Paleoflood Investigations to Improve Peak-Streamflow Regional-Regression Equations for Natural Streamflow in Eastern Colorado, 2015 By Michael S. Kohn, Michael R. Stevens, Tessa M. Harden, Jeanne E. Godaire, Ralph E. Klinger, and Amanullah Mommandi Prepared in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5099 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey 6 Table 1. Summary of the streamgages used in the regression analysis of natural streams in eastern Colorado, 2015. Paleoflood InvestigationstoImprovePeak-StreamflowRegional-RegressionEquations,EasternColorado,2015 [USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; CDWR, Colorado Division of Water Resources; NDNR, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources; A, drainage area; mi2, square miles; C, amount of soil consisting of clay in basin; %, percent; Eout, elevation of basin outlet; ft, feet; 6P100, mean basin 6-hour, 100-year precipitation; in., inches; S, mean basin slope; Wyo., Wyoming; Nebr., Nebraska; Colo., Colorado; Kans., Kansas; Okla., Oklahoma; N. Mex., New Mexico; Tex., Texas; NA, not applicable] USGS Latitude Longitude Paleo- USGS CDWR NDNR A C E P S streamgage Streamgage name (decimal (decimal flood out 6 100 peaks peaks peaks (mi2) (%) (ft) (in.) (%) number degrees) degrees) data 06655000 Cottonwood Creek at Wendover, Wyo. 42.3258 –104.8764 24 NA NA No 1,960 17.3 4,450 2.59 13.6 06668040 Rabbit Creek near Wheatland, Wyo. 42.2158 –105.2291 20 NA NA No 1.30 20.6 5,650 2.45 14.9 06675300 Horse Creek Tributary near Little Bear, Wyo. 41.4558 –104.8839 21 NA NA No 8.16 12.2 6,240 2.81 7.78 06687000 Blue Creek near Lewellen, Nebr.
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