l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180 Return of Private Foundation OMB No 1545-0052 Form 990 -PF or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust ` Treated as a Private Foundation 2009 Note . The foundation may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

For calendar year 2009 , or tax year beginning 01 - 01-2009 , and ending 12-31-2009

G Check all that apply r'Initial return r'Initial return of a former public charity r'Final return r-A mended return r- Address chance r- Name chance Name of foundation A Employer identification number Use the IRS OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE label. 13-7029285 Otherwise, B Te lep hone num b er (see page 10 of the inst ruct ions) Number and street (or P 0 box number if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/ print 400 WEST 59TH STREET suite ortYPe . (212) 548-0600 See Specific C If exemption application is pending, check here F Instructions . City or town, state, and ZIP code NEW YORK, NY 10019 D 1. Foreign organizations, check here F

H Check type of organization I' Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, r- check here and attach computation Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Other taxable private foundation E If private foundation status was terminated 3 Accounting method r- Cash F Accrual I Fair market value of all assets at end un d er sect ion 507 ( b )( 1 )( A), c h ec k h ere F o f y e a r (from Part I I, col. (c), O the r (specify ) F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination line 16)x$ 1,102,893,795 (Part I , column (d) must be on cash basis.) under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here (d) Disbursements Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (The (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net for charitable total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not expenses per income income purposes necessenly equal the amounts in column (a) (see page 11 of books the instructions) ) (cash basis only) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc , received (attach schedule) 133,900,890

2 Check 1111 F_ if the foundation is not required to attach Sch B 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 34,435 34,435 34,435 4 Dividends and interest from securities. . .

5a Gross rents ...... b Net rental income or (loss) 6,453 C, 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 -6,280,110

b Gross sales price for all assets on line 6a 95,241,847 75 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) . 89,293,329 co 8 Net short-term capital gain ......

9 Income modifications . 386,674

10a Gross sales less returns and allowances b Less Cost of goods sold . c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) . .

11 Other income (attach schedule) ...... 6,156,046 -58,906 18,424

12 Total . Add lines 1 through 11 . . . . . 133,811,261 89,268,858 439,533

13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc 1,553,567 1,553,567

14 Other employee salaries and wages 26,924,532 26,935,894 In 10 15 Pension plans, employee benefits . . . . 16,847,552 14,449,068 16a Legal fees (attach schedule) ...... 532,800 0 0 610,278 b Accounting fees (attach schedule) ...... 136,393 0 0 135,743 W co c Other professional fees (attach schedule) . . . . 9,609,457 9,716,614

4^ 17 Interest C5 18 Taxes (attach schedule) (see page 14 of the instructions) 1,754,434 5,108,600 19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion . . . 1,272,681

51 20 Occupancy ...... 3,335,667 3,745,392

21 Travel, conferences, and meetings . . . . 7,560,081 2,801,781

rs 22 Printing and publications ...... 587,906 566,617 23 Other expenses (attach schedule) ...... 5,215,617 4,924,231

ss 24 Total operating and administrative expenses.

Add lines 13 through 23 ...... 75,330,687 0 0 70,547,785

25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid . 1,035,719,221 71,335,004

26 Total expenses and disbursements . Add lines 24 and 25 1,111,049,908 0 0 141,882,789

27 Subtract line 26 from line 12 a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements -977,238,647 b Net investment income (if negative, enter -0-) 89,268,858

c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -0-) 439,533 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see page 30 of the instructions . Cat No 11289X Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Pane 2 Attached schedules and amounts in the description column Beginning of year End of year B a l ance Sheets should be for end-of- year amounts only (See instructions ( a) Boo k Va l ue ( b ) Boo k Va l ue ( c) Fair M ark et Va l ue 1 Cash-non - interest-bearing ...... 76,838,010 76,838,010 2 Savings and temporary cash investments ...... 86,284,358 7,857,554 7,857,554

3 Accounts receivable 111111 5,595,778 Less allowance for doubtful accounts Oil 8,733,254 5,595,778 5,595,778

4 Pledges receivable ► Less allowance for doubtful accounts Oil

5 Grants receivable ...... 1,750,954 646,075 646,075 6 Receivables due from officers , directors , trustees , and other disqualified persons ( attach schedule ) ( see page 15 of the instructions ) ...... 7 Other notes and loans receivable ( attach schedule) 111111

Less allowance for doubtful accounts Oil 8 Inventories for sale or use ...... 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges . 10a Investments - U S and state government obligations ( attach schedule) b Investments - corporate stock ( attach schedule ) . . . . . 23,096,399 c Investments - corporate bonds ( attach schedule ). . . . . 11 Investments-land, buildings , and equipment basis Oil

Less accumulated depreciation ( attach schedule) ► 12 Investments - mortgage loans ......

13 Investments - other (attach schedule ) ...... 1,774,321,555 972,847,781 972,847,781 14 Land, buildings , and equipment basis Oil 14,415,508 Less accumulated depreciation ( attach schedule ) ' 11,129,959 2,604,921 3,285,549 3,285,549

15 Other assets ( describe Ilk- ) 32,015,384 35,823,048 35,823,048 16 Total assets ( to be completed by all filers-see the instructions Also, see page 1, item I ) 1,928,806,825 1,102,893,795 1,102,893,795

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ...... 19,026,724 16,988,375 18 Grants payable ...... 70,843,685 26,398,013

19 Deferred revenue ...... co 20 Loans from officers, directors, trustees , and other disqualified persons 21 Mortgages and other notes payable ( attach schedule) 22 Other liabilities ( describe O ) 98,159,725 57,856,968

23 Total liabilities ( add lines 17 through 22) 188,030,134 101,243,356 Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here ' F

and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. w1 4) 24 U nrestricted ...... 1,738,382,483 999,676,727 25 Temporarily restricted ...... 2,394,208 1,973,712

26 Permanently restricted Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here F-

and complete lines 27 through 31. U- 27 Capital stock , trust principal , or current funds ...... 28 Paid-in or capital surplus , or land, bldg , and equipment fund n 29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment , or other funds 30 Total net assets or fund balances ( see page 17 of the instructions ) ...... 1,740,776,691 1,001,650,439 31 Total liabilities and net assets / fund balances ( see page 17 of the instructions ) ...... 1,928,806,825 1,102,893,795

Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year-Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) ...... 1,740,776,691

2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a ...... -977,238,647 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) 111 238,112,395 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 ...... 1,001,650,439 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) Oil 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5)-Part II, column (b), line 30 1,001,650,439 Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 3 Ca ital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (b) How acquired ( (a) List and describe the kind ( s) of property sold (e g , real estate, c) Date acquired ( d) Date sold P-Purchase 2-story brick warehouse , or common stock, 200 shs M LC Co mo , da y, r mo , da y, r ) D-Donation ( y ) ( y ) la See Additional Data Table b c d e ( f) Depreciation allowed ( g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (e) Gross sales price (or allowable ) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g) a See Additional Data Table b c d e Complete only for assets showing gain in column ( h) and owned by the foundation on 12 / 31/69 ( I) Gains ( Col (h) gain minus (j) Adjusted basis ( k) Excess of col ( i) col (k), but not less than -0-) or ( i) F M V as of 12/31/69 as of 12/31 /69 over col (j), if any Losses (from col (h)) a See Additional Data Table b c d e

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) If ( loss), enter - 0- in Part I, line 7 2 89,293,329 3 Net short - term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222 (5) and (6)

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column ( c) (see pages 13 and 17 of the instructions) If (loss ), enter -0- in Part I, line 8 3

Qualification Under Section 4940 ( e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income )

If section 4940( d)(2) applies, leave this part blank

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? 1 Yes F No If "Yes, " the foundation does not qualify under section 4940 ( e) Do not complete this part

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, see page 18 of the instructions before making any entries

(d) Base period years Calendar Distribution ratio Adjusted qualifying distributions Net value of noncharitable-use assets year (or tax year beginning in) (col (b) divided by col (c)) 2008 181,785,264 1,485,551,057 0 122369 2007 132,889,829 1,094,932,661 0 121368 2006 123,956,781 614,027,747 0 201875 2005 121,634,273 218,385,853 0 55697 2004 120,968,871 259,875,046 0 465489

2 Total of line 1, column (d) ...... 2 1 468071 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years 3 0 293614

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2009 from Part X, line 5. . . . . 4 927,602,013

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 ...... 5 272,356,937

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b)...... 6 892,689

7 Add lines 5 and 6 ...... 7 273,249,626

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 ...... 8 143,270,469 If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See the Part VI instructions on page 18 Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 4 UMMIF Excise Tax Based on Investment Income ( Section 4940 ( a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948-see page 18 of the instructions) la Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here Oil F_ and enter "N/A" on line 1 Date of ruling or determination letter ( attach copy of letter if necessary-see instructions) b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check 1 1,785,377

here ► Hand enter 1% of Part I, line 27b ...... c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col (b) 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 2

3 Add lines 1 and 2 ...... 3 1,785,377 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 4

5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . 5 1,785,377

6 Credits/Payments a 2009 estimated tax payments and 2008 overpayment credited to 2009 6a 3,850,189 b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source . . . . 6b

c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c d Backup withholding erroneously withheld ...... 6d

7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d ...... 7 3,850,189

8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here F if Form 2220 is attached 95 8

9 Tax due . If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ...... ► 9 10 Overpayment . If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid . . . 10 2,064,812

11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be Credited to 2010 estimated tax Or 1,032,406 Refunded ' 11 1,032,406 Statements Re g ardin g Activities la During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did Yes No

it participate or intervene in any political campaign? 95 . . . la No b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page 19 of the instructions for definition) ? ...... lb No If the answer is Yes "to la or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities. c Did the foundation file Form 1120 -POL for this year? ...... 1c No

d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year (1) O n the foundation 111111 $ (2) O n foundation managers Ik. $ e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed

on foundation managers ► $ 2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? . . . . 2 No If "Yes," attach a detailed description of the activities.

3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes,"attach a conformed copy of the changes5 . 3 No 4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year?...... 4a No b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? ...... 4b 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? ...... 5 No If "Yes,"attach the statement required by General Instruction T. 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either • By language in the governing instrument, or • By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? ...... 6 Yes

7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? If "Yes," complete Part II, col (c), and PartXV 7 Yes 8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see page 19 of the instructions) ' MD, NY b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If "No,"attach explanation . 8b Yes

9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2009 or the taxable year beginning in 2009 (see instructions for Part XIV on page 27 )? If "Yes,"complete Part XIV ...... 9 Yes

10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? if "Yes," attach a schedule listing their names and addresses 10 No Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF ( 2009) Page 5 Statements Re g ardin g Activities ( continued ) 11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the

meaning of section 512(b)(13)'' If "Yes," attach schedule (see page 20 of the instructions) ...... 11 Yes 12 Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract before August 17, 2008' 12 No

13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 Yes

Website address JWWW SO RO S ORG

14 The books are in care of ' MAIJA ARBOLINO Telephone no ' (212) 548-0600

Located at 1111400 WEST 59TH STREET NY NY NEW YORK NY ZIP+4 111110019

15 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 -Check here . . . . F and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year ...... I 15 Statements Re g ardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 Ma y Be Re q uired File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes " column, unless an exception applies. Yes No la During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly) (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? 1 Yes F No (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified person? ...... 1 Yes F No (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? F Yes 1 No (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? F Yes 1 No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? ...... 1 Yes F No (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception . Check "No" if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days )...... 1 Yes F No b If any answer is "Yes" to la(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 494 1(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 of the instructions)? . . . lb No Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here...... Ilk- F_ c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in la, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2009' ...... 1c No

2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5)) a At the end of tax year 2009, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2009' ...... fl Yes fl No

If "Yes," list the years Oil 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement-see page 20 of the instructions ) ...... 2b

c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here

111' 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year? ...... fl Yes F No b If "Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2009 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2009 .)...... 3b 4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? 4a No b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 20097 4b No Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF ( 2009) Page 6 Statements Re g ardin g Activities for Which Form 4720 Ma y Be Re q uired continued 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to (1) Carry on propaganda , or otherwise attempt to influence legislation ( section 4945(e))'' 1 Yes F No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry on, directly or indirectly , any voter registration drive ? ...... 1 Yes F No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study , or other similar purposes? F Yes (- No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable , etc , organization described in section 509 (a)(1), (2), or (3), or section 4940( d)(2)'' (see page 22 of the instructions). . . F Yes (- No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes , or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals ?...... 1 Yes F No b If any answer is "Yes" to 5a (1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance ( see page 22 of the instructions )? 5b No

Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here ...... F c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant ?...... F Yes 1 No If "Yes," attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d). 6a Did the foundation , during the year, receive any funds , directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? ...... 1 Yes F No b Did the foundation , during the year, pay premiums , directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? . . . . 6b No

If "Yes "to 6b, file Form 8870. 7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? 1 Yes F No b If yes, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? . . . . 7b Information About Officers, Directors , Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors 1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation (see page 22 of the instructions). (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, (a) Name and address hours per week (If not paid, enter employee benefit plans other allowances devoted to position -0-) and deferred compensation See Additional Data Table

2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1-see page 23 of the instructions). If none. enter "NONE." ( d) Contributions to (b) Title, and average (a) Name and address of each employee employee benefit (e) Expense account, hours per week (c) Compensation paid more than $ 50,000 plans and deferred other allowances devoted to position compensation STEPHANIE BEHRENS DIR OF INT'L HR 299,454 151,925 0 40 0 400 WEST 59TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019

HERBERT STURZ CHAIRMAN 267,393 156,409 0 40 0 400 WEST 59TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019


ANN BEESON EXE DIR OF USP 274,942 68,660 0 40 0 400 WEST 59TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019


Total number of other employees paid over $50 ,000 ...... ► 235 Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 7 Information About Officers, Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers , Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) 3 Five highest - paid independent contractors for professional services (see page 23 of the instructions). If none, enter "NONE". (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service ( c) Compensation AGENDALESS CONSULTING INC INTRANET SUPPORT 458,247










Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services. 43

Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the number of organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc Expenses 1NETWORK SCHOLARSHIPS SUPPORT GRANT ACTIVITIES THAT EMPOWER STUDENTS/SCHOLARS TO 8,923,011 IMPROVE ACADEMIC, SOCIAL & DEMOCRATIC ENVIRONMENTS IN HOME COUNTRIES, FUNDED 700 GRANTS IN 2009





All other program - related investments See page 24 of the instructions 3S 125,000

Total . Add lines 1 through 3. 860,000 Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 8 Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, see page 24 of the instructions.) 1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc purposes a Average monthly fair market value of securities ...... la 897,440,873

b Average of monthly cash balances ...... lb 44,237,559

c Fair market value of all other assets (see page 24 of the instructions)...... 1c 49,500

d Total (add lines la, b, and c) ...... ld 941,727,932 e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and 1c (attach detailed explanation )...... le

2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets ...... 2 0

3 Subtract line 2 from line ld ...... 3 941,727,932 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1 1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see page 25 of the instructions) ...... 4 14,125,919

5 Net value of noncharitable - use assets . Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 . . 5 927,602,013 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 ...... ^ 6 46,380,101 Distributable Amount (see page 25 of the instructions) (Section 4942(j)(3) and (j)(5) private operating foundations and certain forei g n or g anizations check here ok. F and do not com p lete this art. 1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 ...... 1

2a Tax on investment income for 2009 from Part VI, line 5...... 2a

b Income tax for 2009 (This does not include the tax from Part VI ). . 2b c Add lines 2a and 2b ...... 2c 3 Distributable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1...... 3 4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions ...... 4

5 Add lines 3 and 4 ...... 5 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see page 25 of the instructions )...... 6 7 Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII,

line 1 ...... 7

Qualifying Distributions (see page 25 of the instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc , purposes

a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc -total from Part I, column (d), line 26...... la 141,882,789

b Program-related investments-total from Part IX-B ...... lb 860,000 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc ,

purposes ...... 2 527,680 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the

a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) ...... 3a 0 b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) ...... 3b 0

4 Qualifying distributions . Add lines la through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 143,270,469 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment

income Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b (see page 26 of the instructions)...... 5

6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 ...... 6 143,270,469 Note : The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whet her the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 9 Undistributed Income ( see a e 26 of the instructions (a) (b) (c) (d) Corpus Years prior to 2008 2008 2009 1 Distributable amount for 2009 from Part XI, line 7 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2008 a Enter amount for 2008 only...... 0 b Total for prior years 2007 , 2006 , 2005 0 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2009 a From 2004. . . . . b From 2005. . . . 0 c From 2006...... 0 d From 2007. . . . 0 e From 2008. . . . 0 f Total of lines 3a through e...... 0 4 Qualifying distributions for 2009 from Part XII, line 4 1111 $ a Applied to 2008, but not more than line 2a 0 b Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required-see page 26 of the instructions) c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required-see page 26 of the instructions). . . d Applied to 2009 distributable amount. . . . . e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2009 (If an amount appears in column (d), the same amount must be shown in column (a).) 6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: a Corpus Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 0 b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract line 4b from line 2b ...... 0 c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed...... d Subtract line 6c from line 6b Taxable amount-see page 27 of the instructions . . . 0 e Undistributed income for 2008 Subtract line 4a from line 2a Taxable amount-see page 27 of the instructions ...... 0 f Undistributed income for 2009 Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be distributed in 2010...... 0 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (see page 27 of the instructions) ...... 8 Excess distributions carryover from 2004 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see page 27 of the instructions) ...... 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2010. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a ...... 0 10 Analysis of line 9 a Excess from 2005. . . . b Excess from 2006. . . . 0 c Excess from 2007. . . . 0 d Excess from 2008. . . . 0 e Excess from 2009. Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009 ) Page 10 Private O p eratin g Foundations ( see p a g e 27 of the instructions and Part VII-A q uestion 9 ) la If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating 1994-01-28 foundation , and the ruling is effective for 2009, enter the date of the ruling ......

b Check box to indicate whether the organization is a private operating foundation described in section I' 4942(j)(3) or r 4942(j)(5) 2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years income from Part I or the minimum (e) Total ( a) 2009 ( b) 2008 (c) 2007 ( d) 2006 investment return from Part X for each year listed ...... 439,533 570,450 2,432,985 4,432,962 7,875,930 b 85% of line 2a ...... 373,603 484,883 2,068,037 3,768,018 6,694,541 c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed . 143,270,469 181,785,264 132,889,829 123,956,781 581,902,343 d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly 73,005,645 112,183,304 70,922,797 72,382,232 328,493,978 for active conduct of exempt activities . e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities 5 u bt rac t 1 ine 2d from I ine 2 c . 70,264,824 69,601,960 61,967,032 51,574,549 253,408,365 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon a "Assets" alternative test-enter (1) Value of all assets ...... (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 4942(j)(3)(B)(i) 0 b "Endowment" alternative test- enter 2/3 of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed. 30,920,067 49,518,369 36,497,755 20,467,591 137,403,782 c "Support" alternative test-enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) . . . . 0 (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in 0 section 4942(j)(3)(B)(iii). (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization 0 (4) Gross investment income 0 Supplementary Information ( Complete this part only if the organization had $5 , 000 or more in assets at any time during the year-see uaae 27 of the instructions.) Information Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000) (See section 507(d)(2) )

GEORGE SOROS b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock ofa corporation ( or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity ) of which the foundation has a 10 % or greater interest

NONE 2 Information Regarding Contribution , Grant , Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs: Check here F if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds If the foundation makes gifts , grants, etc (see page 28 of the instructions ) to individuals or organizations under other conditions , complete items 2a, b, c, and d

a The name , address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE GRANTS DEPT 400 WEST 59TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10019 (212) 548-0600

b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include REFER TO WEBSITE AT WWW SO RO5 0 RG c Any submission deadlines REFER TO WEBSITE AT WWW SO RO5 0 RG d Any restrictions or limitations on awards , such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions , or other factors REFER TO WEBSITE AT WWW SO RO5 0 RG Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 11 Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment If recipient is an individual, Recipient Foundation show any relationship to Purpose of grant or status of Amount any foundation manager contribution Name and address (home or business) recipient or substantial contributor a Paid during the year See Additional Data Table

Total . 3a 1,078,090,296 b Approved for future payment See Additional Data Table

Total. 3b 9,890,993 Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 12 Anal y sis of Income - Producin g Activities Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e) Related or exempt function income (a) (b) (c) (d ) page 28 of 1 Program service revenue Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount (See the instructions ) a b c d e f g Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments. . . . 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 34,435 4 Dividends and interest from securities. 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate a Debt-financed property...... b Not debt-financed property. . . . . 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 16 6,453 7 Other investment income. . . . . 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 -6,280,110 9 Net income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory. 11 Other revenue a OTHER (LOSS)/ INCOME 01 -763,872 b DEFERRED EXCISE TAX BENEFIT 01 6,919,918 C d e 12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e). . -83,176 13 Total . Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) ...... 1 3 -83,176 (See worksheet in line 13 instructions on page 2 8 to verify calc ulations _Relationshi p of Activities to the Accom p lishment of Exem p t Pur p oses Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to Line No . the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) (See page 28 of the instructions

Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 13 Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exem p t Or g anizations 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section Yes No 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharitable exempt organization of (1) Cash ...... la(1) No

(2) Other assets ...... la(2) No b Other transactions (1) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization ...... lb(1) No

(2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization ...... lb(2) No (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets ...... lb(3) No

(4) Reimbursement arrangements ...... lb(4) Yes

(5) Loans or loan guarantees ...... lb(5) No (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations ...... lb(6) Yes

c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees ...... lc Yes d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less th an fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received

(a) Line No (b) Amount involved (c) Name of noncharitable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements 1b(4) 1,108 OPEN SOC POLICY CTR OSPC REIMBURSES OSI FOR ITS 1b(6) 83,198 OPEN SOC POLICY CTR ALLOCABLE SHARE OF OVERHEAD, & 1c 590,693 OPEN SOC POLICY CTR SALARY &BENEFITS OF SHARED

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501 ( c) of the Code ( other than section 501 ( c)(3)) or in section 527'x...... I' Yes f No b If"Yes, " complete the following schedule (a) Name of organization ( b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer or fiduciary) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge

Signature of officer or trustee

Preparer 's KPMG Signature

Firm's name (or yours KPMG LLP if self-employed), address, and ZIP code 345 PARK AVENUE

NEW YORK, NY 10154 l efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180 Schedule B Schedule of Contributors OMB No 1545-0047 (Form 990 , 990-EZ, or 990 -PF) Attach to Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990 -PF. 2009 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Serice

Name of organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285 Organization type (check one)

Filers of: Section:

Form 990 or 990-EZ r 501(c)( ) (enter number) organization

r 4947( a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation

r 527 political organization

Form 990-PF F 501(c)( 3) exempt private foundation

r 4947( a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation

r 501(c)(3) taxable private foundation

Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule. Note . Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule See instructions

General Rule-

F For an organization filing Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or property) from any one contributor Complete Parts I and II

Special Rules

fl For a section 501(c)(3) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ, that met the 331/3% support test of the regulations under sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi), and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on (i) Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 h, or (u) Form 990-EZ, line 1 Complete Parts I and II

fl For a section 501(c)(7), ( 8), or (10 ) organization filing Form 990 , or 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year , aggregate contributions of more than $ 1,000 for use exclusively for religious , charitable, scientific , literary , or educational purposes , or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals Complete Parts I, II, and III

fl For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990, or 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year, contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc , purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than $1,000 If this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that w ere received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc , purpose Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc , contributions of $5,000 or more during the year ...... Ilk- $

Caution . An Organization that is not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules does not file Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF), but it must answer "No" on Part IV, line 2 of its Form 990, or check the box in the heading of its Form 990-EZ, or on line 2 of its Form 990-PF, to certify that it does not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF)

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions Cat No 30613X Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990 - PF) (2009) for Form 990, 990-EZ , or 990-PF Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2009) Page 1 of 6 of Part I

Name of organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285

Contributors (see Instructions)

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution See Additional Data Table Person r Payroll r $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r Payroll r $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r Payroll r $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r Payroll r $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r Payroll r $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person r Payroll r $ Noncash r

(Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990 - PF) (2009) Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2009) Page 1 of 1 of Part II

Name of organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285

Noncash Property (see Instructions)

(a) No. b (c) d from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. b (c) d from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. b (c) d from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. b (c) d from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. b (c) d from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

(a) No. b (c) d from ( ) FMV (or estimate) ( ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990 - PF) (2009) Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2009) Page 1 of 1 of Part III

Name of organization Employer identification number OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285 JIMM Exclusively religious , charitable , etc., individual contributions to section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organizations aggregating more than $1 , 000 for the year . (Complete columns (a) through (e) and the following line entry) For organizations completing Part III, enter the total of exclusively religious, charitable, etc , contributions of $1,000 or less for the year (Enter this information once See instructions ) $ (a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. (b) (c) (d) from Part I Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held

(e) Transfer of gift Transferee's name, address, and ZIP 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ , or 990-PF) (2009) Additional Data

Software ID: Software Version: EIN: 13-7029285 Name : OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE

Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

1 Person F George Soros Payroll r 888 Seventh Ave $ 100,011,210 Noncash r

New York, NY 10016 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

2 Person F Jonathan Soros Payroll r 888 Seventh Ave $ 30,000, 000 Noncash r

New York, NY 10016 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

3 Person F Open Society Foundation Inc Payroll r 400 West 59th Street $ 1,500, 000 Noncash r

New York, NY 10019 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

4 Person F Akram Shakhashir Payroll r C/O 400 West 59th Street $ 23,872 Noncash r

New York, NY 10019 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

5 Person F SamerYounis Payroll r 62B Kifissias Avenue Amaroussion PO $ 23,872 Noncash r

Athens, Greece 15110 GR (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

6 Person F Samer Khoury Payroll r 62B Kifissias Avenue Amaroussion PO $ 23,872 Noncash r

Athens, Greece 15110 GR (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

7 Person F Dr NabilQaddumi Payroll r PO Box 20704 $ 23,847 Noncash r

Safat, Kuwait 13068 KU (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

8 Person F The Annie E Casey Foundation Payroll r 701 St Paul Street $ 400, 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21202 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

9 Person F Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation Payroll r 10 E Baltimore St Suite 1111 $ 15 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21202 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

10 Person F Lois and Irvin Blum Foundation Inc Payroll r 3908 North Charles St Apt 503 $ 25 , 050 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21218 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

11 Person F Bunting Family Foundation Judith Ne Payroll r 9690 Deereco Rd Suite 700 $ 58 , 000 Noncash r

Timonium, MD 21093 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

12 Person F Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Payroll r 25 South Charles Street Suite 2100 $ 90 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21201 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

13 Person F The Associated Jewish Comm Fed Of B Payroll r 101 W Mount Royal Avenue $ 34 , 500 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21201 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

14 Person F Moser Family Philanthropic Fund Payroll r 10 E Lee Street 2105 $ 10,000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21210 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

15 Person F The Jean and Sidney Silber Foundati Payroll r 11515 Woodland Drive $ 20,000 Noncash r

Lutherville, MD 21093 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

16 Person F The Robert Wood J Foundation Payroll r Route 1 College East PO Box 2316 $ 250 , 000 Noncash r

Princeton, NJ 08543 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

17 Person F Shapiro Fund Associated The Associa Payroll r 101 W Mount Royal Avenue $ 10 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21201 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

18 Person F

Thalheimer Philantropic Fund Payroll r 6225 Smith Avenue Suite B100 $ 5 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21209 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

19 Person F The Osprey Foundation Inc Payroll r 305 Washington Avenue Suite 204 $ 200 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21204 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

20 Person F Robin W Wood Payroll r 1104 Bryn Mawr Road $ 10,000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21210 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

21 Person F William Baker M em fund Payroll r 2 East Read Street 9th Floor $ 36 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21202 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

22 Person F William Price Assoc F Wendler TRowe Payroll r 100 East Pratt Street $ 15,000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21202 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

23 Person F Andrew Romay Fidelity Brokerage Ser Payroll r 200 West 86 Street $ 132 ,464 Noncash r

New York, NY 10024 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

24 Person F Geoffrey Greif Family Fund Payroll r 1917 Old Court Road $ 5 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21204 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

25 Person F Nancy Haragan Payroll r 2901 Boston Street Apt 510 $ 7 , 500 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21224 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

26 Person F Alison and Arnold Ricman Payroll r 548 Valley View Rd $ 10,000 Noncash r

Towson, MD 21286 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

27 Person F

Barbara Himmerlrich Payroll r 2507 Stone Mill Road $ 5 , 000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21208 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

28 Person F David Nelson Payroll r 4311 St Paul Street $ 25,000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21218 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

29 Person F Earl Linehan Payroll r 501 Fairmount Avenue Suite 300 $ 100 , 000 Noncash r

Townson, MD 21286 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

30 Person F George M urnaghan FU Payroll r 70 Spring Street $ 25,000 Noncash r

Lexington, MA 02421 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution Form 990 Schedule B, Part I - Contributors (See Specific Instructions):

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

31 Person F Robert Meyerhoff Payroll r 1025 Cranbrook Road $ 100 ,000 Noncash r

Cockeysville, MD 21030 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

32 Person F Mary C Bunting Payroll r 6506 Darnall Road $ 500 ,000 Noncash r

Ruxton, M D 21204 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

33 Person F Maryland Humanity Council Payroll r 108 West Centre Street $ 5,000 Noncash r

Baltimore, MD 21201 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

34 Person F W African Monitoring Project Payroll r World Bank Administrative Expense D $ 99 , 759 Noncash r

Washington, DC 20433 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

35 Person F US Department of State Payroll r 301 4th Street SW $ 173,482 Noncash r

Washington, DC 20522 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution

36 Person F Georgian Scholarships in Education Payroll r 52 Uznadze Street 0102 $ 150 ,000 Noncash r

Tbilisi, Georgia 6010 GG (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution Additional Data

Software ID: 09000051 Software Version : 09-8.6 EIN: 13-7029285 Name : OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE

Form 990PF Part IV - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income - Columns a - d

(a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g , real estate, ( b) How (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold 2-story brick warehouse , or common stock, 200 shs M LC Co acquired (mo , day, yr (mo , day, yr P-Purchase D-Donation


JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2009-01-14

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2009-01-14

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2009-01-15

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2009-01-15

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2009-01-16

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 2009-01-20

JET BLUE D 1999-06-30 1999-01-20

GENERAL ELECTRIC D 2007-01-01 2009-12-08

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2009-01-15

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2009-01-15

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2009-01-15

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2009-01-16

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2009-01-16

SEARS COLLAR D 2007-03-01 2009-01-16 Form 990PF Part IV - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income - Columns e - h

(e) Gross sales price (f) Depreciation allowed ( g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g)

1,474,085 388,147 1,085,938

3,283,116 801,842 2,481,274

3,036,923 801,906 2,235,017

5,011,413 1,264,706 3,746,707

390,446 98,520 291,926

5,837,255 1,448,020 4,389,235

1,331,501 325,441 1,006,060

3,498,890 819,935 2,678,955

4,042 4,042

7,175,190 7,175,190

14,350,380 14,350,380

14,350,380 14,350,380

7,099,645 7,099,645

14,199,290 14,199,290

14,199,290 14,199,290 Form 990PF Part IV - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income - Columns i -

Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains (Col (h) gain minus col (k), but not less than -0-) or (i) F M V as of 12/31/69 (j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col (i) Losses (from col (h)) as of 12/31/69 over col (j), if any















14,199,290 Form 990PF Part VIII Line 1 - List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation

(a) Name and address ( b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, hours per week (If not paid, enter employee benefit other allowances devoted to position -0-) plans and deferred compensation

GEORGE SOROS TRUSTEE /CHAIR 0 0 18,724 25 0 888 Seventh Avenue NewYork,NY 10106

ARYEH NEIER 99 TRUSTEE /PRESIDENT, 537,478 224,772 18,724 CEO 400 WEST 59TH STREET 40 0 NEWYORK,NY 10019


JONATHAN SOROS 95 TRUSTEE 0 0 18,723 5 0 888 Seventh Avenue NEWYORK,NY 10106


RICARDO CASTRO 95 GENERAL COUNSEL, 278,823 92,886 18,723 SECRETARY 400 W 59TH ST 40 0 NEWYORK,NY 10019



STEPHEN GUTMANN ASSISTANT 121,500 63,369 18,723 TREASURER 400 WEST 59TH STREET 1 0 NEWYORK,NY 10019 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Lala AbasovaSharifli Street 96 apart Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 16,275 17 university as part of the Baku 370118 Faculty Development A] Fellowship Program

Sevin) A bdullayeva9 12 O rujaliyev Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 21,927 Street Apartment 9 university Baku AZ1033 A]

Ilhom AbdulloevBokhtar str 37 1 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 13,955 Room 402 Economics at Rutgers Dushanbe 734002 University TI

AbdusaburAbdusamadov191 Rudaky Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 22,387 Avenue Apt 18 Sociology from the University Dushanbe 734017 of Missouri-Columbia TI

Asel Abdyramanova26 39 Ibraimova Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 180 Street university as part o the Faculty Osh 714000 Development Fellowship KG Program

Khaled Abed Rabbo3 Faisal St Individual to pursue a short-term 14,513 Maysoon fellowship in education Ramallah OC

Abdrabu Abu Alyan60 Al Q uds Street Individual to study education in the U 5 39,969 Bani Suhaila Khanyunis OC

Ahmed Abu AwadDept of English Individual to study education in the U 5 34,104 Birzeit Universit as part of the Palestinian Birzeit Faculty Development Program OC

Mysoon Abu El Nourlslamic Individual to study public affairs/health 23,117 University Gaza College o policy in the U S Rimal Gaza OC

Nasser Abu El Nourlslamic Individual to study public affairs/health 20,039 University Gaza College policy in the U S Gaza OC

Ehab Abu Goshl shoshan st Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 42,777 Abu Gosh 90845 Georgetown University IS

Khitam A bu Hamad25 15 Salah Al Individual to study health policy in the 36,681 Dean Street U S Gaza Al Zitoun OC

Wael Abu Hassanlssam Saleeba Individual to pursue a short-term 15,456 House Zababdah Vill fellowship in social work Jenin OC

Khaleel Abu KhadejhBab Hotta The Individual to pursue an internship at the 10,000 Old City Al-Quds University Human Jerusalem Rights Clinic OC

Ghada Abu QteishAl Bireh Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 32,533 Ramallah Wake Forest University OC

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Irene Abuladze3 L Ukrainka Str Individual to pursue and MA in Education 17,320 Tbilisi 00108 in the United States GG

Acchariya AcchariyaB 13 82 A Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Boghabir lanka Varanas study at Banaras Hindu Varanasi 221005 University IN

Abdurrazack Achmat32 Main Road Individual to write a book that analyzes 61,314 Muizenberg Cape Town 07945 politics and its practice in SF South Africa over the last three decades through, but not restricted to, engagement with global political and activist movements

Karam AdawiP 0 Box 3809 Individual to study social policy/health 30,902 Al Bireh policy in the U S OC

Ashin AeindavinsaMagadh University Individual to provide additional support to 800 Room No 27 Host study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Mery AgakhanyanHovsep Emin st 4 Individual to produce a photo 4,948 54 documentary on the social, Yerevan 00033 legal, and psychological issues A M of village life in Armenia

Aggawansa AggawansaMagadh Individual to provide additional support to 600 University Room No 35 PG study at Magadh University Bodh Gaya, Bi 824234 IN

Erlin Agicbul Jane Sandanski 110 3 Individual to study at George Mason 28,531 22 Skopje 01000 MK

Ahle AhleHouse No 4 1 3rd floor Individual to provide additional support to 800 Motibagh study at Hindu College New Delhi 110021 IN

Efa Ahmed Williams3708 Delverne Individual to raise awareness about 19,767 Road sickle cell disease through the Baltimore, MD 21218 organization, Destiny Despite Sickle Cell Disease, while encouraging and empowering adolescents and young adults to become capable of managing their chronic illness by using coping strategies

Nurgul AitalievaHouse 256 Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Sydykova St study at the University of Bishkek Tennessee KG

Mashura Akilova8th microregion Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 25,911 house 78 apt 29 Social Work from Columbia Khujand,Su 735700 University TI

Dzhambul Akkazievl5 Ushakova St Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Apt 49 study at University of Makhachkala 367003 Wisconsin-Madison RS

Nelly Akobia500 Riverside Drive Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 20,822 Room 518 university NewYork,NY 10027 GG

Victor Al BandakP 0 Box 870 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at the 9,787 Jerusalem Central European University OC

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Mazen Al HroobAI Yasmeen Building Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 19,975 Ramallah Duke University OC

Mazen Al HroobAI Yasmeen Building Individual to pay legal fees 959 Ramallah OC

Motaz Al NaougDeirAlbalah 1 56 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at the 8,449 Gaza Central European University OC

Giorgi AladashviliGuramishvili Ave Individual to obtain an MA in Education 31,123 35 apt 30 from a U S university Tbilisi 00178 GG

Jehad AlayasaMaythaloon Post Individual to support study in political 20,914 Office science as part of the Jenin, We Palestinian Faculty OC Development Program

Ammar AI DwaikQasrAI M urjan Individual to study social policy/public 18,497 BuildingAI Balou P administration in the U S Ramallah OC

Alaa Al GhoulAbu Askandar Sheikh Individual to pursue a short-term 10,453 Radwan fellowship in English Literature Gaza OC

Wasim Al Habil144 50 Al Amal Individual to study public 993 Quarter administration/public policy in Khan Younis the U S as part of the 0C Palestinian Faculty Development Program

Turana AliyevaU Hajibayov str 7 65 Individual to study Social Work in the 11,673 Ganja AZ2008 United States AJ

Mohammed F AlKhaderPO Box 14 Individual to pursue an internship at the 3,000 Birzeit, We Birzeit University's Institute of O C Law

Mohammed F AlKhaderPO Box 14 Individual to pursue an internship at the 4,000 Birzeit, We Birzeit University's Institute of O C Law

Saed Al KoniFaculty of EconomicsPO Individual to pursue a short-term 10,150 Box 7 fellowship in public Nablus administration OC

Said A AIM adhounBeit Laheia Individual to pursue an LLM at American 17,847 Al Soudaneia University OC

Said A AlMadhounBeit Laheia Individual tto pursue an internship with 6,919 Al Soudaneia the Open Society Justice 0C Initiative

Said A AIM adhounBeit Laheia Individual to pursue an internship with the 13,023 Al Soudaneia Open Society Justice Initiative OC

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ahmed Al NoubaniGeography Dept Individual to study urban design and 46,143 Birzeit University planning in the U S as part of Birzeit the Palestinian Faculty OC Development Program

TamarAlpenidzel4 Khizanishvili Str Individual to spend one semester at a 4,940 Tbilisi 00167 U S university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

TamarAlpenidzel4 Khizanishvili Str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,330 Tbilisi 00167 university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Daisy A manor BoaduDepartment of Individual to develop a project in Nigeria 2,333 Anaesthesia Unive that will review and analyze the Ibadan, 0 y legal and regulatory NI frameworks regarding the access and availability of opioid analgesics

Givi A miranashviliTemka M icroraion Individual to spend one semester at a 13,785 11 quarter 3 bu U S university as part of the Tbilisi 00191 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Givi A miranashviliTemka M icroraion Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,330 11 quarter 3 bu university as part of the Tbilisi 00191 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Gordana Angelichin Zhuraul Kuzman Individual to study at the University of 13,458 Kapidan br 27a Wisconsin - Eau Claire O hrid 06000 MK

Nino Antadze32 Brybeck Crescent Individual to provide additional support to 1,032 Apartment 303 study at the University of Kitchener, ON N2M2C6 Waterloo CA

