WETLANDS, Vol. 26, No. 2, June 2006, pp. 624–634 ᭧ 2006, The Society of Scientists



Ralph W. Tiner U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Inventory Program, Northeast Region 300 Westgate Center Drive Hadley, Massachusetts, USA 01035 E-mail: ralph࿞[email protected]

Abstract: The U.S. federal government has developed lists of plant species that occur in wetlands. The initial purpose of these lists was to enumerate plants that grow in wetlands and that could be used to identify wetlands according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s wetland classification system. The first list was generated in 1976 by the Service, and since that time, the list has undergone several iterations as more information was reviewed or became available through field investigations and scientific research. Two lists are currently published and available for use: a 1988 list and a 1996 draft list. The latter list represents an improvement based on nearly 10 years of field work by the four signatory agencies plus comments from other agencies, organizations, wetland scientists, and others. The national list was generated from 13 regional lists. These data have not been summarized previously; this note provides an interregional summary of vital statistics. The 1988 list included 6,728 species, while the 1996 list has nearly 1,000 additions for a total of 7,662 species (a 14% increase). Roughly one-third of the nation’s vascular plants have some potential for being hydrophytes—plants growing in water or on a substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen due to excessive wetness. Each species on the list is assigned an indicator status reflecting its frequency of occurrence in wetlands: 1) obligate (OBL; Ͼ99% of time in wetlands), 2) facultative wetland (FACW; 67– 99% in wetlands), 3) facultative (FAC; 34–66%), 4) facultative upland (FACU; 1–33%), and 5) upland (UPL; Ͻ1%). From 1988 to 1996, the regional lists of potentially hydrophytic species increased by more than 39 percent in three regions: Caribbean, North Plains, and Central Plains. The percent of OBL, FACW, and FAC species on the lists decreased in the Northeast and Hawaii. The percent of OBL and FACW species also decreased in the Southeast and Northwest. The number of OBL species declined in all but three regions, whereas the number of FACU species added to the lists increased in all regions except Hawaii. The regional ‘‘wetland plant’’ lists have been used to help identify plant communities that possess a predominance of wetland indicator plants (i.e., a positive indicator of hydrophytic vegetation) and to identify wetlands that can be recognized solely based on their vegetation.

Key Words: wetland plant lists, hydrophytes, hydrophytic vegetation, wetland ecotypes, National Wetlands Inventory, prevalence index, wetland identification, wetland delineation

INTRODUCTION technical standard for wetland classification (FGDC- When the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) STD-004) when reporting on wetland status and trends initiated its National Wetlands Inventory Program and for geospatial data entered into the national geos- (NWI) in the mid-1970s, one of the first tasks was to patial database (http://www.fgdc.gov/standards/status/ develop a wetland classification system to serve as the swgstat.html; http://www.nwi.fws.gov/fgdc/certificate. standard for mapping wetlands across the country. The pdf). The FWS’s wetland definition listed the predom- classification system went through a few versions and inance of hydrophytes and undrained hydric soils as field testing prior to its publication as ‘‘Classification two main indicators of wetlands. Moreover, the doc- of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United ument referenced that the FWS was preparing a list of States’’ (Cowardin et al. 1979). This classification sys- ‘‘hydrophytes and other plants occurring in wetlands tem has been used for wetland mapping for over 25 of the United States.’’ years. On December 17, 1996, it was adopted by the The initial list compiled in March 1976 by the FWS Federal Geographic Data Committee as the national contained only 1,626 species and was considered ‘‘ob-


