For cws Of P ople You Know Rend Th cwnrk Poilt c

"Y" Trip To Dover . 'chcdnled June 20 Ry Smyth Center -- I Pm·ticipants in the second or lhc 1 ri0s of summer trtps planned by '"" Ncwnrk YWCA will leave fr m 11 0 A lice P . Smyth enter on .June I 10, at g a.m. fot· Dove1·. ,\ft!'t' a wnlking tou1• o! the trcc­ J,·l()pd Green, the State 1 rous -· l'nnd old st in active usc in Amcr- ' ; .<'g i s l~~:i ~cb~ a ~Ji s !!c;J ~othcr sehcd- • lc·d slop, and Christ Church - ··hlli lt in 1734 _ nnd olhPr nota? l l• lltldi ngs wi ll be vi sited. act r whtch Wilkins he tour wi ll proceed to the home Marine n obert C. Wilkins. •? 11 • or r .lnhn Dickinson, "Penman of the Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Wdk t.ns llevol ulion.'' The house hns been of 13 Kress Road, Newark, was pt o­ Althou h similar ln appearanc e to hundreds of others produced 1 n· T~~c~ ~: ~n rr;; ';is~~i be th rough moled to private fit·st cl~ s~ when h Joe:. Ch rysler pla nt, the sleek Dart station waron plct11rcd 0 1 1 he compl ted recruit tr111n111g rc­ at t e f spccal sl!!'niflcanre as It rolled from the plant assembly Je Crcck for a luncheon stop, As the last service of the summer, c ntl y at Parris Island, S. C.. ., ah0 \ ' ~ ~a~v:ek·. bcrame the lOO,OOOth 1963 model assembled here. 1 1 1 11 the Unitarian Fellowship ot N w­ arc not in,. si ­ The promoti on was marie lot " · line In' order to keep pace wlfh Chry•ler'8 •ales rate, the local plant n;~l{h~ 1 ,'; ;~·wi l d fow l outstanding per!Ot·mnncc as a Ma- ark will conduct a dedication serv­ l<'n ce this month. n short detour to e a minute production !!Chedule. ice lor children of the Fellowship. remains tonff~ ~~~s ~~ho w n nrc (left to rt ht) A. G. Freeman, product llnmbay lfnok R efuge will be made. rl~ r~~~~~;;tc of Newark H led by the Rev. Thorald Olafson ot n ,•scrvaUons must be made by School, Wilkim entered lhe set·vtce ual~~;n Cl~lflnceertn~ m ana~te r ; C. E. Fowble, production manager, t.h e Germantown Unltal'ian Church, .June 17, by ca ll ing the Newark J . G. hepherd, plant ma.narer. at 11 a.m. this Sunday. last F •bruary. ~n;l I YWC . 'hro The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thur day, June 13, 1963


P hone 368-8084 . los p~op l e are aware of :.h e damage done b~· h,, ndul bee Je &s tt chew on Jea\'e::. frui ~. and fl ow - ers. bu the !!TUb a < a lso con r i - ~ l,utes it- shnre or trouble by gnaw­ Auctioneerh1.g ing the root ofT lawn an pa ure gra~s . ometim£'5 h l !(rubs will HAROLD . JilLL d a ma~c such plants ns beans, to­ Kemblesville, Pa. nlatoes. and st ra\\· bcr rit-~ Call Clinton 54310 I HOMELITE I When it comes to li ed h a·d~ ar I r:.u lcine e PIDIP cabinet supplie , you (all Lu~· IJ, re w' h he utmo t confidence. 0 ,r pr ,,__. 1 ' ir ere3t e GEXERATOR in your health a ~ >'lll'l,; ~ · r ' i fa cti on.

e RIDii\'G ~lOWER S Prompt Prescription e CRAIN AWS FRA K TOLO. IF'O NEWARK PHARM ACY. 'R PERCY ROBERTS j DuPont Hwy. a t Blackbird, Del. 171 E. MAIN ST. t.t .. ~.

for lo w-cost auto, home, life, accident and sick• ness, boatowners, and business insurance. 2- S tor y all - brick, 4-BR's Frank l\1ancu so 1-Ac ~c with fruit tre es. Also- Lot- 100x208 -!t. Phone 368-4625

'\lbUho In good hand• wfth GWALTh~Y ALLSTATE. & CO~IPA::\1' INSURANCE t< eai Esta e - Insurance Oom panlee HOME O~~ I CU : I KOKI I . ILL..'

If you can't buY or sell .. "l ou can TRADE! In the Newark area - Call REN GEORGE " Trade Today for a Better Home T omorroto" Lis t yo ur properties with the Trading Office REEVE REALTY, INC.

People were sold on the Grand Prix the day It came out. Can you remember a car catching on like this one? Grabhlng people's im agina tion like !his0111! But after all. It's a Ponllac. And this year's Ponll acs are making new friends faster than you can say Wide -Track. Come In and we'll i nlro~uce) ~.

REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES IN NEWARK Richard S. )lcCamt Wins PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 13 Knickerbocker Dr . .. 12,900 Geot·getown Law D c~r ee Richard S. ;\lcCann. son o! :llr. SEE YOUR AUTHOR IZE D PO TIAC DEALER FOR A WIOE CHOICE OF WIDE-TRACKS A D GOO D USED CA RS. T.:>O Route 40 ...... 13,500 I and :l!rs. F rancis E. B. :llcCa nn of 401 Radcliffe Dr...... 24, 00 212 Wes :\lain reet. New ark . gra d ­ Route 273 ...... 77-acres u ated :llonday !rom Georgetown EDWARDS PONTIAC 1t.: ni\·ersity Law Cen r in W ashing­ 307 A hley Rd ...... 11,200 ton , D. C. 165-167 E. MAIN ST. NEW ARK, DEL. H e recei,·ed h is b ache lor of arts 115 :'>Iulberry Rd ...... 1 ,500 23 J\Iartel Dr ...... 14,000 ~ ~;~ : ~~~ninl9~=d --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~-~~ · :llcCann pla ns to do g raduate 201 " il on Rd ...... 47, 00 w ork at the Uni\·e rsity of P n nsyl- C) 707 Brook Dr...... 13,950 ,·ania and to e nte r pri\·ate law pra c- y ... 5 p e 0 k; n 9 0 f M 0 n e tic~ o r g et o wn will m ark its 175 h -\ ' -- ~.--~~""=' . 175 Haines St...... SOLD annhersary next year, the fi rs in - 74 E. MAIN ST. 302 Wilson Rd ..... SOLD stitu ion to recei\•e a uni\•ersi y T h charter by act of Congress signed s \ . , ' ; I ~ in 181 5 by President Jam s :llaclison. e t 0 r y 1 ', ;~.... .d R eception Planned Toni~ht / ../.' Hugh F. Gallagher, Jr., . re~~ e!~ :~ ~~~~r 'r r~!~~~i ~~e~e of the Income rrax n (- ;-r'/ -1 ~ e;~~~~ti~~~~~i~~h~~~ ~~i~l ~?;~ l_ ' by: } O il~ BL C HA~~~ Pa ul :\lcCoy and the Rev. and :llrs. J ohn Irwin, and their families this Speaking for the \\ ilmington aY ings Fund Socitq e\•ening in the social hall o! the church from 7 to 9. On Apnl 15 o f each )ear. a yo u dash fo r the :\Irs. Edward G inther, general had become fanta 11 ally expensi,e. but it helped. pa) a tJ \ toda) . chairman. is being aided by repre· mtdnight mat! at the do" nto" n pos t oOice to end Patno ur Ctltz.en co mplted with the law. but 11 To d a ~ the 4. emplt.n c~" f H ":JJ ~· ur (' .. ~-~ sentatives from all the church or­ off \ Our income tax return. remember that the wa no more po pular then than 11 ts t o da~ It FOR NEWARK REAL ESTATE Internal Re,enue C: f \ h. c.:: t.t\'- ~: •.n ~o nt···'J.: ganizations. rna~" ho tarted 11 all tn thi count!) wa Hone 1 lasted JU 1 ten )ear , gotng ou t o f c\t ten ·e tn 1\lr. McCoy has returned t o the A~ Lincoln him elf. I 72 . Tht i one of the few t1mc in hi ton where Conmlt G Member oJ ~~a~/~~~a. seU aen~c::~~ ~h~~··t~~J~·;r;~ ~ : . . church !or his second year as the On July I, I 6 . Lin oln igned in to law a a ta,, once impo ed. wa allowed to dte. • minister. =d 1\tr. Irwin 10 orn e tn\; ollccuon. the: .... t ~ r .. ~u ~ .:t. :;~:·· was as­ Re ve nue A 1. creattng for the fir 1 time tn thts tg ned here by Bishop Lord as asso· ~ o r t"cnty-two delightful )Ca r after that. no I rcachc:d as htgh a ... . ~ J ~ 1 J\ ·~ \ h:• countr) the o ffice of omm•s 10ner of Internal cia te minister. tncome ta . In I 94. Congre adopted a general 44 c~n h 10 ollel' l I on THE NEWARK REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION i\tr. Irwin had been serving as Re\'enue. The i'il War wa on A Federal ta' on tndt\ldual and ompante. but II " as 2 ~ A nd a' fo r the l nl"um t" Lt\ 11~ •t .::~ minister of Grace Methodist Church, G o' ernment that had pre,iously onsidered the de Ia red uncon titultonal tn I 95. Ia) be that' malt gned , . but II ha' h ',fOI ~,, ~ ! ;\lillsb ro, Del. building of a road or u tatning of an a rmy o f r.J NEWARK REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO. ~h) they ailed those years the Gay ' incite . No find the cure to mJn\ ~'I tllip"' r.. r Ji • ~ .J~ 1 15.000 men a maJor expenditure no" found llsclf tncome ta' after that until 1913. and then it took Academy Apartments Bldg...... Phone 368 - 8797 SJ'<'nding a million dollar a day on arms. It was thro v. bac the flrq hJr fl~'"" d ura •f!·~ an amendment to the con tllut•on to bnng 11 back th1 n ~ \\C agree u ':, nc ~.-c .. ;:~•·. u-. h Jql • a btllthe pe pie had to pa) . and a tax on tncomes ... the ~X tee nth Amendment. YOUNG & WILLIAMS ARNOLD wa clearly the be 1 way to pa) 11. The new Ia w 95 East Main Street ...... Phone 368 - 8538 imposed a ta' o f 3% on income of more than I firs t, the new 1913 tncome ta' wa a mode 1 GOLDSBOROUGH S600 and under SIO,OOO ... 5"t on tncomes over l)pe ... one per ent for single per o ns "llh ARNOLD GOLDSBOROUGH, REAL TOR SIO.OOO. ~ncomes o'er S3000. and for married per ons \\llh At the avtngs Fund our bu inr I 10 ~~ tn omes O\ er 4000 . .. plu addtltonal ta' of " people ave r egu l ar!~ . II h~ not ~tiloll 269 East Main Street ...... Phone 368 - 8754 OFFERS Ltncoln' ommt sioner of Internal Re venue­ per ent on in orne over S20. the first of a long and noble ltne-" as George S. sa,·lnas program w i tl~ u ,tnd nt~k:u: ~J!I LANDENBERG - Cr estwood Bt gge I trouble with the income tax. a far as the Savi ngs Fund, too. ' our m on•) ,.~ F anns. hill overlooking Boutwell, former Gmcrnor of l ll.Ssachu ell . He FARMERS INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. on 8~'' ernment wa concerned, wa that 11 wa Interest a t the current rl " of rJl White Clay Creek. Colonial ranch did nn out tanding job. In the fir 1 fi cal year he Jli·~~ mtg?ty hard to colic 1. man JU 1 dtdn't ha\ e Wilmington Trust Bid ...... OL 5-4011 with fireplace, family room, 3· hired and o rganized the effort of nlmo 1 4.000 In a pedal Purpo e arn>unt. dll­ the tnchnatto n to set a ide enough from hi in­ 001 BR's, 2 ~ - baths, 2-car garage. Ex­ employees, and colle ted O\'er 536,000.000 in open a n account "lth "'little a Ill come, even tn a good year, to pay theta,. o HUGH F. GALLAGHER. JR., REAL TOR pandable attic and full basement. t axes. Lincoln and his harried Secretary of the Ja r , with ruJJ pa boo!. ""'ll· g~l:~ )91 could you squeeLC blood out of 30 or 40 mtlhon !.59-Acres. Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, were delighted. By office r egardle or 1 h e one at ~ ,. j t 74 East Main Street ...... Phone 368-8758 turnip ? It took an out ider named Beardsle 1 0 1864, when Boutwell had his new department in opened your account. ' ou C\ln b Rum! to dream up tbe pay-a -you-go plan ... full swing. he collected almo t S II ,000,000. It comrortably at h ome and bAnk ~ HARRIS-HANBY, Realtors the employer' wllhholdtng system whtcb we u e 11111 wasn't enough by qutte a bn to pay for a war that The avlnga Fund pa ) tht P 71 East lain treet ...... Phone 368 - 8748 today. That dtd it . Almost everyo ne "ho earns. both waya. PATTERSON-SCHWARTZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. 61 East Main Street ...... Phone 368- 8701 wilmington savings fund so c :er~

f ound~d 1832. M~mbu Fedrr•l lnro• •l ' ., _.1, .. r~r~ OFFICES: MARKET STREET AT NINTH, WILMINGTON • UNION STREET AT THIRD WILMINGTON , 2005 CONC ORD PI KE . FAIR 3202 ROBERT KIRKWOOD HIGHWAY, PRICES CORNER SHOPPING CENTER • 53 EAST MAIN STREET. NEWARK OS Linen lo Joltn lucllcmon "Speo•lng of Money" eoch ., 9:10AM ond 6:30PM"" W The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thur day, June 13, 1963 ServeDad His Favorites and SAVE HIM PLEN.TY WITrl ACME'S JG DOLLAR SALE!

