
Shenandoah Semper Fortis - Always Courageous Captain James Iredell Waddell Chapter No. 32 Military Order of the Stars & Bars Raleigh, Winner of the Col. Walter Hopkins Distinguished Chapter Award for 1997 & 2014

Volume XXIII - Number 3 July/August/September 2014 Waddell Chapter Next Meeting Chapter Honors Awarded Best Thursday Namesake Chapter in August 21, 2014 ANNAPOLIS, MD– A wreath was 6:30 PM placed by the Capt. Waddell Chap- the Order ter June 10, 2014 on the grave of CHARLESTON, SC – The Capt. Barbecue Lodge our namesake Capt. James I. Wad- Waddell Chapter has been awarded 4600 Capitol Blvd. Raleigh, NC dell, CSN. the Col. Walter Hopkins Distin- guished Chapter Award for the 919-872-4755 most outstanding Chapter in the MOS&B for 2014. The award was Program: presented at the Awards Luncheon during the Order’s 77th Annual The Battle Convention held at the DoubleTree Hotel, Charleston. of The Shenandoah was also awarded the Capt. John S. Morton Morrisville Award for the best Chapter News- and the current letter for 2014. efforts at The Chapter was also award- preservation ed the Lt. Gen. Simon Buckner Award for having a 100% retention Speaker: of membership over the past year and was only one of three Chapters Ernie Dollar Grave of Capt. James I. Waddell to receive this award. located in St. Annes at Cedar Bluff See Pages 11 and 12 for more Ladies are Cemetery, Annapolis, MD. Convention news. always Welcome

Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award for the best MOS&B newsletter in the Confederation for 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2014 Chapter Receives Waddell Chapter Letter from Florida Welcomes Real Son Gary Lee Hall and Ray King Below is the transcript of a letter we received May 13, 2014 The Capt. Waddell Chap- The from Real Son Frank Vittetow ter would like to welcome Gary from Florida. Lee Hall as a new member. He SemperShenandoah Fortis - Always Courageous A most sincere thanks to you transfers into the Chapter on the Official publication and the members of the Capt. record of his ancestor, President of the James Iredell Waddell Chapter John Tyler, 10th President of Captain James Iredell Waddell No. 32 for developing the infor- the and a member Chapter No. 32, mative newsletter. of the Confederate States Con- Military Order of the Your courtesy in including gress. Gary is Lt. Command- Stars and Bars, Raleigh, North Carolina information on a Kentucky/Fla. er of the 47th Regt. NC Troops since 1988 guy is most appreciated. SCV Camp in Wake Forest and I can tell that your chapter is resides in Youngsville. most active, and would seem to The Waddell Chapter would have a huge baseline of interest also like to welcome back Ray and support. King who has reactivated his My regards, and friendship, membership. Ray joined the to you and the members of the MOS&B upon the record of 2nd chapter will always be foremost Lt. John Henry Jackson Neigh- in my memory. bors who served in the 52nd Captain James Iredell Waddell Frank H. Vittetow Regiment, 13th Brigade, Home Guard of Harnett County, NC Commander and resides in Four Oaks. Frank B. Powell, III May Meeting [email protected] The Escape Route of John Wil- Chapter Befriends Lt. Commander James Izzell kes Booth was the subject of Byron SCV Brady’s program given to the May Adjutant & Editor 15 meeting of the Waddell Chapter. The Capt. Waddell Chapter Byron E. Brady has becomes friends with the Capt. [email protected] There were 15 members and guest in attendance which includ- James I. Waddell CSN Camp No. Historian ed Frank Powell, Byron Brady, 1608 SCV, Annapolis, MD. They George Pearson have invited us to participate in their Robbie Broyles, David Lanier, Annual Confederate Navy-Marine Color Sergeant Darwin Roseman, George Pear- Corps Day event held on the second John Huss son, Rick Miller, Ray King, John Saturday of March each year at the Chaplain Perry and Gary Hall and Guests St. Annes at Cedar Bluff Cemetery David Lanier included Sara Powell, Phyllis Per- in Annapolis. ry, Debbie King, Katie King, and The 2015 ceremony is slated The Shenandoah is printed quarterly for Saturday, March 14. each year. Send all news articles to the Eva King. editor at the above address. The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 2 Commander’s Log Welcome and congratulations to our newest member Gary Hall who joined at our May meeting. Gary is a past commander and current lieutenant commander of the 47th Regiment NC Troops Camp 166, Wake Forest, SCV. Our National Reunion was in Charleston, SC, on July 10- 12. Byron Brady attended and Waddell Commander represented our chapter. For the Frank B. Powell, III second time in our chapter's 25- NC Society Commander David M. year history, we were awarded Edwards is shown presenting a the Col. Walter Hopkins Distin- NC Society Commendation Medal guished Chapter Award for the to Waddell Chapter Commander Best Chapter in the MOS&B Frank Powell at the 2014 Society for 2014. Our newsletter, The Reunion held June 14 in High Shenandoah, also won our 9th Point. Photo by Ron Perdue Compatriots: Capt. John Morton Award for the best Chapter Newsletter for Thanks to all of you who at- 2014. Other award news can be tended our May meeting. It is found on Pages 1, 11, and 12. very gratifying to have so many Congratulations to Byron, Craig people attend our meetings. The and Cathy for their awards! main reason we stopped meeting It was suggested at our May on a regular basis was the lack of meeting that our chapter take on attendance, so thanks again for a more naval theme in the future. your attendance. It was the consensus of the mem- Adjutant Brady and myself bers present this would be a good attended the NC Society Reunion idea. So, think about it and bring Visit the in June in High Point. Even your ideas to our next meeting. North Carolina though I had not attended this I look forward to seeing each War Between the States meeting for 10 years, not much of you on the 21st at the Barbe- Sesquicentennial had changed. It was obvious the cue Lodge. Commission Waddell Chapter was one of the web site at: most active chapters in North Frank B. Powell, III, Carolina. Commander

