Parish Council MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE PARISH ROOMS, CROWAN th ON THURSDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 2013 @ 7.15pm Minutes of Council Meetings are available to view on ; on the Crowan and Leedstown Notice Boards; on Nancegollan and Townshend Village Hall Notice Boards and in Praze Post Office. Present: Cllr. Cooke (Chairman) Cllr. Blewett Cllr. Butcher Cllr. Christophers Cllr. Henwood Cllr. James Cllr. Dr. Jenkin (PC/CC) Cllr. Mrs Muriel Cllr. Roberts Cllr. Smith Cllr. Tripp Cllr. Webb In Attendance: Cllr. Keeling (CC) Mrs Thompson (Clerk) Apologies: Cllr. Ward

Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

Prayers – led by the Chairman.

Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum – the Chairman welcomed those present, with a particularly warm welcome to Mr Martin Page of First Step

Homes (FSH).

Mr Pearce said work had started on PROW/207/124 , but this had been problematic. There were issues with alleged damage to hedges and gateways. Water is still coming out through the two cattle grids. The workers were not

provided with any WC facilities. Phase 2 had not started. Cllr. Jenkin said that Ms Linda Holloway, CC is of the opinion that the work had been carried out to a satisfactory standard, as per the specification. She added that there is no current agreement with CC to implement Phase 2. There was some discussion about a lack of co-operation on the part of the landowners, which had hindered the work. Members had given the landowners our sympathy over a historic complaint and have supported and fought their case. For them to 'hinder' work when contractors are on site is unhelpful. Miss Pearce complained that a bolt hole had been made in the hedge, without their permission. She asked that a note be made that she is Miss and not Mrs Pearce. Cllr. Cooke apologised personally to Mr & Miss Pearce.

Closed Session – in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it was RESOLVED that it is advisable in the public interest that the

press and public be temporarily excluded and they were instructed to withdraw. Members then met with Mr Martin Page from First Step Homes. It was disappointing that he was unable to provide all the information that will be presented to the Public Meeting on 25 th February 2013. Since the last meeting the developers had taken on board Members’ comments and increased the number of parking spaces to 57, more may be possible. The plan now includes a pedestrian access to the adjoining playing field. Mr Page advised that examples of ‘finishes’ will be presented to the Public Meeting. Members favoured a mixture of styles. Cllr. Cooke wished to see the consultation papers dealt with by CC. Mr Page was amenable to this. Further posters will be erected around the Parish.

020/2013 Members’ Declarations : a. Pecuniary/Registerable Declarations of Interests – Cllr. Tripp in cheque payment 102558 and Cllr. Henwood in cheque 102565; Cllr. James declared an interest in 31b/2013. b. Non-Pecuniary/Disclosable Interests – none

1 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2013-02-14.doc c. Declaration of Gifts – Members were reminded they must not accept any gift or hospitality with a value in excess of fifty pounds. d. Dispensations – Members RESOLVED to make the following Clerk dispensations. The Clerk to advise Council.

• Nancegollan Village Hall – individual Members as custodian trustees from 14 th February 2013 to 2 nd May 2013. Cllr. Ward to sign his form. Cllr. Ward

021/2013 Apologies for Absence – Cllr. Ward (work commitment).

022/2013 Outside Bodies – a. Police – a written report had been provided (copy on file). The Clerk to Clerk enquire when/if PCSO Ceri Saddler would be replaced. b. – limited to 5 minutes each. • Cllr. Keeling – gave a report (available on his website). He referred to Cllr. Keeling / the future of the Carn Brea site. He will provide the Clerk with a contact Clerk at Sita, to follow up the business waste collection issue, which is having an impact on the finances of Nancegollan and Leedstown village halls. • Cllr. Jenkin – spoke to her written report, a copy to be sent to the Clerk. Cllr. Jenkin c. & The Lizard Community Network – Cllrs. Cooke and Smith had attended the meeting held on 6 th February 2013. They reported the Clerk Emergency Plan, which was discussed, is something the Council should consider having in place for each of the villages. Refer to the AC. Representatives – it was RESOLVED to elect Cllr. Smith as the Parish Clerk Council’s second representative to the Community Network. The Clerk to advise CC. Noted the next meeting is scheduled for 17 th April 2013, 6pm – 8pm. Venue Mawgan Village Hall, the topic to be ‘Transport’.