Figure 1. Map showing regions used to identify wetland indicator status of U.S. plant species (Reed 1988). viously incomplete’ and ‘‘especially deficient in plant always associated with wetlands, while others occurred species from the western United States, Alaska, the in both wetlands and uplands (dryland) to varying de- Caribbean, and Hawaii’’ (Reed 1988). After further grees. Consequently, the FWS established five basic review by other scientists and the formation of national categories of ‘‘wetland indicator status’’ reflecting dif- and regional plant panels (with members from the ferent frequencies of occurrence in wetlands: 1) obli- FWS, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Envi- gate (OBL; Ͼ99% of time in wetlands), 2) facultative ronmental Protection Agency, and the U.S.D.A. Soil wetland (FACW; 67–99% in wetlands), 3) facultative Conservation Service), the list was expanded to 4,235 (FAC; 34–66%), 4) facultative upland (FACU; 1– species by 1977, to 5,244 in 1982, to 6,042 in 1986, 33%), and 5) upland (UPL; Ͻ1%). The latter species and to 6,728 in 1988. The national list of ‘‘plant spe- were typically not recorded on the regional and na- cies that occur in wetlands’’ is composed of thirteen tional lists as the lists represent plants occurring in regional lists (Figure 1). The basic purpose of the lists wetlands; some UPL species appear on the lists be- was to aid in using plants to identify wetlands for a cause they occur in wetlands Ͼ1% of the time in one national inventory of wetlands. Plants represented on region of the country or simply to show that they had the ‘‘wetland plant lists’’ are ‘‘species that have dem- been reviewed. For the ‘‘facultative’’ type species, a onstrated an ability (presumably because of morpho- ϩ (plus) or a Ϫ (minus) representing the higher or logical and/or physiological adaptations and/or repro- lower end of the range of occurrence in wetlands was ductive strategies) to achieve maturity and reproduce assigned to species where there were differences in in an environment where all or portions of the soil opinions among the reviewers and/or regional panel within the root zone become, periodically or continu- members (Reed 1988). The ranges for ϩ and Ϫ species ously, saturated or inundated during the growing sea- were not specifically defined. No indicator (NI) was son’’ (Reed 1988). The lists do not include plants in- assigned to species with insufficient information avail- capable of growing under these conditions such as able to project their indicator status, whereas species those that grow in wetlands only during droughts or designated with ‘‘NA’’ were those where differences prolonged drawdowns, or strictly on nonhydric mi- among reviewers could not be resolved. An asterisk crosites. (*) was given to species to indicate a tentative status Rather than prepare simple lists of all the species, pending further review. The publication emphasized the FWS recognized that some plants on the lists were that the wetland indicator status ‘‘should not be equat- 626 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 2, 2006

Table 1. The 11-step process for finalizing the national wetland plant list established per interagency agreement in June 1996 (Reed 1997).

1. Regional panels prepare updated draft of regional wetland plant list. 2. Regional panels submit proposed changes to the national panel and identify changes that have potentially significant impact for wetland identification and/or delineation in the region. 3. The national panel proposes changes in close consultation with regional panels. 4. The national panel makes changes/deletions/corrections as needed based on their review and in consultation with regional panels. Agency represen- tatives will inform appropriate headquarters officials in their respective agencies on the status of the effort during all phases of the process including a briefing by the national panel. 5. The FWS prepares a draft national list and prepares a notice of availability in the Federal Register for public review and comment. 6. Public comments go to the FWS and the national panel will evaluate to determine which merit scientific review and input. 7. Scientific comments are submitted to regional panels for draft responses and clarification of any discrepancies. 8. The national panel, working with the regional panels, reviews the comments and regional responses, resolves differences, and prepares responses. 9. The Section of the National Wetlands Inventory Center summarizes all responses at each stage and presents the final national list to the national panel; the national panel members will inform appropriate headquarters officials on the status and effects of the effort. 10. Final technical determinations and the effects of those determinations are provided to each agency headquarters by respective national panel members. 11. The FWS, as chair of the national panel, summarizes all national and regional panel responses and prepares a notice of availability in the Federal Register for the final revised national list.

