204 English information English infomation 205


· DECORADO (a Life on a Stage), by Alberto (Mali). She has produced audiovisual design for y Diseño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de María Lorenzo Hernández, PhD in Fine Arts, Vázquez · theatrical plays such as Bonnie and Clyde (Galo México. Her research-production work is fo- is a Senior Lecturer in at Univer- Teatro Real), Consonants, Dot (Feten and MAX cused on , drawing and sitat Politècnica de València, . She has Key words Award. Maduixa Theatre) and Harket Protocolo engraving; and it has been exhibited in diffe- delivered papers regularly at the Society for Decorado, short film, animation, theatre, stage, (PanicMap). She has curated the exhibition The rent cultural spaces of Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Animation Studies annual conferences, and representation. Lost Worlds of Jiři Barta (2014, Valencia). and Germany among other countries. In 2013 she was keynote speaker at CONFIA 2015 – Biography she received one of the most important acade- The International Conference in Illustration & Adriana Navarro is a Ph.D. Candidate from · Kathy Rose and Miwa Matreyek: Animated mic awards in this country: RDUNJA UNAM. Animation (Portugal). She recently contribu- the UPV. Her work was nominated for the Dance and Performance · ted to the book Animated Landscapes (Bloom- Goya Awards, and it was part of the cycle From sbury, 2015), edited by Chris Pallant; and she Doodles to Pixels and the anthology 100 Hun- Key words · Barry Purves, the scene · has published essays in peer-reviewed journals dred years of Spanish Animation. Additionally, Performance, animation, silhouettes, body, such as Animation Journal, Animation Studies Adriana collaborated in production and distri- dance, Matreyek, Rose. Key words and Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, bution tasks in HollyShorts Film Festival and Biography Animation, , Barry Purves, , among others. Since 2011 she edits Con A de CulturArts IVAC. She has also published and Lynn Tomlinson is an artist, professor, curator, theater animación. She is also an animation filmmaker, lectured in France, Portugal, Argentina, Cyprus and award-winning animator who explores the Biography nominated to the Goya Awards 2016 for her and Spain. Nowadays, she collaborates in the intersection of animation with painting, sculp- Marta Gil Soriano (Orihuela, 1993), graduated short film The Night Ocean(2015). French magazine Format Court, and she works ture, puppetry, and live performance. Recent in Fine Arts from the Universidad Politècnica at the association: Coordinadora del Cortometra- projects include The Ballad of Holland Island de Valencia (2015) and currently studying the je Español. She had a research stay at the Sor- House, a clay-painted animation about the last Master in Artistic Production (2015-2017). · Four Editions of Prime the Animation! · bonne and currently she continues her studies house on a sinking island; Medusa: The Im- Co-founder of the PTERO- Key words in The Animation Workshop. mortal Jellyfish, a multimedia performance art DACTIVE, a service start-up being the 2D Prime the Animation!, festival, student short piece; Breath & Air, abstracted projections on animation and Marketing director. She has films, projects, portfolios, professionals. · DOT. Animation for Theatre Shows · aerial dancers; and Kendra’s Bay, an animated worked in the production of the stop-motion Biography digital . She created a segment of the series Clay Kids ( Javier Tostado, 2015), and Sara Álvarez inició su carrera en las produc- Key words collaborative animation Fired Up! (2017) based her project Apolo 21 (co-directed with Julia toras de animación Tirannosaurus Produccio- Dance, Motion Graphics, animation, Maduixa on a story by Barak Obama. She is an Assistant Cruz) was selected in various festivals such as nes y Truca Films. Poco después realizó una Teatre. Professor in the Electronic Media and Film NonStop 3D Animation or Wire 3D. She also estancia colaborando con el magazine AWN Biography Department at Towson University, outside Bal- collaborates with the vice deanery of Fine Arts (Los Ángeles, EEUU). Ha participado en fes- Beatriz Herráiz Zornoza (Valencia, 1975), timore, Maryland. at UPV and with the Department of Design. tivales, congresos y publicado en medios es- PHD in Fine Arts, lectures Communication pecializados. En 2012 comisarió la exposición Studies Degree and Faculty of Fine Arts in · About How Did William Kentridge Arrived Surviving Life: Collages de la película de Jan Valencia. Member