2019-2020 2 Risk Management Agricultural Agrifood

COOPERATE ENRICH SHARE Gender Equality Agro-forestry ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 and buildabetterworld To strengthen skills,reduce inequality the vulnerabilityoffamilies To contribute,intangibleways,toreducing autonomous, profitable andsustainable enterprises thatare inclusive, To developcooperativeandassociative #ThinkCoop Sustainable Forestry and Climate Change Environment and OtherSectors Local Economic Development Housing of Contents Table Message from Foundation theSOCODEVI ...... Our projects in2019-2020...... teamThe SOCODEVI ...... 2019–2020 ...... Our network’s commitment ...... networkThe SOCODEVI ...... COVID-19 pandemic...... inColombia andPeruSOCODEVI ...... Victories andsuccess stories...... New projects The year innumbers...... intercooperationSOCODEVI Award...... Message from theexecutive director . Message from thepresident......

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 ...... 26 24-25 23 22 21 20 18-19 16-17 12-15 10-11 9 8 6-7 4-5

3 Table of Contents 4 Message from the president evolving Proudly BY CÉCILEB.PICHETTE,SOCODEVI President organization we canIn short, beproud ofourinternational cooperation diversity ofits activities. to develop, enablingSOCODEVI to significantly expand thescope and Africa. Strategic partnerships withother institutions are alsocontinuing organization by recently awarding projects, usnew particularly in concrete impacts, financial partners have reiterated theirtrust inour Thanks to theefforts oftheSOCODEVI team andourprojects’ through four continents organizations hasdirectly benefited 100,000peopleacross fairer world for everyone unchanged While SOCODEVI isgrowing andrenewing itself, ourpurposeremains around theworld. our cooperative journey, for thebenefit ofmarginalized populations professionalism have beenandwillcontinue to bethecornerstones of credibility ithasconsolidated withfinancial partners. Dedication and enriched by its experience inmore than40countries andby the SOCODEVI ischartingthecourse toward chapter anew inits history, our projects. : to reduce inequalitiesinasustainable way andbuilda ! — and indirectly impacted more than500,000people ! Over thepast year, SOCODEVI’s supportto

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 crisis — our activities over thecoming months.Thepeoplewe are supporting It isclear that theconstraints ofthepandemic willcontinue to shape to overcome thegreatest even ofobstacles. has weakened ourteams’ unwavering commitment orthepower of information and awareness tools have been created, and more. Nothing in place incollaboration withmunicipal digital authorities.New videoconference orindividually. Contingency planshave beenput Technical meetings withagricultural producers have beenheldby revamped into training for members ofcooperatives andassociations. populations duringthehealth crisis.Radio programs have been their and adaptability ofSOCODEVI staff, whohave beenable to rethink We would like to take theopportunityto highlightthecreativity faced withapressing needto combat climate change. partners ina world shakenbeneficiary by the COVID-19 pandemic and on sustainable inclusive growth for theorganization itself andits management strategic hasbeenworking onanew planthat willfocus we have thewindinoursails.Over thepast few months,SOCODEVI Even at atimewheninescapable challenges loomonthehorizon, upside down Staying thecourse inaworld turned who were sometimes already isolated andvulnerable before the actions andstrategies inorder to continue supporting — will needoursolidaritymore thanever. of people.Let’s act cooperatively andbehonoured to doso no matter how small,can make adifference inthelives ofthousands also tell effort you inlinewithSOCODEVI’s that every mission, of ourteam andofourentire cooperative andmutualnetwork. Ican that itwillcontinue to fulfilits missionthanks to thedetermination SOCODEVI isavaluable organization andthere isnodoubt inmymind and your presence Marcoux. I willmissyour enthusiasm,your consideration, your energy have hadthepleasure ofworking, Richard Lacasse andJean-Philippe organizations, SOCODEVI staff andthe general managers withwhom I Special thanksto theBoard members, ourcooperative andmutual closely withmenandwomen committed to buildingabetter world. Throughout mytimeat thehelm,Ihave felt privileged to work This year Iamfinishingmy own term asPresident ofSOCODEVI. contributions ! invaluable the SOCODEVI Board ofDirectors. Weare forever grateful for your Stéphanie Benoît(), whohave completed theirterms on Lafleur (Fédération descoopératives funéraires duQuébec)and Lessard (Confédération québécoise descoopératives d’habitation) , Jocelyn major contributions ofseveral people,includingJocelyne Rouleau generosity withtheirtimeandenergy. I’d like to acknowledge the This commitment alsofrequently shows through inindividuals’ our colours! Weare SOCODEVI face theimmensechallenges that liebefore us,together. So, let’s show demonstrate its commitment to ouruniqueorganization sowe can all SOCODEVI’s cooperative andmutualnetwork willonce again Cooperation isthekey to winningourbattles. Iamconvinced that Taking pride well-deserved Michel (Fédération québécoise descoopératives forestières) ; ! !

