Clerk: Caroline Johnson [email protected]


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 11 June 2013 and approved on 9 July.

Council: Steve Walmsley (SW) (Chair), Dai Cann (DC) (Vice Chair), Steve Campbell Kelly (SCK), Nicola Rees (NR), Sally Thomas (ST), Jeff Higgins (JH), Ian Button (IB), Caroline Johnson (CJ) (Clerk);

1. Attendance: SW, DC, SCK, IB, NR, ST, JH, CJ; National Trust – Alan Kearsley- Evans (AKE); Residents – Anne Morse Jones, June Thomas, Carl Johnson.

2. Apologies: None

3. Declaration of interests: None

4. Minutes of the last meeting were approved and minutes of last month’s AGM were approved.

5. Matters arising: IB advised that the noticeboard at Scurlage shop can be used for RCC matters, the key is in shop. Business fly posting was raised and will be monitoring during the summer.

6. National Trust: AKE report. Time is being spent cleaning beaches and removing campers. The wall around Vile is being repaired this week. Ponies are now fed from grass growing and fields.

6.1. Ref the field wall at (2013/0516 needs conservation area consent to remove it), AKE confirms there is no intention to have a camp site in the field. The wall probably belongs to NT. SCK has a photo of wall as it used to be and will copy for AKE.

6.2. For the upcoming Endurance Life event on 16 November AKE will pass issues on both ways. Revisit previous correspondence and send to AKE including commoners, parking and access. AKE suggests a meeting of interested parties at the NT office to agree.

6.3. Ref Atlantic Array, AKE advised that Helen Kirk is covering for Mike Calder.

6.4. SCK advised AKE that the site of Purgatory is being destroyed by mountain bikes. AKE will inspect and act if possible.

7. Footpaths: ST advised that the lane from the Ship to the donkeys is overgrown. Clerk to report.

8. Highways: Brook Cottage rubble is further encroaching on to the road – DC offered to talk to owner. Trees have been trimmed near the bus stop at Pitton Cross. Humphrey Glynternick has cleared ivy from the road side of the church car park.

8.1. Bus Stop sign for Middleton: CCS has confirmed that Highways will be responsible for cutting the grass on the site of the new bus stop. The work to build the new bus stop is likely to be started very shortly.

8.2. Winter flooding: the road surface has been repaired and raised at Llandewi Corner.

9. Village Hall: SW to ask trustees if they will agree to put the Atlantic array montage and petition in the Hall. NR asked about bunkhouse parking which is overflowing on to the lane, e.g. wedding party last weekend. NR reported that it affects her farming business. SW will raise it at next VH meeting, although there is no remit to control where people park. SCK asked ST who owns the triangle – would it help to define it? DC reminded the meeting that the coastguard route needs to be kept clear. The new ‘keep clear’ signs will be fixed on the VH gate/wall. IB suggested that illegal parking should be reported to police by those affected.

10. Atlantic Array wind farm: Alan Rayner sent bulletin 11 and appendices. RWG visits were made to both Edwina Hart and Martin Caton’s surgeries. RWG asked the Planning Inspectorate (PI) if new guidance had been given to RWE following the withdrawal of their inadequate tourism survey, and if there are implications for the public consultation outcomes. RWG also asked the PI for clarification on permission being given to RWE to submit confidential material with their

application, as this would seem to lack transparency of process. Richard Lewis wrote to the PI concerning the impacts for – he was advised that this should form the basis of a ‘Relevant Representation’ and that he could register as an ‘Interested Party’ for the Examination phase. Notification was received that RWE will go to planning on Friday 14 June 2013. RCC agreed to email residents with details and timetables so that people with concerns can join in. SCK will ask AKE if NT will take the AA petition and montage at Coastwatch and the NT shop.

11. Archiving memorabilia: C/fwd.

12. Planning: Newton Lodge building was reported to CCS Planning but no updates have been received. 2013/0185 Orchard Cottage was approved by CCS with conditions to ensure ho liday accommodation is not used for unauthorised permanent residential accommodation. 2013/0488 Kittiwakes was approved by CCS. 2012/1170 Sluxton Farm amended plans. RCC has no comments. Talgarth’s Well footpath gates – permission being sought to install g ates at the boundaries. RCC has no comments.