Cui jimn young, com-fed beef! Lancaster Brand, Tender SIRLOIN

SAVE 1-lb, 1~o z $1 Ja rs Ideal Apple Butter Be • • • • 4 26c! .IDkSOrange,Oran~e-Aprieot SAVE 4 2-lb .14-o z $ SAVE Ideal Dr or Orange - P~neapple JOe • • cans lb 73* 1 1 Ideal Pork & Beans s::cE ••• 5 · ~~~~-0 l $1

T-B one or Club Steaks s~E lb 79c 1 Farmdale Cut Green Beans. s::cE 7 ~~ ~;~ · $1 Porterhouse Steaks s~E • • lb 89c 1 o Semi-Boneless Hams w!:~:~~~~~~:~n;o, lb 57c Ideal Red Kidney Beans • • 7 ~~~;~ · $1 I I Serve With Steak! • • IDEAL ~ea n Sliced Bacon F;;:~~· • • • ~~~ 49c 1 1 5 Ideal Prepared Spaghetti • . o 7 ~~ ~;~z : MUSHROOMS ~:: :,& 4 c~~~ $1 1 $1 I 1 ~ ------Lucky Leaf Peaches s~~r: e~r s ~(Ycf 0 4 - I ~~ :, ! ·O Z $1 1 Acme Qjjfii ~~ut~~~:~~;zs~ Farmdale Fr. ~9 t Cocktail • 0 3 - ' ~ .~!-o z$1 LUNCH MEATS Glenside Whole Peeled Apricots 3 J.l~ ~ :! · o= $1 1 Special Values This Week During Our lantaster Brand Veal S11le! YOUR Farmdale Bartlett Pears ••• 3 - ,~~;,; o z $1 CHOICE Shoulder Veal Roast ••• lb49c Pizza Pies . . . 3 ~i~~ s1 Luncheon Meat La;r~~s~er s~:cE • , -~ 3 ~~ ·~ : $1 Boneless Veal Roast ••• lb 79' 1 Pollock ·Fillets . 3 p k~b. s1 ldeaiGr~~~:;;le Drink • • • s::CE ~ • 4 2 1~ c an~ SJ Shoulder Veal Chops • • • lb69c 5 ~:f~;3~~;t Fancy Shrimp lb 79' pk~ s ~ ,l OhiQ .ook atches a e s::cE e of 50 ~ Shank or Neck of Veal •• rb29c Boiled Ham Lo;.~o:~· · ~~~ 97c lb39c TolfyFru/tor l9C .Shes Pimento, Pineapple, SAVE 4 $1 Breast of Veal for Filling S a I a d s Gorden Fr01h Vegetable• • lb Kraft ei Olive-Pimento or Pla in Be 5- oz ja15 Whole Kern el ( 7 16-oz $1 t Ideal Golde n Bantam orn e e • • • e Fa ale Cireen Peas • • • • i 16-oz $

•~eS wt.ile, Yellow, Choc.-Fudgc ') $ ~~ or Dutch Cll oc . tJ} p kgs

•ss SAVE roll we'll Introduce you. ue • 19e • 10 pack $J

FRESH# ·CRISP -cUCUMBERS • • • s::cE 4 for 19c cod o • S~~E • 13 16-oz $

S:JcE r------~ TOO FRESH, .. GEORGIA PEACHES • • • 3 1bs29c In Tho I A PRICES REDUCED' AT ACME! I Shell L ------_ I oo o~ o6 o ~ ~ oooo60 6o o o o o o O?J!I THIS COUPON WORTH (A) 3 Special/ • • . Save 7 7c :: ... Total Savings with ; ~ h ~. ~. ~•• ~~~n~?. n .~~~s~~s gj LOUELLA BUTTER ~;'r~s9c ' Spetiill Biwk (ouJHJnS on I ROUND, R.~~~•. o .~ . ~YE ROAST ~ ~.'. t e u ben v .,, e :;_ Ono Coupon pot Shopp ing Fo mily ~ Kraft Velveeta Cheese 1 1 1 • 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 2 lb box 79o s Oll orE x p l

, . , , E k S h I B I A k l u.e cla-ro ms more ett'ci ntly H M.,,, Creek Hundred News Jane t Lacey Gradua t e I K ~otts d~~r ~~L De~pse~ I Radio tallOD In l ton I c 00 oar( s . said some cla in the two schr. With BA At Otte rbein ~~:~iph i\rhlic~'::'n. Junfo~; ~~r:s. To B e Comple t e d In July R • I T B k have been overcrowded and so. Sara Pennington Evans, Correepondent J anet Lace!· daughter of 2\Ir. and ~ au. ! Ay~rs and Mrs. Crtxlrge Lynch, Elkton's new radio s!ation should I esu en t 0 ac were too small. Shu said that t>y 1 Phone CE 9-7798 ~~,:~\~n~ ~~~; 9! B~~\~;; JUntor ht~h . . ~:c~~~et~ ~,~eK~. ~e~!l:i:; Student Transfers lim!Ung each school to only r· l!a.rm?ny Juvenll Grange Is Ibeen donated by merchants in the class at Otterbein College which -lite Circle will m eet ,~,th Mrs. of the station. --- I grades, the district could get ' s· •nsortng an aU-day carnival to- Mtdway Shopping Center J udges was graduated lost week '!l!askle J ohnston next Thursday Three 160-ft towers have been Ch . I' B 'd t I this year wtth thr le el men· r ., rrow fea uring a talent show .at l v.'i ll be Robert Cathcart, music J anet, a graduate ot Ne;,·ark high e,·ening. erected. and the station building on askeJt~ta~~~ ea;, . a~ sc~~l ~=~ teachers at th schools. One ~ 2 as 1ts monthly communtty teacher at Stanton Central Elemen. school i . . . E lish t • !argaret Harmon and James :\Ialoney Road has been completed. t , k t h . sequence, he said. would be a , .o y.m. 5 1 J · vtc JlTOJCct tor the benefit of tary School; Wayne Le Claire, and Otterbei , ng ba h:- Alexander have returned home trom WSER, broadcasting on 1550 k c, on 0 " ay 0 t1 a f 1 1ev n number of pupils per c 1 ~a)onng8 ~ed ';I "J: ~~ . P g:u~ th' Boys Home of Delaware. Thls 1 Lew Cass of Elsmere, with Dave n an was '' a a c Wooster College; P amela Kangas will serve the tri-state area of pub . e supper, or e 5 con_ room. t 'Ile, a r<.'cen tly formed agency, Eldridge ot Station w A.\1S, master lor of arts degree. !rom Dickinson; Diann Trout from :\!aryl and _ Delaware • Pennsylvania verst on of t~' o ele~ ntary school. o p rov'de l'!f pre-delinq':lent Iof ceremonies. . . . Wilson. . ~dth music, news, sports, farm in- to three gra es eac · I ln .~ ddl ion, hue satd, the. •·srt :s v.. ho nNe! guidance not gt~~n I .1rs. Albert Conaw~y, juverule Dorcas C1.rcle will be entertained The Rev. Ben Franklin Ferg~n , !ormation, weather reports and Meeting in the Christia na-Salem ~l ass ystem tn effect at Chrt It thetr homes. 'J7'e Rev. P htltp 1matron . IS general chau·man. by 2\Irs. Walter :'11arshall n her pastor of Antioch Presb)'t nan conununity service. School the entir school board wit.h ualem for the La t thr years •nntng is execut1ve director. 1 Last Friday ~vening, the juvenile boat at H.ance's Point next Thurs· C~urch. Red Springs.' N. C ., visited Wilm e~ E. hue, uperintendent of 1 be dropped. Tht is a system w h~ l'he carnival on the grange hall 'l grat;ge ent~rtatned 15 members ot d~y, meettng at .the ~ltdway Shop- !rtends and relatives 111 ~lS area last the distric , and Roben w. :\L~yer, I by parts ot ~,·o gra<1es sha r~ d .11 ha h 'd Capt tal Ju~enll e Grange at Dover Ptng Center a t .S.~O a.m. weekend eru:oute to P rmceton The- the home of Carol Gass. administrative asi tant for student same room "tth one teachel. ~ ~u~/ ~ tne ;;~es,ay~:· a:"~ als Francts ~au g hley , master of The Rev. WtUtam J . Evans and ologt~al serrunary whe:e he attend- Pat i ~!arsey and Robin Reynolds services, explained r asons for shift- --=~=-::-:::-:::"-":-:--:::-:::-:----,---..:;..J g g the D !aware Sta e Grange and :Y!rs. the Rev. Fred Bronkema attended ed hts 25th class reumon. Mr. Fer- conducted games. in all first second and third- : {ancy work, Catherine Hoffman, matron of the class reunions :\Ionday at huson lived .i n the Mern:aid area 2\Irs. Norma Dempsey of Corner to school' next fall. ~ck bh~;.1 ba~edhg~s, th ~ir gr~ders th~ l " w ~ c cp an sa es. Ivisiting youth unit. P rmceton Theologtcal Senunary. :\lr. before entermg the rrurustry. He K etch, lecturer of New Castle Coun- . . . !'he Delaware Humane Society Is l\Trs . Conaway presented cash Evans graduated in 1958 and :\Ir. was an overnight guest at the home ty P omona Grange, announces that All fourth. f1fth , and .stxth-graders r rnishing animals for the pet !'ale. priz to he three ouislanding juve- Bronkema, in 1959. of :11rs. L. H. P ennington. LIJe traveling programs started early !rom the same ar a wtll attend the Prizes tor the t alent show ha ve nilers as Harmony - Alene P ierce, This Sunday, l\Ir. Bronkema will Union Grange will be represented this year will end next Monday Ed n Sch?ol at Bear. . For ------·- Ra)mond :>l';lUdain, and William H. preach at both services as :\Ir. by Catherine Demspey, ).frs. Daniel night when union Grange visits Shue .>aid the board had dectded . ·arvel. Evans will be in Pitisburgh. Harris, and :Y!rs. Anna Buckingham Harmony. to make the cha nges tn order to FIRE & CASUALTY One dollar awards \vent to this Stephen Spangler of ='lorth Star. as delegates this evening t.o the - --- - ·- BETTER BUIL DING group for heir outstanding effort: graduated yesterday Irom the Uni. quarterly session ot New Castle p TV & A li S • Bill and David Donovan, twins; verstty of :'11iami, Fla. William Cher- Pomona Grange at Middletown. Al- rompt PP anCe erVJCe R e duced Price p et· quart· '"BIIf"IQ'j Donald and Robert P ierce P aula nish also of North Star, rcce1ved his ternates are 1\'lrs. Ralph Endriss. HERMAN and Debbie Santow, and Ly~n Nau- degree last week from Duke Uni- 2\Irs. Eliza McCormick, and Daniel • on :2 0.11,. 1:!":36 F. dain. versity in mechanical engmeering. Harris. ENERAL I. ' ELECTRIC Capital Grangers gave a program Their parents attended the exercises. Debra Trivitts was hostess to the $6.50 :-- 11 1. CIX"' BLACK ot songs, piano and trumpet solos; Larry Pennington of Al apocas, Y's Owl 4·H Club last Thursday lJ An Excell ent Buy \\lllch recitations, and readings. Pa ula San- Wilmington, was a runner guest last night. She demonstrated oiling a ales & Service I~d ;p;n~e~ t ~~~cl~~Y~S: ~~~~tao~~· ~~~ ~~';;;: ~ ~ ~en~in~~~n~~~~ol ~;(·la~ r~ u;~ se;~1n m~~:O~ct s reported on the Phone 368-8705 • E A S T E J{ Agent b rs. clay for Korea where he will be dress revue, and P reston McGovern, N ELDS 11 Each visitor received a gift from stationed with the U. S. Army for on the Clover Hop. \Jiiiii~~liJ Se~ce I Af:rv~~:e FAR. -~ J[ J{ looj • Hannony. 14 months. Laurence Ulmer, leader, announc- I NEWARK The Wimodausis Home Demon- Ebenezer l\felhodlst Ch urch ed the junior council meeting for Elkton Rd., Park 'n' Shop Center ,., stration Club will rro ect n xt Wed- Vacation Church School will start July 9. I Featurlnr 0 ------..: ncsday with Mrs. Louise Hitchens, next Monday at 9 a .m. with sessions The club's annual picnic was Radio-Truck Communication System I --- ___ PHO~ E :]6 '--\.jfj t J Tha~er eMw~~~~ will be a guestllbe~st~l speaker from~ urdays~ti l ll:m and amSunda. dillyys until eGept June ~~ 28. ~cl~w~n~p~d~fr~~J~u~~~4 ~t~o ~J~u~~IJ~, ~a~t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MUS h rOOffi S OiI I the Delaware Cancer Society. Each :\'Irs. A. Carl 'elson wtll be the member is asked to bring a guest. superintendent. Her staff includes I .,:; Loaded & Delivered • The Hockessin branch of the :\1rs. Charles :\IcElwee, nursery; • "eedlework of America held its :\Irs. Howard Crossan, kindergarten; 24-lffi. SERVICE Ifinal sewing last Thursday at the :I Irs. Robert Lumb, ).Irs. Kenneth home of :'\Irs. J ohn C. Mitchell when LE'ITERS TESTAMENTARY I EXport 8-9843 21 articles were completed. Elst.ate of Herman Cook Deceased. Ask for "Ed" Sewing were Mrs. J ames L . Der- :-iotlce Is hereby given that Letters ickson, Mrs. Carrie Forrest, Mrs. ;;,~~ac~~~~~ ~Pgp ~~~c~J~~t·H~~J:.:d~ I.,, Eves & Weekends Will ard Klai r, Mrs. Thomas Dunlap, deceased, were duly grant.ed unto Her- .... J\1~rs. Thomas Vansant, Mrs. Emily man Wallace Cook and George Cook ~EXport 8-3948, Ask for ''Doc" 's~tleeai r, . .;'1,1v'Se. !l,WMilsorsn. LPeireorysonp, arMkerrs.. ?;sr:n~w~W Y~~~nsd~~d~U;,~ Y tt· d?.; ~ said deceased are requested to make Che rry Hill, Md. l\w1rs. !Pa udl '!'1oodJwhnardD. ~ · Leslide r:r:~J' ~~ t ~; r ;;,xn';;,t~a; ~~~~§~~~~~~---- l\lary00< warK. Mitchell., -' rs. 0 cnntson, an cxh1bltagainst anthed presendeceasedt the a samre requiree duly dp ro to- ~ The annual Childrens' Day pro- bated to the said Executors on or be- gram for the First Day School ot ~. reDth~ 9~e~7 -!~\'d~ d;; ~~eF~~~ai~ Hockessi n Friends Meeting will be this behalf. ALBEE'S MUSIC! given Sunday at 11:10 a.m. directed Address Abraham HotTman , Attorney­ by :11rs. J oseph Hannum. Richard ~S~~~~g t os::? D~l~rth American Bldg ., Al dred will be the announcer. Lyn- Herman Wallace cook and MUSIC don Palmer wi ll serve as superin- George Cook . ~ ~~~dent. and Sue Barth as secre- _Ju_n_e_s~, _1"-'3'...c20;.:______E_x _·e_cu_to_rs Enrollmen s for the Hockessin LE'ITERS OF ADMI NISTRATIO N I MUSIC! Meeting Pre-School, which again ce~:~te ~~t~~~ l a l sw~~~~b Jit:t;,~';,h t~ i i will open tn September, are betng Letters ol AdmlnJstratlon upon tl1@ taken by Mrs. Ernest Lomax. ).'Irs. Estate of Ocla Wilson Fitzhugh late of PRICE Good Music: Rich, Listen- J ean Cripps is the teacher and 1\Irs. ~~~;'~':.f~t~d ~~~rr5~;,a7Jc~~~~y io'~e~~ j J ane Barth, the aSSJstant. the twenty-seventh day of May A. D. Harmony Grange meeting last 11963 and all persons Indebted to the I able, Pleasant Mus ic - all Monda.Y night, planned for its year- ~~~;'!,~~tia~d t ~~e .[J:;.Y~f~£,.~ ~ ~~~ ly ptcntc to be held July 8, at Len. ou t delay, and all persons having1 de­ d ay long , on Delaware's ape P ark with a covered dish sup- mands against the deceased are re- per. . 3~l~~r~b~i'e~bf~ ~~~ ~fJe~'ct~1';,~~~ favorite station for dis- The followmg were named dele- tor on or before the twenty-seventh I gates to the New Castle County Po- day of February A. D. 1964 or abide 1 c riminatin,- listen e r s mona Grange this ev rung . with byA~~~e!~wD ~~atS ~.b.f~~r . Attorney­ Peach Blossom grange as host tn the at-Law, Ban k of Delaware Bldg., WII- IS ... Episcopal Church at Middletown; ml ngton, Del. Edward Naudain, Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Taylor, Administrator J oseph Mitchell. Alternates arc 1rs. June 6, 13, 20 WTUX ~l w~:~d!;~~d a in, Mr. and Mrs. W. ~!!!~~~!!!!!~~~~'!!~~~ Mrs. Paul Santow and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baunchalk were ad­ 1290 milled as new members. RATIO No.1* Mrs. Roy P arker, health chair­ f or CLEANEST CLOTHES I man, rep01·ted the recent donalion RIGHT o f bed pads to a charitable insti­ - LINT REMOVAL tution. DRIEST SPIN. o Paul W. :1-!itchcll told of the life CHOOSE THE STYLE Pat r o nize your and home of Oliver Hudson Kelly, -b y U. S. TESTING CO. , tt;r, . ~ . . founder of the grange, in observance I HOME YOU WANT~,. ~~IyN~i~~: ' onG~n~e a~~e~~\ryF~~~ '63 FRIG J D A IRE LOCAL ducts for dairy month; Howard Crossan had an article on Father's ~FILL IN THE PRICE Day; Sallie Evans played piano MERCHANTS so los. and Mrs. Howard Crossan told jokes. YOU FEEL IS RIGHT ... Mr. and Mt-s. Roy P arker, Mr. and Their taxes h e lp :1-Trs. Albert Conaway. Mr. and Mrs. Gheen Stephenson are the commit­ you r schoo ls lee for the monthly card party next Tuesday a t 8 p.m. Red Clay Creek THEY DESERVE Presbyterian Church Children bapUsecl at last Sunday's s t'V iccs arc David Charles Dillman. YOUR TRADE Wayne Kenneth Kessler, Mark Ran­ clnll Smith, and Jacqueline Dyer Kramer. Your Hostess N w ofTiccrs of the Junior High NEWARK group arc Amy J armon, moderator; Ma ry Elizabeth Hat·mon, vice-mod­ THEN .•. BRING THIS AD MRS. WM. B. FOWLER et·alor; Karen Mahlbcr~. secretary; ELECTRIC Cl11'islin Sloulland, treasurer. 180 E. MAIN 368· ll55 TO ·YOUR NEAREST Phone 368- 7791 Lois Circle is meeting today at the home of J\Irs. Jam s Al exander. The Rev. Fred Bron kema, asso­ ------ALBEE DEALER ... ciate• pastor, was welcomed to this chu1·ch last Sunday. The senior high group hnd a reception for him. P nsci ll a Harmon and Robc1·t Wil­ Let Your Albeeman Show li ams at"e in charge or th youth li . You How You Can Have The brary being started here. A covered dish luncheon will pre- ~!!!~'!! I Home Of Your Choice ... cC"

