Health Minister Urges Tighter COVID Restrictions

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Health Minister Urges Tighter COVID Restrictions Iran Welcomes ‘Return of Democracy’ to Bolivia Rouhani Outlines Economic Policies TEHRAN (Press TV) -- Iran on Tuesday praised Bolivia TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian administration’s main eco- for holding peaceful presidential elections and returning to nomic strategies are to ensure a steady supply of basic commodi- democracy following a year-long power vacuum caused by ties and deal with the cruel sanctions, President Hassan Rouhani the forced resignation of ex-president Evo Morales, saying said Tuesday. Tehran is ready to boost friendly relations with La Paz. Rouhani said his cabinet has adopted plans to exploit the coun- The Islamic Republic “congratulates the people of Bolivia try’s economic capacities and mechanisms under the current and those elected on holding the nationwide elections in a special circumstances. The administration’s main economic pri- calm atmosphere and with a significant turnout of voters,” orities include plans to supply the basic commodities as well as Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said. He raw materials for factories and also counter the cruel sanctions said Iran “welcomes the return of democracy and power to that the enemies have imposed with the purpose of crippling Iran’s the real representatives of the people after a tense year.” economy and production, he said. VOL NO: LV 11282 TEHRAN / Est.1959 Wednesday, October 21, 2020, Mehr 30, 1399, Rabi al-Awwal 4, 1442, Price 40,000 Rials Viewpoint Iran Iran Palestine: UAE Launches Youth Football League Independent Afghanistan Requires Delegation Visit to Filmmaking Postponed: Occupied Territories 2Severence of all Ties with the US 3Olympiad 6Official ‘Shameful’8 Defense Minister: Iran to Give Direct Response Health Minister Urges Tighter COVID Restrictions to Any Zionist Threat President Hassan Rouhani said Monday that the country was now TEHRAN (Dispatches) -- De- pens which inflicts even a mini- “facing a larger wave of this virus” fense Minister Brigadier General mum damage on our national and called on the health ministry to Amir Hatami says Iran will give security and defense, we will increase daily testing. a “clear and direct” response to view these countries as provid- Hospitals in the hard-hit capital of Tehran are overflowing. Last week, any possible Israeli threat against ers of bases to the enemy and health officials announced that the its interests in the Persian Gulf. will treat them as enemies,” he city had run out of intensive care In an interview with Qatar- said. beds for virus patients. based Al Jazeera, Hatami re- Hatami also said Iran’s de- Also on Tuesday, Hamidreza flected on a recent measure by fense minister said the Islamic Azizi, deputy head of Iran’s nurs- the United Arab Emirates and Republic will never engage in es’ organization, announced that Bahrain to fully normalize rela- negotiations over its missile 31,000 nurses have been infected with the coronavirus in the country, tions with the occupying regime program with the U.S. “Nobody with 6,000 currently sick and stay- of Israel, saying it will pose a has the right to ask us to do so,” ing home from work and 54 con- direct threat to security of the he said. firmed dead, according to IRNA entire Persian Gulf region. Elsewhere in his interview, the news agency. “Any threat posed by the Zi- Iranian defense chief pointed to He said the organization would onist regime in the Persian Gulf the latest armed conflicts be- deploy over 7,600 more nurses to will be confronted by a direct tween Armenia and Azerbaijan compensate for dire staff shortages and clear response,” he said. over the Nagorno-Karabakh across the country’s hospitals. The increase comes after Irani- The United Arab Emirates and region. He said the Islamic Re- ans packed cafes and restaurants Bahrain signed the controver- public has given stern and clear People wear protective face masks to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the Tajrish traditional at vacation spots during recent na- sial normalization agreements warnings to the warring sides bazaar in northern Tehran, Oct. 15, 2020. tional holidays, and after schools with the Zionist regime at the about threats to its security in reopened for in-person instruction White House on September 15, the border areas. TEHRAN (Dispatches) -- Iran’s the bus did not wear masks. Can Ministry spokeswoman Sima Sa- last month. amid outrage across Palestine He also rejected claims about health minister appealed on Tues- an infection be controlled in this dat Lari said that 322 people had The government has resisted a and the Muslim world at the Russia’s transfer of weapons day for more public and government way?” Namaki said. died from the disease in the previ- total lockdown because it does support to enforce restrictions aimed Mask-wearing