Nino Antadze32 Brybeck Crescent Individual to provide additional support to 3,772 Apartment 303 study at the University of Kitchener, ON N2M2C6 Waterloo CA

Katarina Nina AntanaskovicSedam Individual to provide support to study at 8,005 strazara 3 the University of Wisconsin - Belgrade 11250 Eau Claire OC

Hani M AgiIUNRWA Headquarters Individual to pursue an internship at the 3,000 Gaza Strip Al-Dameer Association for Gaza Human Rights OC

A bdulnaser A rafatPO Box 14 Individual to study Urban Planning in the 29,850 Birzeit U S OC

Hassan ArafatP 0 Box 707 Individual to pursue a short-term 11,177 Nablus fellowship in environmental OC science

Maia AraviashviliN8 Tmaniani Street Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 180 Telavi 02220 university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

VisarArifajDardania BL9 A 10 Individual to study at University of 9,020 Prishtina 10000 Georgia OC

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sevin) Asgarova324 Girmizi Sharg str Individual to study Social Work in the 10,164 apt 12 United States Baku Az1065 A]

Ashin AindobasaMagadh University P Individual to provide additional support to 800 G Hostel No 3 R study at Magadh University Bodhgaya , Bi 824234 IN

Daniela AtanasovaKrum V raninski 17 Individual to provide support to study at 7,523 Kocani 02300 Duke University MK

Nang Kyi Phyu Aung Cho Individual to provide additional support to 1,750 Ramkhamhaeng Soi 24 ABAC Condo study at Assumption B University Bangkok 10240 TH

Banyar Aung1909 570 Individual to provide additional support to 5,200 Charansanitwong 65 Rd Am study at Mahidol University Bangkok,Ba 10700 TH

Hein Htet AungNo 65 Forest Road No Individual to provide support to obtain a 14,800 65 graduate degree from Mahidol Yangon University BM

Maw Htun AungNo 51 Room No 7 Individual to provide support to obtain a 17,350 MyaungMya Street graduate degree from Hong Yangon Kong Polytechnic University BM

Min Khin Aungs Baptist Road N 704 Individual to provide additional support to 1,200 C study at Hong Kong Baptist Hong Kong SAR University HK

Ruben Austria339 East 140th Street Individual to attend the 2009 Soros 205 Apartment 2 Justice Fellowship conference Bronx, NY 10454

Assel Auzhanova134 A Krasay batyr Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 180 str 28 apt university as part of the Almaty Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Miriam Avins619 Homestead Street Individual to learn about work in other 790 Baltimore, MD 21218 cities that emphasize greening as well as community activism

Mohammed AwadBeit 0 mmer Individual to support study in public 34,344 Hebron administration as part of the 0C Palestinian Faculty Development Program

Bwe Doe Aye175 ABAC Individual to provide additional support to 5,300 Ramkhamhaeng Soi 24 107 study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Hasan AyoubCustoms Dept Individual to study Political Science in 25,758 Nablus the U S OC

Baljmaa BaatarAsian Hope NGO Individual to study Social Work in the 13,170 Ulaanbaatar 46 803 United States MG

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Indra Baatarkhuu50 13 Seoul Street Individual to study at Bard College 38,525 Khoroo 4 Sukh Ulaanbaatar n a MG

Amy Bach2 Brunswick Street Individual to promote and publicize 10,000 Rochester, NJ 14607 "0 rdinary Justice"

Aiaz Baetovl8a M Asanbaeva st Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 9,336 0 rto Sai V illag university as part of the Bishkek 720016 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Gulzat BaialievaMoskovskaya Street Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,233 185 71 university as part of the Bishkek 720044 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Zhanara Baikenova75 Gogol App 251 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 14,448 Almaty 50004 university as part of the KZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Zhanara Baikenova75 Gogol App 251 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 7,590 Almaty 50004 university as part of the KZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Rafael Bakhtavoryan306 Redmond Individual to provide additional support to 1,742 Drive Apartment 1107 study at Texas A&M College Station, TX 77840 University

Rafael Bakhtavoryan306 Redmond Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Drive Apartment 1107 study at Texas A&M College Station, TX 77840 University

Marko BalazevicJarunska 2 5 d Individual to study at Bard College 37,452 Stjepan Radi 263 Zagreb 10000 HR

Sujatha Baliga8O3 52nd Street Individual to develop and implement a 25,372 Oakland, CA 94608 replicable model of restorative practices to address youth offending while reducing Oakland's reliance on juvenile incarceration

Bakari Baratashvili1515 Bissonnet Individual to provide additional support to 630 Street Unit 83 study at Rice University Houston,TX 77005

Kefah BarhamBazzar Bldg A Apt 10 Individual to study education in the U 5 42,553 Jawwal St Ramallah OC

Ricardo Barreras37 Q uincy Street Individual to examine the destabilizing 18,750 Brooklyn, NY 11238 social, legal and economic effects of being arrested for a misdemeanor criminal charge

Barat Ali BatoorKarte 4 University Individual to produce a photo 5,300 Road documentary on child Kabul AF200 trafficking in Afghanistan AF

Yerzhan Bek AIi50 Satpayev Individual to spend one semester at a 3,615 Almaty 50057 U S university as part of the KZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Yerzhan Bek AIi50 Satpayev Individual to spend a semester at a U S 250 Almaty 50057 university as part of the KZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Mira BekarVeljko Vlahovik 6 1 7 Individual to provide additional support to 1,700 Skopje 01000 study at Purdue University MK

Krenare BektashiStreet Rexhep Mala Individual to study at the University of 16,126 no 26 Georgia Prishtina 10000 OC

Kuatbay Bektemirov23 mikroraion Individual to provide additional support to 720 dom 1 34 Apartment study at the University of Nukus,Ka 142013 Arkansas UZ

Kuatbay Bektemirov23 mikroraion Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 dom 1 34 Apartment study at the University of Nukus,Ka 142013 Arkansas UZ

Marcia BerezinaSoicha str 2 501 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 18,797 Kharkiv 61037 University UP

Khatuna Beridze3 Jincharadze Str Individual to spend one semester at a 12,383 Batumi 06010 U S university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Khatuna Beridze3 Jincharadze Str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 5,430 Batumi 06010 university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Bill Berkeley245 West 101 Street Individual to support the drafting of a 38,333 New York, NY 10025 book that will present compelling and tragic human stories of those who are stateless

Tamila Bezhanidze4l Vakhtang Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 311 Gorgasali Street A part university Batumi 06000 GG

Hayk Bianjyan82 Hovsep Emin str Individual to produce a photo 4,948 apt 50 documentary on the violation of Yerevan 00033 property rights in Yerevan, AM Armenia

Nataliia Bielova45 Gryaznova street Individual to provide support to study at 5,785 apt 171 the University of Arkansas Zaporizhzhya 69002 UP

Rezarta BilaliL Kongresi i Permetit Rr Individual to provide additional support to 541 Zyhdi L study at the University of Shkoder 00001 Massachusetts AL

Alima Bissenova2250 N Triphammer Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Road Apt N2A study at Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14850

Sahera BleiblehPO Box 538 Individual to study Urban Planning in the 51,976 Nablus U S OC

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Saw BlessingRamkamhaeng Soi 24 Individual to provide additional support to 2,950 401 Noree Apt study at Ramkamhaeng Bangkok,Ba 10240 University TH

Tamar Bochorishvili6322 Enright Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 13,484 St Louis, MI 63130 university

Javkhlan Bold ErdeneApartment 5 Individual to study at the University of 14,733 Building 3 2nd khoroo Montana Ulaanbaatar,Su 00976 MG

Rosalyn Boma969 A Francisco St Individual to allow you to obtain a 7,850 Malate graduate degree from De La Manila Salle University RP

Albulena BorovciKodra e Diellit Rr 3 Individual to provide support to study at 7,676 H 10 Nr2 the University of Montana Prishtina 10000 OC

Aisalkyn Botoeva123 Ivanitsin Individual to provide additional support to 4,320 Street Atp 3 study at Brown University Bishkek 720011 KG

Marin BozicMilke Trnine 7 Individual to provide additional support to 616 Zagreb 10000 study at the University of HR Wisconsin - Madison

Suncica BrnardicPrilaz Gjure Dezelica Individual to provide support to study at 1,227 29 1 Bard College Zagreb 10000 HR

Sam Brooke1286 South Lawrence Individual to publicize, advocate against, 35,750 Street and litigate abuses suffered by Montgomery, AL 36104 immigrants in detention in the southeast United States, and other misconduct by Immigration Customs and Enforcement

Khalilah Brown Dean17 McKinley Individual to indentify, evaluate, and 35,339 Avenue empirically measure the New Haven, CT 06515 success of community-based efforts to increase participation among high-incarceration communities

Boris Bruk72 82 Sovetskaya 72 82 Individual to provide additional support to 1,104 Sovetskaya S study at Vriginia Tech Saratov 410056 University RS

Boris Bruk72 82 Sovetskaya 72 82 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Sovetskaya S study at Virginia Tech Saratov 410056 RS

Irma Buchinskaya67 Tolebi Individual to study Social Work in the 22,594 Almaty 50000 United States KZ

Edita BucincaAgim Ramadani St A 1 Individual to provide additional support to 977 111 27 study at the University of Prishtima,Ko 01000 Minnesota OC

Cheng Bunkheang15C St 328 Toul Individual to provide support to obtain a 17,350 Svay Prey 1 Cha graduate degree from Hong Phnom Penh Kong Polytechnic University CB

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Mukarama Burkhanova22 Firdavsi apt Individual to spend a semester at a U S 330 34 university as part of the Dushanbe 734061 Faculty Development TI Fellowship Program

Rustam Burnashev6 66 Individual to spend a semester at a U S 740 Namanganskaya St University as part of the Almaty 50039 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Paul ButlerGeorge Washington Individual to publicize and promote "Let's 10,000 University Law Sc Get Free How Ordinary Washington, DC 20052 Americans Can Take Back American Justice"

Anthony Camerino1305 East Capitol Individual to raise awareness about the 50,013 SE 302 ineffectiveness of torture and Washington, DC 20003 the effectiveness of non- coercive interrogation methods, and to monitor and critique changes proposed by President Barack 0 bama's Special Task Force on Detainee Policy

Bogdana CekoKara273or273evica Individual to provide support to study at 11,475 101 Slippery Rock University Banta Luka 78000 BK

Marin Cerchezl6 2 Ion Creanga St Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 19,172 Chisinau 02069 Byzantine History from MD Catholic University

Rusudan ChanturiaUznadze Str N52 Individual to study education in the U 5 1,028 Tbilisi 00102 GG

Liliya ChebotarovaApt 40 Bd 15 Individual to study at the University of 21,584 Tenista Str Texas at Austin Odesa 65000 UP

Lalropari ChhakchhuakSpicer Individual to provide additional support to 800 Memorial College study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Lalsawimawii ChhakchhuakSpicer Individual to provide additional support to 800 Memorial College M A Q 19 study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Ecaterina Chirilenco30 1 Ion Pelivan Individual to study at the University of 17,315 strap 305 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Chisinau MD 2009 MD

Noble Lin ChitRoom 305 Individual to provide additional support to 4,650 Ramkhamhaeng Soi 24 study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Erdenechimeg ChogdonAcademy of Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 180 Management university as part of the Ulaanbaatar Khan Uul 3 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Nazgul Cholponbaevall1 Shota Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 40,176 Rustaveli Str apt 12 university Bishkek 720044 KG

Zakir Chotaev81 6 Jukeev Pudovkin Individual to spend one semester at a 4,689 St U S university as part of the Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Zakir Chotaev81 6 Jukeev Pudovkin Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 6,994 St university as part of the Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Baigalmaa Chuluunbaatarl2 Individual to spend one semester at a 5,112 Khoroolol 23 3 U S university as part of the U laanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Byambasuren ChuluunbatBayanzurkh Individual to study at the University of 12,802 District 4th Khoroo Bu Arkansas Ulaanbaatar n a MG

Zen Dim CiinSpicer Memorial College Individual to provide additional support to 900 Women s Ho study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Caroline Cincotta2923 Otis Street Individual to challenge discrimination 23,618 Apartment 6 against noncitizen inmates in Berkeley, CA 94703 access to rehabilitative early release programs

Niang CingAundh road Grl s Hostel Individual to provide additional support to 800 Pune, Ma 411007 study at Spicer Memorial IN College

Richard Cizikl7 Lawrence Lane Individual to initiate dialogue between 67,158 Fredericksburg, VA 22405 evangelical faith leaders, policy makers and academics, and other key constituencies on key challenges facing our nation, including the environment, immigration and criminal justice and povert

Naw Hser CooSt Joseph Street 123 Individual to provide additional support to 5,500 Marikina study at Miriam College RP

AlexanderCooley533 West 112th Individual to assess how the Shanghai 42,442 Street Apartment 3D Cooperation Organization New York, NY 10025 (SCO ) is promoting authoritarian governance in Central Asia and understand how its initiatives are undermining the work of reform-oriented Western and other international organizations in the region

Maria Creciun35 Puskin Str apt 60 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 22,976 Chisinau MD 2005 Economics at Brandeis M D University

Mladen CvetkovKozara 42 1 7 Individual to provide support to study at 12,368 Skopje 01000 New York University MK

Danijela CvetkovicPoenkareva 14 Individual to provide support to study at 13,149 Belgrade 11000 the University ofVermont OC

Myra Dahgaypaw40-30 70th Street Individual to provide additional support to 545 2nd Floor study at Hunter College Woodside, NY 11377

Ihab Dakkakl1 Al Hariri St P 0 Box Individual to study social work in the U 5 35,547 20187 East Jerusalem IS

Byambajav Dalaibuyan408 R10 Diani Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 ni green danchi K study at Hokkaido University Sapporo,Ho 065 0006 JA

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Vlado DamjanovicKoste Vojinovica 8 Individual to study at the University of 16,122 Banta Luka 78000 Georgia BK

Tseveenbolor DavaaBayanzurkh Individual to provide additional support to 1,028 District Tax building study at the University of Utah U laanbaatar 00000 MG

Tseveenbolor DavaaBayanzurkh Individual to provide additional support to 4,900 District Tax building study at the University of Utah U laanbaatar 00000 MG

Sarantsetseg Davaasambuu5047 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Waterman Boulevard Apartment study at Saint Louis University Saint Louis, MI 63108

Emad DawwasCivil Engineering Individual to study urban planning in the 48,557 Department An Na U S Nablus OC

Nora DekaidekPO Box 744 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at the 25,580 Jerusalem University of Pittsburgh OC

Elisa Della Piana1246 Hearst Individual to help protect homeless 1,500 Avenue Suite 4 people and provide legal Berkeley, CA 94702 support when they receive criminal citations for acts such as sleeping or sitting in public which essentially punish them for being homeless

Pavlo Demchuk9901 Briarwild Lane Individual to provide additional support to 630 Houston,TX 77080 study at Rice University

Miloje Despic32 Foster Drive Individual to provide additional support to 320 Willimantic, CT 06226 study at the University of Connecticut

Miloje Despic32 Foster Drive Individual to provide supplementary 4,524 Willimantic, CT 06226 funding for study at the University of Connecticut

Ashin DhammasiriRoom No 02 P G Individual to provide additional support to 900 Hostel study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Biljana DijanisievaBel Kamen br 7A Individual to provide support to study at 12,896 nas Radisani the University of Vermont Skopje 01000 MK

Thawng Suan DimAundh Road Room Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 No 46 Girl s Host study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Milos DjericSenjacka 26 Individual to provide support to study at 12,941 Belgrade 11000 New York University OC

Igor DobrosavljevikMile Popjordanov Individual to provide support to study at 11,670 70 20 Slippery Rock University Skopje 01000 MK

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Lu Pway Doh2098 777 Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 Ramkamhaeng 24 Bangkapi study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Wael A H DokhanDepartment of Individual to study political science in 23,006 Political ScienceAl A the U S Gaza OC

Davlatsulton Dorgabekova8 10 Gani Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 16,458 A bdullo Street Political Science at Rutgers Dushanbe University TI

Ana DragicDjevdjelijska 33 Individual to study at the University of 11,692 Belgrade 11000 Arkansas RI

Saltanat Dushalieva627 L Street NE Individual to provide additional support to 664 Washington, DC 20002 study at University of Maryland - Baltimore

Darejan Dvalishvili56 apt 1 Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 41,339 Bakhtrioni str university Tbilisi 00194 GG

Emilbek Dzhuraev3404 Toledo Individual to provide additional support to 581 Terrace K-4 study at the University of Hyattsville, MA 20782 Maryland

Emilbek Dzhuraev3404 Toledo Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Terrace K-4 study at the University of Hyattsville, MA 20782 Maryland

Rena Effend12l Rasul Rza apt 10 Individual to produce a photo 5,128 Baku AZ1000 documentary on the state of A] the environment in the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan

Hser EhMother Ignacia Ladies Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Domitory Si study at Assumption Manila 01007 University RP

Hasan El NabihDept of English Individual to study Education in the U 5 46,929 Faculty of Arts Gaza OC

Bolan ElekVojvode Stepe st 320 Individual to provide support to study at 12,683 Belgrade 11000 George Mason University OC

Elizabeth ElizabethRoom 2186 209 Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Soi 30 1 Bangkapi Ram study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Mohammed El SaharEl BaharSt Individual to pursue a short-term 12,820 Jabalia fellowship in Public Health OC

Rhonda Elsey Jones2225 Wheatley Individual to establish the Women 24,118 Drive 203 Healing Our Lives Entirely Baltimore, MD 21207 Intervention Project to break the cycles of abuse, trauma, addiction and incarceration for at risk women

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Khaled El Sousil7 14 Bagdad St Individual to pursue a short-term 9,647 Gaza City fellowship in Environmental 0C Studies

Emily EmilyChawantana Road 38 11 Individual to provide additional support to 4,100 Maung Tong study at Ramkhamhaeng Nontaburi 11120 University TH

Oyundelger EnkhturBayanzurkh Individual to provide support to study at 5,825 District Khoroo 1 Buil the University of Arkansas Ulaanbaatar 00976 MG

Zack Exley1209 West 40th Street Individual to research and plan an 103,010 Kansas City, MO 64111 organizational start-up effort intended to help change the way the progressive movement thinks about and practices grassroots organizing

Wyatt Feeler807 E Main Street Suite Individual to reduce the number of death 35,938 6107 sentences by improving the Durham, NC 27701 fairness of capital voir dire through appellate law reform and the development of state specific briefs and motions at the trial level

Evgeny Firsov22 Kirochnaya Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 St Petersburg 191028 study at Harvard University RS

Sadek FirwanaP 0 Box 108 Islamic Individual to study education in the U 5 10,317 University Gaza City OC

Renay Frankel27 Hardwick St 3 Individual to transform the provision of 54,957 Cambridge, MA 02141 legal services by creating a partnership between public defenders and legal aid attorneys to address the collateral consequences of criminal records

Maria Gabashvilil6 Didi Digomi III Individual to pursue an MA in education 31,514 district in the U S Tbilisi 00131 GG

Archil GagnidzeApt 45 IIBlock Individual to obtain an MA in Education 16,171 Cholokhashvili Str from a U S University Tbilisi 00113 GG

Patrice Gaines112 Pine Grove Circle Individual to illustrate particularly to 46,285 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 African Americans, that they and their community are greatly impacted by the mass incarceration of Black people and that there are alternatives to incarceration

Ekaterina Galimova8th Microdistrict Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 4,350 14 House Apt 6 university as part of the Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Lala Ganiyeva24 Kahskai Street Apt Individual to provide additional support to 3,700 113 study at the University of Baku 02147 Missouri A]

Bumdari GankhuyagStudent dorm 2 Individual to provide support to study at 11,880 ikh surguuliin gud Slippery Rock University Ulaanbaatar MG

Enkhtulga Gantulga45 16 6th khoroo Individual to provide support to study at 7,956 Chingeltei distr the University of Wisconsin - Ulaanbaatar 211238 Eau Claire MG

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Igor GavricSkendera Kulenovica 30 Individual to study at Duke University 14,497 Banta Luka 78000 BK

Nataliya Gavrilova94 Prospekt Individual to provide additional support 1,080 Frunze Apt 141 for studies at the City Tomsk University of New York RS

Naw Eh Tar Gay90 Lodge Hill Road Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Birmingham,Un B296NG study at Univeristy of U K Birmingham

Ia Gelashvilil2 Petritsi St Individual to pursue an MA in education 31,453 Tbilisi 00131 in the United States GG

Jared Genser9015 Lindale Drive Individual to Support Jared Genser 3,519 Bethesda, MD 20817 attendance in the IBA annual conference to discuss R2P

Byambasuren GerelSukhbaatar Individual to support your studies at 410 District Student Dorm 2 Slippery Rock University Ulaanbaatar MG

Tea GergedavaVazha Pshavela Individual to study Education in the U 5 22,370 Avenue block 6 bld Tblisi 00186 GG

Shawqi GhannamPO Box 4051 Individual to pursue a short-term 10,103 Gaza fellowship in English Literature OC

Craig GilmoreAv Almirante Reis 127 Individual to write, produce and distribute 1,500 6D primers on the U S prison Lisbon 1150 015 system PO

Dubravka Gligoriclvana Milutinovica Individual to pay the Internal Revenue 2,020 2 Service Pancevo 26000 RI

Peexiong GniachongSayyabouly Individual to proved support to pursue a 7,750 District Sayyabouly Pro graduate degree from Khon Sayyabouly Kaen University LA

Giorgi Gogsadzel3 Taktakishvili Str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 630 apt 12 university as part of the Tbilisi 00179 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Vakhtang Gomelauril9 Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 23,817 Chavchavadze ave apt 27 university Tbilisi 00179 GG

Sergey Gorbachov3 Shekspir street Individual to study at the University of 13,808 apt 49 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Kharkiv 61180 UP

Irma Gorbul16 b Petru Zadnipru strap Individual to study at the University of 18,592 7 Vermont Balti MD 3100 MD

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Kseniia GorbunovaPetrovskogo str Individual to study at George Mason 28,946 132 93 University Donetsk 83120 UP

Amalia Greenberg Delgado177 29th Individual to collaborate with local 35,931 Street agencies and immigrant San Francisco, CA 94110 communities to develop and advocate for police practices that protect community safety and the constitutional rights of immigrants in northern California

Stanley Greene475 Kent Avenue Individual to work with Kadir van Lohuizen 20,000 Apartment 203 to display a mobile and Brooklyn, NE 112115952 traveling photography exhibit entitled Those Who Fell Through the Cracks documenting the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 5 U S citites

Clemmie Greenlee2627 Carter Individual to transfrom the criminal 60,759 Avenue justice system by training Nashville,TN 37206 former gang members to be activists and community organizers in Nashville

Ivan Grguric71 Ivana Gorana Individual to pay the Internal Revenue 162 Kovacica Service Belisce 31551 HR

Gunavamsa GunavamsaNalanda Individual to provide additional support to 800 International Hostel Room study at Nalanda Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

Enkhtuvshin Gunchinsuren2570 Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Muskingum Court study at Ohio State University Columbus, O H 43210

Mazen HamdanUm Alsharayit PO Box Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 11,576 2430 Georgetown University Ramallah OC

Rebecca HamiltonPrinsestraat 76 Individual to study the citizen-based 79,151 Den Haag 2513 CE movement against genocide in NL Darfur and the lessons learned mass movement in human right advocacy, while bridging the gap between the concerns of citizens and the foreign policy capabilities of governments

Ednin Hamzah2 Jalan 4 96 Taman Sri Individual to support Dr Ednin Hamzah in 1,936 Bahtera C attending a training for Kuala Lumpur 56100 teachers in palliative medcine, MY hosted by the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool, UK, October 18-23, 2009

Yaw Na Han38 11 Mu 14 Individual to provide additional support to 4,300 Khon Kaen,Kh 40000 study at Khon Kaen University TH

Shannon Heffernan3419 West Medill Individual to distribute stories about 25,000 Chicago, IL 60647 parenting and prison to radio stations and on the web, using methods that directly involve those impacted

Min Ye Paing Hein699 West Mifflin Individual to provide additional support to 969 Street Apartment study at University of Madison, WI 53703 Wisconsin

Min Ye Paing Hein699 West Mifflin Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Street Apartment study at University of Madison, WI 53703 Wisconsin

Ahed Hellesll El Sa ada Building Individual to pursue a short-term 10,182 Gaza City fellowship in Urban Planning OC

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sarah Hemminger822 Caren Drive Individual to empower struggling high 20,274 Eldersburg, MD 21784 school students by surrounding them with mentors to form a comprehensive and dependable social network

Norris Henderson1023 Leonia s Individual to improve detention policies, 1,500 Street programs and practices in New O rleans, LA 70118 Orleans Parish and employ media, legal advocacy and organizing to encourage systemic reform

Hla Henry2200 East Lingelbach Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Lane Apartmen study at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 474082283 Maurer School of Law

Mark Hertsgaard2111 Turk Street Individual to advance onto public and 65,504 San Francisco, CA 94115 policy agendas around the world a new paradigm for addressing climate change that adds adaptation (that is, installing protections against climate impacts that are already locked in) to the existing focus on mitigation (i e , re

Dwayne Hess221 South Mount Individual to establish the Neighborhood 20,618 Street Spiritual Center to promote Baltimore, MD 21223 personal growth and healing for west Baltimore residents

Sai Sam HkamNo 1 Aye Yeik Mon St Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Aye Yeik Mon study at Schumacher College Yangon 11051 BM

Aung Aung HlaingNo 1 962 Individual to provide support to obtain a 13,350 Anawyathar St Dagon Myot graduate degree from Yangon University of Malaya BM

Michael HminH 3 65 Vikaspuri Individual to provide additional support to 3,600 New Delhi, Ne 110018 study at Pune University IN

Edin HodzicOsljak 392 Individual to study at the University of 17,245 Tesanj 74260 Washington BK

Pippa HollowayBox 23 History Dept Individual to discuss a history of criminal 1,500 Middle Tenness disenfranchisement in the Murfreesboro,TN 37132 southern United States

Richard Horseyl6 Breach Road Individual to develop the International 108,828 Harare Labour Organization's ZI experience in addressing forced labour in Burma/Myanmar as a case study in how the international community can more effecitvely deal with isolated authoritarian regimes

Ramoz HossainAfghanistan Individual to obtain a MA in 21,201 Independent Human Right Communications from The Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Vardges HovhannisyanEagle Heights Individual to provide additional support to 616 Apartment 404C study at University of Madison, WI 53705 Wisconsin

Vardges HovhannisyanEagle Heights Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Apartment 404C study at the University of Madison, WI 53705 Wisconsin

Lalramchhana HrahselSpicer Individual to provide additional support to 800 Memorial College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Commerce, Ma 411007 College IN

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

0limpija Hristovaul Ilo Sopov br 46 Individual to study at the University of 17,465 Strumica 02400 Washington MK

Maung Lian HtanIGS Dorm Road Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Luzon State study at Central Luzon State Manila 03120 University RP

Pum Kai HtangThu Kha Mein Lane Individual to provide additional support to 5,300 Myay Ni Gone 21 study at University of Hong Yangon 11111 Kong BM

Zung Htangl9 Sherry Road Individual to provide additional support to 545 South Burlington ,VT 05403 study at the School of International Training

Zung Htangl9 Sherry Road Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 South Burlington ,VT 05403 study at School of International Training

Swe Swe Htay632 Lakeland College Individual to provide additional support to 723 P 0 Box 359 study at Lakeland College Sheboygan , WI 53082

Swe Swe Htay632 Lakeland College Individual to provide additional support to 3,186 P 0 Box 359 study at Lakeland College Sheboygan , WI 53082

Zarni Htet2 Pyay Road 10 Ward Individual to provide additional support to 2,829 Hlaing Township study at Cornell College Yangon 11377 BM

Zaw HtetNo 49 6th Floor B corner of Individual to provide support to obtain a 18,050 An graduate degree from Yangon University of Hong Kong BM

Nay Lin Htikel8 4th Floor Mahuya Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,300 StreetKyaikka graduate degree from City Yangon University of Hong Kong BM

Hkun Sa Mun Htoi1850 41st Avenue Individual to provide additional support to 5,700 Sunset study at City University of San Francisco , CA 94122 Hong Kong

Hsar Doe Doh Moo Htoo20 2 Seree 4 Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Rd Apt 603 Suanlua study at Assumption Bangkok,Ba 10250 University TH

Jerry Htoo201 North Indiana Avenue Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Bloomington , IN 47408 study at Indiana University

Wai Sein Htoo5 Aketaksin No 52 672 Individual to provide additional support to 6,200 Lakhok study at Rangsit University Pathumthani 12000 TH

Zaw Myat HtooPuttamonthon Road Individual to provide additional support to 7,000 Soi 4 No 4205 study at Mahidol University Bangkok,N 10520 TH

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sai Yarzar Htun1518 Leon Guinto Sr Individual to provide additional support to 4,800 Street Malate study at University of Manila,N 01004 Philippines, Manila RP

Saw Zar Ni HtwaySMC Aundh Road Individual to provide additional support to 800 Men s Hostel study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Ei Ei Htwe13 Kyaung Street Individual to provide support for a 15,400 Myaynigone Sanch graduate degree from Yangon,Ya University of the Philippines BM Los Banos

Zaw Htike HtweNo 232 Ganga Nagar Individual to provide additional support to 800 Old Sangvi study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Aytakin Huseynl185 Babek Street Individual to attend the Quality and 2,395 Apt 83 Performance in Social Services Baku 370119 in Europe conference being A] held in Prague, Czech Republic

Halima HusicHamida Besirevica 39 Individual to study at the University of 13,348 Sarajevo 71000 Montana BK

Roya HusseniF M Road Shah Mamood Individual to pursue an MA in 18,754 A hazi Civil Communications at the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Patrice Hutton1528 Corcoran Street Individual to establish the Writers in 33,198 NW Apt B Baltimore Schools program at Washington, DC 20009 the Margaret Brent Elementary School to provide provide in- class, after-school and summer creative writing workshops in the neighborhood

Ada Hyso3554 North Prospect Individual to provide additional support to 549 Avenue A partm study at the University of M ilwaukee, WI 53211 Wisconsin

Ia Iashvili37 26 Maisi Str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 3,004 Kutaisi 04600 University as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Ia Iashvili37 26 Maisi Str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 5,810 Kutaisi 04600 University as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Bakhtiiar Igamberdiev32 2 Kirov Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 4,706 Pristan Karakol 722362 University as part of the KG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Bakhtiiar Igamberdiev32 2 Kirov Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 7,064 Pristan Karakol 722362 university as part of the KG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Vesna IlievskaRudi Cajevac 4 22 Individual to provide support to study at 2,065 Skopje 01000 Ithaca College MK

Thanny Im113 EOz St 130 5 K Psar Individual to provide support to obtain a 7,750 Chas K graduate degree from Khon Phnom Penh Kaen University CB

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Elmira ImambakievaTynystanov St Individual to study Social Work in the 23,824 10 25 United States Bishkek 720005 KG

Ashin IndasaraRoom No 11 Individual to provide additional support 900 International Hostel to study at Nalanda Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

Khatuna Ioselianil8 Kazbegi Avenue Individual to study education in the U 5 33,013 Bld 18A pt 18 Tbilisi 380077 GG

Andrei Iovu31 1 Trandafirilor str apt Individual to provide support to study at 11,710 58 Slippery Rock University Chisinau MD 2038 MD

Maja Islam268azmanska 2 Individual to study at Duke University 14,982 Zagreb 10000 HR

Akbar Ismanjanov68 Technicheskaya Individual to spend one semester at a 2,828 Street U S university as part of the Osh 714016 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Aytan Ismayilova70 Zardabi str apt Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 40,176 13 university Baku Az1041 A]

Maksym IvanynaVolodymyra Individual to provide additional support 5,000 Velycogo 125 to study at Michigan State Lviv 79071 University UP

Majdi M JafarPO Box 25217 Individual to pursue an internship at the 7,500 East Jerusalem law firm of Muhammad Dahleh IS

Lazing Gum Ja1i158 Quezon Individual to provide additional support 5,000 Philippines to study at Univeristy of Santo Manila Thomas RP

Zeina 0 JalladBirzeit UniversityBirzeit Individual to pursue an LLM at Columbia 1,088 Ramallah University Ramallah OC

Zeina 0 JalladBirzeit UniversityBirzeit Individual to pursue an internship with 16,000 Ramallah the Institute of law at Birzeit Ramallah University OC

Burmaa Jamiyansuren37 Nam Yan Ju Individual to spend a semester at a US 180 s Street Baynsurkh D university as part of the Ulaanbaatar 00976 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Matija JancecFordham Lane 4508 Apt Individual to provide additional support 5,000 6 to study at the University of College Park, MD 20740 Maryland

Natasa Janceval6ta Nakedonska Individual to provide support to study at 5,428 Brigada 4 1 21 the University of Arkansas Skopje 01000 MK

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ana JanelidzeVere II Junction III I Individual to study Educaiton in the U 5 22,454 flat 34 Tbilisi 00179 GG

Janinda JanindaMagadh University Individual to provide additional support to 800 Hostel No 3 Roo study at Magadh University Bodhgaya , Bi 824234 IN

Darko JanjevicDurmitorska 5 Individual to provide support to study at 8,166 Nis 18000 the University of Montana OC

Yi Jian2 303 Zhujianglvzhou 18 Jian Individual to create a not-for-profit 33,250 guo Rd project that aims at Beijing 100024 establishing creative civic CH engagement centers in small to medium size Chinese cities and seeding a pilot project in Ji'an City, Jiangxi

Gloria Jigaul9 8 Cuza Voda Strap 79 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 12,438 Chisinau MD 2012 Sociology at the University of MD Calgary

Dan Jigjidsuren1800 Baity Hill Drive Individual to provide additional support to 520 Apartment 21 study at the University of N oth Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Carolina

Cindy JoeleneUniversity of Individual to allow you to obtain a 3,100 Philippines Los Bano graduate degree from Hong Los Banos , Lo 01000 Kong University RP

Victor JohnSoi 30 1 Ramkhanhaeng Individual to provide additional support to 2,150 Rd Apt 2186 study at Assumption Bangkok,Ba 10240 University TH

Herbert Johnson124 West Franklin Individual to launch the No Easy Ridin' 19,828 Street 509 Here Stories and Recipes of Baltimore, M D 21201 Survival project with senior citizens who reside at the Basilica Apartments

A nja JovicSiget 21 e Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Zagreb 10000 study at Brown University HR

Julis JulisNo 32 Khone Myint Yeik Individual to provide additional support to 2,200 Thar Road study at Asian Social Institute Yangon 11111 (Philippines) BM

Jovidsho Juraev5 Loiq Sherali Street Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 13,212 Dushanbe 734003 university TI

Zarrina Juraqulova36 Mayakovskiy Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 18,765 Str aprt 32 Economics from Washington Dushanbe 734043 State University - Pullman TI

Phyllis Kacherel3 Murray Bisset Individual to support the attendance at 2,559 Close P 0 Belvede the 53rd Session of the Harare Commission on the Status of ZI Women on March 2-13, 2009 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

Zai Seng KaewKapiligan St Cor Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Araneta Ave No study at Univeristy of Santo Quezon 01113 Thomas RP

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Tijana KaitovicDubrovacka 16 Stan Individual to provide support to study at 7,999 Grad the University of Wisconsin - Belgrade 11000 Eau Claire OC

Kornely KakachiaApt 213 Block 2 Individual to spend a semester at a U S 14,218 Tstotne Dadiani S university as part of the Tbilisi 00180 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Kornely KakachiaApt 213 Block 2 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 9,336 Tstotne Dadiani S university as part of the Tbilisi 00180 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Valeriy KaliyevKomissarov 34 3 Individual to produce a photo 5,148 Karaganda 100009 documentary on the violation of KZ migrant workers in Kazakhstan

Jon Kaplan1416 Mason Street Individual to create the Baltimore Fitness 33,318 Baltimore, MD 21217 Academy (BM orefit) and partner with YO I Baltimore to train and mentor marginalized teens in a fitness and nutritional educational program

Jon Kaplan1416 Mason Street Individual to cover student stipends to 2,719 Baltimore, MD 21217 allow completion of the learning agenda with the BMore Fit Academy

RaeDeen Karasuda1520 Liholiho Individual to educate community, 1,500 Street Apartment 210 influence incarceration policy, Honolulu, HI 96822 and implement culturally significant reentry strategies

Tea KarchavaNutsubidze distr 1 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 3,991 block 11 fl 1 university as part of the Tbilisi 00183 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Mohammad Ali Karimi39 Halabi St Individual to pursue an MA in 14,891 Kate Sangi Kabul Communications from the A F University of Ottawa

Validzhon Karimov7l 25 U Vafo Individual to study Social Work in the 22,399 street United States Dushanbe 734067 TI

Zukhra KarimovaChilanazar 3 12 42 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 12,013 Tashkent 100096 university as part of the UZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Zukhra KarimovaChilanazar 3 12 42 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 7,671 Tashkent 100096 university as part of the UZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Subhash Kateel25 Chapel Street Individual to build a Florida based network 17,559 Apartment 703 of families directly facing Brooklyn, NY 11201 deportation

Kavidhaja KavidhajaRoom No 64 P G Individual to provide additional support to 900 Hostel No 3 study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Wantha KaythareindaMagadh Individual to provide additional support to 800 University P G Hostel No 3 study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Laurie Kendall4309 Belvieu Avenue Individual to establish the Spiral Dance 38,500 Baltimore, MD 21215 Womyn's Center in East Baltimore to help women develop practical skills needed to become active and successful participants in their own lives

Laurie Kendall4309 Belvieu Avenue Individual to attend the Spiral Door 700 Baltimore, MD 21215 Workship to gain training in spiritual leadership and organizing, and to develop grant writing and accounting skills through Fusion Partnerships

Daw KesaracariBanaras Hindu Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 University study at Banaras Hindu Varanasi,Ut 221002 University IN

Omar KhaderP 0 Box 100 Individual to pursue an LLM at Wake 546 Ramallah Forest University OC

Kham Khan KhaiSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Aye Min Khaing9973 Garnet Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,250 Batong Malake graduate degree from Los Banos, La 04030 University of the Philippines RP Los Banos

Chaw Su Su KhaingNo 203 Jockey Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,700 Club House City Uni graduate degree from City Yangon University of Hong Kong BM

Moh KhaingStudent Village Two SV Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 40 Al study at Asian Institute of Pathumthani 12120 Technology TH

Sai Myo KhaingSoi 7 Soi ABAC Individual to provide additional support to 4,150 Ramkhamhaeng 24 1 study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Ayman KhalifahAl Walajah Individual to support a PFDP Fellowship 44,734 Bethlehem in the field of Education OC

Asem KhalilP 0 Box 14 Individual to pursue a short-term 19,392 Ramallah fellowship at New York O C University

Ola KhaliliEducation Department Individual to support a PFDP Fellowship 42,232 Birzeit Unive in the field of Education Ramallah OC

Anita Khandelwal312 W Olympic Individual to challenge trespass laws that 36,037 Place Apartment A serve to exclude homeless and Seattle, WA 98119 poor people of color from public spaces and public premises, and subject them to arrest and incarceration

Nagham KhawashkiWadi Al Joz P 0 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 18,662 Box 67026 American University Jerusalem 97500 IS

N iang Ngaih KhawmSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Aye Aye KhinJalan SR 7 3 Apt 7 1 A Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 Serdang R study at University Putra Kuala Lumpur, Ku 43300 Malaysia MY

Aye Mi Khine188 594 Soi Naksuwan Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Nonsi Rd PST study at Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok 10120 University TH

Marm Khine201 North Indiana Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Avenue study at the University of Bloomington,IN 47408 Michigan

Yee Mimi Khine62A York Street Unit Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 1444 study at Mount Allison Sackville, Ne NB E4L 1H3 University CA