of the Animation Research to the Moon. Journey to the Moon · · César Díaz Meléndez: Commissioned Ani- Švankmajer. En 2014 realizó una estancia de Group: Art and Industry, she has worked as mator by Day, Independent Animator at investigación en el Holland Animation Film Motion Designer at RTVV and UPVRTV. She Key words Night · Festival (Utrecht, Holanda). En 2015 recibió la has delivered papers at Congreso de Tipografía, William Kentridge, Georges Méliès, Journey to beca de creación artística Ramón Acín, por La at CONFIA and at the SAS International An the Moon, Voyage dans la Lune. Key words casa Ena. Actualmente dirige el grupo de inves- ual Conferences. She has coordinated the in- Biography Stop-motion, comissioned animation, charac- tigación Animación: Arte e Industria, coordina el ternational project Historias para compartir, at Tania de León (Mexico, 1974) is a visual artist ters, feature film, sand, improvisation. Máster en Animación UPV y la muestra Prime Conservatoire Balla Kouyate Fasseke Bamako and Tenure Professor at the Facultad de Artes Biography the Animation! 204 English information English infomation 205


· DECORADO (a Life on a Stage), by Alberto (Mali). She has produced audiovisual design for y Diseño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de María Lorenzo Hernández, PhD in Fine Arts, Vázquez · theatrical plays such as Bonnie and Clyde (Galo México. Her research-production work is fo- is a Senior Lecturer in Animation at Univer- Teatro Real), Consonants, Dot (Feten and MAX cused on experimental animation, drawing and sitat Politècnica de València, Spain. She has Key words Award. Maduixa Theatre) and Harket Protocolo engraving; and it has been exhibited in diffe- delivered papers regularly at the Society for Decorado, short film, animation, theatre, stage, (PanicMap). She has curated the exhibition The rent cultural spaces of Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Animation Studies annual conferences, and representation. Lost Worlds of Jiři Barta (2014, Valencia). and Germany among other countries. In 2013 she was keynote speaker at CONFIA 2015 – Biography she received one of the most important acade- The International Conference in Illustration & Adriana Navarro is a Ph.D. Candidate from · Kathy Rose and Miwa Matreyek: Animated mic awards in this country: RDUNJA UNAM. Animation (Portugal). She recently contribu- the UPV. Her work was nominated for the Dance and Performance · ted to the book Animated Landscapes (Bloom- Goya Awards, and it was part of the cycle From sbury, 2015), edited by Chris Pallant; and she Doodles to Pixels and the anthology 100 Hun- Key words · Barry Purves, the scene animator · has published essays in peer-reviewed journals dred years of Spanish Animation. Additionally, Performance, animation, silhouettes, body, such as Animation Journal, Animation Studies Adriana collaborated in production and distri- dance, Matreyek, Rose. Key words and Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, bution tasks in HollyShorts Film Festival and Biography Animation, Stop motion, Barry Purves, puppets, among others. Since 2011 she edits Con A de CulturArts IVAC. She has also published and Lynn Tomlinson is an artist, professor, curator, theater animación. She is also an animation filmmaker, lectured in France, Portugal, Argentina, Cyprus and award-winning animator who explores the Biography nominated to the Goya Awards 2016 for her and Spain. Nowadays, she collaborates in the intersection of animation with painting, sculp- Marta Gil Soriano (Orihuela, 1993), graduated short film The Night Ocean(2015). French magazine Format Court, and she works ture, puppetry, and live performance. Recent in Fine Arts from the Universidad Politècnica at the association: Coordinadora del Cortometra- projects include The Ballad of Holland Island de Valencia (2015) and currently studying the je Español. She had a research stay at the Sor- House, a clay-painted animation about the last Master in Artistic Production (2015-2017). · Four Editions of Prime the Animation! · bonne and currently she continues her studies house on a sinking island; Medusa: The Im- Co-founder of the animation studio PTERO- Key words in The Animation Workshop. mortal Jellyfish, a multimedia performance art DACTIVE, a service start-up being the 2D Prime the Animation!, festival, student short piece; Breath & Air, abstracted projections on animation and Marketing director. She has films, projects, portfolios, professionals. · DOT. Animation for Theatre Shows · aerial dancers; and Kendra’s Bay, an animated