ed to degrees of wetness’’ and gave the example of were developing regional supplements to update the the FACU status including species where a portion of list and ratings of some species based on public input their gene pool occurred exclusively in wetlands (wet- since 1988. A supplement for the Northwest region land ecotypes) (Reed 1988). was published in 1993 (Reed et al. 1993), but when Each species was assigned a wetland indicator status the Northeast supplement was released in 1995 (Tiner for a particular geographic region since a species oc- et al. 1995), there was much concern over the regu- currence in wetlands may vary regionally. The wetland latory implications of the changes in the wetland status indicator status was initially based on a review of the of a few species, most notably loblolly pine (Pinus literature (e.g., regional flora), then peer-reviewed by taeda L.; FAC- to FAC*), a dominant tree in both wet regional experts, with final review and resolution of and dry flatwoods on the coastal plain that is also com- contrasting expert opinions performed by regional in- mercially planted. To ensure improved intra-agency teragency plant panels. Over 140 ecologists and bot- coordination and more opportunities for public review, anists have reviewed the lists (Reed 1988). Use of the the four agencies subsequently agreed to an 11-step lists is determined by respective agencies and other process for refining the national and regional lists (Ta- users. ble 1). Another objective of this agreement was that During the 1980s, the Corps and the Environmental new national lists would be produced every five years Protection Agency were developing manuals to help (Federal Register 62(12): 2680–2681). people identify the limits of ‘‘jurisdictional’’ wetlands Rather than continue production of regional supple- subject to the Clean Water Act (Environmental Lab- ments, the FWS in conjunction with the cooperating oratory 1987, Sipple 1988, Federal Interagency Com- agencies decided to update the entire list. A revision mittee for Wetland Delineation 1989). These manuals of the national list based on regional supplements that made use of the wetland plant lists for identifying had been developed previously was published for re- ‘‘hydrophytic vegetation.’’ Rather than recognize that view and comment in 1996 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife all species on the lists do at least sometimes occur as Service 1996, Reed 1997), and an official Federal Reg- ‘‘hydrophytes,’’ the manuals identified some species ister request for comments was announced on January as ‘‘wetland indicators’’ and others as ‘‘non-indica- 17, 1997 (Federal Register 62(12): 2680–2681). Two tors,’’ although there were varying levels of guidance of the 13 original regions had some subregions iden- given for recognizing the latter species as hydrophytic tified to reflect better the intraregional ecological var- vegetation when they occurred on undrained hydric iability of plant species (Northeast: Coastal Plain, soils or soils with strong indicators of wetland hy- Lower Coastal Plain, Seaboard Lowlands, St. Lawr- drology (see Tiner 1991 for a review of the concept ence-Lake Champlain Plain, and Great Lakes Plain; of a hydrophyte). Southeast: Coastal Plain, Mountains, Florida, and the The regulatory use of these lists has significantly Florida Keys). Scientific nomenclature was revised to affected updating of the lists, since changes in ‘‘wet- follow Kartesz (1994). A 1998 version incorporating land indicator status’’ of some species could poten- review comments is now undergoing review of sci- tially change the extent of ‘‘jurisdictional’’ wetlands entific plant names based on the latest advances in as they are currently defined by the regulatory agen- plant taxonomy. cies. In the 1990s, the regional interagency panels The purpose of this note is to present summary in- Tiner, LISTS OF POTENTIAL HYDROPHYTES FOR THE UNITED STATES 627 formation on the number of species that are potential their flora found in wetlands: Caribbean (22.1%), hydrophytes in various regions of the U.S. since this Southwest (25.3%), and California (27.1%). Consid- has not been accomplished to date. It will also discuss ering the 1996 list, only one region (Southwest) fell in some applications of the lists for identifying hydro- this category. phytic vegetation and wetlands. Copies of the national The percent of the region’s vascular flora that are and regional lists are available online at: http:// OBL varied from a low of 6.1 percent for Hawaii wetlands.fws.gov/plants.htm. The lists have always (1996 list) to a high of 15.6 percent for Alaska (1988 been open for public review and comment, and the list). The eastern U.S. (Regions 1, 2, and 3) had from FWS has encouraged submission of comments, espe- 10 to 14 percent of their flora rated as OBL. Alaska cially on NI species that currently lack an indicator led in the percent that were FACW and FAC species status. as well. Regions 2, 3, and C had about 10 percent of their flora listed as FACW, while Regions 2, 6, C, and H had 10 to 13 percent rated as FAC. The North Cen- THE NATIONAL LIST tral and North Plains had the highest percent of FACU According to the 1988 national list, 6,728 species species on the list (roughly 10%). occur in wetlands more than one percent of the time When considering only hydrophytic species, five re- (Reed 1988). This amounts to roughly one-third of the gions had nearly 30 percent of their potentially hydro- nation’s vascular plants (21,139 species in all U.S. phytic species rated as OBL (Regions 0, C, 1, 2, and states or 22,944 species including Puerto Rico and the 3) on the 1988 list (Table 4). The percent of OBL U.S Virgin Islands; Misako Nishirno, pers. comm. species dropped for all regions in 1996, due largely to 2005). Therefore, about two-thirds of the U.S. vascular an increase in the number of species placed on the list plant species are not potential hydrophytes according as NI (no indicator status assigned). Nearly half of the to the 1988 list. The 1996 list included 7,662 species wetland flora was classified as OBL and