasticus 35:1-12. ing. In Isaiah 55:8, God speaks, “My Did you sing to Him Grace, acceptance, Response: I will show Godʼs salvation to the thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your the way mind rest on the and solutions to upright. Mark 10:28-31 ways my ways.” Mother does to me? problems all come As we approach prayer, we do well to humanity of Christ, as a result of pray- remember that we are ‘not-God,’ humbly Did you hold His hand someone who has ing, of opening up WEDNESDAY assessing our own images of God and open at night? our souls to the Ecclesiasticus 36: 1, 4-5, 10-17. Response: to his true revelation of himself. Did you ever try experienced everything One who cares for Have mercy on us, Lord, and look on us. How are we to form a true image of God Telling stories of the us and knows us Mark 10:32-45. in our minds? In this month of May, known world? we experience, through and as Mary’s month, we can turn to her for O! And did He cry?” except sin through. guidance. A poem written by Mary Dixon The poem then pon- “Lovely Lady THURSDAY Thayer and popularized by the Venerable ders the child Jesus dressed in blue ----- Ecclesiasticus 42:15-25. Response: By the Fulton Sheen in the 1950s provides a medi- and his interaction with his Mother who cra- -- Word of the Lord the heavens were made. tation on how Mary helps us to form a true dles and sings to him. We can let our mind Teach me how to pray! Mark 10:46-52. image of God and to pray to him accord- rest on the humanity of Christ, someone who God was just your little boy, ingly. It is entitled, “Lovely Lady Dressed in has experienced everything we experience, And you know the way.” Blue.” except sin (cf. Heb. 4:15). The poet consid- The God revealed in the lap of Mary is FRIDAY “Lovely Lady dressed in blue ------ers how the stories of the world, in which sin one who shows himself eager to be close to Ecclesiasticus 44:1, 9-13. Response: The Teach me how to pray! plays a part, would make the innocent Child us, who is compassionate towards our weak- Lord takes delight in His people. Mark 11:11-26. God was just your little boy, cry. He would take on our pains and the ness and wants to be involved with every Tell me what to say!” penalty for our sins on the Cross as testi- aspect of our lives, filling them with his It is a startling statement: “God was just mony of his love for us. Here we have grace and mercy. May Mary, Mother of God, SATURDAY your little boy.” And so he was. The God revealed a God who has compassion on our pray for us as we learn to form a true image Ecclesiasticus 51:12cd-20. Response: The revealed in the lap of Mary is one who ‘did weakness. of God in our minds and pray to him in spirit precepts of the Lord gladden the heart. not count equality with God a thing to be “Do you really think He cares and truth. Mark 11:27-33. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 16 THAT’S LIFE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 The never-ending adventure of family life THAT’S LIFE explains how there is a certain symbiotic union between family life and crisis management

to work from home like I did this week? our girl hadn’t given us good warning that she was on Mooching about in Himself’s ancient, but ever so the edge. We jokingly asked her if she was planning comfy, cardi is a benefit I regularly give myself. on tears or tantrums. Get ready for both, she replied. The work gets done just the same, and the It was all calm until the day I came in and found her dishwasher gets loaded and the washing machine on top of the coffee table, shrieking like a banshee. By Mary emptied. Not a high-flying life, not glamorous, but That would be a mouse sighting, then. the natives get fed and clothed; someone has to I had had my suspicions by then. Earlier that McGinty keep the cogs of the domesticity turning. week I had been dealing with another crisis further Reading my CV you would be forgiven for up the food chain, so I didn’t bat an eyelid when I VERY so often I update my CV. Why I thinking what a loss I am to the corporate world. spotted possible mice droppings. I’ll be honest, I don’t know. I have been self-employed The well-honed, succinct yet persuasive descriptions thought it was those black seeds from the naan for so long that I have effectively of my enviable skill-set should make me a compelling bread that the golden boy had demolished with a rendered myself unemployable. I choice for any would-be interviewer. curry on his late-night return from a night out with wouldn’t employ me. I have to hope that if ever I should have to the boys. Days later, I finally had to admit that a There are many advantages to being an present it for real, my conscience would kick in. It family of mice was the likely option. There just employee, but I like it this way. I am the captain of is not quite a work of fiction, more a fine example isn’t that much naan bread in Glasgow. myE ship, I paddle my own canoe. Well more of a of creative writing. I think the phrase might be I did once—in another life—attend a course on My belief that having mice is no big deal was dinghy, really, but at least it’s mine and I get to ‘flatter to deceive.’ crisis management. I can’t remember much about clearly wide of the mark. Judging by the look on steer the course. And what boss would countenance I’m thinking, though, it wouldn’t be too much it except that I felt sure that if the lady at the the face of one of our more douce neighbours, who a last minute decision on a rainy Monday morning of a stretch to include my crisis management skills. podium, dispensing nuggets of wisdom, had taken happened to be in the ironmongers when I was a stroll in my shoes she would have been screaming relieving him of his stock of mouse traps and poison, (above) for the Prozac. I can forget running for Domestic Goddess 2015— or any other year. here is a certain symbiotic union between A major source of inspiration to me in the CROSSWORD Gordius No 195 family life and crisis management. Fortunately adventure of family life is a treasured piece of most of my crises are of the minor variety beautifully adorned calligraphy, lovingly and Tbut sometimes I do envy those mothers who prayerfully crafted by one of the sisters in the 1 2345 678 serenely glide through life. Carmelite monastery in Dumbarton. Given to us at From running late to collect the nippers from the time of our wedding it hangs by the front door, 9 swimming lessons to receiving news of a nit a reminder as we come and go that it is faith that 1011 infestation, from boardroom tussles to the mile defines us and prayer that nourishes us. I share it long queue at the supermarket, they never flap, with you here: “May this house hold every bless- never lose their cool. I am more the flying-by-the- ing, every grace for which you pray. As Our Lord seat-of-her-pants type. and his dear mother give their gifts for you always. 12 13 14 15 First entry out the hat on FRI This month—with daughter number three sitting May they support you in joy and sorrow. Faith lift 16 17 MAY 29 will be the winner her finals—my plan was to stay ahead of the game you beyond all fear. Hope that points to a brighter for once. Crisis avoidance would supplant crisis day. And love that enfolds you all the way. For 18 19 20 management as my modus operandi. It wasn’t as if love is the fulfilling of the Law.” Send your completed 21 22 crossword entries—along with 23 24 your full name address and daytime phone number—to SUDOKU 25 CROSSWORD CONTEST SCO 19 26 27 28 29 30 WATERLOO ST GLASGOW G2 6BT 31 32 SIMPLE 3 2 6 5 1 33 34 The winner’s name will be printed below. 5 1 3 7 6 1 8 3 95 7 462 29 7 6 3 8 54 1 35 36 The editor’s decision is final 12 9 45 6 1 2 837 9 2 1 9 38 5 6 4 7