023/2013 Minutes of Meetings – a. Full Council Meeting – 10 th January 2013, AGREED as a true record. The amendment, to the December Minutes, was signed (Minute 05a/2013 refers). b. Public Rights of Way (PROW) Committee Meeting – 17 th January 2013 , AGREED as a true record. c. Amenities Committee (AC) Meeting – 23 rd January 2013, AGREED as a true record.

024/2013 Planning Applications Received – a. PA12/11961, Valhalla, Carwynnen, – side extension to south and raising of ridge incorporating a gabled dormer to west allowing Clerk accommodation in the loft. NO OBJECTION . b. PA13/00390, Land Adj. to 21 Millbank Meadows, Leedstown – installation of Clerk 2 new green metal modular cabinets. NO OBJECTION . c. PA13/00525, Land Adj. Penwithen, Carwynnen Close, Praze – change of use of land to be included as domestic curtilage, extension to existing driveway, erection of a carport, shed and patio area. OBJECT on the Clerk grounds that this is a valuable, green, amenity space, actually used as part of the Christmas Lights display and would not be in keeping with surrounding garden properties. It is believed that it was a part of the original planning permission that this should remain as a ‘green space’. d. PA13/00654, The Oaks, Crowan – certificate of lawfulness for the continued use of a dwelling without complying with the agricultural occupancy

restriction (Condition 5 attached to decision notice 73/43695). Cllr. Butcher Clerk reported he had not received the application. OBJECT , Members did not wish to see the loss of an agricultural dwelling in the parish. Cllr. Roberts abstained.

2 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2013-02-14.doc e. PA13/00817, Former Homestead, Chapel Road, Leedstown – proposed erection of a dwelling and attached garage. NO OBJECTION , but Members Clerk would like to see a condition that there is adequate testing of the septic tank carried out (there had been previous problems). Cllr. Jenkin abstained. f. PA13/00826, Crow Ysel, Praze – conversion of roof-space to create first floor accommodation. Cllr. Muriel reported she had received a ‘phone call

from a resident, who is objecting that the rear windows will overlook his Clerk garden and result in a lack of privacy. NO OBJECTION .

025/2013 Other Planning Matters – a. Outstanding Enforcement Issues – Minute 07a/2013 refers. • EN12/02594, Land Opposite Carn Poldrouse ( Black Rock Car Park) – alleged unauthorised tipping and dumping of materials and overnight parking on agricultural land. Case officer: Mrs Mandy Smith. Cllr. Jenkin reported this case is to be closed. She will advise the resident Cllr. Jenkin who has emailed regarding this matter. • EN12/02935, Hillcrest, Trevoole – provision of new building on site. Case officer: Mrs Mandy Smith. Update to be given to the March meeting. • EN12/03082, Honeymoon Cottage, Trenerth Road, Leedstown – alleged unauthorised conversion of garage to separate residential unit of accommodation. Case officer: Mrs Mandy Smith. Update to be given to the March meeting. b. New Enforcement Issues – • EN13/00084, Clowance House, Praze – alleged unlawful works to a listed building. Case officer: Mrs Mandy Smith. c. PA12/10397, Hr. Cargenwyn Farm, Black Rock – conversion of barn and construction of extension to form dwelling and associated works. Members had objected to this application on the grounds that it is over development of the site; it was also felt that the height has almost certainly increased (though it is difficult to tell from the plans). Mr Steve Diment, Planning Officer confirmed there is no increase in height and after consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, it was ‘agreed to disagree’ with Mr Diment. Cllr. Jenkin advised that by taking this action, we had effectively withdrawn our objection. Cllr. Roberts was unhappy that a Council decision had, apparently, been over turned. It was explained this was part of the protocol that Members had signed up to with CC.