FACW spe- (Andrew Cruz, pers. comm. 2005), so nearly 1,000 cies (plants with a greater frequency of occurrence in species were added to the list (a 14% increase). Most wetlands than in nonwetlands) for seven regions (1, 2, of the additions were not assigned a wetland indicator 3, 6, 0, A, and C). California had about 54 percent of status as limited data were available. its wetland flora rated as OBL and FACW. Hawaii and the Intermountain Region had the highest percent of FACU species on the list, with three other regions (1, REGIONAL LISTS 2, and 3) having 20 percent of their potentially hydro- Regional Number of Hydrophytic Species phytic species rated as FACU. Several regions had more than 20 percent of the 1996 listed species des- The number of potentially hydrophytic species var- ignated as NI, with North Plains and Central Plains ied from a high of more than 3,000 in the Southeast having 36–40 percent in this category. to a low of about 1,000 in Alaska and Hawaii, with the apparently incomplete 1988 Caribbean list having the fewest species (Table 2). The Southeast list had Changes in the Lists the greatest number of species in each wetland indi- Field experiences by the four sponsoring agencies cator status category, with the lone exception of FACU and others since the 1988 list was published led to the species on the 1988 list (second-place). It had over 100 addition of many species to the 1996 list of potential more obligate species than the next ranked region hydrophytes for all regions and to changes in the in- (Northeast) and nearly 300 more than the next two dicator status of some species. All regions except Alas- regions (North Central and California). For FACW ka added more than 100 species to their lists, with the species, the Southeast Region had about 200 more spe- greatest gain coming from NI species for all regions cies than the second-ranked Northeast. The South except California, which had its largest increase in Plains had fairly high numbers of FACW and FAC FACU species (Table 5). The NI species are plants that species, ranking third and second, respectively. have been seen often enough in wetlands to add to the list, but data are limited, so an indicator status was not assigned. The Caribbean, North Plains, and Central Percent Hydrophytic Species Plains lists posted the largest gains, each with more Alaska has the highest percent of its vascular flora than a 39 percent increase. The list of potentially hy- represented by potential hydrophytes, with more than drophytic species for the Caribbean nearly doubled, 60 percent of the flora found in wetlands more than adding about 100 OBL species, 171 FACW species, one percent of the time (Table 3). According to the 163 FAC species, 32 FACU species, and 152 NI spe- 1988 lists, three regions had less than 30 percent of cies. These gains were the largest among all regions, 628 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 2, 2006 26 37 49 80 17 31 67 19 27 87 316 365 286 257 290 199 171 124 1,561 21 37 52 31 16 32 21 20 27 22 R7 304 308 231 175 283 188 162 106 L88 L96 1,329 na Botanical Garden ndicator status category for 16 40 82 96 80 34 44 94 522 565 586 367 506 118 279 128 328 195 2,379 11 20 84 99 24 37 43 18 R6 537 554 531 283 526 124 277 133 324 185 L88 L96 2,159 that were tentative assignments.) Ϫ 5 3 3 7 17 16 24 38 — — 345 288 323 338 345 255 291 290 and 2,019 ϩ 1 6 1 3 18 16 26 42 — — R5 368 274 302 310 368 239 269 265 L88 L96 1,448 6 1 9 3 3 6 21 12 23 — 302 245 216 303 302 217 192 271 1,775 Region 7 5 24 11 12 24 — — — — R4 304 235 201 278 304 204 178 249 L88 L96 1,146 10 83 25 77 32 56 66 653 499 428 492 643 118 273 217 102 260 110 2,434 6 80 13 75 30 55 47 R3 669 496 431 474 663 118 285 223 103 263 109 L88 L96 2,262 11 27 56 59 96 37 927 778 735 589 916 168 464 119 122 447 110 397 3,433 3 1 1 62 92 — R2 948 782 692 547 945 172 484 126 120 460 111 402 L88 L96 3,183 2 11 45 54 49 20 33 23 793 578 434 585 782 153 378 311 372 157 2,895 7 2 44 54 51 14 30 19 R1 823 593 441 571 816 149 398 322 368 154 L88 L96 2,680 ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ Indicator Status ϩ Ϫ (subtotal OBL) (subtotal FACW) (subtotal FAC) (subtotal FACU) Table 2. Comparison1988 of (L88) wetland and plant 1996at (L96) lists University lists for of for the North each United Carolina, region. States Chapel ‘‘Total Number (excluding Hill, of subregional NC Species’’ indicator (John is Kartesz statuses). according and Number to Misako of Biota Nishino, species of pers. within North comm. American each 2005). Program wetland (Note: (BONAP) i * of the includes North Caroli OBL OBL* FACW FACW FACW FACW* FAC FAC FAC FAC* FACU FACU FACU FACU* NITotal Hydrophytic Species Total Number of Species 6,177 252 505 7,288 214 404 4,677 192 362 128 2,922 709 194 3,987 725 254 5,868 339 311 5,260 337 Tiner, LISTS OF POTENTIAL HYDROPHYTES FOR THE UNITED STATES 629 7 2 4 27 93 13 12 76 18 25 — 153 135 318 235 146 226 192 216 1,057 5 2 4 35 96 12 12 64 18 30 76 H — 163 145 326 245 158 246 197 955 L88 L96 4 8 1 3 3 1 21 33 19 15 330 329 373 136 326 299 318 117 162 1,330 3 5 1 3 25 31 16 86 15 10 C — — 233 158 210 104 230 128 162 715 L88 L96 3 20 25 30 — — — — — — 241 232 279 151 238 212 254 121 135 1,038 1 2 2 10 81 A — — — — — — 247 235 273 134 246 225 271 132 970 L88 L96 Region 6 37 38 13 46 16 12 688 563 420 324 651 412 100 239 119 184 122 314 2,309 9 9 35 30 19 89 36 17 71 52 R0 661 487 329 211 626 349 205 141 214 L88 L96 1,902 5 96 62 30 70 76 47 50 45 42 433 509 421 362 428 319 228 225 680 2,405 2 1 67 81 74 57 63 — — R9 440 518 413 350 440 111 340 256 229 278 L88 L96 1,999 9 5 60 16 44 31 21 44 50 47 378 387 252 372 164 260 290 392 452 1,863 3 5 47 14 12 26 18 19 42 11 R8 386 262 163 280 244 389 335 226 338 L88 L96 1,532 ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ Indicator Status ϩ Ϫ (subtotal FACW) (subtotal FAC) (subtotal FACU) Table 2. Continued. OBL OBL* FACW FACW FACW FACW* FAC FAC FAC FAC* FACU FACU FACU FACU* NI/NI* Total Hydrophytic Species (subtotal OBL) Total Number of Species 5,029 5,604 7,008 1,584 3,239 2,499 630 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 2, 2006