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 3 Waddell Chapter Waddell Members Chapter Members Places Memorial Participate in Visit Pamplin Park

Wreath in Walking Tour PETERSBURG, VA–On the same day as the Confederate Memorial Richmond WAKE FOREST–Capt. Waddell Service held May 31 at Hollywood Chapter Commander Frank Pow- RICHMOND, VA–Five members Cemetery, Waddell Chapter mem- ell, Adjutant Byron Brady, Color of the Capt. Waddell Chapter trav- bers along with those of the Capt. Sgt. John Huss, and Gary Hall eled to Richmond, VA’s Hollywood Samuel Ashe UDC Chapter and the joined with the 47th Regiment NC Cemetery on Saturday, May 31 to 47th Regt. NC Troops SCV Camp, Troops SCV Camp to participate participate in a ceremony spon- toured Pamplin Park, a part of the in the Annual Wake Forest Cem- sored by the Southern Soldier Re- Petersburg Battlefield and con- etery Walking Tour held on May membrance Foundation. Attending tains the portion of the Confederate 10, 2014. Members were dressed were Commander Frank Powell, trenches that were overran by feder- in period attire, stationed at various L. Commander James Izzell, Adju- al troops in April 1865, causing the graves of Confederate Veterans bur- tant Byron Brady, Color Sgt. John evacuation of Richmond by Gen. ied in the cemetery, and spoke about Huss, and Ray King. Robert E. Lee. the life of these Veterans during the Over 200 Confederate Veteran The group, totaling 14 mem- 3-hour event. grave markers were dedicated in the bers, rented a van and left for the The cemetery contains the Gettysburg section of the cemetery. Petersburg/Richmond area early. graves of 18 known Confederate The chapter’s wreath was among Following a tour of Pamplin Park, Veterans. The 47th Regiment NC over 20 placed during the ceremony. everyone enjoyed a picnic on the Troops SCV Camp has erected The Chapter joined with the park grounds before heading to Hol- Confederate Iron Crosses at every Capt. Samuel A. Ashe UDC Chapter lywood. grave. This event is an excellent op- and the 47th Regiment NC Troops portunity to converse with the Wake SCV Camp for the day-long trip to Forest community on the history of Petersburg and Richmond. See the our brave soldiers. article on this page regarding the visit to Pamplin Park in Petersburg.