Theresa KhorozyanZavaryan no 72 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 13,588 Yerevan 00070 university as part of the Faculty AM Development Fellowship Program

Jennista Khrutswatchai155 11 King Individual to provide additional support to 6,400 Kaw Road Soi 41 1 Ratc study at Assumption University Samut Prakarn 10540 TH

Elena Kiladze77 Str Nutsubidze Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,463 Apartment 16 university as part of the Faculty Tbilisi 00177 Development Fellowship GG Program

Lyudmila Kim7 48 massiv Yalangach Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 4,601 Tashkent 700125 University as part of the UZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Cydne Kimbrough2216 N Calvert Individual to use the Baltimore 34,264 Street Apartment 1 Transgender A ntidiscrimination Baltimore, MD 21218 ordinance to create a support system that advocates for more transgender opportunities in housing, education, and employment

Lela KiriaVazha Pshavela Kvarta 17 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 730 2 80 university as part of the Faculty Tbilisi Development Fellowship GG Program

Mahmoud KittanaAbu Deis Pharmacy Individual to pursue an internship at the 8,000 Abu Deis Jerusalem Young Palestinian Lawyers OC Association

Darla Kliuieva38a Prospect Gagarina Individual to provide support to study at 9,020 Dormitory 3 the University of Georgia Dnipropetrovsk 49010 UP

Nikolina KnezevicKatolicka porta 6 Individual to provide additional support to 235 Novi Sad,Vo 21000 study at the City University of 0C N ew York

Nikolina KnezevicKatolicka porta 6 Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Novi Sad,Vo 21000 study at the City University of 0C N ew York

Nyo Min Ko1036 Pinya Lane Individual to provide additional support to 7,800 185outh Okkalapa study at Mahidol University Yangon,Ya BM

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Magda KobakhidzePostis Individual to study education in the U 5 31,496 Shesakhvevi 18 Tbilisi 00103 GG

Nino Kobakhidze73 Vazha Pshavela Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 13,474 Avenue university Tbilisi 00186 GG

Kodannya KodannyaP G Hostel No 3 Individual to provide additional support to 900 Room No 3 study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Ma 824234 IN

Anastasia KokinalO Sovietskaya St Individual to provide additional support to 654 Apt 4 study at Lehigh University Ivanovo 153000 RS

Anastasia KokinalO Sovietskaya St Individual to provide additional support to 1,500 Apt 4 study at Lehigh University Ivanovo 153000 RS

Aleksey Kolpakov800 North Union Individual to provide additional support to 576 Street Apartment 6 study at the University of Bloomington, IN 47408 Indiana

Aleksey Kolpakov800 North Union Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Street Apartment 6 study at Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47408

Nela KoncuratAntuna Barca 3E Individual to study at the University of 15,559 Zadar 23000 Georgia HR

Nino KopaleishviliDidi Digomi Ioanne Individual to study education in the U 5 2,203 Petritsi St 9 Tbilisi 00131 GG

Nino KopaleishviliDidi Digomi Ioanne Individual to support the attendance and 2,570 Petritsi St 9 participation at the Annual Tbilisi 00131 Comparative and International GG Education Society Conference

Evgeniya Koroleva23-43 28th Street Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 First Floor study at the City University of Astoria,NY 11105 NewYork

Alla KorzhGagarina St 2 43 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Chernihiv 14010 study at Teachers College UP

Irma Koshoridzeap 1 4kv 4 build Av Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 3,550 Vasa Pshave university as part of the Tbilisi 00189 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Sandra KostadinovaVladimir Individual to study at the University of 21,230 Komarov 6 4 23 Texas at Austin Skopje 01000 MK

Alma KranticSarajevska 17 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 16,512 Gracanica,Gr 75320 University BK

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Natasha KrstovaStudent Dormatory Individual to provide support to study at 6,769 Stiv Naumov H the University of Washington Skopje 01000 MK

Dzhamshed Kurbonov48 Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 40,176 Kosmonavtov strett apt 19 university Qurgonteppa 735140 TI

Cholpon KurmanbaevaFlat 24 house Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 4,367 47 1 Chui Avenue University as part of the Bishkek 720022 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Cholpon KurmanbaevaFlat 24 house Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,775 47 1 Chui Avenue university as part of the Bishkek 720022 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Aye Thin KyawMoo 5 Salaya Individual to provide additional support to 6,900 Phuttamothon Nakhon study at Mahidol University Bangkok,73 73170 TH

Tun Kyaw201 North Indiana Avenue Individual to provide additional support to 429 Bloomington , IN 47408 study at Indiana University - Bloomington

Cindy KyiConcordia College CPO Individual to provide additional support to 1,023 5549 901 8t study at Concordia College Morehead , MN 56562

Cindy KyiConcordia College CPO Individual to provide additional support to 5,556 5549 901 8t study at Concordia College Morehead , MN 56562

Ann Lagidze6 Z Chavchavadze Individual to pursue an MA in education 31,514 Tbilisi, 1 Georgia in the U S GG

JH LallianbikaOld Nehru Road Individual to provide additional support to 800 Nongthymmai c o Sa study at Unshyrpi College Shillong, Me 793007 IN

David LalmuanpuiaAundh Road Individual to provide additional support to 800 Pune, Ma 411007 study at Spicer Memorial IN College

Surtee Angela LamkangDG III 145 Individual to provide additional support to 1,200 Vikaspuri study at Delhi University New Delhi, Ne 110018 IN

Kanykei Latipova53 O shskiy Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 28,468 Pereulok university Bishkek 720000 KG

Zaw Min Latt109 Ramkamhaeng 24 Individual to provide additional support to 3,350 Rd Noree Apartme study at Ramkamhaeng Bangkok 10240 University TH

Naw Pe The Law110 SERD office Individual to provide additional support to 4,550 Klong Luang study at Asian Institute of Bangkok,Ba 12120 Technology TH

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Zaw LawtPridibanom Yong 26 Individual to provide additional support to 3,950 Sukhuvit 71 No study at Bangkok University Bangkok 10110 TH

Milana LazicVojvoda Stepa street no Individual to study at the University of 13,401 320 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Belgrade 11 000 OC

Sai LeikPhang Sin Apt 510 4 156 2 Individual to provide additional support to 4,550 Moo 13 study at Rangsit University Bangkok,Ba 12130 TH

Juanita LeonAvenida 25C No 4 74 ap Individual to create an investigative 46,137 202 political reporting blog in Bogota Colombia offering independent CO political information, a forum to debate competing political views and nurture a strategic networking community of politically engaged citizens

Alexandru Lesanu68 1 Decebal St Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 33,515 Apt 7 History from George Mason Chisinau 02038 University MD

Zaceu Lian104 471 Young Street Individual to provide additional support to 683 Apartment 471 study at the University of Winnipeg, Ma R3B 2S7 Winnipeg CA

Lura LimaniZagrebi st no2l Individual to study at New York 16,010 Prishtina,Ko 10000 University OC

M in Zar Ni Lin113 6 Moo 10 Thanon Individual to provide additional support to 1,600 Suthep A Muan study at Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai 50200 TH

Nay Lin52 34 Mengage M7 Room Individual to provide additional support to 4,200 406 BBS L study at Rangsit University Pathumthani 12000 TH

Saw Shwe LinNo 9 ST Bernadette St Individual to provide additional support to 5,600 Dela Costa study at Miriam College Marikina RP

Doi Lings Baptist University Road Individual to provide additional support to 5,550 RM 9048 study at Hong Kong Baptist Kowloon HK

Nipunar LinkarraRoom No 98 Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Banaras Hindu Universit study at Banaras Hindu Varanasi,Ut 221005 University IN

Alison Little1702 Duke Avenue Individual to improve access to treatment 1,500 Austin,TX 78757 and reduce the incidence of incarceration for emotionally disturbed youth in Texas

Ana Litviniuc114 SF Nicolae Individual to obtain a PhD in Sociology 12,424 Balti MD 3100 from the University of Calgary MD

Lue Naw Lu160 Yangyi Aung Street Individual to provide support to obtain a 14,850 Ward 7 Shw graduate degree from Mahidol Yangon, Ya University BM

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sai Yawn LuRamkhamhaeng Soi 24 Individual to provide additional support to 3,600 No 175 Huamak study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Yana LukanovaStudentski grad Individual to support your studies at Bard 355 Quarter bl 52 B College Sofia 01016 BU

Ekaterina Lukichevamicroregion 12 Individual to study Social Work in the 11,541 33 53 United States Bishkek 720049 KG

Ciin Lam LunAundh Road Room No 87 Individual to provide additional support to 900 Pune, Ma 411007 study at Spicer Memorial IN College

Man Deih LunAundh Road Women s Individual to provide additional support to 800 hostel study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Nan Lung74 Brighton Grove Fenham Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 5N5 study at Newcastle University UK

Khin Khin Lwin107 4 50th Street Individual to provide support to obtain a 11,500 Pazundaung 1117 graduate degree from Yangon,Ya University of Hong Kong BM

KyawAung Lwin153 Ash St Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Waltham, MA 02453 study at Brandeis University

Kyaw Soe LwinNo 1 O n Tak Road Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,650 Caritas Hostel graduate degree from City Kowloonbay University of Hong Kong HK

Nan Thu Zar LwinSoi 24 Individual to provide additional support to 7,950 Ramkhamhaeng Rd 2098 1025 study at Thammasat Bangkok 10240 University TH

Nwe Nwe Lwin22 Cornwall St Student Individual to provide additional support to 5,550 resident C study at City University of Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong HK

Tun LwinCaritas Hostel 1 O n Tak Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,650 Road Ngu graduate degree from City Kowloon University of Hong Kong HK

Cho Cho LyanNo 854 Thee Thant Individual to provide support to obtain a 13,900 Lane Theik Tin graduate degree from De La Yangon,Ya Salle University BM

Kyaw Soe LynnNo 21 4 69th Street Individual to provide support to obtain a 13,900 bet 33 34 graduate degree from De La Mandalay, Ma Salle University BM

Elizabeth MacKenzie Biedell1415 Individual to research and draft a book 51,260 South Edgewood Street A partm exploring the limits to Arlington, VA 22204 transparency when secret intelligence is used to justify going to war

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Rebecca MacKinnon25 Birch Avenue Individual to research and write a book 106,132 Princeton, NJ 08542 that will call for a re-think of the way activists and policymakers in the West advocate for free expression in China and by extension, globally

Brang Ma1886 Rosa Sanz St Sta Ana Individual to provide additional support to 1,900 Ave study at Ateneo De Davao Davao City 08000 University TH

Alisher MamadzhanovA Navoi Street Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 27,859 37 floor 27 Economics from Wash Society Dushanbe 734064 International Conference held TI in Berlin and Budapest- Travel Grant 2007

Askarbek MambetalievAlamedin 1 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 4,596 House 69 Apt 20 University as part of the Bishkek 720083 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Askarbek MambetalievAlamedin 1 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,150 House 69 Apt 20 university as part of the Bishkek 720083 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Sai Aung Mane1206B Hall 5 Student Individual to provide additional support to 5,700 Residence Cit study at City University of Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong HK

Tual Khan MangAUndh Road Men s Individual to provide additional support to 800 Hosted No 27 study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Zam Suan MangSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 College Men s Host study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Alla Manukyan6 Nansen Street Apt Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 91 study at Georgia State Yerevan 375056 University AM

NawTin Tin Mar9973 Garnet Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,250 Batong Malake graduate degree from Los Banos, La 04030 University of the Philippines RP Los Banos

Ion MarandiciGradinilor 21 Apt 43 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 29,171 Chisinau 02001 Political Science from Rutgers M D University

Diana Marian3l August Street la 1 nr Individual to provide support to study at 1,210 10 Bard College Calarasi 04401 MD

Emily MarieABAC 24 Ramkhamhaeng Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Road 209 136 study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Martina Martinovic4304 North Individual to provide additional support to 462 Sheridan Road Apartment study at the University of Chicago, IL 60613 Chicago

Martina Martinovic4304 North Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Sheridan Road Apartment study at the University of Chicago, IL 60613 Chicago

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Anna Martirosyan1034 Tempo Drive Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 St Louis, MO 63146 study at the University of Missouri - St Louis

Shadd MarunaSchool of Law Queens Individual to write a popular book on the 21,837 28 University state of redemption in the Belfast BT7 1NN United States UK

Ivan Maryanchyk715 Eeast Lee Individual to provide additional support to 760 Street Apartment 21 study at the University of Tucson,AZ 85719 Arizona

Malika MasimovaDjal 29 dom 9 Individual to provide additional support to 576 Kvartira 66 study at Purdue University Bishkek 780038 KG

Malika MasimovaDjal 29 dom 9 Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Kvartira 66 study at Purdue University Bishkek 780038 KG

Mariam MatevosyanSari tag 8th Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 3,150 Shark N183 university as part of the Yerevan 375017 Faculty Development AM Fellowship Program

Johonna McCants3102 Bunker Hill Individual to develop and promote 1,500 Road Apartment 2 community-based solutions to Mount Rainier, MD 20712 violence against women and children as alternatives to incarceration

Catherine Mckee2 Townsend Street Individual to increase access to federally 36,031 Apartment 1-610 assisted housing for San Francisco, CA 94107 individuals with a criminal record, including individuals recently released from correctional facilities

Lauren Melodia497 Quincy Street Individual to build a strategic, rural base 30,082 Brooklyn, NY 11221 for the progressive criminal justice movement in NY by mobilizing prison town residents through community economic planning activities

Sopeat Mer222A St 146 Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,350 Phnom Penh, Ph graduate degree from City CB University of Hong Kong

Justyna MielnikiewiczGogebashvili Individual to produce a photo 4,948 Pirv Pier 15 documentary on old roles and Tbilisi 00001 new realities for young women GG in Georgia

Lana MikulicK M V Humskog 33 a Individual to study at the University of 16,152 Mostar 88000 Georgia BK

Stefan MilovanovicVojvode Stepe Individual to provide support to study at 12,686 259 5 the University ofVermont Belgrade 11000 RI

Ashley Minner3517 Sollers Point Individual to use art as a tool to connect 40,726 Road the youth to their culture as Baltimore, MD 21222 well as educate the broader community about the Native American community

Dumitru M inzarariPuschin Str 60 1 Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 31,143 apt 32 Political Science from Chisinau MD 2005 University of Michigan MD

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Karen Mirzoyan58 Pushkin Street Apt Individual to produce a photo 4,948 1 documentary on youth suicide Yerevan 00002 in Armenia AM

Salai Ngala M isaiSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 900 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune (Maharastra) 411007 College IN

Slobodan Mitrovic35 Clarkson Individual to provide additional support to 488 Avenue Apartment 2C study at the City University of Brooklyn,NY 11226 NewYork

Zhanyl Moldalieva36 31v Kolbaev Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 11,373 Street university Bishkek 720000 KG

Aung Tun MonNo 158 Kapiligan Individual to provide additional support to 5,850 Street Room 306 study at Univeristy of Santo Manila 01113 Thomas RP

Josephine Win Mon188 594 Soi Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Naksuwan Nonsi Rd P study at Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok 10120 University TH

Min Chan MonSukhuvit 71 Soi Pridi Individual to provide additional support to 3,100 40 56 1 Rom study at Bangkok University Bangkok 10110 International College TH

Myat Mon3718 Locust Walk 160 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 McNeil Buildi study at University of Philadelphia, PA 19104 Pennsylvania

Su Mon20504 Watkins Meadow Drive Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Germantown, MA 20876 study at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service

Su Zar Mon109 51 52 Phumbet 4 No Individual to provide additional support to 4,200 305 Pakke study at Assumption Bangkok 11120 University TH

Inna MonastyrnaVladychanskogo 51 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 18,082 kv 8 University Donetsk 83052 UP

Hla Myat Moore9938 Mt Makling Individual to obtain a graduate degree 11,250 Street Umali Sub from University of the Los Banos, La Philippines Los Banos RP

Janet Moore215 East 9th Street Individual to replace 0 hio's indigent 25,258 Suite 601 defense service system with a Cincinnati, OH 45202 state-wide, standard-driven, independent and fully funded system providing top-quality legal services

Evgeny MorozovStargarderstrasse 66 Individual to study the possible negative 26,904 Berlin 10437 threats that the Internet poses GM to the future of open society in authoritarian and semi- authoritarian states

Ms Dali Khomerikill George Individual to study education in the U 5 835 Balanchine St US Embassy Tbilisi 00131 GG

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Cin Siang M uangSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Nancy Mullane6022 California Street Individual to do a two-hour radio 46,281 San Francisco, CA 94121 documentary exploring the effects of gubernatorial descretion over parole of prisoners with indeterminante life sentences

Dilovar M unavvarov22 Zarafshon Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 12,651 Street Apt 16 Science at the University of Dushanbe Toronto TI

Kap Khan MungAundh Road NH 54 Individual to provide additional support to 800 Pune, Ma 411007 study at Spicer Memorial IN College

Ayehlaphyu Mayoo Mutraw2451 Individual to provide additional support to 746 East 10th Street Apartment 21 study at Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47408 Bloomington

Ayehlaphyu May Oo Mutraw2451 Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 East 10th Street Apartment 21 study at Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47408 Bloomington

Sugarmaa MyagmarjavApt 15 bldg Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 250 39 Chingeltei distri university as part of the Ulaanbaatar 00976 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

A ung M yo M yatLevrisa St A partment Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 N umber Tower study at De La Salle University Pasay City 03016 RP

Myo Myo MyintUniversity of Malaya Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Faculty of Ec study at University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Ku 50603 MY

Thaung Myint290 A Pyay Rd Apt 7 Individual to provide additional support to 856 Yangon,Ya 11111 study at William Penn BM University

Thaung Myint290 A Pyay Rd Apt 7 Individual to provide additional support to 3,203 Yangon,Ya 11111 study at William Penn BM University

May MyittaSpicer Memorial College Individual to provide additional support to 900 Women s Ho study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Aung Maw Myo Lwin1189 Beall Individual to provide additional support to 885 Avenue C-2301 study at the College of Wooster Wooster, O H 44691

Aung Maw Myo Lwin1189 Beall Individual to provide additional support to 6,842 Avenue C-2301 study at the College of Wooster Wooster, O H 44691

Maung Win NaingBurma UN Service Individual to provide additional support to 545 Office 777 UN Pla study at Columbia University NewYork,NY 10017

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Myo NaingPO Box 269 Fourways Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 North 2086 study at Witwatersrand Johannesburg 02086 University SF

Said Ahmad NajafizadaBBC Office Individual to pursue an MA in 19,955 Siagerd Street Communications at the MazarE Sharif University of 0 rrawa AF

Doaa NakhalaPO Box 358House 51 Individual to support a PFDP Fellowship in 27,808 36 the field of Political Science Gaza City OC

Nandaka NandakaNo 4 sarnath Amf Individual to provide additional support to 800 10 Harnayan Viha study at Sampurnanda Varanasi,Ut 211007 IN

U NandiyaRoom No 28 Apartment no Individual to provide additional support to 900 2 study at Nalanda University Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

Ya Da Nar400 North Harrison SRSU Individual to provide additional support to 584 Box 5352 study at Sul Ross State Alpine,TX 79832 University

Ashin NaradathiyiBlock 4 Hanarayan Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Vihar Colony AM study at Banaras Hindu Varanasi,Ut 221007 University IN

Nail Nasritdinov30 10 Toktonaliev Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 24,067 Str University Bishkek 720040 KG

Ia Natsvlishvili3l Kazbegi Avenue Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 180 Apt 5 university as part of the Tbilisi 00177 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Zhanara NauruzbayevaUlitsa Lenina Individual to provide additional support to 754 81 study at Stanford University Taraz,Zh 80012 KZ

Sai Moon Naw22 26 Ramkhamhaeng Individual to provide additional support to 2,050 Road 24 2 Huama study at Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok 10240 University TH

Ashin NayanacakkaNava Nalanda Individual to provide additional support to 600 Mahavihara University study at Nalanda University Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

Vung Deih NiangAundh Road Individual to provide additional support to 800 Pune, Ma 411007 study at Spicer Memorial IN College

Dmitry NikitinCheluskinzev street 23 Individual to provide support to study at 9,209 A apt 46 the University of Georgia Pavlograd of Dneprop 51404 UP

Nang Lao Noan Vo2451 Eeast 10th Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 Street Apartment 41 study at Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47408

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Irma Novikova1739 Redgate Farms Individual to provide additional support to 615 Court study at American University Rockville, MD 20850

Niang Ho NuamSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Nan San NweSoi Taksin 5 Pimsiri Individual to provide additional support to 4,300 Apartment Ra study at Pannassastra Bangkok 12000 University TH

Su Su NweRamkhamhaeng No 196 1 Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Huamak Ban study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Avirmed NyamaamaaSukhbaatar Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 District study at the University of Ulaanbaatar Waikato MG

Oyunbat NyamgerelBaga Teiruu 14P Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 6,125 O Box 189 university as part of the Ulaanbaatar UB 48 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Thiha Nyi Ny19956 A methyst Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,250 Umali Sudivis graduate degree from Los Banos , La 04030 University of the Philippines RP Los Banos

Hnin Wint Nyunt HmanHollins Individual to provide additional support to 3,423 University P 0 Box 9941 study at Hollins University Roanoke,VA 24020

A ung Myo OoBang Intanin Individual to provide additional support to 3,150 Buddhamonthon Soi 4 study at Mahidol University Bangkok 73170 TH

Aung Zin Oo124 1 Suksabye Apt KM Individual to provide additional support to 2,200 26RD study at Assumption Samuprakarn , Ba 10560 University TH

Htet Nay Lin OoSt James Road Goffs Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Oak study at London School of Hertfordshire EN7 65D Hygiene and Tropical Medicine UK

Kay Thi Oo997 Maligaya Malate Individual to provide additional support to 4,550 Manila 01024 study at Mapua Institutute of RP Technology

Khin Moe Moe OoNo 136 U Oatama Individual to provide support to obtain a 18,050 Street Kyaungset graduate degree from Sittwe, Ra University of Hong Kong BM

Zaw Min Oo37 ZawTika Street Htay Individual to provide support to obtain a 14,850 Kywe Ward graduate degree from Mahidol Yangon, Ya University BM

Zin Mar O oST 10 104 Individual to provide additional support to 3,100 Bangkok, Ba 12120 study at Asian Institute of TH Technology

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

M unkhbat 0rolmaalkh Surguuliin Individual to spend a semester at a U S 400 Gudanj Bldg not 46A university as part of the Ulaanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Alma OthmanRoujeeb Compound 108 Individual to support study in urban 25,781 PO Box 1721 planning as part of the Nablus Palestinian Faculty 0C Development Program

Namdaldagva 0 yut ErdeneP 0 Box Individual to spend a semester at a U S 250 189 university as part of the U laanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Moonlight Pan PoNo 262 Sule Pagoda Individual to provide additional support to 2,200 Road study at Panasastra University Yangon,Ya BM

Seng N u Pan19 Kho 3 Baaw Boh Fai Individual to provide additional support to 3,000 Hua Hin, Ba 77110 study at Webster University TH

Marija PantovicVojvoda stepa street Individual to study at the University of 13,356 no 320 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Belgrade 11 000 RI

Ivy ParsonsP 0 Box 38656 Individual to create the Interfaith Garden 41,181 Baltimore, MD 21231 Art Project for all the community to enjoy as a place to honor the school's champion chess players

Ivy ParsonsP 0 Box 38656 Individual to attend a conference and 2,380 Baltimore, M D 21231 explore ways that art can become a bridge between differences in identity, religion, and culture

Amra PasanovicNusreta Sisica Dede Individual to provide support to study at 9,425 9 the University of Georgia Sarajevo 71000 BK

Deborah Patterson14302 Cooper Individual to provide an understanding of 700 Road how to create "positive public Phoenix, MD 21131 spaces" in urban environments

Benny PaulRamkhamhaeng 24 31 Apt Individual to provide additional support to 5,100 5 2 Ban R study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Lar Ka Paw2451 E 10th Street Apt Individual to provide additional support to 2,000 416 study at Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47408

Basharat Peer25 Hawthorne Street Individual to write a book about India's 58,902 and Flatbush Av Muslim minority in the context New York, NY 11225 of sectarian tensions and violence and their combined effect on democracy and minority rights in India

Joshua Perry1020 Pleasant Street Individual to coordinate systemic 21,984 New O rleans, LA 70115 litigation at the Orleans Public Defenders

Ridvan Peshkopia175 North Locust Individual to provide additional support to 845 Hill Apartment 12 study at University of Lexington, KY 40509 Kentucky

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Jovan PetrusevskiAvram Pisevski no Individual to study at the University of 12,542 55 Arkansas Skopje 01000 MK

Susan Phillips5610 Aldama Street Individual to write a book about the 47,850 Los Angeles , CA 90092 federalization of gang crime in an era of drug war policy failure, through an analysis of a single gang sweep in Los Angeles

Than PhooNo 26 62 Street Individual to provide additional support to 545 Botahtaung , Ya 11161 study at Bard College BM

Than PhooNo 26 62 Street Individual to provide additional support to 5,483 Botahtaung , Ya 11161 study at Bard College BM

HtarTin Phoone124 5 Bagayar Individual to provide support to obtain a 13,350 Street Sanchaung T graduate degree from Miriam Yangon, Ya College BM

Khamindra PhornMoo 15 T Suthep A Individual to provide additional support to 6,500 Muang study at Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai 50200 TH

Sai Kham Phu52 347 M uang Ake Individual to provide additional support to 3,450 Paholyotin Rd La study at Khon Kaen University Pathumthani 12000 TH

Phyu Phyu Phway449 B R 7 New Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,450 University Avenue graduate degree from City Yangon,Ya University of Hong Kong BM

Neineh Plo2451 East 10th Street Individual to provide additional support to 746 Apartment 42 study at Payap University Bloomington , IN 47408

Ler Blute PoMoo 1 Nong Pa Krang Individual to provide additional support to 2,200 Muang No 111 study at Payap University Chiang Mai 50000 TH

Masis Poghoyan48 Melkonyan Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 2,564 Jrvej Kotayk Marz 374089 U niversity as part of the AM Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Elena PokalovaGotvalda 11 198 Individual to provide additional support to 783 Yekaterinburg 620034 study at Kent State University RS

Elena PokalovaGotvalda 11 198 Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Yekaterinburg 620034 study at Kent State University RS

Doina Postica6 Prieteniei Str Apt 7 Individual to provide support to study at 5,496 Ialoveni MD 6800 the University of Arkansas MD

Ursula Price636 Baronne Street Individual to investigate reports of abuse 1,500 New O rleans , LA 70133 of inmates in the Orleans Parish Prison following Huricane Katrina to influence the New Orleans prison and justice system

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Sholpan Primbetova5 Bekmanov Individual to study social work in the U 5 23,139 Street Shymkent 160021 KZ

Nino Pruidze6 Miminoshvili Str Individual to study Education in the U 5 22,219 Tbilisi 00108 GG

Muquaddas Pulotoval3th Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 15,456 microdistrics 25 1 apt 32 from Rutgers University Khujand 735703 TI

Jessica Pupovac2000 W Gleason Individual to expose the dramatic 46,000 Road increase in elderly prisoners in Columbia, MO 65203 the US prison system and examine the causes, challenges, and opportunities for reform that population presents

Munkhselenge PurevdorjP 0 Box 46 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 14,723 985 university as part of the U laanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Munkhselenge PurevdorjP 0 Box 46 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 5,850 985 university as part of the U laanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Sushil PyakurelKalanki Chakrapath Individual to attend the First Annual 4,508 Kathmandu 00014 Congress on International NP Disarmament, Demobliization, and Reintegration in Cartagena, and related meetings in Bogota, Colombia

Lilia RaileanuC P 2979 Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 29,021 Chisinau MD 2071 Sociology from Rutgers M D University

Tamerlan RajabovDemiryolu street Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 26,513 12 house 3 university Baku AZ1154 AJ

Phapi Rakdamrongphorn336 40 Moo Individual to provide additional support to 2,750 6 Ban Phasuk Sansai No study at Naresuan University Chiang Mai 50210 TH

Wael RamadanAl Jerashy Building Individual to support study in public 29,607 Jamal Abdel Na administration as part of the Bethlehem Palestinian Faculty OC Development Program

Stevan RandjelovicVinogradska 31 D Individual to study at the University of 17,271 Belgrade 11 070 Washington RI

Seng RathaHouse No 54 Street 386 Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,450 Sangkat B graduate degree from Phnom Penh, Ph University of the Philippines CB Los Banos

Khoe Reh22 Cornwall Street 509 B Individual to provide additional support to 5,700 Hall 6 5 study at City University of Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong HK

Nino Revishvili48 Tevdore Mgvdeli St Individual to study education in the U 5 31,983 fl 52 Tbilisi 00154 GG

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Elchin Rizayev7 Microrayon Home 3A Individual to spend a semester at a U S 3,510 Apt 77 University as part of the Baku 01116 Faculty Development AJ Fellowship Program

Filip RizovMramorec no 39 Individual to study at the University of 13,632 Skopje 01000 Montana MK

O ksana Romaniukl8 Bulvar Slavy apt Individual to provide support to study at 1,311 60 Ithaca College Dnipropetrovsk 49100 UP

Ekaterina Roma novaBystretskaya Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 street 25 apt 7 study at George Mason Ryazan 390006 University RS

Khun RomualdSoi 24 Ramkhamhaeng Individual to provide additional support to 5,800 Rd 52 142 ABAC study at Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok 10240 University TH

Robert Rooks439 Ramblewood Circle Individual to make research useful, 1,500 Desoto, TX 75115 accessible and accountable to directly affected communities for the purpose of increasing civic participation in criminal justice policy-making

Rosy RothlenglianiSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Liane Rozzell701 South Wayne Street Individual to build an effective and 54,921 Arlington,VA 22204 sustainable organization of families, youth and community allies to advocate for significant juvenile justice reform in Virginia

Melissa RuofP 0 Box 12511 Individual to establish Jubilee Arts, a 19,784 Baltimore, MD 21217 community arts program serving the west Baltimore communities of Sandtown- Winchester and Upton

Katheryn Russell Brown5220 NW Individual to develop a justice studies 70,398 44th Place literature for young people-to Gainesville, FL 32606 provide them with a broad, critical, and inclusive counter- narrative about the criminal justice system

Sabina Rustamova5 Radjabli str apt Individual to study social work in the U 5 23,078 14 Baku AZ1052 AJ

Assel Rustemoval41 Joralemon Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Street 5A study at Rutgers University Brooklyn, NY 11201

Ihab SaadAlmazraa Sharkeh Village Individual to support study in political 44,380 Ramallah, We science as part of the OC Palestinian Faculty Development Program

Gentiana SadikajRr Mine Peza Pall Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 133 study at McGill University Tirana AL

Najwa SafadiAI Sadeyah Street Old Individual to support study in social work 34,424 City as part of the Palestinian Jerusalem Faculty Development Program IS

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Inga Saitadze4 6 Melashvili Str apt Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 28,823 25 American University Batumi,Ad 06000 GG

Fadi Salah EddinP 0 Box 25014 Shu Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 22,110 fat American University Jerusalem IS

Rena Salayeva862 East 19th Street Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Brooklyn, NY 11230 study at Claremont College

Albina Salimbayeva8 St Spartak Individual to spend one semester at a 15,479 apartment 29 U S university as part of the Almaty 50011 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Albina Salimbayeva8 St Spartak Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 9,336 apartment 29 university as part of the Almaty 50011 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Anastasiya SalnykovaZ Haidai Vul 2 Individual to provide additional support to 1,264 Apt 159 study at the University of Kyiv 04212 British Columbia UP

Salkynay Samatova500 Riverside Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 22,147 Drive 1201 university New York, NY 100273916

Panna SamiRoom No 37 Apt 3 Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 study at Magadh University IN

Farouq SamimSt 1st Kart e Mamorin Individual to pursue an MA in 15,034 Samim Net Commucations at the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Saw SandarMyanmar Buddhist Individual to provide additional support to 500 Academic Center M study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Nan SandiSEC Office 84 375 Moo Individual to provide additional support to 5,500 Ban Chotana study at Khon Kaen University Chiang Mai 50300 TH

Lalropui Hmangaih SangaSpicer Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Memorial College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Tatiana Sanina27 0 nests str Individual to provide support to study at 8,023 Chisinau MD 2009 the University of Wisconsin - MD Eau Claire

Luissana Santibanez5100 Savorey Individual to organize with other families 21,968 Lane who have been directly affected Austin,TX 78744 by detention and deportation to fight against the expansion of immigrant detention centers

Gulbahor SaraevaFL 53 Ismoili Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 16,351 Somoni street 105 2 Political Science from Rutgers Dushanbe 734048 University TI

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Amela SaricDonji Hadzici 13 Individual to provide support to study at 8,172 Hadzici 71240 the University of Montana BK

Mark Schoofs3418 Huxley Street Individual to write a book, titled "Sex and 103,765 Los Angeles, CA 90027 Blood A Tale of Two Epidemics", about AIDS in Russia and South Africa

Catalina Scortescu79 Bucuresti Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 12,267 Street apt 1 university as part of the Chisinau 02012 Faculty Development MD Fellowship Program

Catalina Scortescu79 Bucuresti Individual to spend a semeser at a U 5 330 Street apt 1 university as part of the Chisinau 02012 Faculty Development MD Fellowship Program

Tiberiu ScutaruBotanica Veche 6 ap Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 15,562 11 from American University Chisinau MD 2062 MD

Sia Sam Phoon Sengs Saw Bwar Lane Individual to provide additional support to 6,053 9th Mile Mayango study at State University of Yangon 11061 New York - Plattsburg BM

Sia Sam Phoon Sengs Saw Bwar Lane Individual to provide additional support to 5,814 9th Mile Mayango study at State University of Yangon 11061 New York - Plattsburg BM

Tumendelger SengedorjB308 Baga Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 180 toiruu 14 university as part of the U laanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

MunirSerhanP 0 Box 214 Individual to pursue a short-term 13,935 Ramallah fellowship in environmental OC science

Hoeur Sethul9 st 174 PhsarThmei Individual to provide support to obtain a 13,900 III Doun Pe graduate degree from De La Phnom Penh, Ph Salle University CB

Anass ShabanP 0 Box 55269 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 7,762 Jerusalem Wake Forest University IS

Anass ShabanP 0 Box 55269 Individual to pursue an internship at the 10,000 Jerusalem Jerusalem Center for Social IS and Economic Rights (JCSER)

Bilal ShafeiAn Najah National Individual to pursue a short-term 11,226 University P 0 B fellowship in education Nablus OC

A beer ShaheenBirzeit U niversityP 0 Individual to provide support to study 32,113 Box 14 Political Science as part of the Birzeit Palestinian Faculty 0C Development Program

Gohar ShahnazaryanMarshal Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 9,347 Bagramian ave 56 apt 63 University as part of the Yerevan 375019 Faculty Development AM Fellowship Program

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ramziya ShakirovaProspect Pobedy Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 160 21 study at George Mason Kazan,Ta 420100 University RS

Abdulfattah ShamlehPO Box 40 Individual to pursue a short-term 10,386 Hebron fellowship in public OC administration

Manizha Sharifovaapt 31 Building 6 Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 34,578 Microdistrict at the University of California - Khujand 735718 Santa Cruz TI

Faten Sheikh OmarAl Terah Individual to pursue an internship with the 6,100 Ramallah Arab Women's Solidaity OC Association (AWSA)

Rozeta ShembilkuRrAli Visha P2 Ap Individual to provide additional support to 4,500 28 study at Columbia University Tirana, A l Lagja#1 AL

Valeriia ShestakApt 116 Bd 38 Individual to study at the University of 18,903 GaydarStr Vermont Odesa 65072 UP

Sa ShineMooban Preecha 2 Apt Individual to provide additional support to 2,200 2098 1027 study at Assumption Bangkok,Ba 10240 University TH

Aytan ShirinovaVidadi str bliend 6 Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 40,176 apt 3 university Baku Az1009 A]

Carrie Ann Shirota1711 Kaupakalua Individual to produce a comprehensive 51,702 Road research paper that will Haiku, HI 96708 underscore the problem of out- of-state prisoner transfers and its impacts on native prisoners

Halla ShoaibiAl Isral St Individual to pursue an LLM degree at the 20,006 Ramallah University of Michigan OC

Halla ShoaibiAl Isral St Individual to pursue an internship with the 6,970 Ramallah Open Society Justice Initiative OC

Khuvaydo Shoinbekov80 Dehi Bolo Individual to study social work in the U 5 11,536 street Dushanbe 734026 TI

Zin Lin ShweNo 50 3 8 Pimple Gurav Individual to provide additional support to 800 Lata Build study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411027 College IN

Mang Hon SianAundh Road Men s Individual to provide additional support to 800 Hostel study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Susnjic Silvia7300 Old Spring Drive Individual to provide additional support to 235 Lorton, VA 22079 study at George Mason University

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Aleksandra SimicV illage of Kobilje Individual to study at the University of 18,052 Brus 37 220 Vermont RI

Ana Simon28 Mihail Sadoveanu str Individual to provide support to study at 8,182 apt 85 the University of Montana Chisinau MD 2075 MD

Aleksandra SimoskaGjorgji Sugare no Individual to study at the University of 13,458 16 2 1 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Skopje 01000 MK

Tamar SiradzeApt 47 No 10 12 26 Individual to spend a semester at a U S 4,654 Maisi Street university as part of the Batumi 06010 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Anna Skosireva45 Kara su 2 Individual to provide additional support to 818 Tashkent 700197 study at Clemson University UZ

Anna Skosireva45 Kara su 2 Individual to provide additional support to 2,500 Tashkent 700197 study at Clemson University UZ

Izidora SkracicMazuranicevo set la Individual to pay the Internal Revenue 443 Split 21000 Service HR

Mario Slugan1649 E 50th Street Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Apartment E22 study at the University of Chicago, IL 60615 Chicago

Alexandra Smith426 Park Place Individual to eliminate SHU for persons 44,977 Apartment 3 with psychiatric disabilities Brooklyn, NY 11238

Alexandra Smith426 Park Place Individual to eliminate SHU for persons 322 Apartment 3 with psychiatric disabilities Brooklyn, NY 11238

Joyce Smith1532 Penrose Avenue Individual to educate low income 35,438 Baltimore, MD 21223 residents in southwest Baltimore residents how to access nutritional food and develop innovative activities and projects that create healthy lifestyles

Khun Thein Soe9956 Amethyst Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,250 Street Umali Sudivi graduate degree from Los Banos, La 04030 University of Philippines Los RP Banos

Kheam Sokha35 B St 213 Sangkat Individual to provide support to obtain a 13,900 Veal Vong graduate degree from De La Phnom Penh, Ph Salle University CB

Boimahmad Soliev2 Zaraphshon Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 4,049 Street M3 H1 Apt 2 university as part of the Dushanbe 734010 Faculty Development TI Fellowship Program

AkhtarSoomro3B Shah Apt 5t22 Individual to produce a photo 5,198 Noor Elahi Roa documentary on Lyari and the Karachi, Si 75660 Sheedi communities in PK Southern Pakistan

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Meas Sopheak692B Street 271 Individual to provide support to obtain a 11,500 Sangkat Tuol Turn graduate degree from Phnom Penh University of Hong Kong CB

Aleksandar SopovCedomir Individual to provide additional support to 577 Minderovic 3G 2 3 study at Harvard University Skopje MK

Enkhtsetseg SosorbaramPO 46 a Box Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 180 6 Ikh Surguuliin Guda university as part of the U laanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

William Sothern933 Jackson Avenue Individual to write a narrative book about 1,500 New O rleans, LA 70130 the dealth penalty and edit an anthology on culture related to capital punishment

