YHHS Death Funeral Index www.yankeehillhistory.com

Yankee Hill Historical Society Updated by tm 1/1/2018 Copy In Last Name First Source Archives Death Notices & Funerals Y/N 1 Abbey Fred Found dead in a cabin on the old Dan Williams place near Cherokee, age 72. Oroville Mercury 2‐15‐1935 Y

2 Adams Mrs. Mary Jane Resident of Butte County for 37 years, age 82, native of Illinois. Mrs. Roscoe McCloud is the Oroville Daily Register 4‐1‐ Y only child left. Buried at Cherokee cemetery. Also see funeral notice 4‐2‐1918. 1918 3 Adams Robert Marion Missing nearly a week was found in the West Branch by fisherman. He leaves a wife and one Oroville Register 8‐31‐1893 Y daughter. Some thought it might be suicide. Note: Obit has incorrect initial F. for middle name.

4 Adis Mrs. Maude Becraft Burial in Quincy cemetery for Mrs. Maude Becraft Adis of Browns Valley, a native of Crescent Bulletin 7‐19‐ Y Mills. Daughter of Will Becraft, 43 years old. 1934

5 Adler Pearl Complete text: Pearl Adler obituary. Passed away in a Danville convalescent hospital on Friday Golden Feather Echoes 9‐22‐ N evening. Mrs. Adler was a weekly subscriber to the GFE. Her survivors include her son James 1978 Langes of Yankee Hill. 6 Agnew Robert Died in Big Bend tunnel cave in after leg was amputated; age 36. Double funeral with Oroville Daily Register 2‐24‐ Y interment at Oroville cemetery. Big Bend Company arranged for a Christian burial. 1908

7 Alby A. M. Complete text: A. M. Alby died at Deadwood, Butte County on July Fourth. Oroville Register 7‐9‐1891 N

8 Alldredge Joseph Samuel Died in Nord from consumption. Leaves wife and two children, a father and mother, Mr. and Chico Daily Record 12‐10‐ Y Mrs. H. G. Alldredge, and one brother. 1905

9 Allen Benjamin F. Born in New Hampshire, age 66 years. Engaged in farming. First under Sheriff Butte county Oroville Daily Register 8‐4‐ Y ever had. Proprietor of the Union Hotel in Chico. Survived by widow Lettice N. (Woodsun) and 1903 nine children. 10 Alpaugh Mrs. Nettie (Salisbury) Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Dillon, in . Crossed the plains in 1851 Chico Record 12‐6‐1910 Y with her parents and her brother, Jay Salisbury. See also funeral of Mrs. Nettie Alpaugh Chico Record 12‐7‐1910; pioneer of Butte county, interment in Chico cemetery. 11 Amais Ben Killed in the old Cherokee mine while working in a drift. Funeral took place at Cherokee. Daily Mercury 1‐18‐1890 Y

12 Anderson A. Native of Sweden who had been working on the Western Pacific, died of pneumonia at the Big Oroville Daily Register 9‐16‐ Y Bar hospital. Interment at Oroville cemetery. Also see funeral notice 9‐19‐1908. 1908

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13 Anderson Cora Cora and her husband, Earl, were recipients last year of the Concow Grange "Outstanding Golden Feather Echoes 5‐11‐ y Citizens Award". The Cora Anderson Memorial Youth Camp Fund has been established to 1979 provide summer camp experience for the youth in the community, who otherwise might be denied this privilege.

14 Anderson Dora Daughter of Sheriff Anderson. She helped take care of her cousin about a year ago and it is Oroville Register 4‐5‐1894 Y thought she got consumption at that time; 24 years old. 15 Anderson Robert Allen Died at his home about 9 miles north of Chico. Former Sheriff of Butte County, Indian fighter, Oroville Daily Register 3‐2‐ Y rancher, and one of the most prominent residents of the state. Born in , crossed the 1915 plains to in 1857. Wrote the book "Fighting the Mill Creek Indians". Survived by his wife and 5 children: Mrs. Alice Holmes of Chico, Mrs. Charles Kruger of Coos Bay Oregon, R. N. Anderson of Oroville, C. P. Anderson of Cana and Merle Anderson. Interment in Chico cemetery. See funeral notice 3‐3‐1915 16 Andrews Mrs. Robert Complete text: Mrs. Robert Andrews of Big Bend, died at Deadwood on Tuesday and was Oroville Register 5‐24‐1888 N buried at Big Bend today. She had been sick for some time and was at Deadwood for treatment.

17 Andrews Robert D. Pioneer prospector died of pneumonia, age 67. Born in New Jersey and came to California over Oroville Daily Register 2‐17‐ Y 40 years ago and mined in Butte and Plumas counties. Leaves two brothers, Mr. A. A. Andrews 1908 and Mr. John Andrews. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. Also see Chico Record 2‐16‐1908 and funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 2‐18‐1908.

18 Ansel Joel Ward Age 81 years, died at Pentz yesterday, lived at Pentz for more than 50 years. Veteran of the Oroville Daily Register 8‐26‐ Y Mexican War. He enlisted in the 15th Ohio Infantry in 1847 and served under Gen. Taylor. He 1904 was also postmaster at Pentz for many years. Born October 4, 1823 in Fultonham, Muskingum county, Ohio. Interment at Cherokee. See also Daily Mercury 9‐14‐1904 and Chico Enterprise Record 11‐7‐2017. 19 Arbuckle James Monroe Native of Montpelier, Vermont, age 78. He came to California in the early "fifties" and spent Oroville Mercury 6‐24‐1897 Y much of his life in this vicinity. Married Mrs. Lockerman and has lived at Pentz more than 25 years. He suffered from depression and shot himself through the chest and survived 3 days. Buried beside his wife in Merrithew cemetery.

20 Armstrong James Hunter Died at Cherokee Flat September 22, age 38 years, 11 months and 25 days. Born in Boston, MA Weekly Butte Record 12‐14‐ Y September 28, 1828. Died after being thrown from a horse and falling upon the blade of an 1867 axe, which he was carrying.

21 Arnopizes A. J. "Spiker" Came to Butte County in 1849 and mined at Long's Bar near Banner Mine most of that year. Oroville Daily Register 1‐9‐ Y Later he was a partner of the late Manoah Pence of Messilla Valley and also mined with L. A. 1904 Snow at Kimshew; age 74.

22 Asbill Priece, infant child Complete text: Died at the Ranchera, May 22, 1898, Priece, the infant child of John Asbill and Chico Enterprise 5‐27‐1898 N wife, aged 11 months and 23 days. (The interment took place at the Indian burying ground this afternoon at 3 o'clock).

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23 Atherton Mrs. Flora Age 20 years, died at Concow on March 7 of consumption. Funeral took place at the Concow Oroville Mercury 3‐13‐1901 Y cemetery.

24 Athole Frederick Complete text: Died in Cherokee, September 18, 1881, Frederick Athole, aged 73 years. Weekly Mercury 9‐23‐1881 N

25 Ayers Lewis Henry Former superintendent of the Banner mine and member of Oroville lodge No. 103 F and A.M., Oroville Register 4‐20‐1893 Y died in San Francisco of stomach cancer. To be buried by the fraternity in San Francisco; He was a well known miner of Butte County and had lived here many years. See funeral 4‐27‐1893

26 Bacon Patrick Fatal accident with 200 yards of the flume falling at Flea Valley. He was crushed under the Weekly Mercury 7‐6‐1877 Y timber and died. Bacon was from Ireland and 30 years old.

27 Bader Charles California pioneer, resided in Cherokee and Magalia; member of Colonel Stevenson's regiment Oroville Daily Mercury 3‐29‐ Y arriving in San Francisco March 1847; 9 surviving children. Buried in Cherokee, died March 27 1883 at his daughter's home (Mrs. George B. Mowry). See funeral same page. 28 Bader Emma Complete text: Died at Cherokee, Feb. 4th, Emma, daughter of C. W. and Mary Bader, aged 17 Weekly Mercury 2‐7‐1879 N months.

29 Bader George Younger brother of Supervisor H. F. Bader died in Cherokee. Oroville Register 5‐2‐1889 Y

30 Bader John Another old‐timer gone, John Bader of Magalia; one of the early settlers of Butte having Oroville Mercury 7‐13‐1898 Y emigrated here in 1852. He was born in Prussia on August 1, 1827 and was 70 years, 11 months and 7 days at the time of his death. He settled in Magalia many years ago and has been involved in farming and mining. He was never married and had been an invalid for the past two years. Uncle to Henry Bader of Cherokee, Charles Bader of Magalia and Mrs. Geo. B. Mowry. Funeral and interment took place at Magalia.

31 Bader Johnny Died of pneumonia after a brief illness in Cherokee. Oroville Register 4‐19‐1888 Y

32 Bader Johnnie Complete text: Died at Cherokee May 18, 1889, Johnnie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bader, Oroville Register 5‐23‐1889 N aged 4 months. 33 Bader Nellie Frances Complete text: Died at Cherokee, March 28th, Nellie Francis, youngest daughter of Charles Weekly Butte Record 4‐1‐ N and Elizabeth Brader (Bader), aged 1 year, 5 months and 5 days. 1871

34 Bader Nellie May At Magalia, Dec. 7, 10 year old daughter of Charles W. and Mary Bader. Weekly Mercury 12‐11‐1885 Y

35 Bagley James Complete text: James Bagley obituary. Passed away Wednesday, March 7, in a Gridley Golden Feather Echoes 3‐9‐ N Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Nellie. Mr. Bagley was a resident of the Yankee Hill area for 1979 the past several years.

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36 Baily Robert Complete text: Robert Baily obituary. Robert Baily, better known as "Baby Huey", died last Golden Feather Echoes 6‐19‐ N weekend. Summer Solstice will be held in his honor. 1981

37 Baine Mr. Complete text: Obituary: Mr. Baine, a well known teamster, who resided several years at The Union Record 1‐30‐1864 N Yankee Hill in this county, died at this place Thursday night, aged about fifty five or sixty years.

38 Baker Bill (Captain Bill) Indian medicine man died at Walker mine, reputed to be 100 years old. Funeral held at Plumas Independent 12‐10‐ Y Taylorsville. 1931

39 Baker Isaac Complete text: Died at the infirmary, March 6, Isaac Baker, aged 90 years, native of Missouri, Oroville Mercury 3‐8‐1899 N resident of Oroville. 40 Bald Rock Kittie Bald Rock Kittie, one of the oldest Indian women of this district, died at her home at Bald Rock. Oroville Mercury 3‐20‐1922 Y She was at least 100 years old. Her son, Elick John, found her after returning from the burial ceremony of Billy Day, Bald Rock Indian Chief. She is survived by another son Dick John and two grandsons, Frank Mullen and Lew Wagner of Mooretown.

41 Baldwin Dorothy Complete text: Dorothy Baldwin obituary. Passed away on July 16th at her home in Concow. Golden Feather Echoes 7‐21‐ N 1978

42 Ballew Jos Resident of Dogtown killed by Indians near Humboldt River. Attacked Nov 7th, has wife and six Oroville Union Record 11‐25‐ Y children. 1865 43 Balsley Lorin A. Passed away January 9th, 1981 at Salem Memorial Hospital in Salem, Ore. He was born July Golden Feather Echoes 1‐9‐ y 3rd, 1896 in Plymouth, Ca, Amador County, and had resided on Big Bend Road near Yankee Hill 1981 for over 40 years. Lorin started working in the gold mines of Amador Co., at a very young age, and most of his life was spent as a prospector, miner and gold mine operator.

44 Barber Thomas Complete text: In Cherokee, November 13, 1881, Thomas Barber, age 50. Weekly Mercury 11‐18‐1881 N

45 Barham (Finnicum) Angeline Mrs. Mark Barham dies of apoplexy. Native of Ohio, daughter of James Finnicum, 57 years old. Chico Record 5‐7‐1907 Y Leaves her husband and five children, Mary, William, Edward, Bert and Matthew. 46 Barker Earl Clifton (Clinton) Former Pentz resident died at his family residence in Pentz yesterday and will be buried today Oroville Daily Register 4‐1‐ Y in the I.O.O. F. cemetery in Thermalito. Native of Virginia, born August 9, 1899. (Oroville Daily 1921 Register 4‐4‐1921 funeral). 47 Barnes Edward Resided in this county for 40 years. He came to California in 1861 and lived near Honcut and Oroville Daily Register 1‐11‐ Y later at Crum's ranch. He was living at the John Blue residence near Dry Creek at the time of his 1904 death. He was twice married, first to Alice Hedge and son George A. Barnes was born. Second wife was Carrie Kieth and one daughter survives, Myrtle May Barnes. Funeral took place on January 9 from the family residence.

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48 Barry Silas T. Native of Wisconsin, age 80, crossed the plains with his parents when he was 3 years old. He Oakland Tribune 10‐28‐1928 Y married Emma Moak and were the first white couple to be married in Chico Vecino. Survived by wife and one son, Howard, of Chico; 2 brothers, Frank of San Jose and Emmett of San Diego and sister Mrs. Clarissa Norris of Corte Madera.

49 Barton Margaret Joy Died February 28 in Chico, age 90. Chico Enterprise Record 3‐3‐ Y 2017 50 Barton Peter An Italian employed on the Western Pacific died at Big Bar hospital from pneumonia. Oroville Daily Register 4‐10‐ Y 1907 51 Barton Thomas D. Yankee Hill veteran dies at 97; born at Knoxville, Tennessee on March 10, 1831 and resided at Feather River Bulletin 3‐15‐ Y Yankee Hill since last June. Survived by brother Isaac and a sister, Mrs. M. J. Short and niece 1928 Mrs. Kate B. Harrison. 52 Bauman Ernest C. Isaiah prospector who had been missing for about 6 weeks when his body was found by Oroville Mercury 1‐20‐1954 Y Western Pacific Railroad workers 1‐19‐1954. Suspected killer was Martin Tunny who shot him 3 times and then buried him in the bed of Chino Creek about 15 feet from Bauman's mine.

53 Bayles Aaron Native of New York, born in 1841. Served in the Civil War. Leaves a wife and 8 children. Oroville Mercury 9‐14‐1904 Y

54 Bayles Daily Margaret Died at age 7 years and 5 months. Buried in Biggs Cemetery. Biggs Argus 7‐18‐1889 Y

55 Bayles Robert Aaron Age 55, lifelong resident of Biggs, died in Sacramento. Woodland Daily Democrat 6‐ Y 20‐1933 56 Bayles William A. Age 53, native of California, died in San Francisco. Brother of Mrs. H. G. Kennedy (Bayles). Woodland Daily Democrat 6‐ Y Burial in Biggs. 20‐1923 57 Bearse Jim Indian Chieftain, age over 100, dwelt here long before the white man came to valley, died at Oroville Daily Register 10‐16‐ Y Swayne. His ancestors are buried in a remote Indian burial ground in Concow Valley. It is 1916 probable that the interment will be in an Indian burial ground near Big Bar as burial in Concow would necessitate carrying the remains for miles over the mountains. 58 Beatson Andrew Ulysses Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Beatson. Weekly Mercury 5‐26‐1882 Y

59 Beavers Alfred Lewenzy Complete text: Alfred Beaver of Merrimac died at the home of his parents at that place on Oroville Register 7‐21‐1892 N Monday. His age was twenty‐five and the cause of his death was consumption.

60 Beavers Almon One of the '49ers of Butte county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Walsh. Engaged Chico Record 7‐1‐1919 Y in mining, born in North Carolina. Married the daughter of the Chief of the Peavine tribe. Survived by wife, daughter Mrs. Stacie M. Walsh of Oroville and son, J. Allsey Beavers of Chico. Interment at Oroville cemetery. Also see funeral notice 7‐3‐1919 Oroville Daily Mercury and history 7‐9‐1919 Oroville Daily Register.

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61 Beavers Deedie Bernice Deedie Bernice Beavers died at Grass Valley after an emergency operation. Native of Quincy Plumas Independent 8‐25‐ Y and lived in Grass Valley for six years. Survived by 3 sons: Alfred, Bryan and Harold. Born at 1927 Butterfly Valley on March 20, 1874; age 53 years, 4 months and 29 days. Daughter of the late James G. and Mrs. Maxwell, pioneers of Plumas. Interment at Greenwood cemetery.

62 Beckey John Complete text: Died at Oregon Creek, October 28, John Beckey, a native of Scotland, aged 63 Weekly Butte Record 11‐16‐ N years and 6 months. 1867

63 Becraft Charles Charles Becraft died at Sacramento, age 83, native of Indian Valley. Son of James T. Becraft, Plumas Independent 2‐17‐ Y who settled in Plumas in 1853. 1938

64 Becraft Clarence H. Clarence H. Becraft was killed on the 18th; resident of Indian Valley. Father was John T. and Plumas Independent 4‐25‐ Y Etta Becraft, pioneers of Plumas County. 1940

65 Becraft James S. James S. Becraft died in Seattle June 7, 1913; brother Charles E. Becraft. Born on Poorman's Feather River Bulletin 6‐19‐ Y Creek, Plumas County April 27, 1857, son of James T. Becraft. Leaves a wife and a son. 1913

66 Becraft James Thomas James Thomas Becraft died March 9, 1911 in Bow, Washington, age about 84. Native of Feather River Bulletin 3‐16‐ Y Kentucky. Leaves 5 sons and 1 daughter. 1911

67 Becraft John Thomas Native of Plumas county and resident of Indian Valley, John T. Becraft died October 24 at his Feather River Bulletin 11‐6‐ Y home in Sacramento. Born Feb 28, 1862 and married Marietta Hamilton in 1883. 1930

68 Becraft Marietta Marietta Becraft died in Sacramento May 23, age 92. Feather River Bulletin 6‐1‐ Y 1950

69 Becraft Pearl Pearl Becraft died at Greenville June 22, 1905, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Becraft; age Feather River Bulletin 7‐6‐ Y 14 years and 5 months. 1905

70 Becraft Mrs. Rebecca Ann Mrs. Rebecca Ann Becraft died in Indian Valley Sept. 29th, age 43 years, 4 months and 12 days. Feather River Bulletin 10‐5‐ Y Native of Indiana and married James T. Becraft. 1878

71 Becraft Ripley Complete text: Died in Oroville, Butte County, Cal. Feb. 22, 1889, Ripley Becraft, aged 29 Feather River Bulletin 3‐2‐ N years, 1 month and 27 days. 1889

72 Becraft William James William James Becraft died Feb. 14. Survived by nephew Cal Dorithy and 3 nieces, Doris Feather River Bulletin 2‐15‐ Y Beavers, Ruth Barth and Louise Johnson. 1968

73 Becraft Mrs. W. P. (Mary Jane) Mrs. W. P. Becraft died from typhoid pneumonia 5/17, age 45. Wife of W. P. Becraft and Feather River Bulletin 5‐19‐ Y daughter of Robert Penman. Leaves husband and 5 children, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. 1904

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74 Becraft William Preston William Preston Becraft died in Oakland 5/27. Interment in the W. P. Becraft plot adjoining the Feather River Bulletin 5‐29‐ Y resting place of Minnie (Mary Jane) Becraft, who died in 1904. Born in Indian Valley July 16, 1930 1854. 75 Belden Charles Died in San Francisco. Had been in poor health for several months with softening of the brain, Plumas National 6‐13‐1868 Y exhibited signs of insanity. Resident of Rich Bar on the East Branch, respected by all.

76 Belden Robert Born in Belden; Charles Belden was his grandfather and Susan Lee Belden (Maidu Indian) his Quincy Museum 1988 Y grandmother. Death date 7‐19‐1988

77 Belden Susan One of the oldest lady inhabitants of Belden, was buried up on the side of a mountain today in Plumas Independent 3‐20‐ Y the first real casket to enter the village. She was postmaster and storekeeper of Belden. Half 1918 breed Indian woman. Native of Plumas County and had spent 50 years of her life in the town of Belden, age 80 at death. Survived by two sons, Charles and Robert, who manage the Belden hotel and store, respectively. See also Oroville Daily Register 2‐16‐1918.

78 Bell John Complete text: Died at Flea Valley, Butte County, September 28th, John Bell, aged 49 years, a Weekly Butte Record 10‐3‐ N native of Ireland. 1874

79 Beltron Peter Complete text: Died at Oregon Gulch, September 15, Peter Beltron, age about 45 years, native Butte Record 9‐21‐1872 N of Mexico. 80 Benjamin Alfred R. (Ralph) Complete text: Buried in Cherokee. CHEROKEE, November 9, Ralph Benjamin, who died in Oroville Daily Register 11‐10‐ N Durham last Saturday, was buried in Cherokee on Monday. 1911 81 Benjamin Elizabeth Died at her home in Cherokee December 30, 1898, age 71. Buried at Cherokee cemetery Oroville Mercury 1‐6‐1899 Y beside husband and daughter. Survived by 3 daughters and one son: Mrs. Joseph Miller of Yankee Hill, Mrs. Sarah Allen of Nevada City, Mrs. Carrie Chambers and Mr. Alfred Benjamin of Cherokee. 82 Benjamin Miss Henrietta Died in Cherokee Jan. 24, 1881, age 20 years. Buried in Cherokee. Weekly Mercury 1‐28‐1881 Y

83 Benjamin (Baker) Mrs. Lewellyn Wife of Alfred Benjamin, died at Cherokee from pneumonia. Leaves a husband and 2 children. Oroville Mercury 2‐15‐1904 Y Interment at Cherokee. 84 Benjamin R. P. An old and well known resident of Cherokee; leaves a widow and 7 children. Per H. P. Oroville Register 4‐13‐1893 Y Morrison, Mr. Benjamin was the father of 21 children, 14 of whom are dead. 85 Benjamin Mrs. R. P. Resident of Cherokee died yesterday. Oroville Mercury 12‐31‐1898 Y

86 Benner infant son Complete text: Died near Pentz, October 4, 1883, infant son of John Benner. Daily Mercury 10‐9‐1883 N

87 Bennett Lucy Complete text: Lucy Bennett obituary. Passed away Monday in a Chico hospital. She was 83 Golden Feather Echoes 1‐25‐ N years old. Lucy resided in Chico most of her life and taught school in Yankee Hill for a time. 1980

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88 Bennum Andrew Lewis Native of Concok County, Illinois, age 78, died at his home in Pentz. Survived by three sons: A. Oroville Daily Register 11‐30‐ Y F. Bennum, C. C. Bennum, and David Bennum and two daughters, Mrs. F. A. Duensing and Mrs. 1922 Myrtle Lind, all of Pentz. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. (See funeral notice Oroville Mercury 12‐4‐1922) 89 Bennum Mrs. Eliza Jane Wife of A. L. Bennum, died at her home in Pentz, 65 years old, native of Little Rock, Arkansas. Oroville Mercury 2‐27‐1922 Y Came to California as a child; lived in Pentz for 22 years. Survived by husband and children A. F. Bennum, C. C. Bennum, Mrs. Fred Duensing, David Bennum and Mrs. Otto Lind of Westwood; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Roberts of Dunnigan and Mrs. Mary Jackson of Idaho and two brothers John Cudd and Almond Cudd both of Butte County. (see funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 2‐ 28‐1922 and 3‐2‐1922; interment at Cherokee cemetery).

90 Berdan Merca Maria Merca Berdan died near Chico February 25, age 74 years. Weekly Butte Record 3‐6‐ Y 1886

91 Berdan Myron G. He was an early pioneer and Indian fighter who homesteaded property on the Humboldt Road 4‐31‐1928 Y and conducted a hotel for 40 years. The place became known as Berdan's. It had its own post office and was a small resort.

92 Bernard son Complete text: Died near Pence's ranch, on the 6th inst., son of S. A. and Jennie Barnard, aged Weekly Butte Record 1‐13‐ N 3 years. 1877

93 Bethard Francis Marion Resident of Clear Creek for the past 45 years, died from heart disease, age 76. Survived by wife Oroville Daily Register 8‐23‐ Y Anna L., 5 daughters, Mrs. Arthur C. Jones of Oroville, Mrs. Guy A. Brown of Redding, Mrs. Ed 1920 A. Bagley of Grass Valley, Mrs. Rebecca Powers of Sacramento and Mrs. Ed Edmiston of Clear Creek; 2 sons, Augustus of Durham and Arthur W. of Chico; one sister, Mrs. Miny E. Merithew of Clear Creek. 94 Bidwell Annie Mechoopda Indians will bear body of loved mistress to final resting place. Oroville Daily Register Y

95 Bidwell General John Obituary: Came to California in 1841 with the first wagon train across the plains; first American Oroville Mercury 4‐5‐1900 Y to settle in what is now Butte county. Rancho Chico, his home farm, was a grant from the Mexican government conferred to him in 1845. Nearly all the churches of Chico, the City Hall and the State normal school stand on ground donated by him. See also 4‐4‐1900 Oroville Mercury. 96 Bidwell General John Funeral services at Chico cemetery, largest assemblage of people ever seen for Chico's Oroville Mercury 4‐12‐1900 Y founder.

97 Bill Tom, the Indian Bill Bill Tom the Indian killed by Harry Lorraine, a Swede. Bill Tom was the leading witness in the Oroville Daily Register 11‐7‐ Y Waller trial. Tom was killed by a stray bullet fired by Lorraine. 1895

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98 Billard Louis Phillipe 60‐year‐old Frenchman found in a cabin on a ranch near Pentz; coroner found 7 wounds on the Sacramento Daily Union 8‐21‐ Y head made by a sharp heavy instrument and circumstances pointed to a Chinaman, one of a 1890 crew of 20 working on a ditch nearby as the murderer.

99 Birt John Funeral. Death from accident in the Cherokee mine. Weekly Butte Record 5‐10‐ Y 1879

100 Blaisdell Jay P. Pioneer resident of Cherokee, died from a heart attack, age 84. Born in Vermont and came to Oroville Daily Register 9‐30‐ Y California in 1858 where he mined in the Morris Ravine and later went to San Francisco and 1916 worked as a shoemaker. Buried in Cherokee near his home.

101 Bligh Andy Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat December 6, Andy Bligh, a native of Ireland, aged 65 Butte Record 12‐15‐1877 N years.

102 Bligh A. J. Complete text: Died at Cherokee July 24th, A. J. Bligh, aged 40 years. Weekly Mercury 7‐25‐1879 N

103 Bohannon Mrs. Allora Former resident of Yankee Hill, died yesterday. Oroville Daily Register 5‐10‐ Y 1922

104 Bohannon Mrs. Mary A. Died in Coronado and was a resident of Oroville for 19 years. Died of old age at 86. Native of Oroville Mercury 12‐7‐1920 Y Tennessee and crossed the plains by ox cart in the gold rush days of 1849. Survived by 11 children: Mrs. M. L. Thiel, Mrs. L. B. Downer, D. E. Bohannon, William C. Bohannon, Gerold L. Bohannon, George Bohannon, Henry Bohannon, Robert L. Bohannon, Cornelius Bohannon, Mrs. Emma Cosch, and Mrs. Belle Rickless.

105 Bolick Levi Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat, August 4th, 1869, Levi Bolick, aged 35 years. Indiana and Weekly Butte Record 8‐7‐ N Missouri papers copy. 1869 106 Bolinger infant Complete text: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Bolinger of Cherokee died on Tuesday Oroville Register 12‐7‐1893 N night.

107 Bolles Katharine Gano Born in Utah. Married James Donald Crain, member of pioneer Butte County family. Canyon Courier November Y 1984

108 Boettjer (Bottjer) Armdt (Ahrend) Complete text: Died at Thompson's Flat, April 7th, Armdt (Ahrend), son of John and Lucy Weekly Butte Record 4‐11‐ N Battyer (Bottjer), aged three months and ten days. 1874

109 Bottyer (Bottjer) John Complete text: Died at Thompson's Flat, Oct. 11, 1877, John Bottyer, aged 46 years. Weekly Mercury 10‐19‐1877 N

110 Bottjer Mrs. Lucy Pioneer matron, last of Morris Ravine pioneers, resident of Butte County since 1853. Died at Oroville Daily Register 12‐8‐ Y the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Strang, age 77. Leaves her daughter, two sons, Carl 1914 and Louis Bottjer, son‐in‐law J. A. Faleger. Interment at Thompson's Flat cemetery. Also see funeral notice 12‐10‐1914.

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111 Bowe James Death from drinking too much after being discharged by the railroad company. His body was Weekly Butte Record 5‐17‐ Y found lying near the railroad track about 4 weeks ago. 1884

112 Bowe Mrs. James (Ann) Mother of Mrs. Pat Curran, died at her daughter's house. Native of Ireland and lived in Oroville Register 11‐23‐1893 Y Cherokee for the past 20 years. Her husband was run over near Chico and killed on the railroad track 10 years ago. Leaves 5 children, 3 daughters and 2 sons. The funeral took place at the Catholic church.

113 Boynton Seth Sprague Died from pneumonia, age 59. Born in Hallowell, Maine. Leaves his wife, son Albert and Oroville Daily Register 3‐1‐ Y daughter Miss Leila, two sisters Mrs. E. P. Smith of Burns, Oregon and Mrs. R. B. Remick of 1906 Taylorsville, Plumas County. (Also see tribute to Mr. Boynton Oroville Register 3‐2‐1906 and Chico Record letter about regrets Oroville Register 3‐3‐1906).

114 Brag infant child Complete text: Infant child dies. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brag, of Cherokee, Oroville Daily Register 12‐5‐ N died Tuesday evening. The funeral was held yesterday in Cherokee. 1907

115 Brannagan Mrs. Julia Wife of Kennis Brannagan, an old settler of the Concow Valley, found dead in her bed by her Chico Record 10‐19‐1909 Y husband. Born in Ireland about 75 years ago, resided in Concow 35 years. Burial at Oroville Catholic Cemetery. (See also burial notice from 10‐19‐1909 Oroville Daily Register). (Also burial notice from 10‐18‐1909 Oroville Daily Register has her name as Mrs. "Nancy" Brannagan in error).

116 Braun Marian Complete text: Marian Braun obituary. Passed away June 6th, 1981. She is survived by her Golden Feather Echoes 6‐12‐ N husband Paul and other family members. 1981 117 Breslau Mrs. D. (Ida Beck) Died in Redding, Shasta County Tuesday. Buried in the Hebrew cemetery. Former resident of Weekly Mercury 8‐13‐1880 Y Oroville, her maiden name being Miss Ida Beck. Sister of Mrs. A. Wolf of Cherokee.

118 Bresnan Michael Old resident of Cherokee died at the Western Hotel. Native of Ireland and leaves a wife and 5 Daily Mercury 1‐9‐1891 Y daughters in San Francisco. Interred in San Francisco. See also 1‐10‐1891 and funeral 1‐12‐ 1891. 119 Brock Alvah Lovell Died in Oroville, September 9th, 1864, of inflammation of the brain, Alvah Lovell, son of J. M. Union Record 9‐10‐1864 Y and Mary M. Brock, aged 3 years, 2 months and 2 days.

120 Brock Elliott Morris Complete text: Died in Oroville April 11, 1878, Elliott Morris, youngest child of J. M. and Mary Weekly Mercury 4‐12‐1878 N M. Brock, aged 2 years and 26 days.

121 Brock Joseph Herbert Third death in a month for former Oroville family, died at home in Berkeley. Oroville Register 2‐1‐1916 Y

122 Brock Joseph M. Oroville merchant and investor in Flea Valley Lumber Mill, died in Oakland; see Oroville Oakland Enquirer 11‐18‐ Y Register 11‐28‐1889. 1889

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123 Brock Joseph M. Funeral, interment at Mountain View Cemetery Oakland Enquirer 11‐27‐ Y 1889 124 Brock (Swan) Mary Wife of Joseph M. Brock. Survived by five children. Oroville Register 1‐12‐1916 Y

125 Brock William H. Resided on Thompson's Flat for many years and died of pneumonia. Weekly Mercury 4‐18‐1884 Y

126 Brooks Pearl Died July 21, 1989 at her sister's home in Petaluma. Moved to Concow in 1977 to live near her Feather River Canyon 10‐1‐ Y daughter. Survived by sister Vera King of Petaluma and sons Alan and Bill Prevette, and 1989 daughter Laroe Moak of Big Bend. 127 Brown Miss (Indian) Found dead on French Creek, used to live near Cherokee. Interment at Bidwell Bar cemetery. Oroville Register 10‐8‐1903 Y

128 Brown Clifford O. Long time resident of Pentz and Butte Creek Canyon. One of 11 children of Pulaski and Hulda Ancestry.com Y Brown. Survivors: Wife Rilla May, son Clifford of Woodland, daughter Mrs. Claudia Brandt of Gridley and two brothers, George W. of Chico and William M. of Oroville. Died 3‐28‐1967

129 Brown E. Complete text: Died at Merithews, Clear Creek, November 4th, E. Brown, aged 61 years. Weekly Butte Record 11‐28‐ N 1868 130 Brown Mrs. Elizabeth Deaths: Near Chico, May 15th of consumption, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, aged 38 years. The Weekly Butte Record 5‐21‐ Y deceased was a resident of Shasta county and was on her way to Deadwood to be treated by 1881 the China doctor, but died when near this place.

131 Brown Mrs. Huldah Died of heart failure, 66 years old, native of Indiana. Resident of California for 58 years. Chico Record 8‐12‐1922 Y Survived by husband Plaski Brown, three daughters, Mrs. Jessie Horning, Mrs. Goldie Lewis, and Mrs. Nettie Moak and six sons, Orrie, Lyman, Clifford, William, George and P. R. Brown. (see also Oroville Daily Register 8‐14‐1922) 132 Brown Jim Formerly a member of the Concow Tribe of Indians in Butte County and recently recognized Oroville Daily Register 4‐22‐ Y leader of the Grindstone Indians, died near Orland, age 95. Survived by wife, Ann Brown. 1922

133 Brown Joe Killed near Cherokee on Yankee Hill Road by Dick Johnson, a half breed Indian, while playing Oroville Mercury 3‐6‐1901 Y cards. 134 Brown (Moak) Mary E. Born at Big Bend 7/13/1915, parents George and Nettie (Brown) Moak. Married Ennis Brown Chico Enterprise Record 2‐21‐ Y in 1934, then married Earnest "Bub" Brown in 1973. Known as Yankee Hill historian; children 2005 E.R. Bob Brown and John Brown, Joan French and Judy Graham; brother James A. Tobe Moak; buried at Moak family cemetery in Big Bend. See also Chico Record 2‐25‐2005

135 Brown Nathan Pioneer resident of Cherokee died in county infirmary due to runaway accident. Oroville Mercury 6‐9‐1910 Y

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136 Buck Louis Employee of the Great Western power company; fell to death from a cage at the cable crossing San Francisco Call 7‐15‐1909 Y over Feather River near the site of the company's powerhouse. (dated Oroville July 14)

137 Buckingham Francis Accident while working in his diggings at Jordan Ravine, 26 years old. Oroville Daily Butte Record 2‐ Y 4‐1857

138 Buehrer John Found dead on the hillside along the Feather River canyon about 9 miles from Yankee Hill near Oroville Daily Register 5‐15‐ Y Bardee's Bar. Native of Switzerland and 45 years old. He was looking for a mythical gold lake in 1905 the hills. T. S. Linebarger and James R. D. Moak found his body on a trail near Bardee's Bar. See Oroville Register 5‐17‐1905. 139 Bull daughter of Moses Bull Little girl about 3 years old, daughter of Moses Bull Esq., of Cherokee was drowned in a well. Weekly Butte Record 9‐26‐ Y 1868

140 Bundy J. B. Father of Mrs. Belden, died in Missouri. Oroville Daily Register 2‐27‐ Y 1922

141 Bunnell Abner William Died in Chico; leaves five sons and daughters. Oroville Register 2‐13‐1890 Y

142 Bunnell Sarah Jane Died November 29 at Paradise at age 54 from heart disease. Leaves husband and several Weekly Mercury 12‐7‐1877 Y children. 143 Bunnell Tyson Age 10, resident of Pentz, buried at Clear Creek cemetery. It is said his death is due to a Oroville Daily Register 9‐14‐ Y vaccination, it acted upon him as if he had consumption. 1903

144 Burchard Rev. John Luther Rev. John Luther Burchard was killed by a transit car on his way to church on Telegraph Avenue Oakland Tribune 1‐6‐1902 Y in Oakland, age 78. Born in Delaware and was ordained a minister of the Methodist Church at age 19. Leaves 3 children: Dr. L. S. Burchard, Mrs. C. H. Twombly and D. W. Burchard. He was an instructor of the Indians of Potter Valley and Lake County and was Indian Agent at Round Valley for several years. See also Ukiah Republican Press 1‐10‐1902 and Santa Cruz Sentinel 1‐7‐ 1902. 145 Burchard Dr. Leonidas Soule Son of Rev. John L. Burchard and a prominent Oakland physician, died after brief attack of San Francisco Chronicle 4‐24‐ Y pneumonia, age 50. Survived by 2 daughters, Avis and Ruth; a brother, Daniel W. Burchard, 1905 and a sister, Mrs. Mary Twombly. See funeral The San Francisco Call 4‐26‐1905.

146 Burchard Daniel Webster Daniel Webster Burchard, son of Rev. John L. Burchard, and a well‐known attorney, died May The San Francisco Call 5‐19‐ Y 16 at age 54. Attorney at Covelo in 1880. Interment at Mountain View cemetery. See also San 1912 Francisco Call 5‐18‐1912.

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147 Burchard Louisa A. Mrs. Louisa A. Burchard, wife of Rev. John L. Burchard, died Tuesday evening, age 71. Born in Oakland Tribune 5‐25‐1901 Y West Virginia. Survived by two sons and one daughter.

148 Burchard Mary Griswald Died in Hayward, December 22, 1936, wife of the late Dr. L. S. Burchard, age 74. Survived by Oakland Tribune 12‐23‐1936 Y daughters Avis and Ruth.

149 Burner Dr. J. F. Had been on his way to Cherokee canvassing for his vegetable compounds and was found Daily Mercury Y dead.

150 Burnett Richard Complete text: Richard Burnett obituary. He lived in Camelot with his wife Nonie. Golden Feather Echoes 7‐29‐ N 1977

151 Burns Mr. Complete text: A man by the name of Burns was killed in the Cherokee mine this morning by a Oroville Mercury 8‐14‐1885 N piece of pipe clay falling on him. Coroner Bliss went up to hold an inquest.

152 Burt Aaron Pioneer miner, died at Magalia home; wife died 5 years before; 6 children survive, Mrs. E. R. Oroville Register 12‐28‐1908 Y VanNess, Mrs. A.D. Strong of Paradise, Mrs. J. Martin of Stirling City, Mrs. E. Richards of Magalia, Fred and Edward Burt of Magalia.

153 Burt Mrs. Aaron A. Died at her home near Magalia, interment at Clear Creek cemetery; age 62. Survived by her Oroville Daily Register 11‐24‐ Y husband and 6 children. See also Daily Mercury 11‐23‐1903. 1903 154 Burt Howard Died at his brother's ranch near Oroville from consumption, age 31. Weekly Butte Record 2‐16‐ Y 1867 155 Busch Albert F. Yankee Hill rancher and born at Yankee Hill 7/25,1872. He was a mail carrier from Pentz to Oroville Mercury Register 10‐ Y Yankee Hill; stock raiser and caretaker of Concow CCC Camp. Survivors are mother Frances 19‐1934 Lunt and sister Mrs. Edwina Harding of Marysville. 156 Buschmann Mrs. Susan Funeral for pioneer of Paradise, age 76. Interment at Paradise cemetery. Survivors: Husband Oroville Mercury 7‐31‐1920 Y and 10 children: Mrs. Hattie Turner of Sacramento, Mrs. Nettie Wood of Chico, Mrs. Kat Hendrix Brownsville, C. H. Buschmann Modesto, C. R. Buschmann Seattle, F. H. Buschmann, Mrs. W. H. Scott Chico, Mrs. Ida Mae Meyendfeldt Sacramento and F. M. Buschmann San Francisco. 157 Buxton Captain Edmund Resided at Frenchtown for 25 years. Died at San Francisco May 16, 1881, age 66. Weekly Mercury 7‐1‐1881 Y

158 Cable Frank Crushed to death beneath a mass of debris at the Golden West mine near Diamondville. Frank Oroville Mercury 12‐27‐1899 Y Cable was one of the owners of the mine, lived in Cherokee/Pentz area; son of the late A. Cable. Leaves a wife and 2 small children, a brother and a sister. His body was found 12‐28‐ 1899 Oroville Mercury.

159 Callahan Richard Complete text: In Memoriam. Richard Callahan 1944‐2003; Mark McKain 1950‐2003; Feather River Canyon N Madeleine Page 1945‐2003; Steve Strawn 11/9/1948‐12/7/2003. January 2004

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160 Callow Thomas Native of Isle of Man and 61 years old, died from consumption July 29, 1885. Active in politics Weekly Mercury 7‐31‐1885 Y and one of the founders of Ophir Hook & Ladder Fire Company. See funeral notice 8‐7‐1885.

161 Campbell Charles Found dead in a field owned by Smith Brothers; worked at Rock River mine; native of Oroville Register 11‐14‐1895 Y Michigan, 61 years; uncle of James Campbell of Cherokee

162 Campbell Charles S. Died at home in Oregon City, born in Cherokee in 1854, married to Alice Patterson in 1880; Oroville Mercury 10‐28‐1919 Y survived by 4 sons: Claud, Lester, William and Guy

163 Campbell Claude Cattle rancher; family moved to Oregon City when he was 1‐year‐old. Survived by 4 brothers Oroville Mercury 3‐21‐1959 Y Guy, Lester, William and Charles P., 4 sisters Maude Campbell, Mrs. Clarissa Brudigan, Irene VanCamp and Mrs. Willard Austin.

164 Campbell James B. Miner in the Cherokee and Oregon City sections, died at the county infirmary at age 60. Leaves Oroville Daily Register 2‐13‐ Y a sister, Mrs. Frank Ross. Funeral services held at Cherokee cemetery. (see funeral notice 1922 Oroville Daily Register 2‐16‐1922).

165 Campbell John Complete text: Died at Cherokee Jan. 17th, John Campbell, aged 63 years. Weekly Mercury 1‐19‐1883 N

166 Campbell Joseph Salisbury Butte pioneer dies at 97 years, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Susie Inks, on Oroville Daily Register 3‐31‐ Y Mosquito Creek. Born August 10, 1824 in Boonville, MO until 1850 when he crossed the plains 1921 by ox team. His wife died en route to California around 1856.

167 Campbell Katherine Duensing 4th generation Butte county resident born at Oregon Gulch 11/20/1902; parents George and Oroville Mercury Register 8‐ Y Marie Duensing were pioneer cattle ranchers. Worked in office at Richardson Springs resort for 3‐1999 15 years; survived by daughter Dorothy Campbell Ringel, 2 sons Carroll F. Jr and John R.

