December 10, 2020 | Issue 31 New Regional Youth Ministry Program Gets Underway for Teens in Lancaster County By Jen Reed youth ministry is The Catholic simple: to offer a Witness program of routine Spearheading a events to as many new, regional youth teens in grades 8-12 ministry program in in Lancaster County Lancaster County, as possible, while coordinator Kim complementing youth Moore was eager ministry programs to develop one that already established in would draw in teens the parishes. from upwards of “I know from my 20 parishes while own experience as a complementing youth minister, and already-existing COURTESY OF KIM MOORE, ONE VOICE YOUTH MINISTRY from the experiences programs and Teens gather for the inaugural gathering of the One of my own kids, what assisting parishes Voice regional youth ministry program in Lancaster. youth ministry can that don’t offer one. do for teenagers,” A former youth a number of months ago, and said Moore, a minister at Mary, Mother of the then I thought that maybe trying certified advanced catechist Church in Mount Joy to start a new youth ministry in the of Harrisburg. for eight years, and the mother program right now wasn’t a “It teaches them about the of five children, Moore has good time because of the faith and creates wonderful been ready to jump back into pandemic,” Moore said. “But the relationships. It allows them leading icebreakers, prayer, more I talked to the teens and to question the faith in a safe activities, group discussion and the more I prayed about it, the environment, where they know catechesis with teens since more I heard the Holy Spirit say, the adults are going to either considering a regional program ‘Get going.’” answer their questions or find months ago. Earlier this month, One Voice the answers.” The pandemic caused her Youth Ministry officially got “It would be ideal if every to consider putting the plan on underway with its first activity, parish had its own youth hold. But the Holy Spirit said the “Fire and Ice” social, which minister,” she said, “but in otherwise. included icebreakers, games, the Lancaster area, there are “A core group of leaders and s’mores and hot chocolate. more parishes unable to hire I had the idea of rolling this out The premise for the regional More YOUTH MINISTRY, page 2 December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 2 YOUTH MINISTRY, continued from 1 up and paid for the program’s website, www. someone in that position – whether it’s due to “What I’m hearing is, yes, teens and parishes financial reasons or because there is a small want this,” Moore said. “We’ve received a lot of number of teens in the parish. That’s why I positive reaction.” thought a regional youth ministry would be the way to go.” A Welcoming Place Supported by pastors, laity and the Diocesan Teens Isabelle Olenik and Kieran Sheehan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, One are among the first members of One Voice Youth Voice Youth Ministry is underway, operating on Ministry. the help of volunteers and donors. Isabelle, a 16-year-old homeschooled student, “The lay faithful drove this forward with described youth group as “a chance to grow encouragement and donations,” said Moore, who spirituality and to build relationships who will has been visiting parishes to speak about the push you to become a better person. We do a program after Masses. “We decided that we were lot of team-building exercises to get to know one going to make this completely -based, so another. It’s a place of reassurance, because that we don’t put any kind of financial burden on we talk about our doubts and fears and we work the parishes at this point.” through it together.” Several parishes, organizations and donors A member of St. Leo the Great Parish in have stepped up thus far. Knights of Columbus Rohrerstown, Isabelle connected with the youth Council 867 on the New Danville Pike south of group at Mary, Mother of the Church two years Lancaster city, St. Anne Parish downtown and ago, when the parishes combined efforts for a Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in Mount Joy Catholic Heart Work Camp. have offered meeting space for the youth ministry “It was powerful to be around teens my age program, which will routinely rotate through the who believed in the same thing I did and had the three locations. same questions that I did. It was so special to Knights of Columbus Council 14786 of Mary, worship with them and live out what we’re asked Mother of the Church Parish covered insurance to do. It made me feel really connected to my and liability costs, and an anonymous donor set faith and that I was where I was called to be,” she said. “Since then, my relationship with God Correction has grown stronger, and I think the reason I go to The Catholic Witness mistakenly published an youth group is because I want to strengthen that ad in the December 3 edition directing readers relationship and become a better Catholic. I want to contact their parishes for information to encourage other teens to join youth ministry on Penance services. Parishes because I want them to be able to have that have been advised to not hold Penance same experience.” services in Advent. We apologize for the Kieran, 15, a member of Mary, Mother of the miscommunication. More YOUTH MINISTRY, page 3