ACROSS 4 3 7 68 2 1 95 1 Athlete with a drugged sweater? (4,6) MAY 15 SOLUTION 1 4 6 Most of VE Day is taken up with Hindu writings (4) 6 7 5 9 4 123 8 10 I, Paul, might make the rice-dish (5) 7 5 4 2 1693 8 11 Order given when a couple wish to share a cuppa ACROSS 8 5 2 3 (3,3,3) 1 Dab 3 Cheeseboard 3 618 5 9 2 74 12 Such name-calling in the church! (7) 8 Emblem 9 Petulant 859 2 4 7 6 1 3 15 Stage of development exemplified by the caterpillar (5) 10 Mabel 11 Bring 2 1 17 Use gold to make a car (4) 13 Nosed 15 Comrade FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 18 Rodents (4) 16 Stopped 20 Yells 19 Holiness, virtue (5) 6 17 AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 21 Eats ravenously (7) 21 Tweed 23 Aided AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS 23 Lobby (5) 24 Hazelnut 25 Hit man THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 24 Ring Desmond for some poetry (4) 26 Basmati rice 27 Cos 5 9 6 7 8 25 Religiously speaking, it's the last word! (4) WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE 26 It is used to immobilise an illegally parked car (5) DOWN 9 5 4 6 1 IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE 28 Agile performer (7) IS THE MAY 15 SIMPLE SOLUTION 33 How might a dunce earn this quality of stamina? (9) 1 Dream ticket 34 Mediterranean island, popular with holidaymakers (5) 2 Baby boom 3 Creel 35 Gratuities that come with recommendations of how to 4 Express 5 Blurb MODERATE gamble with them? (4) 6 Adagio 7 Dot 6 9 8 36 Make the general sit around for a classic horse race (5,5) 12 Glad tidings DOWN 13 Noddy 14 Dates 1 4 6 2 3 7 58 9 1 Pelvic joints (4) 17 Pandemic 18 Flutter 1 27 9 3 5 9 6 81 4 7 2 2 Dashing courage (9) 19 Seizes 22 Delia 7 2 8 5 9 4 1 3 6 3 Was such a medieval fight merely about love? (5) 23 Agile 24 Hub 4 Friends can let off steam (5) 3 7 8 1 4 8 6 2 4 35 9 1 7 5 The national airline of Israel (2,2) 9 7 4 6 1 2 5 8 3 7 Input some data (5) MAY 8’s crossword 8 6 5 1 3 7 8 9 6 2 4 8 Some soapy place can provide Revelations! (10) competition winner was: 4 3 5 8 7 6 2 9 1 9 Large portions of food (7) Eileen McGrady, Kilmarnock 13 Carl leaves an English city for an insular location (4) 5 9 7 2 8 75914 3 6 14 Our Lady is crazy on sodium (7) 16 Good at distributing a nice profit (10) 6 921 3 5 7 4 8 20 It's charming, what wearing and tearing both do! (9) 6 4 21 This shop sells material per yard ordered (7) Scottish Catholic Observer: FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 22 Bellow (4) Scotland’s only national AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 27 Find the total (3,2) 2 1 3 9 6 29 Hygienic (5) Catholic weekly newspaper AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS 30 Window broken in the Loire (5) printed by Trinity Mirror, Oldham. THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 31 Forename shared by ballerina Pavlova and actress Registered at the Post Office 8 654 WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE Paquin (4) 32 A brace (4) as a newspaper. IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE IS 6 1 8 THE MAY 15 MODERATE SOLUTION WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER CHURCH NOTICES 17 CHURCH&PUBLICNOTICES

Society of PARISH MISSION 2015 St. Vincent de Paul

s e e Scotland rv op The Catholic Churches in Bellshill ing in h Sacred Heart Church and MONTHLY St. Gerardʼs Church MEDJUGORJE Annual Charity “A Celebration of Faith” Concert 2015 Saturday 30th May to EVENING ST JOHN THE BAPTISTʼS CHURCH Woodside Halls, Clarendon St, Glasgow Friday 5th June2015 Lower Millgate A Week dedicated to living and Friday 29th May 2015 UDDINGSTON 7:30pm to 10:00pm sharing our Christian Faith Doors open 6:45pm on Monday 25th May 2015 Weekday Events G Starring 8.15am Mass Rosary at 7.00pm Mass at 7.30pm Monday & Tuesday St. Gerardʼs Light refreshments in the hall afterwards Alastair McDonald Wednesday & Thursday Sacred Heart ALL WELCOME (star of TV and radio) 10.00am Mass Monday & Tuesday Sacred Heart The Stewart School of Irish Dance Catholic Charismatic Renewal Wednesday & Thursday St. Gerardʼs Compere: Rev. Fr. Joe Mills 12.00 Noon St. Andrews and EdinburghArchdiocese Mass for the Sick St. Gerardʼs Day of Renewal Tickets £10 Mission Services 7pm weekdays VENUE St John Ogilvie’s Church, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh EH11 4PY Saturday 30th May 2015 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday – Sacred Heart Available from: SSVP Head Offi ce, 113 West Regent St, Glasgow, 10.30am - 4.00pm G2 2RU, Tel. No. 0141 226 8833 or through your local Parish Wednesday – St. Gerardʼs) Conference. Please notify in advance any disabled seating requirements. Speakers: Mr Douglas Hunter & Mr Steve Lavery This year’s Show Proceeds will go towards the Ozanam Centre. Primary School Masses Tuesday & Wednesday Theme: Acts 2 : 17. (JB) Led by Frs Kieran J Brady & Tom MacCarte CSsR " In the days to come - it is the Lord who speaks - I will pour out my Spirit on all mankind. Their sons and daughters shall prophecy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams." Join us for a day of prayer and praise, healing & Holy Mass

To adverse in the

Divine Mercy Monthly Mass Scosh Catholic Observer St Margaretʼs Church, 49 Graham Street, Johnstone, PA5 8RA Celebrated by Fr Douglas Macmillan Telephone: 0141 241 6105 Friday 29th May 2015, 7.00 p.m. Email: Holy Mass, Adoration, Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet adver[email protected] This event normally takes place on the last Friday of each month.

