Sunflower October 8, 1968
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A proposal which wouldprovlde letic committee, approved the ing on Sept. 24, voted unanimous viewed as nothing less than a cal buted handbills, saying, "Don’t $750^000 for a $1.5 million ex proposal with the following con ly to hold the referendum Oct. lous and indifferent misuse of pansion of WSU*8 football stadium ditions: let Cessna rob our veterans." 10 and 11, and to support an ex tends, human resources, and The Committee’s position is that by an increase in the student •That private gifts for c<wi- pansion resolution which had been planning.” campus privilege fee will face the structlon in the amount of "big business In the form of drafted at the Senate’s first meet The COST group offered the Cessna wants to move in and challenge of the ballot box, $75^000 be assured. ing of the year, Sept. 12. following alternatives to the sta Thursday and Friday, In a cam- • T ^ t an <H)oratlng fUnd In the change the name to 'Cesma Sta The WSU Faculty Senate en dium expansion proposal: dium* for advertislngpurposes." pus-wide referendum. amount of $250,000 be assured in •The entire expansion project The student half of the pro addition to all funds presently dorsed the resolution of the Board of Trustees at Its first meeting be financed through tends soli ject would be funded through 20- held or committed, and that cited from non-University year revenue bonds Hnanced by this operating fund be e)Q)ended of the academic year, Oct. 1. While five groups have ap sources. Polling Locations, the campus privilege fee, which, only upon approval by the pres •Expand the stadium on a pay- based upon present student en ident, his assistant and the proved the expansion proposal, at least three organizations have as- you-go basis making use of rollment figures, would be in athletic director. tends as they become avallabe, Times Announced creased by about 25 cents per ej^ressed opposition to various •That the University students i.e., $750,000 pledged, $750,000 Voting on WSU’8 stadium ex credit hour. elect to pay an additional fee of aspects of the proposal. The Committee ^posing Sta used. pansion resolution will begin A community campaign to raise 25 cents per credit hour per sem Two other groi4>s, the Vote No Thursday and continue through 000 for the proposed ex ester to underwrite the revenue dium Taxation (COS'D distributed a statement of position on Sept. Committee and Vets Against Re Friday. on opened Sept. 9. Approx bonds. naming Stadium Committee, have imately $500,000 has been raised 20 which placed the group Hrmly Polling places on Thursday a A second public drive, to start opposed to student tending of the distributed handbills opposi^the and Friday will be o p ^ from to date in the cfhnmunity drive. after Nov. I, will attempt to raise proposed name change of Vet The expansion proposal has re ^ d lu m expansion **at this 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Wilner Aud- the $250,000 in operating costs. time.” erans Field to Cessna Stadium. Itonilm, the CAC, Neff Hall, ceived the approval of Qve major The Regents added that the stu The Vote No Committee has groups — the WSU Board of The COST position paper stated DFAC, and the Field House. dent elections should be con that ”the purpose of a univer urged ” St<H) the war. Stop the Voting may also be done at Trustees, the State Board of Re ducted so that a ll publicity stadium,’' because, according to gents, the WSU Student Senate, sity—the absolute and exclusive Grace Wilkie Residence Hall material for the elections will purposc--ls to educate, and that the position in the handbill, Cessna from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.on Tlmrs- WSU Faculty Senate, and the W.SU be prepared in such a way that Aircraft Co., after whom the sta Alumni Association. because faculty salaries are in day and Friday. the students understand all of adequate, research grants are dium will be named If students Students may alsovoteon Wed The Board of Trustees en the financiil obligations that limited, laboratory facilities are vote In the affirmative, builds a nesday and Thursday in the CAC, dorsed the stadium in a resolu would be assumed, and that stu lacking, office spaceIsmakeshift cluster bomb dispenser which the Corbin Education Center, and tion sent to the Board of Re dents have access to the polls and graduate fellowships need up group claims is used in the Viet Neff Hall from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. gents, Aug. 23. On Sept. 19, no matter when or where they grading, ^'enthusiasm on behalf Nam war. Student IDs and paid fee cards the R ^en ts, following a recom have classes on the campus. of the expansion of lower-prior The Vets Against Re-namii^ must be presented at the time ijf mendation by the Board’s ath The WSU Student Senate, act ity peripheral facilities must be Stadium Committee has distri voting. 