Ⅵ Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune Neurological Diseases

JMAJ 47(9): 425–430, 2004

Fumihito YOSHII* and Yukito SHINOHARA**

*Associate Professor, **Professor, Department of , Tokai University School of Medicine

Abstract: , myasthenia gravis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome are neurological diseases induced by abnormal . Since these dis- eases show characteristic clinical courses and neurological symptoms, they can be diagnosed with appropriate examinations. However, it is necessary to note that the common types of these diseases in Japan are not always the same as those in Western countries. Based on an increasing knowledge of the pathological mecha- nisms of the diseases, various immune therapies are being developed. Key words: Autoimmune neurological diseases; Multiple sclerosis; Myasthenia gravis; Guillain-Barré syndrome

Introduction Multiple Sclerosis

This paper describes some representative The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) is autoimmune neurological diseases. As described made according to the conventional clinical later, the common types of the diseases in description of “spatially and temporally sep- Japan are different from those in Western arated multifocal central nervous lesions”.1) countries; for example, the optic-spinal form Pathologically, MS presents perivascular in- of multiple sclerosis and the axonal form of flammation and myelin sheath destruction Guillain-Barré syndrome are more common in (demyelination plaques) in the white matter. Japan than in Western countries. This suggests The prevalence of the disease in Caucasians that the development of autoimmune neuro- is 40 to 100 per 100,000 individuals, while it is logical diseases varies among races and is only about one-tenth of this figure among the substantially influenced by environmental fac- Japanese. The disease type is also different tors. Therefore, care is needed in interpreting between Caucasians and Japanese— the cere- medical textbooks and literature published in bral and optic-spinal forms are predominant in Western countries. the former and the latter, respectively.

This article is a revised English version of a paper originally published in the Journal of the Japan Medical Association (Vol. 129, No. 7, 2003, pages 921–925).

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The examination of evoked potential is useful for detecting clinically potential lesions that cannot be read in MR images. It is performed for visual, auditory, and somatic sensation — when any of the sensory pathways is abnormal, its signal latent time is prolonged.

2. Clinical course MS mainly develops in patients in their twenties to fifties, with a peak being noted between 25 and 30 years. Most patients are classified into relapsing/remitting MS in which periods of exacerbation and periods of stable or improved clinical state occur alternately. Symptoms may recur from several times a year to only once every several years. Fig. 1 Head MRI (FLAIR) image of a patient with Primary progressive MS that progresses multiple sclerosis: multiple high-density areas chronically from the onset has been reported in are observed in the white matter around the 2) lateral ventricles. about 10 to 15% of Western patients, but only in 5% of Japanese patients. This form of MS has to be differentiated from neurodegenerative diseases or cerebral tumors. 1. Diagnostic examination In about 10% of patients with relapsing/ MRI shows demyelination plaques in the remitting MS, the disease gradually becomes white matter around the cerebral ventricles, progressive within 10 years (secondary pro- brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord as high gressive MS). Although this form of MS is signal intensity areas in T2-weighted or fluid observed in 20 to 40% of patients in Western attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images countries, it is less frequently observed in (Fig. 1). However, attention should be paid to Japan. the fact that similar findings may also be observed in patients with other inflammatory 3. Neurological symptoms diseases, ischemia, metabolic diseases, and MS has a large variety of neurological symp- tumors. toms. It often occurs with vision disorder or Cerebrospinal fluid examination shows in- acute transverse myelitis in Japanese because creased IgG in about 70% of the patients, with many Japanese MS patients are classified into a resultant increase of the IgG index (obtained optic-spinal MS. The symptoms that may by dividing the ratio of IgG to albumin in the develop during the clinical course of MS cerebrospinal fluid by the corresponding ratio include reduced vision, double vision, dys- in the serum). The positive rate of oligoclonal kinesia/paresthesia, spasm, dysuria, ataxia, bands of about 35 to 46% in Japanese patients tremor, cognitive dysfunction, and Lhermitte’s is lower than in Westerners. Furthermore, sign (an electric shock-like sensation running although the number of cells in the cerebro- from the back to the limbs when the neck is spinal fluid of MS patients should be less than bent forward, and associated with lesions in the 50/mm3, the cell numbers exceed 50/mm3 in a cervical-spinal cord posterior funiculus). In considerable number of Japanese patients. addition, paroxysmal symptoms may occur,


including trigeminal neuralgia, paroxysmal articulation disorders, and dystonic paroxysm (often called tonic convulsions).