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5 Message from the president 6 Message from the executive director and cooperation Resilience path to afairer andmore prosperous world. around to theworld andinCanada,dayin, out, pave aconcrete determination by Quebeckers. Wehave adedicated team working hard movement. Inthisorganization, we have something unique,builtwith SOCODEVI family It iswithgreat enthusiasmandimmensepridethat Ijoinedthe organization we know today. instrumental in makingSOCODEVI thewidelyrecognized professional people indozens ofcountries. Richard andAlains’ work hasbeen to SOCODEVI’s and to development ouractions’ positive impact on Over thepast three decades, both have maderemarkable contributions and AlainPlouffe, theheadAsia andEurope division. oftheAmericas, pillars The past year hasalsoseenthedeparture oftwo ofourorganization’s history. disruption. There’s nodoubt that 2019–2020 willleave amark in Of course, for theentire world, ithasbeenayear ofenormous For SOCODEVI, thepast year hasbeenatimeofchange andevolution. BY JEAN-PHILIPPEMARCOUX, SOCODEVI Executive Director — Richard Lacasse, mypredecessor asChiefExecutive Officer, — a gem ofQuebec’s cooperative andmutual ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020

for local populations Colombia. WithSOCODEVI, we can always count onexcellent results the best partner we’ve outourprojects hadincarrying ever here in with SOCODEVI was another huge source ofpridefor me Listening to financial partners’ testimony aboutthetiesestablished success stories inColombia. by asecond-tier cooperative—whose creation stands as another ofour most advanced cocoa inthecountry, nursery set up, withoursupport, support ofSOCODEVI. Ahallmarkofmytripwas beingableto visitthe their associations’ membership since have benefited they from the words ofcocoa producers whohave seenanexponential increase in of ourteams andwas andthequalityoftheirwork, enrichedby the progress andimpact firsthand. My stay revealed to methededication I hadtheopportunityto travel to Colombia to witnessouractivities’ Pride andpositioninginthefield cooperatives. where we alsohave apositive record ofpartnerships andsupportfor our teams andpartners inBolivia,Guatemala, Honduras andPeru, ! ” Thissenseofprideisalsopalpable among : “ You are difficult context. Hats off partners andfamilies intheireconomic activities withinanextremely All have shown resilience andcreativity incontinuing to support spite ofthe dailychallenges before us andthepassage of time. staff at headquarters. Our deep commitment at SOCODEVI endures in colleagues, both workers development andnationals, andof allour I would like to note theexceptional work andcommitment ofallour living conditions. pandemic, andinworking handinwiththemto improve their families inmitigating thesocio-economic disruption caused by the in generations, SOCODEVI stands infirmsolidaritywith partners and currently working. Althoughtheworld ismore shaken thanithasbeen changes inthelives offamilies inthe15countries where we are It isimportant to remember that ourchiefgoal isto make concrete andabroad, anddrive more ever impressive results and impacts. multisectoral alliances, continue to spread ournameandreputation at commitment that are sure to lead to future partnerships andinnovative the challenge ofthepandemic withcreativity, innovation andrenewed recovery. Far SOCODEVI from beingoverwhelmed, hasresponded to laying thefoundation for asustainable andinclusive post-pandemic by nurturingtheresilience ofthecommunities we work withand More thanever, ourcollaborative approach isproving its worth promising thanever The cooperative approach family ”! &Europe ProgramAsia Director. Welcome to theextended “ HumanResourcesnew Department, andFrançois Dionne,asAmericas, I’d like to acknowledge thearrival ofCatherine inourbrand Koncsik, On arelated note, ourteam iscontinuing to grow andrenew itself! encouraging. rural populations are alsopositive Vietnam, reports abouttheimpact ofourefforts carried outwith we planto create divisioninSenegal. acountry InUkraine and strengthening ourpresence ontheAfrican continent And yet, we can go further even and partners inthecashew andcocoa industries. decades, hasbeencemented by theencouraging results ofourteams for local organizations andauthorities.Thisreputation, forged over SOCODEVI issynonymouswithpromising andeffective cooperation From thecapital, Abidjan,to theKorhogo region inthenorth, our organization’s positive standing throughout thecountry. Coast,In Africa, duringmytimeinIvory Iwas alsodelighted to witness : they have mydeepest: they gratitude. ! Inthecoming years, we willbe — the prospects for thefuture are

: more ; to thisend,



“ living conditions offamilies andbuildabetter world. and together, through ournetwork, we are continuing to improve the support ofSOCODEVI. Workingtogether isasource ofresilience, institutions, theirstaff andtheirmembers, andtheir continued In closing,Iwould beremiss not to acknowledge ourmember cocoa producer, Colombia PAULA YARCE, behind ! plots. We’re notbeingleft healthy seedlingsfor our us withmaterials, including and theproject isproviding The training isstillongoing the qualityofourproduction. We’re continuing to improve

7 Message from the executive director 8 SOCODEVI intercooperation award Award Award Intercooperation SOCODEVI contribution to ourprojects. and mutuals,aswell asto ofrecognition prominent individualswhoare deserving for theircommitment and year,Every thisaward isgiven to members, managers andemployees inSOCODEVI’s network ofcooperatives In 2019–2020,SOCODEVI hashighlighted theexceptional contributions of Heartfelt thanks,Mr. Genest a SOCODEVI ambassador. A pillarofcooperation andmutualaid,hewillalways be diligence andprofessionalism for whichheiswell known. Committee from 2009to 2018,arole heassumedwiththe Genest was ChairmanoftheAudit andRiskManagement El Salvador, Paraguay andMali. assignments to Bolivia,Peru,advisory Panama, Guatemala, Board ofDirectors from 2006to 2018andduringsupport including governance. Hewas a member oftheSOCODEVI He hasdemonstrated hisdedication onseveral fronts, projects andorganizations we supportaround theworld. willingtoever contribute hisexperience inorder to furtherthe Pierre Genest ispassionate aboutSOCODEVI’s missionand REPRESENTATIVE, SSQMANAGEMENT MUTUAL Pierre genest ! ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020

