The Conquered Banner

Newsletter of the Father A.J. Ryan San Diego Camp #302 Sons of Confederate Veterans

VOLUME 23 NUMBER 3 May 2015


Camp Delegates of the California Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, gathered in the Southern San Joaquin Valley town of Bakersfield for this year’s reunion on March 14, 15, & 16. There, we conducted division business and enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow compatriots from throughout California. Not only is Bakersfield the home of the late country music legend, Buck Owens, but it is now becoming the favorite spot for the Division’s annual convention. In years past, the California Division has met twice in this city, and each time was well received by our host hotels with great meetings, good food and entertainment. This year, the Division met at the Double Tree Hilton and, once again, the hotel staff went all out in welcoming us and providing excellent service at both the business meeting and the evening banquet celebration. On behalf of Camp 302 and, I know, the other attending camps, we express our thanks and gratitude to outgoing Division Commander Farrell Cooley for hosting and organizing this year’s great event. As usual, I am proud of Camp 302’s participation at this event. Besides myself, LCDR Dave Sanders, 2nd LCDR Jim Millsap, Heritage Officer and Sergeant-at-Arms Steve Smith, Adjutant Roy Adair, and Compatriot Ira Lack attended. Due to ill health, Camp and Division Chaplain Ernie Powell was not able to attend. Ernie is doing well at present. In 2016, I hope to see more of our members at the Division Reunion. Camps answering to the Division Roll Call were: General George Blake Cosby, Camp 1627, Sacramento - Commander Allen Davis. Lt. General Wade Hampton, Camp 2013, Modesto - Commander Dan Shepherd. General Tyree Harris Bell, Camp 1804, Fresno - Commander Russell Snow. General Albert Sidney Johnston, Camp 2048, Bakersfield-Tehachapi - Commander Jon J. Fowler. Deaderick Doremus Thurmond, Camp 1631, Santa Barbara - Commander Barron T. Smith. General John Bell Hood, Camp 1208, Los Angeles - Commander John C. Roberts. Inland Empire, Camp 1742, Inland Empire - Commander John Smoley. Captain Cameron Erskine Thom, Camp 2007, Long Beach - Commander Fred Moore. Captain James Iredell Waddell, Camp 1770, Orange County - Commander Scott Price. Father A.J. Ryan, Camp 302, San Diego - Commander Jim Stephens. Camps not present were: The Stainless Banner, Camp 1440, San Jose - Commander Gary Waltrip. CSS , Camp 2062, Ventura County - Commander Ted Boyias. Friday the 14th saw division compatriots and guests gathering in Commander Cooley’s quarters for fried chicken, snacks of all kinds, along with plenty of soda pop and adult beverages. As always, it was good to reacquaint ourselves with our fellow compatriots, their friends and families from around the division. It was also good getting to meet those folks attending for the first time. The business meeting got under way with Chaplain Dave Bower delivering the Invocation. (Continued on Page Three) VOLUME 23 NUMBER 3 THE CONQUERED BANNER PAGE TWO

