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This project concept is one of the major priorities of the Regional Sector Program (RSP) for Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) in the Administrative Territorial Unit (ATU) Găgăuzia for the period of 2018-2025.

The Regional Sector Program for Water Supply and Sanitation in the ATU Găgăuzia, approved by the Regional Council for Regional Development on the 5th of July 2018, has been elaborated by the Regional Development Agency (RDA) of ATU Găgăuzia with the financial and methodological assistance of the GIZ Project ”Modernization of Local Public Services” and it is based on a detailed analisys of current situation in the sector, in compliance with the main documents for strategic national, regional and local, as follows:  National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation [2014-2028]  National Environmental Strategy [2014-2023]  National Strategy for Regional Development [2016-2020]  Strategy for Regional Development of the ATU Găgăuzia [2017-2020]  Socio-Economic Development Strategy for the ATU Găgăuzia [2017 – 2022]  Socio-Economic Development Strategy for Vulcănești Municipality [2017-2022]


This Feasibility Study will cover the raions Comrat and Ceadâr Lunga from the ATU Găgăuzia.

The Comrat Raion (district) is the most densed in population of the three districts of the ATU Găgăuzia. The population of the district is of 67,000 inhabitants. About 60% of the population lives in rural areas. The district consists of Comrat and 12 rural local public administrations. The largest localities (according to LPAs estimates) are Comrat (26.2 thousand inhabitants), (12.3 thousand inhabitants) and Chirsovo (7 thousand inhabitants). The area of the district is 854.3 km2.

Ceadâr-Lunga is the second largest by district in ATU Găgăuzia. The district population is approx. 63,000 people. About 65% of the population lives in rural areas. The district consists of Ceadâr Lunga Municipality and 8 rural-administrative territorial units. The largest localities (according to LPAs estimates) are Ceadâr-Lunga (about 22.7 thousand inhabitants), the village of Copceac (10 thousand inhabitants), the village of (8.2 thousand inhabitants) and the village of (7.3 thousand inhabitants ). The area of the district is 661,1 km2.


The implementation of this project involves a partnership composed of the following entities:  The ATU Găgăuzia Regional Development Agency;  Executive Committee of ATU Găgăuzia;  Administration of the districts of Comrat and Ceadâr Lunga;  Mayoralties of all localities in the districts of Comrat and Ceadâr Lunga (+ local water- wastewater operators in these localities).


The elaboration of this Feasibility Study aims at establishing the optimal solution for the construction and operation of the regional water supply main from the Prut River to the localities within the Comrat and Ceadâr Lunga districts, in order to solve the systemic water quality problem in the centralized power supply systems.

The formulation of a unique vision for the supply of centralized systems in the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts with water from the Prut River aims to achieve the following specific objectives:  Determination of the most optimal technical and economic solution regarding the transport of water from the Prut River to the localities of Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts;  Detailed technical and economic basis for the elaboration of the project documentation for the construction of the regional water supply main from the Prut River in the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts.  Determination of the best solution for future management of regional water main.

The Feasibility Study is to include all localities in the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts and the neighboring localities of the Cantemir, Taraclia, Basarabeasca and Cimişlia districts.


The quality of the water delivered to the centralized water systems in the localities of Comrat and Ceadâr Lunga is unsatisfactory. Centralized water supply in the region is provided exclusively (100%) from groundwater sources. In most cases, the captured water does not meet the normative requirements regarding drinking water quality in the Republic of . Particularly, groundwater in the region is characterized by exceeding the maximum admissible concentrations of compounds such as fluorine, boron, sodium and hydrogen sulfide. Also, groundwater is characterized by high nitrate content and microbial contamination. However, it is certainly known that over 50% of customers connected to centralized water supply systems in the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts consume, today, technical water.

Because water supply systems do not include water treatment, the water delivered in most cases is not potable (due to natural contamination). Disinfection of water with chlorine or chlorine dioxide is only provided for in some water supply systems (i.e. Comrat, Ceadâr-Lunga municipality). However, even in urban areas, the water supplied has a number of deficiencies. 3

Thus, according to a study from 2016, financed by the Eastern European Foundation of Moldova, regarding the quality of drinking water delivered by centralized systems, the following exceedances of the maximum admissible limits (LMA) are registered in the urban localities of the region:

Exceedances of the maximum admissible limits (LMA) in urban areas

Urban locality Parameters

Boron Iron Mineralization Sodium Sulfates Nitrites Hardness LMA LMA LMA LMA 200 LMA 250 0,5 0,3 1,500 LMA 0,5 mg/l LMA >5 g.g. mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