Sales Literature Business Forms VISIT OUR NEW SElf·SERYICE '';. 1~;;', -:'r~ :--- •----• •--• • • • ., Folders - Brochures ALBEE DELL IIOMES I f!t . 40. RD ~~ - 006 E. Pulas ki lll ~h wa y I ART SUPPLY CENTER. SELECT blkton. Mary land 1 Booklets - Programs BRUSHES, PAINTS, PADS AND ALBEE DELL GEN'I'L~: MEN : Please send me more In - I ronnallon about ALBEE'S "Easy Home 1 O'lHER ART MATERIALS. Ownt!rshh> Plon.'' 1 you like good service HOI\fES If I Name ------let u erve you I 1 Rt. Add ross tJ.o, no # 1 SHEAFFER'S City____ ------Zan ------State. ___ 1: (Opp, Wilm. Trust) 906 E. Pnln -ki Highway Phone ------: The NEWARK POST, Inc. Wallpaper & Paint Store PHONE 368 • 1691 .. ~ ::..!!n~~~~ - S: !:."!\:c::_a_!t~'! ~ ELKTON, MARYLA 0 15 E. MAIN ST. 368-0507 ~ark P nllt, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, June 13, 1963 Five CLASS OF 1963 POST Abbott, Lawrence L . Haddock , Bobby Walter Peel, Sandra Eileen l.Apiruhut·r S h ot·! Cnur!lt' I. Abrams, Mary Elizabeth Hroll, Boyd Penta, Kenneth Anthony Amtrican Legion Auxiliary. Departnu.•nt o f rdunt iun l 1 J\' P11h 11 ;" St , ,.,, OITt' t't•tl lh Hatlf•tuakr r Jr. 01 bt"l' J . ~~\1~rJ~,';ie}~r 1ti{~{"e ~ ~~ra~~~~ ~~.~x·~ . ; ~ = r~~~··li1~~~ Eir%~n Am l' ri an Legion Awards j ohn Colluu, Su s o~u ,\low:. I ~1 01r) lond ""It• ""'J><'ctot· T. _____.--;;Jan uary 26, 191 0, by the late Everett C. Jolmaou PhiHJps, Oren Burton J r • t lbth'm.lkt'l' ur 1107 na.·ksd,llt• Ho;Hl, ~~~~~~· ~: ::;1; 8 ~~a t: ~~~.n A~h~~arEui'en": · U:ausch ;and Lomb H onorar)' ~ t:il~ll\ l' Av. uti . 1' / •, J>o!~u Barlow, Noreen Rock Harrington, Lynn ~lfi~:~.. r~<:.~e; tL~~rrlng t o.; 1 1 N'-''.'':trk, nnnoun < ·t'~ tltn.t durinn Ut o '"" - An Jnd<:'pcnde'lt 1\"ewspaper ~= ~L~'ft · 0~~~~~d lice JJ ~ ~~ ~·or~:~~'J~~~.::/a[':,.o y , t Plotts, Judith Faye Brookside Lions lub Pri1e )O)rf Kor/.1 \\ ll'k of Jurw 17 . H ~hnrt C\HII'S(' o n ·-- E ery •rhursday by The Newark P ost, lnc. 1 1 ilPiC'ulturl· \\ ill bl' 'l\"t'n nt Uto Pu bUsh~ .(J mpson Lane, Newark, Delaware Bossett. Gar.v Michael Hcln, Douclas E. ~g~~~~~·~ P':;t:f~ ~ ~~~~ Margaret Businr. s and Jl rofenionttl \~o men' s lub Priu , N ew.~r k Juptrr 6 10 1 Il 'Jl.\'l'l'Sli,V O( 'Lil') lnnd, Oll!'gO and Owned and Operated ~ =~~~· g~~~~~~~ ~~amllt on t~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~: r~~x ~ a rd Preston, Richard Anth on.v Aw:a.rd P ark b)· Prof. ( ; <'1-:H BY AN O F.\THER'S DAY-- , Brtcc. Rodney A. J aquettc, George Kunblc ~~~~~~d\v~,~~~~~a F'hal'lotte La dies Auxiliary of the AC'tnl I lmt> I hx1k :and I. Jddl•r fire Cam pan)' Don11f, / l o,l(·"'· B tidges, Darrell Denn is Jarmon, James 1'vl11ton Schaumnnn, Robcri. Kale D•lr Doll>ok ropriattol,l· t•nless, Jr. • t~~~ ~~e .L 'b~;~.~nloe~ls~ ~Jabcth LaSa/11·, Guy Lojlmau, Ore11 l'btlhps, jouJdJ Rrinbar.ll, Gro~e · , · Siu gft" r, D.Jc id Stun ~· and fath ri''• so ns, and ft :; hin g are a g.ood . t hr ~e- way ~~!f/~~k~'~h;~~~ ~t~eber t } ~e:rer, J oseph H. ~:1oplan~l, John Herber1 t Nationnl 1\ l('rit Schobr& 1 1 1 and R111gh 1 ~g 111 llutlcr, Thomas Eug ene l <~u;: ~~',;',~ eK~t~~1 :e n S i~~;~~n~~1~~~~i cJ~o~~~~ ~; t lion. just ,t< lla rnum, Dailey the Butters, Nancy Anne Kelly, Thomas Allen Impson, 0. Barry Newark Bo:ud of Education AwJrd for F\nllt•nc<' in c h o iJr ~h iJ >- 1 hula n,•nnl'll, Roy da .l ~ wlwn tllis eclilo l''s rathel' ftl'sl took him to the 0 1 Brach·r, Ellru Coon, }o i\nu;~ Datt Jou, judilb 11 1111, }O)c'c' K on11 , UJII II .\foro=. ~~7~w~~~~·LYnvd ~ 'Mn~i~~~ ~~~~h e~~~~h~rst:~~tefane ~:~fi~~.s·c~~ i~c~. H . • t Palr1cia Sh•mru, j olm Sou l /Jar,/, Run"ld \\''iritk, j rlltt \\"'.\"" ~~~~~~~~~~j~nntc~cR~ri~·~on t Klel_n. Richard G . ~mt t h, Robert Michael 1 0 Newark Business \~omen's C lub Prilc mllnuc I arson Gentl· ·mtn !ro m Virginia - ~ 0 ye.a~ · s ~o u ng, God Carn s, \V allace ~~ b\~o.JU~~~1 a~:zt~d~~\; ,tJ r . • ~fa~~ ~~~~!ci , 5~f; :~ ~~~'t lare' t Carroll, Joan Lorraine • t Jrit e to :t Girl Fntering Nursing }11m• Bh"nr)' _ ,toppt·d IJ,\' wa rk for bncf vt. 1ls 111 a recent Case. David J . Lnckle, \Villiam Richard Spicer, Les lie Allen New:uk Janececs i\•ic Aw:a rd Su:cmue 1 1 ;~1/i ' rSOI I road trip tu :\l'll Yo rk where he was on ha nd to wel­ g:~;~;.cc~~~~Y~Pce~Jiy t ~ ; ~g: ~~tc~~~ti ~~~~~kiln ~r~A~~i,:· ~~~~~t h~a ri e New:~rk Lions lub Award - Tbrodon• }otu•s, Niuu T&~mmi u u i\.K,t\N]:!irl•ou~ubnck a dau glit t• l', soldier son-in-law, ~~n cl five .grand- c:~:-~~t~~~~~· tf~~. ~~~t' ~~~~:g~rn t ~ S~~~~. ~~~~:~~~e E~~:be t h • t ~~~~~·:'·a;~b~~~n J ~~by Iarke, Antony Dnvid • t Lewis, Nnncy Jean S teele, Jane F . Newark New Century C lub A"lrd }c•,, u \\i'.)llll returni ng from a three-year lour o'f duty wtth the Colbert, Barbrira J ean _Lindell, Craig Martin te inbcrg, Maurice Coli ns, J ohn S argent • t Linton, Norrnan Thomas Stockton, Hebccca Anne Ncw.1rk Pon Award -~ fn·dric: J\fdulu.b in (,L"rm;tll,\ . Dad was th ere to see t hem off - Conkey, Hnlph Alfred Lloyd, Beverly Ann ~lone, David P. • t 'onlan , Jill Andrea Lockwood, Judy Kay Stroup, Stephanie J nne N ewark Senior llig h School Future Nunc~ C luh A w.trd Olil ,. Ltffurcl, Sbcu on j\lilf1,. lo Connolly, Temple Frederick Locwenstcu1, 1\lla ry Erica Swnnn, Thea Cynthia • ,. .. , ...... "'"'' b\' ship [II>~ su mme rs ago \'isil them in Europe Coon, Mary Ellen,. t Loflmnn, Gu y Rickard t T ~nnrnl. Nina E laine • Newark 'c n ior l li g h School 1\\\ .ud U oy,/ J/ udscm wa s. th e :\u. I :l lan al lhe J1rooklyn Army Terminal to Crnn'lcr, J anet Virglnin Logun, aroi' Ann 'J'aylor, Di nnc Carv Cruwe, .Joseph J ohn 11 1 Logan, Donald L. 'l'aylo r , J nnice Antle Optimist Club Aw.trd --~ 4·\/,m \\'"!Jtlc'lll•lfl Dnvls, Milclrccl FC'd Clla Love, Hun a lcl Marvin 'J'nylor, Sllvc.' r Stephen them Lll'n ll·l'ek· ago. . . . Dm,•son, Jo Anno E. • t Ludwig, f\Ic Jvm Robert rr e trcnult, Michelle Mnrle Philaddphi.t Ac:tdcmy of ThcJt n• :1nd A1..· ting Aw.trd Cbtillin~t K rn /In Deck, Ro bc1·t P . Lusnrdi, Cnrollne Elizabeth Ann Thomas, Robc1·t Earl ~~~~;;;;~IJh: tha t's till' way we remember htm s1nce t1me began DeLoach, J ~l m s Edward Lyna m, J< a thlcen .Mnrga ret Thompson, Dec Scars Roebuck f oumhtion D is tnhutivc l: duc.tti(• n AwJrd Af c~ry [ /Jot l' d~· u D I.>Pc rt, Susnn J ean • t Lynch, Anna Louise • t 'fhompson, J cmtcc Dea n t I Xo. 1 ;\l an . Do lnn, Pete 1· Anton • t Mack, John S. Thomp!;on , Piullip Arnold Ritv:t iikab AwJrd - j uAuu" Donoho, Mary Thiel 1\Jnllcy, Christina 'l'hornton, Lawrence O'Fcrl Jr oroptimist C lub of :" AwJrd } O)cr Kori,, Th e two top li:;h ing trips in a lil'elime w .re ta~e n with Dorety, Michael Wal ter M :-mdt, Jane Carol Thornton, Russell w ' · saiL Doros ky, Adam J oseph, Jr. 1\ Jann, George J oseph Tunko, J nnet Lou · Sportsmanship Brotherhood Pritc _ in our introduction to wal r w1lh b1g, burly Doyle. Helen Louise Martin, Peggy Joyce T odd, Lulu J ones l.rr IIMkllc"J, Mcu.) /,m ,· MciJ uruq . in till' ( IH'!-< apeake Bay mouth o[ the Patuxent DrcndaiJ, M ichael Earl Mn1·tln, Roy J<. Tolomco , F. J . Jr. TidcwJtcr Award --·- -· -·· Duff. Susan Louis • t Ma tsko. P a tricia Ann Trotto, Donnie! T . j ubu Colln/J Dugan , Virginia Anne Maxwell, P a tricia Ann Tuci(Cl', Mnry Ellen Vctcr:tns o! Foreig n \X':trs Award P ulric' i;~ Si:• m,n, j osrpb R,•inb.zrdl oil' olomon's Island wh 1·e he lost the biggest sea Dutton, Mary Ann Maver, Franklin W illiam Tweed, G orge Thomas l'\'\'1' Dzicwlt, Ma i·ia • t McBurney, Marylnne Utley , Hobert Charles t Zcswitz Music Award •.. - --··· we have :een b cauRe or some sloppy salvage Eastburn, Warren Cur ti s, Jr. McCann, Daniel Powell Va nd ver. Alice • Rny Jlndn 1!1' an l'.\c itcd, juvenile companion - and a t rip Edwards, Christine McCaulley, George Reeves, Jr. • tVespcl', Kenneth Allen Prize for Excellence in Oral french in llonur of the Twin City oi LaG.tnlc-Frcinct-­ Eclwa1'ds, Sandra M. McCoy, Althea Hlte Vincent, Mnrla n Louise \\'EDNESOAY ·~·g r eat green harlollc lla rbor where it merges Eklund, Leslie George, Jr. McCurry, John Steven Vlvocl , Patricia Ann Mic/J r//t• Tl'l n•aull, Sf/J.JU Dujl, Jaur Fft'/cbrr, J\l,wrin· S/, •illbn ,, J ·~ nni s, Howard Pressly McEnchen, J ohn c . Vo lk, Mnrya nne Final Day Fa irchild, Jeannette .Elaine McGlinchey, Michael A . Wnldri cl gc, .Tane Mary Alumnae Assoc iation, Uni\•crsity of 1Jd.1w:~rc, Ncw.1rk Ch:tpter Gr.lnt-in-1\id- JoJrr Korht Gulf of :\fex ico ofl' Boca Gra nde, and where his son Fclsi nger, Carol Ann • t McHenry, Terri Elizabe th Wal k er. Guy Weber hio first and only ta rpon - a 51j.ft. shaft of ilver­ F'ernengel, J anice Ann • t Mcintosh, Fredric D. Wnrnet·, Ruth Louise Business and Professional Worm•n's lub, Ncw.1rk h:~pt c r, Sc ho larship i\wuti- ALFHED HITCHCOCK'S F ikc, G eorg ia Anne Mcl'EIIt·n Gurriu, foyrr Korilt, Dtmicl AltCmm, f acqm·line Olsrn, foualbuu Owrm, Charlton 1/eslon Suzanne Pallrrson, b1•ryl Short , Al icbrlh· Trirt'aull, /{a/pb \\7alls, Donna \flo / ~ 420 Willa Road • Scholastic Hono rs las lou }' ,•Pi l e M imiPux t Nt~tlona l Honor Society Woman's Auxililry, M edical SociNy of Delaware Gr:tnt~in~Aid _ ... Sbaron Allr m~ Millr r ]amPs Dare r1 unday Service 11 a.m. Sl'N OAY, Jl NE 16 , pcaker : The Rev. Thorald Olafson Topic: Children' Dedication Service


