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12-1-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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Redistricting Move Losses Heavy For South Viet Deadlocked in State Big Airlift From MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Re- was upheld by the State Su- governor was "acting: in the Nam Forces apportionment of the Minnesota preme Court last Friday, reiter- best interests of the state." SAIGON, South Viet Nam Legislature remained in the po- ated his stand Monday after A three - judge federal court (AP ) — The destruction of litical arena today, with no Conservatives refused his de- ruled in December 1964 that the South Viet Nam's 7th Regiment further action toward the job of mand. legislative reapportionment did in savage fighting Saturday redistricting. not conform to the U. S. raised the Vietnamese weekly Democratic - Farmer - Labor "If the Legislature is willing Supreme- Court's "one man, one combat dead to 459, the govern- to abdicate now and leave the Party Chairman George Fan vote" rule. ment's second-highest toll of th CubaMIAMI, Fla. (AP) - Cuban ing next week. The airLaunched lift, the Refugees qualifying for the The flights, between Vera- criticized Conservatives, who job to a federal court, it should war, a U.S. military spokesman refugees start streaming into product of negotiations between migration program are those abdicate for all time and set up While giving the Legislature dero, Cuba, and Miami, followed control both houses of the Leg- announced today. the today in one cf the U. S. and Cuban govern- with relatives in this country. boat lifts from Camarioca and islature, for refusing Gov. Karl machinery for some other time to draw new district lines, Another 185 government sol- the most extensive airlifts of its ments, is to continue indefinite- Parents of children in the group to reapportion in the fu- the judges said the nine plain- Unit- Matanzas, Cuba, to Key West, F, Rolvaag's demand that they diers were missing in action and kind in history. ly. Most of the exiles are to be ed States will be given pref- Fla., which brought more than come to some agreement with ture," Fan said Tuesday. tiffs in the reapportionment 661 were wounded, the spokes- The first airliner in the sched- erence suit "may seek further relief transferred to cities throughout , a U. S. official said. 3,000 refugees. The final boat- him before any special session He accused the Republican - man said. uled daily movement was ex- the nation. Today's flight was the first load of 18 men, 42 women and on reapportionment is called. from this court at any time." The number of American pected to land in Miami shortly oriented Conservatives of "mon- laintiffs' between Cuba and the United 23 children reached Key West The governor, whose veto of umental arrogance" . and told a The p attorney, Ver- dead dropped to 40 in the week before noon today with 93 Cu- One flight daily Is expected States by commercial airlines non Bergstrom, said Tuesday, Tuesday night aboard the U. S.- the 1965 reapportionment bill news conference that the DFL ending last Saturday, the bans. this week and two flights daily since June 1963. The U. S. gov- chartered Skipper K. "We are consulting now and spokesman said. This compared Between 800 and 1,000 refu- after that. Sundays and possibly trying ernment is paying the refugees' This migration followed a to determine what type with 240 Americans killed the gees are expected weekly start- Saturdays will be excluded. fares. of relief, if any, to ask for." He September 28 offer by Cuban previous week, the biggest U.S. Prime Minister Fidel Castro to said he expected agreement casualty list since the United remove departure restrictions. among his clients this week. States began sending troops to The restrictions continued, in On another political front, Re- Viet Nam nearly five irears ago. publican State Chairman the case of youths of military George Thiss released copies of In addition, 117 Americans age, physicians and some tech- a letter to prospective candi- were wounded and fire were nicians. dates, which reportedly had missing. More than 1,300 Amer- Nine airlines are to alternate suggested that GOP speakers icans have been killed in the in flying in refugees. The first, avoid commenting on sales tax Viet Nam combat. Pan American World Airways, proposals —a suggestion Farr The U.S7 toll last week was will transport them till Christ- also criticized Tuesday. also fa rbelow the 70 and 85 mas. Americans killed in the first two However, the letter contained weeks of November. no mention of a sales tax. But No U.S. units engaged Com- it did caution candidates that munist forces of any size during the party -will not take an of- the week, while the Viet Cong Bodies of 5 ficial position on tax reform be- made at least two and possibly fore its state convention is held three regimental-sized attacks in June. on Vietnamese units. Five other The letter was couched in Communist attacks were of bat- Taken From terms of suggestion rather than talion size and four were of as a mandate. Thiss wrote that company size. "It seems to me" that the The spokesman said 1,539 Viet American Allied Insurance Co. Cong were killed during the Wrecked Plane case is the no. 1 campaign is- week, giving U.S. and govern- BEAVER, Utah (AP) - Iden- sue. ment troops a favorable kill ra- tification of the bodies of five Farr accused Thiss of advo- tio of 3 to 1. persons, killed in a plane crash cating a "gossip" campaign Many of the South Vietnamese on a 12,000-foot mountain, was about the failure of the insur- soldiers fell in the devastating under way today. ance company. The DFL chair- attack on the 7th Regiment on The bodies were recovered man also said, "We are opposed an abandoned French rubber Tuesday from wreckage of the to a general sales tax," while plantation 45 miles northwest of Minnesota craft. the Republican Party has not A helicopter from Salt Lake - Saigon Saturday. Some U.S. ad- made its position clear. visers were among the casual- ¦" ia» »» i^ il l« l»> !W PP « IB^»^»"WCityI» picked up the bodies at the ties. AMBASSADOR WELCOMED ... A Polish the railroad station and shouted put "long mountain's 11,100-foot level at No major ground action was woman, right foreground, appjauds as John A. live the ambassador" and sang out "may he the crash rite, in south - central reported today, but the Viet Gronousld, left, gives his first interview on Po- live 100 years" when the former postmaster Utah. The helicopter brought the bodies down Cong kept up guerrilla pressure, lish soil at railroad station on arrivingin War- general (AP the mountain, Bombs Useless stepped from his train. Photo- where sheriff's officers were striking before dawn at three saw to take over his new post as U.S. am- fax via cable from Warsaw) small government outposts in waiting with four-wheel drive the central highlands south of bassador. The Poles lined the platforms of vehicles to take them to a Bea- the big U.S. air base at Da ver mortuary. Until Armed, Nang, Cornmunications went Ironically, search planes had dead with one of the camps. flown 100 yards abov$ the crash U. S. Marines had their Unit site late last week, but snow action hfsozne time in the Hue- covered the airplane. , 'C^ 19-year-old Canadians Say ROSES qUEEN . . Cerblft , above/ a Phu Bai area north ©f Da Nang, LBJ Concerned Over Searchers dug through three sophomoreat Pasadena, Caia., City College,has been chosen OTTAWA (AP) — Canadian exchanging fire with about 20 feet of snow Tuesday to recover as tyieen of the annual Tournamentof Roses. She's 5 feet officials said today the U. S. Viet Cong. The Leathernecks two of the bodies. e&, weighs 128 pounds, and has brown hair and green eyes. nuclear bombs on planes of oth- killed one Communist and Sheriff Kay Gillies said the (AP Photofax) er Atlantic Alliance nations are wounded four while taking light plane evidently struck a clump nothing more than tin cans until casualties, the spokesman said. Rising Living Costs of pine trees, sheared off parts U. S. teams arm titem on in- Air attacks continued on of a wing and motor, careened structions from the V. S. Presi- North Viet Nam with strikes JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) of Economic Advisers. deems noninflationary. How- another 200 feet and hit another dent north and south of Hanoi, the — President Johnson, concerned When it occurs, the session ever, federal officials avoided large pine tree chopping it down They said nuclear bombs are capital. U. S. Air Force F105 about record living costs rising probably will be labeled a rou- the scare word "inflation." and then crashed into the moun- Thunderjets damaged a tain. Troop slung under a certain number of railroad at a close-to-inflationrate , plans tine, periodic meeting of the Johnson's concern about a iambi bridge and cratered several Canadian and West German an early meeting with key eco- group which, before Johnson's possible new wage-price spiral, Civil Aeronautic! Board inves- F104 Starfighter jets in West highways northwest of Hanoi, nomic advisers to map a feder- Oct. 8 surgery, got together with tigators surveyed the crash while jets and propeller-driven born of a significant boost in Germany when the planes are al campaign against further him at the White House about federal spending to finance the Tuesday. on what is known as "quick ac- Skyralders from the carriers hikes in price tags. once every six weeks. wax in Viet Nam Only four persons from Min- Ticonderoga and Bon Homme , has been evi- tion alert." Johnson is expected to meet One reason for passing off dent for months. neapolis, were thought to have Plan Snags v Richard dropped 30 tons ol within the next week or 10 days, been aboard when the twin- bombs on freight cars such a conference in routine ' . LONDON (AP)—Prime Minis- have to seek help elsewhere. The bombs are useless until , army either at his ranch home near fashion — at least in advance — It was this concern that engine Travelaire disappeared ter Harold Wilson rushed Com- Wilson had planned to go be- they are armed with various barracks and bridges near the here or in Washington, with prompted him to invite steel Nov. 14 on a flight from Los coastal city of Vinh could be the potential impact on monwealth Secretary Arthur fore the House of Commons secret mechanical and electron- , a U. S. what he terms his economic financial markets for stocks, wage negotiators to the White Angeles to Salt Lake City. Bottomley to Zambia today to Tuesday night to announce that ic devices which can be opera- spokesman said. "quadriad" — Secretary of the House in late August to work Originally there had been five He said Air Force and Navy bonds and, equally important, resolve a snag in arrangements troops were on the -way. But a ted only by the U. S. custody Treasury Henry H. Fowler, for money. out a new contract that would in the party, but the fifth per- planes flew 29 armed reconnais- Budget Director Charles L. not do violence to federal wage- to send British troops to protect last-minute hitch developed, team and the U. S. nuclear offi- The "money markets" deter- son, Dr. Felix Ramirez, was the big Kariba Dam on Zam- cer, the officials said, * sance missions into North Viet Schultze, Chairman William Mc- price guidelines. thought to have stayed in Cali- apparently over British insist- Nam in the past two days. All Chesney Martin of the Federal mine short-term borrowing bia's frontier with rebellious ence that the troops should be In addition, the planes are costs that affect everyone from The same concern prompted fornia. guarded by armed U. S. sentries aircraft returned safely, he re- Reserve Board and Chairman Rhodesia. used only on the Zambian side ported. Gardner Ackiey of his Council big industrialists to household- the President, acting through Dr. Ramirez was an instructor Wilson gave Bottomley full of the frontier. in "pens" behind closed doors, ers buying a new refrigerator subordinates, to counter an- at the University of Minnesota. agreement with they said. The pilots stay near on installment credit. nounced increases in aluminum His associates in San Francisco power to reach Some reports said Kaunda or Zambia's President Kenneth the planes but not in them. The Labor Department an- and copper prices within the feared be made the flight after conditions under some members of his Cabinet The planes do not take off un- past month. Those price hikes he didn't contact them later. Kaunda on the the dam can be nounced Tuesday in Washington which the British force would insisted that less war starts, whether the that living costs rose by two- were canceled. The four originally reported in protected only if British troops bombs are armed or unarmed, Carrier Expert the plane were the pilot, Herm operate. ' tenths of one per cent in Octo- Johnson himself has kept si- are stationed on the Rhodesian the officials said. Tbe alert is to ber to an historic peak. The in- lent on prices in recent weeks. Hemker, 26, identified Tuesday Kaunda asked Britain to send side of the big power installa- prevent the planes being de- crease, the most rapid in some But his actions, as carried out night , Mrs. Jane Reeves, 52, troops after the power line from tion. stroyed on the ground. five years, nudged the upper by lesser officials, have sig- and two 19-year-old University the dam to the Zambian copper Some sources said Wilson had 7th Fleet Chief limits of what the government naled his deep concern. of Minnesota coeds, Mary Kles- belt was sabotaged last week. been reluctant to have British The Canadian sources said tbe WASHINGTON (AP) - The is going to take full part." slg and Nancy Delau. Kaunda said otherwise he would troops stationed near the border same arrangements apply to man picked by President John- West Germany, the Nether- Hyland is a one-time Naval because he feared incidents son as the new commander of Academy swimmer who found it might occur accidentally that lands, Belgium and other North the 7th Fleet is a carrier-bomb- Atlantic Treaty Organization more fun to fly and did it in would increase the bitterness er expert whose planes provide World War II with an abandon between the British and Rho- countries that have bilateral a hefty punch for U. S. forces in with the that brought him a fist full of 751 Traffic desian governments. nuclear agreements Viet Nam. citations and a chest full of United States. For Rear Adm. John J. Hy- The Rhodesian Prime Minis- medals. They said American nuclear land, the 53-year-old soft-spo- ter Ian Smith said Tuesday It also brought him at the end warheads of up to 60 kilotons — ken, balding Navy air eagle se- of the war the job of coordinat- Fatalities in night he would welcome British equivalent to 60,000 tons of TNT lected over the heads of 72 sen- troops on the Zambian side qf ing carrier-based bombings of — have been stored since last ior rear admirals, the job the Japanese home islands. the dam. year at the Zweibruecken and means a return to a familiar Smith indicated, however, Baden-Soelllngen Canadian air station. But this time as skip- This experience may be a 11 Months that his forces would resist if bases in West Germany. per. prime reason the President the British troops crossed the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS warheads are firmly in And it means going with one reached deep into the ranks of border. The the custody and control of goal. Navy flag officers — Hyland is Minnesota rounded out 11 The Kariba Dam forms a 2,- "The President has said we 111th on the seniority list — for night American personnel and can be months oi 1965 Tuesday OOO-squ&re-mue lake on the are absolutely determined to a successor to Vice Adm. Paul , 17 be- used only on the authority of U. with 751 traffic fatalities , the frontier be- win this war," he said Tuesday J. Blackburn, who is ill in Ja- mark of a year Zambezi River S. personnel, the officials said. low the record tween Zambia and Rhodesia. Its night after the announcement of pan. ago. hydroelectric plants power the his appointment. Much of the bombing of North The latest victims included mines' of the Zambian - copper Population "I'm darn sure the 7th Fleet Viet Nam is by planes of the 7th James 0. Todd, 6, who died belt and Rhodesia's booming Fleet's three carriers, two in Monday of Injuries he suffered consumer Industries. It is ad- Put at 98,281 ,955 the South Sea near the Nov. 17 when hit by a car near jointly by the Rho- Gulf of Tonkin and one farther aiter he ministered TOKYO (AP) —The Japanese his rural Osseo home desian and Zambian govern- south. stepped from a school bus; and government says that Japan's Delano, who ments, hut all the power plant population reached 08,281,055 on The new commander plans to Arnold Viosar, 26, the Rho- died when a truck rolled off now in operation la on Oct. 1, an increase of 4,86O,<)00 2©#SHOPPING AW leave Friday for Hawaii and desian side. It said conferences at Pacific Com- Minn. 5$ near Hamel Monday. or 5.2 per cent over 1960. DAYS LEFT there was an average 266 per- M^ mand headquarters, then to Ja- The Highway Patrol said Vie- sons per one square kilometer. pan and then to his flagship, the sar swerved the natural gaa WEATHER ¦ cruiser Oklahoma City. He will truck to avoid a collision with LOCAL WEATHER get his third star, and a recess a school bus driven by Mrs. Official observations for the Goodfellows appointment as vice admiral. ; Loretta J. Eckea, 154, rural 24 hours ending at 12 m. today Contributions CHRISTMAS SEALS fijMTB Ml Hamel. There were no passeng- Maximum, 43: minimum, 19; A "Navy brat ," Hyland grad- BODIES OF FIVE MINNESOTANS wcro Reeves, 52, Minneapolis , and two 19-yeur-old ers on tbe bus. soon, 43; precipitation, none. Previously listed W77 Oilier RESPIRATORY DISEASES uated from the Naval Academy recovered Tuesday from the wreckage of this University of Minnesota co-eds, Mary Kles- 34 years after his father, Tbe Ramsey County coroner FEDERL FORECAST Anonymous 5 in 11)34 , plane on Mount Belknap, in central Utah. A sing and Nancy DoLau, and Felix Ramirez, ruled after tin inquest Tuesday WINONA AND VICINITY - In Memory of a Navy captain. He was born In helicopter from Salt Lake City picked up tlio 31), a foreign graduate student at the uni- r^zrnoGir Philadelphia, went to high that Contril Barber, 8, St. Paul, Mostly fair and mild tonight George Schaefer S bodies at the 11,100-foot-level and flew them to versity . The plane crashed Nov. 14 on a return Nov. 22 of the injuries he and Thursday. Low tonight 22- A. E. Urnen 2 » $S%>t school ui Brookllne, Mass., and died EUtTadL^P. A© s^arr 'i Conn., as his vehicles waiting below. Victims were Horm flight to Minneapolis from Los Angeles. (AP suffered when hit by a cur in 30, high Thursday 42-52. Fair lists Deep River, y^/t/^VVN^A^V\^AA^y>f\/\#V>rl^W^>A>NA>V« Hemker, 28, of Richfield ; Mrs. Delmar Photofax ) and mild Friday. Total To Date W*» ^ official home. the city two days earlier. ) i Trempealeau Welfare Costs Go Up $26,608 WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) Burials — OAA , $3 ,952; blind, —According to the annual re- $29.3; total , $4 ,245. port of the Trempealeau County REIMBURSEMENTS for the public welfare department, year were $692,225, as follows: adopted by members of the Federal - OAA , $293,962; ADC, $59 ,543 ; blind , $7,154 ; disabled, GS County Board of Supervisors at $32,976 ; total , $393,636. State — (heir November session, total OAA , ' $162,563 : ' ADC, $40,155 expenditures of all types of as- blind , $7 ,774 ; disabled , $23,737 ; EVENIN I sistance granted, plus adminis- total . $234,231. tration, during year ending Oct. OfllP^oMllllC P M Administration costs were vi9:oo . . m SI was $867,008. $82,l4fi. Reimbursements were wH1" Www* WIdCW ra li mi 5:00 P.M. M State and federal reimburse- $48,754 , leaving $33 ,392 as net to ^A W\ ¥ I £kW**MM SAT. '«! ments, estate collections and ¦ " ' ' refunds amounted to 1740,979 , the county. i ' i . i i : ' A*nm\W*\\i ^m.M f miw leaving a net cost to the coun- 30x30 MM MONOLUX ty of $126,029. BMttMMMMs lffiM Soft and Curfrft OP EN TA GRAND total of assistance and administration at the end U.S. Answers of the 1964 period was $840,400. The increase in costs from the 19*4 to the 1965 period was $26,- B08. Russ Charges A reduction of 34 cases in old age assistance applications pro- cessed and approved for assist- On N-Weapons B y,,4G,rU ance was noted. This decline is ° ' Y- Choice R.9. $4.95 gg *™* SPORT SHIRTS fj} due in part to increased social UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Wl i ^^ l V$3* IWW /\I $ «w m w f^W security and retirement bene- (AP) — The United States was VjA ISl^Rs NYL0H SKI •/ \ f W *A ^* * \*4M fits, more contributions from expected to reply today to So- M»M |7TW^Ef^PW^ BIG * placket relatives , and more extensive viet charges that it is endanger- \^m\^J' IAAI#E?Tt> 4-FOOT AmaWBBm^mmmM mtfk use of available resources. ¦ : BIG 12-INCH TOURNAMENT <»IJar ing millions of Europeans' lives ffi ¦ JAVllLId¦ L vaJmJ( /k % INFLATABLE ^HH |^^ HSj5 l In the aid to the disabled pro- with a giant arsenal of nuclear V^S* '. .' «HMyi«i ¦ ¦ gram there has been a continu- /^TaK • *wM aHSm^^^Bpi^kWBffiBffi^ it^JP^jSiSEBlM WHlliajiSanta wHHWF DART GAMES ' liSf?.* M ^ H A warheads directed against the 'W*w)w A\\ A* $S^Ef lmm& H /A "in ui tic Allies would soon bt In- ^ lirtpondtJ e»i»i 4 « creased to 6,000. ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : ADC homti e } M proof . ' tf" * 4"pMktfu* AW to blind 12 12 "One mistake would cause the W A—^—^—^—^—^—^—^—^—^M sm^^eWAMmV 00 AmmSBmm\\\\\\\\Wk.- Wf li AW te OlMbltf ., 50 M death of millions of Euro- W M peans," the Soviet envoy de- Total assistance expenditures clared.""We must put an end to these atomic maniacs who have for the year were $748,982. This ' includes the following: Grants flooded Europe with nuclear —old age assistance, $204,386; weapons. ADC, $95,455; ADC Foster "Against whom have the homes, $329; aid to blind. $5,- Americans stored this mon- 136; aid to disabled, $28,810; total strous amount of nuclear war- , $335,115. heads? They are directed Medical — . OAA, $340,490; against the Socialist countries of ¦¦ ¦¦ ADC $32,141; ADC foster Eastern Europe." ,Br Th y : u4f T: A homes, $149; blind, $20,144; dis- [SKI|| »V. **r"^t¥$i> \. *^*^ M B IM * JrA M **\*^£~? Mrl abled, $52,576 ; total, $445,501. Tsarapkinsaid , the Soviet Un- *J ^ -^Ss I I/ ion 1? ready to support denu- clearized zones in Africa, cen- FA tral Europe and any other area wJ" i" "n^Tl NATIONALLY" MOUS S|| that may be proposed, if other SEE-0-MATIC ¦VINDPROOF^^ Sn ^l Bafl RMM IBffi RRRR^l^^^l ^ nuclear powers assume the same obligations. , He asserted (hat the United States appears interested only in denuclearizing such areas as Antarctica because "there are only a few dozen people there." mwiSGUmttiSmWmTsarapkin laid the Soviet Un- ion links denuclearization with For dismantling of all foreign mili- Irtjitfu ^f tiBaJWBWBBB $|»'*» tary bases and that this princi- \\ I mmfi^ t\ FOR THE KITCHEN "liry Parts & Service ple should hold in any move to K\Aa!uT a^UBk ^i^ m^m^mmam ^A ¦¦ ¦ ¦& a**t ¦¦¦ mm ****. -*. 1 aTm *\ta»m. ^^^ M STAINLCiD •>IBEL B^br .BwSUnlETsfJnKlflHtanjES wlm*wr\ Call nrnirB in denuclearize Africa. iJtr i ¦¦J^^aRsaVl Ui«iHf PUT <7MiaVllli> I M ¦***¦**, A ¦ n ¦ fa?!'I ^ H BlLtI3iPlimlrfS tr Jt Tavirm Barber The United States has accused ^^^^ the Soviets of pushing denu- I Beauty Supply Co. clearization in Europe and other H^fl 474 Hlffi F.r.rt fflj HHHJ Ho, ,ew 9nvni Mrr M regions to try to point up its de- CI IICII RAATC HH^^l^lBl^^lHHIl ia^B^^B * * R ^afli> ^ < Wl Phww 1-1712 mands that fore ign bases owned Bulk'lk aB l^aB^aB^Hal BH^MalB^a^Ha^aBH [nS^aB^>^a^a^aB^^^^ aB^a^Hli^SHail • HatTtiWOOd hafldlaS attOf.. H »9^HIH ^ I^ n^^79 »%!r ) by the West be shut down. Wj Waterproof »« Hi. tep ^^ ^^ ^^MA ^w^^^M^^^^^^^ms ^mW M Pranch cook's, utility,' and M Hi ^^^^K • ^^ m | M | l/oM e dN•w , IIIT 'G 1 New" Nortlc'^ shaving heads are nov/ 2fe II —i _ gsmjm |. ™or» than 18% thinner, for 18% LAI I I closer shaves. ¦ ¦ ¦ * " * ¦' Rotary Blades get closer to your H E | skin and whisk away whiskers ... m ALL FAMOUS BRANDS OF Cliff r A T ril aP «SSr (fa 'STsi T I • ¦¦ UL I never grab or pinch. And that's 0/ amm not all! JW ^LBfc Pop-Up Trimmer... St U SA. MANUFACTURERS m w ¦¦"ssi m m m mm.*mw fX[|ik ~ ^^ VV EATER J >Jff ^v&L!\ vNL "^W.crylJc linln8 * Ftsw|& SU 'Fllp-OpW > 100% coHon tataan IWj M | | %M Iwl MmMk\ All AHAMAMUAJ CiaMki I\ HAISI«> ataf»> /\, ^\ W'A • ^ cleaning... Coll Cord... All uiiaranteed rirst Quality 1 ^LM On/Off Vj l flB wfm [\j ua \\\ .%***«& Wl Switch ... 110/220 ASSORTED STYLES - PULLOVER - ZIPPER - BUnON Al A Q r H AC/DC W iSf ^ M K / vATl S^U^S.. W IlLUdCK NOT All COLORS IN ALL STYLES. All GREAT BUYSI ^ ^ voM-I. M„ctor. ffiiffii ..jSkmB /SBS1|HL /. ^A// M fl)\\ \ J L'*' h k ffii V H A V C U I Price? So low you'll be amarsd. St mWti L 100% Virgin Shetland Wools § I |j | V^^MM S 1()0% Orion Acrylic, 100% Wools ^^ ^ mWwWI 9S WVSIVA H taZj aSmtifAt^SfM/BtfiAlaWat ^eaaaWWeaa