The Petersburg Breakthrough

Shown left to right are John Huss, Shown left to right are Ray King, Gary Hall, Matthew Looper, Byron James Izzell, John Huss, Frank Brady, Frank Powell, Bill Young, Powell, and Byron Brady with and Sara Powell (seated) following the memorial wreath the Chapter the 2014 edition of the Wake For- placed during the ceremony. Reconstructed Confederate trench- est Cemetery Walk. es at Pamplin Park.

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 4 Southern Soldier Remembrance Foundation Dedicates over 200 Confederate Veteran Markers RICHMOND, VA–More than 200 Confederate Veteran grave markers were dedicated at Hollywood Cem- etery on Saturday, May 31, 2014 by the Southern Soldier Remembrance Foundation.

Kelly Hinson with the Southern Soldier Remembrance Foundation is shown addressing the Confeder- ate Memorial Ceremony at Holly- wood Cemetery. Memorial Fan The primary purpose of the Southern Soldiers Remembrance Fund is to place Veterans Administration markers on unmarked Confederate graves. They are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorpo- rated and approved by the State Corporation Commission. They believe that it is our duty to remember each Confederate soldier by creating a lasting memorial for his final resting place. More information on this organization can be found at:

Headstone Dedication Ribbon Shown above are some of the more than 200 Confederate Veteran grave markers dedicated at Hollywood Cemetery May 31, 2014.

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 5 From the Lt. Commander Capitol Brigade James Izzell, Jr. Field Trip Lt. Commander RALEIGH–The NC SCV Capitol Capt. James I. Waddell Chapter Brigade will conduct a tour of NC’s What an honor and privilege to the Confederate Officers and Sol- Confederate Capitol on Saturday, be a member of the “Best Chapter diers and the Cause for which they October 4, 2015 beginning at 10 in the Military Order of the Stars fought. Like our ancestors in 1864, AM at the Old State Capitol. The and Bars”. Now that we have es- it seems that we are fighting a defen- tour begins with a tour of the Old tablished a good foundation, it’s sive war with low numbers. I would Capitol, and the Capitol grounds. The tour moves to the Confederate time to go full steam ahead, and like to see us take on a few projects section of Oakwood Cemetery and work even harder to honor our Con- that would allow us to actively en- ends at the NC Museum of History. federate Heritage. To start with, I gage the public in a positive way. The tour is open to all Confederate hope everyone will be able to attend Well publicized memorial services, organizations. the next few meetings. Our speaker living history events, or information in August will be Mr. Ernie Dollar, booths at large events will help us Best of Facebook Director of the City of Raleigh Mu- to not only grow our numbers, but Posted June 29, 2014 on seum. As you may know, Ernie has educate the public in a positive way. worked for many years on preserv- I would also like to see us work to Southern Heritage ing some of the local battlefields preserve the monuments and graves News & Views in the Triangle area. Ernie will be of our ancestors. There are literally speaking on the “Battle of Mor- thousands of graves of Confederate “The Confederacy risville” and the current efforts to Soldiers in our area that are being and Coca-Cola preserve the battlefield and tell the neglected and forgotten. Someone Most everyone recognizes the soft story of the battle to the public. In needs to take on the task of catalog- drink Coca-Cola as one of the most November, our speaker will be Ms. ing and perhaps even marking every prominent brands known today. Kelly Hinson, who will speak on Confederate grave. What a great But, did you know that the discov- the Southern Soldier Remembrance way to show the public that we hon- ery of Coca-Cola was made by a Foundation and their efforts to erect or our ancestors. former Confederate soldier and was a stone on every Confederate grave. So, while it seems like “politi- unintentional? Initially it was for- Many of you know Kelly, and it will cal correctness” is winning the day, mulated as a tonic to cure almost be good to hear her tell of the hard now is the time to advance the Col- everything. But today Dr. John Stith work they are doing. ors. As descendants of the Officer Pemberton’s creation has since be- While our meetings are great Corps, it is our duty and heritage to come one of world’s most iconic times to fellowship and learn a lit- take the lead in defending the Con- and profitable brands.” tle something, we also need to set federate soldier, and the Cause for our sights on working to preserve which he fought. our Confederate Heritage. It is hard to find good news these days when James Izzell it comes to advancing the honor of Like Us on Facebook Capt.James.I.WaddellMOSB

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 6 Confederate Veteran Grave Markers Dedicated at Raleigh’s Oakwood Cemetery