worked in the production of the stop-motion Biography digital puppet. She created a segment of the series Clay Kids ( Javier Tostado, 2015), and Sara Álvarez inició su carrera en las produc- Key words collaborative animation Fired Up! (2017) based her project Apolo 21 (co-directed with Julia toras de animación Tirannosaurus Produccio- Dance, Motion Graphics, animation, Maduixa on a story by Barak Obama. She is an Assistant Cruz) was selected in various festivals such as nes y Truca Films. Poco después realizó una Teatre. Professor in the Electronic Media and Film NonStop 3D Animation or Wire 3D. She also estancia colaborando con el magazine AWN Biography Department at Towson University, outside Bal- collaborates with the vice deanery of Fine Arts (Los Ángeles, EEUU). Ha participado en fes- Beatriz Herráiz Zornoza (Valencia, 1975), timore, Maryland. at UPV and with the Department of Design. tivales, congresos y publicado en medios es- PHD in Fine Arts, lectures Communication pecializados. En 2012 comisarió la exposición Studies Degree and Faculty of Fine Arts in · About How Did William Kentridge Arrived Surviving Life: Collages de la película de Jan Valencia. Member of the Animation Research to the Moon. Journey to the Moon · · César Díaz Meléndez: Commissioned Ani- Švankmajer. En 2014 realizó una estancia de Group: Art and Industry, she has worked as mator by Day, Independent Animator at investigación en el Holland Animation Film Motion Designer at RTVV and UPVRTV. She Key words Night · Festival (Utrecht, Holanda). En 2015 recibió la has delivered papers at Congreso de Tipografía, William Kentridge, Georges Méliès, Journey to beca de creación artística Ramón Acín, por La at CONFIA and at the SAS International An the Moon, Voyage dans la Lune. Key words casa Ena. Actualmente dirige el grupo de inves- ual Conferences. She has coordinated the in- Biography Stop-motion, comissioned animation, charac- tigación Animación: Arte e Industria, coordina el ternational project Historias para compartir, at Tania de León (Mexico, 1974) is a visual artist ters, feature film, sand, improvisation. Máster en Animación UPV y la muestra Prime Conservatoire Balla Kouyate Fasseke Bamako and Tenure Professor at the Facultad de Artes Biography the Animation! 206 English information English infomation 207

· The Neverending Wall. A Short Film · Sculpting the Frame.The Elaboration of and curator in different festivals and events · Teatro Cinema: Animation, Graphic Narra- Production’s Notebook · Models in the Process of Production of Ani- around the world. She co-directed with Mauri- tive and Mise-en-Scène in the Play Historia Key words mated Feature Films· cio Durán the documentary Perpetuum Mobile de Amor · 2D Animation, Grafiti, Berlin, Wall, Mural Key words (2014), divided in three chapters (I. Time and Painting, East Side Gallery, Short film. Scale model, sculpture, design, preproduction. Space. II. Creative Processes. III. Technology Key words Biographies Biography and Creation), in which they reflect on the re- Expanded Animation, visual theatre, mise-en- Graduated in Art History, Silvia Carpizo stu- Adrián Encinas Salamanca (Madrid, 1986) is lationship between Animation and Arts. She scène, graphic narrative, animated space. died the Master of Animation of the UPV, passionate about stop-motion animation cine- is currently working on her first stop motion Biographies where she made her first animated short film, ma. Away from plasticine, metals, plastics and technique short film; the film is based on the Juan Alberto Conde Aldana has a degree in Alienation (2013), winner of several awards and latex, this engineer concentrates on the work sensations she experienced during the reading communication studies, and a MA in philoso- selected in more than 90 national and interna- of observing, reviewing, showing and therefore of the book Estancia y doméstica by the Chilean phy from Javeriana University in Bogota, and is tional festivals and with which she discovered spreading the art of this century-old technique. poet Mariela Malhue (2010). Furthermore, she a doctoral candidate in Semiotics at the Limo- the animation as a discipline that encompasses In 2008 he began his career with Puppets & is a member of Moebius Animation, whose in- ges University in France. He is assistant pro- her two great vocations since she was a child: Clay, the first Spanish blog focused exclusively terest is focused on the dissemination of expe- fessor in the master program in Semiotics of cinematographic language and drawing. She on stop-motion and one of the most