Wt SKSkW $ O 88 $ C 88 B^|M |^ M*>E<» OR oovER«Lii|^Bn ml ^

100 East 42nd Street, fow York , N. Y. 10017 km^^^^^jHriRHIisI II ^ Jury Awards Warmer Weather Work Begins Private Downtown $700 for Crash To Stay in Area On New School Pedestrian Hit A burst of summer-like weath- Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Damage to Car er shot the thermometer up to Only below zero reading in Development Aired On Broadway; 43 at noon today and the weath- Af St. Charles Dr. Anastasios G. Tsakiris the state was —2 at Hibbing. Organization of private devel- development to the adoption of , erman predicted mostly fair and International Falls had 13 above ST. CHARLES, Minn. (Spe- holdouts who refuse to join in Rochester, won a $700 verdict mild conditions for cial) — Contracts totaling $1,- ment associations for block-by- general themes for districts such programs are usually per- tonight and and Bemidji 14. At Rochester block upgrading of business comprising a few blocks Tuesday afternoon in "District Thursday. the low was 22 after a Tuesday 159,051 for the new junior-senior , Mullin suaded by the good examples of Bones Broken St, neighborhoods was discussed to- said. In Morris , Minn., business- their neighbors, he said. Court for damages sustained in A low of 22-30 was predicted high of 28 and La Crosse posted high school at Charles were approved by the school board day by about 35 retailers who es joined the city government in A 48-year-old Winona lumber a two-car collision last for tonight and a high of 52 extremes of 25 and 29 for the IF MUNICIPAL bonding Is Christ- for Thursday. Monday night. All low bids were operate in east 2nd, 3rd and clearing back lots for off-street executive suffered multiple frac- mas Day at Mostly fair and 24 hours. needed for improvement financ- Lewiston. mild was the outlook for Fri- A clearing trend that accepted except for home eco- 4th street locations. parking. Then they painted rear tures, cuts and bruises when he started facades of their buildings a ing, Mullin said, they are fre- Foreman Richard W. O'Bry- day, too. in WISCONSIN late Tuesday aft- nomics case work. The 10 a.m. meeting at the uni- was struck by a half-ton panel Labor Temple was sponsored by form color. quently retired by levies against an brought in the jury's verdict ernoon continued this morning The science equipment con- truck today at 7:50 a.m. at East THIRTY-TWO was the high tract was deferred until spring the Winona Chamber of Com- In White Bear Lake, downtown benefited properties instead of at 4:30 p.m. The case had gone with mostly clear skies over the spreading cost to all taxpayers. Broadway and Lafayette here for Tuesday and 30 the state. when federal funds will become merce. Ralph Mullin, district merchants adopted a "frontier Street to the jury at 12:06 p.m.- after overnight low. Low Thursday available. manager for the U.S. Chamber town" architectural theme with Parking meter incomes are Robert S. Horton, 48, 676 Wai- There were a few scattered sources of off-street parking a trial lasting a day and a half. morning had been 16. A year very light snow flurries Tuesday of Commerce, told of develop- each building therein conforming nut St., has a broken pelvis, ago today the high was only 18 TOTAL OF all construction ment plans that other business either by remodeling or as new improvement funds, he said. ATTY. David T. Bishop. with a trace of snow reported and equipment contracts, in- broken left forearm, broken Ro- and the low —4 with an inch at Madison, Beloit, Green Bay, communities have set up. construction, Conducting the meeting, chester, representing Tsakiris and a half of snow on the cluding science equipment, will Donald Groen, assistant cham- right collarbone and three brok- Wausau and Eau Claire. How- PROJECTS initiated by pri- Groups taking such voluntary had indicated before testimony ground. ever, the State Traffic Patrol be $1,190,864. ber manager, said its purpose en bones in the left hand. He All-time high for Dec. 1 The fiscal agent's bill is $3,500 vately organized associations action cannot force 100 percent was to encourage individuals to also may have internal injur- began that he would ask about was reported today that all main compliance, 60 in 1962 and the low for the and architect's fees are estimat- have ranged from full area re- he conceded. But think about improvements. If $1 ,500 compensation for his cli- highways are in good condition. bringing the total ies. He is in Community Me- day —12 in 1893. Mean for the Maximum temperatures Tues- ed at $70,000, the desire to get action exists, ent's injuries and damage to his to $1,264,364 for the new school morial Hospital. car. past 24 hours was 36 in contrast day were generally below the he said, the chamber would which is slated for completion Season Produces help wherever possible. Horton is president of Stand- However with a normal mean for this seasonal normals. The highest , during the trial, time of tbe year of 26. by February 1967. ard Lumber Co. Bishop only brought forward temperature reported in the 2 Tropical Storms Several questions about the ^ state was 31 degrees at Racine. The total is more than $20,- Rochester status of urban renewal plans Horton was struck in the west evidence concerning damages The extended forecast for 000 under the bond issue of $1, And 4 Hurricanes to the car. Tsakiris testified the next five days indicates Minimum temperatures Tues- were answered by James Klein- crosswalk as he walked north day night were somewhat 285,000 sold for the school. that he had sold :his car for $30 area temperatures will av- warm- MIAMI , Fla . (AP) -The 1965 schmidt, urban renewal director across Broadway, according to erage about 7 degrees above er than those of the previous The board Monday night vot- after the accident and that it ed to install a freight elevator Banker Admils hurricane season, which for the Housing and Redevelop- the police report. He had en- had been worth normal daytime highs of 26 night. The lowest temperature ment Authority of Winona. about $700 pre- reported in the shaft which is in the con- spawned the most destructive tered the eastbound traffic lane viously. to 35 and nighttime lows of in the state was 17 in Easterly parts of the business nearest the center line when he 10 to 20. ( the Beloit and Superior area. struction plans. Bids will be storm in U.S. history, com- Tsakiris was driving east on opened on the elevator at the district are seen as a combined was hit by the. panel truck driv- U.S. 14 behind a green car Precipitation through Monday THE NATION'S high reading board meeting in January. The $75,000 Theft prised two tropical storms and service, business and residen- en by ArthuA A. Sievers, 40, Christmas Day at about 9 a.m. is not expected to average much Tuesday was 78 at Thermal, estimated elevator cost is $13,- ST (AP) four hurricanes between June 1 tial area in current downtown 301 E. King St/. more than . PAUL - Joseph S. as they approached the high- one-tenth of an inch Calif. The low today was 2 be- 000. Cotter, 53, Rochester banker and Nov. 30. planning, he said. A somewhat Sievers toki investigating pa- way's intersection with in a little rain or snow about , CSA 25, low zero at Hibbing, Minn. No provision in the bidding pleaded guilty in U.S. District The one hurricane that revised downtown plan is now trolman Robert Theis that he scene of the accident. was made for blacktopping or being finished, he said, since was blinded by the early-morn- The green car unexpectedly Court today to misapplying $75„- reached the U.S. mainland was ing sun and was watching a • •• landscaping the grounds. 000 from the First National Bank the City Council and Board of slowed down and turned right * * Betsy , which slammed into Mi- Education decided against a vehicle making a turn just be- without signalling, witnesses SCHWANKE Masonry, Inc., of Rochester. fore he hit Horton. Cotter was released on his own ami on Sept. 8, then roared downtown location for the new agreed; and Tsakiris had pull- who received the general con- school. November: Partly Warm recognizance during a presen- across the gulf of Mexico and vocational-technical POLICE charged Sievers with ed into the westbound lane to struction contract at $693,400, battered New Orleans two days get around the green vehicle. 1965 moved in Tuesday and began tence investigation. THE FINAL plan, prepared failure to yield the right of way later. to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. It was there that he collided —Temperature— , -Precipitation staking the new school, which by Nason, Law, Wehrman & will be directly south of High- Cotter waived indictment be- Betsy left 75 persons dead in will be presented to Horton was hurled part way head-on with a car driven west Degree '(¦ Inches fore Judge Edward Devitt and Florida and Louisiana and a Knight, way 14 in the east end of town. the housing authority this across the intersection by the by defendant Robert J. Dennis, Max. Min. Mean Normal Days Total Normal entered the plea to one count of damage toll of more than a bil- 719 Grand St. Dennis was rep- November ...... 70 Heavy equipment was expected month, Kleinschmidt said. impact. He was rushed to the 13 36.45 35.1 559 1.56 1.61 a three-count information filed lion dollars. The previous hospital by ambulance and did resented in court by Attorney October 84 27 ' 50.90 46.3 437 1.01 2.49 here today for excavating. Thereafter, it will be reviewed S. A. Sawyer. The other construction con- by Assistant U.S. Atty. Hartley record holder was a storm in council and the City not i lose consciousness. September ..... 84 35 56.06 62,5 270 10.13 3.76 Nordin. 1955 which caused by the tracts also went to low base $800 million Planning Commission, he said. Damage to the right front of BISHOP TOLD the jury that August 95 44 68.91 70.4 — 4.42 3.62 Nordin said the government damage in New England. ' panel truck was $15. Pa- July 97 52 70.41 75.4 ¦— bidders: Kirckhof Plumbing & Should local improvements be the Dennis had had time to avoid . 5.82 3.70 would dismiss the other two trolman Willis H. Wogan as- June 92 47 66.56 68.8 — 2.05 4.70 Heating, mechanical, $247,500, started under private develop- the accident and therefore and Nietz Electric & Appliance, counts when Cotter is sentenced. ment plans, Kleinschmidt said, sisted Theis in, the investiga- May 90 31 60.99 56.5 124 3.07 4.06 The other counts involved mis- tion. should be held liable for Tsak- April 81 26 42 electrical, $126,970. All construc- they could be coordinated gen- iris' damages. ,38 47.7 678 3.79 2.31 application of 40,000 and embez- March ...... 43 -16 22.35 32.3 1 tion contracts went to Roches- $20 Billion Grant erally with overall planning. (Dennis had testified that he ,322 2.74 1.62 zlement of $17,500. February 49 -21 13.03 18.9 1,455 1.45 .97 ter firms. Then, if urban renewal is fin- was driving 30 m.p.h. but saw The board selected an alter- January ...... 46 -24 13.85 17.3 1,585 .71 ' 1.17 Cotter told the court he nsed ally adopted, there would be Tsakiris' car only after it pull- nate for mechanical construc- projects in such ed in front of him about 60 the $75,000 as a transfer on bank Needed fo Clean no need for $100. $35 Paid tion, saving $1,800 by choosing already rehabilitated sectors, feet away. Both sides had test- 1965 Total to Date ...... ;6,450 36.75 30.01 books to "cover up" previous 1964 Trane ventilating equipment. he said. imony that the highway's north All equipment contracts went transfers. shoulder was wide enough for December ...739 -12 17.85 21.5 1,462 .85 1.11 He also faces prosecution in Up In Traffic Fines November .... 76 —4 38.56 35.1 793 1.54 1.61 to the low bidders except for MULLIN seconded the a car and on a level with the home economics case work, state court. A preUminary hear- CLEVELAND (AP) - The thought. It is mostly a case of highway.) ing is scheduled in Rochester Totals for all of 1964 6,877 21.20 31.07 which was let to St. Charles eight Great Lakes states, plus deciding to do something, then Jurors were: Mrs. Mildred Kitchens, Minneapolis, at $6,- Municipal Court Dec. 15. industrial firms in the states, sitting down with the planning By Two Drivers Lehnertz, Harry Foust, William 354, which will provide better Cotter was arrested Nov. 10 must pay most of the estimated Commission to work out agree- Two defendants paid $100 and Reps, Gerald W. Nelson, Louis materials, the board said. following examination of the $20 billion needed to clean up ment on uses, he stated. $35 in fines, respectively, after Walters, John Kryzer, LeRoy Dairyland Power WITH THE exception of the bank by State Public Examiner the lakes, a federal official says. Some audience members, ap- pleading guilty to traffic charg- Greenwood, George Bilskemp- $7,792 Machine science equipment low bid of Robert Whitaker. James M. Quigley, assistant parently intrigued by the local- es today in municipal court. er, Mrs. Vernon Flint, O'Bry- Worker Honored Hauenstein & Burmeister, Inc., secretary of health, education, action idea, felt that to go Judge John D. McGill grant- an, Mrs. Muriel M. Okland and Minneapolis, totaling $31,813 and welfare, spoke Tuesday at ahead on their own funds might ed a continuance and a dismis- Mrs. David F. Stark. Recommended for On Retirement and withheld temporarily, the the closing session of the annual be foolish if other downtown sal in two other cases. other equipment — contracts Duxbury Raps ALMA, Wis, (Special) — A meeting of the Great Lakes areas were renewed by federal were awarded as follows: Commission. money. Replied Mullin: THOMAS G. Haney. 32. La Dairyland Power Cooperative Lyon Metal Products, Minne- Crosse, changed his plea to City Purchase He said time was running out "One trouble with federal Galesville OKs employe here 18 years was hon- apolis, $17,800; gym dividing Rolvaag Over to do the cleanup job and rec- guilty of two driving after sus- Purchase of a $7,792.40 book- programs is that too many peo- pension charges and a charge ored by the men on his shift curtain, Northwest Studios, Min- ommendations formulated by waiting keeping and accounting machine neapolis, $1,760; back stop, ple sit on their duffs of driving with unsafe equip- Monday night at a dinner at the recent federal water pollu- to do some- will be recommended at next Haldeman-Homme, Inc., Minne- for the government ment. He paid fines of $35 and Higher Budget Buffalo City Resort. Session Plans tion control conference here thing. By acting on your own, Monday's City Council meeting, apolis, $3,676; steel shelving, $50, respectively, on his first GALESVILLE, Wis. (Special) James Mellema, 62, who re- ST. PAUL—Minnesota House "will have to be carried out you would have the jump, com- according to Aid. Jerry Borzy- Haldeman-Homme, $2,530; fold- and second driving after suspen- —A budget of $79,574 and tax tired today as turbine operator, ing bleachers, A & C Sales, Speaker Lloyd Duxbury, Cale- quickly if they are to have any petitively, on others. sion violations and $15 on tha ,184 were adopted skowski, chairman of the pur- said here effect at all." levy of $41 was presented with luggage Minneapolis, $12,212; classroom donia Conservative, "In any federal redevelop- equipment charge. by the Galesville City Council chasing committee. , Gov. Karl F. Rolvaag appears ment funds are used only to from tlie some 20 attending. cases Hauenstein & Burmeis- "Much of the $20 billion mast Haney had pleaded not guilty Monday night. Bids from three companies ter, $25,122; art room equip- to be more interested in gar- buy and clear land. The would- to the charges Nov. 22 in muni- The budget is more than $4,- Mellema came to Alma in nering publicity than in call- come from industries," Quigley were opened Nov. 15 and re- ment, St. Charles Kitchens, $4, said. "There is no way you can be builder still must buy land cipal court, and trial had been ©00 higher than 1965 expendi- December 1947 and worked at 936, and kitchen equipment, St. ing a special session to reap on which to build." f or However, when ferred to the committee for the switchboard until escape that fact. A large portion set today. tures (10 months actual and his ad- Paul Bar & Restaurant Equip- portion the Legislature. today, Judge vancement to turbine operator. must come from municipalities, ANOTHER questioner doubt- Haney appeared two months estimated). Reven- study. Borzyskowski said the ment Co., St. Paul, $16,789. Duxbury was one of three McGill granted City Prosecutor ues other than tax levy are es- He was born at Irontown, Iowa, Conservative leaders who spent a great deal from the states. ed that individual businesses, committee had taken the low- Some 100 evergreen trees James W, Soderberg's request timated at $38,389, approxi- est of three bids, that of the Oct. 22, 1903, and was married ranging in height from approx- 2% hours Monday with Rol- "Some, but at the very most displaced for urban renewal at Willmar, Minn., Dec. 21, 1925. legislators land clearance, would be able for a delay. mately $2 ,000 less than last Burroughs Corp. Also bidding imately three to 10 feet are be- vaag and Liberal not even a large fraction of the The patrolman who arrested year. were International Business Ma- He and his wife own a home in ing removed for construction. trying to reach an agreement needed money is going to come to buy back at their old loca- Alma. Conceding that such de- Haney Nov. 21 at 11:35 p.m. The levy is about $522 more chines, $11,880, and National Residents are calling the school on what kind of a bill would be from the federal government." tions. U.S. 61-14 He worked at the ordnance taken-up if a special session velopment probably would be at the junction of than levied for 1965. Cash Register Co., $8,987. asking for them for Christmas Quigley said the government and Highway 43 is sick with the The total tax roll will be plant at Savannah, 111., 4Vi trees. were to be called. will use construction grants subject to bidding, Kleinschmidt DELIVERY ts expected by years during World War flu today, Soderberg said. about $150,783. Taxes levied by II and DUXBURY said he offered to available under the Federal Wa- said the housing authority still Gale-Ettrick school total $66,- Jan. 31, according to John Car- then was employed at the pow- would have policymaking au- HANEY changed his plea to ter city recorder commit the majority (Conser- ter Pollution Control Act. These 209; Trempealeau County taxes , , whose office er plant at Baldwin until com- Humphrey Scorns "zero vari- however, provide only thority. guilty. He had been arrested will use the machine. ing here. He vatives) to try for funds, including principal and interest also has worked To talitarian Line ance" in the population of $150 million for sewage treat- The authority is firmly re- on unsafe equipment and driv- due from municipalities to the A wholesale changeover in at his trade in Iowa and Min- districts. quired to give all possible as- ing after suspension charges city record keeping will nesota, Now he' CHICAGO (AP) House and Senate ment plant construction in all of state trust fund total $42,481, be made s going to spend - Vice Presi- "But the governor still refused sistance in relocating businesses Nov. 21, and it was then found when equipment is installed, his time fishing. dent Hubert H Humphrey said the United States," he said. and state taxes on property are ¦ . to say he would call a special and individual residents dis- that there was a warrant out- $908. Carter said. All 18 funds now today that those who say the Recommendations adopted by placed by renewal clearance, charging Haney with session. Rolvaag apparently the federal water conference standing The council accepted the bid administered through his office United States should get out of Kleinschmidt said. A moving driving after suspension on will be tabulated on the Now It's Military wants a small group of leaders were: of Walter Ekern, La Crosse, for ma- Asia, Africa and Latin America to present him with a finished allowance of up to $25,000 is West 2nd Street Oct. 24, 1964. a sewer extension of about 300 chine under supervision of state are speaking the totalitarians' Secondary treatment and dis- available to each business in Haney had been free on $200 public examiners. Airlift Command bill before he will act," Dux- feet. His bid price was $1,365. piece. bury charged. infection of municipal wastes these project areas, he said. bail. A balance of $100 was re- Ekern agreed to follow changes Some changes in surplus fund SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Humphrey told youngsters at and the equivalent treatment of Another individual observed funded to him after he satisfied disposition now may be The House member, a veter- suggested by the state Board of feasible, HI. (AP) -The U.S. Military the annual National 4-H Club an of eight terms, said the Con- all industrial wastes. that many occupants might not the fines levied by Judge Mc- Health. such as a higher amount of idle Air Transport Service, head- Congress that peace may be be able to afford rentals that cash investment servative leadership could as- Elimination of combined sani- Gill. The council voted to purchase , Carter feels. quartered here, will change its achieved "if we never cease try- sure Rolvaag that there would would be charged in newly de- Paul B. Rajkowski, 24, St. Several funds may be consoli- tary and storm sewers wherever a 1966 police car from Johns name Jan. 1 to the Military Air- ing." be a variance of only about 5 veloped facilities. Another said Mary's College, pleaded guilty Motor Sales, Galesville, at $1,- dated in the conversion process lift Command. "I hear people say every day possible. that taxes always are a stum- so that the active and surplus per cent. (Liberals complained, to a charge of speeding 45 678, plus trade-in of the current The command transports we ought to get out of Africa, after Rolvaag vetoed the 1965 Regional planning and design bling block to those who are m.p.h. in a 30 zone (radar) on car. amounts can be handled more troops and materiel for the U.S Asia, Latin America — that we of waste treatment facilities otherwise willing to upgrade efficiently. remap bill authored by Conser- Gilmore Avenue Tuesday at The sum of $300 was voted armed forces all over the world. have no business there, that it's vatives, that there was as wherever possible. their own properties. 12:35 p.m. Judge McGill order- to aid in financing tlie munici- CHECKWRITING, a major The change in the unit's name a waste of money," he said. much as a 34 per cent variance Continuous monitoring of ail $35 fine as the pal liquor store, of which A GROUP OF businessmen ed him to pay a function of the recorder 's office, was by recent congressional "And that's exactly what the in the population of House dis- industrial waste discharges. could organize their own re- alternative to 12 days in jail Mrs. Alma Quinn is manager. action. totalitarians want us to say." tricts.) , will be speeded up since a single Quigley said Lake Erie was development association, Klein- when Rajkowski admitted hav- The committee on streets check form will be adopted was authorized to place guard , the worst polluted of the five schmidt said, and negotiate for ing intentionally disconnected Carter said. At present, each Great Lakes and much of the re-purchase of their former the speedometer wire on his rails at the Wilber Dick ser- city fund has its own checks vice station on the north end , $20 billion would have to be locations. The authority would car. He paid the fine. all of which are written se- spent there. have authority to deal with of the business district. It is parately. discretion. JUDGE WcGIII said that he located at the head of a steep In its closing session, the com- them at its City payrolls also will be car- Social Security Sets mission elected Edgar Whitcomb Records show that rentals in had granted a dismissal Nov. hill and dropoff. ried on the machine. Twice each a lawyer from Seymour, Ind., renewed , redeveloped facilities 19 of a failure to yield the right month, approximately 190 pay- as its chairman. nre 3% times as high as those of way charge against Edward State Hospital roll checks are written. At the for the same space before re- A. Becker, 39, East Burns Val- end of each month, about 800 newal , said one audience mem- ley. Worke rs Complain checks are written against var- Saturday, Night Hours Rhode Island to ber. A number of small busi- City Prosecutor James W. ious funds. gone broke for this asked the dis- Starting Dec. 4, (he social People who are now 85 or gible for cash benefits because nesses have Soderherg hnd To Gov. Rolvaag All city bookkeeping now is • Require Eye Test reason, he said. missal on grounds the evidence done manually. The new security district office will re- older but who are not entitled the new law reduces the There were differences over warrant prosecution. CAMBRIDGE, Minn. (AP) - system main open from 9 a.m. to noon to social security benefits, PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - dU". not ' will eliminate a number of led- Some amount of work required for advisability of Independent ac- ' was ordered About a dozen employes at each Saturday and from 4:30 of these people are eligible for most people 72 or older. Rhode Island will require an Becker s $15 bond Cambridge State School and gers and related posting. tion. One Individual said he refunded . p.m. to 8:39 p.m. each Monday benefits but have not applied • Widows 60 or 61 years of eye test for all drivers reaching would join in any such effort. Hospital told Gov. Karl F. Rol- and Thursday evenings for for them because they are still age who under the old law age 65. A jury trial of the case hnd vaag Tuesday that their ward Another said lie "wouldn't in- been scheduled for Thursday. Consolidated Breeders three weeks, Victor E. Bertel , working full time. would have been eligible for The State Registry of Motor vest another dime if the rest building is understaffed and that district manager, said. Bertel emphasized that it is widows' benefits at age 62. Vehicles announced the require- Attorney Jerry L. Kellurn rep- male employes usually leave of downtown were not also up- Rename Plainview Man These hours are in addition desirable for these people to They may now apply for social ment will bo instituted next graded because it would be resented Becker. becaase of low wages. spring. The present system of A nonsupport charge against ZUMBRO FALLS, Minn. to the regular 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 apply now to establish their so- security benefits as early as money wasted unless everyone The employes, mostly psychi- - vision tests at age 70 will bo Daniel A. Borkowski , 850 W. Sth with the Sidney Sto»ltz, Plainview, p.m. schedule of office hours, cial security benefit rights and age 60 if they wish to accept a joins in." atric aides, met briefly was hospital continued. St., was continued one week to he made one of a re-elected lo his 25th term as Monday through Friday. to qualify for the in- permanently reduced amount. governor as pointed out that it is surance protection that begins ¦ THE CHOICE of methods Is allow Soderberg to verify that number of tours of etate facili- president oi the Wabasha Coun- Bertel • Unmarried students 18 to important for many people to in July 1966. He emphasized 22 years of age whose social dictated largely by the need, the defendant has paid up tho ties. They said women aides ty Unit of Consolidated Breed- BLAIR PATIENT said Mullin, If it can mean of his fl-yeur- get in touch with the district that no one can lose by apply- security benefits have been arrears in support often are unable to handle ers Cooperative, Monday at the BLAIR, Wis. (Special) - enough new business, general old child. group's annual meeting. office to take advantage of the ing for benefits as soon as he stopped and students who re- Mrs. Clara Utne is recovering should be con- patients. (those redevelopment pay for psychiatric Henry Dose, Lake City, was health insurance and other pro- reaches 65 who retire ceive social security benefits from pneumonia at Trl-County sidered. If such investment is Starting receive and arc nearing age 18 , and CHURCH aide trainees is $271) a month, re-elfected vice president and visions of tlie 1965 amendments between 62 and 65 may Memorial Hospital, Whitehall. not fully justified, then an up- KEPT ONE OLD , although Kenneth Steffen, Plainview to the social security program. cash benefits but in a perman- who plan to continue in school. rehabilitating pres- LONDON (AP) - St . Ethol- Rolvaag said that , sec- ROD. REEL STOLEN grading by Legislature had authorized retary - treasurer. Steffert also Although most people are able ently reduced amount. They Upon application , monthly be- ent structures might be better. reda's church in Ely Place , a the A fishing rod and reel worth ' from busy High 80 new jobs at Cambridge since has served 25 years, to visit the office during the are not eligible for hospital in- nefits can be paid back lo Jan- Groen adjourned tho meeting stone s throw years ago, improve- Donald Palmer, Lake City, day, many find it impossible to surance until they reach 65). uary 1065 to unmarried students $25 were stolen from a parked after noting that agreement was Holborn and the diamond mer- his tour two car owned by Dan DeLano 419 ' Hotton Gar- ments are "obviously so minute and Harold Houghton , Elgin, do so because of employment Many of the people 72 or old- who were under 22 in January , apparent that another such chants district of Huff St,, Tuesday between 1:15 is London's only prc-re- thut thev're almost immeasur- were re-elected to the board or home responsibilities. er arc not now getting benefits 1965 and who were dropped meeting should be held after den, of directors. Holdover directors The three major groups of because they (or their husband ) from the social sccurit rolls and 5 p.m., DeLano told police. proposed urban renewal plans formation church in Roman «ble " t ,, employes were to be add- are Clarence Siewert, Zumbro people who should gel in touch had not worked enough under when they reached Hi . He said that his car was park- nre finished and presented for Catholic hands. All the others The by the Church ed over two years beginning last Falls; Dwaine Dose, Lake City, with the social security office social security to qualify . Many The Winona office is at 35« ed in the Levee parking lot city government and public were taken over of England. July 1. and Walter Marx , Wabasha. are the following, Bertel said: of these people will now be eli- E. Sarnia St. when the theft took place. approval . They'll Do If Every Time By Jimmie Hatlo 9L diappoimcLJ ta&L TUqhL BEST Tony Bennetts Plan GIFT EVER A Pleasant Divorce an,nKW » By EARL WILSON NEW YORK — Tony Bennett and his wife "Sandy," whom / Vore/co' h* met when she was head of one of his fan clubs, will divorce very soon . . . after several separations and reconciliations. 'FLOATING-HEAD' Wa to be a "pleasant divorce" — if there is such a thing. They SPEEDSHAVEIT 30 spent Thangsgiving together with their two children, but he's left their home in Tonsfly. N.J., for the Hotel Warwick in NY. Paul Anita's a great * crowd-pleaser as Frank Sinatra at MEADS NOW MOM the Copacabana ... he sang THAN 18% THINNER FOR for an hour and a half at his Beach Deauville by insisting on opening . . French, Spanish , CLOSER SHAVES ' choosing ber own opening act 189. Italian, rock 'n roll ... and for her engagement starting got two teen-age girls and a Plui ... Pop-up Trimmer... (the Feb. 11. She picked her hus- boy about 10 up to dance band, actor Ward Donovan, a Rotary Blade*... 'Flip-Open* boy stood on a chair). "You're ctoning... 'FloatJng-HeaoV the awingin'est bunch of old fine singer . . . "Lingerie and fashion shows" are now popular ... Coll Cord... On/Off Switch teen-agers I ever heard." Paul ... 110/220 Voltage Selector. said, tearing off his tie and cocktail hour attractions in the singing numbers he hadn't re- pubs. I dropped into Dudes 'n' hearsed. Boss Jules Podell — Dolls and found the willowy not ordinarily so demonstrative models in nighties being appre- — got off his chair to thank ciated by 80 guys — and one girl. .(You see who's interested him. BACK AT THE OLD STAND ... Charles Farrell , 64, but several thousand high-pay- Comedian Norm Crosby , now in lingerie fashions). Atomic Energy ing jobs for scientists and tech- top rank, offered several tru- There's a touching human in- and Janet Gaynor who co-starred with him in "Seventh Hea- 2 Rescued After nicians who would be drawn to isms: "One good turn gets most terest story in Grocery Boy ven" 30-odd years ago, talk over old times at the Palm Team Studies the research facility. of the blanket" . . . "Teenagers Tommy Cole, whom Sharman Springs Racquet Club where Farrell is back as managing di- ¦ are really getting out of hand. Douglas invited to Meg's party . rector. Farrell and actor Ralph Bellamy founded the Rac- Stoughto n Site Killed by Train They drive 90 miles an hour on Recovering from cerebral pal- quet In 1934 and built it into a favorite desert playground Thin Ice Breaks the thruway . . . holding hands sy, and shy and reticent , he of the stars. Six years ago he sold it for a reported million MILWAUKEE W-Two teen- STOUGHTON , Wis, l*v-An APPLETON, Wis. I*-Mrs . and smooching . .' , in different spends hours a day in therapeu- dollars. (AP Photofax) agers formed a human chain Atomic Energy Commission sur- Oscar Ida Voeks, 77, of Apple- cars . . . going opposite direc- tic exercise , nevertheless he be- across thin ice to rescue two vey team planned to devote six ton was killed Tuesday when tions." hours today to inspecting Wis- she was struck by a North West- came "Mr. Cinderella." Actress small children from the chilly PHYLLIS DILLER snrprited Elaine Stritch, his discoverer, Remember? consin's proposed site for a $340 em freight train at a crossing waters of an excavation pit. million atomic accelerator. near the downtown area. Buy Hie the management of the Miami has been hard at work since / ^bBp' Nerele» the big party taping Peter The children, Mark Backau, The four-man team was sched- SpewUhaver M uled to tour a 5,000-acre tract /&dr Falk's "Trials of O'Brien" on 8, and Jennifer Dunakey, 12, Wed. Night WINONA DAILY NEWS which she plays Falk's secre- near Stoughton that is now the struggled for 10 minutes in tbe location of the Midwestern Uni- WlONeSDAY, DtCBMBBR 1, 1»4J tary , . . Sharman Douglas' dis- Gay nor Farrell , water before rescued, suburban versities Research Association ! 2 Chicken VOLUME HO, NO. • appointment was that Warren French Fries, C*4 AA Beatty couldn't attend the big Oak Creek police reported Tues- (MURA) facilities. The group Rolls, Honey .plaUV PtiMlthetf daily exeapl Saturday and Hol- bash. Princess Margaret has es- day. They were released after was formed by 15 schools in iday*, by Republican and Harald Publish- 1966. Thurt. Night ing Company. <01 FrenKlln St.. Winona, pecially asked for him — but Turn Clock Back treatment at a hospital. Mian. Robert Buzzell , 16, slid onto The survey team is one of he'd gone back to London to be By BOB THOIWAS enough of a local figure to serve Spaghetti CORTLAND SUBSCRIPTION RATES the ice with James Gutknecht, eight such groups touring 85 with hit own princess, Leslie as mayor of Palm Springs. Salad and Cf OC Slnela Cany - KK Daily, lit lurtdey Caron. AP Movie Television. Writer 16, holding his feet and pulled sites throughout the country Beverage ^HifciJ ) Though he remains intensely which are under consideration Delivered by Carrier—Par Week 10 canti TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP the children to safety. The REALLY NEW M weak* 111.75 « waak, »J5.» — Charles Farrell is back at his interested in Palm Springs youths arrived at the pit after for the mammoth scientific JEWELERS "Being a TV panelist is hard progress, he eschews politics complex. Akl/C Restaurant I CORNER 3rd & MAIN By mall atrletly In advance; papar atop, because you have to think on old stand, looking at 64 just as seeing a neighbor running for WHI lJ Lounge pad en expiration data . now . He is dedicated to pursu- after the children fell At stake is not only the your seat," help CARL GEGENFURTNER In Fillmore, Houjton, Olmsted, Winona, athletic and as handsome as in ing the fortunes of the Racquet through the ice Monday. world's largest atom smasher, Wabatha, Buffalo, JecK.on, P»pln and EARL'S PEARLS: "What a his heyday as a Hollywood lead- Club and the good life. ¦ Trempealeau count!«« and armed forcti - ¦ ¦ pertonnel In tbe continental United Sterei, thrill lt is to walk In Central ing man. . ¦ er overate* with APO or PPO addretiai: Park at night and see the young 1 year eH.OO 1 monthe . . I1.K Farrell has resumed his du- month. .. IS.5C 1 month It 35 lovers mugging the old lovers!" ties as managing director of the LBJ Denies Plans * — Joe E. Lewis. All etMr aubacrlpllane: Racquet Club, which he founded To Visit Vier Nam 1 month .... II .M 3 monrhi ... . 44.13 "One good thing about a ca- with Ralph Bellamy in 1934 and « month .. . 1 year SUM " * reer in Show Business, , says built into the favorite desert JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP)- Sand ehinga of eddreee, noticet, undeliv- Ruth Buzei at Upstairs at the playground of the stars. Six President Johnson has no plans ered eoplee. Mibierlptlon erderi and ether Downstairs, "is that nobody's mall Itemi to Winona Dally News. ».0. years ago he sold his interest to visit South Viet Nam at Box 70. Winona, Minn., S5H*. hoping you fail except all your for a reported million dollars, Christmas. best friends" .. , That's earl, •econe) elate poitece pale at Winona, remaining to oversee the opera- Very few people even con- Mian. brother. tion. ceived of Johnson journeying to the danger-ridden war zone, a Bnt Farrell differed with the bodyguard's nightmare, until ^pFffw rrnr^ EVININOS AT owners over policy and became publication this week of a report 7:15.9:10 estranged from the Racquet in Newsweek magazine that I A tiimnW L 1 Club. The place was sold again, \XM **mmmmmmmJ a *y as«-«Sr-9(V some presidential advisers were and the new owners saw the urging such a trip. wisdom of inducing Charlie's return. The White House lost little SEE IT NOW m "Well, I ought to know the time in denying everything. • operation by now." grinned the onetime star, whose geniality Strum-Eleva Roll can keep guests and help happy. WHAT IS He is always on hand to make a STRUM - ELEVA, Wis. - foursome for tennis or join Straight A honor students for VIP's for dinner. the first quarter at Strum-Eleva High School were 7 David Ad- One such recent visitor was ams, Linda Johnson and Erik Janet Gaynor, who dropped in Matson, seniors; Gwen Hatcher ' with her new husband, producer a^mmm\ *W*^m\\t?aoW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*ma ************* \**\lHa^r^^^^y^^a**^^M **************\ and Beverly Monson, juniors; Paul Gregory. Her reunion with David Gunderson and Mark Charlie created a wave of nos- Nymo, sophomores, and Pat 5 Reg. e Jumbo ? Only Reg, 2.99 talgia, the pair having costarred Call, James Loomls and Ronald Day*.- 97 3'Dayt fTpCTfll PAIITC AmL*¥ •* ml I in "Seventh Heaven" and a Sterry , seventh graders. string of other romantic films of PAPER and FOIL MEN'S PAJAMAS I i^V^SK* 30-odd years ago. f f mk MM^S^MMML ^ t^MMMMMM a***Wf ^k^k^k^kmA\\W^^1^WAAMMWM "I see Janet every year or so, ^^;&t 0 26 AI AIA 1 ffissK 4m ^ and we always have a great PM******? ' OUT 1 two styles. i\AQ V*' § .Si>» 8-18. M^L^JM ' foil TOf W p. ^ fik*%*\m^mMlCAmW Urns together," said Farrell. *W | Stvc nowl *fc f Girls' 1-14HeetW «>99 t9H W H|Qy K/ "She was always afraid she DANCE Wrj . ti 19 Star BAf ....AAA WmMmmmmmmM ^smmd Teeai loadedPaw tl J, would look wizened when she Frl. — Young People* Dance fmrnrnF^^/ got older, because she's so tiny , The Accents — 1:30*11:30 p.m, mmmim ^m a»iisai#^ A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^AMAWA ^A ^^^A ^A ^ABut she looks just wonderful. " Sat. — The Blue Banner* ^P^B^BM^ESJ^^SJ^HC^HIH^^^^^I W Farrell , too. The desert life obviouily agrees with him. Sun, — Jolly Mualelani —^— ^—^—^—WAA—^— WWM—^—^—M m^m^m^m^m^^m\ ***********^m^m\ ^a*M*^l Mixed Old Time k Modern Minns his wartime Navy serv- m m Rochester's ^m^m^m^A ^m^^s ^^A ^m^m^m^m i^l^l^l^l^l^^Nr^^iN^BSliN^H ice and six costarring years in the television series "My Little PLA-MOR BALLROOM Margie, " he has wintered here Per R«»trv#»ioru Call 282S244 half Wi lifetime, lie became 5 37<: ' I 3 Days-Reg. 3.99 I Reg. Ea. Christmas I 3 Days - Reg. 8.47 jjf - mj tn af%6C ! m**mme***sm****mmmmmwa ADMISSION: tt.M ^^^^BaNr^'^i^am Aa^k^k^k^k^k^kWWa** lAaWa*\\\\\\\v^iTuU****\\** Wa*^e*\\\\*M^Sr r »*Ji (Ji ij i i ej STUDENTS: $1.00 ' ' ' '¦•: \^am\^ **£)^ **t >. liaV>'v - -' ii\ N^kr^[i^l 1B^HIIB^.^B[PUefl ^^^^|^^^^^^^^^^| a ^k^mmm ^m^af ^m-4*J*^ ,i^^HHPH ^^^B «ajejaj|BgBg0MaHBafeHailaaBa>a>a NW Honored j UjIh^B^^H j P6 j Bk^^v^p jaw, ^mm ^m^m^m^mmf t$&NNIm ^m^m^m\ a&B5» ^^^^^ «% asffff ^kMA^MtSumAykm^t^tJL.m^k^kM ^BaflliN^Hl^lBE I m\MM *\\^a*9*Skmw 1 TON IT E AT 7:45

7 7 THURS. AT 4:00-7:45 I^IS : t¦ ¦ ¦ J^B '^NN^^B1 jf; yy ^ ' M MW ¦¦/ ^^ T^^H^a Am V m^f ^M Am^m^KmMK%mS~ ~* !¦ • ^ 1 ^ ^ —^ • '^' Am^a*\^KmWm ^m^mmW\^^^ a**l -f VIOLINT BIVOND BILIIF...YET C M ARGOT I RUDOLPH ^^ ¦¦ H UIIPUi lEVOND COMPARISON! FONTEYN NUREYEV 1 _ Toaer new ton THE FIHST TIME ON THE MOTION PICTURE SCREEN 1 ^N^B^^NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNJI yMFB^^^ ^t/ff ^^^ ^^^y ^^^^ V^* ^fiv ¦ 3 Days Only*- Regular 9 99 3 Doyt ««s. 7S« ll>. s; 3 Da/s • Keg.. 12. 88 *\***^mWmmm *^a*\*Wma*Wa**^mta****** ^Hma *^a*********W*^MA\rSm I 2 Dayi-K»g.67'1600 fl I "MiBXIMBIT tQ" t ^ma **************Wama****^ma ***\wa**Wa\\*Wm $ WSStS VO/t RecorderlC/ L - 88 l RIWOH TO \ I afe-^ $ I^BNBP]laj BflHH |^^^^^^^^^ "^e^P^HKM R fc !!||:.f«;illiy;iMI,M^^^ ^ Miliilliilli ll. il.fel .ll.i i .Mi.uB:!'-! r ^ *>* **H»! ?***"<**) S!^M^**\\.k m m m m — ^**» Un *A *7!^^A *Wa\\\*m*^Aa *********************************mm^m mm mm m\ \\\ ^¦^^^f^^l^^fJ^^nf^^kl^NNNNN JNNN^NNJ !NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNl^NNNt£^^i BaB.aNNNNil ^^^^^aaa^B^HI .¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦^¦iN BBHBHBAm *^l ^*A M ^. wf tm ^^^.aiJBBHBH l I ^^^^ H^La^la^Ba^la^Ba^la^Ba^la^Ba^la^Ba^la^Ba^la^Ba^la^LlB' HBWi^ BLOCK BUSTER SPECIALS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*W^S***TMmwAmwAmw r^ AaWW*******^ ^^WP a> ^^V (*AW ^^¦¦NNNNNNNNJ B^BVlliNllll Rii ^ iNlllll i DUNGAREES I LISTERINE I •«*«"• «*» I "'' el.10" \\\ ^^4~i ^^AaM^^f mmmj ^m^mMmMm\wmm^ ANT,SRPT C W^ A. .. Facial Tissue PANTIES 4trjt AMM *WaM^^rkWMa****\*\*m *wmwwMMtMMla^.a^.a^.a^.a^.aH.a^ ^.r !)»*» *.al-l« Wa "°"™ A ' »»¦»¦ - 2 Urea Si,.-* She,,, /JOCV ^a4K ^3Hila ^.H waist -sues 1-6. (fa '^t l * *i Hej .,39(i;Pr, l H i^l ^ \^m mW^StmWt ^^ #Q( IS mm 2 for WE DARE M^^mXx \>^M|a*%j ^ VOU TO LEARN. 10VE, LUST and LAUGH under the .pell et ^ M W A N EVKMNC W ITH c m m m pL § oo By 25c WE DARE YOU TO SEE ^ ^ ^ or ^# ^^20 6CC# Open Every Nite T.r Until Christmas - Sunday 1-6 stllB Wff ib lla «. ^ b»S£0R6E SAM0ERSfc''^W.«!!!«S."'i!* " Vl^aPBBBBBm^MMmWmBBBBMBMB^^m\ M^m^mfp^ * i«.c^u^. »v. « a, Rl7 OlMOl ANl ...,...„. M« - ' Z i«V»l« Awiey»aVV*