great In service • great In size Wesley Mennonite Chapel Route 896 N.W. of Newark, Del.

SUNDAY SCBOOL-10 a.m. MORNING WORSBIP-11 a.m. +. ~~ue Cross EVENING SERVICES-First Sunday of each mouth - 7:3t o.m. Pastor Herman N. Glick, A ~.,rlen, Pa. BlueShield Phone LY 3·5757 Q N-OW! THE THIRD WAY TO SHAVE! enroll 300 000 thmembe~ A c;;;;?t owner everv t!Jirlt' secont!s! ( 1. 2. 3. ' -liAZOR BLADES ORDINARY ElECTRIC$ NORELCO ROTARY BLADES S'CRAPE= Off WHISKUS CLIP OFF WHISKERS ~Off WHISKERS Give Norelco rotary-blade shaving comfort for Father's Day and G'raduation

Mr . and Mr s. Ro bert L. Floyd Hercules Powder Company N~~: ~ ~:eico 'fl ~~; ing : head' S;eeds .~a~e ; ;~ ·• New Norelco Cordless Speedshaver 20C Sbnvcs Heads swivel to hug face. H andsome new design. nnywhcro . , . in your car, outdoors. Runs on four As a transfer fr om Blue Cross of North· Rotary blades. 'Pop-open' vents for easy clean­ tiny batteries. Only cordless shaver with Norclco east Ohio, Mr. Floyd is the 300,000th ing. 110/ 220 volts (ACJDC). Adapls to world­ rotary bfades. Fast 'llip-lop' cleaning. Mirrored We could say "nem·;y 1,700 buyers wide use. Travel case. Model SC7960. zipper case. Model SC7970. member of Det ~ ware Bl ue Cross and Blue f'·""'"' ...... Shtel d. He is employed in the Pine & a day," or "over 10,000 new owners , Paper Ch emicals Dt pM tme nt of Hercu les •'g /A~ a week!" Fact is, Oldsmobile sales Powder Company. He and his wife Gall, ,n In are really soal'ing, And why not? employed by Hercules Polymers Depart· Iii.U ///4 ~ W, It was a dollar-saving Olds Dynamic ~ me nt, form erly lived in Akron, now live at 88, for instance, that swept Class t 9·0 Rector Co urt , Lancashire, Wilmington. • 1J¥i.-----')- //! ,D "G" in the ~963 Mobil Economy Run I 1 , This is a significan t rnilf"~ t o ne in the growth and /t/ li Add stunrung, go-places style . ;: J( , , v~{>:- y< : ~ serv,ce of Blue Cross an d Blue Shield. • With I sensational Rocket performance. No [ ,,,....,, "' •••o UMoh~«<.- ""' "~ ·>->Nfi,•M..---· - 1 • At a Popular Price! New Norelco 'fflp-top' Exqulsltel New Lady Norelco Shaver 201 each mcrease m s1ze comes increased responsf· ~~~it'l 0 ,1 n 0 wonder value-wise pe~ple are going bth ty. The obligation w 11 be me t and a constant Speed shaver® 20 Newest model of world's larg- Rotary bl ades shave smooth with no razo r c~t~. 1 U //1 //1 tllds at such a fantastic rate. est-selling shaver, with famous Norclco rotary P.erfcct for legs ~nd un.dcrarms. New low pncc. effort PUt forth to keep Blue e ros~ and Blue Shield !f ':J• Th blades. Now economicall y priced. 'Flip-lop' clean- S!mui~Icd - sa pph•rc des1g n. I I 0 volls (ACI D <;::) synonymous with qu altty and dependability. fiEf 11-rAGE lAND lllrNAUr lOAD ATlAS­ ing. J 10 volts only (AC/ DC). Mod, ' 7920. Soft Zippered.£~· ~od c l SC9010. Ill ,.,,. al ,.., 0/rl• Dealer'• while ,.pply lastd

Iii __ - lliERE'S "SO MI:.T HIHG EXTRA" ABDUl OWNING AN OLOSMOBIUI • SEE YOUR OLDSMOBIU QUALITY DEALERI--- !:;·,~:" ...... ''"'"'"'"' ~,ceko · ·Rotary atclde Shave", Group Hospital Service, Inc. NORTH AMERICAN PHILIPS COMPANY, INC., 100 Eost 42nd Streel, New York 17, New Yor l<. 14 WUmrn ~oo Oaln Off i~: 908 West Street, Wll minrton 99, Dellwlre Jolorelc o lJ known 11 fhlliShavo In Canada an- throuahout tho r cu of the rr eo world, 1 NEW LONDON AVE. LS· 441f Dover 736·64 11 1 Mi lford 422-9570 I Seaford 629--9465 ED FINE OLDSMOBILE, Inc. The Newark Po t, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, June 13, 1963

