Maidstone East Edition & Malling’s 1 newspaper Maidstone Edition Maidstone & Malling’s FREENo. 1 newspaper October 2017 No.FREE 246 March 2018 NewsNo. 251 Panto ahoy! Kate, 107, dies THE cast of Cinderella, which is to be News KATE Hart, a resident at an old staged at the Hazlitt Theatre in Maid- Hero of the skies people’s home in , stone, took to the River Medway to A MEMORIAL plaque has been has Kdiedin ageddne 107,ss oherf ssontra ng3ers launch this year's panto. erected to the memory of Flying Of- DavidA MhasAR disclosed.DEN family who were sub- On board The Kentish Lady were ficer Peter Pease, who died during ject to a terrifying robbery ordeal national treasure Rustie Lee (Fairy the Battle of Britain in 1940. Godmother), former EastEnder Ste- MP’shave Localtaken co mPlanfort bid FO Pease, who was just 22, 3 fan Booth (Prince Charming), Eliza- from an act of kindness. steered his stricken Spitfire away HELEN Whately asked the beth Bright (Cinderella), Craig government to halt the from houses at Kingswood and Anderson (Buttons) and, pictured, borough’sCar phousingark c scheme.harge s u4p cStephenrashed o n Richardsto farmla n andd n e Adamarby. Bor- OFF street car parking charge in- zoneCre a(Uglyted Sisters)by Go r.d on Newton, creases in Maidstone rigTheyht, of werethe S tgreetedone Sho byp i npupils East F fromar- Plans for Dr Nigel lSoutheigh, t hBoroughe memo rPrimaryial was u nSchoolveiled bandy have come under fire. 4&5 THE widow of GP Dr Nigel Minnet bmembersorough c o ofun c theillo r media. Gill Fo r Thet. panto will walk the Grand runsSee from page December8 for full re p1-31.ort For tick- Canyon for charity. 12 ets go to Lib Dem suspended LIBERAL Democrat councillor JasonRicha rdDonovan Webb has be edaten THE sformeruspen dNeighboursed by his p astarrty .brings 13 Vicar warns of cuts his show to the Hazlitt 18 TheatreHe nextalt May.h centre failing CCTV call in a bid Health Centre has been placed in spe- in church shake-up cial measures. 20 FtoOUR ch stopurches look set for fly-tippingcuts in services in the coming months as part Boar in the woods? EVIDENCE appears to be growing oCALLSf a rad forical thesha installationke-up. of CCTV cameras to prevent fly-tipping on a there are wild boar in 31 countryRector Pet roader Callw haveay say beens paring madeHe s byays w theith j localust 175 r boroughegular wor- councillor.the community “outside the tradi- local woods. back services is the only way to shippers across the five churches in tional Sunday service” in areas that mBurberryake the tim Lane,e nee nearded t Leedso reach andout nearby,the bene morefice, th thane ong aoi yearng con aftersulta ittionunlicensedare growi wasteng, su carriers,ch as Cox buthea be-th,. Obituaries 32 Broomfield, has been targeted by was dumped and set on fire. lieves the cost to small firms of dis- to grow attendances in the benefice proposes the biggest structural He wrote in the parish newsletter:Obituaries 32 owastef C dumpersoxheath, forE years,ast butFar inlei re-gh, cThehang churche to ser carvice parks sin hasce h alsoe join seened theposing“We c ofan constructionnot depend on wastehavin atg t ahree Parish Councils 34-37 Hcentunt months,on, Linto then an problemd West F hasarle be-igh. manybenef instancesice in 2013 of. illegal dumping. transferordain stationed and istw provingo lay m ai deter-nisters in come more acute. He told Downs ButTh ite p isro ap problemosed cha inng manyes wo ruraluld seerentth thate fu istu costingre...this councilsrequire more.s a struc-ParishTHE p Councilsarish council h as 34-35been given a Construction waste,Mail rubble,: “We a hardre in areasservic includinges halved a Langley,t Hunton Othamto twice a Cllrtura Fortl chan madege to herrelea remarksse the in ascum- defibrillator for use in Sutton Va- core, windows and household fur- and Kingswood. Water Lane in one of the borough’s closest trans- ASH dieback has been discovered in a rural setting month, with one service lost each bent’s energy and be workableMonkslen ce;Meadow CCTV in Ch inar t SDetlingutton w;ill not niture is left illegallyand – oftenha strewnve to Bearstedmonth a andt Wes Pilgrimst Farleigh Wayand havetwo atferw stationsith one o atrd Northained m Farm,iniste Tun-r.” be monitored as the PCSO has been in the middle of the road. also been targeted recently. village fete stall- recognise the na- . There will also bebridgeSer Wells,vice ti announcedmes will a itlso willbe bemore moved to another role; the green at Cllr Gill Fort said: “Every month Last year, Maidstone Borough closed for 10 weeks. holder co-ordinator Jean Duffy has tional decline in changes at Linton. The rector says simple under the proposals, withresigned;Langl eyellowy was linestidie dare an dneeded the notice- we are having toilets, sinks and Council cleared 911 cases of fly-tip- She added: “If you go along the church atten- with support from the various those at 11am held at the “hub”for Buffkynboard ta Way,ken a wOthamay for r, etofu rallowbishment; construction waste dumped in the ping and this year more than 163 line of increasing fines, they have to dance if we are to Parochial Church Councils the church of , and those atbusesdo nthroughations t oImperial two loca Park;l cha rrub-ities were village, specifically in Burberry have been recorded since April. be enforced. A reduction in the bisha g binsree d in by the c o sportsuncill or fields a tin Net- Lane, where we aredo nowany thinkingthing to Thecha approachingnges could co darkerme into eveningsforce in thecharge8am orand offering9.30am itat freeothe mayr chu haverches in Kingswoodtlesteadare; th toer bee a movedre plan overs for to hang- of installing camerasinflue onnce privatethis de- willnex promptt few m ao risenths in. A illegals the tipping.only paidtheth desirede benefi similarce. effect.” the ipicnicng ba sareakets andin E arearst F exit.arleigh. cland,line. toW overseee want theto problemrelease t area.”he en- mCllrem Fortber o welcomedf the mini ast jointerial initia-team in A three-monthlyHe said: “Whi litterle th pickere a onre theno im- erAgy recentto rea eventch ou int t Burberryo more p Laneeople tivethe byben theefice Environment, he believes Agencyby reduc-mile-longmediate stretchplans fo ofr a roadny o throughf our minis-Crime Reports 35 rsawathe ar caravanthan th burnedis being outa whilereactio an anding thethe Drivernumbe andr of Vehicleservices Stan-, moreLeedsters villageto depa producesrt, we can an’t re averagely on these Crime Reports 37 wtorchedhen it i cars to remainso late.” on a footpath dardstime Agencycan be s tope clampnt eng downaging onwith32v blackolunt sackseers f ofore rubbish.ver and for sustain-VEHICLES have been driven over FENCING and other items were Cllrabil i Fort,ty’s s a whoke w e alsonee d servesto loo k asa t ahowfarmland in , causing stolen from a residential property in parishwe w councillor,ould cope sayswith teachinga single or-damge to crops; an attempted childrendained aboutmini ssocialter in fresponsibilityuture. These pro-break-inUlco wasmbe reported; youths in w Detlingere see;n a dam- andp othesal issues be ofgi nlitterto inf schoolsacilitate willthesevehicleagi nwasg a vandalised fence in M ina rBearstedden; a car in helpch atakenge sthe.” issue off the streets. Rd, YWeaveringalding was; k pumpkinseyed and h weread a tyre She believesHe said withho meverye v ihouseholdsits, keepingstolensla sh fromed; a v aneh ic allotmentle was tak en in with- YOUR LOCAL PROPERTY EXPERT receivingchurch ae sweeklyopen refuseand collectioncommunityLenhamout c.onsent in ; tyres service,even ttheres wil lise nnosu excusere exis forting litterchurch on a car in Coxheath were slashed. [email protected] beingme m thrownbers ar e fromlooke d vehiclesafter, w h orile al-Comment 46-47 01622 690290 23 Pudding Lane • Maidstone • dumpedlowin gint hthee c road.hurch to grow. Mail Marks, page 46 Comment 46-47 HomeHome Alarms Alarms supplied supplied and and fitted fitted visitvisit call call 08000 08000 199622 199622 News Hector’s hoping NO GIMMICKS! Abrus bowled over by to raise the roof ’s hairy pop hero Hector features on a CD that is NO MISLEADING OFFERS! hoping to raise enough to “raise” village’s ‘lovely people’ the roof at the village’s Methodist church – or, at least, repair it. IT COULD be described as the this lovely gesture and would like Rev Fiona Haskett’s dog fea- TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! kindness of strangers rather than to say thank you through your tures on the release of music and an act of charity borne from pity. newspaper to those lovely people.” poetry, which it is hoped will A simple envelope, signed from Mr Ali, his wife of 40 years and cover the cost of repairs to the “Your friends from Staplehurst”, their son were in the family home church ceiling. found on the doormat of Abrus and when five masked raiders barged Priced at £10, the CD also in- Muckbala Ali’s Marden home their way into the property and cludes more traditional rendi- meant much, much more than the stole cash and jewellery, while tions from Kay Sheehan Swift, £330 inside. threatening them with knives and a Annie Hawkes and Bob Chance Readers of Downs Mail had been chisel. and the Headcorn handbell- moved to read of the Alis’ terrifying They took £600 in cash set aside ringers. armed robbery at their terraced for a wedding gift, but the robbers CDs, produced free of charge home in January, when masked demanded to know where the fam- by Meridian Records, with art- raiders stole possessions worth ily jewellery was kept. work by Headcorn Photo Factory, about £8,000, most notably Mrs Ali’s The men – all described as white Peter Fryd and Sally Musker, are wedding jewellery. with local accents – left the property on sale at the Weald of Guitar Mr Ali (62), who runs the Taj of but not before they had used bleach music shop and the George and Kent restaurant in Church Green, sprays on every surface of the Dragon in the village. Marden, said: “We were just Abrus Ali in the living room where he house, presumably to destroy DNA stunned by the generosity of people. and his family were held captive evidence. It was such a kind and thoughtful “The note said how sorry they A police spokesman said: “This is Spring clean-up thing to do and we thank them so were to hear what happened and al- very much an ongoing investiga- VILLAGERS in will sincerely for it. It has meant a great though it cannot replace the things tion.” take to the streets for a spring deal. we lost, they asked us to accept the If you can help please call Kent clean on Saturday, March 24. “Some people seem to have put money, perhaps to buy my wife Police’s appeals number on 01622 Residents are asked to join the an envelope through the front door something. 604100, quoting reference litter pick, from 10am, outside the and there was a message saying that “When I read this to my wife, she YY/002018/18. Alternatively, call village hall. it was from ‘Your Friends in Staple- started to cry again. We have been Kent Crimestoppers anonymously Pickers and black sacks will be hurst’. so moved and are so grateful for on 0800 555111. provided. 50% Off your first dental check up* Forge House Dental is a family-friendly, Sandeep and his vibrant team at the end warm and professional practice located experience, the whole team are looking being well-established for 17 years, the forward to welcoming Anita to the team are delighted to announce a practice and the community of number of recent and exciting changes Staplehurst, as well as its surrounding to the practice, including our new High Street entrance, downstairs surgery and Denplan cover, and patients new to the accessible lift, making the practice even has continued to add to his impressive practice will receive 50% off check-ups more inclusive. repertoire and skill-set, completing with her for a limited period of time. Sandeep, owner and principle dentist renowned courses on cosmetics, The whole team feel so fortunate to of Forge House Dental, qualified from restorative dentistry and occlusion, all of have such fantastic, interesting and loyal which he is particularly passionate about. patients who truly make our jobs Since practicing in Staplehurst, Sandeep Excitingly, Anita will be joining worthwhile and thoroughly enjoyable!

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* With our new Dentist Anita, for a limited time only. BDS(Lond) MJDF GDC Number 103395. Forge House, High Street, Staplehurst, , Kent TN12 0AH

2 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 3 News | Transport Transport |News Parking: you have your say Charges driving us out of town OUR online report about the pro- Geraldine Liston: The council is ru- posed rise in parking charges ining the town. The power is in the prompted these responses on our next local elections (on May 3) so CAR parking charges are set to be massively increased under plans by Maidstone Borough Council. Facebook page... use your vote wisely . Bridget Simmonds: No wonder Frazer Hopper: Don't care, rather Ticket prices are set to soar in off- people don't go to Bluewater street sites, such as King Street, want to go into shopping anyway. Lockmeadow, Medway Street and Maidstone. The And free to park Palace Avenue. traffic is awful, at Rochester for Some charges, including the parking is the cinema, and overnight tariffs, will remain un- not much better, restaurant and changed – and in some cases, espe- it's hideously ex- also at Hemp- cially in one hour charges, there pensive and stead valley. will be a minor reduction. when I was in Lian Bennett: But the biggest hikes are in the town the other Hempstead valley changes for up to a three hour stay. week, it was is free parking, so At King Street, this price leaps filthy. The new is Bluewater. from £2.50 to £3.90, at Palace Av- M&S will result Maidstone coun- enue £2.50 to £3.75 and Lock- in more people cil's greed will be meadow £2.50 to £3.30. We have not going into town its downfall in the end and sad to outlined a sample of the changes in Gloria Taylor-Petts: Bluewater be- say the shops will suffer, too. the table below. comes so much more appealing ! Steve de Wiggondene-Sheppard: Marden borough councillor Paul Wooding: After (the borough Maidstone Borough Council is led David Burton, opposed to the rise council elelctions) on May 3, there by the Liberal Democrats. Wake up in charges, said: “Money comes has to be a serious shake up at to this when you vote in May. into Maidstone on four wheels and MBC. Does anyone calculate what John Hannam: This does not add that shopper keeps the town long-term effects Maidstone will up. Bus prices are equally ridiculous alive.” suffer from with these crazy ideas? and the buses finish at 6pm. It just Ukip borough councillor Eddie Linda Weeks: Well, we'll just have seems to be a way to close out the Powell said: “This is absolute mad- to go to Canterbury more often town ness. The biggest price hikes apply to then! A lovely city with a great Si Borny: Joke. the very people, shoppers, you want Park&Ride. Maidstone will become Jackie Colwell: Tumbleweed. RIP to be parking here. a ghost town before long at this Maidstone for being so greedy and “The charges are far too expensive rate. having no forward planning. as it is. If the M&S application at ing them to places where parking is dents to walk, cycle or take public Eclipse Park goes through, people free. How many more nails does the transport when there is an antici- Relationship at will go there instead.” council want to hammer in?” pated surge in traffic volumes as a re- What the council The owner of Week Street restau- Conservative county councillor sult of 17,600 new homes contained said on increase rant Mu Mu, Ciaran O’Quigley, said: Gary Cooke accused the council of in the Local Plan. “Maidstone can only take so many imposing the controversial policy of Cllr Cooke added: “I suspect the in parking costs Leaders in truce breake ingng pointoint? council is using parking charges to blows before it gets knocked down. “modal shift” contained in the Local WE posed these questions to The breakdowne of any relationship can be try and compel motorists to leave We need to find ways of attracting Plan through the price hikes. Maidstone Borough Council about their cars at home and use public very distressine g. people into the town centre, not driv- Modal shift would encourage resi- the increased parking charges transport. with the responses below: over relief road Whitehead Monckton family lawyers can help you What it will cost to park in the town centre “There needs to be a better recog- nition within MBC that modal shift Q – Will there be a public meet- SQUABBLING leaders of the undertaking the feasibility work through this stressful and painful time. Off-street Current charges Revised charges will only ever account for very small ing/exhibition? county and borough authorities and commissioned contractors to parking place improvement in traffic congestion.” A – Tariff changes require a varia- claim to have buried their differ- perform the works. We offerf sensitive, constructive and cost effective King Street Car Park Up to 1 Hour £1.50 Up to 1 Hour £1.30 A spokesman for MBC said: tion to the off-street traffic regu- ences over the south Maidstone “We should also welcome the ex- legal advice. All our lawyersrs are expeexperriencenceded meembermbers Up to 3 Hours £2.50 Up to 3 Hours £3.90 “Changes in the tariff are designed lation order and this is carried out relief road at a peace summit or- pertise of MBC as the planning au- Up to 4 Hours £4.00 Up to 4 Hours £5.20 ganised by MPs Helen Grant and thority in providing that of Resolution, committed to a non-confrontational Evening/Overnight £2.00 Evening/Overnight £2.00 to promote migration from high as part of a legal process which re- demand car parks in the town cen- quires the council to advertise the Helen Whately. perspective. I would...hope that approach to rese olving family problems. Palace Avenue Car Park Up to 3 Hours £2.50 Up to 3 Hours £3.75 tre to outer zone car parks and Park changes as part of a statutory Kent County Council (KCC) this will also mean a real recogni- Up to 4 Hours £4.00 Up to 4 Hours £5.00 & Ride whilst meeting the existing consultation process. The results leader Paul Carter (Con) and Maid- tion of the difficulties that mitiga- An initial fixed cost meetinngg for just £11000 (inncc VAT)T with Evening/Overnight £2.00 Evening/Overnight £2.00 commitments in the integrated of the statutory consultation are stone Borough Council (MBC) tion can present and, consequently, one of our lalawyers can help yyoouu seesee yyoourur wawayy forrwaward chief Fran Wilson (Lib Dem) met MBC will be more accepting of the transport strategy and the low fed back to members before im- and understand yyoourur lelegagal positiioonn and ooptptioionsns. Medway Street Up to 1 Hour £1.50 Up to 1 Hour £1.25 emissions strategy by minimising plementation or variation. on February 2. need to apply planning constraints Up to 3 Hours £2.50 Up to 3 Hours £3.75 unnecessary car journeys into the There is no requirement for a The leaders and officers from the in south-east Maidstone.” Our offices are in the centtre of Canterbury, MaMaidstone Up to 4 Hours £4.00 Up to 4 Hours £5.00 centre of Maidstone.” authorities agreed to co-operate on The meeting was delayed for Evening/Overnight £2.00 Evening/Overnight £2.00 public meeting or exhibition in this The consulation for the new case. a feasibility study to identify months as the pair exchanged and Tenterdenden so, ifif yoyouu wantw toto ttakakee thatthat first stepstep to parking charges ended on March whether a Leeds-Langley by-pass frosty letters detailing their historic Wheeler Street Up to 30 Minutes £0.50 Up to 30 Minutes £0.60 Q – How much extra revenue will findfindining ooutut your optioptioons siimmppllyy visit our websebsiteite atat: Brewer Street (East) Up to 1 Hour £1.00 Up to 1 Hour £1.10 12. would reduce congestion. positions on the relief road. be raised, based on the current The study would be carried out Cllr Fran Wilson, leader of MBC, Up to 3 Hours £2.50 Up to 3 Hours £3.30 usage? Up to 4 Hours £3.50 Up to 4 Hours £4.40 by external consultants, a point said: “The differences of opinion Evening/Overnight £2.00 Evening/Overnight £2.00 A – Accurate forecasts are difficult. seized on by relief road campaigner, arose primarily due to some mis- Canterbury 01227 643266 Have your say However, current estimates iden- county councillor Gary Cooke. understanding over the respective Mote Road Up to 1 Hour £1.00 Up to 1 Hour £1.00 WHY not express your opinion tify an increase in revenue be- Several months ago, he an- roles of KCC as highways author- Maidstone 01622 698051 Mill Street Up to 3 Hours £2.50 Up to 3 Hours £3.00 about the car parking charges tween £54,000 and £198,000. nounced the start of exploratory ity and MBC as planning authority. Tenterentee rden 01580 767540 Up to 4 Hours £3.50 Up to 4 Hours £4.00 by voting in our online poll. surveys with initial reports to be “Hopefully, these issues have Evening/Overnight £2.00 Evening/Overnight £2.00 The survey asks the ques- Q – How will the extra money generated be spent? delivered to the parishes affected been resolved and we can move wwwww.whitehead-mon-monckt-monckton.coc tion: Is Maidstone Borough by the relief road when completed. forward in an equal partnership for Lockmeadow Up to 1 Hour £1.00 Up to 1 Hour £1.10 A – Close monitoring of car park WWhiteheahitehead MoncMonckton Limitemited no. 08366029), registered in Council right to propose price Cllr Cooke said: “While I am the benefit of all the people of this Up to 3 Hours £2.50 Up to 3 Hours £3.30 usage and income will be fed back EEnngllanand & Wales. Regiisstered office 72 King Street, Maiidsdstone, Kent, increases to off-street parking? happy to see a spirit of co-opera- borough.” Up to 4 Hours £3.50 Up to 4 Hours £4.40 to members to make the final de- ME14 1BL. Authorised and reggululated by the Solicitors Reggululation Up to 5 Hours £5.00 Up to 5 Hours £5.50 Visit http://www.downs- tion breaking out, I am mindful MP Mrs Whately said she was Authority under no. 608279. Over 5 Hours £6.50 Over 5 Hours £7.00 cision. that this only comes about after “delighted” to bring the two sides DM2016 KCC…has already committed to together.

