'am11.TONRICHARD2015(15 A 4 ._,...... 1.,. RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 Going to Hendon... tosee the R.A.F.? -then you must read these special featuresinthe June " AERO AND AIRWAYS " : Aerobatics at Hendon C.W. McKinleyThompson LET PROFESSOR Aerobatic Piloting and Formation Flying C. Clarkson How to Get to Hendon Aerodrome: EL-TANAH Special Road Map CAST YOUR HORO- and then there are these additional outstanding articles SCOPE ABSOLUTELY you will enjoy : Jean Batten's Return Flight from Australia H. W. Blood -Ryan FREE Before You Start a Long-distance DON'T MISS TO -MORROW'S Flight H. LeslieBrook Where Landing Means Death OPPORTUNITIES! Capt. F. McDermott M.P.H. of Birds in Flight Clifford W. Greatorex PROFESSOR EL-TANAH The wheel of fortune turns up new opportunities daily.The stars reveal them and tell you how to Space Flight Charles G.Philp Exalted Mystic and Astrol- take advantage of them.Consult the stars about What You Want to Know About Airship Design oger,willsend Amazing business,love,courtship, marriage ties,travel, speculation, knowing friends from enemies, lucky The Capricious Comets forecast ofyour Life and unlucky periods, and other information of Owen Cathcart -Jones ABSOLUTELY FREE. untold value.Send exact date and place of birth The Monospar ST18 Transport (hourif known) for a FREE forecast of your This Airport Business Seajay future by Professor EL-TANAH. Write your full Maps in two Colours: European name and addressplainly.You need send no Airlines in Operation this Sum- money but,if you wish, you may enclose 3d. to merand Great Britain's Internal cover postal and clerical expenses.The startling Air Services. predictions of the stars often lead to unexpected Motorless Flight fortune and happiness, which might otherwise Pilots Look Down at History never be obtained.Act now and post to -day. W. Oliver Europe's Civil Aircraft Then-and Now W. J.Chanell I 0 eSSOr Better Air Travel Leaping for Life Charles Dixon How Aero Engines Are Planned Tarmac 114.11t.t rks ELT NAH Success with a Motor -glider How to Overcome Bounce When THE FAMOUS EASTERN Landing Arthur Clark :111XEMBOR ASTROLOGER Everything in if:41041j* A Aviation for THISCOUPON Everybody in P.M. POST I -DM 3I.W.) TO (Dept EL-1ANAH PROFESSOR ISLANDS. 10 CHANNEL JERSEY, obligation. without FREE and send myHOROSCOPE ...... Please ...... orMO) tilkS SWEMIL ...... known) YEAR...... ADD (and Hour MOH AND PLACE OF DATE AND Al I))WAYS ...... for June - - whard TAUB ER who was successfullybooked by the B.B.C. for Wednesday, June 19. His broadcast was arranged with Stanford Robinson conducting the Theatre Orchestra. RADIO PICTORIAL June 21,1935


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4 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL

FAN MAIL Radio Pictorial-No.75 All B.B.C. announcers take letters Published by Bernard Jones Publications, Ltd., home to answer.It's the only 37-38 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. way of keeping pace with their Editor -in -Chief BERNARD E. JONES enormous Editorial Manager ROY J. O'CONNELL Editor ... KENNETH ULLYETT

What do announ- cers do in addition to announcing ? You hear their voices for a total of only an hour or so every day.What else do they do at the B.B.C. ? An Announcer's Job is not All Talking says John TRENT HOUGH an announcer is best known to listeners for his voice, the time spent in talking to the mike is but a small part of his working hours.Between the greeting which opens the programme and the valediction with which it ends, there are a hundred and one jobs for an announcer to do.His is one of the most exacting posts in the world. Not only must he have an agreeable, educated voice, a Southern English accent, a passable knowledge of French and German, impeccable manners, and a personality that will pass through the mike, but he must also possess a critical knowledge of music and be well informed on almost every topic. For it is part of his business to criticise and report on the programmes which he announces and to welcome in the studio authorities on almost every subject under the sun. A brief appearance in the studio to introduce a programme is the prelude to a period of intensive listening which occupies, strangely, the greater part of his time.Though he is not the final arbiter, his judgment of a programme will weigh with the authorities.An artist's reputation may be in his care, future engagements may depend in part on his report-he must listen carefully and be scrupulously fair.

So,after announcing an orchestra, he waits only long enough to be sure that the conductor has taken his cue and then departs to the listening room next door.Here, with a loud -speaker at his elbow, he will sink into a chair to listen and report. Most probably the orchestra is playing the kind of music that he likes. Presentation officials who allot duties to announcers, study their tastes, and itis more than likely that he has been chosen to announce this programme becaue it is the type that he enjoys.It is important that he should be in sympathy with his material. Maybe, you have noticed that Stuart Hibberd and his understudies handle most classical concerts while Freddie Grisewood and his juniors announce more variety bills than the others. This, too, is one of the reasons why an announcer may start work at six -thirty on the National programme, switch at eight to the Regional for an hour and return to the National later on.Perhaps you have noticed Senior B.B.C. Announcer that this often happens. Stuart Hibberd. His is The most delicate task sometimes. occurs before the announcer reaches certainlyafull-timejob even the mike.His duty sheet shows that Professor Blank is speaking on though he may spendonly metallurgy in Studio 3C at eight o'clock.Metallurgy is not his strong two hoursa day addressing subject, Professor Blank has not broadcast before and may be nervous. the mike. Better, therefore, to take no chances. Continued overleaf Radio Luxembourg programmes... pages 18-19 Paris, Radio Normandy,Radio -Cote D'Azure and EAQ Empire Trans- missions pages 23-28

IN THIS ISSUE This Sunday's Variety from the Continent page 29

5 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935

Possibly there are other words in the bulletin of doubtful pronunciation. Didn't a listener once write about his pronunciation of " zoological" ? An Announcer's job is not All Talking Safer to look it up and be certain this time.So he refers to the long list Continued from previous page of pronunciations prepared by the committee and then, taking the last sheets of the bulletin containing sports news from the editor, he passes into h glance through the script clipped to his board teaches him something the tower on his way to the studio, confident that he has mastered that job. about the talk.A hasty reference to a Who's Who in the announcer's room No small part of the evening will be spent travelling about the building, tells him that the lecturer was at his college.That's a bit of luck, though and the emergency key which every announcer carries in his waistcoat the Professor was up some years before his time, and the book also shows pocket will facilitate his transit.This key turned in a lock brings the lift that they share a passion for mountaineering.That's good; they have non-stop to the floor on which it is used. a taste in common. Later on he must make the journey to the big orchestral studio at Maida Armed with this knowledge, the announcer leaves his room on the fourth Vale to announce a symphony concert.So when this next programme is floor, passes into the studio tower, walks downstairs to the floor below, and well under way, he will return to the announcers' room, hand over to enters a studio where the professor is waiting with a member of the Talks another fellow, gather the remainder of his post into his pocket and run department.It is five minutes to eight.The lecturer is fidgeting, an downstairs to catch the car which is waiting in Portland Place to drive him unmistakable sign of nervousness, but there is plenty of time.In five to Delaware Road.On the journey there will just be time to open the rest minutes the red light will flash its message that the microphone is alive. of the mail-the envelopes that looked least interesting and were cast aside Meanwhile the speaker must be made to feel at home, and that is where for a later scrutiny. the points of contact disclosed by Who's Who will be of value. Extraordinary how many listeners can identify his voice !The day is They chat, talk turns to climbing mountains, the lecturer becomes past when letters arrived in shoals addressed to "The Announcer."A few interested, and by the time his turn is signalled the lecturer is completely still reach Broadcasting House from unknown admirers for the "Chief at ease.The announcer introduces the speaker at the mike and then slips Announcer," and these are answered by the department which handles all out to listen. programme letters from listeners.Envelopes addressed to announcers by Announcers work in shifts to cover the broadcasting day, from ten -fifteen name form the bulk of this post, and these letters are always read by the in the morning till midnight, and it frequently happens that an announcer individuals honoured. makes his first appearance at the mike reading the news at six. Some letters contain useful hints, others, invitations, more, inquiries about There is no hard and fast rule about the time of his arrival for this " turn," coughs and colds and some, protestations of love.Fans who write with but he rarely arrives after five and usually much earlier.He must study affection rarely add their names, so it is not possible to reply. the arrangements for the evening, collect manuscripts, announcements and Other letters are answered, some from the desk in the announcers' room report sheets, and clip them in the order in which he will need them on his during the late dance music per;od, when it is no longer necessary to listen three-ply board. carefully, and some from home where an announcer can work in peace. He is certain to find a mail on his desk, and usually gives it a once over As a change from the orderly turmoil of existence at Broadcasting House, before departing for the news room to study the bulletin in course of announcers mostly choose to live in the country. preparation.Many a slip when reading the news has been saved by fifteen Stuart Hibberd has a house in Kent and Freddie Grisewood's home is in minutes spent in the news room before the broadcast. , many miles beyond the London boundary. Maybe China is in the news again.Some of those place names are Both take letters home to answer; it is the only way of keeping pace with teasers, better consult Professor Lloyd James.There is just time, so he their enormous mail. rings up the School of Oriental Studies for a word with the phonetic expert Although an announcer may spend only two hours a day in addressing who is Secretary of the Spoken English Committee. the mike, his is certainly a full-time job. I AM AN ANNOUNCER'S WIFE...!

An announcer's job may not be all talking... buthow would you like to be a member of an announcer's family ?It has its drawbacks, says Ute Williams, wife of Stephen Williams, Chief English announcer at Radio Luxembourg. Mrs. Williams, a pretty German girl, has written us this domestic document in her quaint English.It speaks for itself. lovedradio,sohe only couldarriveathe promised me to take me with him on every Wiesbaden late on our wedding eve. The nexttravel...butthatwasbefore we were morning we were married at the Rathaus, inmarried. He said to me that I would not be the town hall, and the wedding was in Germanlong a widow. This naughty boy.I said to and English so that my husband later couldhim, " That's quite true, but just now I have not be able to say that he hasn't said " yes."got used to you and I would not like a new After the wedding we went to Frankfurt -husband." And look, there he goes to the am -Main for my pass from the British Con-telephone and ask for a seat for me. The sulate. When I had it from the Consul heluck was with him. No seat was available ! took away my German pass.. . and I was Yes, it's the same with all the promises men sorry because now I cannot ever go awaymake !So it was with the radio receiver I without my husband knowing ! should have. At first he says he will buy me a We had not told anybody in Luxembourgradio so that I can listen then to him and if I that we would marry, and when we werenot hear him any more I know that he is at nearly out of Germany we sent a telegram tohome in five minutes. I have not yet had the Gerald Carnes to say that Mr. and Mrs. Stephenradio so I think he does not like that I know Williams would be coming at 8.30. at what time he is finished so that he must Oh, I nearly had forgotten I would tell youcome at once at home. about being his wife.Somebody may think A long, long time before we were married it wonderful and easy ! A big mistake ! Won-he gave me a picture of him. He wrote plenty derful, yes, but not easy !The story aboutof nice words on it, and I think this picture awaking some men most women know, butis only for me. But the other day I finding he is such a lazy man !If the bath is readyhim sending the same picture for listeners I must pull him from the bed and tickle himwho write a nice letter and ask for an auto- till he wake up quite. graph and a picture. So now he must promise Then he must have the post which is notto take a picture only for me. small and the English newspaper.I am angry The Jubilee week was the first time I see that so much news isin the English news-. My husband had much work to do paper.Itis so long to read. And then heand I must go to the shops alone. But we saw goes to his bath. He must let run the watersome Jubilee procession and all the, decoration again, because the water is-with the time heof the streets, and some theatres and films. has taken for the letters and newspaper-cold.I like London and Liverpool where we went Some days ago Stephen looked at the clockto see Mr. Ayres of Littlewoods Pools. Mr. QSHALL I tell you how it is to be thewhen he had his post :it was 7.30.After heAyres gave me a real dog-an Airedale terrier. wife of a Radio Announcer ?Justhad bathed and shaved he looked again at theHe is called Beejay.My husband has just now my husbandisatthe Radioclock. Now she shows 8.30 !Stephen puttelephoned me he will come home to have tea. Studio looking after his concerts, soit up and shook it. He hold it on his ear. HeHe will come in ten minutes and I must make I have time to tell you things aboutrun to the window. The clock outside showsready the things.Then he will run back to him which you can only hear from me.8.30, too.He had only taken one hour. his radio.But for me itis wonderful to be Private things are most interesting,I think, We were over in England recently and mywife of an announcer. don't you ?I must begin at the beginning.husband was filming. Stephen comes home on In March of this year we were married atthe Friday night to tell me that he must go WiesbadeninGermany, Wiesbaden beingnext day back to Luxembourg.I jump out what you call " my home town." of the bed because I am glad about travelling. Stephen had not much time to leave hisStephen looked at me. He had forgotten that VIUAGAKA4 6 June 21, 1935 0 N T H E A I R

Judy Shirley (top (Above) Miss Ethel circle) sings with Glendinning,the MauriceWinnick wifeofRichard and his Band on Ainley, with their Wednesdaynext daughter "Polly." at 10.10 p.m. Miss Glendinning National isin thecast of "The Nightingale" on June 22,Re- gional, at 8.30 p.m. George Dolton (centrecircle)is broadcasting a group ofWest Sir Watford Davies Country songs will delight all his from West Region- listeners when he al,June25,at broadcasts next on 7.45 p.m. June24,at7.30 p.m., National

Joe Loss (bottom circle) andhis Band willnext playtoyou on atSaturday, 5.15 Junep.m., 29, National RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935

Harry Roy and Miss Elizabeth (" PrincessPearl ") Brooke, who haverecentlybecome engaged -a charmingSasha photo study

Discovery Radiolympia WhThen Stanford Robinson confessed that he had Meanwhile there is the exhibition at Olympia, never heard anyone like her before, I started where the B.B.C. will be staging a big to take a lot of notice.He had been listening to " Newsmonger's" vaudeville show.Lily Morris and " In Town a record of Erna Sack, which had just arrived To -night" are two attractions already arranged. from Holland.She is a singer with a tremendous Henry Hall will play on the stage for the last four range, and they say that she reaches the highest days and two other bands will share the rest of note in the world.The record satisfied everyone the run.There will be three shows a day from who heard it that Erna Sack has a most remarkable August 14 to 24, and the bill will be changed three voiceandwithoutfurther" audition,"Eric times during the exhibition.As last year, Eric Maschwitz booked her for Jubilee Gala on July 27. Maschwitz and John Sharman will be in charge Radio and there will be several relays from the stage. I hear, too, that the B.B.C.is to show two Ready for Vision remarkable models of Droitwich on its stand in So the Alexandra Palace isto be thefirst the hall. television station in London and work is starting immediately to transform a pillar hall, From World to Mike a masonic suite and a refreshment bar into studios, GOSSIP July is sometimes an " off " month in broad- dressing -rooms, workshops and offices.This is casting, but it will not be so this year.The bound to take time, and some months will pass O.B. men are relaying the King's reviews of the before Gerald Cock and Eustace Robb leave theirI am too wise to acclaim a " discovery " beforeNavy,Army,andAirForce.Thevariety elegant offices in Broadcasting -House for the wildsa broadcast,butIshalllisten on July12. department are broadcasting a jubilee programme of North London. Hildegarde is in same programme. each week and the drama director, not to be beaten, has in hand an all-star production of Your B.B.C. Ticket Gentle Toscanini ! Hassan, in which he hopes that Henry Ainley, Now is the time to write to the B.B.C. if you Toscanini was as great a success with the B.B.C.Leon Quartermaine, and Ion Swinley will all take want to see a show being broadcast. The Orchestra as the orchestra was with hint.Part - waiting list for admission to the studios,The famous conductor's methods are so gentle closed last August, has just been openedthat everyone enjoyed working for him.YetNormandy Time Signal again. Thousands of applications are pour-watching his dark burning eyes I was consciousT notice that the International Broadcasting ing in to Broadcasting House, and as they willof latent fire, but there were no fireworks at1 Company have instituted a novel time signal all be dealt with in turn, it will pay to write atrehearsal.I have seen a conductor gesticulatein the breakfast time broadcasts from Radio once.Don't be put off by the numbers.with anger,and another drophisbaton inNormandy.After the usual opening "trumpets," About five hundred visitors are present in theexasperation; Toscanini has a gentler and morethe announcer says "It is now 8.15 a.m.," and studios each week, so two or three thousandeffectual way.After his last concert they askedthroughout the programme the exact time is given are soon wiped off the waiting list. him to return, and no one will be more disappointedout at the conclusion of each musical number. than members of the orchestra if he does not comeThese time signals are proving a great boon to They are Funny ! again. listeners who are hurrying toget readyfor Meet Walter Badham, broadcasting for the business, and apparently young boys and girls first time in an Entertainment Hour onLast "Music Hall " appreciate them, too. One mother wrote how her July 12.He is a lad from the Midlands who The last music hall for a couple of months willyoung son Michael eats a better breakfast as he writes his own songs, and they are funny.Ernest be broadcast on July 13, and John Sharmandoes not have to worry about arriving late at Longstaffe picked him out at audition last weekis trying to collect a bumper bill.A fresh seriesschool through the clock being slow. and promptly booked him for this programme.will start in September, when I hear that another It then transpired that Henry Hall had heard himold favourite-Songs from the Shows-will beNot Good Taste on holiday at Selsey last summer.Henry hadback again.Listeners never seem to tire of these An American organisation has just produced a said that he ought to blow in and try his luck atJohn Watt programmes.Anyway,theyare new set of rules for broadcasters.It seems the B.B.C., but he had taken a long time to do it.always writing to the B.B.C. asking for more. that some advertisements were not in good taste.

8 At Home with Jack JacksonCleaning up the B.B.C. When you June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL

Now, I learn, that they are burning the midnight oil round at St. George's Hall, preparing a list ofRadio Reunion "Don'ts" to be hung on the walls of dressing - Dropping into a rehearsal of that bright play, Dance ..471zoic al the Week rooms.I don't know what the result will be, The Golden Hind, Iwas impressed by the but I guess that it will read something like this :perfect understanding between the producer and "Don't advertise."" Don't depart from thehis cast. Between scenes, during a break for coffee, Monday-Jack Jackson and his script."" Don't slip in an extra gag." I discovered that Peter Cresswell (the producer), Band-Dorchester Hotel. Flora Robson (Queen Elizabeth) and Richard Goolden (Chaplain) in the play had started their Tuesday-Lew Stone and his Band stage career together at the Oxford Playhouse -Studio. in J. B. Fagan's Company. They have all become famous since those days, and were delighted to Wednesday-Maurice Wirmick "Christopher Stone be working together again.It was a pleasure to and his Orchestra-San Marco Calling ,, be present at such a reunion. Restaurant. MY blotter has an odd habit of collect- Breakfast Time Broadcasts Thursday-B.B.C. Dance Orches- ing scraps of paper on which stray T was glad to learn that the Cashmere Bouquet tra directed by Henry Hall- thoughts and quotations have been 1 Trio who have proved so popular in recent scribbled.It is a sort of refuge for things SundayafternoontransmissionsfromRadio Studio. that are too shapeless to be filed away in Luxembourg, are now to be heard in the breakfast pigeon -holes and yet not worthless enough to time broadcasts from Radio Normandy.The Friday-Harry Roy and his Band be thrown into the waste paper basket. Trio's first concert will be given on Thursday, -May Fair Hotel. Properly they should be kept in a " com- July4,at 8.30 a.m.If you have not yet heard monplace book." these programmes, I should certainly advise you Saturday-Ambrose and his Em- To -day, while performing the rare ceremony to tune in to Radio Normandy every Thursday bassy Orchestra-Studio. of renewing the blotting -paper in this blotter, morning. J andwhilemeditating uponthepresent doldrums which threaten to hold the entire gramophone record business becalmed, I came across two slips of paper on which I had written quotations at some untraceable date. Aerobatics from Your Armchair The first was from an article in the RADIO Thrills from Hendon on Saturday, June 29 when Squadron -leader TIMES by Sidney Dark. "The telephone is the curse of my working Helmore gives a running commentary on the R.A.F. Display day and the gramophone the curse of what might be my restful evenings." (9NSaturday, June 29, the best part of The other was the beginning of a short a quarter of a millionpeople will story, with the scene apparently laid at a gather at HendonAerodrome to race -meeting. watch an exhibition of the world's "The rainfellsteadily and impartially most polished flying-the annual R.A.F. dis- upon the paddock and the starting -gate, play, which has now becometheflying event upon the top hats in the enclosure and upon of the air. the gipsies and crowds on the hill side.It So much so, in fact, that the B.B.C. has again fell with equal force upon the just and the arranged for a special relay and again-almost not quite on the County Lawn." inevitably, it seems-listeners will welcome the Then a third slip of paper caught my eyes, breezy commentary of Squadron -Leader Helmore. with a quotation fromTheObserver. A very great deal of interest in an event of this " Every art is beset with the temptation kind is lost by not being able to see what is to cater for the greatest ignorance of the going on.However spectacular the aerobatic, greatest number." the commentator cannot possibly convey the whole In those three quotations, if you are any- thrill to those who are listening at a distance. thing of an amateur moralist, you will find Among the main items of the Display-it is no food for some prolonged meditations. At longer called the R.A.F. Pageant, although many least I did-and I am the laziest and most prefer the old name-must be mentioned air drill amateurish of moralists. by three squadrons of Harts; squadron air drill But fear not-I can keep my thoughts to by Gaunttets; inverted flying; smoke patterns; myself, at least on the subject of the "only demonstration of a pterodactyl fighter (a machine justs" and the "not quites "which make that looks as if it is all " wing") ; low flying attacks; up nine -tenths of the monthly lists of new parachute jumping;. fly past of flying boats; and records.I shall get into trouble if I don't. aerial skittles. However, thereis one particular record The really spectacular events are those that that simply must be bought by you even if come under the heading of aerobatics-officially you only play it through once-or not even any manoeuvre that is not normal straight flying Squadron -leaderHelmore, once-before storing it away in some safe whoisgiving the B.B.C. -turns, sideslips, dives,. spins, and landing. here place for the benefit of your grandchildren, " Iwould have includedspinning,vertical commentary, seen or someone else's. diving, and sideslipping myself," writes Flight - with Sir Alan Cobham. It is a 4s. record, the number is H.M.V. Lieutenant C. W. McKinley Thompson, ina RC 2747, and the profits go to charities. special acrobatic article in the June issue ofrolling, half rolling, and rolling off the top of a On one side is the King's Silver Jubilee (1s.). more Broadcast to the Empire on May 6, authentic AeroandAirways "Anything loop. and complete(withthethroat -clearing), acrobatic, spectacular, or dangerous -looking than Quite apart from the spectacular value to the exactly as we heard it on that memorable recovery from any of these 'juggles with death'observer, acrobatic training has a beneficial effect evening. with only a few feet of height to spare, is hard toon the pilot; indeed, the qualities that it develops On the other is a really wonderful impres- imagine." are very desirable ones to be found in any pilot sion of the Royal Procession to St. Paul's And Flight -Lieutenant Thompson should know,and cannot be ignored with impunity by those Cathedral earlier on the same day.If you for he was a test pilot at Martlesham Heath forwho confine their flying activities to commercial heard the broadcast you will be thrilled to six years and during 2,000 hours of flying hasand private flying.A good acrobatic pilot always hear again the surge of cheering, the clatter handled fifty-seven different types of aircraft ! feels that he isflying the machine and not it of hoofs (or hooves) and the lucid excitement Having seen what aerobatics are not, it will beflying him. of the commentators, Gerald Cock at Temple as well to note that the commonest are looping Indeed, a good acrobatic pilot has a " some- Bar and Commander King -Hall at St. Paul's. and rolling, nearly every other acrobatic man-thing" quite on his own, and to an expert eye There are lots of other historicJubilee oeuvre being a variation or combination of theseitispossible to pick out various well-known records,ifyour purse can indulge your two fundamental "stunts." acrobatic pilots by the sequence and smoothness grandchildren to that extent; but this one When you are listening to the relay fromof their movements," as C. Clarkson points out in is outstanding.Don't wait to be reminded Hendon, remember that for weeks pilots all overa further acrobatic article inAero andAirways. of it again. Get it at once. the country have been patiently practising for Early in his acrobatic training the pilot becomes By the way, there will be a very charming this great day-plain loops, rockets loops, forma-used to the feel of his aircraft under a variety of lady as my guest in the Ovaltine Time tion looping, slow rolling, flick rolling, upwardconditions and in a variety of positions.He Programmeat9.30on Sunday(Radio - learns that it will always obey certain laws of Luxembourg) unless plans go wrong.You aerodynamics; that certain control movements will like to hear her again, and I hope she will will always produce certain results.In short, he stay till Mary brings my cup of Ovaltine, Make the most of theR.A.F.Display, no matter gains a self-confidence in himself and a confidence at 10 o'clock. whetheryou go toHendon orlisten to theB.B.C. in the machine that would be quite beyond him commentary. There's a special articleinthe were he not taught aerobatics as a standard part lune issue of"Aeroand Airways" (Is. at all book- of his pilot's training. stalls) and a helpful road map for everyone who is Remember, though, that the pilot is hard at CL, going to the Display. work while you are listening to a description of his aerobatics-from your armchair I visit the studios-fine featuresin next Friday's " Radio Pictorial ". 9 nAL)10 PICTORIAL June 21,

Day inMyLife A ! qfMidlandRegional -RUTHFIELD day inher life, "JUDY describes atypical Regional Hour atMidland GodfreyWinn chief oftheChildren's told to The new in diaryform, as the Kent My lastjob withmissed all Verypleasant.exile, andI frankly breakfast.Service meant to ride Family Social large family. Am I going Council ofmembers of my business. tennis?Will about theday'smake up afour at 8the otherdisperses time to 8.30.-FamilyWill I behome in B.B.C. volente. Prefer to Yes, yes, yes, intoBirmingham. this evening?the librarybooks? father's car the I change offered alift in my to digest 8.45.-Am that givesme timecontroversy . . . Kenilworth, as that the of life, catch the train from Notice withamusementhas taken anew lease 9 o'clock in peace.. the sexes OxfordUnion, morning papers otherwise) of to the sanctuaries, equality (or of womenundergraduatesweremasculine I had a about the admittance day, these I found owing tothe Club.In my to violate. perhaps O.U.D.S. hadn't theleast desiredespite, or,who knows,towards and thepersonally, I Somerville, attitude which, when I wasup at superior,shunning lovely time undergraduates'I am at ... duty atthe because of,the male But here sergeant onwith, and on codnterparts. with the side by side been their female good-morningsday's work, of fact,I have 9.45.-Exchanging uponanother As a matter the first to embark colleagues. into thebuilding for still door, aboutterms as,my malesince I came byeverything, the same bewildered There issuch a with kindnessstill slightly . . . overwhelmedweeks ago.I am processenormously.behind thescenes. time a few enjoying the studios and letters.Tactfully, finding myfeet, but in the morning's to say friendlyatmosphere,shows methe writing afew lines universally secretary " I am but really,the letter that starts : . . . the 10o'clock.-Mytop the one lately" is anxiousto know she has puton the Children'sCornerlistener who that werecently I likethe from a instrument how much pleasure isthe priceof the infant !Apparently, that givesme mostnature and of asquallingparrot, whoimme- used to playthe part with her and a greatsuccess theproceedings,Polly it scored its ownversion of repetitions diately gave with afew more repertoire. hopeful that its alreadylargeHowever, I she is new actto add to will say ! will have awhat herneighbours of thegramophone I wonder and the name usualreliable send herthe number being our gramophonenoises. hand with record-thefor allkinds of hand in instrument Hattonarrives, The MSS. 10.30.-Charles himenthusiastically. stories, I greet Smallchildrenexciting a newstory. disappointing.stories withan been rather adventure the chief lately havefantasy, bestof all, experiences arepeople who submittedare pure oninterestingSo manyof the opinion, stories that with talksmy wants. in my climax, these,togetherI classify the mistake,level of achild's under which Hour make is the as abroad- headingsmaterial forthe Children'sto whatthey thinkKing -Hall, submit writing down ofCommander nothing under deliberately success there ispractically explained of The enormousproof that properly andsimply intelligence. abundant if it is As forthe purely caster, issurely cantunderstand as anequal.imagine thatalmost that children to them should That's not the sun who talks Hour, I children. to themby someonetheChildren's listenas how peopleflock side of grown-ups remember the entertainment as manyreally, whenyou Symphony" on surprising, "Coloured all beingchildren the latestDisney about us ! to see trite sayingmeaning byBroadcastingpro- screen.The oldgiven a new the first has been touches to Something at heart finishing invention. 11o'clock.-Putcompletely myownMartin (alias,Martyn grammethat is Gerald for all agesof children.