International Headquarters Sons of Confederate Veterans P.O. Box 59 From the Editor Columbia, Tennessee 38402-0059 We look at our 2015 Division Reunion in Bakersfield, the 1-800-MY-DIXIE Lakeside Parade & we end the Sesquicentennial Observance. Salute to the Confederate Flag I salute the Confederate flag with affection, reverence and Minutes from the March 07, 2015 Camp Meeting undying devotion to the cause for which it stands. The meeting was held at the Boll Weevil Restaurant in Clairemont. The meeting was called to order at noon by Camp Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans Commander Jim Stephens. Thirteen members were in “To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the attendance. Following the invocation by Chaplain Ernie Powell, vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength the Pledge of Allegiance and the Salute to the Confederate Flag, will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good it was the Camp Commander’s pleasure to present a Certificate name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his of Appreciation to Jane Zoch for her outstanding contributions virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and to the Camp. It was also announced that the 2014 “Rebel of the which you love also, and the ideals which made him glorious Year” award went to Compatriot Stu Hoffman. This decision and which you also cherish.” was based on Stu’s outstanding dedication to the Camp and his Lt. General Stephen D. Lee almost super-human efforts to attend its functions while Newsletter suffering great personal hardship. Congratulations, Stu! The The Conquered Banner” is the official newsletter of the Treasurer’s report included comments by the Adjutant Camp and is published each odd-numbered month. Permission concerning the health of Compatriot James Taylor who recently to reprint material contained in the newsletter in freely given to donated $2,389.94 to the Camp. It was decided that the SCV, MOSB and UDC organizations. Commentary and articles Commander would appoint a committee to field suggestions on are solicited and should be mailed or e-mailed to the Newsletter the best way to utilize this money, keeping the purpose of our Editor. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of the preceding Camp as stated in our By-Laws as the guiding principle. Under month. Consideration of space may require editing. Old Business, it was announced that the current slate of Camp Meetings Officers had been reelected to serve for another two-year term. The camp meets the 2nd Saturday of each odd-numbered It was also reported that a check for $50.00 has been sent to the month at various locations which are announced in the Southern Legal Resource Center as previously voted on. Under newsletter. New Business, the Commander presented the new Camp 302 Correspondence patch. Of the thirty available, 19 were sold at $6.00 each. It is a Membership applications, dues renewals, changes of beautiful patch and was well received by all members in address and other business should be directed to the adjutant. attendance. The Commander announced that Deane Poole, Commander of SUVCW Camp 21, has reached an agreement Dues with the Mt. Hope Administration to waive fees for the 2015 Annual dues are billed each August and are $45.00 for Memorial Day Ceremony. We will deal with future years on a members. Dues include the Confederate Veteran magazine and case-by-case basis. It was announced that the San Diego SAR a newsletter. A red “X” in the following box indicates your dues Chapter does not have liability insurance and therefore cannot have not been received. { } fire their muskets at ceremonies. For this reason, since we are Camp officers not under the same restriction, we may be asked to provide the Commander Jim Stephens 21-gun salute at the Rosecrans Memorial Day Ceremony this 690 Mural St. year. Commander Stephens announced that WWII Veteran and Oceanside, CA 92057 POW Jim Reily has accepted his invitation to speak at a future Phone: (760) 940-8506 meeting. The upcoming Division reunion will include seven E-mail: [email protected] members from our camp. Camp 302 volunteered to perform LCDR Dave Sanders Color Guard on this occasion. The Convention Camp-of-the – nd 2 LCDR Jim Millsap Year score sheet was reviewed to insure nothing was left out. Adjutant/Treasurer Roy Adair The Western Days Parade has been set for April 18th. The 334 “J” Avenue participant list is not yet published. Compatriot Will Tisch is Coronado, CA 92118 confident the camp will be included. College-level awards were Phone: (619) 435-5235 discussed and it was announced that Mike Schooling would be E-mail: [email protected] responsible for the Army award and Jim Stephens would Chaplains Ernie Powell & Gary Henson coordinate the Navy and Air Force award. As per Compatriot Sergeant-At-Arms Steve Smith James Taylor’s wishes, the three remaining reproduction Civil Historian Gary Henson War pistols were donated to the Camp and put up for sale. The Newsletter Editors Jim & Megan Stephens proceeds will go the Camp treasury. Compatriots Steve Smith 690 Mural Street and Dave Sanders are looking into Camp Pendleton for this Oceanside, CA 92057 year’s “Turkey Shoot,” providing the camp can supply a Phone: (760) 940-8506 certified Black Powder Instructor (more on this later). The next E-mail: [email protected] VMMC Color Guard will be on April 25 and our May 9 Camp Meeting will be held at Duffwood in Oceanside. The meeting was called to a close with Benediction by Chaplain Powell.


