1622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 161, Pt. 2 February 3, 2015 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED with existing requirements in current Don’ta Hightower, , Alan BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS law. This bill will amend the Elemen- Branch, Ryan Allen, , , , and Mal- By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mrs. tary and Secondary Schools Act, ESEA, to include safe relationship be- colm Butler, significantly contributed to the MCCASKILL, and Mr. XLIX victory; BLUMENTHAL): havior education in comprehensive Whereas the offensive line of the New Eng- S. 355. A bill to support the provision health education and assists State and land Patriots was crucial to their victory in of safe relationship behavior education local educational agencies and institu- Super Bowl XLIX, and strong efforts by Nate and training; to the Committee on tions to meet the Title IX require- Solder, , , Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- ments of the Educational Amendments , Dan Connolly, and Cameron sions. of 1972. Additionally, this legislation Fleming resulted in the New England Patri- Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, it is wide- authorizes grant programs to enable ots conceding only one sack out of the 51 secondary schools to educate staff and times quarterback dropped back ly recognized that relationship vio- to pass during Super Bowl XLIX; lence and campus sexual assault are administration, and provide age appro- Whereas Robert Kraft, the owner of the major issues facing our Nation. Accord- priate educational curricula for stu- , deserves great credit ing to the Department of Justice more dents regarding safe relationship be- for his unwavering commitment and leader- than 290,000 Americans are victims of havior. In addition to being age-appro- ship, and for his gracious acknowledgment rape and sexual assault each year with priate the training and education pro- that the team’s Super Bowl Championship young women between the ages of 16 grams must also be culturally and lin- would not have been possible without the and 24 consistently experiencing the guistically appropriate, reflecting the strong support of the millions of fans who highest rate of intimate partner vio- diverse circumstances and realities of comprise ‘‘Patriots Nation’’; and Whereas all members of the New England lence. Secondary schools can play an young people. Patriots ‘‘did their job’’ to help deliver a important role in educating young peo- I am hopeful the Teach Safe Rela- fourth Vince Lombardi Trophy to New Eng- ple about relationship behavior and tionships Act will be one part of the so- land and are now ‘‘on to the White House’’ to dating violence, but comprehensive lution as lawmakers, parents, colleges celebrate their victory: Now, therefore, be it health education courses are not re- and universities, and law enforcement Resolved, That the Senate congratulates quired to include these topics, even continue working together to embrace the New England Patriots on their dramatic though similar requirements for in- comprehensive reforms to make our Super Bowl XLIX victory. cluding age appropriate content and country safer. I strongly encourage my f abstinence-only education already colleagues in the Health, Education, SENATE RESOLUTION 64—DESIG- exist. Labor, and Pensions committee to con- NATING FEBRUARY 2 THROUGH Safe relationship behavior education sider this legislation in any ESEA re- 6, 2015, AS ‘‘NATIONAL SCHOOL is age-appropriate education that pro- authorization. COUNSELING WEEK’’ motes safe relationships and teaches f students to recognize and prevent Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Ms. COL- physical and emotional relationship SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS LINS, Mr. CASEY, Ms. STABENOW, Mrs. abuse, including teen and adolescent FEINSTEIN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. KING, and Mr. CORNYN) dating violence, domestic abuse, sexual SENATE RESOLUTION 63—CON- violence and sexual harassment. This submitted the following resolution; GRATULATING THE NEW ENG- which was considered and agreed to: includes education regarding consent LAND PATRIOTS ON THEIR VIC- as well as emotional health and well- TORY IN SUPER BOWL XLIX S. RES. 64 being in relationships. Currently there Whereas the American School Counselor is no federal requirement that sex edu- Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. MAR- Association has designated February 2 cation courses cover topics like sexual KEY, Mr. REED, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. through 6, 2015, as ‘‘National School Coun- assault prevention and discussions SHAHEEN, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. seling Week’’; Whereas school counselors have long advo- about communication in safe relation- BLUMENTHAL, and Ms. COLLINS) sub- mitted the following resolution; which cated for equal opportunities for all stu- ships. dents; This is why I am proud to introduce was referred to the Committee on Com- merce, Science, and Transportation: Whereas school counselors help develop with my colleagues, Senator MCCAS- well-rounded students by guiding students KILL and Senator BLUMENTHAL, the S. RES. 63 through academic, personal, social, and ca- Teach Safe Relationships Act of 2015, Whereas on Sunday, February 1, 2015, the reer development; which would build upon the Violence New England Patriots won Super Bowl XLIX Whereas personal and social growth results Against Women Reauthorization Act to with a score of 28 to 24, defeating the Seattle in increased academic achievement; develop and implement prevention and Seahawks in Glendale, Arizona; Whereas school counselors play a vital role Whereas ’s goal line inter- in ensuring that students are ready for col- intervention policies in middle and ception with 20 seconds remaining in the lege and careers; high schools, including appropriate game clinched the Super Bowl XLIX Cham- Whereas school counselors play a vital role procedures for students who are experi- pionship for the New England Patriots; in making students aware of opportunities encing or perpetrating domestic vio- Whereas the Super Bowl XLIX victory is for financial aid and college scholarships; lence, dating violence, sexual assault, the fourth Super Bowl Championship for the Whereas school counselors assist with and stalking, or sex trafficking. New England Patriots; coordinate efforts to foster a positive school The idea for this legislation devel- Whereas quarterback Tom Brady broke, climate, resulting in a safer learning envi- oped as a result of a meeting at the tied, or extended 9 Super Bowl records in ronment for all students; University of Virginia with members of leading the New England Patriots to their Whereas school counselors have been in- fourth Super Bowl victory and was named strumental in helping students, teachers, One Less, a sexual assault education the ‘‘Super Bowl Most Valuable Player’’ for and parents deal with personal trauma as group that advocates for survivors of the third time; well as tragedies in their communities and rape and sexual assault. With the Whereas Head Coach , Coor- the United States; alarming statistics on the prevalence dinators and Josh McDaniels, Whereas students face myriad challenges of sexual assault on college campuses and the staff of the New England Patriots every day, including peer pressure, bullying, and in communities across the coun- brilliantly created successful game plans mental health issues, the deployment of fam- try, secondary schools should play a throughout the 2014 season; ily members to serve in conflicts overseas, role in promoting safe relationship be- Whereas extraordinary efforts by players and school violence; of the New England Patriots, including Tom Whereas a school counselor is 1 of the few havior and teaching students about Brady, , , professionals in a school building who is sexual assault and dating violence. Brandon LaFell, , Shane trained in both education and social and Currently, it is not mandatory for Vereen, LeGarrette Blount, , emotional development; schools to offer health education. But , Jamie Collins, Vince Whereas the roles and responsibilities of if they do, this proposal is consistent Wilfork, , Devin McCourty, school counselors are often misunderstood;

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