Comrat Municipality 1,19 0,59 424 1,690

Ceadâr-Lunga 1,5 1,36 413 344 0,5 Municipality

Source: Study regarding the water quality in the Soutern Part of the Republic of Moldova, Eastern European Foundation, 2016

According to available information, the following localities have officially declared that the water delivered in centralized systems does not meet the requirements and can not be considered as "drinking water":  Comrat district: 4 rural localities (Besalma - 5,015 inhabitants, - 7,100 inhabitants, - 5,216 inhabitants and Svetlîi - 2,000 inhabitants);  Ceadâr-Lunga district: Ceadâr-Lunga and other 5 rural localities (Baurci village - 8,250 inhabitants, Cazaclia village - 7,272 inhabitants, Chiriet-Lunga village - 2,517 inhabitants, Gaidar village - 4,600 inhabitants and village - 2,316 inhabitants);

A specific situation is recorded in the Ceadâr-Lunga municipality, where (with the assistance of the Turkish Government) a modern water treatment plant was built in 2006. Due to several factors, including the extremely high operating costs, this plant has not worked until now.

At the same time, even in localities that officially declare that the water delivered meets the requirements of drinking water, there are no certifications and complete confirmations of this fact.

The analysis in the territory showed that many times in the process of examination of the samples by the National Public Health Agency, it does not report on all mandatory parameters (according to Annex 2 of the "State Register of Natural Mineral Waters, Drinks and bottled non- alcoholic beverages ", approved by Government Decision # 934 of 15.08.2007).

In rural areas, groundwater treatment is very expensive, as it would require a large number of water treatment plants. Overall, at least 67,000 people in the region (43% of the total ATU Găgăuzia and over 50% of the population of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts) will not have drinking water services without applying optimal and sustainable solutions in the sector.

A viable alternative to the region would be the capitalization of surface water sources (Prut River), and in this sense it is absolutely necessary for a large scale regionalization of the WSS services.


The issue of water quality delivered can be solved by two methods:  Treating groundwater and  transport of potable water treated from surface sources through regional aqueducts (water mains).

Solving the problem of groundwater quality in the ATU Găgăuzia by treating it, is not feasible (it imposes investment and enormous operating costs). Respectively, the best solution to solve the problem of water quality in the region is to bring water from the Prut River.

In this respect, existing studies show that it is most appropriate to use the existing surface water intakes. This is not only because the construction of new intakes is very costly, but also because this process can take a long time, requiring important environmental studies and coordination with Romania. The closest existing water intakes are located in the area of Leova and Cantemir cities. Currently, the surface water intakes in the mentioned localities are used at a much lower capacity than the initial designed capacity.

The problem of drinking water supply of the localities in the south part of the Republic of Moldova has been the subject of several studies, which have proposed several possible options of regional pipelines, including:  the Feasibility Study for Leova Raion Water Supply Services with Regionalization Options (funded by GIZ)  the Feasibility Study for Water Supply of Cahul District (funded by GIZ)  the Feasibility study for water supply and sewerage systems in Cahul district (funded by KfW), which also covers Vulcănești and neighboring villages.  The construction project for the Cahul - Lebedenco - Pelinei - Găvănoasa - Vulcăneşti (villages) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza magistral aqueduct (water main) and the inland networks of the villages Lebedenco, Hutulu, Ursoaia, Pelinei, Sătuc, Gavnoasă, Vladimirovca and Nicolaevca, under preparation by "Fluxproiect" SRL). The project foresees the connection of the existing tanks 2 x V = 1,000 m3 of Vulcăneşti, a connection point of Cişmichioi, and Etulia Noua, and recently it came the request to include in the project the water main to Gara Vulcăneşti, the distribution networks from Gara Vulcăneşti and two water towers with V = 50 m3. The implementation of this project will supply the localities of Vulcanesti district with safe drinking water services.

It is worth mentioning that the opportunity for the region to conect to the Leova - Ceadâr - Lunga regional water main (provided by the National Water and Sanitation Strategy) is practically compromised. Due to the lack of interest shown by the concerned LPAs, the project documentation was elaborated for the Leova-Iargara water main (aqueduct) and implies only water supply of 30 localities in Leova raion. Construction works are already underway.


The elaboration of this Feasibility Study will result in the technical and economical foundation of the solution for the construction of the water transport infrastructure from the Prut River to the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts, aiming to solve systematically the water quality problem in the centralized water supply systems.

At the same time, the Feasibility Study will provide the optimal solution for the management of the regional water supply at the operational phase.