(Reunion 2015, Continued from Page One)

After the pledges, the Reading of the Charge and the Introduction by Commander Farrell Cooley, Adjutant Vern Padgett conducted the Camp Roll Call. Sylvia Cardenas – Officer in Charge of the California Order of the Confederate Rose, and Robyn Adair – California Division President of the United Daughters of the Confederacy presented their respective reports. Robyn talked briefly about the problems that exist with the former Museum of the Confederacy (now called The Museum, located in Richmond, Virginia) and the lack of cooperation with the current museum director. She also discussed the disposition of Confederate artifacts belonging to the various Southern states and the museums relocation at The Tredegar Iron Works. The Division Camps presented their reports and, as always, I was pleased to state all of Camp 302’s accomplishments over the previous year since the last convention. We made a good showing – we came in second place. Camp 1742, Inland Empire, won the honors again this year as “Camp of the Year.” Commander Cooley announced to those gathered that the SCV’s Commander-in-Chief, Charles Kelly Barrows, who was slated to attend the reunion, could not make it due to a family crisis. Commander Kelly submitted a letter to the California Division stating his regrets in not attending. Commander Cooley thanked the California Division for their participation in the Elm Springs Project and the $2300 they donated and presented to National while in Charleston, SC in 2014. Another special project that the division is active in is the Heritage Operations Fund, raising money for the various legal defense issues the SCV is confronted with. All the camps were generous again this year at the convention in donating money to this important fund. The upcoming National Convention in Richmond, VA for 2015 was discussed. Commander Cooley encouraged those planning to attend to make their hotel reservations. Again this year, a Leadership Conference was conducted toward the end of the business meeting. Division Elections were held at this year’s convention as well as two previous division brigades being reactivated. Commander Cooley finished out his two terms as Division Commander. Reunion attendees showed their appreciation at the fine leadership Commander Cooley provided during his two terms. Our own Steve Smith accepted the nomination and was elected as our new Division Commander. Congratulations Steve! 1st LCDR John Smolley decided not to run for reelection, and therefore Scott Price, Cmdr of Captain James Iredell Waddell, Camp 1770, was elected to serve as Division 1st LCDR. Dave Bower of General Albert Sidney Johnston, Camp 2048, Bakersfield-Tehachapi, was elected as Division Chaplain. The brigades were reactivated to provide liaison between the camps in the Northern and Southern geographical sections of the State and the Division Commander are: The Upper South – “Shelby” Brigade covering camps north of the Grape Vine, commanded by Jon Fowler and the Lower South – “Baily” Brigade covering camps south of the Grape Vine, commanded by Dave Sanders. An important decision was adopted during the business meeting to conduct future Division Reunions in the Bakersfield area with the Double Tree Hotel, due to its excellent facilities and location. Also, the Bakersfield-Tehachapi Camp will host the 2016 Reunion. Division Members gathered in the Lake Room of the Double Tree during the evening of the 15th for the Commander’s Reception for a fine dinner and musical entertainment, provided by Camp 1804’s Richard Kline showing his mastery of the keyboard along with his excellent singing voice. As always, many members joined in the singing of our traditional Confederate medleys. And, of course, “Dixie” is never left out of the repertoire. The Awards Ceremony followed the dinner with speeches and acknowledgements of the newly elected officers. Good books and sundry items, including uniform pieces, were aplenty during the Silent Auction that closed out the evening. The morning of the 16th saw many Division Members gather at Bakersfield’s Union Cemetery for the Memorial Service hosted by The United Daughters of the Confederacy honoring 2nd Lieutenant Jesse W. Rogers, Co. H, 8th Mo. Infantry. Compatriots from Camp 302 and other camps provided the Honor Guard during the service. This completed the 2015 California Division Reunion.




