4:mag TIPS ON BREAKING INto THE FIELD MAC MALWARE. ARE YOU READY? You’ve heard THE RUMORS, BUT HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT... THE SECRET LIVES OF HARD DRIVES Issue 1 Q2 2013 4:HOME contents 4 events 5 editorial 6 a call to action 7 10 device and application data from ios devices 13 taking a byte out of apple computers 16 win - forensic contest 18 starting out and getting ahead 13 23 forensic 4cast awards 2013 25 pro-file 28 hard drive secrets revealed 34 4:ward Contents Pictures Courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/razor512/7695485686/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/zoliblog/2214058583/ Cover Photo Courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/amagill/89623319/ 28 4:mag - issue #1 Q2 2013 3 4:Take a look at EVENthe events that are coming up for every forensicator’sTS calendar AccessData Users Conference - Las Vegas, NV - April 23-25 Lee Whitfield Teaching SANS 408 - Toronto, Canada - April 29 - May 4 Subtle Enough? CEIC - Orlando, FL - May 19-22 Mobile Forensics World - Myrtle Beach, SC - Jun 2-5 FIRST Conference - Bangkok, Thailand - Jun 16-21 SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Respone Summit - Austin, TX - July 9-10 HTCIA International Conference - Summerlin, NV - September 8-11 SANS Forensics - Prague - October 6-12 Sleuthkit and Open Source Forensics Conference - Chantilly, VA - Nov 4-5 F3 Annual Workshop - Tortworth Court, UK - November 5-7 Have we missed anything? If you know of something happening and you think that it would interest other forensicators please let us know by emailing
[email protected] Picture courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/ter-burg/5808816530/ 4 4:mag - issue #1 Q2 2013 4:EVENTS 4:whichED often causes me to loseIT brand new theories or products focus and become upset when that are completely original.