Patricia Soung533 W Belmont Individual to work for fairer sentencing 45,000 Apartment 2 and racial justice for youth, and Chicago, IL 60657 abolish juvenile life without parole in Illinois

Katerina Spasovska2718 Painter Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Avenue study at the University of Knoxville, TN 37919 Tennessee

Niksa SpremicMitrovici 16 Vitaljina Individual to provide support to study at 9,276 Plocice 20218 Duke University HR

Vitalie Sprinceana4450 Rivanna Lane Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 22,272 PMB 3748 Science at George Mason Fairfax, VA 220304441 University

Sa A rd SripanngernRamkhamhaeng Individual to provide additional support to 4,450 Road 24 34 259 Pong A study at Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok 10240 University TH

Dalibor StajikjNaroden Front 27 1 Individual to provide support to study at 9,430 Skopje 01000 the University of Georgia MK

Jonathan Steinberg597 Carroll Street Individual to write an ethnography of a 36,234 Apartment 1 Liberian refugee community in Brooklyn, NY 11215 New York, exploring its response to the collection of testimony in its ranks by the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Miljana StojanovicTrg Feher Ferenca Individual to provide support to study at 12,584 6 2 George Mason University NoviSad 21000 RI

Eric Stover1141 Fresno Avenue Individual to assess how war crimes 52,397 Berkeley, CA 94707 tribunals have fared in their efforts to provide a safe and supportive environment for victims and witnesses of mass violence

Nadezhda StoyanovaObelia 117 Individual to pay the Internal Revenue 955 Boulevard Entr 2 5th Service Sofia 02003 BU

Oleksii StrapchevApt 4 Bd 11 Individual to study at New York 16,347 Admiralsky Ave University Odesa 65000 UP

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Saranda StubllaAli Pashe Tepelena Individual to provide support to study at 4,276 20 Adelphi University Peje 30000 OC

Aye Su VadiGreat Holyland Individual to provide additional support to 900 Monastery Gaya Bih study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Pum Khan SuanSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

YousefSubuhP 0 Box 14 Individual to pursue a short-term 14,606 Hebron fellowship in environmental OC science

Lauren Sudeall83 Poplar Street NW Individual to pursue a criminal justice 1,500 Atlanta, GA 303032122 reform that uses capital litigation as a means to highlight the system's flaws and to organize communities into political force capable of demanding structural reform

Maryna SuinaApt 18 Bd 88 Individual to study at the University of 14,544 Lustdorfska Doroga S Montana Odesa 65080 UP

Ena SulcTrokut XV 1c c o Dolovic Individual to provide support to study at 5,693 Zagreb 10000 the University of Washington HR

Thang Suan SumAundh Road Men s Individual to provide additional support to 800 Hostel study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Pausian TawisangA undh Road Individual to provide additional support to 800 Coolege Dorm study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Gainiya Tazhina98 a Pyatnickogo str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 16,184 Apt 3 university as part of the Almaty 50042 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Gainiya Tazhina98 a Pyatnickogo str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,713 Apt 3 university as part of the Almaty 50042 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Zhyldyz TegizbekovaTunguch Individual to spend one semester at a 9,918 microdistrict 36 53 U S university as part of the Bishkek 720048 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Zhyldyz TegizbekovaTunguch Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 7,268 microdistrict 36 53 university as part of the Bishkek 720048 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Kyaw Phyo ThaNo 3 Thida Street Individual to provide support to obtain a 16,650 Kyaukmyoung T graduate degree from Hong Yangon,Ya Kong Baptist University BM

Hla Than969 A Francisco St Malate Individual to allow you to obtain a 7,850 Manila graduate degree from De La RP Salle University

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Cung Tha ThangWZ 20A Asalatpur Individual to provide additional support 800 Janakpuri to study at Shyam Lal College New Delhi, Ne 110058 BM

Kap Do ThangSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support 900 College Old Hostel to study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Khan Suan ThangAundh Road Individual to provide additional support 800 Pune, Ma 411007 to study at Spicer Memorial IN College

Pau ThangSpicer memorial College P Individual to provide additional support 800 0 Box 1 to study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Pau Lam ThangAundh Road Room No Individual to provide additional support 800 40 Men s Hoste to study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Aung Chan TharAsian Institute Of Individual to provide additional support 4,000 Technology Dorm to study at Asian Institute of Bangkok,Ba 12120 Technology TH

Lal Rin ThariSpicer Memorial College Individual to provide additional support 800 Aundh Road to study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Elizabeth Thawng6 B 1 Sandar Myaing Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,450 Center Kamay graduate degree from Yangon,Ya University of the Philippines BM Dilliman

Win Win Thein9973 Garnet Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,250 Batong Malake graduate degree from Los Banos, La University of the Philippines RP Los Banos

Kheang ThidaKampongkes village Individual to provide support to obtain a 13,900 Tropeangsangker graduate degree from De La Kampot, Ka Salle University CB

Sai ThihaNo 2 C5 Kaba Aye Pagoda Individual to provide additional support 3,417 Yangon 00000 to study at Berea College BM

Douangkeo ThochongliachiU nit 18 Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,450 Xangkhu Village Xaythany graduate degree from the V ientiane, V i Philippines Los Banos LA

Jennifer Thompson Cannino22 1 Individual to illuminate the problem, the 1,799 Plymouth Avenue carrying out of the death Winston Salem, NC 27104 penalty through a narrative rendering of the true story of Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton

U Thu DathanaNava Nalanda Individual to provide additional support 600 Mahavihara Internatio to study at Nalanda University Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

Su Myat Thu520A5 4A Kabaraye Individual to provide additional support 1,650 Pagoda Rd Baha to study at Agnes Scott Yangon 11201 College BM

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Naw Mu Thur451 Moo 1 Sansai Noi Individual to provide additional support to 2,050 A mphur Sans study at Payap University Chiang Mai, Ch 50210 TH

Aye Yu ThweNo 203 Jockey Club Individual to allow you to obtain a 2,700 House City Uni graduate degree from City Hong Kong, Ho University of Hong Kong CH

Steven TluanglianaSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College MAQ 15 study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

DaniyarTokobaev65 Timiryazeva Str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 12,409 apt 16 university as part of the Bishkek 720001 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

DaniyarTokobaev65 Timiryazeva Str Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 8,713 apt 16 university as part of the Bishkek 720001 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Kristin Traicoff700 3rd Street Individual to pursue a two-pronged 35,750 New O rleans, LA 70130 litigation strategy challenging the use of lethal injection in Louisiana, with the aim of halting all executions in the state

TihomirTsenkulovskiKopling House Individual to pay the Internal Revenue 461 165 East 88th Street Service NewYork,NE 10128

Nyamsuren TserennadmidChoidog Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 11,722 Street 3 University as part of the Ulaanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Nyamsuren TserennadmidChoidog Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 6,457 Street 3 university as part of the Ulaanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Munkhjin TsogtBox 1144 Postal Individual to study social work in the U 5 800 Office 46 Ulaanbaatar 210646 MG

Alexandra TsvetkovaChelyuskintsev Individual to provide additional support to 580 76 study at the University of Barnaul,Al 656031 North Carolina EZ

Alexandra TsvetkovaChelyuskintsev Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 76 study at the University of Barnaul,Al 656031 North Carolina EZ

Joseph Thang TuangAundh Road Individual to provide additional support to 1,200 Family Quarter F9 study at Sri Venkataswara Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Thang Sian TuangSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 800 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Tsetsen Tugsmandal9845 Sullivan Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 Street study at Simon Fraser Burnaby, BC V33131 University CA

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Malika Tukibayeva3326 E John Individual to provide additional support to 4,524 Hinkle Place study at Indiana University Bloomington , IN 47408

EnkhbayarTumenjargalBayangol 17 Individual to provide additional support to 655 Khoroo 34 61 study at Johns Hopkins Ulaanbaatar 00011 University MG

Bulganzaya Tumurbaatarl3th Door Individual to spend a semester at a U S 6,090 1st Street 11th KhorooB University as part of the Ulaanbaatar Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Hein Min Tung 20 Chaorean Krung Individual to provide additional support to 8,150 Road study at Chulalongkorn Bangkok, no 10100 University TH

Hla Myat Tun9938 Mt Makling Street Individual to allow you to obtain a 11,250 Umali Subd graduate degree from Los Banos , La University of the Philippines RP Los Banos

Maung TunLincoln College Oxford Individual to provide additional support to 589 Univerity study at Bard College at Oxford, UK OX1 3DR Simon's Rock UK

Sun Tunl2th Street Apt No 260 Individual to provide additional support to 8,800 South study at University of Yangon,Ya 11091 Philippines, Manila BM

Tun TunNo 256 36th Street Upper Individual to provide additional support to 10,650 Block study at Mahidol University Yangon,Ya BM

Yin Yin Tun52 16 Moo 5 Salaya Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 Nakornchai Sin study at Mahidol University Bangkok,Ba 10400 TH

Alia Turganbaeva49 Gertsen Apt 35 Individual to provide additional support to 660 Bishkek 720011 study at Drexel University KG

Alia Turganbaeva49 Gertsen Apt 35 Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Bishkek 720011 study at Drexel University KG

Zulfiya Tursunova252 Dysart Road A Individual to provide additional support to 5,000 V Mauro Centre fo study at the University of Winnipeg, Ma R3T 2M6 Manitoba CA

Lisa Tuttle1088 Amsterdam Avenue Individual to curate photographs taken by 23,000 NE residents of six neighborhoods Atlanta, GA 303063543 in Atlanta, Georgia and create street installations within these neighborhoods in order to organize local residents around issues of displacement, gentrification, and disinvestment in their com

U Obhasa U ObhasaNalanda Individual to provide additional support to 600 International Hostel Room study at Nalanda University Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

U Pannadhaja U PannadahajaRoom Individual to provide additional support to 750 No 36 International Hostel study at Nalanda University Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

U Tikkhanandalnternational Hostel Individual to provide additional support to 900 Room No 5 study at Nalanda University Nalanda,Bi 803111 IN

Bermet Ubaidillaeva88 18 Masalieva Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 11,497 Street university Osh 723500 KG

Gulnara Usubalieval Microrayon dom Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 3,732 27 kvartira 26 University as part of the Kyzyl kya Batken 0 b 715200 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Gulnara Usubalieval Microrayon dom Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 9,000 27 kvartira 26 University as part of the Kyzyl kya Batken 0 b 715200 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Enkhbilguun Uuganbayar Individual to study at the University of 18,000 Apartment33 Building38 Khukh to Georgia Ulaanbaatar 210349 MG

Shantel Vachan13767 Mentone Ave Individual to counteract the push of 45,247 Apartment 411 special need youth out of the Los Angeles, CA 90034 public education system and into the juvenile corrections system through alternative sentencing and educational advocacy

Lenisa Vangjel1612 Spartan Village Individual to provide additional support to 678 Apartment H study at Michigan State East Lansing, MI 48823 University

Chhak Chhuak VanLalZawmaSpicer Individual to provide additional support to 800 Memorial College Farm 7 study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Eliza VanngiangPriyadarshan Nagar Individual to provide additional support to 800 Apt No 5 Old S study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411027 College IN

U VarittaMagadh University P G Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Hostel No 3 study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Konstantina Vasileva20 22 Mila Individual to provide support to study at 405 Rodina scanline the University of Washington Sofia 01408 BU

Angela VelkovaStale Popv No 9 36 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 16,537 Skopje 01000 University MK

Varyama VenMagadh University Individual to provide additional support to 900 Campus P G Hoste study at Magadh University Bodh Gaya, Bi 824234 IN

Vimala VenRoom No 29 Hostel No Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 03 study at Magadh University Bodh Gaya, Bi 824234 IN

Olena Verbenko405 N Wabash Individual to provide additional support to 4,000 Avenue Apartment 1001 study at the University of Chicago, IL 60611 Chicago

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ashin Visuddha57 International Individual to provide additional support to 900 House Complex B study at Banaras Hindu Varanasi,Bi 221005 University IN

Ivan VlajicMile Jevtovic 007 Individual to provide additional support to 5,621 Belgrade 11000 study at University of RI Washington

Phoxai VongphasithThadindaeng Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,350 Village Xaythany Distr graduate degree from City V ientiane, V i University of Hong Kong LA

Snezana VrangalovaNikola Parapunov Individual to provide additional support to 3,500 5 91 study at Cornell University Skopje 01000 MK

Ruzica VrdoljakGornji Bukovac 5 Individual to provide support to study at 3,760 Zagreb 10000 Adelphi University HR

Tea Vutmej64 Kruzna Individual to pay the Internal Revenue 587 Zagreb 10000 Service HR

Vitaliy VysochinYubileynaya str91 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 18,296 53 University Artemovsk 84510 UP

Saw Wah101 U niversity Village Individual to provide additional support to 6,552 Apartment I study at Iowa State University A mes, IA 50010

Saw Htee Khu WahSMC Aundh Road Individual to provide additional support to 800 Men s Hostel study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Farzana WahidyAssociated Press 1 Individual to produce a photo 5,600 Lane 7 Street documentary on the positive Kabul and negative aspects of daily AF life for Afghan women

San Yu WaiSpicer Memorial College Individual to provide additional support to 800 Women s Ho study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Saetebapor WalaikeereepongPim Sin Individual to provide additional support to 1,700 Apartment Soi Taksin 5 P study at Rangsit Universtiy Bangkok 12000 TH

Wannasara WannasaraMagadh Individual to provide additional support to 800 University Room No 24 Host study at Magadh University Bodhgaya,Bi 824234 IN

Lori Waselchuk542 South Mellville Individual to partner with the Louisiana- 2,800 Street Mississippi Hospice & Philadelphia, PA 19143 Palliative Care Organization to curate "Grace Before Dying"-- a photography exhibition on Angola Prison's hospice program

Marcy Westerling30987 Pond Drive Individual to document how county by 58,950 Scappoose,OR 97056 county rural progressive infrastructure can be identified, hosted and grown across regions with the clear goal of advocating full inclusion of rural constituencies and establishing a new organization that fosters systematic rural

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Emery Whitlow5807 Woodcrest Individual to establish The Griot's Eye, a 22,510 Avenue youth leadership and Baltimore, MD 21215 community development program that fuses media technology with cultural awareness to produce video programs that encourage dialogue and action towards social issues

Arthur Williams4229 Regent Square Individual to utilize photographs from the 12,500 Philadelphia, PA 19104 "My Right Self" project to educate healthcare students and professionals about transsexual and gender- variant individuals

Brackette F Williams6720 North Individual to study re-entry experiences 25,313 Montrose Drive of persons and their families Tucson,AZ 85741 who spent 1-5 years in solitary confinement or in maximum security units

Aung Kyaw Win449 B R 7 New Individual to provide support to obtain a 15,350 University Bahan T graduate degree from City Yangon,Ho University of Hong Kong BM

De Pa Pa Win102 Navarat Road Shan Individual to provide additional support to 3,800 Su Quarter study at Assumption Kayah State University BM

Hnin Zaw Winl5 E Parami Road Individual to provide additional support to 1,000 Yangon,N 11061 study at Mahidol University BM

Nyunt Win9 St Bernadette Street De Individual to allow you to obtain a 9,450 La Cos graduate degree from Miriam Manila 01803 College RP

Thein Htike Win51 University Avenue Individual to provide support to obtain a 14,850 Bahan Townshi graduate degree from Mahidol Yangon, Ya University BM

Jill Wrigley523 Collins Avenue Individual to create a toolkit and 19,250 Baltimore, M D 21229 resource guide that will help Baltimore City Schools bring healthy and sustainable food and garden initiatives into their school communities

Flaka XheliliDardania SU 6 1 D1 nr 1 Individual to study at the University of 12,265 Prishtina 10000 Arkansas OC

Ung Bun YNo 04B St 217 Sangkat Individual to provide support to obtain a 16,650 Stoeung M graduate degree from Hong Phnom Penh Kong Baptist University CB

Lilia YakovaSkaptopara 1 Room 314 Individual to support studies at the 405 American U University of Georgia Blagoevgrad 02700 BU

Feda YaseenAn Najah National Individual to support a PFDP Fellowship 36,052 University P 0 in the field of Urban Planning Nablus OC

A rdak Yesdauletova70th Street Dom Individual to spend one semester at a 3,990 31 Apt 50 U S university as part of the Astana 473021 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Nan Yinn Yinn251 Soi ABAC Daung Individual to provide additional support to 6,500 Chai Apt Room study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or any foundation manager recipient business ) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Mirzobobo Yormirzoev191 Hakim Individual to obtain a PhD in Economics 20,762 Karim Street at Washington State University Khujand TI

Bilal YounisYatta Main Street Individual to support study in education 28,550 Yatta as part of the Palestinian OC Faculty Development Program

Samara YuldashevaVillage Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 5,809 IntimekSuzak Rayon university as part of the Jalalabat 715600 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Faridun Yusufjonovl9 2 Gissarskaya Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 4,792 St Apt 10 university as part of teh Dushanbe 734000 Faculty Development TI Fellowship Program

Zamira Yusufjonoval9 Mikrorayon 30 Individual to provide additional support to 714 dom 3 kv study at the University of Khujand, Su 735718 California - Santa Barbara TI

Ziad ZaghroutBirzeit University P 0 Individual to provide support to study 26,765 Box 14 Public Policy Administration in Birzeit the U S as part of the 0C Palestinian Faculty Development Program

Rosalinn ZahauWZ 31 C 1 Asalatpur Individual to provide additional support to 1,200 Janakpuri study at Delhi University New Delhi 110059 IN

Hakim Zainiddinov4 Aini Street Individual to obtain a graduate degree in 28,021 Vahdat 735400 Sociology from Rutgers TI University

Elona ZakharovaBorbad Street 68 Individual to study Social Work at a U 5 22,286 Apartment 26 university Dushanbe 734036 TI

Lalhmangaih ZauaGaneshkhind Individual to provide additional support to 800 Aundh Road Men s Host study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

May Zaw2188 200 Soi 30 1 Individual to provide additional support to 800 Ramkhanhaeng Hua study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Muhammad ZayyadPO Box 7022 Individual to support study in education 35,627 Jerusalem as part of the Palestinian OC Faculty Development Program

Lalrinchhana ZendolianPriyadarshani Individual to provide additional support to 800 Nagar old sangvi 5 study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411027 College IN

Min Zin34864 Mission Bulevard Individual to provide additional support to 1,025 Apartment 1 study at University of Union City, CA 94587 California Berkeley

Min Zin34864 Mission Bulevard Individual to provide additional support to 6,000 Apartment 1 study at University of Union City, CA 94587 California Berkeley

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Mikayel ZolyanParpetsi 9B Apt 32 Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 7,895 Yerevan University as part of the AM Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Johnsen ZonunmawiaSpicer Memorial Individual to provide additional support to 900 College Aundh Road study at Spicer Memorial Pune,Ma 411007 College IN

Lalthan ZualiSpicer Memorial College Individual to provide additional support to 800 Pune, Ma 411007 study at Spicer Memorial IN College

Tamaz Zubiashvilil5 Tsabadze Individual to spend a semester at a U S 14,666 Street Apt 43 university as part of the Tbilisi 00112 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Tamaz Zubiashvilil5 Tsabadze Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 7,822 Street Apt 43 university as part of the Tbilisi 00112 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Tamara Zurabishvilil8 Bagrationi St Individual to spend a semester at a U 5 13,381 Telavi 02200 university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

A Child s Haven Inc1124 Rutherford 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Road public ch Greenville, NC 29609

A Home Within2500 18th Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 600 San Francisco, CA 94110 public ch

A New Way of Life Reentry ProjectP 0 501 (c)(3) matching gifts program 300 Box 875288 public ch Los Angeles, CA 90087

Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation 501 (c)(3) to support the Iran Human 75,000 3220 N Street NW Suite 357 public ch Rights Memorial Project Washington, DC 20007

Academy for Educational 501 (c)(3) to increase the capacity and 150,000 Development Inc1825 Connecticut public ch sutainability of Youth Media Avenue NW Reporter Washington, DC 200095721

Access Art Inc2446 Washington 501 (c)(3) to conduct a planning process 10,000 Boulevard public ch aimed at merging with Baltimore, MD 21230 Youthlight and at enhancing its long-term ability to engage underserved Baltimore City youth through art

Action Against Hunger USA247 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 37th Street 10th Floor public ch program NewYork,NY 10018

Adrian CollegellO South Madison 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 Street public ch Adrian,MI 49221

Advocates for Children and Youth Inc 501 (c)(3) to conduct public education, 25,000 8 Market Place Suite 500 public ch research and advocacy Baltimore, MD 21202 activities to close the educational achievement gaps in Maryland public schools by 2010

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Advocates for Children and Youth Inc 501 (c)(3) to engage in coalition-building, 125,000 8 Market Place Suite 500 public ch public education and advocacy Baltimore, MD 21202 efforts to support juvenile justice reform

Advocates for Children and Youth Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 8 Market Place Suite 500 public ch Baltimore, MD 21202

African Millennium Foundation468 501 (c)(3) to provide a matching gift 150 North Camden Drive public ch Beverly Hills, CA 90210

African O rg for Research and 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 Training inCP 0 Box 633 public ch NewYork,NY 10031

Aftermath Project Inc4900 501 (c)(3) to provide production support 20,000 Glenalbyn Drive public ch for a photographer working on a Los Angeles, CA 90065 post-conflict story

Aid to Artisans Inc1030 New Britain 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Avenue Suite 102 public ch West Hartford,CT 06114

Air Traffic Control Education Fund 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 50,000 Inc1475 15th Street public ch San Francisco,CA 94103

AJ Muste Foundation339 Lafayette 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10012

Alcoholism and Substance Abuse 501 (c)(3) to use advocacy and 200,000 Providers of NY1 Columbia Place public ch communications to drive an Suite 400 efficiency and a financial Albany, NY 12207 strategy that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

Alexander 5 0 nassis Public Benefit 501 (c)(3) to support US delegates 25,000 Foundation645 5th Avenue Suite private f attending the Third Global 304 Forum on Migration and New York, NY 10022 Development in Greece

Ali Forney Center224 West 35th 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 2,000 Street Suite 1102 public ch NewYork,NE 10001

Alliance for Justice Incl1 Dupont 501 (c)(3) to provide renewal support for 200,000 Circle NW 2nd Floor public ch the Judicial Selection Project Washington, DC 200361206

Alliance for Open Society 501 (c)(3) to support activities in the 147,507 International Inc400 West 59th public ch United States and abroad in Street seeking and implementing US New York, NY 10019 government grants in the areas of public health, civil society development, law reform and education, among others

Alliance for Open Society 501 (c)(3) matching gift 30,000 International Inc400 West 59th public ch Street NewYork,NY 10019

Alternative Directions Inc2505 501 (c)(3) to engage in grassroots 41,000 North Charles Street public ch organizing and leadership Baltimore, MD 21218 development of former prisoners and their families to advocate for criminal justice policy reform

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

America Mideast Educational 501 (c)(3) to administer the Palestinian 96,340 Training SerInc1730 M Street NW public ch Rule of Law (PRO L) Program in Suite 1100 the Palestinian Territories Washington, DC 200364505

American Bar Asso Fund for Justice 501 (c)(3) to renew support for the 200,000 and Educ740 15th Street NW public ch Standing Committee on Washington, DC 200051009 Judicial Independence and its efforts to improve public awareness of the importance of a fair, impartial, and accountable judiciary

American Cancer Society Inc132 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,500 West 32nd Street public ch NewYork,NY 10001

American Cancer Society Inc1801 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Meyers Road public ch Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

American Cancer Society Inc132 501 (c)(3) matching gift 225 West 32nd Street public ch NewYork,NY 10001

American Civil Liberties Union 501 (c)(3) to advocate for public 135,000 Foundation of MD3600 Clipper Mill public ch education reform and to Road Suite 350 support an effort to increase Baltimore, MD 21211 school attendance in Baltimore City Public Schools

American Civil Liberties Union 501 (c)(3) to support the Aryeh Neier 75,000 Foundation Inc125 Broad Street public ch Fellowship in 2008-2009 NewYork,NY 100042400

American Civil Liberties Union 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,000,000 Foundation Inc125 Broad Street public ch NewYork,NY 100042400

American Civil Liberties Union 501 (c)(3) to support the Strategic 2,400,000 Foundation Inc125 Broad Street public ch Affiliates Initiative NewYork,NY 100042400

American Civil Liberties Union 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 9,000 Foundation Inc125 Broad Street public ch NewYork,NY 100042400

American Councils for International 501 (c)(3) to provide support for the 12,251 Education AC 1776 Massachusetts public ch Educational Advising Centers Avenue NW Suite in Belarus Washington, DC 20036

American Environics436 14th Street Other to support the Real Security to 200,000 Suite 820 organization Overcome Fear Project Oakland, CA 94612

American Heart AssociationP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 3049 public ch Syracuse, NY 13220

American Jewish World Service Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,725 45 West 36th Street 11th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10018

American Judicature SocietyThe 501 (c)(3) to preserve and expand judicial 100,000 Opperman Center at Drake Univer public ch selection systems that Des Moines, IA 50311 promote fair and publicly accountable courts

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

American Library Association50 501 (c)(3) to support a three-year public 100,000 East Huron Street public ch education campaign on the Chicago, IL 60611 right to privacy

American Lung Asso of New England 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 Inc45 Ash Street public ch East Hartford,CT 06108

American Refugee Committee430 501 (c)(3) to build the capacity of FIND to 100,000 Oak Grove Street Suite 204 public ch reduce VAW and increase Minneapolis, MN 55403 access to justice for VAW survivors in Lofa County

American Symphony Orchestra Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 15,000 333 West 39th Street Suite 1101 public ch NewYork,NY 10018

American Iranian Council Inc29A 501 (c)(3) to support the US-Iran 25,000 Wiggins Street public ch Relations Building Princeton, NJ 08540 Constituency, Fostering Engagement project

Americans for Informed Democracy 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Corporation218 D Street SE 1st public ch floor Washington, DC 20003

Amnesty International USA Inc5 501 (c)(3) to support the Counter Terror 500,000 Penn Plaza 14th Floor public ch with Justice Campaign NewYork,NY 100018001

Amnesty International USA Inc5 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Penn Plaza 14th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 100018001

Angelica Foundation U51688 Cerro 501 (c)(3) to provide general support for 175,000 Gordo private f the Colectivo por Una Politica Santa Fe, NM 87501 Integral Hacia las Drogas (CUPIHD)

Appalachian Therapeutic Riding 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,200 Centerlnc176 Chimney Ridge public ch Burnsville, NC 28714

Arab American Congress of Silicon 501 (c)(3) to support post-production and 7,700 Valley416 Park Avenue public ch distribution of the film "Slowly, San Jose,CA 95110 Slowly"

Arab Com Center for Economic and 501 (c)(3) to support the Strengthening 100,000 Social Service2651 Saulino Court public ch Communities and Protecting Dearborn, MI 48120 Civil Liberties Project

Argus Community Inc760 East 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 160th Street public ch Bronx, NY 10475

Arkansas Department of Human Governmental to use advocacy and 440,000 ServicesP 0 Box 1437 Slot S-201 unit communications to drive an Little Rock, AR 72203 efficiency and financial strategy that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

Armand Hammer Utd World College 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 of the AmericanP 0 Box 248 public ch Montezuma,NM 87731

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an Foundation Purpose of grant or A mount individual, status of contribution Name and address (home or show any relationship to recipient business) any foundation manager or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Art Works Projects 1137 West Other to support 25,000 Taylor Street 113 organization BLO O DSTO N ES/Burmese Chicago, IL 60607 Rubies

As You Sow311 California Street 501 (c)(3) to leverage the purchasing 45,000 Suite 510 public ch power of U S and international San Francisco, CA 94104 companies to stop the use of forced child labor in Uzbekistan

Asia Catalyst IncP 0 Box 20839 501 (c)(3) matching gift 450 New York, NY 10009 public ch

Asian American Justice Center Inc 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 75,000 1140 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite public ch 1 Washington, DC 20036

Asian and Pacific Islander American 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 75,000 Vote Inc1666 K Street NW Suite public ch 440 Washington, DC 20006

Asian Cultural Council Inc6 West 501 (c)(3) to support the Mekong Region 25,000 48th Street 12th Floor public ch Fellowship Program NewYork,NY 10036

Association of Baltimore Area 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 11,000 Grantmakers2 East Read Street 2nd public ch Floor Baltimore, MD 21202

Ayala Foundation USA255 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Shoreline Drive Suite 428 public ch Redwood City, CA 940651430

Ayuda1707 Kalorama Road NW 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Washington, DC 20009 public ch

Ayuda1707 Kalorama Road NW 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 Washington, DC 20009 public ch

Babble Company600 First Avenue US for-profit to update the scholarship and 2,000 Suite 217 compan funding information on a website Seattle, WA 98104 designed for students from Burma

Baku Educational Information Foreign to support educational advising 61,640 Center Foundation71 Aliovsat Organization services in Central Asia Guliyev Str Baku AZ1009 AJ

Ballet Tech Foundation Inc890 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 Broadway public ch NewYork,NY 10003

Baltimore City Health Department Governmental to provide educational services 40,000 210 Guilford Avenue unit and advocacy to youth involved Baltimore, M D 21202 in Operation Safe Kids

Baltimore Community Foundation 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 Inc2 East Read Street 9th Floor public ch Baltimore, MD 21202

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Baltimore Community Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift 450 2 East Read Street 9th Floor public ch Baltimore, MD 21202

Baltimore Curriculum Project2707 501 (c)(3) to provide support for the 10,000 East Fayette Street private o September 2009 education Baltimore, MD 21224 issue of the Urbanite magazine, a part of the Baltimore Curriculum Project's public education initiative

Baltimore HealthCare Access Inc201 501 (c)(3) to provide case management 354,000 East Baltimore Street Suite 10 public ch services to Empowerment Baltimore, MD 21202 Zone residents in addiction treatment in an effort to improve their retention in treatment

Baltimore HealthCare Access Inc201 501 (c)(3) to undertake advocacy, 58,300 East Baltimore Street Suite 10 public ch technical assistance and Baltimore, MD 21202 monitoring activities to close the addiction treatment gap in Baltimore

Baltimore Homeownership Other to address the foreclosure 120,000 Preservation Coalitionc/o Baltimore organization crisis in Baltimore City by Neighborhood Collabor coordinating and supporting Baltimore, MD 21202 local foreclosure prevention and loss mitigation efforts

Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems 501 (c)(3) to build the capacity of 70,000 IncOne North Charles Street Suite public ch Baltimore public addiction 160 treatment providers to bill Baltimore, MD 21201 Medicaid for eligible patients

Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems 501 (c)(3) to provide organizational 100,000 IncO ne North Charles Street Suite public ch support for the Network for the 160 Improvement of Addiction Baltimore, MD 21201 Treatment (NIATx) training in Baltimore

Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems 501 (c)(3) to coordinate and support the 57,500 IncOne North Charles Street Suite public ch Baltimore component of the 160 national Closing the Addiction Baltimore, M D 21201 Treatment Gap initiative

Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems 501 (c)(3) to undertake advocacy, 50,000 IncO ne North Charles Street Suite public ch technical assistance and 160 monitoring activities to close Baltimore, MD 21201 the addiction treatment gap in Baltimore

Bard CollegeP 0 Box 5000 501 (c)(3) to continue support for the 150,000 A nnandaleonH udson, NY public ch expansion of the Bard Prison 125045000 Initiative's Model Campus Network and democracy curriculum in New York State and collaborate with advocates across the country to restore higher education to qualified people in prison

Bard CollegeP 0 Box 5000 501 (c)(3) to establish an endowment 3,000,000 AnnandaleonHudson,NY public ch fund at Bard for the benefit of 125045000 Smolny College, St Petersburg, a liberal arts college and joint undertaking of Bard College and St Petersburg State University located in Russia

Bard CollegeP 0 Box 5000 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 30,000 AnnandaleonHudson,NY public ch 125045000

Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 Corporation1368 Fulton Street public ch Brooklyn, NY 11216

Beit Malkiel1201 East 10th Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 14,349 Brooklyn, NY 11230 public ch

Beit Malkiel1201 East 10th Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift 19,050 Brooklyn, NY 11230 public ch

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Bent On Learning Inc800 Third 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 Avenue public ch NewYork,NY 10022

Beth Israel Medical Center555 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 57th Street 18th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10019

Bill of Rights Defense Committee8 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Bridge Street Suite A public ch Northampton,MA 01060

Black Alliance for Just ImmigrationP Other to support efforts to organize a 50,000 O Box 2528 organization national network of African Berkeley, CA 94703 American and black immigrant organizations around immigration reform and intra- group relations

Blessed Unrest Theatre IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 749 public ch NewYork,NY 101630749

Blessed Unrest Theatre IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 749 public ch program NewYork,NY 101630749

Bnei Binyamin727 Avenue 0 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 7,200 Brooklyn, NY 11230 public ch

Bobbi and the Strays IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 600 170129 public ch Ozone Park, NY 11417

Boomerang Yoga Events Foundation 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 IncP 0 Box 92 public ch NewYork,NY 10014

Boys and Girls Republic Inc888 East 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 6th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10009

Brandeis UniversityP 0 Box 549110 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 Waltham, MA 024549110 public ch

Brooklyn Academy of Music Inc Peter 501 (c)(3) matching gift 360 Jay Sharp Building 30 Lafaye public ch Brooklyn, NY 112171486

Brooklyn Christian Center Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 9,000 Evangelisti774 New York Avenue public ch Brooklyn, NY 11203

Brooklyn Friends School375 Pearl 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Street public ch Brooklyn, N E 11201

Brotherhood Sister Sol Inc512 West 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 3,000 143rd Street public ch NewYork,NY 10031

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Burma Partnership201 74 Soi Foreign to support the project entitled 31,000 Siripanit Ban Ton Tong Organization "Strengthening APPPB Burma Mae Sod Tak 63110 Regional and International TH Campaign Activities in Response to the Current Situation in Burma"

Burma Today Inc1301 East 13th 501 (c)(3) to formally organize, upgrade, 5,000 Street Apartment 2F public ch and expand current operations Brooklyn, NY 11230 to play a consistent and reliable role in contributing to the fight for freedom of thought and expression in Burma

Burma Today Inc1301 East 13th 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 4,000 Street Apartment 2F public ch Brooklyn, NY 11230

Cab Health And Recovery Services 501 (c)(3) matching gift 2,250 IncZero Centennial Drive public ch Peabody, MA 01915

California Association of Local Other to develop a financially 79,200 Conservation Corps2523 Cantara organization sustainable plan for up to Way fourteen Civic Justice Corps Sacramento, CA 95835 Preps that change the way the juvenile justice system and staff operate in California

Cambridge Cares About AIDS17 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 375 Sellers Street public ch Cambridge, MA 02139

Camera Club of New York Inc336 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 West 37th Street Suite 206 public ch NewYork,NY 10018

Camp Arcadia Scholarship 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Foundation44 Goodwives River Road public ch Darien, CT 06820

Camp Fire USA 56 Roland Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 North Lobby public ch Boston, MA 02109

Camp Fire USA 56 Roland Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 North Lobby public ch Boston, MA 02109

Campaign for Innocent Victims of 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Conflict CIVIC1700 Connecticut public ch Avenue NW 3rd Flo Washington, DC 20009

Campaign for Innocent Victims of 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 Conflict CIVIC1700 Connecticut public ch Avenue NW 3rd Flo Washington, DC 20009

Campaign for Innocent Victims of 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 150,000 Conflict CIVIC1700 Connecticut public ch Avenue NW 3rd Flo Washington, DC 20009

Capital Area Food Bank645 Taylor 501 (c)(3) matching gift 4,500 Street NE public ch Washington, DC 20017

Capital Litigation Communications Other to support the Capital 100,000 Projectc/o Squire Sanders Dempsey organization Litigation Communications 1201 Project Washington, DC 20004

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Carnegie Endowment for 501 (c)(3) to support three research 132,761 International Peace1779 private f directions of the Carnegie Massachusetts Avenue NW Moscow Center's two-year civil Washington, DC 200362103 society initiative

Carnegie Endowment for 501 (c)(3) to support a conference, the 37,850 International Peace1779 public ch second in a series on security Massachusetts Avenue NW in Shanghai Cooperation Washington, DC 200362103 Organization (SCO) states, specifically to engage experts from SCO countries on the various dimensions of regional security in Afghanistan's neighborhood and how to work m

Carnegie Endowment for 501 (c)(3) to support a roundtable for 5,538 International Peace1779 private f independent experts, analysts Massachusetts Avenue NW and journalists in Ukraine and Washington, DC 200362103 Russia who are both interested and involved in bilateral relations between the two countries

Carnegie Endowment for 501 (c)(3) to support the initiative, The 17,540 International Peace1779 public ch End of Labor Migration, in its Massachusetts Avenue NW discussion of the various Washington, DC 200362103 dimensions of the end of labor migration in the post-soviet space

Carnegie Endowment for 501 (c)(3) to support on-going 212,500 International Peace1779 public ch institutional and programmatic Massachusetts Avenue NW work and to allow it to expand Washington, DC 200362103 to new audiences

Carnegie Hall Society Inc881 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 2,700 Seventh Avenue public ch New York, NY 100193210

Catalytic Diplomacy Inc5615 501 (c)(3) to support a series oftrainings 7,500 Warwick Place public ch for isolated Burmese citizens Chevy Chase,MD 20815

Catholic Legal Immigration Network 501 (c)(3) to support advocacy, public 100,000 IncThe McCormick Pavilion 415 public ch education and capacity building Michiga project Washington, DC 20017

Catholics in Alliance for the Common 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Good1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW public ch Suite Washington, DC 20036

Cato Institute1000 Massachusetts 501 (c)(3) to support the Civil Liberties 50,000 Avenue NW public ch and Counterterrorism Initiative Washington, DC 200015403

Celo Health Education Corporation 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,200 116 Seven Mile Ridge Road public ch Burnsville, NC 28714

Center for American Progress1333 H 501 (c)(3) to support Campus Progress, 500,000 Street NW 10th Floor public ch the Center for American Washington, DC 20005 Progress's youth project

Center for American Progress1333 H 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 500,000 Street NW 10th Floor public ch Washington, DC 20005

Center for CommunityChange1536 501 (c)(3) to support the Fair Immigration 125,000 U Street NW public ch Reform Movement (FIRM) Washington, DC 20009

Center for Community Change1536 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 15,000 U Street NW public ch Washington, DC 20009

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Center for Constitutional Rights Inc 501 (c)(3) to support litigation and public 200,000 666 Broadway 7th Floor public ch education to restore civil New York, NY 10012 liberties and human rights protections in the U S "war on terror"

Center for Constitutional Rights Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gifts program 6,000 666 Broadway 7th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10012

Center for Democracy and 501 (c)(3) to support the Freedom, 300,000 Technology1634 I Street NW Suite public ch Security and Technology 1100 Project and Digital Fourth Washington, DC 20006 Amendment Initiative

Center for Family Policy and Practice 501 (c)(3) to develop a human rights 125,000 23 North Pinckney Street Suite 210 public ch campaign that will establish Madison, WI 53703 the framework, and build the capacity, for a comprehensive, national advocacy agenda to advance the human rights of low-income black men and fathers

Center for International Educationl0 Foreign to support educational advising 28,141 Chovelidze Street Organization services in Central Asia Tbilisi 380008 GG

Center for Investigative Reporting 501 (c)(3) to establish a web presence for 25,000 Inc2130 Center Street Suite 103 public ch the Cold Case Truth and Berkeley, CA 94704 Justice Project

Center for Justice and Accountability 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 125,000 870 Market Street Suite 682 public ch San Francisco, CA 94102

Center for Justice and Accountability 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 870 Market Street Suite 682 public ch San Francisco, CA 94102