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BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE MEMORIAM DELANY LONEY Please pray for the repose of 20th Anniversary the soul of our dear father, Treasured memories of our NOLAN BRENNAN Terence Delany, who died dear brothers, brothers-in-law Treasured memories of my 62nd Anniversary May 22, 1960. R.I.P. and uncles, John, died May dear son, and brother of Pray for the repose of the Inserted by Sister Kathleen, 20, 1995, and Liam, died Clare, Brian Joseph, died soul of our dear father, Margaret and Terence. May 25, 1995 ; also loved August 1, 1989, aged 21 James Brennan, who died ones gone before and after. years, and whose birthday May 23, 1953. R.I.P. On their souls sweet Jesus, occurs on May 26. On whose soul, sweet Jesus, have mercy. We never knew when leaving have mercy. Happy memories, kept home, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for forever, You would never more return, PRETE TROY him. Of days when we were all Special memories are held Remembering with love my That you in death so soon St Martin de Porres, pray for together, close to our hearts of Annie uncle, James, whose would sleep, him. Each of us in our own way, (Tracey), dear wife of the birthday occurs on May 22. And leave us all to mourn. Inserted by his loving family, Has special thoughts of them late John, adored mother, St. Vincent de Paul, pray for And so today we pray again, 59 Muiryfauld Drive, today, gran and great-gran, who him. That God will let you know, Glasgow, G31. We often sit and reminisce, Just how much we loved you, sadly died October 6, 2001, Qui donne aux pauvres prete And share a laugh or two, And how we miss you so. and whose 88th birthday à Dieu. CAIRNS Fondly telling stories, The shining example of your occurs on May 28. Margaret Boyd, Paisley. In loving memory of our dear DONNACHIE Of things we used to do. life, If only we could meet you, parents, father, William 12th Anniversary Close in our hearts their And the sweet memories of Just for a little while, WALKER Joseph Cairns, died May 15, In loving memory of my dear memory is kept, you that remain, To tell you how much we In loving memory of my dear 1963 and mother, Mary, died mother, Alice, mother-in-law, To treasure forever and never Will console us in our sorrow, miss you, husband and our dad, May 27, 1974. grandmother and great- forget. ‘Til we meet in Heaven again. Or just to see you smile, Donald A. Walker, who died For all the love and kindness, grandmother, who died May Queen of the Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Perpetual To put our arms around on December 24, 1978 and Throughout the years gone by, 26, 2003. R.I.P. pray for them. Succour, pray for him. you, whose birthday occurs on We never could repay you, On whose soul, sweet Jesus, Inserted by all the family, 12 Mum. But this we cannot do, May 25. However much we tried. have mercy. Viewfield Road, Coatbridge. Find the softest pillow, Lord, So until we meet again, Our Lady of the Isles, pray St John Ogilvie, pray for Infant King, watch over her. To rest his head upon, May God take care of you. for him. them. Inserted by Mattie and family. Place a kiss upon his cheek, Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant Sad is the parting when Inserted by Joe and Walter. McALISTER In loving memory of our dear And tell him who it’s from. her eternal rest. death has divided The memories we have from parents, Angus John, died Clare and Richard. Miss you so much mum. Our loved one to greet us no day to day, DRISCOLL, Elizabeth May 22, 2007, Agnes, died Happy Birthday. more, No length of time could take 27th Anniversary of June 10, 1994; also our NOLAN From your loving family. God grant us the grace when away. Elizabeth, who died May 27. sister, Catherine Woods, died Treasured memories of our A loving gran, kind and true, our journey is ended Our Lady of the Missions, A loving wife now at rest, September 6, 1989 and our dear nephew and cousin, One in a million gran, that To meet where there’s pray for them. For everyone you did your brother, Alister, died August Brian Joseph, died August 1, was you. parting no more. Inserted by daughter, Sister best, 25, 1974. 1989, aged 21 years, and Thank you for the years we Inserted by his loving wife Catherine Cairns. Never selfish, always kind, We miss them most who whose birthday occurs on shared, Cathie and family. With wonderful memories, loved them best. May 26. The love you gave, the way 4 Casimir, Daliburgh. CAREY You left behind. Our Lady of the Isles, pray Quietly today your memory you cared. 15th Anniversary St Francis, pray for her. for them. we treasure, Love and miss you forever. In loving memory of our dear From her loving husband. Loving you always, forgetting From all your loving RELIGIOUS MEMORIAM mum and gran, Annette, who From all the family, Eriskay and Fort William. you never. grandchildren. xxxx died on May 23, 2000. DURNING St Joseph, pray for him. A kiss blown up to the sky so STONE Sadly missed, never 5th Anniversary 24th Anniversary McAWEANEY Uncle Pat and Aunt blue, forgotten, by her loving family. Please remember in your Catch it great-gran, it’s just In loving memory of the Very In loving memory of our dear Catherine. prayers Mary, beloved wife of My gift is just a simple prayer, for you. Rev Canon Duncan Stone, mother and grandmother, CUSHLEY the late James Durning, who God Bless and keep you in From your little great-grand- who died on May 28, 2010. 1st Anniversary Margaret, who died on May died May 26, 1991. His care. children. xxxx Always in our prayers. In loving memory of John 24, 2008, and our dear Mary Milarvie and family. Kevin. Remembered for the love, Cushley MBE, JP, who died father, Tommy, who died on warmth and wisdom you Gentle Jesus in heaven SMITH on May 22, 2014 and his February 17, 1980. above, Treasured memories of our shared with us. wife, Agnes, (née Timmons) FOY Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Give Uncle Brian birthday dear mother, Sally,, whose St Pio, pray for him. who died on March 14, 1993. 8th Anniversary them. hugs. birthday occurs on May 25. Inserted by the congregation Very much loved and sadly Precious memories of John, St Dominic, pray for them. His godson Kevin, Stephanie Much loved and missed . of St. Peter & St. Boniface, missed. dear husband, dad and and Michael. The family. Fortrose. Our Lady, pray for them. grandad, who died May 23, McCABE 2007. In loving memory of our son They never die who live in and brother, Paul Joseph, the hearts they leave behind. who died May 27, 1990, aged Merciful Jesus grant John 19. Mum, Dad and family. eternal rest. Inserted by the family.

JENKINS In loving memory of our ADVERTISING TERMS AND CONDITIONS beloved father, granda and To Advertise: Advertisements submitted must contain complete and accurate great-granda, Donald, who information and comply with requirements of all relevant legislation, died on May 22, 1978. Contact Rebecca the British Code of Advertising Practice, and the Advertising Standards Queen of Heaven, pray for Authority. him. The publisher has the right, at its discretion, to refuse, omit, suspend, Remembering also our loved or change the position of advertisements, or require artwork or copy to ones gone before and after. be amended to comply with any moral or legal obligations. The Phone: LINSTRUM publisher will not be liable for any loss of revenue to the advertiser McCLUSKEY 22nd Anniversary 0141 241 6105 incurred as a consequence of non-publication or incorrect reproduction 20th Anniversary Treasured memories of Alex, of an advertisement. Advertisements may be cancelled within 14 days of In loving memory of my who died May 16, 1993. an order being received and not less than a minimum of 24 hours before husband, our dad and The parting was sudden, deadline for entry. grandad, Harry, who died We sit and wonder why, May 26, 1995. R.I.P. Email: Any cancellations outside this period will not affect the buyer’s liability The saddest thing of all, Masses and prayers are all [email protected] for payment for the advertisement. Payment for advertisements must be Is that we never said we can give, received within 30 days. Any order, verbal or written, which is placed for goodbye. They will be yours as long as the insertion of an advertisement amounts to an acceptance of these St Anthony, pray for him. we live. conditions. His loving wife Maisie and all St Joseph, pray for him. the family. His loving family. FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS 19 FAMILYANNOUNCEMENTS