Publisher: 4800 Union Deposit Road The Most Rev. Ronald W. Gainer, Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710 DD, JCL, Bishop of Harrisburg Phone: 717-657-4804 Executive Director for Public Relations: Email: [email protected] Rachel Bryson, M.S. [email protected] Digital subscriptions provided complimentary to all parishioners registered to a parish in the Diocese of Managing Editor: Jennifer Reed The mission of The Catholic Witness is Harrisburg. The Catholic Witness (ISSN 0008-8447, [email protected] to be of personal and practical help as USPS 557 120) is published digitally weekly except we try to be loyal and true witnesses for Photojournalist: Chris Heisey Christmas/New Year by the Harrisburg Catholic Christ in our daily living, spiritual and [email protected] Publishing Association, 4800 Union Deposit Road, temporal, in private and in public. Harrisburg, PA 17111. December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 3 YOUTH MINISTRY, continued from 2 us whenever they’re ready.” Activities are planned through March, and Church Parish, was “drawn to the youth group in include meet and greets, attending Mass as a our parish based off of the teens at our church, group, and a paint and prayer night. In January, and on how much they liked our youth group. I the youth group will begin “Faith Living and continue to go, because I really like the program Learning” nights with games, catechesis, small that Kim Moore has put together. I like how she discussion groups and prayer. intertwines the faith in all of the fun that we have “One of the biggest challenges to getting kids as a group.” involved in something like youth group is that “I have encouraged my friends to join, by they’re busy. Until we build relationships with telling them that it is a lot of fun, and it is a great them, it is just another thing for them to do. Once group,” said Kieran, a freshman at Lancaster the relationships Catholic High within youth ministry School. “My hopes build over time, it for One Voice are becomes something that we will be they want to do rather able to go to work than something they camp, and that we have to do,” Moore will be able to have said. as much fun there “My hope is that as we did at our parents strongly parish.” encourage their kids Isabelle attended Board games and icebreakers were part of the youth to give youth ministry One Voice’s group activity, which followed Covid-safety protocols. a try to see if it’s for inaugural gathering them. If you don’t try earlier this month, it, you don’t’ know what it’s really all about.” and said she already has high hopes for the Youth group is a place where teens can be program. themselves while exploring the faith, asking “I definitely felt a sense of community right questions and fostering new friendships, Moore away,” she said of attending the event. “Even said. though we hadn’t spent time with each other “There’s a stereotype that everyone who goes previously and we were meeting for the first time, to youth group is super faithful or always praying. everybody was very open.” That’s not what it’s like,” she said. “We have “The group leaders are great role models, kids from all schools who come to youth group. and set the example of being welcoming. I was Many teens have told me that they like coming nervous to go at first, because I knew there to youth group because they can be themselves. would be people I didn’t know,” she added, “but In school, they might be the jock or the math everyone was willing to meet new people.” whiz. In youth group, they can be who they are, Once Voice’s gatherings are following Covid- relax and share their faith, and not have to keep safety guidelines. Teens are asked to sign up a façade that they might feel they have to in waivers, wear masks, have their temperatures school.” taken and physically distance. “That’s why all this effort over the last months “We can do things while being safe,” Moore in building this regional youth ministry is worth remarked. “Are our numbers going to be even a handful a kids who can breathe, pray and smaller right now? Yes. There are people who be themselves for a few hours at a gathering will choose not to come and that is completely while being supported in the faith,” she said. understandable. If we can reach one teen, five (Learn more about One Voice Youth Ministry, teens or fifty teens, it doesn’t matter – it’s the upcoming events and volunteer opportunities at direction we need to go. This is a step-by-step process, and the teens will be able to jump in with December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 4 Francis Proclaims Year of St. Joseph Catholic News Agency St. Joseph’s patronage announced in the Church,” it would a Year of St. Joseph grant a plenary in honor of the 150th to Catholics who recite anniversary of the saint’s any approved prayer or proclamation as patron of act of piety in honor of the Universal Church. St. Joseph, especially The year begins Dec. 8, on March 19, the saint’s 2020, and concludes on , and May 1, the Dec. 8, 2021. Feast of St. Joseph the The said Worker. that Pope Francis had Other notable days for established a Year of St. the plenary indulgence Joseph so that “every are the Feast of the Holy member of the faithful, Family on Dec. 29 and St. following his example, Joseph’s Sunday in the may strengthen their life of Byzantine tradition, as well faith daily in the complete as the 19th of each month fulfillment of God’s will.” and every Wednesday, a It added that the pope day dedicated to the saint had granted special