After the level of coverage with centralized water supply services, the Comrat district is one of the most advanced in the Republic of Moldova. All localities of the district have centralized water supply systems, as follows:  Comrat: covers 92.6% of the population  Svetlâi village: covers 100% of the population (construction year 2010).  Congazcic village: covers 90% of the population (construction year 2016).  Village Beșalma: covers 90% of the population (construction year 2007).  Dezghingea village: covers 70% of the population (construction year 2010).  village: covers 90% of the population.  Cioc-Maidan village: covers 76% of the population (construction year 2008).  village: covers 100% of the population (construction year 2008). The water is treated by decanting at the local treatment plant.  village Chirsovo: covers 99% of the population (construction year 2010).  Cotovscoie village: covers 80% of the population (construction year 2011).  Congaz village: covers 91% of the population (construction year 2010). Only 0.5 km of steel networks require replacement.  Bugeac village: covers 90% of the population (construction year 2012, 2017).  Chioselia Rusă village: covers 73% of the population (construction year 2014).

The major water consumer is Comrat municipality. The Comrat system has a network of aqueducts with a total length of 122.2 km. The city is supplied with water from a catchment area consisting of 12 artesian fountains running with 25 m3 water towers. The water storage capacity is 2 * 300 m3, 2 * 2,500 m3, 1,000 m3, 500 m3. It is necessary to rehabilitate the existing tanks on the basis of additional calculations. If necessary, water is disinfected with liquid chlorine. The average specific water consumption is 46 l / capita / day. Due to the water pipe wear, the water losses in the network are very high - about 67% of the captured water is not billed. The specific energy consumption is approx. 1.74 kWh / m3. The main consumer group is the population. Industrial consumers have a very low share of water consumption because they are mostly supplied from individual wells.

Only 3 localities in the district (Comrat, Svetlâi and Bugeac) have centralized sewerage systems:

 Svetlâi village - 3 km of networks. At present, sewerage networks are being built with the pumping station reconstruction;  Bugeac village - 3 km of networks;  Comrat municipality - 26 km of networks, 1 pumping station (with new pumps) and a wastewater treatment plant (non-functional). The specific energy consumption of the sewer system in Comrat municipality is approx. 0.42 kWh / m3.

The construction of the wastewater treatment plant and a sewerage network section is under completion in the village of Avdarma.

Sewage netwroks from Comrat can be extended, if the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant and an adequate pumping system will be implementated.

Ferapontievca village has a decentralized sewerage system (0,2 km) and a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 8 m3 / day (built in 2017), which serves only the gymnasium


and the kindergarten in the locality. In the village of Chioselia Rusă is currently under construction the sewer network.

In all localities of the rayon there are specialized water-wastewater services companies. In most cases they are organized as "Municipal Enterprises", founded by the Local Councils. The exception are in Ferapontievca, , Chioselia Rusă and Cioc-Maidan, where the services are provided directly by the mayoralties. At the same time, in the village of Chirsovo the services are provided by a private operator.

In the Comrat municipality the water supply and sewerage services are provided by Î.M. "Su- Canal Comrat", which has a license for activity in the field. The operator issues technical conditions for the connection and installation of water meters, as well as contracts with water consumers. The operator in Comrat has the potential to expand water supply services to other nearby localities both in Comrat district and in neighbouring rayons.


After the level of coverage with centralized water supply, the Ceadâr-Lunga district is one of the most advanced in the Republic of Moldova.

All 8 rural areas in the district have centralized water supply systems:  Ceadâr-Lunga municipality: covers over 94% (recently modernized system).  Copceac village: covers 44% of the population (construction year 1960);  Tomai village: covers 83% of the population (construction / modernization year 2014);  Joltai village: covers 78% of the population (construction year 1971). Under the UNDP / SARD program, the rehabilitation of 14 km of aqueduct networks was designed. At the same time, within the same program there are works for the rehabilitation of 2 artesian fountains, 3 water towers and the construction of 1.7 km of aqueduct;  Gaidar village: covers 75% of the population (construction / modernization year 2015 - 2016);  Village Baurci: covers 70% of the population (year of construction / modernization 2014);  Cazaclia village: covers 73% of the population (4,5 km of steel networks needed to be replaced);  Chiriet Lunga village: covers 16% of the population (construction / modernization year 2008);  Besghioz village: covers 77% of the population (construction / modernization year 2013).

The largest consumer of water in the district is Ceadâr-Lunga municipality. The system in Ceadâr-Lunga municipality is represented by a network with the length of 160.5 km and 39 artesian fountains (28 in use). The need to extend the network is only 5 km. There are 3 regional pumping stations, pumping water from water tanks with a volume of 2 * 250 m3, 2 * 500 m3, 2 * 1,000 m3. Water, if necessary, is disinfected with chlorine dioxide. The main water consumption group is the population. 99.5% of Ceadâr-Lunga consumers have water meters.