13. Finance: Latest statement was presented. Mazars internal audit – SCK to ask Mike Williams, then Clerk and Chair to sign before 30 June to be received by Mazars by 5 July. Receipt received for OVW membership payment. RCC agreed a further budget of £200 for AA expenses.

14. Correspondence: A list of correspondence is attached. IB agreed to attend the Tourism meeting. Clerk to look for a softcopy of Part 7 consultation and circulate to all councillors.

15. Items for the next meeting:

16. Next meeting: Tuesday 9 July 2013 Rhossili Village Hall 7.15pm. List of Correspondence to 11 June

1) OVW notification of wind farm seminars across Britain this summer.

2) OVW notification that it has entered into a collaborative partnership with Commercial Christmas - a Christmas Lighting supplier based in Llanelli for the benefit of councils across .

3) OVW last minute Big Lunch tips, with budget BBQ recipes from Levi Roots.

4) Wales Rural Observatory – Services Survey 2013. Completed and returned.

5) Zurich Municipal offering to quote for council insurance.

6) Tidal Lagoon Bay – follow-up letter from Oriel Price thanking RCC and residents for attending the consultation in RVH and providing web links to further information .

7) Announcement that the Welsh Affairs Committee Select Committee is publishing its First Special Report Session for Session 2013-14, HC 158 on ‘Crossing The Border: road and rail links between and Wales’ on 22 May 2013, concerning recommendations on improving the M4, the Severn Crossings toll, High Speed Two, rail electrification and cross-border rail franchises. See website: .

8) Welsh Government public consultation on the future management of private water supply pipes. Responses by 4 July 2013. The consultation is also available on the Defra website at .

9) Invitation to respond to the Living Manifesto prepared following the results of the 2011 Census. Responses by 6 June 2013, concerning the results of the Census revealing the crisis which faces the . Download the document: .

10) Rural Swansea Action notification of a free pitch at Swansea Market for 3 months.

11) Notification from Pc Phil Davies about daytime burglaries to Gower properties recently; reminder for everyone to be alert and vigilant, and to report suspicious activity.

12) OVW reminder of Allotments/Community Growing courses – next one Neath 11 June 2013.

13) Rural Swansea Action press release for information on the recent Learning Journey Bursary trip to Denmark. A reminder that bursaries are still available for businesses to take learning journeys to EU this year.

14) Rhossili Village Hall notice of a Strawberry Tea on 7 July 2013 3pm in aid of Parkinsons Treatment Centre at Hospital.

15) Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay are offering drop in sessions Wednesday 19 June and Thursday 20 June 2 - 4pm at Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay plc, Suite 6, The J Shed, Kings Road, Swansea SA1 8PL

16) OVW notice of its 2013 Conference and AGM 5 October 2013 Royal Welsh Showground Llanelwedd, Builth Wells.

17) CCS Parks Development notification of Swansea in Bloom Competition 2013 – closing date for entries is 1 July 2013.

18) Welsh Affairs Select Committee announcement of its second evidence session: The Work Programme in Wales on Tuesday 4 June 2013 at 9.30am in Committee Room 8 Westminster.

19) Commission on Devolution in Wales is advertising public events to ‘have your say’. Locally at the Swansea Grand Theatre Thursday 27 June 2013 6.30pm.

20) OVW reminder of councillor training courses and those currently undersubscribed.

21) OVW notification that WG is consulting on new guidance under Part 7 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 concerning communities and community councils. Start of consultation: 03/06/2013. Comments by 23 August 2013.

22) Rural Swansea Action has appointed The Tourism Company to develop a sustainable tourism strategy and action plan for rural Swansea, including Gower AONB. The strategy will help to co-ordinate existing initiatives on tourism, landscape and management and to set a direction for the future develop ment of tourism in the area. Open meetings will be held in July: 2nd 7.30pm Bishopston Community Centre, 3rd 10.30am Penclawdd Community Centre, 3rd 7.30pm at Pontlliw VH, 4th 2pm at Oxwich VH. See .

23) OVW notification that Natural Resources Wales have organised two Funding Fairs – Swansea 1 July and Bangor 11 July 2013, to bring together key funders of environmental activity in Wales and provide an opportunity for smaller community, environment and voluntary groups to talk about what support is available at the moment and how to go about accessing project funding. Booking is essential, email to [email protected] .

24) OVW notification of Welsh Government’s proposed approach to distribution of community council websites grant programme across Wales, and OVW’s collaboration with ICT Vision to create a website structure.