TRietavn. Aiudmv. dMioaxtiedre. Spchio. 5to1c (a2ta0l1y7s)is 9:1 fu-1n2d9amentals and application on photoinactivation 91


Pedro Magalhães, Luísa Andrade, Olga C. Nunes and Adélio Mendes

LEPABE, Departamento de Engenharia Química, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal Received: April 02, 2017

Abstract. TiO2 semiconductor is being investigated and used for different applications such as

energy production, photoinactivation, photoabatement, self-cleaning and desalination. TiO2 has, however, a large , ca. 3.2 eV, which limits its absorption to UV range that accounts only for ca. 5% of the solar spectrum energy. Therefore, strategies for reducing its band

gap aiming to enhance visible light harvesting and making TiO2 usable for indoors applications are being studied; this reduction is mainly achieved by doping and decoration. More recently,

TiO2/graphene composite proved to be an interesting material for photocatalytic purposes, presenting enhanced energy harvesting properties and an improved photocatalytic activity. Furthermore, the micro size of the composite graphene platelets allows its use without the

potential health hazards associated to TiO2 . TiO2 may contribute to prevent nosocomial infections because, similarly to the phagocytic cells of the human immune system, it uses the cytotoxic effects of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to inactivate microorganisms. These ROS are known to be highly reactive with biological molecules and thus they are effective for the inactivation of various types of microorganisms. The photocatalysis fundamentals and the

preparation of more efficient TiO2 photocatalysts suitable for indoor applications are reviewed aiming their application for the photoinactivation of microorganisms. Additionally, a comparison of the effectiveness of photoinactivation with traditionally used disinfection methods is also made.

Finally, gaps in the knowledge on the long-term effect of the utilization of TiO2 based materials are identified.

1. INTRODUCTION Even though the environmental applications are leading the photocatalysis, microorganism In the past four decades photocatalysis fundamen- photoinactivation is also catching more and more tals and applications developed tremendously. Pres- attention within the scientific community. In fact, ently, there is a deeper understanding of the photo- there is an alarming increase in the number of hos- fundamentals and, consequently, the use pital-acquired infections, also known as nosocomial of photocatalysts in several emergent fields such infections [8]. This increase was caused by an un- as energy production (e.g. photocatalytic water split- controlled use of substances that promote the propa- ting [1]), environmental protection (e.g. self-clean- gation of antibiotic resistance, strongly motivated ing materials [2] and photo abatement of atmos- by a lack of adequate legislation [9]. Infectious dis- pheric pollutants such as NO [3], volatile and halo- x eases are becoming again a real threat, with new genated [4]), water purification (e.g. infections appearing at an alarming rate [10], and photooxidation of micropollutants [5], volatile the exponential movement of people across coun- organohalide compounds, pesticides [6]) and for microorganisms inactivation [7]. Corresponding author: O.C. Nunes, e-mail [email protected] and A. Mendes, e-mail: [email protected].

© 2017 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd. 92 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes tries, oceans and continents are intensively con- cies, while excited electrons normally react with tributing to their propagation. oxygen to produce free O2•. These are re- In the past decade many studies reported the sponsible for the photodecomposition of organic photocatalysis use for disinfection purposes; espe- compounds, where adsorbed water and oxygen have cially the antimicrobial application of diox- been described to play an important role. ide has been widely discussed in many reviews and There are, nowadays, several proposed pathways research papers [11]. In this work, the microorgan- for the photodegradation of pollutants [17,18]. The ism photoinactivation main issues will be reviewed, most commonly assumed photodegradation mecha- namely regarding the development of materials with nism is based on Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic enhanced visible light harvesting to foster photoca- model, as described by Ollis and Turchi [19]: talysis for indoor applications (e.g. hospitals, health   TiO2  h   h  e (1) centres, etc.). Since the use of TiO2 for disinfection purposes is being limited to its ability of absorbing only UV light and by the rapid recombination of sepa- h  e  heat (2) rated positive and negative charges, doping, deco-  ration and the use of TiO2/graphene composites are h  (H O/ OH ) OH (3) 2  s  (aq) addressed below as mechanisms for mitigating these drawbacks. e  O O (4) 2  2 2. FUNDAMENTALS OF Reactant  S Reactant (5) PHOTOCATALYSIS sol  The pioneer work developed by Fujishima et al. [12] OH Reactant  Products (6) describing with a TiO2 photoelectrode  caught the attention of several research groups where OH• is the , O2 is the superoxide radical and S is an active center of the working on this field and rapidly TiO2 became the most used semiconductor for photocatalysis. Tita- photocatalyst. This kinetic model was proposed nium dioxide exhibits three crystalline structures: based on studies of spin trapping and electron spin , anatase and brookite. Rutile is the most ther- resonance (ESR) showing high concentrations of modynamically stable crystal structure of titanium OH• radicals in photocatalytic systems [19]; the dioxide but anatase is the preferred form for photo- presence of hydroxylated intermediates formed dur- catalysis because it presents higher photocatalytic ing the photodegradation of the studied compounds activity and it is easier to prepare. Brookite is the also supports the suggested model. However, least stable phase and normally not used in photo- Ângelo [20] reported recently a maximum of NO catalysis. There are studies that indicate the ben- conversion of 82.4% for a feed containing 25% of RH and of X = 75.7% for a feed with a dew point efits of mixings different crystalline phases of TiO2 NO for obtaining a higher photoactivity [13,14]. When of -20 °C; the same work indicates that the water- different crystalline phases are coupled, it is mostly adsorbed monolayer is reached for a relative hu- believed that the movement of electrons from the midity of ca. 25%. If the main intermediate oxida- rutile phase to the anatase phase occurs, which tion species of NO is OH• the NO conversion for the causes a more efficient e-/h+ separation and conse- dry feed should be quite smaller, see Eq. (3). This quently an increased photocatalytic activity [15]. result along with other studies reported in literature However, there are other studies defending that the [21] question the role of hydroxyl radicals in photo- electron movement is from anatase to rutile [16]. catalysis or, otherwise, of the equation (3). Montoya The anatase band gap is ca. 3.2 eV while the and co-workers [22] made a strong case against band gap of rutile is ca. 3.0 eV. Upon excitation the direct reaction of a photogenerated hole with with photons presenting energy higher than the band adsorbed water or OH” to form OH•, suggesting a gap energy, an electron is injected from the valence novel direct-indirect model (D-I) – Fig. 1. The D-I to the conduction band, generating an electron-hole model shows two different types of interfacial charge pair in the conduction and valence bands, respec- transfer mechanisms. For strong electronic inter- tively – Eq. (1). The photogenerated charges diffuse action, D-I model assumes that photo-oxidation is to the surface of the semiconductor particle where mainly based in an interfacial direct transfer (DT) they promote reactions; holes may generate mechanism of photogenerated valence band free holes to adsorbed species to TiO surface. On the vacancies on TiO2 surface or excited reduced spe- 2 photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 93

Fig. 1. Schematic of the Direct-Indirect Model: a) Direct Transition; b) Indirect Transition. Adapted from [13] with permission.

other hand, for weak interactions between reactant facilitated at the traps on the surface and in the and TiO2 surface, the D-I model assumes an inter- bulk of the particles [29]. Indeed, it is assumed that facial indirect transfer (IT) mechanism involving two the recombination process occurs at the crystal + successive steps: at the first step, hf species are defects, explaining why amorphous TiO2 presents 2" trapped by Os terminal oxygen ions of the TiO2 almost negligible photocatalytic activity. Neverthe- •” surface leading to generation of terminal Os radi- less, there are few works discussing this point since cals; at a second step, surface trapped holes are the defects of the photocatalytic powders are very isoenergetically transferred via tunneling to the difficult to determine. Anatase absorbs only wave- adsorbed reactant, according to the Marcus- lengths smaller than 386 nm, which falls in the UV Gerischer model for adiabatic electron transfer at range. Sunlight spectrum comprises only 5-7 % of the semiconductor electrolyte interface [23]. UV light, 46% of visible light and 47% of infrared