Graduate• 1 Soroptimist Clubs Star For Robin Hood 1,000 Children Per W e e k . .. - ---; Cit d As Poi on \ i tim s Social Events In tall Officers Some 1,000 children a week are victims or accidental poisoning, ar. l For ~ tate Group an estimated 500 dle each year !run. I ~liTH-TRAFFORD poisons found in and around t Sta te officers for Delaw, re Sorop­ home. and the greatest danger. ' - !\'UPTIAL JVXE c The Red Clay Crec·k United P r - tlmJ t clubs were installed Ia 1 \'ises :\1. Katharine Jones, ew C - yter1an Church was the scene of 1 :\tiss Susan Wakefielrt Smith, ::llondav evenin at a dinner meet­ tie County Extension agent in ht•. the wedding of :\1Jss Sandra H ., daugh er of :\Jr. and :\Irs. E. Wake­ ing in Dover att nded by club economics. Is that the child is r field Smith of Newark was married concerned w1th labels. Care sh• • d aughter of :\lr. and . Irs. WJl!iam 1 memb<'r !rom Dover, Eastern Sus­ H. •audain, and :\11'. Gt:orge Thum­ :o. :\lr.. Ch.arles H arm~:r TrafTord 111 , sex County, caford, Wilmington be takcn to keep poisons away f. c 1 as Press, son of Albert Press of , according to he Societv of F riends the rcach of !Jttle hands, :\li J o 1 and Newark. I Yorklyn and the late :\trs. P r s a the Wilmington Friends :'lleeting J warns. on June 8 at eiev n o'clock. Twenty-four-hour help is of!~ wh1ch took place Saturd<.y a!ter­ :~rah \\ iley wa installed as by he Delaware Poison ln!ormnt nr..on, June I. with the Rev. Wil­ :\lr. Trafford is the son of :'llr. PJ'esident; :\Irs. :\larg ret :\lortimcr ISen ·i ce located 1n the pharmacy liam J . Evans, pastur, ofTiciatjng ;,! as \'ice-pre ident; :\Irs. :\l aomi :lie- the Delaware H spital, Wilming1 the doubk rJllg ceremony. Iand :\Irs. Charles W. TrafTord of :\1anasquan, N. J . Cann. recording sccrdary; Kath. where library r ferenc s inc! J erine Bugbel'. corresponding secre- u-ungs of potential dangerous p Given in marriage by iler father, The bl'ide wore an informal. full urer;ry; :\Irs.and :'11aryEleanor Dabolin. Li d!Jch, assistant treas- I1 1cbducts. es. their ingredients and a, · ,. the bnd wore a gown of chantJlly length g wn of wh1te or{!andy em- treasurer. The !t:lephone numbeJ' !or c 1 l ~ce and SilK organaza fashJont-d bro1d red with Swtss roses. Her :\Irs. Dor thy P att~rson and :\fr . . service is !bled under "Emer~ 1 . wah a . squart: neckline ri.mmed h~adp1ece ~vas an organdy scarf Anne. Lon.11enbach were Jnstalled as t cJes" on the first page of the te .- vnth sequms and pe3rls. The flt.ted trimmed ~~ h lacec I dJrec, rs for two-yell;r terms. and , phone directory. l uce bvrything she does, 1\liss :\lor on of honor: :\Irs. Robert Bnccot o Gary Indiana have ~nnounc gJ-ee ings. Ite achers, and :\Irs. Rebecca !tunnels, I vention; Young Republicans: Church I homemaker's physical fitness, says I r r; was best man. Ushers were :\.Ir. Church ·.viii be 'erved by the mem- :\Irs.. John P earce Cann of New- chrurman. of .the :\1. SEA SOCial com-~ Choir; and Women's Athletic A sso - ~ Coral K. lllorri , ex ension ho::ne ..4 'William W. Naudain, brother of the I btrs of the Aux!lwry of the Aetna ark wiiJ mee the two national / mJ ee, "as In charge of arrange- ci ation. management sp cialist at the Uni - ~ S't t' W ted bride; :'ll.r. Herbert P ress, brother 1 Hose, Ho!Jk and Laddc!· Co. 111 the1r guests when they arrive, and be ments. . \'ersity of Delaware. ___ I ua JOn an or the hridegroom, and :\if. Robert I hall on Tu sday even1ng, J une 18, their ofTica l ho css at the Hotel Thtf· IS t ~ e ;rst bycar /or such a Ed i h D e Lon.,. Win BS The c-un· nt vogue for 50 -mile SOME LAWN & yARD WORK _ Call Briccotlo, brother-in-law or the at 6:30. . . DuPont. An informal dinner is r cep 1011 · 1 as cen he custom I 1 "" , hikes has brought. walking back into ~1260. 4-11- tic bridegroom. I After the c!Jnner the class wJII I planned in their honor !or Wednes- to ha'e a formal luncheon n.ext to A t Mount U nwn Co l1 e~e ,ou r Ji,·es. but we don't need to de- WASHI :-I G & IRO NING at my home . The bride's mo her was attiJ:ed meet in the church parlor for a day evening at the hotel. the last day of school but lt was Edith DeLong, dalll!hler of Mr. \elop the kind of muscles 50 mHes Pick up & Del iver. Call 368-1846. I ll an aqua sheath nylon dress With business mectmg and a program. Guest soloist on Thursday will felt that a reception at the close of and J\[J·s. William B. DeLong, 56 of walking will develop, :lliss :\[or- . . 6-J 3-2tc hat to match. Her corsage was of! _ . be :\Irs. J ames E. Crosby of )!ills- ~he ordmary school d~y: w~ e n ther~~ Sunset Road l!rad uated last Sunday Ir1s pomts out o~.;::_P~~£;~, -;=;,n;:~r. :'.f r'~~~~i,r~r E~~t: wh1tc gard~mas. ODD FELLOWS- REBEKAH boro, accompanied on the piano by b · t"o need for huny, \\Ould be \\'1 h a bachelor of SCience degr e A mile or so three !Jmes a week nmgs & Saturdays, 11368-2131 No Sun- A reception followed the cere- The regular monthly mcetmg of :\1rs. w . w . Sloan. e er. at 1\fount Union College, Alliance, provides good general exercise _ day calls 0 6·1 3-IJp mony in the social hall for over 2j0 I the Scn·ice Committee of j The committee in charge of ar- , OhJO but t isn't necessary to mdulge m Hf''S & ALTERATIONS - Call 368- G ~nera l 1 I gues.ts. After a wedding t~tp to 1the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs or rangemen include ?-1rs. :\!ilion L. P e t e r ~ lot·oz , J•·., \V uts :\!Jss D>Lonf!, a gradua c of ::-alh " k tc .r·n. ------NEWARK------Mr. an d Mrs. Roy Hanna, R. D. I, Personafs :\1onday. SALESLADIES - Part-lime. perma - ,. ~"'" '" rd J une 6, a son. He plans to enter the graduate statement. the board admitted that I nent. Newark Department Store. "·' C.tll Elk:'' Mr. and Mrs. John Beer, 13 McCord school at L high the cost and scheduli ng of buses PRE-TEEN DEPT. Call Mr. Cla rk, 368-1674 . 6-13-J tc 1L. R<.J:. 1>1 'i<'"' BEAUTY SHOP ID ~-i/U,.':,ed 6M~..St"anan, 1123 Mayfl ower Several Newarkers were a ttend- -r.oroz wa: a ~ember of his cl ass !or r.early 50 children who now IL~Jrs "~ ' ti,; ~.t o_.cePP~Yxplenripeenrcsoe.n.DR a)'dmees. FOtR'''R' ~2:.7~. ~.D~IQ"t'" Permanent Wavln.,. DrM.. r.J u.~~ned 5M.drsa.ugWhlt ellr,.a· m Bu rleigh, 708 Junantse at 8, oith eMiss weddin Virginiag on Ann Saturda F ieldy, ca b met a t L ell1 g h all four years; walk to school, had not been con- 50 EAST' l'fiAIN STREET Drug Store, Main St. 6-13-ltc I ive 3~ r or•mL I· II A Specialty • s . M~~r~~nyM~d" .,w~~r."m9 , F grs'!.' and David. Owe.n Tompki ns Jn. th e servedwas preside on thent ofcl asshis gidoftrmito commi tandtee; onsidee! reandd. Jthirdo ~es gJsai·aded rthats now first att, endsec- in NEWARK FEMALEkitcnen. ExcellFor entfood worprepakingration cond in•- ROO~!erato'~"-'"· c;," EVELYNWIGGER¥ Wh ite Fawn Rd ., June 9. a son. Wesley ::11 ethodJst Church, Dover. b f th M t ·ryi S ing Eden schools, would have to ti~n s. good pay. Post House Res urant. SIO per week. AU WRwolrGkHTby LOVE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meier, 112 Fox Miss Barbara Perry, served as I a. '['em er o e . e a 11 0-, be transported a bout eight miles to . 14o St. APAR T.\IEXT - 368 3373 urg~ca 1 E~-M~ 368-~6 - 13 -l tc ; ~ Academy st. _ Lane, June 8, a son. bridesmaid. William R. Baldt as cJe Y and the American Society for IChristiana -Salem The parents feel BUY DIRECT ISERVTCE STATION ATT E.'\"DAXT - t1es pa!CI no c •• Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanNcwkirk. 9 t d I Tr 1 .1etals. · · · . ' Full li me emp!"yment. Some ex peri- per "cck 3•' .:,;;3 • - -- Mavista Ci rcle, June 10, a daughter. bes man an Dr. van user as He is a graduate of Newark High that the long bus r Jde would un- FROM OWNTER ence required. Over 18. AppJ,· ~I an da)'. HOUSE-=.. , h V I S I T Wilmin gton General Hospital usher. School reasonably lengthen the school day. June 17 to Sun Oil Station. Rt. 40 going \'illage. ;;,_ ~, v L ar-:~sp~;dRd~1un~dta~d so~i.llo n. 113 Mr. and J\irs~ll a rd McFarlan . day. SA \ "E! J\li't·acle p)J't-level ,· sou th betw;en Bear & G las~c BEST ARF:31A H'f';"~"'·Too5 ALmu'""" Mr. and Mrs. George Sukeena, 102 S p ]' B bJ S J The main reason f or the adoption I Wanted to Rent ranch. Time .• 's Larkspur Rd .. June 4. a son. or Inglewood, Calif., have returned L au S i e C too) of the new system according to the land co ntr. o r other terms LARGE HOUSE within walking c!Js. rec. ;o~'~ · " · VERA w~~dso~n 'br~r]im~r;~k a ~~~~scla, 504 ~~~~n·~o~~~~~. ~r~is ~r !~ k ~~ H ead e d By lHt• • R e nninge r board, was to p~ovide the same 814.,400 ra~n~~ ~Js -¥~/o~ ersity by profc~-ti~ ~ won eJ u '"' b . St. Francis Hospital and his brothers. I Pla.ns have been completed !or progr~m ol departmentahzed . Ill- IOR BUY - Large home. at least four F 0 R T H E L A T E S T Ic/ lS~ ..a 1~~r:; ; ed~l~~h~;~l, 67 Chauc- --o- the _Y acatJon Bible School of S t. :: ~~~c~ on asJn !,.;heot ~~;h ~~~c~~:;~ ~~~v~l e/a~~~. ~~ ~~t -i ~~y~~ ~7t~ F o~e'\';~,1~s~si1~r~~~f~ssg~ _:~~~~ur71~~,i~~: in I BLANCHE MAE EVERE'IT Mrs. Randolph Lindell visited her ~ ~~ul~ · Lut~c~n ~u r~dh ; nde_r11 the schools in the district. Because of chen. handy storage; garage and IP lease wnte Box 60, Ext. o5. 6-6 -2tc SWIJ\J SUITS 1 ~i:t~~c~~t~ ·YE~r~r ~~~~; r{: ~ g , ;~~~~ : c ~~~ ~~~il~ r en rf~ur a~ro u g~ ~\n g:~ the small number of classes at each basement. Excellent condition. RUGS T Wanted SLIP COVERS, DRAPES invited, with the course theme grade. level ~ill many c_ases only 36 -9022 after 6 p.m . 1000co ., Rug Cl~an';,~~~oAd~:t ' --·"- ·"' ,·cc. c.c __ ;:!'F.(.' OBIIER· A. ~r'I:EIC IWALES' AIR,, . I Estimates [ree with or without ~~~nt~ ~~o~eal;~ec~~s~: l~~a~k !frf~; "Walk ing Wi th God." one) Ill lhe '"0 clt>ment.'l!Y schools, 16 )Ionterry Dr., BROOK IDE Phnn• Wllmlnlrtnn OL J-163.~ R- '-'1-tf ';' '".c•·~~ ".:'~"·=~-- -~:;- "-L - ,, material school she was tmablc to attend the A 10-day course will start next JthJs depaJ·tmentahzed mstructJOn :-o;E\VAR I HCiME" FOR KI TTENS - Hea lth,·. VERA'. Si\LES HACK :\ Iunday. wi h classes each morning has not been PO Sible. · K weaned & trained. Linda Gallo, 208 LIN GEHlE - ACCESSORIES I 10 CAROLE ROA.f:,. alumni banquet for the second time from 9 un il 11 :30. j The new "3-3" ~ys em wou!d also -----IOrc hard Road. 6-1 3-2t p NEWARK, DEL.-ELKTON, M.D. Chestnut Hill Esta since i origin in 1913· Telephone registrations may be prov1de J'egular mstructJon .' n aJ1. - Phone 368-0405 -o- made by calling :llrs. R nninger or mus1c, and physical educa!Jon. ~ ,...... ~ ______::llr. and :\Irs. Horace Cory o( :llrs. Wayne Ecker. W1 th the p~csent system. leach rs BI NG f s 'ewark, N. J ., were the weekend Registrations also will be received or these . subJ?cts cannot be hJred '- METROPOLITAN guests of Miss Anna Gallaher. 7v1l·s. bo 11 Sunda'· \VOrsh!'p serVJ'ces !or the ChrJsl!ana-Salem and. Eden Cory was the former K a harine on June 16. "' schools, board members sazd. ~ B E A u T Y s A L o N f~~~e~o~~~ghter of :\ Jr. a nd Mrs. KA.RT ROAD RA CE m;e~o~~iZ~lda J ~~~m~t~ ~o':;fd ;~~u;~ ,.._<:.~ BAKERY and GOURMET SHOP Newark Shopping Center :Wrs. Ellen C r-;;~Fox of Ivyland, K arting enthusiasts from a three- the parents' group within the next ~i·'i ~ 253 E. Main Street Hair St)•les of Distinction P a .. was the guest of her sister Mrs. state area w1 ll converge on :Vhlford two weeks to review the matier. I \V AI NUT B Robert Davis, Center Street over 1 on J~ly 4 for a road .race through ~ TTER SCOTCH CAl(E e Custom P ermanent Waving Lh e weekend. MJ·s. Fox was a grad- the c1ty, the firs kartmg road race WinrJowless B1·oile r Hou e LElHO ' C HIFFON PIES ( at.) ua c of the 19J3 Cl ass or the New- ~~~';.etoA~\s~~~'lt~r 1 t~c s:~:?~~ D es i~t c d ~ y UD Eng!neer S HOHTC \1{~ FOR STRAWRERRJE . Open Wed. & Fri. Evenings Drk High School, w hose class re- karts and drivers w ill compete for Growmg brOilers 111 a W1ndo\\:- RYE ROLLS union was held Saturday night. Iless h se JIJ b t tc 1 e PHONE 368-1295 -o- ~~~ t~~n~!a:~ ;un~~morial benefit mentaiY~ a t ~~ e un~ve~:it.~ of "l!r~ : FRESH ORANGE AND RAIS IN l\JUFFJN for Appointments :Wr. and Mrs. W. F . Mason and ' G t. S bstatJ tlti R b F T children. J oseph, Thomas and CAHPET SAVING ~~ser. eorgc own u on s emem e ~· •A HER on FATHER'S DAY - Treat him J eanne ot Lakela nd, Fla., arc the A low price tag may not always The house d esigned by E. W. w .al. to ~ s pectal cake, decorated just for him . . .. R ead's ~======; guests of J\ir. and Mrs. George mean a savings when it comes to pole, extenswn ag.rJculturaJ engm- Getman P otato Salad- N o ne better!. . . . . Pie rce ~~~e:~ .I South College Avenue buying carpeting, says J anet Reed, eer at the .unJvcrsJty .. a l ~o features Oven-Bak ed Beans , Plumrose H a m s, Olives, Pickles ... textil specialist at the universi ty. ?n a ut ~matJc fan ventJiatJng system; G r eat for Picnics CREATIVE DRAMATICS asM~~~ ~~~~erwij~a~~ere~~~t':~~ The amount or fiber per square msulal!on, .augered feede1·s whtch 1 da ughter of Mrs. Wood. ~=rdw~ 1~t~:~c~ohuo~a~v~l~P~~~ ~~~t ~:i'cnb~O::~:.edan~-o~ t.~~o~Y~;sbe- Phone 368 • 2226 in Newark CREATIVE ACTING 1 Children's Day Service ~~~s~~~ s ~~ eth:a~~:~v~~i~~eb~ ~e :~ CANOE TRIP f,imiterl Enrollment Planned. At Ott's Chapel th e more .years of service it will pl~ed~il~~~~t~~ip '".;:\~,ec~~~n~~~ A Children's Day service will be gJve you Jn YOU!' home. wine for this Saturday, and swim- Grad d c l a.-~es, ages 6- 16, begin June 24 held this Su~day ot Ott's Chapel ~t GROUND COVER ming ability is a "must". Fred in Wilmington and Newark ~r~ ~~~t~rw~~h ~~~l e~:~· ke~~~~ Are you tired or trying to grow ~~~ ~· t~~5tr?~- ~~~d~roaa~d ';.~;;~~ : Church in Newark, addressing the lions are necessary. RHODES CHILDH E' '. TJIEATHE OF DELAWARE I~ fa~c~~~[n:Cs~ll~~~~i~~a~~ ~::~ 239 C h eltenham Road, 368-2762 gr~~~-i es will be christened, and banks: or of keeping hard-to-re.ach PATIO PLEA URES there will be a program of singing corneJ s of the garden lookmg tnm? With today's emphasis on outdoor and recitati on by Sunday School g so, consid er a ~round cover: says living, the patio is assuming in­ 5 Drug Stores, Inc. children. The public is invited. n~~~:Jtn~~r~s~ ~~~!. a~;c ~n ~~: creasing importance as the focal sirable ground covers are English point for the family's outdoor ac- OLO BOHEMIA MASS ivy, myrtle, and pachysandra. ti v iti ~. according to Dave Tatnall,l' C. Emerlfon ]ohnt~on, Pre1 , UNCLE BUD'S DELI-1\IART Historic St. Francis Xavier or assista t agent in ornamental horti- Oid Bohemja Church, located in llhe culture.11 Booth 101 * New Castle Fanner's Market (Serving This Area For Over 100 Years) Across From the Pizza Stand ~t :; ~!rt~~i ~~::.;t{~~ ~J~·a:a"f~ WS Cabinetmaker 0 "Where Your Dollar Buys More & Wrb Grade will be open for afternoon services Upholstery Althou g~ ~~/~:d s:o~~ean seed Brookside Shopping Center Quality 18 Guaranteed" Rec RDU product.i on 1n Delawm has grown 36 E. Main St. ~nu;~:t t~~~ ~~~~~b~/~e~ Jf~;.;i - Brookside, DeL or these summer masses will be this Formica Work irom practically nothmg to a tnnv- YOUR CHOICE $1.10 mg busmess tn lhe past 13 years, Newark, DeL Sunday at 4 IJ .m.. wiU1 the Rev. 176 E. Mn. 368-7841 Delaware growers can only supply 1~ LB. YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT J ohn H. Dewson, celebrant. - about a sixth of Lhe seed needed 368-2601 368-8581 ------lby the state, according to Dr W H. Oscar Mayer QF~~ Bacon 59c lb. Mitchell, extension agronomist at NITE PHONE: Alter 10 P.M. Call 368·5785 ROBIN HOOD THEATRE' Ithe umve_rSJ_t_Y ____ Cooked Salami ...... 69c lb. ARDEN, WILMINGTON 3, DEL. I SlJmlER FEED Prescriptions Called for & Delivered Summer feed for $10 to $15 a ton Provelone Cheese ~~G~~tTs 59c lb. OPENS SATURDAY AT 8:30! ! ! may seem impossible after last winter's $40 to $60 per ton prices. Lebanon Bologna Sliced only 79c lb e International Musical Tnumph Ibut County Agent Ed Schabinger, I EASTMAN KODAKS AND FILM L DOUCE says you may be able to produce IRMA A some annual forages at low cost as WHITMAN'S CANDIES Os~ar Mayer Weiners ~~l,TY 59c lb. pasture or silage this summer. This Evenings through Sat., June 22 will save more hay for next. w inter's! JANE LOGAN ICE CREAM ALL MEA1'S & CIIEESE SLICED FRESH TO YOUR ORDER. Ifeeding . WilY NOT JOI.N THE TIIOUSANDS THAT BUY ?ROM ME 6 SAVE. CALL TODAY - dial SYcamore 8-6866 I ------We serve the suburban area from both stores with ''There nre two kinds of men our d Ji 1 A s k for our full season bt·ochure who don't understand women _ e ver es. Charge Accounts Are Welcomed. '------...! Ibachelors and husbands." , ______j ,..