4 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 5 News Business Focus News Tax bill hike How to fixx uncomfortableuncomfuncomffoortortable or slipping glasses COUNTY councillors have backed Pub planning to pull its 'R\RXHYHU¿QG\RXUJODVVHVIHHOLQJ'R\RX HYHU ¿QG \RXXUU JODVVHV IIHHHOLQJ ZZKLFKZHLJKOHVVWKDQJVRWKH\IHHOKLFKZHLJK OHVV WKDDQQ J VR WKH\ IIHHHO a budget that will see a council tax MostKHDY\KHDY\ RQRQ \\RXURaccurateXU IID IDFHDFH F FRQVWDQWO\RQVWDQWO\ LLQFUHGLEO\OLJKWRQ\RXUQRVHDQGHDUVQF UHtreatmentGLEO\OLJKW RQ \RXU QRVH DQG HDUV for sight loss bill rise by almost 5%. By theVOLSSLQJVOLS timeSLQJ weG GRZQR ZreachQ \ \RXUR X80U  QRVHQyearsRVH  R RUofU Z ZRUVHage,RUV H photographs77KHKHV VLPSOLFLW\LPSOLF LmostW\ R RII opticians WKHWKH  GHVLJQVGHVLJ Qoffer)V H HQVXUHVQV XXUcanUHV  and easier to manage. Ask our The increase includes a 2% levy 1 in 10 of us will have developed this detectEEHDXWLIXOHDDXX WLchangesIIXXOO OLJKWZHLJKWLJ KasWWZZ HsmallLJKW  asIIU IUDPHVUDDP P1000thHV DDQ DQG QofG Optometrists about your particular case aimed at providing extra cash for sight-threateningWWKH\KXUWEHKLQG\RXUHDUV"KH\KXUUWW EHK Lcondition,QG \RXXUU H DsoUV "it helps a mm. Far smaller than a human eye for advice. first pint by turn of year //LQGEHUJ¶VLQGEHUJ¶VV VLJQDWXUHLJQDWWXXUH V VFUHZOHVVFUHZOHVV  adult social care, while the rest for you to be informed about what to can ever detect. Using this technology would go towards other services. THE frustrations of Coxheath lo- tackled and the work is pressing do to$$UH UHhelp\ \RXR Xprevent IIH IHGHG  XSXXS Sglaucoma ZLWKZLWK  WKHWWKK Hsilently V VFUHZVFUHZ V weKKLQJHVL QcanJHV nowP PHDQVHDDQ QdetectV IIH IHZHUHZ HglaucomaU D DGMXVWPHQWVGGMMXVWPH QQWandWV  DDQ DQGseeQG Can what you eat and how you The typical Band D property bill cals waiting to order a drink after ahead, as are talks with local sup- stealingZZRUNLQJORRVHRUDUH\RXUVSHFWDFOHVRUUN NLyourQJOR Rsight.VH RU DUIfH \youRXU VShaveHFWD FaOH V progressionWWLJKWHQLQJLJKWHQLQJ farV VHVVLRQVHV VearlierLRQV  QRQthanR VFUHZVVF Ubefore.”HZV U ULYHWVLYHWV exercise affect your glaucoma? will rise to around £1,237. the only pub in the village was de- pliers of beer and cider. I just hope familyQQRWVLWWLQJULJKW"R WVhistory,LWWLQJ U LJareKW" diabetic, are of RUZHOGVWRZRUNORRVHJLYLQJ\RXORQJRUZHOGV WR ZRUN ORRVH JLYLQJ \RX ORQJ  There is some evidence suggesting Kent County Council leader Paul molished five years ago could be the community will support it.” black, African or Caribbean descent, WhatODVWLQJODVWLQ Jare TXDOLW\TX DtheOLW\  latest7 7KHKH  UDQJHUDtreatmentsQJH Z ZKLFKKLFK  K KDVforDV that regular exercise can reduce eye Carter said the approved budget coming to an end. Electrical contractor Grant Tur- or are,I,I WKHWveryKH DQVZHUD Qshort-sightedVZHU  LVLV YesYes you WRWR DQ\DQhave\ RIR Ian WKHWK H glaucoma?ZRQZRQ  LQWHUQDWLRQDOL QAreWHUQD WdropsLRQDO  G GHVLJQstillHVLJ Qthe DDZ DZDUGVZ DbestUGV  pressure (IOP) on its own, and can would preserve frontline services. Work to enlarge the Londis su- ney has stepped in to help com- DERYH\RXQHHGWRFDUU\RQUHDGLQJDERYH\RX QHHG WR FDUUUUU\\ RQ UHDGLQJ DQGDQG LQFOXGHVLQFOXGHV  EHDXWLIXOO\EHDXWLIIXXOO\  KDQGKDQG F FUDIWHGUDIIWWHG PPHDVXUHDQG¿W\RXUIUDPHV(QVXULQJHDVXXUUHDDQQG ¿W \RXU IIUUDDPPHV (QVXXUULQJ  He added that the Government increased risk of developing glaucoma answer? also have a positive impact on other permarket and build 10 flats and a plete the project. He said: “I think so things you learn in this article could EyeWWLWDQLXPLWD QdropsLXP toW WKURXJKKUK UlowerRXJK  WRWtheR D DFHWDWHpressureFHWDDWWH D DQGQ ofG  WKHWtheKH  \\RXglaucomaRXQ QRWRW R RQO\ QO\riskO ORRNR RN factorsJ JRRGRRG D DQGQincludingG IIH IHHOHHO “should start to address the unfair- replacement for the Bird in Hand, Sham has done remarkably well. OODWHVWDDWWHVW1 12:2: IIU IUDPHVUDDPPHV Z ZKLFKKLFK K KDYHDDYYH DDQ DQQ ness in the current funding system, off Heath Road, has been dogged This is a big project and he has just $$OLVGDLUsaveOLVG DyourLU% %XFKDQDQ Xsight.FKDQDDQQ R RII DDZ DZDUGZDUG Z ZLQQLQJLQQLQJ H\H KDYH WUDGLWLRQDOO\ EHHQ WKH ¿UVW FFRPIRUWDEOHdiabetesRPIIRRUWDDEE OHandE EXWX W highD DOVROVR K KDYHbloodDYH W WKHKHpressure.E EHVWHVW recognising counties should, if fair by delays. done it the right way, which is to ..HQW2SWLFLDQV%XFKDQDQ2SWRPHWULVWVHQW2SWLFLDDQQV %XFKDQDDQQ 2SWRPHWULVWV lineDDPD]LQJO\P ofD] LtreatmentQJO\ WKLQWKLQ forF FRPSRVLWHR Pglaucoma.SRVLWH IIU IURQWUR InQW mostDDQ DQGQG YYLVLRQSRVVLEOH1RWMXVWOLJKWRQ\RXUSomeLVLRQ SRformsVVLEOH  of1R W glaucomaMXVW OLJKW  RQ(such\RX U as and needs-led, receive a fairer and But the site’s owner, Sham avoid placing the whole thing in WhatUHYHDOVUHY HisD OVthe WKHWKH best VHFUHWVHFUH Wway  WRWR W WUXO\ UXtoO\ F FRPIRUWDEOHdiagnoseRPIIRRUWUWDDEE OH cases,WLWDQLXPVLGHVJLYLQJ\RXVW\OHFRPIRUWWLWDQL XdropsPVLGH Vcan JLY LQworkJ \RX VveryWW\\OH FwellRPIIR RUatW  QQRVHEXWRQ\RXUSRFNHWWRRclosed-angle)RVHEXXWW RQ \RX Uare SR FnotNHW responsiveWRR  to the bigger slice of resource”. Baynes, says he hopes the pub will jeopardy by borrowing lots of glaucoma,VVSHFWDFOHVDQGH[SODLQVZK\WKH4XHHQSHFWDF OHVsaveDDQQG  H[SyourODLQV ZsightK\ WK H 4andXHH Q stabilisingDQGDQGV VWUHQJWKWWUUHQ theJWK condition  (YHU\(YHU\ IIU IUDPH UandDPH preventing  LVLV PDGHPDGH  88QWLOeffectsQWLOW WKHK Hof  HHQGexercise,QG R RII 2 2FWREHUF andWREH Uother % %XFKDQDQXF KtypesDDQQDQ of Liberal Democrat spokesman be open before the end of the year. money.” monitor%%UDGUDG the3 3LWWLWW condition? 6 6LPRQLPRQ & &RZHOORZHOO D DQGQG 5 5LFKDUGLFKDUG furtherLLQGLYLGXDOO\QGLYL GGXprogression.XDOO\IIR IRURU \ \RX RHowever,X P PHDQLQJHDQL QtheyJ \ \RX RdoX  22SWRPHWULVWVDUHRIIHULQJ\RXDOLPLWHGglaucomaSWRPHWULV WV(pigmentaryDUH RIIIIIHHULQJ glaucoma)\RX D OLPLW HmayG  Rob Bird criticised Cllr Carter for The father-of-three says he un- Mr Baynes says a manager will You**HUHDOORSWIRURQHW\SHRIJODVVHV canHUH loseDOO R 40%SW IIRRU of RQ yourH W\S Hvision RI JOD beforeVVHV  notFFDQDDQ QworkF FKRRVHKR forRVH everyO OHQVHQV  case,V VKDSHVKDDSSH Vand F FRORXUV RsomeORXUV haveDDQ DQGQG WWLPHLdevelopPHR RIIHUIIIIIHH Ua  RIRtemporaryI 20% OFF increase H H[FOXVLYH[FO XinVL YIOPH  the rise, especially since members derstands the frustrations of Cox- be appointed to run the pub, which \RX³³6SHFWDFOHV QRWLFH6SHFWDF RUOHV DD DUHUH VWDQGDUG R RQHQH R RII W WKH YLVXDOKH IIH IHZHZ  ¿HOGW WKLQJVKLQJV unpleasantPPDWHULDOVWRVXLW\RXWKHFRPELQDWLRQVDDWWHULDOV WsideR VX Leffects.W \RX WK DropsH FRPE canLQDW LalsoRQV  /LQGEHUJIUDPHV/afterLQGE HvigorousUJIIUUDPHV exercise. So check with awarded themselves a 15% in- heath residents, but the scale of the will operate as a freehouse. He and eye \\RXtestRX may ZHDUZHDU detect. HYHU\HYHU\  GD\GEarlierD\ VRVR VKRXOGVdetectionKRXOG E EHH isR RQHQ H beDUHDOPRVWHQGOHVVPHDQLQJRXUH[SHUWD UhardHDOP toRV Wadminister HQGOHVV P HforDQL QsomeJ RX Upeople.H[SHUWUW  'RQ¶W'yourRQ¶W Optometrist PLVVPLVV  WKLVWKLV  GHDGOLQHGH DtoG OLseeQH  FDOOFifD OexerciseO  QRZQRZ  RQR Qcan crease in allowances. project, coupled with issues out of Cllr Mortimer hope the village possibleRIRI WKHWK Hand PRVWPR canVW F FRPIRUWDEOH RhelpPIIRR UyouWDEOH prevent D DQGQG E EHDXWLIXOH DDXanyXWLIIX XO ThereforeVVWDIIWDIIII FDQFDQ new KHOSKHOS treatments \RX\RX FKRVHFKRVH which \RXU\RXU S SHUIHFW HavoidUIIHHFW  help you.   DQGDQG WUHDWWUHDDWW  \RXU\RXU  IDFHIIDDFH  his control, have convinced him school will get involved by coming sightWWKWKLQJVK Lloss.QJV\ \RXRAward-winningX R RZQZQ \ \HWHW P PDQ\DDQQ \Buchanan S SHRSOHHRSOH  SXWS XW eyeORRN%XFKDQDQ2SWRPHWULVWVKDYHRQHOR RNdrops%XF KhaveDQDDQQ 2becomeSWRPHWWUU LVincreasinglyWV KDYH RQH WRWRTo VSHFWDFOHVVSassessHFWDFO HVyourV VRR L LQFUHGLEO\riskQFUH GorLE O\monitorO OLJKWLJKW DQGD QyourG Choral work this will be the last development he Cllr Brian Mortimer and developer up with a name. Optometrists offer a glaucoma Ultimate popular. Laser treatments, stents, condition book a glaucoma Ultimate ever manages. Cllr Mortimer says concern has XSZLWKXQQHFHVVDU\GLVFRPIRUW´:LWKXSZLWWKK XQQHFHVVDDUU\ GLVFRPIIRRUW´ ::LLWK RRIIWWK WKHKH O ODUJHVWDDUUJHVW  VHOHFWLRQVVHOHFWLRQV R RII /LQGEHUJ/LQGEHUJ FRPIRUWDEOHFRPIIRRUWDDEEOH \RX\RX FDQFDDQQ HYHQHYHQ  IRUJHWIIRRUJHW \ \RXRX MAIDSTONE Choral Union is Sham Baynes OphthalmicWWKWKLVLQPLQG'DQLVKGHVLJQHU/LQGEHUJKLVLQ P LQexaminationG 'DQLVK GH VLJwhichQHU / LQcanGEHU J operationsIIUIUDPHVUDPHVL LQQ andW WKHKH  8 DDQ DQGQdrugsG R RQO\Q O\may X XVHVH makeIIX IXOO\XOO\  DUHZHDULQJWKHPDDUOphthalmicUHZHDDUULQJ WWKK HPexamination at award- He said: “This has been a partic- been expressed about the future provide an earlier diagnosis as well as \RXUJODXFRPDWUHDWPHQWPRUHHI¿FLHQW winning Buchanan Optometrists. putting on Haydn’s uplifting Cre- ularly frustrating project, with fi- During a tour of the site with bor- of former village pub, The Bell. KDVFUHDWHGDUDQJHRIIUDPHVPRVWRIKDVFUHDDWWHG D UDDQQJH RI IIUUDDPPHV PRVW RI TTXDOL¿HGRSWLFLDQVWRKHOS\RXFKRRVHXDOL¿HGRSWLFLDQV WR KHOS \RX FKRRVH  ation on March 17 at All Saints nancial and planning problems ough councillor Brian Mortimer, Now a popular Indian restaurant, assessing your risk and monitoring the Church, Maidstone. and difficulties with contractors. I Downs Mail was shown the plush known as the Spice Lounge, its condition. Alisdair BuchananUnique explains LimitedLimited TimeTime Offer Save your sight Tickets for the 7.30pm perform- can’t wait for it to be finished.” flats and inside the pub, which has owner has spoken with the parish the best way to detect tiny changes20% in OFF Book your Guarantee Glaucoma Eye your Examinationr 20% discount, now Call Now ance, with professional soloists and Electrical contractors say the flats been plastered and wired. council about the possibility of your optic nerves is through Heidelberg the MCU Orchestra, cost £12 on the will be ready by mid-March, al- Cllr Mortimer said: “There have developing the Heath Road site GMPE OCT scanning and Ends assessment 31st October 2017 door or from Freda Crispin at 01622 535153511515 lowing Mr Baynes to give his full been issues with the re-building with 19 flats and eight parking by an 0experiencedDOOLQJ 5RDG 6Q RGoptometrist.ODQG .HQW 0( 1“A% 01622 535115 [email protected]. attention to the pub. programme, but these have been spaces. 3D scan (very different to the retinal 56 Malling Road, Snodland, Kent ME6 5NB

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Maidstone Weald October 2017 7 6 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 7 News| Heroes remembered FocusNews Memorial to heroic pilot Pease CCTVAre you callgetting to stopthe best fly-tipping sight test? Is your eyesight important? as early as possible. Most of the AT the height of the Battle of Britain, a young man of just 22 revved up CALLS for the installation of Illegal fly-tippingequipment we use is only available in a Across Kent, local authorities are the engine of his stricken Spitfire to avoid crashing into homes in CCTVWhat cameras would toyou prevent do without fly-tip- it?is costing localhandful of practices around the country. spending hundreds of thousands of pingMore on aoften country than road not have a been visitauthorities to the hun-However, the most crucial piece of pounds clearing up rubbish. made by the local borough coun- According to one report £323,000 Kingswood. optician involves walking in,dreds sitting of thou- equipment we use is our ears. We take cillor.down, waiting around, beingsands rushed of pounds, was spent dealing with almost This selfless act in the last sec- So, on February 15, a century to Burberry Lane, near Kingswood, the time to listen to your concerns and 14,000 incidents in 2016-17. This is a says Cllr Gill Fort onds of Flying Officer (Arthur) the day after his birth, a more per- hasinto beena darkened targeted room by wasteto read some problems and then ascertain the best sharp increase on the previous 12 Peter Pease’s short life would be- manent reminder was unveiled to dumpersletters on for a years,chart, buta light in recent shone in your way to resolve these. You will never months when just over 10,000 in- come typical of the sacrifices RAF months, the problem has become stances cost £244,000. this remarkable man’s memory at eyes and a new pair of specs. feel rushed at Buchanan Optometrists. pilots made in the aerial conflict the junction of Gravelly Bottom more acute with waste often strewn Cllr Fort welcomed a joint initia- over Kent and which was forever Road and Duck Pond Road. acrossIs this the the middle best of care the road.for your eyes? Taking the time ensures you get the leaders in treatmentstive by the for Environment dry or watery Agency captured in Winston Churchill’s as- For years, a lime tree has marked AlisdairCllr Gill Fort,Buchanan pictured right, of said: Buchanan best care, advice and the most beautiful eyes, earlyand glaucoma the Driver detection and Vehicle and Stan- Spot where a “Every month we are having toi- dards Agency to clamp down on sessment of our debt to The Few. the spot in the middle of farmer Optometrists in Kent was voted UK spectacles available. You are after all Meares Irlen syndrome to name a As Britain sent callow youngsters lets, sinks and construction waste unlicensed waste carriers. But she Nigel Edmed’s field, but now a me- dumped in the village, specifically a walking advert for us. The range of few. My teambelieves of staff the high have cost been to small with firms into the skies to repel Adolf Hitler’s hero also fell Optometrist of the year 2017; he morial, commissioned by a semi- in Burberry Lane. We are now stunninglymore beautiful than a Headcornspectacle and frames Chart for Last manyof disposing years assuring of construction you wasteof advancing hordes, so the new air- LESS than a mile away from the explains what they do differently at his retired law professor at the thinking of installing cameras on has beenyear chosen after it was for theiryear, Maidstonestyle, quality Borough continuity Council atof a transfercare. My station practice is costing has coun- borne heroes, about 600 of them University of California, John Oak- newly instated memorial to Fly- privatepractice: land to“From oversee thethe problem momentdumped you and torched. The church cleared 911 cases of fly-tipping and cils dearly. Cllr Fort made her re- that summer, were freshly minted ley, stands as a visible and accessi- ing Officer Peter Pease lies an- area.”walk through the door, youcar notice park has alsoand seencomfort. illegal dump-We havemore dealt than with 163 have our beenbeen recorded in Snodlandmarks as for one over of the 57 borough’syears in an instant. ble marker. other hero. weA recentdo things event invery Burberry differently Lane most frame artisans for manysince years April ensuring this year. – Thea good ap- closestheritage! transfer There stations are atgood North On the afternoon of September Prof Oakley, fascinated by the Pilot Officer W P H “Robin” sawopticians. a caravan The burned warm out whilewelcome, a But the it is also\RX a problem KDYH inFRQ¿GHQFH many proaching DQG H[FHOOHQW darker eveningsreasons will weFarm, have Tunbridge become Wells, one announcedof the 15, 1940, having been hit some- Rafter, lost his life on Novem- car remains on a footpath nearby, rural areas, including Langley, prompt a rise in illegal tipping. it will be closed for 10 weeks. Pease family’s colourful history, relaxing smell, the beautifully support of our products. We do not just most awarded opticians in the UK – where above the county town, FO had made the bronze plaque, ber 29, 1940, some weeks after do eye tests and spectacles. We are Book your appointment to see why. Pease had guided the Spitfire out which was then inlaid to the gran- the official end of the Battle of appointedSTAPLEHURST surroundings, vineyard Hushthe fantastic Heath Estate will be supplying to towards farmland where it ite memorial at the Stone Shop of Britain. It was erected in 2002. teasHeath and will send coffees its sparkling and winethat to is Vineyardbefore ‘bubbling’ over deal Canadian consumers is hugely wel- crashed. East Farleigh, run by Gordon New- PO Rafter was the son of Sir weCanada even after start landing on your a deal eyes. with You see, Join the thousands of happy clientscome and they will be flying the Hurtling earthwards, he found ton. William Rafter, Chief Constable everythingone of the world’s that we largest do alcoholin my practicegramme. The “significant deal” was trading relationship as the UK flag for the high-quality of wine buyers. announced asBook Prime your Minister Ultimateleaves the EU.Eye Examinationbeing now produced in Britain.” just enough extra power to “gun” Helping to unveil the memorial of Birmingham. He joined the is Hushorchestrated Heath’s Balfour to be 1503 theClas- best. ThatTheresa is May was in Ottawa for Mrs May said: “It’s great to see Hush Heath owner Richard Bal- his fighter plane’s dying engine to in front of a small, low-key gather- RAF on a short service commis- take it beyond Kingswood’s sion in June 1939. whysic Cuvée we have is the invested first English hundredstalks of with Canadian PM Justin that English sparkling wine has four-Lynn said: “Hush Heath is a ing, Mr Newton – who is also a thousandssparkling wine of selectedpounds for in the equipmentTrudeau on how the UK and01622been making 535115 a name for itself, not family-owned winery…and we are homes, thus avoiding death or in- borough councillor – told how the During an action over the ‘The young pilot shone Biggin Hill area on September toLiquor look Contril after Board your (LCBO) eyes, of to On- ensureCanada any can further strengthen just in the UK but further afield too. very excited to see our wines avail- jury to countless residents. The young pilot shone during his short tario’s Vintages Classics Pro- their ties to build the closest,56 freest Malling Road,“The Snodland, news today Kent that ME6 Hush 5NB able in the Canadian market." dead pilot was still strapped into during his short volunteer service. 5, PO Rafter is believed to have conditions or problems are detected his seat when villagers ran to the On August 30, 1940, he had been shot down in Marden. wreckage. volunteer service...’ helped shoot down a Heinkel 111 He was admitted to West and a Messerschmitt Bf109 on Sep- Kent Hospital, Maidstone, with tember 3. Four days later, he was head injuries and did not fly operationally again with the COUNTY COBBLER Flyer had been tipped for a high office hit by enemy fire over London and Has your forced to crash-land in squadron until November 26, PETER Pease was tipped for great things, when he did so at his own in- Hornchurch, Essex. A week later, having been born into a great northern fam- sistence. his luck ran out over Maidstone. ily. He was killed when he doubledouble glazingglazing Mr Newton laid a wreath to FO Dashing, clever and with matinee idol crashed at Kingswood in his Pease’s memory after borough looks, he was a high achiever at Eton and Spitfire P7449. councillor Gill Fort unveiled the Cambridge and he was talked of as a future The plane was seen to drop steamedsteamed up? plaque. They are pictured above. cabinet minister, perhaps Foreign Secretary. out of formation and crash to Just moved? Need spare keys? How to find us:- She said: “It is important that we After his death in Kent, his body was re- the ground. We are here to help!! We are in The Mall- Chequers do not forget the sacrifices many Centre- five shops in from the moved and buried in Middleton Myas His family were convinced he WeWe can SASAVEAVVE your windows!windows! DISCOUNTS on multiple key young men made during the Battle main entrance on the right hand churchyard, near Richmond, in Yorkshire. had returned to duty too early orders COMPETITIVELY priced. side, next door to Virgin Media. of Britain, which was fought in the The Pease family were successful bankers, and that he had blacked out SAVESAAVVE money,moneyy,, energyenerrggy & time skies above us here in Kent. coal merchants, railway pioneers and politi- from his unhealed head in- Cloudy2Clear is a leading local glass rreplacementeplacement companycompany,, • Watch repairs, batteries & straps replaced KEYS* “This is a fitting and thoughtful established for over 10 years. By saving your window we can... cians. juries. Yale type £5 memorial to Peter Pease.” SASAVEAVVE moneymoney,y,, SASAVEAVVE energy,energyy,, SASAVEAVVE ttime.ime. • We specialise in men’s leather soles stitched on. 2 for £7.50 3 for £10!!! ReplaceReplace the pane,pane, not the frameframe • We can replace ZIPS on premises within We also cut The good news is you don’tdon’t need to go thrthroughough the expensive 100 tree tribute to mark end of WWI 24 hours. Mortice, THE British Legion branch covering Bearsted, peal co-ordinator for 30 years. Mr Davison (pic- processprocess of replacingreplacing the whole frame. YYoYouou can just rreplaceeplace the Chubb glass. Our quotes on average take no longer than 2020 minutesminutes.. Thurnham, Leeds and Hollingbourne is calling tured right) said: “We are extremely proud to • NEW SPECIALISED key cutting – i.e. Security & on the public to help create a unique living me- be involved in a unique living memorial such tubular multi-lock security most car keys YourYYoour local trtrustedusted experexpertt Hinge,Hinge, locklock & mechamechanismnism rrerepairsepairs morial to celebrate the end of the First World as this. MOST car keys cut War. “ But it will only happen if funding is in place • *from the same key The charity, working with Hollingbourne in time. We hope everyone in the area will con- All glazingglazing backedbacked byby our • Engraving Service – we can also supply Meadows Trust, wants to raise at least £50,000 sider making a donation.” trophies & tankards Prompt to plant an avenue of 100 trees in time for the Mr Davison is hopeful the appeal will be • Zippo Lighters While U Wait centenary on November 11. adopted by the entire branch, which has in- Local, frfriendlyiendly WWee aarerreea a service The ambitious project – thought to be the only cluded Bearsted and Thurnham since its branch engineer Which? • Get your gifts personalised by our available one of its kind in Kent – would see an Avenue of closed in February 1989. GUARANTEEGUARANTEE TrustedTrusted TraderTrader engraving specialists - jewellery, pens Remembrance created with 100 hawthorns and He says the avenue will provide a dramatic PriorityPriority frfreephonereeephone & Zippo's etc. a “circle of peace” in silver birches on commu- memorial – combining blood red berries in win- space, off Eyhorne Street, donated to accom- nity land in Hollingbourne. ter with white flowers of peace in May – that modate the project by Hollingbourne Meadows The idea, code-named Project 100, was put will be readily accessible to all. Trust, which is also backing the project. forward by RBL branch chairman Derek Davi- It is proposed the memorial will be the cen- Donations can be made at www.mydonate. County Cobbler 370 The Mall, Dukes Walk, son and his wife Jeanne, the district’s poppy ap- trepiece at the 30 to 40-acre popular public open SAVESAAVVE money - SASAVEAVVE energyenergy -- SASAVEAVVE timetime Chequers Centre • 01622 297600

Maidstone Weald October 2017 11 8 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 9 News Scouts learn to ALWAYS cope with life Shirley and pet Molly THE Scouting syllabus is to include badges for coping with modern life. 70% OFF Topics such as doorstep crime, managing money, online scams die the very same day and fire safety are included in 12 BIG BRANDS FOR more than 20 years Shirley met with all mourners attaching new modules for Kent’s Scouts, Lowry and her beloved cat Molly card butterflies to her coffin and Cubs, Beavers and Explorers. Windsor Curtains were devoted – and now they have ending with dancing to popular Once established, the intention is • Jacquard fully lined NEW NEW died within two hours of each music. 90” x 90” ready made Kitelite to promote the Skills4Life scheme other. Shirley and Michael were both curtains 4 Wheel IN IN to Scout groups across the UK. • Available in cream and EVA Former Lloyds Bank employee active members of the Rotary natural Dean Harding, Kent commis- Luggage Hanging Egg Walk In Shirley (53), well known in Maid- Clubs of Maidstone and the Weald • 20", 24" Chair Green House sioner for the Scouts, has wel- stone area for her caring work as a respectively. & 28" comed the initiative, which has available local life celebrant, was diagnosed But she is also remembered SAVE £35 SAVE £100 SAVE £25 been devised for six to 18-year-olds with uncurable cancers more than fondly for her warm and happy SAVE £75 SAVE £95 SAVE £105 by KCC’s public protection service. 20” 24” 28” a year ago. personality, particularly in her £14.99 £24.99 £34.99 £44.99 £149.99 £24.99 He said: “We are confident this in- WAS £29.99 WAS £39.99 WAS £49.99 WAS £59.99 RRP £49.99 She married local funeral direc- work as an ordained minister. RRP £49.99 RRP £99.99 RRP £129.99 RRP £149.99 RRP £250 formation will prove invaluable to tor Michael Lawrence last spring at Michael had planned a romantic the young people who study for Church and proposal during a Norwegian hol- these new badges.” recently moved from Madginford iday at Christmas 2016 but it had to to their Headcorn home. be cancelled after Cheese please “Shirley always thought of Molly her shock diagno- Men's T Shirt as her child and she slept on sis with untreat- • Choice of A CHEESE festival is coming to Shirley’s hospital bed at our home Shirley Lowry able cancer. colours Maidstone this summer. • S - XXL almost continuously,” Michael and her precious Last spring, we Cheesefest UK will be heading to Flawless Finish said. “They were so close.” cat Molly, right, reported how the SAVE £70 SAVE £7 Whirlwind SAVE £70 • Choice of shades the Kent Showground on Satur- Verona 4 Seater Molly had become very frail and couple were de- Cylinder Vac SAVE £16 SAVE £23 day, June 2 where artisan vendors who she was de- Dining Set Michael arranged for her to be termined to make £ .99 £ .00 • 700W - A rated £ .99 voted to • 120 x 40 x 88cm 59 15 • 5m power cord 49 Duo Packs £13.50 £8.95 from all over the country will be • Wood/metal RRP £129.99 WAS £18.99 RRP £119.99 • 750ml x 2 WAS £16.49 WAS £12.99 taken to their vet. He received a the most of RRP £22 • Tools included RRP £29.95 RRP £32 selling cheeses and preserves. phone call that Molly had died. A packed congregation learned Shirley’s remaining time. There will also be a bar and live Shirley never knew. She was des- the story at Shirley’s unique fu- She said at the time: “We are truly The Mall, Pads Hill, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6AT music. perately ill and two hours later, neral in Boughton Monchelsea blessed to have the friendship and E&OE WK07/18 - Offers valid until 18th March 2018 For further details visit with Michael holding her hand, she Church, where her wishes for a love of so many friends, Rotarians, The Discount Department Store died. colourful and loving service were colleagues and our families.”