The study conducted by Salvador and co-work- radiation [30]. So, TiO2 modifications to allow vis- ers [24] analyze the importance of oxygen on the ible absorption are fundamental to enhance the pho- photocatalytic phenomenon. Dillert et al. [25] and tocatalytic rate. Targeting this enhancement the Ângelo et al. [20], also highlighted the importance research was directed for the use visible light in- of oxygen on the photocatalytic phenomenon, show- stead of only UV radiation, and of proper immobili- ing that without oxygen there is no NO conversion. zation of the photocatalyst. TiO2 doping and/or deco- Thus, the photooxidation mechanisms still a mat- ration with the objective of increasing photoactivity ter of debate. and photoabsorbance is addressed below. Doping

As previously mentioned, improving the TiO2 concerns adding foreign chemical elements (impu- photocatalytic activity for attaining visible light ac- rities) to modify in the inner-structure of the photo- tivity is being targeted; this improvement can be catalyst, while decoration concerns adding materi- achieved by: i) avoiding the recombination of als to the photocatalyst surface. Both modifications photogenerated electrons/holes; ii) narrowing the target the same objectives: preventing e-/h+ recom- semiconductor band gap (Eg) [26]. While the first bination and red-shift of the light absorption. TiO2/ permits to efficiently generate more free radicals, graphene composite photocatalysts reduces the the later allows the photocatalyst to absorb a larger charge recombination and originates Ti-O-C bonds fraction of the solar spectrum. Even though the re- that promotes significant red-shift. combination rate of e-/h+ has been neglected in many works due to difficulties in its estimation, it 2.1. Doping and decoration has been proved that the recombination rate has a Doping of TiO can help the improvement of photo- strong contribution for the net photocatalytic activ- 2 ity [27,28]. The majority of the authors working on catalytic activity by enhancing the optical absorp- this topic defend that the crystal structure of the tion of wide band gap semiconductors, increasing photocatalyst is a dominant factor of the photocata- the minority carrier diffusion length or enhancing the lytic activity since the recombination of e- and h+ is catalytic activity at the surface of the semiconduc- 94 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes tor [31]. However, in some cases, these dopants case of visible light activity, a less oxidative can also promote e-/h+ recombination with the crea- superoxide radical was suggested to be formed and tion of mid gap surface states that actually act as being the main responsible for the photocatalytic recombination centres [31]. High values of dopant activity [54,59,60]. Renguifo-Herrera and co-work- 6 3 concentration (not above 10 mol·dm [31]) should ers [59] developed N and S co-doped TiO2 present- be avoided since may lead to segregation of the ing an intense visible-light absorption. However, its dopant phase. There are two possible doping sites photocatalytic activity was low, similar to P25 un- in TiO2: at the titanium site (cation doping) or at the der solar simulated light. These results can be as- oxygen site (anion doping). Thus, there are two main cribed to the fact that the photogenerated holes on types of TiO2 doping: cation-doping [32-41] and the intermediary energy levels formed by N and S anion-doping [42-51]. Various studies have been co-doping under visible light do not present suffi- performed to explain the band gap narrowing mecha- cient redox potential to oxidize water and thus are • nism in TiO2 doping [30,42,52]. Nitrogen doping is not able to produce OH radicals. the most used approach for obtaining visible light The main difference between doping and deco- activity; [53-55] however, there is no established ration is related to which part of the TiO2 is modi- mechanism that explains the visible light activity of fied. In the case of doping, the modifications are

N-doped TiO2. While some authors state that conducted inside the crystalline structure of TiO2, substitutional N-doping results in band gap narrow- while in the case of decoration the modifications ing due to the efficient mixing of orbitals 2p of N and are made on the TiO2 surface. After excitation of

O, others argue that band gap narrowing through TiO2, electrons migrate to the attached decorating modifications in the energy levels of valence and particle where they become trapped, minimizing the conduction bands can only occur with high concen- electron-hole recombination [61]. The migration of trations of dopants and strong interactions among electrons to the decorating particles was confirmed impurity energy states, valence and conduction in several studies [62-64], which showed an improved bands [54]. Di Valentin and co-workers [56] based photocatalytic activity of the decorated TiO2 when on the density functional theory (DFT) predicted that compared to pristine TiO2; the holes migrate then N atoms could occupy either substitutional or inter- to the semiconductor surface without recombining stitial sites in the TiO2 lattice and thus generate [62-64]. Few review articles analysing doping and localized energy states. When substitutional sites decorating effects on photocatalysis have been pub- are occupied, a higher energy level extending the lished recently [65-68]. valence band is formed, while in the case of intersti- An effect that worth to be explained and that tial sites occupation, discrete energy levels above has been gathering interest in the scientific com- the valence band are created. Doping with other munity is the surface plasmon resonance effect - anions, such as carbon, can also show gap narrow- SPR effect. When a is subjected ing [57]. Some authors suggest that the use of dop- to an oscillating electric field as the case of inci- ing agents results in modifications of (101) TiO2 dent light, the free electrons in the nanoparticle will surface [58]. These modifications can increase the answer to that electric field also by oscillating. This transfer of photogenerated electrons to the outer behavior is called localized surface plasmon reso- surface regions, facilitating the photocatalytic reac- nance and it can be adjusted by manipulating the tions and improving the quantum efficiency of the size, shape and dielectric environment to change photocatalytic processes. the interaction of the nanoparticles with incident light. Another approach used for obtaining visible light Thus, it is possible to scatter the incident light with activity is metal ion doping. Some theories explain metal nanoparticles and increase the optical path the visible light response obtained with this type of of photons, leading to an absorption enhancement doping such as, the occurrence of band gap nar- in certain wavelengths. SPR effect also promotes rowing and intrinsic defects by either substitutional changes in the energy of the Fermi level caused by or interstitial substitution in the TiO2 matrix [54]. the electron storage effects in the metal nanoparticle Metal ion doping induces, however, recombination [54]. Localized SPR of and silver nanoparticles of charge carriers lowering the overall efficiency of normally results in strong and broad absorption photocatalysis. Additionally, some reports point to bands in the visible light region, which can be ex- differences in the photocatalytic phenomena under ploited to attain visible light-activated photocatalysts visible light and UV radiation. For UV radiation, as [61,69-71]. discussed in Section 2, both superoxide and hy- Important to mention that one of the possible droxyl radicals are produced. Nevertheless, for the disadvantages of TiO2 decoration is the corrosion Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 95 and dissolution of decorating metal particles during extended light absorption range; and iii) enhanced the photocatalytic reaction [72]. The decorative par- adsorptivity of the reactant species [79]. ticles can also act as co-catalysts, reducing the For photocatalytic indoor applications, such as overvoltage of the redox reactions involved in pho- for photoinactivation of microorganisms, a very prom- tocatalysis. The use of co-catalysts allow a given ising photocatalyst is Au/TiO2/graphene. The use of electrochemical reaction to progress faster [73]. For gold nanoparticles is expected to promote increased instance, in photoelectrochemical water splitting, values of photoactivity due to the high surface plas- the lower level of the conduction band must be more mon resonance effect observed with these + negative than the redox potential of H /H2 (0 V vs. nanoparticles [61,85]. The Au/TiO2/graphene, al-