The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, June 13, 1963 Seven Retired Professor EngTineering Career erie.s !Anna c. Arntstt·ong Sn 11~· Rced Win HonOI'S ,. lcclric pow r Ut ey a re buying dl- • ? ' ''rtblt' ur~, i n study for pro- Charles C. Painter 0 Be Offered On Radto F • AI Bt·ucHord Jr. Colle• •c teet from DP ·L 11ld tng a cc-O~ltt~ th,, 6-1 volP ; fumkln Snectnnbs At 70 neermg . octettes, Ul coop r atio n . 0 e Held Frtday ford ·Juntor Coll eg<'. lll nss . jon P<'· k dt' mand, and caultoning t mnHnd,d <'•>Unl'il .Hh'plton of wtth radto stalton WAl\'I.S and the ' acndemtc honors for the ~nst s~n~~ "you .. ma.v losc m0!1cy ut st'rving ~~~ ~~;~"' \'i~:~d ~~ ~''" a t>ro idoo .Dr. Charles~ r Palmer, 70, Un iv!'rsily of Delawa r , will .l nili- ester, and w as clcctC'CI prestdent o r l lhem w tth fluctu lc:mds "th,,•,• ~·1'·'"''1 mu;t~;, !t:.,,t,< ndF ot_ pt of emerttus of bacteriology 2 1 0 1 sor c mmtU ee for Ute eom- Soltt•tlor Bo1•e Is to ngr - som ·s l"•'l""·'l that a' and hygtene at the University o! j ~~ :n t;· ~~ ~ ~.~~;r~ ~e ~~!~;tca",~~~ wtf~~~; :rnt~~ill~m A~~ n s;,';~~~lro ~~ : ~c c.h a~(' l re~· icw c~m m ittcc D !aware, died last Sunday night. of I portunity.'' died 1'u£>sdny at Ul c Home of 1\lcr- mg jent. nwnls w tl h ~p.'(, L to ms u re lhnl be npp,"nt mdustrtal flt·ms :~s po- prop<><• d 11<" <'ll~· dtart, r, w a ~ np- Dr. P almer rcti1· ed ft·om the u ni­ d ustl"ia l fi rms w t' ll t.,a kn pat·\ ,·,1 U1 e 1\ r A t · apttol Trat l Newark · • / tt'n.ttal cu~t O lll<.' rs R nnktn nd pro, ui ln 4-.l l'<'l<> 1\ tth Cnvl'r- c rs. · rms rong s hu sb.~ nd d ied ' · · J Shh•ld< opposed Uus prop 1 by da l,o. lltll .t•~ol Shh'ld, 111 >'I'PO r:<.ll nt 0111 had .been. active tn the o1·ganiza l.ion 's cln ughtcr. Mrs. J am s c. Dorschel, Conlt·acts for city purchase or !\ 1St l ull' with CnvcrctJ IL' nne! ~!ill in · .' dt•r l'<)tll.<'tlnh'•'ltll~ 1\lon- affntrs stnce his relir ment. la t•tinsvillc, Va., and two gr a t iron w.:t le l' p ipe, m:d. fa!' w :llPI' m:un oppt):; it ion. "Th C' re '" nre othet·s bC"- d:ty s St's:-.h.'n wa" n t'•arin~t lnh.lniJ:,''hl A native of Canton. 0 ., Dr. ·P almer New Business Anin. A pply q11lck-dryi n.c: lTC tl- Irvin E. \Vright 1 J, J, k alo,·na•·a Asked plcx opening on U1 e E ast cnmpus h~ E ~~~~~Ttc!n ; ~ ~~da n\ 1 ~~~~ ~ ~~tf~~1 ~ ~~ ~~;~~ TBURS· 'l'U 9 - FRI. TU I 0 To Hf' >' i ~ n Flol'ida Posl in S eptember w ill b ca lled Russell speed hcn lmg. Fine fo r cczcmn. Insect. Dies At Age Of 71 Ha ll ; the proposed donnltory to be bites, foot itch , othe r sul'fac rnshcs. BAT. 8 to & F ol'm C"r city manager for N ewark , 9 1 4 J . J . Salo1·a:tra has been a ked to Services for Irvin E . Wright, 71 , ~~n~)/,~~~~i ~a l i; ~;~d"' ~~ c b~ a t~~~~~ g\ ; ~~~~~ .;'~~.a~~g bA~;·:~ t ~ 1 8~c~s 1:\R'l:'c'; resign from h is present post as city of 85 New London Avenuc. were tics-Physics Building w ill be d sig ­ m anagL'I' for Pompano Bea ch, Fla. conducted yesterday aft.cmoon in na led Sharp L aboralot·y. Sal01·aan suspended th com- ·Sierra BROOKPARK munity'< pulicc chief last. Thursday M t. Zion U.A.I\ f. E. Church, Newark. Mr. Wright, who died Saturday for an alleged , ltcrcalion in a vet­ at home. was reti red f rom the Na­ GNRAProgt·mn MELMAC DINNERWARE e rans club amid dem ands from tional Vulcani zed Fibre Company, members uf the P ompano Beach ii,:t.: jJ 0! &< ·:1!4 ·) IJ (,J I f.:.: ji, l I Newark. after 26 years of ser vice. (Continued (rom P age ! ) commisigncd a nd administered to insure ware in l!l51, he established an in ­ I Jun e 1 5 1h . We Reserve !he that lack of funds will not pre vent tra mural dcbaling program among lop local bands and "pop" records. l The GNRA also is offering. for Righi to Limil O uonlit ies. J!)[h a qua lified Delawa re .r esident from res idence halls and frate rni ties on QQQ it at WED .. Jl':\E the first ti me this y a r, a n 01:gan- t~c·n ding the un.ive1·stty. cam pus. nnd und r his direction, the 1 1 0 ··········································: •c=:==----=--,-T.--'-~ Corm err un iversily's cl ebnting team ntcrcd I FIRST Of IHE NEW SUSON , BLOOD BOL'NTY inl rcoll cginlc competition. ~~~~b~, i; i~a~~ s t rb>~c t~r i ~; h :~h~~~:~ l ;rmla . l nrln·.~s , ·nw in its e ighth year of service, Wood, a World War JI infantry mad w ith seven more trips planned., SCOTT &HALL ~CANNED HAMS LOWEST PRICE IN 10 YEARS ,,. Blnod Bank of Delaware reports veteran and a 19H graduate o f the Wh n the h art speaks. how vcr Newark Shopping Center '·Dt·. \o· ~ has replaced 35,829 pints of blood university, received his mastcr·s lJNOX " Imported demand from hospitals since d g ree at D !awar e in 1948. and simple the words. its la ngu:tge? is J CALL 368 - 5378 ~ p.m. 1-lb.95< TEXAS SHRIMP ·'.V !.i. 1955. during the foll ow ing year continu d ~~~ ;(s~ acccp ..~~~~; h~~k ;~'~d~~v e I X X X X X X X X X X XllD .From Holland" hi s g rer 62 cents a pound; for fi ne, 52 cents; 2.!)5 roll RE NT for t•cjecls, 54 cents; and for tags, ~ PRESERVES PIA(!! APR I(O J 4 17 "· $100 STEP LADDER "'~..,;' o•PI NIAPPtr •• •• IDI\ ...... $135 IG ccn a p ound. The pool is sponsored by the 5-ft. alum. - 8.95 4 ...... $125 Delaware Sh cp and Wool Asso­ 2- Section Metal LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 2 .'.~: · 55~ ciation. LOCKER - 7.00 'S DIIP BEANS ~:·.·. : : ·: :.~.:::· 4 "" 49.. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Cotnoit·, Mitchell All cml Sh erwin- Willia ms LIBBY BR OWN •• v,,,,,, , .. \ ,,1, •, con\ FAJtM RANCII Call 36 - 0601 or 368 - 8797 Confet·f'm•e On Fm·rilizf'l' Plantatio n Wh. 5 0 A method of standardizing ferti­ 5.20 gal. LIBBY'S FRUIT COCKTAIL .... 5':.::· 1~ Acad em y Slrtel, Newark, Del. Li zer r ecommendations for Delaware, Ma ryland, New J crs y, a nd P enn­ ~'" "" "" """ll:llllllllllllllllllmllllll ll L188 Y' S FRO IE N F0 0 DS! llllllnnlnnnmnnnnnnllllll'lltllllllna sylvania was ~g r e ed upon at .the Wheel Barrows Middle Atla nttc Sta.tes F ct·ttliz r Cedar Shavings (HICK IN . BIII Conference at Harr isburg, P a ., on ::E LIBBY'S MEAT PIES or IURKIY 6 ...P ~ 9'.· sse. :~~ J une 4. KITTY LITTE-R Conference m embers agreed to base recommendations on pounds I LIBBY'S CUT CORN ...... p~~~·~g 29( ~ per acre of necessary plant nutrie nts DOG & CAT Beds r ather than grades as being done. DOG FOOD I LIBBY'S GREEN PEAS ...... P~~.~·~g 33c ~ The new mcthnd will be put into !iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrn City of .\ewark efTect by J anuary, 1965. The lnt.~r­ vening time will be used to acquamt BIRD HOUSES WI'S! P~~f SCh oo l ur ~ a. I h•" ct.r tl hc·drooms and fu ll playroom farmers in the usc of this system. $6.!)5 downmason ry construct;or , ct in good repair. $ 13,400 111 Dr. William H . Mitchell and Leo LUSCIOUS CALIFORNIA J . Cotnoir of the agronomy depart­ ment at the university represented Camp Stoves Delaware at the fertili zer confer­ Pn Bt·ook ~ide Ranch 25 % OFF ~~~~ 6 to lO.>OO I"' ,1'>0 ms, one bath, scml-detached. DU MONT 1 --o-- FIRST I • Wtll be ) <> f NL·wark t" Plumbing and heating gvar- Television and Slereo We thread all and r~";f' 1 ;~ 10 <' 1 • 1 th e !cat of wtnmng both stakes., Knight's Quest _ pres nts the DeJa­ ball squad. with the two NC'wark teams me t- ighth annual Delaware 1\ ll-.. , Those scortng such a double were ware Steeplechase and Race Asso­ THE REAL ALL-STARS. It more on you) : Grenda, s nior fr-om Wilmington, ing on the tine Lab diamond off / High School Football Game Strabo, 1937; Page Boots, 11?'18 ; H~ll cialion with a cup to be added to will be interest ing to see how The fiqltt uame is dying Elkton Road. many of the National League was U1e t am chan1pion \Vith ot Fame, 1051; Lucky Dtp, 19o7, the Tom Roby Stceplcchas . The A nd promoters 1uere crying .3·19, and Sundra of Northfield, This year's renewa l, which •ni players picked as best at their Manager J oe ll lcGiinchey's Vets, will benefit the Delaware Fu 1 ping Center nine. Giatras, Saturday afternoon, Aug. ~4. as chatrman_or the D Ia~~R ac-1 race. Sharp also presents to the win­ this summer. The ratings ap­ A~~ ~~;i:' Y Liston was just Terp Star Ftillhack former pr~fcssi.ona l baseball star, Paciaroni, a graduate of. \\' t mng rider- a r-eplica or the cup for pear in t he current (July ) · succeeds Btll Ltnton as manager of Chester· State, will oppose \! r 1 _ DELIVERY SERV ICE his permanent possession. . . I issue of SPORT Magazine, Bob Burton Wins the Center squad. town's highly successful Brll lldlt Two other $10,000-add d JUmptng done on a confiden tial basis, Then along came a kid '1'0 PAJt'I'IES, OFFICES, featu res come later in the meeting and there are some surprises. named Cassius Clay. Swanwyck plays the Shopping who wi ll tutor the Golds. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS -the GeOl'getown Steeplechase Han- H ere a re the managers' top Who said, "Listen, I will Prize As Sculptor Center team tomotTO\V night on the Both coach s were sclC'ct I L\ ta ke your title atuay." Stine diamond at 6 o'clock, and Uw thf' Delawar<' I ntcr~cl~ol a,trc ~o ,! J U 1' CALL 737_ ciicap at the Tom HoLy distanr.e, I selections at each position. I 9961 June 25, and the Indian River This co/o?'ful fighter is some· --- Ncwm-k Shopping Center squad Ibali Conches Assoctahon. First Base - Bill White thi11g Bob Burton, fir-st team fullback faces two home games next weclc Pacrnrom's talent wtil cor· t of Steeplechase Handicap at two miles Second Base - to see, and linebacker for the University meeting the Christiana Hundred players fro:n last 'L' 11 and a half on J uly 5. Bill Mazeroski A?}~~ }' =~~~~r,~i~t~i~l ot~~?npion stanclo~t Io f Mnr·yland fo otball team, has Lions on Monday, and 1\Uil Creek who wtll gracluntC'. th~s mor:•h I'< 11 Shortstop - Maury Wills CREDO O F A RACE Third Base -Ken Boyer :)ucr~cn f~"~~,c~C'dd~~~s,\~~~~ ~~r :J':t!;( on TuC'sciay. ~~·~o~;';~n ~:~~t.o~. ~~~~:·,~;t~~~~~ f - Left F ield- Tommy Davis DRIVE R. Parnelli Jones who 1 1 Center Field - was fastest qualifier at the !\1aryland. All games Hrc slaicd to begin at Ia ll schools. south o( that poi•' Son of Mr-. and Mrs. Robert 6 p.m. P Hetaront has a hul:(c task 1 Right F ield - Indianapolis 600 two years in I F rank Robinson 0 Bur-ton of 80 !\tercer Drive, Brook- Bob Beatie is president of the of him •ince the Golds will I 174 E. Main St. Newark / Catcher - Del Crandall !b~~';· ~~~:u~ ~';:~i~~~drl~~;' side, Bob Bur- on was named the Newark Connie Mack League; Ed for lhC'i r third str·aight \"ic'· 96 ' ~I know ~his," Jones says. "I outstanclinr: player in the 1960 Blue Wi! ·on is vice-pr sidcnt; J 0 h 11 this series. The Blues won 1 The ratings were made before" 1 and Gold All-Star Hi gh School C:r·ary, trcasw· r; and Ken Fell, four- games and were tree! n the start of the season and: i'~:;I~ yd~~i~;i~ • • ~kYot~ !,~c;t Football Game as a member or the secretary. before the Golds cracked ' so are now subject to easy: to win. You want to be first, Gold team. and was a star aU1 lctc in 1961, 20 to 14. second-guessing. For instance, ·--C-EN-:-·:-·:-N-:-a-:-::--:--:-h-op_ _, I ~ . So, you push yourself a lit tle at N war·k High School. . J\IJ•;; , \Va lt Jn"'ram \V ins . ~ Paciaroni, \dlo will be 32 n how many of t he managers' harder than you should, If 1 NEWLY R EMODELED top choices will be selected to luck's with you, you do win. New:u·k Pos l "'Golf T1'0]1hy I A 12-year-yo,_ ung bundle-" of fish - ed:~~a~J~~yl~~,~~~u~;~~ ~ a~~~~JCi~~ ~~~c~~·a si;'P~~~~tedsu~~~i n~ the All-Sta r starting team by I t gives you a r eal f eeling of arts and science. --- GrC'gor.r. who moved to 1-. t JACK ing C'n husiasm from Kansas City the players themselves. Our excitement, Not scared excite­ Todd Fied ler had a rod-surging guess, based on performance lfr·s. Walt r Ingram won the an- SLroudsbur·g State. Before cotrrll, t N ment. But real excitement , , , Ho.ffhe inz S hah D e f e at. nual Newark Post Golf Tournament the Wilmington chool. Pncia -.. ,, VI TEM Js trike on his v r·y first cast in his seven weeks into the season, Most people work hard every is t hat Orlando Cepeda will be day of their lives and yet they Holc k , Glady B lanet• <1 t ;.~~:ti~;w~~~tr~~un~;~a~iui~ the ~~a~=~ ~-na~/ ear at Mrliorcl wh~t E !:~~;s ~~st ~~~rf ~~~~~~;r~'·tc;~~ ~~~~~~a~ the starting All-Star first­ never have anything. Maybe In Ladles / Rehoboth and the Indian River Inlet. baseman, not Bill White; that Bob Hoffheinz and Atul Shah Ifinals. Mr ·. Ingram won the Newark I At P . S. du Pont, his team, h·l\ they don't risk anything, but won the Class A Scrambled Doubles Post Trophy by defC'aling Miss continued to improve since 19i9 and & Children's I Fishing with his Grandfather Sam Bill Mazeroski will make it they have nothing to risk, I Hair CutUn~ Todd of Brookside - Cor·mcr Lake- a t second; that Dick Groat will Toumament put on by th Newru-k Smart 4-3 over the 18-hole route. last fa ll's 8-1 record was SC'cor,