Center for Justice and Accountability 501 (c)(3) matching gift 6,600 870 Market Street Suite 682 public ch San Francisco, CA 94102

Center for Media Justice436 14th Other to support the Center for Media 10,000 Street Suite 500 organization Justice's convening of the Oakland, CA 94612 Media Action Grassroots N etwork

Center for New York City 501 (c)(3) to support the creation and 1,000,000 Neighborhoods74 Trinity Place Suite public ch implementation of a new 1302 citywide nonprofit organization New York, NY 10006 that will allow for a significant increase in services to help the growing number of New Yorkers facing foreclosure as a result of high-cost loans

Center for Political Accountability 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 1233 20th Street NW Suite 205 public ch Washington, DC 20036

Center for Strategic and International 501 (c)(3) to monitor and to produce three 10,000 Studies1800 K Street NW public ch web-based reports tracking Washington, DC 20006 incidents of violence in the North Caucasus, in order to reach Western policy makers and media

Center for Urban Families Inc3002 501 (c)(3) to support the Advancing 125,000 Druid Park Drive public ch Responsible Fatherhood Baltimore, MD 21215 strategy

Center for Victims ofTorture717 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 East River Road public ch Minneapolis, MN 55401

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Center on Budget and Policy 501 (c)(3) to support the International 700,000 Priorities820 First Street NE Suite public ch Budget Partnership 510 Washington, DC 20002

Central Park Conservancyl4 East 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 144 60th Street 8th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10022

Centrul de Informatii Universitare Foreign to support educational advising 30,001 Bulevardul Stefan cel Mare si Sfnt Organization services in Central Asia Chisinau MD 2012 MD

Chesapeake Climate Action Network 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 6839 Eastern Avenue public ch Takoma Park, MD 20912

Chin Human Rights Organization Foreign to support Emergency Food 50,000 C H RO 2 M ontavista A venue Organization Relief For Western Burma's Nepean,Ontario K2J 2L3 Chin State CA

Church of the Holy Apostles296 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 Ninth Avenue public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Circle of Stones Ritual Theatre 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Ensemble436 Chestnut Street public ch Emmaus, PA 18049

Citizen Engagement Laboratory2150 Other to support the Citizen 250,000 Allston Way Suite 360 organization Engagement Laboratory and Berkeley, CA 94704 Color of Change

Climate Policy Initiative Incc/o 501 (c)(3) to support startup activities, 1,000,000 ClimateWorks Foundation 235 Mo private o including early hiring, space San Francisco, CA 94104 acquisition, strategy refinement, communications and preparation for first work products

Coalition for Homeownership Other to support the hiring of an 42,500 Preservation in Prince6201 Riverdale organization executive director Road Suite 200 Riverdale, MD 20737

Coalition for the Homeless129 Fulton 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 2,190 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10038

Coalition for the Homeless129 Fulton 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 300 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10038

Colorado Progressive Coalition1029 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,500 Santa Fe Drive public ch Denver, CO 80204

Committee Against Anti Asian 501 (c)(3) matching gift 165 Violence Inc2473 Valentine Avenue public ch Bronx, NY 10458

Committee for Economic 501 (c)(3) to support work on judicial 120,000 Development2000 L Street NW Suite public ch selection reform 700 Washington, DC 20036

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Committee to Protect Journalists Inc 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 10,000 330 Seventh Avenue 11th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Common Cause Education Fund1133 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 2,500 19th Street NW 9th Floor public ch Washington, DC 20036

Community Advocates Milwaukee 501 (c)(3) to use advocacy and 200,000 Addiction Treatment4906 West Fond public ch communications to drive an du Lac Avenue efficiency and a financial Milwaukee, WI 53216 strategy that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

Community Bridges Incorporated620 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Pershing Drive 2nd Floor public ch Silver Spring, M D 20910

Community Foundation for the 501 (c)(3) enable the Juvenile Justice 5,000 National Capital Regi1201 15th public ch Work Group of the Youth Street NW Suite 420 Transition Funders Group, a Washington, DC 20005 funder affinity group, to retain a consultant to convene and guide juvenile justice grantmakers who seek to improve outcomes for youth entangled in the justice system

Community Law in Action Inc520 501 (c)(3) to engage in research and 30,000 West Fayette Street public ch youth organizing efforts to Baltimore, M D 21201 reduce the number of youth who are tried as adults and detained at the Baltimore City Detention Center

Community Legal Services Inc1424 501 (c)(3) to lead a national impact 100,000 Chestnut Street public ch litigation effort to remove Philadelphia, PA 191022505 unreasonable employment barriers faced by people with criminal records and to create legal precedents around and raise public consciousness about this issue

Community Rights Counsel1301 501 (c)(3) to support the Constitutional 500,000 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 5 public ch Accountability Center Washington, DC 20036

Community Studies of New York Inc 501 (c)(3) to provide project support to 89,000 155 West 72nd Street Suite 402 public ch examine racially disparate New York, NY 10023 marijuana possession arrest practices in New York City and other large U S cities

Congregation Beth Simchat Torah57 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 Bethune Street public ch NewYork,NY 10014

Congressional Black Caucus 501 (c)(3) to disseminate the results of 75,000 Foundation Inc1720 Massachusetts public ch "Breaking Barriers" to a wide Avenue NW range of existing stakeholders, Washington, DC 20036 including teachers, administrators, parents, researchers, school activists, and elected officials

Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance Other to provide general support 70,000 2470 Fairfield Avenue organization Bridgeport, CT 06605

Conservative Synagogue Adath 501 (c)(3) matching gift 4,125 Israel of Riverdale475 West 250th public ch Street Bronx, NY 10471

Contemporary Arts Inc7221 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Croydon Road public ch Baltimore, MD 21207

Coral Cantigas IncP 0 Box 2212 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 Rockville, MD 208472212 public ch

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Cornerstone Community DC2720 501 (c)(3) matching gift project 225 Ontario Road NW public ch Washington, DC 20009

Cornerstone Community DC2720 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 Ontario Road NW public ch Washington, DC 20009

Coro New York Leadership Center 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 7,500 Inc42 Broadway Suite 1827-35 public ch NewYork,NY 10004

Coro New York Leadership Center 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 Inc42 Broadway Suite 1827-35 public ch NewYork,NY 10004

Corporation for Supportive Housing 501 (c)(3) to continue promoting justice 150,000 50 Broadway 17th Floor public ch reinvestment and systems New York, NY 10004 integration across criminal justice, human service, and housing sectors to create and sustain Reentry Supportive Housing

Correctional Association of New York 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,672 2090 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Boulev public ch NewYork,NY 10027

Council of State Governments2760 501 (c)(3) to continue coordinating the 233,333 Research Park Drive P 0 Box public ch Justice Reinvestment Lexington, KY 405781910 Initiative, the Re-Entry Policy Council, and the Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project

Council on Foreign Relations Inc58 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 East 68th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10065

Covenant Houses Penn Plaza 501 (c)(3) matching gift funds 450 Second Floor public ch New York, NY 100011810

Death Penalty Information Center 501 (c)(3) to support communications and 100,000 1015 18th Street NW Suite 704 private f public education projects and Washington, DC 20036 the provision of media trainings and technical assistance

Death Penalty Information Center 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 1015 18th Street NW Suite 704 private o Washington, DC 20036

Death Penalty Information Center 501 (c)(3) to update essential public 65,000 1015 18th Street NW Suite 704 private o opinion information that will be Washington, DC 20036 used to advance death penalty reform

Defender Association810 Third 501 (c)(3) to support the Racial Disparity 54,000 Avenue 8th Floor public ch Project as it works to reduce Seattle, WA 98104 racial bias on the part of law enforcement agencies in King County, Washington

Democracy A Journal of Ideas Inc 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 2120 L Street NW Suite 305 public ch Washington, DC 20037

DigiActivel1 Hilltop Road Other to conduct a strategic planning 6,171 Short H ills, NE 07078 organization meeting that will guide yhr transition into a new phase of development and assist human rights advocates to use new media effectively for advocacy

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Disability Rights Education and 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,000 Defense Fund Inc2212 Sixth Street public ch Berkeley, CA 94710

District of Columbia Department of Other to reform the District of 135,000 Youth RehabilitYouth Services Center organization Columbia's Juvenile Secure 1000 Mt 0 liv Care System Washington, DC 20002

Doctors Without Borders USA Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 333 7th Avenue 2nd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 100015004

DonorsChoose org347 West 36th 501 (c)(3) to provide funds for teach- 25,000 Street Suite 503 public ch initiated incentive projects in New York, NY 10018 Baltimore City Public Schools that will reward students for regular and improved attendance

Drum Major Institute Inc4O 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 200,000 Exchange Place Suite 2001 public ch NewYork,NY 10005

Ducks Unlimited IncOne Waterfowl 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,500 Way public ch Memphis,TN 38120

Due Process of Law Foundation1779 501 (c)(3) to support Consolidating the 315,000 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite public ch Judicial Accountability and Washington, DC 20036 Transparency Program Area

Due Process of Law Foundation1779 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 2,250 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite public ch Washington, DC 20036

Dystonia Medical Research 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 300 Foundationl East Wacker Drive Suite public ch 2810 Chicago,IL 60601

E F Schumacher Society140 Jay End 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,350 Road public ch Great Barrington, MA 01230

Eagle Academy Foundation105 East 501 (c)(3) to establish a Professional 75,000 22nd Street Suite 911 public ch Development Institute for New York, NY 10010 adults who work with students of the Eagle Academy for Young Men

Earth Island Institute2150 Allston 501 (c)(3) to support the Campus Climate 500,000 Way Suite 460 public ch Challenge Berkeley, CA 947041375

Earth Sangha Inc10123 501 (c)(3) matching gift foundation 600 Commonwealth Boulevard public ch Fairfax, VA 22032

EarthRights International Inc1612 K 501 (c)(3) to support the costs related to 100,000 Street NW Suite 401 public ch the Wiwa v Shell trial Washington, DC 20006

EarthRights International Inc1612 K 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 Street NW Suite 401 public ch Washington, DC 20006

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

EarthRights International Inc1612 K 501 (c)(3) to support the Burma 20,000 Street NW Suite 401 public ch Project/Shwe Gas Project Washington, DC 20006

East and Horn ofAfrica Human Foreign to provide emergency 250,729 Rights Defenders ProPlot 1853 Organization assistance and support for Lulume Road Nsambya P 0 Sudanese human rights Kamapala defenders at risk exiled in UG Uganda

Educational Broadcasting 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Corporation450 West 33rd Street public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Educational Development Center Foreign to support educational advising 40,882 BILIM Central As183 Masanchi Organization services in Central Asia Street corner A bai Ave Almaty 50022 KZ

Electronic Frontier Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3) to support civil liberties and 200,000 454 Shotwell Street public ch open government work San Francisco,CA 941101914

Emory University Matching Gifts 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 1762 Clifton Road Plaza 1400 Mail public ch Atlanta,GA 30322

Enterprise Corporation of the Delta4 501 (c)(3) to support the Mississippi 150,000 Old River Place public ch Economic Policy Center Jackson, MS 39202

Episcopal Community Services of 501 (c)(3) to provide re-entry and 250,222 Maryland Inc901 North Milton public ch reintegration services to Avenue 5th Floor Baltimore Empowerment Zone Baltimore, MD 21213 residents with criminal histories

Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300,000 122 Commerce Street public ch Montgomery,AL 36104

Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 900 122 Commerce Street public ch Montgomery,AL 36104

Equal Justice Society260 California 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 350,000 Street Suite 700 public ch San Francisco, CA 94111

Equal Justice USA Inc2O Jay Street 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 125,000 808 public ch Brooklyn, NY 11201

Equal Justice Works2120 L Street 501 (c)(3) to provide matching support for 625,000 NW Suite 450 public ch the Class of 2007 Equal Washington, DC 200371541 Justice Works Fellowships

Equal Justice Works2120 L Street 501 (c)(3) to have a fully sustainable 1,000,000 NW Suite 450 public ch Equal Justice Works Fellowship Washington, DC 200371541 Program of 50 Fellowships each year without funding from the O pen Society Institute by September 2011

Ethnic Community Development Foreign to support the capacity 14,193 Forum BurmaP 0 Box 156 Parsing Organization building of communities in Chiang Mai 50203 seven ethnic areas through the TH community development approach

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Eye and I Inc49 Crown Street Suite 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 12,000 7M public ch Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc49 Crown Street Suite 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,500 7M public ch Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc49 Crown Street Suite 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 7M public ch Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc49 Crown Street Suite 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 7M public ch Brooklyn, NY 11225

Eye and I Inc49 Crown Street Suite 501 (c)(3) matching gift 6,000 7M public ch Brooklyn, NY 11225

Facing Change Documenting America Other to support legal fees, web site 20,000 8513 Kedvale organization development, and promotional Skokie, IL 60076 items for fundraising for a new organization dedicated to fostering local and national dialogue about social issues using documentary photography

FairVote6930 Carroll Avenue Suite 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 35,000 610 public ch Takoma Park, MD 20912

Faith in Public Life Resource Center 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 200,000 1101 Vermont Avenue NW 9th Floor public ch Washington, DC 20005

Federation of American Scientists 501 (c)(3) to support the Project on 75,000 1725 DeSales Street NW 6th Floor public ch Government Secrecy Washington, DC 20036

FIERCE147 West 24th Street 6th 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,500 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Finland Center Foundation47 Fifth 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 2,500 Avenue private o NewYork,NY 10003

First Congregational Church of Old 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 Lyme2 Ferry Road public ch Old Lyme,CT 06371

Flying Cloud Institute731 South 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Sandisfield Road public ch Great Barrington, MA 01230

Focus Project1742 Connecticut 501 (c)(3) to support 0MB Watch's 100,000 Avenue NW public ch Charity and Security Network Washington, DC 200091171 Project

Forum for Democracy in BurmaP 0 Foreign to support maintaining 60,000 Box 142 Organization democracy networks in Burma Maesot Tak 63110 TH

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Foundation Center79 Fifth Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 20,000 New York, NY 100033076 public ch

Foundation for Dance Promotion Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 27 West 120th Street 1 public ch NewYork,NY 10027

Foundation for Hospices in Sub 501 (c)(3) to support the full-time salary 25,000 Saharan Africa Inc1731 King Street public ch ofa palliative care leader as Suite 300 Chief Medical Officer at Island Alexandria, VA 22314 Hospice in Zimbabwe

Foundation for the People of Burma 501 (c)(3) to support the Gitameit Music 30,000 FPB225 Bush Street Suite 590 public ch Center San Francisco, CA 94104

Foundation of the State University of 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 New York atP 0 Box 6005 public ch Binghamton, NY 139026005

Foundation to Promote Open Society 501 (c)(3) to fund operational and other 1,000,000,000 400 West 59th Street private f expenses, including public New York, NY 10019 charity grantmaking to support charitable activities and programs promoting open, democratic societies

Fractured Atlas Productions Inc248 501 (c)(3) top rovide matching gift funds 900 West 35th Street Suite 1202 public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 50,000 Institute4079 Albany Post Road public ch Hyde Park, NY 12538

Freedom from Hunger1644 Da Vinci 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 5,754 Court public ch Davis, CA 95618

Freedom to Marry116 West 23rd Other to provide general support 100,000 Street Suite 500 organization NewYork,NY 10011

Freedom to Marry116 West 23rd Other to provide general support 100,000 Street Suite 500 organization NewYork,NY 10011

Friends of Camp Choconut1012 501 (c)(3) matching gift 9,000 Buckingham Way public ch Yardley, PA 19067

Friends of Camp Choconut1012 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 Buckingham Way public ch Yardley, PA 19067

Friends of Foka1500 West 59th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 15,000 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

Friends of Foka1500 West 59th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 27,000 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Friends of Fokal500 West 59th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

Friends of Fokal500 West 59th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,800 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

Friends of John Jay HomesteadP 0 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,050 Box 148 public ch Katonah,NY 10536

Friends of the Anderson ProgramP 0 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 600 Box 307 Planetarium Station public ch NewYork,NY 10024

Friends of the Institute for Human 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 16,500 Rights and Deve209 Harrison Street public ch Rockville,MD 208051823

Friends of the Kenya Community 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 15,000 Development Foundat80-82 Maolis public ch Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Fund for Educational Excellence800 501 (c)(3) to support the implementation 1,000,000 North Charles Street Suite 400 public ch of a system-wide reform Baltimore, MD 212015322 initiative aimed at redesigning existing neighborhood public high schools in Baltimore and creating six to eight new Innovation High Schools

Fund for Educational Excellence800 501 (c)(3) to help the Baltimore City 200,000 North Charles Street Suite 400 public ch Public Schools develop Baltimore, MD 212015322 guildlines, solicit proposals and provide start-up funding for up to six new secondary schools that serve students who are over-aged and under- credited

Fund for Global Human Rights1666 501 (c)(3) to facilitate technical 50,000 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 4 public ch assistance to grantees seeking Washington, DC 20009 to augment their advocacy skills, organizational capacity and effectiveness in Algeria

Fund for the City of NewYork121 501 (c)(3) fund for the city of new york 750 Avenue of the Americas public ch inc New York, NY 100131590

Fund for the European University at 501 (c)(3) to establish and endowment 3,900,000 St Petersburg1825 Encore Lane public ch fund at FEUSP for the benefit of Ann Arbor, MI 48103 European University of St Petersburg, a graduate research university located in St Petersburg, Russia

Funders' Collaborative on Youth Other to support the Funders' 150,000 O rganizing20 Jay Street Suite 210B organization Collaborative on Youth Brooklyn, NY 11201 Organizing to develop a detailed map of the progressive leadership pipeline

Fusion Partnership Inc1601 Guilford 501 (c)(3) to enable Power Inside to 60,000 Avenue 2 South public ch implement a program in east Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore to engage female sex workers in addiction treatment

Fusion Partnership Inc1601 Guilford 501 (c)(3) to support a meeting, 20,000 Avenue 2 South public ch exhibition, and performance Baltimore, M D 21218 venue for the Baltimore Community Fellows Network

Fusion Partnership Inc1601 Guilford 501 (c)(3) to enable the Eric R Villines 25,000 Avenue 2 South public ch Advocacy Institute to engage Baltimore, MD 21218 in research and parent organizing to reduce the number of youth tried as adults and detained at the Baltimore City Detention Center

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Gamaliel Foundation203 North 501 (c)(3) to support the Faith and 150,000 Wabash Avenue Suite 808 public ch Democracy Campaign Chicago,IL 60601

Gay Men s Health Crisis Inc119 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 West 24th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Gay Men s Health Crisis Inc119 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 West 24th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Gay Men s Health Crisis Inc119 501 (c)(3) matching gift 450 West 24th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Gender Public Advocacy Coalition 501 (c)(3) to support the GenderYO UTH 50,000 Inc1731 Connecticut Avenue NW public ch network 4th Flo Washington, DC 20009

Generation WaveMaesot Foreign to support public outreach 10,000 Maesot,Ta 63110 Organization campaigns TH

George Mason University4400 Governmental to support the project titled, 112,498 University Drive MS 4C6 unit "Efforts to Achieve Fairfax, VA 22030 Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Latin America A Conference Series on the Trial of Alberto Fujimori in Comparative Perspective"

George Mason University4400 Governmental to support the project titled, 15,000 University Drive MS 4C6 unit "Efforts to Achieve Fairfax, VA 22030 Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Latin America The Trial of Alberto Fujimori"

Global Action to Prevent War866 UN Other to produce a publication 24,470 Plaza Suite 4050 organization assessing women's New York, NY 10017 participation in peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peace- building through the eyes of women participants themselves

AIDS Global Business Coalition on 501 (c)(3) to support work in Russia and 180,000 HIV 110 William Street Suite 1800 public ch Ukraine NewYork,NY 10038

Global Fund for Women Inc222 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 5,412 Sutter Street Suite 500 public ch San Francisco, CA 94108

Global Health Access Program801 501 (c)(3) to build the capacity of seven 46,114 Cedar Street Suite 200 public ch local non-governmental and Berkeley, CA 94710 community-based organizations in Burma to develop, implement and manage health and public health programs in a manner that is relevant to the context, and is community-based and scalable

Global Kids Inc137 East 25th Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 2nd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10010

God s Love We Deliver Inc 166 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Avenue of the Americas public ch NewYork,NY 10013

Government Accountability Project 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 250,000 1612 K Street NW Suite 1100 public ch Washington, DC 20006

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Grameen Foundation USA 50 F Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 15,000 NW 8th Floor public ch Washington, DC 20001

Grassroots Institute for Fundraising 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 Training1904 Franklin Street Suite public ch 705 Oakland, CA 94612

Grassroots Policy Projectll 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 50,000 Arlington Street public ch Boston, MA 02116

Greater Des Moines Habitat for 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 450 Humanity IncP 0 Box 716 public ch Des Moines,IA 50303

Greater Homewood Community 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,200 Corporation3503 North Charles public ch Street Baltimore, MD 21218

Groundwork Inc595 Sutter Avenue 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 450 Brooklyn, NY 11207 public ch

Groundwork Inc595 Sutter Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 3,000 Brooklyn, NY 11207 public ch

Group I Acting Company IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 898 public ch NewYork,NY 10108

Guardian Angel Church2978 Ocean 501 (c)(3) matching gift 4,500 Parkway public ch Brooklyn, NY 11235

Habitat for Humanity International 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Inc121 Habitat Street public ch Americus,GA 31709

Haley House Inc23 Dartmouth Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift 2,250 Boston, MA 02116 public ch

Harlem Children s Zone35 East 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 15,000 125th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10035

Harm Reduction Coalition22 West 501 (c)(3) to support IHRD partner 13,520 27th Street 5th Floor public ch participation at the Seventh New York, NY 10001 National Harm Reduction Conference, November 13-16, 2008 in Miami, Florida

Health Care for the Homeless Inc111 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Park Avenue public ch Baltimore, MD 21201

Heifer Project International Inch 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 World Avenue public ch Little Rock,AR 72202

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Heifer Project International Inc1 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 600 World Avenue public ch Little Rock,AR 72202

Heifer Project International Incl 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 5,934 World Avenue public ch Little Rock,AR 72202

Heifer Project International Incl 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 World Avenue public ch Little Rock,AR 72202

Hispanics in Philanthropy55 Second 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Street Suite 1500 public ch San Francisco,CA 94105

HIV Information for Myanmar him Other to support the Burmese version 4,000 102 West 80th Street Apt 61 organization of HIV Information for NewYork,NY 10024 Myanmar

Holy Family Church2l Nassau 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 15,000 Avenue public ch Brooklyn, NY 11222

Hope Baptist Church of Fort Worth 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Inc1750 Beach Street public ch Fort Worth,TX 76103

Hospital for Special Surgery535 East 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 70th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10021

Hour Children Inc36-11A 12th 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,800 Street public ch Long Island City,NY 11106

House of Ruth5 Thomas Circle NW 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Washington, DC 20005 public ch

Hudson Link for Higher Education in 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 3,500 Prison IncP 0 Box 862 public ch Ossining, NY 10562

Human Rights Advocates IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 5675 public ch Berkeley, CA 94705

Human Rights Campaign Foundation 501 (c)(3) to support the Federal 100,000 1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW public ch Judiciary Public Education Washington, DC 20036

Human Rights First333 7th Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 10,000 13th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th 501 (c)(3) to conduct human rights 126,700 Avenue 34th Floor public ch investigations, publish New York, NY 101183299 research reports, and engage in regional outreach and advocacy on abuses that result from overreaching drug policies and practices in Thailand, China, Mexico and India

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th 501 (c)(3) to provide support for 381,810 Avenue 34th Floor public ch activities in Central Asia and NewYork,NY 101183299 the Caucasus

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th 501 (c)(3) to continue to document 93,700 Avenue 34th Floor public ch human rights violations New York, NY 101183299 resulting from Russia-Georgia conflict and to advocate on behalf of civilians in the conflict zone

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th 501 (c)(3) to support a new researcher to 75,000 Avenue 34th Floor public ch work with the regional and New York, NY 101183299 thematic divisions, as well as external partners, to advance the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th 501 (c)(3) matching gifts program 300 Avenue 34th Floor public ch New York, NY 101183299

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th 501 (c)(3) to support the Aryeh Neier 75,000 Avenue 34th Floor public ch Fellowship New York, NY 101183299

Human Rights Watch Inc350 5th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Avenue 34th Floor public ch New York, NY 101183299

Hunt Alternatives Fund204O S Street 501 (c)(3) to increase the capacity and 110,377 NW private o participation of Palestinian Washington, DC 20009 women as decision makers in the negotiation and reconciliation processes of the Middle East Peace process through development of a roster, consultations, trainings and reports

Imani Inc73 South Fullerton Avenue 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 Montclair, NJ 07042 public ch

Immigrant Defense Project3 West Other to support the Immigrant 200,000 29th Street Suite 803 organization Defense Project's work to New York, NY 10001 protect the legal, constitutional rights of immigrants facing deportation and detention as a result of interactions with the criminal justice system

Indiana UniversitySponsored 501 (c)(3) to contribute to the 41,541 Research ServicesCarmicha public ch improvement of language Bloomington, IN 474084000 education both in Kazakhstan and the United States

Indiana UniversitySponsored 501 (c)(3) to support the construction of 2,000,000 Research ServicesCarmicha public ch dormintory facilities for the Bloomington, IN 474084000 American University - Central Asia

Inspired Legacies1722 Haver St 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Houston,TX 770062412 public ch

Institute for America's Future Inc 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 200,000 1825 K Street NW Suite 400 public ch Washington, DC 20006

Institute for Asian Democracy3509 501 (c)(3) to increase awareness of 45,000 Connecticut Avenue NW Room 94 public ch Burma's democracy Washington, DC 20008 movement, support non violent political transition in Burma and coordinate tactical and strategic goals

Institute for Middle East 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Understanding2913 El Camino Real public ch Suite 436 Tustin, CA 92782

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Institute for State Effectiveness 600 501 (c)(3) to create an effective 30,000 New Hampshire Avenue NW Suite public ch framework to address Washington, DC 20037 reconstruction challenges in Afghanistan

Institute of International Education 501 (c)(3) to support the Scholar Rescue 250,000 Inc809 United Nations Plaza public ch Fund, which assists individual New York, NY 100173580 scholars who are in imminent danger due to conditions in their home countries

Integral Yoga Institute227 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 13th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Inter American Dialogue1211 501 (c)(3) to provide support to the 150,000 Connecticut Avenue Suite 510 public ch project titled, "Andean Working Washington, DC 20036 Group"

International Accountability Project Other to support development justice 30,000 221 Pine Street 5th Floor San Fran organization and the Video Advocacy San Francisco, CA 94104 Initiative in Southeast Asia

International Association for Hospice 501 (c)(3) to support two palliative care 10,000 and Palliati5535 Memorial Drive public ch leaders from Vietnam to attend Suite F-PMB 50 the San Diego Hospice and Houston, TX 77007 Palliative Care International Palliative Medicine Fellowship Training Program

International Center for Transitional 501 (c)(3) to develop timely internal 50,000 Justices Hanover Square 24th Floor public ch memoranda and reports to key New York, NY 10004 partners that discuss international norms, lessons, and experience relevant to US accountability for abuses in its "War on Terror"

International Debate Education 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 55,000 AssociationWillamette University public ch 900 State St Salem, O R 97301

International Debate Education 501 (c)(3) to support a New O rleans 8,800 AssociationWillamette University public ch afterschool debate program 900 State St Salem, O R 97301

International Gay and Lesbian 501 (c)(3) to further the rights of lesbian, 70,000 Human Rights Commiss80 Maiden public ch gay, bisexual and transgender Lane Suite 1505 (LGBT) persons in East, West New York, NY 10038 and Southern Africa

International Law Students 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 8,000 Association25 East Jackson Blvd public ch Suite 518 Chicago,IL 60604

International Refugee Rights 501 (c)(3) to provide support for three 73,000 Initiative866 United Nations Plaza public ch Congolese activists and to Suite 401 develop a domestic outreach New York, NY 10017 and advocacy plan

International Refugee Rights 501 (c)(3) to provide emergency support 50,000 Initiative866 United Nations Plaza public ch for eight Sudanese activists Suite 401 NewYork,NY 10017

International Rescue Committee Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 122 East 42nd Street public ch New York, NY 101681289

International Rescue Committee Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the travel expenses 10,000 122 East 42nd Street public ch for two refugees (and one New York, NY 101681289 guardian) at the Voices of Courage Luncheon hosted by the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children on May 7, 2009

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

International Senior Lawyers Project 501 (c)(3) to provide $225,000 in 250,000 31 West 52nd Street 9th Floor public ch general support and $25,000 New York, NY 10019 to support the European initiative

International Women s Health 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 200,000 Coalition Inc333 Seventh Avenue public ch 6th Floor NewYork,NY 10001

International Women s Health 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 4,500 Coalition Inc333 Seventh Avenue public ch 6th Floor NewYork,NY 10001

International Women s Media 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 7,500 Foundation1625 K Street NW Suite public ch 1275 Washington, DC 20006

International Women s Tribune 501 (c)(3) to enhance the capacity of 135,000 Center777 United Nations Plaza 3rd public ch women working in conflict- Floor affected countries to use legal New York, NY 10017 mechanisms available at the international and national level to ensure women's protection, participation and redress and to support their ability to secure their rights i

Internews NetworksP 0 Box 4448 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 Arcata, CA 95518 public ch

Iowa State University Foundation 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 2505 Elwood Drive public ch A mes, IA 50010

Irondale Productions Inc85 South 501 (c)(3) matching volunteer gift 250 Oxford Street public ch Brooklyn, NY 11217

J Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 36,000 93 Edgehill Road public ch NewHaven,CT 06511

Jericho Road Lawrence Inc3 Great 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,725 Pond Road public ch NorthAndover,MA 01845

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 135 West 29th Street Suite 600 public ch program NewYork,NY 10011

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 135 West 29th Street Suite 600 public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 1,500 135 West 29th Street Suite 600 public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice 501 (c)(3) matching gift 6,600 135 West 29th Street Suite 600 public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice 501 (c)(3) matching gift 4,800 135 West 29th Street Suite 600 public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Johns Hopkins UniversityW-400 501 (c)(3) to enable the Baltimore 75,000 Wyman Park Center 3400 North public ch Education Research Baltimore, MD 21218 Consortium to conduct and disseminate strategic data analysis and research to inform and improve public education in Baltimore

Johns Hopkins UniversityW-400 501 (c)(3) to support the National Center 45,000 Wyman Park Center 3400 North public ch for Summer Learning's efforts Baltimore, MD 21218 to increase access to high- quality summer learning programs for Baltimore's children and youth

Johns Hopkins University201 North 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 Charles Street Suite 250 public ch Baltimore, MD 21201

Johns Hopkins UniversityW-400 501 (c)(3) to provide support to the 86,000 Wyman Park Center 3400 North public ch Baltimore Education Research Baltimore, MD 21218 Consortium, including for the creation of an executive director position

Jubilee House Community Center for 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,200 Development inc820 Kensford Court public ch Lewisville, NC 27023

Jubilee Jumpstart2525 Ontario Road 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 NW public ch Washington, DC 20009

Justice AfricalC Leroy House 436 Foreign to strengthen Sudanese peace 64,080 Essex Road Organization and democratic processes London N1 3Q P through the engagement, U K support, and promotion of civil society

Justice at Stake Campaign Inc717 D 501 (c)(3) to support work to keep courts 500,000 Street NW Suite 203 public ch fair and impartial Washington, DC 20004

Justice Policy Institute1012 14th 501 (c)(3) to engage in research, policy 50,000 Street NW Suite 400 public ch advocacy and communications Washington, DC 20005 efforts to promote criminal justice reform in Maryland

Kachin Development Group K D GLZ Foreign to provide voter education 14,880 13 Lawk 3 Organization training in the Kachin Laiza, Ka 00074 community BM

Karen Computer Science Youth Foreign to support running costs for an 6,000 Group Education Cente960 Organization education center for Burmese Workshop St 1 East Gyogone I Youth Yangon BM

Katonah United Methodist Church5 501 (c)(3) matching gift 24,000 Bedford Road public ch Katonah,NY 10536

Kentucky Youth Advocates Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Kentucky Tax 75,000 11001 Bluegrass Parkway Suite 100 public ch and Budget Initiative Jeffersontown, KY 40299

Kids on the Hill2412 Madison 501 (c)(3) to document, in video, student, 933 Avenue public ch parent and teacher focus Baltimore, MD 21271 groups to be presented at meetings of the Student Attendance Work Group

Knowledge Ecology International 501 (c)(3) to provide core support for 50,000 1621 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite public ch work on Access to Medicines 5 and to develop and promote Washington, DC 20009 new paradigms for reconciling the need for both innovation in and access to medical technologies

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Kolot Chayeinu1012 8th Ave 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,350 Brooklyn, NY 112154312 public ch

Lambda Legal Defense and Education 501 (c)(3) to support the Fair Courts 120,000 Fund Inc120 Wall Street Suite 1500 public ch Project NewYork,NY 100053904

Lambda Legal Defense and Education 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 225 Fund Inc120 Wall Street Suite 1500 public ch NewYork,NY 100053904

Latin American Studies Association 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 416 Bellefield HallUniversity of Pi public ch Pittsburgh, PA 15260

LatinoJustice PRLDEF99 Hudson 501 (c)(3) to protect the rights of 100,000 Street 14th Floor public ch immigrants through impact New York, NY 10013 litigation, community engagement work, and engagement with the media

LatinoJustice PRLDEF99 Hudson 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,200 Street 14th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

League of Young Voters Education 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300,000 Fund310 Atlantic Avenue 2nd Floor public ch Brooklyn, NY 11201

Legal Action Center of the City of 501 (c)(3) to strengthen the 545,000 New York Inc225 Varick Street public ch demonstration sites supported New York, NY 10014 by the Closing the Drug Addiction Treatment Gap initiative through technical assistance and a learning collaborative to link their work to a national advocacy strategy

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 2,250 475 Park Avenue South 8th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10016

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 500 475 Park Avenue South 8th Floor public ch program NewYork,NY 10016

Link Emergency Aid and Development Foreign to support Organizational 7,500 LEAD 195 1st floor left 38th street Organization Capacity Development and Yangon 11015 Strengthening Village BM Development Committees

Living Classrooms Foundation802 501 (c)(3) to provide re-entry and 250,222 South Caroline Street public ch reintegration services to Baltimore, MD 21231 Baltimore Empowerment Zone residents with criminal histories

Livingston Huaxia Chinese SchoolP 0 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 Box 2097 public ch Livingston, NJ 07039

Livingston Huaxia Chinese SchoolP 0 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 Box 2097 public ch program Livingston, NJ 07039

Louisiana Association of Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) to support the Louisiana 75,000 OrganizationsPO Box 66558 public ch Budget Project Baton Rouge, LA 70820

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Manhattan Class Company Inc311 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,875 West 43rd Street Suite 206 public ch NewYork,NY 10036

Mano River Children s Charity Fund 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C public ch Brooklyn, NY 11230

Mano River Children s Charity Fund 501 (c)(3) matching gift 7,500 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C public ch Brooklyn, NY 11230

Mano River Children s Charity Fund 501 (c)(3) matching gift 6,000 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C public ch Brooklyn, NY 11230

Mano River Children s Charity Fund 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,500 1250 Ocean Avenue 6C public ch Brooklyn, NY 11230

Marlboro School of Music Inc1616 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 7,500 Walnut Street Suite 1600 public ch Philadelphia, PA 19103

Martha's Vineyard Community 501 (c)(3) matching gift 2,250 Services Inc111 Edgartown Road public ch Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

Maryland Citizens Health Initiative 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 25,000 Education Fun2600 Saint Paul Street public ch Baltimore, MD 21218

Maryland Food Bank2200 Halethorpe 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Farms Road public ch Baltimore, MD 21227

Maryland Institute1300 Mount Royal 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,125 Avenue public ch Baltimore,MD 212174191

Maryland Professionals for Quality 501 (c)(3) to convert from an all- 84,000 Addiction Servi1206 Brook Meadow public ch volunteer to a staffed Drive organization Towson,MD 21286

Mary's Center for Maternal and Child 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Care Inc2333 Ontario Road NW public ch Washington, DC 20009

Massachusetts Immigrant and 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Refugee Advocacy Coali105 Chauncy public ch Street Suite 402 Boston, MA 02111

Massachusetts Institute of 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Technology600 Memorial Drive public ch Cambridge, MA 02139

McKim Community Association1120 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 East Baltimore Street public ch Baltimore, MD 21202

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Media and Democracy Coalition1133 Other to support efforts to ensure 100,000 19th Street NW 9th Floor organization that media policy serves the Washington, DC 20036 public interest

Media Development Loan Fund Inc37 501 (c)(3) to support the New Media Fund 1,000,000 West 20th Street Suite 801 public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Mental Health Policy Institute for 501 (c)(3) to conduct research and 14,000 Leadership and2200 Arden Road public ch analysis to assess competing Baltimore, MD 21209 financial and managed care models to support integrated, high quality behavioral health services in Maryland

Metropolitan Opera Assocation 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 Lincoln Center public ch NewYork,NY 10023

Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Inc139 East McClellan Avenue public ch Livingston, NJ 07039

Mexican American Legal Defense and 501 (c)(3) to support national efforts to 100,000 Educational Fun634 South Spring public ch combat hate groups in the U S Street 11th Floor through communication, Los Angeles, CA 90014 litigation and advocacy

MFY Legal Services299 Broadway 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 4th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10007

Michigan State University300 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Spartan Way public ch East Lansing,MI 488241315

Midwest Academy Inc27 East 501 (c)(3) to train Baltimore advocates to 20,000 Monroe Street 11th Floor public ch develop advocacy agendas, Chicago, IL 60613 leadership skills, and effective social reform movements

Migration Policy Institute1400 16th 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Street NW Suite 300 public ch Washington, DC 200362257

Migration Policy Institute1400 16th 501 (c)(3) to support the Mobility and 50,000 Street NW Suite 300 public ch Security Program Washington, DC 200362257

MoeMaKa MultimediaPO Box 501 (c)(3) to support emergency 3,000 320207 public ch meetings with Burmese writers, San Francisco, CA 94132 artists, and intellects from inside Burma and in exile while they are in the US

MoeMaKa MultimediaPO Box 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 15,000 320207 public ch San Francisco,CA 94132

Mount Holyoke College50 College 501 (c)(3) to support the Mount Holyoke 12,500 Street public ch College Veterans Fund South Hadley, MA 01075

Moveable Feast IncP 0 Box 2298 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,200 Baltimore, MD 21203 public ch

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Moveable Feast IncP 0 Box 2298 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 750 Baltimore, MD 21203 public ch

Moveable Feast IncP 0 Box 2298 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 Baltimore, MD 21203 public ch

Moveable Feast IncP 0 Box 2298 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 150 Baltimore, MD 21203 public ch

Moveable Feast IncP 0 Box 2298 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 150 Baltimore, MD 21203 public ch

Moveable Feast IncP 0 Box 2298 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,200 Baltimore, MD 21203 public ch

Ms Foundation for Women Inc12 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 5,281 MetroTech Center 26th Floor public ch Brooklyn, NY 11201

Museum of the City of NewYork1220 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Fifth Avenue public ch NewYork,NY 10029

Music and Mentors14 Jackson 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,800 Avenue Suite A public ch North Plainfield, NJ 07060

MyanmarAIDS Netc o National Foreign to support ongoing trainings 10,000 YWCA Bogalay Bazaar St Organization and support for people living Yangon 11162 with HIV/AIDS BM

Myanmar Business ExecutivesRoom Foreign to support capacity building for 9,000 405 Level 4 Pan Chan Tower Organization Nargis Victims Yangon 11162 BM