The Col. Leonidas L. Polk Camp researcher for the Oakwood Ceme- due to the fact that the applicants for SCV, Garner, dedicated five newly tery Restoration Project, discovered the markers were not related to the discovered Confederate Veteran the names of the five Confederate soldiers. grave markers at Raleigh’s Oak- soldiers before he passed away in The Camp decided to turn the wood Cemetery on Sunday, June 1, 2013. markers around, engrave the sol- 2014. The five markers were previ- The Camp wanted to order new diers name and regiment on the ously listed as installed as unknown Veterans Administration grave blank side, and put an explanation soldiers. Charles Purser, the lead markers for the five but were denied on the “unknown” side (see photos).

Pvt. Anthony Brisson, Sr. Pvt. William T. Bryan Pvt. M. T. Clark Co. D, 8th NC Senior Reserves Co. G, 2nd NC Artillery Co. A, 4th NC Infantry

Inscription on the back of all five Pvt. William Edwards Pvt. George Rivenbark markers. Notice the “Unknown Co. A, 3rd NC Junior Reserves Bass Independent Company Soldier” wording at the top . The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 7 Past Chapter Commander Dan Jones Passes Away student newspaper and also served President of the State Employees' as Editor of the year book during his Association and received the Asso- senior year. He earned his Bachelor ciation's Employee of the Year. of Arts degree in 1951. Dan helped organize and was Shortly after graduation, he en- the first President of the Cary Jay- listed in the Air Force. Among his cees. He served as Precinct Chair- duties, he served as a Senior Infor- man and as President of the Wake mation Specialist/Historian and County Democratic Men and he helped compile and edit two techni- was named "Boss of the Year" by Ed- cal histories. ucational Office Personnel. He was After leaving the Air Force, he a member of the Sons of the Amer- was appointed as Superintendent ican Revolution, the Order of the of Fort Macon State Park and re- Southern Cross, and the National mained for two years. While there, Rifle Association. He belonged to he helped to restore the museum the Raleigh Civil War Round Table. Daniel Wilbur Jones and conducted many lectures on He was a three time finalist for the history of the Fort for civic clubs the Governor’s Award for Man- 1918 - 2014 and schools. agement Excellence from the State Daniel Wilbur Jones crossed Dan returned to East Carolina Board of Education, and received over the river to rest on the other University and earned his Master's the Executive of the Year Award side on June 6, 2014. Born in Ra- degree. In 1955, he was hired as from the State Board of Education leigh, NC on April 24, 1928, he was Principal of Swift Creek Elementa- Controller’s Office. the son of Wiley P. Jones and Mary ry School and with his wife and new Governor Jim Hunt appoint- Cable Jones. He graduated from son, he returned to Cary, where 2 ed Daniel to the Board of Trust- Cary High School in 1945. years later a daughter was born. ees, Teachers and State Employ- Dan served as Commander of At the time, school Principals ees Retirement System, the N.C. the Capt. James I. Waddell Chap- were paid for only ten months and Foundation for Alternative Health ter No. 32 MOS&B from 1999-2000 so he worked at a series of summer Programs, and the N.C. Cemetery and went onto to serve the nation- jobs, including measuring tobac- Commission. Governor Mike Eas- al organization as Lt. Command- co and supervising recreation pro- ley re-appointed him to the Ceme- er-General from 2002-04 and Com- grams for the Raleigh City Parks. tery Commission and he served for mander-General from 2004-06. In 1960, he accepted a position with ten years until resigning for health He was editor of two anniversa- the Controller's Office of the State reasons. He pursued and enjoyed ry history books about the organiza- Board of Education. Thus began genealogy, woodworking, shooting, tion and received numerous awards his thirty year tenure with the State fishing, writing and historical re- and citations from the MOS&B Board and the Department of Public search. including their highest award, the Instruction. He often said his most satisfy- Robert E. Lee Chalice which is giv- Dan was active in church, civic, ing life experience was teaching. en for “Superior Achievement and fraternal and educational activities. Perhaps this was the incentive for Outstanding Service.” He served as a Boy Scout Troop aiding two organizations in estab- Dan received an Associate of Councilor, and was voted into the lishing scholarship programs that Arts degree from Louisburg College Order of the Arrow. He was a Mason have helped many students obtain a in 1949 and served as Editor of the (Veterans Emblem) of Cary Lodge college education. year book in his senior year. He then 198, a member of the Scottish Rite, The NC Society MOS&B ded- enrolled at East Carolina College and Amran Shrine. He belonged to icated their 2014 Reunion to Dan. where he was a feature writer for the the American Legion and served as He was truly a southern gentleman.