We are forever thankful,Mr. Lussier from thecountries where we are active. SOCODEVI here inCanada,helpingto welcome delegations organizations’ performance. Hehasalsobeenagreat allyfor and Mali)have enabledmanycooperators to improve their (Guatemala, Nicaragua andPeru) Coast andinAfrica (Ivory number ofyears. Hisvaluable contributions intheAmericas and commercial strategies withourpartners inthefield for a extensive expertise incooperative businessmanagement A dedicated cooperator, Luc Lussier hasbeensharinghis REPRESENTATIVE, CITADELLE COOPERATIVE Luc Lussier

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innumbers The year and government bodies supported and associative organizations COOPERATIVE 300 projects around theworld directly andindirectly impacted by our PEOPLE 500,000 Nearly


across PROJECTS 30 COUNTRIES 15 with oursupport improving theirlivingconditions WOMEN ANDYOUTHS 40,000 A portfolioofsome

9 The year in numbers 10 New projects Project fundedby ’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Agronomique (CNRA). d’Appui Rural auDéveloppement (ANADER)andtheCentre National deRecherche the Université Houphouët-Boigny), incollaboration withtheAgence Nationale (African Centre ofExcellence for Climate Change, Biodiversity andAgriculture of Land Use (WASCAL)andmore specifically its CEA-CCBAD Coast Ivory division and theWest African Science Center Service onClimate Change andAdapted ResearchDevelopment Centre (IDRC),willbeimplemented by SOCODEVI, Ouranos Coast.change inIvory Thethree-year project, fundedby Canada’s International cocoa cooperatives andmemberfamilies’ resilience to theimpacts ofclimate AdaptCoop isaninnovative appliedresearch project that willsustainably boost Increasing resilience to climate change Coast Ivory A few examples of new initiatives projects New

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 Support for forestry cooperatives Morocco department ofwater andforests. Project fundedby theGovernment ofCanadaandcarried outinpartnershipwithMorocco’s sustainable structures andcedar androsemary processing. goal ofcreating andmaintaining 2,000decent jobs(1,000 for women)—thanks to the performance ofadozen worker cooperatives intheforestry sector—with the and cedar forestry cooperatives inMorocco (COOPFAM) alsoaimsto improve project promoting Women's Empowerment through ofrosemary thedevelopment the livingconditions ofat least 10,000 members ofBerbercommunities. The SOCODEVI isreturning to Morocco five-year withanew project that willimprove : Project fundedby theGovernment ofCanada. climate change. Thefocus willbeonwomen farmers. practices andimplementinginnovative approaches to diminishtheeffects of will increase populations’ resilience to climate change by modernizingagricultural with access to andagricultural financialservices insurance. This$9.8millionproject The RESILIENCEproject willprovide tens ofthousandsfarmers inCasamance in Casamance Access to financialservices andagricultural insurance Senegal for International Studies andCooperation (CECI). Project fundedby theGovernment ofCanadaandcarried outincollaboration withtheCentre part inleadership programs. also helpwomen andyouths adopt climate-friendly agricultural practices andtake in agricultural areas through better production tools andmethods. Theproject will The FAR project isaimedat improving thelivingconditions ofnearly 15,000people Mozambique sector to optimize production tools andmethods Support to helpyouths andwomen inSenegal’s agricultural Senegal Project fundedby theGovernment ofCanada. in partnership withcivilsociety organizations. entrepreneurial activities andstructure inclusive livingenvironments Gaza. ThePAEF willfacilitate women’s access to sustainable andclimate-smart National UnionofFarmers (UNAC) inthesouthernprovinces ofMaputo and will directly benefitthousandsof women farmers affiliated withthe Mozambican families! TheRural Women’s Economic Empowerment SupportProject (PAEF) living conditions ofmore than15,000Mozambicans, namelywomen andtheir SOCODEVI isexpanding its influence five-year withanew project toimprove the Improving women’s livingconditions ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020

11 New projects 12 Victories and success stories “ communication commission head, RCCHT. OUSMANE FALL, parity inits policy statutes andregulations. men! WiththesupportofSOCODEVI, theUnionhasincludedagender d’habitation deThiès(URCCHT) isnow directed by sixwomen andfive In Senegal, theUnionrégionale descoopératives deconstruction et Coast. of directors oftwo SOCODEVI partner cooperatives inSenegal andIvory strides were madeinthearea ofwomen’s representation ontheboards Sustainable ModelCooperatives (PROCED) launchedin2019,giant From thefirst year Program oftheDevelopment for Inclusive and families Ivory Coast-Ghana-Senegal |PROCED8,000beneficiary decision-making bodies Turning thespotlight onwomen in success stories Victories and the benefitsofthismeasure. parity. SOCODEVI alsohighlighted greatly helpingmembers to adopt skill, courage andopenness, of responsibility. They have shown helped themholdthesepositions brought visibilityto women and persistence andvisionhave Their drive, intelligence,