026/2013 Planning Permission Granted by Cornwall Council – information only. a. PA12/05863, Crenver Farm House, Praze – submission of details to discharge conditions 4, 6, 7, 8, 19 and 23 attached to decision notice W2/PA08/01979/FM. b. PA12/09787, Cargenwen Farm, Cargenwyn, Camborne – removal of Condition 2 of application reference 2/07/80/00900/F that was allowed on appeal by the Department of Environment (Ref: T/APP/5157/C/81/1715/G4) on the 29 December 1981 (restricting occupancy to 7 months). c. PA12/10575, 15 Carwynnen Close, Praze – erection of extension. d. PA12/10870, Crenver Count House, Crenver Grove, Praze – erection of single storey extension. e. PA12/11215, 72 Fore Street, Praze – erection of single storey rear extension. f. PA12/11215, 72 Fore Street, Praze – erection of single storey rear extension.

027/2013 Planning Permission Refused by Cornwall Council – information only. a. PA12/07937, Nancegollan Mine, An Vounder Goth, Nancegollan – construction of dwelling and associated works.

3 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2013-02-14.doc 028/2013 Standing Committees – a. Public Rights of Way (PROW) Committee – meeting held on 17th January. i. Co-option – Mr Alex Brown had been co-opted to the PROW Committee. rd b. Amenities Committee (AC) – meeting held on 23 January 2013. i. Leedstown Playing Field – Minute 10a/2013 refers. Mr Nigel Griffiths, Leedstown AFC advises the Club has ‘lost’ the PortaKabin and are

seeking a replacement.

ii. Asset Acquisition – Cllr. Cooke reported on the successful meeting held with CC representatives on 6 th February 2013. • Leedstown Playing Field – it was RESOLVED to pursue acquisition of the freehold for £1, plus our legal costs. It was further RESOLVED to authorise Cllrs. Cooke and Jenkin to Cllrs. Cooke / progress the matter. The quote from Mr John Dunstan, solicitor Jenkin will be dealt with in closed session. Noted there are access rights to the soakaway. Cllr. Cooke to inform CC. Cllr. Cooke • Praze Public Conveniences – it was reported the WCs will be closed in April 2013 if the Parish Council does not take them over. We cannot just manage the toilets. We would need to acquire the freehold for £1, plus our legal costs. CC proposes to upgrade the building, prior to acquisition. It would be possible to run them as a unisex single cubicle and use the rest of the building for another purpose. There will be a condition that at least one WC will be kept open for a minimum of 5 years. Cllr. Roberts felt it was not possible to make a decision without more information, including usage figures. It was RESOLVED to pursue Cllrs. Cooke / acquisition of the freehold for £1, plus our legal costs, subject to Jenkin clarification regarding the works to upgrade the building. It was Cllr. Cooke further RESOLVED to authorise Cllrs. Cooke and Jenkin to progress the matter. Cllr. Cooke to inform CC. Cllr. Blewett reported that the WC was shut and has, allegedly, been so for two weeks. Matter referred to the AC. iii. Play Equipment H&S Inspections – in future these will be carried out by: • Praze Play Area – Cllr. Smith taking over from Cllr. Butcher. • Leedstown Play Area – Cllr. Ward taking over from Cllr. Henwood • Nencegollan Play Area – Cllr. Cooke remaining in post. iv. Flood Warden – Cllr. Webb had agreed to act in this capacity for Praze. v. Bollard, Praze – the missing bollard outside the Deli had been replaced today. vi. Benches, The Plan, Praze – to consider having the benches cleaned. vii. Quotations – Members to consider these in closed session.