except for FACU species. The percent of OBL, FACW, and FAC species decreased for two regions: 4.9 7.8 6.5 4.6 9.5 4.2 9.4 9.5 8.1 8.5 6.3 Northeast and Hawaii, while the percent of OBL and 10.5 10.4 FACW also decreased for the Southeast and North- west. The number of OBL species dropped in all re- gions except the Southwest, California, and Alaska. Species Most regions had gains in the numbers of FACW spe- r status assigned.) 3.3 6.7 6.2 3.0 8.5 3.2 9.8 9.2 7.5 9.5 7.8 4.8 cies, with exceptions being the Northeast, Southeast, 10.1 Percent that are FACU 88 List 96 List Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and Hawaii. FAC species increased in all regions except the Northeast, North Central, and Hawaii. The number of FACU species increased for all regions except Hawaii. 5.4 5.2 7.5 6.0 7.0 9.2 7.4 8.1 17.6 11.5 12.7 10.1 10.0 USE OF THE LISTS FOR IDENTIFYING HYDROPHYTES, HYDROPHYTIC

Species VEGETATION, AND WETLANDS First, it should be recognized that all plants on the 4.4 4.5 7.4 4.7 6.5 7.1 9.5 9.2 6.9 7.6 9.0 Percent that are FAC 17.2 13.0

88 List 96 List list are potentially hydrophytes. At the species level, plants do not have the exact same environmental re- quirements for growth and reproductive success. In- dividual populations may differ in their tolerance or adaptability to waterlogging or flooding (Tiner 1991). 6.9 7.4 9.1 8.0 5.4 9.4 8.4 7.2 9.6 14.6 10.2 10.7 10.7 It is widely known that plant species contain eco- types—populations or groups of populations having genetically-based morphological properties and/or

Species physiological mechanisms that allow them to colonize environments with unique stresses (e.g., wetness/an- Indicator Status 5.9 6.7 9.2 6.9 4.9 5.8 9.6 8.0 6.9 9.4 14.8 10.7 10.6 aerobiosis, salinity, alkalinity, or arid climates) suc- Percent that are FACW 88 List 96 List cessfully. Such populations are usually prevented from natural interbreeding by ecological barriers (Turesson 1922 a, b, Daubenmire 1968, Barbour et al. 1980, Ti- ner 1991). Wetland ecotypes are populations of a spe- 6.0 7.7 7.7 9.8 6.1 8.7 8.9 cies that are better adapted for occupying wetlands 15.2 10.2 12.8 12.7 14.0 10.3 than other populations of the same species. In fact, renowned plant ecologist Braun-Blanquet (1932) said ‘‘the most exact indicators are often, indeed, not the Species ‘good Linnaean species’ but rather the elementary spe- cies or races, the ‘ecotypes’ of Turesson (1925) ...for 5.8 7.7 7.9 9.4 7.2 6.5 9.2 9.2 15.6 13.3 13.0 14.3 10.4 Percent that are OBL