Myanmar Knowledge SocietyRoom 8 Foreign to support the Educational 5,000 A No 63 Hle Dan Road Ka Organization Publication Project Yangon 11041 BM

NAACP Legal Defense and 501 (c)(3) to support the Criminal Justice 100,000 Educational Fund Inc99 Hudson public ch Program as it challenges Street Suite 1600 racially discriminatory New York, NY 100132897 enforcement of criminal laws through litigation, policy research and advocacy, and public education

National Association for the 501 (c)(3) to expand research and 250,000 Advancement ofColore4805 Mt public ch communications capacity, to Hope Drive establish a new policy agenda Baltimore,MD 212153297

National Association for Urban 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 30,000 Debate Leagues332 South Michigan public ch Avenue Suite 50 Chicago,IL 60604

National Association of Service and 501 (c)(3) to continue programmatic and 300,000 Conservation C1100 G Street NW public ch technical assistance to fifteen Suite 1000 Civic Justice Corps Washington, DC 20005 demonstration sites

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

National Association of State Alcohol 501 (c)(3) to improve addiction treatment 145,000 and Drug Add1025 Connecticut public ch by defining and testing a Avenue NW Suite 6 mesure of the use of Washington, DC 20036 medication-assisted treatment for addiction to alcohol and drugs

National Center for Science 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Education Inc420 40th Street Suite public ch 2 Oakland, CA 946092509

National Center for State Courts300 501 (c)(3) to provide renewed support in 175,000 Newport Avenue public ch assisting state judiciaries, Williamsburg, VA 23185 judicial organizations, and other concerned groups to anticipate and respond to measures that politicize the state courts

National Center for State Courts300 501 (c)(3) to support a national campaign 88,500 Newport Avenue public ch to ensure the racial and ethnic Williamsburg, VA 23185 fairness of America's state courts

National Community Stabilization Other to provide general support 200,000 Trust1325 G Street NW Suite 800 organization Washington, DC 20005

National Congress of American 501 (c)(3) to support the Project on the 125,000 Indians1516 P Street NW public ch Judiciary Washington, DC 20005

National Consumer Law Center Inc7 501 (c)(3) to stop widespread and 250,000 Winthrop Square 4th Floor public ch discriminatory credit pricing Boston, MA 021101245 practices and obtain relief for those victimized, as well as to strengthen the community of lawyers and advocates who are fighting mortgage lending and other types of credit discrimination

National Council on Alcoholism Drug 501 (c)(3) to strengthen and expand its 150,000 Dependence28 East Ostend Street public ch education and advocacy efforts Suite 303 in Maryland on behalf of drug Baltimore, M D 21230 dependent and recovering citizens

National Council on Alcoholism Drug 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Dependence28 East Ostend Street public ch Suite 303 Baltimore, MD 21230

National Democratic Institute for 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 International Af2030 M Street NW public ch 5th Floor Washington, DC 200363306

National Domestic Workers Alliance Other to support the National 100,000 1201 Broadway Suite 907-908 organization Domestic Worker Alliance NewYork,NY 10001

National Employment Law Project Inc 501 (c)(3) to continue engaging labor 90,000 80 Maiden Lane Suite 509 public ch unions in efforts to reduce New York, NY 10038 unfair barriers to employment faced by people with criminal records

National Hispana Leadership 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Institute1601 North Kent Street public ch Suite 803 Arlington,VA 22209

National Immigration Forum Inc50 F 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 75,000 Street NW Suite 300 public ch Washington, DC 20001

National Immigration Law Center 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 75,000 3435 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2850 public ch Los Angeles, CA 90010

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

National Institute for Latino Policy 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 750 101 Avenue of the Americas Suite 3 public ch NewYork,NY 10013

National Institute for Latino Policy 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 101 Avenue of the Americas Suite 3 public ch NewYork,NY 10013

National Juvenile Defender Center 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300,000 1350 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite public ch 3 Washington, DC 20036

National Legal Aid and Defender 501 (c)(3) to support the National 325,000 Association1140 Connecticut public ch Indigent Defense Avenue NW Suite 9 Infrastructure Initiatives Washington, DC 20036

National Multiple Sclerosis Society 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 733 Third Avenue 3rd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10017

National Parks of New York Harbor 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 Conservancy26 Wall Street 3rd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10005

National People s Action aka 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 National Training and810 North public ch Milwaukee Avenue Chicago,IL 60642

National Quality Forum601 13th 501 (c)(3) to identify the critical 94,000 Street NW Suite 500 North public ch components of standards that Washington, DC 20005 define high-quality continuing care in drug addiction treatment

National Security Archive Fund Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Center for 400,000 Gelman Library 2130 H Street NW S public ch National Security Studies' work Washington, DC 20037 to restore civil liberties and human rights in U S counterterrorism policies

Natural Resources Defense Council 501 (c)(3) to support the China Public 490,000 40 West 20th Street public ch Participation Program NewYork,NY 10011

Natural Resources Defense Council 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 40 West 20th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Nay Kyar Pann Sunflowerl2 Oo Ka Foreign to support expansion of the 10,000 Ta 9 Naing Organization HIV/AIDS Program Yangon BM

Neighborhood Defender Services Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 317 Lenox Avenue 10th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10027

Neighborhood Defender Services Inc 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 317 Lenox Avenue 10th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10027

Neighborhood Defender Services Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 317 Lenox Avenue 10th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10027

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

In Neighborhood Housing Services of 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,800 New York City3O7 West 36th Street public ch 12th Floor NewYork,NY 10008

Network on Women in Prison dba 501 (c)(3) to continue training, organizing, 150,000 Legal Services for1540 Market public ch and mobilizing formerly Street Suite 490 incarcerated people and family San Francisco, CA 94102 members of the incarcerated, and to launch regional campaigns for criminal justice reform in California

New America Foundation1899 L 501 (c)(3) to support the Wireless Future 200,000 Street NW Suite 400 public ch program Washington, DC 20036

New America Foundation1899 L 501 (c)(3) to renew support for the Next 250,000 Street NW Suite 400 public ch Social Contract Initiative Washington, DC 20036

New America Foundation1899 L 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 25,000 Street NW Suite 400 public ch Washington, DC 20036

New Amsterdam Symphony 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Orchestra 161 West 54th Street public ch 1203 NewYork,NY 10019

New Futures Inc8 Continental Drive 501 (c)(3) to use advocacy and 100,000 Unit G public ch communications to drive an Exeter, NH 03833 efficiency and a financing strategy that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

New Israel Fund1101 14th Street 501 (c)(3) to provide ongoing support of 67,500 NW 6th Floor public ch the Israel-US Civil Liberties Washington, DC 200055639 Law Fellows Program and to cover expenses marking the 25th anniversary of the program

New Israel Fund1101 14th Street 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 15,000 NW 6th Floor public ch Washington, DC 200055639

New Jersey Council on Alcoholism 501 (c)(3) to use advocacy and 300,000 and Drug Dependen360 Corporate public ch communications to drive an Boulevard efficiency and a financial Robbinsville, NJ 08691 strategy that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

New Jersey Policy Perspective137 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 75,000 West Hanover Street public ch Trenton, NJ 08618

New Organizing Institute Education Other to provide general support 100,000 Fund2800 Quebec Street NW Suite organization 219 Washington, DC 20008

New Orleans Coalition on O pen Other to bring together seven 700,000 Governancec/o Greater New Orleans organization community-based Foundation organizaitons to build a more New O rleans, LA 70130 transparent and accountable city governance structure

New Orleans Lens1025 South Other to support a new nonprofit 155,000 Jefferson Davis Parkway organization journalism initiative that will New O rleans, LA 70125 provide news, information, and access to data related to Gulf Coast issues of public interest

New Orleans Workers Center for Other to organize and create 100,000 Racial Justice217 North Prieur St organization alliances between day laborers, New O rleans, LA 70112 guest workers, and African American low-wage workers in the Gulf region and to link their efforts to the national immigration reform movement

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

New York Abortion Access FundFDR 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Station Box 7569 public ch NewYork,NY 10150

New York City Ballet IncNew York 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 2,400 State Theater 20 Lincoln public ch NewYork,NY 10023

NY City Gay and Lesbian Anti 501 (c)(3) matching gift 390 Violence Project240 West 35th public ch Street Suite 200 NewYork,NY 10001

NY City Gay and Lesbian Anti 501 (c)(3) matching gift 900 Violence Project240 West 35th public ch Street Suite 200 NewYork,NY 10001

New York Civil Liberties Union 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Foundation125 Broad Street 19th public ch Floor NewYork,NY 100042000

New York LawSchool54 Worth Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 New York, NY 10013 public ch

New York Public LibraryFifth Avenue 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 180 42nd Street public ch NewYork,NY 10018

New York Public LibraryFifth Avenue 501 (c)(3) matching gift 180 42nd Street public ch NewYork,NY 10018

New York Society for the Prevention 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,500 of Cruelty to161 William Street public ch NewYork,NY 100382607

New York UniversityOffice of the 501 (c)(3) to provide operational support 50,000 Treasurer P 0 Box 8 public ch to the Afghan Reconstruction New York, NY 100090837 Project of the Center on International Cooperation

New York University40 Washington 501 (c)(3) to support the Arthur Garfield 55,000 Square South 406D public ch Hays Civil Liberties Program NewYork,NY 10012

New York UniversityOffice of the 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Treasurer P 0 Box 8 public ch NewYork,NY 100090837

New York UniversityOffice of the 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 1,050 Treasurer P 0 Box 8 public ch NewYork,NY 100090837

New York Presbyterian Fund Inc425 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 30,000 East 61st Street Suite 211 public ch NewYork,NY 10065

Peace and Security NGO Working Other to support the grantee as it 24,500 Group on Women777 UN Plaza 7th organization advocates for and monitors the Floor participation of women, the New York, NY 10017 prevention of conflict, and the protection of all civilians so as to ensure full and rapid implementation of SCR 1325's promises

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ninevah FoundationP 0 Box 15 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 15,000 Mt Holly,VT 05758 public ch

North Star Fund520 Eighth Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 10,000 22nd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10018

Northern Manhattan Coalition for 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 Immigrant Rights665 W 182nd Street public ch program 1st Floor NewYork,NY 10033

Northern Manhattan Coalition for 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Immigrant Rights665 W 182nd Street public ch 1st Floor NewYork,NY 10033

Northern Manhattan Coalition for 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Immigrant Rights665 W 182nd Street public ch 1st Floor NewYork,NY 10033

Ohio State University Foundation 501 (c)(3) to provide project support for 200,000 Office of Corporate and Foundation public ch the Kirwan Institute's framing Columbus, O H 432213938 racial justice through emotive strategies project

One to World Inc285 West Broadway 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 7,500 Suite 450 public ch NewYork,NY 10013

One to World Inc285 West Broadway 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Suite 450 public ch NewYork,NY 10013

Opening Possibilities Asia OPA113- Other to support educational and 20,000 12 Jewel Avenue organization infrastructural resources for Forest Hills, NY 11375 the Paung DawOo school, Mandalay

Oral Roberts University7777 South 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 375 Lewis Avenue LRC 6 public ch Tulsa, O K 74171

Ossining Food PantryP 0 Box 869 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Ossining, NY 10562 public ch

Oxfam America Inc226 Causeway 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 Street 5th Floor public ch Boston, MA 021142206

Oxfam America Inc226 Causeway 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 4,500 Street 5th Floor public ch Boston, MA 021142206

Pan Kachin Development Society Foreign to support the HIV/AIDS 15,000 PKDS78 Ban Rung Rat Soi 4 T Wetket Organization Education Awareness Program Chiang Mai 50000 TH

Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 77 Fourth Avenue public ch Needham, MA 024942704

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Inc2141 Rosecrans Avenue Suite public ch 7000 El Segundo, CA 90245

Parents Association of the Bronx 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 High School of5c75 West 205th public ch Street Bronx, NY 10468

Parent-Teacher Association of the 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 6,000 Earth School600 East 6th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10009

Parent-Teacher Association of the 501 (c)(3) matching gift 7,500 Earth School600 East 6th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10009

Park School of Baltimore IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 600 8200 2425 Old Court Road public ch Brooklandville,MD 21022

Partners In Health a Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 39,000 Corporation888 Commonwealth public ch Avenue 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02215

Partnership for Working Families 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 175,000 1620 Eye Street NW Suite 210 public ch Washington, DC 20006

PBI-USA1326 9th Street NW 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 600 Washington, DC 20001 public ch

Peconic Land Trust Inc296 Hampton 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Road public ch Southampton, NY 11950

PEN American Centerlnc588 501 (c)(3) to provide matching bridge 20,000 Broadway Suite 303 public ch funding for the PEN Prison New York, NY 10012 Writing Program as the organization works to expand and diversify its funding

PEN American Center Inc588 501 (c)(3) to support Campaign for Core 75,000 Broadway Suite 303 public ch Freedoms, a comprehensive New York, NY 10012 advocacy initiative to address post-9/11 threats to freedom of expression and human rights in the U S

Pennsylvania Capital Representation Other to provide direct legal 100,000 ProjectThe Curtis Center - Suite 545 organization representation in state post- West conviction proceedings to Philadelphia, PA 19106 indigent prisoners sentenced to death in the state courts of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Physicians for Human Rights2 Arrow 501 (c)(3) to monitor the development 75,020 Street Suite 301 public ch and implementation of sound Cambridge, MA 02138 U S policy that assures universal access to HIV prevention and treatment for injection drug users and their partners, especially in heavily AIDS-burdened countries

Physicians for Human Rights2 Arrow 501 (c)(3) to assist the "Colleagues at 27,267 Street Suite 301 public ch Risk" program campaign Cambridge, MA 02138

Physicians for Human Rights2 Arrow 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Street Suite 301 public ch Cambridge, MA 02138

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Physicians for Reproductive Choice 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 and Health Inc55 West 39th Street public ch 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10018

Piton Foundation370 17th Street 501 (c)(3) to support travel and 4,400 Suite 5300 private f accomodations for four Denver, CO 80202 representatives from the Colorado Community Organizing Collaborative to attend funder briefings with national funders to lay the groundwork for a strategic partnership to advance the work in Colorado

Planned Parenthood Federation of 501 (c)(3) to provide $ 250,000 in 300,000 America Inc434 West 33rd Street public ch general support and $ 50,000 New York, NY 100012601 to support international programs

Planned Parenthood Federation of 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 America Inc434 West 33rd Street public ch NewYork,NY 100012601

Planned Parenthood of New York City 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 Inc26 Bleecker Street public ch NewYork,NY 100122413

Polaris ProjectP 0 Box 77892 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Washington, DC 20013 public ch

President and Fellows of Harvard 501 (c)(3) to give renewed support to the 200,000 CollegeOffice for Sponsored public ch Global Disability Law and Programs Holy Policy Project Cambridge, MA 02138

President and Fellows of Harvard 501 (c)(3) to enable the Charles Hamilton 52,000 CollegeOffice for Sponsored public ch Houston Institute to provide Programs Holy technical assistance to the Cambridge, MA 02138 Baltimore Student Attendance Work Group

President and Fellows of Harvard 501 (c)(3) matching gift 15,000 CollegeOffice for Sponsored public ch Programs Holy Cambridge, MA 02138

Princeton in Asia194 Nassau Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 13,500 Suite 212 public ch Princeton, NJ 08542

Princeton in Asia194 Nassau Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift 6,000 Suite 212 public ch Princeton, NJ 08542

Princeton in Asia194 Nassau Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift 375 Suite 212 public ch Princeton, NJ 08542

Princeton University Gift Records 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 330 Alexander Street 2nd FloorP 0 public ch Princeton, NJ 085435357

Prison Policy Initiative IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) to continue research, public 100,000 127 public ch education, and policy advocacy Northampton, MA 01061 to reform the current Census Bureau practice of counting incarcerated people as residents of the towns in which they are imprisoned

Prisoners Aid Association of 501 (c)(3) to provide re-entry and 250,222 Maryland Inc204 East 25th Street public ch reintegration services to Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore Empowerment Zone residents with criminal histories

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Progressive States Network101 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300,000 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Flo public ch NewYork,NY 10013

Project Bread the Walk for Hunger 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 145 Border Street public ch East Boston, MA 02128

Project Bread the Walk for Hunger 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 145 Border Street public ch East Boston, MA 02128

Project Vote Voting for America Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Voter 200,000 739 8th Street SE Suite 202 public ch Participation Program Washington, DC 20003

Project Vote Voting for America Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the Election 200,000 739 8th Street SE Suite 202 public ch Administration program Washington, DC 20003

Proteus Fund Inc101 University 501 (c)(3) to support the Media 250,000 Drive Suite A2 public ch Democracy Fund, a Amherst, MA 01002 collaborative grantmaking project in support of a just media environment and democratic media policy

Proteus Fund InclOl University 501 (c)(3) to support the Civil Marriage 245,000 Drive Suite A2 public ch Collaborative Amherst,MA 01002

Protex A Network for Progressive 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 140,000 Texas DBA Texas C510 S Congress public ch Suite 104 Austin,TX 78704

PS 58 Parent Teacher Association 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 330 Smith Street public ch Brooklyn, NY 11231

Public Interest Projects45 West 501 (c)(3) to support the Funders' 50,000 36th Street 6th Floor public ch Committee for Civic New York, NY 10018 Participation

Public Interest Projects45 West 501 (c)(3) to initiate a sub-fund of the 100,000 36th Street 6th Floor public ch U S Human Rights Fund to New York, NY 10018 support human rights advocacy and communications work on the elimination ofjuvenile life without parole sentencing in the United States

Public Interest Projects45 West 501 (c)(3) to provide renewal support to 350,000 36th Street 6th Floor public ch the Four Freedoms Fund for New York, NY 10018 core grantmaking and the Strategic Communications Initiative

Public Interest Projects45 West 501 (c)(3) to support the International 50,000 36th Street 6th Floor public ch Human Rights Funders Group NewYork,NY 10018

Public Interest Projects45 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,500 36th Street 6th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10018

Public International Law and Policy 501 (c)(3) to support legal assistance to 141,345 Group3600 North Vernon Street public ch the Government of South Sudan Arlington,VA 222074541 (GoSS)

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Public Justice Center Inc One North 501 (c)(3) to engage in research, 133,000 Charles Street Suite 200 public ch communications and public Baltimore, MD 21201 education efforts to reduce the number of youth who are tried as adults and detained at the Baltimore City Detention Center

Public Justice Center IncO ne North 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 Charles Street Suite 200 public ch Baltimore, MD 21201

Public Knowledge1818 N Street 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Suite 410 public ch Washington, DC 20036

Public Private Ventures122 East 501 (c)(3) to provide technical assistance 49,500 42nd Street 42nd Floor public ch to re-entry/re-integration New York, NY 10168 organizations that serve Empowerment Zone residents with criminal records

Queen Anne School14111 Oak 501 (c)(3) to provide a matching gift for 500 Grove Road public ch volunteer time Upper Marlboro, M D 20774

Rape Abuse and Incest National 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,200 Network Inc2000 L Street Suite 406 public ch Washington, DC 20036

Regents of the University of Governmental to support the research 100,000 Minnesota200 Oak Street SE Suite unit activities of the Institute on 450 Race and Poverty Minneapolis, MN 55455

Rehema Ministries 1117 3rd Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,505 Anacortes,WA 98221 public ch

ReServe Elder Service Inc6 East 501 (c)(3) matching gifts program 3,750 39th Street 10th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10016

Rift Valley Research LtdManor Foreign to organize a South Sudan civil 80,000 FarmUckington Cheltenham Organization society consultation to discuss Gloucestershire GL51 95P key themes in rights and U K governance in South Sudan

Right to the City Alliance8l Other to support an organizational 100,000 Willoughby Street 701 organization assessment and strategic Brooklyn, NY 11201 planning process

Rights for All People3131 West 14th 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 1,500 Avenue public ch Denver, CO 80204

Rights Working Group1140 Other to support Phase One of the 60,000 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 1 organization End Racial Profiling Campaign Washington, DC 20036

Robert F Kennedy Memorial1367 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 2,000 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 2 public ch Washington, DC 20036

Ruckus Society Inc369 15th Street 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 50,000 Oakland, CA 946123303 public ch

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Ruckus Society Inc369 15th Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Oakland, CA 946123303 public ch

Russian American Cultural Heritage 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 Center34 Hillside Avenue 4C public ch NewYork,NY 10040

Sabae Phyu White Jasmine184 3rd Foreign to support a monthly journal 10,000 floorThein Phyu Lane B Organization Rangoon 63110 BM

Safe and Sound Baltimores Campaign 501 (c)(3) to increase the number, 150,000 for Children2 East Read Street public ch quality, and funding ofafter- Baltimore,MD 212022407 school opportunities in Baltimore, particularly for middle and high school aged youth

Safe and Sound Baltimore s Campaign 501 (c)(3) to create a statewide network 67,000 for Children2 East Read Street public ch dedicated to increasing the Baltimore, MD 212022407 resources, number, and quality of Maryland's after-school opportunities

Safe and Sound Baltimores Campaign 501 (c)(3) to support the Public Safety 325,000 for Children2 East Read Street public ch Compact, an innovative policy Baltimore, MD 212022407 and financing mechanism to facilitate former prisoner re- entry and reduce incarceration costs

Safe and Sound Baltimore s Campaign 501 (c)(3) to increase sustainable 75,000 for Children2 East Read Street public ch funding for and improve the Baltimore, MD 212022407 program quality and reach of BOOST, Baltimore's Out-Of- School-Time initiative

Safe Streets Strong Communities 501 (c)(3) to conduct public education, 100,000 1600 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard public ch organize constituent New O rleans, LA 70113 communities, and advocate for criminal justice policies and practices in New Orleans that are smart and just and responsive to constituent community interests and needs

Salt Lake Affilliate Susan G Komen for 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 the CureP 0 Box 522320 public ch Salt Lake City, UT 84512

Salus World Inc2129 13th Street 501 (c)(3) to support training in trauma 50,000 Suite H public ch and mental health issues in Boulder, CO 80302 Burma and on the Thai-Burma border

San Diego Hospice Foundation Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the educational 160,714 4311 Third Avenue public ch intervention and technical San Diego, CA 92103 assistance in four countries to help meet the urgent demand for culturally appropriate palliative care

Sanctuary for Families IncP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 1406 Wall Street Station public ch NewYork,NY 102681406

Shambhala Nalanda Foundation1494 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 4,500 Carlton St public ch Halifax, NS B3H 3B7 CA

Shelter Our Sisters Inc405 State 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 5,535 Street public ch Hackensack, NJ 07601

SilencelsViolence520 Port Street Other to sustain and extend the 20,000 New O rleans, LA 70117 organization citizen engagement in public safety and criminal justice in New Orleans, that was initiated at the time of the January 11, 2007 March For Survival to City Hall

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Slope Street Cats Inc325 A 22nd 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 500 Street Apartment 3 public ch program Brooklyn, NY 11215

Smokey House Project426 Danby 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Mountain Road public ch Danby,CT 05739

Social Justice Leadership1916 Park Other to support Social Justice 100,000 Avenue Suite 305 organization Leadership NewYork,NY 10037

Social Ventures Inc124 Westfield 501 (c)(3) to support the EcoVillage 12,924 Drive public ch Travel Project Ithaca, NY 14850

Society for International 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,500 Development Washington C1875 public ch Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 7 Washington, DC 20009

SOCIETY FORTHE PREVENTION 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS S328 public ch Furman Hall Road Greenville, SC 29609

Society of American Law Teachers 501 (c)(3) to provide capacity building 200,000 IncTouro Law Center Public public ch support for an expansion plan Advocacy C Central Islip, NY 11722

Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan55A Foreign to support educational advising 23,614 Logvinenko Street Organization services in Central Asia Bishkek 720040 KG

South Brooklyn Legal Services105 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Court Street public ch Brooklyn, NY 11201

Southern Center for Human Rights83 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 250,000 Poplar Street NW public ch Atlanta,GA 303032122

Southern Public Defender Training Other to provide training to, and 75,000 Center83 Poplar Street NW organization partner with, public defender Atlanta, GA 30303 offices across the region in order to build a community of zealous, committed public defenders and raise the standards of representation for indigent defendants in the southeastern United States

Spitfire Strategies1800 M Street NW US for-profit to conduct opinion leader 81,825 Suite 300 North compan research on effective Washington, DC 20036 communications messaging for indigent defense reform, and to provide media training and technical assistance to indigent defense reform advocates in targeted jurisdictions

St Frances Academy501 East Chase 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Street public ch Baltimore, MD 21202

St Jude Children s Research Hospital 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 501 St Jude Place public ch Memphis,TN 38105

St Paul the Apostle Church405 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 59th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

St Paul the Apostle Church405 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 59th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

St Paul the Apostle Church405 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift 900 59th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

St Paul the Apostle Church405 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 59th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

St Paul the Apostle Church405 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 250 59th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

St Philip Neri Catholic Church3025 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Grand Concourse public ch Bronx, NY 10468

St Sylvester s Church68 Ohio 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,200 Avenue public ch Medford, NY 11765

St Sylvesters Church68 Ohio Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 1,200 Medford, NY 11765 public ch

St Sylvester s Church68 Ohio 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,200 Avenue public ch Medford, NY 11765

St Sylvester s Church68 Ohio 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 1,200 Avenue public ch Medford, NY 11765

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 4,500 5164-A Norwood Avenue public ch Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift 7,500 5164-A Norwood Avenue public ch Jacksonville, FL 32208

Stage Aurora Theatrical Company Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift 6,000 5164-A Norwood Avenue public ch Jacksonville, FL 32208

State Voices719 Griswold Street 501 (c)(3) to support State Voices 100,000 Suite 600 public ch Detroit,MI 48226

Stephen Gaynor School148 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 90th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10024

Stonehedge Gardens Inc51 Dairy 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 30,000 Road public ch Tamaqua, PA 18252

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Stonewall Foundation119 West 24th 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,500 Street 7th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10011

Students for a Free Tibet6O2 East 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 14th Street 2nd Floor public ch program NewYork,NY 10009

Students for a Free Tibet6O2 East 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 14th Street 2nd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10009

Students for Sensible Drug Policy 501 (c)(3) to build program capacity and 50,000 Foundation101 Townsend Street public ch to increase diversity of student Suite 312 membership San Francisco, CA 94107

Sudan Social Development Foreign to host a O pen Society Justice 18,000 OrganizationBuilding No 17 Block 4 Organization Initiative Fellow West Ed D Kartoum 11111 SU

Sudan TribuneOVH 140 Quai du Foreign to enhance the capacity of the 35,820 Sartel Organization online news publication Roubaix 59100 FR

Summer Learning Professional 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 Services800 Wyman Park Drive Suite public ch 110 Baltimore, MA 21211

Summer Learning Professional 501 (c)(3) to support efforts to increase 110,000 Services800 Wyman Park Drive Suite public ch access to high-quality summer 110 learning programs for Baltimore, MA 21211 Baltimore's children and youth

SUSAN G KOMEN BREAST CANCER 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 FOUNDATION INC341 West 38th public ch Street 10th Floor NewYork,NY 10018

Swarthmore College500 College 501 (c)(3) matching gift 225 Avenue public ch Swarthmore, PA 19081

Sylvia Rivera Law Project Inc322 8th 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 60,000 Avenue 3rd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Synergos Institute Inc51 Madison 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 10,000 Avenue 21st Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10010

Synergy Social Re-Engineering Foreign to support institutional 150,000 Consultancy Firm143 8 Soi Lanna Organization capacity building for Burmese Villa T Changpeuk Community Based Chaing Mai 50000 Organizations working on TH Cyclone Nargis reconstruction programs

T A G Treatment Action Group Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift form 375 611 Broadway Suite 608 public ch NewYork,NY 10012

Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 USA2122 15 Mile Road Suite A public ch Sterling Heights, MI 48310

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 USA2122 15 Mile Road Suite A public ch Sterling Heights, MI 48310

Tappantown Historical SocietyP 0 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Box 71 public ch Tappan, NY 10983

Tarrant County Challenge226 Bailey 501 (c)(3) to use advocacy and 200,000 Avenue Suite 105 public ch communications to increase Fort Worth,TX 76107 awareness and drive efficiency and financial strategies that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

Temple University406 University 501 (c)(3) to expand and nationally 50,000 Services Building 08 public ch replicate the Inside-Out Philadelphia, PA 191226099 Exchange, a model strategy for increasing access to education for people in prison

Texas Defender Service510 South 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 200,000 Congress Avenue Suite 30 public ch Austin,TX 78704

Texas Defender Service510 South 501 (c)(3) to provide support to add a 220,000 Congress Avenue Suite 30 public ch lawyer and paralegal to the Austin,TX 78704 post conviction project, and a lawyer to the trial project, in order to confront the anticipated surge in executions and increase the pace of trial- level intervention

The Advancement Project1220 L 501 (c)(3) to support the Voter Protection 200,000 Street NW Suite 850 public ch Program, aimed at eliminating Washington, DC 20005 legal and structural barriers to voting for potential voters in minority and low income communities

The Advancement Project1220 L 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300,000 Street NW Suite 850 public ch Washington, DC 20005

The After School Corporation1440 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,750 Broadway 16th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10018

The Alliance for Climate Protection 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000,000 901 E Street NW Suite 610 public ch Washington, DC 20004

The Alliance for Health Reform1444 501 (c)(3) to educate policymakers, 10,200 Eye Street NW Suite 910 public ch media and related stakeholders Washington, DC 20005 about mental health and addiction treatment in the context of comprehensive health care reform

The ALS Association Greater New 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 York Chapter42 Broadway Suite public ch 1724 NewYork,NY 10004

The American Constitution Society 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,000,000 for Law and Poli1333 H Street NW public ch 11th Floor Washington, DC 20005

The American Constitution Society 501 (c)(3) to support the Constitution in 100,000 for Law and Poli1333 H Street NW public ch 2020 project 11th Floor Washington, DC 20005

The American Universityc/o Office of 501 (c)(3) to support the Human Rights 50,824 Sponsored Programs 4 public ch and Access to Medicines Legal Washington, DC 20016 Education and Advocacy Initiative

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The American Universityc/o Office of 501 (c)(3) to support the Collaboration on 100,000 Sponsored Programs 4 public ch Government Secrecy in its Washington, DC 20016 efforts to increase transparency in government

The Asia Society725 Park Avenue 501 (c)(3) to support US-Iran Dialogue 150,000 New York, NY 100215088 public ch

The Associated Jewish Community 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 42,750 Federation of Bal101 Mount Royal public ch Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

The Associated Jewish Community 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,632 Federation of Bal101 Mount Royal public ch Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

The Associated Jewish Community 501 (c)(3) matching gift 19,418 Federation of Bal101 Mount Royal public ch Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

The Associated Jewish Community 501 (c)(3) matching gift 22,611 Federation of Bal101 Mount Royal public ch Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

The Baltic American Partnership 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 83,130 Fund Inc400 West 59th Street public ch NewYork,NY 10019

The Baltimore Museum of Art Inc10 501 (c)(3) matching gift 345 Art Museum Drive public ch Baltimore,MD 212183898

The Board of Trustees of the Leland 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 300 Stanford Junio301 Encina Hall public ch Stanford, CA 943056076

The Bridge8639B 16th Street 371 501 (c)(3) matching gift 1,290 Silver Spring, MD 20910 public ch

The Burma Fund777 United Nations 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 9,000 Plaza 6th floor public ch NewYork,NY 10017

The Burma Fund777 United Nations 501 (c)(3) to support capacity building, 32,400 Plaza 6th floor public ch research and outreach for New York, NY 10017 reform-minded Burmese military officials in exile with links to colleague officials in Burma

The Campaign for Youth Justice1012 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300,000 14th Street NW Suite 610 public ch Washington, DC 20005

The Carter Center IncO ne Copenhill 501 (c)(3) to strengthen the rule of law in 600,000 453 Freedom Parkway public ch Liberia Atlanta,GA 30307

The Chapin School100 East End 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 Avenue public ch NewYork,NY 10028

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers 501 (c)(3) to engage in grassroots 41,000 IncP 0 Box 603 public ch organizing and legal education Immokalee, FL 34143 to remove employment barriers faced by Baltimore residents with criminal histories

The Constitution Project1200 18th 501 (c)(3) to advance the objectives of 50,000 Street NW Suite 1000 public ch the human rights/liberty and Washington, DC 20036 security and criminal justice advocacy communities during the transition period by providing policymakers with a collaborative catalogue of policy objectives to promote the rule of law

The Dalton School108 East 89th 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 900 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10128

The Doe Fund Inc232 East 84th 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Street public ch NewYork,NY 10028

The Former Political Prisoners Foreign to support an internet resource 22,070 Network Upper BurNo 88 Aung San Organization center in U pper Burma Road Monywa, Sa BM

The Innocence Project Inc100 Fifth 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 150,000 Avenue 3rd Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10011

The Institutes Walter Houp Court NE 501 (c)(3) to assist Maryland correctional 50,000 Washington, DC 20002 public ch agencies with implementing procedures to increase the use of parole, limit technical parole violations and reform pretrial detention practices

The Institute of Music for Children 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Inc780 Salem Avenue public ch Elizabeth, NJ 07208

The International Center in New York 501 (c)(3) to support the Andrew Romay 121,642 Inc50 West 23rd Street 7th Floor public ch Immigrant Support Fund New York, NY 100105205

The International Legal Foundation 501 (c)(3) to increase the organization's 100,000 55 Washington Street Suite 622 public ch centralized capacity to support Brooklyn, NY 11201 program development and engage in research and advocacy

The International Legal Foundation 501 (c)(3) to expand the presence of legal 25,110 55 Washington Street Suite 622 public ch clinics at Afghan universities Brooklyn, NY 11201

The Miriam HospitalDevelopment 501 (c)(3) to use advocacy and 200,000 Office PO Box H public ch communications to drive an Providence, RI 02901 efficiency and a financial strategy that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

The Moving Image Inc209 West 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 7,500 Houston Street public ch NewYork,NY 10014

The Myanmar Institute ofTheology Foreign to support the Nargis 25,000 MITSeminary Hill Insein Organization reconstruction program Yangon BM

The Myanmar Institute of Theology Foreign to support the BARS 20,000 MITSeminary Hill Insein Organization scholarship program Yangon BM

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Nation Institute116 East 16th 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 10,000 Street 8th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 100032112

The National Iranian American 501 (c)(3) to support the US-Iran Media 25,000 Council Inc1411 K Street NW Suite public ch Resource Program 600 Washington, DC 20005

The National Iranian American 501 (c)(3) to support the Legislative 99,010 Council Inc1411 K Street NW Suite public ch Watch Program to monitor 600 Iran-related legislative Washington, DC 20005 activities in Washington

The Nenneh Children Relief Fund Inc 501 (c)(3) matching gift 9,000 49 Crown Street Suite 8M public ch Brooklyn, NY 11225

The New School66 West 12th Street 501 (c)(3) to support the journal donation 10,000 Room 801 public ch project in Cuba NewYork,NY 10011

The New School66 West 12th Street 501 (c)(3) to support the Journal 20,000 Room 801 public ch Donation Project to distribute New York, NY 10011 desperately needed professional journals into libraries in Burma

The New York Historical Society170 501 (c)(3) matching gift 10,000 Central Park West public ch NewYork,NY 100245194

The New York Immigration Coalition 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 Inc137-139 West 25th Street 12th public ch Floo NewYork,NY 10001

The New York Immigration Coalition 501 (c)(3) matching gift 600 Inc137-139 West 25th Street 12th public ch Floo NewYork,NY 10001

The New York Women s Foundation 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 750 434 West 33rd Street 8th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10001

The New York Women s Foundation 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,750 434 West 33rd Street 8th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10001

The Open DoorCommunity910 Ponce 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 de Leon Avenue NE public ch Atlanta,GA 30306

The Osborne Association Inc809 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 Westchester Avenue public ch Bronx, NY 10455

Churchwardens and Vestrymembers 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 1,500 of the The Rector487 Hudson Street public ch NewYork,NY 10014

The Regents of the University of 501 (c)(3) to support the Center for Labor 75,000 CaliforniaSponsored Projects Office public ch Research and Education's 2150 Sha research on the quality of Jobs Berkeley, CA 947045940 held by black males in certain industries, development of a Los Angeles-based worker center, and a convening of black labor leaders

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Regents of the University of 501 (c)(3) to support the Burma Visiting 24,800 CaliforniaSponsored Projects Office public ch Scholar journalist fellowship 2150 Sha program at the University of Berkeley, CA 947045940 California, Berkeley School of Journalism

The SLE Lupus Foundation Inc330 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Seventh Avenue Suite 1701 public ch NewYork,NY 10001

The Sudan Centre for Justice and Foreign to provide institutional support 45,000 PeaceBlock 3D Golf Course Wampew Organization to a Sudanese exile Avenue organization that aims to Kampala promote respect for human UG rights in Sudan through monitoring and documentation, legal assistance, and advocacy

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to support the Justice 63,750 Presidio Building public ch Strategies project's efforts to San Francisco, CA 94129 conduct work research and technical assistance in Colorado on the costs/consequences of expansive prison policies

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to support the Break the Chains 75,000 Presidio Building public ch project San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to support the Opportunity 200,000 Presidio Building public ch Agenda San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to support the We Are America 111,250 Presidio Building public ch Alliance San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to support the International 49,894 Presidio Building public ch Treatment Preparedness San Francisco, CA 94129 Coalition (ITPC) in implementing its new strategic plan and to strengthen ITPC's governance and management capacity

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to support the HIV 24,000 Presidio Building public ch Collaboration Fund in its work San Francisco, CA 94129 on community mobilization to provide education, advocacy, and awareness about HIV and TB treatment and prevention in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to provide project support for 25,000 Presidio Building public ch the Center on Social Inclusion San Francisco, CA 94129

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) to support the Treatment 90,000 Presidio Building public ch Monitoring and Advocacy San Francisco, CA 94129 Project to establish civil society research and advocacy teams in six countries to do independent research on the quality and accessibility of HIV services for women and children

The Tides CenterP 0 Box 29907 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 609 Presidio Building public ch San Francisco, CA 94129

The Trustees of Columbia University 501 (c)(3) to support the Center for 100,000 in the City of1210 Amsterdam public ch Research on Fathers, Children, Avenue Mail Code 22 and Family Well-Being's New York, NY 10027 research on the impact of the Non-Custodial Earned Income Tax Credit on low to moderate income African American men, and to support the development of a strategic plan

The Trustees of Columbia University 501 (c)(3) to support the Columbia 350,000 in the City of1210 Amsterdam public ch Journalism Review Avenue Mail Code 22 NewYork,NY 10027

The Trustees of Columbia University 501 (c)(3) to support a Visiting Scholar at 10,000 in the City of1210 Amsterdam public ch the Center for the Study of Avenue Mail Code 22 Human Rights NewYork,NY 10027

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

The Trustees of Princeton University 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 2,250 P 0 Box 36 Office of Research and public ch Princeton, NJ 085440036

I The University of Maryland 501 (c)(3) to support the Calverton 37,500 Baltimore Foundation660 West public ch School Mental Health Initiative Redwood Street Room 021 Baltimore, MD 21201

The University of Wisconsin2l North 501 (c)(3) to support the launch and 239,178 Park Street Suite 6401 public ch implementation of Cohort II of Madison, WI 537151218 the International Pain Policy Fellowship (IPPF) with the aim to empower Fellows with the knowledge and skills that will help them to improve patient access to opioid analgesics for pain management i

Tides FoundationThe Presidio P 0 501 (c)(3) to support the Death Penalty 100,000 Box 29903 public ch Mobilization State Strategies San Francisco, CA 94129 Fund