producer) sings Webster, our owndramaticChildren's Hour, delightfully inthe of very time, andanother member when he has " fromtime to time the staffwho " obligesHarold Casey,whose Executive Chief, is our are justlypopular.into the marching songsGretton bursts to me 11.30.-David kindly sent upWill room withsomeoneTalks Director. from DenisLast,audition our as apossible artist I give heran Certainly, ifI can get reading. Midland for poetryUsually wehold ourin the a studio.auditions oncea month Regional discover newmalleable studiosthemselves to E. G.Hilton with material. Westill haveabout it?" talks, us, doinghis "Whatof a lighteredition which are inthe natureAs theauthor is King -Hall. Circuit, it issafe of Stephen Midland on the with usindefinitely. a barristerhe will stay animal talks to hope thatDavidson, whose who Also, Gladys Holloway, popular, andNorah are Irish talesverycharmingly. reads her own popularbroadcasters I am surethat theseintroduction toregular will need nofurther Midlandlisteners. with Martyn 12 o'clock.-Conferenceplays. Hasanything been Webster about that might submitted tohisdepartment,Hour? Can for theChildrep's casting ? be suitable assistance over shows he give mesomeof over ahundred sponsor possibleposition As the he is inthe best all available last year,the"low-down"on know to give me Of course,I already acting talent. favourites like the workof oldButler, butI and respect and Alfred of a very Hugh Mortonto takethe part ? want someone suggest someone regal old man,can he away to a he can !I hurry I frantically Of course, I consciousness, as the . of it that back of my Judy" on rehearsal atwish atthe end into the gap."Here's " Hour. 12.30 and more.This momen- thoughts recede bridge the Children's half a dozen vanishes, " Holiday possibles' toMidlandRegional could have quickly telephone halfa dozen for the I havealready tary moodof depressionfor lunchdown town, a newcomer a story a friend oursummer 'phone booking in to seeme about correspondence, when I join planning writer comes each otherthrough shall and westart 3.20 a only know I decidewhether shefor unfolding a Vienna and As we voice, beforeSometimes itis better holidays. mentally expeditions tojealousy andaccepted.anxious tohear her correctmicro- 2o'clock.-Still already madeheart with I am themicrophone. They have makes so I have fills my trip hemade to herself over do this. map ofEurope. companion account of a read it expertreaders to notpossess-itpersonality is an Andorra, butmy on an by touristone of our which theauthor may-trained that he embarks is stilluntouchedmuch in our technique professionally and for yearning when Its beautyexchange isvery phone often a It isimpersonal general Ragusa lastsummer. that the parades onthe beach.muchdifference. Soauthor'swork. enhances the the fact fashion hotel, help to an a pointand thus traffic, despiteThere are nocasinos bathing,and a verycomfortable Asenormous doesn't miss where allthe favour. magnificent the mountains. very reason having tea, themselves, there is be madeby car into were the enormously.the board-room, at will,help However,expeditions to assured methat theyreminded himeffect and out swallowing my and lovely They 4o'clock.-In wander in As I am tell people, mycompanionhad everseen. shepherd boymembers ofthe staff mouthfuls. proceeds to for the that he Everyguarding his gossipbetweenat myelbow, who burner, who mostbeautiful race the OldTestament.be David, arid exchangeI findDenis Last a youngcharcoal the illustrations of side might handssolemnlysecond cup, story about to makecharcoal in of the on themountainthey allraise their way.... enchanting on howhe used you meet As you pass, speeding youon your Stillme an give a talk when -father's flocks. cry, respective ways. arrived to themicrophone,escaping Addios, theyother on our wanderlust,Forest ofDean. till heapproachednoise likesteam, in salutation.speed each of myslumberingback to the All wentwell, loud hissing that thespeaker's 2.30.-Weintoxicated byhis evocation New Street, in my sound was a Lastdiscovered by theloud- slightly unromantic has occurred the only engine ! times over teeth. way upprosaic, minor crisis part in "Thefrom arailwaymagnified athousand two front I make my that awas goingto take Holiday between hisapplied andfailed. office whereI discoverpeople who laryngitis. acutesibilance,due to asmall gap was either. One of the hasdeveloped I franticallyspelker, was form of awad of papernot stayin place, absence. Willows" consciousness, asIt's an extra- in the It would returned Wind andthe of my gap. First aid was nexttried. gloomily Lastcharcoal - recede intothe back bridge the onehasn'tChewing -gum disconsolately : burst the thoughts possibles, to but when seems to mandeparted Suddenly, in it," hecried, telephone half adozen discovered,the ante -room The young passed. it, I've got the gap thing, Ihave already to fill, that an office.An hoursmile. "I've got had filled ordinary programme but themoment to his a radiant His wife of spacein the for work, other engage-burner with And thesolution ? an inch applicants to have teeth. ! with they all seem baring his hat elastic page 14) be burstingvacancyoccurs, send backwith a pieceof white(Continued on unexpected forauditions,middle of ments ! letters,make datesof regret.In the 2.45.-Dictate polite notes batches ofMSS. with . which at . . RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 3HE -is either Miss Wynne she never broadcasts. Her tastes AjelloorMrs.Wynne are certainly catholic.She plays Ajello, just as you please. At Home with the Stars -7 5 the piano a good deal and is quite 6Once an Ajello always an an accomplished musician.She Ajello, seemingly.At all events was trained by a pupil of Marchesi Wynne thinks that way, for she and her singing shows the method. married her cousin.Ajello is a WYNNE AJELLO Wynne is thoroughly artistic. very old Italian name and Wynne She has never had a painting is Italian by descent. Her grand- pioneer broadcaster and favourite B.B.C. lesson in her life,but she has father came over here many years considerable natural talent. ago and founded the firm of piano star who made a great hitin" London Examine some of her work on the makers under the name of Ajello. walls of her room and you will soon Wynne is not Italian -looking in Bells " and the " White Coons " be convinced.In fact, the young theleast,but she speaks the lady is inclined to express herself language and always tries to spend artistically in most ways, her mode a little time in Italy each year when she is able to leave her job.of dress not least.She drives a car and is a keen swimmer.So is She has been married for two years now and is very happy. her husband.He plays golf, but Wynne has no use either for hitting So she ought to be with so pleasant a home.She lives near Mill Hilla ball when it is lying still (and cannot defend itself) or hitting one in pleasing surroundings.The house stands in a large garden in which on the move.Consequently she ignores both golf and tennis.She she is going to have a wonderful show of roses this year.Alreadyis rather keen on flying, but has not yet risen to the dignity of a pilot. some are budding, and she seems to have most of the best varieties. Her husband has, so perhaps one in the family is enough.Her Not a gardener, though !Don't run away with that idea.If sheswimming must be quite good because she has a few prizes gained at sees a worm she screams and she has a horror of slugs.She feelsvarious times in her life. they are detrimental to her flowers, the young lupins particularly, The urge to express herself has resulted in a longing to go in for whose buds they seem to like so much, but she says they make such filming.This she has already done, but she is evidently anxious to a squelching sound when you tread on them that she really cannotdo more of it. cope with slugs. In any event the young lady is far too busy to spend much time At the week -ends Wynne and her husband like to run down to the in her garden.She is a voracious reader for one thing.She is yet coast whenever they have the time.They are both keen on another who is devoted to biographies.The number of radio starsoutdoor life.They rarely let a week -end pass without some activity. we have met in our wanderings of late who are devoted to this type It would be an omission to pass by the presence of Buller, the of reading seems to be increasing week by week. Airedale.He is spme person.A fine-looking animal, perfectly bred- a real beauty.Some time ago a picture of Wynne and Buller was published.Ithad a mostextraordinaryresult.Wynne was inundated with pictures of Airedales.People sent them from all over the country.She wondered why.Did they want her to buy up the lot, or to write them long letters on the subject of "Airedales versus Other Kinds of Dogs," or what ?It is surprising to know so many people are Airedale -minded these days. Wynne is actually one of the earliest radio artists to make a name entirely by that means.She must have broadcast something like five hundred times since 1925.She owes everything to the B.B.C., and is very ready to acknowledge the fact. She was actually born in London, but her long Italian descent, from a family known for centuries because of the music amongst its members, has been largely responsible for her artistic renderings of even the lightest song she sings. She made a great hit, you will remember, in Ashley Sterne's amazingly clever show called London Bells.She may also be the only artist who can claim to have broadcast on five successive nights.Indeed, when certain parts are cast Continued on page 14 Wynneisthoroughly artistic.She has never had a painting lesson in herlife,but she has considerable natural talent Theleft-handphoto shows her with Buller, Wynne's airdale

The house is modern, but Wynne takes pride in showing her friends some of her pet pieces of furniture, heirlooms of the Ajello family.Also some finePersian and Turkey carpets.Very handsome they are, too. If ever you go to see Wynne Ajello in her home, you will be taken to her music room.There is, of course, an Ajellopiano. You would hardly expect anything else.As for music, it seems to be everywhere.And there again you get a glimpse into the mind of this attractive young person.Her library does not consist entirely or even mainly of light songs with a strongsentimental theme.These songs have their appeal and Wynne en- joys broadcasting them, as you know, but amongst her music is a good deal 12 June 21, 1935 to be in Luxembourg.RADIO PICTORIAL et- which,eveninitsharshest Soon I was sitting on a hard wooden seat in a railwaycompartment,joggingbacktowards mood can only be a place of gentle Luxembourg, but the journey was enlivened by a memories." conversation with a diminutive man who explained that he was an engineer with "considerable experience of gas engines." PEN PICTURES OF THE WORLD-FAMOUS He was going to Cologne, he said; though when, RADIO LUXEMBOURG WHICH GIVES PLEASURE TO MILLIONS WITH ITS CON- exactly, he could not say. "Perhaps in a week or TINENTAL PROGRAMMES FOR ENGLISH so," he added. LISTENERS, NOT ONLY ON SUNDAY, BUT " j too, am going to Cologne," I said, "on my THROUGHOUT THE WEEK-BY 1 way to Berlin." At this his face lit up. J. MURRAY SMITH "Excellent," he said. "Then my wife will pack a luncheon basket for two, and we will go together." That was my first indication of the Luxembourg character.I made an appointment with my little middle-aged acquaintance. We were to meet on therailwaystationinLuxembourg, onthe following Sunday, to take the midday train. A week later I had almost forgotten all about him. But when I arrived to catch the train on the first stage to Berlin, there he was, clasping his luncheon basket and smiling a jovial welcome. What is more, we are still friends, for we have corresponded ever since, and I received a letter from him this morning. Left) The He tells me that he enjoys the programmes "station"from England, especially the dance music.And Luxembourg for the smallhe is glad he met me because, although he has train which links the citylived for years in the shadow of the greatest with the broadcastingtransmitter in Europe he had never owned a set. station. (Above) StephenHe decided to invest in one when he discovered Williams, the chiefthat I had travelled from England to see the English announcer radio station in his own town.

seated demurely at the mike, with the more robust and smiling German girl beside her. I Luxembourg, then, on that wintry morning could see Gerald Carnes lounging about in thewhen I alighted from the train with my new background; and Stephen Williams comfit acquaintance was a dreary and dismal place. The the studio with that swift, light walk of his. s of the station yard were dusted with snow, With this little scene in my mind I did a thingand utters ofallthe little hotels and Irarely do.Iread some of my own articlesestam overed the windows. again.There are several large volumes in my There was ture of the station yard in study, containing a record of the outpourings ofstriking cont the rest-the taxi -rank. this one-man literary business over the past few composed o al of the smartest little (Right) An aerial years.I took up the latest of them, turned backcars I had ever seen, ow -built and swift - photographof to the stuff about Luxembourg which I wrote forlooking. RADIO PICTORIAL a few months ago, and refreshed Continued ov Luxembourg my memory. itself I realised how poorly I had contrived y real impression of that amazingly interesting " out there in the middle -C6HERE is nothing in this life morepf Europe, between Be gium, France, and Ger- dreadful that the mood of senti-many.I had no time to mention S -O ment.With regret,therefore,Ifamiliar scenes; but perhaps that is an Omi confess to feeling sentimental. I can still remedy. . . . isall the fault of Mr. Sidney Kyte. I shall never forget my first glimpse of Luxem- It bourg, which was very early on a cold, wintry I had listened dutifully enough to the newsmorning.I should have arrived in the town on summary, and all that comes with it.Thenthe previous night, but I must have dozed in the Mr. Kyte was wafted into my presence, andtrain and been carried on to Bettembourg, a large forthwith produced a number that trans-village about twenty miles distant. ported me, in imagination, to a sunny cliff - Unfortunately I told the maid that I intended top in Devon where I first heard (on a portablereturning to thecapital "quite earlyinthe gramophone) that plaintive melody. morning," and she, with mistaken zeal,called It is not, I suppose, a very good tune.But itme at six o'clock. has all kinds of memories for me; and hearing it It was only when I had bathed and shaved set me thinking of my extraordinary habit ofthat I discovered the hour; and then it was too allowing chance words, casual gestures, or a fewlater to go back tobed.Anyway, the most bars of a song to take complete charge of my ent odours were ascending from the large thoughts. which served as kitchen, dining room and You know how it is, of course. The way a man ublicbar. looks down at the bowl of his pipe reminds you of old Seymour, and in a flash you are back ten years, in the office where you and Seymour worked so well together.It may even be that a popular chorus takes you back to your honeymoon, which must account for the way in which some men switch off the radio abruptly and apparently without reason. I like to reverse the process sometimes and let the radio amuse me in this way.First, I give the station -indicator a twirl, and then I switch on.I have no idea which station I have carelessly selected, and often the first few words from the loud -speaker whisk me half across Europe. That was how it happened when I took my leave of Mr. Kyte. I changed to long -wave, trickled round to the thirteen -hundred mark, and heard a little voice which suggested that Radio (Left) Ferry juza, Dance In the old-world vpr Orchestra leader at Luxembourg. Luxembourg was a lady. courtyard - The mood of sentiment was there already. (Above) Christopher Stone goes "Oh, to be in Luxembourg !" I thought. over some records with the chief Ipictured the littleFrenchgirl announcer English announcer

13 .01


air. Actually she wears an infectioussmile Of course, it is doubtful if you will agree with always, and she talks a great deal with a laughme.But then you have never been threatened Oh, to he in Luxembourg ! between each sentence. withindigestion through laughing too much Continued from preceding page Her rooms, or flat, were furnished in a com-over a meal with Mr. Williams. pletely German style, with very heavy carpets Iremember driving out of the town with On my return to England some weeks later Iand comfortable furniture.She was so interestedStephen, away through the cobbled streets and saw the same model advertised here as " two yearsin her job, and liked explaining it so well, that Iover the fine bridges that join the two sides of in advance of modern car construction."Itfound myself in danger of keeping M. Martin,the town; out into the country, and up to the seems odd that in a great city like London wethe director of Luxembourg studios, waiting forgreat transmitter on the high, bleak spot in the still have dilapidated taxi -cabs, while in a sleepyme. fields. and ancient place like Luxembourg the taxis are Incidentally,ElizabethCorty,apartfrom And I remember thinking that I must come the last word in modernity. being an announcer, is a famous singer in Germany,back to Luxembourg some time in the summer, My hotel was cheap but extremely cheerful.because she entertains at the microphone on thewhen those fields would be lush and green, and I deliberately avoided a more pretentious placeGerman days. those wet lanes little romantic highways. opposite, and chose the hotel because it had a Ican see the station yard now, brightened public room downstairs. One day I had lunch with Stephen Williams andby the estaminetsopposite, their shutters all Each day I chatted with some of the local Gerald Carnes in a little restaurant on thedown and put away, the pavement covered with characters, and before a week was out had earnedcorner of two little side streets.We drank thelittleglass -topped tables.Probably there are the reputation of being a good listener. This meantwine of the country, as all good travellers shouldhundreds of coloured sunshades, and the long that I nodded to the waiter at more or lessdo, and Stephen did the talking. main street is busy with people. frequent intervals.However, I heard all about It is a great grief to me, though perhaps it The little park where the studios stand will the family affairs of the Grand Duchess, and how aneed not alwaysbe,that Stephen Williams'be bright with foliage now, and very pleasant royal salute is fired at the time of an event suchpowers as a talker have not greater scope.Forto sit in.The great house that serves as offices as the birth of another child. such an entertaining conversationalist to havemust be light and airy. There is a story that the Luxembourg armymerely to announce, for week after week, as he Perhaps I shall go and take another quick glance -consisting of a mere handful of men, a fewdoes, seems to me a great waste. at Luxembourg. officers, and one general-finds difficulty in firing He told us, for instance, of how he was in a a royal salute with the two guns at its disposal.hurry to reach the studios one day, and how his So they borrow another gun from France ! car was held up by some kind of religious procession. A Day in My Life What is more, the borrowed gun makes a louder I forget all the details of the story, but appar- Continued from page eleven bang than the other two-that, at least, is theently he should have got out and stood with a story.But the gentleman who told it to me,great show of respect until the procession had 4.30.-Run through to -day's Children's Hour amid scowls and dissenting nods from the restpassed, instead of which he backed out and triedin studio.All goes well." Jacko" a tower of of the company, accompanied the recital withto get around by another way. strength, as usual.Why do announcers always little smiles, as though to say :" Of course, it's The town was shocked. He became a desperatepossess such charm of manner as well as charm of not true, really-at least, we don't like to admitcharacter, a distinction he enjoyed for perhaps a day.voice?Do they always go together, like straw- that it is true." "But while it lasted it was rather tiresome,"berries and cream ?No time now for such a he said, in the kind of drawl that makes youfrivolous train of thought as I am busy making So I don't know whether it is or not. For whenchuckle without knowing exactly why. a note of the order of proceedings which I show I repeated it to Stephen Williams he roared with I don't know whether it is sacrilege to say so;to the artists concerned, some of whom I haven't laughter."So you've found us outalready,but I think that when it comes to microphonemet before."Dinah" runs through their songs have you ?" he said, whatever that may mean. techniqueStephenWilliamshaseven morewith them, while I talk to the story -teller lady, There are a few modern shops in Luxembourg,personality than Christopher Stone. IfI hadasking her if there is anything special she wants and a good many old-fashioned ones. They favourany control over his services I would write littleme to say when introducing her ?Then as Zero a quaint style of architecture, with a completelytalks for him to deliver as a kind of Sunday half-hour approaches the studio grows quiet. . . . flat face to the buildings and no front doors. Tohour. From his place of exile he might look on 5.15.-The red light flickers, I press the button enter the houses you go through little archedthe English scene with a discerning eye; and if ato control room, then the red light comes on and alleys to the back-but as the alleys always seemwell-informed Londoner wrote to him regularlystays on." Hello Children," and we're off.I to be guarded by a it isn't easy to pay of songs, and later retire to social calls. comments most of us would enjoy. the control room to listen to the story -teller, It took me about half an hour to call on Eliza- What is more,ifI were an advertiser overthrough ear -phones.Yes, it seems all right. And beth Corty, the German girl announcer, after Ithe air from Luxembourg I should be very happyso on, till the end of the hour.Sometimes, on had located her house.The time was taken upto turn my time over to Williams-somewhat in"play" days for instance, the forty-five minutes with prowling along searching for an unguardedthis way. has a disconcerting habit of going like a flash. alley, so that I could get to the back and hurry " Hullo, everyone.This is Stephen Williams.Other times, it drags on and on, and we begin to along to the right door. Most of the dogs in theBy courtesy of the Betta-Bath Company. Iwonder whatever to do next !But here I am at town seem to be Alsatians, or German sheep dogs,notice that this week we have several amusinglast saying :" Good Night Children." and they are the kind you simply do not argueevents to discuss. . . ." 6 o 'clock.-The red light has gone out, and with. That's all.Just like that.I should be content,we are free to talk in our normal voices and go This should be the place for dealing withas a director of the Betta-Bath company, toabout our various businesses.Occasionally, I have Miss Corty " at home."You must have heardknow-or, atleast,to believe-that the vasta night rehearsal or stay behind to watch a her voice hundreds of times, and the strangemajority of listeners enjoyed the half hour anddramatic show from the control room, as it is my thing to me is that she sounds so solemn over thewere grateful to me for providing it. secret ambition to be allowed to manipulate the fascinating D.C. panel myself one day. Sometimes I spend the evening reading manuscripts, but usually at . . . By The 6.15 I am free, heading for the station, home I Believe in Man Rev. JAMES WALL, M.A. and a family four at tennis. Precentor of Durham Cathedral 7 o 'clock.-I take part in another kind of Children's Hour. IDON'T think many people find it difficultthose made in the image of God, God's own to believe in God.You must believe in children. a god of some kind,if there is to be any It becomes, then, blasphemy to deny man, rhyme or reason at all in the world.And iffor that would stultify God's purpose in Wynne Aiello at Home you are to make anything of human life, therecreation. God made man-Briton, foreigner, Continued from page twelve isn't very much divergence possible from thewhite man, yellow man, black man-as he God whom Christians worship. also made the lemurs and the nowadays, they simply say, " That's a Wynne But Imust sayIfindit lizards.But he has given man a Ajello part. Better see if she is free to take it." terribly difficult to believe in potentiality which gives him a Microphone fame nearly always depends on man.Insignificant in the uni- peculiar place in the world and in versal scheme of things, he does the universe. His future develop- ability either to create a character or to sustain seem so near the animals : often ment is illimitable. Made in a certain type of character. Jacks-of-all- inferior to the dog in fidelity, God's image, he may become trades are not really wanted at the B.B.C. and to the pig in contentment. absorbed in and identical with Broadcasting is a specialised business dealt Treacherous,ungrateful,con- God the Infinite.That may not with byspecialists.The entirestaffat ceited-seventytimesseven be just yet.In the meantime, Broadcasting House is a staff of specialists. doesn't exhaust the number of we may go a great part of the That is why people like Wynne Ajello are fresh chances he needs.How way through following the revela- expected to make and sustain their charac- can I-why should I-love him as myself ? tion of God made in the life of the Nazarene, Religion says that I must.For howeverand follow Him in love and mutual service. teristics before the microphone. ugly his face or his mind or his morals, it is Thatis why, despite doubts and the Wynne would often like to change her style. the pivot of our faith that he is made in theabundant room fordoubts,it would be A very natural desire.She knows she could image of God.However worthless in thecriminal, as it would be a counsel of despair, do all sorts of things she is not allowed to do. universe, he was at all events worth God's not to affirm :" I believe in man." No; she must do as she is asked.She has very Self coming to earth and being crucified This address was broadcast by Canon Wall made her name in a certain way.She must for his redemption, his fresh start, his re -birthfrom Radio -Normandyat4.15p.m.last sustain that name in the same way.Hence to his true destiny, the destiny attaching to Sunday.Another "Thought" next week. her eagerness to make films, to paint pictures or to take up anything else artistic.

14 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL "Radio Pictorial" Short Story Good Reception


" Jerry . ..quick, come here ... God, I'm afraid." The faint thud of a bundle hastily dropped . .. the soft pad of hurried, frigh- tened steps . ..

C6HE young constable left the circle " Do youknow,con- of light at the corner, and movedstable, it is the most expen- sive receiver in' The Drive,'- into the gloom of the tree -linedan eight -valveheterodyneradio- suburban avenue.Here and theregram. It makes my own set look cheap the strained illumination from shaded pen--and you know it is a good one.It cost dants displayed the bright plate and glitteringhim somewhere about a hundred guineas." glassware of late diners, and helped to dispel "A hundred guineas !That's a lot of money, the darkness-but only in a localised fashion.sir.He must be a wealthy man.But it certainlyno unusual occurrence."The Drive" had many In most ofthelonglineofdetachedis a wonderful set.A few nights ago Ijustvisitors who sometimes lefttheir cars in the villas the blinds were drawn, and the laughterlistened to some talk going on, and I would havesafe seclusion of this obscure lane that ended of young people or the sound of an ether -bornesworn the speakers were in the room." abruptly in open country.But a policeman's " I've heard it myself, constable-listened in tonote -book was meant for such odds and ends in symphony alone evidenced the pulse of lifeone of Shakespeare's plays.You had only tothe routine of duty, and it might happen that a within. shut your eyes and the players seemed to bemotor -car number or such stray scrap of informa- The officer proceeded leisurely along the side-acting in the room in front of you.Do you liketion would prove unexpectedly of service-might walk, conscious occasionally of a quizzing eye atradio plays, constable ?" be the connecting link in some official search- a darkenedcasement;exchanginga nodof " Well, Mr. Jenkyn, I don't get much time forin tracing a crime. recognition with two or three residents who werehearing any of them.Most times when I'm off giving their dogs a last airing.The villa dogsduty they are playing symphonies-and then I were well -cared for, and all of pure strain.Pedi-just switch off." He retraced his steps down the lane, passing gree in their canine posseqsions was as essential "I don't think many people like symphonies. across the unlighted end of "The Drive" to the inhabitants of'The Drive" as spats orLike yourself, I switch off whenever they comeand patrolled conscientiously the district beyond. golf or uniformed maids."The Drive" was aon. Meanwhile the rain began to fall and it grew highly respectable address. " But I like some of the crook plays they putcolder and darker.Mr. Moore-Jenkyn had been Through the obscurity the constable couldon at times." right.A storm was impending.It was as dark just see "number 15," standing as usual at his "That's in your line,constable-anditsoas Erebus when, two hours later,the officer garden gate, and crossed the road for a fewhappens thereis ashortcrook play on theturned again into "The Drive."The houses minutes' gossip with the avenue's most important'National' at ten -twenty to -night.It's calledwere in darkness, but a faint light filtered through householder. Mr. Moore-Jenkyn was a spare,' The Gag.' " the closely -drawn blinds of number 17-and he wiry, highly -strung man of medium stature, who was glad to shelter in its porch. was a living directory of the estate and its inhabi-"'That sounds interesting. Well, good -night, Voices !Yes, of course-the radio play ! tants-and it is always wise for an officer of the -I.sir,I'llbe moving along the beat now. He pulled out his watch-ten-thirty. The play law to tap every source of information. Does number 17 stay up late ? " had been on for some time. He leaned forwards "Good evening, constable." " Oh yes,I believe so.At least his light isto listen.The volume was subdued at that hour "Evening, sir. always full on when we retire for the night, aton account of the neighbours. "Fine weather for the season. But it's gettingeleven. Isuppose hecloses down with the "Hurry up packing that stuff, Red !We've colder-I think we're in for a storm." B.B.C." been here long enough." "Very likely, Mr. Jenkyn.By the way, sir, " Well, good -night, Mr. Jenkyn." " I'll soon be done, Jerry.See what's inside have you got to know your new neighbour yet ?" " Good -night, constable. that other drawer.Here-jerkitopen with "Number 17? Oh yes, constable; a very quiet The guardian of the law continued his deliberatethis." elderly man-was chief engineer on a P. and 0.progression down the avenue, and turned to the There came asharp,splintering sound of liner. He is a widower, but has no family. He hasleft into the utter blackness of a rough, countrybreaking wood.The noises department of the a fine collection of jade, and gold coins. Helane-turning again to the left to inspect theB.B.C.wassplendidlyrealistic.Whatfine showed me also some beautiful cameos andrear entrances of "The Drive." Returning to thereproduction! It was grand to have a really carvedivory-Chinese,I think.Theseoldlane, he came upon a closed motor -car, stationaryexpensive multi -valve set by the best makers. sailors that go east have great opportunities." under some trees-lit a match and entered theSome people were lucky IThe dialogue went on " Very likely, sir.I hear his radio going strongregistration number in his note -book. with little intervals filled up with the mechanical every night-wonderfully clear." It was not a local registration mark.This was (Continued on page 37) I5 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 MAKE EXTRA MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME!