by Fashion Show hy Joh-n Wanamaker (Wilmington) Glbby Young every Thursday (except July 4) during meeting FATHER'S DAY C!JIIcaguc Carl Chirico trav­ el d ft·o rn 'ewark to Italy for 1 :00 P.M.-clubhouse dining room a reAl Fa Day t"Cltnion w ith his son Carl, J r., who i s s l u dying at Tur·in under a Listen to Bryan Field call Delaware Park's "Race of the Day" on WD EL , 5:05-5:20 P.M. Fulbright F el­ 'JEEP' GLADIATOR STAKe lowshi p after Mondays thru Saturdays graduating last I J une fr-om the Also " In side Delaware Park" Mondays thru Saturdays at 6:38 P.M. on WDEL world's widest ch-oice of 4-wheel drive vehicles !Jniversi ty of D ' lawm·c. l ook to the 'J eep' line to give you the right vehicle for your own special needs. A ltth oug h !h e r~ are. forward control trucks, pickups, platform stake bod ies, world proved 1 1 Imcmbcl' or oul' st~~r"~to~ ~ n ° ~~ Jeep Universals, and the Wagoneer, the only 4-wheel drive family car. Ameri­ Young & Williams and ask Cor THE DELAWARE STEEPLECHASE AND RACE ASSOCIATW~ Bill Mlll'ray, Gibby Young, or ca's ?nly ov erhead cam automotive engine, the Tornado-OHC, is standard on Harley Williams for help in se­ ~lad1 ato r trucks and Wagoneer station wagons . .. and both are also available lecting a home. And we hope to 1n 2-wheel drive. Come in today for a demonstration that you 'll never forget! have th Colonel back wi th us befm·c long. VERSATILE ••• POWERFUL.,,V/RTUALLYINDESTRUCTIBLE 1 pea king of Colonels and Fath- I! 0 "' KAISER Jeep CORPORATION, Toledo 1, Oh io eep ~~~ ~YC o~ YW~~f!c~ ~~li;;st~ ~ - -.!:WQrlll't large•t manufacturer of 4-wheel drive vehicles ; vtHJCLU • 1 this Sunday. Younr & Williame HOLLYWOOD· PERKINS aeauo,._luurance tl EMt Main Street 136 Elkton Road Newark IUWA.RK, DJI:LAWAQ KAISER PRESENTS THE LLOYD BRIGES SHOW TUES., 8:00PM Phone 368-8538 I The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thurs day, June 13, 1963 News of Bear Great Books Study Nine s h 1 1 I Over the 11\fi Jon£' To B e Honore d ph:sic ; Amy Ann ~ taulx' r. chcmls- . w n rd ~ d to Lee w s. J. Leslie Fo,rd, Cor respondent c ef u ef. June 15 By CHE Home Ec C lub II)', Carl . Al~l·t Stcmbatun, chcml- Francis Brown and J ohn Lnr Ph one EA 8-64 84 The Chestnut Hm Est t H ; ngl!l:nng! J\Tnrgru·etT Eva Duda, chenlical l'ngint'cring; Mr;_ At Student Center C L QV E R c~ 1l·e at P cn~ad t·r Presbyterian Church Economics Club will hon ;~ ~~. K~~~ c "~ · . uc~t~on; Marc nage- haml'd Tawfik Fl Zunal(y, F red Ar- nt'xt Sunday nt 11 :15. The thiJ·d Delaware Great B oks by Dean Belt J arine Jon.cs, r ~> tir i ng New Castle ~~~:so~~~~tyscho\~~~·;dD a~J~~ .~;i~ ~~~::;,~:~ t~.' and • c'CI Du ~1 c l!l'i ndel, Pcncadcr P rL-sbyterian Sunday Institute, sponsored b th t County extensl.on agent, at fare- podJ, biology· Oscar Eugene Tr v ts d · ) • Edmund ll.lrdc, stlt• Hen- d' 4 H ( 1 b A t a 1 1 School ht•ld i - Children's Day pro- Books Committee of YWile · rca - U gen w ll pal'ly tomght at the home of bus111ess ad1;1inistmtion; Fl derick e.';;'?1;· b':h•l\'!Oral SCH•n ': llu1bert gram on Sunday with Mrs. Paul and the English departm ~~~n Mrs. Darwm Knapp, II larlyn 1Charlt's Trutt, electrical cnginl'er- J ) K1:l~ dus . long~nb u rg ,,,., .'l'hnmas 13 urge, superintt'ndent. in charge. University or Delawarc,en w~ l b: . . Road. / i~g; 'ug~eha lti Chokkanna Vnsu ki. chcm"i s i'r~ .anl! :.\l ,lJ'\'I n E. W1ldf ucr, A prayer was given by Steven held In the university's Student Last Friday cvenmg, 23 New C as -~ from N wark _ a member of tJie Miss Jones is retiring this mo th . cn•1l engmel'rmg; Vmcent tephen --- T .. ylor; scripture by Ruth Taylor; Center on Saturday, June 15, fl·om tlfe (.County 4-H'ers took .Part in one Blue Hen Club _ Helen KJ·anz. after 15 years of home <'riH'uil. J r., chemical eng!neering; - 0 econom~ I nn d recitations by Tl'ddy Laws, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. he best public speaking conte6ts . . . . extension leadership in the c tcs R1chnrd J am~s . Webster, Wmtorthur C' hl)>py Robertson, J oyce Moore, I have seen. In th'? SC iliOr diVI SIOn, Beverly I oun y. ]>I' grnm; Wilham Alb rt Whaley, Roof• & s·d· Sara Zeitler, Je fT c .unpbell , Douglas R?~ert w. Davison. l nstitul ) Everyone was amazed at the ' WJCbe !.rom the. Brandywine 4-H Mrs. William F. Hart, is presi- . educ~ ti on; Rob rt. K i!·k W i~ k e r , Jl, lng I mg ;\lcElwec, Ronnie Burge, Paul Zeit- chru~man , announcl'd that the dis- quality of speeches. These 4- H'ers Cl ub nolth or W1l mmgton won fh-st dent or th Chestnut Hill Estates lchenu try; J\1arvm E. Wllrlfl'liCr, Pi;i~~~iii~~-:::::--. lt•r, Donnie Cnmpb 11. Don McElwee, fu ssl ~n p~ogrnm1 is being offerl'd / never cease to improve on every- gtace; Rob rta Hopkins. a For st IHom e Economics Club. Ph.D. in Chemistry; Am:~ I 1\ l a h- ~ Gutter & pout Work ,;; R;mdy Robc1·t;;on, nnd Debb1 Laws n~a~ r es d e nt~ .of D elaware and thing they do. Ther were no losers w ak 4-H 'er, wo.n s .cond; U1ird place n~ tllllld Youscf. chemistry, and Doris Mrs P al nwr's clnss sang "Pt·alsc by communlt1es In other states. b cause everyone did an outstand- won .bY ,Bill 'laylor, a member engi neering Ralph Donal ! G . ' J . \\ lld Zumwa lt , mnstcr of arts. 0 ts THOllP BROS. llim, Praisl' !lim"; the R v. Sydney "We arc especially h f lh' ing job. Still, we had to select three the Hill n Valley 4-H Club. chemical engineering; ~h a~.f~~ ~ · ------1 1 \'enable dclh·ercd the addess, and year that a number of u h \\'II111CI'S 1n each division. The judg s Beverly Wiebe and Bill Taylor Hamillon, h01·ticu lture; Ronald c: GEORGE E MOLITOR Glen i\ \•on Ud . ~P~ 00~ 1 I I 2~0 8 a solo was sung by Judith Moore. nnd college students will ~g s~ . had no easy task. will represent th county in the IH eadley, electrical engin ri ng. I/' '; 1- PAINTING PFN:\'DUE\\' MANOn G:ll·ry 7. t·lti.l'r, J ack Taylor, Frank invitation to attend the ' 1~c~pt1 fu!. In the junior d.ivision 10-13 Vir- speaking contest held during the J o'.' Parker Heggan, intemation JI ~· . . · ' . Burgess, !\ I) rna :\TcEl"'ee, Shar- Davison said. s u e, ginia Gibson placed n'rst. She is State 4-H Conference, June . . relat1ons; Lmda Heefn r H in dcl, • , - · . Call anc! 16 19 1 ~nte !I Or-E>derwr 36 - 390 on Laws, I' L'CIIt•cl; :.\I rs. Burges class Folluwing registration f. a member of the Forest Oak 4_H chemistry; Edmund Hardcastle Hen- . - T1hng-Ccrarruc& Floor PI ' V) sang "Trust and Obey," and a trun;- 9: 30 ~.m .. will be a tw;-h o~~~~~n~~ 1Club. F ll ow club member MaJ·y .New. c.astle County Links. pro- derson. ~vas a":ardcd hi s PliO. . _Floor Sanding, Refin shg o r tO n e ' oc ms· Ellen Hopkins won second place, VIde? 1Cfl shments for the aud1ence. 111 BehaviOral Sc1encc: J ohn Lloyd PHONE ELXTON EX S-a94t F R E E E S T M A T E S ~lcElwce and Randy Robertson. _ _ "What If a Much of a Wh ich I .; and the third place winner also was ~ e~ 1 g~ Cole was the L1nk member H ss, chcmJstry; Robert Dale Hog . 1 111 ~VI .nd ." .. by E. E. Cummings, ~nd ------, chalge. beh~v1~ra l ."c1ence;. Haymond E. GE ORGE ORR Ni ght, by Robinson J effers 'Make the Best Better!" Holhs, d ect11cal cngme nng; Roger ,C1·oups of about 20 participants, RICHARD W. BURRIS T ho~1as. Huber. ent?mology; D an 1 SIGNS PAIN TE D will b ~ encou1·aged by the S . t' El l I D } G } BenJamin I vcy, h1·tory; Ronald A Miniature ANYW HER E method or question ing t ~~Ia IC ectrica Contractor e aware . ra< s Klail' J ones. plan.t pathology; lluib- I A~UARJUMS ~Ia l'ineland TRUC K LETTERING meanings of these po e m s~ b o~~~uf~ (Continued fm m Pa e One) e1:t Syb1:andus J ongenbtu·ger. PIJD • RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOMEI Call TE 4·4548 t c~·ms of what t.hc poets wrote and 214 I Da,·id George Bailey, ga nd Mad - ?I t Syb~ and~ I S' J ~ngenbur g; r . Phi_) D I C't '.l'l th regard to their impact on f.i Kings ley leine Jean Baker BS i ·t ll In chemlsl!y, h.w <> ng Suk h.ang, bl· · 70 Vurielies of T t·opical Fish e aware 1 y r e~c:. r~au l A Drive sc ie ~cc; Oliver cro'mwel! :!laka~r.s Jr .~ ~~~!1~: i st~·~;o ~'~Jit ~ · B~~ ~~:~ l~~c?.n~ ~' l GUPPIES ! 50c A PAIR ---- of tJ E h Cund1ff, chmrman I' BS 111 ag1.'cu1t ure; Phyllis Ann Bat- education· Lawrence D KOI'nl·c ich ' ~ ~--- 1 I le ng Is. department at the t n, BA Jn al·ts & science; Gerard . . ,'...... , - I unl\•erslt.v. wil l be the Institute Call Boniface Bijwaard bachelor or me- \VIW am h alles _. G a rd~1ep.;~~~~ ~vi~~a~~ ~q';;~~war e NEWARK STA l iONERS ch e ml~l!~, l prova l of Pr sic! nt Texaco Service BA in ch mistry; Richard William J ohn A. Perkins, the Council's ex- F<:en.Y·. BS in agricu ltuJ·e; ancy p an~ i on con1mitlee wi ll interview Call 368-5741 or 368-8195 Vn·gmw Thompson Fetle1·man, BS ~~~t~~~:~~i~ ~ a-ti\~h~ s o!tu~e~~~:~ l a~~tii~n~~ 140 E . CLEVE LAND AVENUE in educati on; S a ndra Jeanne Levan hoped that the new chapter will be ~ a ~~~~; sB~r ~~.a~~~~~~c~~c~;l c~~~: ready for operation before classes cal engineering; Thomas Carl G1·ay, re um next fall. Jr., and Raymond P <:>ter Grehawick, Lyn Mummery, expansion chair- Robt. T. Jones BA in arts & science; Michael Mon- man, sa id that the Council believes cure H ·nTis BS in ag ·ct ltu1c the new chapter will insure con - / -1 Gretchel; H ~ub e rg er, BS ;'~ ~duc·a: All arrang- ements - domestic, tinua:ion or a vigorous and healthy anu Son tion; Mal·ilyn Nancy Levine Hogle, foreign. Air, ship, tours, resorts. fraternity system at Delaware. I and William Frederick Huxtable, Yo u need not be a ba nk customer Jr .. BA in arts & science. m use travel service. Stop in or the drive-in with the arche s Hig h School G1·ads S oug ht I Mm·tha Snow Jackson, BS in edu- phone . F o r Coas t Gnanl Po Is FUNERAL ~~~~~~~o~c~;·d~~c~ahn~~~fc.!,;;; N E w A R K - / D Stan) Y Edmund J ones, BA in arts Newark Shopping Center • 368·1679 At Newark's E a s t Main Street Tram e Tria nl!l t- For the first time In months, /RECTORS & sci ence; l\lal·garet Louis K'Burg, r W ll1~d~ ~ ~ON €''·- SEAlr;? RO D E LIC IOUS HAMBURGERS ...... 1 5c vacancies exist at the Wi lmington I and Claudia J ean Castelo Kipfer, - •( ~ ) .. 9 unit of the U.S. Coast Guard Rc- Since 1903 BS in education; Harry Othor Kline, 1 ~,~.~;'1 \" \ ,• ••: ~!\5!~~ ~1 HOT TASTY F R E CH FRIES ...... 12c ser·ve. The Coast Guard is seek ing Jr., BS in arts & science; J oseph Me mb": r .o .1.c • r! Syslem T R IPLE T HICK SHAK ES ...... high school graduates between 18 Littlepage K rewatch and Audrey 20c and 21 for enlistment oas seamen Ann Armstrong Ku.rman, BA in arts CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiffiiiXxiiXiJ recruit. PHONE 368 • 1627 & science; Albert Luke Lackman, Detail s can be obtained by con- BS in arts & science; Stanley Birch- tacting Petty Oflicer J ohn A. Boone, ru·ds Malkiewicz, Hobe1·t Si lvio Mar- who i s on duty all day Tuesd-ays ianc]Jj, Bayard Marin, and Gail Ann and Wednesdays, and on Friday 122 West Main Street Thompson 'l\1a •·vil. BA in arts & SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR NEWARI( POST mornings, at the Naval Reserve NEWARK, DELAWARE sc ience; Robe11 Sherwood M<~son , ~\';i;~~~;. Center, 3920 Kirkwood 1 ~~~~~!~ "l d~r J\~~~~~~~ ~ B~nT~n~~ ~~ ~: ------cation; Barbara J oan Anspach iMc­ For News of People Y 0 U Know ! Shan , BS in ruis & Science; David William Melvin. BA in a11s & sci­ Hadley Plumbing & Heating Co. ence; Edward Anthony J\Tiller, bach­ elor in rnechanical engineering; $3.00 PER YEAR .4. M. "Jack" Hadley's Plumbing Shop on Wheels Linda Lee Mitchell, assoc. degree L'l secretal'ial studies; Norman Walter GUITER & SPOUTING - HEATING DUCTS Moore, Jr., David William Morton, Just clip this coupon and mail with check to: Sales and Installation and David Anders Myhre, BA in arts ll< science; J eanette AgaU1a Com1 ell Gas & Ele ctric H ot Water Heaters ·------·------,I Owens, BS in home economics. Warm Air Heating Ri c.ha1·d Lee Pace rec ive cl his THE NEWARK POST I degree Bachelor of Mechanical En­ Pipe Fitting - Threadina- gineerin g; Kaney Elaine P ierce, BS 14-16 Thompson Lane, Newark, Del. I in physica l education; Mary Ell a I CALL 368 • 9121 Pierce Piper, BS in arts & science; 82 East C1eveland Ave. Richard Campbell Ponsell , BS in I arts & science; J ames Alfred Pow­ 1N a me ell, assoc. degree in chemistry; Charles Michael Prettyman. BS in I agriculture; Lom a Lynne Frese 1 Add r ess Putz, BA in m·ts & science; Hobert I 1 Andr ws Rahn, bachelor of electri­ cal engineering; William Dani lton ~------~ Cm·ter Richards. J 1·., bachelor of mechanical engine ring; J acklyn YOUR NEWARI\. NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 FIGAR() Homer Robinson, Bs in education; C_!!!!.!5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X JC X X X X X X X I Beve1·ly Sue Russell, BA in arts & With a sc i nee; Stefan Sadowsk i. J3S in education; Albert Edward Schilling, BA in arts & science; AnU10ny Wal­ ter Sibol, bachelor of elec tl'ical en­ :~~~ gift of gin eering; Robert. King Southard, and Helen Vi rginia 'Morgan Stein - - I haucr, BA in arts & science; Wil­ liam Rupp Steinhauer, BS in arts - FATHER'S DAY & sci ence; Ruth .Muriel Mill e1· Sut- - RSHEIIVI cliffe, BS in education; Annette J ean Weimc1· Tebo, BA in a.·ts & science; Russell Don Teeter, BS in arts & HOES I Kiddie Kar Races science; P atsy Ann Lodge Thomas, Frankli n David Vansant, and J oa n Zo la Wanagicl, BA in arts & science; I=· Henry P almer Wilson , Jn·., BS in _ Saturday, June 15 Dad will agricu!J!.u re; Cynthia Cathleen Keen Witt, BA in arts & science; Peggy Ann J ackson Wood, BA in arts & !b_ank big! sci nee; Donald Ernest Wood man. see, bachelor of chemical engineer­ NEWARK SHOPPING CENTER ing. Masters' degrees were aw<~ rd l'd to - Frederick Clm·ke AJbbott, chemica l engineering; Robent Hayden Ald­ Trial Heats: 10 a.m. Finals: 2 p.m. A ;,l,o r ~ h r im C1f1 Ccr Lifi cnte is a p erfect stadt, l'ducalion; Walter Xavier Bal­ cavage. biology; J ohn F. Baniecki, · l op.PJ, .1 r·r. ·: I (p rcdc ms it a l leisure. plant pathology; Vernon Arthur ! EIGHT GRAND PRIZES! 'o ru- h. 'o fu ss. N o wrong s ize. Brose, agricultural economics; Vir­ ginia Hartigan Cain, l'ducation; THE WINNER Darl . imply walks in and selects the J ohn Juwci Chih, chemistry; BeS!;ie OF EACH FINAL RACE mus t <'n mforla ble, best looking; Polak Cline. education; J ames Co­ mas, physics; Anthony J oseph Cot­ WILL DRIVE AWAY HIS VICTORY KAR l"llf!r-;. t wea ring s hoes made. tone, education; J oyce Helena De­ veau. Engli sh ; Ri chard Keilth Doud, \~ <' have n s tyle ~or every the beginnfng of a new International Habft Winterthur program; Car l David l;hJc . top by for Dad's Men's toiletries come Into their own with this Eben. chemical engineering; J ohn M. Edmundowicz, chemistry; Ed­ BROADCAST LIVE FROM NEWARK gift certificate soon. In spired collection from the famoua House of Lanvln1 wa rd Ceinton Ezell, h istory; Therese FIGARO Co logne 6.00, 3.75 VITYYU Col~~~ 3.71 Elizabeth Geis, English; Norman D. I ':g«b• Gi ll an, and Susan C. Goodwin. ed u­ over After Sha ve 5.00 , 3.00 LAVAHDI Co!Oinl e.oo, 3.71 cation; Ger ald Lee Goudrfau, civil , &oap 2.00 IOIP·-- 2.00 WILM MONSIEUR LANVIN Laundercenter F eaturing D e la w a r e 's T o p Broa dcas t ing Duo DICK HOLMES and DAN CASEY SERVICESELF~ O~ 11€~ /) DEPARTMENT Single 14~ j Fun For TI1e Kids and A~ I While Mom Shops For Dad cftoU Double p AR K I NG Open 9-5:30- Wed. 4 Fri. 9 to 9 IEl:··~ ·.;:::,; Road•ll~iiiMM!!~~!!!!