exhaustive rimental Latin . the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogota, has experimented with different techniques of until today. In addition, since 2010 he runs an Colombia. animation, but the one that has made her own anarchic fanzine in periodicity under the same Juan Manuel Cristancho Hernández has a De- is the mural animation, where she combines name as his blog, and in the past 2016 he pu- · The New Ways of Staging Opera. A Case gree in performing arts and a Post-Graduate experimental 2D animation with existing gra- blished the book ¡Bien hecho, Gromit! Cuarenta Study. The Magic Flute by 1927 and Kosky: 2D Degree in pedagogy from the Pedagogica Na- ffiti, with a conceptual theme and great social Años de Aardman (Diábolo Edicio- Animation, New Digital Technologies and a cional University in Bogota, Colombia. He impact in her story. She has also participated nes). Encinas has not only put his prose to the Vintage Style · holds a Master degree in Semiotics at Jorge in the short filmThe Cat Dances with its Sha- service of his interests, but also collaborates in Tadeo Lozano University in Bogota, Colom- dow (María Lorenzo, 2012), and her short film fanzines of cult (Data, Amazing Monsters), di- Key words bia. He teaches Drama in the Bogota’s District Without Breath (Un respiro, 2015) selected by gital magazines in English (Stop Motion Maga- Digital set design, video projection mapping, Office for Education, and is co-director, physi- the Cátedra Internacional Arte y Enferme- zine), collective books (The Spanish short film in opera, animation, visual culture. cal trainer and playwright in the youth art co- dades de la UPV for exhibition in numerous 100 Names, 2016) and even catalogs of major Biography llective Territorio Teatral – Okima Danza. European exhibitions of contemporary art. She exhibitions (Stop Motion Don’t Stop, 2013). Vincenzo Sansone was born in Termini Ime- currently directs The Neverending Wall (2016), rese in Italy in 1987. Master’s degree in Digital · Three-Dimensional Films Postproduction beginning her career as a filmmaker and pro- Performance at Sapienza University of Rome, with Blender. Approaching Workflows with ducer with institutional and cinematographic · Experimental Animation in the Field of he is PhD student in European Cultural Stu- Free Software in Animation Sequences · cultural support. Affections · dies at the University of Palermo and Visiting Jose Moo (Valencia, 1986). While he was stu- Scholar at Pompeu Fabra University of Barce- Key words dying Technical Engineering at the Universitat Key words lona and Universitat Politècnica de València Workflow, movie, Computer graphics integra- Politècnica de València he shows a great in- Experimental animation, affection, materiality, with a research about video projection map- ted, animation, 3D, Blender. terest in cinema, so he decided to continue his rhythm, sensation, nonlinear storytelling. ping and its relationship with performing arts. Biography studies at the Master in Digital Postproduction Biography The focus of his research concerns these areas: Miguel Angel Roque is professor and resear- of the UPV. He begins to work in advertising Cecilia Traslaviña González works as anima- theatre, dance, new media, animation, AR te- cher at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and shoot live-action short films until he dis- tion teacher in the Faculty of Arts at Pontificia chnologies, software culture, urban design. He where he developed his teaching activities covers the animated world through the Master Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. is actor and digital set designer. He took part to mainly in the area of design and audiovisual. of Animation of the UPV. During his training She became interested in animation from a some international conferences: Bodies on Sta- Joined to IDECA research group for ten years, period, he collaborates on several short film very young age. After several failed experiments ge (Paris, 2015), Presenting the Theatrical Past specialized in the research and development of projects as a post-producer. He currently works with a Super 8 mm camera, she finally finished (IFTR-Stockholm, 2016), Open Field (RIXC- audiovisual contents. His current research fo- as an assistant director and post-producer in her first short thanks to digital technology. She Riga, 2016). cuses on the three-dimensional graphics. the short filmThe Neverending Wall. has participated with her works and as jury 206 English information English infomation 207