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 8 My MOS&B Confederate Ancestor This is a continuing series featuring the Confederate Ancestors of our chapter members Col. Leonidas George Washington at Brandywine. Three months before his 21st LaFayette Polk Leonidas was named after his uncle, birthday, Leonidas received 300 Lt. General Leonidas Polk, educator acres along Brown Creek. This Ancestor of Waddell Chapter and soldier. He was known as “The was his fathers old homestead. The Member Jay Denmark Fighting Bishop”, and was killed young couple began their new mar- eonidas Lafayette Polk was during the War Between The States ried life together. Polk had plenty of L born on a plantation in Anson by a cannon ball in 1864, at the land, a good number of slaves and County in 1837, to Andrew Polk, Battle of Pine Mountain, Georgia. abundant energy. He was known and Cyrene Autry Polk. This was Leonidas was Andrew’s fourth son, for being a “gentleman farmer” to Andrew Polk’s second marriage, but the only one by his wife Serena. his peers. There was time for and after losing his first wife, Colin With such a name and such a her- inclination for much reading, espe- Carroway Polk. L. L. Polk was the itage, Leonidas’s parents expected cially in the long winter evenings. only son born of this marriage. His great things from him. He experi- That part of his library that has been three half brothers from his fathers enced little difficulty in choosing preserved suggests a variety of very first marriage was James Knox Polk his career. In a sense, his decision substantial fare including history, (President), Marshall Polk & Thom- was inevitable. biography, poems, religious trea- as Jefferson Polk. To receive an education that tises. The Holy Bible always had a an individual of his stature should prominent place on its stand in the have, Leonidas at the age of 18, library. entered Davidson College in 1855. Most of the library is in Polk The students were required to “pro- Hall, a building that is dedicated to fess their belief in God, Christian him at North Carolina State Univer- religion, the inspiration and divine sity. A beautifully painted portrait authority of the Holy Scriptures of him is in the foyer of the building without question.” as well. While Leonidas attended Da- vidson, he was one of fifteen elect- ed to the “Euremean Society” This was a fraternity that staged debates. Evidently Leonidas was a prolific writer, and was noted for also being Leonidas LaFayette Polk a forceful, and fluent speaker, a tal- Leonidas’s grandfather, and ent that he carried with him through Great Grandfather were both Rev- out his life. olutionary War Officers. His Great Leonidas left Davidson, and NC State University honored Leo- Grandfather, Col. William Polk, was returned home to tend to his farm. nidas Polk in 1926 by naming their the first wounded during the Revo- Fifteen months after his return, he New Animal Industry Building lutionary War. He had distinguished married Sara Gady, a graduate of after him. The building is on NC himself for bravery in battle with Salem Academy. State’s main campus in Raleigh. The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 9 In the late 1850's as the break and is open for tours. It was moved between the North and the South on Nov. 12, 2000, to its new loca- widened, the plantation owner Polk, tion on Blount Street in Raleigh. found it impossible to ignore state and national events. At Davidson he had participated in informal de- bates over both slavery and States' Rights. At the age of 23, at the in- sistence of his friends, he ran for a seat in the House of Commons and as proof of his popularity he led the three-man ticket by 791 votes. Abraham Lincoln's election to Col. Leonidas L. Polk in later years the Presidency in 1860 naturally of Polkton, incorporated in 1875, intensified the widespread ideas of Marker denoting the home of Col. where he started a weekly newspa- North Carolina's Federal relations. L. L. Polk located on North Blount per called The Ansonian. Col. Polk By January 1861 when the General Street, Raleigh. served in the NC House from 1865– Assembly reconvened, South Car- 66. In 1877, he was appointed the olina had seceded and other south- first NC Commissioner of Agricul- ern states had quickly followed. ture and served until 1880. An ag- The firing on Fort Sumter in April ricultural collection he established 1861 and the secession of Virginia as Commissioner was the basis for combined to render North Caroli- what became the North Carolina na's decision inevitable. The Leg- Museum of Natural Sciences. islature reassembled in May. Polk He returned to journalism by addressed the body and stated that founding the Progressive Farmer in The home of Col. Polk as seen to- he had pointed out earlier that "Lin- 1886 and is still published today. day is open for tours. coln's fanatical hardness" would Polk was instrumental in estab- meet with bitter resistance. lishing the North Carolina Agricul- He had received the commission tural and Mechanical College (now of Colonel and soon began to orga- named NC State University) and nize the Anson County Militia. He Baptist Female University (now raised a Company called "The An- named Meredith College). son Plough Boys". The Regiment In the late 1880s, he rose to na- spent the rest of 1863 along the tionwide prominence through his Rapidan River, then ordered back to leadership of the state and national North Carolina. They were ordered Farmers' Alliance. The Populists Leonidas L. Polk died on June 11, back to Virginia to assist Lee in the likely would have nominated Polk 1892, and is buried in Oakwood great dual with Grant, when in June for president in 1892 but he died Cemetery, Raleigh, NC. 1863 his regiment invaded MD and unexpectedly in Washington, D.C. PA. Information for this article on June 11, 1892. Returning to North Carolina supplied by Jay Denmark and His home in Raleigh, NC is to- after the war, he founded the town NC State University day owned by a private foundation