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 ” “ PROCED isaSOCODEVI regional project fundedby theGovernment ofCanada. deputy treasurer onthenewBoard of Directors of UCONAKO. MS. SILUÉ, the Board ofDirectors Board. andonewoman, to theSupervisory the first timesince its inception in2015.Three women were elected to place inthedecision-makingbodiesofUCONAKO cooperative for Coast,In Ivory thanksto SOCODEVI’s women have support, taken their in thefuture. activities andeven aspire to leadit involved inthecooperative’s I encourage women to get more

” “ FAHO cooperative member, Coast. Ivory DJEMELEOU ADHANEANDRÉ, environment. have anegative impactonthe felling andslash-and-burnpractices chemicals inourcocoa fields,tree misuse ofinsecticidesandother together. We alsorealized thatthe improved. We make allourdecisions help to mywife. Ourrelationship has I realized thatIalsoneedto bea With theSOCODEVI FieldSchools,

” ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020

“ FAHO cooperative member, Coast. Ivory MIAN KOKO JACQUELINE, environment. self-confidence, entrepreneurial skillsand relationship withthe people are already seeingsignificant changes intheir family dynamics, were ableto improve theirlivingconditions. Withinafew months, environmental andgender equalitytraining program for families part inthefirst cohorts ofSOCODEVI FieldSchools Coast,In Ivory GhanaandSenegal, hundreds ofwomen andmentook A shiftindynamics because I’mawoman Never againwillIsay, ‘

’ ” I can’t — our inclusive agri- — and

13 Victories and success stories 14 Victories and success stories “ Senegalese beekeeper. BINETA BALDÉ, couple, because we’re communicating more. schools have brought usgreater harmonyasa that needto bemadefor ourfamily. Thefield husband hasstarted consulting meondecisions to meet ourneeds.Thanksto thetraining, my activities andwe even planto have more apiaries my husbandnow takes partinallmybeekeeping Thanks to theSOCODEVI FieldSchoolsprogram, of thenightwhenbeeshave settled down. Now Iwon’t inthemiddle bealoneintheapiary

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 “ BBN cooperative member, Ghana. AMINA SULE, ” has changedmylife to SOCODEVI for thisproject that our homeandIamsograteful to parboilrice. Joy hascome to husband hasbeenhelpingme SOCODEVI FieldSchools,my Since hetook partinthe


” 20 cows. One suchexample isthefamily ofGalynaIlnytska, whonow owns some of SOCODEVI, manyfamilies are fullydevoted to milkproduction. or two cows andsellsurplusmilklocally. Today, thanksto thesupport In someparts ofUkraine, itusedto becommon for afamily to own one Ukraine Entrepreneurship |Dairy Program |150families Women sector conquering thedairy ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020

“ The program isaSOCODEVI initiative fundedby theGovernment ofCanada. agricultural accounting. also benefitfrom essentialtraining for their activities, particularly in modernize andexpand theirfarms andacquire ones.Families new cooperative memberfamilies have received economic supportto industry.youths to thrive inthedairy Since 2014,more than150 Entrepreneurship ProgramThe Dairy inUkraine helpswomen and farmer. GALYNA ILNYTSKA, on production and nutrition much lessto do. Sowe can focus we have amilkingmachine,there’s involve milkingby hand.Now that they farms —because family why nobodywants to develop women. That’s themainreason by hand;thisisatask doneby it’s rare for a manto milkcows from milksales.Inour culture, family’s income coming exclusively At I first, couldn’t imagineour


15 Victories and success stories 16 SOCODEVI in Colombia and Peru “ conditions. income, helpingto provide thousandsoffamilies withimproved living These efficiency gains have translated into proportional increases in and 160%for thelivestock sector (guinea pig,milk andderivatives). mushroom, lupin, legume, quinoa, pomegranate andpassion fruit) 77% for theagricultural value chains(asparagus, avocado, coffee, years,In seven yieldsonfamily farms have grown by 100%,i.e., by member of HuarmeyCoop VILMA HUERTA, supported enterprises. technical andentrepreneurial andinterms level ofthegovernance of (PRODIVCOM). Theproject hasracked upsuccess after success on a and enhance theircompetitiveness intheextractive regions ofPeru SOCODEVI iscompleting its project to diversify associative enterprises 24 professionalized agricultural organizations Peru |PRODIVCOM |More than6,300beneficiaries - exceeding expectations andPeru inColombia SOCODEVI join theco-op. on to thenew members who we received andpassthem learned intheworkshops back allthegoodideasI I willalways to try bring

” ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020

in Peru. financial supportoftheGovernment ofCanadaandprivate companies PRODIVCOM was carried outby SOCODEVI from 2013to 2020withthe nearly 1,700hectares have beenreforested. modern, environmentally friendlyirrigation systems are runningand The environment hasalways beenpart oftheequation. Atotal of100 active role intheirorganizations andcommunities. decisions aboutresources andother family matters, andplayingan Today, thesewomen report havinghigherself-esteem, makingmore jobs have beencreated—almost halfofwhichare now heldby women. Across the24agricultural organizations supported, more than2,200

