Elects Bishop Wuerl Chairman Bishop Discusses the Angels Of
— f O J ill l/l - 15( iS a j g n No. 40 30* Established in 1844: America^ Oldest Catholic Newspaper In Continuous Publication Friday, December 16. 1994 (NJ 'U X 3 ■ u a h u a Sti * names ‘Renaissance m onk’ Medical ‘brain as new president trust’ elects Ai 39, he’s a priest, a monk, a law James Wehner was ordained to the diaconate for yer, a certified public accountant, a the Diocese of Pittsburgh Oct. 7 in St. Peter's Basil Bishop Wuerl business professor ... And now he's ica in Rome by Bishop David Thompson of president of one of America’s top lib Charleston, S.C. Meeting following the ceremony chairman eral arts colleges. were, from left. Father Richard Mueller, a diocesan priest on sabbatical at the Institute for Continuing f |. Martin Bartel, OSB, a Benedic By JAMES McCOY tine monk and Theological Education at the North American Col priest of St. lege; Father Joseph Kleppner, diocesan director o f Pittsburgh Bishop Donald Wuerl seminarians; Bishop Thompson; Deacon Wehner; Vincent Arch has been elected chairman of the abbey, was Father Michael Caiidi, a diocesan priest pursuing board of the Pope John XXIII studies for a licentiate degree at the North Ameri appointed Medical-Moral Research and Edu can College; and Father John Lendvai, a diocesan 14 th president cation Center in Braintree, Mass. of St. Vincent priest also pursuing a licentiate degree at North In listing the new chairman’s College, American College. Deacon Wehner will be qualifications, center president Latrobe. The ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Donald Father Russell Smith cited the Wuerl June 24 at St.
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