in the tradition. to mark the The decree said: “In the year. current context of health The Dec. 8 decree was emergency, the gift of issued by the Apostolic the plenary indulgence is Penitentiary, the particularly extended to of the Roman that CHRIS HEISEY, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS the elderly, the sick, the oversees indulgences, Stained-glass window of the Nativity at St. dying and all those who and signed by the Major Joseph Church in Hanover. for legitimate reasons Penitentiary, Cardinal are unable to leave the , and the “Each of us can discover in house, who, with a soul Regent, Msgr. Krzysztof Nykiel. Joseph – the man who goes detached from any sin and with In addition to the decree, unnoticed, a daily, discreet the intention of fulfilling, as soon Pope Francis issued an and hidden presence – an as possible, the three usual apostolic letter dedicated to the intercessor, a support and a conditions, in their own home foster father of . guide in times of trouble,” he or where the impediment keeps The pope explained in wrote. them, recite an act of piety in the letter, entitled Patris “St. Joseph reminds us that honor of St. Joseph, comfort of corde (“With a father’s heart”) those who appear hidden or the sick and patron of a happy and dated Dec. 8, that he in the shadows can play an death, offering with trust in God wanted to share some “personal incomparable role in the history the pains and discomforts of reflections” on the spouse of the of salvation.” their life.” Blessed Virgin Mary. Pope Pius IX proclaimed St. The three conditions for “My desire to do so increased Joseph patron of the Universal receiving a plenary indulgence during these months of Church on Dec. 8, 1870, in the are sacramental confession, the pandemic,” he said, noting that decree Quemadmodum Deus. reception of Holy Communion many people had made hidden In its decree Tuesday, the and prayer for the pope’s sacrifices during the crisis in Apostolic Penitentiary said that, More , page 5 order to protect others. “to reaffirm the universality of JOSEPH December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 5 JOSEPH, in World War II, “uses the evocative image of a from page 4 shadow to define Joseph.” “In his relationship to Jesus, Joseph was intentions. the earthly shadow of the heavenly Father: he In his watched over him and protected him, never apostolic leaving him to go his own way,” the pope wrote. letter, Pope Pope Francis said that the contemporary world Francis required examples of true fatherhood. reflected on “Our world today needs fathers. It has no the fatherly use for tyrants who would domineer others as a qualities of means of compensating for their own needs,” he St. Joseph, wrote. describing “It rejects those who confuse authority with him as authoritarianism, service with servility, discussion beloved, with oppression, charity with a welfare mentality, tender and power with destruction.” loving, “Every true vocation is born of the gift of obedient, oneself, which is the fruit of mature sacrifice. The accepting, priesthood and likewise require and this kind of maturity. Whatever our vocation, “creatively whether to marriage, celibacy or virginity, our Statue of St. Joseph, located in the courage- gift of self will not come to fulfillment if it stops at narthex of St. Patrick Cathedral in ous.” sacrifice; were that the case, instead of becoming Harrisburg. He also a sign of the beauty and joy of love, the gift of self underlined would risk being an expression of unhappiness, that he was a working father. sadness and frustration.” The pope referred to the saint as “a father in He continued: “When fathers refuse to live the shadows,” citing the novel “The Shadow of the lives of their children for them, new and the Father,” published by the Polish author Jan unexpected vistas open up. Every child is the Dobraczyński in 1977. bearer of a unique mystery that can only be He said that Dobraczyński, who was declared brought to light with the help of a father who Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem respects that child’s freedom. A father who in 1993 for protecting Jewish children in Warsaw realizes that he is most a father and educator at the point when he becomes ‘useless,’ when he sees that his child has become independent and can walk the paths of life unaccompanied. When he becomes like Joseph, who always knew that his child was not his own but had merely been entrusted to his care.” The pope added: “In every exercise of our fatherhood, we should always keep in mind that it has nothing to do with possession, but is rather a ‘sign’ pointing to a greater fatherhood. In a way, we are all like Joseph: a shadow of the heavenly Father, who ‘makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust’ (Matthew 5:45). And a shadow that follows his Son.” Pope Francis has promoted devotion to Stained-glass image of St. Joseph, from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Mount Carmel. More JOSEPH, page 6 December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 6 JOSEPH, from page 5 not the virtue of the weak but II, III, and IV. rather a sign of strength of spirit During an apostolic visit to St. Joseph throughout his and a capacity for concern, the Philippines in 2015, the pontificate. for compassion, for genuine pope explained why he kept an He began his petrine openness to others, for love,” image of the saint on his