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10 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 11 News News

News Lambing plea to dog owners Suspension for Solutions offered for LOCAAnotherL sheep farmers have asked incursion worth, made local headlines some dog owners to keep their pets on years ago when he shot a dog off village health centre the leash as the county prepares the lead on his land where his sheep were grazing. Lib Dem Webb A DESPERATE shortage of med- the provision for the lambing season. ical services in the growing vil- of a health cen- In reatcent year Larkfields, there have been park He said: “I didn’t want to kill COXHEATH and Hunton bor- ted to continuing to support the res- lage of Coxheath has prompted tre, while it is many examples of pregnant sheep someone’s pet and the woman was ough councillor Richard Webb idents he represents in Coxheath TRAVELLERS have moved back ellers simply moving on to take up two possible solutions. u n d e r s t o o d dying – sometimes savagely at- very upset when she found out has been suspended from his and Hunton ward. I hope this mat- tackedontoby d aom popularestic pe parkts – b inut Larkfieldlocal temporary residence elsewhere in what I’d done. But I would do it A plan for a new medical cen- this latest offer for the second time in six months. the area. party after an allegation of assault. ter can be speedily resolved and his farmers say the problem is worsen- again. tre in Heath Road, just outside would also The families - in five caravans - He said: “They just seem to be The Liberal Democrat group an- full membership restored.” the village in Linton, has been fund the devel- ing. pulled on to Gighill Green in doing the rounds. These incidents “It is the lives of the sheep and nounced they were suspending Cllr Webb denied any wrong- Chart Sutton sheep farmer of 30 their lambs as well as my liveli- submitted to Maidstone Bor- opment. Lunsford Lane on Sunday October have affected West Malling, forcing postman Cllr Webb, pictured, doing when interviewed by Daily ough Council alongside the offer Cllr Mor- years ,,Ca releasingroline W dogsorley on, w theho popularhas the closure of the village hall, and hood I have to think about. Sheep near , above, and Colin Tearle, right, “while the police investigate an in- Downs Mail. The accusations, which of land for a surgery on the new timer said: “I more tpublichan 70 open0 ani spacemals, andsaid setting: “It’s up Leybourne, and now they are back “Part of the problem is that peo- who defends farmers’ right to shoot dogs cident in which he was involved”. are not connected to his work as a Clock House Farm Estate. understand that in relation to not juswashingt at lam linesbing withintime,’s h Itap is- un- in Larkfield. The police told resi- ple come to live in the country from Downs Mail broke the story of the borough councillor or the Lib Dems, peningderstoodall the time. swadentsthe o thatf pa thisrkla wasnd a aro civilund trespassLeeds It is not un- the towns and they just see the Coxheath’s current GP surger- this newest proposal – which allegations on December 14 last relate to an incident in Coxheath vil- ies in Stockett Lane and Heath came out of the blue – the appli- “Thethere ar fami-e a lot of irresponsible Caswhentle. they reported it and that they common in fields as a big park.” year, which relates to an alleged in- lage hall on November 8. Police said lies in- Road currently treat 14,000 pa- cant is in talks with both our ex- dog owners out there who don’t Scouldn’the adde dod: anything“I would andjus obviouslyt like to sheep-worrying incidents for preg- NFU Mutual insurers said there cident the previ- investigations were “on-going”. see anvolvedything wrong with letting getthethe councilmessag officese out t werehere t closedhat mo be-st nant ewes to give birth to stillborn has been a 67% rise in insurance tients, but both have issues re- isting surgeries.” have been ous month. Cllr Webb was contacted but de- their animals run free when there of tcausehe she itep wasyou the’ll s in the f Theseields young, sometimes causing the claims for sheep worrying cases in garding taking on more patients He added: “What is clear is offering travellers know and play the sys- A statement clined to comment. are sheep around.” the past two years. into the future. that there is a need for better in- tree felling aretem.”carrying lambs at the moment. m‘Spooktacular’others to die in the process. at the farm from the Lib Alison Broom, chief executive of The farmer owns 180 acres of So please, please keep your dogs Fellow Kent farmer Colin Tearle, It is estimated the problem is According to Coxheath bor- frastructure in terms of medical services to The council’s legal team served an MAKE the most of the October half-term holiday at Heritage Dems said: “Cllr Maidstone council, said: “Cllr ough councillor Brian Mortimer, provision as Coxheath grows. I land bresidentsut also grazes the large on a lead.” who has grazed flocks near Cheg- costing farmers £1.6m each year. eviction notice but it took a week to Farm Park’s Halloween Spooktacular in Maidstone. Richard Webb Webb's suspension from the Liberal pictured, DHA Planning has set also understand that if the land in the area. enforce. Cllr Thornewell held talks Brave kids are invited to the vintage village to knock on doors and has been tem- Democrat party changes the politi- out details for a medical centre, at Clock House Farm Estate is Parish with Engineering in an discover who – or what – is lurking behind them from October 21-31. porarily sus- cal make-up of the council”. including rooms for minor oper- not used for a health centre it Roocouncilftop bar for toweffortn to’ increases re securityvell furtherers on CTheom award-winningmuni attractionties atin Sandling,ne neared Maidstone,of su hasp a fewport pended as a A decision as to how places on the ations, a pharmacy and a car will not be developed and will A POPchairmanULAR town centre bar plans to optheen publica roof land,top t nearerrac thee in M20.time for VotherOLU tricksNTE upER itsS sleeveuppo tort turnWar itsde usualns ar exhibitse bein intog so frighteningught across the Maid- member of the committees will be re-allocated to summDavider. Thornewell says more has to Valdemar Kalinin (pictured), of stfarmhousesone area a ands pa horrifyingrt of a re homes.cruitm Youngstersent drive canby K trye pumpkinnt Coun carving,ty Council. park, on land owned by Firmins, remain as public open space. be done to stop the travelling com- Liberal Democrats while the police ensure that political balance is which has permission for a fruit “I will be keeping a close The Brenchley, in the High Street, Mtheaid Nationalstone, e Gypsy-Traveller-Romaxpects to unveil its dressingThe ro uple, andwh theich Uglyis d Bugescr Ball.ibed as “challenging, but rewarding”, is investigate an incident in which he maintained will be reached was due munity running circles around the Council said recently that local packaging factory in Redwall watch on how both these pro- plans for a bar and covered seating area to Maidstone's night-time rev- beinOng Octoberadverti 25,sed thereas s willuita bebl moree for spookythose goings-oninterest withed in Kentme Lifeeting people, was (allegedly) involved”. to be made at full council meeting police and local councils. councils must provide designated After Dark, Lane and 13 houses in Vicarage posals develop.” ellers aroHeun saysd E theaste jobr. T ofh movinge exact onda trav-te is not yet been revealed but it will learning new skills and keen to provide support in their community. Cllr Fran Wilson, Liberal democ- on Wednesday, February 28. be known as Harry's Bar and is currentltravellery still be sitesing b oruil “toleratedt. zone” TThishe c eventounty includescounc ail spine-chillingis working tourin a suitablessociat forion under-eightswith the K froment Associ- Field, Linton Hill. It is understood that Linton ellers for a second time will run into which gypsy convoys can move 5-6pm and, for older visitors, from 7-8pm. rat leader of Maidstone Borough The Lib Dems, will be defending The land at Clock House Farm Parish Council has opposed the The thousandsbuilding w ofa poundss forme Therly a lastba inci-nk and sits in the High Street almost ation of Local Councils.For details call 03000 413455 or visit onto. He said: “It comes down to If you would like to know more about any of the above, call 01622 Council, said: “Richard is a hard eight seats in May's local council- Estate has been earmarked for plan. opposident,te the into earlywn h summer,all. costing the racial prejudice against this com-, community wardens. working councillor. He is commit- elections. parish council £1,200, with the trav- munity.” WINDOWS & DOORS REQUIRING T.L.C? FORTHCOMING EVENTS AT YOUR LOCAL THEATRE DON’T REPLACE THEM MAINTAIN THEM! KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE LATEST FROM THE HAZLITT THEATRE WWW.HAZLITTTHEATRE.COM 01622 758611 MAINTAINING YOUR EXISTING WINDOWS & DOORS IS CONSIDERABLY MORE COST EFFECTIVE AND MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY THAN REPLACING. UPGRADING TO ENERGY EFFICIENT BFRC A & B RATED GLASS WILL HELP SAVE YOU MONEY ON BILLS. Fairdeal are local specialists in the repair, upgrade and maintenance of double glazed windows and doors. 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Thanks to all Leak and draught repairs the staff too. ” Mr H. - Snodland We supply & install windows, doors & conservatories including UPVC fascias, soffits & guttering ¥ Call 01622 902005 FOR FAST FRIENDLY QUOTES & ADVICE Someone Like You - The Adele An Evening with Peter Andre - An Evening with Germaine Greer - Celebrating over 25 years Songbook 13th May Unscripted - 7th June Women For Life on Earth - 13th June of continuous trading Find us at: Unit K, Orchard Business Centre, 20/20 Industrial Estate, Aylesford, Kent ME16 0JZ @HazlittTheatre @HACMaidstone Head over to our website and sign up to the latest news, competitions and special offers Follow Box Office Open 10am - 4pm (Monday - Saturday) Hazlitt Theatre, Earl street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1PL us on

12 6 MaidstoneMalling OctoberWeald March2017 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 13 Business Focus Business Focus Specialist help for dry eyes Eye 2 Eye Opticians in Allington is now pleased to Dry eyes is a deeply concerning condition which offer its patients a specialist treatment for dry can damage the surface of your eyes, there is no eyes. E-Eye is the first and only medical device in cure, however treatment with E-Eye is the very the world that uses IRPL (Intense Regulated Pulsed best way of ensuring it doesn’t take over your Light) that has been specifically designed for the life. At Eye 2 Eye, your care is our priority and as treatment of dry eye due to Meibomian gland such we will arrange for regular reviews to ensure dysfunction (MGD). This is the No.1 dry eye your comfort levels are remaining stable and In most cases, Dry eye symptoms will solution to treat MGD. discuss ongoing options with you to ensure you In 2015, over 35,000 patients were treated with remain comfortable. significantly improve after 3 sessions Everybody should set up Lasting Powers of Attorney! the E-Eye worldwide. It was found to have 84% If you’d like to discuss this further please get in carried out over 45 days. For 60% of We know this sounds ridiculous but that is what the government has been saying since they introduced them efficiency from the first session with an 86% touch with Chirag or Manish (our IP therapeutic patients results can last up to 3 years in 2007. The thing is that if you wait until you have a stroke or start to show signs of dementia, it might be too satisfaction rate. It also showed proven efficiency Optometrists who provide medical treatment) to on mild, medium and severe dry eye. Three clinical discuss the options available to you. • Fast results – sessions are completed late: you need to ‘have capacity’ in order to set them up. studies were conducted on over 300 people. In in a matter of minutes most cases patients can expect up to 18 months • Clinical study with 90% satisfaction The O ce of the Public Guardian is even trying to make it easier for you to set them up yourself through their relief before a top up treatment may be required with many patients having experienced results rate on the first 2 sessions web site, Of course not everyone has access to the lasting as long as 3 years. • 95.7% recommended the treatment internet and a lot of people are nervous about legal documents – rightly so as it is very easy to get it wrong. • 55% don’t use eye drops anymore • 82.6% have symptom improvements This is where Camrass Wills comes to the rescue. We can do everything for you and at a very reasonable price. For a free guide to lasting powers of attorney, phone us or go to the web site. Dry Eye Special Find us at: This treatment is currently only Unit 8, Mid-Kent Shopping Centre available privately Castle Road, Allington, Maidstone Kent ME16 0PU 01622 672563 NHS options for dry eyes are E:[email protected] available in practice

Business Focus New Divorce Petition: For Better or Worse The aim of the ignore the potential harm their conflict creates for the system that avoids blaming a person for their behaviour or new online children or blame each other parent whilst accepting no adultery to be divorced. There is considerable opposition to divorce petition is personal responsibility. The divorce proceedings have such a change even though there are many good reasons to make it more removed all consideration of the children from the for it. The government appears to have no appetite for a user friendly. The divorce unless a stand alone child arrangements change in the law nor has it shown willing to protect the Monika Pirani and Dawn Harrison idea behind the application is made. increasing number of cohabiting couples who have new form is to Recent research that was led by Professor Trinder of the inferior rights on separation to those who have married. allow people without legal representation to University of Exeter has found that the fault based divorce Financial claims are often missed or misunderstood by commence their own application to the court but there in and Wales encourages people to exaggerate separating and divorcing couples. A family lawyer will are some potential problems. their claims of behaviour or adultery. Many people prefer nearly always advise a petitioner to include on their • Petitions for divorce based on adultery or unreasonable to use adultery or behaviour to avoid having to wait for divorce petition a claim for a financial order. This is so behaviour, as the two more immediate and fault based either two or five years separation for their divorce. even if the intention is to obtain an order that dismisses options for proving irretrievable breakdown of the Some respondents complain that particulars claimed claims because it is unwise to leave claims unresolved. marriage, are very common and often serve to increase in a petition are not an accurate description of the Despite pension sharing being available for nearly 18 disharmony at a time when the opposite would be more marital breakdown. They do not understand that the years it is surprising how few couples understand that a helpful. Resolution family law members know how to craft court rarely needs to make judgements about the financial order can include some pension provision. a petition that aims not to inflame any dispute more than truth of the allegations. Statistically women are not as well prepared for is necessary. In a recent case, much publicised, Mr Owens, has retirement as men. If couples divorce without legal • When acting for people on divorce, we do not encourage challenged a mild set of unreasonable behaviour claimed representation, the risk of inadequate financial provision the naming of a co-respondent to an adultery petition. by his wife. A decision of The House of Lords is awaited as being made is likely to increase with the introduction of There is no need for this but the new form might lead to whether the petition that he has defended should allow the new form this month. The average married couples’ someone to include a co-respondent without Mrs Owens to be divorced or not. The lower courts have retirement pension pot is over £100,000, with the highest understanding the extra problems and costs this can found her allegations “too thin” to justify the divorce. In level of divorces occurring when couples are cause. It can often increase conflict which specialist family the 1980s, 64% of unreasonable behaviour petitions approximately 40 to 45 years of age. Whilst they have lawyers endeavour to avoid to enable a petition to made allegations of physical violence whereas today that some time left to accumulate more resources before proceed on an undefended basis. A defended petition is percentage has dropped to 15%. Society does not have retirement, they could be foregoing a financial remedy not for the faint hearted. as high a bar for unreasonable behaviour today as it did without realising it. • Few people applying for their own divorce understand 30 years ago but will Mr Owen’s case change that and Please contact the family team at Whitehead Monckton the need to apply for a financial order on the divorce take us back? or Docklands Solicitors for advice on divorce and finances petition to avoid the remarriage trap. Resolution family law members have for a long time been as well as the impact of the breakdown of the relationship • Parents caught up in conflict between the adults often lobbying the government to introduce a no fault divorce and its consequences for the children. Canterbury 01227 643276 Maidstone 01622 698051 01580 767527 Whitehead Monckton Ltd (no.08366029) registered in England & Wales. Registered office 72 King Street, Maidstone Kent ME14 1BL. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under no. 608279 14 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 15 News


Waitrose pulls

out of site plan WAITROSE has pulled out of plans and Ride. The majority of larger ap- to build a new store on a commer- plications locally usually raise many cial park at J7 of the M20. objections due to concerns over traf- The retailer indicated in recent fic congestion and air pollution. weeks that, in the current economic “However, the Waitrose applica- climate, it was likely to concentrate tion, which would have created 200 on improving its existing stores. jobs locally, was extremely popular That is good news for the popular and well supported by councillors and successful Allington branch of and especially by local residents, Waitrose, which has 20 years left to who will be disappointed”. run on its lease. In a recent interview with the There had been concerns it would trade magazine, Property Week, be shut if the J7 outlet was built. Nigel Keen, Waitrose's property di- Spokesman for developer Gal- rector, confirmed company policy lagher, Nick Yandle, said: "We have was to consolidate existing stores had four other retailers contact us rather than invest in new ones. who are keen to progress matters on He said: "We made a very positive that site. decision not to build new stores and News “Waitrose management has indi- investd inow ournsm estate. cated that it is part of a strategy for “That will start to play at the end the changing face of retail.” of this year and into next year, when Village lads triumph Ianin Chittenden,first r Liberaloun Democratd of cconsumersup he seeat thes investment we county councillor for Maidstone made and respond accordingly.” A VILLAGE football team is celebratingnortha “re east- a ,b said:le ac “Thishieve isme an greatt for pity.a villageWaitrose,football cl whichub. is part of the John markable achievement” after winning Thethe proposalre- “I toam buildso p aro Waitroseud of the onboyLewiss, every partnership,one of the has been ap- gional heats of the FA People’s Cup. Eclipse Parksev leden i indirectlyn the squa tod theperf clo-ormeproachedd admirab byly. Downs Mail for a com- Coxheath & Farleigh U14s (pictured) ovsureercam ofe the “We probably Roadwent Parkthere jment.ust hoping to enjoy Antique & Fine Art Auctioneers sides from across Kent and East Sussex to win the the experience, but they all rose to the occasion.” area title in Gillingham last month. The youngsters now go on to a wider regional • Free valuations • Regular fine & general auctions After a narrow 4-3 defeat in their firstCharity’sgame, competition on the w calleekend of M forarch 23-2 clothes5. The the young guns – who are also doing well in their venue was yet to be confirmed at the time of • Probate & Insurance specialists • Home visits A CHARITY in is urging his own life when his local council regular league and cup fixtures – won the rest of going to press. people to use their unwanted made him move to accommodation “We have a their seven games, culminating in an 8-4 wclothesin over to helpThe otherswinner battlings of thos withe eventhatts wi wouldll then g noto o acceptn to his beloved Wigmore in the final of the five-a-side coalcoholmpeti- andpla drugy at addiction.St George’s Park, wdogs.hich Shaneis whe said:re En “Ig hope- the project passion for tion. The Kenwardland’s 2 Trust8 natio andnal t South-eams trahighlightsin ahead of thethe importanceir fix- of suit- Club chairman Neil Hadley said: “It’s a reasternemark- havetures set. up Clothes Drop able housing for vulnerable individ- creating points at stations in Bearsted, at uals when they re-integrate back Maidstone East and West, Charing, into communities.” custom made Lenham, , Snodland, Lynn Hyder, from the trust, said: Animals saved and West Malling through- “While we receive some statutory jewellery” THE RSPCA says it received a out September. funding for our residential recovery flood of calls during recent heavy ‘Earn as youThe Kenwardle Trusta user then items’projects,is this onlya covers a propor- snowfalls. to raise £500 per tonne for those tion of the cost of the services we The animal charity was involved overcoming addiction. provide. We are thrilled that South- S Large portfolio of designs incidents such as horses collapsed Shane Irons, who works at Maid- eastern is helping us with this activ- in the snow, a cygnet trapped in welcome pastonet East,h came upt witho the idea.wityo and wer thankk them and the S Expert advice the ice and a cat stranded on a He was a friend of John Chadwick, public who kindly donate for sup- snow-covered roof. REPRESENTATIVES from busi- an ex-Kenward resident, who took porting our work.” S Qualified staff The charity says the cold weather nesses, including Amazon, Bar- put pressure on its care centres clays and Rolls-Royce, gave S Giftware & clocks also available students a flavour of the huge Car fire leads to arson charge where plans to release animals A45-YEAR-OLD Maidstone man Richard Parkin, of Allen Street, Speak to our specialists about selling your antiques back into the wild following treat- range of career paths available to them at Maidstone’s first Appren- has been charged with arson and who has been charged with arson, ment were having to be delayed threats to kill following a car fire. making threats to kill and two in- ticeship Fair.  until conditions improved. were called at 1.30am cidents of criminal damage. Over 30 years experience 0800 881 5691 Firms and organisations from the MPs Helen on September 3, to reports of an in- On September 4, Parkin was   [email protected] local area, including Gallaghers cident in Allen Street. Crews from brought before Maidstone Magis- Man flees fire and Kent County Council, backed Grant (left) Kilburn Jewellers, 30 Royal Star Arcade, Maidstone ME14 1JL Kent Fire and Rescue Service had trates’ Court, where he was re- 15 North Street - Lewes - BN7 2PE A MAN was unhurt after escaping the initiative with stands at the and Tracey brought the fire under control by manded in custody until his next Telephone 01622 677841 | Email [email protected] from a first-floor flat fire in Brish- leisure centre in Maidstone, which Crouch (right) 2am. Enquiries led to the arrest of court appearance. Website ing Lane, Maidstone. attracted the interest of more than with the Minis- Crews, wearing breathing appa- 600 students. ter of State for Maidstone East October 2017 11 ratus, extinguished the fire using a The fair was co-hosted by MPs Apprentice- Returning for 2018 hose reel jet. They then used a fan Helen Grant and Tracey Crouch, ships and to clear the flat of smoke. bringing together 50 apprentice Skills, Anne The cause of the blaze, on Febru- employers from sectors such as en- ary 26, is as yet unknown. gineering, accountancy, hospitality Milton and the armed forces. a discussion with sixth-formers Invicta grammar schools, Future Anne Milton, Minister of State frustrated at the lack of informa- Schools Trust, St Simon Stock and Woman on run for Apprenticeships and Skills, was tion available to young people Valley Park School. THE public is asked to look out for also there and spoke with students who did not wish to go to univer- A spokesman for Oakwood Park- a 23-year-old woman, who has ab- and businesses about the benefits sity. said: “Some of my students will Anton sconded from East Sutton Park of apprenticeships. “The benefits of apprenticeships achieve high A level grades but prison in Sutton & Speaking after the event, Helen are enormous, not only offering a want to begin work while study- Valence. Grant said she was delighted that chance for our young people to ing. V i c t o r i a the overwhelming support from earn whilst they learn, but allow- “The degree apprenticeships of- Hayes-Sparkes business and schools had made the ing employers to provide bespoke fered by organisations like Rolls- We are proud to announce that Strictly Star (pictured) went Ein ambitions of the event a reality. training for their workforce.” Royce, BAE and the civil service Professionals Anton du Beke & Erin Boag will be missing from the Tracey Crouch added: “We were Schools taking part included give students the ability to get a de- jail on Wednes- inspired to host this fair following Oakwood Park, Maidstone, and gree while studying.” returning to the Mercure Maidstone Hotel on day, February 21. She is thought Friday 4th May 2018 to have connec- School ‘names and shames’ thoughtless drivers tions in Ashford, as well as areas of London and Hastings. PUPILS are taking matters in their local PCSOs and South Maid- parents to help solve the issues.” Anyone with information is own hands by issuing parking re- stone Action for Roads and Trans- The other joint head, Anita - A 50 minute dance workshop with Anton & Erin, asked to contact Kent Police on 101, minders to parents who park in- port (SMART) to find a solution. Makey, added: “Our priority is a Gala 4 course dinner, a performance from Anton & Erin quoting Most Wanted and the ref- considerately near to their school. “A lot of schools have problems the safety of our children and the + Bed & Breakfast for £199 per person erence number YY/006368/18, or Loose Primary School is also with parking issues in the morn- need to be considerate to our - A Gala 4 Course dinner and performance from Anton & Erin call Kent Crimestoppers, anony- ‘naming and shaming’ parents via ings,” joint head of school Gia- neighbours.” for £119 per person mously, on 0800 555111. the school’s regular newsletters as como Mazza said. “We have The school has held meetings it looks to fix the problem, which parents parking poorly and incon- with the other parties involved, blights the area at drop-off and siderately and we want it to stop. and their reaction to the issue has Store sold on pick-up times. “We take pictures and put them been praised. Book Today! Limited Space Available! A NEWSAGENT and general One of the school’s three en- in the newsletter, while our eco- “The school is doing a lot of store in Mangravet has been sold. trances sits on the A229, and par- councillors within the school are hard work to fix the problems,” email [email protected] Southerns News and General ents dropping off their children is putting notes on cars, to try and Kim Owen, the clerk of Loose MERCURE MAIDSTONE Store has been bought by an inde- an increasing concern. make them aware of the issues. Parish Council said. “Everyone is pendent multiple retailer, accord- But the school is working “We’ve set up a working party involved in it. We’re all working Ashford Road, Hollingbourne, Kent ME17 1RE ing to the agents, for £425,000. closely with the parish council, and are working hard to educate to find a solution.”

16 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 17 News | Education round-up Education round-up | News Students’ trip a capital idea Bigger Jubilee will make THIS group of year 11 art and pho- tography students from Invicta Grammar School were certainly in- parking problems worse spired by their trip to London on February 6, if this picture is any- RESIDENTS fear that problems with parking close to a primary school thing to go by. The students were in the capital will get even worse if it is allowed to double in size. to visit the Tate Modern. People living on Ridgway and Cowdrey Close, near to Jubilee Pri- mary School, are already finding themselves inconvenienced – and it Pictured are Cornwallis Academy is not just by parents dropping off Make a splash for school pool children. students George Watts, Tayla Barry, A SPECIAL school in Maidstone from all around the county. Stacey Wright and Mason Dadson Last month, Maidstone Borough is hoping people will ‘create a rip- Staff themselves are helping the Council and Kent County Coun- ple and make a splash’ as it looks initiative – they were all given a cil’s Joint Transportation Board to raise funds for a vital hy- tube of Smarties, courtesy of Sains- Best year yet agreed to put single yellow lines in drotherapy pool. bury’s, and once they have eaten place near to the school to cover The pool at Five Acre Wood the treats, they have been charged for Academy drop-off and pick-up times for par- ents. While Cllr Paul Harper, who School will cost £850,000, and the with filling the tube with 20p Concerned residents and local councillors fear an extended primary school school has managed to raise pieces. represents Fant ward, backed that sixth formers plan, there are still issues for resi- will cause further parking problems in local roads. From left, Gareth Owen, £600,000 through applications to Mrs Meaders added: “The staff Cllr Paul Harper, Cllr Keith Adkinson, Brian Skinner and Barbara Skinner trusts and charitable foundations. costs are all funded as they would Five Acre A RECORD number of Cornwallis dents because of teacher parking. And rather than one large be in any school, but for all of the Wood School Academy students have applied to “There are regular problems in cision to the Planning Inspectorate. who may have concerns. It was al- Ridgway and Cowdrey Close,” he fundraising event, it is hoped that extra things we need, we have to is looking to universities in 2018. Cllr Harper believes it is vital ways our aim within the trust for A total of 62 applications have said. “One resident who lives there that the plans stay off the agenda. Jubilee School to be a two-form lots of smaller endeavours will find the funds. find the final bring in the £250,000 to finish fund- “This is things like the sensory been made to universities, around needs regular visits from a carer “No-one has an issue with a one- entry. We have plans to expand funds for their half of the total year group. and often they are unable to park form entry on that site,” he added. and become a multi-academy trust ing the project. room and iPads for children who much-needed School fundraiser Alex Meaders are unable to speak but can use The news comes hard on the anywhere near his house. “But it’s a very small site and I – the government doesn’t want hydrotherapy said: “I am seeking support from technology to communicate, as heels of the school’s latest Ofsted “Once, he needed an ambulance don’t think it’s doable to have people to just have one school, they local businesses, schools, societies, well as toys for them to play with. pool report, which declared the acad- and it was a real struggle for them twice as many pupils there.” prefer trusts to run multiple organisations and individuals to “Every penny really does count – emy ‘good’ in all areas, but made to get down the road to treat him. School trust member Neil Patti- schools. do what they can. our needs are endless.” specific reference to the sixth form. “This is an area which suffers son insists that the school is always “When we set up this school we “Whether you throw a small Among the initiatives planned for Invicta Grammar is top in Maidstone The inspection report said cur- chronically from a lack of parking. willing to work with local residents went through 30 different locations rent pupils were doing well across There are spaces in the school for to iron out any issues. but of them this site was the only pebble or a large stone into a pool 2018 are a London to Paris bike ride, MAIDSTONE has the best and the worst performing schools in Kent, says the whole school but singled out the teachers but they park on the “We have worked very closely one deemed suitable for a school. of water, the ripple effect created is with a team of 15 riders – including new data released by the Department for Education. the upper years, where students street instead.” with residents on parking outside We are thrilled with how things are felt onwards and outwards. Simi- staff, parents and supporters – set to The new leagues measure performance on different criteria, with class- are now making more progress The school, which opened in the school,” he said. “If residents going at the school – people want larly, whether someone raises £50 undertake the trip in July. room standards ranked against new indicators. These are called progress than other schools nationally. 2014, had a planning application to do have any problems, they should their children to go to a school or £5,000, the effect will be felt.” But although the riders them- 8 and attainment 8, and are considered a better assessment of pupil per- This means greater numbers go extend to a two-form entry rejected come and talk to us – we have an which is performing well and so far The school, on the same campus selves are all committed to raising formance across ability ranges. on to higher education, employ- by MBC, but has appealed that de- open-door policy for local residents we’re doing that.” as New Line Learning, has more at least £300 each, the school is Invicta Grammar School is rated sixth, Maidstone Girls’ Grammar ment or apprenticeships. than 390 pupils aged from two to seeking a corporate sponsor to School ninth and St Simon Stock 14th in the top 14 best-performing Joe Sutton, director of sixth form 19, all with a variety of special ed- cover costs. schools. These are rated “well above average”. The top two are Tonbridge said: “I am delighted that the hard ucational needs. Anyone who can help the school, Grammar School and Tunbridge Wells Grammar School. Shernold motto mirrors MP’s advice to pupils work and dedication of our sixth The costs for the school are phe- either with the London to Paris Those falling short of expectations and which could receive special at- MAIDSTONE MP Helen Grant en- form students and staff was recog- nomenal, with more than 270 staff jaunt or with any other idea to help tention from Oftsed are The Holmesdale School, Snodland, Aylesford joyed a grilling from youngsters at a nised in our recent Ofsted report.” needed to provide the right educa- raise funds is asked to email School – Sports College and Cornwallis Academy. local school. tion for the children, who attend [email protected]. The report states: “Students Mrs Grant met 17 year five stu- speak highly of the careers infor- dents at Shernold School in Queen’s mation, advice and guidance they Avenue, and was faced with ques- Pupils lesson in democracy as receive.” tions including: had she met the Students are coached through Queen, how did she become an MP, they head to the polls to vote the application process and guided which cabinet role would she like by the sixth form management and what does she do each day? MAIDSTONE primary pupils got local councillors Brian Clark, team, form tutors, external speak- She then turned the tables on the the vote when they elected mem- Derek Mortimer and Marion ers and the academy’s partners class and asked each of them what bers to their new school council. Ring, and the successful candi- from Kent University and Canter- they wanted to do when they got Youngsters at Tiger Primary dates (pictured) will enjoy a trip bury Christ Church University. older, with responses including play- School did it completely by the to the town hall, where they will Some notable successes include ing football for Spurs and Barcelona, book, thanks to the team from hold a meeting, talk to councillors head boy George Watts, who has becoming a lawyer, a doctor, an ac- Maidstone Borough Council’s and have a tour. received a conditional offer to tress, a dancer and an Olympic runner. electoral services’ officers, who set Tiger teacher Sarah Newman Year 5 pupils at Shernold School quizzed Helen Grant about life as an MP study physiotherapy at Southamp- Mrs Grant, MP for Maidstone and up polling booths and posters in said: “The aim of the day was to when she paid them a visit ton. Stacey Wright has an inter- the Weald, said: “My advice to them the school sports hall – just like a show children at an early age the view at the Royal Veterinary was believe in yourself and don’t let other people put many questions which ultimately furthered their un- real election. importance of voting and how the College while Loughborough Uni- you off. derstanding of British values and rules of law.” MBC’s Nicola Russell and Caro- electoral system works. versity has offered places to Brad “Set your goals, work hard and you will achieve. They The visit was also enjoyed by deputy head Gemma line Matthews explained the vot- “They all entered into the spirit Smith on its sports and exercise de- then told me what the school motto is: ‘Believe and you Myers, who said it was a treat to have Mrs Grant visit. ing system to the children in with enthusiasm – and some even gree course and Reece Winter on its will achieve’. Perfect, I thought.” She added: “It really brought the subject alive and assembly before they each chose had the chance to be poll clerks!” been teaching the children in class. Boughton Lane, Loose, is part of electrical engineering programme. Head teacher Sandra Dinsmore added: “To meet a helped them understand the role of our local MP. two from the eight candidates Head teacher Hayley Liddon Today, they had the chance to see Future Schools Trust, which also Aby Gibbins has a conditional real- life MP was an amazing opportunity for our chil- “Mrs Grant was warm and really interested in the chil- who had put their names forward. said: “Democracy is a fundamental democracy in action.” manages New Line Learning and place at the University of Kent to dren. They were really inspired and asked Mrs Grant dren themselves, which they thoroughly appreciated.” The results were announced by British value and something we’ve Tiger Primary School, in Cornwallis Academies. study English and history.