'Narcotics-Why Not’ The Sunflower Opens Drug Seminar VOL. LXXm NO. 6 WICHITA statt: university TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1968 A two-week seminar of in-depth The documentary, to be shown analysis In drug addiction will In two parts, will view addicts begin Wednesday night with the and addiction from sociological, showing of a film entitled "Nar psychological and economic stand cotics: Why Not?" The showing points. will be held after the 7 and 9 p.m. Paired with "The Addicted” will 'The Sunflower’ Gets Alums Seek Film Society presentation In the be a second movie entitled "LSD” . CAC. Also a documentary, the film Is The seminar, entltlM "D rugs-- designed to convey the facts about 'Greatness' A WdJle," will examine the use LSD to audiences concerned about 'First Class’ Honors and misuse of drugs and bar the drug scene and its impact on biturates. "Wewillattempttoview the youth of today. The Sunflower has received Its "I’m very pleased with the rat all a^ects as objectively as pos The seminar will be climaxed ing,” said MeVey, In aSunflower As Tradition second successive "first class" sible," said Marshall Williams, with the appearance of Dr. Sidney rating from the All-American interview Monday evening. "Let’s Make Greatnessa Tradi CAC program director. Cohen on campus. The famed Critical ^rvice of Associated “This means that my paper, tion" is the WSU Alumni Associa We^esday night’s film Includes leader In LSD research is pre Collegiate Press. and the <xie edited during the tion’s theme for tend raising In straight-from-the-shoulder state- sently associate professor of med The rating certlflcate, which previous seipester by Judy 1969. m ^ s from former !»aro >iUc icine at UCLA and chief of psy arrived byalr mall Monday after Rapps, both rated 'flrst class’ A tel^hone solicitation process as contrasted with 'second class’ addicts In the process of "kick chiatry service at Wadsworth. noon, will be framed for di^lay which b ^ n Monday night opened ing the habit.” Sixteen male and ratings the year before. Bori(S to Ills credit include "The in The Sunflower area In Wilner a flve-wcek alumni fl^-ralsing female residents of the Calirornla Beyond and Within,” "The LSD Auditorium. "CS^erally peaking, The Sun campaign. Volunteerslnthiseffort Rehabilitation Center relate how Story,” and "The Drug Dilemma” flower this year has a good op Tom MeVey, now city hall re number more than 150. They plan they were Introduced topills,glue, which Is presently In press. porter for The'Wlchite • Beacon, portunity to ejq)and its services to telephone the 5,000 alumni liv marijuana, and heroin. The par In the week following Cohen’s was editor-in-chief of The Sun to the campus. The staff Is ing In Wichita, said WSU Alumni ticipants G7q>lain their experiences speech, a film entitled "The flower during the 1968 ^ring latter, and the addition of the Director Ethel Jane King. U Is with narcotics, and the hopes they Ix)sers” plus two pannel discus term. Copies of The^Sunflower Associated Press wire service hoped that contributions will top hold for the future. sions will be held. The discus published Inthat l^rlod ^eroprd machine for the use of the ed last year’s $42,000 total, which Another film, "The addicted,” sions will examine many points vlded to the Associated College- itors is also a real step In the was a 70 per cent Increase over will be shown Monday and Tues of view on drug addiction and Press for rating. ri|^ direction." 1966, Mrs. King said. day Oct. 14 and 15 from 1:30- narcotics. A Wichita University alumnus of 4:30 p.m. and 7:30-9:30 p.m. in Objectivity will be the aim of 1939, University President Clark the CAC East Ballroom. the seminar. Ahll^rg was also present at the alumni office during the telephone solicitation. "An Institution Is measured by the extent to which Its alumni support It,” said Ahlberg. “ If half the alumni con tributed every year. It would do Newsfronts much to Impress industrial givers I and foundations that education at WSU is a worthwhile experience,” VIETN AM An allied force siveeps around abandoned Khe he continued. Sanh but finds no enemy-except the heat. "The experience of giving Is President Thieu says the enemy has lost the Vietnam war on good for people,” said Ahlbcrg. the battlefield and has shifted emphasis to the political field. "It identlfles them with something bi^er than themselves, and gives THE GAMPAIOH.