· The Neverending Wall. A Short Film · Sculpting the Frame.The Elaboration of and curator in different festivals and events · Teatro Cinema: Animation, Graphic Narra- Production’s Notebook · Models in the Process of Production of Ani- around the world. She co-directed with Mauri- tive and Mise-en-Scène in the Play Historia Key words mated Feature Films· cio Durán the documentary Perpetuum Mobile de Amor · 2D Animation, Grafiti, Berlin, Wall, Mural Key words (2014), divided in three chapters (I. Time and Painting, East Side Gallery, Short film. Scale model, sculpture, design, preproduction. Space. II. Creative Processes. III. Technology Key words Biographies Biography and Creation), in which they reflect on the re- Expanded Animation, visual theatre, mise-en- Graduated in Art History, Silvia Carpizo stu- Adrián Encinas Salamanca (Madrid, 1986) is lationship between Animation and Arts. She scène, graphic narrative, animated space. died the Master of Animation of the UPV, passionate about stop-motion animation cine- is currently working on her first stop motion Biographies where she made her first animated short film, ma. Away from plasticine, metals, plastics and technique short film; the film is based on the Juan Alberto Conde Aldana has a degree in Alienation (2013), winner of several awards and latex, this engineer concentrates on the work sensations she experienced during the reading communication studies, and a MA in philoso- selected in more than 90 national and interna- of observing, reviewing, showing and therefore of the book Estancia y doméstica by the Chilean phy from Javeriana University in Bogota, and is tional festivals and with which she discovered spreading the art of this century-old technique. poet Mariela Malhue (2010). Furthermore, she a doctoral candidate in Semiotics at the Limo- the animation as a discipline that encompasses In 2008 he began his career with Puppets & is a member of Moebius Animation, whose in- ges University in France. He is assistant pro- her two great vocations since she was a child: Clay, the first Spanish blog focused exclusively terest is focused on the dissemination of expe- fessor in the master program in Semiotics of cinematographic language and drawing. She on stop-motion and one of the most exhaustive rimental Latin American animation. the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogota, has experimented with different techniques of until today. In addition, since 2010 he runs an Colombia. animation, but the one that has made her own anarchic fanzine in periodicity under the same Juan Manuel Cristancho Hernández has a De- is the mural animation, where she combines name as his blog, and in the past 2016 he pu- · The New Ways of Staging Opera. A Case gree in performing arts and a Post-Graduate experimental 2D animation with existing gra- blished the book ¡Bien hecho, Gromit! Cuarenta Study. The Magic Flute by 1927 and Kosky: 2D Degree in pedagogy from the Pedagogica Na- ffiti, with a conceptual theme and great social Años de Aardman Animations (Diábolo Edicio- Animation, New Digital Technologies and a cional University in Bogota, Colombia. He impact in her story. She has also participated nes). Encinas has not only put his prose to the Vintage Style · holds a Master degree in Semiotics at Jorge in the short filmThe Cat Dances with its Sha- service of his interests, but also collaborates in Tadeo Lozano University in Bogota, Colom- dow (María Lorenzo, 2012), and her short film fanzines of cult (Data, Amazing Monsters), di- Key words bia. He teaches Drama in the Bogota’s District Without Breath (Un respiro, 2015) selected by gital magazines in English (Stop Motion Maga- Digital set design, video projection mapping, Office for Education, and is co-director, physi- the Cátedra Internacional Arte y Enferme- zine), collective books (The Spanish short film in opera, animation, visual culture. cal trainer and playwright in the youth art co- dades de la UPV for exhibition in numerous 100 Names, 2016) and even catalogs of major Biography llective Territorio Teatral – Okima Danza. European exhibitions of contemporary art. She exhibitions (Stop Motion Don’t Stop, 2013). Vincenzo Sansone was born in Termini Ime- currently directs The Neverending Wall (2016), rese in Italy in 1987. Master’s degree in Digital · Three-Dimensional Films Postproduction beginning her career as a filmmaker and pro- Performance at Sapienza University of Rome, with Blender. Approaching Workflows with ducer with institutional and cinematographic · Experimental Animation in the Field of he is PhD student in European Cultural Stu- Free Software in