18 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 19 News Can you help? VOLUNTEERS are invited to join PLANT & the organising team forEQUIPMENTthis year’s ‘Fail HIREing’ village health school and village event in Head- Homes & Diggers/Dumpers & Rollers corn. Last year’s event rTowersaised m &or eLadders Lighting & Heating than £5,000 for the gaBreakersrdens at t h&e Wackersce Mixersnt &r Sanderse givenGardensultimatum village school and thePoweredschool’s Access & Cherry Pickers STAPLEHURST Health Centre has PTFA has set a date of AllMo othernday, building tools & equipment May 7 for a repeat performance. been placed in special measures by HYDRAULIC includingth gardene Care &Q uality Commission TheHOSESBank Holiday eventlandscapingwill in- equipment clude stalls, tombola, children’s (CQC) following “a deterioration races, a bar, BBQ, music and rides. in the quality of its services”. 01580The G891234P practice in Offens Drive The organising team also wants FLO Lodgeha dRoad,prev iStaplehurstously been rated as “re- to hear from anyone interested in www.acornhire.comquiring improvement” after an in- sponsorship, adveGASrtisi ng or host- spection in November 2016. ing a stall. For furtheMonr det -a iFrils e 7.30ammail - 5.00pm & Sat 7.30 - 1.00pm A year later, a specialist CQC [email protected]. “Disappointed”: team found that there was a signifi- CQC’s Ruth cant decline in standards. Rankine In special measures: Staplehurst Health Centre Hall meeting The centre now has six months to VILFindLAGERS a ryoure invited to attend fix the problems or risk losing its tice was not always able to maintain further significant concerns have the general meeting of the village registration, effectively shutting it a decent standard of hygiene and been identified by our inspectors. hall management committee in down. cleanliness. “We will continue to monitor Chart Sutton. A CQC statement said: “Staple- “While most patients’ needs were progress and we will inspect again The annual meeting, in the hall, hurst Health Centre is rated as in- fully assessed, including their clini- within six months to check whether is at 7.15pm on Monday, March 19. adequate for being safe and well cal needs and their mental and sufficient improvements have been led, requires improvement for being physical well-being, care plans for made. If we find that the service re- favouriteeffective and responsive to people’s patients with dementia were not al- mains inadequate, we will consider Quiz funds needs and good for caring.” ways complete or personalised.” taking further enforcement action A PUB quiz at Chart Sutton tradespersonvillage There have been onlinesome improve- Ruth Rankine, deputy chief in- even if that leads to cancelling its hall raised £200 for the Poppy Ap- ment since the November 2016 in- spector of general practice, said: registration.” peal. Businessspection – inc luDirectoryding dealing with “While I find it encouraging that A spokesman for the practice said Mike FitzGerald thanked all safety alerts – but the CQC found Staplehurst Health Centre has staff are “understandably disap- those who supported the event on other issues that needed to be ad- worked hard to ensure improve- pointed” with the CQC’s rating but of the Royal British Legion dressed. ments have taken place, I am disap- declined to make any further com- and District branch. The statement added: “The prac- pointed that at this inspection ment. J.L.B Annual Gutter Property Maintenance Cleaning Service [email protected]

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28 Maidstone Weald October 2017 20 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 21 News Sign in blood MAKE a life-changing resolution Campaigners forced to EasterEaster IdeasIdeas for 2018 by becoming a blood donor. That’s the message from the NHS Blood and Transplant team drop challenge to farm Staplehurst Golf Course is a unique 9-hole course and one of who saw 3,632 people in Kent sign- Staplehurst’s best kept secrets. Run by club members for the benefit of up to the scheme last year. the local community, membership fees are kept as low as possible to This year, the call goes wider, in THE Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has been forced to drop ensure that cost is not a barrier to playing. It appeals to a wide range an effort to provide the perfect a High Court challenge to the industrial development at Woodcut Farm, of players. Those new to the game can learn at their own pace without match not only for the four main feeling under pressure, it is popular with families and older players blood types, but for patients from close to J8 of the M20. who might find a longer course too arduous. It really is a beautiful and black and Asian communities. The case was refused a judicial peaceful place to spend a couple of hours out in the fresh air. Why not According to Matthew Jones, as- review by Mrs Justice Lang and go and try it out for free; it might be just what you are looking for! sistant director for blood in the CPRE officials felt there was little The Walnut Tree, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone is a traditional, family South, while O negative is univer- chance of appeal at this stage. run ‘dog friendly’ local offering cask marque accredited ales, a variety sal, donations from particular The CPRE had looked closely at groups offer surgeons an opportu- of quality lagers, fine wine, spirits and a lovely selection of ciders. A the possibility of mounting a legal traditional menu is offered from 12 noon to 8.30pm featuring our “Build a nity to match donations more bid to block the controversial closely to recipients. Burger” including a vegetarian option. Offering a wide range of regular scheme, which is now in the bor- entertainment including the highly regarded COMEDY NIGHTS - est. The call for more diversity ough’s Local Plan. 28 YEARS! In the past, The Walnut Tree have welcomed Catherine Tate, among donors comes at a time CPRE Kent chairman Richard Alistair Mc Gowan, Jimmy Carr amongst others. See the future stars when the actual amount of blood Knox-Johnston (below left) said: “If of comedy - fun, laughter & often adult humour. Also offering Jam being used in hospitals is falling by we can’t have a judicial review 3-4% each year, thanks to key-hole there is nothing we can do to stop it Nights and Live Music Nights. Please see the website for details of all surgery and evidence supporting entertainment coming soon. BT Sports & free WiFi are available. on that basis until it gets into the Woodcut Farm development campaigners protest at Maidstone Town Hall better outcomes for those left to re- detail, and there may well be a The Ridge Golf Club, East Sutton is well and truly ready for spring. generate their own blood supply. room for a challenge then.” development will have on attrac- The clubhouse and course have had a great deal of investment over the Find out how you can become a CPRE will wait to see the details tions such as Leeds Castle and the winter, including the refurbishment of the bar and restaurant areas, the re- donor at or call of the plan and may challenge on impact housing numbers and traf- establishment of the pro shop and a programme of course improvements. the donor line on 0300 123 2323. the grounds of its area of outstand- fic will put on local communities. The Ridge is open every day for breakfast and lunch, using fresh ing natural beauty (AONB) status, Planning chiefs at Liberal Demo- seasonal produce sourced locally. All ladies who join before the end Plastics pledge heritage concerns (Leeds Castle crat-controlled Maidstone Borough of April will receive half price membership for their first year. New and Grade II listed Woodcut Farm) Council hope to mitigate against a members in other categories will be entitled to credit behind the bar. MAIDSTONE MP Helen Grant has ME17 3JB and/or air quality. huge increase in traffic volumes vowed to reduce the amount of For more information please see our website www. Long-time critic of the plan, bor- created by the Local Plan’s 17,600 plastic her family uses. or call us on 01622 391000. ough councillor Denis Spooner (far new dwellings by persuading resi- The government is committed to right) said: “It is very sad but that’s spaces between structures, as dents to take buses, ride bicycles or cutting the amount of plastic waste the end of it, really. I cannot see would be required. walk in a controversial scheme across the country. So far, the num- where another challenge might The Joint Parishes Group was known as “modal shift”. VILLAGE GOLF ber of plastic bags in circulation has come from, or on what grounds.” told earlier this month by Mr The popularity of the Local Plan, THE WALNUT TREE reduced by 83% since the introduc- Cllr Spooner hoped there may Knox-Johnston that the body was which has been in discussion for 12 STAPLEHURST tion of a charge for them, mi- have been scope to challenge the not minded to fight on at this stage. years, will be put to the test when crobeads in cosmetic products Clapper Lane (Opposite Duckhurst Farm) TN12 0JW plan’s ‘parkland setting’ as he was MP Helen Whately expressed re- the next tranche of borough elec- Your traditional, family run, local pub. have been banned and consulta- not convinced there was sufficient peated concerns about the effect tions (for 18 seats) takes place in tions are taking place on a deposit room on the site to create green that the Woodcut Farm industrial May. scheme for plastic bottles, to en- Kent’s longest running courage recycling. The key to a radical change lies Man jailed for hiding teen in flat Ta-Kush in 3D comedy club Every Thursday with individual household behav- MAIDSTONE Museum’s Ta-Kush, – Come and see the future A MAN has been jailed for child In court, the iours, she says. the Egyptian woman brought to stars of comedy live! abduction after hiding a missing jury heard that life by 3D and other state-of-the-art Royal Mail site teenager in a flat in Maidstone. officers had technology, proved a major attrac- Thomas Ireland (49) was sen- found texts be- tion at a special viewing of the mu- MAIDSTONE Borough Council tenced to five years in prison after tween the girl seum’s new Ancient Lives Gallery. Live Music - every Friday claims to be making progress on being found guilty of the offence and Ireland and The 2,700-year-old was one fea- (visit website for details) plans to redevelop the former in the summer. how he had al- ture during a reception for Mu- The 15-year-old girl, who knew lowed her to Royal Mail sorting office. seum Friends in early February. Jam Night - First Monday of the month Chief executive Alison Broom the man, had been staying at the stay at the flat. Call to arrange a free trial round told a Built Environment Network- flat in Bower Lane after running He claimed if ing Conference that MBC had ap- away from home in July 2017. She he had known her true age he Debt concerns Village Golf Club is a 9-hole 29 par course, suitable for Bank Holiday Sunday Quiz Night pointed a masterplanner to look at had been missing for two weeks would not have allowed her into DEBT is one of the top concerns of beginners or golfers looking to improve their handicap the site, and that a report is set to when officers from Kent Police the flat. those living in Maidstone and the Dogs welcome on their leads found her inside the flat. Speaking after the sentencing at come back in June. Weald, according to a survey by • Annual Membership: 7-day £115, Weekday £97, Lovely beer garden and car park. The site is being lined up for Officers spoke to Ireland several Maidstone Crown Court on Febru- Citizens Advice. Junior £52, Family options of £240 or £160 hundreds of new homes, as well as times during the search and on ary 9, Detective Constable Chris In a breakdown by area, the ad- Varied bar menu served every day shops and offices. each occasion he lied, saying he Spencer said: “Ireland knowingly vice service – which helped 3,493 • No joining fee and no green fees to pay 12noon-8.30pm. had not seen the teenager and lied to officers. He knew a search Mrs Broom also revealed that people in the borough last year - • No need to book tee-times; just turn up and play Come try our famous ‘Build a Burger’ meals! masterplanning is also set to start had no idea where she could be. was taking place and that her fam- says key issues include access to on the Ghurkas and Royal Engi- But during a search of his flat in ily were extremely worried. benefits, support with housing and For more information, an application form or free trial, Find us opposite the entrance to Oakwood Park neer barracks at Invicta Park, Derwent Way, Rainham, they “He chose to keep her where- tackling debt. Call 07746 623303 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone ME16 8SR which has been identified as a lo- found paperwork relating to a flat abouts a secret and had officers Its newly created map of advice cation for 1,300 new homes, 500 of in Maidstone that was being refur- not found this second flat then the needs was presented to Maidstone or email [email protected] 01622 727260 which are due in Maidstone coun- bished, and subsequently found outcome may have been a very and Weald MP Helen Grant at the email : [email protected] cil’s current Local Plan period. the girl at that address. different.” House of Commons. web :

22 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 23 News It’s good news for Good Gnus 300 jobs set for store if QUICK-fire wit and gentle satire are promised by musical hu- WEIGH SAVE mourists The Good Gnus in Maid- stone on Friday, March 16. M&S plans approved Bird Feeds All Saints’ Church in Mill Street Pet Foods PLANS to create a new Marks & will host a performance by the Artist’s im- Spencer store at Eclipse Park, near popular trio, comprising Dr David pressions of J7 of the M20, have been unvieled Flood and university lecturers the proposed to the public. Chris Price and Jon Williams, from Marks & SUNFLOWER Suet & Seed Suet High Energy The scheme – being brought to 7.30pm. life by Gallagher Properties – Spencer store Together, they promise an HEARTS Songbird would, if approved by Maidstone at Eclipse FAT BALLS evening of fun, wrapped in songs PELLETS Borough Council, create 300 full Park kg Mix from Richard Stilgoe, Peter 20 and part-time positions when the Insect • Mealworm Skellern and Noel Coward, in the Dog & Cat store opens. Berries ‘’manner of Flanders & Swann’’. A public exhibition was held at Call in Tickets on 01622 842988 or have yet to be decided, but current to the borough’s economy. It the Hilton Maidstone Hotel on star 891889 are £12, which includes thinking is that the store would would send out a positive message .99 t February 22. 12.5kg Saving W wine and nibbles. offer: about the town as a location for .99 £19 ! NE The Marks & Spencer (M&S) pro- Food hall – 1,050m2 (11,300ft2) business, and we are delighted to posals follow a decision by Wait- General merchandising (fashion be working alongside such a na- £19 Postie charge rose not to proceed with its plans 2 2 and household) – 4,413m (47,500ft ) tionally respected company. Wild Bird Food 20kg .99 Natural Range A MAN has been charged after a following the granting of planning Hospitality (cafe) – 297m2 “We want to listen to the views of BIRD NUTS £19 postman was robbed. permission by Maidstone Borough 2 BEST all-round Dog & Cat Foods (3,200ft ) local residents at the public exhibi- mix Oluwakemi Adesaogun, of Ante- Council in May 2017. Nick Yandle, of Gallagher Prop- tion and then submit a planning 20kg lope Road, Woolwich, was arrested M&S requires a new store that is erties, said: “The combination of a application in late February 2018. Meal Real meat & fish Treats on Monday, January 8, almost four the same footprint as the permitted x150 .99 Marks & Spencer and NEXT at “If the proposal is granted plan- only 20kg Frozen Foods months after the incident in Head- foodstore, with a 300 space car Eclipse Park would improve Maid- ning permission, work would start £12 Worms corn in September 21 when a post- park, including accessible and par- stone’s retail offer as the county on site in the summer of 2018 and .99 Grain Free Meals man was robbed in Smarden Road ent and child spaces. town to both local residents and the store would open in autumn .99 x50 .99 1kg .99 and a quantity of letters was stolen. The store will have striking de- people from across a wider area of 2019. £19 £4 £9 £9 Adesaogun, who is 41, has been sign, incorporating high quality Kent. Local residents can find out more charged with robbery and posses- materials, and provide approxi- “This investment by Marks & about the plans by visiting: www. PETSWORLDKENT.CO.UK • CRANBROOK ROAD (A229), STAPLEHURST, KENT TN12 0EU 2 2 sion of articles for use in fraud. He mately 5,760m (62,000ft ) of sales Spencer would also reinforce the Open: Monday to Saturday 8.30am-5pm. Sunday 10.00 - 12.00. was remanded to a later date. area. Final decisions on the split area around J7 and its importance uk. SKIP HIRE 01233 660 099 Commercial & Domestic Specialist in Private Driveways - Black or Red Tarmac Recycling Services Block Paving in any chosen colour or design

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24 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 25 News News Plan is refused Village scheme A SCHEME to build a two-storey Jobs uncertainty as food Tories admit they can’t detached house on the site of a dis- is thrown out used garage in Glebe Lane, Maid- A REVISED plan to turn a light in- stone, has been turned down. dustrial plot of brown field land Members of the borough coun- into a small two house estate has cil’s planning committee were con- stores cut manager roles beat Lib Dems at polls been turned down by the council. cerned the building was out of THE Conservatives are not confi- Conservative county councillor The application for land near the keeping with the other homes in THREE major supermarket chains dent they can wrest back control Gary Cooke has been adopted for Gables in Marden Rd, Staplehurst, the street, off Tonbridge Road. have announced they are to cut a of Maidstone Borough Council at the ward to replace former was for the construction of two One objector – a neighbour to the number of senior roles. May’s local elections. mayor Cllr Derek Butler, who is dwellings, demolition of a tractor rear – complained the rear of the Staff at Tesco, Morrisons and They have admitted they have stepping down. shed and the relocation of a storage new building would overlook his Sainsbury’s are facing an uncertain failed to make sufficient capital at Fellow Tory at County Hall, Paul unit. gardens and bedrooms. future after the announcements in the Liberal Democrats’ expense Cooper, will take on Ukipper John Objectors feared the site is not Cllr Tony Harwood said he January. over the implementation of the Barned in Shepway south while sustainable and not in keeping could see no grounds for refusal. Tesco, which has supermarkets at Local Plan and its knock-on effects Daniel Rose will fight for the Park with the local rural setting. in Maidstone and in for roads. The Tories had hoped to Wood ward. But the applicants felt the scheme L-plate success Larkfield, announced that it is to cut make some headway into the five A Conservative insider told was in keeping with the locality 1,700 shop floor jobs nationwide, seat majority of the Liberal Democ- Downs Mail: “We’re realistic that and the new black weather- LEARNER drivers in the county with the roles of people manager, rat/independent ruling alliance. we’re not going to take control of boarded design reflected the “rural town have a better than average compliance manager and customer In public, activists have declared the council this time round. It’s not vernacular”. It was backed by Cllr chance of success of passing their experience manager all to be axed, they are “having a real go” at Shep- arithmetically possible but maybe Tony Harwood. driving test. although their responsibilities will way north (Ukip), Bridge (LD), Cox- it’s our fault. We just didn’t get the tional stage. He said: “Neither But Staplehurst councillor John According to figures released by be shifted to 900 new roles across the heath & Hunton (LD), Heath (LD), message out there that the Liberal Simon Ells nor I have actually de- Perry said the development was the Driver and Vehicle Standards business. High Street (LD) and South (LD) Democrats pushed though the clared that we will even be standing not sustainable in an area which Agency (DVSA), 76% of those That announcement was followed Morrisons supermarket in Sutton Road is facing stiff competition from the wards. Local Plan for 17,600 more houses in and if we do it will be as Ukip. If I had already been forced to accept tested at the Armstrong Road ex- by news from Sainsbury’s of a simi- newly-opened Aldi store But, privately, they recognise they Maidstone without thinking about stand, I can see that my majority 650 houses in the Local Plan. amination centre got through in lar restructure, which will see a are unlikely to win control of the au- the roads. The goal was wide open would probably go down but I do Cllr Eddie Powell pointed out 2017. Whilst it does compare as number of senior in-store posts ding around 1,500 store manage- changing shopping habits. It is not thority when May’s tranche of 18 for a tap-in and we blazed it over think that I’ll be able to hang on.” that officers were two years ago favourably to Ashford, where the slimmed down and replaced by ment roles nationwide. known whether the opening last seats will be decided at the polls. the bar.” Lib Dem Sue Grigg said the Local recommending approval of a plan pass rate was 80%, Maidstone is 5% fewer management roles as they try It is understood that there are year of the cut-price, no-frills Aldi We understand that Alan Bartlett Ukip’s Shepway south member Plan and transport issues were not on the same site with four homes ahead of Canterbury (71%). to “meet the challenges of today's re- around 800 current management va- supermarket on the A274 Sutton has been chosen by the Tories in John Barned, left, denied recent ru- likely to damage her party’s vote and asked the council planners: The figures released by the tail environment”. Sainsbury’s su- cancies, which those affected could Road has been affecting Morrisons’ Shepway north and which will be mours his party’s members would share. She added: “Everyone is to “What’s changed? What I see is a DVSA cover the first half of the permarkets in the area are in apply for, but that could mean some trade. The new store was built to the number one target. The sitting be standing as independents be- blame and everyone is the prob- lot of inconsistency and that’s year with 1,403 passes from 1,992 Maidstone town centre and at 700 other staff face redundancy or a serve the massive housing develop- member is Cllr Simon Ells, of Ukip. cause of its recent issues on the na- lem.” what’s left me confused.” drivers. And although the pass rate Aylesford. lower-paid role. ment at Langley Park and other is still good, there has been a slide Now Morrisons is to cut manage- The company will, however, be large-scale house-building schemes from previous years. ment roles, meaning more jobs in creating 1,700 more junior jobs. in south Maidstone, such as . Maidstone are at risk. The changes across the super- Farm, which form part of Maidstone The chain, which has a store off market sector come as the compa- Borough Council’s plan for 17,600 Charity roles Sutton Road in the town, is shed- nies try to adapt to the public’s nw dwellings. THE charity Unlock, which aims to find jobs for former criminals, is looking for new trustees. Thanks for rubbish clear up Bewl Water’s Applications are welcome from those who have experiences of dis- river top-up advantage from having a criminal A DROUGHT order has been record. For information or to issued to Southern Water, al- apply, email the Marsham Street lowing it to top up its Bewl charity at valwoodcock@btinter- Water reservoir from the River Medway. In spite of recent wet weather, Will donations the licence has been issued by IF YOU make a will or update your the Environment Agency as a existing one, you could help Heart temporary measure. of Kent Hospice. The water company made the Six local solicitors will give their application on January 5 after time free of charge in return for a reporting the area’s reservoir donation to the hospice. Book be- was less than half full (42%) and fore March 16 at more will be needed to serve its VOLUNTEERS who pick up rubbish from Maidstone Council to show our 2.5m south-east users this sum- left by others in Maidstone have appreciation for the hard work car- mer. Drugs factory been given a tasty treat. ried out by the various groups.” It says in spite of a wet De- Maidstone Borough Council or- He added: “It’s a thankless task cember, autumn was very dry MORE than 40 cannabis plants ganised a litter pickers’ lunch to say that requires a lot of dedication and and, coupled with lower than were discovered when police thank you to more than 40 groups tenacity. We are very grateful to average rainfall here last winter, raided a house in Harrietsham. that help keep the borough tidy, anyone who gives up their precious many groundwater supplies Kent Police carried out a search alongside events including the Au- free time to help keep the borough and some reservoirs are low. warrant at an address in West tumn clean-up and the Great Big looking clean and tidy.” Southern Water routinely Street and found the cannabis fac- Spring Clean, taking place this year. The lunch, which was organised tory, which included growing takes water from the Medway James Gibson, the council’s envi- by the council’s waste team, was to fill Bewl Water, the largest equipment. A 47-year-old local ronmental improvement manager, joined by Maidstone deputy mayor man was arrested on suspicion of reservoir in the south-east, but said: “The annual volunteer litter David Naghi, who praised the work this permit will allow it to take cannabis cultivation who was re- pickers’ lunch is a small gesture of volunteers. leased under investigation. more until the end of March.