desk. ministry on March 19, 2013, he said. “I would also like to tell you the Solemnity of St. Joseph, His coat of arms features a something very personal,” he and dedicated the homily at his spikenard, which is associated said. “I have great love for St. inauguration Mass to the saint. with St. Joseph in Hispanic Joseph, because he is a man of “In the Gospels, St. Joseph iconographic tradition. silence and strength.” appears as a strong and On May 1, 2013, the pope “On my table I have an courageous man, a working authorized a decree instructing image of St. Joseph sleeping. man, yet in his heart we see that St. Joseph’s name be Even when he is asleep, he is great tenderness, which is inserted into Eucharistic Prayers taking care of the Church! Yes! We know that he can do that. So when I have a problem, a Respect Life Mass difficulty, I write a little note and On the 4th Day of the 9 Days for Life Novena, the Diocese of Harrisburg I put it underneath St. Joseph, will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for expectant fathers so that he can dream about it! to lovingly support the mothers of their children in welcoming new life. In other words I tell him: pray for this problem!” At his general audience on March 18 this year, he urged Catholics to turn to St. Joseph in times of adversity. “In life, at work and within the family, through joys and sorrows, he always sought and loved the Lord, deserving the Scriptures’ eulogy that described him as a just and wise man,” he said. The pope concluded his new apostolic letter by urging Catholics to pray to St. Joseph for “the grace of graces: our conversion.” He ended the text with a prayer: “Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you Principal Celebrant God entrusted his only Son; Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Sunday, January 24, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick • Harrisburg, PA yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for Live Stream Available: us grace, and courage, 9 Days for Life Novena, January 21-29. Sign up today at and defend us from every evil.

The Respect Life Mass is sponsored by the Diocese Office of Family and Respect Life Ministries Amen.”

December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 7 Knights Present Mass Kits, Sick Call Set in Memory of Deceased Members By Jen Reed The Catholic Witness Father Vincent R. Capodanno Assembly 3167 of the Knights of Columbus honored two of their deceased members by presenting Mass kits in each of their names to be used by priests serving in Uganda. Presented in memory of Sir Knight Stephen Reed and Sir Knight Ernest A. DeFrank, Jr., by Robert P. Hawley, Faithful Navigator of Assembly 3167, the kits were gifted to Father Bernard JEN REED, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS Wamayose, A.J., pastor of Our Lady The Mass kits include a crucifix, linens, a chalice, of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in pyx, paten and stole. Harrisburg and a member of the Apostles of Jesus. Father Wamayose will facilitate delivery of the kits to two priests of his congregation serving in Uganda – Father Raphael Owori and Father Bernard Bubolo. The presentation was made during a ceremony prior to the Assembly’s meeting at St. Matthew Parish in Dauphin on Dec. 7. Each Mass kit, valued at several hundred dollars, includes a stole, paten, chalice, candles, pyx, oil vials, crucifix and altar linens. During the same ceremony, the Father Paul Shuda, Faithful Friar, left, and Robert Assembly presented newly-ordained Hawley, right, Faithful Navigator of the Father Vincent R. Father William Barbee with a Sick Call Capodanno Assembly, present two Mass kits to Father Set for use in his ministry to the sick. Bernard Wamayose, AJ, to be used by priests in Uganda. Father Barbee is a former Army chaplain, and was ordained on Oct. 24 of this year. He currently serves at St. Theresa Parish in New Cumberland. The Capodanno Assembly presented the kits as a tribute to Servant of God, Father Vincent Capodanno (1929-1967). Known among Marines as the “Grunt Padre,” Father Capodanno served as a military chaplain in the United States Navy and often attended to the wounded in battle. He died due to injury from machine gun bullets on Sept. 4, 1967, while administering Last Rites to the Marines of his battalion. Father William Barbee, a former Army chaplain, receives a Sick Call Set from Robert Hawley. December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 8

Diocesan Student Named Finalist in Christmas Artwork Contest The Called By Karen Harding The Missionary Childhood Association is Special to The Witness the Holy Father’s society for children to share Rose Burns, a student the Good News of God’s love and salvation at St. Leo the Great while providing basic support for projects that School in Rohrerstown, directly support children in the missions. By was selected from participating in MCA activities, children learn among thousands of about their brothers and sisters in mission young artists as one of countries – children just like themselves. And 24 finalists in the 2019- they also learn that their prayers and personal 2020 national Missionary sacrifices make them missionaries today. Childhood Association The Diocesan Missionary Childhood (MCA) Christmas Association is part of the Office of Pontifical Artwork Contest. Missions, under the direction of Father Robert Typically, F. Sharman. winners’ artwork Meanwhile, is displayed in the 2020-2021 the Basilica of the Contest is National Shrine underway. The of the Immaculate contest is open Conception in to all children in Washington, D.C., the Diocese in throughout the grades K-8. Entry Advent/Christmas form and rules season, complete are available with an awards at https://www. ceremony at the Shrine. However, evangelization/ it will look a little the-diocesan- different this year. office-of-the- Instead of an in- missions/ person celebration, the Missionary Childhood missionary-childhood-association/#2020- Association will live stream a program to 2021-christmas-artwork; deadline is January Facebook and YouTube honoring the winners 31, 2021. Even though our Diocese is of the Christmas Artwork Contest on Dec. 16 smaller than some of the archdioceses that at 7 p.m. The show will feature messages from compete, Harrisburg has produced several MCA around the world, interviews of winners talented winners in this contest during recent and reviews of the winning artwork with MCA years. We are looking forward to seeing some National Coordinator Holly Benner, and a really great artwork again this year! focus on MCA and its outreach to children. (Karen Harding is the MCA coordinator for Rose will receive a handsome plaque, and the Diocese of Harrisburg.) all of the finalists’ artwork will be available on an online gallery through which eGreetings may be sent. More information about the virtual awards will be posted as it becomes available on the Diocesan website, December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 9 think about being a priest?” The Called However, we went to Mass A series of profiles on clergy and religious regularly, and prayer was a serious thing. My family Father Anthony Dill taught me how to pray. My brothers and I got dragged Hometown: Etters, Pa. out of the church for not being Education: Red Land High School; Penn respectful a couple times State University; Messiah College; St. Vin- growing up. Having parents cent Seminary in Latrobe, Pa.; Pontifical take church seriously helped Gregorian University in instill a sense of reverence. All this to say, my family life Current Assignment: Pastor of Holy gave room for the Holy Spirit Spirit Parish in Palmyra, and Canonical and a connection with the Consultant in the Diocesan church, but I didn’t feel like I was directed to a vocation by my family. about 2% Catholic when I Tell me a bit about your When did you first give graduated. You didn’t really talk childhood. thought to the priesthood? I have three brothers, one about your faith that much at I have a couple of distinct older and two younger ones. school. I went to St. Theresa’s memories of spiritual We were good friends with each in New Cumberland growing movements. I remember other growing up. All four of us up, where I had some good role around Confirmation age, I wrestled. We wrestled inside models. My Confirmation teacher was praying before Mass, just the house, outside the house, was Susan Rudy, who founded keeling down at St. Theresa’s everywhere we were. Even the Silence of Mary House in and looking at the Crucifix and before we started wrestling for Harrisburg. When I transferred to thinking, “Where do priests school, in home videos you can Messiah College, I ran into her. come from?” It just popped usually see two or three of us It was an awesome reunion and into my head, but I didn’t wrestling in the background of entrance into her world. I was think about being a priest anything that was being filmed. more respectful and amazed at personally yet. Football was big for us, too, and her in college than I was as a I became more serious Ryan and Drew got seriously middle school student. about my faith life and into Rugby. We also got to work They say that vocations begin becoming more disciplined with each other at some jobs. It in the home. Was that true for in prayer in my junior year was a blessing for us to work on you? in high school. I wasn’t occasion together at the Beshore We wouldn’t explicitly use explicitly encouraged to do Farm. We had a lot of fun there. Catholic language in the house. this, but I had good friends I got to work with Josh and Ryan My mom was Presbyterian but and family and from them at different times for Kinsley became Catholic right before I a sense of being loved. Construction on the bridge crew was ordained a deacon. Father Coming from that sensation, during summers in college. Ed Malesic was my first Chaplain I guess I understood that Drew didn’t work with us in at Messiah, and he transferred to God is love and he loved college because he was too busy be the pastor at Holy Infant after me. My experience was that defending our freedom in the US my first year, so he became our having people care about Army. We had a healthy family pastor and my mom converted me and make sacrifices for environment, with a lot of great under him. me pushed me into a more friends, grandparents, aunts, We didn’t have a picture of the spiritual life. uncles and cousins. pope in the house or didn’t have Red Land is a public school any particular devotions. No one More THE CALLED, whose population was probably ever asked me, “Did you ever page 10 December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 10 THE CALLED study Theology and Scripture, American; most were Korean, continued from 9 and I thought that would be a Japanese and Russian. My The first time I ever