I Kelly's Removal Sale | SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Furniture - Carpets Appliances EVERYTHING GOES NOTHING HELD BACK No Reasonable Offer Refused "r0 KELLY FURNITURE ™™r Next to Winona National & Savings Bank Intermission Time TODAY IN NATIONAL AFFAI RS "OH, THAN K YOU, SIR!" WASHINGTON CALLING On World Stage Public Values THIS IS INTERMISSION time en th* No Easy Answer world stage. Can Be Shaken For most of this century a succession of By DAVID LAWRENCE colorful men dominated the mind and WASHINGTON - The most delicate factor OnForeignPolicy Imagination of the world. Most are dead that can favorably or unfavorably affect tha By MARQUIS CHILDS or retired now. The rest of this century American economy Is public confidence. When WASHINGTON - In this capital where jealousies and will have to manufacture new men to take faith in the impartiality of the government be- rivalries burn as fiercely as those backstage at the Metro- their place. politan Opera no man is better loved and more respected gins to decline or fears grow that an adminis- for his personal qualities than Sen. Mike Mansfield of There were loudmouths among those tration in power Is fumbling with big issues, Montana. giants of the past, and actors, orators, fa- uncertainties arise and eventually hesitation en- But in the course of what might be called the Mike Mans- natics, and true world leaders, whether sues. This tends to break down confidence In field goodwill tour of the world rather sharp questions are amateur diplomat. they were loved or hated. the future of business. raised about his effectiveness as an Whether he had added to Of them all only two still have top bill- Today American businessmen are becom- tbe sum total of knowledge ing: Red China's Mao Tze-tung, and ing disillusioned over the failure of the John- or merely increased the French President Charles de Gaulle. A few son administration, to play fair as between man- confusion surrounding Letters to The others from the past are still in the show agement and labor. Coercion by government is thorny and as yet unre- but have quieted down from age or cir- solved foreign policy issues Edi tor unpleasant , but It might be borne with equanim- is debatable. cumstance. How to Reduce ity if the same rule were applied to labor as This is the season for con- Fire Hazards At 72. Mao has become a shadowy fig- is being imposed upon management. gressional junkets and mem- bers of Senate and House To the Editor : ure, hardly seen, more a legend than a THE DEPARTMENT of Labor Itself this man. He says little the world hears. He are traveling far and wide. Now that I have encour- week admitted, in effect, that the famous Some have hardly more pur- aged directly or indirectly was never colorful . It is hard to know any- pose than the thinly dis- more what his real role is. "guidlines" which were supposed to prevail with quite a number of elderly respect to wage increases had been exceeded guised goal of Honk Kong men to smoke a pipe, I feel DE GAULLE, always the actor, It still and getting the little wo- it is time I passed along a in the union wage settlements of the first nine man's three favorite even- few tips on reducing the fire colorful even if he says nothing and points months of 1965. It was also revealed that the ing dresses copied at a price his nose in the air. At 75 he hazard. seems certain productivity" figures which are used you would hardly believe. of a new seven-year term as president. But so-called " Years ago when stationed y the wage increases had not att ained Others have a valid objec- at Walter Reed Army Med- his dominance is limited mostly to France to justif tive and conscientious prescribed levels. ical Center in Washington, and Western Europe. the junketeers inform them- B.C., our fire marshal used But it isn't statistics alone which are bother- selves about problems they to have us bring our Christ- President Johnson, a newcomer to the ing businessmen. They are frankly disturbed will confront in Congress. world scene, mas trees to the fire station ha« concentrated on his do- that the administration is openly ignoring Its As they spin off inter- for spraying to reduce the mestic problems and stayed pretty much responsibility to hold down wage increases, views and statements from hazard of them catching fire off the international stage. So it would be airport to airport their for- when dry as they are no- straining to say he is a dominant world particularly in the big Industries. This is per- eign hosts often get the torious to do. haps due to a political obligation felt by the figure, capturing men's minds. idea that every American Recently I got the formula administration, as Democratic party candidates is his own secretary of have accepted huge campaign contributions for this solution and it is as President John F. Kennedy was the op- state. And at times this follows: posite. He was a which were collected through organized efforts newcomer, too, but, while seems to be an impression Borax — 9 ounces he was no smash-bit in getting Congress to of political committees set up by union leaders. shared by the travelers do what he wanted, he plunged into the in- While the administration proclaims itself to themselves. Boric acid — 4 ounces ternational act early. be impartial, it is giving concrete evidence Setting out to visit a doz- Water — l gallon (warm) again and again that it doesn't intend to crack en or more capitals on a This solution may be dilut- The result: In the less than three years down on labor as it has on business. The in- loose schedule in a jet pro- ed two or three times with of his presidency he was a famous and evitable result has been to produce a feeling of vided by the Air Force, water if it seems too thick. generally admired figure around the world. nervousness. This is illustrated by an answer Mansfield took with him Articles can be sprayed or made by David Rockefeller, president of the four senators with a higher- dipped in it. FOR EXAMPLE: Before he was *ix Chase-Manhattan Bank of New York during THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND than-average responsibility The bedspread of your months In office he had visited De Gaulle, ABC's television program "Issues and Answers" rating. Only one, however, smoker should be dipped in dined with the queen of England, had a last Sunday. He said: Sen. George Aiken imxTO)mTOjMmjmjaMu ¦ rinks at Athletic Park and nt the East End Park rink sites, tention on what is probably eign Relations Committee, and Lake tt\6 weakest spot in the who is in the Administra- Thpre rrmalnrth thrrrfnre a rest to the Johnson foreign policy. For people ol God.—-Hebrews 4:». tion doghouse and while I ij Fifty Years Ago ... 1915 at a time when Russian- Mansfield had a talk with The opening of the YMCA gymnasium has Chinese relations are sour, the President before he left I PARENTS! II been set at which time the ambitions of the American . Russian cooner- he seems to have no special general secretary, W. G. Cnrtlich, will be real- ntlon should be good. But commission.. State Deport- § ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ 1 fl WINONA DAILY NEWS years the opposite Is true. ' An Independen t Newspaper — Established F R55 ized. He has worked hard for several to ment officials spent hours bring about this valuable addition to the local SIMULTANEOUS with the rebutting the negotiation W. F. WlllTK G. It. Cl.OSWAY C. E. LlNBEN association . Chinese barrage, the Soviet stories which had stirred BI Make an IM Publiaher Exec. Director Busineai Mgr. The city market has been inactive for some was sentencing to IS 'No, thank you, Giving a wallet is what ruined last new currents of false hope and Editor St Adv. Director time past Today but two loads, one of baled months' labor an American Christmas." and uncertainty. & appointment W hay and tho other of baled straw , were brought W. J. COLB AJXH.PH BlCMEB A. J. KrEKBtlBCH THE WIZARD OF ID By Parker and Hart g TODAY for Managing Editor City Editor Circulation JWor. into the city. | | | that traditional § L. S. BRONK F. H. Knows L. V. ALSTON Seventy-Five Years Ago ... 1890 S Si Composing Supt. Press Supt. S Christmas Gift 3 Engraving Supt. Captain Henry Slocumb ia at Clinton, Iowa, W ILLIAM H. ENGLIIH GORDON HOLTI attending a meeting of the Mississippi River jj Portraitl | Comptroller Sunday Editor Association. JAIM UKK Or I^ouis Larson wthlbiled a .squash thnl Weigh- THE ASSOCIATED riCSI ed lift pounds, I,. A. Pcnnoycr was elected engineer of the Th* Press waterworks. / ^?^\ Associated Is entitled Durfey Studios! rxc UHlvc 'y to the use for republ ica- One Hundred Years Ago . . . 1865 | | ft «^ new(( (||SpaU;rie.fl. nnd businessmen of Winonn , has returned here nflcr nn absenrn of seven years , He engages Wednesday, December 1 , IMS in the purchase of furs during the winter. ftntm swvwisweauMSMiiwviMw Former Whitehall Couple Leaves for La Crescent Council Tourist Council Peace Corps Duty Asks Applications For Assessor Post To Meet Tuesday WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) ROCHESTER, Minn. - The —A young former Whitehall LA CRESCENT, Minn. (Spe- woman and her husband left cial) — Persons interested in Southeastern Minnesota Tourist San Francisco, Calif., Tuesday applying for village assessor Council will meet at R p.m. for two years with the Peace should file an application with Tuesday in the Kahler Hotel, Corps in Malaya. Clerk Robert Kies before the according to George Brooks, council meeting Monday . Both Mr. and Mrs. Richard Red Wing, temporary chair- Berglund are . graduates of Kies said Floyd Edminister, man. Stout State University, Menom- who was hired by council at the onie. He taught industrial arts November meeting, has re- Attending will be Cong. AI at Owen for a time and will signed. Quie and Robert Warren, new teach that for the corps. A training class for Houston executive director of Marvelous . Mrs. Berglund is the former Minnesota. Financing of a pro- County assessors will be con- fessional staff will Faith Ellison, daughter of Mr. ducted this month, hence early be discuss- and Mrs. Leonard Ellison, appointment is necessary. ed. Whitehall. She will teach home Also on the agenda Monday economics in Malaya. They night will be consideration of completed a 12-week course at the rezoning applications of Mr. Houston Co. Fair the university in Los Angeles, and Mrs. George Kelly and Mr. Calif., prior to leaving. Meeting Saturday a and Mrs. Gerald Berry; a re- port on costs and maintenance CALEDONIA, Minn. — Sug- Long Distance Dialing of fluoridation equipment by gestions for enlarging and im- Caswell Engineering Co., and proving the 1966 Houston Shown at Lake City JACOBS CHAPEL . . . This is the interior of the chapel a review of the curb and gutter County Fair will be sought at LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) of the new Jacobs Funeral Home at Lewiston, Minn., where project on South 7th Street. the annual meeting of Houston —More than 600 saw the new open house will be held Sunday from 3 to 9 p.m. Mr. and County Agricultural Society Sat- direct long distance dialing Mrs. Arthus M. Jacobs, St. Charles, have been furnishing EITZEN PATIENTS urday, at 1:30 p.m. in the com- service in. action at Pioneer funeral home service in a residence three years. The chap- EITZEN, Minn. (Special ) - munity room of the Caledonia 10TH ANNIVERSARY . . . Four charter retary. Leo Lange was named co-secretary. Telephone Co. plant during open el has a seating capacity of 100. Okra wood paneling, pea- Mrs. Walter Haar is a patient State Bank, according to 0. J. house Monday. in Lutheran Hospital , members cut the 10th anniversary cake of Sydney Johnstone discussed counterfeiting and cock blue carpeting, rheostat controlled lighting and col- La Strand, secretary of the asso- Manager Glenn Dwelle was Crosse. Louis Beneke is a pa- ciation. the Winona Coin Club at the VFW Club Tues- altered date coins. Some club members at- host. Employes were guides. ored Tropoglas windows are features of the interior. (Mrs . tient in Waukon Hospital, Wau- Interested persons were invit- day evening. From left, Miss Orlane Kittle, tend a bourse show at Rochester Sunday, Refreshments were served. Ruth Cady photo) kon, Iowa. ed to attend. Mrs. Louis Sheekanoff , Roland Finner and when 0. H. Fredriksen, national chairman Lewis Shira. Miss Kittle was re-elected presi- of the Robert Kennedy for President Clubs, dent, Charles Wood vice president, Mrs. headquartered in Winona, donated attendance Sheekanoff treasurer and Roland Finner sec- prizes. (Finner photo) y ^QtIldUOcJU^ ^^tW Special Window Wmm \^^ *J : } J M 1 | | A ^twA ¦ I I 1 " ¦ New Factor Hours Added at Lake City Marine Arcadia Post Office ARCADIA, Wis. (Special) - Asks Gifts for a^a^a^aP^aV^^a^a^**Ba^aHal ^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^^^^B^at ^^^^^^^ .^^I-B^^^^--^^^^_^^^^^^^^ BB^^^^^BWards>^^^^^^^^^^^ BB^^^^^it^^B^^^^^^^^ B>^^^^^^^^^^ H Sought for Window service will be pro- vided at Arcadia Post Office Dec. 11 and 18 until 4 p.m., Vietnamese Kids Mrs. Ernest T. Reck, acting LAKE CITY, Minn. - "It's School Aid postmaster, said; Ordinarly the not so much the appeal, but Automotive MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - The window is closed for mailing rather the idea that our boys I ^^ H PM^^SAL Center Delegate Assembly of the Min- parcels Saturday afternoons. are doing something besides A T 1 1 I 1 nesota School Boards Associa- fighting Viet Nam," says Mrs. She urged residents to mail Ford Marquis of Lake City. T '^B Miracle Mall tion has suggested that perhaps letters earlier id the day dur- a new factor should be used in ing this season. All letters and She referred to a letter from l^^^^^^^ i^^^p/_J_ figuring state aid to s chool her son, Marine Sgt. Paul A. ^ parcels deposited at the post of- Marquis, ¦iflHHHHHIHfe^UUHiiHH districts. fice before 4 p.m. daily will be asking for articles to At the closing session of its dispatched the same day. Mail aid him in a People to People convention Tuesday, the assem- deposited after 4 p.m. will be program project involving over bly adopted a resolution calling 900 South Vietnamese children. held over until the following 4||HH^|^|fl^^^^^R^^^^|^H^^^^EsttSfiHMl srl^a\»w^ASAUa\ ^^^K^f^^^^^^m^9a^^a***\^**K% for a study of the possible use day. MARQUIS, 24, wrote Nov. 18 of net income, as well as prop- Persons mailing gift parcels that he needs toothpaste, tooth (AwATAWMuA ^A ^A ^A ^A ^AmWI ^A wMsMM ^a *^A ^F>-^^^W^^^******' *^lwmA^AwA erty valuations, in determining w * to distant states should do so brushes, writing tablets, and ma ****\M**\**\\a**W*s^^^^MA^m^A\mAwA ^mWaWD "°im^tAMk ^kaMAiEAiaW wk i^^aT^^W'^^a^Aa **************** *\ foundation aid for districts. before Dec. 5. To avoid conges- pencils for the children, and he ^^ The assembly also urged that tion and delay of gift parcels appealed to his mother to call -a^mw^mw^mw^mw^mw^mwlm^mMa *****\vA*^m 'aTarm\**\a^a************^3a ** W#J^4 9Atetmla\aa *t4wa*\**** **awflftA i^B^B^B^Be^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^aVQH'^jj.^B^BHKA^B^BlBfll'la^Ba^B^B^-B^a*****************************VUn *\ state school aids be paid accord- and greeting cards, local mail- on women's clubs, garden clubs m\\%m^m^m^m^Km^m^m\\^mwMMPmm^m^m\lSma Nr *» n*a)to * ef MtetM wmt ^[^B^Hi. ^l^l^l^Bi.^l^Hi ^l^l^B ^^^L^^tf HI^l^Bl^l^l^^^^ ^^lK^iB ingly to a fixed schedule. ers are to withold large bulk and other to contribute. ^H>^^^^^^ B &-^^HH ^HK. ^HnEH.iHH ^^9PHSP ^ta'* ^rM *W.J^%\\ wtrfc*«MMp f wrHkmBf* el *• ^mWMm ^m ^m ^mWl ^^m ^mMSm ^^^aKMMMAaKK^^Iv^^^^mr^ m ^m ^m ^^^ Mk ^M ^Hi.^^^^^¦PH^^^^^^HKiisH9j K^^^ w%\ {mZ *AmT>%* *, *••peW»oMt» " ••«pw *tf•»•m)* •« («**•« *- A ^^K ^W^mWm\m ^mMa *mm\W^^M^^KMHIR ^ W Am ^Llm *Wmm*\- ^H down proposed resolutions urg- ple on our side, we can win the mm\W\W , ^I ^J ^^^ RS SHR^RWJI. J.RC S ^>IR*R» Ati *e perteJ ma ^^K *^ma *\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ^^^Km, ^mL^mW^Smml Awm ^kmSmwrnMmWM codes. R ^^^^^ > /^ specified. utHma-it W pre- rn^AW W ^^fc W J***AmT/4 --*• ¦ .^¦^¦I ^^^^ H ^^K ^^ I ^HPHm aJl ^Hl ^V Am ^mUtV&SMmmW ing an additional year of teacher mmwM .Am^R^RVr^AMA^S-lR^k^^ma*.R^RA^S^a\\\\\\MKlRSr.tfllEE^S^AKtt4Amv*mWmm ^mWJmM^Am ***^ *\7* ^ ** ^^^a *Wr' ^. *A *\\W A ****aJ --*- ¦* ¦* * J * — ^IRVQllR^R^.R^R^R^VEirc'lR^IR^Rt^RSnR^K.KJ^^HPWH.R^.RVRAwmmk^v *wmVS)4\sv*******m ^RK^R war with less bloodshed," the t^AwM ^by ^A***T . AtW AmmmWLAr^ V 4L. rafM VIMMM MM IN MNt M ^^^^¦^¦¦¦^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦¦S^K^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^H&^^^^^^nHki^^^^K^^^^V^^^^^^^H^^^^r ^^^^H^^^^^^3ffi^Qa9^^^^^^& AwmW ^ma**\****\?^m^mWmWxQ**a^a*****a******aF^^Wal ^&mmWaT ******m . ^ price MMI tttanMfutkeralM ^^^K An even greater volume of Am ^M ^$K^A ^A ^Ka^^A^*t ^ ^ ^ A\*T *s» A Y Am ***• Mdte*#c» Mm\ study and asking the Legisla- "It might a******w*****************r**WaV^A ^A\ *i ^' A *******T* ^ ^^^******%******\ wt/f A\*Ma******\****************\M[l%&a *********************m5 AwyV^V^ *1^*************) 4Sa****************\ sergeant said. take (fee* WMT wW B B B B B B B B B B B B B B a ^ktWWWm AmA ^AmAmAmAa *****WA^^Amm W^*Wa\***\\^m^^rAsfr AA^MAmaA\L^ *T^\z t ^^ta^aha^^- -& *W*Wbr, AW £m\ J W*t P0fi#e SP#" •^L^a|^HlB^B^Br I^ K^ I ^B ^¦ ^B ^BV a^BB^BSa^l^B^I^B^BBHPi^V^K^B^HHrSaiB^I^BHBBBC^IV^kJ^ ^^*M ^^^mmaarttAWmmJa^**^^^ aaaaaAWVLAY -m^ _ J Ji— •—— **• *¦- *-- —« — .^¦^BB^B^H'^B^B^B^B^B^BnB&a^B^B^B^HIlB^H£l&&a9B^B^B^B^B^l*mmmM*Hr ***********m ******WAWJ^ ^ WaWmmm^ ^^^Kaammmmmm^^^^^ m ^B^B^at mail is expected at the Arcad- mmWM ^\^^^ ^A *\m********a^. Cxrie}e** A*iMnMMiWHBeMfMev i^^^^^ ^ AwLf B B ture to establish uniform while, but it will work." >^^HQ^^^^HB9R K^B^HBi^V^HBl.^a^B5B^.lBWa^.^B^^^.^B^^i^. Wa\.t/*WWc®yK'Er^a*****9&Ja*m twA t¥M. Hi.^B^B^.^B^lflB^B^.^B^HiBVwSiji^^^^^^r^^^^AmwAwAnAwr ^Sa^SP^w^AWa ***********\\ ^A ^M ' K^^^^^^HlE^^^tf^L^^BIEBP^E^^^^BB^^^BBr A ^^^**\*********rt-^Va**\m»i****TA*********WMM a\M** ^*rAw^%i **9 \^A ^A ^Aw *wA^A ^Am *******************^Ma *^**************'^—^s^Mmm\Mr ^Mmmf A ^L X **m& I^B^B^B^BB \^A\\ ia post office than last year' ¦ ^^^ price* UM m am- ^^ entrance ages for kindergarten s m^M Ma ***^^^A\\\Ml *M*****M***\*M *\^a **M *\^S/AvA^mm want¦¦¦-- ** -¦ J ^mwAAMmAmm ^m^**^Mmmm*9AmM*ASa *WML^a********\M¦ i^H ^mm _ ma ***M ^^mma *Ta*********\WM^ma *\wmawB^a*xwmw/j *F^****^A\W*\'^*M\\\rW 4\****<31mY*\\\*^^**»**\\\\**^W«\\\\\\\\ kwsssssssft- - *^Kml»lrO— -ee wen*-,. *** ^Amma\W^Aw ^^^A ^AMAff iiaa****************\\\\\\\\\\\\M3a*wma\\\\\\\\\\\*******************\\\!\w *\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Wj mV mm Sgt. Marquis also advised his ^H ^maW YMa\\\\\\\\\ **\\\\\\*^^^*3^m\!^M *mnirm! ^ma\\\\ V**i\V *MfJ*T*3*m*\m ^atWWWmfv BVBVBVB BVBV W/Si?^^'*!/wm^m^^^^^^\9ma\\\\\ *m iVS record high. ^^H eioweece Ml cwpk>We le *ww*l mW*\\v"Waaa\W************W**WmW*******WaW*********AK\\W^^AW vi ^ ^ and first grade. ^mmMmM/ ^mw££&/Ba *K9a\^ABmm\ **V*^A\ ******Wa** ^Avpi$m^A\ ************M&!Sm\***********m*^AM™ * ' m '^m\ ****MA\W¥^i%Sv**\***J *^M (B^i^i^il <^H. mother that contributions of Mrei or met mew CMMWftiewyJ JB^aVIV]Vfl HVjAWm Also rejected was a plea from ^.ammVflm mWWxWi wX *&v"%*-™!^Qma*\MmWmma^mWt™a*********VaJ***a\Wm\j*\**&weM44V*\mmmamana **WWt^£AW3 ^*fn o¦ hruiaes»«e pnc«min ¦ k ¦ t%\ym*w* - tamwamAaAl JQBSGma**********************W^a^l^l^lH^>?^J.^5&lI^AaI^ ***********************I^I^I^IHR^^I^I^I^^^Bimmma^.£al^lHM. ***WE*Wmam*\*****^I^I\\^*fI a\\\WmW^ IHl^V'T. ^I^^I^I^Mt r ^JB^I^I^I^II \mm money will not help because the m^^t mmaTa ' w ^Ax^;. ' - '&*^m ^^^^^^m^^KkT *?s!**vm ^m\amm!ka^A*****- *WA*^^A **T' price--• pM-* l- *mini -¦* UCM -¦ T!•*—• *- — BH9a^B^B^BC>MB^B^B^B^BV"^B^BH^B^B^BiB ^Br^BA *********\a******TlH .Aa ^ ****w,m%t.jtBi ^^H *»**W ^Amt mwAt ¦*• iA^ Rrtoni, Mat . j^^El^^^^^B^ifl.^.^.^.HH^P^ii^Bi.^.^.^.^.^B^i^B^.H.^K*^HS^V B^.V ^^.^HKK'vJH^.^.^.H Am southwestern Minnesota dele- f /Am\ ****^v*wAwamwA\*iWa*\%2^^X ^AWmMS *W****\W*9 M4l ll at He* tf >^.^HI items cannot be purchased ^H |^H. &/Jk\\\\WTav!^m\\*\\\\\\\\M!*mvm^^ ^Hk\ ***^^^^^^^^Hil ^m\^^^************BHI ^^^M ^EZI&am\M.^m^^^^^m^riw^m9^**r K\\\S^^^BV^fl^imm\\v A\^^*^^^m Ma Wla*a^M*l^B^m\\\\\w gates asking that road weight Stop Bombings, ^B ^B- Iff ^TL llv KH^1lli^^HHi ^ffiH.^Hi^HH ^^^H^IBBil xono«ww»mnk * —* $ai*tt*m- _B^HRI^!H. ^^H - B limits be waived for school there. buses. Gromyko Says "Give them my address and The assembly turned down a I will see that these items reach resolution declaring regret at MOSCOW (AP)—Foreign Min- the schools and each donation passage of the 1969 Federal ister Andrei A. Gromyko said will be acknowledged," he Elementary and Secondary Edu- today the first condition for any wrote. "The only thing is, dona- tions will have to be sent air cation Act, but instead adopted progress in solving the Viet ' the view that school board mail because you know regular Nam problem was a halt to U.S- mail takes too long." members should have a greater bombing of North Viet Nam, role in developing federal pro- British sources reported. THE SEVEN-year Marine vet- grams. Gromyko met with visiting eran is in charge of teaching The delegates said federal British ForeignSecretary Mich- all sports activities to the chil- authorities should re-examine ael Stewart.They discussed Viet dren of two schools. their position favoring ear- Nam for 35 minutes at the end "It's hard because of the marked funds instead of provid- of a meeting that lasted 2 hours language barrier, but in return ing general support through and 45 minutes. for our services a priest comes out to our area on Sunday after- state authorities. noons and teaches us the Viet- Earlier Tuesday, delegates in state spending on education " year "There was a deficit namese language. heard two state legislators at- last . The Marquis family moved to tack the state law under which in the income tax fund and a surplus in the general revenue Lake City four years ago. Sgt. Minnesota income tax funds are Marquis joined the Marine earmarked for education. State fund," he said. Commissioner Duane Corps while the family resided Education But Mattheis said he would in New Jersey. Mattheis defended the system. oppose changing the system His address is: Sgt. Paul A. Sen. Michael McGuire, Mont- unless the Legislature demon- H & S Co. 3rd gomery Liberal, said any dedi- Marquis, USMC, strated it would "meet the Shor Party Bn. cated taxes "create tremendous needs of rapidly - increasing , 3rd Marine Div. inefficiency in the operation of 3rd MAP school costs in a very substan- FMF, c/o San Francisco 96601. government and tie the hands tial way by some other means." Here s pull-away traction of the Legislature in determin- " " PATIENT ' GALESVILLE ing fiscal policy." He said much income tax revenue has been diverted to GALESVILLE, Wis. (Special) Rep. Kenneth Scott, Fairmont other uses in recent years and — Mrs. Ruby Jegi is recuperat- Conservative, blamed the dedi- property taxes have been raised ing from major surgery at a to keep you on the move to help pay for education. La Crosse hospital. ! cated tax system for a cutback RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE POWER GRIP See Santa ) SMO-GRIP TIRE jj£& faiB ^^ rfL^ Miracle Mall /TjBm WaslMm^aMAMWx^ on these days: Its premium quality? Has a,fough 4-pty nylon ^ " A * , , , ^5r Sk^-l-=-fi=~i M#-¦ I A* qua!i. ^ty snow *tire• ot^ a lowi price!• > 4-pIi i Friday, December j ., , .... evi.i o* v^ ^B l — y nylon 3—7 p.m. te 9 p.m. cord bod/, mileage-producing RIV-SYN. 33- Vfc. XT—l V CI J L J nn/ ex,*., . J A >*J A*^^n .. . ' j i J . V^. V III' cord body, R/V-S/N tread compound. 24- month tread* wear, road hazard guarantee. vfc. ^V » » ,, , , , ,r \S ^"Jl Saturday, December 4—1 p.m. to 6 p.m. ' month tread wear, road hazard guarantee. I 1 1 f v^v ^ . ^^J Sunday, December 5—1 p.m. fa 6 Regular 1^ ' ~~\ ~ p.m. V^v ^w Regular T Power Grip No> Trade-In 50% Off VSs. ^ . Am Monday, Dec. 6—2 p.m. to 5 p.m. A 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tire Sizes Price 1st Ilr. Second Tire \w w s""» 0riP Mo Trade-in 5^COnd50% Off - 8^~ ^ % TI ^1 Wednesday, December 8—2 p.m. to 3 p.m. & 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. """"^ ,^ 5.90/6.00-13 17 ^ ^ J > ^^ Friday, December 10—2 p.m. te 5 p.m. J. 7 p.m. te 9 p.m. 6.40/6.50-13 TWO; 70^_ ?! ,, ., «, » 6.50-13 16.95* 8.47* Saturday, December 1 1—10 a.m. to 12 a.m. & 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. 70013 MUWLER 20U43 45* 10 22* Sunday, December 12—1 p.m. to 6 p.m, 6.95/6.50 ^ ™m** INSTALLED 7.75/7.50-14 19.95* 9.97* Monday, December 13—2 p.m. to 3 p.m. A 7 p.m. fo 9 p.m. 7.35/7.00-14 | 21.45* I 10.72* 1 | H 9* Wednesday, December I S—2 p.m. to 5 p.m. & 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. NO MOMMY DbW N! ¦—— FREE MOUNTING ! Friday, December 17—2 p.m. to 5 p.m. & 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. "Plus Excise T^Whitewells $3 More per Tin. "" " ~~~ Saturday, December 18—10 a.m. to 12 a.m. mZZmf-natod „ . E Tax Wh',ewo,,i Mou " P#r T,rfc Sunday, December 19—1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 7.75/7.50-14 -.<-<- inside and out to *p/t" «"- - *3 1997 — Monday, December 20—10 to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. 7 75/6 70-15 resist ruit, corrosion '— " • With all clamps 8.25/8,00-14 21.95 11 . 97 Tuesday, December 21—10 to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. 8 25/8.00- 4 V / 266Q 1330 Wednesday, December 22—10 to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. tlrll^Ll±. 8.55/8.50-14 24.95 12.47 Thursday, December 23—10 to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. 8-55/8.50-J4 | _] Friday, December 24—10 to 12 and 1 to $. 29 65 ,482 CLIP AND SAVE THESE HOURS WHEN SANTA WILL SEE THE "3,75 i,v CHILDREN AT THE MIRACLE MALL, OILMORE AVE. S LIFETIME QUALITY GUARANTEE am__a^niaaMiiiiJiiiiu_liLMiMWI_ i M iMUJ SWii lfH }l "'lTMAAWmmWMm\WAmWtaT!MmWLWm WmMAa[ WM ' Gemini 6, 7 Pilots Check With Doctors CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) — The Gemini 7 and 6 astro- nauts had a five-hour appoint- ment with the doctors today to make certain they are physical- ly and mentally fit for their dou- \. ^^^^^ . ^^^^I*BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB RV hleheaders space launching. m l mm For the Gemini 7 crew, Air ' w^^BmMmWBmMaw^^ ^*^ i Fore* Lt Col, Frank Borman a*a*Am\ and Navy Cmdr. James A. Lev- el! Jr.. it was the final major check before they ride a Titan 2 rocket into the sky Saturday to U#tl2.#J.#«m# Jpr kick off the twin shot. Scheduled noiiaay blastoff time for the 14-day en- /fjigL durance mission is 2:30 p.m. (EST). .RW' .*BfllLBi.«BflB.• &¦'¦ HA .Ret WmmWM X f^^fE#lPH^^*. The Gemini « astronauts, ; Navy Cmdr. Walter M. Schirra COTTER EVALUATORS . . . Among par- Wardwell, assistant to the director of the Bu- Dflfflflin S ' 1*911 i Kwira Jr. and Air Force Maj. Thomas ticipants in the Cotter High School evaluation ,reau of Institutional Research at the Univer- P. Stafford undergo a less ex- were, from left, the Rev, Paul E. Nelson, sity of Minnesota, and Lloyd Bjornlie, execu- tensive exam. Jfieiy will have a principal; the Rev. Robert J. Stamschror, tive secretary of the University senate com- final ph MISTY ROSE OR BLUE ' ysical three days before assistant principal; Sister Mary Gerard, mittee on institutional relationships. (Daily X\j ^^t^ttt ^OfF the scheduled Dec. 18 liftoff of teacher; John Nett , teacher; Miss Dorolese News photo) their two-day flight. HEATHER COORDINATES ¦ The two spacecraft are to ren- jffijm dezvous, perhaps within a few ^^^^ ^ inches, in what would be an his- toric space feat. Cotter Gets Excellent National Crime The Borman-Lovell examina- tions will provide baseline data for use in the roost comprehen- Accreditation Rating Syndicate Seen sive medical survey ever at- tempted on a U.S. man-in-space A rating of excellent was giv- following an evaluation of journey. en Cotter High School Tuesday school facilities and curriculum by an accreditation committee made every five years. In Hurley Probe H Nil Gemini 7 will be crammed of the University of Minnesota The committee, consisting of MADISON, Wis. (AP) - A /^^^^^^n with medical instruments which 10 educators from the univer- probe of alleged racketeering will funnel information to sity and nearby Winona area, and vice in Hurley, Wis., con- PRINT SHIRT SMART SH1US gj jS ground stations as Borman and communities, began its school / ¦% aSMBB^j ^WBB Lovell circle the earth for 389 tailfapS visitation Monday evening with tinues today with overtones of Bonnie fresh" floro I Sleeveless plain or [ f/^f ^^laRH^B^^ Ptl ^^-^P^ifie ^HKl hours in a weightless whirl. a meeting with members of the a national crime syndicate in print, Bermuda col- feather knit—65% Jffl Mt The study is to answer such Cotter faculty. The Rev. Paul the picture. v « rf > Bl^ [^^^ ^^^ l^^ ffik questions as: Do Nelson, Cotter principal, intro- bones grow old About 10 more witnesses in Weightlessness? Can man be duced teachers, gave a brief art protected from developing a history of the school and re- scheduled to be heard by a fed- "lazy heart" in space? Can he viewed Cotter's educational eral grand jury. survive well enough in space to philosophy and objectives of make a 14-day flight to the They say "Behind every good each department. U.S. District Attorney Ed- moon, the longest planned in the man is a good womanm." There's Miss Dorolese Wardwell , mund Nix said it is a safe as- Apollo program? How deep does a lot to be said for this saying. chairwoman of the visitation sumption the testimony Tuesday concerned an astrauut sleep? ' committee, explained the mech- possible operationsby Much of a man s ability to a national crime syndicate. He Three experiments are de- really cope with life rests in the anics of the visitation and the m^aw ^ l committee heard comments declined to give details of the ^ JA.,. M&aoatW&r*saaayan&^ signed to learn what happens to fact that he has true compan- m^A ^L ^^^aaaaaaaaaatAJaamA ^Asaaa^aaaaaaaat -fl ^W^^W^^^— ^W^^—^^^—%— Bl^i.llUflaRwflBPQPYl^Rw^B^BRwMiSBEllBRw ^ERRjR'W *£**^aaaaaaa ^4i& ^r- AL ^ jAw^ ^aaaa^Af &sS&ffi &Ai the calcium In bones. The Gemi- from teachers supplmenting testimony by six women and ionship with a faithful, under- Father Nelson' ni 4 and 5 flights, four and eight standing wife. Even when tliere s remarks. four men who appeared before The committee spent Tues- the jury. days respectively,showed some are misunderstandings with * loss of calcium. day visiting classes, talking to The FBI has been reported in- '?wl ' ' " ???* ^ someonein the office or on the students, teachers and admin- CARDIGAN NEW SKIRTS P ' ^j ^ J job, it doesn't disturb him as it vestigating Hurley for several ¦ ' istrators and checking educa- months. Hurley, on the Wiscon- wool- AH wool, no waist- does if his mate seems to> be tional services and facilities. . . Thbt.--I.ght I MIX AT MATCH 'fl * tmtw ^^f i^' displeased with him. sin-Michigan border, has been mohair-nylon Wend, band styles: slimline I— The committee then made its for ———fcNkfr iJ^ JLw^ State Colleges Why? Because, as a rule, she report to the Cotter staff investigated frequently many S^^ Tues- years by state officials probing Favorite classic so hip-stitch, action and k&^l>#|pr'f rnktW has fulfilled the role of backing day afternoon. low priced ! 34-40. A-line pie ot. 8-18. him up, being on his side Among Winona and area mem- possible gambling and prostitu- mm ^^^Mf ' May Adopt against the world, so to speak, bers of the committee were tion. even a little prejudiced when it Warren Miller, principal of A»k about FREE American Airlines trip comes to her man. And frankly, Rushford High School; Leon ^w^^MSwW M Tough Standards a fella depends on it. King,, assistant,librarian at Wi- Explorer Scouts (AP) A MAN'S HOME U Ml cas- nona State College; James MINNEAPOLIS - Ris- O'Toole Holy Trinity ing pressure of student enroll- tle. Here is one place he reigns, , School, To Show Canoeing or likes to feel he reigns as Rollingstone; Sister M. Rich- ments will force other major , state universities to adopt king. Now feeling like a king ard St. Felix High School, Wa- Slides on Saturday basha, and Gerald Timm, as- tougher admission standards in calls for having a queen around, A summer of canoeing will "Httfe sistant principal at Winona Sen- a few years, according to Stan and this again is the ior High School. be relived Saturday at 7:30 Wenberg, University of Minne- woman." Fulfilling her part in ¦ p.m. when Explorer Scout Post sota vice president his life, she shows interest and 11 entertains parents and spon- "Because of population pres- concern for her husband. Rumors of More sors io the basement of the Ca- sure, every .major state univer- As he comes through the, door thedral of the Sacred Heart. sity will have to do what we at after a hard day at the plant or shown of Minnesota and the rest of the in the store China Aid to Slides will be a , or whatever tin three-day journey down the Big Ten are doing in raising case may be, she calls out, "Hi, 1 * " Hanoi Doubted Root River in early June, a 10- academic standards for the how ^^^ ^ ^^ be scrurco f^ frJP^Bl^ called "home " ol mild but '^jAM T v, <' itnnnvmg a ^a^K* £I9NKour inisciy— WWrn think his wife in displeased , clips, iloo'l V.HJI . try Dnun » AW—m with pers,compoji,ionsoles. A beauty mohair, 25% wool—com- hoods, toques for the small I'il K, Willi their opcedy MW^—\him, and it casts u shadow on Pftin-rclicving action. WWWWa the rest of his activities. of a bootee. Green, JP QQ fortably light, yet warm. Lt girls of your house. Many mmmmM Now ladies, face il. To a black. 5 to 10 B. i*«TT promptly to t orment mW^^Wi DOWNTOWN blue, camel, gold. S-M-L-XL colors. Super value. nagging backache, WWWWm great degree you can make or hcudsclirs, muscular WWmwm break your man as a person. •chch and pains . So get mW^Wm Make him feel like a king and THURSDAY 2 5 P.M. ihr name happy relief WWWWm to WHY WAIT? USI YOUR CREDIT TO SAVE NOW-JUST SAY "CHAROI IT million* have mmmmm chances are he will be in a hur- enjoyed for over 60 WW—WW ry to get home. Back him in pwa«M»s«wwHe»^^ yc«fT I'or WW^AWM lus dreams and ambitions for lriicc, UM Doan'a AWmWm you and the family, nnd he will MIRACLE ' ' large MAC. (jet AwmwM MALL Miracle Mall Shopping Center W. jjk jL' -\ j Shop Mon. thru Frl. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.—Sat. 9 am. to 5 p.m. Doan'it Pil). tod«y| A^M^Aw have tlie get-up and go to make those dreams come true, for FRIDAY 2 to 5 P.M. Winona, Minn. 1', yy .'I Shop Sunday 1 p.m. te 6 p.m you see, "Hehlnd every good Ollmom Ave.—Phono B-4301 man there is usually a gtw>d EfflB llBiral Free St»reside Park ing ' woman. " L— ^^ M m. ^ ^^ , , ^ . Doans^. | | | t n i [ [[ ||| J|wu| j ¦ i ¦ Durand School Proposal Rochester to Get

^^^"^ ' j ^" Ak\ a) AWW ^ ^- .^^ ~^r ^ BfcK tifnWIJ \^^3k* A%K \ f^ ' ^^^^"^^^»—. ' _^»*^^ KS* Av.4^^^4. a J0r ri&njkW** To Be Discussed Tonight 14-Story Hotel ^^ a******. DURAND, Wis. (Special) — short, straight walls fastened to- Two substandard basement ST. PAUL (AP) — A 14-story Members of the school board, gether to give an appearance of rooms are used f W^ aWW a\^**W IBBD ^H a^afe^RRl HH I «9k Ml -*** d^^JiamA ^mAaWmWmlSttk. square feet, the board said. tional classes are taught. block-long development is to The bond referendum will be The building doesn't provide ~ TAXES ON a $10,000 property open in spring 1968. Dec. 7. a room for each teacher. H i It would increase about $18 per St. Paul businessman Cortland aaaaaaa ******************************************* ^^^^^^^^^.^ t\ V^^^^^^^^ H mSaaL^f ^RRevJJJ ^AWAB T ^R F ^ THE BOARD proposes to year with the bond issue. The THE ONLY answer to this J. Silver said he and Sheraton build an elementary school on proposed sale of $790,000 in limited space as enrollments in- officials signed a contract Tues- the hill to the rear of the pres- bonds would bring outstanding crease would be to limit the day in Boston, Mass. Silver is ent school site at an estimated debt to $1,225,000), less than half number of high school courses. to own the hotel and lease it to cost of $640,000 and a $150,000 the district's borrowing limit. Enrollment is increasing. Sheraton. addition to the high school for The present school is "bulg Last school term there were home economics and science. ing at the seams," the board 370 in elementary including kin- Flood, Tornado ; r The estimates include furniture, points out, and if construction dergarten and 409 in high ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J ^^^^^^^^^^ H §AAAWBm ^a*v\.*ffi| v r9PvJK waBa^^BHap^^ fixtures and all other expenses isn't approved, the board will school. This year there are 433 Loan Application and fees. have to rent more space. in elementary and 425 in high The board has school. The projection for the Deadline Dec. 31 selected a new There are 433 in elementary 1970-71 term is 475 in elemen- design for the elementary in an area designed for 300. The MINNEAPOLIS CAP) - The school because it would tary and 500 in high school. be high school has an enrollment The board says a new ele- deadline for flood and tornado cheaper to build and save of 425 in area designed for less disaster loan applications was mentary school is the most eco- KUmm ^f 99^W9f9^A ^9^^K9^^^iW^a^f W9^A ^^9^i^A99Wlm^^^^^^^a*B ^BBBBSBBB^^t^-^^S^K^SsEa^H^B^i^i^w space. It would consist of many than 300. nomical plan. Constructing a extended to Dec. 31 today by the ^^ Small Business Administration. DENNIS THE MENACE new high school would be ideal , members feel , but it would cost The deadline for tornado loans twice as much and result in du- had been set for today. The flood plicating of facilities. loan date was Oct. 31. Expansion on the existing site Harry A. Sieben, regional SBA would be only a temporary an- director, said the extension swer. The area is limited, and came because many persons having high school and elemen- were confused by the two differ- tary students together is no ent dates and failed to file any \RLx^^^R^EflHB^B^BV^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^ longer considered advisable. application at all. So far, 483 disaster loans to- ALL RURAL schools will con- taling nearly $5 million have tinue to operate after the build- been approved by tbe local SBA. ing program is completed, and Another 26 loans for a total of none will be decreased in size. about $500,000 are pending. If the bond issue is passed, ¦ Hurry in for the new school would be ready for occupancy the ' second se- Jobless Benefit ifB^f mester next year. Present to offer information Payments Drop at the meeting will be Supt. ST. PAUL (AP) — Unemploy- several sets Heuer ; Wilbur W. Weishapple, ment benefit payments dropped mp Everett O. Larson, Byron Dale, 22 per cent or $7.4 million in the Andrew Brunner, Warren Alme, Jan. 1-Nov. 19 period from the FABULOUS GLAMOUR VALUES Dr. Joseph Springer and Fran- same period in 1964, Minnesota |JBF cis Schlosser, and the follow- Employment Security Commis- ~ ing who are on the citizens com- sioner Robert J. Brown reported M^^BJIHHH^^Hi^H^H ^^¦^^¦¦¦^^¦^¦HBIMH I^BBHRRRRF mittee: Tuesday. The total paid out was Stanley Anderson, Mrs. Ed $25,721,322. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hintermeyer, Mr. and Mrs. kinson, Karl Goethel, Nat Ward, Arnold Talford, Victor Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Lieffring, Jack Komro, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schiefelbein, Mrs. Ro- Richard Slabey, Judge John bert Heike, Mrs. Bert Hagness, Mr. and Mrs. Du- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weiss, ?scwtfuooy TOTALK TO tou eur j Bartholomew, w/wra? . Mrs. Jack Buchholtz Ed Grip- •RW) HIM 10 GAIL BACK WHEN VOti WQfc O&fi// ' ane Johnson, Mrs. Val Hoeser, , Mrs. Floyd Rliiel, Richard Wil- pen and John Mayor. APARTMENT 3-G By Alex Kotzky

PRINT TOPS VELVETEEN PANTS {fl* Bold border screen prints. Rich cottonvelveteen Capris , f fHi* Short or elbow length coordinate with tops above. J | .\\ sleeves. Cotton sateens add Side pocket, extension tab / I \\ glamour to "at home" hours. closing. Black, blue, gold, /' gl f ' <$A Assorted multicolors. 32-38. red, green or brown. 10-18. Jr^A \i ^i ' Ask about FREE American Airlines trip K ' "$

REX MORGAN, M.D. By Dal Curtis

vm/y 'fj ^'^^fy^Wr dlflEffff AmWL.**' Jm\ I A/tk\MR ¦Wjtam^t^Sal

NANCY By Ernie Buthmiller

^RP^^ WEUIMGT OHf ______\ —MAM/MtMAAMk Waterproof ^T^V^^ H vinyl, Orion acrylic lined. ^^ H^^^^N ^ B ^L Lr / ^ *l ¦ A L, / I I All Duroose; over foor. 7-12.

