DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2020, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 18 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 BIHAR &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM LJP to prop up its COURTASKS IF WITNESSESHAVE SECURITY leaders, BJP rushes Hathras:SCcallsithorrible,UP to calm JDU anger saysstepintostopnarratives Nitish will remain CM, says BJP,asboth settocontestfrom115 seatseach CJI says courtwill Journalist, ensure that probe SANTOSHSINGH BUSINESSASUSUAL PATNA,OCTOBER6 partissmooth three others BY UNNY ON Aday of heated political ac- detained tioninBihar with three weeks ANANTHAKRISHNANG leftfor thefirstphase of the as- NEWDELHI,OCTOBER6 sembly polls, the BJP scrambled on way to to reassureits senior partner CALLINGTHE Hathras incident JD(U) afterthe LJP,whichhad “horrible… extraordinaryand Hathras exited thealliance in the state, shocking”, theSupreme Court poachedatleast twoBJP lead- Tuesdayasked the Uttar ers —and floated the possibil- Pradesh government if wit- ity of fielding them as candi- nesses in the case of the alleged SOMYALAKHANI, dates againstthe JD(U). rape andmurder of a19-year- AVANEESHMISHRA With afuriousChiefMinister old had been providedprotec- Security at thevillageofHathras victim Tuesday. AbhinavSaha &AMILBHATNAGAR Nitish Kumar delaying his ap- tion and if the familyofthe vic- NEWDELHI,LUCKNOW& pearance at ajoint press confer- tim hadalawyer. MATHURA,OCTOBER6 ence Monday, the BJP issueda RamManjhi-ledHAM will get The stategovernment, on its hurriedstatement reposing faith sevenseats from the JD(U)quota, part, urgedthe Supreme Court Facing flak, CM citesCAA THE UTTAR Pradesh Police de- in him and declaring and Mukesh Sahni’s VIP to supervise the probeintothe tainedfour men —includinga41- that he would continue six from the BJP.
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