4. Treatment Adrenocortical steroids have long been used for the treatment of relapsing/remitting MS. The most reliable therapy is the intravenous drip infusion of 1,000 mg of methylpredniso- lone (for 3 days), followed by the oral admin- istration of prednisolone. Although these ster- oids shorten the periods of administration or symptomatic relapse, they do not reduce the Fig. 2 Chest CT of myasthenia gravis. (arrow) is apparent in the anterior relapse rate or change the long-term prognosis. mediastinal region. may be effective for patients who do not respond to a massive dose of methylprednisolone. Amantadine and selective serotonin reup- , which quickly becomes evident as take inhibitors serve as useful symptomatic . The fatigability may be improved by treatment for relieving fatigue. Carbamazepine taking a rest. In addition, MG is subject to is often effective for trigeminal neuralgia and intraday or interday variation (for example, Lhermitte’s sign. Carbamazepine or phenytoin it is more severe in the evening than in the is used to treat dystonic paroxysm. morning). Interferon ␤-1b (Betaferon®) was approved MG often develops with blepharoptosis and in Japan in September 2000 for relapsing/ double vision owing to extraocular muscle remitting MS and secondary progressive MS to weakness, although it may develop with bulbar reduce the relapse rate. It is also effective for (articulation disorders and dyspha- optic-spinal MS. It is used by subcutaneously gia) or muscular weakness of the limbs (with injecting 8MIU (million international units) proximal muscles being dominant). The symp- every other day. It has been reported to cause toms are not always symmetrical. adverse effects such as influenza-like symp- toms, redness/pain/necrosis at the injection 2. Diagnosis site, and depression. (1) A diagnostic test is performed with hydrochloride (Tensilon®), a Myasthenia Gravis short-acting anticholinesterase agent. Its solu- tion (dissolved in 9ml of physiological saline The prevalence rate of myasthenia gravis at 10 mg/ml) is intravenously administered to (MG) has been reported to be 5 to 7 per determine whether it improves muscular weak- 100,000 people. It occurs relatively frequently ness or not. in females in their twenties and thirties, but (2) A repeated stimulation test using a tends to more frequently occur in males in their surface electromyogram is performed at 1, 3, 5, forties or older. 10, and 20 Hz. The patients with MG show a waning phenomenon (reduced amplitude of 1. Clinical symptoms provoked potential as compared with the first The most evident symptom is tiring easily. trial) in response to either high or low fre- The repeated use of muscles causes muscular quency stimuli.

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(3) A blood test is performed for anti- is performed in severe cases or in those who . The antibody developed a crisis. The effects of plasma- is positive in about 80% of MG patients, pheresis are not significantly different between although the antibody titer does not always the double filtration and immune adsorption correlate with the severity of the disease. techniques. IVIG is generally administered at (4) Imaging diagnosis (CT or MRI) is per- 400 mg/kg for 5 days. formed for the anterior mediastinal region is essential for patients with because MG is often complicated with thy- thymoma. In patients without thymoma, resid- moma or thymic hyperplasia (Fig. 2). ual fat tissue in the anterior mediastinal region is removed. 3. Treatment An appropriate treatment should be selected, Guillain-Barré Syndrome depending on the symptoms of each patient. Basically, MG is treated with anticholin- It is important to differentiate the demyelin- esterase agents or adrenocortical steroids to ating and axonal forms of polyneuropathy by be administered every other day, or thymec- performing a nerve conduction test and check- tomy. Oral anticholinesterase agents, such as ing for F wave abnormality. The most common Mestinon® and Mytelase®, inhibit acetylcholin- type of demyelinating polyneuropathy results esterase, and mild MG may be resolved with from the inflammation of myelin sheaths and is anticholinesterase therapy alone. therefore called inflammatory demyelinating However, they do not treat the basic mecha- polyneuropathy. Its acute form is Guillain- nism of MG lesions, that is, they are not Barré syndrome (GBS). It should be noted that effective for the actions of the GBS is different in Japanese and Westerners— against postsynaptic receptors or adjacent mus- the axonal form accounts for about 30% in cle membrane. Therefore, an adrenocortical Japanese patients. steroid is administered every other day for MG, except the ocular muscle form. It is started at a 1. Clinical course and prognosis dose of 20 to 30 mg/day and maintained at 60 In typical patients with GBS, tetraplegia to 100 mg/day for several weeks followed by rapidly progresses and the progression stops gradual dose reduction. within 4 weeks. After an average plateau Immunosuppressive agents such as aza- period of 2 weeks, the patients start to recover. thioprine and cyclosporin can be used in However, some patients may show different intractable cases that do not respond to anti- clinical courses, including the suspension of the agents or adrenocortical ster- progression, phased exacerbation of tetra- oids. (These immunosuppressive agents are not plegia, and recurrence of symptoms during covered by the Japanese medical insurance recovery. scheme.) Although plasmapheresis and IVIG, which In September 2000, tacrolimus (Prograf ®) are described later, may modify these clinical was approved for coverage by Japanese courses, the prognosis of GBS is poor in the medical insurance for patients who do not elderly, patients with rapidly progressing symp- respond well to steroids or for whom steroids toms, those requiring artificial respiration, and are contraindicated. A recent study reported those with electrophysiologically low ampli- that the drug was markedly effective in some tude of complex muscular . cases.3) Further, the patients with axonal GBS gener- Plasmapheresis or massive ␥-globulin admin- ally have a poorer prognosis than those with istration (intravenous immunoglobulin: IVIG) demyelinating GBS.