MARY WORTH By Saundert and Ernst

Real Red Hot -6ffl _^H Bargain Special! fl ^H^ BABY'S WARM MEN'S BAN-ION* WSSmW^ T BLANKET SLEEPER NYLON SHIRTS Downy acetate and Ac-Han* Snap thorn up! 100% Ban- _ ' mmtwtem. MARK TRAIL By Ed Dodd acrylic machine washes and Lon® nylon you never see at 4-BUCKLE ARCTICS dries. Easy on snap front this low price. Classic styl- Waterproof rubber, cotton and leg.White, maize, aqua. Ing. Lt. blue, camel, red, fleece lined. Full gusset. Full Two sizos fit 3-6, 7-12 mos. yellow, black, white. S-XL sizes only, from 6 to 13.


1 Miracle Mall Shopping Center W? 'A\aY ' ".R Shop Mon, thru Frl. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.—Sat, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. § i f' AA "1 1 I I Winona, Minn. I*. %Jl# I Shop Sunday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m I , 1 Gilmore Ave —Phono 8-4301 L^j ^j l Free Storeiida Parking 1 Emmmi Mi«Hii ir wmi'™^ i' i in i III turn—n banner was won by Mrs. Hoes- —Green Thumb Garden Club Ivan Wilsons Mentally III ley's room. Mrs. Gene Ankrum will hold its annual Christmas Honored on 40th won the special prize. gourmet dinner Friday at 6:30 Fill Hospital p.m. Mrs. Delia Lawrcnr will LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) GREEN THUMB DINNER be hostess and there will be a Great Hall Sparkles With ) — Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wilson Beds, PTA Told LEWISTON, Minn. (Special gift exchange. were honored guests Sunday at STOCKTON, Minn. - "There Lights, Music for Bazaar an open house at Calvary Bap- tist Church in observance of occupied by persons with men- The Great Hell at Paul Watkins Memorial Metho- tal illness than all other illnes- RIYOLUTIOMARY NIW^ dist Home was a-glitter with sparkling lights, from which their 40th wedding anniversary. Assisting were the Mmes. Earl ses combined," said Miller Frie- dangled big golden bells, and a massive 12-foot Christ- Gates, Phillip Roland, Haven sen, program director of the Magic Memory Album mas tree, hung with snowflake ornaments as hundreds Miller, Ralph Beckstrom, F«# Hiawatha Valley Mental Health of visitors came to see the holiday wares Tuesday after- win Herman, Marilyn Han:»n Center, when he spoke at the __noon and evening. Lovely Christmas music flooded the and Clarence Cox. Stockton PTA meeting Monday hall The Wilsons ¦formerly lived evening. "It has been estimated for about six years at Old that 50 percent of all physical Redeemer Societies THE OCCASION was the Frontenac where they ^were ills have emotional involve- Elect New Officers annua l Yuletlde Festival, caretakers of the Methodist ment," he said. sponsored by the auxiliary campus there. They recently He told of the need and of Tuesday evening the Sarah ot the home. Most of the gifts , moved to St. Paul. They have the establishment of the center Society ot Redeemer Lutheran decorations and holiday foods one son, Charles, Pine Island, here and of the present staff ^ p V Wt ' LA Church elected the following of- were made by auxiliary mem- Minn., and one daughter, Mrs. and hoped-for future staff. The f aW&tjLfSJWsAMf o mW^ASAlm TMAMma^ma******M********r ^^^MwMwAf* J MS *^B \WM ficers for 1966: Mrs. Walter bers and many were the handi- Helen Lebeck, Paynesville, center hopes to acquire a full- Marquardt, president, Mrs. Loy- work of creative residents of the Minn. There are five grand- time psychiatrist and psycholo- al Tulius, vice president; Mrs. home. children. gist. Fred Dambach, secretary; Mrs. Customers by the dozens John Pollema, treasurer. (or lunch. Morn- MR. FRIESAN discussed the came at noon stigma attached to •TOOLS' OR 'SUPPLIES' NEBKM LV7ML delegates are Mrs. El- served with hol- mental ill- NO ing coffee was ness. He said that people !» mer Heiden and Mrs, John iday cookies and there was a Dress-Up Party who Jutl paal bade oyaUl claar plailic ihaa). ¦»«• photo on come in contact with persons "Magic" ittWtva page, raplaca plastic thaat. Praciava Beard; alternate delegates are tea-time in the afternoon . mentally Mrs, John Pollema and Mrs. For Red Men, who are ill, including photot, maniantet ara mounted, lata from aging, tall, ebrt Tables set up a round the big clergymen, teachers and doc- Warren Macemon. draped with gay ... yat ptiotot un ba ramovod or raarrangad without -- : ¦ : ¦¦ tival will go the auxiliary's to the state and national level. president of the County PTO, To he initiated are: Patricia 1 V . , -t " ^V - . LA CRESCENT, Minn. (Spe- pledge of $7,500 for medical appointed Mrs. Ray Smith, Et- Biael, Butterfield, Minn. ; Bon- cial ) — Methodist Women' The association deals, said s So- equipment for the new Nursing Kurth, mainly with four cate- trick, and Mrs. Rodney Stage, nie Feuling, Arcadia, Wis.; Pa- I for real comfort .. ciety of Christian Service will Care Unit at the home. gories: parent concern Galesville, to secure more in- tricia Fischbach, Paynesville, hold their Christmas program , public > understanding and concern, formation of the state associa- Minn. ; Helen Gorman, Good- Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the church. stimulating services, and stimu- tion and have it mailed to mem- hue, Minn.; Tanya Hildebrandt, A potluck dessert will follow the Bethrothed Couple. lating research. bers and interested persons New Brighton, Minn.; Shirley give hassocks program. There will be no busi- throughout the county. Allemang Kress, Stillwater, Minn.; Kath- j ness meeting. Honored at Blair In first category parents and E. N. Brice, Independence, share the impact of knowing leen Macioch, St. Paul; Karen BLAIR, Wis., (Special) — were named to study the by- Meistad, Arcadia; Judith they have a mentally retarded laws of the state association Miss Rosemary Anderson and child with parents in like cir- Meschke, Morristown, Minn.; 1 For the long winter days ahead add the Tom Twesme were honored at and make recommended chan- Janet Nelson, Northfield, Minn.; cumstances. The second cate- ges to be used on the county le- a prenuptial shower Sunday gory , public understanding and Darlene Nestoltt, St. Charles, warmth and beauty of colorful hassocks by afternoon at Fagernes Luther- vel. Minn.; Alice Peterson, South St. I concern, deals partially with Quam an Church by 175 relatives and the fact that these are the men. A meeting has been set for Paul, and Sandra , Ken- j BABCOCK-.. PHILLIPS, America' s finest. iriende.They were from River tally retarded, not the emo- Jan. 10 at 8 p.m. in the Tri- yon, Minn. Falls, Mftuston, Eau Claire, tionally disturbed, and by let- County Memorial hospital din- Active mebers were present- j Choose from a wide range of colors and styles ; Osseo and surrounding com- ting the public know these ing room. Members will vote ed to members of Phi Sigma munities. things. The Association also on whether or not they will Epsilon and Sigma Tau Gam- . . . All in easy to clean vinyl. f Mrs. Ardell Stalheim, Taylor, sponsors scholarships for per- join the state association. ma fraternities at a "Pledge I was mistress of ceremonies. sons wis-hing to become teach- Presents" held in the smog Min. Stolheim and Mrs. Irvin Nov. 16. ers in this field, and by publi- BRIDAL SHOWER Toppen, Marcia and Debbie cations letting the general pub- As philanthropic projects, Del- Hanson and Judy Susan Scow lic know what is being done. BLAIR, Wis. (Special)—Miss ta Zeta has helped Alpha Phi *¦ - m\\wNm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\**\' ' participated in the program. Sally Koxlien and Michael Omega with the book rental i^*A^^^A ^Bm\AMA WBA **\\^A ^A *\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A *Wm\^A ^A ^A ^Amaa *\\\\\\\\\\\\\^sA, ^A ^A ^A ^A **^Al\\\\\\\M^A^^^A ^ A ^K^^9B Mtm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\MMflm\^m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\M The Prisdlla Circle, assisted by IN THK third category, ser- Sterner will be honored at a service and will decorate the ¦ the Mmes. Franklin Foegen vice, they furnish leadership prenuptial shower Friday eve- former Gamble store for the m^^^^^^L ^g ^k^t^k^k^A ^M and Ray GUberUon, were in training sessions in ways that ning at the Pleasant View Chamber of Commerce for g^ ^—^—M^j^— ^—U charge of the serving. are best to treat such children, school. Christmas. Miss Anderson and Mr. Twes- ff M - I me were given a shower Fri* ~ r I - .JnnnW^^.nnnnnnnH day evening in Our Saviour's TRADEHOME"- ' ~ ^ Lutheran Church, Whitehall. The couple will ba married 1 B ^^aBV^Binnnn^BR^^^ in an evening ceremony at Our Saviours Lutheran Dec. 18. | | Rectangular Bench Square Stuffed CEDAR VALLKV ALCW CEDAR VALLEY, Minn. (Spe- 1 Hassock, 36" long Hassock, 20" cial) — The American Luther* WINTER DAYS an Church Women of Cedar JH J^^ H| 1 13.95 3.98 Valley Lutheran Church will KEEP WARM DRY hold their annual meeting in ^ ^^^^^ | P the church parlors Tuesday at in Sett Mev« Leetfrer ^^AmMAWMMMm^^ 8 p.m. ^^^^^^^^^^ |\ FASTER NORTHERNER mm-*-* IT* B^B^B^B^EB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BM J F A^ UnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnlmmwmwmWmwAWI ^mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmM THAU A ^^^ H ^ j--> r \ *^a\\Ma\\\\WMMA\\MMMtAm\\\\\\\\\M BOLT OF ^j m^m^m^mWKmi * -»~* w ^A ^A ^MAWBt^AmmK-mMA ^AM LIOHTMM SEND A FROM ^^Mm^mmm^SKBSf ^ TRADEHOME S 7 { ^ *-- a****************************mW% ^***************************m. * A *^ that' GREETING MOST COMPUTI *flm ^^ &S**^**^ " * SELECTION 4* I I '^'^.affLsejrr*^' ( Al^ I \^. ^-? ^^^HiHII^^^B -lit JffoBtn ^Aa ********* *wmm\9k •••Tki Sipir oven cleaner / 7 1 Round Stuffed Hassock , YOU CAN rUT yOWR (HEART) Otter Stylet $6.«« to iflHIH f ortifteiwith cut •*> * 24" 1 0.95 . . . INTO ... ^l^Bpeeding-45-m;pThr-in--a-30 WtltnST} To 4 ana 7 to 1:30 p.m. (No chlldrtn under 12.) ly of 357 W. Sanborn St., died — Otto Jahn, 64, died Tuesday By JOSEPH E. MOHBAT and specialty shops, though zone at Mankato Avenue and Maternity patients: 1 to 1:30 ; early today at Preston MeHtem- and ta Nurs- afternoon of an apparent heart spreading his talent around East Wabasha Street Tuesday 1:30 p.m. (Adults only.) WASHINGTON (AP) — . With ing Home, where be had been attack. He was pronounced dead SAIGON, South Viet Nam just 20 shopping days until where it will do the most good." at 7:35 a.m. TUESDAY a patient since September. on arrival at Caledonia Commu- (AP) — Shortly before dusk 26 Christmas, the FBI reported The professional prefers sub- Short Recess Edward Sorenson, 860 E. 2nd fie was born in Norton Town- nity Hospital. St., $10 on a charge of parking ADMISSIONS U.S. Infantrymen set out on a today that shoplifting Is the na- urban stores over downtown WASHINGTON (AP) - Sena- ship, Winona County, July 7, Bonn Sept. 30, 1901, to Mr. tion's fastest-growing form of stores because there is apt to be too close to a fire hydrant at Ross Brown, 600 Main St. 1877, jungle patrol less than 30 miles tors and representatives seem to Michael and Anna Rei- and Mrs. Gotthiln Jahn, he larceny, having increased 93 per less security in the outlying es- 531 W . 4th St. Tuesday at 1:20 Richard Prenot, 1057 E. San- land. He , from Saigon. Their mission: To on their way toward p.m. born St. married Rose Roth worked the home farm with his cent in the past five years. tablishments. establish- Lewiston, Oct. 18, 1911. The brother, Franklin, until retiring Mrs. Albert ambush the Viet Cong. Police last year recorded ing a record for globe-girdling Tamke, Arcadia, couple farmed in Norton Town- in 1958. More recently he had 184,- He often trains accomplices Wis. It was like hundreds of other 478 shoplifting cases involving and works in pairs or three- travels during the congressional entertainment, such as visits to ship until her death in Decem- been employed at Caledonia patrols for the 1st Infantry Divi- Romea Dienger, 655 Grand ber 1945, after which he moved Implement. stolen goods worth almost $5 somes, assigning one to distract recess. theaters and night clubs. In St. to Winona. He later married He was a member of Caledon- sion, except for one key differ- million. the attention of the sales-person The bill for this year's over- most cases they are supposed to Mrs. Lawrence QuiHin and Mrs. Caroline Beck who died ia Presbyterian Church. ence: A lean, vicious German Most shoplifters are women, while the other helps himself to seas missions will not be known pay for their wives if they take baby, the FBI said, "probabl be- loot from the counters 909 W. Wabasha St. March 28, 1961. Survivors are: Two brothers," Shepherd dog led the way. y . them along. DISHARGES cause of the ease with which the Among the amateur shoplift- until sometime In March when A number of nephews, nieces Franklin and Albert, Caledon- Nothing happened for three Mrs. Robert Becker and baby, ia, and three sisters Mrs. Ma- female shoplifter can conceal er* are housewives, persons all of the itemized accounts ar* The b n 1 k of the overseas and cousins survive. , hours. Then the big dog became Winona Rt. 3. Funeral arrangements, in thilda Birckline, Upland, Calif.; stolen articles on and around with small incomes and juve- turned In and published in the spending Is covered by the use Mrs. tense and stopped short.-'He her person." niles of both sexes. Amanda Dom, Lewiston, charge of Sellner Funeral Mrs. Caroline Ranzenberger, Congressional Record. of so-called counterpart funds, Minn. Home, Rollingstone, are incom- Spring Grove, and Mrs. Her- pointed his body toward a The FBI's legal term for shop- ¦"They steal for several rea- But it is expected to exceed Mrs. Bernard Stockhausen man

^ V ^^w^g^MMMMM ^HBHH flj ^^B ^ ^L ^mlmWmWm\wWmWmwwwmwwwwm ^mwmmwmmWwwm ^ ^ ^^^^^aB aH f ^^ B ^^ ^^ ^ WWWWflA^^ ^^ CRYSTAL PURE GRANULATED jf - ^ |^^^^^^ _ - . . ' WUSON'S PURE SHORTENING i 11 Gtaulo* Umoahe TahXa has mia-mlstanu ^ ^ ^l m mm\r ^ ¦ abtHUton-rtelitouit vlayl flLn plastic top. Steel pto* ^ W^MlA^m\ 'H^a\\ ' ' - __. ^^V^i^^ homework YOU \ ll I f !• ' tectire binding ovtr table edges. Eaiy. compact fold* || |a JP ^ ft l%t a 3 Lb «^ *^\af ' V^B T*/iw ^ kJUHHH ;| BlmH^I^^ Cm B*iH^ a» ¦ ^K ^a"KP ¦¦ ' ' W*W m ii( -tl^Lfr^'a^rSS »%X ![ Kite OT [ ^enemel" finuh oo all metal parts. fl • VPracticalfonderful for card playing ¦ ¦ ' :- mm ' !» ' !| Ibis uMe & ateJlsble In two p*pttltr cototst B • Joit th« thing for sewing mmm^ ^ ^ 6t«fc/f«atj.QUANTITY! r*n wiU iroo« frame and G«r with ¦• Mprvelous for luncheons tAlk flA# jtv ^w^^prtnftftft ^^ 1U-LD. • for and | f | J ( - i^AAA?¦ AAAAAAAA?^¦ V^^^ LIMITED I _ ^V^^?WW^ ?^ ?^VN -? ? AAAAAw- -w *r AA?'?"?"T-AAA •?.'w ?'?:? ? ?' ? ^wv -?^r- ?.? ?^ _ . ¦ do-it-yourself .eB iam^^fl.iW m DOHtmiSUhrS ¦ for TV snack dinners ¦¦ M l? ¦¦ M 4T RED RIVE* VAltEY WASHED AND WAXED RED Y # Convenient W a# e«W* #r/ | mAT A TACC /Qej J

UROI SIZE—IN THE SHELL C MINNESOTA GROWN YELLOW GLOBE S, Pka »Ll— ITLt•» il/lilLt Ria# • • • " * WM DIAMOND WALNUTS ^ AKIIOMC »' 10« < "'» UIWWyn« .« IV O.OWN CR.S. - AU ( : M1NNIS0TA D SKINLESS FRANKS 2~'l Mb. yBi- ^BBC , I< SWIFTS «MM*«« - ¦• Ir ^ € NEW . .aW CARROTS¦ : ¦ ' "' a 10 SUCED BOLOGNA....49J ^^ b»-. < V PLORIDA« CROP FULL JUICE !S OLD FASHIONED COARSE ^^^^¦ Bfl |J ^ > OP C ei 591 ¦^¦a Bi— ^ Atm.m A ^ M ¦ a A. ORANGES 10 • • • - 49' ^V ^ . ! MMI 2? SALAMIHS- "CHUBS*"* a^aiw «» ^^ 1T T *•* A A c I 59£ .l^Bft^V TfcBL' APPLES^^^ ^J^ * ~~ 99Jt* .«. WILSON'S FULLY COOKED, MOIST, SMOKED ^fc LAMB ROAST ^%^mX^M *INA A ** T* mAwW ^AwW ^mMmWm ^, 49mm mWM Ms ^ mniAihffe dSLW KS %^»/ Mwfti flH ^Ready f j Carved ^ Picnics B PIUSBURY'S W H tlK ISHC Vj ^^^

^ ^V lb ^H^H mm^M mm^m^mW' Tm^m^m^aT ^

Vf %l\tl PILLSBURY'S IMPERIAL ^^ H ^^B M OR . B M STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, C K TOp VALU£ EARLY J(jNE i SWEET MILK BUTTERMILK B ^ft APRICOT, BLACKBERRY, PEACH M K I ^^ B Il lVrr H^B S aW fl BISCUITS PRESERVES I 1 PEAS I I I ^B ^L •I 11/ETB a^B IS ^Tc I Im 91*ok ft 9 303 Be 1 ^H j H I pk»- M I B *±« 2o-oz- 1 9 ^^,¦¦ | can, ^Bi231 1 iHH ^^^ ^B ¦ oMo a# KB ^B ja" I MB AAW 1

-"™11"™* ™^™ini SLICED, CRUSHED OR TIDBITS — MANDALAY r^TsTTZZc . „ - -_. - BM aam m»a ^mam, ¦ FOLGER'S'T DRIPaT T ORT* ^^REGULAR A PINEAPPLEI^ B ^ MM ^ atBa\^ ¦^SBET OR 10' I BM| mm^ HIGHLAND DRIED IODIZED PLAIN ^ m m COFFEE 39c SALT BflA APRICOTS - - - "^ MONARCH - c'^IOc J-Lb. Can ORE-IDA INSTANT MASHED MB B Bl l SONNY BOY MANDARIN /<^^^iBl ^^ 0RANGES - ' ' 5"ct $1 P0TAT0ES w OM "k° - - - %°' S*HP - wMrV YACHT CLUB WHOL E, UNPEELED CIRQ mB ^ uJSi^^TiaJ 2 ^ ¦ BH V !* s^* crt. APRICOT5 5 c"" . ¦ " ^^ Voice of movement to get the regulations the Outdoors dropped. The year-round population of Plainview Group Hunting day. This is one of the spots Woman Balks this town at the tip of Cape Cod This group of Plainview hunt- where the venturesome fisher- is 3,400. In the summer it reach- ers traveled deluxe into the men try first for crappies when es up to 15,000. North Woods in the Tofte area, the sloughs dose for the winter. ' came home with ten deer, a Lake Winona is frozen over but At School s animal for each of the ten hunt- the ice looks unsafe. In fact, ers. The trip took five days in it is risky to go on the ice any- the special rebuilt bus — four where where the wind has a Six Children days of intensive hunting. full sweep or where there is Hair Cut Order the slightest current. Wardens PROVINCETOWN , Mass. Members of the party, and police say, "Stay off the (AP) — A 6-year-old boy's hair- left to right, are We* Moore, ice." cut has triggered a parental Die in Fire Bill McFarland, Gene Schu- revolt against rules governing chard, Forest Walters, Bill Tough Navigation the dress and appearance ot QUAKERTOWN, Pa. (AP) - Kreofsky, owner of the bus, Towboats were having public school students in this Numbed bv the tragedy, a 52- Gary Schneider, Earl Cain, tough going Tuesday. At the Cape Cod resort. year-old father sat in a state Art Hartert, Jerry Hall, and Winona dam, the crew was Rosemary Bowler, principal fiolice car today and watched James Harlan. The bag con- attempting to keep the lock of the Veterans Memorial El- nvestigatorsprobe the smoking sisted of six bucks and four chamber free of ice. Float- ementary School, tent Romulo wreckage where six children does. The big buck dressed ing ice was jamming up DelDeo home from his first- burned to death. out 250 pounds. above the locks. A towboat grade class one day because she The -victims were the children worked its way through decided he needed a haircut. or foster children of Mr. and Hunting conditions were ideal Tuesday /forenoon. "The regulation require* a Mrs. Chester Allen Sr. The chil- —six inches to a foot of new dren died-Tuesday night when a tracking snow. Five other hunt- There are still four towboats, river navigation, so the big river in the Rock Island Dis- jected to administration policy conventional haircut trimmed so as to be above the ears and fast-spreading fire trapped ers joined the party in their possibly one or two more in- movement will be to get down- trict. It is discussed at every Genera! Raps in Viet Nam. them in their one-story wooden cluding harbor tugs, upriver river as fast as possible with meeting of the association. not touching the collar,'' said drives. Kreofsky's bus is ¦ The march included some who home in a rural area near this equipped with bunks and cook- that will probably attempt to towboats and barges. Americans Who carried the Viet Cong flag. Miss Bowler. "This young ¦ man's haircut did not conform southeastern Pennsylvania com- ing facilities. He uses it for work their way south as soon munity. A seventh child was outings throughout the year. as possible. Drift ice was float- Every year late towboats Two Re-elected to Carry Red Flag to that regulation." Youth "I resent critically burned. Tofte is in Cook County. ing in the main channel which anchor their empty barges Mental Health Boa rd Ordered Not being told I have to was closed at bends and over below Lake Pepin when win- WASHINGTON (AP)- Marine To Live at Home cut my son's hair ," retorted Allen sat In the back seat ot Ice Fishing Starts some old wing dams. ter comes roaring down and Two Winonans have been re- commandant Gen. Wallace M. Mrs. Salvatore DelDeo. the state police car staring Winter fishing through the forgets them until navigation elected to the board of the Min- Greene has blistered Americans MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-Hennc- Mrs. DelDeo said her son's straight ahead as investigators ice opened officially on The towboat Double B opens in the spring. Most of nesota Association for Men- who carry the Communist Viet pin County District Judge Stan- haircut was "longer than a in the pre-dawn darkness tried Spring Lake at Buffalo City, locked through Dam and these barges are not used tal Health. Coftg flag. ley P. Kane placed Brian Hem- crewcut" but "not a Beatle to learn what caused the fire. Lock 10 bound upriver Tues- haircut." . Wis., Monday. A number of during the winter months. They are the Rt. Rev. Msgr. "Obviously," he said Tues- stock, 18, on probation for one day but it is doubtful if its The Illinois and Ohio rivers Chester Allen Jr., 19, said the fishermen were fishing close J. R. Feiten, director of Cath- day, "the display of an enemy year on a burglary charge Tues- The dress regulations were victims wore his brothers Eric to shore. By Tuesday noon, captain will vesture north are kept open some years flag alongside our own flag in day and ordered the St. Louis of La Crosse, unless it olic Charities, and James F. adopted bv the school commit- 1, and David ll , and four foster several had moved but in through the winter, depend- Heinlen, referee and probation the capital of our country in Park youth not to live at the warms up sharply. • ing on the length of zero tee last Aupust. Besides restrict- children his parents cared for: the middle of the slough. officer for the Winona County front of the White House, is an home of his father, Orlo, 52. ing the hair styles of boys and Jack Jones 2; Robin Jones, 8; The ice seemed safe but was weather. Coast Guard cut- Orders have been issued to juvenile court. insult to every American, living The father is to be sentenced girls, they bar girls from wear- Penny Jones, 6, and Ronnie rough from the wind which ters try to keep the channels ¦ and dead." Friday on a burglary charge. dewater the Rock Island Dis- open. ing jeans or skirts above the Jones. 7. had piled it up and packed If the gravy with your beef Greene told a news conference Police said the two and another knee. Boys are required to it in places. trict locks starting Dec. 10 which sets the deadline on navi- The Upper Mississippi Valley stew isn't so savory as you he went personally last Satur- youth worked together , and $2,- wear neckties with sweaters or Buying a gift for a going- No one was on the ice of the gation in the St. Paul District, Association has been urging would like, try adding a little day to watch a Washington dem- 700 worth of stolen goods was suit jacket. away friend? You might wrap Winona Boat Club harbor Tues- not later than Dec. 5 for up- such a program on the upper Worcestershire sauce. onstration where thousands ob- recovered. Mrs. DelDeo has started a the present in a road map !

* »^ 500 HUFF ST.-PHONE 8-1531-FREE DELIVERY-ON ANY ORDER $5 OR OVER ^-^ l ^mWw *^ H

' ¦¦WllLI ms. x) .v.ry 'T.b.-R,,. jIHfl^^HlilHE „ .., . mm\ I FDaTklf^U 1 / P ,pf 1 .mm&M at mt^wtZube ^mJu Tit&t mf Juit Arrived From California _ ^ fl% l CORN S IBA STORI win completely H ^*********** MA\\MH *MAWmm\ V a\%*\\*M*\%\*9Wm I M ^ • V^aWAmWS ' AHEKI H Mi l- ^ . \ ADAUAilC Pk9- A - fl N>X %l!yB»5Sy I eeHilectory er «re will new* the Wduel kj fi?^.^^ i^H^^fl fl Hp^ ^ FRIFI- —T^ m * S / Tic. H.UI, yeur purceee 1 I) UKAHAmO Mm W*# %«E £ P«.l |fr* JH ^ H ^^ HBb * J & VM mU r i l l hej I ^^ • • ^ I of chart*. MmtM^(m^m\\^m\^mWBmmmmMBI rl^ Plf Y H I fl ^t 29C ^ J 1^ HBBBBHi^tiV #a\fc*% If B°9 f I MEATY SHOULDER CUT j M x C " r SI i - *—B* _, . _ _/3 1 ™™ 11A MR VflJADCilvrj VyP l\ff lI jgjIS! Hi TflCTommo -T- i MEAT 1 mm I [wr I^^^^^ *% i ^Oc I '¦%¦¦* 4* 1 ^^ I Sm

¦ ¦ ' DELICIOUS JAJ AiPlL 1 liH ^HB^ii n LA/fflD Am m^%r I IP!) ICi / APPLES - H-7 I Jpkfl.. QJ I a^J^g^mDA ACT iMw^W ,b 1 f% L^r^^^ ^mmmm ^^^m^^^^ S i wl^B^S^^teS^ ll WFl3 I ^Tfl MM 1 T0] ImmkJm/J ^

CONSUMERS STAMPS t ; .__ . 1 1 1 i jj M|y ^^ ^ IIP ^ CUTLETSJJ?, -™ 1 -V)Qc Q M S JenO S PIZZA MIX 1 t-CI lg i FIMT SIBMISeente)M I _ B (popular Atro«ol Can—Aieorte*. W, TH JAUSAGB gf| n^^^^^ tt^^^-^^ee^^e^^iie^^^ f^t*^^* M mf*M B Offer Expires Saturday, Dec. 4th ¦ II mif fjffilR m 11 WILSON "CORN KING" SLICED ll H "l i l llllllll B I H II H IIII Il O AM Am m c jl ] ^_.„—«-s 49 n-npiciAL — I g ; 25 FREE 3-; rnJa BC DIQC BACO" _^N 1*69'--- 1 M rt im J hd ¦ ¦ : CONSUMERS STAMPS B — SP AKt" KID <» ™1™" sl,CED 1 w,TH n,B PuMHA» o, 5 BROWN GRAVY \ ' I E3 : : "FLAVOR HOUSE" PEANUTS S RFFF ** AA SMOKED »,<». &^ Vr-nSLICED BtEf #%PL Pk nCciffl S aaS&SSttSS* S Lmk fU^M BEEF "' JJ 1 r£ mmi iN imiHii " 0"- "tHY ^M M mmm$mm 1 hui ii 2 T 89c m km*mwmm*%Wm jMw ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ aaa^ \ ^ —^==^=^======^1 m 1VV FREE S l0A CHUNK smE l0A fRiSH IGA IHALVESI WM COHSUMERS STAMPS S TUIW - J S? Me ¦ !¦ £ — w^ APRICOTS W WITH THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE THIS WEEK ¦ SALTINES 1 23' 2 = A9 fjfjR 5 AND THIS VALUABLE COUPON. OFFER EXPIRES SAT- ¦ ififflt Jj URDAY, DEC. 4. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. ^ i W^M tt^mmiAiamm\wMwM ~~ ~*» ^^ ^^ %wMA 'mm**^mmmtiAw WmaW a*A*f'^ wWwM*mtmm ~M*M ***+***< ^Sk s „„„„„„„ . SfflBoff 8^gjg§0^0Hroo oBiO0 « schoolwork except during those , 1964, that the federal court Into a battle of one-upmanship. tricts. 4 dis- times when he is pressured MINNESOTA POLITICS between Rolvaag and the Con- 1 At midweek, Conservatives threw out tbe old legislative by they gave too his parents servatives. were still unwilling to go even tricts on grounds to weight to thinly-populated His parents are at a loss to Both sides seem willing this far. They want Rolvaag much I NASON ON EDUCATION Duxbury Ribbed Abouf enough to have a special legis- call the session, then let the leg- rural areas. understand what more they can lative session, but each side islative process go to workham- a to do motivate their son to ap- wants the other to give in a little mering out a bill. ply himself and to understand Rockford Rejects Meeting W ith Rolvaag on tiie terms. "Yon call the session and we'll the wonderful realization of real Rolvaag started out talking for School Don' t Smother By GERRY NELSON bury's idea to have it at the go to work—on our own terms," Bonds accomplishments. They fail to about a precession meeting at (AP) - realize they Associated Press Writer mansion. is about what the Conservatives ROCKFORD, Minn. have consistently which a reapportionment bill told the governor. rejected a $675,- provided too much. State Rep. Lloyd Duxbury of This led to grinning queries would be drawn up in some de- Rockford voters Caledonia, a possible Republican Rolvaag seems to be saying: 000 school bond issue 359-250 This bov has been continuous- about whether Duxbury was on tail and presented to him before I'm Learning Interest candidate for governor next year a "shopping trip" or checking "I'll call a session when Tuesday. The funds would have ly smothered In his learning ex- be call the session. ready. But remember, I've got a new elementary periences. Each time he start- took some ribbing about last the decor prior to moving in. been used for a Hy .LESLIE J. NASON. Ed.D. with encyclopedias; there are Monday's meeting between leg- Bat he softened this view later veto and the federal court is school and later construction of ed to learn something about The speaker of tbe House join- waiting in the wings, so do it my senior high University of S. Calif. "space" wall maps and tele- a new situation, the information islators and Gov. Karl Rolvaag. ed in the laughter but wouldn't by saying he merely wanted more junior and scopes. The way." room. A child's interest in learning boy has a personal and ideas regarding it were fed The meeting was held in the commit himself on his candi- some "guidelines" established- school library In his room and a pub- to him faster than his mind drawing room of the governor's such as how many seats would Thus, almost a year after the can be smothered by well-inten- lic library dacy. was Don't grease pie plates or card and lis in no way could assimilate and organize mansion on Summit Avenue, be moved to the metropolitan reapportionment issue dough should tioned parents. limited in his means of tossed in the lap of the Legisla- pans! The pastry acquir- them. From an educational rather than at the capitol or in Meanwhile, the reapportion- area and how big a population to be placed in A father saw his eight-year- ing knowledge. Yet this boy standpoint, downtown St. Paul. The gover- ment issue about which the gap would be allowed between ture, the situation hasn't be rich enought he is a poor little uncreased pie plate. old son sailing a small piece of puts forth no real effort in his rich boy. nor's office said it was Dux- group met seems to have settled the largest and smallest dis- changed much. It was on Dec. an board with a mail in the end, WE to which was attached a piece ' TO --— of string. An upright stick in the ' ^wm INVITE VOU . m , -— sr*Mf couroN middle of the board held a | small white rag representing a sail. The boat was being drag- Am ^MA^BMAMm-A ^m) \*ka K WlTAM «PM W \ ged through a puddle left by a Am^^^^Amlm ^AmMmM A ^rh^tf %?* i heavy rain. The boy was happy and talk- ed about the boats he was going to build and sail. The next day his father brought home a 16-lnch mode] * ' sailing craft, complete with "~* OUR FOOD VALUES I sails and keel. They spent the FRESH GOLDEN Ij ?2£' t twilight hours sailing the craft ™tz!*T . .,...„..._^ ...... J in a nearby lagoon. Father "di- rected the activity. Thus, he took the initiative away from the boy and moved the project ahead faster than the child could accept it. B^HH aW*\\\\\\\\\\\\\W^a*\WWW ' .ia^^™ aHm\*************W^A ' ^^H ID A AmWWW ^^m ^m ^M^mmi ¦ THE BOY neither asked ta ¦ ^ ^ ¦ ^n ¦ AmMmW ^^B mm^m^m A ) liDlll lf C 6~°Z Qf* 1 sail this boat again or did he H m\^m^M vniniw and* too *v # 1^B^mHJJASi^ \ a^H .^[^H B^H^I^L t^l^l^H V Black Cherry * Lemonade attempt to build another. His ai^^swl mWWm JMMA MHMi mMM - WmP a*mMMa^^^^r MMMMM Ot*****************P ^ ) jr -£ \ interest was smothered. FRYINO This is as true of learning as ~~~*~~~~~ ^^ QUARTERED I ^ ^S ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ V it is of any other activity. It l NCH goes on continuously in regard FRIES to schoolwork in some homes, F - -j M The parents little realize what rT, . . A Chicken legs ; 391 they are doing. Their intentions p AQ are tha best , ,b QUARTERED FRYINO \ 7" —~~ 0 For example, John, now a I t OlK LOIII It OClij l "l X I ( AD^^NnP Illla^P ft t * tl I sophomore in high school, was. enrolled in kindergarten when ( he was only four. He seemed > ALL MEAT BONELESS UHCKGII Df68SlS JVlb \~~*~+~+ ready for formal education and ^^ ^^ T ^ L his parents wanted him to get J FRESH FRYINO _ iI "I JJi as early a start as possible. 1 D at%lllaT f ||#.Ll#. aF CQ C tAJfiFj 'alj^f 'i/TJL They hoped to guide him to out- ^ standing success throughout his Pork Cutlets .... 59» mffm school life. Chicken Wings 25i m/ Vlff Like all good parents they ( ( ) WILSON SPECIAL BEEF . . ; RANANAC . Lb 1 ftp ) wanted to give him every ad- I _ _ _ I FRESH FRYINO CHICKEN / OMI ll l l I ltJ " *V1# I vantage, but try as they would, 0* u -^ It did not work out as they hoped. By the eighth grade, with one ~1 of the highest I.Q.'s in the CHUCK Roast.... Backs & Necks Mt . TS 45' g^i l »Vi«* ; ]L. school, John's grades were only I I WILSON'S / **** " _ _ _f _ _ ; ( average. Now, as a sophomore J WIISON SPECIAL ' ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^ 1 in high school his grades have 1 CI* J t% Ub PA I dropped below average even though bis parents have dwell- Sliced Bacon 5V ) ed quite consistently on the s ss5 7Q« »° GRAPEFRUIT - 4 29c { need for higher grade*. (1 aCTFAIf • «"» # #"> )I VOUNO TENDER ~~ RY ^ f I bMH ••••• Ln-rn-T-i^-^-oC^r^^^ ,^^^ THEIR HOME is equipped — — DAI j«'—NO« Beef liver 39t ps^s ~™~J ( lAf IAMAUJI 2-Lb. ftftg ) WILSON SPECIAL WHOLE T-BONES OR BEEF I MARGARINE " 3 Print. (1 ( j leHCrs - VV j L 1 , , , ,| , Tenderloins ...¦ 89. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^" ^^^^ ^^^ l^^^ ^-'^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^* ' . 7 . _, 7 ' —• WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES VJ>J ^^ n rnj~, n^~0 J J jr J Jn -——to ~ ^ ^ ^ ^~ * ^ SHOULDER LEAN BEEP OPEN 8 A.M. 8 P.M. MONDAY THRU THURSDAY ^ ( WILSON SPECIAL ma, I 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. FRI. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. SAT. ' 1 ¦ ¦ . CLa^ 8 A.M. to 12:30 NOON SUNDAY %¦¦ -. ^.| m w^ammm ( PDOrKl l ll * . l ii i | BEEF QUARTER ft IhOll <%QC mm,, ^ » SALE Uteak 49y Ribs JV^ p" ^ j ( HINDS WILSON CERTIFIED WILSCO FRONTS SIDES j ( PORK Ji a^%n I lb 49aEE 43P. 44£ Chopped Minced m EASY WJJ PJ 7Qclb Qc ruMIS nps 4»# TO USE, m U APWW T | T #,b L J ™^ ^ Hani Ham * JLANT*"^^^ YOD COULD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ CUT H-QT. SIZE i6-ox J | ¦ WEAR A ^^ PARTY GOWK ^ ^^ that's e MORRELL'S ¦ J**PEPSI-COLAs *- **^~*~**^* ^**^*+A* *nsmA ***^^m *m^**aA ^^ LUNCH -i MEAT 75 i03UC6piinj .o,Tin ¦ H H Jifoam ¦ ¦ ¦ ...Tho Siper SW.FTS JEWEL t J^" oven cleaner ^ jg ^ . . . fortif ied with on ex- J^^ elusive chemical catalyst ^b ¦ to put it years ahead of w cms all other oven cleaners! l Shorteninq5f 69c i -™ " x C 16;?'- MM Ladies, the wonders of Tliili ™Tin ' ATIO s*Kraut - - * **AAmW ****** . chemistry DO keep your f HUNTS AND F & P SLICED OR ) Vlllll • • • • 4# SPRING PAK loveliness in mind. EAST POINT TINY T ^ HII ^SA Consider, for example. { W% I II I M ?V t l ) SpinSCR ^ ll | P JIFOAM. It's fast. It'a penetrating. It's powerful. And yet, ita exclusive, ch Ha,ves chemical catalyst makesit 4 so easy to use, you could E*? "" Shrimp... * 29 ISSm - | T clean your oven in a party 1 ^_ ' I SPRITE LIQUID MARASCHINO II^M H H gown. You needn't wear ^^ rubbtr gloves. Just spray JIFOAM on a warm oven, CHEF-BO wait 5 minutes, then wipe ' Detergent " 39 | | | off oven dirt and grata Beef Stew - ^f with a sponge. L 49 J JIFOAM .. . the Snper * ^ ^ * ^ ^^^ Y-AR-DEE Oven Cleaner I Neatest ¦way yet to clean your oven. ( * 4-6 oven deanings hi the economical 16- BANNpt ss. ounce can PKZA MIX.... 139 • 2-3 oven cleanings in ^A ftfomMvi OR HOLSUM the handy IB-ouncecan m^TA*fA\^ ESjobelcol I V/ellMl.y Hllli, MatMchuMtta I

aianBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ¦ ' - ¦ ¦; jAifrW L -A..:j d :¦ *, - -^MMA*. / JMA *. EXTRA .. ^B^ii^^ xf ^ ^ CIFT HOUSE 200 FREE MOM JP& •HH CT- UD C WITH THIS COUPON AND™ YOUR § /1#^g-I PPMtmmZW PP I ^ I7']j7 aWWMMMfJ llll MlfA ir I PURCHASE $10.00 /MTILTMTI I H m MA4^ AmammMMsI^TM t Amm^MM^Lmm *' ^ ka^aW ^Ba^D AI J 1 OF OR | f«H V J 1 I I I • J Lf J I I^K J^MMf WITH COUPON AT RIGHT 1 »?-"*« *• .*» ^V™^ "*? ™*" 1 W L " 1-1-.I -L J aV F ¦> l^wW ^^^BBBa. ^B^Bjf mm-AWM "^L W ^mW AND TOUR PURCHASE OP | c~,- ^Z\ *%^, Sta** '" "SH*. ma* 6 ^ ^ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I ^ P ^^ ^ /V ^ $10.00 OR MORI ( IftMimtlK^flira^ ^ ¦^ ^V ^^^ v UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED TO SATISFY OR YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. U^£^ ^ ^ " ^^ir BABY BEEF BABY BEEF ^^^ RIB or ROUND ^^^ ^^aj |^^ ^^ fl |^^ SIRLOIN

aBBBBBBBaV ^^Slm\\\ *\*WM*i*K ^^a^AW^^m\ ^a *\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\M ¦ ¦ ^^^HH W^^Vm!!^ T>^E ^BBBBBBBBBBBBD '^BBBBBBBBBBBBBE ^^aa^ ¦ - S^HHttl ^B^B^B. MmW\M ^^^L WW^r ' iwM ^IMmSZlilei!mStmmall ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Lb NATIONAL'S FRESH-a-lb. Family SI* Pkg. $2.19 ar BABY BEEF-Center Cuh BP Ift E B «*B» GROUND BEEF...... Lb 49° (CTE ™" TOP TASTE~lr«^ #i|J ||^l|^ A If Lb AQc ** A Mb. 400 %~^Imm | || C^^ R 3 I ¦ BM¦ R * ¦ ¦ CB¦ "GIFT-HOUSE" STAM^WITH COUPON IELOW Breakfast Btef^ Sausage0 Pk«.. | ^ ' ^^. mm AND NECESSARY COUPON PURCHASI ' " ^ * * SWIFT'S PREMIUM—Oorlle and Splct Flovarad Me BABY BEEF—Round Bone, Arm Cut ¦ I miimBafflii^^ ¦ ¦ BBBBBaaWHaBBaW m 9 9 WW With Tilt ata Year af BEEP STFAKETTP | | S Pl,„ #H ABW WW .BBi.WP4BBr4JBF » W^ 1 Conpan* I DEEP JIEMIVC Pkg. ^ " FREE 25 E«9 | ¦SMCT ~»fa? SWISS STEAK . . 68* | SWIFTS PMMIOM-New Paafcaeja I [' ¦ ¦ rA. BABY BEEF-TaH-lesi T-BONE ¦¦ or 8 SKINLESS WIENERS .. Ifi ; i£u/» uj*4.r.ij ^n«fr ¦ aa.¦ LONVIiORN UnCCOC . . . . . Lb. 99-UO .mm. ^ ^ —— aaaa*. A .aaa aaaa J|MM a ¦ « aWaaV.# % .ea 3 *«deemoble at All NATIONAL FOOD STORM | HS^STEAI^...... 2 & PORTERHOUSE STEAK »• 98* t^^^isaaJ ME M0 BAB1T . BEEF -FUlIi SIDES M NATIONAL - HAS THT FIS ^i -!Lr MS- "" _ ¦ . ¦ I^-' GOLDEN BRAND A^^&^p^^^ . ^-J ^' ^fli ^ iHk RIPE—CHIQUITA fl ,Xi Bn.BaaBBlBBBBBBllaBL ^^aBBBBW'S."" rt. AWWM HBi ¦ ^ "^ ™ " *—' ' & ~<*& - ^k __ ¦

BW BBBBBBV ^^^¦BBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBB""^^I 'OT.^n MH&M aaai ^^^ H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBB £ ti atb >K. BBBBB 9BL BBBBS ^a^n*. ^*******W9^ •? ~*T ^MW ^ejaWfea BBBBBBBBBB| 8888888888888888888888* BBBBBBBB K _ *y BAWTTf Uf** J* + jf*#T^ * •VP^ fh I . ^^^ yj ^fc yH ^ inj fife +^ % 9JB> | ^B BW *. MBANANAS T^^lBBBBBBBBkw ..aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBI PfM^ V «. A. Yaer ^o | fc ¦ ' i Wrat^Wl tt 1 Crt a^ 45^ S I w^H|K Ma^^ |ffi \ ^ /^ ^X P^ B PB^B^ E^E I l ' *+ ^^gg ^^^^^^^ioKEVf ^^'s ^^^^ft ^w I vTI • * S| Ml B ^ ^(?W' BP I>1!!OTB^^ S I Cv^* RussetsE ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦•¦ ^^w ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ . H - ' WL S?SSSffl | •^^ .. ' •^^ B¦ ^ '- . M^ ^59° H ' * J^ I* U.S. FANCY—WASHINGTON ST^ATI I P^ WD^^^ ' I _ ¦ »•* aaBBH B rKBan,taeau wKl»¦«»ir I KI F*' ijBiare a . .. „__ .^riflBBBBW ^^B»^. aaaa * rtni < «>IIC^ ^ *** ^ ^at ** *au A\%.*a *i A *\ ¦ BBM fecW OT ¦ Bfl "RROTS WINESAP' eTTil ¦ aaaakl laf POTATOES ¦ PSUHiRI^Mn Craam Stvl* BjfliIBBBBBP J^BaaLtaBaB€BBBBaaaaVl af^BBBBa aI ¦ "°Con> 29e-- er '""7Cut fBB I 2 ^77 29' °C APPIES ¦ BEAMS ¦ CUCUMBERSDELICIOUS FOR SALADS 1/ Bushal 100-lb. ¦ WBm%\wwmMm\Whol. « rKernel BMBkii BBBBBBIif BBM B SrKT"«-0!r ¦ | ^ HH f alm. $m|00 2 Ca; 1 I¦ «"_.a^. . MAW LIPT0N.S O i v.1. 470 } FESTIVAL UUIT LOAF ) ¦ »•«. ¦ pock.r. 37 one .i«r ¦ BBBIBW ¦ _^B ONION SOUP MIX....Z ) R. 4 } ^^¦II E ^ ^_ A ,. 0nly C9 Each I ^• ^M ^^^^ H H^m ^ ***********************^ MRS. 6RASS—Vtgatable 4V2-01. Pk9. of 2, Chicken Noadlt I) I ^^^ ^" ^^-mmAA ^A ^^^^ ^^^^ ^fc a.OBal laaaaaaaaaaa BB ^^^^ r/MlB aj.V Pk9« 01 C )( ) ^^^^^ ^¦¦Bi.^^^^ 7 SOUP MIX of 2 il WHOLE WHEAT BREAD ( ' 1 ,b ^A*t%%W.W\WWW ftm^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ k\ ^ . B Blal ^^ STOKELrS—Dlc ad er ga. uw "* ¦ ¦ TOP TASTE 2l.oi. affke « Wlfh Thli Caiae* «¦<> Yaur Perekaie •« H ^ .^I TIPION—ly Wearever BBBaHnaHaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^H .BBBBBBBBBBBBal V .aBBBBBBBBBBV ..BBBBBBBBBW PIUNCO-AMHICAN BBBBI DC'EAWUI A HJ I IT DUIICKBUTTED . 10#U 1 0 ¦^^HI¦¦ ¦ ¦ l in^^^^i ^^ H BBBBBaiaBBBVAaB ^BBBBBBBak BaV I VcoeUURWARBnifWARFat . . . . .^ H H BV ^^VS (aBBaaf^BBBBB.BBBBBB ^BBBBBV tDMAIIlTTI'i nt BaV JH %ap ¦ B All FOOD STORKflee* m ¦ BBBBF*r ^aaaBBBBBBBBBBM AWM I? ¦ WILDERNESS—Gharry mW Redeemable NATIONAL B " ^ fl P^^^ Q 15'A-oi. 4fto H M I UMIT> O.e lech Caaaea Per ¦?7!T%M.BBBBBBBBBBBBBI .AaaWWW Lb. ^LBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBB! Q Cu.teiaer H f ^ ^ ^^ T BflBM^EI^^HF BBBBBBBBBBBBflEB L IBB^BBBV ma^kaWW MaA ¦AI1B 22c«» OT ^ M ' K^ N^ °° fl^ rlfcIH IE IfllAMA IV I Jj ^^XTjfiT ^^ : s |lyjmmjttU^ja100^^ ^^^' l ^fcfc i ^^ E^ m m m^A ^m ^^r&n\ CHUN KIN^—Soya Sauce 5-oi. Bottle 1?c or 35° r^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ CHOW MEIN rREI NOODLEsZ TEW ^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaa^^^^BlAe1ilvt UAAR- " ¦¦M¦¦M•|«AkaOTaaamJ ^^^^BaaBBBBBBBBBBBBB»aL £ B Wl»h fhli Coupon ond Your Nrm m™fc'J I ^•WBaT BBBBB ! - ^ lO-oi. WOO [l™™™m"™ ^^^^^" - WOLCH ^UT CORN ^.. MmmaWa MW B a4 ^ .a«lB>Wa #Bak - S-A. ^ B 6 I W^ T ^^ alV^ CHOCOLATE ¦ , 1 ¦ \ W BatfB aB^ . ¦ fiAsnr s EDEEnu 7K ' ^^STAMPSoW LltX EBB BB ^fl i BANDIESMb ¦¦ HMfti KU UIIBCIMC ... .44 phgi."" 0900° I -rilfcEWl,h MmJ Yo"r ' BlNwLlbM MUrrlNb ¦¦^"¦¦ 1 B ^^- BB M/kh WWW *M*Ut* ¦ l¦ iPBBBBBBI (atiuW BaffJBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV VA aBBBBBBBBBBBWaTM Lfc. ^^^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT H ^^^. ^aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB H •* BBrooBB.BBBBI " BBBBBBBBBH . ^ »^ W *ss* k\ ^"P0" •* JC BIIIII Jik i^^^LW¦ WmtW ^' BBBBBBI ¦ OP TASTI ¦ I BT^B B ¦ BBBB]^ BBBBBBBBBBBW ¦< v!¦ "¦aBBBaW B^*^BBBBBF Cka WW ^^ 5 LV'Syr/U ^^B B^B^^ m*-^*™*-^*** ri( m I VANILLA EXTRACT ... IS 29° ( ^N *" I W— ^^ ^BJBr BJBJ^ m^^*****A J^ ^ ^L\ W^ ¦ - Redeemable ot All NATIONAL POOD STORE) S *^•* ^^^ m m aaam BM B BBV B BBBI BBBBB. ^i ^V SB i ^- ^aB Bfc ^ ^ ^^ MA^A ^M^^^ ^"o<'0IL ? I » EiLIMIT:^l gOne^ 'j ^^^^Coupon Pep Ceitoaier | l ^^ m^m*m BafBlBlBl EIBKBW j^B>B ¦ ^^BJ^I^HMMMM Hafla MlJ^HPPB^^ H-yl lV ^H E J l^S^ I MUSSELMAN'S Hoa ATc OVALTINI-Swlu ll-oi. Site af< ar i-ex AAo OVIM IAKID 28.ex. Jjfc STAR-KIST—Oraaa Lobel A 6'/3-oi. WOO A NATURAL OVALTINE s«,. 319 B & M BEANS., «. 41 TUNA 0 c„. | APPLE SAUCE £ c**. JD PRICE ^"^ '—^•w ¦ " ' V Come, vfalt your friendly A*P and aat your ^ ^ ' ' RIGHTS _^MMA ¦ AmWm\\. m« THE is VA II j t^-m-^^|" ^^v^- ^izzz ¦ A^A^AAA Waf W /^' naceaaary play the Play far fun I ^VT A ^M THOUSANDSB ''^B"^aBaflaBB aB^BaV\ M^^\ u,rlng B#JBBBVJBBBBBBBB\ Ai.D ¦ PRIZESOAMEI STILL AVAILABLE PLAY IMmmT ^ ^mr^^^m V \ GU * IsammmmB nv .^A ' aaB^aBBaBaaJB OF - SSa™ "* , 1 n B^AB YOUR l //j m\mm 4WaL \v\ f^SI ilmmmH ^Ti*»re»e*e 7l " ° I**"be won — your' " vary" f^lraTt M/ to." Al."may " A THi A4P COME 1Nf GET llllllgBMw VAwJ ^B^k WA- \ \ ^V aWSaBaVSaBaK A*P ^^^^H^L^^H^BaBmBaeBaBBBBBBBB^^ Vaa aaaV^^^^ / N CMM V win you a prire - Match your ticket with PURCHASE NECES- tlllllf RttM WaV H B'V'V\ 0 ^BaBaBaBnB * ' .^^^^ B^a BMBP ^^^^^ B^fl ' tkfl FREE TICKET—NO ^"¦BBaaaB™^ K-IWM M fht eorrtet prfc. That's WWW^WW lUmUmlaM A VI wW ^KV. ll '..I'".."* *^"T"^ J ^^^ "^^^ flMP III||IfffffW A W avl ..BBBBB!! '.: r-«r A*r swr. M,r. TRHtSilJi*r>) * X how to playH AAP'i "Price It Rloht." WeBBBBBBBaaW; BM WBBBT WWVtaVt^.eW SARYI * djVfl'ii "? ¦'¦' orrmnr. Or with wil«-n. l( 1°v»n• * ' ^ VBBtt B llllllM't'BBBT ^^m\ BV W *:! / WaBaV WBSi SBBB1BBBBI WB BBBBBBBT lillli ' I 'aaBf WJBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBTI •}• '/ """ x ^BBBBBBBV -WBBBBVW ^BaV ^BBBBBBBBV

ALREADY. SEI Afmma\\\\\\W ¦J M B!/.fl \\ Pr Wtifl r^\flflHttA\flBBVflfl aBBBBBBS^...... H.l^^^^^^ lflfl BalBVA^BBSflBaflk^ N WINNERS MmMm9m7TJl TM f T ^ V f I afl*atwfl T^ f l V^E^ NAWIS POSTED MARVEL \ ouUv-"* uBBHJ9.flB-BBBB^E*£^B] ff^B*W L 'L lm^M^m\\wm^^AVp^^mm FRONT WINDOW0UR /JJL *^M \ WHEOB!/ Wl^mMl . ^^^fl^|^HH^ifcl ^lBHHHI Pineapple or Neapolitan \ \^— j ^ \^flfl /fB^xttB^^5 B^

# || P A BB ^T\Xa ^Sm\r ^> mW^S. \3£^J *™& JBaVaVaaBat VaB .BammBm^Bamfli™ E ( ^^^^^^^tM^tWmwMkm^^^eV HH^ CR AM /V TS > ^ H H Ii

Ee3ll OlftlirC \ .^4^1^^^S .9SBK^»1<^^7^ '> *~ W^Mmm «f this special sale price - BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBk. >eBBBBBBBBBB WHOLE

¦ .i ^ GaUH£ iBEBlM iy l^M v _ .BBBADDII^ Bi.fl M -m ^" . USCH0 ,CE ^B^r '***^ ^ ^ r ^*** * ^e Y «*^ C CHUCK C h £7 CIDER fi 9 CNI CS, fa:.£\ CQ j I WIPfcK BJjf I _"49 y^3 STEAK 5"" (£^fc j ^^^ fi p^^fi ^J PJ Pififi ^J^^^ ^ h f/as/? Frozen Foods = - REPEAT OF LAST WEEK'S SPECIAL FOR FOLKS WHO MISSED OUT! SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED: II C EBB II fl ^T fl < SULTANA ¦ FRENCH FRIES KEG >¦¦- » ¦'¦¦<¦ 9 ! Waff HI I I c "' $319| nnrAn - 10 HERRING I HKr.BB.ll ! ~ r— 3"**- PRODUCE —, UIILnil MEAT DINNERS "I \> mm^mm. Am^mm.. amrnmmk B V \ZZ FT11DPQIIt DP > BB .BwA ^^ k A % 6 VARIET IES A ¦%¦% ¦ P.** al 1U IA, |" 1n i-Lb. HO (Jf APPLES 4 a 49" LOAVES ^ ^ I IMUSHROOMS Lf HBBX BBY I Pk¦*g.• V'^^^^^^ F < • ^^^^^^F ^aaBBBBBBBBBBT ^ ^ ' ^^ mmmmmmmm ^^^- ^ r-^^^ ^^^^^^ t AHHDD BS A SB c ^ oo. . I ° I CO INSTANT J $109 APPLE >|Ocea CWW C "I.. : 1 [ J/ COFFEE " I flfliPIE l J P "^ I Bfl DAILY BB BlBa^.BaH. ^ H a^Ba^..BB ^fl ^ I ..Ji A A

¦ ¦ WaW ^^ ^BB^'^Bl ^B^ WaW •BaBBBBBBBB. a*********W*W****Ma*****************\*T BBBBBB I BBBBBBI BBBBBBI BBBBBBI BBBBBBI ^BBBBBBBBBV mWw BBBBBBI *a* M *f \ B) H BBBBBBI

5 V SWANSDOWN S lTO:.WAW.:.r?:..So?v~v!T:.~:. ~v~:~:^ 5 ^^ WHITE HOUSE < Klr BPTUi nciaCDtKIn < . A .-- <; New CropNut MMI^S ' < mt m Am *wn BB ¦¦ ¦ ¦ y ¦ ¦ ¦ | flfll-,,,,,,,,,:-,,,,,:BBBBBB.,,...v.s-.-,,,.• .•.•.•,,..•,,,..,•.• .•.•,.•,,,,,,,:•:-, ,,,,,,,,,::.:¦;-fl^} l ¦Mi T ^af I> ur on «J y CAKE BBBB]f ^J \ ¦ start y° nut meat J [CC* ¦ ¦ BkT holiday baking early—Save coita ^BJ | I I ^ BJ BJ BL | V am JB WkAT ¦¦ ^HT with ^^ ^^B ^ B^^ ^ these holiday baJdng apeclala. ^ > I l ^H 4^J ¦ ¦ ¦ > ¦ a^Pa^P^^V j> ifiiAcB\ I ¦ ^^j ef A ..eflk. ..SBBBVI s e j Pec0n AAA! NNl Bi! ¦ ¦ ^BB M 07 UARTU « < »- ^^ J e < H<-va. 99fW W ° CAN 12 98 ^ J3 i«Q w*^ > _ oetAT ATUNTK «. rAOnc iu COWAWY, " c -i i ci DI • i j' J c .. c ., , , A*\*mWa^\ '* e«. ^H H^^fll a hamil y Kwhite*/i Hour Plain or Iodized Supreme Cookie. For tha Laundry aar l t* Waxed Papar k*M^a*\^\/V^flBIBHHV YNHVBBBBBBBBBBBBf am l [ Gold Medal Morton Sali Dutc h Apple Kitchen Charm Co,d Power ^llJjWnTH^lTTlTTH #1 %# V l7_BK^BMmBaiaVa.X j BilMllBa\ "BBBP aW '' b 1(M) t' t - 3-Lb. l .Ox., 79c MMl^^ HIJ IJ IIII! lil |[|W !PBlBMaai BT IHnni(g I R ? ,„ 9^/~ 4Q /- Olv. Vj>aP* aW IV/ |t|J X. 10-O/. X^V* Bag *t7C Roll ZIC 5-Lb. 4-Oi, 51.35 Pricea .n Ef/oct Thru Dac. 4th DEAR ABBY: K ¦aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . ¦T ^^^^^ H§ |^^^^ H |^H |^^^^^ H ' BE SUKE TO PICK UP YOUR FREE B Photographer May Be Stuck With Bill By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN BONUS DEAR ABBY: My husband is a photographer. BOOK It is not a hobby with him. That is the way he makes his living. I We had some friends whose niece was aettino mormon »«. these friends asked my husband if he would take their wedding pictures. (Formal shots). I H^HRIaK Because she was THEIR HI t ^fi ^HIIHwllili ^ ideas< H relative, we didn't ' >t S V Ur FREE HolidQy lssue of Fireside — with OVER H ask for any advance payment. The wedding fit X ^SMH^9B^ HHE ^^ K^^^^ .^^ V ° took place on a Saturday, after which the ^^ 1 000 EXTRAHolida T , FREE 3-STAR STAMPS' BBB^aBBBBBT couple went on a week-end honeymoon. They I BaBBB^BBBE' ^> ^^£^" %M» \ * * ^f^^^^^s£^ ^^^E|W|Hw9K9Hfl^H|BHM 9 i ^^^ 9HH ^^¦BBBBBBB^ fl la^^BVllC^BBVlBrM^S^rVTV'l ^BPl Vl VliHH^^HwIv^BnbBB Plus dozens of gift H ' came back on Monday and the proofs were f ond y Food Savings at Red Owl! Pick up your S ready, so they picked them up. That was a H 6**- & £ M^l ^. ^lmkWmW * W^mTTm ^^m^mW year ago, and we have heard nothing since. ¦H - A^^m \ ''W^^^ —¦ ^a**!**^a*\*WimSt^MAwWwAWAAma' A ********************WAwVt +¦ A BBBBB We've sent a bill every month, and several letters, but we have been ignored. These friends of ours have also avoided us. (I guess they are embarrassed.) The "proofs" ABBY are actually finished nictures fThev will Here's an extra MerryChristmas from R«d Owl—delicious answer* ) W^ M rir%r rn A "ilSk I not fade. How do we either get the money for the job, .Am^mwawma*********************************** oven-fresh, pies, , V ll(ILlll/ilI or the pictures back? STUCK mk Am^Mm ^^^^m^m^m^m^^^mm\. to gift problema for the holidays, cakes and cookiea % ^M ¦ gift , boxes and tree-ripened Florida citrus £ DEAR STUCK: You can (i) take the cduple to AmA ^k^F mm complete holiday dinner with your oil w ill UO \ ^M small claims court, (2) ¦ ^^' m\\\\\\\\\\\\W^ ^ turn the bill over to a collection ¦' ' packs!when And to top it off-over 1000 EXTRA FREE STAMPS 1 agency, (3) charge it to experience and forget it. And in Wk^LW ^A\ 'B redeem Holiday & GIFT § I the future, be sure all parties concerned understand that ¦ ^^^ r Fireside Coupons purchases! ^^K u A.JDEASBP A ^kmA \w\\\mmM B "WW^ B^HB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. V y ° BHBBBK_ wAm* ap aaa VW aT there IS a fee, and the amount should be clearly stated. ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^AA\^ A ^A\ * T ********** ^^ "^ ^^^^ ^ H^W^W^W^W There's a chance your former friends thought you were * doing it gratis. DEAR ABBY: My son was recently inducted into the Army. It is his first experience being away,from homr. He writes letters to me and tells me to please read them to the relatives ¦¦¦ as he doesn't have time to write to each one separately. ^^¦^^ ^^^ / ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ POWDERED OR LIGHT He says he would love to hear from them once in a while, AW AMm\\mA^kW \ and in his letters he asks me to please give them his re- tUW gards. My relatives say they won't write to him unless he MM *%MMMm\WaMm\M B writes to them first. After all, he is in the Army, he is not am^mmm x ^amm X ^PfROWN^^ SUGARil ft away at college, Abby, and he is very busy and tired. Am ^ I wrong to feel that the relatives are taking the wrong atti- TRPITS > PEELS tude? Maybe I feel this way because he's my son. HIS MOM ) BAKING NEEDS DEAR MOM : I agree with you. If your relatives knew bow much a letter from home meant to a boy in service, they'd hang their heads in shame. But if a person is too lazy to do something, one excuse is as good AQc^^M mm ¦ iI APEX FLAKED I\ - WmAM¦ MAW as another. ___*a IV w,NC0lD 3!rw DEAR ABBY: My husband has never given me a comp- VPUUUIIULfirnnnt . .' ts. -. WU«J 1 liment about anything — the way I look, my cooking, the IffiWM V JP1 AP\ A III J RED OWL COLORED VEGETABLE way I am training our children. Nothing! I used to go on L,QU,D working like a horse and thinking all the while that my E/Jufl r fLUUK A MXDrXDTlir husband just wasn't the type to compliment anybody. Then I heard him telling other women how "pretty" they looked, H 39* and how "talented" they were. m TS. Mixo ... Jr^S JjMGAJ™ If I want a compliment, I have to fish for one. Then he ( ^ } says ,"Oh, you ALWAYS look nice." Abby, please tell those husbands who complain because 39 C " J their wives are "cold" that they'd be much warmer if they " remembered one thing. Never give another woman a comp- — *1 f Sins..^49< liment in front of your wife if it's been a long time since 1 2^59 you gave your wife one. COLD (WITH REASON) CONFIDENTIAL TO J. H. G. IN MERION STATION. ^^^^ _ aj | B MiM PA.: Financial advice is not my field. But perhaps jM ¦ %¦< H P } Pitted DATES Mark Twain's sage quote can help you: "Put all thine % .¦ 'III I I eggs in one basket. Then watch the basket." BAKERY DEPT. V fVl iXll ™ wM wM >lJBW1 ** 7A( Troubled? Write to ABBY, Box 69700, Los Angeles, Calif. / ATlliW.....w*wW /" For a personal reply, enclose a stamped, self-addressed pMpi . "•• / envelope. \ ¦ ¦ Af I • > A I I FOR HOLIDAY BAKING ilJj lXH Mi f BREAKFAST RED 3 Winona County Mondale Wants 2 White Bread n nilP I Bi \ PRUNES Residents Attend Farm Departments > OWL I LUUA _^mw . .v TQc ST. PAUL (AP)-Sen. Walter f \ * loafs ¦ V of NFO Convention F. Mondale, D-Minn., said Tues- ~ JO-LB. laa^Vaw A I APEX-Choica Red, Green , I / 4 W BAG ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ I Chocolate. Cinnamon Imperials, I ar .•«¦ day he will introduce a bill to 1<6•*<-OZ.** SIZE About 10,000 voting delegates create two separate Agriculture J AW BBBLH.#" I Non-Pareils or assorted. I V from "26 states are expected in Department budgets — one ¦ ' -• CAKE TRIMS 29< ¦¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ ¦ St. Louis, Mo., today and farm support measures, tha C .* 7Q< f _¦_# ^|V SEMISWEET ^ I jI PEPSI-COLA«»» VWIil l Thursday for the annual con- other for programs to benefit 3 Loafs i ¦ TT I ¦ m AW I APEX „a vention of the National Farm- the public in general. A CHOC, BITS V^29< 8.Pack M D.pMH ers Organization (NFO). "Most people think that the W ( [ / J5C Representing Winona County entire Department of Agricul- " ' are Mr. and Mrs. Norman ture budget-about $7 biUion a Heim, St. Charles, and Earl year—goes to support farm in- Larson, St. Charles. come," Mondale aaid. "But the truth is that HARVEST QUEEN, REG. OR DRIP 25 FREE STAMPS WITH SCHWEIGERT'S COLD MEATS —4 VARIETIES NFO National President Oren about two-thirds of H .•JJJJJJM..S BBBBBBBK I Lee Staley presents his report the Agriculture Department ex- ¦ BLADE CUT BEEF today. Thursday will see the penditures—about $4 billion—is C OFFEF U- S- CHOICE, MmWmW^ I election of a national presi- for programs whose primary dent and directors and adop- benefits "go not to the farmer, tion of resolutions. but to the nation as a whole." Mondale spoke to the Minne- Among area farmers at the sota Farmers Union convention are Edward Kram- convention. er, St. Charles, and Merle stroyed the $1.2-millionbuilding. ' Bany. Elgin, both representing Th* pilot, Lt. Col. Francis R. Olmsted County. . Lawson of the 325th Fighter Tender, tasty U.S. Choice Beef.,. finely marbled for extra flavor! Guaranteed good ^^H^ AWA^M tIJi F CHUCKROAST. ¦HBBBB ^^ ^M ^ . ^ ¦ Wing, McChord Air Force Base , WA VALDOR FROZEN eating because it's Red Owl Insured. Specially priced this week to save you money ! .O^^m near Tacoma, Wash., escaped Fighter Slides but suffered a back sprain and U.S. CHOfCE, WELL TRIMMED LEAN. RED OWL INSURED U.S. CHOICE, BEEF CHUCK H was placed in a hospital. H l/CPCTAPI CC Into Hanqar The F106 was completing a flight from Eielson Air Force ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) Base, near Fairbanks. It slid I : , I „ " RIB BEEF ... Of), BEEF SHORT OCt BONEIESS ml — A jet fighter plane slid Into a into the back of the hangar, 1 hangar while landing at Elmen- which . housed . three - planes doff Air Force Base Tuesday which firemen managed to re- = 1 night, setting a fire which de- move. I STEAKS" :0J RIBS... ?. -)!) ROAST 1" /if I == FRESH U.S. INSURED, FOR STEW I I I 4 ^k fil l CHOICE, ARM CUT BEEF RED OWL Q ^J ^VLhtUUlLM AMETJ ZT7 I O 1 GROUND lh JOt CHUCK CfX BONEIESS Aft, I ¦Home-Mad* 119 Bait Third Straat Phona MSOl sauaaga » ¦ |¦ CANS *| BEEF...V W "4J ROAST. Dir BEEF OS' I¦ ~-I UHd 4 ,. ^:.° SWIFT PREMIUM FRESH DRESSED WHITE ROCK t f „- LB OA " p ¦ ¦ VAN CAMP S PORK ANO *-. B.AG 8 z 6 ¦ STEWING HENS - - - u, 29c Skinless Wieners...... 8* Brown 'n' Serve Sausage . ? . * .49< n DCdllO .\J CANS I ¦MMMMMMMMM | 3np}T^TTfix-i' nin 'PT —-"—"—"——*[a> 15 B a^-jTrgTnrTBTniVB-tvrflyinrrt H . . . A7I*\JUU \jJh AJEAMT ±. B R to OWL CREAM OF MUSHROOM ' FRESH DRESSED WHITE ROCK Th.. coupon good for r.gul.r $1.89 I ¦ RED RIVER VALLEY RED I ¦ B'cANt/'SS* ^^ ^ ' Hawthorn T.flonXoated aluminum ROASTING CHICKENS u, 35c I SOUD 20 LB M B.^« ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ i ¦! '¦¦ ' ' p MORRILL'S READY TO-EAT - t- to 8-Lb. Average u, 39c www PICNICS ------^^ ———¦—¦ **mw -*smaw mwmw '"J, H . _. . aava ^<*ri . «f.n• v©u 70^ I =:¦? POTATOES ^B SWIFT'S PREMIUM . .T('KQS- :w Dacember 4 MA DlSCullS . . .C*I PL^AVOREE _.- _ ' Umif One Per Custcmaf-Valld thru 3 ^A\ ll m Mil 1IMM I H RtD OWJ. AGED ClltDDAR ,«P D a fl ftJUUUfl H 99c LB |/*wt|T WLajUUUUUULILOAJtJLO » SIRLOIN STEAK - - - u. PlUIIlll*** lr# »J lllCIV1 v GRAPESV»^«a»» UW * I * / pnmrr»nririnrinriro Trr5^ H H ThpP^P fify V- ?5 WM UllCCdb UO * * * This coupon good for ragular FRfSH HOMEMAOI afXWmW A *%M Amm\.B B^BB ^M CHRISTMAS ($1.50 Value) Teflon-Coated aluminum H M ASST'D. VlCaaaiABVI YOU R CHOICE OF JUICY WW Hawthorn PORK LINKS - - - - u. 69c ^^ OVEN Vk< AND ^^ ^^ i S^WITHDUTCH COVBR ; I ¦¦ ¦¦ ^^ * * " _ . S,^"S±i \ SPATULA t, PRISM HOMIMADI JtlNG 1 CARDS a^fw>J ^J^e M M ^^ ^M yV 21BS. FOR W**•# : LIVER SAUSAGE - ¦ - ». 49c B /\.fV ¦ * ^rtM-—" W I ¦ ¦ Bt »« »»«.« t m Mm OF 25 IIU£ ' Prlcaa afTfectlva through Saturday,' December 4. Quantity rights reiarvtd , no aales to dealara. » i| "< ^^^M^^^ M m|| ()ne p«r oustomtr- Valid thru December • BBBL _ ___ * AWMl ^.BBBBBT MlBBBBBBBBBBI CUBED STEAK u 79c ^AaA. Am\\wM hjuxpj uLoj uuj uiAJutiiJLJuaa^^ «aa >a«aBa aaMi aBa. a«a >a MaaaBBBaBB H wWsW wAv H IHa BaaMwaaaaalMaa - - - - WP S ^\WWE!WF? ^a**\ MF^^^NAWL JFI PRESH HOMIMADI ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ SUMMER SAUSAGE L.. 85c ! ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦tl # UwVL rMU HTiB^RElillls^^ ^^ WMkfff l^fl S^mk ^ " mi vi - I iWBKiatmM *¦ ' J^^^ wwawmTaWf^m m^ X I U a^Vl W 7 ^I TOlT 7201 I ^ymMMMawmwww^