Finest Sheffield Tools ONLY are included in the New and improved G.T.L. Tool Chest, o making it better value than ever. ALL BEST BRITISH! With the NEW TOOL CHEST & IMPROVEDG HOME REPAIRING OUTFIT YOURspare time now can be turned to good account if you've a G.T.L. I Tool Chest and Home Repairing Outfit. During the long summer evenings 7 DAYS' and week -ends you can find a hundred and one profitable uses for it in your APPROVAL garden and home . . . fixing sheds, shelters, fencing and pergolas-to mention a few. And it opens up a new and inexpensive way of adding to the comfort, Packing and convenience and amenities of your property, while saving you literally pounds a year in repairs, for which you would otherwise have to pay.Incidentally, it Carriage Free also affords a new, pleasurable way of adding to your income by making articles to sell.So that- with a G.T.L. Tool Chest-instead of spending money in your leisure hours, you will be making it, saving it, and enjoying it !

" Icall my chest my NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED little bank. I have A valuable FREE BOOK OF INSTRUCTION containing over 200 working illustrations, is an orderto make included in the G.T.L. Tool Chest.If you have never handled a tool, you CAN be sure of another cupboard for f3 lOs." immediate success because this book tells you what to make and shows you step-by-step how R. H. S., Helston. to make it. THE NEW AND IMPROVED G.T.L. TOOL CHEST The New G.T.L. Chest for 1935 has been vastly improved by the inclusion of additional Tools and improvements to existing ones. Now there are over fifty high -quality articles, all FREE! the finest Sheffield Tools; neatly fitted in steel clips, and they come to you direct from the manufacturers, after being carefully tested.Everything for every purpose is here, and the To Readers of the G.T.L. Tool Chest stands alone in its quality and completeness.Remember, too, that it is the " Radio Pictorial " " Ihave been busy ORIGINAL and ONLY G.T.L. Guaranteed Tool Chest. ,, now making a wire - ABeautiful 16 -pageBrochure f less cabinet with the A FEW SHILLINGS BRINGS YOU THE G.T.L. TOOL describing the G.T.L. Guaranteed Iaidofyourtools. Tool Chest and Home Repairing They have saved me CHEST AT ONCE Outfit in detail, and telling how no less than L4." you can save and make money- 1. C. S., Gillingham. A first payment of a few shillings and the G.T.L. Tool Chest is sent at once to your Home as tens of thousands are already CARRIAGE PAID. The balance can be paid by small monthly sums to suit your pocket; doing. meanwhile, the G.T.L. Tool Chest is making money for you. .FILL IN AND POST THIS COUPON NOW " Our plough broke 4111111r4M111.... (W. stamp is sufficient if in an unsealed envelope) and we decided to GUARANTEED TOOLS (1933) LTD., have a go at it, and 12-13 CHISWELL STREET, TO GUARANTEED TOOLS (1933) LIMITED, did the jobinour spare time . . . itis FINSBURY, LONDON, E.C.I 12-13 CHISWELL STREET, FINSBURY, LONDON,E.C.1. now working fine." J. W. and H. B., Hull. Please send me by return, free of all cost and obligation, your beautifully illustrated booklet of the G.T.L. Guaranteed Tool Chest and Home RepairingI -,1111111,1011111ri. Outfit, together with particulars of price, and how I can obtain it at once for aI small first payment. Name I

Address I "After using them forrepairing doors andrepairing some (Please Write Clearly) chairs, the tools have stood the test well." A. G..1.. Bridgend.

16 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL What it's like to Runa Dance Band MRS. cuts away some of the glamour listeners associate with the night life of a dance band leader. " It'sa strenuouslifewhich demands the maximum in physical fitness," says Mrs. Hylton

We are not quite finished yet.There isenthusiasts.I personally enjoy motoring, flying, often a dance after the last show at theswimming, tennis, horse -riding, and my " daily local dance hall.The boys must hurrydozen" each morningIn the band, we have into the waiting motor -coach.Ifollowgolfers, boxers, swimmers, tennis -players, billiards them in my car,first making sure thatand " snooker" players, a cricket team, and a nothing has been forgotten; no one leftfootball team of which I am honorary manager. behind.We reach the dance hall, take theJack's band has all these things, too, and recently stand, and from then until perhaps twowe instituted a tournament lasting over several o'clock, with but one brief interval for Continued on page 22

quaint old- ofworld Mrs.corner Hylton's cosy home in

Mayfair RE you fascinated at the thought of running a dance band ?I know there are hundreds of people all over the country who would like the job.They write to me and ask for advice.Not only do they imagine that running a dance band is an easy way to make a fortune, but they appear to have the impres- sion that it is all milk and honey and no hard work.Glamour . . . easy money . . stay- ing in bed until three o'clock in the afternoon . . . . living a riotous West End life . . driving about in luxurious motor -cars and obtaining all this heaven of happiness merely by the ability to blow down a trumpet or saxophone . . . that's how some people pic- ture dance -band life. Mrs. lack Hylton and her Actually, it is very hard work.Both Jack andband in action-a clever snap- I find pleasure in our work, but of course we seeshotactuallytaken onthe very little of each other as directing a dance orstage. (Right) Mrs. Hylton stage band is a full-time job. in an idle moment " snapped " Far from staying in bed until after lunch, dance - band directing is a job which starts bright and in her Mayfair home early in the morning and continues without an appreciable break throughout the rest of the day, often until after midnight. supper, are hard atitagain, When you see a broadcasting band leader onprovidingdancemusic ,and the stage or in a restaurant you may imagine thatgiving a cabaret show. baton -wagging and rehearsals make up his job. The week -ends are no less

Well, I ask you . . . ! strenuous than the other days. Here is a fairly typical example of a day in mySunday, throughout the sum- life.I leave you to judge whether it is a busy one.mer, means early rising; motor- 8 a.m. .Breakfast,reply to mail,read theing various distances up to a morning papers. hundred miles or more in order 10.30 a.m.I arrive at the theatre, where thereto fulfil concert engagements at is more mail to be attended to, photographs to bethe various coastal resorts and sent off, autograph books to be signed.Then abig towns throughout Britain. short rehearsal.Possibly a few auditions forLike Jack's band, we usually local aspirants to musical fame. play two concerts each Sunday; 1 p.m.Lunch engagement. one in the afternoon and one in 2.30 p.m.A charity performance; opening of athe evening. After that, I motor bazaar, perhaps; inspection of a factory, or a tourback to London,. or stay over- of the shops.A flying visit to a nearby town,night, and set off the following maybe, to see an act in which I am interested. morning for the town where we 5 p.m.Tea, a short rest, and then a hurriedare resident during that week. dash to the theatre, where I spend the -rest of the It's a strenuous life, and one evening on and off the stage until 11 p.m.Therewhich demands the maximum will be many visitors to receive, new numbers tofrommyselfandfromthe try out.Then some supper. in physical fitness. To A full day's work, you say.but vgait a moment. tinend, we are all keen sport

17 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 .74WPrel

\it 111



SUNDAY, JUNE 23 3.15 p.m. SYLVAN SOAPFLAKES 7.45 a.m. CONCERT Sylvan Sweethearts on the Air. GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Whispers Sweet. Peer Gynt : Au Matin Grieg Hands Across the Table. Good News! Le Sanctuaire du Coeur... Keteibey When Day is Done. Les Contes d'Hoffman : Barcarolle Like a Bolt from the Blue. OVALTINE Offenbach Nobody's Sweetheart. 8 a.m. 3.30 p.m. COLDorHot NEWS BULLETINS BALLITO CONCERT is now served in (In French and German) Cherokee. Sidewalks of Cuba. the leading 9.15 a.m. A Little White Gardenia. Cafés and March Winds and April Showers. Restaurants ENGLISH CONCERT Put on an Old Pair of Shoes. SinceCharlieDidHisCourtingina 11 a.m. Chalkpit. THE OPEN ROAD During the broadcast an interesting A programme presented by the makers talk will be given by the well-known of Carter's Little Liver Pills. writer MARY RANDALL. I combine Health 11.30 a.m. 4 p.m. RELIGIOUS TALK HORLICK 'S TEA -TIME HOUR with Pleasure 11.50 a.m. DEBROY SOMERS and HIS BAND NEWS BULLETINS 5 p.m. DURING the warm summer days you will find that (InFrench and German) PHILLIPS LIVE YEAST CONCERT a glass ofOvaltine '-served cold-is as delicious 12 noon Compered by CHRISTOPHER STONE. as it is health -giving and sustaining. HALL'S WINE CONCERT 5.30 p.m. MUSICAL VOYAGE ENTERTAINMENT This refreshing, creamy drink, with a fascinating flavour, REGGIE PURDELL and BOBBIE BROADCAST ESPECIALLY COMBER is brimful of the nourishment which builds up strength, On a Health Cruise Round the World. FOR THE LEAGUE OF energy and abundant vitality. Episode No. 11. OVALTINEYS Listen forthe announcement of a simple Songs and Stories by the Ovaltineys competition with numerous cash prizes. themselves and by HARRY HEMS - And this is just what you need at a time when the light LEY, accompanied by the Ovaltineys summer meals you prefer are insufficiently nourishing to 12.15 p.m. Orchestra. meet all the demands on your strength and vigour.But, INTERNATIONAL 6 p.m. be sure it isOvaltine '-there is nothing " just as good." LABORATORIES YORKSHIRE RELISH Concert of Popular Melodies. CONCERT 12.30 p.m. 6.15 p.m. CONCERT FOR LISTENERS LIGHT MUSIC AND SONGS `OVA LT1 N IN THE IRISH FREE STATE6.30 p.m. GOLDEN HOUR OF MUSIC R INS 0 CONCERT DAVY BURNABY andhisRI NS - Served Signature Tune-Come Back to Erin. OPTIMISTS, including MRS. Margie GOODSORT, GWEN LEWIS, ALICE COLD My Dance...... Mandell LILLEY, FRED YULE, WALTER Ah ! Sweet Mystery of Life ...Herbert WILLIAMS and PERCY HAYDN. Prices in Great Britain and N. Ireland, ill, ifio and3/3. The Rhythm of the Rain... Stern Cricket in November. P.138 A Spanish Dance No. 5 Moskowski Davy Burnaby and Co. One Morning in May ... Carmichael Songs My Mother Sang. You and the Night and the MusicSchwartz Alice Lilley. It All Depends on You... Henderson And So Does She. Walter Williams and Percy Haydn. 1 p.m. Beware of the Widow. Gwen Lewis. The Two Favourite " ZAM BUK " BROADCAST On the Prom -prom -promenade. of the Latest Dance Music. The Band. Border Ballad. 1.30 p.m. Fred Yule. Radio Programmes LITTLEWOOD 'S The Can Song. Walter Williams. BROADCAST Olga Pulloffski. For Children For Grown-ups Concert of Light Music. Concerted. Sunday 5.30 to 6 p.m. Sunday 9.30 to 10 p.m. 2 p.m. 7 p.m. THE MUSIC SHOP PARSLEY SALMON THE OVALTINEY Introducing CONCERT CHRISTOPHER VELVEETA With the Boys around the Camp Fire CONCERT PARTY in the Parsley Salmon Camp. STONE Listeners' requests under the letter G. Piccolo Pete.r Sylvia (Piccolo Solo). presents an 2.30 p.m. Lazy Bones. HARRY HEMSLEY CASHMERE BOUQUET That's How I Like 'Ern. EXCEPTIONAL Sweet Adeline. in the CONCERT Sundown in a Little Green Hollow. New Radio Adventure : PROGRAMME The Cashmere Bouquet Trio. All Aboard for Dixieland. of Delightful 2.45 p.m. 7.15 p.m. "THE LOST DIAMOND" MONKEY BRAND VOCAL and BETOX CONCERT PROGRAMME INSTRUMENTAL Compered by CHRISTOPHER STONE. MYRTLE and BERTIE THE OVALTINEY No. 3 ORCHESTRA MUSIC 3 p.m. FIRST DAY IN THE NEW PROFESSOR EL- TANAH 'S HOUSE CONCERT with My Dance. CLAUDE HULBERT from RadioLuxembourg Life Begins at Oxford Circus. (by arrangement with Messrs. Warner Bros.) Marie Louise. Enid Trevor.Fanny Wright. Good-bye Hawaii. Lawrence Barclay.

18 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL

1.30 p.m. 1.5-2 p.m. 10.35 p.m. 12 noon DAVID COPE'S CONCERT GRAMOPHONE CONCERT DANCE MUSIC CONCERT Moontime. Un Bal masque ... Verdi (Gramophone Records) Captain Harry Morgan. Chant sans Paroles Tclusikowsky The Station Orchestra, directed by We're Happy. Again. Impressions d'Italie Gustave Gharpentier TUESDAY Roger Ellis. Lullaby of Broadway. Iphigenie in Autis Gluck 'Erbert 'Enery 'Epplethwaite. 6.15 p.m. 7.45 a.m. Dreaming... Joyce On with the Waltz. SOME CELEBRITIES GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Nocturne... Panty Strauss March. Musique foraine. Schmitt-Salabert (Gramophone Records). Chez l'Horloger Orth Quatre Chansons... Woodforde-Finden Including a talk on current racing by Wedgwood Blue... Ketelbey Nautical Moments ... arr. Winter Malta thewell-knownracingjournalist Ketelbey's Concert Orchestra. Je t'aime Waldteufel GEOFFREY GILBEY.During the When You and I Were Young, Veronique Messager concert EDDIE WELLINGTON will Maggie...... Butterfield 12 noon again come to the microphone. John McCormack. CONCERT 1.35-2 p.m. 8 p.m. They Call Me Mimi (La Boheme)... Puccini Station Orchestra, directed by Henri GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Grace Moore. Pensis. PALMOLIVE CONCERT Ain't it Gorgeous...... Western Bros. La Chauve-Souris Joh. Strauss A Half-hour of Celebrated Operas. The PALMOLIVERS with OLIVE Valse celebre Mosskowski Louise :Depuis le Jour... Charpentier PALMER,PALL OLIVERand 6.30 p.m. Paillasse :Pauvre Paillasse Leoncacallo Rococo ... . Madame Butterfly :Sur la Mer NELSON KEYES. CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Tie fland Aillebrerast I'm Going Shopping with You. ...Karnak Puccini IN THE IRISH FREE STATE Chanson populaire et Conte Boheme :Your Tiny Hand is A Street in Old Seville. Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. White Horse Inn... Bow:ashy Pale Moon. Marche des P.T.T. ...Moretti Puccini Vienna in Springtime. Medley from Broadway Melody ... Freed Tosca :Priere de la Tosca Puccini Take the Ache from My Heart. Fold Your Wings ... Novell() 1.35-2 p.m: la Walkyrie :Siegmund Love Rigmarole. Killing Song Spolianshv GRAMOPHONE CONCERT So Wagner Lady Sing Your Gipsv Song ... Damerell Carmen :Toreador Song ... Bizet 8.30 p.m. Bavarian Dance No. I Elgar Robert theDevil Meyerbeer LUXEMBOURG NEWS Gentleman !The King ! Rag La Moldau ... Smetana 6.15 p.m. By the Sleepy Lagoon ... Coates March of the Lead Soldiers Pieria 9.15 p.m. Hotcha-Razz-Ma- Jazz ... Rasaf Invitation to the Waltz... Weber CHANGING TIMES LIGHT MUSIC AND SONGS 6.30 p.m. I Want to Hear those Old -Time 7.0-7.15 p.m. Melodies Again ...... Gilbert 9.30 p.m. THE OXYDOL CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Where the Arches Used to Be...Flanagan " OVALTINE TIME " QUARTER-HOUR IN THE IRISH FREE STATE Back to Those Happy Days ... Nicholls Compered by CHRISTOPHER STONE. Starring JACK O'DAY, The Oxydol Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. I'm the Last of the Texas Rangers Carr Minstrel. I Taught Her How to Play ...le Clerq 10 p.m. POMPEIAN Signature Tune -Stay as Sweet as No, No, a Thousand Times No ... Sherman 6.30 p.m. BEAUTY PREPARATIONS You Are. Home James ... Hillebrand CONCERT FOR LISTENERS JANE CARR-and songs by other I've Got an Invitation to a Dance Symes The Man on the Flying Trapeze O'Keefe Pompeian Stars March Winds and April Showers... Samuels Oopsala Butler IN THE IRISH FREE STATE My Kid's a Crooner. Be Careful Young Lady... Coslow There's a Body on the Line ...le Clog Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. Step by Step. Wheezy Anna ... Sarony Radio Parade of 1935. Keulernan No, No, Nanette Selection ...Youmans She Wore a Little Jacket of Blue. Whey My Ship Comes In...... Kahn Algernon Whifflesnoop John Sometimes I'm Happy ...... Youmans 10.15 p.m. 7.25 p.m. 7.25 p.m. I've Got You on My Mind Porter GRAMOPHONE CONCERT I'll See You Again (Bittersweet) Coward MACLEAN'S CONCERT GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Melville Gideon Medley...... Gideon Entry of the Spring Flowers. ... Futile Prince Leopold . . Bury Marche florentine la kose... -R. Strauss You Turned Your Head ...... Ellis Hark, Hark, the Lark. Tu PiCCifielli Le Chevalier r.. Porter Le Danseur de Seville GII4X010 Night and Day (Gay Divorce) Under Heaven's Blue. Chantilly .. ... Waldiessfel Furiant. Murmure de Source Schreiner Danse japonaise aux Lanterns-Yoshitomo 7.0-7.15 p.m. Innamorata Guibra-/.ureti 7.45 p.m. 10.30 p.m. Liticke THE OXYDOL BILE BEANS BROADCAST Le Ver luisant NEWS BULLETINS Of the Latest Dance Music. 7.45 p.m. (In French and German) QUARTER-HOUR NEWS BULLETINS 8.15 p.m. StarringJack O'Day The Oxydol 11.0 p.m. (In French and German) Minstrel CONCERT FOR LISTENERS IN " FRILEUSE WINE" GRAMO- Signature Tune -Stay as Sweet as You Are. THE IRISH FREE STATE 8.10 p.m. PHONE CONCERT Au revoir ('Amour... Meskill GOLDEN HOUR OF MUSIC CONCERT Carmen : L'Amour est Enfant de Got Me Doin' Things. Boheme Inset Green Meadows ... Leon Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. Station Orchestra. Carr Grande-Duchesse Charlotte ...Mertens The Barber *of ...... Rossini The Girl with the Dreamy Eyes... Just Like a Melody from Out of the Ingram Sky ...... Donaldson Roses of Picardy...... Wood Samson et Dalila Saint -Stains One Night in Napoli Jalousie ... Gads Abu Hassan ... Weber Faust : Serenade Gounod--8.10 p.m. The Moon was Yellow ...... A hlert Caravane hindoue PoVY 9.30 p.m. Stay as Sweet as You Are ... Reuel Serenade for Flee ...Rola CONCERT Wonderful One ... Whiteman Orphee aux Enters Offenbacndh SONG RECITAL Station Orchestra direCtedby Roger My Song Goes Round the World Hans May La Tsarine ... Gann Rene TOubeau. Ellis. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes ... Kern 9 p.m. Henri VIII Saint-Saens Marche Leeman Jealous ... Little L'Ombre Flotow Tentation Fievet SONG RECITAL Thais Massenet Titus Mozart 11.30 p.m. LIGHT MUSIC Mme. Marie -Therese Grosfils-De Ca fait Peur aux Oiseaux Bernard Chanson de Route ...Mouton 11.45 p.m. Cuyper. 10 p.m. Jungle Dreams ... Ketelbey LULLABY TIME Italian Songs. CARTER'SLITTLE LIVER When Day is Done ... de Sylva 9.30 p.m. PILLS CONCERT 9.35 p.m. Souvenir ... Drdla ORCHESTRAL CONCERT CONCERT For Love Alone ...... Thayer Marche lorraine ... Gann 10.30 p.m. Station Orchestra directed by Henri Kennedy Cavalleria rusticana Mascagni RADIO LUXEMBOURG DANCE Pensis. Carmen ...... Bizet ORCHESTRA Carnaval GlazoUPIOW The Land of Smiles Lehar Directed by Ferry Cuss. La Belle au Bois dormant Tchaikowsky MONDAY Spanish Dance No. 8 Sarasate Pavane pour une Infante defunte Ravel WEDNESDAY Invitation to the Waltz...... Weber 7.45 a.m. 10.5 p.m. Massenet GRAMOPHONE CONCERT ITALIAN CONCERT 7.45 a.m. Un Soir de Fete 3 la Havane Filippucci Valse poudree Popy Radio Luxembourg Orchestra, directed GRAMOPHONE CONCERT I Hear You Calling Me... Marshall Le Pays du Sourire Uttar by Henri Pensis. Orphee aux Enters Offenbach Viktoria and Her Hussar...... Abraham Teddy Bear en Picnic ... Bratton Bebe joue au Soldat ...Michell Cortege nuptial h Lilliput Translates, 8 a.m. La Tosca ...Puccini Highwater, a spiritual 10.35 p.m. NEWS BULLETINS La Gioconda Ponchielli (Brennan and McCardy) DANCE MUSIC (In French and German) (Gramophone Records) 12 noon CONCERT AFTER THE NATIONAL NEWS BULLETIN Station Orchestra, directed by Roger THURSDAY Ellis. -just as the B.B.C. announcer comes to the end of the Norma ... Bellini Barcarolle... Waldteufel first news bulletin, don't decide to switch off until a later 7.45 a.m. Reve angelique Rubinstein GRAMOPHONE CONCERT La Dame de Pique Tchafkowsky hour for radio variety.Turn instead to Radio Luxembourg Cavalleria rusticana Mascagni Madri5al Simonelli on 1304 metres. At 6.15 p.m. every week -day there is a Suite de Serenades ...Herbert Rendez-vous ... A letter Valse des petitsQuinquins Zur fink La Bayaclere ...Kalman fine variety concert inEnglish . . . too good to miss ! Jean Bart... Poret Continued on page 35 19 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, RADIO PICTORIAL

Ewart Scott will be Lieutenant Cunningham

Another well- known singer, theIan Glennie, part of in Katana

Arnold Matters, who recently The famous Wun- appeared at ,..wrence Hi, Huntley Wright, Covent Garden, asicombwill will be in his will make his first bring comedy original part. You " appearance " in tothemicro- must hear him aB.B.C.musical phoneinthe sing " Chin Chin production in the partof Imari Chinaman" part of Lieutenant Fairfax

One of the " high -lights " of this " .. Produced by Gordon McCon- Jubilee season is the broadcast pro- nel."Here he is duction of the " Geisha " on June 18 at the job at 7.30 p.m. (Regional) and June 20 at 8 p.m. (National). The producer is Gordon McConnel, who has bee responsible for so many musical - comedy winners over the micro- phone, and he has succeeded in casting many well-known artists for this musical favourite.Listeners who saw the original " Geisha " will make a point of hearingit;and those 't-must !

Stanford Robinsc and hisversatile Ano, -r" close- Thea re Orchestra up 't the Theatre willprovidethe OrE.estrain music action RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, RADIO PICTORIAL

Ewart Scott will be Lieutenant Cunningham

Another well- known singer, theIan Glennie, part of in Katana

Arnold Matters, who recently The famous Wun- appeared at ,..wrence Hi, Huntley Wright, Covent Garden, asicombwill will be in his will make his first bring comedy original part. You " appearance " in tothemicro- must hear him aB.B.C.musical phoneinthe sing " Chin Chin production in the partof Imari Chinaman" part of Lieutenant Fairfax

One of the " high -lights " of this " .. Produced by Gordon McCon- Jubilee season is the broadcast pro- nel."Here he is duction of the " Geisha " on June 18 at the job at 7.30 p.m. (Regional) and June 20 at 8 p.m. (National). The producer is Gordon McConnel, who has bee responsible for so many musical - comedy winners over the micro- phone, and he has succeeded in casting many well-known artists for this musical favourite.Listeners who saw the original " Geisha " will make a point of hearingit;and those 't-must !