, All Prices effective through Saturday, June 15th in the fo ll owing A&P Markets . . .



in CO ~nn.; _ MARKET :\"EARBY 'J. lb. 9S) TIE. . o 8G neles 1~. 4 o Li er lb. 3~ )

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WELCHADE DRINK LARGE SIZE WESTERN PINK MEAT NONE PRICED HIGHER F1·ozen !eat and eafood 1·a Ho ! 25 MEAT DIN NERS ALSO WELCH'S APPLE· 4 32-oz. $1 CANTALOUPES each ' 4 for 95' GRAPE DRINK BA QUET BEEF, c cans CH ICKEN, TUR KEY, HAM, SA LI SB URY · • ' SWANSON FR_OUN Bl CHE. RIE ~rr~~ lb. 39' I ALl AN O R MEXICAN - · TV DINNERS ;?t·? ,. . 2 ,.,. $1 .. . . S EDLES RAPES ~rr~·:~ lb. 39c \. ,., ":!' 1- ~~ ~ BU TT ERED BEEF STEA KS F ESH P ACHES~rr€~\ I'::. 5' OR SA NDWI CH STEAKS PINEAPPLE· DRINK GRAPEFRUIT 1 New Red Potatoes u.~ · s~: · Is ;, :~ l~c Fresh Juicy Limes 6 for 2Sc 46-oz. $1.00 Fresh String Beans 2 lb• . 2';c Red .Piums 4 cans New Cabbage Large Oranges

Other Fine Frozen Food Va lues ! Ja ne Parkei' Fine Baked Goods! ) ETERGENT fSAvil q'a I 69« Rinso Blue ~ ~ A&P FROZEN PEA APPLE PIE CONDENSED AZOLA OIL 10-oz. -lb. rsAvEl 1-lb'., 8-oz. 3gc 9 4 pkgs. 47( 2 bag 45C 3 ~ Pie s All Detergent ~ pf9: 65 quart DETERGENl bottle 59C 5 Fruit Drinks ~~~:~LoermRo;;P~';:~~~~~~" 6 ~~o:~ 59° lemon or Jelly Roll I to~E I each 29° ~ ~·:; .• 644 1 2 GOLDEN, CINNAMON jS'iVf'j 12 In 250 Surf Donuts DR SUGARED -~-• pkg, A•p Orange Juice 2 c ~~:· gga 3 ;~~~· 85° DETERGEN) Raisin or Cheese Bread 2 loaves 49° t ciisfo.or WESSON OiL A" P Peas & Carrots 3 !~;.~: 50 a 2 ~:~ 45° Silverdust 2 I ;·~: . 69' ~·:;.~ 83' Sno flake Rolls I HEW I 24 p ~~ - 45° Morton's Cream Pies VAR~i~ 1 u 3 for s1 DETERGENT . ·-~!: . . 2~. 1 6 33c Cup Cakes . ~~ 10 ~ok:2' 8 o .-. . . bottle Canned Beverages ~~~~N 12 '!;~~· 89° Fluffy All ~ 3 ~~b~ . 69' '.::. ' . Evaporated Milk 8 ~ ~~~·:z. $1 DETERGENT 0 Drink Ades 'WA" 2 co~~:~ ~en 2& Charcoal Briquets 1b0~~b. 69° 2~~~· gga 3 Lux L·quid ~! ·~~~ 62' ~~;~i; 87' WESSON OIL Sultana Fruit Cocktail 3 ~~: ~· $1 Sultana Baked Beans ~~ ~o"r . 1oa DETERGENT 1 Green Giant Corn o~~~~~;EsWL~ 6'c ~:~ ·$ 1 Ann Page Ketchup 2 ~:i~~~·. 35° Swan Liquid ~ ~!;~ ·; 52' 1-gallon$1 49 Green Giant Peas 2 ' ~~o"z~ 39a Nabisco Oreo Cookies ~sk; ~· 39° LIQU ID DETERGENT can • 10 Ann Page Mayonnaise •::• qj:;' 53o A'P Instant Coffee s ~~c~: L j::· 9 a e fSAV£l quart 66' fSAvEl "~ g•'':n $ 23 WIS ~ b ott l e ~ bo•'• CLEANER ISAVE I 23·cr. 571 A& Han y An d y 10c bo •• REGULAR SIZE , Lux Soa bw 39 DETE RGENT TABLETS 24 In 4 C 40 ;, 7' CRISCO OIL Vim pig. pig. SHORTEN IN G

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