Animation Sequences · cultural support. Affections · dies at the University of Palermo and Visiting Jose Moo (Valencia, 1986). While he was stu- Scholar at Pompeu Fabra University of Barce- Key words dying Technical Engineering at the Universitat Key words lona and Universitat Politècnica de València Workflow, movie, Computer graphics integra- Politècnica de València he shows a great in- Experimental animation, affection, materiality, with a research about video projection map- ted, animation, 3D, Blender. terest in cinema, so he decided to continue his rhythm, sensation, nonlinear storytelling. ping and its relationship with performing arts. Biography studies at the Master in Digital Postproduction Biography The focus of his research concerns these areas: Miguel Angel Roque is professor and resear- of the UPV. He begins to work in advertising Cecilia Traslaviña González works as anima- theatre, dance, new media, animation, AR te- cher at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and shoot live-action short films until he dis- tion teacher in the Faculty of Arts at Pontificia chnologies, software culture, urban design. He where he developed his teaching activities covers the animated world through the Master Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. is actor and digital set designer. He took part to mainly in the area of design and audiovisual. of Animation of the UPV. During his training She became interested in animation from a some international conferences: Bodies on Sta- Joined to IDECA research group for ten years, period, he collaborates on several short film very young age. After several failed experiments ge (Paris, 2015), Presenting the Theatrical Past specialized in the research and development of projects as a post-producer. He currently works with a Super 8 mm camera, she finally finished (IFTR-Stockholm, 2016), Open Field (RIXC- audiovisual contents. His current research fo- as an assistant director and post-producer in her first short thanks to digital technology. She Riga, 2016). cuses on the three-dimensional graphics. the short filmThe Neverending Wall. has participated with her works and as jury 208 English information

· Adagio. The Material as a Narrative and · The Cartoon Studio CIFESA and the films Symbolic Element · of Rigalt-Reyes · Key words Stop motion animation, Animation Aesthetics, Key words Connotation, Origami. Guatemala, Carlos Rigalt, scenography, deco- Biography rative arts, golden age of the Spanish anima- Eliane Gordeeff is a graphic designer (UFRJ tion, animation pioneer. / Brazil, 1994), an independent animator and Biography master in Art and Image (UFRJ / Brasil 2011). Raúl González-Monaj teaches Audiovisual Today is a Ph.D. fellow student (CNPq / Bra- Communication and he also leads the Anima- zil) in Fine Arts / Specialization in Multimé- tion Master in the Polytechnic University of dia at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Valencia. Expert in television pre-production, Lisbon. Associated with ASIFA, she works he has worked as a professional in about twenty with animation since 2000, and realized 16 animated cartoon series, several feature-length productions with more than 30 awards that animated films as well as in different adverti- have been exhibited at festivals such as Anima sing spots. He is the author of the book Manual Mundi (Brazil), Cinanima (Portugal), Latino- para la realización de storyboards (2007) and he americano of Havana (Cuba) and Encounters has published in specialized magazines like (England). In her productions there is always a Secuencias, revista de historia del cine, Con A de concern with relation message-image. As a re- animación or CuCo, cuadernos de cómic. search her interest is the animated image, in all its aspects, but especially symbolic. In resear- ching her master, she studied how the material can influence the narrative, and in her current Ph.D., examines how the animated image can represent imaginary elements of the characters.

· The Scale of Animation. From the Scene of Karel Zeman to the Meeting with Josef Svo- boda ·

Key words Karel Zeman, Josef Svoboda, matte painting, stage, stop-motion. Biography Blanca Machuca Casares, PhD in Fine Arts, is a stage designer and she works like graphic designer and museographer for the study of ar- chitecture Luis Machuca y Asociados Sl, and she is a teacher in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Malaga. Her PhD thesis rela- tes of dramatic art techniques to the process of artist and the contemporary spectator using the game as a linking element.