Stanford Robinsc and hisversatile Ano, -r" close- Thea re Orchestra up 't the Theatre willprovidethe OrE.estrain music action RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 Run a Dance -Band! What Listeners Think! Continued from page Seventeen cate" us to their style of depressing variety? What do you think of broadcasters at the B.B.C. and Continental stations? What are your views on Why put dance records on before, or in the middlemonths, which started with a cricket match, radio programmes, and how do you think broadcasts of, a dance band relay ?If the idea is to providecontinued with a football match (both of which, could be improved? What do you think of the men an interval, what is wrong with instrumental andincidentally, we won) and has yet to include who run broadcasting, and what helpful suggestions could you offer?Let us have your views briefly. vocal records? "-K, Shoreditch, E.2. swimmingtrials,abilliardsand" snooker " Every week a letter of outstanding interest will be championship, tennis finals, and a golf tournament. starred on this page, though not necessarily printed Last year, my "boys" and I made our first first. Why They Refuse Continental tour.We covered 9,000 miles in The writer of the starred letter will " A s a reader of RADIO PICTORIAL for the pasttwenty-one days, giving twenty-four shows in receive a cheque for one guinea. eight or nine months, I would like to addfive different countries. my thanks to those of your other readers for your Jack and his band gave us a musical send-off useful and most entertaining weekly.The I.B.C.from Victoria Station; the same evening we were * A Third Alternative programmes are a boon to all listeners.I amin Brussels, giving our first concert to a Continental 44 S Droitwich has now got into itsentertained by your What Listeners Think columnaudience, in the Palais des Beaux Arts.Next day, and would like to know what listeners and thewe dashed over to Antwerp, for another concert. stride and proved itself tobeB.B.C.think of one of my ideas. When we arrived, with a few hours to spare well received in most parts of Why not have the views of the people who stillbefore the concert started, it was discovered that England and Wales, why notrefuse to buy a receiving licence?If they werethe trunk containing my stage dresses had been three alternative programmes?Why notinvited to state why they refused to pay, some-forgotten.There was only one thing to do, and a third alternative programme of a lighterthing helpful might be learned.They might evenI did it.Within quarter of an hour, I was in a nature than the present National programmeaward a prizefor the most helpful letter."-small'plane,heading back toBrussels.We and as a contrast to the localised RegionalP. E. Goofen, Harwich. collected the trunk, and arrived back once more programmes ?This third programme could in Antwerp. We arrived in Paris the following day to find it be radiated by the ' Little Nationals' on 261Sunday on the Long Waves ! in the grip of a taxi strike.At night, we appeared metres and be designated National programme How you can publish such' tripe 'as thebefore a packed house in the Salle Pleyel, dignified No. 2 as it would be broadcast nationally and" article, Why Have Sponsored Programmeshome of Beethoven concertos.Misfortune con- in most cases emanate from London. by W. Wilson is beyond my comprehension.Astinued to dog me, this time in the shape of a sore As Scottish National is commissioned tothe organ for the I.B.C. and Luxembourg pro-throat which would not allow me to sing at all. transmit the Droitwich programme it wouldgrammes,youshould know better thantoI could barely whisper my announcements, but be necessary to establish a third transmitterantagonise your readersinthisway. Yourthe audience were wonderfully sympathetic and atFalkirk to radiate this suggested alternative.correspondentWilsonstatesthatthose whoappreciative of our efforts. prefer brighter programmes on Sunday are in the 7 a.m.,next day, coaching along the Rue This third programme to take effect at, say,minority. Lafayette to the Gare l'Est, and so to Strasbourg. six o'clock so as to give an alternative from How does he know? Strasbourg to Zurich, then Geneva. We made then onwards. And has an official ballot ever been taken ? the long trip from Geneva to Marseilles in a day, It may be that if the B.B.C. were to adopt We are not interested inthe narrow-mindedand from there made our way via Cannes to Italy this idea there would probably be someviews of Sir John Reith nor in such ridiculouslyfor concerts in Milan, Genoa, and Turin on con- complaints from certain districts that recep-sweeping statements as those in this article. secutive nights. tion of this low wavelength was inconsistent "If Mr. W. Wilson likes to visit me I can take Nice, next, was notable for the fact that we (261 m.).This would in turn show the typehim to a dozen or more radio owners within 300stayed there ten days, four of which I declared a yards of my house (and we are a small community)holiday.My luck was in here, for I made £2,000 ofprogramme generallyappreciated,thewho spend most Sundays on 1,304 metres."-at the roulette tables-although it dwindled to rather heavy present National or the lighterL. C. Sprague, Westbay, Bridport, Dorset. £40 on the day before we left ! Nat. 2.Therefore it would only be necessary So to London, and the commencement of yet to reverse these, viz., Nat. 2 through Droit-That Children's Hour ! another tour, this time on home ground. 1 wich, Nat. (present programme)to be n behalf of the many listeners who still are It's all in the day's work . . . radiated by ' Little Nats.'It seems a sheer-0unfortunate enough to be unable to get waste of power inthisdistrict,it beingRegional on account of recent changes in wave- His Majesty's Speeches-A Record of the possible to receive the same programme fromlength, I wonder if anything can be done to makeSilver Jubilee.This official record of the Silver two stationsatapproximately the sameit possible for them to have Regional relayed onJubilee is published by permission of His Majesty strength."-A. S. Wilson, Accrington. National wavelength. the King.It is issued by King George's Jubilee (A cheque for one guinea has been forwarded It isn't much of a children's hour when itTrust, to which all proceeds will be devoted. appears to be mostly dance music, and I am sure Priced at 2s., it brings within reach of everyone to this reader, winner of the guinea "Star" thisthat if such relays as Toy Town and Island in thea permanent record of one of the happiest and week.) Mist were substituted, many children would bemost memorable events in our national life and more than delighted."-F. E. Allen, Bournville.at the same time enablesall to support the The Older Child national Jubilee Thank -offering to the King and "Children of all ages, can always find time to Queen inaugurated by H.R.H. the Princeof ' listen -in'to the wireless. Isuggest a Wales, who has written a special personal message weekly programme should be given for the benefit Are You Buying a-as a preface to the book.The volume contains of the elder child, 15 to 18 years.Talks would be fifty-six quarto pages, including twelve photo- well appreciated, I feel sure.Films and plays to New Radio Set? graphs on art paper.It is bound in silk -grained see, books to read, hikes andsport."-(Mrs.) Readers who contemplate writing to cream cloth, embossed in gold, with the Royal Janet G. Bennett, S.E.19. Arms. " RadioPictorial's " Set Selection It gives the full text of the historic broadcast The King's Broadcast Bureau before buying their new radio by His Majesty on May 6, His Majesty's speeches "As a new reader of RADIO PICTORIAL, I wish to receiverswillfindlettersspeedily at St. James's Palace in reply to the addresses express my opinion that if you want any- answered if the following information from the Diplomatic Corps and the representatives thing better, well, you can't have it.Further, of the overseas Dominions, and at Westminster your outside front page of May 3, showing His is enclosed. Hall in response to the addresses presented by Majesty is one of the best I've seen.I have cut it (I) Price to be paid. the Houses of Parliament, together with His right round the edge, pasted it on a piece of card- (2) Batteryormains. Iflatter, Majesty's special message to the childrenof board (colour grey) as a mount, and fitted it into whether A.C. or D.C. London. a narrow black frame.The result is a picture of The volume also contains the full text of the H.M. worth looking at."-Hy. Large, Wilts. (3) Type of cabinet preferred. world broadcast, including the message from the When buying a radio receiver, do PrimeMinisterthatprecededHis Majesty's Dance to Music notbemisledby thelook of the broadcast, the addresses at St. James's Palace "Although dance music is given a prominent cabinetor an apparentlyextensive and Westminster Hall to which the King replied, place in our broadcast programmes, how specification. Remember that service and the Jubilee Hymn written by John Masefield, many listeners know how to dance correctly? PoetLaureate.The bookformsaworthy I would suggest that one hour per week be devoted aftersalesisanimportant point to memento of an event which more than any other to dance instruction, by a qualified instructor, non -technical users. New sets some- in recent years has stirred our nation to a realisa- who could describe the various steps,to the timessuffer from teething troubles, tion of its great traditions. rhythm of background dance music."-Stanley while others leap into popularity from The standard edition mentioned above is now R. Elstob, Ilford. on sale throughout the country, price 2s., or can the beginning. be obtained, price 2s. 3d., post free, from The More Contrast, Please ! Write to Kenneth Jowers, c/o Editor,JubileeBook,King George'sJubilee "Why doesn't the success of Luxembourg's " Radio Pictorial." This service is free. Trust, 10 St. James's Square, London, S.W.1. Sunday programmes impress our B.B.C.'s Simply send a stamped addressed In addition, there is being published a limited entertainment department enough for them to library edition at half a guinea, handsomely bound give us more variety on records? I don't mean the envelope with the details mentioned inleather,copiesof which areindividually advertising, but the style of entertaining.Is the above. numbered.This edition can be obtained from B.B.C. sulking, or are they determined to " edu- the above address, price 10s. 9d., post free. 22 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL

Sunday, June 23 to Saturday, June 29, 1935. PROGRAMMES fromtale CONTINENT in ENGLISH

Information supplied by International Broadcasting Co. Ltd., II, HALLAM STREET, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W.I Copyright Reserved Sunday, June the Twenty-third All Times Stated are British Summer Time

PARIS (Poste Parisien) RADIO LUXEMBOURG RADIO NORMANDY 312 metres, 959 Kc/s.,100 kW. 1304 metres, 230 Kc/s., 200 kW. 269.5 metres, 1113Kc/s. Times of Transmissions Times of Transmissions Times of Transmissions Sundays : 5.00p.m.- 7.00 p.m. For English-speaking Listeners Sundays : 8.15 a.m.-12.00 (noon) 10.30 p.m. -midnight. Sundays : 12 (noon) -8.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m.- 7.00 p.m. Weekdays :10.30 p.m. -11.00 p.m. 9.00p.m. -12 (midnight) 9.30 p.m.- 1.00 a.m. excepting Weekdays :6.15 p.m. -7.15 p.m. Weekdays : 8.15 a.m.- 8.45 a.m. Saturdays 10.30 p.m. -11.45p.m. 4.30 p.m.- 6.00 p.m. Announcers : S. H. C. Williams and Gerald Carnes 11.00 p.m.- 1.00 a.m. Announcer :J. Sullivan Announcers : C. Danvers -Walker, A. Campbell and 12 (Noon) E. J. Oesterman Afternoon Programme HALL'S WINE CONCERT BOBBIE COMBER AND Morning Programme 5.0 p.m. Relay of REGI NALD P URDELL FRENCH BICYCLE RACE in the a.m. LIGHT ORCHESTRAL CONCERT 5.45 p.m. ORCHESTRALCONCERT MUSICAL VOYAGE A Radio Roundabout ... arr. Noack Little Romany Waltz ...... Leon In the Shadows Finck EPISODE No. I I Pianoforte Solo-Toyland Holiday da Costa Fibich Listen for the announcement of a simple compe- Entrance of the Little Fauns Pierni Dance of the Nymphs... Eirch tition with numerous cash prizes.Closing date, ... Remy Hungarian Medley arr. Legged Thursday, June 27. 1.8.C. Time Signal. 6.0 p.m. INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT The Busy Bee ... Bendix Sweetheart I'm Dreaming of You ...... Carter 12.15 p.m. Play of Butterflies Heykens Zephyr ...... Hubay INTERNATIONAL LABORATORIES Song -Truly Rural Gentleman Heymann Waltz in A Minor .. Sizilietta Von Blon Scherzo ...... Jadassohn CONCERT OF POPULAR MELODIES Flight of the Bumble Bee ... Rimsky- Korsakow (Gramophone Records) 8.45a.m. SPANISH INTERLUDE

Serenade (Les Millions d'Arlequin) ... Drigo For free sample of Karmoid Laxative Tablets write Spanish Gipsy Dance ...... Marquina First Waltz ...Durant toInternational Laboratories, Smedley Street, Andalusia ... Gomez Londonderry Air ...... arr. Scott London, S.W.8. La Rosita Dupont Excerpts from "Naughty Marietta"... Victor Herbert Picador ...... Moselle A Brown Bird Singing... . Wood a.m. " RADIO PICTORIAL " 6.30 p.m. OLD FAVOURITES JOCK McAVOY v. BURKE CELEBRITY CONCERT First Flower of the Garden ...... Heykens (Gramophone Records) Schon Rosmarin ...Kreisler Boxing " fans " will be interested to learn Kathleen Mavourneen...... Crawford that it is hoped to broadcast from PARIS SignatureTune -You Oughta be in Pictures, The Unforgotten Melody Haydn Wood The Wind was Blowing Ninety Miles per Hour Maclean Brand Stomach Powder can cure your digestive (Poste Parisien), on 312 metres, an eye- Harry Roy and His Orchestra. Keuleman troubles -but don't be put off with cheap imitations. witness description of the Jock McAvoy Move into my House ...... Wright Two Eyes of Grey ... McGeoch versus Burke Fight for the Middleweight Flotsam and Jetsam. Frasquita Serenade ...... Lehar Patiently Smiling (The Land of Smiles) ... Lehar Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses ... Day Championship andtheLonsdaleBelt. Richard Tauber. Maureen O'Dare Ramsey The fight takes place at the Bellevue, Rhapsody in Blue (Ken Harvey) ...... Gershwin The Man in the Street (Peter Dawson)... Longstaffe Manchester, on Monday, June 24, and the The Best of Schemes (George Formby) Gifford Evening Programme round to round description will be broad- Nimble Fingered Gentleman (Billy Mayerl) Mayerl castfromapproximately 10.30 p.m. Lover Come Back to Me ... Romberg 10.30 p.m. Jack Hylton and His Orchestra. onwards on that date. " RadioPictorial "-published every Friday -- SYLVAN SWEET HEARTS gives you new points of contact with your radio favourites. Popular Songs of Love and Romance Signature Tune. 12.30 p.m. 9.30 a.m. SONG MEMORIES Whisper Sweet ...... Johnson CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Song of the Vagabonds Hands Across the Table...... Parish Make sure of securing high prices for your old gold by When Day is Done ...... de Sylva IN THE IRISH FREE STATE sellingit now to Spink & Son, Ltd. Like a Bolt from the Blue ... Cleary Arranged by the My Baby Just Cares for Me ... Donaldson Nobody's Sweetheart ... Kahn Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Ventnor-"the sunniest place inEngland" -S years Special orchestrations by VanPhillips Ireland, Ltd., Dublin sunshine record.Hotel bookings arranged free by R. S. Programme Produced by U.P.C. GOLDEN HOUR OF MUSIC Boniface,Ventnor Holiday Bureau, I.O.W. Sylvan Soap Flakes --Just as good for washing-up Good Friends ... Heymann as for washing clothes -look for the blue and white Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. Indigestionsufferersget quickrelief from Maclean check packet. Margie ...... Davis Brand Stomach Powder -Is. 3d. a bottle.Can't be My Dance ... Mandell bought loose. 10.45 p.m. BILE BEANS Ah ! Sweet Mystery of Life ...... Herbert Over with Love ... Agar CELEBRITY CONCERT The Rhythm of the Rain ...... Stern Spanish Dance No. 5 ... Moskowski 9.45a.m.Bubbling BILE BEANS (Gramophone Records) One Morning in May ... Carmichael CELEBRITY CONCERT Signature Tune -Young and Healthy. You and the Night and the Music ...Schwartz Marche Militaire ... Schubert It All Depends on You ... Henderson (Gramophone Records) Massed Bands of the Aldershot Tattoo. Signature Tune -Youngand Healthy. Tally Ho I (Ashmoor Burch) ... Leoni 1.0 p.m. A Musical Switch Alford Intermezzo Pizzicato ... Birch ZAM-B UK BROADCAST Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards. Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra. Selections from Yes Madam ...... Weston & Lee Singing a Happy Song (Maurice Chevalier)... Stern Of the Latest Dance Music Binnie Hale and Bobby Howes. Russian Mosaic (Watford Haydn's Cziganskys). Keep a tin of Zam-Buk handy for emergencies - Down by the River ...... Rodgers By the Side of the Zuyder Zee ...Mills & Scott heals quickly and cleanly. Bing Crosby. Gerald Adams and Variety Singers. I've Brought You Some Narcissus, Cis ... Morris Old Bohemian Town (Gipsy Nina) ... Kennedy 1.30-2.0 p.m. Norman Long. Leslie Stuart Selection (Gerald Dixon). LITTLEWOOD'S BROADCAST If you want your friends to tell you how young Feel gloriously fit- -it's so easy when you keep your Littlewood's Racing Pools pay excellent dividends. you're looking, begin taking nightly doses of Bile blood stream pure with nightly doses of Bile Beans. Coupons from H. Littlewood, Ltd., Liverpool. Beans. (Continued on page 24, middle of column 4) (Continued on page 25, column 1) (Continued on page 24, column 1)

For brighter breakfasts, tune -in to RADIO NORMANDY (269.5 m.) every morning at 8.15. 23 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 Sunday, June the Twenty -Third

RADIO NORMANDY RADIO NORMANDY -cant RADIO NORMA NDY-cont. I RADIO NORMANDY -font. Continued from page 23, col. 3. 2.30 p.m. 5.15 p.m. 11.0p.m. Request Programme PROFESSOR EL -TA NA H'S HAPPY MOMENTS Compiled by Joyousness Waltz...... Haydn Wood 10.0 a.m. CONCERT Spring's Delight ... Ailbout Messrs. Hills of Moss Printers, LIGHT MUSIC March from TheJester atthe Gosport, Hants. Oriental Dance ...... White Wedding ... Coates "THE PAST, THE PRESENT Valencia ...... Padilla Merry Vienna inaidof theButchers' Spink & Son, Ltd., 5 King Street, S.W.I. are AND THE FUTURE " A garden party Moontime ... Collins expertsin thevaluationofimportant Charitable Institutionisbeing held at the White Horse Inn Fox-trot MedleyCharell atHounslowon diamonds. Programme Arranged by U.P.C. Institution'sHomes, For free horoscope, write to Professor Jollification Reeves June 26.Listen for details. El-Tanah, King Studio, Jersey,C.I., The Girl with the Dreamy Eyes ... Carr giving name and address, and date, 11.15 p.m. 10.15 a.m. I'll String Along with You ... Dubin time, and place of birth. Roll Along Covered Wagon ... Kennedy " RADIO PICTORIAL " BALLITO CONCERT Sam's Medal ... Hogan 5.30 p.m. CELEBRITY CONCERT DANCE MUSIC Ramona ...... Wayne TEATIME VARIETY (Gramophone Records) Signature Tune -Happy Feet. Next time you're in Brighton, be sure to Tea for Two Signature Tune -You Oughta be in Maybe I'm Wrong Again -Fox trot Trent visit the unique Log Cabin Saloon at Martin's Ay, Av, Ay Pictures. Don Juan -Tango ... Ponsio Club, 50 Middle Street. Trade Tableaux and Collectors urgently needed Life Begins at Oxford Circus ...Nicholls Where Were You on the Night of La Paloma Yradier for Mammoth Carnival. All offers of assistance Jack Hylton and His Orchestra. June 3rd -Fox trot ... Trent Ich Liebe Dich My Dear... Hart to :Carnival Secretary, Gravesend Hospital, Maybe I'm Wrong Again ... Trent Duke Mujer-Rumba Storme Kent. Norah Blaney and Gwen Farrar. 3.0 p.m. Waltz Medley. Once There Lived a Lady Fair...Clutsam Chiffon sheer -exquisitely dull --extra TUNES V.OM THE TALKIES AND SHOWS How's Your Cousin ? ...Rickards Richard Tauber. long-Ballito Pure Silk Stockings, sold 'Neath ,ae Southern Moon (Naughty Kisses in the Dark ... Micheli When I Grow too Old to Dream by good drapers everywhere. M-,.ietta) Young Maclean Brand Stomach Powder is bringing Evelyn Laye. Hammerstein You Bring Out the Savage in Me relief to people who thought their stomach News, articles, gossip, pictures, pro- (Oh ! Daddy I) Coslow trouble incurable -but be sure it's genuine. grammes -allfor 3d.in " Radio 10.30 a.m. You and the 'Night and the Music Whispering... SchOnberger Pictorial," published every Friday. MILITARY BAND CONCERT (Stop Press) ...... Dietz WhenIt'sThursdayNightin Killing Song (Sanders of the River) Egypt Schumann 11.30 p.m. Poet and Peasant Overture ... Suppe Spoliansky Hawaiian Sunset Vandersloot CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Cornet Solo -Fascination ... ..Hawkins Sally (Sally in Our Alley) ...Haines 6.0 p.m. IN THE IRISH FREE STATE Looking for a used car? Write for list of Talkin' to Myself (Gift of the Gab)Conrad Arranged by the bargains to Geo. Fitt Motors, Ltd., Tanker - Falling in Love Again (The Blue If I had a Million Dollars ...... Mercer Industrial Broadcasting Corporation. ton, Kent. Angel) ... Hollander If They had an Income Tax on Love Monaco of Ireland, Ltd., Dublin. In a Persian Market Ketelbey Zing Went the Strings of My Heart If You Pretend You're Blue ... Crick Spaeshates of Portsmouth guarantee prompt (Gay Deceivers) ...Hanley If You Were the Only Girl in the GOLDEN HOUR OF MUSIC delivery of Dennis Commercial Vehicles. Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. 3.30 p.m. If the Moon Turns Green ... Cates When You and I Were Seventeen Rosoff Selection -The Three Musketeers... Elliott CONCERT OF GRAMOPHONE RECORDS If I Might Come to You... Weatherley It's Easy to Remember ...... Rodgers WhenbuyingMaclean BrandStomach A Russian Night at the Hungaria. If I Have My Second Time on Earth le Clerq The Sunshine of Your Smile Cook powder,insist on the genuine powder, Colombo with the Tzigane Orchestra. I'ddotheMost Extraordinary Spinning Song Mendelssohn made by Macleans, Ltd.,Gt. West Road, Listen to the German Band ...Gordon Things ... Carter Alice Blue Gown ... McCarthy London. Hildegarde. 6.30 p.m. Down by the River ...Rodgers Song -The Crocodile ... Traditional Hejre Kati (Alfredo Campoli) Hubay Lullaby of the Leaves .Petkere The Wedding of the Rose ... Jessel Wot For ? (Norman Long) ...... Burnaby SYLVAN SWEET HEARTS Wish Me Good Luck Davis Genuine Maclean Brand Stomach Powder 12 (midnight) Never before has it been possible to make issoldinbottles -smallest sizeIs.3d. Popular Songs of Love and Romance such big profits on old silver -sellitto You can't buy it loose. Signature Tune. Club Concert for Truro Listeners Spink it Son, Ltd. The Minstrel Boy... Traditional March Winds and April Showers ... Samuels DANCE MUSIC -Part I Ballad Memories... arr. Baynes Walter Glynne. With All My Heart and Soul ...Hudson Believe Me -Fox trot ... Grossman The Paper Hat Brigade Damerell Goodnight Sweetheart ...... Noble I'm Getting off the Chain -Fox trotVienna The Masqueraders. So Red the Rose ...... Kent I'm Yours for To -night -Rumba... Rainger 11.0 a.m. Hello Gorgeous ... Donaldson California Here I Come. Devil in the Moon -Fox trot ... Hill SACRED MUSIC Layton and Johnstone. Special Orchestrations by Van Phillips What's the Reason ?-Fox trot... Poe Where the Arches Used To Be Flanagan Programme Produced by U.P.C. Lonely Linden Tree -Fox trot... Kennedy Panis Angelicus ... Cesar Franck Flanagan and Allen. Sylvan Soap Flakes --Just as good for Now's the Time to Fall in Love - Now My TonguetheMystery washing-up as for washing clothes - Fox trot...... Sherman Telling .. Merbecke 4.0 p.m. look for the blue and white check packet. Song of the Trees -Fox trot ... Damerell ChoralPrelude -Sanctify Us by LIGHT ORCHESTRAL CONCERT 6.45 p.m. To be Worthy of You -Fox trot... Davis Thy Goodness ... Bach, arr. H. Cohen Twinkling Lights Waltz ... Zeller Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones.. Riley Scene de Bat (Miniature Suite)... Coates INTERNATIONAL Song -Tramps at Sea Stothart LABORATORIES I.B.C. Time Signal. 11.30 a.m. Sandler Serenades. CONCERT OF POPULAR MELODIES 12.30 a.m. (Gramophone Records) DANCE MUSIC -Part II ORCHESTRAL MUSIC 4.15 p.m. For free sample of Karmoid Laxative Ambrose's Tiger Rag -Quick step March of the Dwarfs ... Grieg The Thought for the Week Tablets, write to International Labora- La Rocca, arr. Erard Anitra's Dance (Peer Gynt Suite) Grieg THE REV. JAMES WALL, M.A. tories, Smedley Street, London, S.W.8. Memphis Blues -Fox trot...... Handy 'Cello Solo -The Nightingale and Precentor of Durham Cathedral. 7.0 p.m. Caramba--Rumba ... Marta° the Rose... Rimsky Korsakow LIGHT ORCHESTRAL CONCERT-cont. I've got a Note -Fox trot... Polo CONCERT FOR FRENCH Whistling Lover's Waltz... Damerell The Nightingale's Morning My Dream . . Waldteufel B'wanga-Quick step. ...Phillips Greeting . . Recklenwald Babes in the Wood Rimmer SPEAKING LISTENERS Hungarian Dance No. 6... Brahms The first step towards good health -good Arranged by Streamline Strut...... Phillips Pianoforte Solo -Norwegian Bridal shoes from Chas. H. Baber, Ltd., Regent l'Association des Auditeurs Old Bohemian Town ...... Kennedy Procession Gricg Street, W.I. de Radio Norrnandie 1.0 a.m. I.B.C.GoodnightMelody Aisha. . ...Lindsay Song--Slumberland ...Steiner and Close Down. Love Songs ...Strauss Genas of Melody. Evening Programme 12 (Noon) Ingersoll Time Signal. 4.30 p.m. 9.30p.m. PARIS (Poste Parisien) SOME CELEBRATED FRENCH Continued from page 23, col.I. THE ADVENTURES OF COMPOSERS Afternoon Programme Gipsy Dance (Carmen) ... Bizet FLOSSIE Danse Macabre ... Saint Saens 11.15 p.m: 2.0 p.m. in which Jewel Song from Faust Gounod STRANG'S RACING POOLS " Flossie," Uncle Tom, Uncle Benjy "Radio Pictorial" is published every Frid.:. BROADCAST SOME TUNEFUL MEDLEYS price3d. and Auntie Joy Pavane Pour une Infante defunte Ravel VARIETY Eastern Medley. visit the famous La Cathkdrale Engloutie ... Debussy Life is a Song ... .. Young On with the Waltz. Cutey Toffee Factory Fete Boheme (Scenes Pittoresques) Massenet They Didn't Believe Mr...... Kern Memories of Horatio Nicholls. also Song of the Little Toy Drum Croom Johnson Spink & Son, Ltd., 5 King Street, S.W.I. will 10.0p.m. Nonny, Nonny, No ... Carter tell you the real value of your diamonds FLOSSIE'S WEEKLY COMPETITION REQUEST PROGRAMME Life Begins Again Flanagan and precious stones. A programme for everybody between Memories of the Ball. Mary of Argyll ... Hawkins June in January Robin I Believe in Miracles Lewis the ages of I and100. Sponsored by The Early Twenties. J. WHITEHOUSE & CO., LTD., of Spink & Son, Ltd., 5 King Street, S.W.I, Popular Waltz Piano Medley. Old Road, London, S.E.13, makers of are experts in the valuation of important Fortunes are being won every week --in Cutey Slab Toffee, Rolls and Caramels. diamonds. Strang'sRacingPools. Writefor 2.15 p.m. The Old Rustic Bridge Skelly coupons to T. Strang, Hawkhill Avenue, Programme Arranged by C.P.C. My Song Goes Round the World May Edinburgh, 7. BETOX GRAVY CONCERT Long, Long Trail .. Elliott 11.45 p.m. OF GRAMOPHONE RECORDS 4.45 p.m. By a Waterfall ... Kahal "Radio Pictorial" is published every Friday I NGERSOLL Signature Tune -Prelude to Act 1, The I.B.C. Nursery Corner price 3d. Carmen .. ... Bizet with the Uncles The Old Sow Traditional SLUMBER HOUR Marching Through Georgia Wark BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Knights of the King Ketelbey Turn Down the Lights for a Roy Henderson and Male Voice Quartet. Serenade (The Student Prince)... Romberg 10.30 p.m. Programme of Sweet Music Richard Crooks. 5.0 p.m. LIGHT MUSIC Signature Tune -Close Your Eyes. Songs My Mother Taught Me Dvorak RYDE (I.O.W.) BROADCAST Lolita Buzzi Evening Song Schumann Fritz Kreider. Silver Bell Madden Dedication (Love Song) Schumann Royal Naval Review Programme Ragtime Cowboy lac Clarke Traumerei Schumann Take advantage of this generous offer - Signature Tune -A Life on the Ocean. Moonlight Kisses Carter Slumber Song Schumann 1/5 lb. jar of Betox Extract, price Is. 2d., Selection-H.M.S. Pinafore ... Sullivan End your digestive troubles with Maclean Programme Arranged by U.P.C. Betox Gravy Powder (3d.size),trial Jollification ... Reeves Brand Stomach Powder -made by Macleans, Be on time all the time -Ingersoll clocks bottle of Phillips Live Yeast Tablets 16d.1 Song -The Old Superb . . Stanford Lcd., Gt. West Road, London. and watches never let you down. -all post free for Is. Naval Patrol Write now to Williams The Last Letter Waltz . Reggov 12 (midnight) Ingersoll Time Signal Betox, Co Phillips Yeast, 150 Regent Ryde (1.0.W.) offers an uninterrupted When the Harvest Moon is ShiningStevens Street, London, W.1, enclosingIs.in view of the massed fleets in the Royal A Street in Old Seville Towers. I.B.C. Goodnight Melody and Close stamps. Naval Review on Tuesday, July 16. Cheero Nero Seeley Down. Don't miss the Eye -witness Description of the Fight between Jock McAvoy and Burketo be broadcast from PARIS (Poste 24 Parisien, 312 m.) to -morrow (Monday) evening from approximately 10.30 onwards. June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL Sunday -continued Monday, June 24th