2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! “New” carries many meanings: A “new and improved” laundry detergent usually means “higher-priced in a smaller container”; the phrase “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (a new order of the ages) appears on the Great Seal of the . About 600 years before Christ, the prophet Ezekiel spoke these words, “A new heart also will I give you, and a new a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of the flesh.” Several weeks ago, I re-watched a very funny redemption movie, “Groundhog Day.” For those who haven’t seen it (if there are any left), this modern “Pilgrim’s Progress,” is the story of Phil Connors, selfish, jaded, cynical TV weatherman, who refers to himself as “the talent” and to ordinary people as “morons” and “hicks.” Sent to cover the annual appearance of Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog, he finds himself repeating February 2 over and over again. At first he is worried, but soon realizes that, since the clock resets every morning, nothing he does will have consequences, and that his foreknowledge gives him immense power, which he uses to indulge in every vice and to manipulate people. The only one who seems immune to his charms is his producer Rita, who sees through his plastic façade and rejects him at every turn. Eventually, the emptiness of his life catches up to him, and he repeatedly commits suicide, only to wake up each morning unchanged. He finally begins to realize that the world does not revolve around him, and that happiness comes from loving and serving others. Only after his stony heart has been replaced with one of flesh is he allowed to continue his life as a new man. This holy season of Lent is our time to prepare ourselves to celebrate the atoning death and glorious resurrection of Jesus, our Savior. Like Phil Connors, each morning we are handed a wonderful present – the opportunity to accept God’s grace and to be given a new heart. If we accept this gift, like “Groundhog Day,” our lives will have a happy ending.

May the Lord Bless and Keep you all.



UDC’s Robyn Adair, Camp 302’s Roy Adair, Ira Lack, Camp 302 Commander Jim Stephens, Camp 302 Adjutant Jim Stephens & Dave Sanders prepare for the business Roy Adair and Division Commander Farrell Cooley at session Saturday morning. Friday evening’s reception

Division Commander Cooley addresses the Convention A little levity at the reception is enjoyed by CDR Stephens, 2nd LCDR Millsap, Sgt.-at-Arms Smith and LCDR Sanders

Newly elected California Division Officers at the Saturday evening Compatriot Kenny Ramsey, former California Division CDR Banquet: L to R: 1st LCDR Scott Price. Shelby Brigade CDR. Upper now of , addresses the Convention attendees South, Jon Fowler. California Division CDR Steve Smith. Bailey during the Saturday business session. Brigade CDR Lower South, Dave Sanders. Former Division CDR Farrell Cooley.

( Scenes from the reunion continued on Page Six)


(Scenes continued from page five)

Honors were paid to Confederate Veteran Jesse W. Rogers at Union Adjutant Tim Desmond, Camp 1804, Fresno, leads the Division Color Cemetery, Bakersfield, Ca Sunday Morning, March 15, 2015 Guard with Camp Flags in the ceremony honoring 2nd Lieutenant Jesse W. Rogers at Union Cemetery.

California Division Commander Farrell Cooley conducts the dedication Adjutant Desmond leads the musket salute with members of Camp 302. ceremony along with the Bakersfield Chapter of The United Daughters L. to R. Tim Desmond, Roy Adair, Ira Lack, Steve Smith & Jim Stephens of the Confederacy for 2nd Lieutenant Rogers.


1) No swords, sabers, side arms or spurs at dances and social events. We are there to dance and socialize, not fight. 2) Gentlemen are to remove their covers (i.e. hats) upon entry into the room. 3) Men should bring either a pair of shoes suitable for dancing or wear a pair that will not damage the floor. (Shoes and boots of the times had hobnails and heel plates. However, these caused damage to wooden dance floors.) 4) No medals are worn that were not issued by the Confederate States Government during the war. 5) If one wishes to wear U.S. and State awarded medals, place them in the proper order of precedence.


General Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House April 9, 1865. This R. Brooke painting, “Furling the Flag,” depicts Confederate Soldiers rolling the flag. Soon, the Confederacy will pass into folklore as the “lost cause.” April will see several engagements and operations that spell a disastrous but valiant end to the brave fight our Southern men endured leading up to Appomattox.