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28 Maidstone Weald March 2018 MaidstoneMaidstone East Weald December March 2017 2018 27 29 News News Fun starts now as araction 999 – call back later if Signs of wild boar in the woods? THERE is growing evidence of a Wild boar are the prints sometimes turn out to be reveals events settling wild boar population in roaming the roe deer. KENT LIFE is promising a fun- the woods and farmland around countryside, but “So there is a bit of misidentifica- filled programme throughout 2018. the patient gets worse this part of Kent. tion going on. I also know of people As well as old favourites, the Phil Brown is THE ambulance service in Kent ongoing advice prior to the arrival The animals – persecuted to ex- who hunt them in the wild, but not Sandling-based attraction has a uncertain if has been asking some emergency of ambulance clinicians, we will re- tinction hundreds of years ago – around Maidstone.” number of new family events, such they are breed- callers to assess the condition of a main on the line with them. have started to leave some tell-tale It is thought the wild boar now ing in this area as a hops and harvest festival in patient - and to call back if it has “When a call is triaged, the caller signs in woodland and arable pas- roaming parts of rural southern September, and a zombie takeover worsened. will be told the outcome and which ture. England are the result of escapes in the build-up to Halloween. The responsibility this puts on un- priority of call they have been as- Boar – a close relative of the pig – from commercial farms. The fun kicks off during the Feb- qualified relatives and friends is signed. have been disturbing the ground in The Wild Boar In Britain website ruary half-term, with lambing days being taken up by the GP-led West “When concluding a call, the search of worms, grubs and insects states: “After an absence of approx- and a number of shows in the big Kent Clinical Commissioning caller will be given advice and told which make up much of its diet. imately 700 years, wild boar are top. Group. to call back if the patient’s condition They are present in some num- roaming and breeding in the British Bugs and grubs come into focus The chief executive of South East worsens. bers in East Sussex and one local they have “Down in Gloucestershire, they countryside once again! on March 17 and 18, with the op- Coast Ambulance Service (SE- “We recognise there is a lot more wildlife expert says that a small been around have reached large numbers. They “For such a large mammal to be- portunity to visit the creepy critter CAmb) has been asked to attend work to be done, both here and in number may be roaming the coun- in numbers have virtually no natural predators come accidentally reintroduced into cuddle corner and learn about the tryside. is quite un- and can cause some problems to Britain in this day and age is a re- and report to the group’s governing Concerns are being looked into over less serious calls, to further improve work of a local beekeeper. body. our response time performance. Tree surgeon and naturalist Theo mistakable. people’s properties.” markable event that is fascinating to The Easter bunny will be visiting The group is concerned about the changes to SECAmb priorities “We are committed to improving McCausland, of Langley, said: “I My guess is Phil Brown, who runs the follow.” from March 30 to April 2, before impact on west Kent patients, ‘par- Picture: SECAmb the time it takes for us to answer haven’t met anyone yet who has that there are a few roaming over Egerton-based Badger Bushcraft The group says the mild climate the quintessential May Day tradi- ticularly around life threatening in- which have led to it being placed in calls and have an ongoing recruit- seen one, but I do hear of the evi- quite large territories around Maid- wildlife education workshops, said: should ensure the boar’s survival in tions come to life from May 5 to 7. cidents’. special measures by the national ment campaign to increase the dence being found. stone, Headcorn, Staplehurst and “I know of people who swear they the longer term, despite pressures Farmyard fairytales are the A report to the group also ques- Care Quality Commission (CQC). number of emergency medical ad- “The disruption to earth when maybe up towards Medway. have seen them or their tracks, but on habitat. theme for the May half-term, with tioned the “openness and trans- A spokesman for SECAmb told visers in our emergency operations the family dog show on June 24. parency” of SECAmb to callers Downs Mail: “Along with all ambu- centres. Kent Life goes to the seaside around waiting times. Patients were lance services we have been and re- “We expect overall performance Coldplay tribute at Hazlitt Pair arrested on drugs suspicion throughout the summer holidays, being asked if “they have exhausted main very busy. to improve from this encouraging A TWO people have been arrested were arrested at 1pm on Friday Jan- THE Hazlitt Theatre in Earl Street, thems and a remarkable resem- with an ice cream festival on Au- all options and advice and to ring All calls are triaged based on the start as we further refine our fleet in Maidstone on suspicion of per- uary 19. Two mobile phones were Maidstone, will host leading Cold- blance to the real thing are prom- gust bank holiday. back when there is a deterioration in information provided by the caller and operational model, working mitting premises to be used for the seized by officers as part of the in- play tribute band Coldplace as part ised in the Maidstone stage show For admission prices and more condition”. and we prioritise our response to with commissioners as part of our supply of class A drugs. A 53-year- vestigation. They were released of a UK-wide tour. on Saturday, March 17. Tickets details visit This is the latest episode in a long our most seriously-ill or life-threat- ‘joint demand and capacity re- old man and a 43-year-old woman under investigation. or call 01622 763936. series of problems for SECAmb, ened patients. Where callers need view’.” Lasers, confetti, Coldplay an- start at £20. Call 01622 758611 Business Focus Business Focus Family Funeral Service brings its personal service to Headcorn

Family Funeral that has been helping families in the area for making funeral arrangements we have learned Service brings its 40 years. how to help families have and be part of a personal service to Michael Lawrence said: “We are pleased our meaningful service that celebrates life. Headcorn branch in Headcorn High Street is now open. “Our approach is simple. We sit with you in FAMILY Funeral We’ve worked hard to ensure the premises is our office or your home, taking you slowly and Service has opened sympathetic to the village conservation area, methodically through the various decisions a new base in with help from Nick Prior, at Woodland that you will face and the options available to Headcorn, offering Carpentry, and provides a comfortable you. Sometimes, it’s just good to sit its friendly service environment in which people can relax and talk and talk to someone with to even more through their needs. experience and compassion people across the “Jo will be our lady on hand to help before making a decision.” Maidstone area. families looking to arrange a fitting tribute Contact Family Funerals on The family for their loved ones. I will also be there daily Bearsted 01622 260200 or in owned, and family run business offers a to meet families and help with their Headcorn on 01622 962001. personalised approach, with the option of requirements and wishes.” home visits and access to a friendly voice at To meet his new business commitment, the end of the telephone 24 hours a day. Michael has recently moved to Headcorn. He Already operating out of Bearsted, Family added: “The loss of a loved one is never easy to Funeral Service is run by Michael Lawrence and cope with, and the added stress of making his son Robert, along with Kim and Angela - the arrangements can often bring further team behind the third-generation business emotional upset. With our experience of

4 Cavendish Way, 59 High Street, Ashford Road, Bearsted, Headcorn Maidstone ME15 8PW Find us at: TN27 9QA 01622 260200 01622 962001

30 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 31

O b i t u a r e s Shirley Lowry communities he lived and served in.” who was a deaconess in Fountain Church. Geoff’s council work was notable for his She leaves her husband, daughter SHIRLEY Lowry (53), was well known in interest in the natural environment, an Lenuecha (a university student) and son Maidstone area as a life celebrant. interest he brought with him from New Leroy (a youth player at Gillingham FC). She was ordained a minister with Zealand, where he had a smallholding. Maidstone Independent Christian His work locally ensured that issues like Spiritualist Church eight years ago, tree planting and maintaining rights of John Croucher following 25 years way were always high on the Boxley with Lloyds Bank. THE death has been announced of well- Parish Council agenda. known Leeds resident John Croucher (88). She conducted He had taken a particular pride of local weddings, blessings, John lived in the same small co�age in developments of allotments and the Upper Street for most of his life. baby namings and Diamond Jubilee Orchard. many local funerals. He is remembered as a fine sportsman in Prince Edward, Duke of Wessex, was his youth both as a cricketer and Shirley married welcomed by Geoff to the opening of the local funeral director footballer, according to David Wra�en, the orchard. He had strong connections to St Leeds & Broomfield Cricket Club Michael Lawrence at William’s church in and to Boughton Monchelsea groundsman. All Saints in Boxley, where his funeral John was a passionate gardener and Church in April last took place. year after consultants discovered she had loved to grow his own vegetables and kept untreatable cancers. a neat plot right up until his final years. At that time, Michael was president of Reg Sharp In recent times, John had suffered ill- the Rotary Club of the Weald and Shirley a health although friends in the village member of the Rotary Club of Maidstone. THE death has been reported in Stoke on rallied round to help him. Current president Velia LeQuelenec said: Trent of Reg Sharp (91), formerly of “She was a lovely, happy person who Headcorn and and husband of greeted everyone warmly with a smile.” the late Joy. Shirley lived for many years in Martyn Brindley Egremont Road, Bearsted, but recently she MARTYN David Brindley (45) lived in and Michael moved to Headcorn. Deborah Draper Bearsted for 35 years, having lived in THE death has been announced at home Headcorn and before his in Folkestone of Deborah Elizabeth Draper family moved to the village. Jean Adams (68), formerly of Bearsted. He was educated at Vinters Boys and JEAN Adams won many top prizes at Deborah worked as a home carer locally Tunbridge Wells College, where he earned Chelsea Flower Show and Kent County and was often seen on her bicycle. the Chamfer Cup – for being a good Show for the high quality pansies she and She was married to Rupert and mother student with good conduct. her husband Wally grew in their garden at to Giles, James and Ben. His studies continued at the University Hazeldene, Dean Street, East Farleigh. Her death announcement said: “She of Leicester. Martyn When they retired from the business spent her life caring for others... Deborah became a chartered they moved to Headcorn. was the most beautiful lady inside and surveyor and Jean was a long-standing member of out, the most amazing mum and nan.” combined working in East Farleigh Parish Council and included Deborah leaves her husband, children that area with long in her duties planting the horse trough and grandchildren. periods during which outside the church with flowers and he travelled the world. arranging li�er picking days. She was also He returned to a village allotment trustee.Her funeral is at Mildred Matete Hlabi studying and earned a Boughton Monchelsea THE death of Ziwbabwean-born nurse master’s degree from Mildred Matete Hlabi (43) in a car accident the University of made local headlines. The mother of two Northumbria and gained another Geoff Smith worked at KIMS Hospital, Maidstone. educational award – the Northern Counties Educational Prize. His father, BOXLEY Parish Council has paid tribute Mildred, who lived in Ashford, had qualified as a midwife in Africa and was David, said: “Martyn moved to London for to local councillor Geoff Smith (84), who the final 15 years of his life. He was an served from 1998 to 2016. noted as someone with a natural ability to care for others, including her blind mother exceptional student and brought his Bob Hinder, current council chairman, intelligence to bear on his work. His focus said Geoff was “a kind, gentle and in Africa. Her husband, Moses, has paid tribute to was on public housing and, in particular, hardworking man who gave a lot of his housing for families. His contribution to time and energy to the various a “very compassionate and kind lady”. Some 700 people paid tribute to Mildred – this work was recognised with a National Recognition Award from The Housing Association in 2016.” Martyn leaves his father and mother, Valerie, his sister Helen Camrass Wills and nieces Sophie and Holly. Advice you can trust THE STONE SHOP Do you need help with probate? EAST FARLEIGH Do you want to buy a funeral plan? • MEMORIALS MANUFACTURED AND INSTALLED • We offer help & advice • Home visits • All fees agreed before you proceed • ADDITIONAL INSCRIPTIONS DipPFS MSWW • CLEANING AND REFURBISHMENT 01622 720985 01622 726633 FREE CAR PARK NEXT TO SHOP

There is no charge for our obituary service. Call Neil Nixon on 01622 630422 or email [email protected]

32 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 33 Policing volunteers. P Broomfield & Kingswood Chart Su�on

a r i s h Clean up The council is keen to find more Borough report Cllr Gill Fort reported that Police ma�ers The telephone box on the local volunteers to assist with the collection Maidstone Borough Council was se�ing village green was vandalised and various of li�er around the village. Anyone the budgets for 2018/19 and that cutbacks items belonging to the shop were thrown interested in joining the existing li�er C Call for the were needed, which would probably affect around. Inspector Jody Gagan-Smith from o u n c i l s picking group should contact Cllr Gordon council tax. Jennifer Shepherd will be Kent Police was to be invited to the annual Down on 01622 746456. running the play equipment scheme at parish meeting although it was decided to Lights thanks A vote of thanks has been MBC and Cllr Fort was to notify the clerk approach MP Helen Whately in the first recorded to Cllrs Cheryl Skinner and as soon as the decision to release the grant instance. Richard Webb for their hard work in funding is available. Cllr Darling raised the Village clean up Members agreed that the organising the Christmas lights switching- issue of councillors on the planning spring village clean up should be carried on ceremony. commi�ee abstaining when voting on out on Saturday, March 24. Anyone Data protection The chairman and the decisions and Cllr Fort said this had been wishing to help should meet at the village clerk have a�ended a workshop on discussed by the commi�ee but no changes hall car park at 10am. changes to legislation on data protection. C Prompt ollection to the procedure would be made at this CCTV Members heard that PCSO Hunter Housing A small delegation of councillors time. was no longer able to monitor the will meet with representatives of Westerhill Fast Crime reports As well as an incident camera/view the CCTV images as he has Homes to discuss aspects of the imminent Delivery D.TD.T involving garden ornaments, it was noted changed roles, leaving the post vacant. The housing development at Linden Farm and that there have been lots of reports locally – clerk had a contact willing to assist the the possible installation of a multi-use but not in the parish as yet – of car number council in downloading the relevant games area (MUGA). plate thefts. software to a laptop so images can be Civic service The chairman will a�end the SKIPSKIP HIREHIRE Budget The council agreed to include an downloaded independently. Members also annual Lord Lieutenant’s Civic Service at Over 20 Years Experience allowance of £5,000 within the draft budget said the CCTV is grainy when capturing Canterbury Cathedral on Tuesday, March for 2018/19 following receipt of a le�er images at night. It was suggested that an 2016220. 753618 from the Joint Parishes Group. Councillors infra-red lamp is needed to improve night- MOULD CLEAR also agreed unanimously to adopt the time images. Brook Security has quoted T Skip Hire 3, 4, 6 budget proposal for the year, and to a approximately £350 plus £200 for East Farleigh Black mould caused by condensation on ْ precept application of £55,500. installation (plus VAT) for a 120 lamp. It Planning There have been applications for & 12 Yard Bins Traffic management Councillors requested was agreed to purchase a laptop and Pine Lodge, in Dean Street, for the T Covering Maidstone ceilings and walls cleared and treated and the clerk to apply to the KCC member’s infrared lamp for a total budget of £1,000 demolition of a conservatory, with grant for 50% of the cost of the installation plus VAT. extensions. This was approved. Green & The Weald guaranteed to not return within two years. of the Keep Clear road markings and/or Overhanging trees Members discussed the Co�age in Vicarage Lane is applying for T EA Registered zebra crossing installation in Gravelly trees overhanging the play area of the first floor rear extension and this was Bo�om Road. The council also agreed to Memorial Playing Fields. Cllr Waring approved with certain conditions. The T Fast & Prompt Service A fully insured family Company who the purchase of eight Single Track Road offered to cut them back. Cllr Waring had Li�le Barn in Lower Road would no longer have been building and maintaining signs at an approximate cost of £800. recently cleared the tarmac in front of the be used as an annexe but used as an T Commercial Sports field The clerk was absent due to gate of leaves and rubbish. independent living space. This was granted & Domestic homes for 43 years. illness so the contract for additional County and borough councillors Neither with conditions. Cllr David Hussein said equipment for the field was held over to county Cllr Eric Hotson nor borough Cllr the Environment Agency would now view the next meeting, and the request for a Steve Munford a�ended the December mobile homes as permanent dwellings. For a free quote call Chris storage unit in the car park will be meeting. Apologies Absent from the January 9 01622 843511 discussed in March. The Gypsy and Budget and precept It was proposed by meeting were parish councillor Jackie 01233 623721 direct on 07885 109469. Traveller Collaboration and village signing Cllr Waring, seconded by Cllr Webb “to Wilson and borough councillor Brian Sunnybridge Farm, Watery Lane, West Well, Ashford, Kent TN25 4JJ agenda items were also carried over to the accept the budget prepared by the clerk Mortimer next meeting. and set the precept at £21,000 for 2018/19 Hanging baskets Members were Building work The Community Centre (no increase from 2017/18)”. All members considering pu�ing up hanging baskets Commi�ee had met to discuss aims and agreed. Medwarayound thBlinde village follsow in&g a nCurtainapproach s objectives regarding the pre-school Next meeting The next meeting will be from a local resident. DO YOU NEED Home & Garden Refurbishment extension and the parish council office held on Monday, March 12 at Chart Su�on Traffic calming After public consultation, facility. The preferred option was an Village Hall. the parish council will apply for a PLANNING PERMISSION OR • General interior repairs • Kitchen fitting extension to the village hall but alternatives community loan to pay for needed traffic needed to be considered. Cllr Darling was calming measures. BUILDING REGULATIONS FOR AN • Bathrooms • Plastering • Woodwork • to look into possible funding options, while Coxheath Speed indicator device Around a dozen IN THE GARDEN • Patio's Decking • Turf Cllr Hoy had contacted MBC planners Precept The council had been notified that sites for the speed indicator device had EXTENSION, LOFT CONVERSION about the possibility of building something it will receive a larger than expected Parish been identified by Cllr Peter Beasley. • Garden Structures built to your outside the village envelope but there is Services Scheme Grant for 2018/19 from Village car park An inspection of the car OR EVEN A BRAND NEW HOME? requirements, brick or timber now a £150 fee for pre-application advice. Maidstone Borough Council (MBC). As a park revealed issues with hedges, potholes chaallcarsrt sutton There was also a need to contact the pre- result, the annual precept requirement was and weeds. Chart Corner, Chart Sutton, Maidstone ME17 3SB school for them to confirm their space reduced by £3,000 to £74,500. CALL US ON Paul - Tel 07930 147282 requirements and future plans. Councillor vacancies Followin0g th%e recent 30 Trevor Drive, ME16 0QR Pre-school Cllr Friend had received a departures of Denise TaghdissiFinancean and East Su�on 01622 812868 General report from the pre-school outlining a Marilyn Hansford from the couAvailablencil, two KALC survey A membership survey sent Motorcycle Plus positive outlook with numbers at a casual vacancies will be declared with a out by the Kent Association of Local OR GO TOCar Servicing maximum, with a waiting list, and the view to filling their respective positions. councils (KALC) would be completed by MOT’s £25 numbers for September’s intake are already Youth club The new youth club is moving the parish clerk. and Repairs looking very good. from strength to strength and now has 28 Planning The erection of a glazed link Tree worry A tree protected by a Tree registered members. It meets on between a to-be converted garage and a Preservation Order (TPO) in Tall Trees had Wednesday evenings in the small hal01634l at house was app ro68ved. The ga68rage wou ld68 forCall our in best or telephone prices EVER! been felled following concerns that it was the village hall between 6pm and 8pm. have a bedroom, bathroom, utility room about to go over in high winds. It was Pe�y crime Concerns were expressed at th6e Thandea Oaksi�ingsro oBum. Lsanind essat The VillagBarn at e, agreed that the council would notify the apparent increase in pe�y crime oveLordr the swLi�ood,le Moa tChathamenden would c hKanegentto bME5e used 8LF 01622 844579 planning authority of their knowledge that last two months. It is understood that Kent as a riding area. Noah’s Ark Farmhouse at the tree had been felled without planning Police have recruited additional Police East Su�on Road has applied for a small or visit the website permission so that they could carry out an Community Support Officers and are solar panel and the parish did not raise an investigation. looking to appoint new Commuwwwnity .mobjecetiond. Mwaidsayblindtone Borough Chart Corner, Chart Sutton, Maidstone ME17 3SB

34 Maidstone Weald March 2018 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald February March 2018 3535

Maidstone Weald October 2017 33

P refused conversion and extendion of was made on the arrangement for cu�ing repainted. meeting. Cllr Perry reported that he was P

a r i s h Sutton Valence stables at Heronden in East Su�on Road the hedge and grass at the youth club site Retailing The Parish Office was gathering seeking to engage stakeholders to take a r i s h into a residential annexe. Parish Council until members had a copy of the cost in information about retail premises in the forward ideas for regeneration of the chairman Eve 2017 to compare with. village and had been advised that Staplehurst station area; it was noted that C

Poulter and Bill Funding Members heard £9,370 would be Sainsbury’s planned to open its store by the initiative should include Sainsbury’s C o u n c i l s Hunton Laidler, of East received in Parish Services Scheme funding 2020 and also intended to develop the and Tesco, which own land in the vicinity. o u n c i l s Play equipment The village received new Kent Freema- from Maidstone Borough Council as a petrol station site. play equipment for the playing field, which sons, at the result of its Parish Services Scheme funding Sign Members heard the missing street has been given the thumbs up from handover of a agreement. The chairman and clerk agreed sign in Crowther Close had been reported Su�on Valence it should sign the funding agreement for to Maidstone Council in October, but a children and adults alike. defibrbrillator Safety Members were told the clerk had Christmas Fair The Christmas Fair raised 2018/19. replacement was still awaited. Councillors bought the fire-proof safe, as agreed. installed outside Valuation Chairman Cllr Burnham used his heard a call to the council had revealed it an impressive £233 for the Friends of St the village hall Mast Councillors heard that the clerk had Mary’s, £380 for St Mary’s Church and the casting vote to reject an independent was dealing with a backlog and would received a request to place a mast on parish remaining £139 would be put aside to go valuation, costing £825, on Surrenden process the replacement when it had council land, though no response to a towards this year’s event. Playing Field and Nicholson Walk. It follows enough requests to justify a bulk order. request for a meeting had been received. Herald An advertising co-ordinator is a decision by officers at Maidstone Council Graffiti The caretaker reported graffiti on Tree It was noted a tree preservation order needed for the Hunton Herald. The to reject a £5,000 offer from the parish Surrenden play area had been cleaned and had been placed on a specimen at 5 revenue from the spaces sold helps to cover council for the freehold of the land. Members CCTV footage would be checked. Southways. the magazine’s production costs but also felt that while the quote provided Summer playscheme The summer Appeal Members heard that an appeal for donations to good causes. Call Helen if supporting evidence with regard to the costs playscheme will run in the morning from regarding land next to Westholme was now you can help on 01622 820810 or email that would fall to the parish council in July 31 to August 3 and in the morning and likely to be heard on March 20. The parish [email protected] Defibrillator could be gift of life maintaining the space, other aspects, afternoon from August 6-10 and August 13- council would need to a�end to request Huntones The singing group next meets on VILLAGERS have been handed a brand ton Valence Gardening Association, flower including the independent valuation, might 17. An open day would be held on July 30. S106 money for its play area. April 5 (TBC). Call Sue Pinks on 01622 new piece of equipment – but in truth arranging and fine arts societies – all of add no further weight to the parish council’s Staplehurst School was to be approached as Garden Councillors agreed not to comment 820709 none of them will ever want to have to whom use either the hall or the nearby case. the venue. on a request for a change of use on Hospice After the death of Ruth Porter, use it. sports field – attended a recent handover Wimpey Field Members resolved not to Friends of Cllr Spearink reported that good farmland at Larch Barn in Babylon Lane, more than £3,200 has been raised for An automatic external difibrillator has ceremony. accept a quote of £2,100 from Southeast support from the public had allowed work Hawkenbury, into a domestic garden and Hospice in the Weald, where she spent her been installed outside the village hall in Eve Poulter, chairman of the parish coun- Groundworks to extend the footpath at by the Friends of Wimpey Field to progress for a detached garage. last days. North Street, Sutton Valence, thanks to a cil, said: “I would like to thank all those Wimpey Field by 70m. ahead of schedule, with some spending Plans Members heard approval had been community partnership between East Kent who have made this possible. Data protection The Parish Office had planned for 2018/19 brought forward. given for a single-storey rear and side Freemasons, Suffolk-based Community “The generosity of our local Freemasons started auditing the personal information it Progress on the field would mean greater extension, with changes to the garage, at Langley Heartbeat Trust and the parish council. and the support of the Community Heart- holds following a workshop about meeting focus on the woodland next year. Wind Chimes in Chatway Street; and for a the requirements of new regulations Travellers Members agreed a joint meeting Sign Community warden Dawn Riach- With more than 100,000 people in the beat Trust mean that our parishioners can retrospective application for part demolition regarding data protection. should be arranged as soon as possible to Brown reported that the 30mph sign UK suffering sudden cardiac arrest in a use our facilities confident in the knowl- of stables to create a two-bed house at Kings Tesco fence Members agreed to take no follow-up on its consultation with knocked down near Grasslands had been public space, equipment such as this can edge that should a problem arise, the most Head in North Street; and roof alterations at further action over Tesco’s plan to put a neighbouring parishes over gypsy and reported to Kent Highways. Members be vital, as their chances of survival are in- up-to-date and effective equipment is on Cherry Trees, East Su�on Rd. fence along the north side of the A229 traveller planning applications. Councillors heard she continues to carry out welfare creased by up to 50% if a defibrillator is hand.” Horse plan Councillors were told a railway bridge. The parish council had felt the meeting should be in Staplehurst, visits in the area and to advise vulnerable used promptly. The Community Heartbeat Trust has so retrospective application for a new entrance objected to the application but had found with invitations extended beyond the residents about current scams. Representatives from the Women’s In- far provided more than 3,000 public access and access track to an equestrian there was no route to challenge Maidstone parishes initially consulted. Bus stop Members heard the bus stop stitute, a dance group, football teams, Sut- defibrillators. development in Heniker Lane had been Council’s decision to approve the Website Cllr Ashby reported that the marker on the Su�on Road, near The refused. application without substantial costs. parish council’s new website would be Po�ing Shed pub, was now in place. Play area Maidstone Borough Council’s back tree branches had been completed. Donation Councillors agreed a £50 In Bloom Members backed Staplehurst fully operational from April 1. Further efforts were to be made to chase inspection report of the play area and Footpaths Members agreed a suggestion by donation in response to a request from Five Horticultural Society’s in Bloom Project Jubilee Field Cllr Riordan reported that the progress on the bus stop at The Plough. recreation ground showed no defects with the clerk to carry out an audit on trees Acre Wood School for a donation (seven and decided to invite a society new storage container had been delivered Data protection The clerk had a�ended the equipment, but noted that moss was owned and maintained by the parish pupils from Su�on Valence a�end this representative to give a talk about the and installed. KALC Data Protection Workshop and starting to accumulate on the wet pour council in relation to its footpath and school) and £50 to the Three Su�ons project at a future meeting. Cllr Perry reported that MBC’s reported this would need to be discussed at service. Members agreed to get this treated. highway responsibilities. Councillors Borough helpline. a future meeting as there would be a agreed this would be paid for from the BT box The clerk had sent photos of the Planning Commi�ee had refused a Ofsted The clerk is to send the parish requirement for new policies to be council’s Contingency Budget, but if it telephone box at Church Green to BT with proposal for land south of The Gables and council’s congratulations to Su�on Valence introduced and for an independent data Ne lestead becomes an annual commitment it would a request for it to be repaired and thanked Cllr Burnham for speaking at the Primary School for its good Ofsted rating. protection officer to be appointed to Bollards Residents in Bryants Close are to be included in next year’s budget. Crossing Members resolved to make no oversee compliance. be asked thoughts on how parking ITEMS were stolen from a house in C r i m e Green The village green had been tidied problems in the areashould be solved. A comment on a planning application from Maidstone Road, Sutton Valence. and the noticeboard in Heath Road taken leaflet was to be delivered to residents Network Rail to upgrade the level crossing A trailer was stolen in Haste Hill Close, Neighbourhood Watch away for refurbishment. asking for feedback. The decision followed at Wateringbury. Boughton Monchelsea, from a residential

Members agreed to offer no discussion about various options including Donations It was agreed a cheque for £400 Working to reduce crime. Call Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or local police r Caravans garden. e p o r t s comment on a planning application from bollards being placed on the grassed area. will be presented to Cha�erbox and £100 to A glazed, aluminium back door and A white Ford Transit van, registration the driveway of a property. Rumwood Green Farm in Su�on Road to The land belongs to Maidstone Council, the Heart of Kent Hospice at the next frame were damaged during an attempted AX08***, was stolen from a farm in Gallants Six photinia bushes, about 6ft in height, build a cold storage building and relocate which has said that once funding is parish council meeting. break-in to a residential property in Burston Lane, East Farleigh. were stolen from a residential garden in agricultural workers’ caravans. available they can be installed. Golding Road, Coxheath. A Vauxhall Zafira was damaged on one of Linton. Precept Members agreed the budget for Homes will also be installing a bin store in In Pye Corner, Ulcombe, a vehicle was its windows. The vehicle was parked in In Vicarage Road, Yalding, a vehicle 2018/19 and to set the precept at £15,000; the area to help. Staplehurst taken without consent. Huntingdown Road, Coxheath. parked in the road was found keyed and this equates to £30.16 per Band D property Charity Cllr Jackie Benne� reported that Trees Members agreed to spend £240 on Number plates were removed from a Also in Huntington Road, a rear with a tyre slashed. and is a 10.17% decrease on last year. the Christmas Fayre had been a great further investigations by GRS vehicle parked in Gallants Lane, East windscreen was smashed as the vehicle was Youths were seen damaging a garden Donation Members agreed to donate £25 to success and raised £250 for Cha�erbox. Arboricultural Consultants on an oak tree Farleigh. driving down a road owing to an object fence in Marden. the Kent Pond and Tree Wardens, Magazine Members agreed the rate for at Surrenden Field and £215 on a survey A garage at a residential property was hitting it. In St Margarets Villas, Collier Street, a Maidstone. advertising in the parish magazine will rise and report on trees at Staplehurst Youth broken into in Collier Street. In The Cockpit, Marden, youths were vehicle parked in the road was taken Speed survey Members heard a survey of by £2 to £37 for a quarter page, but remain Club’s ground. A white/black Ford Transit tipper truck, seen damaging a garden fence. without consent. traffic on the Leeds Road at Langley had at £70 for a half and £130 for a full page. Hedges Councillors agreed to reject a quote registration F964***, was stolen from a A VW Golf, registration W889***, parked In Medway Avenue, Yalding, a puppy recorded data over a full week in Hall work Chairman Cllr David Meredith for cu�ing the hedges at Jubilee Field and, commercial compound in Cooper Lane, on the roadway awaiting recovery at Forge was taken from a garden without consent. December. It recorded the average speed of updated members on the work that has instead, look at engaging the services of the Marden. Lane, East Farleigh, was stolen. In South Lane, Sutton Valence, a Ford traffic travelling northbound at 33.4mph started in the kitchen at the village hall. Community Payback team. A quotation for In Knowle Hill, Ulcombe, items were Crops were damaged by quad bikes and Transit parked on the road had been broken and a slightly higher 33.7mph among KGV Field Cllr Anita Van Hensbergen £1,460 from Forestry First to cut the hedges taken without consent including fencing. motorbikes driving through fields at into and various types of computing vehicles travelling south. Most vehicles reported that the field was looking good. at Surrenden Field was agreed, although At Crispin Court, Coxheath, a vehicle Road, Ulcombe. equipment stolen from it. going north were travelling at 37.7mph or The clerk was to check with All Seasons members were only prepared to commit to parked in a residential parking bay was In Huntington Road, Coxheath, a Skoda A residential property in Cornflower less and 35.7mph going south. Grounds Maintenance that the work to cut the arrangement for one year. No decision found with its tyres slashed. Fabia, registration KF02***, was stolen from Drive, Marden, was broken into.