RADIO LUXEMBOURG RADIO -COTE D'AZUR-cont. RADIO .NORMANDY 269.5 m., 1113 Kc/s. Continued from page 23, col. 2. 11.0 p.m. 8.15-8.45 a.m. 11.0 p.m. LIGHT MUSIC Talkie Time 3.15-3.30 p.m. VARIETY CONCERT Gentlemen ! The King ! McLaren TUNES FROM THE TALKIES AND SHOWS Waltz Medley. Signature Tune-Sittin' in the Dark. (Gramophone Records) I Believe in Miracles Lewis You and the Night and the Music SYLVAN SWEETHEARTS The Singer's Joy ... Tap Your Feet. Strauss (Stop Press) ... Diets Black Eyes ... Ferraris Dancing with a Ghost (Jill Darling) Carter Popular Songs of Love and Romance Rochdale Hounds... Cliffe I.B.C. Time Signal. Why not turn that unwanted jewellery into If I Have My Second Time on Earth le Clerq Oh ! Leo ...... Clare ... ready cash tSpink & Son, Ltd., are paying Signature Tune. Getting Around and About ... Carr Selection -Road House Woods excellent prices. Wiener Praterleben Translateur Voice of the Stars. March Winds and April Showers... Samuels Only a Bird in a Gilded Cage von Tilsey Knave of Diamonds Steele My Heart is Always Calling You With All My Heart and Soul ...Hudson Clockwork... Mayerl 4.30 p.m. (My Heart is Calling) ... Pepper Good -night Sweetheart ... Noble Hummin' to You ... Reaves Chichester, Bognor, Hastings and Selection -Mississippi. So Red the Rose ... Kent Antoinette... Damerell Eastbourne Concert A Little Angel Told Me So (One DANCE MUSIC Hour Late) Coslow California, Here I Come. A Little White Gardenia -Fox trotCoslow One Night of Love Memories. Special Orchestrations by Van Phillips 11.30 p.m. Lady, Sing Your Gipsy Song ... Damerell There Won't be any Spring (The Programme Produced by U.P.C. Marie Louise -Waltz . ... Wayne Flying Trapeze) Wayne ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Put On An Old Pair of Shoes... Hill 11.30 p.m. Sylvan Soap Flakes -just as good for 4.45 p.m. THE ANNOUNCERS' washing-up as for washing clothes -look (Gramophone Records) The I.B.C. Nursery Corner for the blue and white check packet. VARIETY HALF-HOUR Uncle Pete...... Burnley Jones with the Uncles 12 (midnight) One Alone, from The Desert Song Romberg BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Club Concert for Falmouth Listeners 0.30 p.m. Tunes of Not so Long Ago -1921. 5.0 p.m. Ingersoll Time Signal. DANCE MUSIC Pizzicato from Sylvia Delibes DANCE MUSIC -continued Rhythm of the Rain -Fox trot...Meskill BILE BEANS BROADCAST Malola-Fox trot ... . Wayne Beauty Must be Loved ... Kaltal Valse des Fleurs Tchaikowsky Insiston genuine 'Maclean Bran.d. Stomach When Sonia Does Her Russian Of the Latest Dance Music Harlequin's Serenade - Leoncavallo Powder, madeby Macleans.Ltd.,Gt. Dance -Fox trot...... Plessow Savoy Irish Medley ... arr. Somers West Road, London. In My Leafy Bower -Tango ... Rust The Magic of You -Rumba ...Rainger Gertie the Girl with the Gong - A clear complexion means that your Anitra's Dance from Peer Gynt ... Gilbert blood is free from impurities --keep it Suite Grieg After All -Fox trot Quick step Sonin free with nightly doses of Bile Beans. If you appreciate a perfect chutney, ask for On the Other Side of the Hill - "Pavilion"Chutney, made byL.Cook Fox trot...... Kennedy 12 (midnight) and Co., Shoreham -by -Sea. My HeartWasSleeping -Tango Cherokee -Fox trot Carr Fox trot...... Kennedy .1.0 p.m. DANCE MUSIC 5.15 p.m.BITSAND PIECES Turn 'Erbert's Face to the Wall - (Gramophone Records) Comedy Waltz... Ellis CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Give a Cheer -Fox trot... Swifts Charlie Kunz Piano Medley. What's the Reason? -Fox *trot ...Tomlin IN THE IRISH FREE STATE Old Timer -Hill -Billy Fox trot... Carr Marrers ... Burnaby Maybe I'm Wrong Again -Fox trotBennett Ua Like, No a Like ... King I.B.C. TimeSignal. Arranged by the ... Leon Don'tfeel"off colour" -Safeguard your 12.30 a.m. Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Vienna in Springtime -Tango health with nightly doses ofBile Beans. Ireland, Ltd., Dublin Easy Come, Easy Go -Fox trot... Heyman Your Dog's Come Home AgainHarrington YANKEE NETWORK That's the Way I Like to Hear You 5.30 p.m.WOODLAND SCENES CONCERT GOLDEN HOUR OF MUSIC Talk -Fox trot ... Sigler When the Woods are Green ... Brodsky Arranged by the I.B.C. of London, I'm Lonesome for You Caroline - The Gipsies Radio City, New York. Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. Waltz ...... Burke FreetoKnitters -beautifullyillustrated DANCE MUSIC Also Just Like a Melody from Out of the Old Mammy Mine -Fox trot . . Kennedy booklet "Practical Knitting Hints." The Bouncing Ball -Fox trot Traumbausr Bargain price list Tuscan Wools Knitwear. Sky . Donaldson I've Got an Invitation to a Dance Rhythm Mad -Quick step Art. Strauss Jalousie Symes A Brown Bird Singing ...... Barrie An Old Lullaby -Waltz...... Hirsch ... Gade The Squirrel Dance ... Smith The Girl with the Dreamy Eyes - The Moon was Yellow A hied The Perfume Waltz Croke Birds in the Wood. Carr Stay as Sweet as You Are Revel Don't Forget -Slow Fox trot ...Lyndon Trees 12.45 a.m. Wonderful One Things are Looking Up -Fox trot Gay Be certain of ankle -clinging trimness -buy ... Whiteman Ballito Pure Silk Stockings. DANCE MUSIC My Song Goes Round the World Hans May The Object of My Affection -Fox von Blon Life Begins at Oxford Circus -Fox Tomlin Whispering Flowers ...Nicholls Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Kern Pan and the Wood Goblins Rathke trot Jealous She Fell for a Fella from Oopsala- The Wedding of the Garden Insects Little Comedy Waltz ... Damerell 6.0 p.m. -Fox trot CONCERT FOR FRENCH SPEAKING Sidewalks of Cuba -Rumba ... Oakland Crazy Weather -Fox trot...... Sigler LISTENERS I'm Growing Fonder of You ... Young 11.30 p.m. The Song of the Trees -Fox trot... Damerell Arranged by PAssociation des Auditeurs 1.0 a.m. I.B.C.GoodnightMelody "THE PAST, THE PRESENT 1.0 a.m. I.B.C.Goodnight Melody de Radio Normandie and Close Down. and Close Down. AND THE FUTURE" RADIO LUXEMBOURG 1304 m.,230 Kc/s., 200 kW. Programme Arranged by U.P.C. 6.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. Irish Listeners Concert-contd. I.B.C. SHORT WAVE Killing Song... . Spotsansky 11.45 p.m. SOME CELEBRITIES Lady Sing Your Gipsy Song ... Damerell EMPIRE TRANSMISSIONS (Gramophone Records) Bavarian Dance No. 1 Elgar LULLABY TIME E.A.Q. (Madrid) Wedgwood Blue ... Ketelbey Gentlemen ! The King ! Rag K etelbey's Concert Orchestra. By the Sleepy Lagoon Coates When Day is Done . de Sylva Souvenir 30 m., 10,000 Kc/s., 20 kW. When You and IWere Young, Ho tcha- Razz -Ma- J a zz Reuel ... Drdla Maggie (John McCormack) ..Butterfield Everybottleof genuineMacleanBrand They Call Me Mimi (La Sol:l-me)...Puccini 7.0-7.15 p.m. Stomach Powder is labelled"Made by Grace Moore. Macleans, Ltd., Gt. West Road." Announcer :S. H. Gordon Box The guarantee of genuine Maclean Brand THE OXYDOL Stomach Powder -the signature Alex. C. QUARTER-HOUR For Love Alone .Thayer 1.0 a.m. Maclean on the carton. Tina ... .. Kennedy Western Bros. IRISH SELECTIONS Ain't it Gorgeous? Starring Jack O'Day The Western Bros. The Oxydol Minstrel Shamrock -Selection Myddleton 12(midnight)Goodnight Melody and Evergreen -Irish Jig Whitlock 6.30 p.m. Signature Tune -Stay as Sweet as Close Down. Song-Maire My Girl ... Aitken CONCERT FOR LISTENERS You Are. In Far Away Donegal ...Baptiste I've Got an Invitation to a Dance Symes Maureen 0 Dare .. ... Ramsay IN THE IRISH FREE STATE March Winds and April Showers... Samuels Song -The Mountains of Mourne...French Arranged by the Be Careful Young Lady ...... Coslow Shamrock Selection arr. Myddleton Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Radio Parade of 1985. Ireland, Ltd., Dublin When My Ship Comes In ... Kahn RADIO -COTE D'AZ UR LIGHT MUSIC Programme Produced by U.P.C. (Juan-les-Pins) 1.30 a.m. I.B.C. Goodnight Melody Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. Oxydol, the wonder soap, works miracles Medley from Broadway Melody... Freed of brightness with the family wash - 240 m., 1249 Kc/s., 10 kW. Fold Your Wings...... Novella only 3%d. a packet. Announcer :Miss L Ballet. Ales DA''-Continued PARIS (Poste Parisien) 312 m., 959 Kc/s., 100 kW. 10.30 p.m. YANKEE NETWORK 10.30 p.m. VERNON'S FIGHT BROADCAST SELECTIONS FROM FILMS AND SHOWS WNAC, BOSTON, MASS. JOCK McAVOY v. BURKE It's Home (Marie Galante) Yellen 243.8 m.,1230 Kc/s., 2.5 kW. for Lonely Night (Stop Press) Berlin The Middle -weight Championship Selection -Princess Charming ... Kester WEAN, PROVIDENCE, R.I. and How're You Getting On ? (Sporting 384.4 m., 780Kc/s.,5 kW. Sarony Lonsdale Belt Live for To -day (The Maid of the 4.30-4.45 a.m. TO BE HELD AT THE BELLEVUE, MANCHESTER Mountains) ...Fraser Simson (11.30-11.46 p.m. E.D.T.) onJune 24th, 1935. Selection -Road Howe ... .. Woods I.B.C. Concert Through the courtesy of the promoters of the famous Vernon's Pools of Liver- Give Me a Heart to Sing to (Frankie Arranged by the I.B.C. of London, pool,itis hoped to broadcast an eye -witness round -to -round description of and Johnnie) Washington Radio City, New York. this championship battle irons 10.30 p.m. onwards Selection -Evergreen .. Woods 11.0 p.m.Ingersoll Time Signal.I.B.C. Goodnight Melody and Close Down. Be sure to tune -in to the programmes for English -Speak ng Listeners broadcast from PARIS (Poste Parisien, 312 m.) every week -night at 10.30 p.m. 25 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 Tuesday, June 25th Wednesday, June 26th

RADIO NORMANDY 269.5 m., 1113 Kc/s. RADIO NORMANDY 2695 m., 1113 Kc/s. 8.15-8.45 a.m. 11.0 p.m. 8.15-8.45 a.m. 5.45 p.m. CONCERT OF GRAMOPHONE RECORDS CONCERT OF GRAMOPHONE RECORDS DANCE MUSIC My Isle on Hilo Bay The Chestnut Man ...... Perking "THE PAST, THE PRESENT St. James's Park -Quick step Leon Sol Hoopii and his Novelty Quartet. Geraldo and his Rumba Orchestra. When the Robin Sings... Parish When You Look at Me that Way...Howard Portrait of a Toy Soldier... .. Ewing AND THE FUTURE" Malola-Slow Fox trot ... Carter JaneCarr. Albert Sandler and his Orchestra. Programme Arranged byU.P.C. La Cucaracha-Rumba d'Lorah The Killing Song(Paul Robeson) Spoliansky Spread a Little Happiness...... Grey On the Other Side of the Hill ...Kennedy Lazy Pete -Intermezzo ...Werner Binnie Hale and Al Starita and 6.0 p.m. I.B.C. Time Signal. International Concert Orchestra. kis Novelty Orchestra. March Winds and April Showers... Samuels Such simple exchange -old gold for treas- Lonely Linden Tree ...Kennedy CONCERT FOR FRENCH Whistling Lover's Waltz... Damerell ury notes. Make it at Spink & Son, Ltd. Troise and hisMandoliers. ... Stern SPEAKING LISTENERS Rhythm of the Rain -Fox trot If You Were the Only Girl Memories.Ayer A Bouquet from Jerome Kern . Kern Where the Black-eyed Susans GrowWhiting Carroll Gibbons and his Boy Friends. Arthur Young and his Youngsters. Arranged by The Wrong Bus ...... Martin I.B.C. Time Signal. l'Assoc lotion des Auditeurs 4.30 p.m. WilliamHartnel, JulietManseland The Whistler and His Dog ... Pryor de Radio Normandie Torquay, Exeter, Plymouth and Michael Hogan. Lew White. Devonport Concert Fascination(Jack Mackintosh)... Hawkins The Coon Among the Chickens ... Ives 11.0 p.m. DANCE MUSIC The Seaside ... Frankau Reginald King and his Light Orchestra. Down by the River -Fox trot ...Rodgers Murgalroydand Winterbottom. Dancing Days -1920. MUSIC FROM THE OPERA Old Mammy Mine -Fox trot ...Kennedy Carroll Gibbons. Schwanda the Bagpiper ... Weinberger Clavelito-Tango Genera 11.30 p.m. Gipsy Come They Call Me Mimi (La Bohime) Puccini Flirtation Walk -Foxtrot ... Dixon Gipsy Horvath and his Orchestra. Ballet Music Act 4 (Carmen) ... Bizet CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Old gold can be sold at a tremendous profit 4.45 p.m. IN THE IRISH FREE STATE 4.30 p.m. -and the best prices of allare paid by The I.B.C. Nursery Corner Arranged by Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Spink & Son, Ltd. Industrial Broadcasting Corporationof Southsea Concert Woman's a Fickle Jade (Rigoletto) Verdi with the Uncles Ireland, Ltd., Dublin DANCE MUSIC Prelude to Act 3 from Lohengrin. Wagner BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Talkin' to Myself -Fox trot ...Conrad Selection -Madame Butterfly ...Puccini 5.0 p.m.Ingersoll Time Signal. "TANGO TIME" Rose of Italy -Fox trot ... Nicholls Miserere (II Trovatore) ... Verdi : Berlin DANCE MUSIC -continued Announcer -John Charles Sinclair Heat Wave Rumba Waltzes and Interlude Act 3 (Ara- On the Night of June 3rd -Fox This week :"Adventures inBogota and Were You Foolin' ?-Fox trot ... Ahlert bella) ... Straus Cartagena"- Sinclair and the exquisite trot Slept 4.45 p.m. 11.30 p.m. The Bouncing Ball -Fox trot Trauttibauer Francesca explore these fascinating cities. The I.B.C. Nursery Corner Putting on weight Don't worry.The THE ANNOUNCERS' simple reducing remedy isa nightly dose 12(midnight) with the Uncles of Bile Beans. Club Concert for Bude Listeners BIRTHDAY GREETINGS VARIETY HALF-HOUR Keuleman Part I -DANCE MUSIC BY BILLY COTTON Maori Song of Goodbye -Waltz AND HIS BAND 5.0 p.m. Ingersoll Time Signal. 12 (midnight) I'm Getting off the Chain -Fox trotVienna DANCE MUSIC -continued (Gramophone Records) The Paper Hat Brigade -Fox trotDamerell Club Concert for St. Ives Listeners 5.15 p.m. Believe it BelovedFox trot ...Whiting The Words are My Heart -Waltz Dubin DANCE MUSIC -Part I FIFTEEN MINUTES WITH LAYTON AND PutOn An Old Pair of Shoes... Hill Don't let your youth slip away -keep fit Lullaby of Broadway -Fox trot ... Dubin JOHNSTONE Save a Little Love for Me -Fox trotSomers with nightly doses of Bile Beans. MyDance -Fox trot ...... Mandell (Gramophone Records) You're Nothin' buta Nothin'... Morey Lady,Sing Your Gipsy Song - Maracas -Rumba ... Marzedo Hello Gorgeous ... Donaldson Turn 'Erbert's Face to the Wall... Ellis Fox trot... Damerell The Gentleman Obviously Doesn't Suit the occasion with a Ballito Stocking We'reJust Simple Folk -Fox trot Woods Good MorningMister Sun ... Noble Believe -Slow Fox trot...... Carr -Service Weight for hard wear, Chiffonette On an Old Paddle Steamer Sarony 'Neath the Southern Moon -Fox for daintiness, Crepette for luxury. Somebody Stole My Gal... Wood 5.15 p.m. trot ... Young It Was So Beautiful ... Freed Life is a Song -Fox trot. VOCAL DUETS Tiger Rag -Quick step ...la Rocca What a Little Moonlight Can Do... Woods How's Your Cousin ? ...Rickards Alla Va-Bolero Son. I'llClose My Eyes Tinturin My Heart Was Sleeping ...... Kennedy Believe Me -Fox trot Grossman I.B.C. Time Signal. Bulpitt's half -yearly saleis worth visiting. Memories ofHours Spent With 5.30 p.m. 12.30 a.m. PartII -DANCE MUSIC If you can't be there, write for catalogue to You -Waltz Smyth ORCHESTRAL MUSIC The Wind was Blowing Ninety Miles Bulpites, Ltd.. 29-41 King's Rd., Southsea. The Entrance of the Little Fauns Pierni per hour -Comedy Fox trot Keuleman An Old Lullaby ...... Hirsch I.B.C. Time Signal. Twinkling Lights Waltz. A Street in Old Seville -Fox trot ...Towers Whv Don't You Practise What Song -Two Eyes are Smiling ...Kalman Song of the Trees -Fox trot ' ...Damerell You Preach? ...... Sigler La Petite Tonkinoise ... Scotto How Lovely Darling -Waltz Grothe 12.30 a.m. 5.30 p.m. PartII Ifit bears the signature Alex. C. Maclean One LittleMoment -Fox trot ...Hassan ACCORDION BAND MUSIC What a Difference a Day Made - on the carton, it s genuine Maclean Brand B'Wanga-Quick step ... Phillips Cheero, Nero ! ... Seeley Don Juan -Tango Fox trot Stomach Powder. Ankle -clinging hosiery means extra comfort My Old Dog -Fox trot ... Sarony Doctrinen-Waltz ...Strauss If the Moon Turns Green ...... Cates and extra charm -that's why wise women Song -For Love of You ...Vienna Toreador -Paso Doble ...Clemens 1.0 a.m.I.B.C.Goodnight Melody insist on Ballito Stockings. Whisper Sweet -Fox trot ...... Johnson Carlsbad Doll Dance Pleier Petite Waltz Alexander The Apache Dance Offenbach and Close Down. Maybe I'm Wrong Again -Fox trot Trent Maclean Brand Stomach Powder has many Here Comes Cookie -Fox trot ... Gordon imitators -only genuineifthe signature Let Me Sing You to Sleep with a 6.0 p.m. Alex. C. Maclean appears on the carton. CONCERT FOR FRENCH RADIO UUBUA NA Love Song -Waltz ... Gordon Accordion Cora ...... Graham The Houie WhereIwas Born...de Sylva SPEAKING LISTENERS 569 m. 527 Kc./s. 7 kW. Weymouth offersperfect bathing and Arranged by boating, and a host of holiday joys. Free GoodnightMelody l'Association des Auditeurs 10.30-11.0 p.m. I.B.C. CONCERT Guide from The Town Clerk, Weymouth. 1.0 a.m. I.B.C. de Radio Normandie ORCHESTRAL MUSIC Grinning Bersatsky and Close Down.

RADIO LUXEMBOURG 1304 m., 230 Kc/s., 200kW.1 RADIO LUXEMBOURG 1304 m., 230 Kc/s., 200 kW.1

6.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. -The Irish Concert-cont. 6.15 p.m. CHANGING TIMES 6.30 p.m. -The Irish Concert-cont. I Want to Hear those Old -Time Melville Gideon Medley...... Gideon BANJO SELECTIONS The Man on the Flying Trapeze . . 0' Keefe Melodies Again...... Gilbert You Turned Your Head ...... Ellis Rhapsody in Blue... Gershwin Oopsala ... Butler Where the Arches Used to Be ...Flanagan Night and Day (Gay Divorce) ... Porter Selections from Bing Boys on Broadway. There's a Body on the Line ... feClerq Back to Those Happy Days ...Nicholls 7.0-7.15 p.m. Excerpts from Naughty Marietta Herbert Wheezy Anna ... .. Sarony Make certain you're buying genuine Maclean Gaits and Styles. Algernon WhiBesnoop John Keuleman Brand Stomach Powder -it has the signature THE OXYDOL Alex. C. Maclean on the carton. 6.30 p.m. I'm the Last of the Texas Rangers Carr QUARTER-HOUR 7.0-7.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. Starring Jack O'Day CONCERT FOR LISTENERS CONCERT FOR LISTENERS The Oxydol Minstrel IN THE IRISH FREE STATE LIGHT SONGS IN THE IRISH FREE STATE Signature Tune -Stay as Sweet as You Are. Arranged by The Girl with the Dreamy Eyes... Carr Arranged by the Au revoir l'Amour Meskill Limehouse Blues ... .. Furber Got Me Doin' Things. Industrial BroadcastingCorporationof Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Green Meadows ...... Leon Ireland Ltd. Dublin "RadioPictorial"withcompleteI.B.C. Ireland Ltd., Dublin PALACE THEATRE SUCCESSES The Girl with the Dreamy Eyes ... Carr ALL THE COMEDY SUCCESSES programmes forthefollowing week, is One Night in Napoli ...Ingram published every Friday, price 3d. Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. No, No, Nanette Selection ...Youmans ProgrammeProduced by U.P.C. I Taught Her How to Play ...le Clerq All Poshed Up with Me Daisies in Me Sometimes I'm Happy .. ...Youmans The best soap is the one that gives the No, No, a Thousand Times No...Sherman 'and Shuff I've Got You on My Mind ... Porter most suds -use Oxydol with its 23 per Home James Hillebrand When Love Knocks at Your Heart Hill I'll See You Again (Bittersweet) ... Coward cent. extra suds, and watch the results.

PARIS (Poste Parisien)312 m., 959 Kc/s., 100 kW. PARIS (Poste Parisien)312 m., 959 Kc/s., 100 kW. 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. -"Radio Pictorial" Concert - 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. TUNES FROM THE TALKIES AND SHOWS continued. The Magic of You (Rumba)... Rainger Anything Can Happen Nowadays Burnaby VARIETY CONCERT "THE PAST, T HE PRESENT Singing a Happy Song ... Meskill Down in Old Santa Fe ... Hill Billies Norman Long. (Gramophone Records) ...Novello Step byStep(Binnie Barnes) Bawcombe AND THE FUTURE " Far Awayin Shanty Town Cherokee ... Lisbon Streamline Strut ...... Sid Phillips 10.45 p.m. Roy Fox and his Band. With All My Heart and Soul ...Hudson " RADIO PICTORIAL " Every aspect of broadcasting is dealt " Radio Pictorial "contains forty pages of 11.0 p.m. Ingersoll Time Signal. CELEBRITY CONCERT with in" Radio Pictorial "-on sale pictures,news,articlesandprogrammes. every Friday, price 3d. Published every Friday, price 3d. I.B.C. Goodnight Melody and Close (Gramophone Records) 11.0 p.m.Ingersoll Time Signal. Number Please ... JaneCarr Down. Signature Tune -You Ougbta be in Pictures On Ilkla Moor Bah't 'at ... arr.Jackson I.B.C. Goodnight Melody and Close Peggy Cochrane's Medley. Jack Jackson and his Orchestra. Down. Every evening at 6.15 p.m., immediately after the " First News," switch over to RADIO LUXEMBOURG (1304 m.) 26 for an hour of the finest entertainment. June 21,1935 RADIO PICTORIAL Thursday, June 2/th Friday, June 28th

