CaMEoS oF MINDEN Remembering summers of revivals PAGE 3 MINDEN RESS ERALD P -H July 15, 2015 | 50 Cents WEDNESDAY INSIDE MINDEN CrIME today Traffic stop leads to drug charges MICHELLE BATES with possession of Sched- sion of Schedule II CDS Parish Sheriff’s Office. CDS (hydrocodone) with
[email protected] ule II CDS (crack cocaine) (hydrocodone) with intent Bond was set at $258,000. intent in the presence of a with intent in the pres- Keiundra Mosha Erving, minor, possession of in the pres- ence of a 25, of the 1200 block of Lee Schedule IV CDS (tra- A traffic stop led to a ence of a minor, pos- Street, was arrested the madol) with intent and laundry list of charges for minor, pos- session of same day and charged with open container. Bond was The National Weather two people after reportedly session of Schedule IV possession of Schedule II set at $60,300. denying ownership of sus- Schedule II (tramadol) CDS (crack cocaine) with Minden Police Chief pected drugs with a child CDS with intent, intent in the presence of a Steve Cropper says Officer Service in Shreveport in the vehicle. ( ampheta- open con- minor, possession of First Cla ss Chris Hammon- Keidre Mone Erving, 28, mine salts) tainer, left Schedule II CDS (amphet- tree observed a vehicle has issued a heat of the 1300 block of East KEIDRE KEIUNDRA with intent ERVING of center ERVING amine salts) with intent in crossing the double yellow Street, was arrested Satur- in the pres- and a fugi- the presence of a minor, advisory in effect day, July 11, and charged ence of a minor, posses- tive from the Webster possession of Schedule II SeeDRUGS, Page 2 until 7 p.m.