168 Campbell Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Margaret Campbell of Table Mountain dies suddenly at age 74. Leaves brother Robert Oroville Daily Register 2‐16‐ Y Campbell, 2 sons R. J. Campbell and John Campbell of Table Mountain and 2 daughters, Mrs. 1914 Clement Perkins of Oakland and Mrs. Sarah Tucker of Sacramento. Funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 2‐17‐1914. 169 Campbell Mrs. Ophelia Pioneer resident of Butte County, died age 88. Born in Michigan. Interment at Cherokee Oroville Mercury 8‐13‐1920 Y cemetery. Leaves children Miss Ida Campbell, James Campbell, Ed J. Campbell, Mrs. M. E. Phares. See also funeral notices 8‐14‐1920 and 8‐16‐1920. 170 Campbell Robert Age 83, one of the oldest pioneers of Butte County, known as Uncle Robert. Native of Ireland. Oroville Daily Register 4‐26‐ Y Mined at Oregon Gulch and Centerville and then sheep and cattle raising with his brother, 1917 William. Interment at Oroville cemetery. 171 Campbell William Prominent stock and land owner in Butte and also mining. Leaves a wife and 6 children, 2 sons Oroville Register 1‐27‐1898 Y and 4 daughters. Age about 66.

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172 Cannon daughter Daughter of Mrs. L. B. Cannon of Big Bend died in Oroville. Weekly Mercury 8‐8‐1884 Y

173 Captain John (Indian) Complete text: Captain John, a very old Indian of the Bidwell Rancho, died on Monday. Oroville Mercury 5‐17‐1899 N

174 Carlisle William Black Died at the home of his son‐in‐law, J. B. Peachy, age 72. Pioneer of '49 and came directly to Oroville Mercury 8‐1‐1899 Y Oroville with his two brothers Samuel and Frank. For several years resided at Flea Valley. Interment at Oroville cemetery. See also funeral notice 8‐3‐1899. 175 Carol Mary Ann Complete text: Died in Cherokee, April 20, Mary Ann Carol, aged 18 years. Weekly Mercury 4‐26‐1878 N

176 Carson Arenia Thankful Known for her capture and escape from a band of Mill Creek Indians when she was a girl of 9. Chico Record 1‐21‐1933 Y She was 79 when she died. Born in Salem, Missouri, came to Butte County when she was one. Three husbands preceded her in death; John Bidsworth, Jerome Winders and George H. Carson. Survivors are daughter Mrs. Emma E. Corbett, two sons George W. Winders and William Bidsworth, two sisters Mrs. Martha Johnson and Mrs. Mary Bean and one brother Samuel Lewis of Pentz.

177 Casner Aaron Brother of Rachael Casner, Aaron was a soldier at Camp Dix. Death due to pneumonia. His Oroville Daily Register 10‐8‐ Y home was in Arizona but 3 sisters reside here and remains will be brought here for interment. 1918

178 Cates Reta Rhae Complete text: In memoriam. Arrolla Hoecherl; Reta Rhae Cates. Feather River Canyon 2‐1‐ N 1991 179 Cawood William Died at his daughter's home in Oro Vista. He was a native of Oklahoma and a veteran of the Oroville Daily Register 5‐5‐ Y Civil War. Funeral services at Oroville cemetery. See funeral note of 5‐5‐1921 Oroville 1921 Mercury. 180 Chaffin Adelbert Lawyer (Del) Butte County rancher and resident of Pentz for 49 years, died while at work on his ranch unknown September 1964 Y yesterday. Born in South Dakota. Manager of the Berkeley Olive Association in 1915.

181 Chaffin George W. Died in Los Angeles following a short illness. Oroville Daily Register 1‐22‐ Y 1921

182 Chaffin George Died May 6, 2004 at Oroville Hospital. Born in 1929 to Adelbert and Margaret Chaffin. Ranched Chico Enterprise Record 5‐8‐ Y for over 40 years running Chaffin Orchards. 2004

183 Chaffin Mrs. Mary Lawyer Died in Los Angeles. Oroville Mercury 11‐6‐1920 Y

184 Chambers John Complete text: Died at Cherokee June 25, 1878, John Chambers, aged 46, a native of Ireland. Weekly Mercury 7‐5‐1878 N

185 Chambers John Native of Cherokee, died at his home from consumption, age 39. Leaves a wife and seven Chico Record 4‐13‐1907 Y children. Funeral at Catholic church in Cherokee

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186 Chambers Robert Born and raised in Cherokee. Leaves one brother, John and one sister. Oroville Daily Register 5‐11‐ Y 1896 187 Chance James James E. Chance, age 56, Plumas National Forest patrolman, died near his home in Pulga. Feather River Bulletin 6‐16‐ Y Survived by wife Violet of Pulga. 1955 188 Chapman James Died Sunday 11/10, age 59 years 3 months. Native of Pennsylvania. Pioneer of Butte County Butte Record 11‐16‐1872 Y having accompanied the early emigration here and pitched his tent where Oroville now stands in the fall of '49. Witnessed the rise of Long's Bar to a population of 5 or 6,000 souls and its subsequent decay. Miner for the past 23 years. Leaves an aged companion, children and grandchildren.

189 Chase Edward Complete text: Deaths: At Lovelock's, Oct. 18th, Edward Chase, aged 87 years. Weekly Butte Record 10‐30‐ N 1880

190 Chase Ezra C. Died in Manila. Born in Maine and came to California many years ago. Leaves 3 sisters, Mrs. S. Oroville Register 10‐8‐1903 Y S. Pence, Mrs. VanNess and Mrs. Knox all of Paradise; daughter Mrs. Maude Love. Was a soldier in the Union Army. 191 Cheshire Analy Drowned in Feather River, daughter of George Cheshire, formerly of Cherokee, niece of Mrs. Daily Register 6‐6‐1903 Y Thunen.

192 Cheshire Arthur Drowned with Howard Vinton in Grub Flat Reservoir in Cherokee. Biggs Argus 5‐26‐1892 Y

193 Cheshire Mrs. Isabella D. Died at 74 years old, native of Nashville, Illinois; widow of the late Robert Cheshire. Came to Oroville Daily Register 12‐15‐ Y California in 1852. Survived by five children: L. L. Cheshire and George W. Cheshire, Mrs. Frank 1913 Kroeplin, Mrs. Sam Gilman and Mrs. Fred Thunen, two brothers L. W. Lee of Pentz and George L. Lee of Eureka and a sister Mrs. M. E. Durkee of Oakland. Interment at Cherokee Cemetery.

194 Cheshire Louis Native of Nevada. Survived by wife and four children, Mae, Louis, Thelma and Robert; three Oroville Daily Register 4‐17‐ Y sisters, Mrs. S. L. Gilman, Mrs. Fred Thunen and Mrs. Frank Kroepelan (Kroeplin) and a brother 1922 George Cheshire. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. (see funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 4‐ 19‐1922).

195 Cheshire Robert Died at his home in Cherokee. Leaves a wife and five children. Two of his daughters also live in Oroville Register 10‐8‐1896 Y Cherokee: Mrs. Thunen and Miss Vina Cheshire.

196 Chico Jim, Indian Chico Jim, an old Indian whose age is said to be near the century mark, was found dead in his Plumas Independent 10‐11‐ Y cabin Sunday. 1928

197 Childress Bryan Complete text: Condolence: Our deepest sympathy goes to Gene and Gayel Childress on the Concow Yankee Hill Informer N loss of their son. Little six year old Bryan Childress was struck by a car and killed last Friday 3‐10‐1972 evening. Our thoughts are with them in their time of grief, many of their friends who could not make the journey to Pasadena share these thoughts.

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198 Chung Hoy She Well known Chinese woman, wife of Ah Chung, who was an employee of James H. Leggett, Oroville Mercury 2‐23‐1920 Y died at age 59. Buried at Oroville Chinese cemetery.

199 Clane William Drowned himself while a patient of Dr. Ah Sang at Deadwood; age 45. Oroville Register 7‐26‐1888 Y

200 Clark Alfred Burr Pioneer died at home in Yankee Hill; Husband of Yohema who was the daughter of a Concow Oroville Register 8‐17‐1906 Y chief

201 Clark Mrs. A. B. AKA Kitty (Yohema); Yankee Hill resident, cancer of the liver; survived by daughter Mrs. A.C. Oroville Register 4‐20‐1909 Y Josephson, 6 sons: Walter, William, Frank, John A., George and Ransom

202 Clark Benjamin Slain after once disarming Clyde Beatty 15 years old; born 1/2/1910; father was Benjamin F. Unknown 1‐13‐1941 Y Clark 1865‐1959; 203 Clark Benjamin Frank Born in Cherokee; survived by wife Mrs. Gertrude E. Clark, 6 daughters Mrs. Vera McKeen, Oroville Mercury 4‐22‐1949 Y Mrs. Helen Mourrell, Mrs. Arlie Jensen, Mrs. Bernice Presley, Mrs. Madalene Hall and Miss Adrian Clark; son George Clark, sister Mrs. Kathy Josephson and brother Ransom Clark.

204 Clark Daniel Ransom Killed in a pit at Colgate while installing machinery. Gridley Herald 8‐10‐1906 Y

205 Clark E. D. Complete text: Deaths: CLARK at Clear Creek November 23d, E. D. Clark, aged 61 years. Weekly Mercury 12‐6‐1879 N

206 Clark Edwin Hiram To be buried at Yankee Hill next Sunday, services at the home of E. F. Hodapp of Yankee Hill; Oroville Mercury 8‐18‐1911 Y interment will take place in the cemetery at Yankee Hill. Born October 1834 in Hartford, Connecticut, arrived in Cherokee in early 1880s. Buried at Frenchtown in Lunt cemetery. Occupation: Carpenter. 207 Clark Edwin (see above entry) He came to California when a youth, and to Yankee Hill in 1870s. He never Oroville Daily Register 8‐24‐ Y married. Age 84 years when he died. Buried beside his old time friend, Mr. Hodapp. 1911

208 Clark Flora Round Valley resident, 107 years old, came in with the big drive of Indians from Concow valley; Chico Enterprise Record 1‐7‐ Y married Walter Clark 1957

209 Clark Flora Obit with picture Unknown 1‐11‐1957 Y

210 Clark George Grandson of Concow chief; born in Yankee Hill 4/9/1870; father A.B. Clark, mother Kate Bush, Unknown 7‐23‐1927 Y daughter of the Concow chief; survived by 4 brothers, J.A. Clark, Frank Clark, W.C. Clark and Ransom Clark and one sister Katie Josephson

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211 Clark George Funeral notice Oroville Register 7‐26‐1927 Y

212 Clark John Adams Yankee Hill, best known mining authority; in 1911 discovered quartz ledge at Surcease Mine; in Unknown 3‐11‐1947 Y 1893 located Morning Star Zinc mine at Big Bend both operated by Hoefling Brothers. Discovered Washington Placer mine in 1895, north fork of American River. Member of Spanish American War veterans; survived by daughter Mrs. A. H. Leslie, two brothers Frank and Ransom Clark and sister Mrs. Kate Josephson all of Yankee Hill

213 Clark Joyce Passed away in August 1987. Joyce was born in Concow. In 1971 she began the Yankee Hill Feather River Canyon 9‐1‐ Y Informer with friends Alyce Hendricks & Jay Grieco. She is survived by her husband, Abe Clark, 1987 3 children and her mother, Freda Simmons. 214 Clark (Ross) Mary Sophia Complete text: Died in this town, November 17, Sophia, wife of Ransom Clark, aged 68 years. Orleans Independent N Standard 11‐25‐1859

215 Clark Odessa Yalena Daughter of J. A. Clark in Yankee Hill, died from pneumonia at 4 years old. Oroville Mercury 5‐14‐1914 Y

216 Clark Oliver L. Former mayor, pioneer of 1850. Survived by his wife, a son and a daughter. Oroville Daily Register 5‐13‐ Y 1908 217 Clark Ransom C. Killed instantly in Starksboro, Virginia while digging out stones, about 44 years old. Leaves wife Burlington Weekly Free Y and 2 children. Press (Vermont) 218 Clark Ransom R. Lifelong resident of Butte county, retired miner, born in Yankee Hill 8/29/1872 Oroville Mercury Register 11‐ Y 7‐1966 219 Clark Ratta Miss Ratta Clark of Concow died at age 25 from consumption. Interment was in the Concow Oroville Register 12‐1‐1898 Y cemetery. Died November 21, 1898. 220 Clark Walter Died suddenly at Round Valley Reservation; born in Sacramento Valley 61 years ago but has Round Valley News 8‐27‐ Y been in Round Valley most of his life. He died while preparing to pick hops; wife Flora Clark 1926

221 Clark William C. Age 71 of Yankee Hill; buried at Clark family cemetery in Yankee Hill. Oroville Mercury 4‐25‐1935 Y

222 Clark William C. Former deputy sheriff of Plumas County and deputy US marshal in Nevada and Superior Oroville Mercury Register 4‐ Y California counties during the building of Western Pacific railroad; was reporter on Reno 26‐1935 Gazette; died in Yankee Hill, burial in family cemetery; survived by daughter Mrs. Oleta Johnson, 3 brothers B. F., R. R. and John A. Clark all of Yankee Hill and sister Mrs. Kate Josephson. Discovered largest nugget ever found in Nevada "badger nugget".

223 Clark William E. Judge M.H. Wells of Yankee Hill states on Tuesday April 30th D.W. Hall of Big Bend was out Sacramento Daily Union 5‐6‐ Y hunting and found the body of William E. Clark of Vermont. 1872

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224 Clayborn Squire Infant son of Shelley and Jack Clayborn, died in a fire near the Rock House. Golden Feather Echoes 7‐10‐ Y 1981

225 Clemons Lucy Died at Flea Valley Ranch suddenly June 26; wife of H. M. Clemons and daughter of Capt. E. Oroville Weekly Union 7‐25‐ Y Buxton, age 19 years and 18 days. Native of Camden, Maine. 1863

226 Clindinin Ernest A. Born at Thompson's Flat, died at Deadwood, age 26. Interred at Thompson's Flat. See also Daily Mercury 8‐30‐1890 Y funeral notice 9‐1‐1890.

227 Cline Charles Stephenson Found dead in his bed by his daughter, Mrs. Ray Patterson. Probation officer since 1913. Born Oroville Daily Mercury 11‐27‐ Y in Ohio. Age 64. See funeral notice 11‐28‐1916 1916

228 Clouse Hampton Killed at Cherokee two weeks ago. Weekly Mercury 12‐21‐1877 Y

229 Clymer James J. His family formerly resided on Dry Creek; pioneer of California; over 88 years old. Leaves a wife Oroville Register 1‐10‐1889 Y and son. He was a direct descendent of the Clymer's who signed the Declaration of Independence. 230 Coleman Miss Thomas Complete text: Miss Thos. Coleman died near Yankee Hill on June 18th. Oroville Daily Register 6‐23‐ N 1898

231 Colgate Mary Complete text: On Friday last Mrs. Mary Coalgatte (Colgate) who lived near here died. She was Oroville Register 11‐9‐1893 N of Indian birth, born at Cherokee in this county, and aged 57 years.

232 Colman (Duensing, Foster) Genevieve Born in 1908 in Pentz to Adolph and Evalina Bennum Duensing. Survivors: Son Sheldon Foster. Chico Enterprise Record 1‐26‐ Y 2007

233 Conrad Frankie W. Died at Dry Creek, Butte County, November 23d, Little Frankie W., son of G. W. and Maggie Weekly Butte Record 11‐25‐ Y Conrad, aged 1 year, 8 months and 9 days. 1871

234 Conway Mrs. Nellie Died May 1, 1907 at Rancho Chico Indian village; wife of William Conway. Treasurer of the Chico Record 5‐2‐1907 Y Mechoopda WCTU. 235 Cook John Employee of the Great Western power company; fell to death from a cage at the cable crossing San Francisco Call 7‐15‐1909 Y over Feather River near the site of the company's powerhouse. (dated Oroville July 14)

236 Cook Russell Mr. Cook resided briefly in Concow earlier this year. He was also the grandfather of local twins, Feather River Canyon 12‐1‐ Y Darrol and Shad Butler. 1988

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237 Cooper Larry Died of a stroke age 63 years. Married over 40 yeas to wife Terry. Carpenter and was able to Chico Enterprise Record 12‐ Y build anything including his own house on his little farm in Cherokee. 10‐2016

238 Cooper Mrs. Mary Complete text: Died at Pence Ranch October 19the, Mrs. Mary Cooper, aged 40 years. Weekly Butte Record 10‐30‐ N 1869

239 Copeland Marion L. Born in Stanislaus county January 16, 1870 and a resident of Butte county for 40 years. He was Chico Record 7‐29‐1923 Y superintendent of the county infirmary. Survived by widow, son, daughter and half brother. Brother‐in‐law is Frank Lynch of Pentz. Services by Cherokee Masonic Lodge.

240 Corey Matilda Margaret Complete text: Died near Pence's ranch, August 9th, Matilda Margaret Corey, aged 46 years. Weekly Mercury 8‐19‐1881 N

241 Cornelli Philipe Found dead in Oregon Gulch, age about 70 years. Native of Chili. Oroville Mercury 2‐24‐1899 Y

242 Cory Daniel Died at Pentz, January 8, 1899, aged 70 years. Funeral at Smartsville. Oroville Mercury 1‐16‐1899 Y

243 Costa infant daughter August Complete text: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Costa of Cherokee, lost their infant, aged 3 months, on Oroville Daily Register 11‐3‐ N Monday. 1897

244 Costa Eameleda Complete text: An eight month's babe named Eameleda Costa died on Friday and was buried Oroville Register 7‐11‐1895 N on Saturday at Cherokee. The little one's death was caused by whooping cough.

245 Covert Henry Died at family home in Oroville from pneumonia, age 77. Born in Indiana. One of the oldest Oroville Daily Register 5‐20‐ Y and well known citizens of Oroville. Leaves 4 daughters and a son. Interment in Oroville 1912 cemetery.

246 Covert (Crenshaw) Mrs. Susan Died at her home, age 61. Leaves grown daughters and sons. Oroville Daily Register 11‐14‐ Y 1898

247 Covert Wesley He had been herding sheep for J. A. Falegar of Clear Creek; age 64. Oroville Register 4‐28‐1892 Y

248 Cox Chester Wayne Complete text: In memoriam. Chester Wayne Cox, 1/18/1918‐5/19/2001. Feather River Canyon 6‐1‐ N 2001 249 Cox Mrs. Helen Died at her home near Pentz on Saturday June 23; left a family of 10 children. Born in Oroville Register 7‐5‐1888 Y Newcastle, England.

250 Cox Jack Complete text: In memoriam. Jack Horner. Long‐time Concow resident. Jack Cox. 6/30/38‐ Feather River Canyon 9‐1‐ N 8/4/2001. Served as the eighth grade teacher for many years at Concow School. 2001

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251 Cozellis Charles A Frenchman found dead in his cabin near Spanishtown, aged 55. Weekly Butte Record 3‐2‐ Y 1867

252 Crafts Louise Beaumont "Crafty" to all who knew her, left her husband and friends on Sept. 8th, 1981, in Medical Golden Feather Echoes 9‐11‐ Y Center Hospital in Oroville. Tenn. She lived in Butte County for 40 years and was a long time 1981 resident on Jordan Hill Rd.

253 Crain Jas. S. Judge Resided in Gridley over 20 years; farmer, capitalist, property owner, member of Odd Fellows Oroville Daily Register 4‐28‐ Y Oroville lodge No. 59 for 42 years 1900

254 Crain II James Simeon Retired Oroville real estate broker, operated a farm near Nelson; survived by wife Winifred Oroville Mercury Register 3‐ Y Crain, daughter Mrs. Harold Cross and son James Donald Crain, 2 granddaughters Mrs. Richard 31‐1947 Pillmon? Of Boulder, Co and Mrs. Paul Heffernan, 2 sisters Della Crain and Mrs. Victor Callen?; brother Charles Crain deceased prior.

255 Cress J. T. Leaves wife and son and daughter; native of Indiana, carpenter; attack of typhoid pneumonia; Oroville Register 6‐18‐1901 Y member of Sherman Post GAR, fought in Civil War

256 Cribbens John One of the best known miners in California died at Deadwood. He put the great Big Bend Oroville Daily Mercury 9‐13‐ Y tunnel through successfully which gave him a worldwide reputation as an underground 1890 engineer and miner. Interred in San Francisco. 257 Croghan Benjamin Yankee Hill resident, native of Iowa, came to California in 1849; survived by son Grant Oroville Mercury 4‐30‐1915 Y

258 Croghan Charles Cumber A lifelong resident of Butte County, age 73. Born in Concow and made his home in Yankee Hill Oroville Mercury Register 11‐ Y until he moved to Oroville in 1939. Employee of the Great Western Power Company. Survived 26‐1965 by wife Gladys, daughter Mrs. Lois Dean Jonas of Oroville, 2 sons Jerry Lewis Croghan of Oroville and Frank Richard Croghan of Spirit Lake, Idaho; one sister Mrs. Bessie Williams Thurston of Yankee Hill; one brother Fred Croghan of Herlong. Interment in Yankee Hill cemetery. 259 Croghan Mrs. Grant Rev. Mr. Benton went to Deadwood yesterday to conduct the funeral of Mrs. Grant Croghan, Oroville Mercury 4‐25‐1901 Y who died at that place on Monday. It was an unusually sad death as 5 small children are left motherless.

260 Croghan Ulysses S. Grant Resident of Yankee Hill, farming and mining; survived by wife Hazel E., children C.L. Croghan, Oroville Mercury 11‐13‐1933 Y Charles, O. B. and Fred Croghan of Yankee Hill, daughters Mrs. W. T. Robblee and Mrs. B. P. Williams and Gladys Croghan, 2 brothers Clark Croghan and Capt. Croghan, 1 sister Mrs. W.W. Warren

261 Crosette George H. Pioneer editor of Butte, died in Chicago. Became proprietor of Butte Record in 1853. Leaves 3 Oroville Register 10‐9‐1902 Y children and a sister.

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262 Crosette Georgie Complete text: Died in Oroville, January 12th, 1871, Georgie, infant son of Geo. H. and the late Weekly Butte Record 1‐14‐ N Mary DeMott Crossette (Crosette), aged one month. 1871

263 Crosette Josephine Complete text: Died in Oroville, July 31st, Josephine, daughter of Geo. H. and Mary DeM. Weekly Butte Record 8‐7‐ N Crosette, aged 2 years, 3 months and 17 days. 1869

264 Crosette Mrs. Mary DeMott Complete text: Died in Oroville, December 15th 1870, of puerperal fever, Mrs. Mary DeMott Weekly Butte Record 12‐17‐ N Crosette, aged 36 years, wife of the editor of the Record and sister of one of its proprietors. 1870

265 Crosette Willie Tilden Age 5 years and 2 days, son of George H. Crosette, editor of the Chico Record, from diphtheria. Weekly Mercury 5‐24‐1878 Y

266 Crum Albert E. Butte county resident for more than 50 years, died at age 86. Pioneer rancher and Oroville Mercury Register 1‐ Y storekeeper. Interment at Oroville cemetery. 31‐1933

267 Crum Andrew Jackson Died after being struck by Thomas Noaks, age about 50 years. Came to this area in 1849. Weekly Butte Record 7‐23‐ Y Native of Illinois. Sold his ranch on Dry Creek after it was overflown by debris from Cherokee 1881 mines and it was purchased by the Spring Valley Mining Company. Then went into the stock business. 268 Crum Mrs. Roxey Ella Died at 1448 Bridge Street; born on the Crum Ranch at Wicks Corner 9/7/1853. Survived by 3 Oroville Mercury Register 2‐ Y sons, Morris T. Crum and C.L. Crum of Oroville and Arthur P. Crum of Chico; a brother, Charles 1‐1937 F. Wick of Oroville.

269 Curran Michael H. Complete text: Died at Deadwood Ranch near Yankee Hill, Butte county, California, January Weekly Butte Record 1‐30‐ N 24th, 1869, Michael H. Curran, aged 39 years, a native of Canada. New York and Michigan 1869 papers please copy.

270 Curran Michael S. Died last Thursday, born at Deadwood 27 years ago, brother of P. Curran. Oroville Register 3‐21‐1895 Y

271 Curtis Mrs. Amanda Complete text: Died at Nelson Bar, Butte county, California, December 10, of consumption, Butte Democrat 12‐15‐1860 N Mrs. Amanda, wife of C. S. Curtis, formerly of Hallowell, Maine, aged 50 years. California, Boston and Maine papers will please copy.

272 Curtis Charles S. Died at home near Pentz, built Nelson Bar Road and bridge in 1858. Oroville Register 3‐13‐1890 Y

273 Curtis Charles S. One of Butte county's oldest pioneers, native of Maine, 6 children; wife and 1 son already Chico Chronicle Record 3‐15‐ Y passed away (long obit); son Henry S. resides in Concow and Joseph G. near Pentz. 1890

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274 Curtis Captain Charles A. Became Lieutenant in General Hancock's staff at start of Civil War. Prolific writer of military Ancestry.com/Arlington Y and Indian stories. Father of Wardon A. Curtis and Lawrence A Curtis. Born in Maine in 1885. National Cemetery Died 5‐26‐1907 (on gravestone at Arlington National Cemetery). See also Janesville Daily Gazette 5‐27‐1907 for obit. 275 Curtis H.S. Came to California in 1856, born in Maine; 3 daughters, Eva, Mabel and Ruth; son Frank. See Oroville Daily Register 6‐7‐ Y also Oroville Mercury 6‐9‐1910 1910

276 Curtis Mrs. J. G. (Lucy) Married to J.G. Curtis and settled near Pentz; teacher in schools about Pentz; survived by Oroville Daily Register 8‐4‐ Y husband J.G. Curtis, sister Mrs. Potter, buried in Paradise cemetery. 1911

277 Curtis J.G. Auto accident near Cherokee, native of Maine, resided in Pentz; brother of Mrs. Albertine Oroville Mercury Register 12‐ Y Moore of Mass and uncle of Mrs. Frank Park and Mrs. L.C. Terrell both of Nelson and Mrs. Joe 11‐1928 Harney 278 Cushman Obadiah Butte County pioneer died in Oregon at age 78. Born in New York and crossed the plains in Oroville Register 6‐6‐1901 Y 1850. Survived by wife Elizabeth, son Eugene and 5 daughters. Interred in Moro, Oregon.

279 Daniels David Citizen of Pentz died at his home from consumption. Interment at Cherokee. Oroville Mercury 11‐3‐1899 Y

280 Daniels John At Nelson's Bar, April 19, native of Bergen, Norway, age 64. Weekly Butte Record 4‐22‐ Y 1871

281 Darby Thomas Complete text: On Thursday last Thos. R. Darby of Cherokee, aged fifty‐seven years and a Oroville Register 8‐21‐1891 N native of England, passed away. He leaves a family consisting of his wife and two sons and two daughters to mourn his loss.

282 Darge Mrs. Ellen M. Funeral held at Yankee Hill cemetery. Mrs. Ellen M. Darge was 73 years old. Oroville Daily Register 6‐29‐ Y 1908

283 Darge Fredrick W. A rancher and stockraiser in the Rock Creek section, died last night. Native of Mayville, Chico Record 9‐27‐1908 Y Wisconsin, born in 1856. Survived by 4 sisters and 3 brothers.

284 Darge William H. Died in Napa and buried in Dayton cemetery. Survived by father William Darge of Gridley, 3 Chico Record 11‐21‐1918 Y brothers and 4 sisters, a widow and 4 daughters.

285 Davis David Complete text: Died at Yankee Hill, May 4th, David Davis, aged 66 years. Weekly Mercury N

286 Davis Elizabeth Complete text: Died at Oregon City, Feb. 27, 1899, Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, a native of Tredegar Oroville Mercury 2‐27‐1899 Y Wales, age 78. Leaves 2 sons, George and Thomas Davis and 2 daughters, Mrs. George Fuqua of Oregon City and Mrs. McGrath of San Jose.

287 Davis Francis A. Age 64 and veteran of the Civil War, died at the infirmary. Buried at Cherokee. Oroville Mercury 10‐16‐1900 Y

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288 Davis Henry Complete text: Died in Oregon City, June 9th, Henry, infant son of Henry and Elizabeth Davis, Weekly Butte Record 7‐6‐ N aged 2 years, 10 months, 3 days. 1867 289 Davis Henry Andrew Complete text: Died in Oregon City, December 17th, Henry Davis, aged 46 years, 4 months and Weekly Butte Record 12‐30‐ N 4 days. 1871 290 Davis Norm Complete text: In memoriam. In loving memory. Norm Davis, passed from this world on Feather River Canyon 1‐1‐ N 12/20/2001. 2002 291 Davis Robert Died at Cherokee May 13, 1877, age 76 years, 6 months and 8 days. Native of Virginia. Weekly Mercury 5‐18‐1877 Y Survived by 4 sons: William S. Davis of Lassen county, James H. Yankton Dakotah Territory, F. A. Davis and E. J. Davis. 292 Day infant son Complete text: Died in Chico, January 3d, 1884, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Day. Weekly Mercury 1‐11‐1884 N

293 Day Frank Died at Pence's Ranch after lingering illness of several years. Was Superintendent of Flea Valley Butte Record 2‐23‐1878 Y Lumber Yard at Pentz. He served as sheriff for four years.

294 Day Frederick William Pioneer of Paradise, found dead in his bed by his son, Arthur, age 66. Born in England, engaged Oroville Mercury 6‐21‐1911 Y in mining on Magalia Ridge and was superintendent of several mining companies in that section. Conducted a general store in Orloff with partner R. M. Brown. Postmaster of Orloff at the time of his death. Interment in Paradise cemetery.

295 DeBock P. A. Complete text: P. A. DeBock of Cherokee died on the 8th inst., at the age of 53 years and 9 Oroville Register 1‐30‐1890 N months. He was well known and an old resident of that locality.

296 DeBuck Johnny Age 13 years. While playing with an old rusty pistol at Cherokee was shot in bowels, died 24 Weekly Mercury 6‐9‐1882 Y hours later. Name also spelled DeBeck.

297 DeLeCloy Felix G. Accidentally shot himself at Rock Creek mill near Cherokee. Weekly Butte Record 4‐20‐ Y 1867 298 Dellavergue Theodore Complete text: Died near Oregon City June 29, 1878, Theodore Dellavergue, aged 51 years. A Weekly Mercury 7‐5‐1878 N native of New York.

299 Delf Harry Harry Delf, a pioneer of Butte County, having been engaged in early times in mercantile Weekly Mercury 6‐21‐1878 Y pursuits at Cherokee Flat, died at the county hospital on Sunday last. He was at one time in good circumstances but he was struck with paralysis about two years ago. He was a native of Denmark, age 51 years.

300 Delph (Delf) Mrs. Henry At Cherokee November 16, age 27 years. Weekly Butte Record 11‐25‐ Y 1871

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301 DeLong Jacob Marion Died near Pentz October 13. Settled with family in Clear Creek and as a young man fought Oroville Daily Register 10‐14‐ Y Indians with Bob Anderson and others. Born in Springfield, Illinois June 10, 1849. Leaves two 1922 sons, James J. and S. J. DeLong and one daughter, Mrs. Rose Churchman. Interment in Clear Creek cemetery. (see funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 10‐16‐1922).

302 Delmozzi A. Employee of the Western Pacific, drowned in Feather River near French Gulch. Chico Record 12‐14‐1907 Y

303 Derrick Edward Joseph Mullen's son, age 15, shot Edward Derrick by mistake while hunting, thinking he was a Daily Mercury 2‐8‐1884 Y wild hog. He leaves a wife and 4 children.

304 Derrick Col. R. F. Native of New York and age 69. Oroville Register 5‐24‐1888 Y

305 Derrick Mrs. Sarah An old resident of Butte County, died at age 78. Born in Utica, NY, came to Oregon City in Oroville Mercury 9‐24‐1908 Y 1852. Survived by one daughter, Kate E. Morrison. Buried at Covelo.

306 Deuker Herman Complete text: Herman Deuker obituary. Mr. Deuker passed away March 16 after a lengthy Golden Feather Echoes 3‐19‐ N illness. He is survived by his wife Lois of Cirby Creek Rd. 1982

307 Dewey May F. Formerly Mary Johns of Cherokee. She was estranged from her husband and she had filed for Oroville Mercury 12‐3‐1904 Y divorce just before she died.

308 Dewey Troy Lived in Concow, age 45, partner of Tony Salzarulo. Chico Enterprise Record 6‐17‐ Y 2017

309 Dickhouse Edward Shot by Shadrick "Shady" Sowell with a 44 caliber rifle. He jumped in front of J. P. Kimbrell and San Francisco Call 3‐26‐1903 Y took the bullet and died. Note: Quoted from Oroville Mercury.

310 Dignan Thomas Complete text: Thos. Dignan, an old resident of Cherokee, died at St. Mary's Hospital in San Oroville Register 1‐26‐1893 N Francisco last Friday night. He was aged about sixty‐five and was unmarried.

311 Doon Mike He was a lumberman and lost a large quantity of lumber in San Francisco and shortly after this, Oroville Register 8‐3‐1893 Y his mill was burned. Leaves a wife and 2 children. Native of Vermont. Had a carbuncle on his neck, which was later found to be caused by Bright's disease. Buried in Cherokee. 312 Dorithy Mrs. Serrana Died January 8 in American Valley, age 61 years, 4 months and 4 days. Born Sept 7, 1829. Plumas National Bulletin 1‐ Y Leaves husband Samuel Dorithy and 2 children. 10‐1891

313 Dorithy Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Thomas Dorithy (Rose Becraft) died in Portola, age 38. Daughter of W. P. Becraft. Feather River Bulletin 12‐7‐ Y 1916

314 Dorithy Thomas Thomas Dorithy died June 8, age 72. Native of California and son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Plumas Independent 6‐11‐ Y Dorithy, early settlers of American Valley. See also Feather River Bulletin 6‐18‐1942 1942

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315 Dorman Albert Found by John Branscombe, Ditch Agent, on morning of the 19th, his body naked by side of Sacramento Daily Union 12‐ Y the road near Cherokee Ravine. 24‐1866

316 Dorn George W. News of his death by Deadwood stage driver. Died at Deadwood under the care of Dr. Ah Sang, Daily Mercury 5‐2‐1891 Y the Chinese physician. Born in New York, age 53.

317 Dorrance Asel L. Worked at Clark & Dorrance of Messilla Valley and died from severe injuries from a kick. Weekly Butte Record 10‐13‐ Y 1866 318 Dowell Mrs. Ella (Ellen Mrs. Ella (Ellen Josephson) died in Oroville, age 36. Oroville Register 7‐10‐1902 Y Josephson) 319 DuBose L. (B. I.) Fell from a cliff while on his way to a camp of the Western Pacific near Big Bar where he was a Oroville Register 6‐15‐1908 Y cook. Body found floating in the river near the bridge. 320 Duensing Adolf December 13, age 29; interred at Thompson's Flat. Weekly Mercury 12‐20‐1878 Y

321 Duensing Adolph E. Oregon Gulch cattleman and born there; survived by wife Lillian, son Donald, 2 grandsons Oroville Mercury Register 12‐ Y Roger and Parry Duensing, 2 nephews and 2 nieces. 19‐1959

322 Duensing George A. F. Resident of Oregon Gulch, born in Germany 12/8/1832; survived by 3 sons: George C., August Oroville Mercury 12‐20‐1920 Y W. and Adolph, 1 daughter Mrs. D.C. Morgan, 2 brothers Ernest and Will. See funeral notice 12‐ 22‐1920 Oroville Mercury.

323 Duensing Mrs. Henry Resident of Yankee Hill. She died at Slater Camp near Nimshew where she was working at the Oroville Daily Register 6‐29‐ Y camp cooking for the family. She became ill with some form of stomach and liver complaint 1904 and died there early yesterday. Survivors: Husband and several grown children, Mrs. A. Armbruster and Mrs. D. C. Morgan.

324 Dufour Frank One of the oldest settlers of Butte County, died at his home at Nimshew. Native of Missouri, Oroville Mercury 2‐8‐1899 Y age 63. Proprietor of the Nimshew Hotel. Leaves a wife and several daughters.

325 Duncan Mrs. Esther Widow of the late W. E. Duncan, who was involved in mining and was once superintendent Chico Record 9‐26‐1923 Y and owner of Banner Mine; native of Virginia. Survived by one son, W. E. Duncan, Jr.

326 Duncan Logan John Died of consumption while under treatment of the Chinese doctor at Deadwood. Buried in Weekly Butte Record 4‐21‐ Y Williams. Leaves a wife and 2 children. 1883

327 Dungan J. H. Native of Genoa, Nevada, came to California in 1887 and owned several newspapers in his Oroville Daily Register 1‐24‐ Y lifetime including Oroville Mercury. Leaves a wife and daughter. 1922

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328 Dunstan Benjamin Succumbs to miner's consumption, age 48. Native of Cornwall, England. He first worked at Oroville Mercury 9‐20‐1900 Y Forbestown, later at the Big Betsy and then at Banner where he was foreman in the latter mine for a number of years. Leaves a wife and 4 children.

329 Durban Charles L. Pioneer of California's raisin industry, prominent Odd Fellow, resident of Pentz, age 78. Native Oroville Mercury 9‐20‐1900 Y of England and came to California in 1850 and since 1854 resided in Messilla Valley. Also see Oroville Register 9‐27‐1900

330 Durett Charles M. Mexican War veteran, pioneer resident of Yankee Hill. Native of New York, age 84. Leaves Oroville Daily Register 4‐30‐ Y several sons and a daughter of Yankee Hill. 1910

331 Durett Mrs. Charles (Cleopatra) Resident of Concow, died 2/25; funeral at Cherokee. Oroville Register 2‐28‐1895 Y

332 Durett (Jarboe) Ellen One of the saddest of funerals, 26 years old, parents Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Jarboe Oroville Register 10‐3‐1895 Y

333 Dyer George W. Arrived in San Francisco in the clipper ship Surprise with passage around the Horn. Took up Oroville Mercury 1‐14‐1920 Y mining in Oroville with George C. Perkins. Was superintendent of the Cherokee mine and later employed by Major Frank McLaughlin. Survived by widow, son George S. Dyer. Died at age 88. Interment at Oroville cemetery. See also funeral notice 1‐16‐1920. 334 Edwards Clara Complete text: Clara Edwards obituary. Clara passed away Friday, January 23, at the age of Feather River Canyon 2‐1‐ N seventy‐two. A twenty‐year resident of Concow, she was a member of the local Grange and 1987 the Ladies Club. 335 Edwards Mrs. Jane Died at Deadwood, age about 63. One of the early settlers of Quincy known as "Mother of Oroville Register 11‐20‐1890 Y Quincy". Went to Deadwood in the hope of regaining her health. Burial in Quincy.

336 Edwards Peter (Indian) Peter Edwards, Bucks Ranch Indian, died last night at Oregon City, age 71, pneumonia. Feather River Bulletin 12‐5‐ Y 1929

337 Ellsworth Charles Complete text: Died at Deadwood June 7th, Charles Ellsworth. The body was brought to the Chico Enterprise 6‐14‐1889 N undertaking parlors of Fetters & Williams, and will be shipped to San Francisco tonight for burial. 338 Elston William Complete text: Died near Dry Creek, June 3d, Wm. Elston, aged 6 years. Weekly Mercury 6‐22‐1877 N

339 Ely Esther Maud Complete text: Died at Deadwood, March 2, 1883, Esther Maud Ely, aged 12 years, late of Daily Mercury 3‐5‐1883 N Butte Slough, Sutter County. (Sutter county papers please copy).

340 Ervin Mrs. B. K. Complete text: Died at Clear Creek, March 29, 1885, Mrs. B. K. Ervin, age 55 years. Weekly Mercury 4‐3‐1885 N

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341 Esman Mrs. Mary Ann Wife of Thomas Esman of Pentz, died at her home. Native of Illinois, age 72, lived at Pentz 42 Oroville Mercury 5‐30‐1914 Y years. Interment at Clear Creek cemetery.

342 Esman Thomas H. Pioneer resident of Pentz, 78 years old. Survived by children Mrs. J. F. McDonald, Mrs. M. L. Oroville Daily Mercury 7‐13‐ Y Copeland, William Esman, Mrs. Frank Lynch, Henry T. Esman, Mrs. Dave Bennum and Mrs. N. 1917 Wheeler. Interment at Clear Creek cemetery.

343 Evans Mrs. Jane H. Mother of Mrs. A. F. Jones, died in Marysville. Had been ill with typhoid fever, age 67. Born in Oroville Register 6‐13‐1901 Y New York, widow of O. M. Evans, one of the promoters of the Yankee Hill wagon road. Leaves 3 children: Mrs. A. F. Jones of Oroville, Mrs. Griffiths of Marysville and a son, Stephen Evans of Marysville. 344 Eyraud John Frank (Francois) Pioneer of Indian Hill at Rich Bar, died December 21 of pneumonia. Feather River Bulletin 1‐10‐ Y 1929

345 Eyraud Mrs. Lena Died at age 79, Indian Hill at Rich Bar. Adopted parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gansner. Feather River Bulletin 10‐16‐ Y 1941

346 Faleger Mrs. Adelena J. Wife of J. A. Faleger, a prominent livestock man of Butte county, died at the family home Chico Record 10‐1‐1912 Y following an operation, age 50. Born at Thompson's Flat. Survived by husband and four children, Carlton, Clarence, Mae and Mabel Faleger. Sister of Mrs. George Strang, Louis Bottjer and Carl Bottjer. Also survived by her mother, Lucy Bottjer. Interment at Chico cemetery. Also see death notice Oroville Daily Register 9‐30‐1912. 347 Faleger Bernice Hilda Four‐year‐old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Faleger died from diphtheria. Oroville Daily Register 9‐17‐ Y 1908

348 Faleger Clarence J. Age 25, was electrocuted by 2300 volts while working on a pole in Westwood. Born at Clear Oroville Daily Register 9‐6‐ Y Creek. A nephew of Carl Bottjer and brother of Carlton Falager (Faleger). Also see funeral 1916 notice Oroville Daily Register 9‐8‐1916. 349 Faleger Joseph Alexander Butte pioneer, age 86, a resident of Clear Creek district where he engaged in farming and Chico Record 3‐10‐1923 Y cattle ranching. He owned 1,300 acres of land and herds of sheep numbering in the thousands. He was one of the most prominent sheep raisers in northern California and was a native of Switzerland. Survived by two daughters: Mrs. Mabel L. Willis of Lincoln and Mrs. May C. Robinson of Carson City, Nevada. He was a brother‐in‐law of Mrs. George Strang, Carl J. Bottjer and L. J. Bottjer, all of Oroville. Interment at Chico cemetery. Also see funeral notice Chico Record 3‐13‐1923 350 Farley Henry C. Henry was killed by Bert Wright at Concow due to marital dispute. He had a double barreled Oroville Daily Register 5‐25‐ Y shotgun with one rusty barrel and Bert Wright supposedly shot him when his back was turned. 1903 Buried at Concow. 351 Farley William H. Died at Concow Nov. 14, 1899, age 59. Engaged in mining and cattle business. Oroville Mercury 11‐20‐1899 Y

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352 Farnham Mrs. Charles (Harriet) Died after an operation. Funeral took place at residence of G. W. Braden. Born at Grand Island Oroville Register 8‐28‐1902 Y in Colusa County, married to Charles Farnham, son of E. P. Farnham. Leaves her husband, 2 daughters, father, 3 sisters, Mrs. Braden, one in Indiana and Mrs. Hales in Idaho, one brother in Nevada and brother Dr. Charles Corbier of Redding.