RADIO NORMANDY 269.5 m.,1113 K/cs. LRADIO NORMANDY 269.5m., 1113 Kc/s. Morning Programme 6.0 p.m. Morning Programme Evening Programme CONCERT FOR FRENCH 8.15-8.45 a.m. SPEAKING LISTENERS 8.15-8.45 a.m. 11.0 p.m. Arranged by LIGHT MUSIC ORCHESTRAL MUSIC Old Songs Selection. MOTHER'S FAVOURITES Bal Masque ... l'Association des Auditeurs The Blue Danube Waltz Fletcher de Radio-Normandie Springtime Serenade ... Heykens ... Strauss Faust Waltz...... Gounod Beside the Singing Waters The Honeysuckle and the Bee ... Fitz Hearts and Flowers Tobani Kennedy Burlington Bertie from Bow Hargreaves Evening Programme Parade of the Wooden Soldiers Jessel In theShade of the Old Apple Tree Photographers, amateur and professional, The Electric Girl ... Williams are advised to write E. Kimber, 61 Grand Holmes Expertadviceandcourteoustreatment 11.0p.m. VAUDEVILLE I.B.C. Time Signal. await you when you take your old gold and Parade, Brighton, 7, for money -saving lists. Marigold ... Mayerl Jollification ...... Reeves (Gramophone Records) silver to Spink & Son, Ltd. You Are My Heart's Delight ... Lehar The Merry Widow Waltz ... Serenade ...... Schubert The Merrymakers' Carnival Haenschen " Radio Pictorial " at all bookstallsprice 3d. Lehar I.B.C. Time Signal. Where the Arches Used to Be Flanagan Souvenir d'Ukraine Ferraris By the Side of the Zuyder Zee ... Mills She's a Lassie from Lancashire... Murphy The King of Hearts ... Steele In the Gloaming ...... Harrison Spring's Delight ... . A ilbout Creole Impersonations .. Gordon Selection -The Chocolate Soldier Remember to get your new number of Spink & Son, Ltd., S King Street, S.W.!, Afternoon Programme Oscar Straus " Radio Pictorial " to -morrow.Price 3d. will arrange immediate purchase of your old The Naughty 'Nineties -Romance. Oriental Dance ... White gold and diamonds. 4.30 p.m. 11.35 p.m. Selection of Musical Comedies. Clothes .. Frankau Bournemouth, Weymouth, Southampton " RADIO PICTORIAL " Stanelli and his' " Hornchestra." and Winchester Concert Afternoon Programme Next week's I.B.C. Programmes are DANCEMUSIC CELEBRITY CONCERT 4.30 p.m. published in the issue of " Radio Pictorial " What Are You Doing Out in the (Gramophone Records) on sale to -morrow. Rain ?-Fox trot Sarony Signature Tune -You Oughta Be in Pictures. Worthing, Littlehampton, Brighton Listen to the German Band . Gordon Down by the River -Fox trot ... Hart Sidewalks of Cuba -Rumba ... Mills and Hove Concert Milano .. le Clerq Juramento-Rumba Matamoro Roy Foxandhis Band. DANCEMUSIC The Girl with the Dreamy Eyes... Carr Anything Can Happen Nowadays Burnaby 'Neath a Southern Moon -Fox trot Young 11.30 p.m. Norman Long at thePiano. Gentlemen!The King! -Fox trotMcLaren 4.45 p.m. CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Mother's Pie Crust ...... Wallace The Chestnut Man -Rumba ...Perkins The I.B.C. Nursery Corner Nellie Wallace. Don't BeAfraidtoTell Your IN THE IRISH FREE STATE with the Uncles Selection -Bow Bells Sullivan Mother -Fox trot ...Tomlin Arranged by the BIRTHDAY GREETINGS HarryJacob's Light Orchestra. 4.45 p.m. Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of 5.0 p.m.Ingersoll Time Signal. Life Begins Again... Flanagan The I.B.C. Nursery Corner Ireland, Ltd., Dublin DANCE MUSIC -continued Flanagan and Allen. THE ROMANTIC BACHELOR Put on an Old Pair of Shoes Hill On the Other Side of the Hill ...Kennedy with the Uncles Kitty Masters. PresentsMelodiesofYouth and I Ain't Gonna Sin No More ...Conrad BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Fashionable clothes demand slim figures - Things Are Looking Up ... Grey 5.0 p.m.Ingersoll Time Signal. Songs of Love and the easy way to a slim figure is a nightly Jack Jacksonandhis Orchestra. DANCE MUSIC -continued This Week:"WinterinWengen" -a dose of Bile Beans. Take a peep behind the scenes of broad- I've Got a Note -Fox trot ... Polo surprising situation amid the The Bridal Waltz ... Burke casting -in" RadioPictorial,"out Cheap Imitations may be harmful, so insist snow -peaked Alps Lullaby of Broadway -Fox trot ... Dubin to -day, price 3d. on genuine Maclean Brand Stomach Powder 5.15 p.m. 12 (midnight) -from Is. 3d. a bottle. 12 (midnight) COME TO THE FAIR ClubConcert for Bodmln Listeners . . Club Concert for Newquay Listeners DANCE Rain in Spain -Tango Cugat Come to the Fair...... Martin MUSIC -Part I Believe It, Beloved -Fox trot ...Whiting DANCEMUSIC -Part I Delicious for picnics -cheese and chutney Church Bells Told -Fox trot ...Schwartz Ballito Pure Silk Stockings in the season's Jubilee Dance Memories. A Little White Gardenia -Fox trot Coslow Have Been so sandwiches,made withCook'sPavilion smartest shades await your inspection. See ThingsMight Chutney. Rose of Seville -Tango ... Mora them at your draper's. Different -Fox trot Lewis Back Home in Tennessee -Fox trot Kahn Oh! Fred Meen So Red the Rose -Fox trot ... Jerome Clouds -Fox trot... Merry-go-round Ellington Donaldson To -night I'm Going to be Gay - Home Ties -Fox trot ...... Tobias 5.15 p.m. Tango ... Discepolo Your guarantee of genuine Maclean Brand Swing, Brothers, Swing -Fox trot LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT So Close to the Forest -Fox trot... Young Stomach Powder -the signature Alex. C. Scott Wood Silver Bell -Intermezzo ...Madden St. James's Park -Quick Step ... Leon Maclean on the carton. The Words Are In My Heart -Waltz Dubin Anything Can Happen NowadaysBurnaby The Waltz of Love -Waltz ... Jones Swing Me Up Higher Mac keben Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart Keep fit for the holidays with nightly doses I Was Lucky -Fox trot ...... Stern 5.30 p.m. -Fox trot ...Hanley of Bile Beans. On the Other Side of the Kennedy ORCHESTRAL CONCERT I've Got a Note -Fox trot Pola Fox trot Medley. Portrait of a Toy Soldier...... Ewing The Jolly Yodellers Wild Gipsy Moon ... Borganoff I.B.C. Time Signal. 5.30 p.m. I.B.C. Time Signal. Casino Dances -Waltz Gung'l 12.30 a.m. MILITARY BAND MUSIC 12.30 a.m. Part II For Love Alone ... Sievier Part II Under the Double Eagle March ...Wagner When the Robin Sings His Song Sandler Serenades. My Heart is an Open Book -Fox Jolly Peter Waltz...... Werner Again -Fox trot ... Parish You'lllike the extra length and special trot ... Gordon A new issue of " Radio Pictorial " comes A Street in Old Seville -Fox trot...Towers stretch of Ballito Pure Silk Stockings. On the Night of June 3rd -Fox trot Slept out to -morrow, Friday, price 3d. The Rhythm oftheRumba...Rasnger Love, Here Is My Heart... Silesu My Old Dog -Fox trot ... Sarony Song -The Laughing Cavalier Sanderson It's Easy to Remember -Fox trot Hart Play of Butterflies... Heykens Vienna in Springtime -Tango ... Leon Parade of the Elephants... Chenette March Winds and April Showers...Samuels Marcheta Schertzinger Since Charlie Did His Courting in Selection -The Belle of New York Kerker The Dashing Marine -Comedy 6.0 p.m. a Chalk Pit -Fox trot... Harrington Increasethepleasureof yourstayin Waltz Crumit CONCERT FOR FRENCH What's the Reason !-Fox trot Tomlin Brightonbyenrolling as a temporary Down by the River -Fox trot ... Hart Adios -Rumba ... Matiriguera SPEAKING LISTENERS Kahn member of Martin's Club, 50 Middle Street. Alexander's Ragtime Band . . Berlin Arrangedby Nobody's Sweetheart -Quick Step Song -Nowt About 'Owt ... Melvin 1.0 a.m.I.B.C. Goodnight Melody l'Association des Auditeurs 1.0 a.m. I.B.C.GoodnightMelody Teddy Bears' Picnic de Radio-Normandie and Close Down. Knightsbridge March Coates and Close Down.

(RADIO LUXEMBOURG1304 m., 230 Kc/s., 200 kW. RADIO LUXEMBOURG 1304 m., 230 Kc/s., 200 kW.I 6.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. -The Irish Concert-cont. 6.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. -The Irish Concert-cont. Tunes of 1924. U.P.C. Dance Orchestra Medley of Film Waltzes. U.P.C. Light Orchestra The Sweetness of It All Kisso Honey that Belongs to Me ... Brown You and the Night and the Music...Schwartz Signature Tune -One Night of Love. June inJanuary ...... Robin Trees Rasbach Fox trot Medley. I Love You Very Much, Madame... Carr Because I Love You ... Berlin Don't Say Goodbye. I'll Follow My Secret Heart ...Coward As Long as I Live...... Koehler One Night of Love ... Schertzinger Indigestion sufferers!You need genuine I'll Never Be the Same . Malneck Folies Bergere Selection ... Meskill MacleanBrandStomachPowder. Ave Maria ... Bach Unless Evans Cates The Very Thought of You... Noble If the Moon Turns Green ...... Dames ...... Dubin Sing as We Go Parr -Davies With My Eyes Wide Open Gordon I've Got an Invitation to a Dance Svmes O.K. Toots ...... Kahn 6.30 p.m. 7.0-7.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. CONCERT FOR LISTENERS CONCERT FOR LISTENERS 7.0-7.15 p.m. THE MAGIC OF THE BAND IN THE IRISH FREE STATE IN THE IRISH FREE STATE ... Haines Arranged by the Fall In and Follow the Band Arranged by the " THE PAST, Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Listen to the German Band ... Gordon Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Ireland Ltd. Dublin " Radio Pictorial " keeps you up-to-date Ireland, Ltd., Dublin THE PRESENT AND GRACIE FIELDS AND ORCHESTRA DANCE MUSIC with broadcasting news. New issue on sale Signature Tune -Come Back to Erin. at all newsagents to -morrow.Price 3d. (Gramophone Records) THE FUTURE " Far Away in Shanty Town ...Novello The Changing of the Guard ...Hallam Signature Tune -Come Back toErin. Rhythm Mad ... Arr. Strauss Alexander's Ragtime Band Berlin No Moon, No Stars, Just You ... Moiya Programme Arranged by U.P.C. PARIS (Poste Parisien) 312 m., 959 Kc/s., 100k W. PARIS (Poste Parisien) 312 m., 959 Kc/s., 100 kW. 10.30 p.m. 10.30 p.m. -Russian Music-cont. SOME RUSSIAN MUSIC Danse Chinoise; Danse des Mirli- tons (Nutcracker Suite) Tchaikowsky Prelude in G Minor...... Rachmaninoff Khowantchina-Entr'acte, Act 4 There will be no Hymn to the Sun (Le Coq d'Or) Moussorgsky Rimsky- Korsakow March of the Caucasian Chief To the Forest Tchaikowsky ippolitov-ivanov I.B.C. Transmissions from PARIS (Poste Parisien) Danse Orientale Glazounow Have you seen the new issue of " Radio 11.0 p.m. Ingersoll Time Signal. To -night Pictorial "f On saleatallnewsagents to -day, price 3d. I.B.C. Goodnight Melody and Close Dance of the Fire Bird (The Fire Bird) Stravinsky Down. When writing to the I.B.C., will listeners whose letters require an answer please remember to enclose a stamped -addressed envelope. 27 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL Saturday, June the Twenty-ninth

RADIO NORMANDY 269.5 m., 1113Kc/s. RADIO LUXEMBOURG 1304 m., 230 Kc/s., 200 kW. Morning Programme 5.30 p.m.-Gramophone Records-Contd. 6.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m.-The Irish Concert--Contd. Don'tbemisled-buy genuineMaclean ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Kunz Medley No. 12. March Winds and April Showers- 8.15-8.45 a.m. Brand Stomach Powder, with the signature Turkish Patrol ... Michaelis Alex C. Maclean on the carton. The Whistler and His Dog ... Pryor Fox trot ... Samuels DANCE MUSIC Pidgin English Hula ...... King Phelps Say It-Foxtrot...... Schwartz Talkin' to Myself-Fox trot ...Conrad Sol Hoopii and his Novelty Quartet. Choristers' Waltz 'heath the Southern Moon ... Young A Radio Tour Round the World. Verdi Memories. Kunz Medley. The Chestnut Man-Rumba ...Perkins WallaceBeery,RichardTauber,Moral Looking for a Little Bit of Blue- Believe Me-Fox trot Grossman and Mack, Paul Robeson, Afrique. 6.30 p.m. Woods The Paper Hat Brigade Damerell Barnes Stores, Arundel Street, Portsmouth CONCERT FOR LISTENERS I.B.C. Time Signal. -see theirweeklybargainsquaresIn 7.0-7.15 p.m. Ah ! Sweet Mystery of Life-Waltz Young Saturday's newspapers. IN THE IRISH FREE STATE POTTED VAUDEVILLE ... Hill That's the Kind of a Baby for Me Harriman Devil in the Moon-Fox trot Eddie Cantor. Arranged by the (Gramophone Records) When the Robin Sings his Song El Abanico Javaloyes Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Again-Fox trot ... Parish Ireland, Ltd., Dublin Illusions (Zigeuner Romance) ... Gade Gentlemen ! the King !-Fox trot McLaren Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards. 6.0 p.m. AT THE CASANI CLUB Wot For ? Burnaby (Gramophone Records) "RadioPictorial"isaweeklyportrait Afternoon Programme CONCERT FOR FRENCH gallery of Radio Stars. Get a copy from your SPEAKING LISTENERS Signature Tune-Come Back to Erin. newsagent, price3d. Malola-Fox trot... Wayne 4.30 p.m. Arranged by Cherokee-Fox trot Carr I'm Not Worrying 'bout Anything Brooms Tunbridge Wells, Isle of Thanet, Dover l'Association des Auditeurs Mabri Song of Goodbye-WaltzRodman Here's to the Maidens-Medley. and Folkestone Concert de Radio Nortnandie DANCE MUSIC Evening Programme Better Think Twice-Fox trot... Seymour Soon-Fox trot ... Hart 11.0p.m. PARIS (Poste Parisien)312 m., 959 Kc/s., 100 kW. Marie Louise-Waltz ... REQUEST PROGRAMME With All My Heart and Soul Turres Viennese Memories of Lehar ...arr. Hall One Night of Love Schertzinger 10.30 p.m. 11.0 p.m. 4.45 p.m. Brewster's Millions Selection ... Noble Some Tangos and Rumbas-Contd. ... Kahn Marianna ...... Sunshine The I.B.C. Nursery Corner When My Ship Comes In STRA NG'S RACING POOLS A new issueof"RadioPictorial"was With Her Head Tucked Under- published yesterday, price3d. with the Uncles neath her Arm...... Weston BROADCAST Get a copy VARIETY before your newsagent sells out. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Spink & Son,Ltd.-the firm with over a 0 Cara Mia ... Carter century of experience in the valuation of Put on an Old Pairof Shoes ... Hill 5.0 p.m.Ingersoll Time Signal. important diamonds. The Train that's Taking You Home Fyffe 11.15 p.m.

DANCE MUSIC-continued The Whistler and His Dog Pryor Weddings ... Richards CELEBRITY CONCERT March Winds and April Showers... Samuels Twilight Yodelling Song...Ted and Ezra Whistling Solo-Blaze Away March (Gramophone Records) Turn 'Erbert's Face to the Wall CharlieKunz Medley of Famous Hohmann A Song Before Sunrise ... Delius -Comedy Waltz...... Ellis Waltzes... Tokhard Uncle Pete... Jones London Symphony Orchestra. Well dressed women know the importance 11.30 p.m. Wot For ? ... Burnaby Consolation Liszt of smart stockings-that's why they insist Rio Rita ... McCarthy Mark Hambourg. on Ballito. CONCERT FOR LISTENERS Rehearsing a Lullaby ...... Sigler Tell Me To -night... .Spoliansky At Twilight --Tango Donato IN THE IRISH FREE STATE For full details of Strang's Racing Pools, Jan Kiepura. Don't Stop Me if You've Heard It Arranged by the write to T. Strang, Hawkhill Avenue, Melodic Op. 42 No. 3 Tchaikow.sky Before-Fox trot Sigler Industrial Broadcasting Corporation of Edinburgh 7.It may mean a fortune Mischa Elman. Ireland, Ltd., Dublin for you next week. Abide With Me ... Liddle 5.15 p.m. Madame Clara Butt. NOVELTY ORCHESTRA " GOING PLACES " Cradle Song Brahms LaPetite Tonkinoise ... Scotto Dermot O'Neill, Globe Trotter and 11.0 p.m.Ingersoll Time Signal. Alfred Cortot. Fit as a fiddle-and looking years younger Adventurer, Guides You Each Week Night of Love ... Offenbach -he's begun taking regular nightly doses SOME TANGOS AND RUMBAS Lucrezia Boni and Lawrence Tibbett. of Bile Beans. toLands of Quaint Custom and Dance of the Tumblers (The Snow Evening Bells. StrangeMusic Ali Baba ...Ernesto Maiden)... Rinisky- Korsakow Round the Roundabout...... Foster Everybottleof genuine Maclean Brand London Symphony Orchestra. Alchemists turned base metal into gold- 12 (midnight) Stomach Powder has the signature Alex. C. 11.45 p.m. I.B.C. Goodnight Melody Spink & Son,Ltd.,turnoldgoldinto Club Concert for Maclean on the carton. and Close Down. currency notes. Launceston Listeners Son Grupos Rodriguez In the Shadows ... Finch DANCE MUSIC-Part I Alexander'sRagtime Band Berlin 5.30p.m. It's Easy to Remember-Fox trot Hart GRAMOPHONE RECORDS Gertie the Girl with the Gong... Sonin RADIO NORMANDY --continued Buffoon ... - Confrey Fox trot Medley. New Light Symphony Orchestra. Rhythm of the Rumba-Rumba... Rainger 12.30 a.m.-Dance Music-Contd. If If you're wanting to buy or sell a business, TheWind was Blowing Ninety 12.30 a.m. or a hotel, Firmin's Gallery, 2 Adelaide Miles Per Hour' Keuleman DANCE MUSIC-Part 11 So Red the Rose-Fox trot ..,Jerome Street, Strand, W.C.2., can help you. The Continental-Fox trot Magidsost The Bridal Waltz...... Burke Listen to the German Band ...Gordon Waltz Medley. Were You Foolin' ?-Fox trot A hlert Ihidegarde with Orchestra. Old Mammy Mine-Fox trot ... Kennedy Wine Song-Fox trot ...... Kahn Two Trumpet Toot-Fox trot Kern Midnight Bell (The Opera Ball) Heuberger Malola-Fox trot...... Wayne AlfredoCampoli. 1.0 a.m.I.B.C.GoodnightMelody A Street in Old Seville...... Towers I.B.C.Time Signal. La Morocha-Tango Saborido Val Rasing. (Continued at footofnext column) The Bouncing Ball-Fox trotTraurnbauer and Close Down. FEELING very enthusiastic the Band, conducted by Fernand other day, I thought it would Mertens (who is Master of the Royal be interesting to give a talk ANNOUNCER RISKS HIS LIFE Music at the Grand Ducal Court), from the top of one of the aerial continue to draw lots of enthusiastic masts of Radio Luxembourg's trans- UP 500 -FOOT AERIAL ! letters from listeners. The bandsmen mitter at Junglinster.I talked it Chief English Announcer at Luxembourg tries to are always intensely interested to over with the engineers and, tech- hear how their concerts have been nically, they saw no difficulty. But take microphone up giant mast for 50 franc bet ! received in England and elsewhere. they asked :" Who will take the Ihave asked Herr Mertensfor microphone up the 500 ft. of mast ?" a photograph of himself and his I said that, as I should have to be at and this meant that I had literally gladtobe on terra firma once band, and I expect to have it in the top in any case, I would take it heave myself up with my arms more. And that, my dear listeners, time for next week's issue. with me. Have you, rhy dear readers, and legs.The microphone was in is why you never heard my im- The Luxembourg Military Band ever tried to climb a vertical ladder my pocket .and:hicable forit pressions from the top of one of the is famous throughoutEurope. of 500 ft. ? Nor had I.I set out for attached to a cord r.iund my waist. giant masts of Luxembourg's trans- Last yearintheMilitary Band the transmitter, intending to climb I got up to- the lirst stage about mitter. Concours at Parisit was placed up and have a little rehearsal from 120 ft. from the ground and stood Of course,Imight start on a third,onlyoneoftheGuards the top of the mast to make sure for a while on the little platform. serious course of training, but if Bands andthefamousGarde that everything would go off well. Then I looked up again.It seemed I don't this "stunt" broadcast will RepublicaineBandwereplaced I got underneath this vaststeel as if the mast had grown taller. have to be postponed until somebody before it. IfI can arrange it,I mast and looked up.One of the I began to climb again and arrived fits a lift or a mechanical bo'sun's hope to let you hear the Military engineers asked me how longI at 180.As I seeined to have been chair to the masts. Band three Sunday's out of four thought I should take to get to the going for a considerable time,I During this summer I hope we for a month or two.I have ordered top.I said I imagined about an looked at my watch.It had taken shall be able to do a few real outside a quantity of music from London. hour, at which he smiled and bet me just forty on minutes so far. broadcasts (on the ground). We so you will be hearing marches and me 50 francs that it would take me I did some hasty mental arithmetic might run out to one of the famous pieces you know. nearer double that, if I managed it and found that at that rate it would beauty spots or take you somewhere at all.So I started. The designers take me just about two hours. where there are some amusing a,nd of vertical ladders inside steel masts Two hoursup,and how much interesting noises to be heard. must have a grudge against mankind, down ? So I decided to descend. The military band concerts given I think.The rungs were just too This took about fifteenminutes, during Littlewood's Sunday broad- far apart for comfortable climbing, and I can assure you I was very casts by the Luxembourg Military 28 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL

Binnie Hale sings with Bobbie Howes selections from Yes, THIS SUNDAY'S VARIETY Madamin a concert from Normandy at 9.45 a.m. from the


Norman Long-at the piano and your service-from Nor- mandy at 9.45 p.m.

(In circle) Roy Hen- dersonisincluded in a gramophone concert from Nor- mandy at 2.15 p.m.

Listen tothe German Band sings the fascinating anotherHildegarde in Normandy concert at 3.30 p.m.

Enid Trevor appears with her husband, Claude Hulbert, in Myrtle and Bertie from Luxembourg at 7.15 p.m. tweilem' Ina " Radio Pictorial " Celebrity Concert from Normandy at11.15 p.m.-Norah Blaney and Gwen Farrar

29 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21,1935

STARS PROGRAMME Next Sunday from 10 to 10.15 p.m. RADIO LUXEMBOURG, 1304 metres

Formin ainingthe TUNE IN TO Sunday, June 23rd at 10 p.m. RADIO LUXEMBOURG beauty (1304 metres) JANE CARR SUNDAYS AT 8 p.m. "The Girl with the Smile in her Voice" to the at the Mike introducing a PALMOLIVE HALF-HOUR Sparkling Series of OF LIGHT MUSIC ALL-STAR PROGRAMMES youth MUSIC! SONGS! WIT PAUL OLIVER and WISDOM ! OLIVE PALMER SAFEGUARD the AND THE natural beauty of your skininthe PALMOLIVERS way recommended by 20,000 experts in the art ofbeautyculture-by Beauty natural cleansing with water Preparations and an Olive Oil soap.And make sure your soapisa pure vegetableoilsoap by Ma"lNote of the insisting on Palmolive. You will then be giving your Listen for the free offer on skin the benefit of the age-old June 30th beautifyinginfluenceof pure palm and olive oils-for Palm- olive contains nothing else. You willbe amazed tosee how quicklyyour complexion im- proves with the daily use of Palmolive's rich, abundant lather.

PER TABLET W Price does not apply in LF.S. It's eir Foryearsandyearsspecialistshave recommendedPeroxidetoreduceskin LOSS OF grease, why on earth wasn't it added to NOCE face powder before. Staymat Face Powder contains Flower Extract and Peroxide to Tune up the Throat membranes cure as well as cover the greasy condition. and keep your voice vibrant with STAYMAT FACE POWDER Prices 6d., I!3, 2/ - curesgreasy skin shine. BIG-QUICK-CASH llentrurys Send 1,/,(1.to Dept. BG1, Belmar Ltd., FREE204 Great Portland Street, London, W.1, RESULTS ty1Panme:t PASTILLES for sample.State shade. cvs-4th TUNE IN TO PARIS (Poste Parisien) 312 metres FROM ALL CHEMISTS IN TINS If& I'3° EVERY SUNDAY EVENING 11.15-11.45 p.m. FOR STRANG CONCERT Dentist Said AND DECLARATION OF DIVIDENDS Help Kidneys (By arrangement with the I.B.C.) di If Kidney Trouble or Bladder Weakness makes you WRITE FOR DETAILS NOW ! suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Dizziness, 11111 Rheumatism,Stiffness,Burning, Smarting, Itching or Of all Che mists Acidity,trythe guaranteed Cystex (Siss-tex)Treat- T.STRANGDINBUBURGHGEN.UE7. and Stores - ment. Must cure or money back. At Boots, Taylors, Timothy TRIAL SIZEbe OF COURSE ! White's and all chemists. 30 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL

THE WOMAN LISTENER Ugly feet mean hot, tired, painful feet that prevent you enjoying yourself, as wellas humiliating you when their defects are displayed on thebeach. Beauty for your feet means comfort, coolth, and immaculacy," says ELISABETH ANN

the shoes you decide to wear. Choose shoes which leave ample freedom for your toes-and they should, separately, be able to move in your shoes.One large store with numerous branches specialises in shoes which are inexpensive and which have happily wide fittings, with low and American cuban heels for walking comfort.It is no longer necessary, you know, to wear high heels in the cause of chic. If you havesufferedpain from weakened arches, you will discover the boon of what might be called "corrective" shoes, which have a steel support fitted into the shoe.And small metatar- HERE is one aspect of beauty accentuatedget a sheet of this to cut to any desired shape orsal pads which can be inserted in your shoes and by the approach of summer days-beauty size.Protection for the corn, against the leatherrender walking a pleasure, as they support any as it concerns your feet and legs.Beautyjacket of your shoe, is most important if you meanweakened portion of the ball of the foot. A shoe fo our feet means comfort, coolth and immacu-to dispel foot beauty cares. . . . specialist will advise you as to just what you need lacy, or they will rob you of all kinds of enjoyment And for the callous skin, treat your feet first toof these, and X-ray your foot if necessary to find -and beauty for your legs is a matter of smootha hot bath in which a soothing lotion or correctivethe completely satisfactory fitting. whiteness, tapering slenderness and an abilitybath saltrates have been added, to draw forth Certain itis that no foot bother should be to walk well.. . . the acids; then with a small piece of pumice stone,borne indefinitely. You can strengthen , foot The very first step towards leg beauty can beor a pumice pencil, rub over the hard skin. arches with exercise-I shall be delighted to send achieved with this exercise : An essential to foot loveliness is a matter ofyou charts of these if you feel you need them. Take your position on the floor, shoulders flat, arms relaxed atsides.Now raise the knees, keeping feet together on the floor.Lift your left foot and fling the leg upward, tensing the knee.ELISABETH ANN ANSWERS HER LETTERS Bring it back sharply, kicking against the "tail." WHAT can I do to make my eyes larger ? Theyto make the most of my appearance. Besides, I want Lift your right foot in the same fashion, bring it are narrow, wide -set, but quite lost in myto keep young for my three children, now grown up.- back against the "tail" and repeat, say, twentyface since I am fatter.Nothing expensive, please, SILVER THREADS. times, night and morning, using alternate legs.as I am saving for a holiday in Italy this year.- I will promise you a special article in the very (And may I whisper that this movement also has aBEAUTY ADMIRER. near future. flattening influence on the " tail" ?) You cannot actually make the eyes larger, but Exercise of this kind stimulates circulation-you can enhance them with a blue eye -shadow IHAVE just recovered from a long illness and and you do know that the gooseflesh condition,carried over the rim of the eyelid and out beyond am taking an interest in my face.Can you which seems to happen to so many of you-isthe outer corners of the eyes.A tonic lotionsuggest a good lipstick to use?Nothing with a caused chiefly by poor circulation.No legs canapplied to the eyes daily will make them shiningblue look, please.Also my nerves are rather bad, be entirely lovely with this disfigurement. and much more noticeable. Would you like details?and I have gone very thin. Can you advise me of a While you are "curing" the gooseflesh condition diet or something to improve matters ?-CONVALES- with exercise, apply outwardly a soothing lotion WHAT can I do to fill out hollows in my face ?CENT MARY (Winchester). which will whiten the skin, and massage briskly I have been slimming too much and now have Try a lipstick with a tangerine base-one of with a loofah strip each morning after the bath-to build myself up again. I am taking large quanti-the newest has a delightfully smooth appearance. ties of milk, but my face still looks years older thanAnd for your nerves, won't you let me send you a again to aid circulation.You will be delightedI am, and I cannot afford to look old just now.- with the results. . . . nourishing diet chart? Do take plenty of warm If your legs are suffering from a too -thin aspect, DISTRESSED (Alton). milk, and at night a soothing beverage to encour- apply warm almond oil outwardly-or better still Continue to take plenty of milk, warm andage sleep. This is vital for nervous bothers. never boiled, follow a nourishing diet and take a a fattening skinfood-and take plenty of milk, CAN you recommend a shampoo for really auburn with Ovaltine, during the day. special brand of glucose for the next month. Outwardly apply a nourishing skinfood for those hair, Elizabeth Ann ? I don't want a com- In regard to your feet, keep the surface firm and plicated one, or a very expensive one, but my hair trouble -resisting by spraying with toilet colognehollowed cheeks-but I am afraid only internal and external treatment will make a difference. looks dull lately, and I fancy it needs toning up- daily, and dusting with a special antiseptic foot the colour, I mean. No dyes, please.-R. P. ADMIRER talcum.This is vital to the health of your feet, IMUST tell you since following an exercise you(Wandsworth). and in the cause of immaculacy.It absorbs any sent me sometime ago, I have lost 44 inches from I am afraid your envelope was not enclosed, perspiration and keeps the feet delightfully coolthe hips and 34 from the waistline. I was delightedso I am answering you on this page.Yes, I can throughout the day and evening. to find you again in RADIO PICTORIAL. Now mythoroughly recommendasixpennyshampoo Are you bothered with corns or callous skin-problem is hair.I started to peroxide it and then itdesigned to throw up the auburn glints in the and warmer days will discover these " bothers"looked artificial so I stopped, but it seems a fadedhair without harming the permanent wave or have they never existed previously-do have colour now and I do want to brighten it,tinting in any way. them corrected by a foot doctor.There is one in but not with dyes.What can you suggest, Mayfairwhohasbranchesthroughoutthe Elisabeth Ann ?-GRATEFUL ELSIE. I. AM delighted with the shampoo you recom- country.They treat all kinds of foot ailments. A soapless shampoo, followed by a mended, and already my hair looks brighter and are by no means merely chiropodists. rinse which is quite harmless but willand more glossy. Now about a new permanent If you prefer to treat your feetat lend lovely lights to the hair. These are wave.Which method do you really advise for fine home, use a reliable corn cure liniment, available in twelve shades and for youhair which breaks easily.I have been told steam ome chiropodists' felt as a protec- I think tlie Light Golden Blonde wouldis best-is this true .2-GRATEFUL EMILY. tive measure against the pressure be best. They cost 6d. for two. Would The steam method of permanent waving is of your shoes-and you can you like me to post you particulars?Icertainly the best for your type of hair, and I am so glad to hear about the reductionwould advise you to pay a reasonable price and in measurements. have it done by an expert.I am so glad to hear the shampoo was successful. INOTICE sometimes you help the older readers as well asthe young ones. (Write Elisabeth Ann, cIo "Radio Pictorial," (5)) Please can we have a special articletoChansitor House, Chancery Lane, London, E.C., ourselves one week ? Don't think meif your problem is health or beauty.She is always "Lift your left foot and fling the leg upward . . ." vain. I am fifty-seven but still keen enoughdelighted to advise you.See coupon on page 33.) 31 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935