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processes. terms ofhuman resources andimproved living conditions andinternal and experience inorder to strengthen organizations, particularly in entities, includinguniversities, to continue sharingknowledge, tools institutional agreements have beenentered into withcivilsociety businesses to forge essentialtieswithother sectors. Inall,66 inter- The SOCODEVI project hasalsoenabledcooperatives andfamily ofsustainabledevelopment agroforestry andpastoral systems. women’ssupport, integration into thelocal formal economy andthe markets, theentrepreneurial environment, access to qualitytechnical several key factors, suchasaccess to local, regional andinternational activities. To this,SOCODEVI achieve hastaken action onimproving the competitiveness oftheiragricultural, forestry andpastoral improved theirlivingconditions. SOCODEVI hashelpedconsolidate By now, at theendofthis6-year project, 3,000families have 26 associative enterprises Colombia |PROCOMPITE |6,000peoplefrom in Colombia. Project fundedby theGovernment ofCanadaandprivate companies 2,400 99.7 800 91 % % 4 they learned inthetraining courses. reported beingmore confidentinapplyingwhat OF THE WOMEN of theproject. had increased theirincomeattheend PRODUCERS exported andmarketed abroad. produced by women (Cafe Mujer)have been MICROLOTS OFCOFFEE awareness program. have completed aleadership andvalue-chain WOMEN FARMERS for theirproducts. have undergone training onresponsible packaging MEN ANDWOMEN FARMERS

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 “ the country’s producers. equipped to commercialize theseprograms andboost theresilience of By theendofproject, thepublicandprivate sectors were well throughdeveloped aparticipatory process withlocal stakeholders. income insurance for thecocoa andcoffee sectors were gradually of theproject, crop insurance programs for therice sector andfarm companies ofthebenefits ofsuchprograms was difficult attheoutset management was introduced inColombia.Whileconvincing insurance Desjardins together withSOCODEVI, aculture ofagricultural risk Thanks to thePASAC project, ledby international Développement Colombia |PASAC |6private insurance companies management A new culture of agricultural risk for allagricultural risk-management activities. with Développement international Desjardins (DID).SOCODEVI was responsible Project fundedby theGovernment ofCanadaandcarried outinpartnership agricultural sector. international cooperation organizations, thegovernment andthe represents “ Financing oftheAgricultural Sector (FINAGRO), for whomPASAC of Agriculture andRural (MADR)andtheFund Development for the as well asgovernment officialsfrom both theColombianMinistry In total, staff from sixColombianinsurance companies were trained, Director of Finance andAdministration, SIAGRO. RICARDO SERRANO,

management intheagri-food sector. provides excellent supportfor financialrisk It selection andhighclaims)incheck. frequent problems inthesector (adverse and anoperating modelthathelpskeep area, withmore balanced parameters alternative for insuringrice farmers inthe Group crop insurance isan outstanding

a successful experience ofcoordination between

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17 SOCODEVI in Colombia and Peru 18 COVID-19 pandemic thepandemic Cooperation during -NATIVIDAD PADILLA, woman leader oftheYaconal community “ Government ofCanada. Cooperation inHealth andDevelopment (CCISD) withfinancialsupport from the PROMAVI isaninitiative ledby SOCODEVI andtheCentre for International and thepopulation, inparticular through radio communications. and information inorder to strengthen trust between theauthorities terms ofcommunication, emphasiswas placed onawareness-raising have long-term positive impacts onthenutritionofpopulations. In by providing support anddistributing inputs. Thisfast solutionwill in theregion, theinitiative promptly helpedcreate allotment gardens Given thepre-existing low availability ofagricultural andfood supplies virus. management, care andclosemonitoring ofanyone infected withthe protocol was to developed prevent transmission andensure theproper building was provided for professionals inthehealth network anda of thisplanare health, food safety andcommunications. Capacity counter thesocio-economic impacts ofthepandemic. Themainpillars with themunicipal authoritiesoftheChuquisaca region inorder to The Bolivia |PROMAVI Project families |5,000beneficiary of populations Taking actionto protect thehealth intheface of adversity Thestrength of theco-op network community. in thefieldschoolsandentire to helpoutmyrelatives, otherfamilies andencouragingis helpingmealot, me and thebillsare pilingup. ButPROMAVI to Ican runout. nolongergoto work, wasn’t worried, butthenthefood started At thebeginningofpandemic,I PROMAVI team swiftlyput contingency plansinplace together ” ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020

VIETNAM |VCED project |10,000families supported commercialization for cooperatives Successful and exports Canada. Project ledby SOCODEVI withthefinancialsupportofGovernment of environment andthusimprove theirlivingconditions. their farming techniques to produce their preserve high-qualityfruit, of SOCODEVI specialists at headquarters, are continuing to refine the cooperatives, withthehelpofVCED project staff andthesupport clients inEnglish.Inorder to expand into markets, new themembers of Our team’s presence helpedfacilitate exchanges andnegotiations with North America, after registering its pomelosunderthePinkLadylabel. within anational hypermarket chainandisgetting set to export to The Green Pomelo cooperative has also managed to market its pomelos first successful expedition, the contract was renewed. received by theToronto-based customer inApril2020.Following this A first container ofdragon fruit worth US$20 fruit andpomelosproduced by themembers ofthetwo cooperatives. an initialcampaign conducted inOctober 2019to promote thedragon between theThanhBinhcooperative andaCanadianbuyer following Green Pomelo andThanhBinhcooperatives. Acontract was signed Despite theslowdown inworld trade, businessispickingupfor the ,000 was shippedand