Although more than 75% of GBS patients Table 1 Hughes’ Functional Grade have complete functional recovery within 6 Grade 0 Normal months of its onset, about 15% have sequelae that limit daily activities. GBS recurs infre- Grade 1 Has mild neurological symptoms quently, with a recurrence rate of 5% or lower. Grade 2 Can walk for 5 meters without a cane Grade 3 Can walk for 5 meters with a cane or 2. Etiology and mechanism supporting device About two-thirds of patients with GBS have Grade 4 Is restricted to bed or wheelchair a history of prior infections (such as upper res- Grade 5 Requires assisted ventilation piratory inflammation or diarrhea). The patho- gens involved include Campylobacter jejuni, Grade 6 Dead cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr (EB) virus, myco- plasma, HIV, and influenza bacillus. The most common in Japan is infection with C. jejuni, which is an important bacterium relieves sequelae. responsible for bacterial diarrhea. It should be Plasmapheresis is generally indicated for the noted that GBS associated with C. jejuni following patients: infection is frequently observed in China. GBS (1) Patients with moderate or severe symp- associated with C. jejuni often develops as a toms (Grade 4 or higher as evaluated with purely motor axonal form.4) the Hughes’ functional grade (Table 1)) The annual prevalence of GBS in Japan is 1 or those classified into Grade 3 who have to 2 individuals per 100,000, which is compa- progressive muscular weakness rable to that in Western countries. (2) Patients within 14 days of onset (3) Patients without serious circulatory, renal 3. Treatment or hepatic diseases The main treatment for GBS is to remove (4) Patients at 16 years old or older without anti-ganglioside and TNF-␣, which septic shock, a history of myocardial are considered to be involved in the onset of infarction within 6 months, marked GBS and increase in the acute phase of the autonomic disorder, or tendency to disease. Adrenocortical steroid therapy had hemorrhage. previously been used, but it was proved The following frequency is considered appro- ineffective when administered alone. There- priate for plasmapheresis depending on fore, plasmapheresis, IVIG, and pulse therapy severity.5) with methylprednisolone are currently used. (1) Two times for mild patients (who can Other standard treatments include those for walk and stand, but cannot run) respiratory disorders, arrhythmia, abnormal (2) Four times for moderate patients (who blood pressure, and complications such as need assistance standing) and severe infections and pulmonary infarction, as well as patients (who need artificial respiration) rehabilitation during the recovery phase. Any of the above plasmapheresis techniques Plasmapheresis is roughly divided into usually improves GBS symptoms and suspends simple plasmapheresis, plasmapheresis based the progression of GBS within one week after on double filtering, and plasma adsorption the start of the treatment. using an immune adsorber. Plasmapheresis IVIG has been demonstrated to improve inhibits exacerbation, shortens the morbid motor function, shorten the morbid period, period (including artificial respiration period and reduce the rate of patients who need artifi- or period until the patient can walk), and cial respiration 4 weeks after the start of the

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difficult for patients and their families or other people, including paramedical staff, to obtain detailed information on GBS. With support from the Guillain-Barré Syndrome Foundation International, an international GBS organiza- tion, we have prepared a General Guide to Guillain-Barré Syndrome (Fig. 3), which is available at no cost.


This paper discussed three autoimmune neurological diseases, multiple sclerosis, myas- thenia gravis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. We would like to emphasize again the impor- tance of understanding their specific character- istics in Japanese patients in order to provide appropriate treatment.


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