029/2013 Parish Organisations – Members received an update on the following: a. Leedstown Village Hall – Cllr. Christopher reported the hall has now re- opened and is working well. b. Nancegollan Village Hall – Cllr. Tripp reported the loss of the bowling. c. Praze Institute – the AGM had been held; a new Chairman is needed. The rental fees remain unchanged. Coffee morning will be held in April. d. Townshend Village Hall – Cllr. James reported he had attended his first meeting. Fees for bowling are to increase. There are concerns over damp to a wall. e. Crowan School – Cllr. Butcher reported the school had been awarded ‘Good’ status by Ofsted.

4 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2013-02-14.doc f. Leedstown School – Cllr. Jenkin the school is preparing for its Ofsted inspection.

030/2013 Financial Matters a. Accounts for Payment – schedule No.2012/13-10, to a value of £2,851.05 was APPROVED for payment. b. Budget Monitor – copies were circulated to the Meeting. c. 2013/14 Precept – the Clerk reported that CC had advised the Parish Council will receive a Council Tax Support discount of £4,232.15. This is in addition to the precept. It is the government’s intention that Councils should take this into account when setting their precept. d. Internal Audit Checks – Members received the report of Cllrs. Muriel and Ward, who had carried out the Audit Check. e. Grants and Charity Requests – Members considered the following requests: • Cornwall Air Ambulance – it was RESOLVED to donate £50. • Helston and The Lizard Community Halls Network – it was RESOLVED to donate £50. • British Red Cross – it was RESOLVED to donate £50, to cover the cost of hiring Leedstown village hall and the provision of tea/coffee. To be used at a Community First Aid day for local residents and neighbouring villages to learn some simple, but life saving skills. • The Chronicle – it was RESOLVED to donate £50 and to review giving an additional grant at the end of the financial year. f. Cornwall Community Foundation – announces the launch of five new Solar Information – Farm grant programmes, aimed at any not for profit organisation for circulation (community, voluntary groups). Groups/projects must be based within the geographical areas of benefit or benefit residents of the same. The areas of benefit are a 6 mile radius from each of The Low Carbon and Lightsource Renewable Energy Solar Farms to include: Churchtown Farm, East Langford Farm, Howton Farm, Manor Farm and Trenowth Farm. Some restrictions do apply. Further information, including full eligibility, deadline and panel dates, can be found on: . Members were asked to circulate this information to interested parties.

031/2013 Administration a. Crowan Website – i. Number of ‘Hits’ – there were 60 ‘unique’ visitors, who went to the site 77 times, compared to the previous month when 41 ‘unique’ visitors, who went to the site 47 times. ii. CVs – Cllr. Henwood had provided his CV to the Clerk. iii. Publication of Members Financial Interests – Minute 14a/2013 refers. Mr Tim Cogher had been asked to create a link to CC’s website from our website, so that Members’ financial interests are available online. b. Affordable Housing – Minute 19/2013 refers. Members considered the arrangements for the public consultation event to be held in Leedstown Village Hall on Monday, 25 th February 2013, 2-7pm. Various Members will attend, so that a Member would be present throughout the consultation Members event. Cllr. Cooke had earlier reminded those who attend the public consultation they are there to listen and not to voice their own opinions. Noted Mr Jody Jeffrey has done a mailshot and put up posters. Leedstown village hall had been booked from 1.30 – 7.30pm. The Clerk provided a copy of the hall’s hire regulations to Cllr. Cooke. c. Crypto Card – it was RESOLVED to purchase this card from Cornwall Council, which should improve communications with CC. The cost is £41.67+VAT. The Clerk to action. Clerk

5 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2013-02-14.doc d. Review of Polling Districts and Places – following the trial of using Little Beebles, Crowan School instead of the Cricket Pavillion, Mr Richard Dunn, CC is considering making this a permanent arrangement and seeks Members’ views (details previously circulated via email). Cllr. Butcher was

unhappy with the arrangement. The school is not closed and this leads to

congestion problems. There is also the question of potential risk to children from ‘voters’ wandering in and out of school premises. Cllr. Roberts objected because of the inconvenience to parents, who have to find alternative child care for children enrolled at Little Peebles. It was Clerk RESOLVED to object and to copy Cllr. Jenkin in on the response to CC.