Tobin Project IncOne Mifflin Place 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 225,000 Suite 240 public ch Cambridge, MA 02138

Transportation Alternatives Inc 127 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 450 West 26th Street Suite 1002 public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Transportation Alternatives Inc 127 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,400 West 26th Street Suite 1002 public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Treatment Research Institute600 501 (c)(3) to support two national 125,000 Public Ledger Building 150 Sou public ch conferences aimed at Philadelphia, PA 19106 publicizing and demonstrating the National Quality Forum's 11 standards of addiction treatment to measure, track and reward performance

TrustAfrica320 East 43rd Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 New York, NE 10017 public ch

Trustees of Dartmouth College6066 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Development Office public ch Hanover, NH 03755

Twenty First Century Foundation132 501 (c)(3) to advance the work of the 125,000 West 112 Street Lower Level public ch Black Men and Boys Initiative NewYork,NY 10026

U S Campaign for Burma1444 N Other to increase awareness of 40,000 Street NW Suite A2 organization Burma's democracy movement Washington, DC 20005 and advocacy efforts to press for binding UN Security Council efforts on Burma

Union for Reform Judaism633 Third 501 (c)(3) to support the Deborah Project 75,000 Avenue public ch New York, NY 100176778

Union of Concerned Scientists Inc 501 (c)(3) to restore the integrity of the 250,000 Two Brattle Square public ch processes through which Cambridge, MA 02238 scientific knowledge is factored into federal policy decision- making

United Macedonian Diasporall01 501 (c)(3) matching gift volunteer 1,000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 6th Fl public ch program Washington, DC 20004

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

United Nations Association of the 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,000 National Capital2000 P Street NW public ch Suite 630 Washington, DC 20036

United States Student Association 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300,000 Foundation1211 Connecticut Avenue public ch NW Suite 4 Washington, DC 20036

University of North Carolina at 501 (c)(3) to conduct two case studies in 30,000 Chapel Hill104 Airport Drive Suite public ch Kenya and South Africa to 2200 CB1 examine HIV testing programs Chapel Hill, NC 275991350

University of Puerto Rico Medical 501 (c)(3) to use advocacy and 200,000 Sciences CampusCenter for public ch communications to drive an Evaluation and Sociomedi efficiency and a financial San Juan, PR 009365607 strategy that will increase resources for addiction treatment and demonstrate approaches to Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap

University of RochesterP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 4,500 270032 Gift Donor Recor public ch Rochester, NY 14627

Upper Iowa UniversityP 0 Box 1857 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Fayette, IA 52142 public ch

Urban Assembly Inc9O Broad Street 501 (c)(3) matching gift 750 Suite 2101 public ch NewYork,NY 10004

Urban Justice Center123 William 501 (c)(3) to educate and sensitize 7,500 Street 16th Floor public ch decision-makers and activists New York, NY 10038 on global health policy regarding the negative impacts of the Anti-Prostitution Pledge

Urban Justice Center123 William 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 6,000 Street 16th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10038

V Day127 University Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 600 Berkeley, CA 94710 public ch

Vera Institute ofJustice Inc233 501 (c)(3) to work with local government 200,000 Broadway 12th Floor public ch and community leaders in New New York, NY 10279 Orleans, Louisiana, to develop and implement pilot programs that expedite case charging and disposition, rationalize and increase pretrial release, and expand the use of alternative sanctions

Virginia Gildersleeve International 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Fund Inc3 West 29th Street 1002 public ch NewYork,NY 10001

Volunteers for the Vulnerable V4VNo Foreign to support Nargis Health 15,000 44 Saddan Street Ahlone Townsh Organization Programs Yangon,Ya BM

W Eugene Smith Memorial Fund Inc 501 (c)(3) to support the annual grant 15,000 c/o The International Center of Pho private f competition NewYork,NY 10036

W Haywood Burns Institute180 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 75,000 Howard Street Suite 320 public ch San Francisco,CA 94105

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Jr National M Washington DC Martin 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 150 Luther King401 F Street NW Suite public ch 334 Washington, DC 20001

Washington Office on Latin America 501 (c)(3) to provide institutional support 250,000 1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite public ch 4 Washington, DC 20009

Washington Office on Latin America 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 1666 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite public ch 4 Washington, DC 20009

WBEZ Alliance Inc848 E Grand 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Avenue public ch Chicago, IL 60611

Wellesley College106 Central Street 501 (c)(3) to broaden the access of 50,000 Wellesley, MA 02481 public ch women and children with disabilities to health care including counseling and mental health resources, education, employment and participation in all areas of public and private life

Wesleyan University318 High Street 501 (c)(3) to support the Service Career 50,000 Middletown,CT 06459 public ch Fellowships

Wesleyan University318 High Street 501 (c)(3) to support the Military 100,000 Middletown, CT 06459 public ch Veterans Scholarship

Wesleyan University318 High Street 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 900 Middletown,CT 06459 public ch

Wide Angle Community Media2526 501 (c)(3) to support a sustainability plan 10,000 North Howard Street Suite 160 public ch Baltimore, MD 21218

Wildcat Service Corporation2 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,000 Washington Street public ch NewYork,NY 10004

Wildlands Conservancy Inc3701 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 3,000 Orchid Place public ch Emmaus, PA 18049

Willamette University900 State 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Street public ch Salem, O R 97301

William J Brennan Jr Center for 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 700,000 Justice Inc161 Avenue of the public ch Americas 12th Fl NewYork,NY 10013

William J Brennan Jr Center for 501 (c)(3) to support the Community 75,000 Justice Inc161 Avenue of the public ch Oriented Defender Network, a Americas 12th Fl national network of public New York, NY 10013 defenders that is dedicated to strengthening the relationship between defenders and their communities and securing fair and equal access to justice through systemic reform

Wired on Wheels Inc National 501 (c)(3) to provide renewal support for 150,000 Coalition for Disab601 Pennsylvania public ch the Campaign for Fair Judges Avenue NW Suite 9 Washington, DC 20004

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

Wisconsin Council on Children and 501 (c)(3) to support the Wisconsin 75,000 Families555 West Washington public ch Budget Project Avenue Suite 2 Madison, WI 53703

Witness to InnocenceP 0 Box 34725 Other to allow Witness to Innocence 50,000 Philadelphia, PA 19101 organization to recruit, train, and support exonerated ex-death row prisoners and their family members to become effective leaders and public spokespersons for the anti- death penalty movement

WNYC Radio160 Varick Street 9th 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 300 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio160 Varick Street 9th 501 (c)(3) to provide matching gift funds 300 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio160 Varick Street 9th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 225 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio160 Varick Street 9th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 180 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio160 Varick Street 9th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio160 Varick Street 9th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

WNYC Radio160 Varick Street 9th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10013

Women for Women4455 Connecticut 501 (c)(3) to increase women's role as 66,399 Avenue NW Suite 2 public ch decision-makers and leaders Washington, DC 20008 within their own community, and to provide a forum for collective engagement in civic action and political involvement

Women for Women4455 Connecticut 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 5,340 Avenue NW Suite 2 public ch Washington, DC 20008

Women s Law Center Inc305 West 501 (c)(3) to establish an employment law 15,000 Chesapeake Avenue Suite 2 public ch hotline to provide low-income Towson, MD 21204 women information and advice and to track patterns of discrimination or abuse that require remediation through impact litigation or policy change

Woodrow Wilson International Center 501 (c)(3) to support the project, 200,000 for ScholarsO ne Woodrow Wilson public ch "Promoting Citizen Security in Plaza 1300 Penn Latin America An Analysis of Washington, DC 200043027 Public Policy"

World Economic Journal64 57th Foreign to support the online version of 5,000 Street Hlaing Township Organization World Economic Journal in Rangoon 11042 Burmese BM

World Resources Institute 10 G 501 (c)(3) to generate a dialogue on 12,494 Street NE Suite 800 public ch energy issues in Kyrgyzstan to Washington, DC 20002 improve transparency and enhance governance accountability during the privatization and regulation of the energy sector

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3 - Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or any foundation manager recipient business) or substantial contributor

a Paid during the year

World Resources Institute 10 G 501 (c)(3) to support the Electricity 68,112 Street NE Suite 800 public ch Governance Initiative Washington, DC 20002

World Resources InstitutelO G 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 5,000 Street NE Suite 800 public ch Washington, DC 20002

World Vision InternationalP 0 Box 501 (c)(3) matching gift 300 9716 public ch Federal Way,WA 98063

World Wide Christian Schools629 501 (c)(3) matching gifts 7,800 Ionia Avenue SW public ch Grand Rapids,MI 49503

World Wildlife Fund Inc1250 24th 501 (c)(3) matching gift 450 Street NW public ch Washington, DC 20037

Yale UniversityP 0 Box 208337 501 (c)(3) to support the National 38,038 New Haven, CT 065208337 public ch Litigation Project at Yale Law School

Yale UniversityP 0 Box 208337 501 (c)(3) to provide support for Yale 36,938 New Haven, CT 065208337 public ch Fellow, Christine Chung, to draft a report assessing the value of information provided by human rights NGO s to the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court

Yeshiva Achei Tmimim Lubavitz1148 501 (c)(3) matching gift 3,600 Converse Street public ch Longmeadow, MA 01106

Your Public Radio Corporation2216 501 (c)(3) to produce Ear to the Ground, a 46,250 North Charles Street public ch year-long radio conversation Baltimore, MD 21218 with six individuals navigating Baltimore's schools, addiction treatment centers, social services, and criminal justice system

Your Public Radio Corporation2216 501 (c)(3) matching gift program 225 North Charles Street public ch Baltimore, MD 21218

Your Public Radio Corporation2216 501 (c)(3) matching gift 150 North Charles Street public ch Baltimore, MD 21218

Youth I N C Improving Non Profits for 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 2,500 Children825 3rd Avenue Suite 210 public ch NewYork,NY 10022

Youth Organizing Urban 501 (c)(3) to provide general support and 15,000 Revitalization Systems 1653 public ch support for staff training Northwick Road Baltimore, MD 21218

Total ...... 3a 1,078,090,296 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Lala AbasovaSharifli Street 96 apart Individual to spend a semester at a 15,000 17 U S university as part of the Baku 370118 Faculty Development AJ Fellowship Program

Sevin) Abdullayeva9/12 Orujaliyev Individual to study Social Work at a 53,073 Street Apartment 9 U S university Baku AZ1033 AJ

Ilhom A bdulloevBokhtar str 37/1 Room Individual to obtain a graduate degree 124,188 402 in Economics at Rutgers Dushanbe 734002 University TI

Asel Abdyramanova26/39 Ibraimova Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 Street U S university as part of the Osh 714000 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Ehab Abu Goshl shoshan st Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 4,362 Abu Gosh 90845 Georgetown University IS

Khaleel Abu KhadejhBab Hotta The Old Individual to pursue an internship at 5,000 City the AI-Quds University Jerusalem Human Rights Clinic OC

Ghada Abu QteishAl Bireh Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 7,485 Ramallah Wake Forest University OC

Irene Abuladze3 LUkrainka Str Individual to pursue and MA in 37,980 Tbilisi 00108 Education in the United GG States

Abdurrazack Achmat32 Main Road Individual to write a book that analyzes 42,361 Muizenberg Cape Town, We 07945 politics and its practice in SF South Africa over the last three decades through, but not restricted to, engagement with global political and activist movements

Mery AgakhanyanHovsep Emin st 4/54 Individual to produce a photo 2,800 Yerevan 00033 documentary on the social, AM legal, and psychological issues of village life in Armenia

Erlin Agicbul Jane Sandanski 110/3- Individual to study at George Mason 7,084 22 Skopje 01000 MK

Efa Ahmed Williams3708 Delverne Individual to raise awareness about 33,534 Road sickle cell disease through Baltimore, MD 21218 the organization, Destiny Despite Sickle Cell Disease, while encouraging and empowering adolescents and young adults to become capable of to raise awareness about sickle cell disease through the organization, Destiny Despite Sickle Cell Disease, while encouraging and empowering adolescents and young adults to become capable of managing their chronic illness by using coping strategies

Mashura Akilova8th microregion house Individual to obtain a graduate degree 169,851 78 apt 29 in Social Work from Khujand,Su 735700 Columbia University TI

Nelly Akobia500 Riverside Drive Room Individual to study Social Work at a 54,178 518 U S university NewYork,NY 10027 GG

Victor Al BandakPO Box 870 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 10,552 Jerusalem the Central European O C University

Total ...... 1111 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Motaz Al NaougDeirAlbalah 1-56 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 11,890 Gaza the Central European 0C University

Giorgi AladashviliGuramishvili Ave 35 Individual to obtain an MA in Education 28,877 apt 30 from a U S university Tbilisi 00178 GG

Nabil Al JoulaniPalestine Poltechnic Individual to pursue a short-term 12,753 University PO fellowship in education Hebron OC

Said A AlMadhounBeit Laheia Individual to pursue an internship with 861 Al Soudaneia the Open Society Justice 0C Initiative

TamarAlpenidzel4 Khizanishvili Str Individual to spend a semester at a 6,670 Tbilisi 00167 U S university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Givi A miranashviliTemka M icroraion Individual to spend a semester at a 6,670 11 quarter 3 bu U S university as part of the Tbilisi 00191 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Gordana Angelichin ZhuraulKuzman Individual to study at the University of 10,757 Kapidan br27a Wisconsin - Eau Claire O hrid 06000 MK

Maia AraviashviliN8 Tmaniani Street Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 Telavi 02220 U S university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Q ueenwill A ungP 0 Box 91 Mae Sod Individual to provide additional support 4,650 Tak Province 63110 to study at Assumption TH University

Assel Auzhanova134 A Krasay batyr Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 str 28 apt U S university as part of the Almaty Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Indra Baatarkhuu50-13 Seoul Street Individual to study at Bard College 4,790 Khoroo 4 Sukh Ulaanbaatar n/a MG

Aiaz Baetovl8a MAsanbaeva st Orto- Individual to spend a semester at a 5,664 Sai Villag U S university as part of the Bishkek 720016 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Gulzat BaialievaMoskovskaya Street Individual to spend a semester at a 6,767 185/71 U S university as part of the Bishkek 720044 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Zhanara Baikenova75 Gogol App 251 Individual to spend a semester at a 7,410 Almaty 50004 U S university as part of the KZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Marko BalazevicJarunska 2 Sd Stjepan Individual to study at Bard College 4,463 Radi 263 Zagreb 10000 HR

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Barat Ali BatoorKarte 4 University Individual to produce a photo 3,800 Road documentary on child Kabul AF200 trafficking in Afghanistan AF

Yerzhan Bek AIi50 Satpayev Individual to spend a semester at a 14,750 Almaty 50057 U S university as part of the KZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Krenare BektashiStreet Rexhep Mala Individual to study at the University of 9,689 no 26 Georgia Prishtina 10000 OC

Mania BerezinaSoicha str 2/501 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 9,973 Kharkiv 61037 University UP

Khatuna Beridze3 Jincharadze Str Individual to spend a semester at a 9,570 Batumi 06010 U S university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Tamila Bezhanidze4l Vakhtang Individual to study Social Work at a 74,689 Gorgasali Street Apart U S university Batumi 06000 GG

Hayk Bianjyan82 Hovsep Emin strapt Individual to produce a photo 2,800 50 documentary on the violation Yerevan 00033 of property rights in Yerevan, AM Armenia

Tamar Bochorishvili6322 Enright Individual to study Social Work at a 41,516 St Louis, MI 63130 U S university

Javkhlan Bold ErdeneApartment 5 Individual to study at the University of 9,782 Building 3 2nd khoroo Montana Ulaanbaatar,Su 00976 MG

Sam Brooke1286 South Lawrence Individual to publicize, advocate 51,500 Street against, and litigate abuses Montgomery, AL 36104 suffered by immigrants in detention in the southeast United States, and other misconduct by Immigration Customs and Enforcement

Khalilah Brown Dean17 McKinley Individual to indentify, evaluate, and 71,500 Avenue empirically measure the New Haven, CT 06515 success of community- based efforts to increase participation among high- incarceration communities

Mukarama Burkhanova22 Firdavsi apt Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 34 U S university as part of the Dushanbe 734061 Faculty Development TI Fellowship Program

Rustam Burnashev6-66 Individual to spend a semester at a 14,260 Namanganskaya St U S University as part of the Almaty 50039 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Anthony Camerino1305 East Capitol Individual to raise awareness about the 46,200 SE 302 ineffectiveness of torture Washington, DC 20003 and the effectiveness of non- coercive interrogation methods, and to monitor and critique changes proposed by President Barack Obama's Special Task Force on Detainee Policy

Liliya ChebotarovaApt40 Bd15 Tenista Individual to study at the University of 8,556 Str Texas at Austin Odesa 65000 UP

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Ecaterina Chirilenco30/1 Ion Pelivan Individual to study at the University of 6,900 str ap305 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Chisinau MD 2009 MD

Erdenechimeg ChogdonAcademy of Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 Management U S university as part of the Ulaanbaatar Khan-Uul-3 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Zakir Chotaev8l/6 Jukeev-Pudovkin Individual to spend a semester at a 8,006 St U S university as part of the Bishkek 720075 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Byambasuren ChuluunbatBayanzurkh Individual to study at the University of 7,413 District 4th Khoroo Bu Arkansas Ulaanbaatar n/a MG

Richard Cizikl7 Lawrence Lane Individual to initiate dialogue between 60,117 Fredericksburg, VA 22405 evangelical faith leaders, policy makers and academics, and other key constituencies on key challenges facing our nation, including the environment, immigration and criminal justice and povert

Maria Creciun35 Puskin Str apt 60 Individual to obtain a graduate degree 171,615 Chisinau MD 2005 in Economics at Brandeis M D University

Vlado DamjanovicKoste Vojinovica 8 Individual to study at the University of 9,593 Banta Luka 78000 Georgia BK

Sukhrobsho Davlatshoev40 Pushkin Individual to provide support to for a 139,428 Street PhD in Anthropology at Dushanbe Indiana University - TI Bloomington

Nora DekaidekPO Box 744 Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 12,508 Jerusalem the University of Pittsburgh OC

Pavlo Demchuk9901 Briarwild Lane Individual to provide additional support 5,000 Houston,TX 77080 to study at Rice University

Davlatsulton Dorgabekova8-10 Gani Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 121,685 A bdullo Street Political Science at Rutgers Dushanbe University TI

Ana DragicDjevdjelijska 33 Individual to study at the University of 7,023 Belgrade 11000 Arkansas RI

Fatima DuisebayevaApt 6 Building Individual to spend a semester at a 15,000 15/1 Popova Street U S university as part of the Almaty 50000 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Rena Effend12l Rasul-Rza apt 10 Individual to produce a photo 2,800 Baku AZ1000 documentary on the state of AJ the environment in the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan

Jehad El Hissi60/671 DirYasin St Individual to pursue a short-term 13,933 Gaza City fellowship in Public Health OC

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Rhonda Elsey Jones2225 Wheatley Individual to establish the Women 42,237 Drive 203 Healing Our Lives Entirely Baltimore, MD 21207 Intervention Project to break the cycles of abuse, trauma, addiction and incarceration for at risk women

Khaled El Sousil7-14 Bagdad St Individual to pursue a short-term 61 Gaza City fellowship in Environmental O C Studies

Zack Exley1209 West 40th Street Individual to research and plan an 12,600 Kansas City, MO 64111 organizational start-up effort intended to help change the way the progressive movement thinks about and practices grassroots organizing

Wyatt Feeler807 E Main Street Suite Individual to reduce the number of 51,312 6107 death sentences by Durham, NC 27701 improving the fairness of capital voir dire through appellate law reform and the development of state specific briefs and motions at the trial level

A ndrew Feinsteinl A inger Mews Individual to develop and disseminate 131,495 London NW3 3AZ a primer to enable civil UK society to engender greater transparency and accountability in arms transactions

Renay Frankel27 Hardwick St 3 Individual to transform the provision of 26,293 Cambridge, MA 02141 legal services by creating a partnership between public defenders and legal aid attorneys to address the collateral consequences of criminal records

Maria Gabashvilil6 Didi Digomi III Individual to pursue an MA in 28,486 district education in the U S Tbilisi 00131 GG

Archil GagnidzeApt 45 IIBlock Individual to obtain an MA in Education 38,829 Cholokhashvili Str from a U S University Tbilisi 00113 GG

Patrice Gaines112 Pine Grove Circle Individual to illustrate particularly to 2,715 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 African Americans, that they and their community are greatly impacted by the mass incarceration of Black people and that there are alternatives to incarceration

Igor GavricSkendera Kulenovica 30 Individual to study at Duke University 7,918 Banta Luka 78000 BK

Ia Gelashvilil2 Petritsi St Individual to pursue an MA in 28,547 Tbilisi 00131 education in the United GG States

Jared Genser9015 Lindale Drive Individual to Support Jared Genser 64 Bethesda, MD 20817 attendance in the IBA annual conference to discuss R2P

Giorgi Gogsadzel3 Taktakishvili Str Individual to spend a semester at a 14,370 apt 12 U S university as part of the Tbilisi 00179 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Sergey Gorbachov3 Shekspir street Individual to study at the University of 10,862 apt 49 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Kharkiv 61180 UP

Irma Gorbul16/b Petru Zadnipru str ap7 Individual to study at the University of 15,023 Balti MD 3100 Vermont MD

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Kseniia GorbunovaPetrovskogo str Individual to study at George Mason 6,369 132 93 University Donetsk 83120 UP

Amalia Greenberg Delgado177 29th Individual to collaborate with local 51,319 Street agencies and immigrant San Francisco, CA 94110 communities to develop and advocate for police practices that protect community safety and the constitutional rights of immigrants in northern California

Clemmie Greenlee2627 Carter Avenue Individual to transfrom the criminal 26,291 Nashville,TN 37206 justice system by training former gang members to be activists and community organizers in Nashville

Mazen HamdanUm Alsharayit PO Box Individual to pursue an internship at 15,000 2430 Ta'Awon For Conflict Ramallah Resolution OC

Ednin Hamzah2 Jalan 4/96 Taman Sri Individual to support Dr Ednin Hamzah 142 Bahtera C in attending a training for Kuala Lumpur 56100 teachers in palliative MY medcine, hosted by the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool, UK, October 18-23, 2009

Shannon Heffernan3419 West Medill Individual to distribute stories about 24,000 Chicago, IL 60647 parenting and prison to radio stations and on the web, using methods that directly involve those impacted

Katja Heinemann42 Madison Street 1 Individual to partner with the Broadway 23,000 Brooklyn, NY 11238 House for Continuing Care to create an educational campaign about HIV- positive seniors geared towards eldercare and healthcare professionals

Sarah Hemminger822 Caren Drive Individual to empower struggling high 35,572 Eldersburg, MD 21784 school students by surrounding them with mentors to form a comprehensive and dependable social network

Mark Hertsgaard2111 Turk Street Individual to advance onto public and 52,612 San Francisco, CA 94115 policy agendas around the world a new paradigm for addressing climate change that adds adaptation (that is, installing protections against climate impacts that are already locked in) to the existing focus on mitigation (i e , re

Dwayne Hess221 South Mount Street Individual to establish the 35,236 Baltimore, MD 21223 Neighborhood Spiritual Center to promote personal growth and healing for west Baltimore residents

Edin HodzicOsljak 392 Individual to study at the University of 5,670 Tesanj 74260 Washington BK

Olimpija Hristovaul Ilo Sopov br 46 Individual to study at the University of 5,286 Strumica 02400 Washington MK

Halima HusicHamida Besirevica 39 Individual to study at the University of 9,967 Sarajevo 71000 Montana BK

Roya HusseniFM Road Shah Mamood Individual to pursue an MA in 21,246 A hazi Civil Communications at the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Ia Iashvili37 26 Maisi Str Individual to spend a semester at a 9,190 Kutaisi 04600 U S university as part of the GG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Bakhtiiar Igamberdiev32/2 Kirov Individual to spend a semester at a 7,936 Pristan-Karakol 722362 U S university as part of the KG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Maja Islam268azmanska 2 Individual to study at Duke University 7,433 Zagreb 10000 HR

Burmaa Jamiyansuren37 Nam Yan ]us Individual to spend a semester at a US 14,820 Street Baynsurkh D university as part of the Ulaanbaatar 00976 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Yi Jian2-303Zhujianglvzhoul8 Jianguo Individual to create a not-for-profit 32,200 Rd project that aims at Beijing 100024 establishing creative civic CH engagement centers in small to medium size Chinese cities and seeding a pilot project in Ji'an City, Jiangxi

Gloria Jigaul9/8 Cuza Voda Strap79 Individual to obtain a graduate degree 98,610 Chisinau MD 2012 in Sociology at the MD University of Calgary

Herbert Johnson124 West Franklin Individual to launch the No Easy Ridin' 33,657 Street 509 Here Stories and Recipes of Baltimore, M D 21201 Survival project with senior citizens who reside at the Basilica Apartments

Salaheddin JuenidiPO Box 817 Individual to pursue a short-term 13,233 Hebron fellowship in Education OC

Khader JumaAl-Jabal St Individual to pursue a short-term 10,633 Bethlehem fellowship in Education OC

Jovidsho Juraev5 Loiq Sherali Street Individual to study Social Work at a 41,788 Dushanbe 734003 U S university TI

Zarrina Juraqulova36 Mayakovskiy Str Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 116,242 aprt 32 Economics from Washington Dushanbe 734043 State University - Pullman TI

Phyllis Kacherel3 Murray Bisset Close Individual to support the attendance at 2,896 P 0 Belvede the 53rd Session of the Harare Commission on the Status of ZI Women on March 2-13, 2009 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

Kornely KakachiaApt 213 Block-2 Individual to spend a semester at a 5,664 Tstotne Dadiani S U S university as part of the Tbilisi 00180 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Valeriy KaliyevKomissarov 34 - 3 Individual to produce a photo 3,000 Karaganda 100009 documentary on the violation KZ of migrant workers in Kazakhstan

Mohammad Ali Karimi39 Halabi St Individual to pursue an MA in 25,109 Kate Sangi, Kabul Communications from the AF University of Ottawa

Zukhra KarimovaChilanazar 3-12-42 Individual to spend a semester at a 7,329 Tashkent 100096 U S university as part of the UZ Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Azam KazemiyanUnama-Sarasyab Individual to pursue a MA degree in 40,000 Bamyam Communications at the A F University of Ottawa

Brenda Kenneally271 Stuyvesant Individual to provide support for a 23,000 Avenue publication and series of Brooklyn, NY 11221 workshops that compare historic and contemporary photographs, drawings, journals, and scrapbooks to explore how economic circumstances, disparities in education, access to healthcare, motherhood, and the

O mar KhaderPO Box 100 Individual to pursue an LLM at Wake 39,472 Ramallah Forest University OC

Asem KhalilPO Box 14 Individual to pursue a short-term 10,922 Ramallah fellowship at New York O C University

A nita Khandelwal312 W Olympic Place Individual to challenge trespass laws 51,213 Apartment A that serve to exclude Seattle, WA 98119 homeless and poor people of color from public spaces and public premises, and subject them to arrest and incarceration

Nagham KhawashkiWadi Al Joz PO Box Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 27,726 67026 American University Jerusalem 97500 IS

Saidmukhidin Kholovl2 Microdistrict Individual to spend a semester at a 15,000 16 building 5 ap U S university as part of the Khujand 735700 Faculty Development TI Fellowship Program

Elena Kiladze77 Str Nutsubidze Individual to spend a semester at a 6,538 Apartment 16 U S university as part of the Tbilisi 00177 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Lela KiriaVazha-Pshavela Kvarta 17 2 Individual to spend a semester at a 14,270 80 U S university as part of the Tbilisi Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Nino Kobakhidze73 Vazha Pshavela Individual to study Social Work at a 41,526 Avenue U S university Tbilisi 00186 GG

Nela KoncuratAntuna Barca 3E Individual to study at the University of 9,556 Zadar 23000 Georgia HR

Nino KopaleishviliDidi Digomi Ioanne Individual to support the attendance 1 Petritsi 5t9 and participation at the Tbilisi 00131 Annual Comparative and GG International Education Society Conference

Sandra KostadinovaVladimir Komarov Individual to study at the University of 8,985 6 4/23 Texas at Austin Skopje 01000 MK

Alma KranticSarajevska 17 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 12,103 Gracanica,Gr 75320 University BK

Lisa Kung1741 Dorsey Avenue Individual to develop podcasts, 113,691 East Point, GA 30344 writings and a blog that will lead to a conversation about community resiliency in the Southland, where people of color are a numerical majority but where surveillance, policing and incarceration are most intense

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Cholpon KurmanbaevaFlat 24 house Individual to spend a semester at a 6,225 47/1 Chui Avenue U S university as part of the Bishkek 720022 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Ann Lagidze6 Z Chavchavadze Individual to pursue an MA in 28,486 Tbilisi, 1 Georgia education in the U S GG

Milana LazicVojvoda Stepa street no Individual to study at the University of 10,414 320 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Belgrade 11 000 RI

Lura LimaniZagrebi st no2l Individual to study at New York 15,105 Prishtina,Ko 10000 University OC

Ana Litviniuc114 SF Nicolae Individual to obtain a PhD in Sociology 98,624 Balti MD-3100 from the University of MD Calgary

Elizabeth MacKenzie Biedell1415 Individual to research and draft a book 39,660 South Edgewood Street A partm exploring the limits to Arlington, VA 22204 transparency when secret intelligence is used to justify going to war

Askarbek MambetalievAlamedin-1 Individual to spend a semester at a 6,850 House 69 Apt 20 U S university as part of the Bishkek 720083 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Catherine Mckee2 Townsend Street Individual to increase access to 51,219 Apartment 1-610 federally assisted housing San Francisco, CA 94107 for individuals with a criminal record, including individuals recently released from correctional facilities

Lauren Melodia497 Quincy Street Individual to build a strategic, rural 51,168 Brooklyn, NY 11221 base for the progressive criminal justice movement in NY by mobilizing prison town residents through community economic planning activities

Justyna MielnikiewiczGogebashvili- Individual to produce a photo 2,800 PirvPier 15 documentary on old roles Tbilisi 00001 and new realities for young GG women in Georgia

Lana MikulicKMV Humskog 33 a Individual to study at the University of 9,563 Mostar 88000 Georgia BK

Ashley Minner3517 Sollers Point Road Individual to attend a conference which 984 Baltimore, MD 21222 will elicit best practices for working in Lumbee and Native American communities and to learn new strategies for working with young people

Dumitru M inzarariPuschin Str 60/1 apt Individual to obtain a PhD degree in 159,921 32 Political Science from Chisinau MD-2005 University of Michigan MD

Karen Mirzoyan58 Pushkin Street A ptl Individual to produce a photo 2,800 Yerevan 00002 documentary on youth AM suicide in Armenia

Zhanyl Moldalieva36/31v Kolbaev Individual to study Social Work at a 43,627 Street U S university Bishkek 720000 KG

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual , Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address ( home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Inna MonastyrnaVladychanskogo 51 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 10,433 kv8 University Donetsk 83052 UP

Nancy Mullane6022 California Street Individual to do a two-hour radio 2,719 San Francisco , CA 94121 documentary exploring the effects of gubernatorial descretion over parole of prisoners with indeterminante life sentences

Dilovar M unavvarov22 Zarafshon Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 117,254 Street Apt 16 Science at the University of Dushanbe Toronto TI

Sugarmaa MyagmarjavApt 15 bldg 39 Individual to spend a semester at a 14,750 Chingeltei distri U S university as part of the Ulaanbaatar 00976 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

A ung M yo M yatLevrisa St A partment Individual to provide additional support 1,000 Number- Tower to study at De La Salle Pasay City 03016 University RP

Al Aral NaderaPO Box 4 Beit-Jala Individual to pursue a short-term 5,088 Bethlehem fellowship in Education OC

Said Ahmad NajafizadaBBC Office Individual to pursue an MA in 20,045 Siagerd Street Communications at the Mazar-E Sharif University ofOrrawa AF

Danzan Narantuyal - 40000 60-8 Individual to spend a semester at a 15,000 Ulaanbaatar U S university as part of the MG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Ia Natsvlishvili3l Kazbegi Avenue Apt Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 5 U S university as part of the Tbilisi 00177 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Ike Okonta3 Wale Taiwo Close off Individual to study the failure of 90,902 PSSDC Road democratic and civic Lagos, La institutions in post-civil war NI Nigeria, triggering the emergence of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSO B) four decades later

Sagyn Omuralievl6 Zavodskaya Str Individual to spend a semester at a 15,000 Selo Alamudun ,Ch 724305 U S university as part of the KG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

M unkhbat 0rolmaalkh Surguuliin Individual to spend a semester at a 14,600 GudanjBldg not 46A U S university as part of the U laanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Namdaldagva 0 yut ErdenePO Box 189 Individual to spend a semester at a 14,750 Ulaanbaatar 210648 U S university as part of the MG Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Marija PantovicVojvoda stepa street no Individual to study at the University of 10,459 320 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Belgrade 11 000 RI

Ivy ParsonsPO Box 38656 Individual to provide funds for an 392 Baltimore, MD 21231 increase in health insurance costs

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Benny PaulRamkhamhaeng 24/31 Apt Individual to provide additional support 1,300 5/2 Ban R to study at Assumption Bangkok 10240 University TH

Basharat Peer25 Hawthorne Street and Individual to write a book about India's 35,480 Flatbush Av Muslim minority in the New York, NY 11225 context of sectarian tensions and violence and their combined effect on democracy and minority rights in India

Jovan PetrusevskiAvram Pisevski no Individual to study at the University of 6,774 55 Arkansas Skopje 01000 MK

Muquaddas Pulotoval3th microdistrics Individual to obtain a PhD in 122,687 25/1 apt 32 Economics from Rutgers Khujand 735703 University TI

Jessica Pupovac2000 W Gleason Road Individual to expose the dramatic 3,000 Columbia, MO 65203 increase in elderly prisoners in the US prison system and examine the causes, challenges, and opportunities for reform that population presents

Munkhselenge PurevdorjPO Box Individual to spend a semester at a 9,150 46/985 U S university as part of the U laanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Rabab RaEI Mahdil5a Radwan Ibn El- Individual to explore and study social 68,378 Tabib movements under conditions Giza, Ca 12111 of sustained EG authoritarianism in the Arab world

Stevan RandjelovicVinogradska 31 D Individual to study at the University of 5,344 Belgrade 11 070 Washington RI

Filip RizovMramorec no39 Individual to study at the University of 9,783 Skopje 01000 Montana MK

Liane Rozzell701 South Wayne Street Individual to build an effective and 26,500 Arlington,VA 22204 sustainable organization of families, youth and community allies to advocate for significant juvenile justice reform in Virginia

Melissa RuofPO Box 12511 Individual to establish Jubilee Arts, a 33,568 Baltimore, MD 21217 community arts program serving the west Baltimore communities of Sandtown- Winchester and Upton

Katheryn Russell Brown5220 NW 44th Individual to develop a justice studies 36,102 Place literature for young people- Gainesville, FL 32606 to provide them with a broad, critical, and inclusive counter-narrative about the criminal justice system

Fadi Salah EddinPO Box 25014 Shufat Individual to pursue an LLM degree at 24,278 Jerusalem American University IS

Albina Salimbayeva8 St Spartak Individual to spend a semester at a 5,664 apartment 29 U S university as part of the Almaty 50011 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Salkynay Samatova500 Riverside Individual to study Social Work at a 52,853 Drive 1201 U S university New York, NY 100273916

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Farouq SamimSt/ 1st - Kart-e-Mamorin Individual to pursue an MA in 24,966 Samim Net Commucations at the Kabul University of Ottawa AF

Nan SandiSEC Office 84/375 Moo Ban Individual to provide additional support 1,500 Chotana to study at Khon Kaen Chiang Mai 50300 University TH

Gulbahor SaraevaFL 53 Ismoili Somoni Individual to obtain a graduate degree 121,792 street 105/2 in Political Science from Dushanbe 734048 Rutgers University TI

Catalina Scortescu79 Bucuresti Street Individual to spend a semeser at a U 5 14,670 apt 1 university as part of the Chisinau 02012 Faculty Development MD Fellowship Program

Tiberiu ScutaruBotanica Veche 6 ap Individual to obtain a PhD in 150,935 11 Economics from American Chisinau MD-2062 University MD

Tumendelger SengedorjB308 Baga Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 toiruu-14 U S university as part of the U laanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Anass ShabanPO Box 55269 Individual to pursue an internship at 5,000 Jerusalem the Jerusalem Center for IS Social and Economic Rights (JCSER)

Gohar ShahnazaryanMarshal Individual to spend a semester at a 5,653 Bagramian ave 56 apt 63 U S University as part of the Yerevan 375019 Faculty Development AM Fellowship Program

Valeriia ShestakApt116 Bd38 Gaydar Individual to study at the University of 14,837 Str Vermont Odesa 65072 UP

Carrie Ann Shirota1711 Kaupakalua Individual to produce a comprehensive 35,548 Road research paper that will Haiku, HI 96708 underscore the problem of out-of-state prisoner transfers and its impacts on native prisoners

Halla ShoaibiAl-Isral St Individual to pursue an internship with 811 Ramallah the O pen Society Justice OC Initiative

A leksandra SimicV illage of Kobilje Individual to study at the University of 15,263 Brus 37 220 Vermont RI

Aleksandra SimoskaGjorgji Sugare no Individual to study at the University of 10,757 16/2-1 Wisconsin - Eau Claire Skopje 01000 MK

Alexandra Smith426 Park Place Individual to eliminate SHU for persons 73 Apartment 3 with psychiatric disabilities Brooklyn, NY 11238

AkhtarSoomro3B Shah Apt 5t22 Noor Individual to produce a photo 3,050 Elahi Roa documentary on Lyari and Karachi, Si 75660 the Sheedi communities in PK Southern Pakistan

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Enkhtsetseg SosorbaramPO - 46/a Individual to spend a semester at a 14,820 Box-6 Ikh Surguuliin Guda U S university as part of the U laanbaatar 210646 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Vitalie Sprinceana4450 Rivanna Lane Individual to obtain a PhD in Political 127,336 PMB 3748 Science at George Mason Fairfax, VA 220304441 University

Eric Stover1141 Fresno Avenue Individual to assess how war crimes 66,690 Berkeley, CA 94707 tribunals have fared in their efforts to provide a safe and supportive environment for victims and witnesses of mass violence

Oleksii StrapchevApt4 Bd11 Individual to study at New York 14,693 Admiralsky Ave University Odesa 65000 UP

Maryna SuinaAptl8 Bd88 Lustdorfska Individual to study at the University of 8,896 Doroga S Montana Odesa 65080 UP

Gainiya Tazhina98-a Pyatnickogo str Individual to spend a semester at a 6,288 Apt 3 U S university as part of the Almaty 50042 Faculty Development KZ Fellowship Program

Zhyldyz TegizbekovaTunguch Individual to spend a semester at a 7,732 microdistrict 36-53 U S university as part of the Bishkek 720048 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Nuwesh Noy Thrupkaewl31 West Individual to produce a series of 99,969 112th Street Apt 2B articles and multi-media New York, NY 10026 pieces that challenge conventional narratives on sex and labor trafficking and counter-trafficking work

DaniyarTokobaev65 Timiryazeva Str Individual to spend a semester at a 6,288 apt 16 U S university as part of the Bishkek 720001 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Kristin Traicoff700 3rd Street Individual to pursue a two-pronged 51,500 New O rleans, LA 70130 litigation strategy challenging the use of lethal injection in Louisiana, with the aim of halting all executions in the state

Nyamsuren TserennadmidChoidog Individual to spend a semester at a 8,543 Street 3 U S university as part of the U laanbaatar 210648 Faculty Development MG Fellowship Program