353 Farnham Ellison Putnam Born in Lovell, ME. At age 19, came to Nevada City area to mine. Had lumber yard with George Oroville Register 2‐13‐1905 Y Miller. Purchased Lumpkin Mill with W. H. Chappell and later had partnership in Merrimac. Leaves a wife and two children, Charles R. Farnham of San Francisco and Mrs. L. V. Hendricks. Note: He also purchased the Pentz Lumber Mill. 354 Farnham Sylvanns Cobb Died at Vallejo of hemorrhage, about 60 years of age and leaves a fortune estimated at Daily Mercury 12‐4‐1883 Y $500,000. A prominent and wealthy citizen of Vallejo and proprietor of the Evening Chronicle.

355 Fassord Louis Complete text: Found dead: A Frenchman named Louis Fassord, was found dead in his bed, in Weekly Butte Record 10‐5‐ N Oregon Gulch on the morning of September 28th. He is supposed to have died with heart 1867 disease. 356 Faul Alice Age 2 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Faul, from diphtheria. Oroville Register 5‐12‐1892 Y

357 Faul Francis (young daughter) Francis was 12 years old. Interment at Oroville cemetery. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faul. Oroville Daily Register 8‐25‐ Y 1904

358 Fereira (Ferreas) Manuel Died at Cherokee after being burned, age 66. Oroville Mercury 10‐5‐1909 Y

359 Ferguson (Steward) Mrs. Helen S. Died in San Bernardino, Calif., May 1, age 85. Native of California, resident of Redlands for 60 The San Bernardino County Y years. Interment at Hillside cemetery. See also funeral notice 5‐7‐1956 Sun 5‐4‐1956

360 Fiack Mrs. Sarah Mrs. Sarah Katherine Fiack, resident of Yankee Hill, died at age 52 years, 9 months and 2 days. Oroville Daily Register 2‐6‐ Y Native of Red Bluff. Leaves her husband, J. J. Fiack, son Robert E. Davis, 2 sisters, Mrs. Maggie 1918 Thompson and Mrs. Rose Berringer. Interment at Oroville cemetery. See also funeral notice 2‐ 7‐1918. 361 Fields Lydia Daughter of W. J. Fields, died at the Banner mine after an illness of several weeks. She was 18 Oroville Register 3‐9‐1893 Y years old and lived all her life in Butte county. Funeral was at Mooretown.

362 Fiest (Feist) Theresa Age 74 years, died at Frenchtown August 2. Lived in Butte county since 1856, buried at Yankee Oroville Register 8‐9‐1894 Y Hill.

363 Finch Nute An old miner found dead in the county road near Deadwood, age about 80 years. Oroville Mercury 4‐4‐1903 Y

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364 Finnicum Mrs. Mary Eleanor Born in Ohio, was 76 years old. Married to J. D. Finnicum April 1850. Chico Daily Record 8‐14‐ Y 1903

365 Finnicum Merriman "Joe" Stricken by paralysis and died at his home at age 65. Son of James D. Finnicum, who was a Chico Record 3‐20‐1921 Y pioneer stage driver and owner. Joe began driving stage for his father in 1872 traveling between Chico and Oroville. Worked at Sierra Lumber company, Northern Electric railroad and Sacramento Northern railroad. Survived by his widow, his father, a brother, William Finnicum, and 2 sisters, Mrs. Mary Barnes and Mrs. Lizzie Kreger. Interment at Chico cemetery. See also Oroville Daily Register 3‐22‐1921.

366 Fischer Dora Miss Dora Fischer of Hengy died after a brief illness. Born in Butte County in 1869 and lived her Oroville Register 11‐24‐1898 Y whole life in Butte. Leaves her mother, one sister, Mrs. Chas. Stroever of Clear Creek, and three brothers. 367 Fischer Mrs. Dorette Louise Pioneer matron of Butte County, died at age 77 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minna Oroville Mercury 5‐3‐1920 Y Stroever. Born in Germany, sailed to America at age 14. Married Thomas Hanke in 1864 and after his death, married Theodore Fischer. Survived by one sister, Mrs. William Going of Nebraska and children: Henry Fischer, Charles and Theodore Fischer, Mrs. Minna Stroever. Interment at Oregon City cemetery. See also funeral notice 5‐5‐1920. 368 Fischer Theodore Theodore Fischer of Oregon City died on Saturday. He was born in Kiel, Prussia and was 72 Oroville Daily Register 1‐17‐ Y years, 2 months and 7 days old. He came to California about 1850 and lived in Butte County 1898 most of the time. He left a widow and 5 children. He was paralyzed three years ago.

369 Fitch E. Found his body in a cabin at the head of Island Bar Gulch North Fork Feather river. Shot himself Weekly Butte Record 5‐19‐ Y in the head, age 60 years. From Illinois. 1866

370 Fitzpatrick John An aged resident of Pentz, died at the Welsh ranch at age 61. Leaves a daughter and 2 Oroville Daily Register 5‐2‐ Y brothers. 1913

371 Flagg George W. Complete text: Deaths: FLAGG, at M. Pence's October 5, Geo W. Flagg, aged 51 years. Weekly Mercury 10‐18‐1879 N

372 Flint James H. Complete text: James H. Flint obituary. Mr. Flint passed on last week. He was the husband of Golden Feather Echoes 1‐29‐ N Kay Flint and dad to Karroll Satmeister. The United States flag was presented to Mrs. Flint and 1982 will be erected in front of the Dome Store to honor the memory and patriotism of Mr. Flint.

373 Forbes Benjamin F. Forbestown named after him. One of the earliest pioneers and came here in spring of 1849. Oroville Daily Butte Record Y Returned to Garnavillo, Iowa in 1851 where he died. 10‐28‐1857 374 Forbes James E. Died at Deadwood of hemorrhage of the lungs, age 31. Went to Deadwood as a last resort. Daily Mercury 6‐6‐1891 Y Eldest son of J. D. Forbes. See also funeral notice 6‐11‐1891.

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375 Ford Micah Isaac Micah was killed in Berry Creek by electricity when he climbed a tree and grabbed onto a high‐ Feather River Canyon 9‐1‐ Y voltage line. He is survived by his mother Mary Ford a one time resident of the Concow 1988 community and a brother Shenendoah, and a sister Destiny.

376 Foreman Frank (Indian) Frank Foreman, an Indian, age 74, died at the old Becraft place Sunday. Plumas Independent 2‐25‐ Y 1932

377 Forkner Alexander Benjamin Committed suicide by shooting himself in the forehead. Leaves 3 sons. Weekly Butte Record 2‐13‐ Y 1869

378 Forkner Samuel Complete text: Died at Oroville, October 26th, Samuel Forkner, aged 77 years. North Carolina Weekly Butte Record 10‐28‐ N papers please copy. 1871

379 Fosten Mrs. Charles (Emma) Dropped dead at her residence. Butte County Register 8‐23‐ Y 1878

380 Fosten C. C. (Peter Charles) Found in his house in a paralyzed condition; about 83 years old. Came to California in 1848 and Oroville Register 8‐11‐1898 Y resided in Butte county since that time. 381 Fouchee Donald E Complete text: Donald E. Fouchee obituary. Donald, a resident of Concow for the last several Feather River Canyon 3‐1‐ N years, died on February 7, 1988. He was born on November 7, 1922 and originally came to this 1988 area back when Poe Powerhouse and Highway 70 were being built.

382 France Dr. G. W. Resident of Cherokee and physician of the county for past 12‐15 years, died from paralytic Butte Record 9‐7‐1878 Y stroke. Born in Baltimore, Maryland. Buried at Glass cemetery. (see also Weekly Mercury 9‐6‐ 1878 about his life history. See also funeral notice Weekly Mercury 9‐6‐1878). 383 Franco John Resided in Frenchtown for 30 years. His body was found by George Williams lying in the ditch Daily Mercury 10‐30‐1883 Y at Cook's Ravine after falling from a plank which he used as a crossing to his cabin.

384 Frango Jack (Indian) He helped build the Bidwell mansion and was Bidwell's stockman; was present when the Chico Record 7‐29‐1923 Y treaties with the Indians of this district was signed in the early 50s. He was between 90 and 100 years of age. In his early life, he was head stockman on the Sam Neil ranch at Durham. Later he came to Chico when General Bidwell arrived and was a rider on the range. He is the last member of the Indian Masonic lodge. Interment in the cemetery at the Indian village.

385 Frank Martin Died after accidentally chopping his foot with an ax. Native of Portugal. Leaves a wife and Oroville Mercury 1‐19‐1899 Y children.

386 Fraser (Casner) Mrs. Belle Wife of William J. Fraser, died Sunday. Leaves 3 sisters: Mrs. Rachel Petteys and Mrs. Hopkins The Times (San Mateo) Y of Fresno and Mrs. Disa Riley of Oakland.

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387 Fraunfelter Mrs. Hortense Old resident of Pentz ridge, died at 73. Leaves one daughter, Mrs. Sophia Barthe. Funeral at Oroville Register 9‐8‐1892 Y Cherokee.

388 Frazer Mrs. Mary Pioneer matron, died at home of her daughter, Mrs. L. O. Frerichs. Interment at Thompson Flat Oroville Mercury 9‐2‐1920 Y cemetery. See also funeral notice 9‐4‐1920

389 Freish Gotleib An old resident of Yankee Hill, he was found in the woods after hunting. It is thought his gun Oroville Register 10‐18‐1894 Y discharged when he stumbled.

390 Frerichs Charles Diedrich Complete text: Died at Thompson's Flat, May 25th, Charles Diedrich Frerichs, aged 11 years, 2 Weekly Butte Record 6‐1‐ N months and 5 days. 1872

391 Frerichs William Died of erysipelas last Sunday; third death in the family within 2 or 3 years, first the mother, Oroville Register 1‐28‐1892 Y then the father and lastly the son who was 24 years of age. Born in this county and lived here his whole life. 392 Freydt Mary Died at home of her brother Joseph Freydt, had been to Pentz and Cherokee only once (both Oroville Register 9‐13‐1904 Y were within 5 or 6 miles of where family lived)

393 Frisholz Georgie M. (infant) Died at Cherokee flat June 29, son of Louisa and Michael Frisholz, age 1 year, 4 months and 26 Weekly Mercury 7‐7‐1876 Y days.

394 Fritz Henry Died at Stanwood at age 70. Oroville Daily Register 4‐9‐ Y 1921

395 Frost Benjamin S. Died in his cabin near Rock Creek; found by John Pinkston, power company dam tender who Feather River Bulletin 12‐23‐ Y delivered mail to him; age 75 at death. Worked as a carpenter for the railroad company. 1937 Buried near his cabin. See also Plumas Independent 12‐23‐1937.

396 Gambrel May L. Mrs. Mary (May) L. Gambrel died at age 53. Born in Thompson's Flat and the family then Daily Mercury 12‐19‐1918 Y moved to Cherokee. Survived by husband Smith Gambrel, 2 sons John R. Williams and Garney Williams; 2 daughters Mrs. L. Cole and Evelyn Gambrel; brother Ralph Jones of Oroville. Interment in Thompson's Flat cemetery. Funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 12‐21‐1918

397 Ganow Mallow B. Pioneer ranchman illed while driving a stacker team when a tree broke and hit him in the The Lincoln Herald 8‐18‐ Y stomach. 1905

398 Ganow Mrs. Susan S. Died at the home of her son Tuesday; interment in Nebraska. Chico Record 1‐9‐1913 Y

399 Gansner Benjamin Died in Redlands, age 73. Feather River Bulletin 3‐23‐ Y 1933

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400 Gansner Will Age 69, foster brother of Mrs. Lena Eyraud of Rich Bar; buried in Oroville. Feather River Bulletin 8‐30‐ Y 1934

401 Gansner Buyinghausen Mrs. Emma Died in Seattle Oct 13; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gansner. Plumas Independent 12‐1‐ Y 1927

402 Gansner Eyraud Mrs. Lena M. Pioneer of Rich Bar, died Oct. 10. Plumas Independent 10‐16‐ Y 1941

403 Gansner Payne Anna Lena First teacher to teach in Quincy grammar school, died Sunday at age 66. Feather River Bulletin 7‐24‐ Y 1941

404 Gansner Styan Christine Died Friday at Woodland. Feather River Bulletin 3‐14‐ Y 1940

405 Garriott George W. (6‐13‐1868) Died at Yankee Hill, Butte County, June 1st, George W. Garriott, a native of Weekly Butte Record 6‐6‐ Y Virginia, Madison county, aged 46 years. 1868 406 Gaub Mrs. Jacob Had been sick for months. Oroville Register 11‐29‐1888 Y

407 Gaub Jacob Died at Napa asylum, 81 years old. Native of France. Interment at the local Catholic cemetery. Oroville Daily Register 1‐17‐ Y (see also funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 1‐20‐1911). 1911 408 Geisse George F. Funeral held in Oroville yesterday, died at Napa State Hospital on Friday last. Former resident Chico Record 2‐5‐1907 Y of Oroville; afflicted with epilepsy. Native of Pennsylvania, 72 years of age. He came to California in 1849 engaging in mining and associated with Colonel Frank McLaughlin as secretary of the English mining companies operating the Golden Gate and Golden Feather river mines and the Banner quartz mine. Leaves a sister and two nieces.

409 Geisse Lewis F. Yankee Hill; born in Philadelphia, brother to George Geisse. Had done mining but was Oroville Register 4‐18‐1889 Y employed as clerk in the store of M. H. Wells of Yankee Hill.

410 Gentis Demon Complete text: Died at Big Bar, North Fork Feather River, August 10th, Demon Gentis, a native Union Record 8‐20‐1864 N of France.

411 Gerholdt Fred Died from severe attack of influenza. Survived by his wife and 5 children. Oroville Mercury 2‐21‐1920 Y

412 German Amelia Complete text: Died in Cherokee, February 15th, 1888, daughter of D. and E. German. Oroville Register 2‐16‐1888 N

413 Giles Rosalea Ruth Died at Paradise hospital, age 73. Survived by husband Omer. Golden Feather Echoes 2‐1‐ Y 1980

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414 Gilkes Emma Complete text: Emma A. Gilkes of Concow died in her home following a short illness. Born in Canyon Courier August 1984 N South America, Mrs. Gilkes had lived in Concow for 18 months, moving to the area from Sacramento. Survivors include her husband, William A. 415 Gill Julia Died at her home in Roseville May 26. Native of Plumas County. First white child born in Plumas Independent 6‐1‐ Y Mohawk Valley, age 81. Survived by 2 sons, Joe Gill of Pulga, Harland Gill of Cottonwood and 1939 one brother Charles Penman of Roseville. 416 Glass Johnston Uncle of Superintendent Glass, Blown from the Spring Valley Mining Company's flume at Daily Alta California 12‐27‐ Y Cherokee and died instantly. 1885

417 Glass Justice Samuel Died at home in Cherokee, age 71. Emigrated from Maryland in 1819 and has been an honored Butte Record 9‐2‐1871 Y and respected citizen of Cherokee Flat since that period.

418 Glenn Elmer Elmer and his wife Erma ran the service station at Jarbo Gap for many years and later ran the Concow Yankee Hill Informer Y Grand View Café and service station. 9‐15‐1972

419 Glenn Erma Vae Born in Missouri. Former resident of Jarbo Gap and ran restaurant, bar and auto repair shop at Golden Feather Echoes 2‐8‐ Y Jarbo with her husband Elmer. Also ran the restaurant, bar and service station at Grand View 1980 for several years. 420 Glick Mary Jane Complete text: Died in Cherokee, April 13th, Mary Jane Glick, aged 15 years. Weekly Mercury 4‐29‐1881 N

421 Glover Mrs. Anna Complete text: Died at Cherokee, March 10th, Mrs. Anna Glover, aged 39. Born in Glasgow, Weekly Butte Record 4‐10‐ N Scotland. 1869

422 Golsh Rikki Son of Victor and Beverly Golsh, died at Yankee Hill January 11, 2014 at age 50. Santa Cruz Sentinel 2‐28‐ Y 2014

423 Good Hi A pioneer Indian fighter was killed by Indians at Deer Creek. His brother was killed by Indians Weekly Butte Record 5‐14‐ Y some years ago. He has been their terror and scourge ever since. 1870

424 Good Harmon A. (Hi) Harmon A. (Hi) Good, age 35, was shot five times and then dragged by his own horse 1 1/2 Northern Enterprise 5‐14‐ Y miles to a ravine and the body covered with stones. By the confession of the murderer, we are 1870 able to establish the brutal crime as being committed by an Indian boy, about 19 years old, whom Mr. Good had raised. The possession by the Indian of money and the ring worn by Mr. Good led to the suspicion, which caused his arrest. Mr. Good was one of the most distinguished personages in this section. Sandy Young, his true friend and partner, will mourn with a grief that suffers no comforting.

425 Goodday Louis Complete text: The remains of Louis Goodday, a pioneer merchant of Cherokee, were interred Oroville Mercury 1‐10‐1910 N in San Francisco yesterday. The deceased was about 75 years of age.

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426 Goodmiller Leroy "Goody" Born in Decatur, Illinois. Retired to Camelot in 1979. Died at age 74. Feather River Canyon 6‐1‐ Y 1990

427 Goodrum Mrs. Rosa (J. M.) Died at Clear Creek Aug 5, 1885, Mrs. Rosa, wife of James D. Goodrum; daughter of John Knox Daily Mercury 8‐10‐1885 Y of Clear Creek, 20 years old. Newborn baby died as well. See also Weekly Butte Record 8‐8‐ 1885 for different date of death (August 4, 1885) and age (17). 428 Goodwin Garfield A. Ex mayor of Tempe, Arizona, Arizona pioneer and married to Charlotte (Lottie) Mullen, died at Arizona Republic 4‐1‐1944 Y age 63 of a heart attack. Leaves wife, 2 daughters, a son, a brother and 2 sisters.

429 Gore infant son Complete text: Died in Oroville, Jan. 24, the infant son of Henry Gore and wife. Oroville Register 1‐25‐1898 N

430 Gore Orville Henry Jr. (Edward Died at the county infirmary from tuberculosis, 27 years old. Born in Oroville. Funeral, interred Oroville Daily Register 7‐23‐ Y Lester) at Oroville cemetery. Pallbearers were his 3 brothers and his stepfather. (see also Oroville 1921 Mercury 7‐20‐1921). See also Plumas National Bulletin 8‐4‐1921

431 Gowell John L. Died at Big Bend, age 44, native of Missouri. Oroville Daily Register 2‐18‐ Y 1908 432 Graham Joseph Blanch Husband of Lillian King Graham, formerly of Pulga and daughter of W. H. King of Pulga. Feather River Bulletin 1‐16‐ Y 1930 433 Gramps Bessie 3‐year‐old daughter of Henry Gramps died suddenly after eating poisonous blossoms; 5‐year‐ Oroville Mercury 7‐7‐1899 Y old Mollie, daughter of David Gramps, was buried 2 days later.

434 Gramps David Resident of Pulga and buried at family plot. Survived by wife Margaret and brother Henry Oroville Mercury 12‐8‐1927 Y Gramps. Note: Name misspelled in obituary as "Grumps".

435 Gramps Debra Died in Oroville, age 59. See also Chico Enterprise Record 8‐24‐2017 and Ramseyfuneral Chico Enterprise Record 8‐23‐ Y homes.com 2017

436 Gramps Eliza Jenny Died in Yankee Hill. (This is most likely Mrs. Martin Gramps, a Native American born in 1830 Oroville Daily Register 12‐7‐ Y who lived at Big Bar). 1907

437 Gramps Howard Born in Pulga. US Navy veteran and a weigher in the paper industry. Survived by wife Darlene, Columbian 8‐7‐2001 Y two daughters, Cherri Walz of Washougal and Jolene Elkins of Valdez, Alaska; two sons, Rodd Gramps of Camas and Michael Allen of Vancouver; one brother David Gramps of Oroville, CA. (Died 8/3/2001).

438 Gramps John Began mining in Big Bar in 1855 and continued throughout his life to mine in that area. Oroville Register 9‐3‐1903 Y Survived by brother Martin Gramps.

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439 Gramps John Funeral notice Oroville Register 9‐5‐1903 Y

440 Gramps Maxine Helen Passed away November 10, 2015, 93 years old. Born on July 9, 1922 in Yankee Hill to Tom Blair Chico Enterprise Record 11‐ Y and Vera Clark. Survived by her son Harvey Gramps Jr. and wife Linda, son Bo Gramps and his 20‐2015 wife Carol, her daughter Zena Stegall, grandchildren Chris Stegall, James Stegall (Zena), Harvey Gramps III and Walter Gramps all of Oroville; LaDonna Hall (Harvey) of Las Vegas, NV, Donald Gramps of Chico, Deanna Sousa of Gridley.

441 Gramps Mollie 3‐year‐old daughter of Henry Gramps died suddenly after eating poisonous blossoms; 5‐year‐ Oroville Mercury 7‐7‐1899 Y old Mollie, daughter of David Gramps, was buried 2 days later.

442 Gramps Oliver Eugene, Sr. Age 77 of Oroville, died Friday Oct 18, 2016 in Oroville. Chico Enterprise Record 10‐ Y 30‐2016 443 Grant John One of the strongest and most robust men in Cherokee, died from erysipelas (bacterial Oroville Register 11‐29‐1888 Y infection of the upper layer of the skin). 444 Grant Mrs. John Died at Cherokee; born in Leeds, England May 29, 1836; less than 52 years old. Mother of 8 Oroville Register 11‐10‐1887 Y children, still living. 445 Grant Richard Died this morning at Swayne from pneumonia; from a well known Indian family of the Big Bar Oroville Daily Register 11‐23‐ Y district. Age 24 years and 5 months. Born near Swayne and lived there all of his life. Leaves a 1915 mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grant, and one brother, George Grant. He had been ill two years as the result of an injury sustained while working in a mine; he then worked a donkey engine for the Swayne Lumber Co. Funeral at Big Bend.

446 Graves George Died at his home in Pentz, age 31. Survived by wife and 3 children, father and 2 brothers. Oroville Mercury 1‐25‐1919 Y Interment in Chico cemetery. See also Chico Record 1‐26‐1919 447 Gray Mrs. Dorcas Age over 85 years, died yesterday 3/1. See also 3‐5‐1918 Oroville Daily Register 3‐2‐ Y 1918 448 Gray Minnie Complete text: Died on Monday, February 27, in Reno, following a heart attack on the evening Feather River Canyon 4‐1‐ N before. A memorial service was held for Minnie at the Grange hall on March 1. Minnie is 1989 survived by her husband Earl and a daughter from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. 449 Green Dr. James Complete text: Died in Oroville October 27, 1888, Dr. James Green, a native of Ohio, aged 58 Oroville Register 10‐25‐1888 N years, 8 months, 10 days.

450 Greenwood Franky Complete text: Died near Cherokee, Butte county, January 17th, Franky, only son of Mr. and Weekly Butte Record 1‐24‐ N Mrs. Charles Greenwood, aged 13 months and 7 days. 1874

451 Gregorie Dale Age 41, lived in Yankee Hill about 11 months. Survived by wife Margaret of Yankee Hill, two Oroville Register 5‐20‐1949 Y daughters, Mrs. Shirley Hunter of Yankee Hill and Mrs. Jane Holler of San Jose, his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. J.L. Gregorie of Yankee Hill.

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452 Gregory Mrs. William Age 79, wife of the late William Gregory and a pioneer of Cherokee. Leaves 2 daughters and 2 Oroville Mercury 1‐3‐1910 Y sons. Andrew Beatson is one of her sons.

453 Gregory William William Gregory, a well known citizen of Cherokee died in Oakland the other day. Will be Oroville Mercury 11‐2‐1899 Y buried tomorrow. He was superintendent of the Cherokee mine for several years. Was one of the earliest settlers of Cherokee. See also 11‐3‐1899

454 Grieco Paolo Complete text: Paolo Grieco, eldest brother of Don Grieco, passed away on July 12th in Canyon Courier 8‐1‐1985 N Orchard Park, New York. Deepest sympathy to the Grieco family.

455 Grionauer John Native of Austria, age 64, committed suicide at the Lou Obernauer place on the Cherokee Road Oroville Daily Register 4‐11‐ Y by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. 1921

456 Groarke Thomas Michael Electrician, contractor, musician, philosopher, geologist, age 67. Moved to the hills above Chico Enterprise Record 1‐5‐ Y Oroville in early 1970s. Survived by sisters Leslie Groarke Lea of San Ramon, CA and Colleen 2016 Groarke of San Francisco, 3 nieces and 6 nephews.

457 Grogan Eddie At Morris Ravine December 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grogan, age two years. Oroville Register 12‐13‐1888 Y

458 Grosvenor D. W. Bridge keeper of the West Branch near Cherokee, found dead in his house February 1. Butte Record 2‐8‐1873 Y

459 Grubbs Elisha Memory Brother of B. D. Grubbs died, interment in Oroville. See also 4‐7‐1922 Oroville Daily Mercury 4‐5‐ Y 1922

460 Grubbs Richard Champion Went by the name of "Doc" Grubbs. Born in Georgia, 74 years old. Was in the Confederate Oroville Daily Register 1‐8‐ Y Army under General Price as Lieutenant. Leaves his wife and four children: J. H. Grubbs, R. M. 1906 Grubbs, John and daughter Mrs. A. S. Riehl. Buried at the family residence. 461 Grubbs Sarah Ann Complete text: Died near Wyandotte, Dec. 30, 1877, Sarah Ann, wife of William Grubbs, aged Weekly Mercury 1‐4‐1878 N 45 years, a native of Georgia.

462 Grubbs William J. Died at home in Wyandotte, 80 years old. Born in Tolbert, Georgia in 1824. He was twice Oroville Daily Register 9‐10‐ Y married and by his first wife, left a large family of children. Engaged in farming and stock 1904 raising. Children: James T., Elisha M., John M. Bowen D., William H., Richard C., Nancy J. Bills, Martha S. Turner, Paralee H. Riehl, Elizabeth S. Evans and Della A. Frischholz.

463 Gruber Pierce W. Complete text: Deaths, GRUBER, at Deadwood, Sept. 23, 1883, Pierce W. Gruber, aged 28 Weekly Butte Record 9‐29‐ N years. 1883 464 Grugan William Died from pneumonia, age 23 years 8 months and 4 days. Born at Morris Ravine and was shift Oroville Daily Register 2‐24‐ Y foreman at Big Bend tunnel. 1908

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465 Grummet C. A. Died in San Francisco, lived in Oregon City. Born in Germany, 71 years old. Leaves a widow, 1 Oroville Register 7‐12‐1894 Y son and 3 daughters. Interment at Oregon City.

466 Guffrey Vincent Native of France and resident of Oregon City for more than 30 years, died while sleeping. Oroville Register 12‐23‐1895 Y

467 Haggerty Miss Bessie Funeral took place at Yankee Hill. Age between 18 and 19 years of age. Death due to Oroville Daily Register 1‐11‐ Y pneumonia. See also 1‐9‐1906 1906

468 Haggerty Patrick Died December 31 at Yankee Hill, funeral at Cherokee. Oroville Daily Register 1‐9‐ Y 1897

469 Halala (Rancheria Indian) Killed by the California express about 125 yards above the Rancheria crossing, evidently drunk. Weekly Chronicle Record 9‐7‐ Y 1895

470 Hale Ida Severely burned by her head dress accidentally. Weekly Butte Record 4‐18‐ Y 1874

471 Hall David W. Complete text: Died at Big Bend January 29th, 1889, David W. Hall, aged 64 years and 9 Oroville Register 2‐7‐1889 N months.

472 Hall J. C. and L. P. Died during mining disaster in Cherokee at Spring Valley Mining company along with J. E. Jack Oroville Register 5‐19‐1892 Y Powers. Survived by father and mother in Vermont and brother in Montana.

473 Hall Wynnetta Complete text: Wynnetta Hall, 48; Jericho Martin, 35. Celebration of life planned. A Feather River Canyon N celebration of remembrance is planned for Jericho Martin on Friday, October 3, at Holland October 2003 Campground, starting around 5:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 4, at 11:00 a.m. there will be a remembrance celebration for Wyn (Wynnetta Hall) at Crain Park. 474 Hannis Clyde (Clive E.) Drowned in the Oakland estuary yesterday. See also 3‐28‐1907 and 3‐30‐1907 Chico Record 3‐24‐1907 Y

475 Hannis Emma J. Native of Pennsylvania, 60 years old. See also Chico Record 8‐28‐1913 Oroville Mercury 8‐26‐1913 Y

476 Hannis James P. James Polk Hannis, native of Pennsylvania, 67 years old. Interment at Chico cemetery. See Chico Record 2‐22‐1913 Y funeral 2‐25‐1913 477 Hansel Mrs. J. B. (Maria Theresa Her son (Robert) was born Sunday morning (who died a few hours after birth) and she died Oroville Mercury 1‐6‐1919 Y Wieland) Sunday night, age 33 years. Born in Germany, was a nurse at Big Bend during construction of the power plant. Burial at Oroville cemetery. See also Oroville Daily Register 1‐6 and funeral 1‐ 10‐1919. 478 Harlan Edith Rosalie Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Harlan after an operation at Children's Hospital. Oroville Mercury 2‐20‐1920 Y Interment in Oroville cemetery. See also 2‐21‐1920 and 2‐23‐1920

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479 Harris N. A. Died of pneumonia in San Francisco; engaged in management and superintendence of Chico Record 4‐28‐1909 Y extensive mining interests. He came to this county in 1850 with J. MacKenzie (McKinstry) Smith and was employed by Mr. Smith in the Banner mine. He was superintendent of the Big Bend tunnel work under Major McLaughlin. Later he managed the Golden Gate mine and then went to Cherokee Flat and was involved with Spring Valley mine. Leaves a wife, no children.

480 Hart Fred Passed away at his home (the log cabin off of Big Bend Road) last week. He had been a long Golden Feather Echoes 10‐ Y time resident of the area. 19‐1979

481 Hasty Joseph Was uncle of Mr. D. B. North and Mr. Thomas Hutchins of Central House. Committed suicide, Daily Mercury 2‐4‐1891 Y age 65. See also 2‐5‐1891.

482 Hayes G. W. G. W. Hayes died of sunstroke while working on a treshing machine. He was about 40 years of Weekly Butte Record 7‐3‐ Y age and formerly worked in the Cherokee mines. 1886

483 Hayes George Lived on Clear Creek for 35 years, died at his home. Native of England and 78 years old. Sold Oroville Daily Register 6‐27‐ Y his property at Clear Creek to Al Oates, the stage man, with the understanding that Mr. Oates 1903 was to take care of him for the remainder of his life. Interment at Clear Creek cemetery.

484 Hazard Betsy Complete text: Died near Cherokee October 6th, 1880, Betsy Hazzard, aged 86 years. Weekly Mercury 10‐8‐1880 N

485 Hazard Stewart H. Died near Cherokee October 13, age 76 years. Weekly Mercury 10‐15‐1880 Y

486 Headley Mrs. Alma Jean Died at her home in Yankee Hill on August 28. Born in York, NE. Married to Jack for 70 years. Chico Enterprise Record 9‐1‐ Y Survived by husband Jack, daughter Jan, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Graveside 2015 service held at Centerville Cemetery in Chico.

487 Headley Jack Dewey Born in Nebraska and died in the home he built from the milled timber from his property on Chico Enterprise Record 8‐26‐ Y Lake Concow on August 23, age 91. He was a WWII Merchant Marine veteran. He was the ship 2017 captain of the Wild Goose, which belonged to the actor John Wayne. Graveside service at Centerville Cemetery, Chico. 488 Headley Jacki Died January 28, 2012 at home in Chico, age 60. She and her husband, Graham Hutton, started Chico Enterprise Record 1‐31‐ Y the business "Woof & Poof" in 1975 in Chico. Survived by her husband and two sons, 2012 Christopher and Oliver Hutton.

489 Healy (Hesbol) Ruth A. Ruth A. Healy died March 24, 1966. Native of Martinez, California. She was a teacher in the Los Pasadena Independent 3‐25‐ Y Angeles City schools for 34 years. Survived by husband Claude, mother Mrs. Cecelia Hesbol 1966 and sister Mrs. Eleanor Jacobson. Funeral at Martinez, California.

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490 Heath Aaron An old miner living alone in a cabin between Mooretown and Enterprise was found dead in his Oroville Mercury 8‐14‐1899 Y bed by an old Indian who goes by the name of Henry Clay.

491 Heckart Mrs. Elizabeth Born in Pennsylvania, age 85; came to California with her husband, Adam, in 1865 and had Oroville Daily Register 5‐27‐ Y made Pentz their home for the past 38 years. Funeral held at family resident in Pentz with 1903 interment at Clear Creek cemetery. See funeral Oroville Register 5‐28‐1903.

492 Hedge Alonzo A. Died after brief illness; resident of Oregon Gulch; age 55 years. Native of Illinois and son of the Oroville Daily Register 12‐29‐ Y late Gavin M. Hedge 1913

493 Hedge Gavin Mitchell Died at family home in Oregon Gulch, age 82. Came to California in 1863, retired miner. Buried Oroville Mercury 5‐14‐1813 Y at Oregon City cemetery. Survived by wife and children. (Also see Oroville Register 5‐15‐1913)

494 Hedge George F. Complete text: Died on Dry Creek, July 3d, 1887, George F. Hedge, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Oroville Register 7‐7‐1887 N Harry Hedge, aged 5 years.

495 Hedge Mrs. Mary Irene Age 78 years, died at her home in Oregon City. Native of Ohio, lived in Oregon City for 32 Oroville Mercury 1‐7‐1919 Y years. Buried at Oregon City cemetery.

496 Heimann Lela Complete text: Lela Heimann of Big Bend Rd., passed away November 25th in Paradise. She Golden Feather Echoes 12‐ N and her husband Ted came here 33 years ago from Southern California. 19‐1980

497 Helman Charles Florence Died in Harbimbo, China from pneumonia. Was in charge of dredging operations of the Yuba Oroville Mercury 3‐21‐1921 Y Company.

498 Helman Mrs. Harriet Died at her son's home; native of Ohio, age 76. Wife of Jacob Helman. See also San Francisco Chico Record 10‐27‐1907 Y Call 10‐27‐1907

499 Helman John Jacob Died at son's home, age 88 from pneumonia. Oroville Daily Register 10‐4‐ Y 1909

500 Hendricks Henderson Springer Complete text: Died at Oregon Gulch, August 1st, Henderson Springer, only child of Wm. C. Weekly Butte Record 8‐8‐ N and Lizzie Hendricks. 1868

501 Hendricks Louis V. Son of Mrs. W. C. Hendricks and brother of Miss Winona and Scott Hendricks of Chico, died Chico Daily Enterprise 1‐10‐ Y after an illness, age about 33 years. Son of the late W. C. Hendricks. Leaves a wife and a son, 1906 mother, sister and 3 brothers, Samuel, William and Scott. 502 Hendricks William Chalmers Pioneer of Colusa and later mined in Oregon City where he built the famous Hendricks ditch, a Chico Daily Enterprise 1‐29‐ Y stream of water which was secured by Major McLaughlin. Represented Butte County in State 1892 sensate and was prison director. Native of Pennsylvania, age 67. Leaves brother Thomas P. Hendricks, wife and five children.

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503 Hendricks Mrs. W. C. (Elizabeth) Died at Children's Hospital in San Francisco. Born in Delaware and came to California in the Oroville Daily Mercury 12‐24‐ Y early fifties with her father, Squire Glass. Survived by 4 children, Samuel, William and Scott 1921 Hendricks and Miss Winona Hendricks of Oakland. Brother is Louis Glass. 504 Hengy W. S. Died while working a trench on Bird Street. Veteran of the Civil War. Born in Wemkesha Oroville Daily Register 6‐15‐ Y (Waukesha), Wisconsin March 9, 1845 and was 63 years old when he died. Came to Oregon 1908 City in 1869 or 1870. He was married at Cherokee in 1874 to Miss Rachel Reid. Survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. L. B. Coggins, Mrs. George Wilkie and Mrs. C. W. McGaughey and two sons W. B. Hengy and A. M. Hengy. Interment at Oregon City cemetery. (see also funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 6‐16‐1908)

505 Herbert Amy Complete text: Died at Cherokee, March 13, Mrs. Amy Herbert, aged 50 years 3 months. Weekly Mercury 3‐19‐1880 N

506 Herbert Mrs. William (Martha) Interment at Cherokee cemetery. Born in Cherokee, 45 years old. Leaves two sons, William Oroville Daily Register 6‐3‐ Y and Roy, a daughter, Marguerite, mother Mrs. O. A. Campbell, two sisters, Mrs. M. E. Phares 1907 and Miss Ida Campbell and three brothers, Charles S., James A. and Edward J. Campbell.

507 Herbert William Committed suicide by shooting himself with a rifle. He was Justice of the Peace at Cherokee, Oroville Register 9‐14‐1893 Y secretary of Table Mountain lodge F & A.M. and was bookkeeper for the Spring Valley Gold Company. Leaves a widow and 3 young children. 508 Herman Moses Died at the county infirmary, age 73. Burial at Hastings, Minnesota. Oroville Register 9‐25‐1902 Y

509 Hesbol Christina Maria Widow of Clear Creek rancher, Ernest Hesbol, died at age 77. Born in Sweden Nov 4, 1863 and Oroville Mercury Register 5‐ Y came to Oroville with her father. She and her husband operated a ranch south of Oroville and 5‐1941 later sold to a dredging company. Moved to the Banner mine where Mr. Hesbol operated a hoist for many years. Lived in Clear Creek about 40 years. Survived by 2 children: Mrs. Mattie Hesbol Corbett and Miss Alma Hesbol, a teacher in Messilla Valley school. Burial at Oroville cemetery.

510 Hesbol Ernest Clear Creek Rancher dies at age 75. Born September 1863 in Norway. Worked at Big Bend Oroville Mercury Register 11‐ Y tunnel with Major McLaughlin, Banner mine; raised prize crops. He ran cattle between 21‐1938 Lovelock and Powellton. Survived by wife and 2 daughters.

511 Hesbol Hilda Died at age 9 months and 12 days at the Banner mine on April 1. Daughter of Ernest Hesbol Oroville Daily Register 4‐3‐ Y and wife. Interred in Oroville cemetery. 1899

512 Heyer C. W. Resident of Yankee Hill, native of Germany. Two daughters Mrs. R. E. Miller and Mrs. Charles Oroville Mercury Register 1‐ Y Odneal both of Yankee Hill; a son Irwin Heyer of Milwaukee. 27‐1937

513 Higgins Infant son Funeral of infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Higgins of Cherokee. Interment at Oroville cemetery. Oroville Mercury 1‐7‐1920 Y

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514 Higgins A. J. Complete text: Died at Cherokee, 15th of August, A. J. Higgins, aged 48 years, a native of Ohio. Weekly Butte Record 9‐12‐ N 1868

515 Higgins Edward Interment at Oroville cemetery. Oroville Daily Register 6‐16‐ Y 1908

516 Higgins Edwin F. Funeral for Edwin F., son of E. and M. Higgins. Died in Oroville March 6, 1885 (March 5?), age 2 Daily Mercury 3‐5‐1885 Y years and 6 months.

517 Higgins Mrs. Millie Pioneer matron died at her home, age 75. Native of New York state. Her late husband, Edward Oroville Register 10‐8‐1920 Y Higgins, founded the Oroville Soda Works. Survived by one son, Charles D. Higgins of Folson and a daughter, Mrs. E. A. Pyke of Oroville, 2 sisters, Mrs. Julia Holt of Woodland and Miss Louise Candiff of Catskill, NY and a brother, William Candiff. Also see funeral notice Oroville Mercury 10‐9‐1920.

518 Higgins W. S. Born in Hampden, Maine and 71 years at death. Worked at Cherokee as early as 1854; helped Oroville Register 12‐15‐1898 Y wingdam the river below town in an early day. Was wagon maker and miner

519 Hight Richard Complete text: GFE extends condolences to survivors of the recent PSA tragedy. Lost on Golden Feather Echoes 9‐29‐ N Monday's ill‐fated flight was Richard Hight. Condolences to his daughter Hillery and her family. 1978 Hillery graduated from Concow School last year. 520 Hilton D. H. Followed mining in Butte and Plumas counties, built the head dam of the Palermo ditch and Oroville Register 11‐5‐1903 Y assisted E. W. Slater in fluming the river for mining. Came to Oroville in 1862.

521 Hilton Daniel H. One of the first city marshals of Oroville, 86 years old Oroville Daily Register 7‐26‐ Y 1918 522 Hilton Daniel H. Known as Uncle Dan and one of the best known and beloved pioneers of this section. Native of Chico Record 7‐27‐1918 Y Starks, Maine. Survived by four sisters. See Oroville Register 7‐26‐1918.

523 Hilton Daniel H. Masonic funeral notice Oroville Mercury 7‐29‐1918 Y

524 Hilton Mrs. Mary Margaret Ann Age 72, widow of the late Daniel Hilton. Native of Petersburg, Illinois. Survived by four sisters: Oroville Mercury 2‐27‐1922 Y Mrs. J. W. Maffey, Mrs. Delia Sanborn, Mrs. Alice Johnson, Mrs. Laura Moore; three brothers, Dan, Charles and John Hartman. Interment at the Oroville cemetery. (see also Oroville Daily Register 2‐27‐1922 and Oroville Daily Register 3‐1‐1922) 525 Hilton Nathaniel Oldest Brother of Daniel H. Hilton was buried at Vallejo. Came to California from Maine and Oroville Register 12‐31‐1903 Y came to Butte in 1851. Leaves three children.

526 Hinrichs Fred A miner and long time resident of Cherokee, died in the county hospital, age 82. Born in Oroville Mercury Register 5‐ Y Germany. Burial in the county cemetery. Also funeral notice of 5‐14‐1941. 12‐1941

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527 Hobart Adaline Wife of Rev. Randall Hobart, age 60 years; native of Rutland, Vermont and emigrated to Oroville Butte Record 11‐16‐ Y Michigan in 1838 and in 1853 joined her husband at Bidwell Bar. 1867

528 Hobart Mrs. Kate P. Wife of William Hobart; died of consumption, age 22. Butte Democrat 4‐28‐1860 Y

529 Hobart Rev. Randall Died at Butte Creek, age 70. The oldest Methodist minister on the Pacific Coast was born in Northern Enterprise 2‐12‐ Y Plattsburg, New York. Came to California in 1849. 1870 530 Hobart William Native of Michigan, argonaut, pioneer and former Oroville resident. Hobart's father occupied Chico Record 2‐25‐1916 Y the pulpit of the church at Bidwell Bar, then the county seat

531 Hobbs Thelma Complete text: Obituaries: Mary "Teddy" McClain, b. 4‐27‐08, d. 11‐13‐86; Thelma Hobbs, b. 7‐ Feather River Canyon 1‐1‐ N 29‐12, d. 12‐06‐86; Charles Lundy, b. 9‐01‐23, d. 12‐08‐86; Kenny Nalley, b. 7‐07‐50, d. 12‐22‐ 1987 86; Bernard Row, b. 6‐04‐17, d. 12‐24‐86. 532 Hodapp Anton Yankee Hill, one of the oldest settlers, born in Germany, 65 years and 6 months old Oroville Register 2‐11‐1898 Y

533 Hoc Mary Ann Complete text: Died at Oregon Gulch on the 4th inst., Mary Ann Hoc, aged 82, a native of Butte Record 1‐9‐1869 N France.