36 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 37 Classified

Cleaning Services Garden Services

"WE CLEAN T Tree OVENS!" Surgery TREE CARE T Stump Using van mounted cleaning tanks, Grinding your oven hob and extractor is Contact Tom cleaned to showroom shine without T: 01622 206431 T Hedge smell, mess or fuss. 1000's of Cutting delighted local customers. M: 07812 921748 T Pruning FREE 24 hour call & emergency T Fencing Oven cleaning from just £49 work carried out straight away Please call James on T Free Bark E:[email protected] Mulsh 01622 616168 CRB checked, Checkatrade approved Electricians ARBOUR EPIC NO JOB TOO TREE SURGERY LANDSCAPES BIG OR SMALL ‘Trust your local experts’ ELECTRICIAN All Aspects of Tree Work ATLANTIC ELECTRICAL Felling • Pruning • Fencing • Treework • Turfing • Decking• Levelling Ground For all your electrical needs Hedge Cutting • Patios • Jet Washing Service • Astroturf • Water Features Stump Grinding Fuseboards, Re-wires, Certificates • Clearance • Driveways downs Fully Insured and Qualified Classified NICEIC Part P registered Free No Obligation Written Quotation For a free site survey call: FreeCleaning Estimates, ServicesFriendly Service 01622 759119 07771 970570 Garden Services Fully insured, 25yrs Experience 01622 527106 07788 532926 Call Steve 01622 747257 Classifieds "WE CLEAN T Tree Mobile 07985 474176 Est. in 1993 Surgery Uplands,OVENS!" Halstow Cl, Maidstone ME15 9XA IRELAND Classifieds TREE CARE T Classifieds 0$,'6721( Stump ClassifiedsClassifiedsClassifiedsReach more people than ever before Using van mounted cleaning tanks, 20%Grinding ClassifiedsClassifieds your oven hob and extractor is LANDSCAPES Contact Tom Reach more people than ever before /$1'6&$3(6 T discount*Hedge Reach more people than ever before cleanedJ Norris to showroomElectrical shine Contractor without All Types of Hard & Soft Landscapes T: 01622 206431 on production of this advert ClassifiedsReachReachReach moremore more peoplepeople people thanthan than everever ever beforebefore before smell, mess or fuss. 1000's of Natural & Concrete Paving & Patios * notCutting to be used in ClassifiedsClassifiedsReach more people than ever before All aspects of • Part P 3523(57< conjunction with any other ClassifiedsReach more people thanClassifieds ever before delighteddowns customers. Block Paving, Fencing, Concrete Bases M: 07812 921748 T Pruningoffers ClassifiedsClassifieds Classifieds Classifieds domesticdowns Classifieds Classifieds Turfing, Groundwork, Jungles Cleared. FREE6(59,&(6/WG 24 hour call & emergency Classifieds ClassifiedsReach more people than ever before downs downsworkOven undertaken fromprovided just £49 T FencingClassified ClassifiedsReachReach more more people people than than ever ever before before by a trusted and LANDSCAPINGwork carried- Drives, out Patios, straight Pathways, Brick/Stone away Walls, Block/Stone Paving, Reach more people than Reachever before more than ever before • All work NIC Call Paul on 01622 844605 T Free Bark ReachReach more more people people than than ever everReach before before more people thanReach ever beforemore people than ever before call James on E:[email protected], Decking, Fencing, Turfing, Ponds, Water Features, Garden Clearance, Reach people than everReach before more people than ever before approved and or 07767 683747 Mulsh Reach more people than Reachever before more than ever before electrician with 20 CRB checked, CheckatradeSheds/Summer approved & Play House Bases, Tree Surgery etc Reach more people than ever before 01622years experience. 616168Drives certified Gardenor email: Services BUILDING WORKSGarden- Extensions, Services Porches, continuedConservatories, Garages, Groundworks, [email protected] Roofing, PVC Windows, Doors, Soffits, Fascias, Floor/Wall Tiling, Decorating etc Contact our sales team… - Free no obligation quotes for free estimate Contact our sales team… - NoK jobent too large& Suss or small e x Dri v es FULLY INSURED/WORK GUARANTEED, VERY PROFESSIONAL/FRIENDLY SERVICE Contact our sales team… Tel: 07966 511408 Top Quality Materials/Workmanship from design to completion - FREE ESTIMATES ContactContactContact our our our sales sales salesNatasha team… team… team… Bastone Teresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott SpecialistsElectricians in Block Paving, Resin NO JOB TOO ContactContact our our sales sales team… team… Tel: 01634 920598 ARBOUR EPICTel: 01622 851222 Mob: 07786 07 01 07 Telesales Manager Classified Sales Executive Classified Sales Executive bonded surfaces. Also red or black Natasha Bastone Teresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott E-mail: [email protected] TREE SURGERY LANDSCAPESE: [email protected] OR SMALL Contact our salesNatasha team… Bastone Teresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott tarmac. Hot tar chippings. Pea Shingle. ‘Trust your local experts’ Contact our salesNatashaNatashaNatashaE:Telesales natasha@team… Bastone Bastone ManagerBastone TeresaTeresaTeresaE: Classifiedteresa@ Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Sales Executive RebeccaE:RebeccaRebecca rebecca.abbottClassified Abbott Abbott AbbottSales Executive ContactContact our ourour sales team… team… team… Manager Bastone Bastone Contact our sales team… JefferySalesJeffery Executive Sales Abbott Abbott Executive ELECTRICIANAll new work guaranteed for 10 years. All Aspects of Tree Work ContactContact our our sales sales team… team… Contact our salesTelesalesTelesalesTelesalesE: natasha@team… Manager Manager ManagerContact our sales team…ClassifiedClassifiedClassifiedE: teresa@ Sales Sales Sales Executive Executive Executive ClassifiedClassifiedClassifiedE: Sales SalesSales Executive ExecutiveExecutive • Fencing • TreeworkLOOK: Please• Turfing check our • reviews Decking• and other Levelling Ground Contact our sales team… Contact our salesE:TelesalesTelesales natasha@T. 01622team… Manager Manager630330 Contact our sales team…E:ClassifiedClassifiedT. teresa@ 01622 630330Sales Sales Executive Executive T.E:ClassifiedClassified 630330 Sales Sales Executive Executive ATLANTICFencing ELECTRICAL Felling • Pruning companies you may use at Contact our salesE:NatashaE: NatashaE:natasha@ natasha@ natasha@… Bastone Bastone TeresaE:TeresaE: E:teresa@ teresa@ [email protected] Jeffery Jeffery RebeccaRebeccaE:E:E: [email protected] AbbottAbbott [email protected]. 224 Bastone Bastone [email protected]. 227 Jeffery Jeffery[email protected] ext.rebecca.abbottRebecca 234 Abbott Abbott Free Estimates. HedgeMaidstone Cutting • Patios • Jet WashingEstablished Service 1990 Director:• Astroturf M Potter • Water Features natasha@T. 01622 Manager Manager 630330Bastone teresa@T. Bastone 01622 Sales JefferySales 630330 Executive Executive TeresaClassifiedRebeccaClassified [email protected]: rebecca.abbottT. 01622 SalesSales Abbott 630330 ExecutiveExecutive RebeccaFor Abbott all your electrical needs Natasha Bastone Manager Jeffery BastoneRebecca Sales Executive Abbott Teresa JefferyClassifi[email protected] Sales Executive Rebecca Abbott Natasha Bastone T.NatashaT.Natasha TelesalesT.01622 01622 Telesales01622ext.Teresa 630330 630330224 630330Manager Bastone Bastone Manager Jeffery TelesalesNatashaTeresaT.TeresaClassifiedT. T.01622 01622Manager Classified01622 Bastoneext. Jeffery Rebecca630330Jeffery 630330227 Sales630330 Sales Executive ExecutiveAbbott ClassifiedTeresaRebeccaRebeccaClassified T. JefferyT.SalesT. 01622 01622 01622Classified ext.Executive Sales630330 Abbott630330234Abbott 630330 Sales Executive Executive ClassifiedRebecca SalesFuseboards, AbbottALL ExecutiveTYPES – Re-wires, Certificates Stump Grinding TelesalesNatasha Manager Bastone E:T.E: natasha@01622 natasha@ClassifiedTeresa 630330 JefferySales Executive TelesalesE:E:T. teresa@ Manager teresa@01622ClassifiedRebecca 630330 Sales Abbott Executive ClassifiedE:E: Sales 01622 Executive 630330 Classified SalesREPAIR/RENEW Executive & Malling’s • Clearance • Driveways Telesales Manager T.NatashaTelesalesT.ext. E:ext.01622 natasha@ 224Classified 224 224 630330 Manager630330 Bastone Sales Executive TeresaClassifiedT.T.E:ext. ext.01622teresa@ 227 227 227 Classified JefferySales630330 630330 Executive Sales Executive RebeccaClassifi[email protected]:T.T. ext.rebecca.abbottext. 01622ext. 01622 234 234 234 Sales 630330Abbott 630330 Executive Tel: 01622 809105 / 01580 891668 Fully Insured and Qualified Telesales Manager natasha@E: natasha@ 224Classified Manager Sales Executive E:Telesales teresa@ ext.ManagerE: teresa@ 227 SalesClassified Executive Sales Executive E:Classified teresa@Classifi[email protected]: Sales rebecca.abbottext.E: rebecca.abbottExecutive 234 Sales Executive E:Classified SalesNICEIC ExecutiveMobile:Part 07789 P registered 360748 E: natasha@ Appliance 224 E:224 teresa@ Manager E: 227 227 E:Sales Executive CarpentersE: teresa@Classifi[email protected]@[email protected] 234 234 Sales Executive E: rebecca.abbottEst. 25 YEARS Free No Obligation Written Quotation Locksmith E: natasha@ E:E:T. natasha@ natasha@01622E: teresa@ 630330 E: teresa@ teresa@ 01622E: 630330 E: 01622 630330 rebecca.abbottFREEww No. 1 newspaper For a free site survey call: T. 01622 [email protected] 630330 [email protected]. 01622 01622 630330 630330 Estimates, Friendly Service Appliance T. [email protected] 01622 01622 224 630330 630330 630330 teresa@ ext.01622T. 01622227 630330 630330 [email protected]:T. rebecca.abbottext. 01622T. 234 01622 630330 630330 01622 759119 07771 970570 ext.ext. 224 T. 01622ext. 630330ext. 227 [email protected] T. 01622 630330ext.ext. 234 234 T. 01622 630330Fully insured, 25yrs Experience T.T. 01622 01622 630330 630330 ApplianceApplianceAppliance Repairs Repairs RepairsT. ext. ext.T. T.224 01622 01622224630330 630330 630330 T. 01622T. ext.227 T.630330T. 227 01622 01622 up630330 630330 to 80,000Carpenters CarpentershouseholdsCarpentersT. 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A.H.B.SDoors,AllAll aspects aspects Windows, of of CARPENTRY CARPENTRY Kitchens supplied and AllJ Norris Aspects ofElectrical Garden Services, Contractor Landscapes, fridges,ALLt/dryers,with DOMESTICFreewith freezers,fully dishwashers,REPAIR fully estimates qualified qualified vacuum APPLIANCESERVICE engineer elecand engineer cleaners, out ALLFindBusinesses DOMESTICREPAIRontrades yourthe Downs peopleSERVICElocaldirectory &APPLIANCE Services Mail WoodFindWoodDECKINGSERVICE your Works local TOFROMWorks DOORS, CarpentryCarpentryDoors,LocksA.H.B.SAllAll fitted, Windows, aspectsaspects Skirting, ofof Kitchens CARPENTRYCARPENTRY small suppliedalterations, and A.H.B.S NaturalSEASONED & Concrete LOGS Paving SUPPLIED, & Patios * not to be used in ALL DOMESTICREPAIR SERVICE APPLIANCE t/dryers,t/dryers,fridges,t/dryers,ALLAll makes FindDOMESTIC REPAIRdishwashers, freezers,dishwashers, dishwashers,All yourof work washing SERVICE vacuumlocal guaranteedAPPLIANCE elec elec elecmachines, ovens.cleaners, ovens. ovens. WoodREPAIRFindononon the tradesthe yourthe Downs SERVICEDowns Downs Workslocal people Mail Mail Mail A.H.B.SDECKINGFULLFULLtradesSERVICESERVICE CARPENTRY CARPENTRY people TO FROM FROM DOORS, A.H.B.SCarpentryDoors,WoodDoors,fitted, Windows,All Windows, aspects Loft Conversions, Kitchensof WorksKitchens CARPENTRY supplied supplied Doors and hung, and A.H.B.SAll aspects of • Part P 3523(57< conjunction with any other REPAIR SERVICE All Allmakeswith withREPAIR makestrades fully fully01622of washingofqualified qualified SERVICEwashingpeople 673113 machines,engineer engineermachines, directorypeople A.H.B.SWoodDECKINGDECKINGFULLtrades CARPENTRY people WorksTO TO DOORS, DOORS, A.H.B.SWoodDoors, Windows, WorksKitchens supplied and Decking, Patios, Paths & Paving. MOWING (lawns) offers withREPAIR fully qualified SERVICE engineer t/dryers,t/dryers,  FreetradesAll All dishwashers, dishwashers, work workestimates people guaranteed guaranteed elec elecand ovens. out WoodBusinesseswithBusinessesBusinessestradesREPAIRon onfully the the qualifieddirectory directorypeople Downs SERVICEWorksDowns& & &Services Services engineerServices Mail Mail A.H.B.SWoodALLDECKINGKITCHENStrades JOBS WorkspeopleBIG TO & &DOORS, FLOORS.SMALL. CarpentryDoors,WoodDoors,fitted,fitted,Carpentry Windows,Loft Windows,LoftPlastering Conversions, Conversions, Kitchens Works Kitchensand Tiling Doors Doorssupplied supplied hung, hung, and and CarpentryA.H.B.S Block Paving, Fencing, Concrete Bases Logs with fully qualified engineer fridges,fridges,fridges,AllAllwith Anytime:makesAll All makesfreezers,REPAIRtrades freezers, fully workfreezers,work of qualified of washingguaranteed people guaranteedvacuumwashing07831SERVICE vacuum vacuum engineer machines, 557677 cleaners, machines,cleaners, cleaners, withWood fullytrades qualifieddirectory people Works engineer CarpentryWoodKITCHENSDECKINGDECKINGFULLSERVICESERVICEFULL CARPENTRY WorksCARPENTRYTO TO& FROM FROMFLOORS. DOORS, DOORS, CarpentryA.H.B.Sfitted,fitted,AllAllLocksFULLAll aspects Loftaspects Loft aspects fitted, Conversions, Conversions, of CARPENTRYof of CARPENTRYSkirting,CARPENTRY CARPENTRY Doors smallDoors alterations,hung, hung, CarpentrydomesticRegular electrical Contracts, Lawncertification Mowing, FULLY INSURED 6(59,&(6/WG All makes of washing machines, t/dryers, Free withFree All fullyAll estimates estimates dishwashers,work 01622work qualified guaranteed guaranteed 673113 and engineerand elec call call ovens. out out Allwith makesBusinessesFULLBusinesseson fullyon theof thequalified directoryDowns Downs & Services& engineer machines, Services Mail Mail CarpentryKITCHENSKITCHENSSERVICE & FROM& FLOORS. FLOORS. CarpentryLocksfitted,FULL fitted,LoftAll Conversions,work Skirting,CARPENTRY guaranteed. small Doors alterations, hung, work undertaken Turfing, Groundwork, Jungles Cleared.(City & Guilds with fully qualified engineer fridges, Free Allt/dryers,with makes estimates freezers,fully dishwashers, of qualified washing vacuum and engineer machines, callelec cleaners, outovens. All makesFULL of CARPENTRYwashing machines, BusinessesKITCHENSALLFULLSERVICE JOBS CARPENTRY & & BIGFROM Services FLOORS. & SMALL. Doors,Doors,LocksLocksfitted,All Windows, fitted, Windows,aspects fitted,Loft Skirting,PlasteringConversions, Skirting,of Kitchens CARPENTRYKitchens small smalland supplied suppliedDoors alterations,Tiling alterations, andhung, and Carpentry Hedge Cutting etc. NPTC qualified) All makes of washing machines, t/dryers,Allfridges, FreeFreeBusinesses makesBusinesses 01622estimatesdishwashers,estimates freezers, of washing 673113& & Services vacuum andServices machines,elec call ovens. cleaners, out fridges,All Businessesmakeson freezers, the washing directoryDownsdirectory vacuum & Services machines, Mail cleaners, CarpentryMAKINGBusinessesDECKINGKITCHENSFULLKITCHENSDECKINGSERVICE CARPENTRY THE TO& TOBEST& &Services DOORS,FLOORS. FLOORS. DOORS, FROMOF WOOD CarpentryDoors,Locks FULLWindows, SERVICEfitted,All aspects Skirting,CARPENTRY Kitchens of FROM CARPENTRYsmall supplied alterations, and All aspects of CARPENTRY provided For a friendly & fridges,fridges,All makes freezers, freezers, of washing vacuum vacuum machines, cleaners, cleaners, fridges,t/dryers,All Free makesAnytime:01622 Allfreezers, 01622 Allestimatesdishwashers, workof work washing 673113 07831vacuum673113guaranteed guaranteed and machines,elec 557677cleaners, call ovens. out fridges,Businesses FULLfreezers, directorytheCARPENTRY Downsvacuum & Downs ServicesFROM cleaners,Mail Mail ALLALLDECKINGALLBusinessesAllFULLAll SERVICE JOBSaspects JOBSaspectsJOBS CARPENTRY of of BIG TOBIGCARPENTRY CARPENTRYBIG & FROM ServicesDOORS, && & SMALL.SMALL. SMALL. Doors,fitted,Locksfitted,LocksAll Windows,Loft SERVICE aspects fitted,Loft fitted,FREEPlastering Conversions,Plastering Conversions, AllSkirting,of Skirting, ESTIMATES Kitchens CARPENTRYwork and FROMand guaranteed.small smallDoorsTiling suppliedTilingDoors alterations, alterations, hung, hung, and All aspectsby a of trusted CARPENTRY and LANDSCAPING - Drives, Patios, Pathways, Brick/Stone Walls, Block/Stone Paving, fridges,Anytime:t/dryers,Businesses Allfreezers,on01622 work thedishwashers, 07831 Downsvacuum673113guaranteed & Services 557677 cleaners, Mailelec ovens. fridges,t/dryers,Businesses SERVICEfreezers, dishwashers, vacuum & FROM Services elec cleaners, ovens. ALLINDECKING SERVICEANDon JOBS the AROUND Downs BIGTO FROM DOORS,& THE MailSMALL. HOME fitted,AllDoors, Loft aspectsPlastering Conversions,Plastering Windows, of CARPENTRY and and Kitchens DoorsTiling Tiling hung, supplied and Doors,All Windows, aspectsqualified of CallKitchens CARPENTRY Colin supplied on and• All07521 work NIC professionalCall Paul on service01622 844605& advice Tarmac, Decking, Fencing, Turfing, Ponds, Water Features, Garden Clearance, t/dryers,fridges,t/dryers, dishwashers,freezers, dishwashers, vacuum elec elec cleaners,ovens. ovens. fridges,t/dryers,Anytime:Anytime: Free Freeon Allfreezers,01622 01622dishwashers,theestimates estimateswork 07831 Downs07831 673113 vacuum673113guaranteed 557677and and elec557677Mail cleaners,call out out t/dryers,on dishwashers,SERVICE thedirectory Downsdirectory FROM elec Mail ovens. Doors,ALLALLKITCHENSKITCHENSMAKINGAllon DECKINGWindows, JOBSaspects JOBSthedirectory Downsof THEKitchensBIG CARPENTRYBIG& & TOFLOORS.BEST & FLOORS.& supplied Mail SMALL.DOORS,SMALL. OF WOODand Doors,LocksLocksDECKINGAll Windows,fitted, Familyaspectsfitted,SERVICEAllPlasteringAllPlastering Skirting,business workSkirting, ofwork Kitchens CARPENTRY TO establishedguaranteed. guaranteed. andsmall and FROMsmall DOORS,suppliedTiling Tiling alterations, 21 alterations, years and Doors, Windows, Kitchens supplied and t/dryers,Anytime: Anytime:Free dishwashers,estimates All work 0783107831directory guaranteed and elec557677 call ovens. out t/dryers,DECKINGDECKINGon All dishwashers, the work directoryDowns TO guaranteedTO DOORS, DOORS, elec Mail ovens. Doors,MAKINGKITCHENSDECKING Windows,onSERVICE the THEdirectory Kitchens DownsTO &BEST FROMFLOORS. DOORS, supplied OF Mail WOOD and Doors,Locksfitted,DECKING Windows,fitted,fitted, LoftAll All Conversions, Skirting,Loft work work Kitchens Conversions, TO guaranteed. guaranteed. small DOORS, suppliedDoors alterations, Doors hung, and hung, electrician with 20 approved and Pleaseor call:-07767 01622 683747 743428 Sheds/Summer– LOGS& Play House Bases, Tree – Surgery etc t/dryers, All dishwashers, work guaranteed elec ovens. t/dryers,Anytime: on All 01622dishwashers, 01622theworkdirectory 07831Downs guaranteed673113 673113 elec557677 Mail ovens.Bathrooms Allon work Downsguaranteed Mail MAKINGDoors,DECKINGfitted,MAKINGALLKITCHENSIN Windows,Loft ANDJOBS Conversions,THE THE AROUNDTO KitchensBIG BEST& BEST DOORS,FLOORS. & Doors OFsupplied OF SMALL.THE WOOD hung,WOOD HOMEand fitted,DECKING Loft PlasteringConversions,AllFREE work TO guaranteed. andESTIMATES Doors TilingDOORS, hung, Doors,fitted,fitted, LoftWindows,Loft Conversions,Conversions,377306 Kitchens DoorsDoorsor supplied 01622 hung,hung, and 853978  All work guaranteed Free Free All01622 estimateswork estimatesdirectory guaranteed673113 and and call call out out  DECKING TO DOORS, fitted,ALLMAKINGDECKING LoftKITCHENS JOBS Conversions, THEdirectory BIGTO BEST DOORS,& &Doors SMALL.OFFLOORS. hung,WOOD Doors,fitted,LocksKITCHENS Loft Windows,fitted,Plastering FREEConversions,FamilyAll Skirting, work Kitchens businessESTIMATES and & guaranteed. small TilingDoorsestablishedFLOORS. supplied alterations, hung, 21 andyears years experience. certified or email: BUILDING WORKS - Extensions, Porches, Conservatories, Garages, Groundworks,  Free All estimates work guaranteed and call out  Anytime:FreeAnytime: All estimates work 07831 07831 guaranteed and 557677 557677 call out  FreeFreeKITCHENSAll estimates estimates guaranteed & and andFLOORS. call call out out ALLLocksMAKINGfitted,INKITCHENSMAKINGIN AND AND fitted,JOBSLoft Conversions,AROUND Skirting,THEAROUND THE BIG &BEST BEST smallFLOORS.& THEDoors SMALL. THEOF alterations,OF HOMEWOOD hung,HOMEWOOD KITCHENSLocksPlastering01622FREEFREEFREE fitted, ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATESSkirting,and &743648 TilingFLOORS. small alterations, Locksfitted, fitted,Loft Conversions, Skirting, small Doors alterations, hung, Mob:- 07817 517 733  Free estimates and call out  Anytime:Free estimates0162201622 07831 673113 673113and 557677 call & FLOORS. LocksCALLALLINKITCHENSIN AND ANDfitted, JOBSCliff Skirting,AROUND on BIG & smallFLOORS. & THE THE SMALL.alterations, HOME HOME Locksfitted,KITCHENS fitted,LoftFamilyFamilyAllPlasteringFREE AllConversions, Skirting,work business workbusiness ESTIMATES guaranteed. and guaranteed.established & smallestablished Tiling FLOORS.Doors alterations, 21 21 yearshung, years Locks fitted, Skirting, small alterations, [email protected] Roofing, PVC Windows,Four-year Doors, Soffits,seasoned Fascias, appleFloor/Wall logs Tiling, Decorating etc  01622 673113 07831 557677  FreeKITCHENS 673113 & andFLOORS. call out MAKINGINKITCHENSMAKING JOBSAROUNDTHE THE BEST& BEST BIGFLOORS. THEOF OF& WOOD HOMESMALL.WOOD LocksALL fitted,Family FamilyJOBSAll FREE Skirting,work business businessPlastering guaranteed.BIG ESTIMATES established smallestablished & and alterations, SMALL.21 21Tiling years years Locks fitted,Plastering- FreeSkirting, no and obligation small Tiling alterations, quotes Free01622 estimates 673113 and call out  FreeAnytime: 07831673113 and 557677 call BathroomsoutBathroomsALL BIG673113 & SMALL. MAKING07940ALLLocksIN ANDfitted,JOBS 854927Plastering Skirting,AROUND BIG BEST and small& Tiling OF SMALL.THE alterations, WOOD HOME LocksALLMob: fitted, JOBSFamilyPlasteringAll Skirting,work business 07711 BIG guaranteed.and established small Tiling & 291921 alterations,SMALL. 21 years Plastering and Tiling for free estimate Anytime: 07831 557677 07831 673113 557677BathroomsBathroomsALLAnytime: 07831BIG 673113 & 557677SMALL. ALLCALLIN JOBSANDPlastering Cliff AROUND BIG onand & Tiling SMALL.THE HOME ALL PlasteringFREEJOBSFamilyFREE01622 businessAll ESTIMATES ESTIMATES BIGandwork established Tiling guaranteed.&743648 SMALL. 21 years AllPlastering- Nowork job guaranteed. tooand largeTiling or small AVID YNN FULLY INSURED/WORK £100GUARANTEED, load VERY – £125 PROFESSIONAL/FRIENDLY load SERVICE Anytime:01622 07831 673113 557677 01622 673113 BathroomsAnytime:ALL JOBS 07831 BIG &557677 SMALL. ALLMAKINGIN AND JOBSAllPlastering AROUND THEwork BIG guaranteed.BEST and & TilingTHE OFSMALL. HOMEWOOD 31, SheppeyFREEFamilyAllPlastering01622 work business Road,ESTIMATES guaranteed. and established 743648Loose, Tiling 21 Maidstone years D W Anytime: 07831 557677BathroomsAnytime: 07831 557677 CALLCALLIN ANDMAKING Cliff AllCliff AROUND work on on THE guaranteed. BESTTHE HOME OF WOOD MAKINGFamilyAll01622 01622work business THE guaranteed. established BEST 743648 743648 21OF years WOOD All work guaranteed. Top Quality Materials/Workmanship from design to completion - FREE ESTIMATES Anytime: 07831 557677 Anytime:The complete 07831 557677 BathroomsBathroomMAKINGMAKING THE THE BEST BEST OF OF WOOD WOOD CALLCALLMAKINGIN07940 AND Cliff CliffAll AROUND854927THE workon on BESTguaranteed. THEOF WOODHOME MAKINGFamilyMob:FREE0162201622 business THEFREE ESTIMATES established BEST07711 743648ESTIMATES743648 21OF years 291921WOOD FREEAllTel: work ESTIMATES07966 guaranteed. 511408 Any moisture test welcome on delivery. Bathrooms CALLMAKING07940CALLIN Cliff 854927 FREECliffAND THE on onESTIMATESAROUND BEST OF WOODTHE HOME MAKINGINMob: Mob:ANDFamilyFREEAll01622 businessworkAROUND THE ESTIMATES07711 07711 guaranteed. established BEST 743648 THE 21291921 OF291921 years HOMEWOOD FREE ESTIMATES BathroomsBathroomMAKINGIN AND AROUND THE BEST THE OF HOMEWOOD 07940MAKING07940IN AND 854927FREE 854927 AROUND THE ESTIMATES BEST THE OF HOMEWOOD INMob: Mob:AND31,FREE Sheppey01622 AROUNDFamily ESTIMATES07711 07711 business Road, 743648 establishedTHE Loose,291921 291921 HOME 21 Maidstone years Family Tel:business 01634 established 920598 21 years GREEN MAN TheMaintenance completeBathrooms Company BathroomIN AND AROUND THE HOME 07940INCALL ANDFamily 854927Cliff AROUND business on established THE 21 yearsHOME 31, SheppeyFamily01622 business Road, established 743648 Loose, 21 years Maidstone FamilyFREE business ESTIMATES established 21 years Tel:Also 01622 other 851222 hardwoods Mob: 07786 available 07 01 07 BathroomsBathrooms BathroomsCALL0794007940Family Cliff 854927 FREE854927 business on ESTIMATES established 21 years 31,IN31, SheppeyMob: Family Mob:ANDSheppey01622FREE business AROUND Road,ESTIMATES07711 Road, 07711established 743648 Loose, Loose, 21THE 291921 years291921 Maidstone MaidstoneHOME BathroomsTheThe completecomplete BathroomBathroomsBathroomIN AND AROUND THE HOMEBathroomsCALL07940IN AND CliffFamily 854927 AROUND businesson established THE 21 yearsHOME 31,Mob: Sheppey 07711Road, Loose, 291921 Maidstone Family E-mail:business established [email protected] 21 years Tree & Garden Services BathroomsTheThe completecomplete BathroomBathroomsBathroomBathrooms CALL07940 Cliff854927 on 31,31,Mob: Sheppey FamilySheppey01622 business 07711 Road, Road, established 743648 Loose, Loose, 291921 21 years Maidstone Maidstone E: [email protected] BathroomsTheMaintenance complete BathroomBathrooms Company Bathrooms07940CALL 85492701622 Cliff on 743648Chimney MaintenanceCALL31,Mob: Sheppey 01622Cliff 0771101622 onRoad, 743648 Loose, 291921743648 Maidstone 01622 743648 FREE DELIVERY – FREE STACKING SERVICE MaintenanceTheThe complete complete Company BathroomBathroomCALL Cliff on CALL Cliff01622 on 743648 CALL31, Mob:Sheppey 01622Cliff Road,07711on 743648 Loose, 291921 Maidstone 01622 743648 MaintenanceMaintenanceTheMaintenanceNO completeCALL OUT FEE Company Company &CompanyBathroom FREE CALLQUOTES Cliff on CALL07940 Cliff 85492701622 on 743648 CALL31, Sheppey 01622CliffMob: Road, on 743648 07711Loose, Maidstone 291921 Mob:01622 07711 743648 291921 Hedge cutting TheMaintenance complete BathroomCompanyCALL07940 Cliff854927 on CALL0794007940Mob: Cliff854927 854927 on07711 291921Chimney Maintenance0794031,Mob: Sheppey 854927 07711 Road, Loose, 291921 Maidstone Mob: 07711 291921 CallLOOK: Maidstone Please check office: our reviews 01622 and 813750 other TheMaintenanceMaintenance complete CompanyBathroomCompany07940 854927 07940Mob: 854927 07711 291921Chimney Maintenance07940Mob:31, 854927 Sheppey 07711 Road, 291921 Loose, Maidstone 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone MaintenanceTheNO CALLcomplete OUT FEE Company & Bathroom FREE 07940QUOTESThe 854927 complete Bathroom0794031, Mob:Sheppey 854927 Road,07711 Loose, 291921ChimneyChimney Maidstone Maintenance Maintenance31,07940 Mob:Sheppey 854927 Road,07711 Loose, 291921 Maidstone 31, Mob:Sheppey Road,07711 Loose, 291921Fencing Maidstone Traditional companies you may use at The complete BathroomMaintenanceTheNO CALL complete OUT FEE & Company BathroomFREE QUOTESThe complete Bathroom31, Sheppey Road, Loose,Chimney Maidstone Maintenance31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone or Mobile: 07854 615687 The complete BathroomTheMaintenanceNOSupplyNO CALL completeCALL OUT• OUT Install FEE FEE & Bathroom&•FREECompany FREERepair QUOTES QUOTESThe complete Bathroom31, Sheppey Road, Loose,ChimneyChimney Maidstone MaintenanceMaintenanceH 31,& Sheppey G Chimney Road, Loose, ServicesMaidstone 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone MaidstoneHedge laying Established 1990 Director: M Potter The complete BathroomTheNONO CALLCALL complete OUT FEE & BathroomFREE QUOTES Chimney Maintenance Maintenance CompanyMaintenanceMaintenanceNONO CALL CALL OUT OUT FEE FEE & Company& FREE CompanyFREE QUOTES QUOTESMaintenanceMaintenance CompanyCompany ChimneyChimney Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance CompanyMaintenanceFloorSupplyNO CALL & • WallOUT Install FEE Tiling Company& • FREE Repair • Full QUOTESMaintenance Plumbing Services CompanyChimney sweepingChimneyChimney service •Maintenance LongH established & G Chimney • ICS registered Services ALL TYPES – Fencing Maintenance CompanySupplyMaintenanceNO CALL • OUTInstall FEE •& CompanyRepairFREE QUOTES ChimneyChimney MaintenanceH HMaintenance && GG ChimneyChimneyChimney ServicesServices MaintenanceREPAIR/RENEW & Malling’s SupplySupplyNO CALL • •Install InstallOUT FEE • • &Repair RepairFREE QUOTES Chimney MaintenanceAll typesChimney of flu • All Maintenance pots-cowlsHH && GG supplied ChimneyChimney & fittedChimney ServicesServices Maintenance SupplySupplyFloorNO CALL ••& Install Wall OUT FEETiling • Repair & FREE • Full QUOTES NOPlumbing CALL OUT ChimneyServices FEE & FREE Maintenance QUOTESChimney sweepingChimney service Maintenance •HH Long && GestablishedG Chimney Chimney • ICSChimney Services ServicesregisteredServices MaintenanceEst. 