¦ 4 1 i MpM of Bountiful Baraains Iff * .#* ^^^# W,nn0 NOW AT THE OLD KEN'S HARDWARE # LaHHHHHHH LH.^^ I2 " <»' $lOO^F'^* f 1 OPEN MON ™.« to 10 -1 fe^T " . SATV 8 ^ J X *Z"g£g: I ST X z/T>"' ^Xk£$ 0p.r. S»n«., lMH| I W»» l0,00O B I'• r? GOLD \f MEDAL T&. ru. |GO£D BOWn ^^A t ^Mm Wk I IrH fff.ll1l1^) % • '* ^8SBaKlB» ' - i«.v^irr* ,',oo™^*Psi P

' m^m^m^JM \ !f rl awrt " ^^^^ l I / .A | %,^^'^flHMfl[ [^.^HB&m ^^ Aw At M^A AmMAaM. - __• g __^*^MM.iB*aBB^_ V jf X. l^^^ H \$ ' ^ B^I^I^I^ ammm\ ****************************************** \*WJ!r\mWS^^M aav a aaaafc M^^»M^^^_ ^_ ^^_ ^__ ^ ^^^^^^ \ \ \ ^^^^ H .^l^l^H ># ^^at ^t»* *% -''Z$\Am********\**m\W ** J$r ^AtM * S K J ^a***M*'m\*****************************************^^^fw y ^trT ^iM aV&^B.flai ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

' LEAN FANCY, CENTER CUT ' "T - .la^Br^^aM iB .7^^^f ^ •¦ ;;IB |§P mWmW mWWwBmWwT. K? LIBBY'S TOMATO 'A |» SC Ii |U ( )] (C Jf lP J l ¦ R^I(]| wW ^ Bf HflF v Illl llllit^ f JTyi*i* ii r*. ™ ^Is: ai WM JIMIIOCIBK I\#M\I# DA ACT EOP — - $l Iw ¦ ¦ ¦& Jy^1 FRESH lEAN FRESH, LEAN TOM SAWYER ^ ^ K© mWBm BST HH ) \V ' PFTCB'Q DINP [7^/^'i* 4 B l ] ¦ ] >¦ COUNTRY STYLE TL I EH O Mllll TENDERIZED L'^% .flHIBB BBBB ' II HH Vt^ X ¦ .» BRAUN.a#B«a^%#l» ?^^ifei^fflBS9s BIBBV\^L/\. B^B B^ VBBBBI T ^^ BBBBBBBBBBB B Jim Im AS*.***, **\ %***.***) ahmA BOLOGNAw**,A *am, **, **, *. * a* ^^^^^H . ^^ fllfe.;.... 'H''X 'i''^'^' S^^i^9M^^^^^^^^^^' „> -7i II ¦TO JUL II j &Jf/?f SPARE RIBS STEAKS SCHWEIGER fc' ;5'**^S ¦aurajL 1B 9 EADrv/ MM.H /); t A ***,A ***, ImMty mJy iU^^m m\mm ^^r R cccD |b 'coy2 f)Oc m..fAc itVibviftc ^^iINPi7?:viy^n ¦Bfewv?^ ' ZJ&SA FLORIDAa> i i Sv^fi^^---«l RED, SWEET, JUICY a^.ia^.ia^.ia^.kil^Vv a^^&^^ ^^^^^^

mmmnSY SSC r*** ST ll lllBf FL0R,DA n" TANGELOS S M *u wk /il i U. S. NO. ' ^ I^Tf iJ^r rm 10MK1 m POTATOES , DELICIOUS iL^T l ° \ ^llW.ll fl II II WM^ "CVS 1 WASHINGTON'S FANCY ldaho Russets 10; 69' APPLES ¦ - M.59 I '' ll JSQk KRAFT'S FAMOUS CHEESE SPREAD , , , ' MV J^ V U Til lll l^B ^BH a*l^M

•¦¦#• MmwmW AmWAwW AwwAwW ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ II^VV -^^B^^F I^^H BB i sP^^^^ B Ya*^amaW \$iiL fa.'.^ PA ¦% K ^H v-^ '* r.- ^- A "m ^. a . litiBA^ ^^^^ Jw jw if G0LD^^ ¦ " ^^1 *™ Tit-M^aS^21^" AT ¦ THIS AD GOOD THRU DEC. 4th ¦ ANY ACCOUNT WmMmW^^^ V\ili BOX m^KmW mWmW I ¦ jj J ^vN QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED OTHER THAN THIS ^^J^IBSIB7 aaf^ .M^ JBBW al»nfl^ft MmmmW WmmmW ^ a«. SHORTENING rr¦* f Ir BWvlrii ES> figPORK-j A BEAHS 6N«.,- $1 '"" -^ C^L Bft JS1 All POTATO CHIPS -..r39c Lb„ Allc M JH| S || K MANDARIN < ca mW ¦]!/ mWmMmMkmC\ SB^II \\lt GEISHA 4mW ^M , *ma\%\f%\^\\\^^aWMff^k^Mw\\ I^tHI ORANGESor — 4 - 89c || lm). ttl fc || 11 # FIAVORITE BROWN POWDERED f tfl VjTriiinF 1 ^ 1 % ¦¦ 29- \V/} SELECTIOHS FLAVORITE FROZEN I ^BilM Mf lVl ^^k - HH Canl HH A ¦ ORANGE JUICE ^ IH^^H. ^^^^ j ^^LK^J ^gt I BIO ... LOWEST PRICES I J C| ^^^ e ^^^^^ ^j CHRISTMAS CANDY NUTS can, ^ ^^^ J ¦.HI ^!SSBBH & Q ^| \^ <^ \ PRODUCE 1 P.M. New York GRAIN LIVESTOCK Ration Sees NEW YORK (AP) - Oina Stock Prices MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -r-Wheat SOUTH . IT. PAUL gilts 24.21; mssf 1-2 1*3-240 lbs 2J.7* 239 lbs 24.25-27.00, }-J JJf>278 lbs 25 JJ- Large Blocks SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn, ifl-(USDA) 2<.00 ; mixed 1-3 1 90-360 lbs 25.00-25,75; 2575; 1-3 350-400 lb sows 22.50-23.M; 2-3 dian dollar today .9300 receipts today 284 ; year ago —Cattle 5,000; calves 2,000; slaughter medium 1-2 180-20O lbs 24.50-15.50; 1-3 31.50-22.00, , un Allied Ch MYA I B Macta 524% 450-500 IBS changed. . 167; trading basis unchanged to steers mostly sleady; hellers steady; 270-440 Ib sows 22.00-23.23) choice 120-160 Cettle 1*00; slaughter steers steady te Allis Chal 33% Intl Harv 41% utility and commercial cows steady to Ib feeder pigs 23.00-24.00. 25 cents higher; nine loads mostly prime 1 higher; prices % to 1% high- weak; canner and cutter fully steady; strong fo 50 cenls higher; slaughter ewes MJO-IJJOlb slaughter sheers .7.21-27. 35; Federal Farm Amerada 71% Intl Paper 29% er; cash spring wheat basis No. bulls steady) vealers and slaughter calves Sheep 3,500, active; slaughter lambs high choice and prime 1,100-1,350 lbs CHICAGO (AP) - (USDAD , Some steady; feeders strong; low to average - Traded end feeder lambs steady; choice end 26.50-27,00; Choice 1,100-1,350 lbs 25 75- Am Can 57% Jns k L 63% 1 dark northern 11 to 17 protein choice f75-),200 Ib steers 24,50-21.00; good prime 85-110 lb wooled slaughter lambs 26.50; mixed good and choice 900-1,350 Live poultry: wholesale buying 1.71tt-3.02%. 22.S0-24.0O; choice 800-1,050 Ib helfiri 35.OO-2t.00; good and choice TIMS lbs lbs 24.7S-2S.73; high choice and prime 1,- Am Mtr 8% Jostens 76V4 23.25-24.2$; good 20.50-22.75; utility and 24.00-25.00; choice and prime 104-105 lb 100 Ib slaughter heifers 25.35-25.50; choice prices unchanged; roasters 33% No l hard Montana winter commercial cows 13.SJ-14.50; utility and AT&T 63% Kencott 122 shorn lambs No. I and 2 pelts 24.50; 800-1,050 lbs 24.25-25.25; mixed good and Program End to 25; special fed white rock; fry. 1.56'/4-1.84V4. commercial bulls 18.00-19.00; oood 17.0O- utility and good wooled slaughter ewes choice 23.50-24.25; utility and eommerclel Higher 18.50; choice vealers 26.0D-3O.00; good Prices 600-7.00; choice and fancy 60-10 Ib cows 13.00-14.25; ullllty end commercial Am Tb 38% Lorillard 44% Minn 22.00-25.00; choice slaughter calves 19.00- WASHINGTON (APV - era 18%-19JA; heavy heas IB to . - S.D. No 1 hard winter feeder lambs 24.00-25.00; good ind choice bulls 16.00-18.50. Anconda 82 Minn MM 66% NEW YORK . .m — A turbu- 1.55«4-1.83V4. 21.00; good 15.00-19.00; good 550-850 lb 50-60 lbs 23.00-34.00, Sheep 600; wooled Slaughter lembi 18V4. feeder steers 20.50-23.00. James G. Patton, retiring presi- \ lent stock market advanced ir- CHICAOO strong; mostly choice 15-105 lb wooled Arch Dn 34% Minn P&L 31% No l hard amber durum, Hogs 7,500, active; barrows and ollts CHICAGO UH —(USDA)- Hogs 3,000; slaughter lambs 24.50-36.00; cull to good dent of the National Farmers regularly early this afternoon in strong to mostly 25 cents higher; sows butchers 25-50 cents higher; 1-2 190-225 wooled slaughter ewes 5.SO-8.50. NEW YORK (AP) - (USDA ) ArmcoStl 67% Mn Chm 79y4 choice 1.80-1.85; discounts, am- fully steady; feeder pigs iteady; couple lb butchers 26.75-37.25; mixed 1-3 190- Union and a militant battler for very heavy trading. ber 2-3; durum 4-7. loads sorted 1-2 nmr 220 Ib barrows and — Butter offerings adeqjuate; Armour 39% Mont Dak 41% (First Pub. Wednesday, Dec. 1, l»«) strong government farm aid, demand good; prices un- Selective recovery among the Corn No 2 yellow 1.15%-I.16%. (First Pub. Wednesday, Nov. 24. 1965) Avco Corp 34% Mont Wd 33% (First Pub. Wednesday, Nov. 34. 1965) State ef Minnesota ) ss. predicted today the end changed. Oats No 2 white «l%-64%; No State of Minnesota ) ss. County of Winona ) In Probate Co»jrt of big Beth Stl 3fi% m Dairy 84% blue chips helped raise some Jfafe of Minnesota ) ss. 3 white 60V4-€23/4; No 2 heavy County of Winona ) In Probate Court No. 16,0(6 federal agricultural programs. Cheese offerings light to. ade- averages but the main interest County of Winona ) In Probate Court NO. 15,963 In Re Estate ef Boeing 139 N Am Av 63% wMe 65V4-€5%; No 3 heavy No. 15,308 In Re Bstate ef quate; demand good;, prices un- DaitsM Peter Lelsen, Decedent. "I believe that we have seen Boise Cas 56% N N Gas 6 0% lay in a wide range of more white 62J/4-64V4. In Re Estate of Wllhelmina C. Donaldson, Decedent. Order for Hearing on Final Account changed. Oerald J. Lehnerti, Decedent. Order for Hearing en Final Account and Petition for Distribution. the last of legislation author- Brunswk 9% Nor Pac 56% speculative issues which at- Barley , cars 242; year ago Order for Hearing on Final Account and Petition for Distribution. The representative ot the above nam« Wholesale «egg offerings) ade- 136; good to choice 1.16 - 1.46 ; and Petition for Distribution. The representative of the above named estate having tiled his final account an; izing government programs to qu ; d Catpillar 52% No St Pw 35 tracted strong demand. The representative of the above named estate having filed her final account and petition for settlement and allowanci ate emand good. low to intermediate 1,10 - 1.36 ; estate having filed her final account and stabilize farm commodity prices petition for settlement and allowance thereof and for distribution fo the per (Wholesale selling prices Ch MSPP 44 Nw Air 129 Many very large blocks were feed 1.02-1.08. petition for settlement and allowance thereof and for distribution to the per- sons thereunto entitled; ppl ," Patton said in an thereof and for distribution to the persons sons thereunto entitled; IT IS ORDERED, That the hearlm and su ies based on exchange and other C&NW 119 Nw Banc 45% traded in a parade which began Rye No 2 1.08-1.14. thereunto entitled; IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing thereof be bed on December 30, 1965, a i He referred to the 4- volume sales.) Chrysler 50% Penney 67 continued Flax No 1 2.98. IT IS ORDERED, Thai the hearing thereof be had on December 16, 1965, at 10:30 o'clock A.M., before this Cour interv ew. at the opening and thereof be had on December 17, 1965, at 11:13 o'clock A.M., before this Court In the probate court room In the cour year farm bill enacted this year New York spot quotations fol- Cities Svc 41% Pepsi 77 throughout the morning. Some Soybeans No 1 yellow 2.52%. 10:30 o'clock A.M., before this Court In In the probate court room In the court house In Winona, Minnesota, and tha low : standards 43%45 ; checks the probate court room In the court house house In the City of Winona, Minnesota, notice hereof be given by publication e which authorizes broadened Com Ed 53 Pips Dge 71V4 experienced analysts were at a In Winona, Minnesota, and that notice and that notice hereof be given by pub- this order In the Winona Dally New 36-36%. ComSat 39% Phillips 58 hereof be given by publication of this lication of this order In the Winona Dally and by mailed notice as provided b' loss to account for the massive LEWISTON PATIENT order In the Winona government payments to sup- "Whites : extra fancy heavy Dally News end News and by mailed notice es provided law. Con Coal 64%. Pillsby 41% interest in stocks, comparing it LEWISTON, Minn. (Special)— by mailed notice as provided by law. t>y lew. Deted November 29, 1965. plement farm income. weight (47 lb* min) 4M4-4B; fan- Coot Can 61% Polaroid 118% Leslie Nelson, rural Lewiston, Dated November 22, 1965. Dated November 33, 1965. AAARGARET McCRBADY. to the turbulent year-end trad- E. D. LIBERA, cy medium (41 lbs average) 's E. D. LIBERA, Probate Clert. Patton said he foresees the Cent Oil 72% RCA 48% ing sessions when big financial remains a patient at St. Mary Probate Judge. Probate Judge. (Probata Court Seal) 41%-42%; fancy heavy weight Cntl Data 38% Red Owl - Hospital, Rochester, where his (Probate Court Seal) (Probate Court Seal) Edward J. Drury, f il b bl institutions switch holdings to Streafer, Murphy & Brosnehan, Martin A. Beefty, Attorney for Petitioner, day when armers w l e a e (47 lbs min> 45-16%; medium, Deere 44% Rep Stl 40Vi condition is improving. Attorneys for Petitioner. straighten out their portfolios in Attorney for Petitioner. Wabasha, Minnesota. to go it alone with little or no (44 lbs average) 40-41; smalls Douglas 74% Rexall 46 accordance with their objectives. lubaidies or government assist- (36 lbs average) 36%-38. Dow Cm, 73% Rey Tb 44% du Pont 235%. Sears Roe 64% ance. "In time farmers will be CHICAGO (AP) - (Chicago The Dow Jones Industrial av- East Kod 105% Shell Oil 65 able to bargain effectively for Mercantile Exchange —- Butter erage at noon was up 1.22 at Ford Mtr 55% Sinclair 61% adequate and stabilized prices firm; wholesale buying prices 947.93. For Good Eating ...Try Bambenek V Meats! Gen Elec 113% Socony 96% for their products," he said. unchanged to higher ; 93 The Associated Press average Vi score Gen Food 29% Sp Rand 19% I i at t f AA 64; 92 A 64; B 62%; 89 C ; noon showed a n a signifcant st emen o Gen Milk 58% St Brands 74% of 60 stocks a* aw - ARMOUR'S STA R 89- 1 at 353.1 with his views of the future, Patton 61%; cars 90 B 63%; C 62%. Gen Mtr 102% St Oil Cal 78% minimal loss ct . predicted that farm bargaining Eggs steady to firm ; whole- Gen Tel 46% St Oil Ind 48% industrials off .2, rails off .1 and will be carried on by coopera- sale buying prices unchanged to Gillett 40% St Oil NJ 79% utilities off .1. tives able to control sufficient 2 higher ; 70 per cent or better Goodrich 55% Swift 47% Fairchild Camera spurted supplies to obtain farm returns grade A whites 42; mixed 42; Goodyear 45V4 Texaco 81% about 5 points, Polaroid 3, IBM which no longer would need to mediums 36; standards 36%; Gould 30% Texas Ins 177% 2. CANNED be supplemented, as now is the dirties unquoted; checks 31%. Gt No Ry 59 Union Oil 24% Up about a point or better $^9 c o odi i by were U.S. Steel, Douglas Air- ase for s me comm t es, CHICAGO (APT- (USDA) - Greyhnd 22 Un Pac 61% j|g craft, General Dynamics, Allied government payments. Patton Potatoes arrivals 41; total U.S. Gulf Oil 58 US Steel 49 Chemical Xerox, U.S. Smelt- and former Secretary of Agri- shipments 343; supplies) moder- Homestk 46% Wesg El 62% , New York Central Penn- culture Charles F. Brannan, ate; demand! moderate; market Honeywell 72% Wlwth 28% ing, , T Pan now general counsel of the f d ll, sylvania Railroad, exaco, 3- TO 4-lB. AVERAGE I or Russets u round reds Airways Unit- Farmers Union, have been slightly weaker; carlbt track around. American World , strong advocates of payment sales: Idaho- Russets 3..3S; Min- ed Air Lines, American Airlines programs. nesota North Dakota Red River The pilot turned out ot be Ma- and Screw & Bolt. Valley round reds 2.110 - 2.65; rine Maj. Herbert Herther of A rival farm organization, the American Telephone, slightly 1 Wisconsin round reds 3.75. Doland, S.D., 60 miles from American Farm Bureau Feder- McGovern's home town of delayed, rose % to 61% on an ' 000 shares. Many BEEF opener of 13 TENDERLOINS ation, long has fought govern- , 89 ! Mitchell. ment farm programs. It has "You may know my father," other big blocks were traded. WORRELL'S PRIDE CHOICE —25-lB. AVERAGE higher been promoting farm bargain- Herther told McGovern. "He's Prices were generally ing cooperatives. McGomn Meets the superintendent of Doland in very heavy trading on the Patton made it clear, how- High School." American Stock Exchange. ever, that he has no intention of "I know him well " McGovern Corporate bonds were mixed. ¦ , retiring as a farm leader , al- Major From S.D. replied. U.S. Treasury bonds declined. though he said that under no the » McGovern climbed aboard PRIME RIBS¦ ¦ OF BEEF es ld pt . ¦ ' 65' circumstanc wou he acce FRK CUTTING ¦: Phantom Jet, along with Her- WINONA MARKETS a new term when his -present On Da Nang Visit ther, who briefed him on its one expires in March. He has DA NANG, Viet Nam (AP)- operational aspects. Later Mc- Swift & Company headed the Farmers Union for Force West Highway «t Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D., Govern went to the Air 25 years. flight line and climbed aboard Buying hours are from ! ».m. 10 3:31 a World p.m. Monday through Friday. He said he expects to devote War H BJ24 bomber There will be no calf rtiarkets on Frl ¦ a B57 fighter - bomber. . his time to international agri- pilot with 35 missions, visited days. This* quotations apply »i to noon te OXTAILS 29 . ¦ PORK LINKS cultural development, the pro- Asked about his impressions 69' U.S. Air Force and Marine dsy. motion of the farm bargaining of Viet Nam, McGovern said: HODS N flight lines today and ran into The hog market Is 25 cents higher. cooperative movement, the es- "I never saw a group of Too butchers, I'W-JM lbs 24.75 tablishment of a broad Ameri- a constituent's son. Americans anywhere in the Butchers, grading 36-38 ... 25.00-25.25 military or Top sows .. . 20.75-21.75 can food-for-peaceprogram , the McGovern asked if he could world, either on the CATTLE . ~™ ¦ The cattle market Is steady. civilian side, who impressed me ¦ ..» creation of a world land bank climb aboard an F4B Phantom Ground .;.,. . ,,,/ j *, ¦¦ . » ¦ ¦ »» ¦ «¦ ». j 24.00-15.00 ~tA mm Vealm .» Pork. . „ . ^.». ^^.*. ^.^~ » J » J. > Prime *****»a4***\*t******4a**Mt+A*ix **-,*. &»- —.- ii 69 *4*t*^ts%*******4+*t***f^*****m***ii******A*m0\ ** — - .^-^^ ^ - - ^-^,- -~l ir-rf-ir |) 1 n< -, ^ ^ * ni .aj\n/Tti^ie7atru offering easy credit to poor more than these Americans in Choice 23.00-24.00 nnn^r^ 'vv\rLn.rLriLj %f| fighter • attack jet. An informa- 20,50-22.75 farmers, a d h p i Viet Nam. They are a superbly Good n t e romot on of tion officer went into the hangar Standard ..... 18.50-20.50 WESTIMGHOUSB LADIES' & MEN'S INSULATED INSULA.TBD .|>rograrns to end poverty wher- dedicated group of men," Utility cows 11.50-13.00 at the Da Nang Ait Base to get Cutters • -.' 10.00-11.50 ever it might exist in this coun- McGovern ends his tour of VEAL try. a pilot to show McGovern Viet Nam Thursday. The veal market Is steady. LIGHT FIGURE HUNTING 2-Picce ., Top choice 27.00 Good and choice 18.00-25.00 Commercial .- : 13.00-17.00 BULBS SKATES BOOTS Underwear Boneri 12.00-down AII SIM AII SIZM Both iW Bravo Foods fillV 3 0ef — * - - - East end of Ith Street Buying hours 6 a.m. to t p.m. Man day through Friday. ONE FREE! Pahr $6.95 Palr $4.95 $8.95 These quotations apply as to noon to ¦ ¦ ae ~ ~ .f^.*, . > » , m* mm at**, a* ah* am* a*. — » », a*. -aa, | , v»|. JVJ ^^^ .^hrt[ ^^ .^^ | J¥.^ day on a yield Cdressedl basis. VJ\/Vtr' Lnj >i iMM^~ ^. l »» 'rV* * ! * * * *^ * ^^*>^^ % ^ ^»M^vv. fmyf^^^m^m^ Canners and cutters 24.25. Froedtert Malt Corporation CHARMIN PITTED Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closest Satur- ) (( days. Submit sample before landing. l^lJ^HlilHMMUi^l^liW^r^l^r BB^ (New crop barley) ^ avB ' SI 5H ll No. 1 barley ... *' 14 DATES No. 2 barley '•«» *aaWMBPMBa »«» a^^ l»e^.l«B^.»«B ^lllss>B aa^.»S»e^W. »«^l»sa a // No. 3 barley •« ,J No. 4 barley ••• Bathroom Tissue < 33' Winona Egg Market These quotations apply as of / GOLDEN YELLOW SWEET, SEEDLESS, RUBY RED (( 10:30 a.m. today k Grade A (lumbo) 40 Grade A (large) 35 Grade A (medium) f» Grade A (small] .14 ¦ -JL **1 Grade B '« - 39* Syrup DICED Waffle " BANANAS j GRAPEFRUIT Grade C u Hay State Milling Company Elevator A Grain Prices PU«E VMMU Starting Oct. 15, 1965, 100 bushels ol ** Glazed Fruit !¦ grain will be the minimum loads ar cepled at the elevator. 10 1 59° No. 1 northern spring wheat .... 1.62 10H 1.60 ¦ ¦ No. 2 northern spring wheat .... : No. 3 northern spring wheat .... 1.56 . -—— { No. 4 northern spring wheat .... 1.52 SHORTENING 3 69 NEW CROP ENGLISH NEW CROP PITTED // No. 1 hard winter wheat 1.52 ) No. 2 hard winter wheat 1.50 39< No. 3 hard winter wheat 1.46 WILSON'S __>______»^_. No. 4 hard winter wheat 1.42 No. 1 ry j" WALNUTS DATES No. 2 rye ¦•" (First Pub. Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1*65) NOTICE OF c WORTOAO I FORECLOSURE SALE ill ion larni ZT RAISINS c GIVEN, That HEREBY ™ NOTICE IS gm default has occurred In Ihe conditions of ljm A.6. TWIN PACK js*. 2 59 Ihat certain mortgage, dated Ihe L 89' Rob- S executed by 2 1958, ^ . September, £ day of ert Hornberg and Ragnhlld Hornberg, his CUT COIBY KRAFT wile, as mortgagors to Tha Farmers \ FRESH )j and mechanics Savings Bank of Minne- apolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota, as mbrl- oagee, filed lor record In the office of the Register ot Deeds In and for the Potato 1 39- l iz l Mlnne- Chips County of Winona, and State of HUNFS ORANGE JUICE lola, on the 17th day of September, 1958, ' CHEESE In at 2:30 o'clock P.M., and recorded ASSORTED M . A% Book 154 of Mortgage Records, page M5; Ihet no action or proceeding has been Instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part 39 thereof, thai the said mortgagee has 49S. 1 Klected, In accordance with the terms ~ of said mortgage, to declare, and has WAXIO WISCONSIN declared the whole sum secured thereby COO , payable; KIES JVWtT due and -3IT l) SWSW, HUSH to be Immediately j that there Is due and claimed to be due J. upon said mortgege, Includlno Interest to STANDBY FANCT _ t date hereof, tha sum of Eighteen Thou- HSTAl Cranberries end 71/100 D... - I- Dl CARROTS RUTABAGAS sand One Hundred Thirty-One NUHI Dollars , consisting of prin- FR.NCH STYLE HI 1^16 S PORK AND cipal of »1«,874.53, Interest thereon ot PEARS S698.65 and 19(55 taxes In the sum ot (558.51 Including penalty; and that pur- suant to the power ol sale therein con- foreclosed Green tained, said mortgage will be Beans .- 300 - BEANS 19. and the tract ot lend lying end being m «* - Winona, State of Min- Qc 10' 3 1 19' In the Counly of nesota, described as follows, to-wlt: c [ All ot the Southeast Querter ot the C°" NSW .oo Quarter ISEV, A £r§ ZIPPER SKIN Northeast £2*35c " M J j , SWEET FLORIDA Public Highway ; and \ AU PURP0S1 HARALSON L South ot Ihe 1 |Qc , J the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE'A SE'Ali end the South One-half of the H,US ..OS. CAN-.D — Southeast Quarter <3'/i SE'A), all | In Section Twenty-eloht 121); and | CE CREAM the West Half of (he Southwest APPLES TANGERINES the Southwest Quarter Quarter ot (WVi IW'A SWW ) of section Twen- COFFEE TOMATOES ty-seven (27), all In Township One . c... p Hundred Six (106), North of Range 59c CA $ gW 1 Seven (7), West of the Fifth Prin- ^ f AwmT * cipal Merldlen according lo the 1.98 " U. I. Government Survey thereof; ¦ Jlb |: SM SUNSHINI will be sold by the sheriff of said County - $139 $100 Fomll, «% EC at public auction on the 4th day of Jan- t*\ clock P.M., at the e- WIS. RUSSET or SEBAOO uary, 1966, at 3:00 o' *| - *| I NO 1 SMOOTH SEBAOO L Front Door of the Courthouse In the City O Saltines * 29c - Z5 J ot Winona In laid County and Stale, —L *—— , to pay the debt then secured by said — ^—2 mortgage end taxes, II any. on said premises and the costs and disburse- ments and attorney fees allowed by law, POTATOES POTATOES aub|ect lo redemption wllhln twelve monlhs from safd dale of sele. Dated November I, 196S. THE FARMERS AND MECHANIC* SAVINGS BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS Minneapolis, Minnesota Mortgagee. Howard N. Gr«ven, BAMBENEK OPENS EVININOS 1 CORNER NINTH AND MANKATO AVI. 50 t Street, 39' 1.89 South Sixth 10 *Q Minneapolis, Minnesota 5)402 1 Attorney for Mortgagee. THE Y GET IT AGAIHST LAKELANti TONIGHT Optimism? Indians Due Redmen Need a Game Badlv Twins Have By GABY EVANS as well as some questions "Lakeland usually is a good While Wiltgen expects sixth man. Dally Newt Sports Editor ball club." Holbert to play the pivot, Little Hope in that Wiltgen has right now. Murphy is the untried cog For Rest 6-2 Gary Hovey, 6-3 Jim Coach Ken Wiltgen of St Perhaps the most major And if you place much in this year's unit and could FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Mary's is eagerly awaiting concerns a defense that, in stock In some advance news Kueter, 5-11 Cliff Owens and 5-10 junior college transfer be tbe key to early season (AP) — Minnesota Twins Man- tonight's 1965 opener against practice at least, has un- coming out of the Sheboy- success. Following the first gan, Wis., school, you ex- Bob Guy could round out ager Sam Mele is hoping to Lakeland, scheduled to get covered no strong perform- four games, 6-10 Gary Addis make a few trades to bolster under way at St Mary's er ... no man capable of pect it will be a good opener. the starting lineup. will move into that spot. opponent's leading First of all, Lakeland is Guy averaged 25 points his 1965 American League gym at 8 o'clock. taking an Also expected to play to- champions but is not cptimis- n , Actio It' per game in two seasons Win like il is for Winona. s fast There are several rea- scorer and stopping him. said to have excellent desire night are 6-0 Dennis Ludden, F.t>r the last three years, La sons for his feelings, but "For that reason we're and a team of good shooters. at Lincoln Junior College. tic about the Twins' chances in Crosse State University has cel- another game for us. You won't 6-2 Ward Hertsted and 6-3 the trading market. plasted all over the none as major as the fact anxious to see who does a Although its entire front Meanwhile, Wiltgen will Jim Keenan. ebrated one of its most success- find signs job tonight, said Ken. line went with graduation, go with a first five of 6-5 "I'd like to improve with a in the walls down here like there were that the Redmen need a " Following tonight's game ful basketball eras game. In Lakeland the Redmen in 6-6 Dennis Holbert some captain Rog Pytlewski and , few changes," Mele said, "but school's history. two years ago." of that problem could be 6-4 George Hoder at for- the Eedmen travel to Stev- "You reach a point where meet a team that will bo if we can't we'll have to The Indians are defending DeVoU' looking for its first victory. solved, Holbert, who didn't wards, 64 Jim Murphy at ens Point, Wis., for a Sat- BUT WHETHER f 5'ou can do hist so much urday game, then move on improve what we have." Wisconsin State University Con- attitude will ha n practice," be said, "and The club was topped 82-70 play last year, is a letter, center and 6-1 Jerry Sauser lackadaisical to St Norbert's for a Sun- Mele is attending the winter ference champions. They also transferred to his players is an- then it is time for a game." by Eau Claire in its opener man. He was a member and 6-1 Jim Buffo at guards. repre- of squads in two previous Pytlewski, Hoder and Sau- day contest. baseball meetings at Fort Laud- were* the district NAIA other question. And, of course, tonight's Monday. erdale, along with other Minne- sentiitive in the national tour- activitywill satisfy the play- "We expect it to be a good years and racked 4S8 ser are starters from a year A year ago tbe Redmen The Indains will have four let- when Buffo was tho finished with a 17-9 mark. sota officials. nament two years ago. So La ers' thirst for competition opener," said Wiltgen. points and 359 rebounds. ago share termen on the firing line at the If the Twins are unable to Crosse State has had its toss. At center will he of success. opening make a deal, Mele said, "we'll 6-« Ace Stadthaus, with 6-5 John have to play our game even BUT ACCORDING to coach johnson (the only nonlettcr* better next season. We ran a lot Cliff DeVoll, the over-worked man) and 6-1 Ron Byers at tha last season, our players like it La Crosse side of the score- forwards. Denny Stannard, 00, and it produced results." board is in for some rest this and John Mitich, 5-11, are the The Minnesota skipper said year. guards. he expects the Twins "to run "Yrtu don't lose three all-con- Campbell will counter with a even more next season. We've ferenoe performersand a fourth revamped lineup pointed to- got to work again on funda- starter and still consider your- ward eliminating mechanical mentals in spring training and self a strong team," said De- errors and adding some scor- practice at bunting and steal- Voll. 'CKids Like that don't come ing and rebounding punch to the ing." " along every year." floundering Warrior attack. A regular second baseman is And. if the Indians are going Bill Werner (6-1) will take regarded as the Twins biggest to statrt a downward slide, Wi- over J. D. Barnette's guard need, and possibly a catcher to nona State's cagers would like spot, while 6-7 Charlie Neal will back up injury - prone Earl nothing better than to be the move in at forward ahead of Battey . first to apply grease to the Mel Homuth. The remainder "We juggled at second base. skids. of the lineup will have Mike First Jerry Kindall, then Frank The Warriors will get their Jeresek at center, Dave Meis- Quilici did the job," Mele said. chance; tonight at 8 p.m. when ner at guard, and Gary Petersen "I'd rather play a more set they journey to. La Crosse for at forward. lineup. I'm not sure we'll be a scrap in the new Indian Tim Anderson, who missed able to platoon so effectively gymnasium. , the Biver Falls game, was run- * JERRY SAUSER HOG PYTLEWSKI JIM MURPHY JIM BUFFO next year." ning a fever Tuesday and is not GEORGE HODER THE LAST time the two expected to be in uniform to- teams met it was two years night. ago, and the game is probably The Warriors, in helping La WARRIORS FALL, CARDS WIN still fresh in some peoples' Crosse start its season, wUl be Stevens Point, minds — notably Bob Campbell, gunning for their second victory Key Winona State coach. in four starts — all against Boards A free throw after the final Wisconsin St a t e University buzzer gave the heavily favored teams. Oshkosh Game La Crossie team a one-point de- Preston Cop s 71-56 cision over a fired-up Winona TEAM SCORING G FO FT PF TP Avj. crew. Dave Meisner .... J 17 14 7 « H.« But ac<»rding to DeVoll, the Gary Petersen .... 3 .» e • 47 15.7 For Badgers Tim Anderson .... 1 11 4 3 M 13.< FeaturesWSUC game witih Winona tonight isn't Mike Jeresek 3 I 7 , 1) 7.7 * MADISON, Wis. W) — The Gustafson and 6-foot Mike very important for his team. J. D. Harnett ..... J 4 4 » H S.I By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Charlie Heal ...... 3 i • 5 H S.l Eau Claire overhauled Lake- University of Wisconsin Carlin at the guards. "We'll he out after our con- Jlm Kasfen 3 4 t S 14 4.7 Win From Houston opens its 1965-66 basketball The game will be the ference wins," said the droll In- Al Connor 3 1 S l » 3.1 "B" land 82-79 Tuesday night to give Bill Werner 3 3 3 4 » 3.1 District One last night was In double figures for the Go- Preston took the game season against towering first basketball meeting be- dian coach, "We're not con- Mel Homuth 3 3 t 2 ( 3,( * Wisconsin State University Con- the scene of two very close non- phers were Doug Roland with 49-25. Nebraska tonight in a game tween Nebraska and Wiscon- cerned about nonconference Dennis Morgan ... 3 2 • 5 4 IJ Tom Judd with 14 and Dan- ference basketball teams a 3-2 Chip Schwartz ...3(03 » 0.6 conference cage battles. Har- 16, that may turn on how well sin in nine years. The Badg- games. Ws not a rivalry for us AI Melln 1 I bounced Spring Grove 60- ny Bernard with 10. WYKOFF 61 record against outside competi- • 6 t O.I mony LEWISTON SO the Badgers are able to re- ers lead in the series 5-3. 86 and Chatfield bowled over For Caledonia Jack Hauser tion as they approached the bound. Nebraska, 10-15 overall Caledonia 64-56. led with 16, Jon Ask had 12 Wykoff whipped Lewiston 61- first round of large-scale fir- "Our biggest problem will last season and 5-9 in the In the not-so-closefield Grand and Bruce Dennison 11. 50 in a game that saw the Wy- ing tonight. be to stay with Nebraska Big Eight, was not as bad Meadow of District Two nipped kats zooming ahead after a Stevens Point travels to Osh- on the boards," said Coach as its record indicates. " Boring Valley 67-36, Preston GRAND MEADOW 57 close 9-6 first quarter. kosh to inaugurate the 1965-66 John Erickson. "They're big Three of its victories came EEHfc.ilfA.iWGT Ma! 1 --25M>5«-«W slammed Houston 71-M and Wy- SPRING VALLEY 38 By halftime the score was WSUC warfare while six other and they're strong. We ex- over teams that finished koff downed Lewiston 61-60. Grand Meadow handed Spring 83-22 for Wykoff, and at the , schools face out-of-state compe- pect them to play a running ahead of the Buskers in the Valley a 57-36 defeat after the third quarter 52-40, 'their conference standings. HARMONY 66 tition, game and style will Wolves turned cold in the last Hitting in double figures for be similar to ours, except The Huskers almost upset SEE IT NOW SPRING GROVE 56 three quarters.. Wykoff were Hick Erdman with Eau Claire, only WSUC team not in action tonight, opened its they're bigger." conference champion Okla- Harmony and Spring Grove Tbe Valley team led the 18, Lynn Broadwater with 14 ' biggest homa State, finally losing • • season by edging Lakeland be- The Cornhuskers fought down to the wire with Meadowers at the end of the and Allan Williams with 13. Is 6-foot-5 and several oth- 55-53. Harmony pulling away for a 60- first period 12-10, but from then For the Cards, Dean Wilde hind a rally led by 6-foot-5 The Badgers, 9-13 overall Dennis Frandel. Frandel who ers 6-fooM. WHAT IS ES win in the last seconds. Greg on someone turned off the was tops with 18. Ron Kessler , The Badgers will be handi- last season and 4-10 in the Haugen put the game on ice Wolves' scoring machine. At the followed with 17 points. finished wKh just 11 points, av- Big Ten, are expected to scored 9 of the Blugold' capped in height at an with a lay up and a pair of half tbe score stood 28*18 for s last erage of an inch per man. show improvement this sea- free throws for the Harmony Grand Meadow. At the third 11 in the game. Erickson will start 6-foot- son. They have a number of crew. quarter it was 42-24. Stan Johnson topped Eau 3 Ken Barnes and 6-foot-5 veterans back , including Spring Grove led 12-11 at the Hitting in double figures for Mat Schedule Claire with 25 while Bob Guy Joe Franklin at the for- Barnes, who raked up 42 dose of the first quarter. At winners were Dennis Baldus sank 28 and Gary Hovey 24 for wards, Keith Stelter, 6-foot- points in last season's finale the half it was Harmony on top with, IS, Curt Palmer with 12 Lakeland. 8, at center and 6-foot-3 Ken against . 32-28 and at the end of the third and Jim Kennedy with 11. Is Announced Oshkosh, among the leading quarter the score was tied 45-45. For the losers Hans Jorgan- contenders this season, is fa- In double figures for Harmony son led with 16 points, while In Southeastern Minnesota vored over Stevens Point on the were Bill Barrett with 22, Doug Steve McGhie pumped in 13. wrestling action this week, Chat- strength of its lopsided victory Hulcher with 16 and Greg Hau- Grand Meadow walked away field will be at Houston Thurs- earlier over Winona which beat day. , gen with IS. with a "B" game victory by the Pointers. Stout, the presea- Lake City Rally Friday, For the Grovers, Gaylord outscoring the Wolves 6031. three matches are son pick to take the crown, will Anderson led with 14, Larry scheduled. Caledonia will be at LeRoy, open against Hamiine tonight Overhaug had 13, Don Solberg PKESTON 71 Grand Meadow at before facing Eau Claire in its totaled 11 and Don Rosaaen HOUSTON 56 Spring Valley and Preston at first WSUC game Saturday picked up 10. Preston took the wind from Rushford. night the Houston Hurricanes, tipping DECEMBER Tumbles Zumbrota 1—ChalileM at Houston. gers were Steve Haase with 20 CHATFIELD W them 71-56. >—Csledonla af LeRoy ; Other games involving WSUC HIAWATHA VALLEY Oram) Meadew W L W L CALEDONIA 56 Preston was in the driver's at spring Valley; Preston at Rush- teams tonight have Winona at points, Jim Abraham with 18 lord. defending champion La Crosse Kenyon 1 I Lake City I I and Stuart Diepenbrock with Chatfield slipped past Cale- seat all the way, leading 23-14, 7—CrtKo, Iowa, it Harmony; Caledonia , Kasson-Mant. 1 0 SI. Charlts 0 1 donia, winning 64-56. 34-28 and 54-44 at the quarter at Preston; Orarsd Meadow at Le- River Falls at Macalester, Su- Stewartville 1 t Plainview I 1 11. For the Tigers of Zumbrota, Roy. perior at Michigan Tech, Loras Cannon Falls 1 • Zumbrota I 1 Mike Peterson totaled 17 and The lead was passed back and turns. •—Houston at Li Crescent. forth several times after a 16-16 Leading the scoring for Pres- It—LtRey at Harmony; Rushford al Cal- at Platteville, and Whitewater TUESDAY'S SCORES Dave Sandburg pumped in 11. edonia. at Northern Illinois. Like City 5», Zumtrota 35. first-quarter tie. At half the ton was Steve Trende with 19 1*—LiRoy ar Chatfield; Harmony at Cinnon Falls 57, Farmlngton 51 In wrestling, Lake City wal- score stood 31-27 for Caledonia. points. Mike Knies stuffed in Preston. (non conference). loped Zumbrota 39-5. The Warriors led at the «nd of 17—Rushford at Chatfield; Sprint Valley 17 and Steve Hall added 12. et Preston (1 p.m.); Harmony at Lake City struggled to stay in Lake City also took the "B" the thridmister 42-40. The score For the Hurricanes Doug Grand Meadow? Houston at , Rushford. Dover-Eyota in the Hiawatha Val- basketball game 50-21. iStS f &*. MmW^*Ma *\\*Wa$Q[ was tied twice in the final pe- Poppe rounded up 15 points and 11—URey at Spring Valley. contention JANUARY night riod. Bruce Carrier totaled 12. 4—Waukon, Iowa, at Caledonia; Dece- ley Conference Tuesday , CANNON FALLS 5T Matmen Win aMt^4********\********am\^^kA^m^******^a***********\wM nt!, low*. aKNarmony. nipping Zumbrota 59-55 for its FARMINGTON 83 t—Chsttleld at Preston; RuiMord at Houston. PLAINVIEW, Minn. — Dover- first victory of the season. Cannon Falls' junior studded 7—Spring Valley at Harmony; Brand squad held leads between 10 and E Meadow at Celedonla; MayfleM at Eyota had to forfeit the two In nonconference action, Can- LeR oy. heaviest weights, but the Eagles 14 points throughout much of !•—Northwood, Iowa, at LeRoy; Winona excelled everywhere else to non Falls stopped a Farmlngton the evening, but the Bombers at Houston. t 7 7 It-Chaff Hid af Hayfleld. claim a 31-21 high school wres- rally to post a- 57-53 verdict, had to stave off a last-ditch ¦ ¦ ¦ 13—La Crescent it Houston. tling decision Tuesday night. third in a row for the Bombers. Farmlngton comeback to poet 14—Preston at Spring Valley; LeRoy at a 57-53 verdict. Ruslilord; Harmony at Chitflald, Jack Henry, Randy Clark, VIOLENT BEYOND BELIEF...YET ff-Cstadonls af Chatfield. LAKE CITY S» Bob Bremer poured in 22 for If— Le Crescent et La Crosse Logan. Chuck Boesen, Jerry Loftus and ZUMBROTA 55 1ft—Catalonia at Harmony; Houston at Dave Nesller all recorded pins the Bombers and got help front BEAUTIFUL BEYOND COMPARISON! Winona. The Lake City Tigers racked Denny Flom with 14 and Mick 11—LeRoy et Pristpni La Cresctnt at for Dover-Eyota. Ken Tibesar Rushlord. v flattened his opponent at 133 up a 59-55 conference win over Goudy with 10. IJ—Houston at Preston; ChstflaM at for Plainview, Zumbrota in the area's only Misses from the charity stripe Oraind Meedow. the were the bane of the Bombers lt—Rushlord at Harmony; spring Valley Results : conference bout. The win is il LeRoy ; Houston at Caledonia. first in the league for Lake as they saw 17 attempts go wide FEBRUARY ?J—Jack Henry (01) pin.) 10)—Curl of the rim. UP TRADE- 1—Harmony at Leltey; Spring Valley Mayar (DB), die* Ul—Randy Clark City in the young season. *t lil ^^^ Hl il Orand Meidow; ChatlUM at Le (DE). pin., 110-Kem Lyons (P), dec.) M IM SWHsa^aSasssssssssssssssssssai Crescent. UT—John Vandarbawal (P), dec.) IIS— Zumbrota held the lead TO J—Harmony at Houston. Ken Tibesar (P), pln.i lM-Chuck Boe- through the first three quar- **# 4-Cal«doflli at Rushford lti)t)» Pres- sen M ™ of SINGS... »vS£ Jw VwSl» '^8 Bells Christmas," "The Christmas Song §*** «wT \m «nd "Rocking Jesus, '* 0r Y w*\Af\AAt\/ ^J ¦ " kittle Sweetly Sleep) Indians to Look Down nAMDIM .^^ff^^ \ VIP F ^ ^ ^^^^ Mf^g^^^ dO ^^ % UHlVI UIll E : On Centennial Foes * «no^«v« Your^ Wabasha High School will be GENE DIERCKS scales 6-3 FARIBAULT Deaf, which P ^ ^ S l ^ S ^^^^^ B ^^ ^ ^ AM looking down at the rest of the and Al Rusch 6-1 and they only plays a 14-game schedule, Centennial Conference teams should help out in the height this basketball season, not only department. Flom lists Dave has 5-9 Ron Johnson as its literally, but figuratively . Swenke, 5-9; John Ehlen, 5-11, leader. Coach John Mathews The Indians are the hands and Al Holm, 6-0 will call on Wes Hendrickson, ¦ ¦ , as other like- ^^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^MMwNMMs viMmm *W^ka************w ( ^"^ ^*^ 1^0 11 down choice to waltz off with ly candidates. a 6-6 newcomer, to fill part of Centennial hardcourt laurels, Jesse Roberts, Randolph's the bill. \mY and six lettermen — five of coach, has exactly enough let- them 6-1 or better — are the Centennial Schedule ^~n^^M KlRvTFIil ) ^^mMSXBS ^' M WkW H ¦¦ M Wt termen ( five to fill out a full NOVEMBER 1EV**J7iW I V^^laiBaaBaBlifc^ i > !a^laiaa5afel$l^a«^a«^aP^ ^aS^aSB ' reason. starting team, but the Rockets lt-Plne Island ll, Mazeppa st; Petersen Randolph and Goodhue could are decidedly lacking in one it, Elgin ij; Goedhue 47, Zumbrota 3*. pull a surprise and scalp the crucial category'— height. 11—Randolph 13, simley ll; Rasa Creek Indians by the time the season 53, Mtiappa 51. comes to an end, while Fari- The tallest veteran is Mike 26-Medford a, Goodhue 41. Popp, 6-0, and there appears W—Oover-lyeta 71, Haiti Ui Wabasha bault Deaf, Mazeppa and El- •0, Pepl. t7. gin are expected to scrap among to be no one in reserve that DBCBMSBR can/ help out on the boards. S—Oeadbue al Elgin; Wibaaha al Ran- themselves for second-division dolph; M«appa al Faribault Beat. berths Other letter-bearers are Don 4—Wanamlngo at Goodhue. Pressnall, 5-10; Ralph Peter, 10—Goodhue at Wabasha; Elgin at Me- WABASHA COACH Chock lappa; Faribault Peat at Randolph. $ 5-11; Bruce Quinnell, 5-9 and Karger has one of the biggest , 14—Randolph at Burnsvllle* . JAMES Bob Sathre, 5-8. 17—Lewiston at Ooodhue*. men in the area in 6-8 pivotman 17—Elgin and Maiepp* in Holiday tour- S nament al Pine Island*. M V Jack Kane. But Kane isn't ex- Roberta has another six-foot- It—Elgin and Maieppa in Holiday tour- •I er on the bench in Dave Ger- &' pected to have to carry the nament at pine Island*; Wabasha ' ™ k KALKfcnl load all by himself. Other tow- gen, while Dennis Murray and vs. Lewiston In Holldoy tournament NOW ONLY m ™v m at Plainview*; Goodhue af bonier V Duane Norstad, 5-7 and 5-6, re- Milan* . "V ¦ , # SINGS... "Ano«ls Wa Have Heard High" ering veterans are Rick Schuth If—Wabasha vs. plainview In Holiday 1PP On ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ , spectively, fill out the back- tournament at Plainview*; Ooodhue ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦¦ and Charles Smith, both 6-3 vs. Applatofi er Cannon Palls in Hell- . . . ¦' . wd "Ava Maria" Dennis Iverson, 6-2, and Pete court. day tournament at Milan* , f Ekstrand, 6-1. The "little guy ELGIN, Faribault Deaf and JANUARY " 7—Randolph at Goodhue; Wabasha at ef tbe group is 5-6 guard Gary Mazeppa have a total of only Maieppa; Blgln «t Faribault Deaf, *^ Johnson. three lettermen between them e—Goodhue at Wanamlngo*. By for ^^KkMJk^k^kMmmMmmw Smm ^m ^m ^m ^m ^m ^mmT^mf ^^ r^^^r^^mw^^r ^^a 11—Farmlngton at Randolph* . ^^w *T^^*^* *^m\********************\ All are seniors , but if con- -- one for each school. 14—Randolph at Elgin i Maiappa at ference foes expect to wait un- Elgin boasts the tallest of the Ooodhue.- Faribault Deaf at Wabasha. ^^ IS—Faribault Deal vs. Alumni*. til next year to take the mea- veterans in 5-11 Bob Tittring- ll—Wykoll at Maieppa*; Daver-Byota at sure of the Indians, it won't be ton. There are a bevy of eager Blgln*; Randolph at Prascett*. Jl—Mazeppa at Randolph; Wabasha al an easy task. In reserve are prospects but only Fred John- Elgin; Goodhue at Faribault Deaf. m\ l/*C /flHGmaH>>X^aV^^/71^aa^aa^aa^aa^aHaaj ll B[VIvAl L' vAl lal aaTala^aa^aa^aaH the likes of 6-5 Jim Malone, son, 6-1, crosses the magic six- 27—Wabasha at Rochester Lourdes*. B\ ICE and it—Randolph at Wabasha; Rlgin at Good- /AmA^kaaWtMafWW/Ul^ 6-3 Bill Malone, 5-11 Gerald foot barriers. hue; Faribault Deal at Mataaaa. Loechler. 5-11 Mike Clickner, Others are Arvin Holtegaard, FEBRUARY 1—Lakevllle al Randolph* . 6-10 Jeff Peterson, 5-6 Curt Dunn Dave Nihart. Steve Richardson, «—Randolph) at Faribault Daal; Mazeppe and Jack Alton, who stands at Jim Schmoll, Jerry Johnson, at Elgin; Wabitha at Goodhue. an even six feet. Bob Rahman, Lyle Wandrey, t-Ilmley at Randolph*; Pepin at Wa- basha*. ^^9rMM!A\**MALwm ^ Goodhue, a perennial Centen- Ron Kurth and John Ernst. Jl—Mazeppa al Wabasha; Ooodhue al a*M!Mm\*******WA\**sj la^aa^H Randolph; Faribault Deaf at Blflft; nial power, has three lettermen Mazeppa has possibilities with it—Lewiston al Wabaehi* . back led by Gary Opsahl , 6-2. a pair of 6-2 non-lettering pros- lt-Wabaiha at Faribault Daal; Blgln at Rsndolph; ooodhue at Maieppa. Neither Tom Gorman or Bob pects in George Muenal and 23-Elgin af Wabasha; Prescttt at Ran- Buck reach six feet , but coach Dan Perrine. James Rollie , 5-9, dolph* . 15—Randolph at Mazeppa; Faribault Deaf Ev Flom has some rangy pros- is the only monogram winner at Goodhua, pects that could help out. on coach Gale Hellerud's team. •Non-conference games.