88 List 96 List these forms require more narrowly circumscribed life conditions and, therefore, are socially more sharply specialized.’’ Turesson was one of the pioneers of ‘‘ecological genetics,’’ recognizing that habitat-corre- lated genetic variation was commonplace among plant 29.7 37.0 42.9 32.9 65.5 41.1 42.3 46.9 47.1 52.0 60.7 50.6 40.5 species (Lowe et al. 2004). Consequently, when using plants as indicators of wetlands, investigators must ac- knowledge the presence of wetland ecotypes within species, especially for the species that generally grow in drier conditions. Tiner (1999) gave some examples Hydrophytic Species 25.3 30.5 35.7 27.1 61.2 22.1 38.2 43.4 43.7 48.4 39.2 36.3 36.8 of FACU species that are commonly found in North- 88 List 96 List

Percent that are Potentially east wetlands. These plants could be wetland ecotypes or simply species with broad wetness tolerances (i.e., ecological plasticity). It is important to emphasize that 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C A H dry-site indicator plants (i.e., FACU and UPL species) Region

Table 3. Percent of region’s vascular plant species that are hydrophytic based on the two lists. (Note: Some species on the lists do not have an indicato growing in a ‘‘wetland area’’ are not necessarily wet- Tiner, LISTS OF POTENTIAL HYDROPHYTES FOR THE UNITED STATES 631

land ecotypes or specially-adapted individuals. Wet- lands often contain elevated sites with nonhydric soils, 21.6 24.3 28.3 13.6 13.0 12.2 20.4 17.4 11.8 14.9 39.9 35.9 14.2 and in some instances, they form a complex wetland- upland mosaic with the ‘‘area’’ actually represented NI by two intermingled plant communities and soil 8.4 8.4 8.0 9.4 8.5 types—one hydrophytic with hydric soils and the other 88 96 23.4 15.9 13.9 11.3 11.2 11.2 13.4 11.8 not. Although some investigators may be inclined to call such plants part of the ‘‘wetland’’ community, these individuals are not growing under wetland con- ditions and are not hydrophytic or wetland ecotypes. 20.2 20.2 20.2 17.1 16.7 15.4 16.5 21.0 15.1 14.0 14.5 10.2 22.2 They are simply upland plants that have found rela- tively dry conditions for establishment within an area

FACU dominated by wetland. For wetland delineation pur- poses, the two plant communities should be treated 88 96 21.3 17.2 21.0 24.3 21.4 13.1 13.2 22.1 17.5 11.1 13.8 14.5 25.7 separately, which makes for a challenging assessment. The development of the so-called ‘‘wetland plant lists’’ made it easy to see the variety of plants that grow in wetlands. Based on their expected frequency — 1.7 3.2 4.2 0.7 1.2 4.0 2.0 1.1 3.2 0.7 1.4 0.4 of occurrence in wetlands alone, the OBL species Ϫ clearly have the greatest affinity for wetlands and are

FAC the best vegetative indicators of wetlands, while the 88 96 — FACW species are also quite reliable indicators since 1.9 3.5 4.6 1.0 1.8 4.6 2.4 1.2 3.7 0.9 2.2 0.4 they occur in wetlands more than two-thirds of the time. Unfortunately, the lists have been often used in a way that, in large part, has generally eliminated )

Ϫ FAC- and FACU species from consideration as hydro- Indicator Status 13.3 18.2 13.4 11.5 14.8 20.6 16.3 12.8 14.3 17.5 26.9 26.6 29.7 phytes. This was clearly not the intent of the lists. All species on the lists are hydrophytes at one time or FAC another, and the indicator status reflects the likelihood

88 96 that a given individual of a species is a hydrophyte or 14.6 18.3 14.5 16.5 19.1 20.0 15.0 13.6 17.0 16.4 28.1 27.1 33.7 (excluding FAC a certain population of these plants is hydrophytic. While OBL and FACW species are the most reliable plant indicators of wetlands, FAC and FACU species also contain populations of hydrophytes. 20.0 22.7 20.5 13.8 14.3 23.7 23.4 20.0 21.2 24.4 22.3 24.7 12.8 To use the lists for identifying wetlands, the FWS funded a North Carolina State University study (Went-