MacINNES ROONEY SNEDDON WILSON PRAYER TO THE BLESSED where your Father sees it, 11th Anniversary 35th Anniversary 2nd Anniversary In loving memory of our VIRGIN then in his merciful eyes it In loving memory of Donald In loving memory of our dear Precious and loving mother, gran and great-gran, O Most Beautiful Flower of will become Your favour, not John, beloved husband, dad mother, Rose Cassidy memories of Patrick (Pat), Elizabeth, who died May 23, Mount Carmel, fruitful in the mine. Amen. Say for three and grandad, died May 24, Rooney, died April 21, 1980, who died May 28, 2013. 2009. splendour of Heaven, days, publication promised. 2004. in Montreal, Canada. A smile for all, a heart of gold, Lonely is the home without Blessed Mother of the Son of (Formerly of Glasgow and Sadly missed, always One of the best this world you, God, Immaculate Virgin, Coatbridge). NOVENA PRAYER TO ST Life to us is not the same, assist me in this my neces- remembered. Inserted by her son John D, could hold, JUDE Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Ann and children. Silent thoughts of times All the world would be like sity. O Star of the Sea, help May the Sacred Heart of him. 27 Hillsview Avenue, Toronto, together, heaven, me and show me herein You Jesus be praised, adored, Inserted by Mary and family, Ontario. M6P 1J4. Hold memories that will last Just to have you back again. are my Mother. O Holy Mary, glorified and loved through- Eriskay. forever. Time slips past but memories Mother of God, Queen of out the world now and SHARP Love and miss you forever last. Heaven and Earth, I humbly forever more. Sacred Heart MacKINNON Remembering with love, Dad. Eternal rest grant unto her, O beseech You from the bottom of Jesus have mercy on us. In loving memory of a very wonderful parents and grand- Jane, Robert and Stephen. Lord, of my heart to succour me in St Jude helper of the dear mother and grand- parents, Isabella and David, Never more than a thought And let perpetual light shine my necessity. There are hopeless, pray for us. St mother, Bella, who died on passed away May 28, 2009 away, upon her, none that can withstand Your Jude, great miracle worker, and December 11, 2012. May 24, 2006. Loved and remembered May she rest in peace. power. O show me herein pray for us. Say nine times Let memories surround you, Eternal rest grant unto her O every day. From John, Sheila and You are my mother. O Mary, daily. - R.R. a word someone may say, family. conceived without sin, pray Lord, will suddenly recapture a From all your loving for us who have recourse to to St Therese of And let perpetual light shine time, an hour, a day, that grandchildren. xxx NOVENA upon her, brings them back as clearly Thee (three times). Holy the Little Flower. May she rest in peace. as though they were still here THOMSON THANKSGIVING Mary, I place this cause in Saint Therese, the Little Inserted by Joe, Teresa and and fills you with the feeling 21st Anniversary your hands (three times). O Flower, please pick me a in heaven, family. that they are always near. Please pray for our darling DEAR FATHER thank you for your mercy to rose from the heavenly please send all healing and Our Lady of the Isles, pray daughter Lynne Margaret me and mine. Amen. Say for garden and sent it to me with love to your special child, MacLEAN for them. Thomson, B.A., died May 21, three days; publication a message of love. Ask God Through the Lord Jesus 7th Anniversary Inserted by Margaret, 1994, aged 22 years. promised. – C. McK. to grant me the favour I thee Christ. Amen. - O.L. In loving memory of Katie Helena, Josephine and Oh how we miss her, implore and tell Him I will families. (nèe MacLeod), who died Oh how we love her, GRATEFUL thanks to St love Him each day more and Rhugashinish, South Uist. thanks to Our May 24, 2008, beloved wife Oh how we want her, GRATEFUL Clare and St Martin. Publica- more. Lady and St Anthony for of Donald, who died July 5, Our darling daughter, tion promised. – MMCN. The above prayer plus 5 Our SHERRY favours received. Publication Fathers, 5 Hail Marys and 5 1995. 19th Anniversary Our Lynne. promised. – N.M.N. Glory Be’s must be said on 5 St Anthony, pray for them. In loving memory of Joseph Mum and Dad. DEAR HEART OF JESUS Inserted by the family. Sullivan, beloved husband, We miss you so much Lynne. Dear Heart of Jesus in the successive days before 11 BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, father and grandfather, who Sister – Karen. past I have asked you for a.m. On the 5th day, the 5th you who can find a way when died May 10, 1996. Brother – Stephen. many favours, this time I ask set of prayers having been there is no way, please help St Joseph, pray for him. Always in our thoughts and you for this special one (men- completed, offer one more Inserted by his loving wife me. Repeat six times and tion favour), take it Dear set – 5 Our Fathers, 5 Hail prayers. publication promised. – and family. Aunt Mary. Heart of Jesus, and place it Marys and 5 Glory Be’s. N.M.N. within Your broken heart Publication promised. - P.C TRAYNOR In loving memory of Kathleen McLaughlin, who died on “I am very grateful to Charlotte (Missionary Donor) for the May 21, 1984, beloved wife of the late Peter Traynor, renewal of the SCO. It is very informative and of great interest to loving mother of Rose, others to whom it is passed on.” Sister Angela MacNEIL James and Catherine. 19th Anniversary R.I.P. Help other Missionaries like Sr Angela keep in touch with home Precious memories of a much loved mother and We have a waiting list of 7 grandmother, Flora (Loll), who died May 21, 1996. SMITH CAN YOU HELP REDUCE IT? She lived for those she 13th Anniversary Any amount sent will go towards a donated missionary loved, In loving memory of Sadie, a And those she loved much loved wife and mother, subscription to the remember. born to eternal life May 27, Also remembering Loll’s 2002. Brother, Iain, who died May We thank You, Almighty God, 30, 1996. for the treasured gift of love Fois shiorruidh thoir dhaibh for those we have shared our Only £16.50 per Quarter, £60 per Year, a Thighearna, lives with, and the memories WEBB Agus solus nach dibir we are blessed to hold in our 10th Anniversary of Steve, or any contribution towards a full subscription dearrsadh orra, hearts. devoted husband and loving Gun robh am fois ann an sith. Remembered with love this daddy of Oliver. Subscribe Online www.sconews.co.uk/subscribe Michelle and family. day and every day. Missing you today and every Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for day, You can pay by cheque or postal order made out to MURPHY her. Holding you close in my heart The Scottish Catholic Observer, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 6BT Please pray for the repose of Inserted by Joe, Josephine always. You can phone us on 0141 241 6112 to pay by card. the soul of our dear mother, and Bill. All my love Dolores. xxx Margaret, who died May 21, Happy heaven day daddy. 1989, also our dear father, SMITH I wish we could have a big hug. Love you Oliver. xxx Thomas, who died April 4, 5th Anniversary of our Name: 1960. beloved dad and grandad, Holy Family, pray for us. Eternal rest grant unto them, Joe, who died May 29, 2010. Address: O Lord. May the winds of heaven WILSON blow gently, 46th Anniversary In ever loving memory of our And whisper for you to hear, PITCATHLEY dear grandfather, John That we still love and miss you, Postcode: 16th Anniversary Wilson, died May 23, 1969, Please pray for the repose of And wish so much that you and also our dear grand- the soul of Annie Pitcathley, were here, mother, Lexie Wilson, who Options beloved wife, mother and Every day we think of you, died July 23, 1979, and Alas- grandmother, who died May We miss you more and more, dair MacInnes, died July 26, I’m enclosing a donation for: 27, 1999. R.I.P. Just wishing we could see you, 1988. R.I.P. Weekly SCO Our Lady of Good Aid, pray Come walking through the door. St Martin de Porres, pray for • for her. Rest in peace. him. Quarterly £16.50 6 Month £33 Annual £60 Contribution Inserted by John, Caroline St Pio, pray for him. Inserted by all the family at ______and the girls. From all your loving family. home and away. 20 FUNERAL DIRECTORY SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 FUNERAL DIRECTORY MEMORIAM CARDS BISHOPS ENGAGEMENTS ARCHBISHOP TARTAGLIA Archbishop of Glasgow, www.rcag.org.uk