NHE, at pH = 0) and the top level of the valence ready described for the H2 production [86], shows band must be more positive than the redox poten- enhanced photocatalytic activity due to the surface tial of O2/H2O (1.23 V, at pH = 0). Since this reac- plasmon resonance effect of the Au nanoparticles, tion is very difficult to accomplish using TiO2 photo- that broadens the visible light response of the TiO2, catalyst, the use of co-catalysts such as Pt, Au and the excellent electron transport properties of and Rh for H2 evolution [74] and RuO2 for O2 evolu- graphene, which decreases the recombination of tion [75] is essential. electron and hole pairs. Au nanoparticles, as ex- plained before, can also reduce redox overpotentials [87]. 2.2. TiO2/graphene composite TiO photoactivity can also be enhanced with the 2 3. PHOTOINACTIVATION production of TiO2 composites. The most notable case is the production of TiO2/graphene compos- ites. In TiO /graphene composites, the electron–hole 2 3.1. Rationale of using TiO2 pairs are generated upon TiO excitation under UV 2 photocatalysis as the basis of light irradiation. These photogenerated electrons are new disinfection methods then injected into graphene due to the more posi- tive Fermi level of graphene [76]. The high carrier The intensive use of antimicrobial agents, including mobility of graphene accelerates excited electron antibiotics in human and veterinary chemo- transport that enhances the photocatalytic perform- biotherapy, aquaculture and animal husbandry have ance [77]. Simultaneously, Ti-O-C bonds formed in been pointed out as the main cause behind the tre- mendous increase of antibiotic resistance in clini- the TiO2/graphene photocatalyst originate a red shift of few dozens of nanometers in the solar spectrum, cal settings and in the environment [88]. The emer- reducing its bandgap and making it sensitive to gence and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is longer-wavelength light [78,79]. The resulted photo- not only of paramount public health concern, but it catalyst presents then an extended photoresponse leads also to high costs for the national health serv- of up to ca. 440 nm ices. Organic disinfectants are among the sub- stances that may promote antibiotic resistance dis- TiO2 photooxidation is normally assigned intermediated free radicals OH• (oxidation potential semination, given the occurrence of co-selection due •- to genetic linkage between antibiotics and biocides of 2.8 V [80]) and O2 (reduction potential of -0.137 V [81]), making necessary a thermodynamic mini- [89-92]. Therefore, the development of new disin- mum band gap of 2.94 eV for generating both radi- fection techniques based on biocides naturally oc- cals. Since most of band gap shortening approaches curring in the human immune system is very attrac- consider the creation of intermediate energy levels, tive. cf. section 3, making the electron energy gain a Phagocytic cells of the human immune system stepwise process, the lowest and highest energy use the cytotoxic effects of ROS as a component levels are still available. This means that, despite of their host defence mechanism [93-95]. When a the band gap shortening below e.g. 2.8 eV, the pho- phagocyte encounters a microorganism, a portion • •- of the phagocyte membrane surrounds it – the first tocatalyst is still active towards OH and O2 gen- eration [82]. Nevertheless, the visible light activity step of a phagolysosome formation. This process leads to increased phagocyte oxygen consumption of the TiO2/graphene composites is not fully under- and activates a unique membrane-associated stood [83,84]. When graphene is bounded to TiO2 the overall photocatalytic performance is largely NADPH-dependent oxidase complex [96]. This •- improved. This is mainly attributed to three effects: enzymatic complex univalently reduces O2 to O2 , i) efficient charge separation and transportation; ii) which further dismutes to H2O2 [96]. Another mecha- 96 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes nism involved in phagocyte-mediated oxidant gen- organisms in photoinactivation trials (Table 1, [103- eration and microbial toxicity involves the iron-cata- 106]). Given the complexity of the bacterial com- •- lysed intra- or extracellular reaction of O2 and H2O2 munities in natural environments, some studies to form OH• [94]. These ROS are known to be highly assessed the efficacy of photocatalysis in mixed reactive with biological molecules and various au- suspensions of known composition, or in a more thors proposed that OH• radical is the most toxic realistic way, in wastewater (Table 1). The efficacy [97-100]. During the photocatalysis process similar of photocatalysis in the inactivation of eukaryotic ROS are formed. Hence, photoinactivation seems microorganisms, both in axenic or mixed suspen- a good alternative to commonly used disinfection sions has also been assessed. In fact, the differ- methods. ences in the cellular structure of prokaryotic and Matsunaga and co-workers in 1985 were the first eukaryotic organisms may lead to distinct toler- authors assessing the feasibility of using UV-acti- ances to photocatalysis. Similar reasons are be- vated TiO2 for photoinactivation [7]. This study re- hind the studies performed with prokaryotic and ported the successful photoinactivation of both Gram eukaryotic dormant forms (spores, cysts). Indeed, negative and Gram positive bacteria (Escherichia the inactivation of these structures, particularly the coli and Lactobacillus acidophilus, respectively) and bacterial endospores, has been a challenge due to yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells by a semi- their well-known resistance to chemical and physi- conductor powder (-doped titanium dioxide, cal antimicrobial agents [107,108].

Pt-TiO2). This pioneer work triggered numerous stud- TiO2 photoinactivation is expected to be the ba- ies to assess the efficiency of TiO2 photocatalysis sis of different processes and materials compatible on the inactivation of microorganisms and viruses with commercial applications for disinfection. Indeed, (Tables 1-3) as well as microbial toxins and prions photocatalysis-based new disinfection processes [11,101]. A representative summary of the studies can be potentially used in several fields, such as performed up to now on photoinactivation, as well water disinfection [97,109-121], medical applications as a comparison of this technique with traditional [119,122-125], and pharmaceutical and food indus- disinfection methods is given below. try [124]. Given the wide variety of potential applica- tions, assessment of photoinactivation has been carried out in different matrices. The majority of the 3.2. Target test organisms and TiO2 studies assessed the efficacy of TiO nanoparticles matrices 2 in aqueous suspension. This happens mainly be- Given the commercial availability of TiO 2 cause it is well known that the photoinactivation nanoparticles, most of the studies assessing the process is favored when cells are in direct contact efficacy of photoinactivation have been carried out with the photocatalyst. However, and primarily due with P25 (Table 1), which shows high performance to the potential harmful effects of nanoparticles in and stability when excited with UV radiation [102]. human health [126] and environment [127], immo- Most of the studies used axenic suspensions of bilization of TiO2 has been studied (Tables 1-3). In- bacteria as target organisms, being , deed, TiO2 immobilization is very important for com- the well characterized and universally used faecal mercial applications [128], also due to two main contamination indicator, the most used. However, reasons. Firstly, it is difficult to recover the photo- domain Bacteria accommodates an immense di- catalyst when used as powder; this requires a post- versity of organisms, reflected in a wide variety of treatment solid-liquid separation stage, which will phylogenetic, genotypic and phenotypic groups. add complexity and costs to the overall process Therefore, differences in cellular structure, metabo- [109]. Secondly, when it is not possible to recover lism, pathogenicity, or tolerance against stressful the photocatalyst, the total loss of this material conditions, including resistance to antimicrobial implies economical losses and it becomes itself a agents, may influence the susceptibility of bacteria pollutant. to photocatalysis. This explains why other bacte- TiO2 has been immobilized in different materials ria, including Gram positive bacteria (phyla such as glass (plates, beads), polymers Firmicutes and Actinobacteria), endospore formers (polypropylene, polycarbosilane, cellulose acetate), (a restricted group of Firmicutes, including genera paint and quartz disks [128-142]. These materials such as Bacillus and Clostridium), pathogens or have been employed in surface coatings (glass, opportunistic pathogens (such as Legionella cellulose acetate sheets), paint coating and impreg- pneumophila and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and nated membranes. These approaches can be used antibiotic resistant bacteria have been used as test for the inactivation of organisms in aqueous solu- Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 97 98 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 99 100 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 101 102 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 103 104 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 105