25 YEARS Landscaping Locksmith NO CALL OUT FEE & FREE QUOTESFloorFloorSupplySupplyNO CALL && • WallWall• OUTInstall Install TilingFEETiling • &• FREERepair Repair •• FullFull QUOTES PlumbingPlumbingNO CALL OUT ServicesServices FEEChimney & FREE Maintenance QUOTESCompleteChimney re-builds sweepingChimney • Re-pointingservice Maintenance• Long • Guttering, established roof • ICS& valley registered repairs Call our sales team now - NO CALL OUT FEE & FREE QUOTESFloorSupplyNO CALL& Wall• OUT Install Tiling FEE &• FREE Repair• Full QUOTES PlumbingNO CALL OUT Services FEE & FREE QUOTESChimneyChimney sweepingAll sweeping types ofservice service flu • •All •LongH Longpots-cowls & established establishedG Chimney supplied • • ICS ICS & registered fittedServicesregistered ESTIMATES No. 1 newspaper NO CALL OUT FEE & FREE QUOTESFloorSupplyFloorFloorNO CALL&& •& CallWallWall Install WallOUT Tiling FEE GaryTiling • & Repair FREE • • Full07738 Full QUOTES Plumbing Plumbing 902116 Services Services ChimneyChimney sweepingsweeping serviceservice • HLong & establishedestablishedG Chimney • • ICS ICSICS registered registeredServicesregistered FloorSupply & • Wall Install Tiling • Repair • Full Plumbing Services 01622CompleteChimney All739439AllAll types typessweeping re-buildstypes 07860of of of flu flu flu •service 318166 •Re-pointing• • AllAll All pots-cowls pots-cowls •pots-cowls H Long [email protected] & • establishedG Guttering, supplied supplied Chimneysupplied • roof&& & ICS fittedfitted fitted & Servicesregistered valley repairs Free estimates & advice - Fully insured Floor &Call Wall Tiling Gary • Full07738 Plumbing 902116 Services H & GChimney ChimneyAllAll sweeping typestypes Servicesofof fluserviceflu • All • pots-cowlsLongH & Hestablished G & suppliedChimney suppliedG Chimney • ICS & && fitted fitted fittedregistered Services Services H & G Chimney01622 232860 Services 07931 368710 Supply • Install • Repair FloorSupplySupply & •Wall •Install Install Tiling01622 • •Repair •Repair Full 736266 SupplyPlumbingSupply • • Install Install Services •• RepairRepairH & GCompleteCompleteChimney Chimney01622 All re-builds sweepingre-builds739439 types Services of07860• service• Re-pointing fluRe-pointing • 318166 All• Long Hpots-cowls & • •established Guttering, [email protected], Chimney supplied •roof roof ICS && & registered fittedvalley Servicesvalley repairs repairs H & G Chimney Services Supply • Install • Repair SupplyFloor Call &Call• WallInstall Gary GaryTiling • Repair • 0773807738 Full SupplyPlumbing 902116902116 • Install Services • RepairH &Complete CompleteGCompleteChimney ChimneyAll re-builds re-buildsre-builds sweeping types ofServices • •flu Re-pointingservice Re-pointing • All •pots-cowls LongH • &• Guttering,establishedGuttering, G supplied Chimney roof •roof &ICS fitted& & registeredvalley valleyServices repairs repairs H & G Services Tel: 01622 892244 01622 630 330 FloorSupply & • Wall Install Tiling • Repair • Full PlumbingFloorSupplyFloorCall Call& &Call• Wall InstallWall Services GaryGary TilingGary Tiling • Repair •0773807738 •Full07738 Full FloorPlumbing Plumbing 902116902116 902116 & Wall Services Services Tiling • Full PlumbingCompleteCompleteChimney0162201622Chimney All739439 739439 re-builds sweepingre-buildstypes Servicessweeping 07860of 07860 flu• service• Re-pointing Re-pointing •318166 318166serviceAll •pots-cowls Long • [email protected] •Long [email protected]•established Guttering, Guttering, suppliedChimneyestablished •roof roof& ICSsweeping fitted •& ®istered ICSvalley valley registered service repairs repairs • Long establishedNo1 • ICS Locally registered Since 1996 FAIRVIEW FARM Floor & Wall Tiling • Full PlumbingFloor &CallCall Wall Services ALL GaryTilingGary01622 WORK • 07738Full07738 GUARANTEED 736266 FloorPlumbingChimney 902116 902116& Wall sweeping Services Tiling service • • Full Long establishedPlumbingCompleteChimney016220162201622 739439 All739439 739439 re-buildssweeping• typesICS Services 07860registered 07860 of • service fluRe-pointing 318166 •318166 All • pots-cowlsLong •[email protected] [email protected] establishedGuttering,Chimney supplied roof• ICSsweeping& & fitted registeredvalley repairsservice • Long established • ICS registered TREE Mobile:MAINTENANCE 07732 & GARDEN 768331 SERVICES  24 hour service  locks opened  new locks fitted  security checks Floor & Wall Tiling • Full PlumbingFloor &Call Wall Services Gary01622Tiling • 07738 Full 736266 FloorPlumbingChimney 902116 & sweepingWall Services Tiling service • LongFull established CompletePlumbingChimney0162201622 All 739439 re-builds739439• sweeping typesICSAll Services typesregistered 07860of 07860• flu Re-pointingservice of • 318166 flu 318166All • •pots-cowls AllLong • pots-cowls [email protected] Guttering, [email protected] suppliedChimney supplied roof All• & ICS sweeping &typesfitted valley registered& fittedof flurepairs service • All •pots-cowls Long established supplied • &ICS fitted registered Call Gary0162201622 07738 736266 736266Chimney 902116All sweeping types of flu service • All •pots-cowls Long establishedComplete01622 supplied All739439 re-builds •types &ICS fitted 07860registeredof •flu Re-pointing •318166 All pots-cowls [email protected]• Guttering, supplied roofAll & types fitted& valley of flu repairs • All pots-cowls supplied & fitted Fencing for a helping hand with:-  emergency work undertaken  UPVC door & window repairs Call ALLGary0162201622 WORK 07738 736266 GUARANTEED736266 902116All types of flu • All pots-cowls01622 suppliedComplete 739439All &types re-buildsfitted 07860 of flu 318166 •• Re-pointingAll pots-cowls [email protected] •Complete Guttering,suppliedAll re-builds & typesrooffitted & of valley• fluRe-pointing • repairsAll pots-cowls • Guttering, supplied roof & & fitted valley repairs ALLALL01622 WORK WORK GUARANTEED GUARANTEED 736266CompleteCallAll re-builds types Garyof • fluRe-pointing • All pots-cowls07738 • Guttering,Complete01622 supplied 902116 739439 roofre-builds & & fitted valley 07860 • Re-pointing repairs 318166 •[email protected] Guttering,Complete roof re-builds & valley • repairsRe-pointing • Guttering,Fence roof & valley me inrepairs & alot more TREE SURGERY: T: 01622 755750 M: 07738Maidstone 658751 Weald OctoberMaidstone 2017 & Kent39 Call Gary 07738 902116CallCallALLALLALL Gary 01622WORK GaryWORK WORK 07738GUARANTEED GUARANTEED 07738GUARANTEED736266Complete 902116 902116 re-builds • Re-pointing • Guttering,Complete roofre-builds & valley • Re-pointing repairs • Guttering,Complete01622 roof 739439 re-builds & valley 07860 • repairs Re-pointing 318166 [email protected]• Guttering, roof & valley repairs Call Gary 07738 902116CallALLALL Gary01622 WORK WORK 07738 GUARANTEEDGUARANTEED736266Complete01622 902116Call 739439Call re-builds 07860 GaryGary • Re-pointing 318166 0773807738 [email protected]• Guttering,Complete01622 90211601622902116 739439 roofre-builds 739439 & valley07860 • 07860 Re-pointing repairs318166 318166 [email protected]• Guttering, [email protected] roof739439 & valley 07860 repairs 318166 [email protected] types of Fencing & Gates CROWN REDUCTION, FELLING, Call Gary 07738 902116CallALL Gary01622 WORK Builders07738 GUARANTEED 73626601622 902116 739439 07860 318166 [email protected] 739439 07860 318166 [email protected] 739439 07860 318166 [email protected] PRUNING, HEDGE & SHRUB - 3 Plains Avenue,Ironing Maidstone & ME15 Laundry 7AT ALL01622 WORK01622 GUARANTEED 736266 73626601622 739439 0786001622 318166 736266 [email protected] 739439 07860 318166 Sweep [email protected] Installed & Repairs 01622 736266 01622 736266 01622 736266 TRIMMING, CLEARANCE 01622 736266 ALL01622 WORKBuilders GUARANTEED 736266 01622 736266 All Aspects of Garden Services, Landscapes, ALL01622 WORK GUARANTEED 736266 ALLALL WORK WORKBuildersBuilders GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDALL WORK GUARANTEEDClean Sweep SEASONED LOGS SUPPLIED, BuildersBuilders ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL WORKBuildersBuilders GUARANTEED ALL WORK GUARANTEEDCleanBrush & vacuumClean Sweep Sweep Decking, Patios, Paths & Paving. MOWING (lawns) CANN Clean Ironing ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL WORKBuildersBuilders GUARANTEEDMD Building & Services CleanClean SweepSweepSweep Logs Clean Sweep Regular Contracts, Lawn Mowing, FULLY INSURED BuildersBuilders Clean Sweep (City & Guilds Builders CleanBrushBrush & vacuum & vacuumWood burnersSweep and flues supplied and fitted AUL ESTBuilders CleanWood burners andSweep flues Hedge Cutting etc. NPTC qualified) & Laundry Service P B Builders MD BuildingSpecialists & in Services CleanBrushBrush && vacuumvacuumvacuum Sweep For a friendly & BuildersMDMD• Extensions Building Building • Refurbishments & & Services ServicesBuilders BrushCleanBrushAll work && vacuumcertifiedvacuum to coverSweep insurance All work insured Builders BuildersMDMD Building Building & & Services Services BrushBrush && vacuumvacuum Call Colin on 07521 professional service & advice Any clothing £1 per item Builders PAUL BESTBuildersMDClean •Building PlasteringSpecialists (All& Servicesaspects) in BuildersSweepCleanBrushsuppliedCleanWoodPest & control vacuumburners and available fitted Sweepand CameraSweep fluesClean inspections available Sweep Builders PPBrickworkAULAULAULBBESTESTESTBuildersMD• Extensions BuildingSpecialistsSpecialists • Refurbishments& in inServices Builders CleanBrushWoodWood & burnersburners vacuum andandSweep fluesfluesClean Sweep Please call:- 01622 743428 – LOGS – PAUL BEST CleanMD• ElectricsBuildingSpecialists • Modernisations & Servicesin SweepCleanWoodBrush &burners vacuum andSweep flues 377306 or 01622 853978 Bedding £1.20 per item Specialists in Clean Sweep PAUL B EST Clean• ExtensionsSpecialists • Refurbishments in Sweep WoodWeddings burners attended Member and fluesof the ICS HETAS approved PAUL BEST MD• Extensions Building• Plastering • Refurbishments & (All Services aspects) Woodsupplied burners and fittedand flues Mob:- 07817 517 733 PPBrickworkAULO ExtensionsBBEST •MD Extensions• KitchenExtensions BuildingSpecialistsSpecialists & •Bathroom •Refurbishments Refurbishments & inServicesin Installations BrushWood & burners vacuum and fluesBrush & vacuum Free collection & delivery service PAUL BEST Brush• Extensions•• •Plastering ElectricsPlasteringSpecialists & • Refurbishments•vacuum(All (AllModernisations aspects)in aspects) WoodsuppliedsuppliedAllBrush work burners & andandandinsured vacuum fittedfittedfitted and flues Four-year seasoned apple logs MD PBrickworkBuildingBrickworkBrickworkAUL &B ServicesEST BrushMD•• •MDDriveways,Extensions •Plastering Building Plastering SpecialistsBuilding & Patios •vacuum(All Refurbishments (All& aspects) in & Services&aspects) Repointing Services BrushWoodsuppliedMD Building & burners vacuum and & ServicesContact fitted and KfluesevinBrush Bovis & vacuum BrickworkPAULOO GeneralExtensionsB BuilderEST MDBrush•• •Extensions •Electrics KitchenBuildingElectrics ElectricsPlasteringSpecialists & • • •BathroomModernisations ModernisationsRefurbishments (AllModernisationsvacuum& Servicesaspects)in Installations MDBrushWoodsupplied Building & burners vacuum and& Services fitted and fluesBrush & vacuum Fully insured MD BuildingBrickworkBrickworkO & Services MD•• •Extensions ElectricsKitchen• •Building Plastering Fencing & • Bathroom• Modernisations Refurbishments& (AllBlockpaving& Servicesaspects) Installations MDsuppliedAll Building work &and insuredServices fitted AVID YNN £100 load – £125 load MD BuildingPBrickworkOOAULExtensionsExtensions &B ServicesEST • •Kitchen• •Extensions Electrics •Driveways, PPlasteringSpecialists AUL& Bathroom • • Modernisations Patios Refurbishments(AllB inaspects) Installations & EST Repointing WoodsuppliedAll workSpecialists burners and certifiedinsured in fitted and toflues coverWood insurance burners and flues D W PAUL BEST OBrickworkPAULSpecialistsOOAULExtensions25 years inBEST ExperienceEST • WoodKitchen•• Kitchen •Driveways,• ElectricsPlastering AUL& &Bathroom Specialists Bathroomburners •Patios (AllModernisations aspects) Installations& ESTInstallations Repointing in and fluesWoodsuppliedAllAllWood workwork burners07885 andburners insuredinsured 651578fitted and and flues01622 fluesWood 430855 burners and flues 24 hours turn around. PAUL BEST PBrickworkOOSpecialistsAULOExtensionsExtensionsGeneralB in ESTBuilder Wood••• Driveways,Kitchen •Extensions Electrics•P Plastering•SpecialistsFULLY Fencing AUL& Bathroomburners Patios •• ModernisationsRefurbishments (AllINSURED&B &Blockpavingin aspects) InstallationsRepointing EST and fluesWoodAllsupplied• Extensions workSpecialists burners • Refurbishments andinsured in fitted and flues PAUL BEST • ExtensionsPBrickworkOOSpecialistsGeneralExtensionsExtensions General• RefurbishmentsB Builderin Builder •• WoodDriveways,•• •Extensions Driveways,Kitchen Electrics• •ExtensionsP FencingSpecialists & Patios •Bathroom•burners Patios ModernisationsRefurbishments & • Blockpaving &RefurbishmentsB & inRepointing InstallationsRepointing and fluesAll workSpecialists insured in Wood burners and flues Any moisture test welcome on delivery. • ExtensionsO O GeneralExtensions• Refurbishments Builder •• •Driveways, Kitchen•Extensions •Electrics FencingPlastering & Bathroom Patios ••& Modernisations Refurbishments (AllBlockpaving & aspects) InstallationsRepointing supplied•All AllExtensions•All Plasteringwork work work • Refurbishments and(Allinsured insured aspects)certified fitted tosupplied cover insurance and fitted Contact Claire: 07809 898745 • Extensions• PlasteringBrickworkOO OGeneralGeneralExtensions •25 Refurbishments(All years Builder Builderaspects) Experience ••supplied• KitchenDriveways, Driveways,• •Plastering BrickworkFencing• &Plastering Bathroom Patios Patios &(All andBlockpaving aspects)(All& &Installations Repointing Repointing aspects)fitted supplied•AllPest Extensionssupplied [email protected] control • andRefurbishments certified and fitted available fitted to cover insurance GREEN MAN Also other hardwoods available Brickwork • PlasteringBrickworkOBrickworkO GeneralGeneralExtensions25 (All years aspects) Builder Builder Experience supplied••Tel: Driveways,•Kitchen• •Electrics Fencing FencingPlastering MarkFULLY FULLY& Bathroom •Patios& & Modernisations 07841 Blockpaving and(AllBlockpavingINSURED INSURED & aspects) InstallationsRepointing fitted409061 AllsuppliedAllAll•• Electrics Plasteringwork workwork • Modernisations (Allandinsured certifiedcertified aspects) fitted toto coversuppliedcover insuranceinsurance and fitted Brickwork • Electrics• PlasteringBrickwork01622O 25 25General• yearsModernisations years(All 891960 aspects) Experience BuilderExperience • suppliedDriveways,• Electrics•••Brickwork Fencing FencingElectrics •Patios Modernisations& & •Blockpaving and Blockpaving Modernisations& Repointing fitted AllAll• Plasteringwork (Allinsuredcertified aspects) to coversupplied insurance and fitted Tree & Garden Services [email protected] BrickworkO • ElectricsOOO25 General•Extensions yearsModernisations ExperienceBuilder • KitchenDriveways,• Electrics• FencingBrickworkFULLYFULLYO & BathroomExtensions •Patios & ModernisationsINSURED INSUREDBlockpaving & Installations Repointing •All •Kitchen Electrics work & Bathroom • Modernisations certified Installations to cover insuranceinsurance Extensions • Kitchen• ElectricsOOO &O 25Bathroom25 General• ExtensionsyearsyearsModernisations Experience ExperienceInstallationsBuilder • AllKitchene:•• [email protected] workO & Bathroom & & INSUREDBathroom Blockpaving insured Installations Installations AllAllPestAll• ElectricsPest workwork work control control• Modernisations insuredcertified certified available available to to cover coverAll work insurance insurance insured FREE DELIVERY – FREE STACKING SERVICE O Extensions • Kitchen &OO BathroomExtensions25 years Installations Experience •• Tel: Driveways,KitchenTel:• FencingFULLY Mark OMark &Extensions Bathroom Patios & 07841INSURED Blockpaving07841 & InstallationsRepointing 409061 409061 All•• Kitchen Driveways,CameraAll work & work Bathroom Patios insured inspections & Installationsinsured Repointing availableAll work insured O Extensions •• Driveways,KitchenO016220774801622O & Bathroom GeneralExtensionsPatios & 891960630747891960 BuilderInstallationsRepointing •Tel:All Driveways,•, MarkworkFULLYFULLYO PatiosExtensions 07841 INSURED PatiosINSUREDinsured & Repointing & 409061 Repointing All•Pest KitchenPest work & controlcontrol Bathroom certifiedinsured Installations availableavailable to coverAll work insurance insured Hedge cutting O General Builder • Driveways,OOO 25Patios Generalyears & RepointingExperience Builder •Tel:All Driveways,e:e:• [email protected] [email protected] Patios & 07841 Blockpaving insured & BuilderRepointing 409061 • PestAllDriveways,• Fencingwork control Patios & Blockpavingcertified & Repointing available to cover insurance O • Driveways,• 01622Fencing01622O General 25Patios & yearsBlockpaving 891960891960 & Builder RepointingExperience Tel:Tel:• Mark FencingMarkFULLY•O FencingGeneral &07841 07841 INSURED Blockpaving & BlockpavingBuilder 409061 409061 •All PestDriveways,Pest work controlcontrol Patios certified & Repointing availableavailable to cover insurance Call Maidstone office: 01622 813750 O GeneralGeneral Builder Builder • 01622Fencing016220774807748O 25General& Blockpaving years 891960891960 630747630747 BuilderExperience Tel:Tel:Alle:e: [email protected] [email protected]• MarkFencingMarkworkFULLYO General &07841 07841 INSURED Blockpaving certified Builder 409061 409061 to coverPestCamera•AllCamera Fencing controlworkinsurance & Blockpaving inspections inspectionscertified Cleaningavailable Specialists to available All availablecover work insurance certified to cover insurance O 25 years Experience • 01622Fencing01622O O &25 Blockpaving 891960years891960 Experience e:Tel: [email protected] 07841 INSUREDyears Experience 409061 AllPestCameraWeddings• workFencingFULLY control & INSURED certifiedBlockpavinginspections attended available to cover availableAll work insurance certified to cover insurance Traditional Logs O 25 years Experience 07748FULLY0774801622O 2525 years INSUREDyears 630747891960630747 Experience Experience Tel:Alle:All [email protected] Mark workworkOOFULLY25 07841 years certified certifiedINSURED Experience 409061 toto covercoverAllPestCamera work controlinsuranceinsurance certified inspections available to cover availableAll work insurance certified to cover insurance or Mobile: 07854 615687 O 25 years Experience 07748FULLY01622 INSURED 630747891960 Tel:e:e: [email protected] [email protected] FULLYMarkFULLY25 07841INSURED INSUREDyears Experience 409061 CameraCameraFULLY INSURED inspectionsinspections availableavailable Hedge laying 0774807748FULLY01622 INSURED 630747 891960 Tel:e:Pest Mark control 07841 409061 available PestCameraWeddingsCameraWeddingsFULLY control INSURED inspections inspections attended availableattended available availablePest control available Tel: Mark0162207748 07841 891960630747 409061Building Planse:Tel: Mark 07841 409061 PestTel:CameraWeddingsMemberPest Mark control control07841 inspections of attended available409061the available ICS availablePest control available 01622 891960 Tel: Mark0774801622 07841 630747 891960 409061 Mark Mark01622 control 07841 07841 891960 409061 409061availableTel:PestCameraWeddings Mark control 07841 inspections attended 409061available availablePest control available Fencing Tel:e: [email protected] 01622Mark07748 07841 891960 630747 409061Building e:PestPlans [email protected] control 891960 availableTel:Weddingse:Weddings [email protected] Mark 07841 attendedattended 409061 0162201622 891960 891960 01622 891960BuildingBuilding Planse: Plans [email protected]: [email protected] 891960 e:CameraWeddingsWeddings [email protected] inspections of attended attendedofattended the the ICS ICS availableCamera inspections available e: [email protected] 630747Buildinge:Camera Plans [email protected] inspections 630747 availableCamerae: [email protected] inspections inspections available available 07748 630747 e: 630747 630747BuildingBuildingBuilding Plans 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Tel: 01622 892244 01622 630 330 Building Plans BuildingBuildingBuilding Plans PlansMemberMember Plans ofof thetheBuildingBuilding ICSICS Plans PlansHETASMemberHETASContactContact approvedapproved of Kevin the Kevin ICS Bovis BovisMemberMember ofof thethe ICSICS No1 Locally Since 1996 Building Plans HETAS approved HETASContactContact01622Contact approved 844385 Kevin KevinKevin Bovis BovisBovis HETAS approved Mobile: 07732 768331 HETASHETAS approvedapproved HETASContactHETASContactContactHETAS01622 approvedapproved Kevinapproved Kevin 844385Kevin BovisBovis Bovis HETAS HETAS approvedapproved Tel: 01622 236474 Contact016220788501622 844385 651578844385Kevin Bovis Maidstone Weald October 2017 39 Contact Kevin BovisContact016220162207885 844385 844385651578Kevin Bovis Contact Kevin Bovis [email protected] Contact Kevin BovisContact01622Contact0162201622cleansweepmaidstone@gmail.com01622Contact07885 844385 844385 844385Kevin844385Kevin 651578 Kevin BovisBovis Bovis ContactContact KevinKevin BovisBovis Contact Kevin [email protected] 844385651578 Telephone us for a FREE quotation today! [email protected] 844385 651578 651578651578 01622 844385 016220162207885cleansweepmaidstone@[email protected] 844385 844385651578 651578651578 844385 01622 844385 0162201622 844385844385 [email protected] 651578651578 0162201622 844385844385 38 Maidstone Weald OctoberMarch 2018 2017 [email protected]@[email protected] 651578 March 2018 38 Maidstone Weald March 201807885 651578 [email protected] 651578 07885 651578 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald March 2018 3939 38 Maidstone Weald October 201707885 651578 [email protected] 651578 651578 0788507885 651578651578 3838 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 [email protected] 651578 [email protected] 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 [email protected]@[email protected] 38383838 MaidstoneMaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 [email protected] [email protected] 3838 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 2017 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 38 Maidstone Weald October 201738 Maidstone Weald October 201738 Maidstone Weald October 2017 Maidstone Weald October 20173838 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 382017 Maidstone Weald October 2017 3838 Maidstone Weald October 2017 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 Maidstone Weald December 2017 39 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald DecemberDecember 20172017 3939 Sales Services Classified & Painting & Decorating Plumbing & Heating MoT Testing Chris Bourne Plumbing Services Free re-test and minor adjustments making water work Service & repairs carried out to all makes & models • Quality Decorating at a LOCAL NEWS Heating fair & competitive price Wall & Floor To advertise here Auto’s UPDATED DAILY Plumbing Tilyard • Dulux approved over Tiling Tyres • Exhausts • Tracking EVENTS - SERVICES & and reach over 88,000 Tel: 01622 663662 30 years experience Complete 25yrs experience FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY • Fully insured INFORMATION - ITEMS FOR SALE Bathrooms homes every month Unit 5, Bridge Industrial Estate, Wharf Road, , Maidstone ME15 6RR SERVICE WITHIN 10 MILE RADIUS Tel: 01622 737225 01622 747272 / Call our dedicated Your community website Mobile: 07816 149502 07885 950959 classified team on Larkrise, Green Lane, 01622 630330 email: [email protected] Boughton Monchelsea. 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See website for details 01622 961989 / 07830508369 RecruitmentEst. 1973 40 Maidstone Weald March 2018 2018 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald March March 2018 2018 4141 BOILER REPAIRS NAMM, BRAMM & NAMLC Registered BOILER INSTALLATIONS New Memorials Tablets, Plaques & Vases Cleaning, LANDLORDS GAS SAFETY CERTS Renovation & Restoration SERVICING Safety Inspections Memorial Insurance Arranged PLUMBING Free Brochures SYSTEM FLUSHING Telephone 01622 Birling762482 House, Snodland, ME6 HEATING UPGRADES 01233 636500 Housekeeper – responsible for leading the support services team *FREE QUOTATIONS* 96 hours per 401795 week rota 436178 ( 3 x 8 hours per 7 day week ) £9.352 perSutton hour Road Maidstone Kent ME15 9AH 68 Kent Avenue Ashford Kent TN24 8NQ TheHowt Mortimer Green Society offers Bobbing residential Sittingbourne care to adults with physical Kent disabilities. ME9 8QP