4.7:49F lot # 41, GREY FLANNEL - brush shape 4.11,asports frock like this is splen- *elle, from Harrods did for cleaning Junior Misses dirty hands and Salon nails. Itcosts Is. 3



GOOSEBERRY MOUSSE RHUBARB.-The lasttwo springs have Ingredients. -2 lbs.gooseberries; 1 gillwater; witnessed a serious falling off in the weight 6 ozs. castor sugar; 3 whites of eggs; 34 oz. powdered and quality of rhubarb obtained alike from gelatine (good measure); a few drops of Sap Greenrecently planted and old -established beds.The colouring. reason for this is easily traced to the shortage of Melt the sugar in the water and add the fruit,moisture at the roots in the previoas summers, which must be already prepared, cleaned and allwhen new crowns were being built up.If we are stalks removed.Stew gently until tender, thentobenefit from sostriking an objectlesson rub it through a sieve.Melt the gelatine in three(especially in the case of beds made last spring), hot water, stir until quite liquidwe must leave nothing to chance, or even allow and strain into the gooseberry purée. the soil to be dust dry for long. Whip the whites of eggs very stiffly (they must A mulching around the sticks or clumps now not move when the basin is turned upside-down).of nearly fresh manure, in addition to keeping Add a little Sap Green to the fruit to make it anthe ground cool and the roots active, will ensure attractive colour, stir in well and then stir theliquid manure every time there is a rainfall. Keep egg whites very lightly into the mixture. all flower spikes removed because these greatly Turn into small moulds, or one large one, rinsedweaken the roots. out with cold water, and keep in a cool place until Do not continue pulling after this date. From required.Turn out and pipe a little whippednow until the end of August let the bed be the cream round the edge. receiving ground for anything in liquid form you may wish to throw away. GOOSEBERRY FOOL Dwarf Beans.-Where these occupy a favour- y2pint cream or- able position in the garden, flowering will soon Ingredients. -2 lbs. gooseberries; begin.Red spider is the chief enemy and, as custard;6 ozs.castor sugar; 1 gill water; Sapdryness at the roots is one of the most fruitful Green colouring. attractions to this pest, do not spare the watering Wash the fruit and cut off all tails.Make apot, or give the foliage a shower bath two or syrup by melting the sugar in the water, add fruit,three times a week with a syringe. Healthy and simmer until tender.Then rub through agrowth, long pods, and hastened maturity will be sieve and allow to get cool.Put in a few drops ofyour reward. colouring. Transplanting Winter Greens.-Failure to Add the custard (if you use cream, half whip itsecure an adequate supply of winter greens can first) and stir well into the puree.Pour intooften be traced to the treatment the plants large custard cups or a glass dish. received in the seed bed.It frequently happens that from one cause or another, space isnot BOILED GOOSEBERRY PUDDING available in the kitchen garden when the plants Ingredients. -1/2 lb. flour;4 ozs. suet; 1 smallreach the stage most suitable for transfer to teaspoonfulbaking powder; 1 lb.gooseberries;permanent quarters. 3 large tablespoonfuls of sugar; good pinch of salt. If they are not moved, growth either becomes

- Sieve the flour, salt and baking powder into astunted, or much top growth is made without a basin, chop the suet very finely and add to thecorresponding amount of the fibrous roots neces- flour.Make a well in the centre and put in thesary if later removal is to be successful. water gradually, stirring with a knife until the My plan has always been when the sprouts, mixture is a smooth dough and leaves the sideskales,cauliflowers,etc.,are about nine inches of the basin clean.Knead lightly until all crackshigh, to prick out enough of them to meet all are gone, turn out on a slightly floured board andlikely requirements six or more inches apart in roll with a floured rolling -pin to the thicknesswell-manured ground.Keep well watered or stir required, cutting off a piece for the lid.Grease athe soil around them with a pointed stick.Such pudding basin with a little dripping or butterplants maintain strong, sturdy growth and make and line it with the suet crust.Put in the goose-abundance of fibrous roots, which ensure unchecked berries with the sugar in the middle and a littletransfer, even if it is delayed until August. water (about two tablespoonfuls). Carrots for Autumn Use. -----Those who sow REVERS-A Cover with the rest of the pastry, wetting thethe main crop of carrots early in the spring dashing edges where they meet, and tie over a scalded,frequently find the roots too old and lacking the model by and slightly floured, pudding cloth.Boil for twosweetness usuallyassociated with fresh -drawn Adrian in hours or steam, which is much nicer, for 3 hours.young roots.Consequently from August onward navy blue Turn out on a hot dish and serve with a custardthey are left for winter soups.If a little seed of and white sauce.This is a really good family pudding. Early Nantes is sown during the next fortnight, linen Note.-If suet bought in packets is used, 1 oz.plenty of tender carrots should be ready from less will be sufficient, and this also saves chopping.early September until November.

32 June 21,1935 RADIO PICTORIAL

Another useful SEERSUCKER -- brush -a com- the cotton plete shoe -clean- fabric that ing outfit in one doesn't need -with scraper ironing, from andvelvetpad. Harrods Price 2s. 6d.

LISTENER THIS WEEK'S SHORTS AND FIVE SHILLING HINTS SPORTS Five shillings for every " hint" pub- lished in these columns. Have you sent yours to " Margot"? by RENEE DU CANE

Two readers havesentgrapefruit recipes this 1 - HIS year's beach -frocks are at once the week :- most simple and the most ingeniously GRAPEFRUIT SALAD complicated of garments.You begin by REMOVE skin and pulp from several Grapecutting down your apparel to the minimum, a Fruit. handkerchief and a pair of shorts, say, and then Separate sections and arrange as flowers withadding extra garments, one by one, where and cream cheese centres on leaves of crisp endive. when you want them. Serve with French salad dressing. One sports dress is a wardrobe by itself.You will hardly ever wear all of it at once.It may GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE have a blouse with a Peter Pan collar and no YOU will want eight grapefruit and four lemons.back, a skirt (wrap -around, button -up the front, Wipe the fruit and weigh it, and for every poundor slit) and shorts, also a jacket or short -sleeved add 134 pints of water.Then peel and cut thebolero. You mix these up and wear them, accord- fruit in halves, take out pips and pith, and put ining to whether you are on the beach, the promen- a pan covered with water, with the pips, etc., tiedade or in town. up in muslin. Yes, even in town.Quite likely the lady with Cut up the peel finely, put that in the pan withthe elegant printed silk suit, whom you see lunch- the rest, and cover. Let it stand for 24 hours, thening fashionably, with a flower in her buttonhole boil (with the pips still tied up) till it is tender andand a sashed belt round her waist, could take off soft-this only takes about one hour.Let it standher jacket to display a nicely tanned back and another 24 hours, then squeeze the muslin bag andbare arms. contents as dry as possible and throw it away. Nothing is what it seems, you see, and no dress Measure the pulp, and to every pint add 1 lb. ofor suit serves for one occasion only.From your sugar, then boil till it sets.This takes anythingbathing costume with its cotton trunks to match, from 1 to 4 hours, according to the grapefruit. to the simplest one-piece frock with its careless WICKER CHAIRS little cardigan belonging, and the not -so -simple WICKER furniture can be very much im-frock of dark linen or silk with its attendant proved by scrubbing first with warm watercape of white, all your clothes have their casual Whiteand more formal aspects.I think one of the then a strong solution of salt and water. cleverest dodges of this kind is the rather severely wicker should be brushed over with lemon juice,tailored silk dress that would do good duty as a and brown wicker with a little warm linseed oiltennis dress.A jacket of silk as well -cut as if it before polishing with a duster. were tweed-swing-back, patch -pockets, revers, FOR COLD ASPARAGUS tailored sleeves-makes the tennisdressinto HERE is another recipe for dressing.To 4something very special in the way of suits and tablespoonfuls of salad oil, add 2 tablespoon-quite equal to even a Prize Giving. fuls of Tarragon vinegar,1 teaspoonful of finely Shorts, man -tailored or pleated and feminine, chopped shallots, and 1 of chopped parsley, with awill be worn on every beach, but if you prefer to little seasoning.Mix all well together and serve.conceal your legs, choose shirt and slacks, not the floppy kind of pyjamas.And sports frocks, A HOME-MADE ICE CHEST that leave your back and shoulders bare to the AN ice chest can be made quite easily out of asun, or cover them with the most delicious cool- 7 -lb. biscuit tin.Bore a tiny hole in oneness, are designed to everybody's taste, in the corner of the tin.Then wrap a piece of ice in aloveliest of colours. flannel and stand this over the hole.Place tin If you like gay colours, wear them as much as on four bricks.The hole is to let out the wateryou wish. The new prints, especially those fresh - which comes from the ice, so put a dish under. it.lookingseersuckercottons(theydoh'tneed On the ice and round it you can keep butter, jugsironing !) combine two or three of the brightest of milk, cream, etc.The lid of the box must betones in their stripes and plaids.Yellow, pink, kept on while in use to keep warmer air outside. and blue are going to be seen a lot of; yellow combines especially well with brown, navy, grey, or white. And there is no need to remind you of the colour HOME SERVICE COUPON that best sets off a browned skin. White bathing NECK LINES- For free advice on any subject, write to "Radio suits, white pique dresses and white linen suits- The red and Pictorial " Home Service Department, 37/38 there's nothing smarter. white striped Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. Please enclose If you would like to know what sports clothes jumper has an this coupon and a stamped addressed envelope. you should take away with yon on holiday, or unusual No. 75 the minimum amount of clothes you need for a draped scarf. cruise, write to me and let me help you.


T4 Whatajolly Make one, Mock one. This charming little watch is oneour most jumper! " you'll That's the way people say.It's knitted make fun of knitting, popular lines.The neat rectangular shapes indaffodiland anditsnot very far are right up-to-date. The movements are of Indian Sun-and from the truth in this Fine quality 15 Jewels Lever and guaranteed_ it's very easy ! case ! Thispretty 10 years. As a special advertised line and jumper is knitted in a owing to large sales we have been able to dropstitch which is reduce the prices Loa minimum. veryeasytograsp, Fitted in any of the styles illustrated, it and which grows is a watch with which tiOU wouldbe much faster than or- '3 delighted. dinary knitting. And ACTUAL SIZE it'snot only easy to make-it's easy to look at,don'tyou

agree ? High Grade 15 Jewels lever movement. Solid Gold, on Solid Gdd f,;, expanding Next row-Knit. Repeat the bracelet. 6 pattern rows4 times,then iv' work rows 1-4 of a new pattern. at. Divide for theneckas S Occa,4js 13 follows 2o Next row-Using Indian Sun, Solid Gold k. 37, cast off 18 sts., k. to the on black moire end. Work on the latter set of silk bond.15 Jewels 614O0'A4 37 sts., for the left half of the lever movemenE. ACTUAL front asfollows,slipping the IZE formersetofsts.on toa

POST ORDERS safetypinforthepresent. ATTENDEDTO BY Next row-Knit.Join on a AN EFFICIENT STAFF. Materials. -5 oz. Copley's" Speedinit" wool, fresh ball of Daffodil wool and repeat the 6 pat- Daffodil No. 90. 3oz.Copley's " Speedinit"tern rows twice, then repeat rows 1-4 of a fresh wool, Indian Sun No. 163.1 pair No. 5 knittingpattern. Next row-Using Indian Sun, increase needles, 1 No.11 " Stratnoid" Crochet Hook,in the first st., k. to the end. Next row-K. to 13 buttons. the last st., increase in the last st.Break off Measurements.-When pressed.Length from theIndian Sun wool.Using Daffodil wool, cast on ACTUAL top of the shoulders to base, 20 in. To fit 34 -35 -in.9 sts. Working into the back of the cast on sts., SIZE bust. repeat the 6 pattern rows once, rejoining the On the lashionableC)rc'' Tension. --Work to produce 4 1/2sts.to 1 inch.Indian Sun wool when required. Now work rows Unless thisinstructionis followed exactlythe 1-5 of a new pattern. High6rade I5Jewel lever I movement. Solid Gold. measurements of the garment will not work out Next row-Using Indian Sun, cast off 5 sts., correctly. k. to the end. Repeat the 6 pattern rows once. Abbreviations.-K., knit; p., purl; st., stitch; tog.,Keeping the continuity of the pattern decrease together; wl.fwd, wool forward: w.r.n., wool round 1 st. at the end of the next row and every follow- 12°V0 needle; d.c., double crochet. ing 6th row until there are 38 sts. on the needle. Complete the pattern just commenced. AI el tri THE BACK Next row-K. 3, k. 2 tog., * k. 4, k. 2 tog. ry444._ I ID Using Indian Sun wool, cast on 60 sts. WorkingRepeat from * to the last 3 sts., k. 3.(32 sts. 0, CO into the back of the sts. on the first row only,now on the needle).Complete the pattern just knit 2 rows. commenced, then repeat the 6 pattern rows 4 High Grade, I5 Jewel lever Now work in pattern as follows, loosely carryingtimes. Cast off.Slip the sts. from the safety -pin movement. Solid Gold on the colour not in use up the sides to avoid manyon to a needle the point to the neck edge, rejoin Solid Gold Milanese Flexible ends. the Indian Sun and Daffodil wool, and proceed 1st and 2nd row-Using Daffodil wool, knit.to work the right front to match the one just 3rd row-* K. 1, wl.fwd., w.r.n. Repeat fromworked, all shapings being worked at opposite Rrace'1319,6 * to the last st., k.1.4th row-* K. 1, let theedges. two wrapt over sts. slip off the needle.Repeat from * to the last st., k. 1. THE BELT 5th and 6th row-Using Indian Sun wool, Using Indian Sun wool, cast on 124 sts. Work- Braving tonS knit.These 6 rows form the pattern which ising into the back of the sts. on the first row only, worked throughout the garment.Repeat the 6proceed in garter st. (every row knitted) for 7 ZIERSKING5CROSS.N.I. pattern rows 4 times more.Now increase asrows. Cast off loosely. 2 DOORS FROM L N.S A TERMINUS OPEN UNTIL 9 PK ON SATURDAYS follows :- Next row-Using Daffodil wool, k. 2, increaseTO MAKE UP 7I,LUDGATE HILLE4c by working into the front and back of the next With the right side of the work facing, com- JUST UNDER THE RAILWAY ARCH. sts., * k. 4, increase in the next st.Repeat frommencing at the base of the Right front, and using 6,GRAND * to the last 2 sts., k. 2. There are now 72 sts. onIndian Sun wool and the crochet hook, work 1 FACING TRAFALGARBLDGS.STRANVc SQUARE theneedle.Complete the pattern just com-row of d.c. evenly up the Right front, round the menced.Keeping the continuity of the patternneck and down the Left front, working 2 sts. into 22.ORCHARD ST. increase at both ends of the next row and everythe corner st. at the top of the fronts. Break off 100 YDSFROM OXr ORD STREET. following 6th row until there are 82 sts. on thewool. Work another row of d.c. in the same man- needle, thus finishing at the end of a 1st row ofner.Finish the edges of the sleeves in the same 189, BROMPTON ROAD.s.w.3. the pattern. Work the next 3 rows as the 2nd,way, working 1 row of d.c. only, slightly drawing LOOK FOR. CLOCK ON SOUTHSIDE in the edges of the sleeve whilst working. Press -COUPON 3rd and 4th row of the pattern. Now work as RING WATCH follows. with a damp cloth and a hot iron, being careful Brevingions Lid Aings ROOK ROOK Using Indian Sun, cast on 5 sts., working intoto press lengthwise in order to keep the "drop st." Please kweerd pos/ free /he icilowiny. lea.R10: the back of the cast on sts., knit to the end. Usingpattern straight.Sew up the side and sleeve

NAME- a length of IndhAn Sun wool cast on 5 sts. on toseams. Attach the buttons on to the edge of the the empty needle and with the needle containingLeft front to correspond with the centre of every ADDRESS the main part of the work, knit into the back of"drop st." row, this row being used as buttonholes RP 22.6.5 the newly cast on sts.(92 sts. now on the needle.)on the Right front. Tie the belt in front. 34 June 21,1935 RADIO PICTORIAL LuxembourgProgrammes- tors Continued from page Nineteen GETTING 8 a.m. NEWS BULLETINS 12.30 p.m. (In French and German) LORRAINE HALF HOUR I'M Station Orchestra. 12 noon CONCERT Le Postilion de Longjumeau, fantaisie Adam Station Orchestra directed by Henri Penal& Vision d'Orient P. Pierne Euryanthe ... Weber Estudiantina Waidteufel La belle Narente verte Komsak Hahn I talienisch... Mostkowski Ciboulette MOR010 Dort, wo die Wilder grtin . Brodsky 1.5-2 p.m. BallgefiUster Meyer- Helnuind GRAMOPHONECONCERT Tros Delau nay Preambule Chore petite Maman K lose Danses norvegiennes Grieg Ganz allerliebst Waldletifel orr Filippucci Canzonetta Nocturne ... Chopin Fini ]'Amour Spoliansky La Folia Caret's: 1.5-2 p.m. Elegie, op. 24 ... Gabriel Faire GRAMOPHONECONCERT 6.15 p.m. La Chanson des Fleurs . Langelarr. Blathgen U.P.C. DANCE ORCHESTRA summER The Blue Danube ... Joh. Strauss Signature Tune-I've Got Rhythm. Danse slave No. 2 ...Dvorak The Sweetness of it All.. Kisso " I didn't go out to week- La Vie parisienne J. Offenbach June in January ...... Robin Ehovantchina Moussorgski Carr end parties much last sum- Swan Lake Tchatkowsky I Love You Very Much Madame Melodie Rubinstein/arr. Salaher As Long as I Live ...Koehler mer. And Ifelt so listless ... Dubin and tired.I even used to 6.15 p.m. I've Got an Invitation to a Dance . Symes U.P.C. LIGHT ORCHESTRA O.K. Toots Kahn wake up tired in the morn- Signature Tune-One Night of Love. 6.30 p.m. ings. Rasbach This summer my mother Don't Say Good-bye. CONCERT FOR LISTENERSIN THE I'll Never Be the Same Mat neck IRISH FREE STATE started giving me Horlick's, - Unless ... . Evans Signature Tune-Come Back to Erin. andithas madeallthe Moiya The Very Thought of You Noble No Moon, No Stars, Just You I With My Eyes Wide Open Gordon Medley of Film Waltzes. differencetome. get You and the Night and the Music Schuarts lots more out of life.I go 6.30 p.m. Because I Love You ... out with swimming parties CONCERT FOR LISTENERS IN THE One Night of Love .chertzirtgenr IRISH FREE STATE Ave Maria...... Bach every week -end, and I find Signature Tune-Come Back to Erin. Sing As We Go... Parr -Davies I can swim long distances Far Away in Shanty Town ... -Novella 7.25 p.m. without getting the least bit Rhythm Mad rt. Strauss GRAMOPHONE CONCERT fagged." Tunes of 1924. Marche des trois Chariots Lanelois Honey that Belongs to Me Brown (Signed)GAY HICKMAN Fox trot Medley. Le Chant des Bateliers de la Volga ... arr. Wiedoeft I'll Follow My Secret Heart Coward Feu ... Fried Folies Bergere Selection Meskill Sur les Flots Rosas If the Moon Turns Green Cates La Lune etait jaune /jilt?! Leslie Les Poissons d'Or Kroeger 7.0-7.15 p.m. THE MAGIC OF THE BAND 7.45 p.m. Fall In and Follow the Band Haines NEWS BULLETINS Listen to the German Band ... Gordon (In French and German) The Changing of the Guard ... Hilliam 8.10p.m. Alexander's Ragtime Band ... Berlin ACCORDION RECITAL 7.30 p.m. Jean Meder. Electric Van Herck CHILDREN'S QUARTER OF AN HOUR Trocadero ... Marceau 7.45 p.m. NEWS BULLETINS L'Etincelle ...Ferrero (In French and German) La Valse a Marceau ...Ferrero 8.10 p.m. Harmonica Polka Ptirschma nit T.S.F. PROGRAMME" CONCERT 8.45 p.m. Sabbat infernal...... Dowel " T.S.F. PROGRAMME " CONCERT Serenade a la Poupee ...... Debussy Station Orchestra directed by Henri Pensis. Panorama ... Tchaikowsky Marche des petits Soldats de Plomb Pierne ...Delibes Serenade d'Arlesquin . Van Dam 8.25 p.m. CONCERT Paillasse... Leoncavallo iF.- Miss Hickman's trouble was Station Orchestra directed by Henri Pensis. 9.5 p.m. Starvation.'tiredai tired. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT used to wake . .. awas'Night- Chagrin d'Amour... Kreister andshe day.She Le Vol du Bourdon Ransky-Korsakow Jacques Serres, cellist, and the Station Orchestra Vienne reste Vinne Schramm' directed by Henri Feasts. Your body uses up energy during sleep - Symphonic No. 7...... Beethoven unlessthis is replaced as itis used up, you 8.40 p.m. Saint -So ens can'thelp' waking tired. LITERARY TALK Concerto... (In German) 10.10 p.m. GRAMOPHONE CONCERT ARETHESE YOUR. SYMPTOMS? 8.45 p.m. Rive de Valse ... Oscar Straus " LESIEUR OIL " GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Rose Marie Frim/ 9.15 p.m. "Toi c'est moi" Still tired whenyou wake? 'CELLO RECITAL Durernois, Berta!, Mauban, Champfleury and Simon, I Hermann von Beckerath. 10.30 p.m. Geminiani RADIO LUXEMBOURG DANCE 2,,At midday -unable to concentrate? Toccata ... Prescobaldi-Cassado ORCHESTRA Variations sur un Theme-. de Mozart... Beethoven Syncopation Frits Kreister Directed by Ferry June Do you depend onafternoon tea to nvive you? 9.55 p.m. SATURDAY 3 GERMAN CONCERT 7.45 a.m. Sate the thought -Ian energetic week -end? Station Orchestra. 4 Martha ... Flotow GRAMOPHONECONCERT Sehnsucht ... Bayer Au Soudan sebek Mon Bijou Lincke Contraste Rohrecht Chanson printaniere Mendelssohn Maschere del Cuore de Feo &zit ;teed Rendez-vous du Ver luisant Siede 8 a.m. vu, Sizilietta Blon Batavia ... K annecke NEWS BULLETINS Feuert los ! Holzmann (In French and German) 10.35 p.m. DANCE''" MUSIC 12.2 p.m. RELIGIOUS TALK HORLICKS FRIDAY 12.30 p.m. GRAMOPHONE CONCERT go guard acjitintst. NIG HT- STA RVATION' 7.45 a.m. Quarter of an Hour of Piano Music. 30 give y4..nc cat -ding ENERGY GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Granada .-11benie Plaisir d'Amour ...... Martini Impromptu ...Chopin Wonder Bar Leigh & Katscher Wagneria Doucel Le Reve de la Bergere...... Labitzky Spanish Caprice op. 37... Mosskowski 8 a.m. 12.45 p.m. Every Sunday afternoon NEWS BULLETINS CONCERT (In French and German) Station Orchestra directed by Roger Ellis. f ancrede ...Rossini take tea with 12 noon In a Persian Market Kelelbev CONCERT Danse russe De Taeye Station Orchestra directed by Roger Ellis. La Source Delibes DEBROY SOMERS Halka Moniussko Herodiade Massenet The Horlick's Sunday Tea Time Hour L'Horloge ... Loewe Redzi . Caludi BroadcastfromRadioLuxembourg Les Vepres Jalowics Iseglio Serenade... Mirandola Krolls Ballklange Lumby Paganini Lehar-Salahert (1304metres) every Sunday from 4-5. Moment musical ... h ubert Continued on page 39

35 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935 knob twiddling and except for what I call the Sunday stations and three or four English ones The Set of the Week that is all I require-but, of course, the receiver must be able to pick up all the others if need be. Consequently quality always comes first with me.With the 135 two acoustically balanced McMichael Super -het Model 135 speakers are used mounted at the correct angle for uniform non -focusedradiationof sound. FRIENDS often ask me just what I do aboutthe dial this has done away with one of my petBoiled down this means that you do not 1;car the receivers tested which I consider poorgrouses.I have always had a grudge againstbass with one ear and treble with the other but value for money? Obviously it would not bemakers of small dials with station names allperfectly balanced sound no matter how you fair to write a report pointing out this and that hascrowded together. With the 135 the dial measuresmay be sitting. not been up to the mark, for the receiver mayno less than 12 inches, while the length of the have been damaged in transit or have been throughtwo halves of thedialis22inches. Some The Set in Brief many hands before it reached me. dial, and floodlit from the lid of the cabinet. Readers do not want to know about the poor Stations are calibrated by name and there is a MODEL: 135. receivers, there are quite enough good ones togap between the names of in some cases of V2 inch, PRICE: 15 guineas. think about as it is.Anyway about these dudso they can be read several feet away. Range sets.If a set gives a disappointing performanceandselectivityareabove reproach butthe SUPPLY:A.G.mains 200-250 volts I always defer comment until I have tried aoutstanding feature is quality.I don't know 50-100 cycles. Consumption 80 watts. second model and, if the results are still the sameif you and I think alike but I am rather tired of VALVE COMBINATION: Triode -pen- back it goes to where it came from without todefrequencychanger,an. H.F. comment. pentode for I.F. amplification followed Of course in some cases where the workmanship byadistortion -freedouble -diode is bad or components are roughly made then the"Take it from second detector feeding into a steep - set does not even get tested. The only featureme," says " Set slope pentode., Mains rectification is that I overlook is cabinet work, for this, to myTester,""that by a heavy-duty full -wave valve. mind, is not over important. All the same suchthis x35 is a good MAKERS : McMichael Radio Ltd., Slough, points are noted while weak spots are alwaysset for all and Bucks. brought out so readers do know what to looksundry, and not for when buying a new set. just for the select A friend of mine described the effect very well The daily Press have been booming the newfew who sayC I McMichael 135 for some time so I tried one torun a McMich- by saying "the announcer was in front of the set" see how much truth there was in these reports.ael,' just as some for that is the effect obtained. Do not think that Frankly my first impression was distinctly dis-say I runa is the only feature for tone control, constant appointing. A nasty whistle on both the LondonRolls,' or what- gain couplings and so on are also included. stations and a very poor switch action. Knowingever it is they run Take the tone control for example.I thought the makers to be amongst the best in the countryin that line. With it was useless or rather not required for the I took the trouble of going along to the Strandthe lid down none reproduction does not require any faking, but it showrooms for a demonstration as given to aof the four con- comes in useful to cut off needle scratch when the prospective buyer. trols can be seen, pick-up is used.Slight heterodyne whistles also Everything was fine, no whistles, a good switchandeverything vanish when the tone corrector is in action. and fine quality. Back went the receiver I hadlooksneat -and Constant -gain coupling means the lazy man with a few comments. A second model was soon tidy." will not have to do very much except turn the forthcoming with an explanation. Apparently my tuning indicator to thestation wanted. As first set had been all round the trade and had amplificationremains almostconstantatall not been very well treated. wavelengths the volume output remains steady Now I have a different story to tell.About after once it has been set to the required level.