032/2013 Documentation – a. What’s in the Pipeline? – SW Water’s 25 year vision for the future. b. Clerks & Councils Direct – January 2013. c. Town & Parish Council Newsletter – No.11. Previously circulated via email. d. Conservation Volunteers – works with local volunteers to reclaim and manage local green spaces. The volunteer team supplies all tools. A charge of £195+VAT (for up to 12 volunteers) for a day’s work, plus any additional cost of materials needed for the task). More information from: Tom David, TCV Practical Projects Officer, [email protected]. e. Ancient Tree Forum – e-newsletter previously circulated via email. f. Sustainable Energy Action Plan for a Green Cornwall – consultation document previously circulated via email. Deadline is 10 th March 2013. g. Ancient Tree Hunt – newsletter can be emailed on request. h. Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum – 3-yearly survey to all voluntary and community organisations within Cornwall, details on . i. Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for Cornwall – final draft previously circulated via email. j. Remembering the First World War – funding is available, through the Heritage Lottery Fund, for anyone with an idea for a project to mark the centenary of the First World War: [email protected] . k. Town & Parish Council Newsletter – edition No. 12. Previously circulated via email.

033/2013 Diary Dates – a. Council Meetings: • Full Council Meeting – 14 th March 2013. • PROW Committee Meeting – 21 st March 2013. • Amenities Committee Meeting – 27 th February 2013. b. 'Getting on Track' – workshop to assist those working on a Neighbourhood Development Plan, 20 th February 2013, New County Hall. Details previously emailed. To book contact: Shanna Tran – [email protected] . c. Helston & Lizard Community Halls Network – open meeting and AGM. Thursday, 21 st February 2013, 7.15pm, Isaac House, Helston. Details previously emailed.

034/2013 Information Only / Items for Future Agendas – none

035/2013 Closed Session – in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it was RESOLVED that it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they were instructed to withdraw.

036/2013 Quotations – Members considered the following quotations: a. Leedstown Basketball – it was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation from the AC that the quotation for a SureShot Eurocourt Basketball Unit, at

6 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2013-02-14.doc a cost of £606.66 + £150 installation charge + VAT is accepted. Noted the Clerk hoop to be set initially at netball height. b. MUGA, Praze – it was RESOLVED to replace the basket ball hoops and Clerk plates with ‘Russell Leisure MS5000’ at a maximum cost of £405.70 + VAT. Cllr Henwood Cllr. Henwood was authorised to liaise with the suppliers. c. Parish Rooms – provide a deep clean, twice a year. An alternative quotation Cllr. Roberts is being sought. Item deferred to next AC meeting. d. Nancegollan Fencing – replacement of the missing section of fencing, to include a pedestrian gate and the replacement of the remaining rotten Clerk posts. Referred to AC. e. Benches – replacement of the rotting bench timbers. Referred to AC. Clerk f. Bin Hut – replacement of the door and roof (rotting timber). Referred to AC. Clerk g. All Timbers – to apply wood preserve to all the timber in both Nancegollan and Leedstown playing fields. Referred to AC. Clerk h. Trees, The Plan – it was RESOLVED to accept the quotation works to the trees, as specified in CC’s Tree Officer’s report, to include grinding the Clerk stumps of the trees that are to be removed. i. Leedstown Playing Field – for information / guidance, the Clerk reported on the likely legal costs in acquiring the freehold.

Signature: ……………………………………………… (Cllr. Cooke) Chairman

Date: 14 th March 2013

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