Adaptation of training courses Government ofCanadaandseveral private companies inColombia. Project carried outby SOCODEVI withthefinancialparticipationof without compromising thehealth ofproducing families. cocoa value chainhave beenreviewed to secure continued operations markets in spite ofpandemic-related restrictions. Allstages ofthe continued to better positionthemselves oninternational andnational strategic new developing aresult, alliances. associations have As have beensupported inmeeting theircommercial commitments and Thanks to ourteam inColombia,34cocoa-producing organizations members. in place to ensure operational continuity andcocoa purchases from have obtained stable incomes. Innovative mechanismshave beenput Thanks to theswiftadaptation oftheirassociative enterprises, families are helpingto ensure food securityfor thousandsofcocoa producers. In Colombia,SOCODEVI efforts viatheAGROEMPRENDE CACAO project 6,000 beneficiaries across 31 organizations Colombia |AGROEMPRENDE CACAO Project | pandemic Stable salariesinspite of the beneficiaries Guatemala |WAKLIIKProject |over 1,800direct FEDECOVERA andthefinancialsupportofGovernment ofCanada. The WAKLIIK project isbeingcarried outby SOCODEVI, withthecollaboration of being heldinpicturesque settings. distancing andmask-wearing guidelines—sometimesleading to classes allowed, training activities resumed outdoors whilefollowing social of ourlocal partner, FEDECOVERA. Whengatherings were once again was quicklyadapted for aradio format, withthehelpandexperience seedlings to create gardens. Thecontent oftheSOCODEVI FieldSchools Government ofCanada,biosafety equipmentwas distributed, aswell as of Not thepandemic even was ableto get intheway ofthefirst year WAKLIIK project activities. Thanksto financialsupportfrom the

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 of Canada. implemented by SOCODEVI withthefinancialsupport oftheGovernment The CAHOVA project isaninclusive development socio-economic initiative coffee, cocoa and rambutan value chains. The programs are intended for families working inthewood, pineresin, laying-hen distribution program to ensure family food security. the gender committees ofcooperatives, andared bean production and materials, anawareness program ondomestic violence together with program infour departments to distribute biosafety andinformation To mitigate theeffects ofthe pandemic, SOCODEVI hasalsoset up a withwhichtheCAHOVA project hasestablished ties. for theCanadianandAmerican markets, includingthe37roasting members at thebeginning ofthepandemic. Thecoffee willbedestined Thanks to thisfund,16,000kilosofcoffee were purchased from possible by thecreation ofaworking capital fundfor cooperatives. obtain three timesthemarket price for theircoffee! This feat was made CAHOVA project, whichhasenabledcoffee-producing families to Disruptions ininternational trade have not spelledtheendof of 42associative enterprises Honduras |CAHOVA Project |4,443memberfamilies Coffee that really pays


19 COVID-19 pandemic 20 The SOCODEVI network mutualnetwork cooperative and TheSOCODEVI • • • • • • memberinstitutions Auxiliary Member institutions mutuelles del’Université deSherbrooke (IRECUS) Institut derecherche et d’éducation pourlescoopératives et les La Financière agricole duQuébec(FADQ) Coopérative régional dedéveloppement duQuébec Coopérative funéraire desDeux-Rives Conseil québécois delacoopération et delamutualité (CQCM) Avantis Coopérative ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 • • • • • • Réseau delacoopération dutravail duQuébec(RÉSEAU) Nutrinor Novago Coopérative (MACIF) Mutuelle Assurance desCommerçants et Industriels de France La CoopComax La CoopAgrilait

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020 Our network’s commitment

SOCODEVI’s progress and success are rooted in close on the part of the member institutions in our Claude cooperative and mutual network. Boisvert VIETNAM Following are a few examples After studying all the cooperatives in the of intercooperation in 2019–2020 : VCED project, strategic project advisor Claude Boisvert contributed his hands-on experience at a workshop presented by the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. During his assignment, he supported the development of the Céline country’s cooperatives, including by Delhaes helping to draft a decree on cooperative

UKRAINE UKRAINE development. Women’s leadership in the dairy industry was a main focus of Agropur director Céline Delhaes during an assignment to Ukraine. Delhaes provided advisory support to the Valérie women participating in the project and Ouellet Novago spoke at the Business Women Network’s Annual Forum about her experience as a Valérie Ouellet, Communications Director leader of her co-operative. IVORY COAST IVORY of the Novago Cooperative, supported Our network’s commitment commitment Our network’s communication capacity-building for the teams of the UCONAKO cooperatives (in Korhogo) and FAHO (in Abengourou). This 21 support was made possible by the PROCED André project, led by SOCODEVI and funded by the Noël Canadian government. SENEGAL Previously Executive Director of the Fédération des coopératives d’habitation de Montréal and advisor for the Confédération Éric québécoise des coopératives d’habitation Simard (CQCH), André Noël worked in Senegal