534 Hoecherl Arrolla Complete text: In memoriam. Arrolla Hoecherl; Reta Rhae Cates. Feather River Canyon 2‐1‐ N 1991 535 Hoecherl Earl Complete text: Mr. Hoecherl was born Nov. 17, 1900 and passed away Sept. 23, 1983. The Canyon Courier 10‐6‐1983 N Hoecherls came here to live about 1958. He leaves his wife, Arrolla. 536 Hogan J.D. Bones of dead man, J. D. Hogan, found near Flea Valley. He left Flea Valley on Feb 18, 1863 Sacramento Daily Union 5‐11‐ y bound for Dogtown. It appears he perished in a snow storm. 1863

537 Hoge Felix G. Native of Missouri about 24 years old. Drowned in Feather River while trying to cross in a small Daily Mercury 5‐4‐1883 Y boat per Morrison, Cherokee stage proprietor.

538 Holden Bill Complete text: Bill, a long time resident of upper Concow, died on Friday, October 24, in a Golden Feather Echoes 10‐ N hospital in Orangevale, possibly of an aortic rupture. Bill and his wife Audrey were very active 31‐1980 in all community activities and held office in the Concow Grange for many years. 539 Holliday Grace Died in San Francisco on July 3. Daughter of Isaac Holliday of French Creek, age 17. Oroville Mercury 7‐8‐1899 Y

540 Holt (Reavis) Mrs. Nellie Daughter W. A. Reavis received a telegram from San Francisco about her death. Oroville Register 7‐16‐1896 Y

541 Hone Mrs. (Indian) A full blooded Indian woman, Mrs. Hone was run over Saturday afternoon at Castella. Chico Record 9‐30‐1897 Y

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542 Hoole Edward Native of New York and crossed the plains in 1852 via the Lassen route. Bought the Enterprise Oroville Mercury 5‐21‐1900 Y in 1872, then the only paper in town, and published it for 12 years. Interment in Chico.

543 Hop Sing A prosperous Chinese merchant, died yesterday. Was business manager for Dr. Ah Sang at Daily Mercury 2‐26‐1900 Y Deadwood.

544 Hopkins John It is with a profound disregret that we announce the death by his own hands of John Hopkins, Weekly Mercury 6‐21‐1878 Y a gentleman well and favorably known in this county, who has lived near Cherokee for nearly 20 years. On Monday last about 8 o'clock a.m., the body of the unfortunate man was discovered swinging to a tree, in Beatson Hollow and life, of course was extinct. The article goes on at great length about the details of his death and he had made several attempts at taking his own life. He requested to be buried near the tree where he was found. He had many noble traits of character, and was considered one of the best miners in the county.

545 Horn Mrs. Martha Resident of Pentz, died in Alaska on April 26. Survived by her daughter, Mrs. Marx, with whom Oroville Daily Register 5‐7‐ Y she was residing at time of her death, and a son Harry L. Horn of San Francisco. 1908

546 Horn Walter F. Died from typhoid fever and pneumonia at Pentz Feb. 19; son of the late Fred and Martha Oroville Register 3‐1‐1894 Y Horn of Pentz, age 20 years. Burial at Clear Creek cemetery next to his father.

547 Horner Jack Complete text: In memoriam. Jack Horner. Long‐time Concow resident. Jack Cox. 6/30/38‐ Feather River Canyon 9‐1‐ N 8/4/2001. Served as the eighth grade teacher for many years at Concow School. 2001

548 Hottman Jacob Resident of Flea Valley, burial at Thompsons Flat Oroville Daily Register 11‐16‐ Y 1907

549 Hottman Jacob Burial notice Oroville Daily Register 11‐18‐ Y 1907

550 Huff Mrs. William Complete text: Mrs. Wm. Huff of Pence, who has been a sufferer for a long time with cancer in Daily Mercury 6‐15‐1883 N the stomach, died yesterday at her home.

551 Huffman Barbara Ann Yankee Hill resident, died September 17 in Chico, age 62. Born in Gladewater, Texas November Chico Enterprise Record 9‐21‐ Y 25, 1942. 2005

552 Hufford Mrs. Elizabeth Died near Cherokee October 13, age 79 years; native of Kentucky. Weekly Mercury 10‐15‐1880 Y

553 Hugens Mrs. R. Complete text: Mrs. R. Hugens of Cherokee, died on Saturday last and was buried on the Oroville Register 4‐26‐1894 N following day.

554 Huggeen Constance The child had been slightly ill with a cold and the parents went to bed with the child between Oroville Register 4‐20‐1893 Y them. Toward morning, the child was dead.

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555 Hunter Dan E. Age 80; born in Lansing, Michigan March 2, 1934. Died April 21 in Paradise from pneumonia. Chico Enterprise Record 5‐28‐ Y Worked for Lockheed Aircraft. Married Marla Dee Worcester. Moved in 2013 to the Old Ranch 2014 property in Yankee Hill where his wife's family has been since the 1940s.

556 Hunter John Complete text: John Hunter, aged nineteen, a resident of Big Bend, died at the County Oroville Register 11‐29‐1894 N Infirmary on Saturday last.

557 Huntoon Fred M. Died in Paradise at age 54. Survived by a wife, two sons and a daughter. Oroville Daily Register 10‐25‐ Y 1921

558 Hutchinson Bickford P. Pioneer of Butte county, lived in Cherokee Flat for over 25 years, age 73. At one time was the Weekly Mercury 12‐23‐1881 Y owner of Spring Valley mine.

559 Hutchinson James A. Well known lumberman, native of Nova Scotia; built saw mill at Berry Creek; survived by Oroville Mercury 1‐2‐1923 Y daughters Mrs. Faul and Mrs. P.S. Orr, son James A.

560 Hutchinson James A. Funeral notice Oroville Mercury 1‐3‐1923 Y

561 Hutchison Hazel Complete text: On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hutchinson (Hutchison) lost their little Oroville Register 3‐26‐1891 N daughter, Hazel, aged one year and two months. The little girl had been sick but a brief time.

562 Hyde Mrs. John Complete text: Mrs. John Hyde died in San Francisco a few days ago. Her husband, John Hyde Daily Mercury 2‐23‐1900 N of Cherokee, and a daughter Mrs. M. Doon, and two children survive her.

563 Indian Tom Killed by a grizzly: An Indian by the name of Tom of Big Bar disappeared while hunting; his Weekly Mercury 9‐27‐1879 Y mangled body was discovered with his Henry rifle by his side. Near the remains was the corpse of a grizzly cub. It is thought he shot and killed the cub and was attacked by the she bear before he had time to reload.

564 Isaac Richard Pioneer of California. Leaves a wife and 3 children, age 66. Native of Ohio. Oroville Daily Register 12‐29‐ Y 1896

565 Ishi Last of the Deer Creek Indians, death due to white plague; age between 55 and 60 years old. Oroville Daily Register 3‐27‐ Y Remains to be cremated. 1916

566 Jacinto John Boy of about 17 years old perished in the mine; he entered the tunnel too soon after the blast Oroville Register 5‐7‐1896 Y was set off and before the powder had time to escape. See also Oroville Daily Register 5‐6‐ 1896.

567 Jack Mary (Indian) Mary Jack, age 82, and one of the few remaining pioneer Indian women of this valley, died at Plumas Independent 12‐3‐ Y the Tom Epperson home on the 12th ult. of cerebral hemorrhage. 1931

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568 Jackson Mrs. Emma A native Indian woman, Mrs. Emma Jackson died after sustaining a rupture from lifting a tub of Chico Daily Record 6‐26‐ Y water. Born at an Indian rancheria on the Feather River near the old Hamilton Ferry, age 62. 1902 Married to Peter Jackson in 1860 in Cherokee.

569 Jaggard James Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat on the 27th inst. of cholera morbus, James Jaggard, of Butte Record 9‐1‐1866 N Jaggard Mills, near Dogtown. The deceased emigrated to California in 1852 and has since been a resident of Butte County.

570 James Evan William Complete text: Died in Cherokee, August 27th, Evan William, son of Wm. And Mary James, Weekly Butte Record 9‐13‐ N aged 10 years, 7 mos. And 23 days. 1869

571 James Henry Died from internal injuries received in an accident, 48 years old. Burial at Oregon City Oroville Daily Register 4‐3‐ Y cemetery. Also see death Oroville Daily Register 4‐4‐1907 and funeral 4‐5‐1907. 1907 572 James John E. Died at his home in Pleasant Valley, 39 years old. Born in Mooretown. Wife is Dora Ank. Chico Record 5‐2‐1907 Y Survived by his wife and infant son, mother and 5 brothers: George, Frank, Daniel and Edward all of Oroville and Dr. Richard James of Portland; 3 sisters: Mrs. H. Tegrunde and Mrs. H. Mengler of Oroville and Miss Maggie James of Oregon City. See also funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 5‐4‐1907.

573 James Mrs. Katherine F. Wife of Thomas W. James, died at the family home, age 47. Survived by husband Thomas and Oroville Daily Mercury 11‐13‐ Y 7 children, a brother and a sister. See also funeral notice 11‐16‐1914. 1914

574 James Mrs. Katherine Died at Oregon city at her home, age 83. One of the pioneer women of California. Born in Oroville Daily Register 10‐18‐ Y (Catherine) Ireland October 16, 1837. In 1855 married William James and later moved to Frenchtown 1920 where Mr. James engaged in mining. While living at Frenchtown near Concow, the Indian massacre in Concow Valley took place. The family moved eventually to Oregon City where she resided for 52 years. Had 11 children, 8 surviving. Burial at Oregon City cemetery. See funeral Oroville Daily Register 10‐19‐1920. 575 James Mrs. Mary Pioneer matron, resident of Cherokee and from Wales, age 83; wife of the late William James, Oroville Mercury 11‐24‐1922 Y who was one of the principal stockholders in the Welsh Mining Company, one of the first hydraulic mines to be operated in California. Survived by daughters Mrs. M. L. Thomas and Mrs. H. M. Skaggs and son T. M. James and brother Jenkin Morgan. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. (also see Oroville Mercury 11‐25‐1922 and Oroville Daily Register 11‐25‐1922).

576 James William D. Killed in a cave in in the Derbec gravel mine above North Bloomfield. Funeral at Nevada City. Oroville Register 6‐6‐1895 Y

577 James William Born in Wales; engaged in mining on the North Fork at Cherokee and other places. Served as Oroville Register 8‐13‐1903 Y supervisor from the fifth district. Leaves wife and 2 children, Thomas M. James and Mrs. Mary Thomas. Largest funeral ever known in the locality of Cherokee, conducted by members of the Cherokee lodge.

578 James William Funeral of William, which took place at Cherokee. Oroville Daily Register 4‐28‐ Y 1905

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579 James William Henry Well known mining engineer, died from heart failure at age 57. Native of Cornwall, England. Oroville Daily Register 8‐3‐ Y Superintendent of the Vil Ora Gold Dredging Company and later one of the organizers and 1921 owners of the Union Dredging Company. Leaves widow Emma James, 3 sons, Elbert Peter James of San Francisco, William L. James of Oroville and Dr. Vernon E. James of Auburn, and a daughter, Mrs. J. C. Nisbet of Oroville; also 3 brothers and 2 sisters: Thomas James, E. G. James, John L. James, Mrs. Jane Nicholas, and Mrs. George Smiley. See also will/estate on 9‐22‐ 1921.

580 Jarboe Mrs. Annie Margaret Mrs. Jarboe, an old resident of the Concow ridge, died at her home near Deadwood Monday Oroville Register 12‐31‐1903 Y morning. 581 Jarboe Benjamin James Died at the county infirmary February 5 and was buried at Yankee Hill February 6. One of the Oroville Daily Mercury 2‐15‐ Y early settlers. Born in Kentucky and was of French descent. 1916 582 Jarboe Henry Barton Killed in the Shawmut mine near Jacksonville, about 28 years old. See also Amador Ledger 2‐2‐ Weekly Oroville Register 2‐1‐ Y 1900 1900 583 Jenkins (Williams) Catherine Complete text: Died in Dayton, Butte Co., Aug. 3d, Catharine, wife of John Jenkins, aged 26 Chico Courant 8‐7‐1868 N years, 4 mos. And 24 days. Wisconsin papers please copy. 584 Johns Edward Age about 45 years, died from horse accident; resident of Cherokee Oroville Daily Mercury 4‐7‐ Y 1885

585 Johnson Mrs. Andrew Died at Cherokee. Survived by 7 children. Oroville Daily Register 2‐10‐ Y 1902

586 Johnson Bert Son of "Dixie" Johnson, well known Indian trailer, died from effect of bruises sustained when a Oroville Daily Register 7‐18‐ Y truck loaded with logs fell on him. Burial at Dogwood cemetery. (see also Oroville Daily 1922 Register 7‐22‐1922) 587 Johnson Charles Killed while working on Western Pacific above Big Bar by a premature explosion. Oroville Daily Register 8‐16‐ Y 1906

588 Johnson Charles A well known miner of the North Fork committed suicide in a ravine near Belden by blowing Oroville Daily Register 7‐12‐ Y the top of his head off. Native of Illinois, age 61. 1915

589 Johnson Charlie Died at Thompsons Flat after being badly hurt at Big Bend by log rolling on him in the spring Oroville Daily Mercury 1‐6‐ Y prior. 1885

590 Johnson Mrs. David Lived in Cherokee but lately at Hartz Mills. Funeral took place in the little cemetery that nestles Daily Mercury 5‐1‐1888 Y on the hill just above Berry Creek House and overlooks the valley of the same name.

591 Johnson Dixie Full‐blooded Concow Indian, he lived his life in woods and mountains; famed tracker who Oroville Mercury Register 6‐ Y could read the footprints in the woods as others can read print. He tracked down two payroll 9‐1949 robbers near Stirling City in 1915 after more than 500 men had wallowed throughout the woods in the search.

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592 Johnson Gerta Vliet Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson of Clear Creek. Interment at Oroville cemetery. See Oroville Daily Register 1‐28‐ Y also funeral notice 1‐30‐1920. 1920

593 Johnson J. H. Took his own life by placing a revolver just below his ear and shooting himself fearing he Oroville Register 1‐19‐1893 Y would be implicated in the Chas. A. Nesbit case. Lived in a little cabin at the home of W. W. Merrithew on Clear Creek. 594 Johnson Mrs. Maren Died at Clear Creek home, 81 years old. Widow of Nels Johns. Leaves two sons: John C. Oroville Daily Register 4‐8‐ Y Johnson and Albert S. Johnson. (see also Oroville Daily Register 4‐9‐1914). 1914

595 Joksch Arlie Lived in Yankee Hill and Chico since 1999. Survived by wife Judith Kees and children Mike Scott Chico Enterprise Record 3‐16‐ Y and Manette. 2017

596 Jones Amy Complete text: Died at Cherokee, May 8th, 1884, Amy, daughter of J. D. and A. Jones, aged 9 Weekly Mercury 5‐16‐1884 N years, 1 month and 29 days.

597 Jones David Allen Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat, October 13, David Allen Jones, aged 48 years. Butte Record 10‐19‐1872 N

598 Jones David R. Died at his home in Clear Creek from pneumonia, age 72 years. Native of Wales but resident of Oroville Mercury 12‐15‐1916 Y Cherokee and Clear Creek for the past 50 years. Survived by wife and children: Mrs. A. M. Richards, Mrs. Jesse Fish, Earl Jones, Martha E. Jones, Willie and Alvina Jones. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. (see also Oroville Mercury 12‐18‐1916) 599 Jones infant child Complete text: Cherokee, May 3rd: The infant child of Elias Jones of Oregon City was taken Oroville Mercury 5‐6‐1899 N with spasms Monday morning and died very soon after. The funeral took place this afternoon.

600 Jones Mrs. Emma Augusta Born at Oregon Gulch 3/31/1862. Mother and father, (George A. Grummett) came from Oroville Mercury Register 3‐ Y Germany. Survived by daughters Mrs. W. H. Turner of Oroville and Mrs. R.R. Brooks of 13‐1937 Durham, 3 sons Archie L. Jones, Earl R. Jones and Stanley A. Jones all of Oroville; sister Mrs. Lawrence Lassater of Oroville, a brother G. A. Grummett of Oregon City.

601 Jones Mrs. John D. Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Roe October 29 of pneumonia. Oroville Mercury 11‐4‐1897 Y

602 Jones John F. At Deadwood December 8, age 28 years. Dr. Ah Sang at Deadwood said for the last few days of Oroville Register 12‐12‐1889 Y his life he was taken with severe vomiting spells and threw up two living objects resembling worms that were 6 or 8 inches long. 603 Jones John M. Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat, Dec. 25th, John M. Jones, formerly of South Wales, aged Butte Democrat 1‐5‐1861 N 40 years. 604 Jones John Native of Wales, found dead in his room at the Yankee Hill Hotel. He was a passenger in the Daily Mercury 10‐30‐1883 Y morning on Mr. Morrison's stage to Oroville. Died of consumption.

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605 Jones Kate Kate Jones, one of the oldest Indians of the Digger tribe died at her home in Belden, where she Oroville Daily Register 7‐21‐ Y has resided since the coming of white men into the river section. Sister of Jim Lee. She was 1919 about 80 years old and was blind. Interment in the Indian burial ground at Belden.

606 Jones Morgan L. Complete text: Died in Cherokee January 18th, 1888, Morgan L. Jones, aged 24 years 7 Oroville Register 1‐12‐1888 N months, 3 days. (Funeral will take place to‐morrow, Friday, at 1 P.M.).

607 Jones Mrs. Peter Resident of Cherokee; husband died about 2 years ago; niece, Miss Winifred Morgan, had Oroville Register 12‐13‐1905 Y been nursing her.

608 Jones Peter Funeral of Peter Jones took place yesterday from the family residence near Pentz. Oroville Daily Register 4‐14‐ Y 1902

609 Jones Richard Complete text: Died at Cherokee, Oct. 24, 1885, Richard A., son of William R. and Mary Ann Weekly Mercury 10‐30‐1885 N Jones, aged 6 years, 10 months and 10 days.

610 Jones Ruby Complete text: Ruby Jones, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jones of Cherokee died Oroville Register 7‐12‐1894 N in Oroville on Sunday.

611 Jones Mrs. Thos R. (Jane R. One of the oldest residents of Butte, died at her home near Bloomingdale. Born in Wales, Jan. Oroville Mercury 12‐6‐1904 Y Williams) 31, 1826 and was 79 years of age. Came to California over 50 years ago. In 1856 she and her husband came to Cherokee. Leaves her husband and 5 sons. Interment at Cherokee cemetery.

612 Jones Thomas R. 83 years old and one of the most prominent residents of Cherokee, died yesterday morning. Oroville Daily Register 9‐20‐ Y He was a cattleraiser and rancher. Survived by 5 sons: Frederick Thomas of Grass Valley, 1911 Oregon; Richard Henry, Elias Harris, Josiah Llewellyn and David Daniel Jones, all of Cherokee.

613 Jones Thomas Reece Funeral of Thomas Reece Jones held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Spangler. Born in Daily Register 1‐27‐1903 Y Wales in 1830 and came to California in 1849. Lived in Thompson's Flat and Cherokee. Interment at Thompson's Flat cemetery.

614 Jones Viola N. Complete text: Tuesday the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jones of Dry Creek was Oroville Daily Register 1‐9‐ N buried in the Cherokee cemetery. 1897

615 Jones Will The 9‐year‐old son of W. R. Jones of Cherokee was killed instantly when he attempted to climb Oroville Register 6‐26‐1890 Y in the end of a freight wagon.

616 Jones William Complete text: Died at Cherokee, April 4th, William Jones, son of John D. and Anna Jones, Weekly Butte Record 4‐12‐ N aged 7 years, 2 months and 2 days. 1873

617 Jones William R. Native of Wales, age 72, resident of Cherokee. Leaves one brother, Thomas Jones and one Oroville Register 10‐29‐1903 Y sister, Mrs. William Kraul, his wife and one daughter, Miss Kate Jones. See also funeral notice 11‐5‐1903.

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618 Jonkers Jimmy Complete text: Jim Jonkers, September 2, 1990; Robert Layman, October 4, 1990; Mildred Feather River Canyon 11‐1‐ N Lane "Granny", October 1990. 1990

619 Joseph Mrs. Complete text: Deaths: In Cherokee, Jan. 23, Mrs. Joseph, aged 88 years. Weekly Butte Record 2‐5‐ N 1881

620 Joseph John Complete text: Died at Cherokee July 19th, John Joseph, aged 70 years. A native of Wales. Weekly Mercury 7‐20‐1877 N

621 Josephson Katie K. See 3/16/1956 obituary below Oroville Mercury Register 3‐ Y 2‐1956 622 Josephson Katie K. (Ha Teet Na) Katrina (Clark); mother of Cyril L and Mrs. Zelda Beavers; Givens? C., Norman T., Unknown 3‐16‐1956 Y William C., Frank E., Mrs. Velma van Cleave and V.O. Josephson; sister of Ransom R. Clark. Died March 11, 1956.

623 Josephson Peter Arman Died from consumption, age about 30 years. Native of California. See also funeral notice 11‐22‐ Oroville Mercury 11‐20‐1900 Y 1900.

624 Journey W. J. An employee at Diamond Match Co. Camp 4, dropped dead after eating lunch. Oroville Register 7‐16‐1913 Y

625 Jurgensen Louise Complete text: Died at the Forks of Butte, January 12th, 1884, Louise, wife of J. P. Jurgensen, Daily Mercury 1‐17‐1884 N aged 45 years and 4 months.

626 Justice E. R. "Gene" Died of a heart attack, former resident of Concow residing on the ranch now owned by Eugene Concow Yankee Hill Informer Y Ringel. 11‐10‐1972

627 Kaufman H. Electrical engineer electrocuted at Big Bend when a power line of the Oro Water, Light and Oroville Daily Register 1‐11‐ Y Power Co. blew down in a storm and a 2300 volt wire criss‐crossed the telephone wire. 1909 Remains to be shipped back to his parents at Mountjoy, Penn. See funeral Oroville Daily Register 1‐13‐1909. 628 Kearns Patti Complete text: In memory of Patti Kearns. A former resident of Concow area, died last month Feather River Canyon 1‐1‐ N after complications during surgery for leukemia. Patti was 35 years old and is survived by her 1989 family including her sister‐in‐law, Lou, who is also a former Concow area resident.

629 Keegan J. F. Died of suicide with muzzle of rifle thrust in his mouth, age about 50, near Surcease mine of Oroville Mercury 4‐18‐1935 Y Yankee Hill. Worked at Las Plumas for PG&E.

630 Keifer (Leggett) Mrs. Elizabeth Burt Wife of John M. Keifer, died in San Francisco, age 59. Interment in Oroville cemetery. Oroville Daily Register 8‐14‐ Y 1922

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631 Kelleher (Bader) Mrs. Rose Died in Everett, Washington. Sister of Charles Bader, the hotel proprietor at Magalia, and Chico Record 5‐17‐1898 Y Henry Bader, the postmaster at Cherokee and Miss Bader of Cherokee. Interment in Cherokee.

632 Kelly James Complete text: James Kelly, a miner of Saw Mill Ravine near Yankee Hill was found dead a few Oroville Register 3‐26‐1891 N days ago.

633 Kennedy (Bayles) California Ann Wife of the late Harry G. Kennedy. Sister of Minnie Flynn of Newcastle, Calif. And Charles Oakland Tribune 12‐20‐1956 Y Bayles of Biggs, Calif.

634 Kennedy John Sudden death at Cherokee, worked for the Spring Valley Company at Cherokee, apoplexy Weekly Mercury 5‐26‐1882 Y cause of death, age 42 years. Leaves wife and 4 children at Clinton, Iowa.

635 Kernan John Fatal accident at Dana's mining claim in Concow. John Kernan went to work on a stump at the Sac Daily Union 2‐6‐1875 Y claim and was crushed when it fell against him crushing his head against a ledge. He was a native of New York, 34 years of age. 636 Ketchum Isaac R. Pioneer of Butte County, was found in dying condition at the Union Hotel, where he had been Chico Record 7‐11‐1905 Y staying for several weeks. Native of New York, age 87. Engaged in mining and later became the bridge tender at Bidwell Bar. The oldest orange tree in the county, the famous Bidwell Bar tree, was carefully fostered by Ketchum during his residence there. Buried beneath the orange tree known as the Bidwell Bar tree. See funeral notice Feather River Bulletin 7‐17‐1905 and Oroville Register 7‐11‐1905 637 Ketchum Robert B. Resident of Yankee Hill, miner, died at the county infirmary. Oroville Register 2‐14‐1905 Y

638 Keyes Mrs. Alice Wife of the late William Keyes, died from pneumonia, age 46. Native of Frenchtown. Survived Chico Record 11‐19‐1916 Y by 5 children, 2 brothers and one sister. 639 Keyes Mrs. Victor Complete text: Mrs. Victor Keyes of Cherokee died yesterday morning. She gave birth to a Oroville Mercury 11‐9‐1900 N child on Tuesday night, and death followed on Thursday morning. 640 King Mary J. Founded Pulga with husband, the late William H. King. Born in County Cork, Ireland, moved to Oroville Mercury 10‐10‐1941 Y Pulga (Big Bar) in 1904. They owned all property in the community except that held by Western Pacific Railroad. She was the postmaster in Pulga in 1922. Survived by six sons and daughters: Raymond H. King of Pulga, Mrs. Edna McClain of Oakland, William H. King Jr. of Berkeley, Mrs. Elsie Duffy of Redding and Mrs. Frances Eckart of Oroville; two grandchildren: Phyllis Marie and William James Duffy, three sisters and three brothers in New York and a brother in Ireland.

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641 King William H. Pulga resort owner, age 61, died at home in Pulga after heart attack. Born in Mechanicsville, Oroville Mercury 10‐6‐1936 Y NJ, he came to Oroville in 1903; built the first telephone line between Oroville and Quincy. In 1904 went to Pulga where he had charge of 365,000 acres of mining land owned by the North California Mining Co. Took over the store (operated by the mining company) in Pulga in 1912. Filed homestead (61 acres) at Pulga January 1, 1914 and resided there until his death.

642 Kirby Mrs. Fred (Sarah) Born in Ohio, age 61 at death. Sister of Louis Glass, of Mrs. W. C. Hendricks of Chico and of Weekly Oroville Register 6‐7‐ Y Mrs. Dr. France and Mrs. Dr. Sawyer of San Francisco. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. 1900

643 Kirby Susie Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat, January 21st, Susie, daughter of P. R. and Sarah Kirby, Weekly Butte Record 2‐8‐ N aged 7 months. 1868

644 Kirin Albert J. Complete text: In memoriam, date of death May 14, 2003, age 71, date of birth December 2, Feather River Canyon June N 1931. 2003

645 Kitchen Isaac Oscar Died at his home at Lovelock on May 20th, age 69 years. Native of Canada. Chico Enterprise Weekly 6‐ Y 10‐1892

646 Kitchen Isaac W. Born in Butte County and spent his entire life in the vicinity of Pentz and on the Magalia ridge. Oroville Register 6‐18‐1901 Y Had a store, hotel, saloon, and butcher shop in Lovelock.

647 Kitrick Mrs. Annie Margaret Stricken by paralysis. Born at Mooretown. Survived by 3 brothers, J. W., Thomas W. and Oroville Daily Register 5‐22‐ Y Charles H. Dickenson and her sister Mrs. C. Anderson. Married to William Kitrick; remains will 1896 be taken to Strawberry Valley to be laid beside those of her deceased husband.

648 Kitrick Mrs. Roger (Julia) Died from childbed fever with her baby dying not long after (Jacy J.). Burial near the residence Oroville Register 2‐19‐1891 Y of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKinstry Smith of Morris Ravine. She was 23 years old and was born and brought up near Oroville. Infant Jacy was born 2/15/1891 and died 2/17/1891 and was buried with her mother. See funeral Oroville Mercury 2‐17‐1891.

649 Kitrick Mrs. Julia Pioneer woman, mother of county treasurer R. S. Kitrick, Lawrence Kitrick and J. J. Kitrick, died Oroville Daily Register 5‐21‐ Y at her home near Lumpkin. Born in Ireland. Leaves three sons, a sister Mrs. Hannah Hyde of 1909 Vallejo and a brother William Butler of New York. Interment in the Strawberry Valley cemetery where the husband and father lie. See also 5‐22‐1909

650 Kitrick Roger S. Jr. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kitrick died at age about 22 months. The child was one of Oroville Mercury 12‐5‐1904 Y twins, a boy and a girl.

651 Kitrick William Committed suicide in San Francisco with a pocket knife. Superintendent of Lumpkin planing Oroville Register 11‐10‐1892 Y mill and had been an owner in the Lumpkin saw mill for many years. Leaves a wife and 3 brothers.

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652 Kline Gussie (infant) Complete text: Died in Cherokee January 27th, Gussie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weekly Mercury 1‐30‐1880 N Kline. 653 Knecht James Martin Former resident of Chico and Oroville, died in Kennett, age 36. Married to Miss Hamilton, Chico Record 12‐20‐1907 Y daughter of the late Theodore Hamilton. Leaves a wife and child and mother. Buried in Redding. See also Oroville Daily Register 12‐24‐1907 and 12‐31‐1907. 654 Knight (Knecht) George Found in his barn by his daughter after he poisoned himself. Butcher by trade. Leaves a widow Oroville Register 8‐2‐1894 Y and 4 children. Eldest daughter, Mrs. Chas. Thunen. He was born in Baden Baden Aug. 19, 1834 and was 60 years old when he died. Matt Schwein, who employed George, attended the funeral. This makes the 7th funeral of butchers who worked for Mr. Schwein.

655 Knowlton P. Complete text: Deaths: At Deadwood, September 21, P. Knowlton, a native of Massachusetts, Weekly Butte Record 10‐3‐ N aged about 47 years. 1885

656 Knowlton Sabrina Complete text: Died at Big Bend, Feb. 17, 1887, Sabrina, wife of Samuel Knowlton. Weekly Mercury 2‐25‐1887 N

657 Knowlton Samuel Complete text: Died at Big Bend September 22d, 1888, Samuel Knowlton, aged 61 years, 5 Oroville Register 9‐27‐1888 N months and 25 days, native of New Hampshire.

658 Knox Mrs. Catherine Died at Enloe Hospital Chico October 28. Former resident of Pentz, native of Maine and came Oroville Daily Register 10‐30‐ Y to California in 1857 first settling in Pentz. Survived by two sons, Martin J. Knox and Frank C. 1922 Knox.

659 Knox Lewis Hartford Complete text: Died at Clear Creek, Butte County, on the 20th inst., Lewis Knox, aged 65 years. Northern Enterprise 11‐26‐ N Wisconsin and Illinois papers please copy. 1870

660 Knowlton Garrison (Gary) Complete text: In memoriam. Garrison (Gary) Knox 1/7/1937‐2/31/2003 (sic). Feather River Canyon N February 2004

661 Kraul William Died after a runaway accident several weeks ago, 68 years 9 months. Born in Germany. Oroville Mercury 10‐2‐1909 Y Interment at Cherokee cemetery. See funeral Oroville Daily Register 10‐4‐1909

662 Krause Jacob An insane man, Jacob Krause, was killed by Constable Durett of Cherokee. Weekly Mercury 12‐14‐1877 Y

663 Kunkle E. F. Complete text: Died at Merrithew's ranch, Dry Creek, June 29th, E. F. Kunkle, aged 44 years. Weekly Butte Record 7‐11‐ N 1868 664 Kusel Bertha (Mrs. E. A.) Wife of E. A. Kusel, died at age 51. Born in Bavaria. Leaves husband, 5 children. Oroville Mercury 5‐22‐1885 Y

665 Kusel Carolus Edward Former mayor of Oroville, died at age 60. Survived by wife and son, sister and 3 brothers. Oroville Mercury 1‐3‐1921 Y Interment at Oroville Jewish cemetery. See also funeral notice 1‐4‐1921.

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666 Kusel Edward A. Died at the Union Hotel Oroville, age 83. Came to Oroville in 1857. Born in Germany. First Oroville Daily Register 4‐6‐ Y started a photography gallery, then a cigar and stationery store. Survived by 5 children, Carl E. 1907 Kusel, Miss Minnie L. Kusel, and E. A. Kusel Jr., Louis E. Kusel and Emile A. Kusel. 667 Lady Sally Indian Lady Sally, an old Indian woman of the Indian village died over age 100. She came to the Indian Chico Record 7‐28‐1908 Y village about 25 years ago from Princeton, Colusa county. Survived by a son Frank Henry. The funeral took place in the cemetery nearby the Indian village. 668 Lagier (Lazier) John R. John Pete Lagier, resident of Rich Bar, age 84, died at the home of Mrs. F. Eyraud. Oroville Daily Register 2‐28‐ Y 1914

669 Lane Mildred "Granny" Complete text: Jim Jonkers, September 2, 1990; Robert Layman, October 4, 1990; Mildred Feather River Canyon 11‐1‐ N Lane "Granny", October 1990. 1990 670 Lannon Mike Had a small orchard and vineyard near Spanishtown on the Yankee Hill road. Oroville Register 10‐29‐1891 Y

671 Lasater (Lasiter) Jasper Had a twin brother, Lawrence Lasater at Oregon City and another at San Francisco; age 37. Oroville Register 6‐27‐1895 Y

672 Lashells (Bayles) Mrs. Mary Helen Age 56, wife of L. H. LaShells, former Biggs mayor. Woodland Daily Democrat Y 11‐27‐1933 673 Lathrop Henry Baker Pioneer Californian died August 20 and was buried on August 22. Owned an interest in the Daily Mercury 9‐1‐1890 Y now famous Cape Mining claim (Golden Gate mine) and was superintendent of the Spring Valley Mine. Born in New Hampshire and came to California in 1852. Buried beside his wife and children in Jackson, Michigan. See also Oroville Register 9‐4‐1890. 674 Layman Robert Complete text: Jim Jonkers, September 2, 1990; Robert Layman, October 4, 1990; Mildred Feather River Canyon 11‐1‐ N Lane "Granny", October 1990. 1990 675 Leaman Henry S. Complete text: Deaths: At McIntyre's ranch near Taylorsville Plumas county, Feb. 20 of Weekly Butte Record 3‐29‐ Y pneumonia, Mr. Henry S. Leaman, aged 52 years, a native of Augusta Maine. 1879 676 Leaman Mary Ann Complete text: Died in Chico on the 19th inst., Mrs. Mary Ann Leaman, aged 70 years. Chico Enterprise 5‐25‐1877 N

677 Leaman Washington Jackson Oldest Oddfellow in the United States, died at age 83. Born in Baltimore, Maryland and came Weekly Chico Chronicle Y to California in 1849. See also funeral notice of same date. Record 6‐22‐1889 678 Lee Jim (John) Jim Lee, Indian residing at Belden, died in his home Sunday night. His exact age unknown but Plumas National Bulletin 12‐ Y believed he was rapidly approaching the century mark. Susan Belden's father. Survived by one 28‐1922 son, Jim Lee, Jr., and two daughters, both married.

679 Lee Johanna Mrs. Johanna Lee died in Oroville at the county hospital some time last October. Johanna and Feather River Bulletin 1‐27‐ Y her twin sister, Alice Lee Schreeve and her husband Ira Schreeve lived in the cabin near Little 1966 Indian Creek along the highway below Maple Leaf Inn. The Lee family lived in the Canyon for many years and Injun Jim School was named after Jim Lee, Mrs. Lee's father.

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680 Lee Levi W. Died at age 81 at Oroville hospital. Pioneer of California arriving in September 1852. Born in Oroville Daily Register 4‐24‐ Y Nashville, Illinois on January 3, 1841. Married Ellen Vahle November 19, 1871. Survived by 1922 wife and children: Mrs. Christine I. Wood, Anna C. Lee (died at 4 years of age), Mrs. A. F. Rapp, Mrs. Ada A. Williams, George F. Lee and Lottie (who was the wife of W. C. Bader and died at 20); also a brother, G. C. Lee. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. (see also Oroville Daily Register 4‐27‐1922).

681 Lee Walter Died in a logging accident, about 25 years old. Nephew of Levi Lee of Pentz and son of Mrs. Lee Oroville Daily Register 9‐22‐ Y of Blue Lake Meadows. 1909

682 Leggett Abigail Burt Resident of Oroville for 53 years, age 87. Born in Belvale, New York February 13, 1828. Mother Daily Mercury 8‐31‐1915 Y of 8 children, 3 living: James H. Leggett, Mrs. John Keifer and Miss Cordelia Leggett. Married Charles Leggett June 28, 1853. Her uncle, Mr. Burt, owned what is now known as the Leggett ranch south of Oroville. Interment in Oroville. 683 Leggett Charles Henry Age 67; was county clerk and supervisor. Involved with his son James Leggett in horticultural Oroville Mercury 7‐20‐1898 Y pursuits at the Burt Ranch. Born in Warren County, New York. Leaves a widow, one son and 3 daughters, Mrs. Kate McFarlane, Mrs. John Keifer and Dr. Cordelia Leggett.

684 Leggett Charles Howard Died near Oroville, May 12th, 1882, Charles Howard Leggett, aged 13 years, 3 months and 2 Weekly Mercury 5‐19‐1882 Y days.

685 Leggett Horatio One of the oldest residents of Big Bend died at 71. Native of New York. Leaves a daughter age Oroville Register 7‐16‐1891 Y about 17 years.

686 Leggett Howard Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Leggett, took his life by firing a bullet into his head. He was 23 years Oroville Mercury 11‐16‐1920 Y old. Leaves wife and 2 children, mother and father, 2 brothers, Elton and Kenneth and 2 sisters. See also funeral notice 11‐19‐1920.

687 Leggett James H. Oroville prophet, age 62. Born in Oroville March 11, 1865. He followed fruit growing. Plumas National Bulletin 5‐ Y 26‐1927

688 Lemmett Louis Big Bar miner died from pneumonia. Funeral held yesterday. Oroville Daily Register 12‐27‐ Y 1918 689 Lemon Mrs. Samuel Resident of Clear Creek; leaves husband and no children. Oroville Register 2‐5‐1891 Y

690 Lentz James Earl Concow, age 71. Chico Enterprise Record 5‐13‐ Y 2017 691 Leo Ah "Stanford" Shot in back, murderer probably by some Indian, found in cabin near Cherokee Oroville Daily Record 9‐19‐ Y 1904

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692 Leopold C. Found dead in his cabin near Oregon City due to excessive drinking. Native of France, age 56 Weekly Mercury 9‐13‐1878 Y years. 693 Leva Frank Complete text: Frank Leva, a Portuguese miner who has worked at Cherokee for years, Oroville Register 10‐30‐1890 N dropped dead in Chico on Monday night. He had just alighted from the cars when he threw up his arms and fell dead upon the platform. He had been sick for some time past. 694 Lewis infant son Complete text: Died at Clear Creek, December 12, 1900, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oroville Mercury 12‐14‐1900 N Lewis.

695 Lewis David Andrew Murdered at his home in Oroville. David's grandfather is Dave Dion, who resides in Yankee Hill. Golden Feather Echoes 7‐6‐ Y 1979

696 Lewis Edward J. Edward J. Lewis, a miner of Cherokee died at the county hospital Monday at the age of 73 Chico Record 1‐12‐1910 Y years. Native of Wales. Funeral at Cherokee Methodist Church.

697 Lewis Frances Marion Native of Butte County, age 35 and resided near Clear Creek. Leaves wife and 5 children. Chico Daily Record 9‐14‐ Y Funeral at Clear Creek. 1901 698 Lewis George W. Memoriam of Cherokee Lodge No. 92 I.O.O.F. Oroville Register 2‐16‐1893 Y

699 Lewis Hannah Complete text: Died at Cherokee June 27, 1890, Hannah, wife of Edward Lewis, aged 55 years. Oroville Register 7‐3‐1890 N

700 Lewis Henrietta T. Funeral at Cherokee. Lived in Cherokee for many years. Oroville Register 9‐18‐1890 Y

701 Lewis Johnny Two sons of Samuel Lewis killed by Indians, age 7 and 13 years. Daughter Thankful Lewis Oroville Weekly Union 8‐1‐ Y escaped. 1863 702 Lewis Jimmy Two sons of Samuel Lewis killed by Indians, age 7 and 13 years. Daughter Thankful Lewis Oroville Weekly Union 8‐1‐ Y escaped. 1863

703 Lewis Mary The only child of Edward Lewis, an old and well known miner in Cherokee. She died after a Oroville Register 8‐3‐1893 Y horse stumbled and suddenly stopped throwing her to the ground, striking her head and fatally injuring her. 704 Lewis Samuel Native of Missouri, age 63. His two children were killed by the Indians near Pentz in 1863. Oroville Register 8‐2‐1888 Y Leaves a widow and 7 children.

705 Lewis William P. Native of Tennessee, died at the county infirmary, age 59. Mined in Butte as far back as 1854 Oroville Register 1‐27‐1887 Y and lived here for the past 30 years.

706 Linsey (Lindsay) Robert An old Butte county miner, died yesterday in Cherokee, burial at Cherokee. Weekly Mercury 4‐2‐1886 Y

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707 Lockerman William Jackson Pentz rancher died in Pentz. Survived by wife and five children: Lawrence L. Lockerman, Mrs. Oroville Register 10‐3‐1911 Y Eunice Irwin, Miss Myrtle Lockerman, Mrs. Aleta Childers, brother Thomas Lockerman and sister Mrs. Mary Frost. Interment at Paradise cemetery. 708 Logan James Columbus Memoriam Butte lodge No. 1687 K. of H. Daily Mercury 12‐13‐1883 Y

709 Logue Francis Complete text: Died, a little son of Wm. Logue of Oregon Gulch, died on Wednesday and was Weekly Butte Record 7‐26‐ N buried in the Oroville Cemetery yesterday. 1873

710 Logue Henry Son of William Logue and reared in the home where he died, Oregon City. Burial at the Oroville Register 9‐5‐1895 Y Catholic church in Oroville.

711 Logue Mrs. Mary Age 82 and resident of Oregon City for 60 years. Survived by 5 children. Born in Ireland, Oroville Mercury 7‐20‐1920 Y married William in 1860. Interment in Oroville cemetery. See also funeral notice 7‐22‐1920.

