1 Horse Guards Road T +44 (0)20 7276 2294 London
[email protected] SW1A 2HQ www.cabinet office.gov.uk Simon Briscoe
[email protected] FOI Reference: FOI321902 09/11/2015 Dear Simon Briscoe I refer to your request where you asked: “Please can you send me all the information that was put in the public domain about the recruitment of the current and four previous National Statisticians. The information to include but not be limited to the advertisement(s) and applicants pack, and all allied press releases and similar announcements regarding the process including the announcement of the successful applicant. Please include any announcements of reappointments. Please also set out the members of the interview panels. If any of this information is on a webpage, please supply the link.” I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that some of the information you requested is held by the Cabinet Office. Cabinet Office have retained some of the information you requested and this is from the last two National Statistician appointments in 2014 and 2009. We do not routinely retain information any further back the last competition held. Of the information requested we hold the advert placed on the Civil Service website and the candidate brief and job description from the 2014 competition (both attached). The composition of the panel was: ● Sir David Normington, First CS Commissioner ● Sir Jeremy Heywood, Cabinet Secretary ● Sir Andrew Dilnot, Chair