36 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL Have you heard about birdies ? Golfers probably have, but I mean another type of birdie otherwise known as het whistle.These whistles come in at different parts of the dial on super -het receivers and are caused by the harmonic of one station Amamicare clashing with the fundamental of another.In the McMichael afilterhas been arranged to , mea eliminate the harmonicand so cut out the whistles. Justanotherfeaturebuyers are apt to forget. With the volume control at maximum the Iovely hair.. output is approximately2,500milli -watts. Compare that with the output of the largest battery power-some 400 milli -watts and you Until you've tried Amami may realise just how loud is 2,500 milli -watts. Wave -Set you With the lid down none of the four controls don't know can be seen and as all external connections come how easy and inexpensive in through the back everything looks neat and it is to set your hair perfectly tidy.So take it from me this 135 is a good set at home. A few drops on for all and sundry and not just for the select a comb taken through the few who like to say " I have a McMichael" just as some say " I run a Rolls " or whatever they run in dampenedhairandsoft that line. scintillating waves are yours. Incidentally have you decided on the new Getyourbottleofthis receiver yet? If so, why not drop me a line for a fragrant lotion to -day, and few straight from the shoulder comments? "Set Tester" give yourself a setting to be proud of ! Good Reception Continued from page fifteen movements of the two crooks working quickly WAVfcSESS and efficiently at their craft.The little playlet 6 6' was excellent ! " Red, take a look at the old boy-you made that gag very tight." " Oh, hell, you can't afford to take any chances. If he came to, and the gag slipped, he'd yell and bust the show." " Well, take a look anyway, while Itie up. Then we'll make it." The dialogue ceased-a little pause of almost completesilence-thenaguttural,gasping, throaty noise.It came from Red. " Jerry !Quick, come here !God !I'm afraid." The faint thud of a bundle hastily dropped- the soft pad of hurried, frightened steps. The modern studios have reached perfection in sound reproduction. And then- "Curse you, you damned fool !I told you you made that gag, too tight.He's dead !Out o' BET WITH THE here quick-quick, you damned idiot !Here, take this." Just then the constable, glancing along the dark FIRM YOU KNOW avenue, saw a bulky figure advance into the penumbra of the little patch of light at the corner. The name " LITTLEWOODS " It was the sergeant.Reluctantly the listener tore himself from his entertainment.Anyhow it was stands for Reliability and practically finished, and he had got the gist of the Prompt Payment.You always thing.Some other time, when off duty, he might listen -in again. These playlets were often repeated get a square deal with -and it doesn't pay to disappoint the sergeant on "LITTLEWOODS." his round. He went out of the gate and advanced briskly to the corner. WE PAY ALL POSTAG ES ! " Good night, sergeant !" "Good night, Wilkins !-everything O.K. ? " NO LIMITS FOR "Nothing out oftheusual,sergeant.It's a very quiet beat." And Mr. Moore- Jenkyn at that moment turned SINGLES & DOUBLES from an upper window, from the vantage -point of which he had been reviewing the road, noting the AT STARTING PRICE condition and deportment of late -comers before A firm youthful bust can be yours next week ITake ths retiring, and remarked to Mrs. Moore- Jenkyn :- REFUND (2,11 TELEGRAMS Fuller Tablets as directed, and follow a simple diet chart " The constable seemed interested in symphonies which is sent you free,This discovery of Prof. Fuller has a after all." Listen to our popular programmes great vogue in Sweden (Greta Garbo's country), where almost " But I thought you said it was a play about every woman has a firm youthful bust and figure.The tablets burglars." from RadioLuxembourg, 1304 contain a rare yet harmless gland extract, quickly tighten up " Oh, you weren't listening at the time.So it metres, every Sunday, 1.30 to 2 p.m. sagging breasts and firm up the loose flesh on the neck.see was printed.But the announcer apologised- the difference in yourself in a week.Firm and round instead of there was some hitch about the play.They put loose and sagging.You yourself can possess this feminine on a symphony instead." attractiveness next week.You'll look and you will feel a different woman.Week's course, 1/6; 3 week's course, 3/-. H. LITTLEWOOD, LTD. Post coupon to -day. CECIL MOORES :MANAGING DIRECTOR Children's N EWSMOTTO Fillin and post (with Postal Order) to Nurse Simpson, of(' LOWTHERS OF LONDON, LTD., Chemists,323, COMMISSION AGENTS CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C.I. " Cut and come again." Dear Madam, HOOD STREET, WHITECHAPEL, Please send me post free by return (in plain packing) This was written by George Crabbe, LIVERPOOL (state whether I /6 or 3/-) ( ) course of Fuller Tablets, with directions, together with simple diet chart. who lived from 1754 to 1832, in a story Telephone: ROYAL 6210(IS called " The Widow's Tale," You will Telegrams : LITWOODCO,' LIVERPOOL NAME find thekeyon page 38. ADDRESS R.P. 37 June 21, 1935 RADIO PICTORIAL Around the Regions The Week at Radio Athlone B.B.C. HEADLINES HARRY GORDON Details of the Programmes you can hear from OF THE WEEK " The man from Inversnecky " on Radio Athlone, 565 kc./s.,S3I metres;60 kw. NATIONAL Relayed by Dublin, 1348 kc./s., 222.6 metres; SUNDAY (June 23). -Justice, a play by John ENTERTAINMENT and Cork, 1240 kc.ls., 241.9 metres. Galsworthy. SUNDAY 6.45.News. MONDAY (June24). -Olympia Horse Show : 1.0-8.0 p.m.Records. 7.00.Play in English. King's Cup Commentary. ChoralRecitalre-7.15.Talk for Farmers.TUESDAY (June 25). -Country of the Blind, a play 8.80 8.00.Instrumental Con - layed from St. Patrick's cert. by H. G. Wells. ParishChurch,Bally- WEDNESDAY (June 26). -Orchestral and choral haunis. 9.00.News. 9.00. TheStation 9.15.IrishDramaby concert. Orchestra. Piaras Beaslaoi. THURSDAY (June 27). -Music Hall programme. 920.Variety Programme9.80.Variety. FRIDAY (June 28). -Speeches at the National by 10.80. CeilidheMusic by Allotments Society Banquet, relayed from the 10.80. SportsTalk Thomas Kent's Pipe Band. Sean O'Ceallachain. 11.00.News andClose New Corn Exchange, Brighton. 10.40.T. Davenport's SATURDAY (June 29).-R.A.F. Pageant, Hendon. Ceilidhe Band. Down. 11.00. NewsandClose THURSDAY REGIONAL Down. 1.80-2.80 p.m.Records. SUNDAY (June 23).-A Religious Service, relayed MONDAY 6.00 Programmefor from Egham Parish Church. 1.30-2.30 a.m.Records. Children. MONDAY (June 24). -Orchestral concert. Corn-6.45.News. TUESDAY ( June 25).-A Concert Party programme. 4.0-4.45. Running 7.00.Programme to be mentary by Maior H. F. announced. WEDNESDAY (June 26). -Gipsy orchestral pro- Phillips on the Jumping gramme. for the King's Coo in7.15. The Station which the Irish Army Orchestra. THURSDAY (June 27). -Country of the Blind, a Equitation Teamwill8.00.Herrcileas - Gaelic play by H. G. Wells. Participate. Play (O'Lochlainn). FRIDAY (June 28). -Organ recital. 8.80.Story inIrish bySATURDAY (June 29). -Orchestral concert. 6.00. Programme for S. O'Duirinne. Children. 8.45.Vocal Solos. MIDLAND 8.4.5.News. News. 7.00.Irish Book Review9.00. SUNDAY (June 23). -The Immortal Garden, a play by G. Murphy. 9.15.Instrumental by H. C. G. Stevens. 7.15. Instrumental Re 'ital. MONDAY (June 24). -The Tudor Touch, a play by 9.30.Variety. NevilleCoghill, Solos. 10.30.Mick Browne and relayedfromtheOxford 7.80. The Station his Dance Band. Playhouse. Orchestra. TUESDAY ( June 25). -String orchestral concert, 8.00.DramaTalkby11.00(approx.). Close D. McArdle. Down. relayed from Queen's College, Birmingham. 8.15. The Station FRIDAY WEDNESDAY (June 26). -Play, by Cedric Wallis. Orchestra. 1.80-2.80 p.m.Records THURSDAY ( June 27). -Variety, relayed from the 8.45.Vocal Solos. 6.00.Programmefor Empire Theatre, Peterborough. 9.00.News. Children. FRIDAY(June28). -BesidetheSeaside :the 9.15. Programme 8.45.News. ENTERTAINNIENT I Well, that's what I Midlands visit North Wales, feature programme. Announcements. 7.00. The StationSATURDAY ( June 29). -Famous Old Ballads :a and my boys -my boys and girls represent. 9.80.VarietyPr o- Orchestra. There has been a lot written recently 7.80.The Future of the song recital. about the problem of getting humour over the 10.7071The.e Colmcille Abbey Theatre, by WESTERN air (the same problem exists in the case of tragedy, Ceilidhe Band. A. E. Malone andS. SUNDAY (June 23).-A Methodist Service, relayed of course), and, in this respect, I believe that the11.00(approx). Close O'Faolain. from the Central Church, Blackwood, Mon. concert party is a ready-made form of radio - Down. 8.00. The StationMONDAY (June 24). -Strange Nocturne, a mid- TUESDAY Orchestra. entertainment . . . and it is so, because, from its summer play for radio, by Froom Tyler. 1.80-2.80 p.m.Records. 8.80.Talk : The Position inception away, back in the days immediately8.00. Programme for of the Irish Language. TUESDAY (June 25).-A concert, relayed from the succeeding those of the Christy Minstrels, to its Children. 8.45.Vocal Solo. Abbey Hall, Plymouth. further and more widespread development during8.45.News. ' 9.00.News. WEDNESDAY ( June 26). -Choral concert. the war, it has constituted a vocal form of enter-7.00. English Book Review9.30.VarietyPro -THURSDAY ( June 27). -The Proclamation Cere- tainment aided by a minimum of optical effect. by Briain gramme. mony of the Royal National Eisteddfod of 10.80.The Mayglass The proof of this lies in the success of all radio -7.15.Topical Talk. Ceilidhe Band. Wales, Fishguard, 1936, relayed from Fishguard. entertainment types that follow, more or less7.80. The Station11.00(approx.). FRIDAY (June 28). -Open Air Concert, relayed Orchestra and Vocalist. Close from the Royal Fort, Bristol. closely, that of the concert party. 8.80.Talk by T. J. W. Down. I'm not saying that the concert party is the last Kenny Journalism as SATURDAY SATURDAY (June 29). -Coleridge in the West wordinradio -entertainment. I am simply a Career. 1.80-2.80 p.m.Records. Country :extracts from works by Samuel suggesting that it is, at present, one of its most8.45.Vocal Solos. 8.00Records. Taylor Coleridge. adaptable forms. Dancing, and gags that require9.00.News. 6.45.News. mime to get across, go no further than the " mike."9.15.Meanderines by 7.00.Passing Through. Speech is the prime essential, and the powers of P. O'Leineachain. 7.15.The Past Week. speech havetobe ingeniously employedto 9.30.Variety Pro- 7.30. The Station tc't tfte obtain a verbal effect working directly upon the gramme. Orchestra. 10.30. M. C. Curran and 8.00.Variety. Don't misstheeye -witness round -by - imagination of the listener. his Dance Band. 9.00.News. 11.00(approx.). Close9.15.Vocal Solos. round description of the Jock McAvoy V. Ionly know that my "Harry Gordon's Enter- Down. 9.80.Variety. Burke fight for the middleweight champion- tainers" are among the most popular of the WEDNESDAY 10.80. JClarkeBarry's ship and the Lansdale Belt -a thrilling B.B.C.'s Scottish broadcasts. Mind you, when a 1.80-2.30 p.m.Records. Dance Band. broadcast which comesto you through handful of lads and lassies can lure the English8.00 Programmefor11.00( approx.). Close Paris (Poste Parisien) on 312 metres at from Brighton, Blackpool, and the Isle of Man, Children. Down. 10.30 p.m. on Monday next, June 24. to Aberdeen in search of them, that's goin' some, Through the courtesy of the promoters of as they say.It seems that there have been moreBy no means, because the Scotch joke is a com- the famous Vernon's Pools of Liverpool an Englishvisitorsrecently,and they say thatmentary on things and people all the world over eye -witness account will be broadcast of we are the reason.But maybe it's the "Silveralthough its idiom may give it peculiar flavour. this great contest at Belle Vue, Manchester, City by the Sea" gag that does it ! Reverting to the serious side, what about the and it should make one of the most out- Aye, it's a great stunt, and there's lots of work,question of the studio audience?I believe that standing sporting broadcasts of the season. and fun, attached to it.The making of gags isI am at one with a number of prominent radio - Make a note of it -Paris, 312 metres, at hard work.They must be clean, and, speakingartists who definitely don't like the studio audience. 10.30 on Monday night: As the commen- professionally, good, clean humour pays.I foundIt has a disturbing effect and detracts from the tator flashes his up-to-the-minute descrip- that out before the B.B.C. did.There's plentypsychological reaction to the mental vision of tion at the microphone you'll be able to of fun in the world without adding too muchmillions of listeners crowding round their radio follow the fight just as though you were salt to it.A man once said to me that it must besets. As a guide, too, to the going over of a show, at the ringside! fearfully boring to always have people laughingit is inadequate. at you.He was the felly that asked me where The world loves a good laugh. A laughing show Inversnecky was !Then the B.B.C. received acannot help but get away with it.Laughs, music, query asking if Harry Gordon's entertainmentand song.As Caesar said, "That's the stuff to KEY TO MOTTO ON PAGE37 was real, or only a gramophone record.Believegive 'em !" Maybe he didn't, but it's true. The explanation of this week's motto is me, we have our moments ! that some changes have been made in the An Englishm.. a once asked me, quite seriously, membership of the British Cabinet, but on the why Scotch jokes always went down well with whole it is the same menu 'dished up rather the English.He had forgotten the truth that differently. jokes on other folk always succeed. Are the Scots STEPHEN KING -HALL in danger of making themselves a laughing -stork?

38 Printed weekly in Great Britain by The Sun Engraving Company, Limited, London and Watford, for the publishers, BERNARD JONES PUBLICATIONS, LIMITED, RADIO41 37/38 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2.Subscription rates :Inland and abroad, 17s. 6d. per annum.Sole Agents for AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND - STARS %Oa Gordon & Gotch :(A'sia), Limited; CANADA -Gordon & Gotch, Limited, Toronto; SOUTH AFRICA -Central News Agency, Limited; FRANCE-Messageri Hachette, 111 rue Reaumur, Paris 2me. June 21,1935 RADIO PICTORIAL Luxembourg Programmes-REAL PHOTOS OF . Continued from pageThirty-five

3.50 p.m. VIOLIN RECITAL RADIO STARS I Edmond Perbal. Sonata de l'Oeillet A. Rion Bourree J. S. Bach Scherzo Tarentelle Wseniawski Padre Martini Kreisler Radio Pictorial Postcards113per dozen Air de Danse Slave Dvorak- Kressler Zephir ...Hubert v This hobby of collecting photographs ofthefavourite radio stars is 4.30 p.m. becoming quite a craze. "Radio Pictorial" is the only source from ACCORDION RECITAL whence thesepostcard -sizedportraitscan be obtained. These Marche des Chasseurs ardennais ... Warne( photographs are supplied withasemi -mattfinish,and canbe Bal Musette Van Herck Bergeronnette ... Marceau obtained *price 1'3 per dozen post free. Souvenir de la Varenne Marceau Just select any twelve from the list below, write them on a sheet of Mazurka pour Accordeon. paper, together with your name and address, fix the coupon cut from 4.55 p.m. the bottom left-hand corner of page 38 of this issue, and send together SONG RECITAL Mme. Schaus-Arend. with a Postal Order for 113 to : Enfant, si j'etais Roi Liszt Serenade... .. Gounod "RADIO STARS," RADIO PICTORIAL, 37-38 CHANCERY LANE, L'Attente Saint-Saens LONDON, W.C.2. Saint-Saens Dans les Ruines dune Abbaye ... Faure * If morethan a dozen required increase amount of P.O. by1/3per La Captive ... Berlioz dozen. (Please note that a COMPLETE dozen or dozens only supplied.) 5.30 p.m. "T.S.F. PROGRAMME" CONCERT Sang viennois ...Strauss Cavalleria rusticana Pietro Mascagni Les Millions d'Arlequin Drigo OVER 160to choose from 5.45 p.m. JAMES AGATE DENNY DENNIS OLIVE KAVANN THE ROOSTERS "LE BUCHERON" CONCERT OF DANCE LES ALLEN FLORENCE DESMOND EDA KERSEY CONCERT PARTY MUSIC. NORMAN ALLIN LAURI DEVINE HAROLD KIMBERLEY PHYLLIS ROBINS Lolo .. Arnaud- Marwvs GEORGE ALLISON REGINALD DIXON REGINALD KING PATRICIA ROSSBOROUGH Mu jerci ta ...AvignonJOHN ARMSTRONG DAN DONOVAN COMMDR. S. KING -HALL HARRY ROY Lelia ...4rignon FELIX AYLMER PIERRE FOL CHARLIE KUNZ ARTHUR SALISBURY Joyeux Fkards Resset-Avignon ALEXANDER AND MOSE REGINALD FOORT BRIAN LAWRENCE JACK SALISBURY La Java d'Eva Courtioux NORMAN AUSTIN ROY FOX SYDNEY LIPTON IVAN SAMSON Cointreau AvignonISOBEL BAILLIE FLOTSAM AND JETSAM NORMAN LONG ALBERT SANDLER Sous les Platanes ... AvignonGEORGE BAKER MURIEL GEORGE JOE LOSS LESLIE SARONY Je suis a la Mode...... AvignonETHEL BARTLETT HERMIONE GINGOLD LAYTON & JOHNSTONE IRENE SCHARRER Dos Dias...... Mateo VERNON BARTLETT WALTER GLYNNE PERCIVAL MACKAY CEDRIC SHARPE SYDNEY BAYNES RONALD GOURLEY S. P. B. MATS ERNEST SEFTON 6.15 p.m. EVE BECKE HUGHIE GREEN ARANKA VON MAJOR DALE SMITH THE LONDON PALLADIUM ORCHESTRABILLY BENNETT DORA GREGORY MANTOVANI SOLOMON (Gramophone Records) JAN BERENSKA GERSHOM PARKINGTON KITTY MASTERS STANELLI Turkish Patrol ... MichaelisLEN BERMON GARDA HALL [QUINTET JESSIE MATTHEWS RUDY STARITA - The Whistler and His Dog ... PryorBERTINI HENRY HALL ALEC McGILL M. STEPHAN Choristers' Waltz...... Phelps MAY BLYTH TOMMY HANDLEY JEAN MELVILLE "STAINLESS STEPHEN" Verdi Memories. SAM BROWNE LILIAN HARRISON ISOLDE MENGES CHRISTOPHER STONE DAVY BURNABY FRED HARTLEY BILLY MERRIN LEW STONE 6.30 p.m. ERNEST BUTCHER CHARLES HAYES JOSEPH MUSCANT MAMIE SOUTTER THE CARLYLE COUSINS PERCY HEMING HEDDLE NASH VON STRATEN CONCERT FOR LISTENERS IN THEJANE CARR HARRY HEMSLEY REGINALD NEW RICHARD TAUBER IRISH FREE STATE JEANNE DE CASALIS ROY HENDERSON DENIS O'NEIL MAGGIE TEYTE Signature Tune-Come Back to Erin. CECIL CHADWICK LEONARD HENRY BERYL ORDE FRANK THOMAS Malola-Fox trot Wayne ANDRE CHARLOT STANLEY HOLLOWAY ANN PENN JOHN THORNE Cherokee-Fox trot ... Carr VIVIENNE CHATTERTON LESLIE HOLMES SYDNEY PHASEY FRANK TITTERTON Maori Song of Good-bye-Waltz ... Keuleman CLAPHAM AND DWYER CLAUDE HULBERT MARI) DE PIETRO ROBERT TREDINNICK Kunz Medley No. 12. JOHN COATES LESLIE HUTCHINSON EUGENE P [NI GWEN VAUGHAN March Winds and April Showers-Fox trot... SamuelsPEGGY COCHRANE WALFORD HYDEN JACK PLANT CAPT. WAKELAM Say It-Fox trot ... SchwartzESTHER COLEMAN JACK HYLTON EDDIE POLA FRANK WALKER Kunz Medley. Emaio COLOMBO HAVER AND LEE LOU PRAEGER DORIS AND ELSIE WATERS Looking for a Little Bit of Blue-Fox trot ... Woods MABEL CONSTANDUROS HOWARD JACOBS ARTHUR PRINCE LESLIE WESTON BILLY SCOTT COOMBER A. LLOYD TAMES REGINALD PURDELL BRANSBY WILLIAMS 7.0-7.15 p.m. BILLY COTTON LESLIE JEFFRIES HAROLD RAMSAY ANONA WINN POTTED VAUDEVILLE MARION CRAN TOM JENKINS HELEN RAYMOND MAURICE WINNICK (Gramophone Records) BILL CURRIE JOHN JOHNSON WYN RICHMOND SIR HENRY WOOD Illusions (Zigeuner Romance)... Gade DAWN DAVIS PARRY JONES DON RICO GLADYS YOUNG Wot For? ... BurnabyODETTE DE FARAS TOM JONES PHILIP RIDGEWAY THE MILLS BROS. I'm Not Worrying 'bout Anything ... Broones BERT AMBROSE TREFOR JONES RAE ROBERTSON Here's to the Maidens-Medley. JACK JACKSON JOHN WATT SERGE KRISH 7.25 p.m. GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Cosi fan tutte Mozart ENLARGEMENTS, 10" x 8" OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, Hungarian Dance No. 5 Brahms Messidor .4. Bruneau PRICE 1/3 each, post free 7.45p.m. NEWS BULLETINS (InFrench and German) 8.10 p.m. Me Best GREY HAIR FRENCH GRAMOPHONE CONCERT Naila ...... Leo Delibes REMEDY IS MADE AT HOME Le Cor ... .., Flegier Read ou can now make at home abetter grey hair Carmen ...... Bizet remedy than you can buy, by following this simple Lakme ...... Delibes recipe : To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, a Le petit Poucet...... Ravel small box of Orlex Compound and one quarter -ounce of Nos bons vieux Airs ...... arr. Jack Hylton glycerine.Any chemist can make this up for you or Defile de la Garde Republicaine ...... Wettge you can mix it yourself at very little cost.Apply 8.40 p.m. TELEVISION to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is ob- VIOLIN RECITAL tained.Orlex imparts colour to streaked, Colette Frantz. faded, or grey hair, makes it soft and glossy AND and takes years off your 9 p.m. looks. ORCHESTRALCONCERT It will not colour Colette Frantz, violinist and the Station Orchestra the scalp, is not sticky or directed by Henri Pensis. SHORT-WAVE WORLD greasy and does not rub off Weber Concerto Mozart 9.55 p.m. GRAMOPHONE CONCERT WantedCAN YOU WRITE 10.10 p.m. June Issue WORDS FOR SONGS? "MUSICAL LUCKY DIP" SONG With soloists and the Station Orchestra directed by POEMS Publishers of many Broadcast Henri Pensis. and Recorded Hits invite known PRICE 1/- and unknown Authors and Composers 11 p.m. to submit song -poems, songs and musical com- positions for immediate publication.Send MSS. DANCE. MUSIC PETER DEREK LTD., Music Publishers, (Gramophone Records) R.D., 140a Shaftesbury Avenue, LoNnoN, W.C.2.

39 RADIO PICTORIAL June 21, 1935

Satisfied Customers

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The above letters were received in one post.The origisak may be inspected at oar SIOWIRTIMMOIS. YouCallTEST the YOUTH -O -FORM Girdle and Brassiere for 10 days FREE a rteOM OE RIK MOOR MI Mk n._" DOES excess fat rob you of the grace and you will reduce at least 3 inches in 10 days or charm that should be yours? it will cost you nothing ! We can dare to snake FREE TRIAL COUPON Has unwanted flesh accumulated at waist, this startling guarantee because we have tested thighs and diaphragm in spite of all your the Youth -U -Form Girdle and the results have To YOUTH -O -FORM GIRDLE CO., efforts to retain that girlish slimness?Then proved our claims. 11 Southampton Row, London, W.C.1. you will rejoice over the marvellous Youth -0 - Please send me WITHOUT OBLIGATION FREE Form Girdle and Uplift Brassiere that reduce Reduce ONLY where you are Booklet describing and illustrating the new " Youth - hips and waistline inches without effort . . . 0 -Form" Girdle and Bandeau, so that I can accept simply by their beneficial kneading action. overweight your10 days'trialoffer. Ienclose stamped The Youth -O -Form Girdle kneads away the addressed envelope for reply. The only safe Reducing methodfat at only those places where you want to The wonderful part of the quick Youth -0 - reduce.Beware of reducing methods which Form method is its absolute safety and com- take the weight off the entire body . . for

NAME fort. You take no drugs . .. no gymnastics . . a scrawny neck and face are as unattractive you eat normal meals .. . and yet we guarantee as a too -fat figure. ADDRESS You Need Not Risk One Penny ! You can prove to yourself that these marvellous reducing garments will take off at least 3 inches of fat from your waist, hips and diaphragm or no cost !