Memorare Memoriam Cards Ltd SUN MAY 24 3PM Neophytes Mass at St Andrew’s Cathedral. WED 7PM Union of Catholic Mothers closing Mass at St Margaret’s DoubleMEMORIAM folder, Bookmarker, Single andCARDS Wallet size Cards. Clydebank. THU 7PM Mass of Dedication for Safeguarding Service Beautiful Full Colour Orders of Service Booklets for Requiem Masses. at St Andrew’s Cathedral. FRI 10.30AM P7 Mass in St Andrew’s Established in 2001 and privileged to serve the Scottish Catholic Community ever since. Cathedral. Free Sample Pack posted 1st Class, Just Call Margaret on A sign that we care Telephone 0141 812 4491 ARCHBISHOP CUSHLEY 9.00 – 9.00p.m Every day including weekends Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh Please visit our Web site. http://www.memorare.co.uk www.archdiocese-edinburgh.com SAT MAY 23 5PM Neophytes’ Mass, St Patrick’s, Cowgate, T&RFUNERAL O’BRIEN DIRECTORS Edinburgh. SUN 9.30AM Confirmations, St Mary’s Cathedral, ESTABLISHED 1890 Edinburgh 3PM Confirmations, St John the Evangelist, Edinburgh. MON 11AM Council of Priests meeting, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh. TUE 2PM Blessing of the new Oratory, St Francis Primary School, It is our business to care. Every member of staff is Edinburgh. 7PM Confirmations, St John Vianney’s, Edinburgh. WED dedicated to deliveringthe best service possible—with 7PM Confirmations, St Cuthbert’s, Edinburgh. THU 7PM professionalism, compassion, and sensitivity. Confirmations, St Kentigern’s, Edinburgh. FRI 7PM Confirmations, Dignity Caring Funeral Services Order easily online at catholicprint.co.uk We are members of the Sacred Heart, Lauriston, Edinburgh. SAT 6PM Confirmations, St National Association of Funeral Directors For a brochure and free samples phone Mary Star of the Sea, Edinburgh, Cowgate, Edinburgh.

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MON MAY 18 - SAT MAY 23 Canonical Visitation to Scots College, JERICHO Rome. SUN 11AM Confirmations, St Andrew’s Cathedral. MON “The 11.30AM Education Strategy Meeting, Office. 2PM Catholic Compassion of Headteachers Conference, Perth. TUE 4PM Anthony Kramer, Jesus.” Meeting re L’Arche Community, Office. WED 11AM National War Drug & Alcohol Rehabs., Memorial Ceremony, Edinburgh 7PM Meeting of Relatives and Residents of Wellburn, St Joseph’s Convent. THU 11AM Meeting Refuge for Victims of SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SUBSCRIPTION OFFER with Vicar Generals, Bishop’s House 4PM Wellburn Strategy Group Domestic Violence, Meeting, Office. SAT 5.30-11PM Vigil Mass followed by Nightfever, Supported Accommodation St Andrew’s Cathedral. for the Destitute, the 6 ISSUES FOR ONLY £5 We want you to experience the benefits of having Distressed, and all being BISHOP KEENAN ‘passed by on the other side.’ The Sco'sh Catholic Observer delivered to your door every week – and A COMMUNITY OF to show you how good our newspaper is. That is why we are making Paisley, www.rcdop.org.uk MEN OF PRAYER FOR you this excep&onal offer, which has gone down a storm with readers SAT MAY 23 2PM Diocesan Charismatic Conference, St Francis’ OUR TIMES (founded 1970) who are keento get anintroduc&onto Scotland’s Vocation info from Parish, Port Glasgow. 5PM Mass in St Francis’ Parish. PM Mary’s Bro Patrick Mullen, na&onal Catholic weekly newspaper. Meal Launch ‘The Shed that Fed a Million.’ SUN 12NOON Mass of The Jericho Society, the Neophytes in St Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley. WED 9.30AM Visit to Mater Salvatoris, Harelaw Farm, St Fergus’ Primary School, Paisley. 11AM Visit to St Mary’s Primary, Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, PA10 2PY 6 ISSUES FOR ONLY £5 Paisley 1PM Visit to St James’ Primary, Paisley 7PM Confirmations in Scottish Charity SC016909 Return with cheque to:Scosh Catholic Observer, St Mirin’s Cathedral. THU 9.30AM Visit to St Peter’s Primary School, Tel: 01505 614669 Email: 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT or telephone Glenburn 11AM Visit to St Paul’s Primary, Foxbar 1PM Visit to St [email protected] 0141 241 6112 to order and pay by card Charles’ Primary, Paisley 7PM Confirmations in St Mirin’s Cathedral. FRI 12NOON Meeting on ‘Just Faith,’ Diocesan Offices 2PM Curial Name: Meeting, Diocesan Offices. Address: To advertise BISHOP NOLAN Tel: Galloway, www.gallowaydiocese.org.uk Email Address: 0141 241 SAT 6PM St Margaret’s Cathedral, Ayr, Vigil Mass of Pentecost and Telephone Number: Mass of Welcome for Neophytes. SUN 10.30AM St John Ogilvie’s, 6105 This offer is only available to new subscribers & can only be used once Irvine, Confirmation/First Communion. FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER CHILDREN’S LITURGY 21

Our weekly series on Children’s Liturgy has lesson plans and activity suggestions for use with young people who are on the path to Christ Each week, Catechists will find readings and Psalm responses, complemented by prayer, reflection, FAITH discussion questions, and activities. Please feel free to use them as you wish The lessons are created by Adorer-theologians using the lens of the spirituality of St Maria de Mattias, which also embraces precious blood spirituality FIRST While this is the starting point for the lessons, readers are invited to approach them however the spirit moves you The Church is concerned with the availability and understanding of scripture for children who have their rightful place in the Church. In light of this SCO aims to provide a useful tool in drawing children closer to KIDS the Catholic Faith