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 10 Awards won by the Capt. Waddell Chapter at the 77th Annual Military Order of the Stars and Bars General Convention July 10-12, 2014 Charleston,

Capt. Waddell member Darwin Roseman, Commander of the Col. Leonidas L. Polk SCV Camp in Garner, is shown with his camp’s flag at the SCV National Reunion held in North Charleston, SC on July 19, 2014. Darwin carried his camp flag during the Reunion’s Procession. Col. Walter Hopkins Distinguished Chapter Award Chapter Members Recognized at Charleston Reunion

CHARLESTON, SC – Two members of the Capt. Waddell Chapter were recognized during the Awards Luncheon held during the MOS&B’s 77th An- nual General Convention. Craig Pippen was awarded the Maj. Gen. Patrick Cle- burne Meritorious Service Award and Byron Brady was awarded the Col. John Pelham Capt. John Morton Lt. General Simon B. Buckner Legion of Merit Award. Newsletter Recognition Award Award

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 11 International Headquarters News Highlights from the 2014 MOS&B National Convention CHARLESTON, SC–The historic During the Saturday Business A private tour and harbor cruise Holy City of Charleston, SC was the Session, Howard Jones of Califor- of Fort Sumter was held on Friday setting for the Military Order of the nia was elected the new Command- night and the Commander Generals Stars and Bars 77th Annual General er-General and Harold Davis, III, Banquet rounded out the conven- Convention held July 10-12, 2014 from South Carolina was elected the tion’s activities on Saturday night. at the Doubletree Hotel. new Lt. Commander-General. Alexandria, VA will be the site In the Army of Northern Virgin- of the 2015 Convention. ia Department elections, John Wil- liams from Concord was elected the new Commander and Byron Brady from Raleigh was elected one of two Councilors for the Department.

MOS&B members from across the country attending the Friday Busi- ness Session held at the Doubletree Hotel in historic Charleston.

Shown left to right is newly elect- Cathy Hanford West of Raleigh, ed MOS&B Commander General NC is shown receiving the 2014 Howard Hones, CA; NC Society Randall Brackin Jones Teacher Commander David M. Edwards; of the Year Award from MOS&B and newly elected MOS&B Lt. Commander-General Toni Turk at Commander General Harold Da- the Awards Luncheon. vis, III, SC. North Carolinians attending the MOS&B GEC to Meet in Galveston MOS&B’s 77th Annual Conven- tion in Charleston were (left to GALVESTON, TX–The Military Order of the Stars & Bars General right) John Williams, Concord; Executive Council Meeting will be held in Galveston on Saturday, Larry Brown, Greensboro; Society September 27, 2014. Byron Brady, ANV Dept. Councilor, and John Commander David M. Edwards, William, ANV Dept. Commander are expected to attend. Wadesboro, and Byron Brady, Ra- leigh.

The Shenandoah, July/August/September 2014, Page 12