To complete our restructure, we are looking for a motivated, enthusiastic housekeeper to lead our dedicated support 62 Mid Kent Living services team in helping to make a difference to the lives of vulnerable adults.

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Full induction and training will be given.

Interview date : Week Commencing 13th November 2017 For an application form : Telephone Mel in Human Resources on 01634 244689 or Email: [email protected]

Frindsbury House, Wainscott, Rochester, ME3 Birling House, Snodland, ME6 Come and join our dedicated Care Team and make a difference to the lives of vulnerable adults. To complete our restructure to provide for our ever increasing care needs we are looking for motivated staff interested in developing their existing skills or pursuing new career opportunities. Wakeful Night Care Assistant, Rochester - Casual Night Care Assistants – Rochester and 176 hours per 4 week rota Snodland £8.15 per hour £8.15 per hour plus £0.97 per hour in lieu of holiday pay Wakeful Senior Night Carer, Snodland - Web Design 176 hours per 4 week rota Day Care Assistant, Rochester – 160 hours per 4 week rota Wakeful Senior Night Carer, Rochester – £8.15 per hour 176 hours per 4 week rota £9.93 per hour Day Senior Carer, Rochester – 160 hours per 4 week rota period The Mortimer Society offers residential care to adults £9.93 per hour with physical disabilities and is looking for enthusiastic people to join our friendly team providing outstanding care Interview date : Week Commencing 13th November 2017 and support for our residents. Candidates will preferably have a healthcare qualification however this is not For an application form : Web Design essential as full induction (including Skills for Care Telephone Mel in Human Resources on 01634 244689 or accredited Care Certificate) and training will be given. Email: [email protected]

42 Maidstone East November 2017 News X Factor date X FACTOR star Louisa Johnson Classified has been lined-up to headline the Princess Royal meets Big Day Out to be held in Maid- Waste Services Website Services stone in July. The singer, best known for the hit BestRecruitment Behaviour, will take the stage charity shopPublic workers Notices at on July 1. She announced the gig on Twit- THE PRINCESS Royal received a ter, saying: “Big news! I’ll be head- warm welcome from charity vol- Sous Chef Goods Vehicle Operators License lining the @BigDayOutUK Festival unteers when she visited the Save French Roofing Services Ltd of Unit 11a in MaidstoneThe Bull thisInn at July! Linton Can’t on waitthe southernThe Children outskirts shop of Maidstone in Maidstone. are Warmlake Business Estate, Sutton FOR ALL to see youlooking all there.”to increase their kitchen brigadeA crowd with of onlookers a second waitedSous Chef. out- Valence, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 3LQ is AlsoThe on right the candidate bill are Diversity, could easilyside work the their store way in Unionup to head Street chef. to see applying for a licence to use the above who wonSalary Britain’s according Got to Talent, age & andexperience.Princess Anne. She was greeted by address as an operating centre for 1 YOUR goods vehicle and 0 trailers. Owners or girl bandDue Atomic to the warmer Kitten, whomonths have approachingdignitaries we including are also looking the Mayor for of Bar/Waiting Staff, experience would be a bonus, but if you think you occupiers of land (including buildings) Kerry Katona in their line-up. Maidstone Cllr Derek Butler, the near the operating centre who believe have what it takes then drop your cv in or call 01622 743612. PUBLIC Louisa (19) won the X Factor in charity’s retail manager Cheryl that their use or enjoyment of that land 2015, after singing with mentor Rita Adams and voluntary shop leader, would be affected, should make written Karen Elphick, before going inside representations to the Traffic NOTICES Ora inCHEF the final. DE PARTIE Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 to meet shop workers. We are a gastro pub on the outskirts of Maidstone Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS9 6NF, stating The Princess, who has been presi- their reasons, within 21 days of this CONTACT specialising in fresh local produce. We have a newly Assault case dent of the charity since the 1970s, notice. Representors must at the same refurbished kitchen and a small friendly team. We A MAIDSTONE woman has been time send a copy of their representations are looking for an enthusiastic and hardspoke working of her appreciation of the con- to the applicant at the address given at 01622 chargedindividual with wounding to join our afterteam. anExperience al- tribution nessesary the & shop makes to the The Princess Royal is greeted by Cheryl Adams, the mayor and Karen Elphick leged stabbing in Shepway. the top of this notice. A Guide to Making progression possible for the right of the charity at home and Representations is available from the NicolaImmediate Goslitski start. (40), of Sutton abroad. lovedTraffic animals. Commissioner’s office. raised £40,000630033 for the charity last Road, wasPlease arrested send all C.V's after to [email protected] police were She or call also 01622 presented 831236 certificates to Among the dozens of onlookers year. called to a report of an assault in Dennis Foad, Brenda Harris and who watched the Princess depart More donations and customers Health & Beauty Westmorland Road on Sunday, Sylvia Thomas in honour of their was 88-year-old Betty Warren whoHelpare Find always welcome at the tiny shop April 30. OfficersFull time were toldHandyman that two long/ gardener service to /estate the charity. worker had waited for nearly an hour to see which is packed with goods ranging womenrequired had made must their way have to hos-good carpentrySeven-year-old skills Daisy, and the be daugh- keen her and was given a chair and a cup from clothing, children’s items, pital with arm injuries. They are be- ter of shop volunteer Lora Maxwell, of tea outside the shop.Looking Forkitchen A Friend ware and a collector’s cor- lieved to have knownto learn the suspect. new skillspresented for this the varied Princess role. Anne with a The charity shop opened in Union ner. There is also a “wanted board” Goslitski has been charged with posy and a card she had made. The Street in 1980 whenI am the trying building to ndfor peoplea old iend. who are looking for two countsWill work of wounding as part of a with team in- / alonecard on hada private a picture estate as of well a horse as other be- was boughtIf your for name £12,000. is Karen Thirty- & you weresomething previously in married particular to a and man the vol- jobs off site when required. Must have driving licence. Maidstone area. tent and one of possessing a knife cause Daisy had researched on the seven yearscalled later, Tony, its previously success lived contin- in Francisunteers Lane will Maidstone keep an & eyeworked out for internet and found that the Princess in a publicExperience place. with carpentry and horticultural machinery preferred. ues, with the volunteersfor WRIGHTS having them.WAREHOUSE Water Services Up to 24k pa depending on experience. Please get in touch on 01622 762437 Please Contact 07949456262 La Lueur Beauty Reliable, Get the glow you deserve local, Beauty treatments in the comfort of your home Accounts/Admin Assistant Gelish Manicure £20 • Waxing from £5 needed for growing Roo ng Contractor in Maidstone. We are Eyelash Extensions £50 • Bespoke Neal's Yard Remedies Facials £35 looking for someone to work 3 days a week 9am to 4pm with the experienced To book an appointment contact Lauren on: 07552237100 possibility of hours increasing in the future. Good Rates of Pay. Must be reliable, organised, accurate and exible with duties. 50% off your first treatment Basic knowledge of Sage essential. We are a close, friendly company who are looking for a new member to join our team. tradespeople Please contact Gemma on & service Pet Services Leisure 01622 664818 or info@frenchroo providers. ADVERTISE YOUR Find them all SPONSORED BY VACANCIES HERE Online

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were prepared to stand up and be counted and initial chestnut fencing for the dog particularly on the busy A25 through Pla�, o m e n o m e n for what they believed in, by actually path; Borough Green and Ightham. What is future for churches? voting against the plan. The two schools and Kent County Building much-needed slip roads at J5 of Cllr John Perry, ward member for Council have agreed that plans to put in the M25 would help substantially reduce MANY Anglican churches around churchyards are treasured by local Staplehurst at Maidstone Borough Council place protective covenants over the playing congestion along the A25 through Pla� and t t Maidstone face crippling financial communities. fields for the freeholders of properties in Borough Green. It would also improve air challenges and we must consider what There are huge emotional barriers Park playing field proposals Oakwood Road, will provide a long-term quality and enjoyment of the environment. will happen to them. MailMarks against demolition and using the land for guarantee that the fields will not be That is why I am encouraging everyone to ON Thursday, January 25, the Oakwood The priest in charge of , Langley, DENNIS FOWLE President other purposes. But can an empty, developed for housing; they will be respond to this important government Park Community Group held a public designated for education use only. consultation. It gives us the opportunity to Leeds, Broomfield and Kingswood has [email protected] unused church and churchyard just be warned in his newsle�er of continuing left to deteriorate and rot? Big questions meeting at Oakwood Park Grammar The meeting unanimously voted to make the Department for Transport aware declining finances and fears Otham and face society. School to present outline proposals to support the community group trustees to of the positive impact this could have on restore community access to the Oakwood Langley (losing £1,000 a month) could be Costs of running a church and parish I believe we shall see major changes continue working up the solution with the all our lives and environment. Park playing fields. bankrupt in three years. ‘Thin air will not are heavy and maintaining ancient over the next 20 years or so. Many will schools. You can email your response to The meeting was very well a�ended by finance our churches,’ he says. church buildings is very challenging. not like them. But they seem inevitable. Cllr Paul Harper and Brian Flinders, [email protected], residents and the school hall was full with A worrying newsle�er from the priest The has about 40 Oakwood Park Community Group write to SRN Initial Report Consultation, about 100 people present. in charge of the benefice covering parishes, most with their own church, Cars are a habit Department for Transport, 3/24 Minister Over the last six months, the group has Coxheath, East and , Linton and neighbouring Malling area increases  I S UPPORT the philosophy of park- House, 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P been talking to the Oakwood Park The big homes squeeze and Hunton includes a plan for a reduced that total to more than 50. In addition, and-ride in an endeavour to reduce traffic 4DR, or complete the online survey at Grammar School and St Augustine I READ with interest an article in your schedule of services. there are the churches of urban congestion in Maidstone – but is it a h�p:// Academy about restoring community edition regarding the future of the Otham For very many years we have seen the Maidstone, with large and central All dream that will not come true? Tom Tugendhat MP, Tonbridge & Malling access to the Oakwood Park playing fields. valley and a possible 5,000 social homes Church in decline. Parishes which had Saints the most prominent. The big problem is that most of us The Oakwood Park Community Group being placed there as part of the increased their own priest now so often share in a There is wide admiration or love of enjoy the speed, comfort, door-to-door and Oakwood Grammar and St Augustine housing allocation imposed on Maidstone Ge ing priorities right benefice of five or more parishes. these churches but, if so many of their availability and passenger-/luggage- Schools have now reached an outline by central government, over and above the AS A Bearsted resident, I read with interest But, very significantly, the size of true and dedicated supporters and carrying ability of our cars and see proposal, which was presented to the ridiculous 17,600 we’re trying to shoehorn the article regarding Virgin Media's congregations has mostly continued to financiers are fading away, how can they park-and-ride as an inferior alternative, meeting by Oakwood Park Community into this crowded borough. contractors having to remedy the fall. Churches which a few years ago survive? We now have our first warning unless right on our doorstep. Group trustees Brian Flinders and Cllr Paul I was amused and alarmed by the subtle (allegedly) poor reinstatement to ‘our’ worried that congregations were as low of potential bankruptcies and must It is a political hot potato again for Harper. sophistry of the language employed by roads. However, there is another side to as 30 or 40 now see them reduced to a expect more in the next few years. Maidstone Borough Council. Many The proposal in outline is: Golding Homes and Maidstone Borough this story. handful. Will anyone be able to finance and save Conservatives point to an annual loss to The fence around the playing fields will Council in trying to play down the When Kent County Council inspectors Much fund-raising and organisation these buildings? I do not think the we taxpayers of around £250,000 and remain; likelihood of such a major development, came to our road to examine the work now depends on the generosity and Church of England, government, local believe this money can be best spent to There will be access for the community yet saying it might very well happen! done by the contractors, they marked enthusiasm of ‘The Few’. Obviously, authorities and parish councils, the improve traffic flows. The majority of out of school hours, including spring and As opposed as I was to such a high level several areas for 'improvement. Myself and there is a limit to what they can do. lo�eries, charitable institutions and others councillors want to give it another try by summer evenings, weekends and school of housing without the local authorities another resident approached these So many organisations now suffer from will be able to take on this massive cost. making a £2.50 charge to park, but with holidays; sorting out the roads that will be needed to inspectors and commented that it seemed a lack of volunteers as our lives become I believe we shall soon see the closure all passengers in that vehicle then using Access will be through the gates (which cope with the traffic, we are where we are very odd that they were making these busier and horizons widen. This problem of churches, perhaps many, with only the the bus free. Will this incentive make us will be self-closing) in the fence nearest to with the whole ro�en business. assessments to areas that were actually certainly impacts on churches, too. strongest surviving. The strong will need switch to park-and-ride? With increased Oakwood Road and Queen’s Road; One fears that this type of story with now be�er than the condition of the rest of Religion no longer features strongly in to welcome their less fortunate parking charges in town and growing Access will be by an electronic key fob similar statements is likely to be more and the road surface already in place. most people’s lives and more now neighbours. congestion problems it is worth the trial system, fobs obtainable from the Oakwood more commonplace as the council tries to We were told that a report would be profess to having no faith. But many still If a church closes, does the building run. Park Community Group on payment of a find the space to put all the extra homes made to the appropriate people. claim their religion is Church of England, still have a future? Who will take on the The council needs to see it succeed. It is annual subscription, possibly £20, with government has foisted on us. Anyone using Roseacre Lane or Yeoman respect the Christmas and Easter festivals responsibility for its future and long-term an important feature of our new Local trustees’ discretion for any household in K Kennedy, via email Lane will testify to the absolutely appalling and wish for church christenings, upkeep? Some would be valuable to Plan to tackle Maidstone’s horrendous financial stress; condition of these roads and the weddings and funerals. But they do not benefit the local community in any traffic problems. It has been a long and A dog walking path will be created surrounding ones are no be�er. see themselves as church members or number of ways. But the costs of difficult campaign by the council, and I Improving the environment around the periphery of the site which will It seems highly inappropriate that the a�ending regular church services or achieving this could be immense. fear the worst. Our cars are an ingrained initially be demarcated by chestnut rail I AM encouraging residents to respond to a relevant authorities are criticising the work prayer meetings. Churches are memorials and their habit – and we love them. fencing, and a wildlife hedge, once it government consultation to push for new being done by the contractors (even if some grows up; slip roads at J5 of the M25. of it is sub-standard), when they do System just not working commi�ee, won praise from members. many of your readers know, I wonder, that The community group will encourage At the moment, the 18 miles between J2a nothing to improve the totally awful Sadly, the same cannot be said of the acorns are poisonous to most animals, residents to take part in wildlife activities of the M26 and J6 of the M25 is the longest condition they have allowed their roads in I HAVE great respect for Maidstone approved housing development scheme except pigs? Last September and October, I and other activities such as li�er picking. distance in the country without an exit. this area to get to. Hospital’s caring services but when things on the neighbouring Springfield site, lost three dearly loved horses through The community group will now work to Building slip roads here would ease Edward Paul, via email go wrong patient/carer anxieties can be which features an 18-storey residential acorn poisoning. One was found dead in immense. tower block. Such a tower block would be the field, another was so ill we had to have My wife received a le�er in the post at twice the height of Maidstone’s current him put to sleep the next day. The third 11.31am for an appointment at 11.45am the tallest building, Miller House, and more fought and fought to survive. He had The five editions of the Downs Mail are delivered to 90% of households in the Maidstone and Malling area, same day. I phoned the stated number than twice the height of the Old about six weeks in hospital and was reaching over 190, 000 readers every month. immediately. It was engaged. I managed to Springfield library tower. If built, this nursed at home before he finally got leave a message with the department’s u�erly incongruous building will peritonitis and was put to sleep. team. I phoned ‘appointments’ again, dominate the landscape of the county I now hate the oak tree and will never Maidstone North Maidstone South Maidstone East Maidstone Weald Malling received a message to wait and 15 minutes town. have one on any property I own. later was told I was ninth in the queue. There is a need for more new housing in Linda Savage, via email Current and archived editions are also free to read online at This call took a total of 29 minutes – and Maidstone, but surely we should expect the operator doubted she could pass on be�er than the incoherent and Stand up and be counted our apology to the consultant. unsatisfactory combined developments Contact our teams…. No wonder patients miss so many RE Woodcut Farm: I am afraid Cllr Tony approved or currently proposed for the Editorial Sales Accounts Dept. appointments. This system needs sorting. Springfield area of Maidstone? Harwood is not being entirely clear when Tim Harris, Weavering, Maidstone he indicates that he had misgivings over Editor: Simon Finlay Sales Manager: Bill Brett [email protected] Rob Illingworth, Moncktons Lane, 01622 630330 ext 229 Maidstone the Local Plan. Indeed, he never appeared[email protected] [email protected] 01622 734735 Tower block out of keeping to vote for the Local Plan for the simple 01622 630330 ext. 221 Mail Publications Ltd reason that he never turned up to the Assistant Editor: Jon Phipps Forge House Bountiful, but poisonous Advertising Sales Enquiry THE Redrow housing development on the council meetings when decisions over the [email protected] : Bearsted Green Business Park Springfield Mill site, recently approved by I HAVE just read the articles and le�er on future of the plan were being taken. 01622 630330 ext. 232 01622 630330 option 1 Bearsted, Maidstone ME14 4DT Maidstone Borough Council’s planning the amount of acorns last autumn. How This was in stark contrast to those

46 Maidstone Weald March 2018 Maidstone Weald March 2018 47 Over 50

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Downs Mail is published by Mail Publications Ltd (President — Dennis Fowle, Chairman — Claire Procter, Editor — Simon Finlay, Sales Manager — Bill Brett) 2 Forge House, Bearsted Green Business Park, Bearsted, Maidstone, Kent ME14 4DT 01622 630330 email: [email protected] Printed by Mortons.