this year as a volunteer advisor on HONDURAS Éric Simard of the Coopérative forestière management as Ferland-Boileau visited this small part of SOCODEVI’s support activities, in Central American country to speak with partnership with the Union régionale des representatives of a dozen organizations coopératives de construction et d’habitat de supported by SOCODEVI, thus contributing Thiès (URCCHT). to the success of their activities. 22 2019–2020 Board of Directors Director Benoît Caron Director Stéphanie Benoît coopératives d’alimentation duQuébec Chair oftheBoard oftheFédération des Director Clément Asselin coopératives forestières Director General oftheFédération québécoise des Secretary Jocelyn Lessard SSQ Groupe financier President andChiefExecutive Officer, Treasurer René Hamel Vice-Chair Jocelyne Rouleau Cooperative Director at Citadelle Maple SyrupProducers’ Chair Cécile B.Pichette Board memberat La Capitale Director Jacques Cotton Director Jacques Côté d’expertises coopératives Director General oftheConsortiumderessources et Director, Agropur Cooperative coopératives d’habitation President oftheConfédération québécoise des québécoise descoopératives d’habitation Director General oftheConfédération (untilFebruary 3,2020) (as ofMarch 26, 2020) (untilMarch 26,2020)

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 replaced by AnnieBeaupré asDirector. (FCFQ) was elected Secretary andJocelyn Lessard (FQCF) was Mailhot (Promutuel Assurance) was elected Vice-Chair. AlainLeclerc The Board ofDirectors was reshuffled onJune12,2020.Suzanne Director Alain Leclerc Director Michel Lafleur Director, SollioGroupe Coopératif Director Cathy Fraser Director Céline Delhaes coopératives enmilieuscolaire -COOPSCO Representative oftheFédération québécoise des Director Francis Viens Assurance President andChiefExecutive Officer ofHumania Director Stéphane Rochon Mutuelle Senior Vice President ofUV andAppointed Actuary Director Luc Pellerin Director at Promutuel Assurance Director Suzanne L.Mailhot funéraires duQuébec President oftheFédération descoopératives Director, Agropur cooperative funéraires duQuébec Director General oftheFédération descoopératives (untilSeptember 2019) (asofFebruary 3,2020) (as ofSeptember 2019)

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020

Jean-Philippe Virginie François Marcoux Levasseur Dionne CEO Africa Americas, Program Asia & Management Director Europe program Team Director

Matthieu Marie-Christine Luc Catherine Asselin Bélanger Simard Koncsik Marketing, Director Finance and Human Communication Consulting Administration Resources and Business Services Director Director Development & Innovation Director

Representatives and offices around the globe in 2019–2020 More than

Africa 300 IVORY COAST employees Alexandre Robitaille-Lachance spread across the planet so they Americas Abidjan can support partner organizations The SOCODEVI team BOLIVIA GHANA Ruben Escamilla and their family members. Beatrice Esses La Paz Bolgatanga 23

COLOMBIA MALI Martin Blackburn Paul Ankoundien Arama Caroline Poussart Aminata Sereme Maximiliano Sainz Segou Bogota Asia and Europe Jean-Baptiste Zoma Bamako GUATEMALA VIETNAM Hermenegildo Leal Quej Gaby Breton Coban MADAGASCAR Ho Chi Minh City Henri Bérubé Antsirabé HONDURAS UKRAINE Serge Lantagne Maksym Maximov Tegucigalpa SENEGAL Dnipropetrovsk Agricultural Ibrahima Gano Extension Services Casamance PERU Ivan Pankiv Mario Boivin Cheikh Ousmane Loum Lviv Agricultural Extension Lima Thiès Services ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020

Our activities 2019-2020 around the world

Americas Africa

1 1 IVORY COAST BOLIVIA 5 HONDURAS • Support Program for Climate Change • Multisectoral Program to Improve Living • Sustainable Economic Development for Adaptation for Cocoa Cooperatives Conditions in Rural Areas (PROMAVI) * Women and Youth in the Lempa Region (PCCI-ÉCOCACAO) (PROLEMPA) * 2 • Development of Inclusive and Sustainable COLOMBIA • Canada-Honduras Agroforestry Value Chain Model Cooperatives (PROCED) • Supporting Rural Cocoa Entrepreneurs in Project (CAHOVA) Colombia (AGROEMPRENDE CACAO) • Maximizing Opportunities in Cocoa Activity (MOCA) • Support for Agricultural Credit (PASAC) 6 PERU • Adaptation of Cocoa Cooperatives in a – Agricultural insurance and income • PERU Diversification & Improvement of Context of Climate Change in Côte d’Ivoire insurance component the Competitiveness of Associative and (AdaptCoop) * • Project to Strengthen the Competitiveness Cooperative Enterprises in Extractive Zones of Associative Rural Enterprises (PRODIVCOM) 2 GHANA (PROCOMPITE) • Economic Competitiveness and Diversification in Extractive Regions of Peru • Development of Inclusive and Sustainable Model Cooperatives (PROCED) 3 GUATEMALA (PRODIVCOM)

• Sustainable Economic Development 3 MADAGASCAR for Women and Youths in Alta Verapaz (WAKLIIK) • Technical Assistance to Agricultural Value Chains in the Hautes Terres (CASEF) *

4 HAITI • Strengthening Agri-food Value Chains and Adaptation to Climate Change (AVETI) *

Our projects in 2019-2020 Our projects • Water Management in the Artibonite Watershed (PROGEBA) *