FACW worth and Johnson 1986) that reviewed and tested ex- isting methods using indexing or weighted averages 88 96 22.1 24.6 21.9 20.5 18.9 25.7 23.2 21.9 25.9 25.6 24.2 22.1 15.2 for vegetation analysis (including Michener 1983). From this investigation, a weighted averages method was developed for using the wetland indicator statuses of all species in a community to determine its likeli- 27.4 27.0 26.8 17.0 17.1 21.9 20.2 20.8 18.0 29.8 23.2 24.8 14.4 hood of being a wetland based on vegetation. Plant species are weighted by their wetland indicator status

OBL (OBL ϭ 1.0, FACW ϭ 2.0, FAC ϭ 3.0, FACU ϭ 4.0, and UPL ϭ 5.0) and by either the number of points at 88 96 30.7 29.8 29.6 26.5 25.4 24.9 22.9 25.4 22.0 34.8 25.5 32.6 17.1 which they were observed along transects or by their percent cover within a sample plot. Such analyses pro- duce a ‘‘prevalence index’’ score for a plant commu- nity between 1.0 and 5.0 reflecting its wetland poten- tial, with a score of 3.0 being a convenient breakpoint separating wetlands from uplands (Wentworth and Johnson 1986, Wentworth et al. 1988). Where the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 C A H prevalence index is Ͻ2.0 or Ͼ4.0, the area has a high Region List

Table 4. Percent of hydrophytic species by indicator status for each region. (Note: UPL and NA species are not included.) probability of being a wetland or upland, respectively, 632 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 2, 2006

based on vegetation alone. For scores in between, ad- ditional data on soils and/or hydrology are recom- mended to make a wetland or nonwetland determina- 39.4%) 10.2%) 17.5%) 21.6%) 20.3%) 21.4%) 7.0%) 86.0%) 10.7%) 8.0%) 7.9%) 7.6%) 54.9%) tion. A summary and sample applications of this meth- ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ od are found in Tiner (1999). The federal interagency 68 ( 220 ( 232 ( 331 ( 406 ( 407 ( 615 ( 102 ( 215 ( 250 ( 172 ( 629 ( 571 ( wetland delineation manual included this approach in ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ its recommended methods (Federal Interagency Com-

) indicates a reduction in mittee for Wetland Delineation 1989). Ϫ The primary indicators method (PRIMET) devel- oped for rapid assessment of wetlands (e.g., for veri- fying the presence of wetlands for mapping projects) makes use of the wetland indicator statuses from the plant lists (Tiner 1993). It recognizes seven vegetation 46.7%) 66.7%) 1520.0%) 184.2%) 100.4%) 88.8%) 88.5%) 453.9%) 273.7%) 33.5%) 9.4%) 85.2%) 144.6%) ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ indicators and 11 soil indicators that are unique to wet- 54 ( 85 ( 26 ( lands and could be used independently to verify the 100 ( 152 ( 140 ( 253 ( 190 ( 170 ( 581 ( 531 ( 208 ( 402 ( ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ presence of a wetland and the location of its boundary. Among the vegetation indicators of wetland are three that reference wetland indicator status: 1) OBL species comprise Ͼ50 percent of the abundant species in a plant community (an abundant species has Ն20% areal cover), 2) OBL and FACW species comprise Ͼ50 per- 53.6%) 2.5%) 12.7%) 7.7%) 30.8%) 3.8%) 9.0%) 4.1%) 9.0%) 29.7%) 46.9%) 16.0%) 3.4%) cent of the abundant species of a plant community, ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ and 3) OBL perennial species collectively represent at 14 ( 17 ( 42 ( 32 ( 18 ( 28 ( 10 ( 25 ( 84 ( 82 ( 54 ( 12 (

113 ( least 10 percent areal cover in the plant community ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ and are evenly distributed throughout the community and not restricted to depressional microsites. For regulatory purposes, following guidance from the Corps manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987, Williams 1992), plant communities where Ͼ50% of the dominant species (from all strata combined) have 27.7%) 1.6%) 2.2%) 6.2%) 7.0%) 77.6%) 0.7%) 10.4%) 2.5%) 7.5%) 23.8%) 15.0%) 1.9%) ϩ Ϫ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ an indicator status of FAC or wetter (excluding FAC-) 7( 6( 3( 8( 8( 91 ( 43 ( 21 ( 55 ( 15 ( 55 ( 34 ( are recognized as a positive indicator of ‘‘hydrophytic Ϫ ϩ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ 163 ( ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ

ϩ vegetation.’’ ‘‘Positive indicator’’ should be empha- sized, as such an assemblage of plants can only be considered ‘‘hydrophytes’’ when they are growing in water or on undrained or partly drained hydric soils (not effectively drained hydric soils). Communities that do not meet the basic rule may still be considered 15.6%) 2.5%) 5.1%) 1.2%) 0.5%) 2.0%) 108.2%) 0.6%) 18.5%) 6.9%) 4.3%) 11.0%) 1.7%)

Change in Indicator Status positive indicators of hydrophytic vegetation if they ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϩ ϩ Ϫ meet one of the Corps manual’s secondary rules: 1) FACW FAC FACU NI Total Number 3( 4( 3( 9( 76 ( 15 ( 14 ( 11 ( 57 ( 10 ( 10 ( 37 ( Ϫ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ plants possess morphological, reproductive, or known 171 ( ϩ Ϫ ϩ ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϩ ϩ

ϩ physiological adaptations for life in saturated soils, 2) plants observed growing in areas flooded and/or sat- urated for Ͼ10% of the growing season, and 3) plants are hydrophytic based on professional judgment sup- ported by scientific literature. Number 1 may be useful for identifying FACU species with shallow root sys- 4.1%) 2.4%) 42.2%) 6.1%) 3.6%) 6.3%) 2.2%) 2.8%) 2.4%) 3.9%) 0.7%) 0.5%) 1.6%)

) signifies an increase. tems, hypertrophied , aerenchyma , ad- ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ 6( 2( 2( 7( ventitious roots, or other morphological adaptations as 27 ( 97 ( 10 ( 30 ( 21 ( 15 ( 16 ( 12 ( 23 ( Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ ϩ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ hydrophytic species, especially when growing on hy- dric soils (Table 6). Number 2 is not particularly use- ful, as site visits are limited and one could only get this type of information by making numerous visits or 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C A H conducting extensive hydrologic studies. Number 3 is Region OBL Table 5. Change in number of potentially hydrophytic species from 1988 list to 1996 list by region. Percent change is shown in parentheses. Minus ( number and a plus ( useful but puts the onus on the investigator as well as Tiner, LISTS OF POTENTIAL HYDROPHYTES FOR THE UNITED STATES 633

Table 6. Plant adaptations for life in wetlands that are useful for hydrophytic vegetation criterion of the three-criteria identifying hydrophytes in the field. (See Tiner 1993 for discus- wetland identification approach. sion.) These adaptations are most useful for identifying FACϪ Tiner (1991) explained the current concept of hy- and drier species as hydrophytes when delineating wetlands. Some drophytes as related to wetland delineation. In our at- of these adaptations may not be useful for tropical wetlands; more tempts to use plants as indicators of wetland, we must study is needed for these systems. recognize the values as well as the limitations of plants Morphological (especially at the species level) and that the plant lists Adaptations Other Adaptations provide a guide to the likelihood that an individual of a given species is a hydrophyte. The actual determi- Shallow root system* Oxidized rhizospheres Adventitious roots* Viviparous seedlings nation of a plant as a hydrophyte is determined by the Stem hypertrophy environmental conditions under which it is growing. Aerenchyma tissue* Other Observations Hollow stems* Pneumatophores Growing in shallow water ACKNOWLEDGMENTS with OBL species** I acknowledge the tireless efforts of Buck Reed Hypertrophied lenticels Growing in a community (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, retired) who compiled dominated by OBL spe- the wetland plant lists and worked on these lists from cies** Heterophylly* Growing in a depression with the late 1970s until his retirement in 2004, his staff, water-stained * the work of the national and regional plant panels who Succulent leaves* Growing on an undrained hy- reviewed and made decisions on the plant indicator dric soil statuses across the country, and all the scientists who Succulent roots* have provided comments on the lists. For this paper, Fluted trunks I am especially appreciative of the data summaries Multiple trunks in trees* provided by Andrew Cruz (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- Changes in life-form vice) and by Misako Nishirno and John T. Kartesz * Verification of undrained hydric soils or observation of plant growing (Biota of North America Project, North Carolina Her- in water or saturated soils is recommended for this adaptation to confirm barium at the University of North Carolina, Chapel that it is a hydrophyte. ** Association is an important consideration. Since OBL species only oc- Hill). Bill Wilen (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), Ra- cur in wetlands and aquatic habitats, any non-OBL species growing with chel Budelsky (Associate Editor), and two anonymous them should be a hydrophyte. reviewers provided constructive comments on the manuscript. the individual Corps inspector and therefore will not LITERATURE CITED likely be applied consistently. 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