Journal of Psychical, Occult, and Mystical Research, “ Light! More light '."—Goethe. “Whatever doth make manifest is light.”—Pa rtf. tlol. —January to Jcccmbcr, 1900. ONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETORS, At 110, St. Martin’s Lane, W.C. LONDON : THE FRIARS PRINTING ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, 2(>A, TUDOR STREET, E.U. Digitized by Google INDEX. Invisible Interlopers, 112 fter-Death States. By ‘Quaestor ,Vita* ’31), 70,S3 Toaster, The Meaning of, 209 After-Death States. By Thomas Atwood, Ego,’Some Experiences of the. By Charles Inward Light, 237 A 175,196, 221 Dawbarn, 332, 344 ' Agnostic Journal,’ 613 Ego, The Nature and Possibilities of the, 393 unior Spiritualists’ Club Conversaziones, 168, 592 American Contemporaries, Our, 130 Egypt: Recent Discoveries, 480, 489 American Spiritualists’ Convention, 534 Electronic, 2 Eminent Experimenters’ Opinion on Mediumship, AndnS, Fate of. A Clairvoyant Vision, 462 J^aradja, Princess, Experiences of, 379, 513 Animals and Immortality, 321, 359 405 Animals, Clairvoyant Powers of, 46, 347 Episodes, Recent. By ‘ An Old Correspondent,’ 353, 367, 382, 493, 498, 530 Animism and Sir William Crookes, 62, 95, 223 Everitt, Mr. and Mi’s., Tour in the North, 479, 554 Animism or Spiritualism ? 346, 413 eading Articles— Evil, The Mission of, 338, 374, 388, 421 Advent-tide, 574 Animistic Theory, 82, 123,124, 322 Experiences of Joseph Barker, 394 LAnother Good Confession, Rev. S. E. Cooney, Answers to Questions, by the Controls of Madame M.A., 538 Montague, 135 Experiences of Rev. Arthur Chambers, 547 A Solemn Hour, 620 Answers to Questions, by the Controls of Mrs. E. W. Experiences of Princess Karadja, 379 Bible Spiritualism.
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