• Project to Strengthen Agricultural Public 3 Services and Farmer Field Schools 24 (RESEPAG I) * 5

• Agricultural Credit and Insurance System 4 (SYFAAH) * 2 • Incentive Management and Technical 6 Assistance Support to Farmers in the Nord-Est and Grande Anse Departments 1 (PITAG) * 7 • National Support Program for Structuring Haitian Entrepreneurship (PANSEH) * 1 • Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems & Strengthening Irrigation Associations in the Southern Department (RESEPAG II) * ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020


4 MALI 6 MOZAMBIQUE • Commercialization Support for Cereal and • Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment * Projects carried out in the Garden Producers (Feere Diyara) Support Project context of various consortiums, partnerships and alliances with • Support to Small Farms for Market Access * 7 SENEGAL the following institutions : • Agricultural & Rural Credit (FARM) – Loan insurance & crop insurance component * • Development of Inclusive and Sustainable Model Cooperatives (PROCED) • AECOM • Public Speaking and Leadership for Women (Musoya) * • Women & Resilience in Agriculture (FAR) – • Alliance agricole internationale (AAI) Climate change adaptation * • Canadian Co-operative Association • Improved Rice Paddy Quality and Quality (CCA) Niébé Processing for Improved Nutrition • CASA Miel project * and Increased Farmer Development (GAFSP • RESILIENCE • CARE MMI/WFP-SOCODEVI) * • Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le 5 MOROCCO développement (CIRAD) • Projet for Women's Empowerment Asia and Europe • Centre de coopération internationale en through the development of rosemary and santé et développement (CCISD) cedar forestry cooperatives in Morocco • Centre d’étude et de coopération 1 (COOPFAM) UKRAINE internationale (CECI)

• Improving the Competitiveness • Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture of and Support for Entrepreneurship (CNFA) in the Dairy Sector • Développement international Desjardins (DID) 2 VIETNAM • FAO • Vietnam Cooperative Enterprise Development (VCED) • FEDECOVERA • Fiompiana Fambolena Malagasy Norvéziana (FIFAMANOR) - Centre de recherche et de développement rural en agriculture et élevage

• Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

• IMPACT in 2019-2020 Our projects

• Institut de recherche et d’éducation 1 pour les coopératives et les mutuelles de l’Université de Sherbrooke (IRECUS) 2 25 • OURANOS 5 • PAM


2 • SAHA

6 • Université Laval

3 • UPA Développement international (UPA DI) 26 Message from the SOCODEVI Foundation greater help Rallying to provide • • • • 2019-2020 FoundationSOCODEVI - Board of Directors for the improve theirliving conditions. communities that inourcooperative believe approach asaway to These are alltangible andsustainable initiatives assisting often isolated • • • • has translated into thousandsofdollars to enhance theorganization’s actions throughout theworld. Thisyear, this The purposeoftheSOCODEVI Foundation isto optimally supportand world: intercooperation. concretely appeal to thesixth principleofthecooperative andmutual health crisisinwhichwe are plunged. For us,thisisakey momentto build afairer world andhelpusallrecover from theunprecedented Solidarity withthepoorest members ofsociety isessentialinorder to BY GAÉTAN JODOIN,President of theSOCODEVI Foundation Director Guy Bouchard Secretary-Treasurer Patrick Cyr Vice-Chair Danielle Lacombe Chair Gaétan Jodoin facilities andequipmentfor hundreds offarming families inVietnam. Support theestablishment ofmodernprocessing andproduction beekeepers inCasamance, Senegal Help improve theworking andlivingconditions ofwomen Support technical training for young peopleon family farms inPeru dignified facilities where they can continue their studies Enable young women inGhanato have access to adequate and

• • • ; Director Raynald Baril Director Suzanne L. Mailhot Director Cathy Fraser :

ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 ;

; SOCODEVI. difference andthat we have anorganization at ourdisposalto doso today. Wemust realize once andfor allthat we can make real a than intimesofeconomic uncertainty, suchastheonewe are facing isournetwork’sNever firm commitment to solidaritymore valuable institutions andthedonors supported inallthesecountries, Iwarmly thankallthepartner On behalfofmenandwomen cooperative workers andthefamilies the campaign to supportSenegalese women beekeepers. activities, includinglast year’s golf tournament and,most recently, organizations from across Quebecalsoparticipated inourfundraising and theFonds Solidarité-Sud. Cooperative workers andmutual several partner institutions, suchasLaCapitale, SSQ, UV Mutuelle In 2019–2020,we were ableto count onfinancial contributions from Noteworthy contributions We thankyou from thebottom ofourhearts, Guy his perseverance andboundlessgenerosity willforever beremembered. is completing his term ontheFoundation’s Board ofDirectors thisyear, successful actions benefitingpeopleindifferent countries.Althoughhe flame, Guyhasbeena player andapillarin key good numberof the SOCODEVI Foundation. Ever the enthusiastic bearer of the SOCODEVI I would like to highlighttheinvaluable contribution ofGuyBouchard at Thank you, Guy ! ! !




ANNUAL REPORT2019 -2020 THIS EQUATES TO IN 2019-2020 Compensation 22,100 offset byplantations TONS OFeCO2 5,305

KM KM Planting



A program of

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