712 Logue William Died at his home near Oregon City, age 71. Leaves a widow and several children. Oroville Mercury 6‐18‐1904 Y

713 Loomis William Resident of Oroville for 30 years, a miner and stage driver, died from pneumonia. Interment at Oroville Daily Register 4‐17‐ Y Oroville cemetery. See also funeral notice 4‐18‐1907. 1907

714 Lott Henry C. Formerly of Cherokee, about 65 years old at death. Employed at Cherokee for years as a Oroville Daily Register 11‐23‐ Y bookkeeper. Buried at Cherokee cemetery beside his wife. He was a brother in law of Hank 1912 Bader of Cherokee and Charles Bader of Magalia. (Also see funeral of 11‐26‐1912)

715 Luce Elwin A. Died at Deadwood with congestive chill. Buried at Biggs. Daily Mercury 9‐16‐1889 Y

716 Lund Andrew W. Complete text: Died at infirmary. Andrew M. Lund, aged 81 years, died at the County Infirmary Oroville Daily Register 5‐11‐ N yesterday. He has been an inmate of the institution for seven years. He leaves no known 1918 relatives. 717 Lund George Arthur Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Lund, died at age 23 from consumption. Interment at Oroville Oroville Register 7‐4‐1901 Y cemetery.

718 Lund Mrs. Gertrude Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chris Mortensen at Pentz. Native of Norway, aged Oroville Mercury 6‐29‐1900 Y about 82 years. Five children survive her: Mrs. Mortensen, Miss Hannah Lund of Pentz, Ole Lund of Oroville, Mrs. Frank Jesser of Biggs and Mrs. Gertrude Hoidal of Idaho. 719 Lund Lillie Infant daughter of O. B. Lund and wife. Buried at Oroville cemetery. Oroville Mercury 3‐5‐1902 Y

720 Lund Mrs. Marit Wife of Ole Lund, died at her home. Oroville Mercury 3‐24‐1902 Y

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721 Lund Ole G. Former city superintendent of streets, died at the home of his son, Ole M. Lund, age 76. Native Oroville Daily Register 8‐27‐ Y of Norway. Survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. J. N. Hill and Mrs. E. C. Morelli both of San Francisco 1917 and one son, Ole M. Lund of Oroville. See also funeral notice 8‐28‐1917. 722 Lundy Charles Complete text: Obituaries: Mary "Teddy" McClain, b. 4‐27‐08, d. 11‐13‐86; Thelma Hobbs, b. 7‐ Feather River Canyon 1‐1‐ N 29‐12, d. 12‐06‐86; Charles Lundy, b. 9‐01‐23, d. 12‐08‐86; Kenny Nalley, b. 7‐07‐50, d. 12‐22‐ 1987 86; Bernard Row, b. 6‐04‐17, d. 12‐24‐86.

723 Lunt Edwin R. Born at Belfast, Maine October 24, 1824. Served in the Mexican War. Came to California in Oroville Mercury 1‐29‐1903 Y 1850. Survived by wife and children Oliver Lunt and daughter Edwina Lunt; sister Mrs. John P. Haynes. 724 Lunt Mrs. Frances Postmaster at Yankee Hill for many years and one of oldest native born residents of Butte Oroville Mercury 4‐19‐1935 Y county; born in Magalia 5/23/1854 and one of first white girls in that section of the county. Her father (came from N. Carolina during gold rush) was one of the first merchants in Magalia. Married Edwin R. Lunt of Maine; survived by daughter Mrs. Edwina Harding, son Oliver H. Lunt, sister Mrs. Martha Wahl and brother James I. Smith

725 Lunt Mrs. Frances Sixty CCC boys from Concow camp attended funeral Oroville Mercury 4‐22‐1935 Y

726 Lunt Leola Former postmistress of Yankee Hill. Yankee Hill school teacher for many years; survived by son Unknown 10‐14‐1987 Y Donald of Nipomo, sister Eleta Burr of Woodland

727 Lunt Oliver Holmes Rancher and native of Yankee Hill; survived by wife Leola and son Donald W. Lunt of Yankee Unknown 5‐24‐1982 Y Hill

728 Lunt Oliver Holmes Funeral notice Unknown 5‐25‐1982 Y

729 Lunt Mary Daniela Complete text: Died at Oroville April 26th, Mary D. Lunt, aged 9 years and 7 months; daughter Oroville Register 5‐3‐1894 N of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Lunt of Yankee Hill

730 Lynch Christopher Died from broken neck when his team of horses went over the embankment on the grade Oroville Register 1‐12‐1893 y above Jacob Gaub's saloon. His body was found by Henry Morrison, the stage driver from Cherokee. Born in Ireland 68 years ago and has lived many years in Cherokee and leaves a family of several children. 731 Lynch James Age 69, old resident of Oregon Precinct died near the Indian camp near Oregon City. Seen by Oroville Mercury 8‐8‐1900 Y an Indian to fall to the ground and the Indian notified the men working on the Banner and Cherokee tunnel. Funeral at Catholic church at Cherokee, family residence near Oregon City; 3 daughters and (Kate, Mary and Maggie Lynch, all teachers in schools of Butte county) 3 sons (James, John and William); Mrs. Lynch died about 2 years ago. See also funeral notice 8‐11‐ 1900

732 Lynch James Edward Found dead in his bed by neighbors, 61 years old. Survived by three sisters: Caddie, Maggie Oroville Daily Register 4‐2‐ Y and Mary Lynch and two brothers: J. F. and W. F. Lynch. Interment at Cherokee. See funeral 1917 notice 4‐3‐1917

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733 Lynch John Francis Butte pioneer died at age 61. Born in Oregon City and lived there for the first 40 years of his Oroville Daily Mercury 1‐11‐ Y life. Engaged in stock raising, served as timber cruiser and guide for Diamond Match company. 1922 Interment at Cherokee cemetery. See also tribute by Indians 1‐13‐1922 734 Lynch Katie Buried at Cherokee cemetery. Died from pneumonia. Survived by 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Oroville Mercury 2‐28‐1920 Y

735 Lynch Mrs. Mary Hallinan Died in Oregon City, wife of W. P. Lynch, 67 years. Born in Ireland. Burial and Cherokee Oroville Register 5‐5‐1898 Y cemetery. Survived by husband, James E., Katie E., Maggie M. Mary A., John F. and W. P. Lynch. 736 Lynch Michael Complete text: M. Lynch of Oregon City, a brother of James and uncle of assessor W. P. Lynch Oroville Register 9‐6‐1894 N died on Friday last (Aug. 31). 737 Lynch William Patrick Prominent Butte co. politician and businessman; born in Oregon City, last child of James and Oroville Mercury 12‐21‐1925 Y Mary Lynch both natives of Ireland; organized Stirling Mercantile Co and was President of Stirling City Bank; survived by wife Kathryn, 2 daughters Kathleen and Muriel, son William Jr. died in 1924; 2 sisters Maggie and Mary Lynch (long obit)

738 Lyte Blanche Eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyte, died Feb. 13, age 16. Burial at Cherokee. Daily Mercury 2‐19‐1891 Y

739 Maderas Emma 5‐year‐old child died at Cherokee of meningitis. Oroville Mercury 6‐2‐1899 Y

740 Madison Jim Died in Paradise at age 60, resident of Yankee Hill. Born in Spokane, WA August 1, 1944 and Chico Enterprise Record 11‐ Y worked for PG&E for 31 years. Survived by wife Carol and 5 sons: Chris Madison of Santa Rosa, 10‐2004 Joe Sousa of Magalia, Tony Sousa of Bella Vista, CA, Sonny Josephson of Eureka, Montana and Kris Josephson of Yankee Hill; brother Bob Madison of Chico; 2 sisters Shirley Rawley and Mary Coyle.

741 Malone infant child Complete text: Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Malone of Yankee Hill died on Thursday, Oroville Mercury 5‐7‐1900 N April 26th and was buried at the Yankee Hill cemetery. The little one was about six weeks of age and its loss is a great blow to the parents and family.

742 Maloney Patrick Patrick Maloney blew a hole in his head at the Moak place. Oroville Register 9‐25‐1890 Y

743 March Herbert Audley Died near Paradise, April 17, eldest son of Edwin and Ada March, age 16 years, 9 months and 8 Weekly Oroville Register 4‐ Y days. 26‐1900

744 Marcovich John Died after a long illness yesterday. Native of Montenegro in Southern Europe, age 67. Served Oroville Register 2‐9‐1893 Y in the Union Army during the civil war. Lived in Cherokee many years and was usually called John Stevens owing to the length of his last name. Was called Austrian John when a miner at Rich Bar. He kept a candy stand and saloon in Cherokee and later on the main road near Oregon City.

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745 Marquis Mrs. G. G. Concow Lodge IOGT memoriam; died 7/31/1883. Daily Mercury 8‐20‐1883 Y

746 Marquis G.G. Pioneer who crossed Plains in 1849 from Ohio; worked at Thompson Flat; death from la grippe Oroville Daily Mercury 3‐8‐ Y and paralysis; wife 1898 747 Martin (Moak) Ethel Florine Died December 27, 1964 in Santa Rosa; wife of Forest Martin of San Francisco; mother of John The Press Democrat 12‐30‐ Y J. Moak of Santa Rosa, Benjamin F. Moak of Corning, Joseph A. Moak of Texas, Marie I. Dutcher 1964 of New York and Florine E. Thode of Hamilton City.

748 Martin Jericho Complete text: Wynnetta Hall, 48; Jericho Martin, 35. Celebration of life planned. A Feather River Canyon N celebration of remembrance is planned for Jericho Martin on Friday, October 3, at Holland October 2003 Campground, starting around 5:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 4, at 11:00 a.m. there will be a remembrance celebration for Wyn (Wynnetta Hall) at Crain Park. 749 Martin (Dausey) Marclyn Born in Chico in 1880 and resident of Butte County all her life, died in Chico. Survived by Oroville Mercury Register 5‐ Y husband Manuel Martin and daughter, Mrs. Marcie Keyes; son William E. Dausey, Charles 16‐1941 LeRoy Dausey, John E. Dausey, and Mrs. Jessie Darnell; brother Ernest Merrithew.

750 Mathis (Watson) Mary Elizabeth Complete text: Mary Elizabeth (Watson) Mathis passed away on June 20th of this year. Mary Canyon Courier 8‐1‐1985 N was a long time resident of Yankee Hill before returning to her "hometown" of Mineral Wells, Texas in 1980. Mary was active in the Yankee Hill Ladies Club and the Concow Grange.

751 Matthews F. G. Buried alive due to cave‐in with David Shine in the tunnel in the quartz claim of Messrs. Smith Butte Democrat 12‐3‐1859 Y & Sparks at Table Mountain

752 Maxwell James Grandley James Grandley Maxwell died on the 24th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Luman in Plumas Independent 12‐27‐ Y American Valley, age 84 years, 11 months, and 25 days. Born in Wheeling, West Virginia in 1916 1831. Was a miner but later disposed of his mine known as Indian Hill. Later did farming and moved to what is known as the Maxwell ranch near Keddie. Had 14 children with Mary Jane Underwood. Funeral at Quincy. Also see Plumas National Bulletin 12‐28‐1916 753 Maxwell Mrs. James G. (Mary Mrs. James G. Maxwell died on the 15th. Born at Hannibal, Missouri, age 64 years, 5 months, Plumas National Bulletin 7‐ Y Jane) and 16 days. 21‐1904

754 Maxwell Lowell Lowell Maxwell takes his own life while in jail for robbery. Plumas National Bulletin 12‐ Y 30‐1897

755 Maxwell Samuel Perry Samuel Perry Maxwell dies at Quincy of pneumonia, age 65. Native of Plumas County. Born in Plumas National Bulletin 5‐8‐ Y Butterfly Valley near Keddie April 24, 1865 and son of James G. and Mary Jane Maxwell. 1930

756 Maxwell Watt Watt Maxwell drowned on the 2nd at Sawyer's Bar in Siskiyou County. Plumas National 6‐9‐1892 Y

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757 Maxwell Watt Thomas Watt Thomas Maxwell's ship, USS Maddox, was sunk by enemy bombs during the Sicily Feather River Bulletin 7‐22‐ Y invasion. Native of Rich Bar, born June 16, 1896. Son of Samuel Perry Maxwell and Rosa Beatty 1943 Maxwell. 758 McAlpine John Hibbert Born in Nova Scotia. Leaves wife and 2 sons, Charles P. and Walter H. McAlpine. Burial at Weekly Oroville Register 7‐5‐ Y Oroville cemetery. Age 63 at death. 1900

759 McCallan Mrs. Margaret Pioneer matron, widow of the late William McCallan of Bidwell Bar. Death due to heart Oroville Daily Register 1‐9‐ Y trouble. Native of New Brunswick and age 75 years. Came to California with her husband in 1917 1871 going first to Frenchtown. Buried at Bidwell Bar cemetery. (Also see funeral notice of 1‐ 10‐1917) 760 McCallan Patrick Pioneer of Oroville; was proprietor of the Maine hotel in Oroville. Leaves a wife and three Oroville Mercury 4‐16‐1880 Y brothers. Died after an accident, age 53.

761 McClain Guthrie Complete text: In memoriam: Guthrie McClain; Don McKean; Lyman L. Moak, June 22, 1913‐ Feather River Canyon 5‐1‐ N April 3, 1991. 1991

762 McClain Mary Edna First child born in Pulga and last surviving child of pioneer William and Mary J. King. Youngest Oroville Mercury 11‐20‐1986 Y to graduate from Oroville High School, age 12, and had to wait until she turned 14 to attend the University of California. She raised her family in the Bay Area and returned to Pulga in 1981. Survived by her husband, William Guthrie McClain of Pulga, one daughter, Mary Schooner of Pulga and three grandchildren.

763 McCloud Hiram Almy Formerly of Cherokee, killed at Butte, Montana while carrying timber, age 32. Leaves a wife Oroville Register 2‐6‐1896 Y and child, father, mother, two sisters and four brothers.

764 McCloud Mary E. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe McCloud, aged 2 months. Oroville Mercury 10‐17‐1899 Y

765 McCloud Phoebe A. Pioneer woman of Bangor (resided with her children for last 13 years since husband's death), Oroville Daily Register 1‐29‐ Y died age 77. Native of North Adams, Mass, married to Hiram McCloud in 1855, moved to 1913 Cherokee in 1871. Funeral held at Congregational church in Oroville and burial at Cherokee cemetery.

766 McConnell Jackson Died on the Cherokee Road en route to Yankee Hill to work a mining claim. See also coroner's Oroville Mercury 5‐10‐1899 Y inquest 5‐11‐1899

767 McDanel Delaware Complete text: Died at Cherokee, Butte County, June 10th, Delaware, son of Thomas and Union Record 6‐18‐1864 N Margaret McDanel, aged four months and twenty‐nine days.

768 McDanel Susan Killed in the Cherokee Flat tragedy by murdered Austrian George when she refused his Weekly Butte Record 6‐10‐ Y marriage proposal. 1871

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769 McDanel Thomas Resident of Cherokee, Treasurer of Butte County. Had been a resident of Cherokee for years Butte Record 1‐9‐1869 Y being a pioneer of that important vicinity. Connected with Capt. Moore in the mercantile business and a principle person in the Cherokee Mining Company. He leaves a wife and family (Long obituary)

770 McDonald Mrs. J. F. (Louise) Funeral with interment at Clear Creek cemetery. Oroville Mercury 12‐6‐1920 Y

771 McDonald Mrs. Louise Wife of infirmary superintendent J. F. McDonald, died at age 56. Member of the Thomas Oroville Mercury 12‐4‐1920 Y Esman family of Pentz. Survived by her husband, two sons, F. E. Stone and L. G. Stone and four sisters: Mrs. M. L. Copeland, Mrs. Frank Lynch, Mrs. B. R. Bennum and Mrs. Charles Wheeler and two brothers: W. J. Esman and Henry Esman. Interment at Clear Creek cemetery.

772 McFarlane (Leggett) Mrs. Kate Wife of Donald McFarlane, died at the home of her sister Cordelia Leggett in Oroville from Plumas National Bulletin 10‐ Y stroke of apoplexy, age 59. Survived by mother, a son Donald B. McFarlane, 2 sisters and a 30‐1913 brother. Before her marriage to Mr. McFarlane, she was one of the prominent school teachers of Plumas County.

773 McGee Thomas One of the most prominent businessmen in Oroville and Butte County. Born in Waterford, Oroville Daily Register 10‐16‐ Y Ireland and engaged in mining. He was a partner of W. C. Hendricks and in 1867 moved to 1905 Cherokee and engaged in mining, cattle raising and the sheep business. In 1892 or 1893 moved to Oroville and became proprietor of Oroville Flour Mill, then sold it to Mr. Dodge.

774 McGinnes William W. Complete text: Died in Cherokee May 10, William W. McGinnes, aged 39 years, 1 month and Butte Record 5‐18‐1872 N 10 days. Pennsylvania and Maryland papers please copy. 775 McGranahan Henry Resident of Rio Seco, aged about 65 years, died at his home. Oroville Mercury 2‐6‐1901 Y

776 McGranahan James Interment at the I.O.O.F. cemetery in Thermalito. See also 1‐17‐1909. Oroville Mercury 1‐15‐1909 Y

777 McGranahan James Native of Pennsylvania, age 84. At one time associated with George C. Perkins as partner in Oroville Daily Register 1‐14‐ Y several Butte County mines. 1910

778 McGrath Eugene Buried in Oak Hill cemetery; native of Vermont; husband of late Mary Ann McGrath; survived Oroville Mercury Register 10‐ Y by Mrs. Eugenie Castle, E.W. McGrath, Mrs. Mary Smothers and Mildred McGrath 30‐1929

779 McGrath Katie Cleveland Age 5 years, 4 months and 20 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McGrath of Oregon City. Burial at Daily Mercury 4‐26‐1890 Y Oregon City.

780 McGraw Phillip Complete text: A longtime resident of Concow, Phillip passed away last month after a short Feather River Canyon 9‐1‐ N illness. He, his wife Ann, and their children moved to this area in the 1960s. He had worked as 1987 a television technician until his retirement and was an accomplished woodworker.

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781 McGregor Mrs. Elizabeth Native of Dundee, Scotland, age 70. Resident of Cherokee. Interment at Oroville cemetery. See Oroville Register 11‐13‐1902 Y funeral notice same day.

782 McGregor Mrs. Helen Louise Wife of attorney J. A. McGregor. Born in Susanville. Survived by husband, 2 daughters, father Daily Mercury 4‐9‐1915 Y and mother and sister.

783 McGregor Mrs. Mary A. Hare One of the oldest residents of Cherokee, died Feb. 6 of heart failure. Born in Ireland in 1833. Oroville Daily Register 2‐9‐ Y 1903

784 McGregor Maxine Louise Daughter of attorney James McGregor, died at her home; 15 years old. Born in Susanville. Oroville Mercury 5‐15‐1918 Y Interment at Oroville cemetery. See funeral notice 5‐16‐1918.

785 McGregor Robert Old and respected resident of Cherokee Flat, was caved on and instantly killed last Monday Weekly Mercury 6‐9‐1882 Y evening in a tunnel he was running for Rock Creek Flume and Lumber Company at Flea Valley; leaves wife and 7 children. Native of Scotland, age 68.

786 McGregor Robert H. Raised in Cherokee; superintendent of a mine at Leadville, Colorado. Burial in Cherokee. See Daily Mercury 9‐22‐1890 Y funeral notice Daily Mercury 9‐27‐1890.

787 McGregor Robert Petrie Complete text: R. P. McGregor of Cherokee died day before yesterday leaving a wife and one Oroville Daily Register 5‐26‐ N son to mourn his loss. He was an old and respected resident of Cherokee. 1898

788 McIntyre Angus Drowned while crossing a bridge, about 50 years old; burial at Thompson's Flat cemetery. (see Daily Mercury 5‐14‐1890 Y also Oroville Register 5‐15‐1890)

789 McIntyre Angus David Former resident of Thompson Flat, age 33. Survived by his widow, a child, his mother Mrs. Oroville Mercury 9‐29‐1917 Y Flora L. McIntyre, 3 sisters and a brother. See funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 10‐1‐1917.

790 McIntyre D. Complete text: D. McIntyre, aged about 35 years, died at the Red House on the Cherokee road Daily Mercury 1‐16‐1891 N yesterday and was buried in the city cemetery this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

791 McIntyre Flora Native of Forbestown, widow of the late Angus A. McIntyre; 64 years old. Survived by 3 Oroville Mercury 12‐10‐1920 Y daughters: Mrs. Earl V. Laskey of Los Angeles, Mrs. Mary R. Garlick of San Francisco and Mrs. Walter P. Joslyn of Spring Garden; one son Daniel H. McIntyre and brother Henry B. Leaman. Interment at Thompson Flat cemetery. See funeral notice Oroville Register 12‐13‐1920.

792 McIntyre son Complete text: Died near Chico, September 25th, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Butte Record 9‐30‐1876 N McIntyre, aged 6 weeks.

793 McIntyre W. S. Yankee Hill resident dies from injuries sustained when wagon overturns, 56 years old. Native Daily Register 10‐2‐1911 Y of Illinois. See also Chico Record 10‐3‐1911.

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794 McKain Mark Complete text: In Memoriam. Richard Callahan 1944‐2003; Mark McKain 1950‐2003; Feather River Canyon N Madeleine Page 1945‐2003; Steve Strawn 11/9/1948‐12/7/2003. January 2004

795 McKean Don Complete text: In memoriam: Guthrie McClain; Don McKean; Lyman L. Moak, June 22, 1913‐ Feather River Canyon 5‐1‐ N April 3, 1991. 1991

796 McKeen (Clark) Vera V. Age 105, daughter of Benjamin Frank Clark and Annie Crabtree Clark. Oldest Konkow Chico Enterprise Record 1‐12‐ Y Valley/Wailaki American Indian. Survived by daughter Maxine Gramps. Interment at Clark 2008 cemetery. 797 McKenzie Mrs. A. A. (Martha Jane Eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Becraft. Born on Hopkins Creek, Plumas County May Plumas County Bulletin 2‐5‐ Y Becraft) 16, 1860. Died in childbirth and infant child buried with her. 1890

798 McKinnon John Was employed at the Cherokee dredge, died yesterday. Born in Nova Scotia. Oroville Daily Register 11‐30‐ Y 1903

799 McLain Barnett Groves Magalia pioneer died at age 70. Leaves a wife and six sons. Oroville Daily Register 8‐6‐ Y 1903

800 McLain Mrs. B. G. (Queen V.) Native of Adrian, Michigan, age 65. Came to Magalia in 1880 with her husband. Survived by 6 Oroville Mercury 10‐14‐1909 Y sons and one sister.

801 McLain Henry Milton Dropped dead at Magalia, age 54; employed as a miner by J. S. Strode. Born December 29, Oroville Daily Mercury 10‐25‐ Y 1866 in Nevada City. Survived by five brothers: E. L., Sam, George, J. H., and C. J. McLain. 1921 Interment at Magalia cemetery.

802 McLaughlin Mrs. Margaret Wife of Major McLaughlin; buried in Newark, NJ Oroville Register 11‐24‐1905 Y

803 McLaughlin Major Frank Santa Cruz in his home built in his affluence, killed his only daughter, Agnes McLaughlin, and San Francisco Call 11‐17‐ Y then took his own life in own home on the anniversary of his wife's death 2 years earlier; 1907 daughter killed with pistol in the head after she had been to Catholic church, the Major took poison (cyanide of potassium). Fear of poverty for his daughter caused McLaughlin to commit the double crime. Burial at family vaults in Newark, NJ. (See funeral San Francisco Call 11‐22‐ 1907). 804 McNamee Mr. F. Complete text: The funeral of Mr. F. McNamee, who died at Big Bend, will be held at 2 o'clock Oroville Daily Register 12‐30‐ N this afternoon from the undertaking parlors of Mr. A. V. Reynolds. 1907

805 McQuarrie John Dan Age 70; resident of Nelson Bar Road, died March 14. Born in 1902 in Nova Scotia; retired line Feather River Bulletin 4‐19‐ Y foreman for Pacific Gas and Electric. Survived by wife Zelma, 2 sons, a daughter, 2 sisters, and 1973 2 brothers. Burial at Yankee Hill cemetery.

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806 McQuarrie Zelma F. Age 76, died December 22 at Oroville Hospital. Born in 1915 in Stirling City. She had been a Feather River Bulletin 12‐31‐ Y proofreader for the Oroville Mercury Register. Survived by her mother Bessie Williams 1991 Thurston, 2 sons Norman and Marvin, daughter Janice Pinkston, brothers Donald and Norman Williams of Yankee Hill. Burial at Yankee Hill cemetery. 807 Meacham Joel One of Butte County's oldest pioneers, died at his home, age 91. Born in Ohio. Was driver of Oroville Daily Register 3‐16‐ Y the Oroville‐Quincy stage. See funeral notice of 3‐18‐1921. 1921

808 Meadows (Miller) Henrietta Jane Complete text: Death notices: MEADOWS, Henrietta J., Forest Lawn, Glendale. The Los Angeles Times 10‐1‐ N 1980

809 Meadows Jennie Jennie Meadows, an Indian woman, age about 107, died in Chester. Services conducted Plumas Independent 5‐29‐ Y yesterday at the Indian burial grounds. 1930

810 Medez infant daughter Complete text: The infant daughter of Mr. Medez and wife of Cherokee died Sunday and was Oroville Mercury 11‐14‐1900 N buried Monday.

811 Megines William Newton Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat, March 9, 1872, William Newton, son of William and Butte Record 3‐23‐1872 N Sarah Megines, aged 3 months. 812 Meline Essie, infant daughter Complete text: Died near Chico, February 25th, Essie, infant daughter of Wm. And Maggie Oroville Register 3‐1‐1888 N Meline, aged 5 months and 20 days. 813 Meline Franklin Died from pneumonia, age 55. Native of France. Leaves a widow and family of five. Interment Chico Daily Enterprise 3‐19‐ Y at Clear Creek in the family burial plat. See funeral notice 3‐21‐1888. 1888 814 Meline Joseph Resident of California since 1852, died at age 81. Funeral at Tehama. Native of Illinois. Chico Record 3‐2‐1921 Y

815 Meline Lilly Complete text: Died in Chico, January 11th, Lilly, daughter of Franklin and Rebecca Meline, Northern Enterprise 1‐20‐ N aged 10 months and 11 days. 1872 816 Meline Major James Assistant treasurer of the United States, died at home, age 67 Chico Record 7‐24‐1908 Y

817 Meline Mrs. Rebecca Died at age 69. Mother of Samuel Meline and Mrs. Fred Roth of Chico. Interment at Clear Oroville Daily Register 5‐24‐ Y Creek cemetery. 1905 818 Meline Samuel Sampson Born in Illinois, resident of Chico for 42 years. Leaves two brothers: James and William Meline Chico Daily Enterprise 11‐24‐ Y and two sisters: Mrs. A. Roth and Mrs. Charles Bertscky. See funeral notice 11‐26‐1909. 1909

819 Merithew William W. While baling hay at the ranch of L. W. Lee near Pentz with his son‐in‐law, John Dausy, dropped Daily Register 8‐8‐1902 Y dead, 70. Native of Ohio. Lived for many years on Clear Creek.

820 Merritt Robert Came to California in 1847 as a member of Stevenson's Regiment. Companion of the late Weekly Mercury 4‐6‐1883 Y Charles Bader of Cherokee, who died the same day. Native of New York, age 74 years. Died at County Hospital in Ukiah.

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821 Michelson Nicholi Fred Wellington found his body at his cabin near Yankee Hill. Native of Denmark, age about 55 Oroville Mercury 5‐28‐1880 Y years. Came to this county in 1851, prospector and miner in Yankee Hill.

822 Miller infant daughter Died at Yankee Hill May 27, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Miller. Oroville Mercury 6‐2‐1908 Y

823 Miller Charles W. Old miner at Concow disappeared last January. Bones were found near home. Pacific Coast News 9‐5‐1890 Y

824 Miller Eleanor (Eunice Lorraine) 17‐year‐old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Concow; died from influenza; interment at Chico Record 1‐7‐1919 Y the Dayton cemetery. 825 Miller Eugene Ralph Died August 20, 2017. Facebook N

826 Miller Frederick Antone Shot himself after suffering from consumption and despondency. Nephew of Joe Miller of Oroville Register 8‐5‐1902 Y Yankee Hill. Born in Ohio and was 34 years old. Funeral at Cherokee. 827 Miller George Complete text: Undertaker Nunn returned from Cherokee yesterday where he interred the Daily Mercury 12‐16‐1891 N remains of George Miller, an old resident who died there Thursday of pneumonia. 828 Miller H. Dorothy Mother of Evelyn Steinberger and Paul (Bill) Miller of Concow Rd., passed away May 10, 1982 Golden Feather Echoes 5‐17‐ Y after a long illness. 1982 829 Miller J. H. Powder foreman working at Corey's camp No. 2 at Big Bar; killed while blasting with 27 kegs of Oroville Daily Register 4‐3‐ Y powder. 1907 830 Miller John C. Born May 5, 1855, native of Iowa; died at his home in Durham, pioneer stock man. Survived by Oroville Daily Register 5‐20‐ Y widow Mrs. Sarah A. Miller, three sons: Warren S., Asa A., and John H. Miller of Concow; five 1922 daughters, Mrs. W. E. Cordon, Mrs. E. L. Merrithew, Mrs. H. L. Levis, Mrs. F. C. Hathaway, Mrs. J. J. McCrosky and Mrs. G. W. Brown. See also Chico Record 5‐19‐1922.

831 Miller Joseph M. One of the oldest, wealthiest and most highly respected residents of Butte County, died in Oroville Mercury 8‐24‐1908 Y Chico Vecino, born in Baden, Germany 8/27/1826, came to US in 1855 via Missouri; at Oregon City he was in partnership with Frank Cannon; with brother Wendell, partners Miller Bros in Frenchtown; butcher; one of the largest land owners in county; leaves widow and son. Also see Oroville Daily Register same date and Chico Record 8‐23‐1908.

832 Miller Josephine Mae Little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Miller, died from typhoid fever. Funeral at Cherokee. Oroville Mercury 7‐12‐1900 Y

833 Miller Josie Daughter of Joseph Miller was sixteen years old. Attended Yankee Hill School and was visiting Oroville Mercury 7‐17‐1885 Y with friends before class, slumped over near a tree and died at 9:00am that morning. (Long Obituary)

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834 Miller Mrs. Julia Pioneer matron of Butte County dies from paralysis; resided for years at family home near Oroville Daily Register 2‐28‐ Y Yankee Hill. Mother of Wendell Miller. Came to Butte County in the sixties and married in 1913 Cherokee in 1868. 835 Miller Leland J. Little boy of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller died yesterday morning. Oroville Daily Register 5‐21‐ Y 1896

836 Miller Mrs. James "Auntie Miller" died at the residence of J. McSmith near Long's Bar on February 25. Native of Weekly Mercury 3‐16‐1877 Y Scotland, resided at Oregon City for about 20 years. Survivors are husband and daughter, Mrs. Nesbit. Age 60. 837 Miller Pelter Pioneer Butte miner died of paralysis, age 80. Native of Germany, resident of Stanwood. Oroville Mercury 3‐6‐1913 Y Interment at County infirmary.

838 Miller Ralph Eakle One of the oldest living residents, Ralph Miller passed away recently. He was born at the Ah Feather River Canyon 7‐1‐ Y Sang Hospital on Deadwood Road in 1895. Ralph owned and operated his own store (The 1989 Pines) for many years. Survived by his son Gene. 839 Miller Wendelin J. President of First National Bank of Chico, rancher (1200 acres south of Chico) and stockman. Oroville Mercury 12‐28‐1914 Y Born 8/27/1873 in Frenchtown, Butte county; father Joseph Miller was native of Germany, mother Julia A. Benjamin, native of Wales. Married Susie Sturmer in Cherokee, one child, Mae, died at age 4 840 Miller Wendell Never married; had farm 5 miles south of Chico; native of Germany, 79 years, brother of J. Chico Daily Record 10‐24‐ Y Miller (well known farmer and stockman of Yankee Hill). See also Funeral notice Chico Record 1901 10‐29 and Oroville Register 10‐31. 841 Moak Eva Bell Murder suspected; she had gone to the barn to feed the cow and heard a shot fired. She heard Oroville Daily Register 2‐12‐ Y a shot and the second shot struck her in the arm, the third in the back, fourth in the head. 1904 Funeral took place in Chico. 842 Moak Frankie Margaret Complete text: In memoriam. Leonard T. Ward, 3/23/1918‐10/1/2003; Frankie Margaret Feather River Canyon N Moak, 7/13/1920‐10/5/2003. November 2003

843 Moak Gladys Nearly a lifelong resident of Butte County, most of it spent at Las Plumas and for the last 12 Concow Yankee Hill Informer Y years at Storrie. Survived by husband John Moak, son and daughter. 5‐5‐1972

844 Moak Mrs. H. H. (Grace) Wife of Howard H. Moak, died after being injured after falling from a moving automobile. Chico Record 9‐23‐1922 Y Native of San Jose, California and was 37 years old. Interment in Chico cemetery.

845 Moak Harriet Daughter of the late Jake Moak, died at Westwood, age 61. Survived by sister Mrs. S. T. Barry Oakland Tribune 9‐14‐1928 Y of Chico.

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846 Moak Hattie Died September 12 in Plumas County. She made a promise to her father, Jacob Moak, to leave Plumas National Bulletin 10‐ Y estate of $7,500 (consisting of a house and lot at Chester) to J. C. Morris, 71, of Chico. 11‐1928

847 Moak Jacob Pioneer Indian fighter and resident of Butte county for more than 60 years, died at his home in Plumas Independent 1‐27‐ Y Chico, age 90 years, 10 months and 6 days. Born in Albany, New York March 16, 1836. Son of 1927 Jacob Moak, a descendant of a Dutch emigrant. Purchased a sawmill and in 1870 bought a cattle ranch of 160 acres in the Big Meadows section of Plumas County. Survived by 2 daughters and a brother, Simeon Moak. 848 Moak James Aury Died on December 23, 2009. Born June 8, 1918 in Yankee Hill to George and Nettie Moak. He Chico Enterprise Record 12‐ Y worked as a logger and a building contractor. Survived by his wife Marlys, 2 daughters, 30‐2009 Kathleen Lozano and Linda King, 1 son Sonny Moak. Age 91. 849 Moak John Jay Injured by a horse and died from the effects. The horse mashed him against a stall while he Weekly Mercury 5‐7‐1886 Y was attempting to bridle him. Resided in Chico Canyon.

850 Moak John Worked for Great Western Power before it became PG&E, was a foreman. Worked at the now Feather River Canyon 9‐1‐ Y flooded Las Plumas powerhouse and lived at the town there. Survived by wife Myrtle. 1987

851 Moak Lyman L. Complete text: In memoriam: Guthrie McClain; Don McKean; Lyman L. Moak, June 22, 1913‐ Feather River Canyon 5‐1‐ N April 3, 1991. 1991

852 Moak (Houck) Susan Margaret One of the pioneer residents of Butte county and wife of Jacob Moak, died at Chico Vecino, Chico Record 4‐20‐1909 Y age 73. Native of Clarksville, Albany county, New York, born August 22, 1836. Survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. Silas T. Barry and Miss Hattie E. Moak.

853 Moak William Henry 5‐year‐old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moak choked to death on a pine nut. Oroville Daily Register 10‐31‐ Y 1911

854 Molchen Peter Paul Complete text: Mr. Molchen resided with his daughter's family, the Andre Griecos in Chico for Golden Feather Echoes 11‐ N the last 3 years. Services were held on November 7 in Chico; final resting place will be at Saint 10‐1978 Barnabas Home in Pennsylvania.

855 Montez Lola Famous woman died in New York on 1/17 of paralysis. Coffin inscribed "Mrs. Eliza Gilbert", age Weekly Butte Record 2‐23‐ Y 42. 1861

856 Moore Frank Complete text: Passed away last week at the Santa Fe Railroad Hospital in Southern California Golden Feather Echoes 7‐21‐ N after undergoing open heart surgery. 1978

857 Moore George C. Complete text: At Buckeye Ranch, Plumas County, July 7th, George C. Moore, aged 41 years Weekly Butte Record 7‐15‐ N and 5 months. A native of Solon, Maine. 1871

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858 Moore Ray Complete text: Died in Cherokee February 2d, Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, aged 7 Weekly Mercury 2‐6‐1880 N years.

859 More Henry C. Drove stage between Oroville and Cherokee and Big Bend stage. Native of New York, age 46 Daily Mercury 4‐2‐1883 Y years. Buried at Cherokee. 860 Morgan Daniel Came to California in 1857 and has resided in Cherokee ever since, age 68 or 69. Oroville Daily Mercury 2‐5‐ Y 1884 861 Morgan Evan One of the best known ranchers and cattlemen of Cherokee, died at home of his uncle, J. D. Oroville Daily Register 3‐7‐ Y Williams from Bright's (kidney) disease. Son of Jenkin Morgan, Cherokee capitalist. Born in 1911 Cherokee in 1872. Survived by sister Mrs. Frederick Skaggs of San Francisco, uncle J. D. Williams and an aunt Mrs. William James of Cherokee. Funeral in Cherokee. See funeral notice 3‐8‐1911. 862 Morgan (Williams) Hannah Died in Cherokee 3‐31, wife of Jenkin Morgan, age 23 years and 5 months. Daughter of J. D. Chico Record Semi‐Weekly 4‐ Y Williams of Butte Creek. 5‐1872

863 Morgan Jenkin Butte County capitalist died in San Francisco. Arrived at Cherokee in the early 1850s where he Daily Mercury 8‐15‐1900 Y resided until his death. Native of Wales and was 69 years old. Survived by a brother in Wales, a sister Mrs. Wm. James of Cherokee, a son Evan Morgan and a daughter, Mrs. Fred L. Skaggs of San Francisco. See funeral notice of 8‐20‐1900. 864 Morgan Mrs. Jeannette Died at Cherokee, age 78. Native of Wales, resident of Cherokee. Interment at Cherokee Oroville Mercury 8‐19‐1899 Y cemetery. See funeral notice 8‐21‐1899. 865 Morgan John Complete text: Died in Cherokee, August 17, 1881, John Morgan, aged 16 years. Weekly Mercury 8‐19‐1881 N

866 Morgan Mary Jane Died in Cherokee October 22, age 21 years. Weekly Mercury 10‐29‐1880 Y

867 Morgan William Died after a long illness at Cherokee, July 3, age 62 years. Native of Wales. Well‐known, Weekly Mercury 7‐6‐1877 Y honest, outspoken man who always aimed to do right. Leaves a widow, one son and a daughter. 868 Morgan (Duensing) LaRetta (AKA Doretta Duensing), native of Oregon Gulch and lifelong resident of Cherokee area; widow Oroville Mercury 5‐28‐1959 Y of Daniel C. Morgan (died in 1937). They were in the cattle business in Cherokee area, she continued business until 1948. Daughter of George F. A. and Betty Duensing; survived by son Stanley, brother Adolph Duensing, 2 nieces, 2 nephews.

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869 Morrison Charles "Indian Charlie" One of the well‐known Indian citizens of Oregon House, died 12‐28‐1917. His parents were Oroville Daily Mercury 12‐29‐ Y massacred in an Indian raid when he was a small boy. He was adopted and raised by the late 1917 Guy Morrison, whose daughter, Anna Morrison Reed, the authoress, has frequently written of him. He was raised as a white man and adopted their ways. He asked to be buried in the Oregon City cemetery among the pioneer friends of his youth. He was a well‐known character in the district and was universally loved and respected by all who knew him.

870 Morrison E. L. Survived by sister Mrs. Annie Morrison Reed, publisher of the Petaluma Independent and his Oroville Mercury 8‐29‐1910 Y wife and son, Ray Morrison

871 Morrison Elmore Hart Gould Complete text: Died at Dunham Farm, Oroville on Wednesday, June 17th, Elmore Hart Gould, Butte Record 6‐20‐1868 N youngest son of G. B. and M. E. Morrison, aged one month.

872 Morrison Guy B. Dies in Petaluma, age 96. Father of Mrs. Anna Morrison Reed, editor of the Sonoma county San Francisco Call 11‐1‐1910 Y Independent; Mrs. Fred C. Handy, and his late son Edward L. Morrison. Born in St. Charles, Missouri, crossed the plains to California in 1850. Early life spent in mining. See also Press Democrat Santa Rosa 11‐2‐1910. 873 Morrison Henry Jesse Died at his residence in Oregon Gulch, Sept. 26, age 54 years and 8 months. Native of St. Union Record 9‐30‐1865 Y Charles, Missouri. Known throughout the county as "Uncle Jessey Morrison".

874 Morrison Henry Pearle Died after sustaining a fractured skull after being thrown from a horse. Pioneer of Butte Oroville Mercury 8‐18‐1914 Y County, age 76 years at time of death. Engaged in ranching, moved to Ukiah in 1893.

875 Morrison Jesse F. Complete text: Died at Oregon City, Butte County, on July 4th, Jesse F., son of H. J. and M. E. Union Record 7‐9‐1864 N Morrison, aged, 14 years and 9 months.

876 Morrison Mrs. M.E. Complete text: Deaths: MORRISON, in Chico, Mrs. M. E. Morrison, wife of Jesse Morrison, of Weekly Butte Record 10‐5‐ N Oregon City, aged 55 years. 1878

877 Morrison Mary E. Wife of Guy B. Morrison, born Dec. 11, 1827, died Aug. 28, 1881. Findagrave.com 8‐28‐1881 Y

878 Morrison Richard Complete text: Near Dogtown (killed by Indians) July 20, 1863, Richard Morrison. Oroville Weekly Union 8‐1‐ N 1863

879 Morrison Sylvester Grandson of Mrs. Morrison of Oregon City, died in France of pneumonia. Full blooded Indian Daily Mercury 1‐11‐1919 Y became a private in the 10th artillery when drafted from Butte county and had been overseas several months. 880 Morrison Reed Anna Widely known poet and authoress, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Travis in San Oroville Mercury 5‐28‐1921 Y Francisco. Interment in Laytonville, Mendocino county. Came to California as a girl of 15 in 1864. With her youngest brother, started on a lecturing tour on horseback.

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881 Mortensen Chris Came to the U.S. from Norway in 1860 and resided in Butte County about 20 years; bought Oroville Register 6‐18‐1901 Y Pence Ranch in 1898.

882 Mortensen Chris Burial notice Oroville Register 6‐19‐1901 Y

883 Mortensen Mrs. Jennie Death notice; died Friday night at home, death due to valvular disease of the heart caused by a Oroville Daily Register 1‐27‐ Y kick received several weeks ago while milking a cow. Age 58 years, 10 months, 23 days. Lived 1913 at Pentz for the last 13 years.

884 Mortensen Mrs. Jennie Came to this country from Norway to Missouri and then to Butte County (Pentz). First husband Chico Record 1‐30‐1913 Y was Charles Koford, who drowned in the Feather River while mining. Married to Chris Mortensen; burial at Oroville Cemetery. Leaves two children, a son Lee C. Koford and daughter Mrs. Fred Lee of Pentz. (See also burial notice Oroville Daily Register 1‐29‐1913).