became mandato- ous 24 hours, after a record death not want to further weaken an Arab regimes’ betrayal of the to Armenia through Iran’s soil. at stemming a third major outbreak ry in public in Tehran, capital of the toll of 337 set on Monday. economy already devastated by Palestinian cause. “We have never allowed Russia of coronavirus infections as new cas- country hardest hit by COVID-19 The latest figures brought the unprecedented U.S. sanctions. The Chief of Staff of the Iranian to use our borders and territories es set a daily record of 5,039. in the Middle East, on Oct. 10 and official death toll to 31,034, and Trump administration re-imposed Armed Forces Major General to transfer Russian weapons to “Everyone should know that I, as officials said violators would be pushed the national total of cases to economic sanctions on Iran after Muhammad Hossein Baqeri Armenia and this is an accusa- health minister, cannot bring this fined. 539,670 since the start of the global withdrawing in 2018 from Tehran’s warned the regional Arab states tion leveled against Iran.” epidemic situation under control “At the (coronavirus) taskforce, pandemic in February. nuclear accord with world powers. last month that they should ac- Hatami said, “We expect Tur- alone, and a lot more (help) is re- we demanded that anyone who did Government spokesman Ali With the death toll rising, au- quired,” Saeed Namaki said in re- not wear a mask be fined, Rabii told a press conference that thorities are now starting to impose count for any security problem key, as a friendly and important marks quoted by the semi-official many have been fined? We said “the spread of the virus is rising in more restrictions. The government created by the Zionists in the regional country, to help settle news agency ISNA. close roads, but how many have 12 provinces including Tehran, and closed museums, libraries, beauty region. the crisis in the disputed Kara- “It was announced that anyone they closed?” Namaki said, accus- nine provinces are on alert”, urging salons, schools and universities in “If the Zionists are stationed in bakh region through diplomatic without a mask would be fined, but ing government bodies of a lack of “cooperation” to curb its transmis- Tehran earlier this month, and im- the region and something hap- means.” I saw...that 40% of the people on cooperation. sion. posed a mask mandate outdoors. Official: Iran Finds Gold Reserves Fighting Continues as Baku Claims New Victories of 8 Million Tonnes TEHRAN (Press TV) -- attracting investors will be “The copper reserves identi- YEREVAN, BAKU (Dis- northern sector. clashes resumed in the worst Iran has made a gold discov- published by the end of Mehr fied at the mine are expected patches) — Armenia and Azer- The Azerbaijani army liber- escalation of a decades-old con- ery in southeast Sistan and (on Wednesday), so that the to reach 400 million tonnes, baijan reported more fighting on ated the city of Zangilan and six flict. The agreement — just like Baluchestan province, where capacities of this zone can be but this amount can increase Tuesday over the separatist Azer- villages of the province, as well a ceasefire deal brokered by definite reserves of eight used for the economic pros- significantly after the explo- baijani territory of Nagorno- as another 18 villages of the Fu- Russia a week earlier — was tonnes of the precious metal perity of the region and cre- ration is completed.” Karabakh, where clashes have zuli, Jabrayil, and Khojavend almost immediately challenged have been found, a provincial ation of jobs,” Tasnim news According to Zanganeh, continued for over three weeks provinces, country’s leader an- by mutual claims of violations official says. agency quoted her as saying. about 60 percent of Sistan despite two attempts at establish- nounced on Tuesday. and the fighting resumed un- “The discovered gold mine Zanganeh called Sistan and and Baluchestan has been ing a ceasefire. President Ilham Aliyev in his abated. in Sistan and Baluchestan is Baluchestan the “mineral surveyed in recent years and Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry address to the nation named the Nagorno-Karabakh is interna- one of the economic mines of rainbow” of Iran, where there up to 200 mineral prospects said the hostilities carried on residential settlements liberated tionally recognized as part of the country that was recently are some of the most eco- have been identified. overnight and accused Arme- from the Armenian occupation Azerbaijan but has been under identified and after a long nomic mines with reserves of “Studies on large antimony, nian forces of shelling the Ter- after almost 30 years. the control of separatists backed time, its exploration and sur- antimony, titanium, copper titanium, copper and gold ter and the Agdam regions of Aliyev said Havali, Zarnali, by Armenia since a war there vey stages were completed and gold.
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