always are learning more. The same with His own. God, Jesus and the Spirit: There is always The Lord made the heavens and everything in CHILDREN’S more to experience and learn. them by His word. We can readily see that images help us to As soon as He spoke the world was created; at CROSSWORD 82 understand but at the same time, images His command, the earth was formed. aren’t the whole truth. This feast of the (R) Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be Trinity reminds us that no matter what His own. 1 2 3 4 5 words or images we use they are limited. We depend on you, Lord, to help and protect us. Trinity, God, three persons: Mystery. Always Be kind and bless us! We depend on you. 6 remind the children, our ways of explaining (R) Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be Mystery, what we believe, is our attempt to His own. 7 8 express what we think about God in our lives. Second Reading 9 Holy Trinity But God is always beyond us. God is ‘infinitely more than we can hope for or imagine.’ You have received the Spirit that makes you God’s children and in that Spirit we call God: Abba, Father! 10 11 12 Reflection Activity A reading from the second letter of Paul to the Romans 13 14 GOD is with us to the end of time. Great! G Have a bowl of water in the middle of the 8:14-17. Moses asks the questions: Has anything like children. Have each child dip their fingers into Brothers and sisters, only those people who are 15 this ever happened before? Hearing the the water, make the Sign of the Cross, and say: led by God’s Spirit are His children. God’s ‘voice of God’ speaking from the midst of “I am (child’s name), a friend of God’s.” Then Spirit doesn’t make us slaves who are afraid of 16 17 fire? No. Somehow, Jesus really attempts to the entire group responds: “God loves (child’s Him. Instead, we become his children and call make it absolutely clear: God is beyond name) and we love (child’s name).” Him our Father. anything human beings can categorise or put God’s Spirit makes us sure that we are His in a box. God is Father. God is Son. God is Prayer children. His Spirit lets us know that together 18 19 Spirit. God is mystery. God is love. God is Dear Jesus, we are your disciples today. We with Christ we will be given what God has within our hearts. thank you trusting us to be good and true promised. We will also share in the glory of 20 All this is fine, but we really don’t have a followers. With the help of your Spirit, we know Christ, because we have suffered with Him. clue about how to understand this 3-in-1 we can be loving and forgiving with everyone. The Word of the Lord God. Bottom-line: God is Mystery. The We hope to listen and obey you in all things. ACROSS Church has many images—but images are Amen. Alleluia 1 Americans call them cookies (7) images—not the real thing! Of course, we Revelation 1:8. 7 A plus sign tells you to do this (3) have used the three-leaf clover as an image. First Reading (R) Alleluia, Alleluia. 8 Spotted cat (7) 9 Not wet (3) The Lord is God in Heaven above and on earth below: Perhaps today another concrete visual is an Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: 11 You put flowers in this (4) apple. There are three distinct parts to an there is no other.Areading from the book of Deuteronomy to God who is, who was, and who is to come. 13 A home for striped insects (7) apple: The outer skin, the flesh part and the 4:39-40. (R) Alleluia, Alleluia. 16 The first man in the Bible (4) seeds—three in one. Or another way: An Moses said to the people: “Today there is 17 Baby’s toy (6) adult can be a mother/father, but also a something you must learn and never forget. The Gospel 18 Story (4) sister/brother and is a daughter/son—same Lord God rules in heaven above and on earth Baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son 19 You get this medal for finishing second (6) person but different roles/functions. below. There is no other god. and of the Holy Spirit. A reading from the Holy Gospel 20 Creature that followed the Pied Piper (3) There are certain aspects that tie the last “Obey His laws and commands that I am according to Matthew 3:16-17:16-20. DOWN few Sundays together: Gathering together; teaching you today. Then all will go well for you Jesus’ 11 disciples went to a mountain in Galilee, 1 This horse is the hero of a book by Anna the Presence of Jesus and the Spirit; being and your descendants. You will always live in the where Jesus had told them to meet Him. They Sewell (5,6) ‘sent’ with a responsibility to renew the face land that the Lord your God is giving you forever.” saw Him and worshiped Him, but some of them 2 Seat you’ll find on a bicycle or put on a of the earth. The Sunday Scriptures reflect The Word of the Lord doubted. horse (6) the early disciples of Jesus trying to tell other Jesus came to them and said: “I have been 3 Like Cinderella’s two stepsisters (4) disciples that Jesus’ earthly presence is Responsorial Psalm given all authority in Heaven and on earth! Go 4 City where the famous Wooden Horse coming to a physical end but the Spirit, 33:4-5, 6 and 9, 20 and 22. to the people of all nations and make them my was used (4) 5 Person who rules in a courtroom (5) Jesus’ Spirit, will remain with them. Jesus (R) Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be disciples. Baptise them in the name of the 6 The home of the High Kings (4) will be experienced differently but Jesus will His own. Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teach 10 The world's highest mountain (7) be the same. Mystery. Truth. The Lord is truthful; He can be trusted. them to do everything I have told you. 12 Not as big (7) This is what Jesus is trying to share with He loves justice and fairness and He is kind to “I will be with you always, even until the end 14 Use it to hit a nail (6) the early disciples. Even though Jesus’ everyone everywhere on earth. of the world.” 15 Took something that did not belong to physical presence will not be with them, the (R) Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be The Gospel of the Lord you (5) Spirit—which is God’s Spirit in us, too—will always be with us. Just as the early disciples LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION struggled to understand this truth… so do we. ACROSS People gathered together; they experienced 1 Balloon 5 Saw 7 Accident 9 Tasty 12 Theatre the of presence—the Spirit and Jesus—and 13 Spain 14 Den 15 Bridge 16 Miser began trying to share their understanding of this presence. In the Gospel, it is being sent DOWN ‘to make disciples of all nations, Baptising 1 Boat 2 Loch Ness 3 Odd 4 Nineteen 6 Adult them in the name of the Father, the Son and 8 Strange 10 Sandals 11 Younger 12 Thumbs Holy Spirit.’ The Easter season is ‘over the edge’— ‘See I am doing something new.’The Scriptures of the Easter Season are The Children’s Liturgy page is demanding. They ask us to grapple with published one week in advance to risen life, eternal life, being a disciple, forgiving, loving, Spirit, mystery, being sent allow RE teachers and those taking and renewing the face of the earth. the Children’s Liturgy at weekly What we know about our religion, our faith, our world, our family and our friends, Masses to use, if they wish, this deepens and changes as the years pass by. page as an accompaniment to their And you can talk about how we know certain things about a person or subject—but we teaching materials