885 Mower William Worked for the French Creek Company, died at age 72. Native of Maine. Oroville Register 10‐22‐1903 Y

886 Mullen Alfred John Cattleman and former county supervisor, native of Arizona, died at age 79. Leaves wife Edith, 3 Arizona Republic 10‐11‐1970 Y sons and 2 daughters.

887 Mullen (Felch) Mrs. Bessie F. Native of Oak Field, Wisconsin, age 48. Leaves husband Alfred John, mother Jennie I. Felch, son Arizona Republic 10‐8‐1942 Y Jack, sister and 2 brothers.

888 Mullen (Schrader) Carol Elizabeth Third generation native Arizonian, died of cancer. Her father, John Oscar Mullen, was one of Arizona Daily Star 5‐14‐2008 Y the original Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riders who later became an Arizona Ranger. Leaves second husband George Griswold, sons Eric and Jeff. 889 Mullen Charles Pleasant Pioneer Tempean, age 75. Born in 1873 in Butte County, Calif, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Arizona Republic 12‐27‐1948 Y Mullen, he came to Phoenix with his family in 1886. Survived by wife Flora and 6 children, 2 brothers and a sister. 890 Mullen Charles W. Charles W. Mullen, native of New Jersey, died Sept 12, age 60. In 1850 he joined the great tide Oroville Weekly Union 9‐19‐ Y of emigration that flowed to the Pacific shores. All his life he was a pioneer, was a resident of 1863 Ohio, Illinois and Iowa, when the forest and prairies of those states yet resounded with the Whoop of the Indian and the howl of the wolf. In later years was one of the many thousand pioneers who developed the riches of the golden state. For the past six years he has resided in Con‐Cow Valley, Butte County. To him may appropriately be applied the proverb "An honest man in the noblest work of God." S. Muscatine and Wapello (town) papers, please copy.

891 Mullen (Goodwin) Charlotte Josephine Age 89, pioneer and former teacher, came to Arizona in 1886. Born in California. Survived by Arizona Republic 2‐20‐1973 Y (Lottie) son Kemper, 2 daughters.

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892 Mullen Charlotte Ruth Age 89, came to Arizona in 1878. Married Robert L. Mullen in 1896. Survived by son Robert L. Arizona Republic 8‐22‐1963 Y Jr., 2 daughters and 2 sisters. Burial in the family plot in Double Butte Cemetery.

893 Mullen Clarence Thaddeus Complete text: Deaths: MULLEN, Clarence T., 84, Tucson, Feb. 2. Arizona Daily Star 2‐4‐1982 N

894 Mullen Mrs. Flora Hanna Age 92, came to Arizona in 1888. Married to Charles P. Mullen. Survived by 3 sons, 3 Arizona Republic 11‐10‐1968 Y daughters.

895 Mullen (Randall) Flora Josephine Age 74, born in Prescott. Survived by a son, a sister and 2 brothers. Arizona Republic 4‐13‐1980 Y

896 Mullen (Oliver) Harriet "Hattie" Died at the home of her son, A. J. Mullen, age 68. Born in Wisconsin in 1869, moved to Arizona Arizona Republic 3‐11‐1937 Y in 1890 and married Charles M. Mullen. Survived by a son and a brother.

897 Mullen Ione Eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mullen, died of diphtheria. Arizona Republic 12‐5‐1906 Y

898 Mullen John Merritt Last northern California GAR vets funeral notice. Civil War veteran, died age 99. Born in Iowa Chico Enterprise 11‐9‐1944 Y and came west with his brother Joseph B. Mullen. Moved to California in 1900. Survived by his wife, a son Ralph and daughter Ethel Mullen in Chico. See also Arizona Republic 11‐9‐1944

899 Mullen John Oscar Former Arizona Ranger, dies at age 75. Born in California in 1879. Served in the Spanish‐ Arizona Republic 3‐1‐1954 Y American War with the Arizona Rangers. Survived by wife Milber, 3 sons, a daughter, a brother and a sister. 900 Mullen John Oscar Age 85, born in Tempe in 1917. Served in the Air Force in WWII and flew over 65 missions as a Arizona Republic 12‐26‐2002 Y staff sergeant in his B‐26 marauder. Married Ruth Enright August 1, 1945. Leaves wife, daughter, and son. 901 Mullen Joseph Burr Age 93, one of the pioneers of the Southwest. Born in Muscatine, Iowa August 31, 1842. Arizona Republic 11‐14‐1934 Y Married Nancy Langford in 1868. Leaves 7 children, a sister Mrs. Belle Walls of San Jose, Calif. and a brother John M. Mullen of Chico, Calif. See funeral notice 11‐15‐1934 902 Mullen Joseph Kenneth Age 69, cattle rancher with his pioneer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Mullen. Survived by Arizona Republic 4‐2‐1969 Y daughter, 2 brothers and 3 sisters.

903 Mullen Lester (infant) Seven months old, child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen. Arizona Republic 6‐17‐1904 Y

904 Mullen (Carr) Maude Rowena Age 72, Tempe pioneer. Born December 1, 1875 in Concow Butte County, came to Tempe with Arizona Republic 4‐14‐1948 Y her family in 1886. Survived by 2 sons, 2 daughters, one sister and 3 brothers.

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905 Mullen (Langford) Nancy Elizabeth Mrs. J. B. Mullen, died age 56. Hundreds of loving friends attended the funeral. Funeral notice Arizona Republic 5‐13‐1906 Y 5‐15‐1906.

906 Mullen Robert Lionel Age 91, Tempe rancher and farmer. Born in California and came to Tempe in 1886. Survived by Arizona Republic 1‐13‐1963 Y his wife Charlotte Ruth (Lottie), a sister, 2 daughters and a son.

907 Mullen Robert Lionel Jr. Age 62, native of Tempe. Principal of the elementary school at Victorville, California. Died of a Arizona Republic 1‐30‐1970 Y heart attack in El Cajon, California. Survived by his wife Barbara, 2 sons, a daughter and 2 sisters. 908 Mullen (Clymer‐Folcka) Thelma Age 95, died in Chula Vista. The Star News 7‐27‐1996 Y

909 Mullen (Spangler‐Weiland) Una Belle Age 69, died July 26 at Yavapai; graveside services at Skull Valley Cemetery. Survived by son Arizona Republic 7‐28‐1978 Y Billy Randall, daughter Francie (Spangler) Hampton, 2 brothers and 2 sisters.

910 Mullen (Wallace) Willa Ione Age 57, died May 6. Born in Prescott, AZ. Survived by 4 daughters. Arizona Republic 5‐8‐1987 Y

911 Mullen William Driver at Flea Valley died when brakes failed on his wagon near Concow. He is married with a Butte Record 5‐8‐1886 Y family. (This is not the same Mullin family that lived near Concow Lake)

912 Mullen Mrs. William Wife of William Mullen of Big Bend, died in Chicago on 9/24. She was on her way East Oroville Register 10‐3‐1895 Y accompanied by her daughter, Miss Blake of Boston. Her sister is Mrs. James Gray of Oroville.

913 Mullen William Edwin Born in Santa Clara, Calif. in 1870. Eldest son of J. B. Mullen. Survived by wife, 2 daughters. Arizona Republic 6‐21‐1940 Y Funeral notice 6‐22‐1940

914 Mullen William Harris Age 81, born in Ohio; oldest brother of J. B. Mullen and Charles Mullen. See also 5‐18‐1911 Arizona Republic 5‐17‐1911 Y

915 Munjar Sarah E. Complete text: Died at Rock Creek February 14th, Sarah E. Munjar, aged 22 years, 1 month Weekly Mercury 3‐22‐1878 N and 6 days.

916 Munn William Age 81 years, died at the residence of his step son, W. W. Merithew of Clear Creek. Native of Daily Mercury 4‐26‐1890 Y Indiana. Survived by his wife. Funeral at Clear Creek.

917 Munn (DeLong) Mrs. Rebecca Died at Clear Creek, a few days over 99 years of age. Oroville Mercury 5‐1‐1900 Y

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918 Muntie D. Henry (Indian) D. Henry Muntie, an aged Indian of Berry Creek section, was found dead. Plumas Independent 6‐4‐ Y 1931 919 Murdoch James Committed suicide by taking laudanum. He was subject to frequent fits of insanity since the Weekly Butte Record 6‐25‐ Y death of his wife and two children. 1859

920 Murdock James Found under a bush about a half mile from the John Welch claim. Butte County Register 8‐23‐ Y 1878 921 Murray Mrs. G. G. Native of Indiana, 57 years old, died at Deadwood. Interment in Yuba county. Daily Mercury 10‐1‐1890 Y

922 Myers Jackson, Sr. Complete text: The father of L. L. Myers of Cherokee died of heart disease at Berkeley on Oroville Register 11‐24‐1892 N Saturday last. 923 Myers Joseph (Jasper) Newton Died at Deadwood under the care of the Chinese doctor on October 7, 1886, age 29 years, 11 Daily Mercury 10‐11‐1886 Y months and 8 days. 924 Nahser (Nasser) Mrs. Anna Pioneer of California, died at Ferndale, Humboldt County; age 90 years and 8 months. Leaves 4 Oroville Daily Register 3‐4‐ Y daughters. 1908 925 Nalley Kenny Complete text: Obituaries: Mary "Teddy" McClain, b. 4‐27‐08, d. 11‐13‐86; Thelma Hobbs, b. 7‐ Feather River Canyon 1‐1‐ N 29‐12, d. 12‐06‐86; Charles Lundy, b. 9‐01‐23, d. 12‐08‐86; Kenny Nalley, b. 7‐07‐50, d. 12‐22‐ 1987 86; Bernard Row, b. 6‐04‐17, d. 12‐24‐86.

926 Nalley Paul Complete text: Charter member of the Concow Grange, served as Grand Master, passed away Golden Feather Echoes 7‐8‐ N at the local hospital July 4, 1977. 1977

927 Nahser (Nasser) Frank A. Former resident of Butte County. Uncle of Mrs. M. T. Crum, Mrs. Charles Bernhard and O. A. Oroville Daily Register 8‐16‐ Y Peter of Oroville. 1922

928 Naylor Edward Killed instantly by falling rocks at Big Bend tunnel cave in; age 38. Double funeral with Oroville Daily Register 2‐24‐ Y interment at Oroville cemetery. Big Bend Company arranged for a Christian burial. 1908

929 Neal Samuel Died at his residence on Butte Creek, aged 43 years. One of the earliest pioneer of California Butte Democrat 8‐27‐1859 Y coming in 1844. He was one of Fremont's party in the perilous crossing of the of that year. Acquired a fortune in stock raising. 930 Neel Howard Woodson Passed away Saturday, May 8, from Yankee Hill. Survivors include his wife Bettie, daughter Golden Feather Echoes 5‐17‐ Y Colleen Sue Neel of Yankee Hill and a son Howard Neel of Oroville. 1982

931 Neher Elsie M. Complete text: Passed away Sunday in a Chico hospital after a lengthy illness. Survivors Golden Feather Echoes 6‐1‐ N include her husband, Herman. Mrs. Neher and her family were long time residents of Oregon 1979 City. 932 Nelson Albert Funeral notice, Interment in Swedes Flat cemetery. First member of his tribe to pass away, Oroville Daily Register 4‐12‐ Y large number of his fellow Red Men turned out. 1907

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933 Newman Lula E. Died at age 83. Born January 15, 1926 in Montana. Services at the Gilbertson home in Yankee Chico Enterprise Record 10‐9‐ Y Hill. 2009

934 Nichol Kelso J. Resident of Frenchtown near Yankee Hill. Born in Pennsylvania, age 75 years, 8 months and 4 Oroville Daily Register 1‐17‐ Y days. Married May Smith in 1884 and settled in Frenchtown. Leaves 2 daughters and one son. 1916 Interment Frenchtown cemetery. See funeral notice Oroville Mercury 1‐19‐1916 935 Nichol Mrs. K. J. (Mary Louise) Wife of Kelso Nichol, leaves her husband and 3 children. Born and grew up around Yankee Hill. Oroville Daily Register 5‐3‐ Y Brother is Tom Smith. 1905

936 Nicholl John Died after sustaining injuries when coming down the Nimshew grade with a load of lumber Oroville Register 12‐4‐1890 Y and his horses were frightened. Born in Ireland, age 63. Did quartz mining in Oregon City but lost considerable money with that. Later did stock raising and horticulture. Buried at the family burying ground at his home on Butte Creek. 937 Nichols son Little 5‐year‐old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Nichols who live near Yankee Hill died when a Oroville Register 7‐30‐1891 Y stranger shot him.

938 Niles William J. Left the Christie Mine at Jordan Hill with double‐barreled shotgun to hunt for game. When he Oroville Register 11‐14‐1895 Y didn't return, search party found his dead body and supposedly died a natural death. Parents lived in Grass Valley.

939 Nisbet Archie Henry One of the best known dredge miners of Northern California. Funeral services by Masonic Oroville Mercury 4‐28‐1920 Y order; mining man of Butte county died from accident while on a gold dredger near Folsom. Burial at Oregon City cemetery. Survived by four brothers: James and Gordon Nisbet of Oroville, Will and Jack Nisbet, one sister, Mrs. William Whelen of Folsom. See also 4‐30‐1920, 4‐29‐1920, and 5‐1‐1920. 940 Nisbet Gordon Harris Shot himself through the head, age about 70. Born in Oregon City, had worked a the old Oroville Mercury Register 7‐ Y Cherokee mine and had mined in Oregon City, in Colorado, Siberia and South America. 25‐1933 Survived by three brothers: Judge Nisbet, John Nisbet of Granite, Colorado and Andrew Nisbet of San Leandro. 941 Nisbet Helen (Ellen) Died at Cherokee from pneumonia, age 69. Born in Scotland. Survived by husband and seven Oroville Daily Register 1‐4‐ Y children: J. G. Nisbet, John Nisbet, G. H. Nisbet, W. G. Nisbet, A. H. Nisbet, Andrew Nisbet, Mrs. 1909 W. L. Whelan, and Mrs. P. C. Hatch. Interment in Oregon City cemetery. 942 Nisbet John Born in Scotland, age 73; leaves widow and seven children. Interment at Oregon City Oroville Register 5‐9‐1895 Y cemetery. 943 Nisbet Leland Gordon Native of Sunnysouth, California and born March 4, 1896. Survived by wife Anna S., 2 Reno Gazette Journal 8‐21‐ Y daughters, Mrs. Barbara Chivers of Healdsburg, Calif., and Mrs. Gloria Millerov of Vassar, 1956 Michigan; a sister Vivian Smith who lives in Germany. Interment in Sacramento. See also funeral notice Press Democrat 8‐21‐1956. 944 Nisbet Robert W. Complete text: Died at Oregon City on Monday morning, December 11th, of Weekly Butte Record 12‐16‐ N pleuropneumonia, Robert W. Nesbit (Nisbet), third son of John and Ellen Nisbet, aged 10 1871 years.

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945 Nisbet Thomas G. Complete text: Died at Oregon City, Butte county, October 30th, 1869, Thomas G., son of John Weekly Butte Record 11‐13‐ N and Ellen Nisbet, aged four years, one month and three days. 1869 946 Nisbet William Golden Born in Oregon City; Survived by wife Mrs. Jennie Nisbet, a son Leland Nisbet and daughter Oroville Mercury 8‐19‐1922 Y Vivian Nisbet and four brothers and one sister: Jack Nisbet, James G. Nisbet, Gordon Nisbet, Andrew Nisbet and Mrs. William Whelan. (see also Oroville Mercury 8‐23‐1922)

947 Nisson Asmus Age 73, native of Prussia, died at the county infirmary. Burial at Cherokee. Oroville Register 9‐1‐1898 Y

948 Nix Caleb Resident of California since 1852, died at the county infirmary; lived at Yankee Hill, age 84. Oroville Daily Register 4‐6‐ Y Burial at Oroville cemetery. (see also Oroville Daily Register 4‐8‐1914) 1914

949 Nix Mrs. C Died May 24; resident of Yankee Hill. Oroville Register 5‐26‐1887 Y

950 Nix Fred Long time constable of Cherokee, age 57. Oroville Register 4‐13‐1893 Y

951 Nix Gertie Ruth Complete text: Gertie Ruth Nix, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Nix, died yesterday Oroville Register 3‐28‐1906 N morning. 952 Nix Maggie Widow of Fred Nix of Cherokee, born in Ireland; leaves 7 sons and daughters: Mrs. George Oroville Register 12‐6‐1904 Y Cheshire, Mrs. Warren Day, Mrs. L. Cheshire, Miss Addie Nix, Mrs. George Johnson, Fred Nix and Thomas Nix. Also funeral notice Oroville Register 12/8/1904.

953 Nix Mary The 10‐year‐old daughter of Fred Nix of Cherokee died after falling from a tree. Oroville Register 9‐10‐1891 Y

954 Nix (Conroy) Mrs. Margaret Died this Monday morning. Born in Ireland, January 22, 1848. Married the late Fred Nix in Oroville Mercury 12‐5‐1904 Y 1869. Leaves 5 daughters and 2 sons. Interment at Cherokee Cemetery. See funeral notice 12‐ 6‐1904 955 Noel Myrtle Complete text: Passed away in an Oroville Hospital on Wednesday evening after an extended Golden Feather Echoes 11‐ N illness. She was 93 years of age. Survivors included Freda Simmons (niece) and Mrs. Joyce Clark 30‐1979 (niece), both of Concow. Myrtle lived most of her life in the Pentz area, spending the last several years in Oroville. 956 Nopanny (Indian) Daughter of Chief Luckyan, wife of Billy Preacher died at Indian Village. Chico Enterprise 4‐24‐1896 Y

957 North infant daughter Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. North of Paradise, only child. Oroville Register 7‐3‐1890 Y

958 North Cecil The 7‐month‐old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. North died from stomach trouble. Oroville Mercury 11‐20‐1900 Y

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959 North Willie G. Son of Rufus and Arrivilla (Avarilla) North, died August 25 at Concow of typhoid fever, 13 years Weekly Mercury 8‐29‐1884 Y old. (see also Weekly Mercury 9‐5‐1884).

960 O'Conner James Crushed to death beneath a mass of debris at the Golden West mine near Diamondville with Oroville Mercury 12‐27‐1899 Y Frank Cable. The remains will be sent to North Bloomfield where a brother resides.

961 Odegaard Lyle B. Funeral was held last month. He died March 30, 1990 in a Paradise Hospital, age 63. After Feather River Canyon 5‐1‐ Y retiring, he moved to Concow. Survivors include his wife, Sandra, of Concow. 1990

962 O'Donnel James Complete text: Died at Cherokee October 16th, James O'Donnel, aged 47 years. A native of Weekly Mercury 10‐19‐1877 N Ireland.

963 O'Donnell Miss Mary Burned to death at her mother's hotel in Cherokee. Weekly Chronicle Record 7‐ Y 21‐1888

964 O'Hair Peter Remains were brought from Cherokee Saturday evening and funeral took place yesterday Butte Record 7‐12‐1884 Y afternoon at residence of son‐in‐law J. F. Franey. He was well and favorably known in Chico and Cherokee.

965 Olsen Cliff Complete text: Cliff Olsen passed away this week. Cliff was the owner of the Park Hill Grocery Canyon Courier June 1984 N and a long time Big Bend resident.

966 Ormsby Morris Drowned in Feather River at Island Bar near Big Bend; age 26 or 27. Leaves a widow and one Oroville Register 6‐7‐1888 Y child.

967 O'Toole Dr. P. W. Well known in Oroville, Chico and Cherokee; lived in Cherokee when it was a brisk mining Daily Mercury 2‐18‐1891 Y town and had a good practice in medicine. Born in Ireland. Buried in San Francisco. Leaves a wife and four children, three daughters, one of whom is Mrs. T. D. M. Slaven of Moore's Station. 968 Page Madeleine Complete text: In Memoriam. Richard Callahan 1944‐2003; Mark McKain 1950‐2003; Feather River Canyon N Madeleine Page 1945‐2003; Steve Strawn 11/9/1948‐12/7/2003. January 2004

969 Pappas (Gramps) Margaret Member of the Gramps family of Pulga, died last week in Marysville, 22 years old, death due to Oroville Daily Register 11‐23‐ Y influenza. Remains were laid to rest at Pulga. Survived by husband, G. K. Pappas, son Gus, and 1919 daughter Matilda; her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gramps of Pulga; a brother C. B. Gramps and 3 sisters Mrs. Ruby Fightmaster, Mrs. W. T. Wood and Miss Alvina Gramps.

970 Pard Henry (Harry) Complete text: Henry (Harry) Pard, a miner who lived near Pentz for two score years, died at Oroville Mercury 1‐28‐1891 Y the Infirmary on Monday and was buried at Cherokee by the Good Templars. Rev. McCallum preached the funeral sermon.

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971 Park Leander Quint Complete text: Died at Dry Creek, March 2d, 1881, Leander Quint Park, aged 30 years. Weekly Mercury 3‐4‐1881 N

972 Park Mrs. Walter A. Died at Clear Creek. Interment at Butte Creek. See also Oroville Register 3‐5‐1891. Daily Mercury 3‐2‐1891 Y

973 Parker Billy Killed near Cherokee on Yankee Hill Road by Dick Johnson, a half breed Indian, while playing Oroville Mercury 3‐12‐1901 Y cards.

974 Parker Mrs. Hannah Well known resident of Paradise, died at age 83. Oroville Daily Register 12‐8‐ Y 1909

975 Parker Mrs. Jennie Graveside services held at Yankee Hill for Mrs. Jennie Parker, who died last Wednesday. Oroville Mercury Register 4‐ Y 29‐1941

976 Parker Lucy Louise Known as Wild Mountain Lou, Yankee Hill. Chico Enterprise Record 7‐7‐ Y 2004

977 Patchen M. D. Complete text: The body of M. D. Patchen, who died at the Deadwood hospital yesterday was Chico Daily Enterprise 1‐10‐ N brought to Chico today. 1891

978 Patterson (Bates) Fannie Born in Illinois, daughter of Samuel Bates, wife of W. H. Patterson, age 33. Interment at Oroville Register 7‐17‐1902 Y Paradise cemetery.

979 Patterson Jacob One of Butte County's oldest pioneers, age 88. Born in Lincoln County, Ohio, came to Butte Oroville Daily Register 12‐12‐ Y County with the gold rush of 1854. Survived by daughter Mrs. Charles S. Campbell and two 1921 sons Ray and Willis Patterson. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. (see also Oroville Daily Register 12‐13‐1921) 980 Patterson Mrs. Jacob (Rachel) One of California's pioneer women having crossed the plains with her husband in 1863. Born in Oroville Mercury 5‐21‐1920 Y Ohio, age 82 years and 9 months old when she died. Survivors are Mrs. Alice Campbell of Cherokee, Ray Patterson and Willis of Jenny Lind. Interment at Cherokee. See funeral notice 5‐ 22‐1920. 981 Paul Harry V. In memoriam by Messilla Lodge, age 72. See also Daily Mercury 1‐29‐1891. Daily Mercury 2‐14‐1891 Y

982 Peachy Mrs. L. S. Mother of Ben Peachy, died suddenly from heart failure. Oroville Register 9‐17‐1902 Y

983 Pearce Shanda Age 79, Yankee Hill. Raised in Lovelock and attended schools in Stirling City. Moved in 1990 to Chico Enterprise Record 10‐ Y Yankee Hill. Survived by husband Bob and 3 daughters. 17‐2012

984 Pearson John M. Died of consumption at Deadwood near Yankee Hill January 7. One of the original members of Weekly Mercury 1‐16‐1880 Y the Chico Guard; buried in Chico; age 33 years.

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985 Pence Manoah Died at Pentz with congestive chill. (very long obituary) See also Chico Enterprise 6‐9‐1882, Oroville Mercury 6‐9‐1882 Y Butte Record 6‐10‐1882 986 Pence Manoah Funeral notice; also see Chico Enterprise 6‐16 and Butte Record 6‐17; see burial notice Gridley Oroville Mercury 6‐16‐1882 Y Herald 6‐16‐1882 987 Pence Sophia Died at her home in Paradise at age of 93. Widow of Manoah Pence for whom the town of Oroville Daily Register 6‐25‐ Y Pentz was named. She was a woman of education, culture and wide reading and a writer. After 1920 the death of her husband, the ranch and Pentz hotel were sold and she moved to Paradise. No immediate relatives survive her. See also last tribute to Sophia, Oroville Mercury 6‐25‐1920. Services took place a short distance from the spot where the late Mrs. A. (Thankful) Lewis Carson of Chico and her two brothers, Jimmy, then 11 years old, and Johnny, then aged 6 years old, were captured by the Mill Creek Indians, while they were drinking out of Little Dry Creek near the Cherokee road.

988 Pence Watt Manoah A member of the family who founded Pence (Pentz) and was born there, died this morning at Oroville Mercury 3‐25‐1918 Y the Pence family home, age about 60 years. He had been ill for some time with cancer. Survived by his mother, Mrs. Sophia Pence, of Paradise. 989 Pence Watt Manoah Funeral services held 3‐26‐1918 in the Congregational church in Paradise. Oroville Daily Register 3‐27‐ Y 1918

990 Pension John A. Complete text: Fatal mining accident: John A. Pension, many years a resident of this county, Butte Democrat 10‐19‐1861 N received a fatal injury while mining on the West branch of Feather River, from the effects of which he died on the morning of the 11th inst. The deceased was a native of Philadelphia.

991 Peoples Martha Louise Died at her home in Yankee Hill March 18. Chico Enterprise Record 3‐24‐ Y 2006

992 Pereira Mrs. Rosa Age 62, wife of Dominguez (Sandy) Pereira. Native of Azore Islands. Lived in Cherokee and Chico Record 3‐17‐1923 Y later Chico. Leaves husband and 2 daughters, 3 sons, a sister and a brother. Interment in Chico cemetery.

993 Perez Frank Died at Big Bend, age 24, native of Spain. Leaves a brother who resides at Big Bend. See also Oroville Daily Register 3‐2‐ Y funeral notice 3‐3‐1908. Interment at Oroville cemetery. 1908

994 Perkins Clement Died at his residence, age 76. Father of ex‐Governor Perkins. Weekly Mercury 3‐28‐1884 Y

995 Perkins David King Born at Kennebunkport, Maine and served several years in the Navy under Admiral Farragut; Oroville Register 11‐16‐1893 Y came to Oroville in 1868 and ran store with his brother George C. Perkins. Miner, farmer and fruit grower. Leaves wife and five children.

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996 Perkins Mrs. Lillias S. Died in Oroville, December 21 of puerperal convulsions. Wife of W. L. Perkins Esq. and Weekly Butte Record 12‐25‐ Y daughter of T. Fogg Esq. Aged 24 years and 10 months. Born in Maine. 1869

997 Perkins Mary Malvina The first white child born in Butte County, wife of the late D. K. Perkins and brother of George Oroville Mercury 4‐30‐1897 Y C. Perkins, died at age 45. Survived by six children. See also funeral notice 5‐3‐1897.

998 Perkins William Clem Died in Oroville, February 10th, Willie C., youngest son of George C. and Ruthie A. Perkins, Weekly Butte Record 2‐14‐ Y aged 4 months and 3 weeks. 1874

999 Perkins Col. William Lawrence Brother of David K. and George C. Perkins, died in Oroville April 19, age 50 years. Native of Oroville Register 4‐24‐1890 Y Maine. Leaves wife and daughter of 13 and brothers.

1000 Perkins Mrs. Ruth Wife of senator George C. Perkins, died at age 78. Survived by 5 children and husband. Oroville Daily Register 2‐5‐ Y Interment at Oakland cemetery. 1921

1001 Peter Mrs. Augusta Died at home, one of Oroville's pioneer settlers, age 67. Native of Germany. Interment at Oroville Mercury 3‐6‐1915 Y Oroville cemetery. See funeral notice 3‐8‐1915.

1002 Petitt Henry Complete text: Died near Yankee Hill, Butte county, July 29th, Henry Petitt, a native of Oroville Mercury 8‐3‐1877 N Chantilly France, aged 54 years.

1003 Petteys (Casner) Rachel C. Age 95, died June 22 in Portola. Born March 23, 1898 in Campe Verde, Arizona, had worked as Feather River Bulletin 6‐30‐ Y a camp cook for PG&E for 15 years. Survived by son Glenn Petteys of Pala and daughter Peggy 1993 Artz of Portola. Funeral at Clovis Cemetery. 1004 Petteys Wayne David Age 82. Native of Austin, Texas, was police inspector for 28 years in Oakland. Survived by wife Santa Cruz Sentinel 12‐29‐ Y Elise Ann Petteys of Scotts Valley, 2 brothers Eldridge R. and Friendly G. Petteys of Auberry, 1976 one sister, Mrs. Alfred Leslie of Redding. 1005 Phalen John Found dead in his cabin in Cherokee, was partially paralyzed and evidently fell backward into a Oroville Register 12‐22‐1887 Y fire.

1006 Philcher Brakeman Brakeman Philcher was killed instantly near Pulga when the crane of a steam shovel struck Plumas Independent 9‐29‐ Y him. Buried in Texas. 1927

1007 Phipps E. B. Killed by an old man named Pope. Phipps was erroneously described in this article as "a Marysville Daily Appeal 3‐5‐ Y drunken, trifling fellow, who annoyed Pope to such an extent that Pope was provoked into 1860 striking him on one side of his head knocking him down by the blow." Phipps reportedly died that Friday morning after blood began to ooze out of one ear. 1008 Phipps E. B. Residents of Butte County who knew Phipps inform this newspaper that "he was not a drunken Marysville Daily Appeal 3‐7‐ Y fellow but a very respectable young gentleman and an owner in the Virgin quartz mine, a man 1860 well‐known in this community and much respected."

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1009 Phipps E. B. Fatal affray at Yankee Hill between E. B. Phipps and another man named Pope resulted in Weekly Butte Record 3‐10‐ Y death of E. B. Phipps. He was a respectable and highly esteemed young man and a member of 1860 the Virgin Quartz Mining Co.

1010 Pierson Willy & Abby Only children of E. A. Pierson, age about 15 and 13. Butte County Register 8‐23‐ Y 1878 1011 Pinkston Edward Complete text: Edward Pinkston, an aged and respected resident of Yankee Hill, was found Oroville Register 12‐14‐1893 N dead in his house a few days ago. He died from old age, being eighty‐five years old. 1012 Pinkston Gene Everett Gene E. Pinkston, 83, of Paradise, died Sunday, May 2, 2017 in Paradise. Chico Enterprise Record 5‐11‐ Y 2017 1013 Pinkston James E. Died of crushing injuries in a woods accident while working at a log on a Collins Pine operation. Feather River Bulletin 8‐1‐ Y He had been on the job for one day. Age 57. See also Feather River Bulletin 8‐8‐1968. 1968

1014 Pinkstoun (Pinkston) John Killed in the Spring Valley Company's claim at Cherokee by a cave, age 24, formerly of Yankee Weekly Butte Record 1‐24‐ Y Hill. 1874 1015 Pinkston Michael H. Complete text: Passed away on Thursday in a Chico Hospital. He was born on April 9, 1904 in Golden Feather Echoes 2‐10‐ N Yankee Hill on the "Old Pinkston Place" where he lived for 64 years. 1978

1016 Pinkston Mrs. William Died due to pneumonia, age 40, resident of Yankee Hill. Survived by husband William and five Oroville Daily Register 1‐17‐ Y sons: Edward, William, Michael, John and James Pinkston. Funeral held at family home in 1911 Yankee Hill.

1017 Pinkston William Hardy Age 25, died at Quincy from paralysis. Born at Yankee Hill. Was employed as a fireman at the Plumas National Bulletin 12‐ Y Murphy Lumber Company. Leaves father W. M. Pinkston and brother E. H. Pinkston. 18‐1919

1018 Pinkston William Resident of Butte County for 62 years, died at his home in Oroville, age 72. Mined almost all Santa Ana Daily Register 7‐ Y his life in Yankee Hill area. Survived by sons E. H. Pinkston, John Pinkston, Mike Pinkston and 13‐1923 James Pinkston and daughter Mrs. C. W. Johnson. 1019 Pommells Garry Complete text: GFE extends condolences to survivors of the recent PSA tragedy. Lost on Golden Feather Echoes 9‐29‐ N Monday's ill‐fated flight was Garry Pommells of Citrus Heights, California. His survivors include 1978 wife Brenda (Giles), daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Giles of Jordan Hill Road and three daughters.

1020 Pompey (Indian) Pompey, chief of Mooretown and Cascade Indians died. Oroville Register 7‐4‐1895 Y

1021 Poppy Henry Former resident of Cherokee, died at the Infirmary September 27, 1903 at age of about 75. He Oroville Mercury 9‐29‐1904 Y was one of Cherokee's old miners. 1022 Porter Ira Eldest son of A. J. Porter and brother of Mrs. Fred Sparks, died with pleuro‐pneumonia. Oroville Register 4‐19‐1900 Y

1023 Porter M. A patient at Big Bar hospital died from epilepsy. Came to the hospital from camp 18. Oroville Daily Register 4‐10‐ Y 1907

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1024 Potter Willard Complete text: Passed away on July 12th at a hospital in Walnut Creek following an extended Golden Feather Echoes 7‐28‐ N illness. 1978

1025 Powers Mrs. (Ada Isabelle) Mrs. (Ada Isabelle) Carmack Powers died. Born at Big Meadows March 6, 1859. Feather River Bulletin 3‐29‐ Y Carmack 1923

1026 Powers Janne A. Complete text: Died at Cherokee Flat, on Feb. 13th, 1868, Janne A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weekly Butte Record 2‐22‐ N A. P. Powers, aged two years, two months and six days. 1868

1027 Powers J. E. Jack Died during mining disaster in Cherokee at Spring Valley Mining company along with J. C. Hall Oroville Register 5‐19‐1892 Y and L. P. Hall. Son of O. P. Powers and brother of R. S. Powers. Leaves wife but no children.

1028 Powers John E. Died at his home near Paradise on 17th of pneumonia, age 55 years. Had been Justice of the Daily Mercury 5‐22‐1883 Y Peace. His funeral was the largest ever seen in this place. Leaves a wife and 6 children. See funeral 5‐21‐1883.

1029 Powers Lillian V. Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powers, Jr., passed away at Golden Gate mine. Buried in Daily Mercury 7‐7‐1891 Y Cherokee.

1030 Powers Mrs. O. P. Died after a bad cold. Leaves her husband and three children: Robert, John and Mrs. Eugene Oroville Register 4‐21‐1892 Y Hundley. 1031 Powers Oliver Pollard Died at his nephew's residence last Saturday night. Native of Maine. Funeral took place at Oroville Register 12‐18‐1890 Y Cherokee. 1032 Powers Oliver Pollard Jr. Known as "Jack", dropped dead at Norton & Ekman's drug store due to internal hemorrhage. Oroville Register 3‐9‐1893 Y Native of Maine, age 63 and resident of California since 1849. Leaves one son and one daughter. Mrs. Powers died April 1892 and his youngest son John was killed in May 1892, which makes the third death in the family within 12 months.

1033 Powers son Complete text: Born in Oroville January 8, 1878, to the wife of O.P. Powers, a son and died in Weekly Mercury 1‐11‐1878 N Oroville, Jan 9, 1878, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Powers. 1034 Powers Susan Kimball Died at Yankee Hill July 1, age 77. Funeral took place at Yankee Hill. Known as "Auntie Powers". Weekly Mercury 7‐15‐1887 Y Native of Maine. 1035 Pratt James Stanley Complete text: PRATT, in this city, June 15, 1906, James S. Pratt, a native of New York, aged 78 San Francisco Call 6‐19‐1906 N years. 1036 Preacher Billy (Bidwell Indian) Former cook for General Bidwell died at his home at the Indian village. Interment at Chico Oroville Mercury 12‐4‐1920 Y cemetery. 1037 Presley Allen A blacksmith by occupation and died at San Quentin. Worked for 4 or 5 years at Big Bend. Oroville Register 11‐14‐1895 Y Native of Ireland, age 47. Buried at Smartsville.

1038 Presley Harrison Chinn Alma Ethelene Age 79, died December 15; 40 year resident of Reno‐Sparks area. Interment in Oroville. Reno Gazette Journal 12‐23‐ Y Survived by husband Don Chinn of Reno and 3 sons and a daughter. 2001

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1039 Presley Betty D. Born in Oklahoma and resided in Sonoma County, California for 20 years; age 58. Interment in The Press Democrat 9‐20‐ Y Geyserville. Survived by husband Howard Presley, Geyserville; sons Ron Presley of Santa Rosa 1986 and Bob and Ken Presley, both of Geyserville; a sister, Amy Durr of Oklahoma and brother Jack Taylor of West Virginia. 1040 Presley Howard "Bud" Died May 2, age 83. Born in Chico and lived in Annapolis, Geyserville and Oroville. He was a Sonoma West Times & News Y logger and avid hunter. 5‐13‐2010

1041 Pringle John Complete text: Died at Frenchtown, Butte County, Feb. 9th, John Pringle, aged 33 years. Weekly Butte Record 2‐23‐ N Boston papers please copy. 1861 1042 Rabe Charles Born in Hanover, Germany, age 53, suicide by taking a Henry rifle and shooting himself. He had Oroville Register 4‐11‐1889 Y one of the finest ranches in the county. 1043 Rainwater (Terrell) Ruth Adeline Attended Chico State University for her BA in Arts, graduated in 1973 Cum Laude. Survived by Ancestry.com 6‐22‐2007 Y one sister Betty Porter, two daughters, Christine Fauls of Georgia, Cathleen Edwards of Colorado. Note: Daughter of Vera Curtis, granddaughter of Henry S. Curtis

1044 Ramos Mrs. Doris E. Died from brain tumor, age 23. Survived by husband Vincent C. Ramos, son Tommy Weaver; Oroville Daily Register 1‐26‐ Y her father, James A. Beavers; her mother Mrs. Edith Beavers‐Jensen and three brothers: 1922 Harold, Bryan and Alfred Beavers.

1045 Rapp Andy Lived in Cherokee in 1870, skilled mechanic. Funeral held at IOOF lodge; "in spite of severe Daily Register 2‐27‐1904 Y storm, a large attendance of friends of the deceased paid their last respects".

1046 Rapp Emma J. Daughter of Andrew Rapp. Funeral at Cherokee. Oroville Register 6‐1‐1893 Y

1047 Rapp Lillie Complete text: Died, RAPP, in Cherokee, December 12th, Miss Lillie, daughter of Andrew Butte Record 12‐23‐1876 N Rapp, aged 15 years. 1048 Rashe Joseph Hawk Died at the home of M. T. Clark near Yankee Hill, age 75. Father of Mrs. Clark and also Mrs. Oroville Mercury 10‐29‐1900 Y Pettis. 1049 Raye Ralph Ralph Raye Killed and Three Men Injured Seriously by Caving of Walls ‐ One man was killed and San Francisco Call 11‐10‐ Y three seriously injured in an accident at Jumbo Camp #9 of the Great Western Power Company 1907 at Big Bend. Ralph Raye of San Francisco was killed and Thomas Williams of Morris Ravine was seriously injured. The men were at work in a tunnel when the walls caved. Raye was hit on the head by a stone and his skull fractured. The others were hit by falling dirt.

1050 Reavis Andrew Complete text: Deaths: In Dixie Valley, Lassen county, February 22d, Andrew Reavis, a native Weekly Butte Record 3‐6‐ N of Missouri, aged 52 years. 1886

1051 Reavis David Morton One of the best known old residents in Butte County. Weekly Oroville Register 5‐ Y 21‐1896

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1052 Reavis David Washington Complete text: Died at the residence of Washington Henshaw near Chico on the 13th inst. Of Weekly Butte Record 5‐28‐ N scarlatina, David Washington, infant son of Andrew Reavis, aged two years and three months. 1870

1053 Reavis Elizabeth Mother of James J. Reavis, William A. and D. M. Reavis Jr. Native of Missouri and the daughter Chico Record 5‐25‐1907 Y of William Hill, a pioneer resident of Napa county where she married David M. Reavis in 1857.

1054 Reavis Mrs. Hannah Complete text: Died near Paris, Monroe county, Missouri, February 11th, after a long and Weekly Butte Record 3‐9‐ N painful illness, Mrs. Hannah Reavis, in the 68th year of her age. (Mrs. Reavis was the mother of 1872 David M. and Andrew Reavis of Chico Township). 1055 Reavis James J. Died in San Francisco, lived in Chico until 22 or 23 years ago. Father D. M. Reavis, at one time Chico Record 8‐13‐1915 Y owned what is now the Phelan ranch. His father was one of the largest ranchers in this section in the State. J. J. Reavis was born in Butte county, age 55 at death. Was a corporal with the San Francisco police department. Survived by a widow, two children and a brother, David Reavis. See also Oroville Daily Register 8‐14‐1915. 1056 Reavis William A. Died at Alturas. Second son of the late E. M. Reavis, age 48. Leaves a wife and daughter in Oroville Mercury 9‐13‐1911 Y Oakland, two brothers, James J. and E. M. Reavis, Jr. of San Francisco. Buried in San Francisco. See also Chico Record 9‐16‐1911. 1057 Reed (Reid) John S. Pioneer of Butte County, died at his son's home in Oregon February 9, age 67. Engaged in Oroville Register 3‐1‐1900 Y mining ventures. Married Miss Anna Morrison of Oroville.

1058 Reese William Resident of Oregon Gulch and respected citizen of Butte County. Murdered, body found near Weekly Butte Record 1‐7‐ Y gate of his home and object of murder supposedly was robbery. A day or two previous to his 1871 death, he had made a successful clean up at his mill. Mr. George Nolan is the suspect and lived a short distance from the house and mill of the murdered man.

1059 Reno Mrs. Charles A. Mrs. Charles A Reno is killed when she gets her dress caught in a conveyor belt at the Surcease Oroville Mercury Register 12‐ Y Mine. She is left alone in a room with equipment for the mine when the wind blows her dress 13‐1927 into the conveyor pulley. Her screams were heard but she had been drug into the pulley. She died near Pentz while being taken to the hospital at Oroville. She leaves behind a 3 year old son and her husband. Her body was returned to her family in Boone, Iowa for burial.

1060 Renut Eugene Oldest son of Charles Renut and wife and grandson of J. B. Thomas of Cherokee, Eugene died Oroville Mercury 4‐12‐1900 Y at his parent's home at Bath, Placer county. Was about 12 years old.

1061 Retson Charles Complete text: The body of the late Chas. Retson of Thompson Flat was buried on Sunday in Oroville Register 11‐30‐1893 N the cemetery at that place.

1062 Retson William Drowned while on a raft trying to fix some leaks in a dam at the Golden Feather mine. Oroville Register 9‐7‐1893 Y

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1063 Reynolds Dalton C. Native of Ohio, age 68. Husband of Sarah Reynolds, father of Mafro, Dalton and Robert Oakland Tribune 11‐25‐1929 Y Reynolds and Leira Batahler.