Industrial consumers have a very low share of water consumption, as most of them feed from individual artesian fountains. The centralized system is only fed with technical water through 18 deep wells.

Supplying the population in the municipality with drinking water is carried out through 10 external water dispensers located on the territory of the city, fed from 10 artesian wells with depth and lower flow. Water is delivered to the public for free. All expenses are covered by the SA. "Apă- Termo Ceadâr-Lunga". The average specific water consumption is 36 l / capita / day. The share of unbilled water is approx. 39%. The specific power consumption is approx. 1.67 kWh / m3. 7

In 2006, with the financial support of the Turkish Agency for International Development (TIKA), a modern water treatment plant was built in Ceadâr-Lunga. The treatment plant technology is based on reverse osmosis. However, the plant has never been put into operation because operating costs are unbearable for consumers (around € 1 / m3 of treated water).

Only Ceadâr Lunga and Copceac village have centralized sewerage systems. The village of Copceac has a sewerage network of 5.35 km (2 km from 1977 and 3.35 km from 2017) and a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 100 m3 / day (built in 2017). The existing sewerage system in Ceadâr-Lunga municipality consists of a sewerage network with a total length of about 90 km, 9 well-equipped pumping stations and a wastewater treatment plant which only works partially, after which the treated wastewater is sent to biological ponds.

The need to extend the sewer network in the city is of 5 km. The specific energetic consumption of the sewerage system in Ceadâr-Lunga municipality is approx. 0.54 kWh / m3.

All localities have specialized enterprises, founded by Local Councils in the form of "Municipal Enterprises". The only exception is Ceadâr-Lunga, where the enterprise has an organizational- legal form of "Company on Shares".

Water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment services in Ceadâr-Lunga municipality are provided by SA. "Apă-Termo Ceadâr-Lunga", which has a license for activity in the field and has signed a public service contract with the district public administration. The technical endowment of the company is among the best in the country due to recent EBRD / BEI financing (project of approximately € 7.4 million). The staff of S.A. "Apă-Termo" is well-trained and highly educated in the field. The operator in Ceadâr-Lunga has the potential to expand the water supply services to other localities in the district. Currently, the expansion of services to the localities of Cazaclia, Tomai, Baurci, Beşghioz is being negotiated.


The elaboration of the Feasibility Study on the construction of the regional water supply from the Prut River in the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts will contain the following elements:

Complex assessment of the possibilities of transporting water from the Prut River to the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts:  Assessment of the possibilities of using the existing water intakes of the Prut River  Evaluation of the regional options for the itinerary of the water supply main (geographic and relief conditions, overlapping with the existing technical-urban infrastructure networks, etc.);  Evaluation of the costs necessary to construct different options for the water main pipeline  Evaluation of the subsequent management for different options for the water main pipeline;  Forecast of costs and tariffs for future services (in the context of the operation of planned regional pipelines).

The decision on strategy for water transport from the Prut River to the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts  Evaluation of the possible scenarios of water transportation from the Prut River to the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts (cost-benefit analysis);  Argumentation of the best water transport scenario in the Prut River in the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts;


 Comprehensive technical and economic justification of the construction of the regional pipeline for water transport from the Prut River and distribution in the localities of the Comrat and Ceadâr-Lunga districts;

Consultation and endorsement of the proposed options with all actors involved in the process (PCA, regional authorities, LPAs and local operators):  Information and awareness activities  Organize thematic debates and find compromise solutions.


The following risks are needed to analyze and manage the project:  Resilience of LPA on regionalization of services and inter-community cooperation in WSS, for political, economic and tariff reasons;  The LPA's lack of action to participate in the elaboration of this Feasibility Study;  Still limited awareness of the risks of consuming technical and not drinking water.


The estimated cost for the elaboration of this Feasibility Study, with involvement of national and international experts, is estimated at 200,000 Euro.

11: IMPLEMENTING PERIOD: The elaboration of this Feasibility Study will take maximum 12 months.


The Regional Development Agency mun. Comrat, str. Pobeda, 50, in the ATU Găgăuzia: Tel: +373 298 2 26 93, Fax: +373 298 2 26 93, Email: [email protected] Director: Ianioglo Valerii Executive Committee of the ATU Mun. Comrat, str. Lenin 196 Găgăuzia: Tel: +373 (298) 24636, Fax: +373 (298) 22034 Email: [email protected] Bașcan: Irina Vlah