April 2 and 3 – Lee evacuates Petersburg and Richmond. He initially hoped to join with Johnston’s army. April 2 – 9 – Mobile Bay falls after 16,000 Union troops assault Ft. Blakely. April 6 – At the Battle of Sayler’s Creek/Hillsman Farm, in Virginia, Lee loses between 7,000 and 8,000 men. About one-third of them had marched from Amelia Court House. April 6 – 7 – General Longstreet attempts to burn High Bridge and Wagon Bridge over the Appomattox River. Union Troops are able to save the bridge and continue to pursue the Confederates. April 14 – President Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater. April 26 – General Joseph E. Johnston surrenders to General William Sherman in Durham, North Carolina.


“After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the brave survivors of so many hard fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to the result from no distrust of them. “But feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that would compensate for the loss that must have attended the continuance of the contest. I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. By the terms of the agreement officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed, and I earnestly pray that a Merciful God will extend to you His blessing and protection. “With an increasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country, and with a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous considerations for myself, I bid you all an affectionate farewell.”

(The Civil War Day by Day, Phillip Katcher, Chartwell Books, Inc. 2007)


NEXT CAMP MEETING Date: May 9, 2015 Time: 12:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. Location: Home of Nick Rodriguez, “DUFFWOOD” 4048 Via Rio Ave. Oceanside, 92057. Directions: From South County, I-5 North to State Route 76 East. Turn left on Douglas Dr. Turn right on Pala Rd. then left on Via Emily Ave. Turn right on Via Rio Ave. Location on your left. From I-15 take Gopher Canyon Rd. exit and proceed east. Turn right on East Vista Way then left on State 76. Turn right on Douglas Dr. Follow same directions as above. See Web Site for additional directions and map.


Camp 302, once again, trekked to the far reaches of East County this year to march in Lakeside’s parade that is part of this city’s annual Western Days Rodeo festivities. Here are scenes along the route:

Gus Goetsch, Jim Stephens & Will Tisch before parade Camp 302’s newest member, Grady Grammer, with Sharon And Tali

Sharon and Tali carry the Camp Banner with Color Guard members Will Tisch, Grady Grammer and Gus Goetsch, presenting Camp 302 to the Lakeside spectators.


(Lakeside Parade continued from Page Eight)

These ladies on their fine horses represent the many equestrian groups The dauntless members of Camp 302 march down Woodside Ave that participate in Lakeside’s Western days Parade and Rodeo. with the Camp Flag proudly waving in the breeze while Sharon and Tali take the lead.


Well, your camp had another great showing at this year’s 2015 California Division Reunion in Bakersfield. Many thanks to our compatriots who made the trek. It is always a pleasure for me to represent my fellow members at this gathering. We’ll return to Bakersfield again in 2016 for the next Division Reunion. Outgoing Division Commander Farrell Cooley did a fantastic job organizing this year’s event. Congratulations to our own Steve Smith as the new Division Commander and Dave Sanders as the new Bailey Brigade Commander for the southern portion of California. By the end April, 2015, we see the close of the Sesquicentennial Observance of the War Between the States. The past four years have rushed by with great rapidity for us, but the men and women who experienced this conflict from 1861 to 1865 must have felt that this period in their lives lasted a lifetime. As Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will always look back on our ancestors who lived and fought during this time with great affection, and also continue to study and discuss the events that occurred 150 years ago. Once again, your camp represented the SCV at the Lakeside Western Days Parade as part of the annual Lakeside Rodeo. We have been invited back next year by the parade organizers and I’m hopeful we will have a larger turnout in 2016. Camp 302 will have performed Color Guard duty at the VMMC on May 2nd as we continue to honor America’s veterans at this great museum in Balboa Park. When we meet at “Duffwood” on the 9th of May, we’ll talk about the upcoming Veterans Day ceremony at Mt. Hope that is being hosted this year by the SUVCW William Pittinger Camp 21. Representatives from their camp will join us at “Duffwood” for joint talks on this event. Also, we will talk about our July meeting at Anna’s Restaurant in Lemon Grove where we will have great guest speakers. You do not want to miss this meeting. Finally, I want to thank all our friends and associates for your continued support now and in the coming months. We have many more events to look at this year and I will do my best to keep on top of everything and keep all of you well informed.

Jim Stephens