Sun Tunl2th Street Apt No 260 South Individual to provide additional support 2,000 Yangon,Ya 11091 to study at University of BM Philippines, Manila

Tun TunNo 256 36th Street Upper Individual to provide additional support 900 Block to study at Mahidol Yangon, Ya University BM

Bermet Ubaidillaeva88-18 Masalieva Individual to study Social Work at a 43,503 Street U S university Osh 723500 KG

Gulnara Usubalieval Microrayon dom Individual to spend a semester at a 6,000 27 kvartira 26 U S University as part of Kyzyl-kya, Batken Ob 715200 the Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Enkhbilguun UuganbayarApartment33 Individual to study at the University of 8,516 Building38 Khukh to Georgia Ulaanbaatar 210349 MG

Irakli Vacharadze46 Building II Xb Individual to spend a semester at a 15,000 Kvartali Temka U S university as part of the Tbilisi 38000 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Angela VelkovaStale Popv No 9/36 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 12,178 Skopje 01000 University MK

Jamie Von Roenn202O Ridge Avenue Individual to participate in a meeting of 1,367 Suite 230 the International Union Evanston, IL 602084305 Against Cancer's Global Access to Pain Relief Initiative to strategize about advancing pain relief for cancer patients

Vitaliy VysochinYubileynaya str91/53 Individual to study at Slippery Rock 10,219 Artemovsk 84510 University UP

Farzana WahidyAssociated Press 1 Individual to produce a photo 4,100 Lane 7 Street documentary on the positive Kabul and negative aspects of A F daily life for Afghan women

Marcy Westerling30987 Pond Drive Individual to document how county by 53,100 Scappoose,OR 97056 county rural progressive infrastructure can be identified, hosted and grown across regions with the clear goal of advocating full inclusion of rural constituencies and establishing a new organization that fosters systematic rural

Emery Whitlow5807 Woodcrest Individual to establish The Griot's Eye, 39,020 Avenue a youth leadership and Baltimore, MD 21215 community development program that fuses media technology with cultural awareness to produce video programs that encourage dialogue and action towards social issues

Jill Wrigley523 Collins Avenue Individual to create a toolkit and 32,500 Baltimore, M D 21229 resource guide that will help Baltimore City Schools bring healthy and sustainable food and garden initiatives into their school communities

Flaka XheliliDardania SU 6/1 D1 nr 1 Individual to study at the University of 7,150 Prishtina 10000 Arkansas OC

Mirzobobo Yormirzoev191 Hakim Individual to obtain a PhD in 114,245 Karim Street Economics at Washington Khujand State University TI

Samara YuldashevaVillage Individual to spend a semester at a 9,191 IntimekSuzak Rayon U S university as part of the Jalalabat 715600 Faculty Development KG Fellowship Program

Elona ZakharovaBorbad Street 68 Individual to study Social Work at a 52,714 Apartment 26 U S university Dushanbe 734036 TI

Mikayel ZolyanParpetsi 9B Apt 32 Individual to spend a semester at a 7,105 Yerevan U S U niversity as part of the AM Faculty Development Fellowship Program

Tamaz Zubiashvilil5 Tsabadze Street Individual to spend a semester at a 7,178 Apt 43 U S university as part of the Tbilisi 00112 Faculty Development GG Fellowship Program

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Alternative Directions Inc2505 North 501 (c)(3) to conduct grassroots 41,000 Charles Street public ch organizing and leadership Baltimore, M D 21218 development to engage formerly-incarcerated people in criminal justice policy reform

America Mideast Educational and 501 (c)(3) to administer the Palestinian 113,991 Training Services1730 M Street NW public ch Rule of Law (PRO L) Program Suite 1100 in the Palestinian Territories Washington, DC 200364505

Baku Educational Information Center Foreign to support educational 3,000 Foundation71 Aliovsat Guliyev Str Organization advising services in Central Baku AZ1009 Asia A]

Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems 501 (c)(3) to undertake advocacy, 101,750 IncO ne North Charles Street Suite 160 public ch technical assistance and Baltimore, MD 21201 monitoring activities to close the addiction treatment gap in Baltimore

Black Alliance for Just ImmigrationPO Other to support efforts to organize 50,000 Box 2528 organization a national network of African Berkeley, CA 94703 American and black immigrant organizations around immigration reform and antra-group relations

Carnegie Endowment for International 501 (c)(3) to support on-going 637,500 Peace1779 Massachusetts Avenue public ch institutional and NW programmatic work and to Washington, DC 200362103 allow it to expand to new audiences

Center for International Educationl0 Foreign to support educational 200 Chovelidze Street Organization advising services in Central Tbilisi 380008 Asia GG

Centrul de Informatii Universitare Foreign to support educational 830 Bulevardul Stefan cel Mare si Sfnt Organization advising services in Central Chisinau MD-2012 Asia MD

Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Inc 501(c)(6) to support the salaries, 178,000 217 North Charles Street business I health benefits, uniforms and Baltimore, MD 21201 supplies for three additional Clean Sweep Ambassador employees who are formerly incarcerated and/or recovering from a substance addiction

East African CenterPO Box 95703 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 650 Seattle, WA 98145 public ch

Educational Development Center Foreign to support educational 140 BILIM Central Asia83 Masanchi Street Organization advising services in Central corner Abai Ave Asia Almaty 50022 KZ

Ethnic Community Development Forum Foreign to support the capacity 10,000 BurmaPO Box 156 Parsing Organization building of communities in Chiang Mai 50203 seven ethnic areas through TH the community development approach

Foundation to Promote Open Society 501 (c)(3) to fund operational and other 500,000 400 West 59th Street private f expenses, including public NewYork,NY 10019 charity grantmaking to support charitable activities and programs promoting open, democratic societies

Fund for Educational Excellence800 501 (c)(3) to help the Baltimore City 475,000 North Charles Street Suite 400 public ch Public Schools develop Baltimore, MD 212015322 guildlines, solicit proposals and provide start-up funding for up to six new secondary schools that serve students who are over-aged and under-credited

Fusion Partnership Inc1601 Guilford 501 (c)(3) to enable the Maryland 40,000 Avenue 2 South public ch Restorative Justice Baltimore, MD 21218 Initiative to undertake grassroots organizing and leadership development to engage prisoners and their families in parole reform advocacy

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

Global Advocates for Transgender Foreign to provide support to 50,000 Equality80 Maiden Lane Suite 1505 Organization establish a new international New York, NY 10038 NGO under the name Global Advocates forTransgender Equality (GATE) with a specific focus on transgender rights

Groundwork Inc595 Sutter Avenue 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 300 Brooklyn, NY 11207 public ch

HIV Information for Myanmar him102 Other to support the Burmese 4,000 West 80th Street Apt 61 organization version of HIV Information New York, NY 10024 for Myanmar

Burma Forum Human Rights for AllNo Foreign to support human rights 20,000 355 Thein Byu Road MingalarT Organization trainings and Universal Yangon Declaration of Human Rights BM awareness campaigns in Burma

Hunt Alternatives Fund204O S Street 501 (c)(3) to increase the capacity and 33,860 NW private o participation of Palestinian Washington, DC 20009 women as decision makers in the negotiation and reconciliation processes of the Middle East Peace process through development of a roster, consultations, trainings and reports

Immigrant Defense Project3 West Other to support the Immigrant 200,000 29th Street Suite 803 organization Defense Project's work to New York, NY 10001 protect the legal, constitutional rights of immigrants facing deportation and detention as a result of interactions with the criminal justice system

Johns Hopkins UniversityW-400 501 (c)(3) to provide support to the 110,000 Wyman Park Center 3400 North public ch Baltimore Education Baltimore, MD 21218 Research Consortium, including for the creation of an executive director position

Justice AfricalC Leroy House 436 Foreign to strengthen Sudanese 100,000 Essex Road Organization peace and democratic London N1 3Q P processes through the UK engagement, support, and promotion of civil society

Kids on the Hill2412 Madison Avenue 501 (c)(3) to document, in video, 467 Baltimore, MD 21271 public ch student, parent and teacher focus groups to be presented at meetings of the Student Attendance Work Group

Mahiti Infotech Pvt Ltd33-34 2nd Foreign to support IT trainings for 50,000 Floor Hennur Cross H Organization Burma civil organizations Bangalore 560043 and digitization of the IN Paragu/Shanti Niketan Library in Rangoon

Mental Health Policy Institute for 501 (c)(3) to expand access to drug 128,000 Leadership and2200 Arden Road public ch addiction treatment for Baltimore, MD 21209 Empowerment Zone residents by integrating services at a community mental health practitioner

Midwest Academy Inc27 East Monroe 501 (c)(3) to provide training to the 19,000 Street 11th Floor public ch Baltimore Education Chicago, IL 60613 Coalition to further its development and effectiveness in advocating on behalf of Baltimore City School children

National Coalition for Child Protection 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 100,000 Reform53 Skyhill Road Suite 202 private f Alexandria, VA 22314

National Domestic Workers Alliance Other to support the National 100,000 1201 Broadway Suite 907-908 organization Domestic Worker Alliance NewYork,NY 10001

New Organizing Institute Education Other to provide general support 100,000 Fund2800 Quebec Street NW Suite organization 219 Washington, DC 20008

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 Form 990PF Part XV Line 3b - Grants and Contributions Approved for Future Payment

Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation Purpose of grant or Amount show any relationship to status of contribution Name and address (home or business) any foundation manager recipient or substantial contributor

b Approved for future payment

New Orleans Workers Center for Racial Other to organize and create 100,000 Justice217 North Prieur St organization alliances between day New O rleans, LA 70112 laborers, guest workers, and African American low-wage workers in the Gulf region and to link their efforts to the national immigration reform movement

One World Research55 Washington US for-profit to enable civil society 173,000 Street Suite 312D compan advocacy development Brooklyn, NY 11201 regarding conflict-related detentions in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Parks and Trails New York Inc29 Elk 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 150 Street public ch Albany,NY 11207

Pushback Networkc/o Community Other to provide general support 225,000 Voices Heard 115 Eas organization NewYork,NY 10029

Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan55A Foreign to support educational 34 Logvinenko Street Organization advising services in Central Bishkek 720040 Asia KG

Southern Public Defender Training Other to provide training to, and 75,000 Center83 Poplar Street NW organization partner with, public defender Atlanta, GA 30303 offices across the region in order to build a community of zealous, committed public defenders and raise the standards of representation for indigent defendants in the southeastern United States

Southwest Workers UnionPO Box Other to support the Cuentanos 125,000 830706 organization Bien census outreach San Antonio,TX 78283 campaign to minimize the undercount of Latinos and African Americans in Texas

The New School66 West 12th Street 501 (c)(3) to support the Journal 20,000 Room 801 public ch Donation Project to New York, NY 10011 distribute desperately needed professional journals into libraries in Burma

The New York Womens Foundation434 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 1,000 West 33rd Street 8th Floor public ch NewYork,NY 10001

The Sudan Centre for Justice and Foreign to provide institutional 45,000 PeaceBlock 3D Golf Course Wampew Organization support to a Sudanese exile Avenue organization that aims to Kampala promote respect for human UG rights in Sudan through monitoring and documentation, legal assistance, and advocacy

TransAfrica Forum Inc1629 K Street 501 (c)(3) to provide general support 500 NW Suite 1100 public ch Washington, DC 20006

U Win Tin Foundation257 First Marlar Foreign to support assistance to 10,000 Nwe Street Pauk Organization political prisoners and their Rangoon families in Burma BM

Voice Of the Ex Offender3301 Other to conduct public education 100,000 Chartres Street organization and to organize and mobilize New O rleans, LA 70117 people with criminal records around their right to vote, for greater participation in the 2010 Census, and to address unreasonable barriers to reentry in New Orleans

Sai Yarzar Htun1518 Leon Guinto Sr Individual to provide additional support 5,045 Street Malate to study at University of Manila, N/A 1004 Philippines, Manila RP

Total ...... 3b 9,890,993 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Accounting Fees Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

ACCOUNTING FEES 136,393 135,743 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 All Other Program Related Investments Schedule



TY 2009 Compensation Explanation


Person Explanation Name






Note : To capture the full content of this document , please select landscape mode (11" x 8 .5") when printing. TY 2009 Depreciation Schedule


Description of Date Cost or Other Prior Years' Computation Rate / Current Year's Depreciation Net Investment Adjusted Net Cost of Goods Sold Not Property Acquired Basis Depreciation Method Life (# of Expense Income Income Included years) defile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN: 93491319017180

Note: To capture the full content of this document, please select landscape mode (11" x 8.5") when printing. TY 2009 Expenditure Responsibility Statement


Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Active Voice 600 Townsend Street 2008-07-16 100,000 to support The Visitor Social Action Campaign as an 50,785 NO 11/05/2009 San Francisco, CA edu cation and advocacy tool on immigration deten 94103

Alexander S Onassis 645 5th Avenue Suite 2009-06-18 25,000 to support US delegates attending the Third Global 25,000 NO 5/28/2010 Public Benefit Foun 304 Foru m on Migration and Development in Greece New York, NY 10022

American Environics 436 14th Street Suite 2009-09-21 200,000 to support the Real Security to Overcome Fear 100,000 NO 3/31/2010 820 Project Oakland, CA 94612

American Federation of 555 New Jersey 2007-02-07 150,000 to support the Free Exchange on Campus coalition 44,610 NO 9/1/2009 Teachers Educatio Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001

Angelica Foundation US 1688 Cerro Gordo 2008-12-08 175,000 to provide general support for the Colectivo por Una 128,000 NO 5/26/2009 Santa Fe, NM 87501 Po litica Integral Hacia las Drogas (CUPIHD)

Art Works Projects 1137 West Taylor 2009-11-20 25,000 to support BLOODSTONES/Burmese Rubies 7,550 NO 4/1/2010 Street 113 Chicago, IL 60607

Babble Company 600 First Avenue 2009-07-22 2,000 to update the scholarship and funding information on 1,600 NO 6/17/2010 Suite 217 a website designed for students from Burma Seattle, WA 98104

Baltimore Curriculum 2707 East Fayette 2009-08-25 10,000 to provide support for the September 2009 education 10,000 NO 4/30/2010 Project Street iss ue of the Urbanite magazine, a part of the Ba Baltimore, MD 21224

Black Alliance for Just PO Box 2528 2009-06-18 100,000 to support efforts to organize a national network of 50,000 NO 4/26/2010 Immigration Berkeley, CA 94703 Af rican American and black immigrant organizati

California Association of 2523 Cantara Way 2008-12-06 79,200 to develop a financially sustainable plan for up to fou 79,200 NO 4/30/2010 Local Conserva Sacramento, CA rteen Civic Justice Corps Preps that change t 95835

Capital Litigation c/o Squire Sanders 2008-11-05 230,000 to support the Capital Litigation Communications 194,643 NO 10/15/2009 Communications Projec Dempsey1201 Projec t Washington, DC 20004

Capital Litigation c/o Squire Sanders 2009-07-17 100,000 to support the Capital Litigation Communications 47,953 NO 1/14/2010 Communications Projec Dempsey1201 Projec t Washington, DC 20004

Chin Human Rights 2 Montavista Avenue 2009-05-16 50,000 to support Emergency Food Relief For Western 50,000 NO 6/22/2010 Organization CHRO Nepean, Ontario K2J Burma's Ch in State 2L3 CA

Citizen Engagement 2150 Allston Way 2009-05-13 250,000 to support the Citizen Engagement Laboratory and 166,667 NO 2/19/2010 Laboratory Suite 360 Color of Change Berkeley, CA 94704 Grantee' s Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Climate Policy Initiative c/o ClimateWorks 2009-05-18 1,000,000 to support startup activities, including early 880,825 NO 06/03/2010 Inc Foundation 235 Mo hiring, space acquisition, strategy refinement, San Francisco, CA commu 94104

Coalition for 6201 Riverdale Road 2008-11-25 85,000 to support the hiring of an executive director 41,901 NO 06/10/2010 Homeownership Suite 200 Preservation Riverdale, MD 20737

Connecticut Juvenile 2470 Fairfield Avenue 2009-09-11 70,000 to provide general support 50,878 NO 04/14/2010 Justice Alliance Bridgeport, CT 06605

Death Penalty 1015 18th Street NW 2008-11-24 200,000 to support communications and public education 52,913 NO 07/29/2009 Information Center Suite 704 protects and the provision of media trainings Washington, DC and tec 20036

Death Penalty 1015 18th Street NW 2009-04-16 100,000 to provide general support 100,000 NO 01/13/2010 Information Center Suite 704 Washington, DC 20036

Death Penalty 1015 18th Street NW 2009-07-17 65,000 to update essential public opinion information 48,694 NO 01/13/2010 Information Center Suite 704 that wil I be used to advance death penalty Washington, DC reform 20036

DigiActive 11 Hilltop Road 2009-12-11 6,171 to conduct a strategic planning meeting that will 6,086 NO 02/16/2010 Short Hills, NE 07078 guide yhr transition into a new phase of developm

District of Columbia Youth Services Center 2009-09-11 135,000 to reform the District of Columbia's Juvenile NO 06/1/2010 Department of Youth 1000 Mt Oliv Secure Ca re System Washington, DC 20002

Facing Change 8513 Kedvale 2009-12-01 20,000 to support legal fees, web site development, 8,494 NO 05/01/2010 Documenting America Skokie, IL 60076 and promot tonal items for fundraising for a new organiz

Foundation to Promote 400 West 59th Street 2009-12-17 1,000,000 to support charitable activities and programs 990,000 NO 09/22/2010 Open Society New York, NY 10019 promoting open, democratic societies

Foundation to Promote 400 West 59th Street 2009-01-26 1,000,000,000 to fund operational and other expenses, 237,872,972 NO 09/22/2010 Open Society New York, NY 10019 including publi c charity grantmaking to support charitable a

Freedom to Marry 116 West 23rd Street 2008-10-08 100,000 to provide general support 100,000 NO 8/20/2009 Suite 500 New York, NY 10011

Freedom to Marry 116 West 23rd Street 2009-12-09 100,000 to provide general support NO 6/7/2010 Suite 500 New York, NY 10011

Funders Collaborative on 20 Jay Street Suite 2009-05-08 150,000 to support the Funders' Collaborative on Youth 50,000 NO 1/15/2010 Youth Organizi 210B Organizi ng to develop a detailed map of the Brooklyn, NY 11201 progressi Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Global Action to Prevent 866 UN Plaza Suite 2009-10-29 24,470 to produce a publication assessing women's 587 NO 4/22/2010 War 4050 participatio n in peacemaking, peacekeeping, and New York, NY 10017 peace-bui

Gold Films LLC 11108 Ophir Drive 2008-05-15 50,000 to support a film on the late Anna Politkovskaya NO 5/17/2010 Los Angeles, CA and Ka rinna Moskalenko 900241945

HIV Information for 102 West 80th Street 2009-06-03 8,000 to support the Burmese version of HIV Information 2,795 NO 1/20/2010 Myanmar him Apt 61 for M yanmar New York, NY 10024

Hunt Alternatives Fund 2040 S Street NW 2009-12-02 144,237 to increase the capacity and participation of NO attempts to obtain Washington, DC Palestini an women as decision makers in the 20009 negotiatio

Immigrant Defense 3 West 29th Street 2009-07-17 400,000 to support the Immigrant Defense Project's work 191,446 NO 1/22/2010 Project Suite 803 to prot ect the legal, constitutional rights of immig New York, NY 10001

International 221 Pine Street 5th 2009-09-03 30,000 to support development justice and the Video 21,440 NO 4/8/2010 Accountability Project FloorSan Franc Advocacy I nitiative in Southeast Asia San Francisco, CA 94104

NGO Working Group on 777 UN Plaza 7th 2009-10-20 24,500 to support the grantee as it advocates for and 6,897 NO 4/12/2010 Women Peace and Se Floor monitors the participation of women, the New York, NY 10017 prevention o

National Coalition for 53 Skyhill Road Suite 2008-06-13 50,000 to support your work to promote child protection 40,160 NO 05/15/2010 Child Protection 202 reform Alexandria, VA 22314

National Community 1325 G Street NW 2009-05-12 200,000 to provide general support 200,000 NO 10/13/2009 Stabilization Trust Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005

National Domestic 1201 Broadway Suite 2009-07-28 200,000 to support the National Domestic Worker Alliance 41,000 NO 1/22/2010 Workers Alliance 907-908 New York, NY 10001

New Organizing Institute 2800 Quebec Street 2009-08-11 200,000 to provide general support 100,000 NO 1/8/2010 Education Fund NW Suite 219 Washington, DC 20008

New Orleans Coalition on c/o Greater New 2009-11-30 700,000 to bring together seven community-based 257,461 NO 1/15/2010 Open Governance Orleans Foundation organizaitons t o build a more transparent and New Orleans, LA accountable ci 70130

New Orleans Lens 1025 South Jefferson 2009-10-26 155,000 to support a new nonprofit journalism initiative 60,317 NO 4/15/2010 Davis Parkway that w ill provide news, information, and access to New Orleans, LA 70125

New Orleans Workers 217 North Prieur St 2009-06-18 200,000 to organize and create alliances between day 100,000 NO 4/27/2010 Center for Racial Ju New Orleans, LA laborers, guest workers, and African American 70112 low-wage Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Opening Possibilities Asia 113-12 Jewel Avenue 2008-12-21 20,000 to support educational and infrastructural 20,000 NO 3/12/2010 OPA Forest Hills, NY resources fo r the Paung Daw Oo school, 11375 Mandalay

Pennsylvania Capital The Curtis Center - 2009-07-17 100,000 to provide direct legal representation in state 5,132 NO 3/2/2010 Representation Prof Suite 545 West post-co nviction proceedings to indigent prisoners Philadelphia, PA se 19106

Piton Foundation 370 17th Street Suite 2009-10-22 4,400 to support travel and accomodations for four 4,400 NO 1/19/2010 5300 representa tives from the Colorado Community Denver, CO 80202 Organizing

Pushback Network c/o Community Voices 2009-12-22 225,000 to provide general support NO 1/14/2010 Heard 115 Eas New York, NY 10029

Rights Working Group 1140 Connecticut 2009-05-01 60,000 to support Phase One of the End Racial Profiling 60,000 NO 11/17/2009 Avenue NW Suite 1 Campai gn Washington, DC 20036

Rights Working Group 1140 Connecticut 2008-11-05 100,000 to support a project of restoring due process and 100,000 NO 6/26/2009 Avenue NW Suite 1 human rights protections to the U S immigration Washington, DC sy 20036

SilencelsViolence 520 Port Street 2008-12-01 20,000 to sustain and extend the citizen engagement in 20,000 NO 2/1/2010 New Orleans, LA public safety and criminal justice in New Orleans, t 70117

Social Justice Leadership 1916 Park Avenue 2009-08-07 100,000 to support Social Justice Leadership 41,724 NO 1/14/2010 Suite 305 New York, NY 10037

Southern Public Defender 83 Poplar Street NW 2009-05-11 150,000 to provide training to, and partner with, public 75,000 NO 1/15/2010 Training Center Atlanta, GA 30303 defend er offices across the region in order to bull

Spitfire Strategies 1800 M Street NW 2008-04-22 200,000 to conduct opinion leader research on effective 81,815 NO 7/2/2010 Suite 300 North commune cations messaging for indigent defense Washington, DC reform 20036

US Campaign for Burma 1444 N Street NW 2009-06-08 40,000 to increase awareness of Burma's democracy 24,625 NO 3/22/2010 Suite A2 movement and advocacy efforts to press for Washington, DC binding UN Sec 20005

Urban Leadership Institute 1111 Park Avenue 2008-11-19 100,000 to support forums, which would convene in 93,692 NO 1/18/2010 Suite L-151 Baltimore, Wa shington D C , Philadelphia, and Baltimore, MD 21201 Newark, to s

W Eugene Smith Memorial c/o The International 2009-09-23 15,000 to support the annual grant competition 15,000 NO 2/16/2010 Fund Inc Center of Pho New York, NY 10036

Baku Educational 71 Aliovsat Guliyev Str 2009-03-24 64,640 to support educational advising services in Central 61,640 NO 11/30/2009 Information Center Foun Baku AZ1009 Asi a A] Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Burma Medical PO Box 156 2008-05-12 20,000 to support primary health care and strengthen 3,968 NO 7/28/2009 Association BMA Mae Sot, Tak 63110 existing local health infrastructure in the ethnic are TH

Burma Partnership 201/74 Soi Siripanit 2007-12-06 100,000 to support the project entitled "Strengthening 31,000 NO 1/25/2010 Ban Ton Tong APPPB Bu rma Regional and International Mae Sod, Tak 63110 Campaign Activ TH

Center for International 10 Chovelidze Street 2009-03-24 28,341 to support educational advising services in Central 28,141 NO 11/30/2009 Education Tbilisi 380008 Asi a GG

Centrul de Informatu Bulevardul Stefan cel 2009-03-24 30,831 to support educational advising services in Central 30,001 NO 10/30/2009 Universitare Mare si Sfnt Asi a Chisinau MD-2012 MV

East and Horn of Africa Plot 1853 Lulume 2009-05-04 250,729 to provide emergency assistance and support for 125,364 NO 9/28/2009 Human Rights Def Road Nsambya PO Sudanese human rights defenders at risk exiled in Kamapala Ug UG

Educational Development 83 Masanchi Street 2009-03-24 41,022 to support educational advising services in Central 40,882 NO 10/31/2009 Center BILIM Ce corner Abai Ave Asi a Almaty 50022 KZ

Egyptian Initiative for 8 Mohamed Ali Jinna 2007-11-30 100,000 to support the Health and Human Rights Program 50,373 NO 11/16/2009 Personal Rights Street Garden Cairo EG

Ethnic Community PO Box 156 Parsing 2009-06-04 24,193 to support the capacity building of communities in 8,622 NO 3/3/2010 Development Forum Chiang Mai 50203 seve n ethnic areas through the community Burm TH developm

Forum for Democracy in PO Box 142 2009-07-29 60,000 to support maintaining democracy networks in 28,765 NO 11/16/2009 Burma Maesot, tak 63110 Burma TH

Generation Wave Maesot 2008-12-11 10,000 to support public outreach campaigns 10,000 NO 3/16/2009 Maesot,tak 63110 TH

Intensive English Program Rong Hua Shang Hao 2008-05-13 5,000 to provide support for instructor salaries, the 1,012 NO 6/17/2009 Mai Ja Yang Zhang Feng Zhen library , computer maintenance, and financial aid De Hong Zhou, Yuri to Nan Province CH

Justice Africa 1C Leroy House 436 2009-06-26 164,080 to strengthen Sudanese peace and democratic 64,080 NO 2/22/2010 Essex Road processes t hrough the engagement, support, and London N13QP promotion UK

Karen Computer Science 960 Workshop St-1 2009-01-22 6,000 to support running costs for an education center for 6,000 NO 12/10/2009 Youth Group Educa East Gyogone I Bu rmese Youth Yangon BM

Karen Department of PO Box 189 2008-05-12 7,500 to support salaries for health workers 3,287 NO 7/18/2009 Health and Welfare Maesot, tak 63110 TH Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

Link Emergency Aid and 195 1st floor left 38th 2009-12-06 7,500 to support Organizational Capacity Development NO attempts to obtain Development LEAD street and Stre ngthening Village Development Yangon 11015 Committees BM

Magyar Soros Alapitvany Oktober 6 utca 12 2008-03-31 450,500 to provide painted works of art by 20th Century 60,279 NO 9/30/2010 Budapest H-1051 Hungari an artists HU

Myanmar AIDS Net c/o National YWCA 2009-01-20 10,000 to support ongoing trainings and support for 4,880 NO 11/13/2009 Bogalay Bazaar St people liv ing with HIV/AIDS Yangon 11162 BM

Myanmar Business Room 405 Level 4 Pan 2009-01-22 9,000 to support capacity building for Nargis Victims 7 NO 5/20/2010 Executives Chan Tower Yangon 11162 BM

Myanmar Digital Solutions PO Box 4 Klong Luang 2008-05-13 8,000 to support IT and professional trainings for 1,260 NO 7/20/2009 Mailbox 90 Burmese yo uth Bangkok TH

Myanmar Knowledge Room 8 A No 63 Hle 2009-01-22 5,000 to support the Educational Publication Project NO Attempts to obtain Society Dan Road Ka Yangon 11041 BM

NAY KYAR PANN NO 631 11 ROAD 2008-08-14 20,000 to support expansion of the HIV/AIDS Program 10,000 NO 4/1/2009 (SUNFLOWER) TAWNG OOKALAPA YANGON BM

Pan Kachin Development 78 Ban Rung Rat Soi 4 2009-05-12 15,000 to support the HIV/AIDS Education Awareness 10,832 NO 1/13/2010 Society PKDS T Wetket Program Chiang Mai 50000 TH

Rift Valley Research Ltd Manor Farm Uckington 2009-07-20 80,000 to organize a South Sudan civil society 55,391 NO 12/21/2009 Cheltenham consultation to discuss key themes in rights and Gloucestershire GL51 governance 9SP UK

Sabae Phyu White 184 3rd floor Thein 2009-06-04 10,000 to support a monthly journal NO 6/17/2010 Jasmine Phyu Lane B Rangoon 63110 BM

Soros Foundation 55A Logvinenko Street 2009-03-24 23,648 to support educational advising services in 23,614 NO 11/30/2009 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 720040 Central Asi a KZ

Sudan Tribune OVH 140 Quai du Sartel 2009-03-31 35,820 to enhance the capacity of the online news 20,360 NO 8/26/2010 Roubaix 59100 publication FR

Synergy Social Re 143/8 Soi Lanna Villa T 2009-01-20 150,000 to support institutional capacity building for 150,000 NO 3/17/2010 Engineering Consultanc Changpeuk Burmese Community Based Organizations Chaing Mai 50000 working on Cycl TH

The Former Political No 88 Aung San Road 2009-11-11 22,070 to support an internet resource center in Upper NO 6/12/2010 Prisoners Network - Monywa, Saggaing Burma Division BM Grantee' s Name Grantee' s Address Grant Date Grant Grant Purpose Amount Any Diversion Dates of Reports Date of Results of Amount Expended By By Grantee? By Grantee Verification Verification Grantee

The Myanmar Seminary Hill Insein 2009-04-17 20,000 to support the BARS scholarship program 20,000 NO 3/30/2010 Institute of Theology Yangon MIT BM

The Myanmar Seminary Hill Insein 2009-04-17 25,000 to support the Nargis reconstruction program 25,000 NO 2/05/2010 Institute of Theology Yangon MIT BM

The Sudan Centre for Block 3D Golf Course 2009-08-18 90,000 to provide institutional support to a Sudanese exile or 44,493 NO 2/24/2010 Justice and Peace Wampew Avenue ganization that aims to promote respect for h Kampala UG

Volunteers for the No 44 Saddan Street 2009-01-22 15,000 to support Nargis Health Programs 15,000 NO 11/15/2009 Vulnerable V4V Ahlone Townsh Yangon, Yangon BM

World Economic 64 57th Street Hlaing 2009-07-01 5,000 to support the online version of World Economic 3,150 NO 1/07/2010 Journal Township Journal in Burmese Rangoon 11042 BM




TY 2009 General Explanation Attachment


Identifier Return Explanation Reference

Note 1 - PART V111 Effective October 1, 2007 , the Foundation established a Group Long Term Care Insurance Plan covering Parts VIII INFORMATION employees with ten years of service , consultants with ten years of service as an employee and their ABOUT spouses and domestic partners The plan provides, among other things , that after premiums have been paid OFFICERS , for ten years for an employee and the employee spouse or domestic partner, their coverage w ill be DIRECTORS, automatically renewed for the rest of their lives without any further premium payments Effective October 1, TRUSTEES 2008 , the foundation established a Group Life Insurance Plan covering employees with ten years of service and their spouses and domestic partners The benefit for the employee is a permanent individual life insurance policy of $500 , 000 ($250,000, if compensation is less than $100,000), while the benefit for the spouse or domestic partner is a similar policy in the face amount of $250,000 The individual policies are ow ned by the employee and are issued under the group plan Each employee policy is designed to be fully funded after the payment of five annual premiums by the Foundation (approximately seven years as to each spouse or domestic partner policy)

Note 2 - PART V111 Effective October 1 , 2007, the Foundation established two related , unfunded deferred compensation plans Parts VIII INFORMATION which together provide an annual benefit in excess of the maximum contribution allowed by the Internal ABOUT Revenue Code for the year under the Foundation ' s Tax Sheltered Retirement Plan OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES

NOTE 3 - For the grants to individuals paid during the year and the grants approved for future payment to individuals, Part XV, none of the individuals have any relationship to any foundation manager or substantial contributor Questions 3a and 3b

Section 351 Form 5471 OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 2008 CONSOLIDATED U S RETURN OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION STATEMENT - Bulgarian Schedule 0 PURSUANT TO TREASURY REG SECTION 1 351-3(a ) BY OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT Building Section 351 SERVICES LIMITED, NO EIN, A SIGNIFICANT TRANSFEROR ( 1) Transferor and Transferee Corporations Fund Open Society Institute Management Services Limited, no EIN, paid $3,159,799 to Open Society Institute Sofia and received an equity interest in Bulgarian Building Fund Ltd in exchange Open Society Institute Management Services Limited owns 100% of Bulgarian Building Fund Ltd after the transaction The transaction qualified for the nonrecognition of gain or loss pursuant to Section 351 for U S tax purposes (2) The payment to Open Society Institute Sofia occurred on December 18, 2008 (3) The aggregate fair market value of the cash paid was $3 , 159,799 ( 4) There were no private letter rulings issued by the IRS in connection with this section 351 exchange

Section 351 Form 5471 STATEMENT PURSUANT TO TREASURY REG SECTION 1 351-3(a ) BY OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE, EIN 13- - Open Schedule 0 7029285, A SIGNIFICANT TRANSFEROR (1) Transferor and Transferee Corporations Open Society Institute, Society Section 351 EIN 13-7029285, paid $1,650 , 000 to Open Society Institute Management Services Limited, no EIN, and Institute received an equity interest in exchange The transaction constituted a Section 351 transfer to Open Society Institute Management Services Limited for U S tax purposes ( 2) The payment to Open Society Institute Management Services Ltd occurred on December 31, 2008 (3) The aggregate fair market value of the cash paid was $1 , 650,000 ( 4) There were no private letter rulings issued by the IRS in connection with this section 351 exchange

Section 351 Form 5471 OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 2008 CONSOLIDATED U S RETURN OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION STATEMENT - Remis BG Schedule 0 PURSUANT TO TREASURY REG SECTION 1 351-3(a ) BY OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT EOOD Section 351 SERVICES LIMITED, NO EIN, A SIGNIFICANT TRANSFEROR (1) Transferor and Transferee Corporations Open Society Institute Management Services Limited, no EIN, paid $1 to Open Society Institute Sofia and received an equity interest in Remis BG EOOD in exchange Open Society Institute Management Services Limited owns 100% of Remis BG EOOD after the transaction The transaction qualified for the nonrecognition of gain or loss pursuant to Section 351 for U S tax purposes ( 2) The payment to Open Society Institute Sofia occurred on December 18, 2008 ( 3) The aggregate fair market value of the cash paid was $1 (4 ) There w ere no private letter rulings issued by the IRS in connection with this section 351 exchange l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Investments Corporate Stock Schedule


Name of Stock End of Year Book End of Year Fair Value Market Value JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Investments - Land Schedule


Category/ Item Cost/Other Basis Accumulated Book End of Year Fair Market Depreciation Value Value l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Investments - Other Schedule


Category / Item Listed at Cost or Book Value End of Year Fair FMV Market Value QUANTUM INDUSTRIAL HLDGS, LTD. QUANTUM ENDOWMENT FUND "C" SHS 972,847,781 972,847,781 QUANTUM ENDOWMENT FUND B-1 SHS SEARS COLLAR l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Land, Etc. Schedule


Category / Cost / Other Accumulated Book End of Year Fair Market Item Basis Depreciation Value Value l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Legal Fees Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

LEGAL FEES 532,800 610,278 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Other Assets Schedule


Description Beginning of Year - End of Year - Book End of Year - Fair Book Value Value Market Value

PREPAID AND OTHER ASSETS 980,953 4,320,935 4,320,935

CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVABLE 3,175,170 2,339,912 2,339,912

ARTWORK 49,500 49,500 49,500

OSI MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LTD 17,144,467 18,359,486 18,359,486

INVESTMENT IN QEF/IMAP ENDOWME 8,884,292 9,769,608 9,769,608


BALTIMORE FUND, LLC INVESTMENT 781,002 623,607 623,607


SOX & SHO ES LLC 360,000 360,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Other Expenses Schedule


Description Revenue and Expenses Net Investment Adjusted Net Income Disbursements for per Books Income Charitable Purposes

OFFICE SUPPLIES 345,786 272,702

OFFICE SERVICES 1,470,063 1,451,336

TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1,020,078 1,063,507


BANK CHARGES 93,449 90,416

CERIDIAN 161,610 160,577






MEMBERSHIP FEES 169,403 140,659

OTHER EXPENSES 427,104 475,395 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Other Income Schedule


Description Revenue And Net Investment Adjusted Net Income Expenses Per Books Income





Royalty Income 6,453 6,453 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Other Increases Schedule



TY 2009 Other Liabilities Schedule


Description Beginning of Year - End of Year - Book Book Value Value PAYABLE FOR QEF C SHS PURCHASE 0 40,000,000 PAYABLE TO IMAP/QEF ENDOWMENT 8,884,383 9,769,524 DEFERRED EXCISE TAX PAYABLE 14,983,342 8,087,444 FEDERAL EXCISE TAX PAYABLE 1,292,000 BANK LINE OF CREDIT PAYABLE 73,000,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Other Professional Fees Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

OTHER PROFESSIONAL 9,609,457 9,716,614 FEES/CO NSUL l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Taxes Schedule


Category Amount Net Investment Adjusted Net Disbursements for Income Income Charitable Purposes

FEDERAL EXCISE TAX 1,754,354 3,816,600




2008 1,292,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Tra nsfersToControlled Entities


Name us / EIN Description Amount Foreign Address

OPEN SOCIETY 27 GREGORY AFXENTIOU 99-9999999 TRANSFER was made 1,550,000 INSTITUTE MGMT AVENUE to increase OSI's SERVICESLTD LARNACA 6021 investment in share CY capital of OSIMS

Tota 1 1,550,000 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Investment in Subsidiaries Statement


Description Beginning Amount Ending Amount

Investment in Subsidiary Companies 5,913,112 5,913,112 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Itemized Other Current Liabilities Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Description Beginning Ending EIN Amount Amount

Provision for Litigation 859,780 859,780

Accrued Expenses 524,006 521,147

Other Current Liabilities 74,250

Holding Company's current account 1,528,873 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Itemized Other Current Assets Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Current Assets Description Beginning Ending EIN Amount Amount

Dividend Receivable 167,000

Prepayments 39,754 46,676 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Other Deductions Schedule


Description Foreign Amount Amount (should only be used when attached to 5471 Schedule C Line 16) Administration Expenses 771,669 Bank Charges 1,838 Exchange Loss 2,907 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Itemized Other Investments Schedule


Corporation Name Corporation Other Investments Description Beginning Ending EIN Amount Amount

Investment Property 9,692,419 10,615,880 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Itemized Other Liabilities Schedule

Name : OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE EIN: 13-7029285 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Other Income Statement


Description Foreign Amount Amount Foreign Exchange Gain/(Loss) 9,075 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93491319017180

TY 2009 Paid-In or Capital Surplus Reconciliation Statement


Description Beginning Amount Ending Amount