HOUGH the Easter period traditionally sees retreats loom large in the Catholic Faith, they remain an important part of Catholic life even as the Church moves Tbeyond that period each year. This year, Pope Francis spoke warmly of his own personal retreat in Ariccia, not far from Rome, where Carmelite priest Fr Bruno Secondin was chosen by the Holy Father to deliver the on whether—in the words of Fr retreat for the Roman Curia. Secondin—they ‘really belong The retreat saw the Holy to the Lord’ or whether they rely Father and his fellow retreatants on external gestures. focus on the life of Elijah Pope Francis was spiritually n Scotland among the centres refreshed after the retreat, and where such a ‘rediscovery of thanked Fr Secondin for his the deepest truth’can be made efforts, praying that he could Iis the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, carry the fruits of his retreat back where Ignatian Spirituality— to his daily life in the Vatican— familiar to Pope Francis, himself as all Catholics hope they can a Jesuit—can be encountered by bring their renewal on retreat ordinary Catholics, either in full into their everyday lives and retreats or in retreats which responsibilities. allow participants to break from “On behalf of all of us, I too their daily lives each day even would like to thank the father for for a short while. his work among us during the Also present north of the spiritual exercises,” he said. “It’s border is Craig Lodge House of not easy to give exercises to priests, Prayer at Dalmally (above), right? We’re a bit complicated, where a variety of retreats are St Vincent’s bid a fond farewell to teacher Mary all of us, but you succeeded in available on the programme, sowing seeds. May the Lord focussing on a wide range of By Dan McGinty Desmond Keegan in the unavoidable She commented on how appropriate it was make these seeds that you have themes—from family retreats, absence of Fr Ivan Boyle, parish priest. to celebrate during the Easter season, given us grow and I also hope married couples retreats to SAINT Vincent’s Primary School Fr Keegan told a packed congregation quoting one of Mrs Duke’s favourite sayings that myself and all the others can retreats on ‘Waiting with Mary East Kilbride gave a much loved that pupils never forget a good teacher and from St John Paul: “We are an Easter people leave here with a piece of Elijah’s for the Holy Spirit,’ angels and a teacher a send off to remember when cited very inspiring examples of teachers and Alleluia is our song.” cloak, in our hands and in our Corpus Christi weekend. she retired recently. whose influence had been significant in Gerry and Grace Gordon, both very hearts. Thank you father!” This year will also see a silent Having spent 22 years as teacher in the his own life, as well as commending the active fundraisers for the school through Across Scotland, and indeed retreat at Craig Lodge, led by Fr school Mary Duke holds the unique pupils on the beautiful singing and the the tea and toast club, presented Mrs Duke Britain, Catholics have the Killian Byrne, which aims to see distinction of being associated with the reverence with which they participated in with a Papal blessing on behalf of the opportunity to enter into their retreatants spend time with Jesus school as parent, teacher and grandparent the Mass. parish, which had been given in honour of own retreats in a variety of ways in silence before returning to as well as being a parishioner of St Eileen Tompkins, headteacher of St the special occasion. —in groups, as individuals, as their lives spiritually enriched. Vincent’s Parish. Vincent’s, thanked Mrs Duke for her The celebrations and presentations families and as parishes. The five day retreat—like She was joined by family and friends contribution to the school over many years continued in the school where Mrs Duke In the Pope’sretreat, participants many others in Scotland—gives and wellwishers from the entire school and said she left a wonderful legacy of was joined by her guests. were told that the retreat ‘requires a chance for ordinary Catholics community for a special retrial Mass dedication and commitment and will be Christians to rediscover the to take the journey undertaken at (above), which was celebrated by Fr remembered for her kindness and resilience. I [email protected] ‘deepest truth’ about themselves, Easter by Pope Francis, and echoes cast off their masks and take on the words of Pope Benedict the courage to live truth.’ XVI, who said: “Only in silence SPOTLIGHT ON In a similar way, ordinary can the word of God find a home Catholics, through participation in us, as it did in Mary, woman in retreats, are also called to re- of the word and, inseparably, examine their Faith, and to reflect woman of silence.”

if you would like to advertise in one of our retreat features email:

[email protected] Pupils from Trinity High School in Rutherglen welcomed Mark Booker of SCIAF to their school as they presented him with a cheque from the Trinity school community. The money had been raised by the pupils through a variety of fundraising efforts and in the end £2500 was or telephone donated to SCIAF, to help them with their vital work. On hand to assist the young people from Trinity was school chaplain Fr Ghsitain, who was joined (left to right) by senior pupils Allana Doherty, Gemma Gourley, Emily McDougall, Fiona Rankin and Headteacher Peter Bollen 0141 241 6105 PIC: TOM EADIE


Archbishop Cushley takes to the streets to support outreach programme

By Dan McGinty revival of their movement in Edinburgh, and their drink, company and compassion to the homeless merely being Catholics involved in traditional effect is already being felt on the city’s streets. (above right), and upon returning to the Edinburgh scouting activities. ARCHBISHOP Leo Cushley took to the “We were so honoured to have His Grace join us University Catholic Chaplaincy the troop kneel The movement was founded on the insights of streets of Edinburgh as he joined an outreach on the streets of Edinburgh,” Nicholas Pierson, a before the crucifix in order to pray for every home- the Venerable Jacques Sevin SJ, who worked programme bringing support and charity to student at Edinburgh University who also serves as less person that they encountered. closely with Lord Baden-Powell in developing the city’s homeless. Scoutmaster for the 1st Edinburgh-FSE troop said. The International Union of Guides and Scouts Catholic scouting. The Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh “It was extremely encouraging to have his of Europe—or Federation of European Scouting— joined Edinburgh University’s Scouts of Europe support and renewed our faith that Scotland is the was founded in 1956 and now boasts over 65,000 I For more information about Catholic scouting Rovers Crew of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (above perfect place for Catholic Scouting to once more members in over 20 countries, demonstrating a go to http://uigse-fse.org or contact uigse.uk@ left) as they undertook their weekly outreach to the take root.” form of scouting known as ‘Scoutisme.’Members of gmail.com homeless of the city, entitled Cups of Compassion. Each Saturday the Scouts of Europe Rovers take the group view scouting as a means of sanctification The Catholic scouting group are leading a to the streets of the capital where they bring food, and as an apostolate in the Church, as distinct from I [email protected]


Enduring support for St Margaret of Scotland Hospice

ST MARGARET of Scotland thanks to a 24-hour endurance sum was donated to the hospice. SCIAF were given a welcomed boost by the parish of St Mary’s, Blairs, after young Catholics there led their own Hospice was the beneficiary relay event (above). Hospice Chairman Leo Martin fundraising drive for the charity. Inspired by the work of SCIAF in some of the poorest and most desperate of the endurance of their The event was organised by went along to show his support areas of the world, the young people of St Mary’s decided to do their bit, and thanks to their own baking supporters at the Edrington Max McFarlane, a whisky maker to those participating and to skills and the generosity of their fellow parishioners they were able to hold a successful bake sale. Having Group. at the Edrington Group, and thanks meet Edrington Chief Executive baked the cakes themselves and sold them to the parish community in Blairs there were able to celebrate Vital funds for the continuing to the generosity of the Robertson Ian Curle, who was also there to raising £70 for SCIAF in support of their work work of the hospice were raised Trust—who matched the amount give his encouragement to those at the group’s Drumchapel site raised in the relay—a significant taking part.

GOLDEN JUBILEE ARCHIVE REPORT: FEBRUARY 22, 1980 Lay council gets its priorities right

DURING 2015—the golden jubilee year of the and called on Scots Catholics to transform their Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) lifestyles through helping the Third World. —the SCO will bring you highlights of the “Donations to Third World Aid should be linked last five decades of the campaigns and work to drastic revision of our own lifestyle—how much of the Catholic aid agency—an agency of the we eat and drink, spend on clothes, on household Bishops’ Conference of Scotland—as its reach necessities, how much of the world’s energy and developed and it became a member of the resources we squander,” the council said. “We also umbrella organisation Caritas Internationalis. ought to be actively campaigning, with all other like-minded people, to secure a fairer distribution THE Scottish Catholic Lay Apostolic Council of the world’s goods through national and held a list of priorities for the coming year, international agreements.” E-MAIL CELEBRATING LIFE EVENTS TO DAN McGINTY AT [email protected] 24 CATHOLICISM AND ISLAM SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY MAY 22 2015 Chasm widens between Catholicism and Islam DR HARRY SCHNITKER continues his series tracing the history of Islam and THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND ISLAM its relationship with Catholicism by looking, this week, at its breakdown