1064 Reynolds Louis Was past Master of Mountain Shade Lodge of Downieville, age 64, on 11/7. Remains were Butte Record 11‐16‐1872 Y followed to the grave by his Masonic brethren of Table Mountain Lodge No. 121 of Cherokee.

1065 Reynolds (Dillon) Mrs. Sarah Age 71, died in Kansas; wife of Nazro Reynolds. The Wichita Daily Eagle 7‐18‐ Y 1903 1066 Rice Elmer E. Complete text: The community was grieved to learn of the death of Elmer E. Rice of Pinkston Golden Feather Echoes 3‐27‐ N Canyon Road. Condolences are extended to his wife, Grace, and to Lucille and Steve Lamkin. 1981 Mr. Rice was Lucille's father.

1067 Richards Edwin L. Husband of Annie Hope Richards, native of Cherokee, age 28 years. Death was due to Oroville Daily Register 8‐24‐ Y consumption. 1906 1068 Richards Mrs. Thomas Formerly of Cherokee, died in San Francisco. Born in Wales. Leaves a family of nine sons and Daily Mercury 8‐24‐1900 Y daughters and her brother Daniel Morgan. 1069 Richardson R. Had been hostler at Halstead's stage barn, died suddenly from congestive chill. Daily Mercury 8‐25‐1891 Y

1070 Rickaby Charles D. Complete text: In memoriam. Charles D. Rickaby. Passed 2‐24‐2003, age 77. Feather River Canyon March N 2003 1071 Ridge John Rollin Died at Grass Valley, Nevada county. Editor of the Grass Valley National, author of several Weekly Butte Record 10‐12‐ Y popular works and numerous poems. Claimed to be the rightful chief of the Cherokee nation. 1867 Author of The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the Celebrated California Bandit (1854), one of the first novels ever written by an American Indian. 1072 Riley John Died during struggle in Cherokee while accompanying C. M. Duret, constable of Oregon Weekly Mercury 12‐14‐1877 Y Township. 1073 Riley Martin Died after slipping into a stream and was unable to swim; native of Ireland; worked at Oroville Register 7‐31‐1890 Y Cherokee many years. Leaves a sister in St. Louis. 1074 Ringel (Campbell Duensing) Dorothy Mae Native of Chico; born 8/11/1926 to Katherine Duensing Campbell and Carroll Campbell. The Newton‐Bracewell.com 6‐28‐ Y Campbells operated the Lovelock Inn below Stirling City and the Duensings ran cattle out of 2015 Oregon Gulch. Spent her first 8 years living at the Richardson Springs Hotel where her father drove the stage and her mother kept accounts; Alice (Mrs. J.H.) Richardson was her godmother. An accomplished pianist and earned wings as solo airplane pilot.

1075 Robblee Annie J. F. Died in Oakland. Wife of the late Charles W. Robblee. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery in Oakland Tribune 7‐23‐1959 Y Oakland.

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1076 Robblee (Croghan) Bertha V. Age 48, native of Concow, died after an illness of several years. Husband Walter F. Robblee Oroville Mercury Register 5‐ Y died in March 1938. Survived by 5 daughters: Mrs. Charles Campbell and Mrs. Kermit Smith 13‐1941 both of Palermo; Mrs. June Weimer of Portola; Claudia and Nova Robblee, both of Palermo; 4 sons: Edwin Robblee of Gray's Flat, William, Otho, and Walter Robblee Jr., of Palermo; 4 brothers, C. L. Croghan of Fremont, Nebraska, O. B. Croghan of Loma, Fred Croghan of Portland and Charles Croghan of Palermo; sister Mrs. B. P. Williams of Yankee Hill. Funeral notice 5‐17‐ 1941.

1077 Robblee Carrol Otho "Hop" Killed in a railroad accident, age 54. Born in Oroville November 13, 1927, veteran of WWII and Feather River Bulletin 5‐12‐ Y WPRR employee for 34 years. Survived by sons Everett Leon, Ray, LeeRoy and Thomas of 1982 Eureka, a daughter, Bonnie and several brothers and sisters. Graveside services held at Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery in Eureka.

1078 Robblee Dennis Elray Died September 9, 1998 in Portola, age 62. Born June 14, 1936 in Oroville, was a locomotive Feather River Bulletin 9‐16‐ Y engineer for Union Pacific Railroad for 29 years. Survived by wife Ann, sons and daughters. 1998 Services held at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints in Portola.

1079 Robblee Walter Thomas Father of 9 children, died at the county infirmary following a stroke, age 53. Native of LaPorte. Oroville Mercury Register 3‐ Y Survived by wife Bertha and 9 children. Graveside services at Yankee Hill cemetery. 24‐1938

1080 Roberts Mrs. Charles Died in Vacaville leaving family of nine children. Formerly lived on Dry Creek. Weekly Mercury 9‐2‐1881 Y

1081 Rogers Thomas Complete text: Died at Cherokee, on Saturday, 17th inst., Thomas Rogers, a native of Cornwall, Weekly Butte Record 10‐24‐ N England, aged 29 years. 1868 1082 Rohrer John Z. 61‐year‐old prospector that was shot through the face on December 26, 1954 in Feather River Oroville Mercury 1‐20‐1954 Y Canyon, died at Butte County Hospital. Suspected killer was Martin Tunny. 1083 Rollins Almon Old rancher dropped dead on the Hodapp ranch at Yankee Hill after a hearty breakfast, age 81. Oroville Mercury 10‐11‐1913 Y Burial at Yankee Hill cemetery. See also Oroville Daily Register 10‐13‐1913 and 10‐14‐1913.

1084 Rose E. Morton Complete text: Passed away on July 22nd. He is survived by his wife Elsie, his son David, and Canyon Courier 8‐1‐1985 N several grandchildren. Mr. Rose was born on July 20th. He and Mrs. Rose celebrated their anniversary on July 21st.

1085 Rothrock George Long time resident of Dry Creek near Messilla Valley, died from inflammation of the bowels, Weekly Butte Record 7‐10‐ Y age 57. Came from Missouri and known as Uncle George. Native of Germany. 1869

1086 Rothrock Louisa T. Complete text: Died at Messilla Valley on the 8th inst., Mrs. Louisa T. Rothcock, wife of George North Californian 1‐19‐1856 N Rothrock, aged 37 years, formerly of Jefferson City, MO. Marysville papers will please copy.

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1087 Rover Vivian Complete text: In memoriam. Vivian Rover, 2/12/1918‐11/9/2001. Feather River Canyon N December 2001

1088 Row Bernard Complete text: Obituaries: Mary "Teddy" McClain, b. 4‐27‐08, d. 11‐13‐86; Thelma Hobbs, b. 7‐ Feather River Canyon 1‐1‐ N 29‐12, d. 12‐06‐86; Charles Lundy, b. 9‐01‐23, d. 12‐08‐86; Kenny Nalley, b. 7‐07‐50, d. 12‐22‐ 1987 86; Bernard Row, b. 6‐04‐17, d. 12‐24‐86. 1089 Rowe Mrs. Emma Complete text: Died at Cherokee, February 24th, Mrs. Emma Rowe, wife of Edwin Rowe, aged Weekly Mercury 3‐2‐1883 N about 27 years. 1090 Rowe Infant Complete text: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Rowe of Cherokee, died on Tuesday. Oroville Register 11‐30‐1893 N

1091 Rowe Thomas Died in the snow on February 4 near Sky High. Buried at Cherokee. Oroville Register 3‐3‐1887 Y

1092 Rowell George W. Died at River Ranch. Survived by wife and three sons, Carl, Seth and Winfield Rowell. Funeral Oroville Daily Register 5‐25‐ Y at Live Oak cemetery. (see also Oroville Daily Register 5‐26‐1922) 1922

1093 Roy Rob A Big Meadows Indian, dropped dead at his camp near Chester, age 90. He was with the white Oroville Daily Register 7‐27‐ Y posse and aided in trailing of Mill Creek Indians as well as the notorious "Big Foot". Interred at 1920 Chester. 1094 Ruffy Charley Charley Ruffy, oldest California Indian, was found dead with head crushed; said to be 115 years Plumas National Bulletin 4‐3‐ Y old. 1930

1095 Rundel Rochester York City Marshall R. Y. Rundel died in Chico, age 53. Was earlier in the butchering business in Weekly Butte Record 3‐10‐ Y Cherokee. 1883

1096 Rust Bruce David Resident of Redwood City (he owned Ragdump with Howard Goodman). San Jose Mercury 10‐20‐ Y 2012 1097 Ryan Daniel Complete text: Died in Cherokee, October 30th, 1881, Daniel Ryan, aged 8 years, 5 months Weekly Mercury 11‐4‐1881 N and 2 days. 1098 Ryan W. D. Resident of Cherokee, died suddenly in Oakland from pneumonia, age 68. Native of Ireland. He Oroville Register 11‐30‐1893 Y mined until he accomplished a fortune and then moved to Oakland. Leaves wife and 4 children. 1099 Ryhiner Otto T. The body of Otto Ryhiner, railroad section hand, fell 50 feet from the Pulga railroad bridge to Feather River Bulletin 9‐14‐ Y his death in the Feather River August 24 and was recovered 2 miles downstream. Survived by a 1939 sister in Vacaville. Buried in Vacaville.

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1100 Salisbury Mrs. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Pioneer matron of Butte died at her home. Widow of the late John Salisbury and daughter of Oroville Daily Register 2‐24‐ Y Mrs. William Thunen. Survived by son John and six brothers, Charles, Fred, John, William, 1915 Edward and Frank Thunen. Lived in Cherokee until about 8 years ago. Age 52 years 6 months and 23 days old. Native of Iowa. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. See also funeral notice Oroville Daily Register 2‐26‐1915. 1101 Salisbury George Age 46 at death, born in Ohio. Leaves a wife and 2 daughters, brother Dexter and brother Jay, Weekly Butte Record 2‐3‐ Y sister Mrs. Thomas Alpaugh. 1883

1102 Salisbury Jay Died at his home in Chico this morning. Born in New York January 19, 1829, was 63 years old at Chico Enterprise 6‐10‐1892 Y death. Leaves a wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters, a brother Dexter and 2 sisters. See also Weekly Chronicle Record 6‐11‐1892.

1103 Salisbury Marvel (Marvil) Died at home of his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Alpaugh, age 87. Old pioneer of Tehama County and Chico Enterprise Weekly 11‐ Y at one time had a ranch near Tehama on the Toomes' grant. 25‐1887

1104 Salisbury Norma Complete text: Norma, the bright little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Salisbury, who resides Weekly Butte Record 12‐20‐ N next to the railroad, died yesterday afternoon. 1884

1105 Salisbury Sarah A. (Sally) Complete text: Died in Chico, on the 19th inst., Sarah A., wife of Marvel Salisbury, aged 67 Chico Northern Enterprise 10‐ N years. 28‐1871

1106 Salmon Frank Concow man, Frank Salmon, a native of Concow, accidentally shot himself. He fell while Oroville Register 8‐6‐1924 Y carrying a shot gun and died at Yankee Hill. 1107 Salsbury James Died of pneumonia. Worked the ranch at Clear Creek now owned by Dr. R. Jones. Survived by Oroville Mercury 11‐30‐1904 Y three sons and three daughters. Interment at Durham. 1108 Salisbury J. J. (John) Pioneer resident of Cherokee was killed in a runaway accident. Chico Enterprise Weekly 5‐ Y 11‐1906 1109 Sample Carl Died in Stockton, resident of Paradise. Survived by widow and 5 children. Married to Anna Chico Record 3‐26‐1922 Y Belle Moak. 1110 Sam the cook Had been cooking for M. H. Wells of Yankee Hill, his body found in a deserted cabin after Weekly Butte Record 2‐5‐ Y cutting his throat. 1870 1111 Sang Dr. Ah Dr. Don (Ah) Sang, the Chinese physician who once practiced at Deadwood where he Oroville Mercury 3‐19‐1903 Y conducted a sanitarium, died of a supposed broken heart. Survived by five children. 1112 Saucier Sylvester "Uncle Sylvester" of Oregon City. Butte Record 10‐27‐1866 Y

1113 Saulsbury Mrs. Resided at Clear Creek, died and was buried at Durham. Mother to several sons and three Daily Mercury 1‐7‐1891 Y daughters.

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1114 Schandoney Peggy Complete text: Passed away earlier this month in a Paradise hospital. Peggy was a long time Golden Feather Echoes 3‐30‐ N resident of Concow. She and her husband Warren moved here from Whittier, California over 1979 20 years ago. 1115 Schmidt Joseph Charles, Jr. Complete text: Mr. Schmidt was born July 17, 1911 in Houston, Texas. He died in U. C. Medical Canyon Courier November N Hospital, Sacramento October 22nd. He had been a 12‐year Concow resident and was an 1984 electrician for 30 years, employed by Bechtel Construction.

1116 Schneider John Henry Complete text: Died in Nauvoo, Illinois, Thursday, April 26th, 1883, John Henry Schneider in Daily Mercury 5‐10‐1883 N his 76th year. Deceased was the father of Mrs. Sim Garber, Mrs. Vogt and Robert Schneider of Cherokee. 1117 Schupbach Frederick Resident of Cherokee, suicided in his cabin by blowing his brains out with a shotgun. Age 41, Weekly Mercury 1‐17‐1879 Y native of Switzerland. 1118 Scoggins Mary Catharine Complete text: Died at Deadwood, Butte county, January 30th, 1891, Mary Catharine Chico Enterprise 2‐6‐1891 N Scoggins, beloved wife of D. T. Scoggins, aged 43 years and 8 days. 1119 Scott Caleb Retired rancher of Paradise, native of Illinois, age 74. He purchased the Concow campground Chico Record 6‐16‐1917 Y from A. B. Mullen in October 1885 and owned it for a number of years.

1120 Scott Mrs. Caleb (Almira) Pioneer matron died at Paradise. Survived by 9 children: Mrs. Ruth Stone of Red Bluff, Mrs. Oroville Daily Register 11‐21‐ Y Mame Taylor of Concow, Harvey Scott of Los Molinos, W. H. Scott of Chico, Sherman Scott of 1921 Paradise, Mrs. D. D. Jones of Paradise, Mrs. Eva Kirby of Las Plumas, and Mrs. Stella Peachy of Sacramento. Age 77. Native of Illinois and came to California 58 years ago. Burial on the ridge. See also Oroville Mercury 11‐21‐1921 1121 Scott infant son Complete text: Died SCOTT at Cana, Friday, August 25th, the infant son of Caleb and Mary Weekly Butte Record 8‐26‐ N Scott, aged five months. 1876

1122 Scott John Robert Died in San Jose after a long illness. Leaves a wife and two children, his mother, Mrs. Caleb Oroville Mercury 7‐21‐1920 Y Scott of Paradise, five sisters: Mrs. William Peachy and Mrs. James Curby of Oroville, Mrs. Ruth Stone of Paradise, Mrs. Dave Jones of Sacramento and Mrs. Frank Taylor of Concow and four brothers: Harvey Scott of Los Molinos, William Scott of Chico and Sam and Sherman Scott of Paradise.

1123 Scott Mary (Indian) (Nelly) Mary Scott, Indian, died while crossing the North Fork in a boat. Death certificate shows her Oroville Register 3‐7‐1895 Y name was Nelly Scott. 1124 Scott Richard B. About 65 years old, committed suicide after visiting the cemetery where his mother, Mrs. Oroville Register 6‐27‐1895 Y Lydia Wells, was buried. Brother of Caleb Scott of Concow. 1125 Scullion John Complete text: John Scullion, a former resident of Cherokee and a distant relative of John Oroville Weekly Register 11‐ N Scullion of Morris Ravine, died at Livermore Friday morning. 7‐1895

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1126 Seek Patsy A well known elder counselor, advocate of children and families in Oroville community; elder Chico Enterprise Record 8‐9‐ Y for Concow Indian tribe; chaired Concow Maidu cultural preservation association. 2013

1127 Sem Alice Bertha Complete text: Died at Oregon City, January 30th, 1881, Alice Bertha, daughter of George Weekly Mercury 2‐11‐1881 N Sem, aged 4 years, 6 months and 27 days.

1128 Sheley H. O. "Red" Died in Sacramento from cancer complications. Resided with his wife Hazel at the Domes for Golden Feather Echoes 5‐25‐ Y several years. 1979

1129 Sherman Luther Veteran stage driver, pioneer, age 78. Born in Waterford, Pennsylvania. Purchased a stage line Chico Record 6‐29‐1920 Y from his brother, Charles Sherman and drove on the Marysville, San Juan and Nevada City line. Also drove Marysville to LaPorte and then Prattville, Orland and Susanville. He was robbed by Black Bart on the Marysville stage. Interment at Chico Cemetery. 1130 Sherman Presbury Complete text: Died March 16th, 1866 (possibly 1867?) at Oregon Gulch, Presbury Sherman, a Weekly Butte Record 8‐3‐ N native of Mass. aged about forty‐five. (Fall River papers please copy). Deceased was a pioneer 1867 of Butte County and an upright and respected citizen. May he rest in peace.

1131 Shields John Killed in Feather River canyon when thousands of tons of rock slid into the canyon. William Feather River Bulletin 12‐11‐ Y King, son of W. H. King of Pulga, recovered the bodies under dangerous circumstances. 1930

1132 Shine David Buried alive due to cave‐in with F. G. Matthews in the tunnel in the quartz claim of Messrs. Butte Democrat 12‐3‐1859 Y Smith & Sparks at Table Mountain

1133 Signarux August A miner living in Dark Canyon 3 miles east of Yankee Hill, he was found hanging by the neck to Weekly Mercury 7‐2‐1880 Y a rafter in his cabin. Native of France, age 57 years.

1134 Simmons Sebree At Cherokee Flat, age 39 years. Native of New York and came to California in 1856. Butte Democrat 4‐6‐1981 Y

1135 Simmons William A. Died at the home of his son, F. O. Simmons, of Bidwell Bar; age 83. Survived by two sons: W. L. Oroville Daily Register 1‐3‐ Y Simmons and F. O. Simmons; two daughters, Edith E. Rowe and Jennie C. Parker. Interment at 1922 Chico cemetery.

1136 Simpson Billy (Indian) Murdered at the Bidwell grounds, motive was robbery. Employed as gardener in the Bidwell Weekly Oroville Register 3‐1‐ Y grounds. 1900

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1137 Sivils Chas Oldest Indian resident in the county, believed to be 100, worked for Charley Sivils and took his Oroville Register 5‐30‐1901 Y name. This was when Mr. Sivils came to California and worked at Yankee Flat. He was married ten times and all his children and grandchildren have passed away; Mr. Jas. Nelson of Rackerby is his nearest living relative; Chas was a brother to Mr. Nelson's grandfather. His remains were buried at Swede's Flat where he lived nearly his entire life. Mr. Nelson said Chas worked for the late John Bidwell at Bidwell Bar when gold was first discovered there.

1138 Skaggs Harriett Maude Former resident of Cherokee and Oroville; daughter of the late Jenkin Morgan, founder of Oroville Mercury Register 1‐ Y what is now known as Thermalito. Cousin of Mrs. Mary Thomas and T. M. James of Cherokee. 27‐1937 Surviving daughter, Dorothy Kramer of San Francisco, a son, Fred Skaggs of San Francisco and 1139 Skaggs (Moak) Mable Complete text: dd hThe Golden Feather Echoes has learned of the death of Mable Moa j d h f k Skaggs. Golden Feather Echoes 3‐6‐ N Mrs. Skaggs was the youngest of ten children born to Sim and Mary Moak. Sim Moak was a 1981 pioneer and Indian fighter in this area. 1140 Skeritt Richard Died at Big Bend Thursday, employed by the Great Western Power Co. Native of California, age Oroville Daily Register 2‐8‐ Y 40 years. 1908

1141 Slissman Anne L. Native of Stockton, had lived in Santa Rosa for 28 years, age 78. Wife of the late Walter A. The Press Democrat 6‐14‐ Y Slissman. Survived by daughter Patricia Evart and a sister. Interment in Santa Rosa. 1966

1142 Slissman Bertha R. Complete text: Services Thursday at 3 p.m. in the Little Church of the Flowers Mortuary, Forest The Los Angeles Times 9‐1‐ N Lawn Memorial Park Association, Inc. in charge. 1937

1143 Slissman Ella V. Complete text: San Francisco Deaths: SLISSMAN, Ella V. Oakland Tribune 5‐8‐1950 N

1144 Slissman Elmer H. Complete text: San Francisco Deaths: SLISSMAN, Elmer H., 72 years. Oakland Tribune 7‐14‐1949 N

1145 Slissman John Old resident of Cherokee, had a boot and shoe store in Cherokee and later a drug store. Also Oroville Daily Register 11‐23‐ Y engaged in mining. Died at the German Hospital in San Francisco from cancer of the liver. 1903 Survived by 3 sons. Interment in Cherokee. See also Oroville Mercury 11‐23‐1903

1146 Slissman Mrs. John (Margaret) Lived in Cherokee many years. Funeral took place yesterday at Cherokee. Oroville Mercury 9‐30‐1897 Y

1147 Slissman Walter A. Dead May 17 at 69, retired dairyman. Native of Ferndale. Leaves a wife and a daughter. The Press Democrat 5‐19‐ Y Interment at the family plot, Calvary Cemetery Santa Rosa. 1948

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1148 Smith Mrs. Adeline Pioneer woman of Butte County, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. S. Kitrick. She came Sacramento Union 12‐2‐ Y to California in 1850. Her husband, John McKinstry Smith, was a well known mining man and 1919 was superintendent of the Banner Mine. Survived by 3 daughters, Mrs. Bessie Bovey of San Francisco, Mrs. J. H. Leggett and Mrs. Kitrick of Oroville.

1149 Smith Carroll "Smitty" Complete text: Passed away on Sunday in Feather River Hospital. Smitty and his wife, Lydia, Golden Feather Echoes 5‐25‐ N lived for many years in Concow, near Crain Park. He worked as a construction worker on the 1979 Oroville Dam.

1150 Smith Charles Complete text: Died near Nelson Bar May 17th, 1875, Charles Smith, Portuguese, native Weekly Mercury 5‐28‐1875 N Azores Islands, aged 60 years.

1151 Smith Charles W. An old miner missing since last January, found in Concow. An old bachelor. Sam Woolever, the Daily Mercury 8‐26‐1890 Y Deadwood stage driver, said the bones of Smith were found lying on a hill near his cabin. Veteran of the war.

1152 Smith David Franklin Native of New Hampshire, age 64, died near Balsam Hill and buried near his home at Oregon Oroville Mercury 8‐18‐1897 Y City.

1153 Smith Edna M. (infant) Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith, age 10 months and 25 days. Daily Mercury 3‐21‐1883 Y

1154 Smith Eleazer Died at his brother J. McKinstry Smith's residence, Long's Bar, Nov. 11, age 47. Butte Democrat 11‐12‐1859 Y

1155 Smith Frank E. Pioneer stockman, former resident of Pentz, dead at age 76. Survived by a widow and four Oroville Daily Register 7‐12‐ Y daughters: Mrs. A. J. Campbell and Mrs. C. B. Campbell of Lovelock, Mrs. L. Haslund of Mill 1915 Creek, and Mrs. T. W. Hughes of Chico and four sons: G. H. Smith, Frank Smith, Isaac Smith and Joseph Smith. 1156 Smith Henry Clay Age 56, died at the Wicks ranch. Was a soldier in the Civil War. Resident of Stuben County, Weekly Register 12‐20‐1900 Y New York. 1157 Smith James Monroe James Monroe Smith, age 58 years, died at his home in Frenchtown June 17. Born in North Oroville Mercury 7‐2‐1886 Y Carolina Feb. 13, 1818. He had been a resident of Frenchtown for nearly 35 years. Leaves a wife and 7 children. 1158 Smith John McKinstry One of the oldest residents of the county, died at age 84. Native of New York and came to Oroville Mercury 9‐22‐1900 Y California in the early fifties engaging in mining and soon became one of the wealthiest mining men. Along with his partner E. M. Sparks built the first quartz mill, the Banner mine; operated from 1854 to 1860 and took from the mine $600,000. Burial at little cemetery near the Banner mine, where a daughter lies buried. See Oroville Register obituary 9‐27‐1900.

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1159 Smith John Suicide: Found dead in his cabin on Dry Creek above Messilla Valley. It appears he had injured Weekly Union Record 2‐4‐ Y himself by falling or slipping while walking a log and stabbed by a limb, which caused 1865 considerable loss of blood and inflammation setting in caused a stoppage of urine. A Mr. Shulu administered aid to him on Saturday night but when he returned early next morning, he found the man dead on the bed on the floor and the whole top of his head blown off. Mr. Smith had mined around Dogtown several years and was 43 years old. He was a German and believed to be from Philadelphia, PA.

1160 Smith Margaret Complete text: Died at Burnett, Pierce County, W. T. May 1st, 1889, Margaret, wife of David Oroville Register 5‐9‐1889 N M. Smith, aged 49 years; late of Cherokee, Butte county, California and was interred at Sumner, W.T. 1161 Smith Mrs. Minerva Adeline One of Butte county's oldest pioneer women, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. R. S. Oroville Daily Register 12‐1‐ Y Kitrick, age 79. Native of New York. Wife of John McKinstry Smith. Leaves three daughters: 1919 Mrs. Bessie Bovey of San Francisco, Mrs. R. S. Kitrick and Mrs. J. H. Leggett of Oroville. Interment in Oroville cemetery. 1162 Smith Phoebe Irene Two year old child of Frank Smith near Pentz found in Powers' ditch. Weekly Mercury 9‐19‐1884 Y

1163 Smith Sarah R. Complete text: Died at Pentz February 18th, 1887, Mrs. Sarah Smith, a native of Boston, Mass., Oroville Register 2‐24‐1887 N aged 75 years.

1164 Smith William Cortes Died while being taken toward Sacramento from Marysville. Brother John McKinstry Smith. Daily Butte Record 2‐9‐1858 Y Final resting place near his late residence at the Quartz Mill. See also burial notice 2‐11‐1858.

1165 Snape George Died at Indian Flat, Oregon Township, on the 8th instant, George Snape, aged 51, native of Weekly Butte Record 9‐18‐ Y Stone, Staffordshire, England. Fell into a mining shaft near his residence in Oregon township. 1869

1166 Snook Dr. William Henry Died in Bend, Oregon, age 90, was a physician in Oregon in the horse and buggy days. Native of The Bend Bulletin 3‐6‐1953 Y Fairfield, Iowa, born on Feb. 12, 1863. Married to Estelle Vinton, member of a pioneer Sherman county family. Survived by his wife and 2 children. 1167 Snow Florence Died of consumption. Born and reared in vicinity of Lovelock. Daughter of L. A. Snow. Daily Register 9‐10‐1897 Y

1168 Snow Lucius A. Pioneer of Butte County, gold miner, dies at home at Lovelock. He settled at Bidwell's Bar in Chico Record 3‐29‐1923 Y 1854 and then went to Oroville as a miner. His last strike was made at the Little Kimshew in 1860 when he cleaned up 40 pounds of gold during the season. Note: The Snow Mine operated above Concow at Little Kimshew for over 40 years.

1169 Snow Mrs. Lucius A. (Mary) Third member of Snow family to die within eight days' time, died from pneumonia. Native of Chico Record 4‐6‐1923 Y England, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp. Only surviving member of the family, daughter Josephine, who died in 1941.

1170 Snow Miss Martha Washington Died of pneumonia, age 56. Born at Mosquito Creek, Butte County. Daughter of Mary A. Snow. Chico Record 4‐4‐1923 Y

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1171 Snow Mary Jane Sister of Mr. L. A. Snow, died January 17 in Westland, Mass. Mr. Snow is now the only survivor Oroville Register 2‐13‐1890 Y of a family of 10 children. 1172 Snyder Henry Age 84, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fannie Hefner. Came to California in 1861. Daily Mercury 10‐15‐1918 Y Leaves a wife and son William Snyder, daughter Mrs. Fannie Hefner. 1173 Sonali Joseph An Italian workman, his body was found in the North Fork near Cherokee; he disappeared from Oroville Daily Register 11‐9‐ Y Big Bend suddenly; foul play is suspected. 1907 1174 Sorenson (Campbell) Mrs. Neil (Annie) Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Camp, in Oro Vista. One of the pioneers of Butte Oroville Mercury 12‐21‐1912 Y County. Native of Ireland, age 88 years. Survived by 3 daughters: Mrs. A. E. Camp and Mrs. Alex Wilson of Oroville and Mrs. Shelley Lee of Sundale; a brother, Robert Campbell of Sundale. 1175 Sorenson Neil Died suddenly while attempting to put out a fire near his residence near Sundale. Born in Oroville Register 6‐6‐1901 Y Copenhagen Sept 30, 1824 and lived in Butte County for 30 years. Leaves a wife and 3 daughters. Interment at Oroville.

1176 Southworth Alvin Eugene Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Southworth of the Banner mine died yesterday age 1 year 4 Oroville Daily Mercury 1‐16‐ Y months and 12 days. Death was due to dysentery. Interment at Wyandotte Cemetery. 1917

1177 Spangler Raymond L. Age 50, died of a heart attack while fishing. Survived by 2 sisters, 2 brothers and a daughter. Arizona Republic 5‐28‐1956 Y Was married to Una Belle Mullen at one time.

1178 Sparks Mrs. E. M. (Mary) Pioneer resident of Butte County, died in Berkeley at age 75. Native of Illinois and came to Oroville Daily Register 10‐24‐ Y California in 1849. In 1857 she was married to the late E. M. Sparks, her marriage license being 1908 the first one ever recorded in the county. She was also the mother of the first white child born in Butte County. Leaves 3 sons, George M., Fred M. and W. King Sparks. Interment at Oroville Cemetery. See funeral Oroville Mercury 10‐26‐1908

1179 Sparks Ebenezer Morrison Age 76; left Boston in 1849 and came around Cape Horn. He came to Long's Bar in the fall of Oroville Register 9‐3‐1903 Y 1850 and with John McKinstry Smith located the Banner mine. After the mine ceased to be profitable, he turned his attention to the erection of quartz mills in California and Nevada and built no less than 72 quartz mills. See funeral notice Oroville Mercury 8‐31‐1903.

1180 Sparks infant daughter Complete text: Died in Oroville, March 23d, 1888, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Oroville Register 3‐29‐1888 N Sparks.

1181 Sparks Minnie Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Sparks died last Friday. Oroville Register 11‐8‐1888 Y

1182 Sparks Mrs. John Moved to Butte with her father's family, Mr. McCloud of Cherokee, when she was ten years Oroville Register 10‐2‐1890 Y old. Leaves four children all under six years of age. 1183 Sparks Queen Morteen Complete text: Died in Oroville, Dec. 7, Queen Morteen, adopted daughter of Mrs. and Mr. M. Weekly Mercury 12‐10‐1886 N T. Sparks, aged 4 years, 7 months and 21 days. The funeral will take place from the residence on Thursday at 10 o'clock.

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1184 Spencer Franklin J. (John Franklin) Died March 24, age nearly 48. Born at Belle Plain, Wisconsin. Elected justice of the peace at Oroville Mercury 3‐23‐1909 Y Yankee Hill and held that position until his death. Also was Postmaster for Pulga for a short time. Leaves a daughter, father and mother and sister Mrs. Dora E. Wells of Yankee Hill. See also Oroville Daily Register 3‐25‐1909. 1185 Spencer John W. Pioneer of 1849, died at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. F. J. Davis. Born in 1824 in Oroville Mercury 9‐10‐1909 Y Berton, Maine, age 85 years. Mined at Yankee Hill. Survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Dora E. Wells. Also see Oroville Daily Register 9‐10‐1909.

1186 Spencer (Bayles) Mrs. Mary Helen Died at Cheney, Washington, Nov. 7, wife of Frank S. Spencer, editor of Cheney Sentinel. The Seattle Post Intelligencer Y Committed suicide by taking strychnine; taught school as a young woman. See also Oroville 11‐17‐1885 Daily Mercury 11‐10‐1885.

1187 Squires Smith B. Funeral notice: Died at Big Bend, 63 years old; leaves a wife and a son. Veteran of the Civil War Oroville Daily Register 5‐11‐ Y and a member of the Masons and Odd Fellows. Death due to heart disease. 1908

1188 Steinberger Lief Complete text: In memory of Lief Steinberger 6/1/1928‐3/28/2003. Feather River Canyon June N 2003

1189 Stempel William Age 85 years, 3 months and 18 days, died at the home of his stepson, J. M. Williams. Native of Daily Mercury 3‐20‐1916 Y Germany. Engaged in mining and later stock raiser. Leaves a daughter, Mrs. Robert Lee of Pentz and stepson J. M. Williams. Interment at Oroville cemetery. 1190 Stevens Ada Only daughter of George W. and Hattie S. Stevens, age about 4 1/2 years. Weekly Mercury 1‐26‐1877 Y

1191 Stevens George W. Died March 12, age 51 years; native of Flint, Michigan; born July 5, 1835. Oroville Register 3‐17‐1887 Y

1192 Steward Charles Age 86, resident of Redlands for 15 years and native of Butte County, California, died The San Bernardino County Y September 3. Leaves a sister, Mrs. William T. Ferguson of Redlands. Sun 9‐5‐1948 1193 Steward Frank R. Died at Deadwood, Butte County, September 4 from consumption. Born in Frenchtown, Butte Weekly Butte Record 9‐13‐ Y County, September 25, 1854. 1879 1194 Steward Georgia (infant) Complete text: Died in Chico, June 21, Georgia, aged 2 years and 5 months, daughter of Joseph Chico Courant 7‐3‐1868 N J. (I.) and Lydia A. Stewart (Steward). 1195 Steward Harry Funeral notice for Harry Steward, son of pioneer Redlands residents, interment at Hillside San Bernardino County Sun 4‐ Y cemetery. Died in Berkeley April 19. Brother of Mrs. W. T. Ferguson and Charles Steward, both 27‐1940 of Redlands. Survived by sons Frank Steward, Berkeley; Parker Steward, New York; and Harry Steward, Los Angeles. 1196 Steward Joseph Ireland Age 73, one time resident of Chico. Survived by widow, 2 sons and a daughter. At one time Chico Record 10‐7‐1911 Y conducted the Union Hotel.

1197 Steward Mrs. Lydia Redlands pioneer, age 102, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William T. Ferguson on The San Bernardino County Y Christmas Day. Born in Monmouth, Maine October 1, 1829. Sun 12‐27‐1931

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1198 Stewart Mary Elizabeth Died in Stockton. Survived by sister, Mrs. Henrietta Stewart. Interment in Cherokee cemetery. Oroville Daily Register 6‐13‐ Y See also funeral notice 6‐15‐1921. 1921 1199 Stewart Robert M. Died at Virginia City after taking laudanum with suicidal intent. He had been despondent for Daily Mercury 11‐14‐1883 Y some time since the death of his son, Willie Stewart and his inability to obtain work. Native of Scotland, 61 years old. 1200 Stewart R. Willie Near Pence's, June 15, age 21 years, 1 month and 15 days. Son of Mrs. C. L. Durban. Funeral Daily Mercury 6‐18‐1883 Y procession escorted by Messila Valley Lodge to Cherokee. See funeral 6‐16‐1883.

1201 Stone Mrs. Carrie Resides at Big Bend, owned 320 acres of land at Butte City as well. The place at Big Bend was Oroville Register 8‐21‐1902 Y formerly the Sam Knowlton ranch. Died suddenly. Leaves two sons.

1202 Stone Edward An old citizen of Concow, died in Greenville. Interment at Concow. Oroville Mercury 9‐30‐1914 Y

1203 Stone (Miller) Mrs. Edward Died at home in Concow; leaves husband and family; maiden name Sarah Ann Miller and Oroville Register 9‐5‐1895 Y married Edward Stone about 1890

1204 Stone Fred Resident of Pentz, died of consumption. Interment at Clear Creek cemetery. Age 42 and leaves Oroville Mercury 8‐18‐1899 Y a widow and two young children.

1205 Stone Larry Complete text: In memoriam, Larry Stone, December 1990. Feather River Canyon 1‐4‐ N 1991

1206 Stone Manford Found dead near Long Creek, son of Philander Stone of Durham and nephew of F. Stone of Oroville Daily Register 6‐14‐ Y Concow. 1909

1207 Strang Fred Elmer 6‐year‐old son of George and Katie Strang, died at Oregon City on June 1. Oroville Register 6‐4‐1896 Y

1208 Strang Janet (Hunter) Died Jan 31 at her resident in Oregon City, age 63 years. She came across the plains arriving in Oroville Register 2‐2‐1893 Y California in 1852 and settled in Oroville and then to Oregon City. Leaves a husband and 4 sons and 6 daughters. Note: Hunter is maiden name.

1209 Strang Robert Born in Scotland, pioneer of Butte county, died at family home in Oregon City. A miner, father Oroville Mercury 5‐15‐1900 Y of 13 children, age 80. 1210 Straus (Wolf) Hattie Complete text: STRAUS, Services for Hattie Straus Wednesday, 2 p.m. at Glasband & Co. Los Angeles Times 1‐6‐1942 N

1211 Strawn Steve Complete text: In Memoriam. Richard Callahan 1944‐2003; Mark McKain 1950‐2003; Feather River Canyon N Madeleine Page 1945‐2003; Steve Strawn 11/9/1948‐12/7/2003. January 2004 1212 Stringfellow Barbara Jean Wife of Claude Stringfellow. Survived by three daughters: Vicki Silva, Debra German, and Terri Chico Enterprise Record 4‐11‐ Y Cox. Worked as a meat wrapper for Collins and Denny's Market and Currier Brothers Market. 2017 High school bus driver for Oroville Union High School and later a secretary. Age 83.

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1213 Stringfellow Stewart Samuel Age 51, Chief of police in Spencer, Nebraska, was killed when struck by a car. Survived by wife The Lincoln Star 10‐19‐1971 Y Irene M, daughters Mrs. Jacqueline Kelly of Manteca, Calif., and Mrs. Jillane Lindsey of Chico, Calif.

1214 Sturmer Frankie Complete text: A malignant form of diphtheria is epidemic in Cherokee. Little Frankie, Daily Mercury 10‐23‐1885 N daughter of Mrs. Sturmer, died this morning and will be buried to‐morrow at ten o'clock. 1215 Sturmer Jacob Pioneer of Butte county, age 84. Leaves five children: Mrs. Frank Holub, Mrs. M. Woolever, Oroville Daily Register 7‐7‐ Y Mrs. L. L. Slissman, Mrs. Wendel Miller, Jacob Sturmer. See funeral notice 7‐11‐1916 1916 1216 Summers (Duensing) Mrs. Elizabeth (AKA Betty Duensing/Hottman of Flea Valley); native of Sweden; mother of George, August Oroville Mercury Register 3‐ Y and Adolph Duensing and Mrs. Retta Morgan all of Oregon City, grandmother of Mrs. 6‐1928 Catherine Campbell, Mrs. Alta Foster, Donald Duensing and Stanley Morgan, great grandmother of Clinton and Darrel Foster and Dorothy Campbell

1217 Sutton Robert Raymond Died March 7 in Paradise; from Yankee Hill, age 84. Chico Enterprise Record 3‐10‐ Y 2017

1218 Swain Henrietta Elizabeth Complete text: Official death list (Los Angeles): SWAIN, Henrietta, age 82, Feb. 11. The Los Angeles Times 2‐19‐ N 1942

1219 Sweetman Mrs. Nancy Wife of William Sweetman, died at Yankee Hill at age 72. Leaves husband and 3 sons, Thomas, Oroville Daily Register 3‐12‐ Y John and Frank. 1906

1220 Sweetman Thomas J. Crossed the plains by wagon train in the 1850s, died at his home at age 79. Born in Centerville, Oroville Mercury Register 12‐ Y Iowa. Started mining at a young age. Survived by wife, Mrs. Edna Sweetman, daughter Mrs. 10‐1938 Oscar Thatcher, son Leon L. Sweetman, sister Mrs. Alice Hively of Loyalton and brother Frank Sweetman of Enterprise. 1221 Swinney Glen 18 year old son of Juanita and Don Eubank of Yankee Hill Road, lost his life in a freak car Golden Feather Echoes 8‐22‐ Y accident in Oroville. Graduated from Golden Feather School at Concow. 1980

1222 Taylor George M. Died at the residence of L. Glass in Cherokee this morning due to pneumonia; 61 years old. Daily Mercury 3‐23‐1886 Y Funeral at Cherokee.

1223 Taylor Mrs. George M. Taylor Mrs. George M. Taylor, nee Miss Terissa Giles, was born in New Salem, Mass. Died at her home Daily Mercury 8‐26‐1885 Y in Pentz August 18, 1885, age 59 years, 1 month, 16 days. Funeral held at the residence and burial at Cherokee cemetery.

1224 Taylor Thomas Lee Born November 21, 1990, entered into rest on March 7, 1991. Survived by his father Chuck Feather River Canyon April Y Taylor and mother Eileen Rhodes. 1991

1225 Taylor W. H. Native of Pentz, age 26 years. Survived by mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Taylor and Oroville Mercury 3‐2‐1922 Y one brother, Clifford Taylor and one sister, Mrs. L. A. Johnson. Interment at the Chico cemetery.

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1226 Tebbe Ellen Complete text: Died at Merrithew's ranch January 5th, 1871, daughter of Gerhard and Ellen Weekly Butte Record 1‐21‐ N Tebbe, aged 5 years, 9 months and 27 days. 1871

1227 Tebbe Gerhard Name is misspelled as Trebbe in obituary. Mr. Tebbe ran the Deadwood hotel. Funeral in Oroville Daily Register 1‐27‐ Y Cherokee with burial in Yankee Hill. 1897

1228 Tebbe Ida Complete text: Died at Merithew's ranch, January 5th, 1871, Ida, daughter of Gerhard and Weekly Butte Record 1‐21‐ N Ellen Tebbe, aged 5 years, 9 months and 27 days. 1871

1229 Tebbe Johnny Son of George Tebbe of Deadwood; 14 years old, died of diphtheria. Daily Mercury 12‐14‐1885 Y

1230 Tebbe Mary Ellen Complete text: Monday, Mrs. Tebbe of Deadwood, died last Saturday. Weekly Mercury 1‐2‐1885 N

1231 Tebben A. Paullena (Appolena) Complete text: Died at Oregon City August 31, 1883, A. Paullena Tebben, aged 64 years. Note: Daily Mercury 9‐4‐1883 N Husband Eilert died in 4‐17‐1891.

1232 Tebben Eilert Bonnen Complete text: E. B. Tebben, a native of Hanover, Germany, 67 years of age, died at Oregon Daily Mercury 4‐18‐1891 N City yesterday of Bright's disease. He will be interred in the Oroville cemetery tomorrow.

1233 Teeters Elias Age 70 and native of New York and carpenter by trade, died from effects of paralysis. Involved Oroville Mercury 3‐8‐1897 Y in shooting affray on Dry Creek in an attempt to take up land.

1234 Tharralbson John K. Funeral held in Oregon City. Interment in Oregon City cemetery. Oroville Daily Register 12‐9‐ Y 1909

1235 Thielbesen Thomas Had been working at Rock Creek and started for Cherokee Flat on December 27. On January 8, Marysville Daily Appeal 1‐22‐ Y he was found drowned and in an upright position between two rocks on the side of the creek. 1865 It is supposed the creek was high when he laid down his blankets to prepare for crossing but fell in. He was 46 years old and well‐known at Yankee Hill and Morris Ravine. He was a sea‐ faring man and came to California in 1848. 1236 Thomas Charlie Died after drinking at Duensing's saloon, age 23. Buried in Oakland next to his father and Weekly Mercury 10‐14‐1881 Y mother.

1237 Thomas Levi Died suddenly yesterday at his home in Cherokee Ravine; he was around in apparent good Butte Record 3‐26‐1870 Y health until a few minutes before his death, which is supposed to have been caused by heart disease.

1238 Thomas Mabel Funeral; burial in Cherokee cemetery. Oroville Mercury 3‐9‐1912 Y

1239 Thomas Mary Complete text: Died in Cherokee Ravine, on the 19th instant, Mary, wife of Levi Thomas, aged Weekly Butte Record 5‐25‐ N 55. 1867

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1240 Thomas William H. R. Complete text: Died at Concow, Wm. H. R. Thomas, aged 51 years. Weekly Butte Record 8‐8‐ N 1868

1241 Thompson Dr. Abel Walker Dr. Abel Walker Thompson, age 71, died at Frenchtown. Note: In 1852 Thompson was one of Butte Record 3‐18‐1882 Y the earliest settlers in Concow Valley.

1242 Thompson Nancy M. Complete text: Died at Jordon (Jordan) Hill, Butte county, Oct. 21, 1875, Nancy M., wife of Dr. Weekly Mercury 10‐29‐1875 N A. W. Thompson, aged 42 years. (Buried at Cherokee Cemetery). 1243 Thornton John C. Old prospector who has lived in Butte county for 50 years, dies from exposure; found on Oroville Register 1‐26‐1907 Y roadside by neighbors, apparently intoxicated; died at Mullen's ranch.

1244 Thornton T. Killed in Feather River canyon when thousands of tons of rock slid into the canyon. William Feather River Bulletin 12‐11‐ Y King, son of W. H. King of Pulga, recovered the bodies under dangerous circumstances. 1930

1245 Thunen Casper Lyle Age 88, died October 9 at his home in Springville, Utah after a short illness. Born May 7, 1910 Ukiah Daily Journal 10‐26‐ Y in Oroville to John Thunen and Dora Bennett, he was raised in Oroville and Oakland. Survived 1998 by wife Adele, daughters Doramay of Bethesda, MD and Maurine of Springville. 1246 Thunen Charles Albert Died November 27 in Hiouchl, age 63. Husband of Maud Louise Thunen, father of Elizabeth Eureka Humboldt Standard Y Crowley of Oakland, Laura Sealy of Pollock Pines, Cora L. Gooch of Crescent City. Brother of P. 11‐29‐1965 E. Thunen, MD of Yuba City, John Paul Thunen of Los Angeles, Casper Lyle Thunen of Ukiah. He was district superintendent of Del Norte High School for 40 years. Interment at Ocean View Cemetery, Eureka. 1247 Thunen Chester William Died in Castro Valley, November 26; husband of Margaret Thunen; father of Janet Orth and Oakland Tribune 11‐28‐1958 Y John Thunen; brother of Edith Bruning of Santa Rosa and Jeffie Huntoon of Oroville. Native of Oroville, age 60 years. Interment at Alta Mesa.

1248 Thunen Edward G. Died September 1, 1926, husband of Esther A. Thunen, father of Edward, Ronald and Patricia Oakland Tribune 9‐2‐1926 Y Thunen, brother of F. W., Charles G.,. William, John A. and Frank R. Thunen. Native of California, age 50 years, 7 days. Interment at Mt. View cemetery. See funeral notice 9‐3‐1926.

1249 Thunen (Higgins) Esther A housemother at the California School for the Deaf, died 10‐20 at the home of her daughter, Oakland Tribune 10‐21‐1942 Y Mrs. Patricia McKeehan. Widow of Edward G. Thunen. Native of Auburn.

1250 Thunen Gerhard Louis Born 40 years ago at Flea Valley; opened the cyclery in Oroville with his brother. Leaves his Oroville Daily Register 6‐3‐ Y wife Lillie, three children, Chester, Edith and Jessie, mother, and six brothers and one sister. 1907 Interment at Oroville cemetery. See funeral notice 6‐6‐1907.

1251 Thunen Henry Put a bullet through his brain at his mother's home in Cherokee. His spine was injured the year Oroville Register 10‐3‐1895 Y before and became he despondent, age 25 years. 1252 Thunen Mrs. Johanna Pioneer of Butte co, native of Germany; lived in Flea Valley, in 1865 witnessed Indian Oroville Mercury 7‐13‐1926 Y massacre; survived by sons Fred W., Charles G, William, John A., Edward G and Frank

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1253 Thunen Mrs. Johanna Buried in Cherokee cemetery Oroville Mercury 7‐15‐1926 Y

1254 Thunen (Lee) Maud Louise Died December 15, age 76. Native of California. Widow of Charles A. Thunen; mother of Mrs. The Times Standard (Eureka) Y Elizabeth Quinn of Longview, WA, Mrs. Laura Sealy of Orleans and Mrs. Lou Gooch of Eureka. 12‐17‐1974

1255 Thunen (Graham) Naomi Died in Orinda November 9; wife of George W. Thunen, mother of Mrs. Sam R. Short and Oakland Tribune 11‐11‐1956 Y Charles Graham Thunen. Native of Missouri. Interment Mountain View Cemetery.

1256 Thunen Thomas W. Died February 6. Survived by wife, Florence B., sisters Frances Pollock and Margaret White, The Los Angeles Times 2‐8‐ Y daughter Vonne Ann Heninger. Interment in Valhalla Memorial Park. 1979

1257 Thunen William Killed by apoplexy; blacksmith in Cherokee; leaves widow, seven sons and daughter Oroville Register 5‐30‐1895 Y

1258 Thunen William Son of pioneer settlers William and Johanna Thunen. Early day Oroville district photographer Oroville Mercury Register 1‐ Y who took the first picture of Ishi, last of the Yahi Indians. Came to Oroville in 1911 and was a 4‐1950 mail carrier at one time. Moved to Weed in 1914 to work in the lumber industry.

1259 Toley Dick (Indian) Dick Toley's body (Indian) better known as "Scarface Dick", was found east of Browns Valley Oroville Mercury 10‐1‐1897 Y with a bullet hole 3 inches above his navel.

1260 Trainor J. C. Complete text: Deaths: At Deadwood, October 17, J. C. Trainor, aged 64 years. Weekly Butte Record 10‐24‐ N 1885

1261 Trowbridge Edward Resident of Pentz, died last Friday. He was one of the pioneers of California and came to Oroville Register 6‐5‐1890 Y California from Massachusetts in 1849. Burial at Magalia.

1262 Truex Oliver Lived at his ranch on Highway 70 for the past 33 years. Employed at Golden Feather School Golden Feather Echoes 12‐ Y District from 1959 to 1967. Past Master of Concow Grange. Born in Indiana. 14‐1979

1263 Tuhey Mrs. Bridget Wife of John Tuhey, died after developing typhoid pneumonia. Native of County Mayo, Daily Register 9‐16‐1902 Y Ireland, 61 years of age, nee Bridget McDermott. Mr. & Mrs. Tuhey lived at Cherokee for more than 20 years and lived in Oroville for about 9 years. Interment at Catholic cemetery in Oroville.

1264 Tuhey Frank P. Oroville accountant and book expert; born in Cherokee; father John Tuhey was connected with Oroville Mercury Register 10‐ Y Cherokee mining company. Survivors: Mrs. Georgia Tuhey, widow; sister Mrs. J.D. Woodall and 19‐1934 2 brothers M.R. Tuhey and C. J. Tuhey.

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1265 Tuhey John Death after suffering from an attack of paralysis. Born in Ireland and came to America in the Daily Register 10‐1‐1902 Y early 1850s. Lived in Cherokee for many years where he held a responsible position with Spring Valley mine. Reared his family in Cherokee and spent a large part of his life there. His wife, Bridget, died from an "attack of sickness" after nursing him back to health and died a few weeks before. Leaves five sons and one daughter: C. J., M. R., J. J., Thomas and Frank and daughter Mrs. J. D. Woodall. 1266 Twombly Charles H. A banker and capitalist, Charles Twombly died March 8, 1900, age 70. Native of Great Falls, The San Francisco Call 3‐9‐ Y NH. See funeral Oakland Tribune 3‐12‐1900 and San Francisco Chronicle 3‐10‐1900. 1900

1267 Twombly Mary M. Mary Twombly died in Oakland, October 15; wife of the late Charles M. Twombly. Native of Oakland Tribune 10‐16‐1929 Y Missouri, age 76 years.

1268 Tyer Perry Died suddenly of heart failure at the Banner Mine. Born in Missouri and was 56 years old. Oroville Mercury 12‐15‐1922 Y Survived by his wife, two daughters: Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Rivierra Cowden; two sisters, Mrs. T. N. Baker and Mrs. Christman; one brother, Dan S. Tyer.

1269 Tyre David Age 87, died at Rothsay, Scotland on April 25, 1902; resided near Cherokee for over 30 years. Oroville Register 5‐22‐1902 Y

1270 Tyre Mrs. David Died at Rothsay, Scotland. Oroville Register 10‐20‐1892 Y

1271 unknown Indian A half‐breed Indian who was a partner with German miner Adam Nipshew near Yankee Hill. Oroville Daily Register 9‐3‐ Y Blew off his head with giant powder, age 63. 1897

1272 Upton Charles Marion Passed away Thursday, May 6 at the VA Hospital in Martinez. Survivors include his wife Golden Feather Echoes 5‐17‐ Y "Frosty" and two children, Herbert O'Neal and Dorothy Heil. 1982

1273 Vahey Astillia and Veronica Complete text: Mr. and Mrs. Vahey of Cherokee lost their twin babes during the past few days. Oroville Register 3‐26‐1891 N (Note: Astillia was 9 months old and Veronica was 2 years old).

1274 Vahey Mrs. M. Mother of Mrs. John Powers, died in San Francisco. Former resident of Cherokee. Leaves four Daily Register 6‐6‐1903 Y sons and two daughters.

1275 Vahey Tessie Killed in an auto accident, age 24. Funeral held from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Mary Daily Register 4‐12‐1912 Y Powers.

1276 Van Gooden Frank Died of consumption unexpectedly, 23 years old. Oroville Mercury 12‐27‐1900 Y

1277 VanGoodwin Peter Died from consumption in Chico; born and reared in Cherokee, about 24 years old. Interment Oroville Register 7‐16‐1896 Y at Cherokee.

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1278 VanNess James Pioneer of Butte county, died at his home at Paradise, age 95. Leaves a wife and three sons. Daily Mercury 9‐18‐1890 Y Settled at Pentz where he had a farm and a business as a wagon maker. His wife is a sister of Mrs. M. Pence, Mrs. T. J. Know and Mr. E. C. Chase.

1279 VanVleck Luvena May Complete text: Luvena passed away Saturday, October 17th. She was born August 26, 1912 in Feather River Canyon 11‐1‐ N Stuart, Oklahoma and moved to Concow in 1977 with her husband Wendell after his 1987 retirement.

1280 VanVleck Wendell Complete text: Longtime resident and friend to many, Wendell VanVleck passed away on Feather River Canyon 7‐1‐ N Friday morning, June 9th, in his sleep after a long and lengthy illness. Interment was in 1989 Hayward.

1281 Vavalette Lenny L.L. Oral recording at Yankee Hill school house. Lenny lived on Jordan Hill Road and studied martial YHHS archives 2‐12‐2012 Y arts. 1282 Vavalette Lenny Lucifer AKA Donald Armstrong; died 12/25/2011; lived on Jordan Hill Rd, great grandmaster "Sifu Chico Enterprise Record 1‐8‐ Y Lenny" highest ranked Tai Chi Chuan master in Northern California 2012

1283 Veale John Popular old stage driver of Butte county. Died at county hospital. Interred in Chico. Chico Record 4‐11‐1907 Y

1284 Vignolia Eleanor Complete text: Passed away Friday, May 22 at home. A longtime resident of Concow, she has Feather River Canyon 6‐1‐ N many surviving relatives here. 1987

1285 Vinton Mrs. Ann Pioneer matron and widow of Thomas L. Vinton, died at her home in Cherokee. Native of Oroville Daily Register 1‐2‐ Y Wales, age 64. Leaves five children: D. L. Vinton, Margaret Vinton, Carrie Vinton, Marcus W. 1913 Vinton, and Ruth Vinton. Interment at Cherokee cemetery. See also funeral notice 1‐4‐1913.

1286 Vinton David Funeral held at Grass Valley, Oregon. The Bend Bulletin 6‐13‐1936 Y

1287 Vinton Edna S. Complete text: Died at Cherokee, June 30, Edna S., daughter of George and Martha Vinton, Weekly Mercury 7‐16‐1875 N aged 21 months and 16 days.

1288 Vinton George C. Born in Cherokee on Feb. 10, 1862. In 1882 the Vinton family came to Oregon and The Bend Bulletin 12‐22‐ Y homesteaded east of Grass Valley. A prominent stockman and was manager of the four 1937 warehouses of the Wasco Milling Company at Grass Valley. Survived by a wife, 2 daughters, a son, 2 sisters, and 2 brothers. 1289 Vinton Howard Drowned with Arthur Cheshire in Grub Flat Reservoir in Cherokee. Biggs Argus 5‐26‐1892 Y

1290 Vinton Margaret (Maggie N.) Memoriam notice December 28, 1867. Weekly Butte Record 1‐11‐ Y 1868

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1291 Vinton Thomas L. Cherokee pioneer merchant and mining man died from pneumonia, age 73. Leaves his wife, Oroville Daily Register 9‐15‐ Y two sons: Louis and Marquis, and three daughters: Margaret, Carrie and Ruth Vinton. 1910 Interment at Cherokee cemetery. Also see funeral notice 9‐17‐1910. 1292 Vinton Thomas LeRoy Died suddenly Saturday, Feb. 16; Funeral in Portland, Oregon. The Bend Bulletin 2‐19‐1941 Y

1293 Vogt Joseph Complete text: Died in Cherokee, September 19th, Joseph Vogt, aged 52 years. Weekly Mercury 9‐23‐1881 N

1294 Wagner son Died in Cherokee February 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wagner, age 18 months. Weekly Mercury 2‐15‐1884 Y

1295 Waldeyer Charles Died at his home. Had mining interests at Cherokee and was superintendent at Spring Valley Oroville Register 10‐4‐1894 Y Hydraulic Company. Leaves a widow and 5 children.

1296 Waldeyer Hester Died in San Francisco, wife of the late Charles Waldeyer. Interment in San Francisco. Oroville Daily Register 2‐22‐ Y 1918

1297 Waldo Indian Killed near Cherokee on Yankee Hill Road by Dick Johnson, a half breed Indian, while playing Oroville Mercury 3‐4‐1901 Y cards.

1298 Walsh Georgia Frances (Mrs. E. Native of Oroville, age 49. Survived by husband, 2 sons, Bert and Kenneth; a daughter Lois Oroville Daily Register 7‐7‐ Y E.) Walsh, brother Oliver Josephson and stepbrother Charles M. Matthews of Redding. Interment 1921 at Oroville cemetery. See funeral notice 7‐9‐1921.

1299 Walsh James Age 47; born in Iowa. Employed by the Valley Power Company at Nimshew as a mechanic. Oroville Register 10‐15‐1903 Y

1300 Walsh Miss Violet Native of Stanwood died at county infirmary, age 17. Leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Oroville Daily Register 4‐20‐ Y Walsh, a sister, Miss Lillie Walsh and three younger brothers. Interment at Catholic cemetery. 1916 See also funeral notice 4‐21‐1916.

1301 Ward Leonard T. Complete text: In memoriam. Leonard T. Ward, 3/23/1918‐10/1/2003; Frankie Margaret Feather River Canyon N Moak, 7/13/1920‐10/5/2003. November 2003

1302 Ward William Complete text: Passed away on July 21st at Oroville Hospital. Bill has lived in the Concow area Canyon Courier 8‐1‐1985 N for four years. He is survived by 5 brothers.

1303 Ware Henry Death caused by stomach trouble, ate cucumbers for last meal, age 64. Survived by a son and Chico Record 7‐9‐1912 Y four daughters, brothers and sisters. Born in Indiana, principal occupation was mining. Burial at Paradise cemetery.

1304 Ware Mrs. William (Mary) Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Strong and leaves three children, age 24. Oroville Register 5‐1‐1890 Y

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1305 Warne Mrs. James Well and widely known in Oroville, Oregon City and Forbestown. Leaves a husband and two Oroville Register 6‐9‐1898 Y sons and a daughter.

1306 Warren Charles Died at Big Bar hospital from typhoid pneumonia, employed at Camp 19 of the Western Oroville Daily Register 9‐16‐ Y Pacific. 1908

1307 Watkins Mrs. J. H. Died at Burnett, WA on January 22. Remembered as Miss Belle Wilson of Cherokee, 25 years Oroville Register 2‐6‐1896 Y old. Leaves a husband and baby of only 10 days old.

1308 Watson (Detlow) Mrs. Esther Born at Morrison, Mo.; husband Melvin Watson of Route 1, Oroville Oroville Mercury Register 9‐ Y 19‐1963

1309 Watson (Detlow) Esther Johanna Died 9/17/1963 in San Pablo, CA; brother Leo T. Holzem, Lawrence Holzem, Fred Holzem, Oroville Mercury Register 9‐ Y Joseph Holzem and sister Allie Holzem of Haiti. See above 20‐1963

1310 Watson Melvin E. Long time resident of this area. Concow Yankee Hill Informer Y 4‐7‐1972

1311 Watson Richard Fatal accident with 200 yards of the flume falling at Flea Valley. He was killed when a large Weekly Mercury 7‐6‐1877 Y timber hit him in the head. He was from Kentucky and 28 years old.

1312 Webber George Complete text: Word was received that George Webber passed away in Salem, Oregon. Ashes Golden Feather Echoes 9‐4‐ N were scattered at sea. The Webbers formerly lived on Concow Rd. His wife survived him. 1981

1313 Weeks Rufus Son of George W. Weeks, owner and publisher of the Alameda Encinal; drowned near Bardee's Oroville Daily Register 5‐18‐ Y Bar on April 29 and body found about 2 miles below where he drowned; first seen by William 1905 King of Big Bar. Buried at Chico by the side of his fiancée, Miss Eva Moak, who was murdered about a year ago.

1314 Weiland Eugene E. Age 63, died at Congress, AZ. Survived by wife Una Belle, son William, daughter Francie Arizona Republic 10‐14‐1966 Y Hampton, sister Mrs. Gladys Clymer and a brother Ralph.

1315 Weisat George Complete text: Died at Concow Valley March 8th, George Weisat, aged 74 years, native of Weekly Butte Record 3‐21‐ N Germany. 1874

1316 Welch James Conductor on the Oregon Express train died on way to Deadwood to get medical aid from the Daily Mercury 10‐13‐1890 Y Chinese doctor, age 35.

1317 Welch John Resident of Cherokee since 1856, died Sunday. Leaves three sons and two daughters. Oroville Register 5‐1‐1890 Y

1318 Wellington Frederick Resident of Yankee Hill, about 60 years old. A miner by occupation. Weekly Chronicle Record 12‐ Y 9‐1893

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1319 Wellington Mrs. Jane (Fursiear) Died at Frenchtown April 26, age 75 years; stricken with paralysis. Native of Cornwall, England. Oroville Mercury 4‐30‐1880 Y Mother of Fred Wellington. Funeral at Yankee Hill.

1320 Wellington Mrs. Mary Old resident of Concow Township died Monday afternoon at the family residence at Yankee Chico Record 3‐5‐1908 Y Hill. Born in Germany 69 years ago; came to Jordan Hill with her husband about 40 years ago. Husband, Fred, was a well‐known miner. Survived by two sons, Fred and Sydney.

1321 Wells Austin A. Injured on the local train and had his left foot crushed and a concussion. See also San Francisco Oakland Tribune 10‐28‐1892 Y Chronicle 10‐29‐1892. 1322 Wells Mrs. Lydia Complete text: Death on the Cars. Mrs. Lydia Wells from Hancock County, Illinois, died on the Northern Enterprise Weekly N cars on the 17th inst. Between Corinne (Utah) and Blue Creek; aged about 60 years. She was 10‐22‐1870 on her way here to visit her sons, Caleb and R. B. Scott of Chico Township.

1323 Wells M. F. Killed while blasting with 27 kegs of powder at Corey's Camp No. 2 at Big Bar Oroville Daily Register 4‐3‐ Y 1907 1324 Wells Michael Henry Died at home 3 days after July 4th party at Yankee Hill. (long obituary). See also Oroville Oroville Register 7‐9‐1891 Y Mercury 7‐6‐1891 and funeral notice Daily Mercury 7‐7‐1891. 1325 Welsh Harry Plummer Age 18 years, 5 months and 15 days, died at his parents, Tobe Welch and wife, of fever. Oroville Mercury 9‐21‐1898 Y Interment at Oroville cemetery. 1326 Welsh Lincoln G. Age 14, son of P. R. Welsh, died after receiving injuries after a fall from a horse. Weekly Mercury 11‐8‐1878 Y

1327 Wersert Robert Jackson Complete text: Died at Cherokee October 25th, Robert Jackson Wersert, age 33 years. Daily Mercury 10‐26‐1883 N

1328 Westrope J. O. Native of Illinois, died at Dry Creek, age 63. Engaged in mining and stock raising. Survived by Oroville Daily Register 3‐31‐ Y W. S. Westrope and C. F. Westrope. 1921 1329 Whalen Michael Instantly killed in cave accident; piece of pipe clay had fallen upon his head and chest; leaves a Weekly Butte Record 9‐27‐ Y wife. 1873

1330 Whelan Dennis Funeral at Cherokee. Native of Ireland, age 68. Leaves two sons, M. Whelan of Challenge and Oroville Mercury 7‐10‐1899 Y Will Whelan of Cherokee and three daughters: Mrs. W. J. Mellon of Challenge, Mrs. W. P. Lynch of Cherokee and Miss Whelan of Cherokee. 1331 Whelan Mrs. Dennis (nee Johann Pennefeather). One of the oldest and best known women of Cherokee died of Oroville Daily Register 5‐9‐ Y pneumonia. Leaves a husband and sons and daughters. See also 5‐12‐1896 1896

1332 Whelan Malachi One of the best known stage men in Butte, died last night. Funeral at Cherokee (see 5‐1‐1907). Chico Record 4‐30‐1907 Y

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1333 White Emmons Pioneer of 1859, widely known rancher, died at his home at age 71. Father of Major W. H. Oroville Daily Register 3‐28‐ Y White. Survived by wife Mrs. Anna Ware White, 2 sons W. H. White and E. E. White, 2 1921 daughters Mrs. Winnifred Lucas and Mrs. Roy D. Rice and one sister, Mrs. Lorinda Butler of Michigan.

1334 White Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Mother of supervisor Henry W. White, died at her home in Oregon City, age 81 years, 10 Oroville Mercury 7‐16‐1915 Y months and 28 days. Born in Prince Edward, Ireland. Interment at Oregon City cemetery.

1335 White Henry Caldwell Resident of Oregon City died at his home from heart disease, 79 years, 1 month and 4 days. Oroville Daily Register 3‐9‐ Y Pioneer settler of California arriving in 1852, resident of Oregon City for 56 years. Survived by 1912 wife and son, H. W. White of Oregon City and two brothers Milton B. White of South Bend, Indiana and Jasper White of Cassapolis, Michigan. Interment at Oregon City cemetery.

1336 White Jennie Daughter of Henry White of Oregon City, accidently shot and killed herself. Oroville Register 11‐8‐1888 Y

1337 White John McLean Complete text: Died at Oregon City February 9th, 1888, John McLean White, aged 26 years, 4 Oroville Register 2‐16‐1888 N months and 20 days. 1338 White Nellie Niece of Henry C. White; killed at Nelson after being thrown from a horse hitting her head; age Daily Mercury 5‐24‐1883 Y about 20 years.

1339 White Richard E. "Gene" Passed away March 24, 2017. Burial at Cherokee cemetery. Chico Enterprise Record 3‐30‐ Y 2017

1340 Whitelaw J. G. Died at his residence at Cherokee Flat and buried by the Odd Fellows. He was an old and Weekly Butte Record 4‐3‐ Y esteemed resident of the county. 1869

1341 Whitelaw Mrs. J. G. (Sarah) Complete text: Died in Cherokee, January 5, 1881, Mrs. J. G. Whitelaw. Weekly Mercury 1‐7‐1881 N

1342 Whitelaw William Complete text: Died in Cherokee April 16th, William Whitelaw, aged 17 years. Oroville Mercury 4‐23‐1880 N

1343 Whiting Fenton Berkley Pioneer of Plumas County, age 70. Mined the North Fork of Feather River December 1850. The Plumas National Bulletin Y first census of Plumas county was taken by Mr. Whiting. Formed Feather River Express, which was succeeded by Wells Fargo & Co. 1344 Whitmoyer David I. Complete text: Born Evansville, Indiana, September 18, 1937; died Los Angeles, California, Feather River Canyon N November 10, 2002. December 2002

1345 Whittaker Jacob Nephew of W. W. Merithew of Clear Creek, died a few days ago. Funeral in Pentz. See also Chico Enterprise 3‐14‐1884 Y Oroville Mercury 3‐21‐1884.

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1346 Wick Eunice May Complete text: Died at Cottonwood Ranch, Dec. 18th, Eunice May, aged 7 years, 6 months, Weekly Butte Record 12‐21‐ N and 2 days, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Wick. 1872

1347 Wick Mrs. Mariah Died January 4, age 46. Weekly Mercury 1‐10‐1879 Y

1348 Wick Moses Died at his home between Oroville and Pentz on Sunday, age 66. Engaged in stock raising. Oroville Register 10‐25‐1888 Y Married twice having lost his first wife and two children years ago. He is survived by his second wife and two children. 1349 Wilkerson George A half‐breed who was shot by Mrs. Nellie Parker, died at the infirmary from peritonitis, which Weekly Chronicle Record 12‐ Y was caused by the gunshot wound through the bowels. Native of California about 25 years of 2‐1893 age. Mrs. Parker was arrested by Sheriff Anderson and taken to jail. 1350 Wilkins Tanya Tulley Tanya Heloise Tulley Wilkins passed away on August 26, 2017 at age 56. She lived in Concow. Chico Enterprise Record 8‐29‐ Y See obit for further information. 2017

1351 Williams Antoine Antoine Williams, of Portuguese decent, was found in the ruins of his burned cabin. He had Butte Record 2‐17‐1872 Y been stabbed and the body was badly burned. It was assumed he was in a quarrel and died from the stabbing. The cabin was burned to destroy the evidence. 1352 Williams Butte P. Survived by wife Bessie, 4 sons, Donald, Clifford, John and Norman, daughter Mrs. Zelma Oroville Mercury 3‐29‐1954 Y McQuarrie, 2 sisters Mrs. Margaret Haggerty and Mrs. J. M. Wright, 3 brothers William, Nathaniel and Clinton.

1353 Williams "Cap" F. M. Made his home on Clear Creek. He headed a company of citizens who went after a band of Chico Daily Enterprise 1‐29‐ Y Indians who had been committing depredations. Native of Missouri, age 64. Buried at his 1892 ranch on Clear Creek near Pentz. 1354 Williams Dan Complete text: Dan Williams of Cherokee lost his baby last night, the little one having been Weekly Mercury 7‐10‐1885 N sick for some days.

1355 Williams Dave Died of pneumonia in Quincy, long time resident of Cherokee. Interment at Cherokee. Brother Oroville Register 1‐1‐1903 Y of J. D. Williams, the well known mining man. See funeral same date.

1356 Williams David J. Complete text: Died near Johnson's Ranch, Butte County, May 10, 1875, David J. Williams, a Oroville Mercury 5‐14‐1875 N native of Wales, aged 57 years.

1357 Williams David J. Little boy of J. D. Williams of Cherokee. Buried at Cherokee. Oroville Register 5‐12‐1898 Y

1358 Williams Eddie Grandson of Oregon Charley, dies from poison after eating candy. Gridley Herald 8‐22‐1903 Y

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1359 Williams Elizabeth Age 78 of a heart ailment Sunday; burial at Yankee Hill Cemetery. Native of Scotland, resident Oroville Mercury 1‐7‐1941 Y of Butte county 50 years living most of that time in Yankee Hill. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Haggerty of Sacramento, Mrs. Martha Wright of Thermalito and four sons, Butte Williams of Yankee Hill, W. S. Williams of San Francisco, and N. S. and Clinton Williams both of Thermalito. 1360 Williams Miss Elma May Interment at Oregon City cemetery. Age 21 years, 4 months and 17 days at death. Survived by Oroville Daily Register 9‐16‐ Y grandmother Mrs. William James of Oregon City; aunts Mrs. H. A. Mengler of Thermalito, Mrs. 1910 H. W. TeGrunde of Oroville and Miss Maggie James of Oregon City; five uncles: George, Edward, Daniel, Frank and Dr. R. F. James. Two brothers: Edgar and Roy Williams and a sister, Ivy Williams. See also funeral notice 9‐18‐1910 1361 Williams George Lived in Yankee Hill, was a 49er and mined for years in Yankee Hill area. Survived by brother Oroville Mercury 1‐15‐1915 Y Solomon Williams of Yankee Hill.

1362 Williams Henry Civil War veteran died at Cherokee, age 82. Born in England in 1830, son of an English Oroville Daily Register 3‐3‐ Y nobelman. Interment in Oroville cemetery. 1913

1363 Williams infant son Complete text: In Cherokee, Oct. 17, infant son of David and Mary Williams. Note: Infant lived Weekly Butte Record 10‐29‐ N one day. 1881

1364 Williams James Madison Complete text: J. M. Willams (Williams) of Clear Creek died on Monday at Tilden House in Oroville Register 1‐28‐1892 N Chico. He was sick but a few days. He leaves a widow and a large family of children to mourn his loss. 1365 Williams John D. Age 61. Born in Wisconsin in 1854. His family settled on a ranch near Nelson, In later years, he Oroville Mercury 8‐9‐1915 Y conducted the Butte Creek House and organized the Abietine Medical Company and operated the distillery. Survived by his wife Isabel, one daughter and 3 sisters. Interment in Cherokee. See also funeral notices Oroville Mercury 8‐11‐1915 and Oroville Daily Register 8‐11‐1915.

1366 Williams John Grant Age 59, died at Feather River Hospital December 22. Born at Yankee Hill and lived there until Canyon Courier 1‐1‐1985 Y 1962. Received Purple Heart, Victory Medal and six stars and two bronze stars. Worked as signalman in the Navy and for PG&E as equipment operator for 22 years. Survived by wife Gladys.

1367 Williams John V. Cherokee miner dies at Butte infirmary at age 73. Came to California in 1849 and mined in the Oroville Daily Register 2‐14‐ Y famous Cherokee diggings. Interment at Oroville cemetery. See also funeral notice 2‐16‐1921. 1921

1368 Williams John William Butte County resident for 42 years, living at Yankee Hill; native of Lowell, Ohio. Survived by Oroville Mercury 11‐3‐1930 Y widow Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, children R. J. Williams and Butte P. Williams of Yankee Hill, Mrs. Margaret Haggerty of Honolulu, W. S. Williams of Yreka and N.S. Williams, Mrs. Martha Wright and Clinton Williams of Thermalito; three sisters Mrs. Aminta VanSykes, Mrs. Margaret VanSykes, and Mrs. Jane Carver all of Washington, DC. 1369 Williams Mrs. M. A. Former resident of French Creek; age 37, leaves one daughter Oroville Daily Register 8‐17‐ Y 1906

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1370 Williams Mrs. Margaret Resident of Cherokee for 54 years, widow of the late Daniel Williams. Survived by 3 sons and a Oroville Mercury 1‐8‐1912 Y daughter. Interment at Cherokee cemetery.

1371 Williams Mary Alice Died in Oregon City, 34 (37?) years of age and cause of death was consumption. Her husband, Oroville Register 9‐21‐1893 Y T. L. (Thomas Laban) Williams lived in Big Bend. Former resident of French Creek.

1372 Williams Norman Elwood Died at his home in Yankee Hill, age 89. Born in Yankee Hill in 1927, he was the 6th of 7 Chico Enterprise Record 1‐12‐ Y children born to Butte and Bessie Williams. He began driving logging trucks at age 14 and 2017 retired at age 72. Survived by wife Lesta, son Larry, son Gary, daughter Sandra, son Floyd. 1373 Williams Ruby Maud Complete text: Died at Cherokee February 17th, 1889, Ruby Maud, daughter of D. J. and M. L. Oroville Register 2‐21‐1889 N Williams, aged 5 months and 8 days. 1374 Williams Solomon Said to have been the oldest man in Butte County at 95 years old; born in Rome, NY. Settled in Oroville Mercury 1‐1‐1916 Y vicinity of Yankee Hill since fall of 1886; engaged in stock raising with son Sam; he leaves two sons in Yankee Hill and two daughters in the East. 1375 Williams Solomon Oldest man, resided for 29 years in Yankee Hill. Oroville Daily Register 1‐4‐ Y 1916 1376 Williams Mrs. Thomas H. Complete text: (9‐4‐1883) Died at Cherokee, September 4th, Mrs. Williams, wife of Thomas H. Daily Mercury 9‐4‐1883 N Williams, aged 63 years. (9‐5‐1883) The funeral of Mrs. Thomas H. Williams, mother‐in‐law of Thomas L. Vinton of Cherokee, takes place today at that place. She is amongst the oldest residents of Cherokee. 1377 Williams Thomas H. In 1857 he flumed Feather River just above town and took out many thousands of dollars and Daily Mercury 9‐25‐1883 Y the early rains proved disastrous and he lost a small fortune. 1378 Williams William One of the old pioneers of Butte, died in Oregon. He was justice of the peace in Cherokee. Oroville Register 9‐3‐1896 Y

1379 Willoughby infant daughter Complete text: Died in Cherokee February 13th, 1884, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Weekly Mercury 2‐15‐1884 N Willoughby. 1380 Willoughby Catherine Complete text: Died at Yankee Hill May 4th, Catherine, wife of N. Willoughby, aged 37 years. Oroville Register 5‐9‐1889 N

1381 Wilson Mrs. Dr. (Annie) Died from peritonitis 20 days after marrying. Daughter of Charles and Hester Waldeyer. Born Daily Mercury 9‐28‐1897 Y and reared in Cherokee. See also Chico Record 9‐29‐1897, Oroville Mercury 10‐1‐1897 and funeral Chico Daily Record 10‐6‐1897. 1382 Wilson David Died at his home in Cherokee December 14. Born in Pennsylvania, 22 years old. Oroville Register 12‐19‐1889 Y

1383 Wilson Edwin Former Butte County supervisor, school trustee at Pentz for many years, died in Durham. Chico Record 2‐25‐1923 Y Native of West Virginia, age 69. Worked in lumber industry, ran a store and blacksmith shop, postmaster. Burial at Clear Creek Cemetery. 1384 Wilson Horatio Bookkeeper of L. Goodday, died of dropsy, age 48. Native of England. Weekly Mercury 1‐19‐1877 Y

1385 Wilson Mrs. E. C. (Ida Horn) Lived in Messilla Valley since a child. Interment at Pentz. Oroville Register 4‐25‐1895 Y

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1386 Wilson William Moffatt Resident of Cherokee. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland June 30, 1831, age 72 at death. Funeral at Oroville Mercury 2‐6‐1904 Y Cherokee.

1387 Wilson William Murray Died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Isabelle Williams, age 53. Native of Cherokee. Survived by Oroville Daily Register 12‐6‐ Y brothers and sisters: D. D. Wilson of Loomis, A. M. Wilson, Mrs. J. G. Nisbet, Miss Jeanette 1918 Wilson, Mrs. Isabelle Williams and Mrs. Nellie Wilson. Interred at Cherokee cemetery. See also funeral notice 12‐10‐1918. 1388 Wilson Smith Florence Alma Notes on Yankee Hill and Florence Wilson (Smith) Larry Mauch 2‐1‐2015 Y

1389 Wilson Smith Florence Alma Purchased Yankee Hill in 1949 with husband Skeet, sold in 1965; dedicated granite marker and Chico Enterprise Record 3‐5‐ Y plaque in 2008 at the site of the old town of Yankee Hill. Survived by daughters Rosella Tice 2015 and Cindy Clark; brothers Adrian and Alfred Clark; sisters Jacklyn McKinney, Shirley Baker Brown, Joyce Drake and JoAnn Sisson. 1390 Winders (Winters) Rufus Jerome Complete text: Saturday, the funeral of Jerome Winters (Winders) took place this morning Chico Enterprise Weekly 4‐ N from the Christian Church. 19‐1889 1391 Wo Jee Kim One of the oldest pioneers of the county, died yesterday. Came to Butte county in the gold Oroville Mercury 5‐29‐1920 Y rush days.

1392 Wolcott James James Wolcott of Concow, age 60, died in Chico November 7. Chico Enterprise Record 11‐ Y 16‐2016 1393 Wolf Abraham Died in Cherokee, April 13, A. Wolf, a native of Bavaria. Pioneer of Cherokee, age 51; merchant Weekly Mercury 4‐26‐1878 Y for many years. 1394 Wood Dr. Jesse Former owner of Chico Record, member of the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Chico Record 7‐21‐1921 Y superintendent of schools. Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. S. Waterman, in San Diego. Native of Georgia and a direct descendent of a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Survived by nine children. Interment at Hollywood cemetery. 1395 Wood Mrs. Jesse Former county superintendent of schools in Butte county, died in Los Angeles. Chico Record 8‐21‐1909 Y

1396 Wood Martin Christopher Martin Christopher Wood Sr., age 84, died March 10, 1992 at his home in Portola. He was born Lassen County Times 3‐17‐ Y August 5, 1908 in Pulga, California. He worked for the Western Pacific Railroad for 62 years 1992 and retired as a maintenance foreman. Survived by wife Nina Wood, daughter Irene Moser of Portola, sons Ernest of Doyle, and Martin Jr. and Earl, both of Reno, Stan of Shingle Springs and Bill of Portola; brothers William of Shingle Springs, Oliver and Ivan both of Sacramento; sisters Jenni McCune of Shingle Springs, Adeline Meyers of Sacramento, Ella Raver of Oroville and Lottie Main of Doyle. 1397 Wood Oliver D. Oliver D. Wood, age 82, died at West Palm Beach, Florida and had lived there since 1945. The Palm Beach Post 7‐1‐ Y Survived by wife Evelyn (Huffman) and brothers and sisters. 1997

1398 Wood Tyson Son of Rev. Jesse Wood, jumped from a train and received fatal injuries, about 20 years old. Oroville Register 9‐13‐1888 Y

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1399 Woolever Sam Born in Freeport, Illinois. Lived in Cherokee and married Miss Mata Sturmer. Was a shotgun Oroville Mercury 7‐9‐1915 Y messenger for Wells Fargo running between Nevada City, Downieville and Sierra City. Owned stage lines running out of Oroville. Leaves wife, one son Frank and one sister of Los Angeles. Interment in Chico. See funeral notice 7‐13‐1915 1400 Workman Catharine F. Wife of Robert W. Workman, age about 35 years in Oregon township Oct. 1st Union Record 10‐7‐1865 Y

1401 Workman daughter Complete text: Died at Concow Valley on the morning of October 5th, 1865, daughter of Union Record 10‐14‐1865 N Robert Workman, aged 3 weeks. 1402 Workman Robert W. Died at the county hospital April 18, 1896, age 76 years. Native of England. Plumas National Bulletin 4‐ Y 23‐1896 1403 Workman William Son of Robert W. Workman, died at Long Bar June 18, 1898, age 24. Native of California. Plumas National Bulletin 6‐ Y 23‐1898 1404 Wright Chauncey Complete text: Died at the residence of J. M. DeLong, Lovelock, August 31st, 1890, Chancy Oroville Register 9‐4‐1890 N (Chauncey) Wright, a native of New York, aged 51 years. 1405 Wright Hulbert Died yesterday, resided in Concow Valley for 20 years or more, 68 years of age. Leaves a wife Oroville Register 3‐10‐1905 Y and several grown children. Interment in Concow Valley. (see also Oroville Register 3‐13‐1905)

1406 Wright Sydney Funeral for Sydney who died in Oroville. Interment at Oroville cemetery. Oroville Mercury 4‐28‐1920 Y

1407 Yahnel Constantine Complete text: Deaths: On Dry Creek, July 17th, Constantine Yahnel, aged 63 years, a native of Weekly Butte Record 7‐23‐ N Prussia. 1881 1408 Yard Carl A., Sr. Age 86, died October 19 in Oroville, Calif. Owner of American Timber Co. and owned Asbury Park Press 11‐12‐ Y considerable property in Manasquan, New Jersey. Survived by wife Dorothy and 7 children. 1986 Born in Gelmar, he lived in Sea Girt, NJ for 67 years and had homes in Oroville and Sea Girt. See also 11‐15‐1986. 1409 Yard Catharine A. Age 48, president of the American Timber Co., Inc., which was founed by her grandfather, Asbury Park Press 11‐7‐1992 Y Henry Herbert Yard in 1893. Attended Chico State, born in Point Pleasant and lived in Sea Girt most of her life. . 1410 Yard Dorothy Thomas Age 86, retired as CEO and chairperson of American Timber Co. Born in New Hampshire and Asbury Park Press 1‐30‐2001 Y lived in Sea Girt many years. 1411 Yard Henry Herbert Age 64, chief right of way engineer for Western Pacific Railroad and founder of the American San Francisco Chronicle 10‐4‐ Y Timber Co., died of pneumonia in San Francisco. He was a close friend of George Gould. Also 1914 see Trenton Evening News 10‐6‐1914, Plumas Independent 10‐7‐1914 and Plumas National Bulletin 10‐8‐1914. 1412 Yard Jacob Stevens Citizen of Trenton, NJ, was killed July 29 by a cellar wall falling on him. Detroit Free Press 8‐3‐1859 Y

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1413 Young Thomas Long time resident of Oroville, age 68. Native of Maine. He was partner in 1873 with Daniel Oroville Daily Register 10‐3‐ Y Hilton of Pentz in mining claim located in Oroville. Also see funeral notice Oroville Daily 1900 Register 10‐4‐1900.

1414 Zeitler C. E. Killed while working at Big Bend, fell 40 feet to his death. Oroville Daily Register 8‐19‐ Y 1907

1415 Zink Carolina Daughter of Mr. Philip Zink of Bidwell township, died due to having been burned. Marysville Daily Appeal 1‐22‐ Y 1865 1416 Zinnia E. Killed while blasting with 27 kegs of powder at Corey's Camp No. 2 at Big Bar Oroville Daily Register 4‐3‐ Y 1907 1417


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