ear Wabasha Tops Pepin; tax and off Ptui tiros your j BL Tubeleee Bl.okwelle. 2 trade-in H Durand Cops 67-65 Ifl ^^ H B i B ^ ^ P^ C.OO/fl.50-13 • Wabasha crossed the Mighty Fairchild 76-66, Taylor dumped OSSEO 7« Mitsissippi to take home the Melrose-Mindoro 66-50, and Du- FAIRCHILD 65 rand eked out a 67-65 decision Osseo rolled past Fairchild 76- interstate high school basket- Valley. ball title Tuesday night, While over Spring 65 after overcoming an 18-16 most Wisconsin schools were first quarter deficit. The score WABASHA 80 at halftime was 38-38 for Osseo. ^ GUARANTEE tS&B V:& & battling it out among themselves PEPIN 87 ^ H I ^ I HHHBBHEH MO Ifl50 ^H00 ISi f ^Sl I¦ The Chieftains were on top 60-61 aS^aa^aa^aaVaa«Ba^ataBB^aaHR>aBBBMaaM^aaBl^aP>Vai.BBBIV 1™MONF V^a a•¦S «W ¦ v¦ l I acr\ Art Aft p_».ir mo. ¦ UWlt »nMnt.r«. ortTm. UM «W lh. Ill* ol tha activity. a 1- » ~~ ¦ ' Haplaeamanli I in nonconference Wabasha smashed Pepin In . ¦^ . ¦^ ¦Ml. ¦^ a ^ KaH.' a^HQ.jBflE.aj ^.LTj i «-"*' Ma namlimit am miitUIIFSa, ,. .„0"« ™l,, """ I an 80-67 nonconference tilt at after three. \WmwwmWaVMMaWm\m *******************wGa************n% /MAflU I 76.00 7 ™oar mo. ¦ m ™ mONTHf 0 .n tr»a*

BEAUTICIAN WANTED - Write «•!> Butkus Named Woman Feared Want Ads Dally News. E2SV ANNOTE-AUTO-FURNITUR«S Mele—Jobs of Interest— 27 ,LO PLAIN 170 E. 3rd. Tel. »1$. Start Here Sat. I a.m. to noon Victim of Fire MAN WANTED for general farm work. Hn. • a.m. to 3 p.m., Paul Schroeder, Elgin, Minn. Tal . I7e- (AP) BLIND ADS UNCALLED FOR- ¦ ' NFL Defensive GLENWOOD, Minn. - 3333. Money . ..« Fire swept a three-story apart- E-3, 11, W, 14 Quick Linahan s Tags MARRIED MAN for my farm. Pine Mea- on any article of value ._., . ment building here today , and dow Angus Farm, Elvln Humble, Rush- NEUMANN'S BARCAIN STORE ¦ Tel. .IIS one occupant waa f eared dead. NOTICE ford, Minn. MI E. 2nd St. Star of Week Eight persons having quarters GENERAL FARMWORK - man wanted. Dtilgnitlons ai to »•» In our Halp Gerald Simon, Lewiston, Minn,, (near Dogs, P«tt. Suppliaa 42 NEW YORK (AP ) - Dick in the frame structure escaped Wanted advertising columns It mnda Fremont). safely. only CD to indicate bona fid* occu- German Shepherd Butkus of the Chicago Bears is full or part TWO REGISTERED pational qualifications for employ- THREE MEN NEEDED for for good home. Phillip Wa- Mussing and feared dead was ment which an employer regard! time work. SM par week. TeL 2859 dogs free another brilliant rookie ar* letzkl, Bethany, Minn. Tel. Lewiston living reasonably necessary to the normal Wed. and Thuri., Dec. 1 and 2, be- Totals Mrs, Marion Smalley, 55, Who 2742. ' Top Ten operation of his business, or (2) aa tween 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. up to his college press clippings lived alone in a second • floor a convenience to our readers to In- of tropical ' with 245 from mate Bob Stein , vas counted 493 for Speltz Tex- with future, LARGEST ASSORTMENT Linahan s Inn. competing in in his first year of professional Editor Jared Small- form them as to which positions tha STEADY EMPLOYMENT Chicago to Tw n unit. A son, tlrslsher; fish and supplies from led Fish Shop to 1 ,025—2 , 990. aco. advertiser believes would be of mora experienced production wood riety, MlracH Mall. the Hal-Rod Ladies City ey of the Perham Enterprise phases. Cities . Lofqulst Va WESTGATE: Hiawatha - football. , Interest to one sex than the other bo- experienced silk screener—all League, realigned top ten bowl- HAI-ROD LANES: Four-City said be was sure his mother cause ol Hie work Involved. Sucfl Will hire as leadman or foreman If uncorked a 230 The 6-foot-3 , 240-pound middle designations do not Indicate or Imply qualified or will train to supervisory ing departments Tuesday night. —Frank Pomeroy socked 578 to Joel Hatleli would have been in her apart-, Cattla, Stock 43 game to pace Norm's Electric linebacker intercepted That any advertiser Intends to prac- level. Resume with reply. Bo* 386, The team moved into a spark second - place F.A. a pass ment at the time of the fire. tice! any unlawful preference, limita- Faribault, Minn. first-place tie in team game to 1 ,043—2 ,888 and the league tion, specification or discrimination In GOOD FEEDER pigs, U. I weeks old. Krause to 2.765 . Elmer Girtler and recovered a fumble Sunday future for Allen Randall, Rt. 1, Houston, Minn. lead. Dave Blanchard 's 555 was employment practices. ( CAREER SALES-permanent with its 981 and built that into hit 226 for league leading Girt- against the New York Giants Occupants who fled the burn- responsible executive or sales type In- Tel. Rushford 864-M17. I the best series , rolled for House dividual accustomed to active contact a 2,725 series that is good for ler s Oil , while Lang's Bar belt- ing building were Mr. and Mrs. Card of Thanks fo freshen ' and put on another impressive with public. Initial salary plus Incen- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS due fifth place . ed a 960 game. of Heileman s. Rudolph J. Motis, Mr. and Mrs. tive compensation and pension plan. soon, also purebred Duroc boari. Clif- PATZNER— Mln(i., (Pilot The 981 deadlocked the Lina- Lucky ' Ladies — Hof Brau Working Girls —Lucky 3 took performance at Yankee Stadi- Hans Lea and Mr. and Mrs. For permanent resident, 28-45, no trav- ford Hoff, Lanesboro, three-quarters of the laurels , I wish to thank my friends, neigh- el, expenses paid at home office train- Mound). Tel 875-61ZS. . . . ban's quintet with Main Tavern jumped into third place with um. Thomas Blair and their son, bors and relatives for the flowers, ing school with 2-year training program coming up with a 472 game be- Bradley. cards, gifts and visits received (luring locally. Position offers stable career HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS—2. Blank Bros., of the Westgate Pin Topplers As a result, The Associated my hospitalization. hind Janice Daun's lRfi and Viv- with substantial Income and manager- Alma, WU. ?el. .26-2383. League. . Anton Patzner ial opportunity. In requesting Inter- ian Brown 's 479. Goldfingers Press has named Butkus the view, please Include brief personal HOLSTEIN BULLS-reglstered, age IJ te Leading the records up to way during the RIGH T BOWLER, counted 1, 709. Defensive Player of The Week in Lost and Found 4 history . All replies confidential. Box 14 months, dams wltti «!] and the 2,725 were : Ruth Body of Ancient 437, La Crosse, Wis. . 489 lbs. fat, these are 30May records. Wenonah — Flintstones, strug- Mondovi, Wis., (Oilman- Lilla. 221—557; Emerine Weav- NOT RIGHT ARM the National Football League. LOST—Sat. afternoon, 2 keys on key ring Harry Marks, gling to get out of the lower with red tag attached, on King St. be- WANTED a man with years of successful ton). . er. 186—499; Cornelia Podjaski, Princess Found tween Johnson and Center Sts. or sales experience to handle local terri- division , Cen- Commlislon'i Wf had the right bowler reaches of the second ter St. between King and Sanborn Sts., tory selling a high turnover product. NOTICE—Lanesboro Salea 188—497 ; Annette Wieczorek , Veal 12 to II J»og« found new life behind Margaret or Sanborn St. between Center and Men employed will be properly trained. new selling order. . In Tuesday's Dally News, SPORTS SCORES SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) -A sola start* 177-483 , and Claire Williams, 123 E. Sanborn St. Finder Tel. 8-32V5 Sales leads and office space will be and sheep, 1 to 1:30. Cattla McNally 's 455 series which led Veal arriving late 128-r446. The group used 81 pins but the wrong arm. princess of about 20 years of for raward after 5:30. furnished. Excellent Income if you qual- promptly at 1:30. the team to 2,385. Nancy Alam- NBA ify. Write E-18 Daily News. will be sold later In sale. Sail Day per game handicap. age who lived 2,500 years ago ' avery Friday. Marge Moravec, who pi clouted 178 for Blue Tuesday, TUESDAY'S RESULTS FEMALE CAT, grey and while, lost on Cincinnati 126, Los Angeles 110. has been found in a treasure- 7th St. In the 600 block E. Tel. 3402. JANITOR—part-time, 5 days a week, at But that wasn't the only news HEREFORD bulls, I, for pitched 232—571 , did not do while Gay Forties clipped 871. Baltimore lit, Philadelphia 108. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Tel. 3W0 REGISTERED j laden apartment-sized tomb Herbert McNamer, Hous- made in the circuit. Irene Gos- j it with her right arm as the American — Al Blazing lived New York 131/ St . Louis lit, LOST—Lewiston High School 1964 class or 3163 after J:30 p.m. sale or rent. ¦ ring, blue stone, ton, Minn. Tel. 896-3153. tomski of Buck 's Camera slap- TODAY'S GAMES near the Bulgarian town of Vra- wlttiln last 3 weeks, story stated. Marge is a up to his name Tuesday night, Initials D.P., between 3rd and 7th or MARRIED MAN wanted for general j Baltimore vi. New York at Detroit. 10, registered, ped 207—559. Esther Pozanc tsa , the news agency BTA re- around Center to Walnut. Reward. Tel. farm work, no milking, modern house. CHOICE ANGUS BULLS, I southpaw. blazing 223—597 to lead Cort- St. Louis at Detroit. of O ports. Lewiston 4879. Herb Wlebke, Prosper, Minn. • coming 2 years, sired by son clipped 201—558 , Florence Load- land Jewelers to a 2, 921 count , Cincinnati at Los Angeles. Bardoliermere 2 who has produced S ing 512. Eleanor Griesel 504, THURSDAY'S GAME The princess was a member FARMWORK — single man for general International Grand Champions. Priced Graham & McGuire ripped 1,- Cincinnati vt, San Francisco it Oak- Flowers 5 work on modern farm. Small dairy right. Pine Meadow Acres Angus Alice Stevens 500 and Virginia land. I Myrtle Holmay leading the way 038 . of the Thracian aristocracy, herd. Elderly man could qualify . Cyril Farm- . EIvin Humble, Rushlord, Minn. Martens converted the 5-8-10. ion the strength of a 172—478 . and was bedecked with golden SEE OUR beautflul Christmas floral ar- Kronebusch, Minneiska, Minn. Tel. Al- National — Bill Richter top- NHL rangements and wre2ths for cemetery tura 7788. PUREBRED BLACK, Angus bull, 2 years The lone men's honor count She led her team to totals of pled 201—540 and teammate Joe TUESDAY EXHIBITION earrings showing sirens, gold or door. Reasonably- priced. Lofqulsf old, from Elvln Humble herd. Walter of the evening came out of the ; 905—2,545. Albrecht was a step ahead with Detroit 3, Pittsburgh (AL) (. spangles, arid gold buttons. Ar- Variety, Miracle Mall. Part Time Pruka, Rt. 2, Rushford, Minn. Tel. Winona Athletic Club TODAY'S GAMES 8*4-7889. Classic ! ATHLETIC-CLUB: Elks - 201—568 as the pair helped loop Toronto al New York. rows , spears , clay vessels, and Personals 7 YOUNG MAN with car can earn tl.80- League where Jerry Dureske Roy Larson cracked a 185 game leading Home Furniture speed Boston at Chicago. a mirror were found in the J2.50 par hour. Wrlta Warren D. Lee, J THURSDAY'S OAMI 311 Losey Blvd. So., La Crosse, Wis. MMMMMmmmm . . . does that smell snared 600. That total , coupled ! to help 7-Up to 2,652. Gene Lo- to 980-2,851. Boston at Detroit. tomb. LEWISTON good! It's British Sterling toiletries for men, shave lotion, spray deodorant and Livestock Market cologne. Save by buying the 2-pc. set at SB or 3-pc. set at $10. RAINBOW DRAFTSMAN] Day Sale JEWELRY, 116 W. 4th St. 1-3 years experience in in- WELL kept carpets show hte results 01 regular Blue Lustre spot cleaning. Rent dustry desired. Job -will Thursday, Dec. 2 electric shampooer, (1. R. D. Cone Co. Resourceful:. { . . . lead into piston and perma- 1:30 P.M. A BROKEN zipper In your wlnterwear, nent mold design. Write or will soon be fixed when left In our care. Usual run of dairy cattle. W. BETSINGER, Tailor, 227 E. 4th. call collect for application Cows and heifers, fresh and FROM TINY TOTS 1o> great granddads, to springing. everyone loves eallna at RUTH'S RES- TAURANT. 126 E. 3rd. Open 24 hours MR. BOB WALLACE LESLIE GARRISON & SONS That Describes every day, except Mon. Gould Engine Parts Di". Owners and Managers NOW OPEN—Belmont Liquor Drive-In, Tel. Lewiston 2667 1671 W. Jth. Tel. 4391 tor fast delivery. Lake City, Minn. WE'VE ROLLED out the red carpet, Tel. 345-3341, Area Code 612 antr a new one at that. In our Teton Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 44 Room. Won't you help us bestow a Hawks Moracco new name, more In keeping wlfh the DEKALB 20 week pullets, vaccinated for By BOB JUNGHANS a 5-2-1 dual meet mark last new decor, on this room? Ray Meyer , Bronchitis, Newcastle and pox. Innkeeper , WILLIAMS HOTEL. ^Ycalsed In our own new pullet growing Dally News Sports Writer year. And Dotzler was 8-2 at nouses, available year around. SPELTZ ARE YOU A PROBLEM Young Man his 125-pound position. So these DRINKER?- CHICK HATCHERY. Rollingstone, "Resourceful" is the word Wan or woman your drinking creates Minn. Tel. 8689-2311. numerous problems. If you need and that is seldom applied to the two have the ability to lead want help, contact Alcoholics Anony- Over 18, BUY ARBOR ACRE QUEENS, excellent coaching game. But if any word mous, Pioneer Group c/o General De- for ecjg size, Interior quality and pro- the way . livery, Winona, can be applied to Winona High Minn. duction 20 weeks pullets available all Hadfield, from West High High School graduate year around. For quality ask for Arbor School wrestling coach Dave TRUSSES-ABDOAAINAL BELTS Acre Queen pullets. Winona Chick SACROILIAC SUPPORTS Moracco this season , it is re- School of Des Moines , Iowa , al- Full time work in mail room Hatctiery, 56 E. 2nd, Winona. Tel. 5614. sourceful. so showed great potential at GOLTZ PHARMACY 274 E. 3rd Tel. 2W7 Draft Status Important Wanted—Livestock 46 For Moracco, coming off a Rochester, winning the 138- 7-5 dual-meet record last year pound division and going un- Painting, Decorating 20 LEWISTON LIVESTOCK WIARKET in his first year as the Win- Inquire A real good auction market for Your scored upon in the process. livestock . Dairy cattle on hand all hawk mat mentor, must try to INTERIOR PAINTING — Tel. WI9-237S week, hogs bought every day. Trucks "Miller and Dotzler both beat Rollingstone tal. line. available. Sale Thurs. Tel. 26(7. improve on that mark with a A. J. Kiekbusch, thin and inexperienced squad. very good boys from Kasson- Plumbing, Roofing 21 riarm Implements 48 Mantorville quite handily," said Circulation Manager ONLY FIVE lettermen are ELECTRIC ROTO ROOTER HOME LITE CHAIN SAWS - new and back from last year's team, Moracco, "and Hadfield knows For clogged sewers and drains . WINONA DAILY NEWS used, free servicing and have a full Ttl. 9509 or 6434. 1 year guarantee. line of parts In slock. Alma Motors, led by 120-pound Steve Miller a lot of wrestling." Alms, Wis. Tel. 685-3235. and Jim Dotzler, 127. And CALL SYL KTJKOWSKI be- As for the rest of the squad, • Darl-Kool Bulk Tanks hind these live veterans, only 25 he said, "Even though they're FOREMAN Sales — Service Septic Tank & Cesspool Ed's Refrigeration & Dairy Supplies more candidates are out for the inexperienced, they're eager to Supervise night shift of 25 S5S E. Xth Tel. 5532 team, barely leaving enough learn." Cleaning Service for two men in each weight di- Special truck. Sanitary A Odorless women assembly workers — SMALL ENGINE G. S. WOXL-AND CO. Do some minor repairs to SERVICE & REPAIR vision. AND THEY most learn in a Rushford, Minn. Tel. 844.9245 Fast - Economical And perhaps the inexperience hurry for the Winhawks meet machines and equipment. ROBB BROS. STORE POOPED PIPES? The strain ol mod- To properly handle this job, 576 E. 4th Tel. *W is more acute than usual be- three of the Big Nine's toughest ern living and new appliances too you should have a high cause many of the Hawk grap- before Christmas vacation. Fri- much for your present plumbing sys- tem? Call us for a free no-obllgatlon school education and be plers are upperclassmen who day night Winona travels to estimate on replacing worn-out, out- mechanically inclined. Pre- have seen little or no action. Owatonna, and then the follow- dated plumbing before a serious sit- USED uation develops. ferred age range — 25 to 50. So Moracco has to weld a ing Friday, Dec. 10, the Hawks winning unit with limited re- are at home for the first time FRANK O'LAUGHLIN Gehl Mixall Mill PLUMBING & HEATING MILLING MACHINE sources and do it in one of the this season against Albert Lea. 207 E. 3rd Tel. 370J OPERATOR with toughest wrestling conferences Dec. 1-7, Rochester is the foe in the sUte. in the Mayo City. Albert Lea Jerry s Pl umbing Operate milling machine, Crusher Feeder Head The coagulants of this mixed and Rochester were conference M7 E. 4th Tel. 93M drill press, grinder and have and Extra Long some knowledge of engine Discharge Auger. compound of athletes will have co-champions last year and Female—Jobs of Interest—26 to be Miller and Dotzler with have nearly their entire squads lathe. See it here on display. possible help from transfer stu- returning. BABYSITTER WANTED-frcm 7 a.m. to EVERYONE LEARNING . . . The intent attempts to pin teammate Steve Miller while 3:30 p.m. Inquire 213 W. Sarnia. Apply in person looks of these Winona High wrestlers and Moracco applies a helping hand on Hadfield's dent Tom Hadfield. The other three lettermen on F. A. Krause Co. the Winhawk squad are Doug BABYSITTER WANTED for 2 small chil- coach Dave Moracco indicates the serious- back . Standing beside Moracco is John De- dren while molher attends college at Breezy Acres MILLER, winner of the 120- Breza, 103; Wes Streater, 112; ness with which the Hawk s are going about Gallier while Jim Dotzler kneels at right. classes, or may live In weekdays. Tel. Hwys. 14 and 61 East , pound title in the Rochester In- and John DeGallier, 145. Be- 9723 alter 5. Minnesota State their work these days. Here , Tom Hadfield (Daily News Sports Photo) vitational last weekend, posted tween the trio they managed WAITRESS WANTED—Must ba Jl. Will Employment Service to win only one of 25 matches train. Steve's Cocktail Lounge. 163 Walnut Street Hay, Grain, Feed 50 BRAVES TRAINING last year, and this is one de- THREE AVON TERRITORIES opening In Winona , Minnesota QUAL ITY ALFALFA HAY. Call or write partment where considerable Ihe city of Winona. Still time ,lo sell Kenneth Tlouoan, Plainview, Minn. Tel, FORT LAUDERDALE , Fla. Avon's beautiful Christmas line . Con- 534-2268. improvement is quickly need- ————«-^™____ L (AP) — The Atlanta Braves Will tact Helen Scott, P.O. Box 764, Roches- Halp—Male or Famala 28 ter, Minn. Articles for Sale 57 open spring training Feb. 22 in DINING. ROOM EMPLOYEES—Oaks. Eckert Won t Become There are several "comers" WAITRESS WANTED — experienced preferred, evening work, full time. LADIES' WILSON golf clubs, S Irons, I West Palm Beach, Fla., Presi- who should develop into top- woods, bag wilh carl. Shorty 's Bar-Cale. Situations Wanted—Fam. 29 Tel. 9225 or In- dent John McHale said today. notch wrestlers before the sea- quire 208 E. 8th . ¦ son progresses too far. Among WOMAN WANTED to do telephone BABY SITTING wanted evtnlngs and work from home, good itartlng sal- weekends. Tel. 9281. NEW 19" Motorola portable TV. Tel. ' them is 95-pounder Rick Pom- ary, Immediate opening. Wrlta Mr. 8-4291 after 4. Puppet for Baseball NO CHANGES Meode, 19Vj S, Borslon, Room 20, PART TIME or temporary general of- eroy. Pomeroy , a freshman, (AP) Eau Claire, Wis. fice or sales work wanted, no short- GIRLS' LEATHER mow boots, sizes 9 FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. tence ," he said , "but I practice greatly — asked "who's he?' " COLUMBIA , Mo. - won two of three matches at hand. Tel. 8-1108. Ihru 3, Were J5.97, now J2.97. Bargain Center, 253 E. 3rd. t*AP) — Gen . William Eckert justice and equity. " Eckert said he planned to Former baseball executive Rochester , losing his first bout ERN MORE In '66 with tha Fashion Wagon ot Minnesota Woolen. Lead- Business* Opportunitlai 37 says he won't be intimidated in change that image by mixing Branch Rickey, 83, remains in a "because of stage fright more ing styles sold direct from factory DOLL CLOTHES-made tor Barbie, Tam- Krkert said he was gratified on popular Parly Plan, or appoint- my, Skipper end similar dolls. New. his new job as commissioner of I with baseball players , the minor coma today at the Boone County than anything else" according COUNTRYSIDE INN on Hwy, 44 for sale, ment basis. Management opportun- Includes handknlts. Very reasonably by the "gracious reception " giv- excellent business, good location. Tal, baseball. leagues and the public. Hospital . ities. priced, Tel. 6007. to Moracco. For full details, write Minnesota el after 4 p.m. or write Box 7, Mabel, en him as commissioner despite Woolen Co., Duluth, Minn. Include Minn. BUILDING FOR The retired Air Force officer ¦ LKS your phone. SALE~-12x24\ tjltable his lack of baseball fame. DICK HENDERSON, 155. al- for garage. 167,1 W. Sth. bluntly told baseball officials Athlellc Club W. L. FOR SALE: Exceptional supper club op- "The day after I was named »• U so wrestled sparingly on the HOUSEWORK—2 mornings » week, pre- Tuesday night that he won 't al- Home Furniture porlunlly. Wrile (or free brochure to USED REFRIGERATORS, Main Tavern »3 14 ferably Mon. and Fri. Slate age and electric cloinei commissioner, " Eckert soid , varsity last season and is one MIDWEST REALTY CO., 0ss.«o, Wis. dryers and ranges. low himself "to become a Speltz Texico n 17 give references, Write E-20 Dally B8.B Electric 135 "Willie Mays — whom I admire Robert, Bockus, Broker. E. 3rd. " Seven-Up !? M of Morncco's aces in the hole. New). puppet. Grain Bill )• » Filling out the likely starting CAFE IN WINONA—Doing gooart busin- "NEVER used anything t Beer , 11 !• BEAUTICIANS WANTED—Immediately. Ilka II, " say Bub' ess, Real estate, fixtures, equipment users of Blue AMERICAN LUCKY LADIES lineup for the Owatonna meet Write E-19 Dally News. Lustre for cleaning Eckert. making his first for- Included. Price 116,000. Terms, Con- carpel. Hal-Rod VV, L, Rent eleclrlc shampooer, SI. mal speech since taking the job Weitgite W. L. are Chuck Lueck , 175; Tom tact Clnskey Really, La Cross*. H. Choate 6. Co. Hauier'i Black Crowi 7* 14 Fountain City " " WOMAN TO DO general cleaning. V> two weeks ago, said he will Like Bowl II 1« Clark » Clerk 11 IJ Becker, heavyweight , and day twice a week or 1 full day. Good over as commissioner with no Earl' i Tr»e Service J5 17 Hoi Brau >« 14 either Gary Ellis or Ron Hoo- disposition with young children, would Basketball Country Kitchen « 17 Coca-Cola 1» 17 prefer lady with car to drive herself. obligations to anyone. H. Choate » Co. 35 17 Hamm'i Beer !• 17 ver , 133. Tel. 9482. Kramer » Toye plumbing 14 ll Seven Up Ii 11 The luck of depth has already "Nobody tied any strings on Cortland Jewelen 14 ll Standard Lumber 19 11 R. D. Cone 17 become apparent before the Women - Part-Time me, so there aren't any to pull , " Graham •• McGuire IV, li' i * i Scores Home Furniture 13' i \l"i FOUR CITY season even has gotten under- THE Fuller Brush Co. has openings for said the unemotional 5f>-year-old Merchtntt flank IJ' 1, 1»U Hal-Rod Points two ladles to represent Fuller cos Rainbow Jeweleri l»'i iVi Glrtler 'i Oil 7 way. Todd Spencer , the Hawks' melics and cleaning products In the commissioner, who described F. A. Krtuie 4 Winona area 15 hours week, flexible HIAWATHA VALLfY- Grain Belt Jeweleri 11 14 165-pounder , suffered a pinched . himself as a "product of small- Winona Ready Mix It 37 Central Molars 4 ichcdule, 12 ,20 per hour. For Interview Laka Citv It, Zumbrota 51. nerve in his neck and will not town America , with no experi- Bub'i Beer 14", 17^ Chrittenun Drugs 4 write Jerry Johnson, Rt. 3, Rochester, S NONCONFK*ENC«— Boland M<<< li Pin Pall II 17 belts," wus named today as the recip- Size 14" Or.nd Mtadovy 5» . sprint Vallty 11. LADIES CITY Studio Girl 14' , ll' i our x24" e-rt said he does nut plan to olfei Hal Nod W. L . Flint .I OIIM 14 11 And the likes of Miller , Dot- ient of the annual meritorious any immediate remedies for Prtilon 71, Houilon 1* Llnahan'i Inn S 1 (Wu ) Gay Fortlis 10>t ISVi Reg. i.9o EA. Durand 47, Spring Valley 41. Tog » 'n' Toyi ,1 1 zler and Hadfield could make NOW 1 .39 problems plaguing baseball. Taylor 4t, Melroie^Mlndoio 10 WORKING GIRLS service award of the Milwau- ea. Poianc Trucking 3 1 Westgate wv . L. Cannon Falls 57 , Farmlngton SI . ) thos e early meets pleasant ones. "First 1 want to sew some ball Buck' i Camera Shop 1 KJT 31 4 kee Chapter, Baseball Writers Mjnkato 41, Fairmont 4« Haddad't J ) DISCONTINUED CARPET OTHER VCORB5 Go-Go Olrli II I SAMPLES games." said Eckert , who went Pool* 1 1 Goldtlndtri 17 10 Association of America. Biooklleld Ontial ii, Suurx 41 Simmy'i ... 3 3 K/.KHINS INKED to only one game last summer For i Wxttllnvlon 43, Br ookllcld Eait 44 KIs Celt ll ll Coiy Corner 1 4 Miss Fill IS 11 WHITEWATER Iff) - Vilnis JS $2.95 to $4.95 Bla<> Rlvar f ¦ 111 11, Manhlicld 4) . Eckert said he does not be Golden Frog 1 4 Lucky Three 11 14 CRANDALL SIGNED Rivet Fslll 93, MtmomonJt I), Home Furniture 1 4 Kzerins, a Latvian - born half- W ISCONSIN cou.eoes The Zlpi 4 11 Clearance of lieve his luck of baseball ex perl MankalO Bar 14 HIAWATHA buck who rushed for 1 ,939 yards FORT LAUDERDALE , Fla. l!au CUir« 11, Laktland 7» Reddl Kilowatt 1 J erne will hamper him us com- Milwaukee »cn 101, Witconiui Lulhtr Weilgala Polnli in three seasons for Whitewater ifl — Former Braves' fnvorite SCATTER R.UGS UP TO 33% OFF an Seminary 4t. WINONA CLASSIC Norm 'i Bkclric ISVi missioner because he has hud Alhltllc Club W I. Mouse o| Helleman has been 'i 14 Slate University, Del Crandall , released Monday wide experience as un Air Force Hot Full Shop 77i ) IP, Spelli Oll t Implement . 30 VINYL ASBESTOS TILE 9" \VIU ; STI .IM ; Bub', Beer 11 11 Tri County Electilc 31 signed to a bonus contract by x 9" le )), [ by Ihe Pittsburgh Pirates , has office r in dealing with peop Nnrlfiluld lUttlnqt IJ Golden Frog Supper Club I* 10 KAC.E II Ihe Los Angeles Hums of the Reg. .10% Ea. and problems. Hrd Wmu 11, libit-v II Emil'i fvtentwear I) 11 Midland Coop ll'i National Foot ball League the I signed with the Cleveland In- NOW 8c ed. Lake Clly 3», 7uml)rnl« j Hamm'i Beer 17 1} Ku|ak Brothers Transfer ... 14 , "I make no claims to omnipo- Dover Byot« II, plainview it. ¦d Buck'* Camera Ihop Mh ! Peptl Cola 14 university said today. dians. Article* for Sal* $7 Building Materials €1 Wanted to Buy SI Houses for Salt 99 Accuser!**, Tlren, Part* 104 Ui««J Ctr* 109 L.IVINO ROOM chair, Flexsleel, good " PECORATIVE FIBERGLASS. metal JUNK CARS end trucks wanted. Til. SNOW TIRE SALH eowdrtkm, MO tit Grand. FOR SALE OR RENT, 4-room house, screen l< llllgree hardboard for di- HI&S. Buy tha First at eest Fifth St. Also for sele or rent in viders. Kendell-O'Brltn Lumber Regular Price Used Core 109 Mobile Homes, Tr«IUrk 111 0.1. JOI action soldier, list price si n, &?.. Fountain City, 3 family houas with run- »5 Franklin, Winona, Minn. 1961 CJ5 JEEP ipKlat ll.»7. Lofqulst Variety, Mir acta Rooms Without Meals 88 ning spring water, 2 lots, on North Ott the Second (or ' to Prlte STUDEBAKER—1M« Lark, straleM SEE OUR fin* aalactron ef niw tnei Mall. Shore Dr. Rent terms. C. SHANK, 522 Universal Kick, Any Slie —Any Type 4-cyllnder. 3M E. 10th. Tel. 7238. utad moblla homci, all ilzn, Bank BualnMs Equipment ROOMS FOR MEN, with Or without E. 3rd. financing. 7-y»ar plan. COULBt MO- •URN MOBIL. FUEL OIL and en'oy the 62 FIRESTONE housekeeping privileges. No dey sleep- REAL GOOD CONDITION BILE HOME I ALE J, Hwy. 14-al I comfort of automatic personal car*. ers. Tel. 4859 IW W. Ird Winona * . FOR SALE BY OWNER — J-bedroOrn Winona. Til. «7a. Keep full atrvlca — complete burner home In Bluff Siding. Oil hot water Full vinyl top, snow tires 1959 MERCURY 4-door Se- cart. Budgtt plan and guaranteed price . Apartments, Flats heat, full basement, large backyard Motorcycles, Bicycle* 107 all around. Stop In and look HWY. Al Moblla Horn* U\a% aait nt Ordtr today from JOSWICK 'S FUEL t RCA CASH REGISTER 90 dan, automatic transmis- with swing set, excellent for children, Shangri-La Molal. Wa hiv* II wW'i OIL CO., Wl E. Sth. Tel. 3389. Tel. Fountain City 887-4642. over this one. Take it for 7 months old. IN ALTURA—2-bedroom modern apt. Im- COLUMBIA BOYS' W bicycle, niw, still sion, power steering, power on hand, alio n«w 1961 modal I wldM. mediate possession. Te). Altura t3S2. In Ihe carton. Ideal Christmas gilt. a spin. See Ken at T«l. t-Mi. H0USBH0LD SALE — leaving the city, TWO STUCCO HOUSES—t 2-bedreom, I W. H. Bsliel. Inquire 362 Elm alter 4 p.m. brakes, radio and heater. clothing, iports equipment, toya, RCA ADDING MACHINE 3-or 4-bedroom. Gerages. West location. Your Headquarters for the gimtt, books, household Items. Frl. Carpeting. Will finance. Tel. 405V. A GOOD RUNNER SIXTH W. 30T/4—Ideal central location, TRIUMPH-1»6S, 450CC, excellent eondl- leading 4-wheel drive vehi- for $300 La Cross* Mobile Hornet and eat., 9 a.m.-S p.m. 321 Wilson. 3 years old. tlon, Tel. Cochrane 24B-2363. upper l-bedroom apt., spacious rooms, STOCKTON, MINN.-3-apt, building end cle New k Used pood closet space, tub and shower, gas USED WRINGER WASHER, refrigerator, vacant lot. Must be sola. Address In- PLAN TO QIVE OR GET and TV $«ts. JJS and up. FRANK $200 each. heat, private entrance, inquire 313 quiries to the Merchants National sank. Washington. A MOTORCYCLE FOR CHRISTMAS! WALZ ROLLOHOME LILLA & SONS, 761 E. Sth. Open eve- Trust Dept., Winona. Tal. J8JT. Robb Bros. Motorcycle) SHop, S73 I. 4th. F. A. KRAUSE CO. nings BUICK - OLDSMOBILE mile S. of City llmita on Want a TV tower MODERN 3-room ept, with electric stove Breezy Acres \V* with rotftr. D. 5 ROOMS end bath, all on one floor. O Hwy 14. ITARTCKIET will start your car In end refrigerator. Inquire 1212 ft. 7th Trucks, Tract's Trailer* 108 Hwys. 14 ind 41 E. pen Mon. & Fri. Night sec- Tel Cochrane 248-2284. p.m. In St, Stan's erea. 1500 down payment, onds every day. For more Information .after s balance only 147.50 per month. Avail, Lyle Norslcog - Rollls Norskog or dealership call Diamond K Enter- able at once. ABTS AGENCY, INC., CHEVROLBT-1W4 pickup. Tel. Alhjre prises. St. Charles 932-4308. CENTER SOOVi—deluxe 3-room apt., par- 159 Walnut St. Tel. 8-4345. 4353. W. H. Batzsl. Tel. Lt Crosse 4-8354 flatty furnished, with private bath, Furn., Rugs, Linoleum ICE SKAT E EXCHANGE 64 drapes and carpeting. Available Jan. FOR SALE BY OWNER, Ilka new 3-bed- 1. Adults, By appointment only. Tel. FIRST OF THE PRICED TO Kolter Bicycle Shop room home, 1 mile out ef Rushford, 6790. Auction Sales 409 Mankato Ave, Tel. Sits ' NICE SELECTION of platform rockers next to Golfvlew Supper Club, front 1 958 Chevrolet MONTH -— an. ¦ „ .— Ml I.I— ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦—— *—» " sfartlno at SM.tS. SORZYSKOWSKI yard loins golf course. Priced af only TON , SELL FAST J SNOW PLOW SPECIALS FURNITURE, 30] Mankato Ave. Open Apartments, Furnished . 91 $13,700 for quick sale, Tel. Rushlord ^ Houuhold Good! Our Spaxlilty Oeedall t h.p. - S3B? unt for S22J evenings. 844-9344 for appointment. 4 speed transmission, SPECIAL HIL H. DUILLMAN, Fountain city. Jacobsen 3 h.p.—M19 unit for S175 MALE TO SHARE upper l-bedroom apt., 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA Wli. Til. IAI7-J431 er U87-3i7t. While They Last I BIO DELUXE foam filled pillows, 17" cooking facilities available. 1403 W. eth, DL. $500 DOWN, balance 193.38 per 6 ply tires. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE square, covered I960 RAMBLER with extra wide rib- month, buys this home located In . Convertible, V-8 ALVIN KOHNER bed corduroy. EXCELLENT CONDITION Ind la Johnson Tel. 3455 In many brilliant decora- TWO ROOMS wlfh bath, private en- choice west pert of city, t bedrooms, AUCTIONEER . City and atata UcaruM tive Classic Custom 4-dr. Sedan, \ # m o t o r, p o w e r color*. $3.75 each at BURKE'S trance, available Immediately. Working with a beautiful kitchen and nice sized Check this one and bondtd. 552 Llbarty St. (Corner WE HAVE EVERYTHING ever desired FURNITURE economical 8 cylinder en- / steering, power MART, frd & Franklin. person preferred. Tel. 9287. living room. Lots of storage. Full base- out today ! Y E. Sth »nd Liberty) Tal ««0. by the artist on your Christmas lisfl ment wllrt a large recreation room con- gine, automatic transmis- \ / brakes, whitewall Grumbacher's finest brushes, oils and taining a built-in bar and fireplace. oil sets, water colors and sets, pastels Good Things to Eet 65 Business Places for Rent 92 All neat and clean,, ready to move Into sion, reclining seats, tu-tone \ / tires, solid Alpine CARL FANN JR. and pastel sets, sketch boxes, mediums, t AUCTIONEER. Bonded and Lleamod. et once. A call to our office will give e» f"» »TTT» T^ Wl» green and white, good tires. white finish with boards, papers, charcoal, STORAGE SPACE, fog. rent. 28x4)*. lo- Mkh£ft^aw !Law^ y Ruthford, Minn. Ttl. SNOWPLOWS Have You V«-ton, 4-speed pickup, $169i 1951 3rd & Mankato Tel. 8-3649 Wehrs Chevrolet Salei, owner; Miller good location, bus 1 block, $87.50. R. L. more Information Toro — Snowbird — Bobcat Chevrolet Va-ton, 3169. WILSON / dio, heater, auto- a, Wehrenbero; auctioneers; Thorp Fl. Registered Bornltz, Box 11, Lamoille, Minn. Tel. Y All sizes. A machine to fit any nterl. TEL. 8-3007 STORE. Tel. 80-2M7. \ / matic transmis- nence Corp., clerk. WINONA FIRE & POWER CO., for the TV sets Dakota 443-2087. s i o n, whitewall 54 E. 2nd. Tel. 5045 DID YOU EVER receive something for Y DEC. 4—Sat. 11 a.m, About 3 miles E. of Wanted to Rent 96 nothing? 01 course noli If you care- " tires. Locally Hokah, Minn., near Junction Hwy. 74 fully analyze such a transaction you STATION owned. and County Road 7. Frank C. Feld- FURNISHED APT. wanted near Winona will discover that you paid for every- meler estate); Worrli 1 Olson, auction- A^m\% State College by Jan. 1st. Tel. 9723 thing you received . .. perhaps more eers; Commercial State Bank See it now to The Winona Daily News CHRISTMAS WRAP. 1 group. 30% off; AT GIVE A PORTABLE for Christmas, en bedroom rambler, attached garage, res. J1.39 Christmas tree llghti, 99c; 'TIL 9:00 Ollyrtttl-Undorwood, the portable type- natural gas, carpeted. Smell amount WEST WABASHA . . . Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker. 1 I reg. $1.20 Kodak black and white writer for people going places. The Let- down. Gerald Buege. Tel. 8-1235. 1 BLOCK TO SCHOOL I LANESBORO SALES COMMISSION ff film, e20 . and 127 2-roll pack. He; fere 32 has the edvanfeges of full alia f4: Lanesboro Southeast Minnesota on Highway lfl | 59c Gibson Glow-Sheen Christmas office machines only It Is light end . wrap, 2 rolls 69c ; reg. $19.95 Brpxl- slim, slim enough ta slip Into a desk Compact 2 story 3 bedroom i Auctioneer: Walter Ode p dent automatic toothbrushes, tlZWr drewer. The most remarkable feature THIS WINTER home with living room, , Rochester, Minnesota & refl. $1.19 Pristan room vaporizer, 77e; Is Its price. Only W.SO at WINONA I Clerk : Thorp Sales Corporation res. $1,49 Contac cold capsules, kitchen, 99et TYPEWRITER SERVICE, lei E. 3rd, dining room and 1 Paul Evenson, Lanesboro Local Representative d reg. 55c Vlcks Vapo Rub, 39c; many Winona. Tel. 8-3300. BE IN YOUR full basement, double ga- O & J MOTOR CO. I THORP SALES COMPANY'S EASY TERMS jg other sale items. rage. Immediate occupancy. A PORTABLE to compare with any on DECEMBER CLEARANCE SALE I Thorp Sales Co., Clerk, Rochester, Minn. 4 TED MAIER DRUGS the market Is the STUDIO 44, another NEW HOME FHA approved. $400 down. Downtown & Miracle Mall Olivetti-Underwood product designed for ruggedness. Laroer than the Letters WINONA STONE FIREPLACE We Look At Any And All Deals Baby Merchandise 59 32. It will give its owner hour upon hour of typing pleasure. For the busi- Reduced sale. 3-olex. 18,500. Monthly nessman or office, It'll make a secre- for quick Highlights the living room 4-door hard- 1965 Fairlane SCO 4-door , V-8, NYLON MESH playyards, $17.95; folding Good Sarnia 51. loca- 19G5 Ford LTD tary's work easier and much neater. Income S150. high chairs, 112.98. B0RZYSKOWSKI tion. with beamed ceiling and top, power steering and Cruisomatic, light blue, FURNITURE, 302 Mankato Ave Open Truly a sturdy machine. See a demon- panelled walls , beautifully power brakes. All black , very low mileage. evenings. stration at WINONA TYPEWRITER Property I mmmmamm ^^LtmW^f 0/ ^ mwmmmmmM I SERVICE, lei E. 3rd. Income carpeted and draped . Charm U m On West Sarnia. 3 separate epts. Jf * f f ^rd Fairlane 4-door, Coal, Wood, Other Fuel Modestly priced. ing kitchen with built-in 1965 FordlTT Custom 500rl\ 4-door , s)) if Vacuum Cleaners 78 wall oven and hood. 2 car- ™*^ standar(i t l dark l| Having sold farm , will sell the following personal prop- | DRY OAK block wood. Tel. 84B7-477I. 352. V-8 motor, Cruiso- „ $1995 ELECTROLUX SALES s. parts. Clarence Duplex peted bedrooms, den or I crty at public auction on f Lower apt., matic, light blue , Russell, 1570 W. King. West central location . has carpeted living room and dining third bedroom. Lovely land- radio $2195 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 4-door, THERE'S PLENTY OF room. Each apt. has a furnace and scaped yard, Just minutes 200 h.p., V-8, power brakes Wanted to Buy 81 garage and 3 bedrooms. Price HJ<- away. This is a real beauty ! 1965 Mustang convertible , fi Deceimbet 8 | cylinder , standard shift, and steering all white, S Wednesday* COAL WEATHER OLD RECORD PLAYERS, radios ana Cruisomatic. It a W fi TVs, any condition, not necessarily Reduced LOTS OF LOTS white , very low B Farm is located 4 miles west of Lanesboro on Irish Ridge | working; also cabinet suitable for hi-fi. n«w 11995 tor sale this month, new three-bed- mileage $2395 f < Road, or 6 miles east of Fountain or Irish Ridge Road, AH EAD! Tel. 4785. room, bath and a half home, carpet- Let us show you a variety $ ed living room, attached double ga- 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 4-door, ]9M porr\ XL 2-door hardtop, % or 7 miles Northeast of Preston on Isinours Road. Follow f - GOOD USED brooder house wanttd, 13> of lovely building lots, all Be Prepared rage, gas heat, excellent construction. 352 V-8 motor , Cruisomatic, H Thorp Auction Arrows. Lunch will be served by the 8 14' or 14x14'. ° Donald Maschka , /Minne- sizes, all prices, V-fi , Cruisomatic , bucket ORDER NOW sota City, Minn. Tel, 489-34J9. $9800 power steering, rose MatS ) an white , low mile- ?i| Unit of St. Patrick's Church. ?i lot, three color $1795 Prepared Size Coal POOL TABLE WA«TED-Elther 4V4^ buys Ihls home on corner NEW DOUBLE GARAGE age new siding, big H 33 HEREFORDS AND HOLSTEINS - All beef cows | or 4x1 Tel. Rushford I64-7e58 or write bedrooms, new root, 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 2-door ' _ . _ . . , COKE P.O. Box 504, Rushlord, Minn. garage. i iwwi t artificially to He reford bulls. Holstein cows bred & • 3 bedrooms, new kitchen, hardtop, tu-tone , V-8 , Ford- Ford Fairlane 4-door, ti¦ nre bred living room, dining room. ™?V-fln standard shift , clean, y artificially to Holstein bulls. Herd Is Bangs tested. %' • BRIQUETS WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON & METAL Overlooking Lake omatic very low mileage . kitchen with 7 2 Shorthorn heifers , due 1st calf In Spring; 4 Hereford STOKER FUELS CO. pays highest prices for scrap First floor has bin Combination windows, per- it's new $1795 n *]285 % • Iron, metals, and raw fur. dining area, living room, small office manent siding. Only $200 ^ 7 cows, due 2nd and 3rd calf in Spring ; 6 Hereford cows, $ »» W. 2nd Tel. 2047 or hobby room, bath and one bed- , bath 1 962 Ford Galaxie 500 4-door 1953 Chevrolet Monza 2-door 7 du« 4th to 6th calf in Spring; 1 Holstein heifer, due 1st p. "It Costs Less to Closed Saturdays room. Second floor has lull down on Veteran Loan. See V-8 , power Burn the Best" and four bedrooms. Large lot plus it now ! , Cruisomatic Spyder , equipped , all *A call in March; 3 Holstein heifers, milking, due 2nd calf % SEE Ua For Best Prices two-car gnrage. .steering. All white. black $121)5 April; 3 Holstein cows, milking, due in Spring; |:] 350 W. 3rd Tel. 3373 • - Scrap Irort, Metal, Wool, Raw Pure i0 7 Marc h and ¦¦ M a W IRON & METAL WALKING DISTANCE Only $1105 10 Hereford calves , CO. Near the New r 7 l Swiss cow , milking, due in March; Ml W. 2nd SI. Tel. 3O04 TO DOWNTOWN 1962 Oldsmobile F85 4-door ^' >± ° ' steers and heifers , 300 to 400 lbs.; 3 Holstein bull calves f , . ^«J eylinder^i/jj, FordomaticJ % ' HIGHEST PRICES PAID High School V-8 , .standard shift , vinyl 7 (barn). £ for ecrap Iron, metals, rags, hides, Rambler with large wool carpeted The charm of an older home re,L 0n,y 595 In trim. Clean , just .... $1195 * DAIRY EQUIPMENT — Wilson 4-can cooler ; 2 Surge raw lura and wool I living room, big kitchen wilh built can be found in this spa- $ rango and oven, ceramic bath wilh milker; Surge pump and motor; strainer, pails , etc . \i Sam Weisrrian & Sons vanity plus half bath olf kitchen, cious 4 bedroom family y MACHINERY - A.C. "WD 45" tractor, good rubber, V INCORPORATED three good sized bodroomi, attached home lovely fireplace in 1961 Ford Galaxie 2-door 195 1 Rambler wagon , 6 ' 450 W. 3rd Tel. Hit two-car garage, laundry room olf 7 with cultivator; A.C. "WD" tractor; A.C. mounted dig- j \ kitchen for convenient living, living room, sitting room, hardtop, V-fl , Cruiso- cylinder , automatic 4- , C. mounted plow , 3x14 ; A.C. mounted 2-row , ger Jl-ft.; A . »\ Two Down separate dining room cen- A11 blaCk ' , luggage rack 7 picker; A.C. baler; A . C. combine "60" complete; A.C. £ tral hallway, Presently the SJ' . $1095 J- »! 12-ft .; J.D. tractor mower , 7-ft, ; J. D. 290 planter; 7. CHECKED YOUR OIL TANK completely rent- N,ee S!)5 disk , WMs Wrngmnm Two Up upstairs is 1 960 (Buick Invictn 2-door * 7 .1.1) . spreader; McD . drill with grass seeder , B-ft. ; McD. j£ IP IT This sir "• and o halt home hai two ed out. Use for your family hardtop, bucket seats , tractor plow , 2x16; Owatonna elevator , 36-ft.; Mnssey v bedrooms -nd bath down plus carpet- or Income property. Full all white. Very Sharp. 1950 Ford Country Sedan ed living roor, kitchen with wall- Harris 4-bar side delivery ; Oliver tandem disc , 18-inch \\ JH J|<^|/l 'S LOW type GE refrigerator, Iwo bedrooms basement, oil burning fur- 1961 Falcon 4-door , stand- 9 passenger wagon , V-8 , ,¦ '. discs , 8-ft.; :i-scclion spring tooth; 4-scction wood drag • / | on second floor and half bath and nace. Only $1 ,000 down and ard shift . All whilf , Fnnlomniin. ' NOW an amusement room v/lth built-in 7 with folding draw bar; steel wagon on rubber with 6x12 . .. ORDER bar In the basement. $75 monthly. See it today! priced to sell. Only $fi|)5 1^J ! box , 24-inch sides; steel wagon with bale rack; 2 slip £• I I Hillside | ,scrapers (one heavy duty); junk machinery (hay loader, 7 RelQX COmf0 oed- « M n rt Brand new horn* with three 1959 Plymouth 4-door , fi ryl- 195K Ford 2-door, 6 cylinder, I plow , corn hinder , side delivery ). v SlP rooms, ceramic bath, rumpus room AFTER HOURS , 5(1 hales straw; 600 bu. HrW^ ' ^^ with half bath, double garige, kitch- inder , overdrive , standard shift , I FEED — 2 500 bales hay; 1 | ^W ^ ^ FILL YOUR FUEL OIL TANK BY dining J ' ^ ^ ^ ^ en with frultwood cabinets and greon. Now $445 economy $295 % ear corn; 500 bu. oats. v DECEMBER 1ST area, sodded yard. Ready lor you Pat Heise . . 5709 1057 Ford Country Squire . S HOCIS AND EQUIPMENT - 14 Cross bred feeders, i{ now I . chcvrolct 2.flooi fi cylin. sta ion wagon . V-8, I' ordo p 7 15(1 to 1110 lbs. ; 1 Duroc hoar , 200 lbs.; hog feeder, 10- ;• GET 50 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS Gordon Welshorn . . . 4B84 d owerBlidos liRht , $1750 Down malic , very clean , ft Nicc / m 7 door; hog troughs etc. buys three-bedroom all new home passenger $.175 CHICKENS AND KQUIPMENT -¦ 100 White Leghorn ¦£: ASK FOR YOUR FREE TEXACO CALENDAR wilh altached garage, gas heal, full , , ; basement With laundry tuts, carpet- 19H7 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door , 1051. Chevrolet 4-door V-8 te hens, 1 yoar; chicken nests, etc. £ i METERED DELIVERY ed living room, Just out ot trie city V-fl , Powerglide , two to Powerglide , good Iranspor- f: HOUSEHOLD - Capehart combination radio and ,\ • limits In the ihadow of Sugar Loaf. choose from. tatlon . f - phonograph; suwing machine; 2 wool rugs, 9x12; baby {» SERVICE S • KEEP FILL y/T" V AFTER HOURS CALL: 7 rrlb; couch; j/ira; gas tank ; dishes , etc. <; W. L. (Wlb) Holier 8J1B1 1960 Ford 500 4-door, VJ , Cruisomatic , power Klonrinjj . nil : MISCELLANEOUS - Steel kettle; heavy duty light Vj • EMERGENCY SERVICE Mrs. Frank (Pol) Mortes 2719 $775 hawfS^\ Laura Flik 3118 white , 1 owner. Sharp 7 cord ; cement blocks; electric fencer; feed tanks; wheel- h Leo Koll 4581 7 burrow on rubber; vise ; tools; grease guns ; 4 tine hay w ^**Wr Exchange Bldg. Rates BOB STEIN "Vlnona Wc Finance-Bank U fork and rope ; belts; shovels, etc. P, VS/ i BOB p OWNER: JOHN QUINN , IANESBORO , MINNESOTA H f. Auctioneers : Orvi .s Redalen and Howard Knudsen U . FUEL CHIEF ! OIL CO Wairtod—Roel Estate) 102 .' Clerk ; Thorp Sales Corporation , , PROMPT Rocheoter Minnesota *| TEL. 4743 FOR FURNACE OH. W ddcrith, O & J MOTO^ CO. Paul lOvenson , DELIVERY WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICBS " Lnncsboro local Representative i FUEL OIL T REALTOR FOR YOUR CITY PROPERTY "Kord Deale r ,. T1IOHP SAI.KS COMPANY'S EASY TERMS >,; Nights and Holidays 8-3450 l2Q ctNTER-Tei.2349 "HANK" JEZEWSKI St. Charles , Minn. 4 Thorp Sales Co., Clerk , Rochester , Minn . h (Winona's Only Rial Eitel* Buyer) Tel, Mil or Wl P.O. lax 141 U^^r ' \- 7-::r.::;r:. i.:':7 1 BUZ tAWYlR By Roy Cranr

DICK TRACY By Chotter Gould


BLONDIE *y Chic Young

TIGER By Bud Blake

THE FLINTSTONES »y Hanna-Barbera

LI'L A&NER By Al Capp Canniff STEVE CANYON ¦ By ¦ Milton ¦¦ • -¦— II i i " 1

S *Mmmmm ^S *mmmmm *mWiaam *mmWaWa *a*****^ A Comfort Gift For Christmas I GREAT GIFTS TO GIVE FOR ]

' .m^mm\^m\ *\^m\ *******^^M c!lBB]a *****^^\*K^»^MK- W*\m •** j^^B^jflHiSBtak^

¦ ma&^^^^AAmwwwwmm ^^mwI^MFzLm irlF tWlwl ^Ma.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»Wfca^^.»»»lW ^ ^^^k^^K$$$&$m^m ^w W^k* i^iF k»

^ Ar^\A *^l\**************^mm\*******^a»» ^m\.M AMSSI M *\^M^^*^^M.^mmmm\^^mMammmmV*^S ^m^MS ^mmM

AWm ^mnm^m^m ^m\^a\^L^a***\WAi!^

tsAwmWmgmM—^m—mma/mgmA— A GIFT OF A RUSCO DOOR! tr ^ a**********************************\*M^l^ma *M^*mm ^AW ^ W .k^H * ^ «T| 1. COMFORT IN WARMTH 5. COMFORT IN BEAUTY Keeping out cold wintry blasts! Epoxy paint, In the color ot your in ¦? choice, protects Rusco Doors from 2.« COMFORT^AI.K-MBV IN CLEANUNESS*• A ..¦•...•...-.> .P piU ng and oxidizat|on Filter screeen to keep out dirt . . . &* ^Hk^ak^H ** < -m^S^^ Hi admitting only freah clean air in sum- * COMFORT IN SERVICE mer' ^ New As near as your telephone and for ^ |i ^" PohroW Color Pack Camera | 3. COMFORT IN SAFETY years to come. No othor window corn- \ has provided Winona with lin- Most combination doors, though lock- ^any Polaroid has just Introduced an economy model interrupted local dealer service as long & IfAflalr Inelantoiiit P^mni-'i of 5 ed , can be quietly removed with a fr rVUUaK inSIdlllallC Ualltera the famous Color Pack Camera. It' ns Rusco - s called the Model j screw driver by would-be intruders. KM Not so with Rusco Doors. Only the r . 5 noisy shattering of the glass will per- 7 • COMFORT MEMORIES ft Kodak Instamatle Cameras combined with the rev- 3 used, the giver mit entry through a Rusco Door. Each time the. door is ohitionary new Sylvania Blue Dot Flashcube is the Same ®tA film> San« fast loading, Same electric remembered , t jl will be cye Sanv blg co,or 4. COMFORT IN FUNCTION f hottest thing going today in photography! You're a 1- - prints in M seconds (bla<* and I Wt A . .u « u u .. « u.. wnite in Just 10) - Yct Polaroid has figured8 out a A Rusco Doors are sturdy, don't stick 8 COMFORT IN KNOWING ... {F ways ready for the next^ flash shotl No fumbling.* , L , , , ' ^a '¦ way to brln Jt or freeze shut. They close softly with the Kiver carcd enouch ,0 g| ve the ar : 8 to you for only about half the price M no metal-to mctal clatter , yet latch + stop in for a free demonstration - no obligation - of origbial mode, very b(lhtl ^ | positively and snugly. E: we're more than happy to demonstrate our products, ^ w & give helpful hints, take care of snapshot problems. When you invent something that's this much fun , W ' RUSCO DOORS have met with such £ *0l kt^A Ofl pT etc. ... the things you'd miss by shopping at the you ve just got to find a way to put it in the hands ji nthuiiattlc acceptance other y«art that T I I ¦ •WW between of a lot of people. • ft IT IT '"•• '•0vlor pric* gl «o giving mood, tool Rj ^WM ^FT A . now and Chrittmatl We'll giw» ... ' ¦ I 4 Quick Flash Pictures j °—* "? "—•*- * J Without Changing Bulbs! ONE HALF THE PRICE! RUSCO Combination $/l1 ^ "Fl /\l It** A hVI I f DOOR (traded) Reg. $71.95 UI I LU UUAN

RUSCO Self-Storing I ED BUCK'S CIWWUL £%t $7 S 159 MAIN STREET — NEXT TO THE NEW FIRST NATIONAL 1^** flLj &taJ k BANK J |KL t '*^^*^ *a^^m ^^>*^*A**i^*i***^ *^*m**^*M^aa*k^**01***\'*m*%0*m*tt DOOR (traded) Reg. $81.95 # I „, ^a*\ , ° 521 Huffu a St.c Phoneou 5667^ I I "Remember —A Gift of a Camera Is Never Forgotten" I TLOUGAN RUSCO . . . COMFORT HEADQUARTERS! am ...... _ _ ML . W It. . W ••. » %A. *i^m\ mt. *f ^a. *m*. •#._«. W-M.^ 1. \mX- '* ._*_ ^W *tm^. )*_ *ta»l_»A- *t*_A. aM_*«awi- h& *t.^A- W^ '".J W •». ^ W «J> . ^ . * . L . JH