Fig. 2. Free radicals mode of action (reprinted with permission from M. Dizdaroglu, P. Jaruga, M. Birincioglu and H. Rodriguez // Free Radical Biol. Med. 32 (2002) 1102. (c) 2002 Elsevier). tions (e.g. reactor wall), air (e.g. air filters) and fo- ability. Consequently, ROS easily reach the cyto- mites (e.g. paint coating). In the specific case of plasmic membrane, where peroxidation of mem- , the advantage of using coated glass brane lipids also occurs. The consequent structural beads is the larger specific surface area, which al- and functional disorders of the cytoplasmic mem- lows a more efficient photoinactivation of microor- brane lead to ROS entrance in the cell, where they ganisms. However, the use of glass beads can in- negatively interfere with DNA replication [11,145] and crease the cost and complexity of the process. In respiratory activity [7,146] due to the direct oxida- impregnated membranes, TiO2 is deposited in the tion of coenzyme A into its dimeric form. Ultimately, interstices of the membrane, improving the surface ROS attack leads to the loss of cell viability and contact area between TiO2 and the microorganisms. cell death [147-149]. The initial process of E. coli

This method seems to be useful for wastewater treat- photoinactivation by the action of TiO2 photocataly- ment [143] but can also be used for the sis is depicted in Fig. 2. Evidences indicate that photoinactivation of air microorganisms [136]. Paint the TiO2 photocatalytic reaction results in contin- coating seems to be, currently, the most promising ued bactericidal activity, well after the UV illumina- immobilization matrix for commercial applications. tion terminates [148]. Paint is a readily available material, easy to be ap- In what concerns Gram-positive bacteria, the plied onto surfaces and does not react with the pho- majority of the studies showed that they are more tocatalyst nor interfere with the photocatalytic effi- resistant to photocatalytic inactivation than Gram- ciency [144]. Furthermore, paint provides a good negative [11]. However, some authors reported op- support for the photocatalyst in a 3D arrangement posite observations [141,150,151]. Some of the dif- and can be applied in hospitals and other buildings ferences encountered in the susceptibility to where infections should be prevented. photoinactivation between Gram-negative and Gram- positive bacteria may be caused by the experimen- 3.3. Photoinactivation mechanism tal conditions. For instance, van Grieken and co- workers [152] showed that the susceptibility of E. To better understand the effect of TiO photocataly- 2 coli and Enterococcus faecalis to photocatalysis in sis on the differential inactivation of the cells and natural was similar, whereas in distilled wa- thereof dormant forms, the mechanism of action of ter the Gram-positive was more resistant. Never- photoinactivation is summarized as follows. All the theless, the different cell wall structure of Gram- cellular constituents, such as polysaccharides, negative and positive bacteria is actually cited as lipids, proteins and nucleic acids can be attacked the main reason for the distinction on ROS attack by ROS formed during photocatalysis. However, cell susceptibility. Gram-negative bacteria have a triple- wall is the initial target for the photocatalytic attack. layer, with an inner cytoplasmic membrane, and a Considering as example the Gram-negative bacte- cell wall composed by a thin peptidoglycan layer ria, the oxidation of components of the outer mem- and an outer membrane. Besides the inner cyto- brane by ROS promotes an increase in cell perme- 106 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes plasmic membrane, the Gram-positive bacteria have UV irradiance from 2 to 1000 W/m2, time of contact a thick peptidoglycan layer. The high porosity of from 5 min up to 144 h, and cell densities ranging peptidoglycan allows solutes, such as ROS, to per- between 103 to 107 colony forming units (CFU)/mL. meate. Therefore, also Gram-positive cells become In addition, different strains of this species were used susceptible to radical attack [153,154]. However, ([105,106,116,120,131,137,141,156-159], Table 1). the thickness of the peptidoglycan layer in these Nevertheless, most of the studies performed up to bacteria may allow a delay in the loss of cell per- now included controls and, in some cases, the in- meability, and/or retard oxidants diffusion to vital activation of different organisms or matrices were sites. Indeed, both mechanisms would explain the tested under the same conditions allowing a better higher resistance of Gram-positive bacteria to TiO2 comparative assessment and thus valuable data to photoinactivation when compared with Gram-nega- conclude on the efficacy of photoinactivation. tive ones. On the other hand, the presence of an outer membrane in Gram-negative cells may explain 3.4.1. UV-TiO2 photoinactivation why under certain circumstances these bacteria are more resistant to ROS attack than Gram-positive Photocatalytic experiments under UV radiation pro- cells [7,141,150]. The rigid cell wall of filamentous duce high levels of photoinactivation for the majority and unicellular fungi, composed mainly of soluble of the different microorganisms tested. As mentioned and insoluble polysaccharide polymers, make them previously, P25 has been the most used photocata- more resistant to ROS attack than bacterial cells lyst. However, synthetized, pristine, doped or deco- rated TiO were also reported. [11,135]. Generally, dormant forms, such as fungal 2 spores [131], cysts [135], and bacterial endospores As referred to above, despite the difficulties en- [131], are even more resistant than the vegetative countered on comparing the results obtained in the cells which proves the role of cell wall thickness different studies shown in Tables 1 and 2, some conclusions can be drawn. UV-TiO photocatalysis and complexity in ROS defence. 2 seems to be effective on the inactivation of all the types of microorganisms. Studies carried out by 3.4. Efficiency of photoinactivation Herrera Mélian et al. [143], Dillert et al. [118] and In this section, a summary of the studies carried Rincón et al. [121] should be highlighted since high out on the efficiency of photoinactivation under UV values of inactivation of total heterotrophic bacteria and visible radiation is given. Given the high number and coliforms were reported for real wastewater sam- of studies published up to now in this field, a selec- ples. tion was made. The selection criteria included the But care must be taken to define the operating type of tested microorganism, light sources and conditions since organisms with different cellular testing conditions, and the utilization of novel TiO2 structure and complexity, such as E. coli, Bacillus based photocatalysts. A more extensive literature subtilis endospores and the yeast Candida albicans, review on this topic can be found elsewhere [11]. have very different susceptibility to photoinactivation. The factors affecting cell death, caused by an Total inactivation of E. coli cellular at a density of antimicrobial agent, include the agent concentra- 106 CFU/mL was achieved within 40 minutes of con- tion, time of exposure, and type and density of cells. tact in suspension, with a photocatalyst concentra- Therefore, for a rigorous comparison of efficiency tion of 0.1 g/L and irradiance of 55 W/m2 [116]. How- among antimicrobial agents and/or type of target ever, to completely inactivate Bacillus subtilis organisms, standardized methods should be used. endospores at a similar initial spore density (106 Even though there is already a standard for testing spore/mL), a photocatalyst concentration of 0.25 photocatalytic materials [155], most studies does g/L, an irradiance of 70 W/m2 and 540 minutes were not follow this standard, probably because this needed [160]. Despite of shorter time of contact (30 standard is referred to surfaces and most of studies minutes) and photocatalyst concentration (0.02 are based on the use of suspensions, as previously g/L) a very high irradiance value (330 W/m2) mentioned. Hence, it is very difficult to compare the was necessary to achieve 96% inactivation of photoinactivation efficiency against different target Candida albicans at and initial cellular density of organisms in different conditions, even when the 103 CFU/mL [161]. On the contrary, pathogenicity same photocatalyst (e.g., P25) is used (Tables 1- seems to have less influence on bacterial suscepti- 3). For example, studies reporting the inactivation bility against photoinactivation. For example, Cheng of E. coli in suspension used photocatalyst con- et al. [162] reported that total inactivation of patho- centrations ranging from 50 to 1000 mg/L, values of genic Legionella pneumophila serotype 1 at an ini- Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 107 tial cellular density of 107 CFU/mL was attained af- irradiance of 4 W/m2 for 20 minutes were sufficient ter 105 minutes with a photocatalyst concentration to inactivate 93 % of S. aureus viable cells at an of 0.2 g/L and an irradiance of 1.65 W/m2, condi- initial higher concentration (109 CFU/mL). tions comparable to the ones used by Ibañez et al. [116] for the photoinactivation of E. coli. 3.5. Visible light-TiO2 Some antibiotic resistant bacteria are also sus- photoinactivation ceptible to TiO2 photocatalytic inactivation. Photoinactivation values of susceptible and antibi- Despite the success of UV-photocatalysis in disin- otic resistant strains of E. coli [105] and S. aureus fection, the mutagenic action of this type of radia- (MRSA) [106] were not significantly different (Table tion hampers its use in the majority of the indoor 1). However, differences between antibiotic resist- spaces [113]. On the other hand, the negligible UV ant and sensitive counterparts have also been re- irradiancy under common internal lighting conditions prevents the use of pure photocatalytic TiO in in- ported [106]. A multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter 2 baumannii (MDRAB) was ca. 2 times more sus- door spaces. Even in outdoor events, the low frac- ceptible to photoinactivation than the antibiotic sen- tion of solar UV compared to the total solar irradia- sitive Acinetobacter baumannii control strain. Op- tion advises the use of visible light photocatalysts. posite results were obtained for Enterococcus To overcome this major drawback, several studies faecalis, where the vancomycin resistant strain focused on the development of modified titanium (VRE) showed ca. 2 times less susceptibility against dioxide with enhanced visible light photoactivity have photoinactivation than the susceptible strain [106]. been conducted, as mentioned in Section 3. Indeed, different susceptibility against oxidative Among the modified photocatalysts tested up to now, carbon doped TiO , decorated [184] or not stress was already reported among strains of the 2 same microbial species [163,164]. Hence, despite [185] with silver nanoparticles was shown to respec- the utmost importance of comparing the response tively fully inactivate E. coli and S. aureus under of a wide variety of these organisms against visible light. Also manganese-, cobalt doped or co- doped Mn/Co-TiO was shown to fully inactivate photoinactivation, to the best of our knowledge, such 2 studies were not reported yet. Klebsiella pneumonia [100]. As mentioned in Sec- Even though efficient, high photocatalyst con- tion 4, the use of graphene for photocatalytic appli- centrations, powerful light sources or high contact cations by Akhavan et al. [186] resulted in a novel graphene oxide/TiO composite with an increased times are needed when P25 or other synthetized 2 antibacterial activity under solar light irradiation when pristine TiO2 are used. Thus, in order to achieve compared to bare TiO (roughly 7.5 times more). higher photoinactivation performances with less 2 severe conditions, modified titanium dioxide (doped Nevertheless, the disinfection performance of modified TiO under visible light is still lower than and/or decorated) has been studied (Table 2). As 2 under UV radiation. Indeed, the inactivation fraction discussed in detail in Section 3, these TiO2 modifi- cations enhance the photocatalytic activity of the of vegetative cells of a wide variety of microorgan- photocatalyst. Much lower irradiance (0.5 versus isms under UV irradiation varies between 96% and 55 W/m2, respectively) and lower contact times (35 100% (Table 1), while under visible light ranges from versus 40 minutes) were necessary to achieve total 65% to 90% (Table 3). Moreover, to attain these inactivation of E. coli at a higher cellular density inactivation values extreme conditions were neces- 9 6 sary, i.e, very high values of irradiance (up to 15 000 (10 versus 10 CFU/mL, respectively) with a TiO2 decorated with silver nanoparticles [181] compared lux), photocatalyst concentration (1 g/L) and/or con- tact time (1440 minutes). Finally, inactivation of with pristine TiO2 [116]. However, a final conclusion concerning the performance of the modified photo- dormant forms such as spores of Aspergillus niger catalyst cannot be retrieved because a 10 times under visible light was also not attained yet (Table 3). higher concentration of TiO2 decorated with Ag (1 Thus, optimization of photoinactivation under vis- g/L) [181] than of pristine TiO2 [116] was used. Nev- ertheless, other studies suggest that modification ible light envisaging a future commercial applica- of the photocatalyst improve, in fact, their inactiva- tion of this technique is still needed. tion performance. For the complete inactivation of S. aureus at an initial cellular density of 106 3.6. Traditional disinfection methods CFU/mL, 10 g/L of synthetized pristine TiO and ir- 2 Traditional disinfection methods are based on the 2 radiance of 8 W/m for 60 minutes were necessary utilization of heat, radiation or chemical compounds. [165], while 2.5 g/L of Fe3O4 decorated TiO2 and an 108 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes

Chlorine, peroxide, ozone, and UV radia- tion are amongst the most used agents currently used to disinfect water, air or fomites. The disinfec- tion methods based on each of these antimicrobial agents will be briefly overviewed next.

3.6.1. Chlorination Chlorination as a disinfection technique is mainly based on the use of gaseous chlorine and/or hy- Fig. 3. Equilibrium of chlorine and its derivatives in solution at 25 °C (adapted from [196]). pochlorite. Chlorine gas (Cl2) is the elemental form of chlorine at standard temperature and pressure. Chlorine gas is approximately 2.5 times heavier than air and is highly toxic. Hypochlorite (ClO-) is usu- The precise mechanism by which microorgan- ally obtained from sodium hypochlorite and calcium isms are inactivated by chlorine has not yet been hypochlorite [199]. fully explained. However, some studies show that Chlorine gas hydrolyzes in water according to the bacterial cell membrane changes its permeabil- the following reaction (Eq. (7)): ity in the presence of chlorine [205,206]. The pres- ence of suspended solids influences the action of   Cl2  H2O  HOCl Cl  H (7) chlorine because the particles and organic com- pounds usually provide protection to microorgan- while hypochlorous acid, resulting from the previ- isms. This protection usually comes from ous reaction, is a weak acid, which dissociates in stabilization of the cell membranes, which reduces aqueous solution: the access of chlorine to key cellular components HOCl  ClO  H (8) for inactivation [206]. Indeed, microbial aggregates or microorganisms attached to or embedded in par- Under typical water treatment conditions in the ticles have been shown to have increased resist- pH range 6–9, hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ance to inactivation by chlorine, when compared to are the main chlorine species. Depending on the non-attached, free-swimming microorganisms. temperature and pH level, different distributions of Dietrich and co-workers [206]reported, however, that aqueous chlorine species (Cl , HOCl, and ClO-) are 2 chlorine is capable of penetrating particles in observed [200]. In addition to these major chlorine wastewater by radial diffusion. Greater chlorine pen- species, other chlorine intermediates including etration into wastewater particles was observed with trichloride (Cl ") and chlorine hemioxide (Cl O) can 3 2 increasing initial chlorine concentration, indicating also be formed – Fig. 3. In solution, ratios of these that chlorine application could be tailored to pen- intermediates are a function of temperature, pH and etrate particles of known size in order to achieve chloride concentration. Under typical water treat- inactivation [206]. ment conditions, the concentrations of Cl - and Cl O 3 2 Some of the studies reported in the literature on are very low, accounting, at most, to 20% of all the the efficiency of chlorination on disinfection are sum- chlorine species in solution [200,201]. marized in Table 4. Koivunen and co-workers [207] Chlorination as a water disinfection method was studied the chlorination of Enterococcus faecalis, first introduced in 1902 in Middlekerke, Belgium Escherichia coli, and Salmonella enteritidis in aque- [202]. Chlorination is mainly used in water disinfec- ous solution. In this work, concentrations of chlo- tion, however, hypochlorite is also used for the dis- rine of 12 mg/L with a contact time of 10 minutes infection of some surfaces (mostly for countertops were used in order to achieve a log reduction value and floors), mainly in health care facilities [203]. A of around 3 for Enterococcus faecalis. But, even leading advantage of chlorination is that it is effec- with a higher chlorine concentration (18 mg/L), lower tive against a wide variety of bacteria and viruses. reduction values were registered for Escherichia coli However, it cannot inactivate all microbes, being and Salmonella enteritidis (0.3 and 0.44, respec- some protozoan cysts resistant to the effects of tively) for the same contact time, demonstrating that chlorine [204]. In cases where protozoan cysts are microorganisms have distinct tolerance against chlo- not a major concern, chlorination seems to be a rination. In wastewater samples, Hassen and co- good water disinfection method because it is inex- workers [208] registered log reduction values up to pensive. 3.7 and 4.4 for fecal coliforms and enterococci, re- Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 109 110 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 111

Fig. 4. Mechanisms involved in the ozonation process. In the figure, M is referred to the solute, Moxid to the oxidized solute, Si to the free radical scavenger, Ø to products that do not catalyze the ozone decomposi- tion and R to the free radicals that catalyze the ozone decomposition. (Reprinted with permission from J. Koivunen and H. Heinonen-Tanski // Water Res. 39 (2005) 1519. (c) 2005 Elsevier).

spectively, when using chlorine concentrations rang- compound present in the peptidoglycan of bacterial ing from 6.5 and 13.6 mg/L and contact times up to cell walls, was resistant to the action of ozone in 40 minutes. aqueous solution at pH 3 to 7. This explains the higher resistance of Gram-positive bacteria com- 3.6.2. Ozonation pared to Gram negative ones, because the former contains higher amounts of peptidoglycan in their Ozone is produced when oxygen molecules are dis- cell walls than the later. Ozone can react signifi- sociated by an energy source into oxygen atoms cantly with amino acids and peptides, especially at and subsequently collide with the non-dissociated neutral and basic pH. Furthermore, ozone reacts oxygen molecules. Ozone is one of the most pow- quickly with nucleobases, especially thymine, 0 erful oxidizing agents (E = 2.07 V) and it is mostly guanine, and uracil. Reaction of ozone with the used to destroy organic compounds [215]. nucleotides releases the carbohydrate and phos- The oxidation of the target compounds can oc- phate ions [217]. cur through two different mechanisms: i) direct re- Ozone is mainly used for water treatment, how- action with molecular ozone or ii) indirect reaction ever the use of ozone for surface disinfection was with secondary oxidants formed upon the decom- already reported [218]. Water disinfection by position of ozone in water. Such decomposition is ozonation has been extensively reported, and some - catalyzed by hydroxide ions (OH ) and other sol- of the works are summarized in Table 5. Low ozone utes. Highly reactive secondary oxidants, such as concentrations (0.15-0.20 mg/L) and contact time • hydroxyl radicals (OH ), are thereby formed. These (180 s) were sufficient to inactivate several Gram radicals and their reaction products can cause the negative bacteria in suspension to values up to decomposition of ozone. Consequently, radical-type 99.99% [219]. Nebel and co-workers [220] reported chain reactions may occur, which consume ozone one of the first works describing the treatment of concurrently with the direct reaction of ozone with wastewater by ozonation. In this work, with an ozone dissolved organic material and contributing to the dose of 14 mg/L and a contact time of 5 minutes it formation of additional hydroxyl radicals – Fig. 4 was possible to achieve log reduction values of up [216]. to 3 log for enterococci, total coliforms and fecal Ozone reacts with polysaccharides slowly, lead- coliforms. ing to breakage of glycosidic bonds and formation of aliphatic acids and aldehydes. The reaction of 3.6.3. UV ozone with primary and secondary aliphatic alcohols may lead to formation of hydroxy-hydroperoxides, processing involves the use of radiation precursors to hydroxyl radicals, which in turn react from the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic strongly with the hydrocarbons [217]. However, it spectrum for purposes of disinfection. Usually, the was already shown that N-acetyl glucosamine, a range of UV refers to wavelengths between 100 and 112 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 113 114 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes

400 nm. This range can be further subdivided. UVA was possible to achieve high values of inactivation corresponds to wavelengths between 315 and 400 of different microorganisms in wastewater samples. nm and it is normally responsible for change in hu- A contact time of 50 seconds permitted to achieve man skin that cause tanning; UVB refers to wave- log reductions of 4 to 5 for methicillin-resistant Sta- lengths between 280 and 315 nm and is the main phylococcus aureus (MRSA), E. coli, and Pseu- responsible for skin burning and can also lead ulti- domonas aeruginosa. A higher contact time (100 s) mately to skin cancer. UVC – 200 to 280 nm – is was needed to reach similar log reduction values called the germicidal range, because it is consid- for vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium ered to be the most effective towards the inactiva- (VRE) [242]. In a study assessing the effectiveness tion of bacteria and viruses. Finally, the vacuum UV of UV radiation on the inactivation of several vegeta- range (100 to 200 nm), can be absorbed by almost tive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococ- all substance and can only be transmitted in the cus faecalis, E. coli, Salmonella enterica, Shigella vacuum [228]. sonnei) Bacillus subtilis spores, Acanthamoeba Among the above mentioned disinfection meth- castellanii cysts and viruses (poliovirus type 1 and ods, UV light has been adopted as the most appro- simian rotavirus SAil), Chang and co-workers [243] priate treatment process for drinking water because reported that viruses, spores and cysts were 3-4, 9 it is simple to use, highly effective for inactivating and 15 times more resistant than the vegetative microbes and it does not introduce chemicals or bacteria, respectively. cause the production of harmful disinfection by-prod- ucts in the water [229]. This method promotes ad- 3.6.4. Hydrogen peroxide ditional security after traditional treatment processes [230,231]. UV radiation is responsible for a wide Hydrogen peroxide is a metastable molecule – it range of biological effects [232-234], including modi- easily decomposes into water and oxygen - with fications in the protein structure and in the DNA high redox potential (1.77 V) [244]. Even though the [235]. Regarding DNA damage, it may result on in- mechanism of hydrogen peroxide inactivation to- hibition of cell replication and, in case of lethal doses, wards cells is usually attributed to the production of on the loss of ability to reproduce. Although the UV- highly reactive hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide itself presents some cytotoxicity towards cells. H O A wavelengths bordering on visible light are not suf- 2 2 ficiently energetic to directly modify DNA bases, can directly oxidize the catalytic iron atom of dehy- cellular membrane damage can be induced through dratase clusters, precipitating iron loss and enzyme inactivation. H O poisons the Isc system, which is the production of ROS, such as singlet oxygen, 2 2 superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radi- responsible for the transfer of [4Fe-4S] clusters to cal, generated via excitation of dissolved oxygen in newly synthesized apoenzymes. However, the mechanism of cytotoxic activity of H O is generally water [177,236]. Furthermore, according to several 2 2 authors, the damage induced by UV radiation con- reported as based on the production of highly reac- tinues even after the end of the irradiation period tive hydroxyl radicals from the interaction of the superoxide (O •-) radical and H O , a reaction first [236,237]. Bacterial DNA is a critical target of UV 2 2 2 radiation and its effects depend on several param- proposed by Haber and Weiss [245] (Eq. (9)): eters, such as UV spectrum, dissolved oxygen con- O  H O  O  OH OH (9) centration, salt concentration and post-irradiation 2 2 2 2 growth conditions [236]. Different microorganisms Further, it is believed that the production of extremely respond differently to the lethal effects of UV. It is short-lived hydroxyl radicals within the cell by the known that the effectiveness of a UV disinfection Haber–Weiss cycle is catalyzed in vivo by the pres- system depends on the sensitivity of the target mi- ence of transition metal ions (particularly iron-II) croorganisms to UV, microbial content, antibiotic according to Fenton [246] (Eq. (10)): resistance phenotypes, light source, UV radiation Fe2  H O  Fe3  OH (10) intensity, exposure time of microorganisms to ra- 2 2 diation and their ability to re-growth [120,223,236- The iron released from oxidized metalloproteins 238]. UV treatment can be used for the inhibition of enlarges its intracellular pool, favoring the produc- microorganisms in surfaces, in the air or in water tion of hydroxyl radical through the Fenton reaction [239-241]. [247]. The production of hydroxyl radical is, as de- Some works reporting the use of UV radiation scribed before, of utmost importance in the inacti- on the inactivation of microorganisms are presented vation of microorganisms, accelerating the process in Table 6. When using a light intensity of 2 W/m2, it of DNA damaging [217]. Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 115 116 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 117

H2O2 can be used in both liquid and vapor commercialized by companies such as Pilkington, phases. Hence, it is used in water disinfection (liq- Italcementi Group and Taiheiyou Cement. Coatings uid phase) or in the disinfection of surfaces (vapor and ceramics with antimicrobial activity are also phase). Indeed, it is believed that the vapor phase commercialized by several companies. Deutsche has higher kinetic energies and is uncharged, so it Steinzeug company, which commercializes flags, can surround and penetrate the three-dimensional tiles and sanitary ceramics and, company Kurare, protein structures more easily, oxidizing buried which commercializes textile fibers containing TiO2 cysteine residues and breaking vulnerable bonds photocatalysts, should be highlighted. Japanese between subunits [248]. Thus, an enhanced antimi- Arc-Flash, the first company commercializing pho- crobial activity of hydrogen peroxide vapor when tocatalyst-based materials in 1992, uses a photo- compared to its liquid state is usually reported [249- catalyst fixation technology that allows spraying the 252]. photocatalytic product directly on surfaces. The Some studies reporting the utilization of hydro- photocatalytic coating produced by Arc-Flash uses gen peroxide as a disinfectant are summarized in titania nanoparticles as main ingredient and is used Table 7. Otter and co-workers [251] studied the ef- to sterilize mildew, sanitize environments such as fectiveness of hydrogen peroxide on the inactiva- hospitals, residential kitchens, schools, and floors, tion of nosocomial bacteria and spores on surfaces. killing bacteria with over 98% efficiency [257]. After 90 minutes of contact with hydrogen peroxide The versatility mentioned for photocatalysis is vapor, all of the tested microorganisms were com- also reported for UV radiation. Advances in the opti- pletely inactivated (Log reduction of 6). However, mization of UV reactors permitted to inactivate a differences on the resistance against the hydrogen high variety of waterborne microorganisms in few peroxide vapor treatment were observed. seconds [242]. However, there are still some limita- Acinetobacter showed the highest resistance to this tions on the use of this technique. Very high values treatment, while vancomycin-resistant enterococci of irradiation (in most cases over 50 W/m2) must be were the first to be completely inactivated, after only used to inactivate some microorganisms (Table 6), 10 minutes of treatment. Hydrogen peroxide is also and even under these harsh conditions, inactivation suitable to disinfect wastewater. Indeed, the den- of some microbial forms, such as Clostridium sity of total coliforms in wastewater was reduced 4 difficile spores, is not possible. Several studies fold when using H2O2 up to 2.5 mL/L and a contact where the effectiveness of UV treatment was directly time of 3 h [253]. compared with photocatalysis demonstrated that, as expected, UV treatment was less efficient than

3.7. Comparison between TiO2-UV [105,116,118]. The use of a photocatalyst, photoinactivation and traditional in most cases decreases the need of high irradia- disinfection methods tion intensity and promotes the decrease of con- tact times. Ibanez and co-workers [116] verified that In contrast with the traditional disinfection methods it was not possible to inactivate Enterobacter described above, TiO2-UV photocatalysis is not yet cloacae, E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Salmonella considered as an established water disinfection tech- typhimurium with an UV irradiance of 55 W/m2. How- nology [255]. However, until this date, several re- ever, when coupling UV irradiation with 0.1 g/L TiO2, ports showed the potential of this technique for dis- log reduction values around 6 were achieved for all infecting. Indeed, photocatalysis is a versatile and the tested strains for the same time of contact. The effective process that can be adapted for use in decrease of contact time from 360 to 50 minutes to many applications for disinfection in both air and achieve 3 log reduction of the total heterotrophic water matrices. Additionally, improved photocata- bacteria of wastewater was also reported [118], when lytic coatings are being developed, tested and even using a photon flux of approximately 390 mmol/h commercialized for use in the context of “self-disin- and 5 g/L of photocatalyst. More recently, Lin and fecting” materials. In this sense, the strength of co-workers [180] showed that it was possible to photocatalytic disinfection lies in its versatility for reduce the load of the total coliforms in wastewater use in many different applications [256]. Indeed, 4 fold, when irradiance of 1.5 W/m2 and a contact photocatalytic-based products already reached a time of 120 s was coupled with the presence of a global volume of US$848 Million in 2009 of which TiO2 coated reactor, while a 3 fold reduction was over 87% were related to products with self-clean- obtained in the absence of the photocatalyst. ing activity used for construction [257]. Among these Ozonation is a technique that can promote total are glass coatings, cements and textile fibers [257], inactivation of most types of microorganisms under 118 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 119 low contact times, in most cases under 20 min- these dangerous by-products leads to the neces- utes, and with low O3 doses, at most 4 mg/L – Ta- sity of coming up with suitable alternatives to chlo- ble 5. However, it is important to note that ozonation rination. The main advantages and disadvantages may cause the formation of very harmful by prod- of each of these techniques are summarized in Ta- ucts, specially bromide and other brominated com- ble 8. pounds [258]. Rizzo and co-workers [259] compared Although promising, photocatalysis still faces the efficiency of ozonation and photocatalysis for some drawbacks when imposing itself as a refer- the treatment of urban wastewaters. In this work, it ence disinfection technique. As for other disinfec- was shown that it was possible to obtain increased tion methods, re-growth after photocatalytic treat- degradation of organic matter with the photocata- ment may occur [223,261]. In addition, one of the lytic oxidation process, even at low TiO2 concentra- main problems, usually disregarded by most of tions. Furthermore, a 30 min photocatalytic treat- works conducted up to now in this field, is the ab- ment was found to produce an effluent complying sence of knowledge on the long time effect of with the trihalomethanes limit set by Italian regula- photoinactivation. Little is known on the type of or- tion for wastewater reuse. Furthermore, the cost ganisms able to tolerate the oxidative stress im- associated to the use of ozonation is still very high posed by photocatalysis; however, increased toler- [260]. Additionally, the coupling of ozonation with ance of antibiotic resistant bacteria when compared photocatalysis was already studied. Moreira and co- with the susceptible counterpart is reported [106]. workers [261] reported the use of photocatalytic This observation points out for the need of further ozonation for the disinfection of urban treated studies on the type and fate of the organisms sur- wastewaters. In this study, a photocatalytic viving the treatment. This is particularly important, ozonation system using TiO2-coated glass Raschig because under real conditions it may be not eco- rings with LEDs irradiation - two 10 W UV high in- nomically feasible to use conditions guaranteeing tensity LEDs with dominant emission line at 382 the inactivation without regrowth of potentially dan- nm - was tested in continuous mode. This study gerous microorganisms [267]. Furthermore, and in reported the reduction of enterococci, enterobacte- order to be applied in full scale, the optimization of ria, and fungi from 105 - 106 CFU/100 mL to values the photocatalyst to fully take advantage of the vis- around or below 101 CFU/100 mL; total heterotrophs ible light spectrum should be achieved. This optimi- presented lower reductions, but still reaching val- zation should be focused in the future either by the 2 ues of around 10 CFU/100 mL after the treatment. optimization of the photocatalytic material (TiO2) or The use of hydrogen peroxide to disinfect water by the use of suitable supports (for example requires, usually, high contact times (up to 240 min- graphene). utes) or concentrations (up 150 mL/L) (Table 7). Although being a very promising disinfection tech-

Lower contact times (90 minutes) are required to nology, the massive use of TiO2 nanoparticles with- inactivate the microorganisms when the vapor phase out a proper evaluation concerning of their antimi- is used (Table 7), suggesting that hydrogen perox- crobial potential can produce negative drawbacks. ide is a good technique to disinfect surfaces. How- Indeed, using TiO2 nanoparticles, even in those prod- ever, the toxic effects of H2O2, require the interdic- ucts not directly designed for disinfection, may cause tion of the site to be disinfected [262] for periods up the propagation of the aforementioned antibiotic and to 1 hour and 40 minutes. Also chlorination requires oxidative stress resistant microorganism in a worri- high contact times (up to 120 minutes) to be effec- some scale. Thus, the definition of new standards tive on the inactivation of microorganisms (Table 4). to test the efficacy of photocatalytic systems, in- Additionally, some microorganisms are resistant to cluding organisms with high tolerance to oxidative chlorination treatments [263,264]. Nevertheless, it stress and antibiotics, is a subject of utmost impor- is important to note that nowadays chlorination re- tance in nowadays society. mains as the most used disinfection method [265]. This is mainly due to the fact that the new alterna- 4. CONCLUSIONS tive processes require expensive chemicals or TiO -anataseis presently the most used photocata- costly equipment to generate the disinfectant onsite. 2 However, chlorination causes the formation of sev- lyst for environmental applications due to its high eral highly toxic by-products. Among these, it is stability, good location of the band edges, low charge important to highlight the formation of transport resistance, high photocatalytic activity, trihalomethanes and dichloroacetic acid that are high chemical and thermal stability, low toxicity and believed to be carcinogenic 266]. The existence of low price. However, to increase the usefulness of 120 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 121 122 P. Magalhães, L. Andrade, O.C. Nunes and A. Mendes titanium dioxide, it is necessary to increase its n 321315). This work was financially supported by photoactivity and ability to absorb visible light. This the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006939 - Labo- review article presents an overview of the fundamen- ratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Bio- tals of photocatalysis and briefly reviews the most technology and Energy – LEPABE and NORTE 01 relevant strategies to enhance the photocatalytic 0145 FEDER 000005 – LEPABE-2-ECO-INNOVA- activity of TiO2, aiming ultimately the indoor TION, funded by FEDER funds through COM- photoinactivation of harmful biological agents. Since PETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade

TiO2 may contribute to prevent nosocomial infec- e Internacionalização (POCI) and Programa tions, its practical application in this field is strongly Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE2020) and envisaged. TiO2 photocatalysis, similarly to the by national funds through FCT - Fundac’aÞo para a phagocytic cells of the human immune system, use Ciencia e a Tecnologia and was also partially funded the cytotoxic effects of Reactive Oxygen Species by the project “Synthesis and characterization of

(ROS) to inactivate microorganisms. These ROS new TiO2-graphene composite photocatalysts: ap- are known to be highly reactive with biological mol- plication to NOx photoabatement and water split- ecules and thus they are effective for the inactiva- ting for hydrogen production.” (Reference: PTDC/ tion various different types of microorganisms. EQU-EQU/115614/2009). Photoinactivation of microorganisms under UV radiation using TiO2 has been thoroughly studied REFERENCES with great success; a wide diversity of microorgan- isms has been studied, Gram-negative and Gram- [1] M. Ni, M.K.H. Leung, D.Y.C. Leung and positive bacteria, including dormant forms (cysts, K. Sumathy // Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 11 spores) fungi, algae and protozoa. Targeting future (2007) 401. commercial applications, the research was directed [2] S. Banerjee, D.D. Dionysiou and S.C. Pillai // to the use of visible light instead of only on UV ra- Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 176–177 (2015) 396. diation, and of proper immobilization of the photo- [3] F. Kapteijn, J. Rodriguez-Mirasol and J.A. Moulijn // Appl. Catal. B-Environ 9 (1996) 25. catalyst. TiO2 doping and/or decoration with the objective of increasing photoactivity and [4] M. Kaneko and I. Okura, In: Photocatalysis: photoabsorbance were briefly reviewed as well as Science and Technology (Kodansha, 2002), p. 123. the use of TiO2/graphene composite photocatalysts. The use of graphene reduces the risks of health [5] J.H. Carey, J. Lawrence and H.M. Tosine // Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 16 (1976) 697. hazards because in TiO2/graphene composites TiO2 nanoparticles are attached to micro-size graphene [6] M. Kaneko and I. Okura, In: Photocatalysis: platelets that prevent the catalyst to be absorbed Science and Technology (Kodansha, 2002), by the human body. In the case of TiO /graphene p. 157. 2 [7] T. Matsunaga, R. Tomoda, T. Nakajima and composite photocatalyst, the decoration of TiO2 with such as Ag and Au further decrease charge H. Wake // FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 29 (1985) recombination, show plasmonic effect and reduce 211. the redox overpotentials. [8] B. Meyer and B. Cookson // J. Hosp. Infect. Although promising, photocatalysis still faces 76 (2010) 200. some drawbacks when imposing itself as a refer- [9] B. Spellberg, R. Guidos, D. Gilbert, J. Bradley, ence disinfection technique. Besides the mentioned H.W. Boucher, W.M. Scheld, J.G. Bartlett and limitations regarding the optimization of J. Edwards // Clin. Infect. Dis. 46 (2008) 155. photocatalysts to attain visible light activity, the [10] World Health Organization, The world health absence of knowledge on the long time effect of report 2007 - A safer future: global public photoinactivation on microorganisms should be a health security in the 21st century (World matter of concern. Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007). [11] H.A. Foster, I.B. Ditta, S. Varghese and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A. Steele // Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 90 Pedro Magalhães is grateful to the Portuguese Foun- (2011) 1847. dation for Science and Technology (FCT) for his PhD [12] A. Fujishima and K. Honda // Nature 238 Grant (Reference: SFRH/BD/78827/2011). Luísa (1972) 37. Andrade acknowledges European Research Coun- [13] A. Di Paola, M. Bellardita and L. Palmisano // cil for funding within project BI-DSC (contract ERC Catalysts 3 (2013) 36. Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: fundamentals and application on photoinactivation 123

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