O FAR, we have was felt that the Germanic remained, and in Spain, the old examined the very Christian kingdoms that had tensions between the Germanic early days of Islam, superseded the Roman Empire elite, once Arians, and the rest of and the spread of its in the west were easier to deal the population lingered, too. religious and political with, and, in addition, Spain’s Ethnic tension also played an power. Christian monarchies, in wealth was fabled in the Middle important role, with the Romano Byzantium, but also the Christian East. Heavily supported by non- -Celtic peasants deeply resenting monarchyS of the Visigoths in the Arab Berber peoples from what the imposition of taxes and Iberian Peninsula, had been is now Algeria and Morocco, the services by the elite. Finally, the either severely truncated, or Muslim armies had swarmed substantial Jewish population had extinguished. The push from the across the Straits of Gibraltar and been harshly repressed by the Middle East along the North had inflicted crushing defeats on Visigoths, and was to provide African coast had reached the the Visigoths, who crumbled away. important assistance to the Islamic Byzantine’s African capital of The Iberian kingdom had always conquerors. By 714AD, almost the Carthage in 698AD. It then swept been a weak structure. Its ruling entire peninsula, with the exception westwards under the leadership elite consisted of descendants of of the mountainous Basque of Mūsā ibn Nu ayr at the behest the Germanic invaders, augmented region, was in Islamic hands. of the Caliph inṣ Damascus. by the Bishops of the Church. As Viewed from a Christian Frustrated at their inability to in Byzantine North Africa, not perspective, the Islamic Caliphate capture the great city of all was well in this seemingly was a formidable entity, a Constantinople, Muslim strategists flourishing Christian community. powerful combination of military conceived of the idea to advance In Carthage, the ancient divisions prowess, religious cohesion and on Byzantium from the west. It between Catholics and Donatists effective monarchical leadership. By the 720s, it had reached Constantinople in the east, and crossed the Pyrenees in the west. An increased sophistication at sea allowed the Islamic Empire to launch raids on islands such as Cyprus, although the conquest of     the largest Mediterranean islands had to wait for some time yet.        sources, Caliphs from Umar Christianity was a powerful one, empire. From the conquest of he fear of this new political II onwards began to repress that echoed down the centuries. Jerusalem, there was a consensus giant is clearly felt in the Christian practice. There is little It is important to note that to St that the success of Islam was Christian chronicles of the doubt that Umar was deeply John, as to almost all Byzantine God’s punishment for the sins of + %!,-$,, +/ -) Tperiod, and the Byzantine view of committed to spreading Islam Christian commentators, Islam the Christian Empire. Some, like 1).(")1-#.+# Islam was influential indeed in (he wrote to Pope Leo III in the was the heir to the Arians, was, Theophanus, tried hard to argue shaping the Christian perspective hope of converting him!) and in other words, simply a heresy. that every Islamic victory actually $( -# && 1)!-# (see Meyendorff, Byzantine that he implemented Islamic law Oddly, this both increased the benefited Byzantium, but one #+$,-$(,1+$ Views of Islam). Amongst the strictly. However, Christians bitterness of the armed struggle rather suspects he found this $, )!! +$(" ' +" (1 most important of the chronicles remained a protected community, between Islam and Byzantium, but difficult to believe himself. # &*!)+&&-#), is that by Theophanus the and, importantly, remained the also made it easier for Christians, The conclusion that many Confessor (dc817AD).This clearly majority of the population of the both of a Monophysite and eventually reached was that Islam, !& $("* +, .-$)( shows the menace that Islam was Caliphate. Orthodox hue, to live under whilst certainly not correct in its +),,-# $ & to the Christian Empire, but also Islamic rule. The rulers were not teachings, pleased God in its ,-& , )(4- has a great awareness that even his view of a holy war of another faith, but merely rejection of any images. This !)+" --# ' at this early stage Islam was between the Islamic and deviated from dogmatic truth. contrasted with the widespread hardly a homogenous whole. Christian Empires stands The ire of early Christian veneration of images in Theophanus chronicles the Tin stark contrast with the commentators on Islam was Christendom, and particularly of uprisings and rebellions within Byzantine view on Islam, a view focused not so much on what the icons in the Byzantine Empire. the Caliphate, the rise of what to which, oddly, Theophanus faith taught, but on the figure of The resultant Iconoclastic we now call Shi’a Islam, and the subscribed. For most early Muhammad. This was inevitable, movement, led by emperors, rise of various unorthodox streams Christian commentators, Muslims once the assumption was made was the most profound cultural within Islam. were nothing more than heretical that Islam was but a false impression made by Islam on What binds them together is Christians. This sits uneasily with interpretation of Christianity: it Christianity. Icons were outlawed the political clout of the Caliphs the notion that they were involved was all the interpreter’s fault. and destroyed, and a long tug-of and what Theophanus believes in a war on Christendom. St John Many, including St John of -war ensued between those to be their hatred of Christianity. of Damascus (above), one of the Damascus, ridiculed Muhammad, supporting the policy and those, The Muslims, regardless of their most influential theologians of the and some of their diatribes including the Christians of the     background, are deniers of Orthodox Church, was a monk- sound somewhat trite, even to West, who resisted it.       Christ (ο ρνητα το Χριστο ) priest who actually served at the Christian ears. Muhammad was We know that the veneration and are fightingἱἀ againstὶ ῦ God (οῦ court of the Caliph in Damascus.     000(.%)+" ( (.%)+" lustful for breaking Qur’anic of icons prevailed, but not until a θεοµ χοι). This is unsurprising,ἱ This proximity to the early prescriptions on not having long struggle had passed: there '# # #$ $$ as theά total identification of the centre of Islamic culture and more than four wives—a silly were outbursts of iconoclasm #$$ Church with the Roman Empire power had brought him in contact argument since it implicitly between 726AD and its final  $%   dated back four centuries. Ever with the Qur’an, the reading of recognised that there was value demise in 843AD. The strongest since the chronicle of Eusebius, which is reflected in one of his in the Qur’an, and a puerile one  (&),  3  3  3  -# +3 theological support for the the Empire was regarded as the most important works, The when something as essential as practice came from St John of -)# &*-# $ & ,-4,,.!! +$("#+$,-$(, vehicle for the Salvific role of Fountain of Knowledge. There eternal salvation was at stake. Damascus and St Theodore the            the Church. Unlike the West, he states: “Until the time of Islamic heaven was portrayed as Studite, both aware not just of where StAugustine’s City of God Heraclius, they were plainly a brothel, and, perhaps more the religious implications of the        had divorced secular authority idolaters. From that time and fundamentally, Muhammad was struggle, but also of the cultural   $"&% % %&#  from that of the Church and until now came up among them equated with the false prophets ones. The final victory of the !$%*  $%##) $%# God, Byzantium had no tradition a false prophet called Mamed of Mark 13:22. icon was also a fundamental separating Church and state. (sic), who, having encountered Yet the overlaps between the cultural turning point: Islam and  The descriptions of the the Old and New Testament, as two faiths had important Christianity, which, stemming )!#*% # % treatment of Christians living it seems, having conversed with consequences for Christendom. from the same sources, had often  %&#$%#!  $%  %$ under Islamic rule intensify this an Arian monk, he put together Horrified by the successes of the appeared but two versions of the sense of a clash of religions. his own heresy.” Caliphate, Byzantine Emperors same expression, were now $$&  $%#   %&# According to Theophanus, but in The notion that Islam sought to explain the loss of politically and culturally strong contradiction to Islamic was merely a derivation from Divine protection for their obviously separate.       !!$  &2$ &.$& $(" )---+ -)-# +0 &&     WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK