Endless space 2 starter guide

Continue Contents-show- Endless Space is a rich game with a number of game concepts that you learn a little little. This page is a list of basic concepts that will help you start playing quickly. TutorialEdit First Things First! Edit Select Faction to Rule the Galaxy. Each of these factions has specific abilities and traits. Your main article is GoalEdit: Winning There are 7 Winning Types in the game. Your goal will be to achieve any of the following winning conditions before your opponents do: Expansion Victory: Control 75% or more of the Galaxy. Scientific Victory: A Study of Panacactatic Society Technology. Economic victory: Earn (gross) a certain amount of dust . Diplomatic Victory: Manage to survive long enough while in war the least amount of time. Supremacy Victory: Control of all the original Home Planet players. Miracle Victory: Build 5 copies of The Improvement of the Invincible Empire. Score Victory: Have a high score when the turning limit is reached. The ViewEdit Galaxy is the main view in infinite space, this is where you will be able to explore the entire galaxy for new star systems to colonize. Star systems are clusters of planets. An important basis for any Empire, all activity in the Infinite Space takes place near the System; they provide resources and production, and acts as battles for the combat fleet. On the map, they are united in single knots connected by Cosmic Strings and Wormholes. At the beginning, you can only travel your vehicles on space strings, you will then travel through Wormholes and from any node to any other node, by discovering specific technologies. Your ships will be able to perform various actions such as Movement to system, security system, Attack of the enemy fleet. Transport ships can also colonize the planet. System ViewEdit you get access to this view by clicking on the system when you're in Galaxy View. This is the kind in which you can see all the planets included in the system. Each planet produces four types of basic resources: food, industry, dust and science, known as FIDS. Each planet also has a population. The more you have on the planet, the more the planet will produce. To get more, you will need more food. Each planet can also include the luxury and strategic resources that can accordingly give empire-wide boosts and access to specific improvements and ships. You will be able to build (with or) systems of all improvements and ships to be placed in the hangar system. Planet ViewEdit You get access to this view by clicking on the planet when you are in the View system.This is the kind in which you can see how cool the planet look and in the production of the planet in . You can also scan potential moons for endless temples that give you empire-wide boosts. Empire ViewEdit Is the kind in which you can have a quick look at all your systems, systems, production and their vessels. It is also a place where you can set a tax rate for the entire empire. This will change the production and approval of the systems and therefore the entire Empire. Good means that on your systems happy that brings more production . You can also install AI to decide what improvements to build further for each of your systems. This becomes interesting once you control a lot of systems. The ViewEdit study is an opinion in which you can spend science on researching new technologies. There are 4 branches: Military ViewEdit Is the kind in which you will be able to view all your currently owned fleets and ships. You can rename them and assign a hero to each of them (if you have any available). You can also control your fleets by creating new combinations of ships, but both Scrap (delete) or Retrofit (updating the automatic design fleet for more advanced editing you could do) existing. It's also where you can look at all your craft designs and where you can remove, MODIFY or ADD new ones. Ship Design ViewEdit If you choose ADD or MODIFY in military view, you will be delivered to this screen in which you will be able to either customize the existing design of the ship, or create a new one from scratch. First of all, on the right side, you can see different classes of ships (Hulls), choose one to start your design. Your tonnage bar can be seen on the right side, this represents the maximum weight that the ship can carry. Each module you add to the ship's design will increase. In the bottom left corner you can see 3 different types of modules: weapons modules: they are used for strenghten attacking power of your ships. There are 3 types of weapons that are rockets, kinetics and lasers. Each one has certain advantages depending on the enemies you will fight, and the combat phase of your inch Defense Modules: they are used to enhance the defense of your ships. As for weapon modules, there are 3 types that can effectively counter each one of 3 weapons. Support modules: These are special modules that give different benefits to your ships either in combat or in Galaxy View. Once you have selected all the modules included in your ship design, you can give it a name (above tonnage bar) and choose CREATE. Then you'll see the ship designs you can build in your System View. You can also use the AUTO UPGRADE button in the bottom right corner of the screen if you don't want to waste time designing specific ships. Diplomacy ViewEdit On this screen you will be able to see all the different leaders from the factions you will encounter during the game. In Endless Space, you'll be able to interact with other factions in the game through diplomacy. Special technologies will help you improve your relationship and give you more opportunities your empire to interact with your neighbor. Neighbor. You will be able to: Invite the world to declare a war cease-fire Open Borders Alliance cooperation agreement: create an Alliance, invite to the Alliance, or leave the Alliance Academy ViewEdit On this screen you will be able to hire new heroes for your empire. You will start with a pool of 3 available Heroes. This pool will increase after a certain number of turns, hiring the hero will cost. Each of these Heroes have different classes (2 per hero) and therefore different sets of abilities. Once hired you will be able to either assign them to systems to enhance system production, defense, etc... or on the fleets to increase the attack of the fleet, defense, etc ... They can also use special combat operations that consume. Heroes also earn XP and level up, you will be able to choose new abilities or enhance existing ones. The available abilities will depend on their classes. Ready to rule the galaxy! Edit Now you have discovered all the basic tools you have in infinite space to rule the galaxy. These basic rules have only scratched the surface of this rich game. During the game you will discover a lot of details and features that will make each of your games unique. Enjoy the game! How to start in Infinite Space 2? Learn how to play with our guide. The following general tips are Prev Infinite Space 2 Game Guide 1. During the first passage, choose the imperials (i.e. people - the United Nations), Sofon or a little more complex Horatio. All of the above is colonized in the same way. They need a colony ship, an empty system with habitable planets. People depend on the influence that allows them to contribute to the creation or development of technology. Sophon great scientists and provide extra bonuses if they are the first to discover something and know the surrounding system. Horatio have an affinity for a faction of hunter genes - they can import genes of other races and combine them with their own. They also have the bonus of defaulting to happiness per capita and start with the environmentalist part of the ruling (they are able to colonize almost every planet with only a minor penalty for production). 2. Research - Finding habitable planets and studying anomalies should be your priority during initial turns. Look for habitable systems that are available with resources. If you run out of options, send probes to discover new constellations. More reconnaissance ships means more probes - from time to time, send a fleet of 3 ships under the command of the hero. 3. Colonize the most relevant systems. Look for systems that have many inhabited planets or that have many resources. Some of these planets may be home to many anomalies that can make colonization quite useless. Colonize the planet capital, which will help them reach the status of colony faster. 4. Technology. You will have to decide which inventions you will find more useful quite early in the game. If pirates and hostile groups It is difficult for you to invest your time and resources in industry and weapons modules. Is your civilization small and/or isolated? Look at engine upgrades and access to new modes of transportation. Having a hard time finding a habitable planet, or struggling with an unhappy population? Work on terraforming technology and improving happiness. 5. Subsequent policy. This can be challenging, but the more often you choose the same side, the more advanced rewards you will have access to. It really pays off to follow through one option, so make sure to sort the priorities early in the game so you can implement them. 6. If you need a stronger fleet work on unlocking news hip classes or improving the size of the fleet with command points. Installing the best modules and hiring heroes can also help. If the enemy is blocking your system, it is sometimes wiser to keep the fleets in hangars until you manage to assemble the appropriate forces. 7. Conquer small factions near your borders. This is the easiest way to expand your empire. Focus on military or diplomacy and you will be able to conquer/assimilate this faction. If you are the first to assimilate the faction, you will be able to control it and get a bonus for assimilation for the entire empire. Heroes can have a positive impact on the industry.8 Heroes. Make sure they're not idle. This gives them experience and each of them has some useful skills. Specialization is a good idea - for example: assign only those skills that work inside the system (for governors) and improve industry, or only those skills that affect fleets and improve space combat. The more they work, the more XP they get. Their ships can be improved to pay for in the dust, which is expensive but also allows you to increase ships instantly. Make sure you make new agents - these are valuable assets. 9. Watch out for the races that inhabit your systems. There are many races that can provide additional income if certain specific circumstances are met, such as if a planet is fertile or anomalies occur there. Some races require other races to function, such as Craviers, who use others as their slaves - they become better workers, but the planet is slowly depleting and happiness is falling. Sometimes you may want to move certain races to other systems where they will be more productive. You have to raise the development parameter of the system to be able to use the space port to carry passengers. Strategic resources are needed to produce ships and modules. Then, luxury resources are used to develop the system, or increase the number of citizens. They can also be used to bribe unfortunate groups or simply trade with others. Both types of resources provide local bonuses for planets. The following general tips Prev Infinite Space 2 Game Page 2 Download The GUIDE to PDF, ePUB and iBooks Free iOS App Every cubic inch of space is a miracle. This Guide to contains all the information you need to conquer the galaxy. Here you will find tips and first steps in expanding your civilization and acquiring resources. You will find information about planets and systems. The game's next Guide to Endless Space 2 contains all the information you need to conquer the galaxy. The game is a classic representative of a strategy, that is: exploration, expansion, exploitation and extermination. Here you'll find tips on the first steps in expanding your civilization and acquiring resources. You are sure to find information about planets and systems as you travel and build your fleet, extremely useful. One of the great innovations in the series, and innovation compared to other similar strategies for building civilization, is the ideology of your population and its impact on your way of governing. In addition, you will also find descriptions of other useful areas of the game, such as diplomacy, conquest, trading companies or heroes. Endless Space 2 is a continuation of a rather complex game about the creation and expansion of galactic civilization. You have influence on many aspects here: acquiring new territories, dealing with other races, designing and building space fleets that influence the ideologies of your subjects and introducing new laws. The game is focused on storytelling with additional quests and several winning conditions. This guide was created on the basis of the English full version of the game. Endless Space 2 game guide includes: General Tips and Interface Description.Information on Resource Sharing (FIDSI, Strategic, etc..). How to expand your territory and get new systems/race/minor factions. Descriptions of the main races. How do government ideologies, types and laws work? Designing ships, creating fleets and leading wars. Creating efficient trading companies. Description of the types of characters; what heroes and ways of development to choose. Mateusz Kozik (www.gamepressure.com) The following 10 tips for a good start Author : Mateusz Kozik for gamepressure.com Last update : June 7, 2017 Guide contains : 34 pages, 82 images. Use the comments below to submit your updates and fixes in this guide. Endless Space 2 Strategy Guide News 2 Video 5 Files 26 Images 69 Extensions 14 Download GUIDE Series Get an e-book version of this guide: JOIN FOR UPDATES Join the Facebook Youtube Gaming Community Twitter Guide You can't copy any image, text or information from this page. This site is not affiliated with and/or approved by SEGA or . All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective Image copyright © 2000 - 2020 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, step-by-step guides, secrets, game tips, maps and strategy strategies The best games. Games.

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