good next step. I could take roommate was Russian and consciously thought about the classes without making it couldn’t speak English, so it priesthood was during my look like I was getting super was exactly what I theoretically semester at Penn State. On religious. At Messiah, the first thought I wanted, which was Mount Nittany, there was a person I told about my vocation to step away from everybody I Mass for all first-year students. was my resident director, knew to see if my vocation was I was only going to Mass because we were talking about real. about once a month at that all kinds of stuff one evening. I ended up finding a church time. In the bulletin, there He said, “Well, I think you there, with a foreigners’ youth was an announcement that should switch to become a group made up of Koreans, and said freshmen could go to this Philosophy major.” I was in I met some Korean religious outdoor hike/Mass. I showed up engineering at the time. He sisters there. I didn’t personally and there were three or four of said, “That way, you can first know any religious sisters us with the chaplain, who was a decide if you believe in God, growing up, and they loved the monk from St. Vincent’s. For the and then you can decide if you fact that I was this American homily, he said, “Let’s talk about want to be a priest.” kid who was showing up to a the Gospel.” That was the first I switched over to Humanities foreign youth group to go to time I ever talked about the faith in general, which was a really Mass all the time. Some of them with a priest on a serious level fun and interesting education. could speak broken English, like that. It was such a switch from math and eventually we could speak My vocation was like a bolt and science. My junior year, some Chinese together. They of lightning; I felt, right then, I studied abroad. At Messiah, didn’t know I felt called to be a like I was supposed to be everybody is encouraged to priest, but they supported me as a priest—which was super study abroad. I wrestled at a person. embarrassing because I didn’t Messiah and didn’t want to When I came back to the know our faith really well. miss the season because I United States, I talked to the The feeling associated with it was hoping to go to nationals Capuchin vocation director, was good, a calming sense of (I did not qualify). I chose to who is the provincial now, purpose, but there was also go to China because it’s the Father Tom Betz. Father Betz a darker sensation of being only program whose semester was awesome and visited me nothing or worthless. My prayer started late enough that I at Messiah a couple of times. life took a step back when I wouldn’t miss nationals if I I was thinking about dropping started college, but after that I would have qualified. I also out of my last year of college focused on it. Before I went to thought it would be cool to go and joining the Capuchins, but bed, I would take ten minutes someplace so different and see then I thought, “I don’t want and make it God’s time. I would if this vocation was for real. my vocation to feel like I’m read a little Scripture and just Like an idiot, I just did it. getting out of something or be quiet and give space to God. You’re supposed to have a pre- that it’s an escape from all the I didn’t tell anybody about the requisite of a year of Chinese responsibilities I’ve assumed at idea of a vocation because I language study, which I didn’t school,” so I decided to finish was embarrassed. have. It was a foreign language college. I transferred to Messiah university in Dalian, and all the At Messiah, I lived in the College for the next semester. credits were Chinese history Restoration House with eight It was attractive to me because and the Chinese language. incredible housemates. It it had more rules and I had I was taking 15 credits of was an old farmhouse with a some friends there, Shirk and Chinese language with students couple of acres that we were Peffer. I needed help focusing. from all over the world who had Also, students were required to already taken a year of it. Only More THE CALLED, one other classmate was an page 11 December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 11 THE CALLED ignoring each other. I am so people are to each other and to continued from 10 thankful to that first community. me. allowed to live on because we While I was there, another What has priesthood been created a mission statement priest fell off his Motorino like for you? that addressed various charities scooter and was afraid to ride I was in high school when the and community-oriented it again and said he’d give it scandal in Boston was revealed. events that we would use to to anyone who wanted it. So, I A mixed level of mistrust support it. Wrestling was a big got a 150cc scooter during my towards the priesthood is the commitment in college. I loved last two years in Rome. That only Catholicism I know. I think my team, and Coach Brunk was was super fun! I could ride the different stresses regarding one of the greatest Christian down to the parish I helped at the image of the priesthood role models of my life. He and go back and forth quickly. I and Church are easier for my helped me understand practice learned a lot about riding once generation to palate because and competition as an act of I got into that Roman traffic! there wasn’t as great of a fall worship, not identity. To get a license, I went to auto from such a prestigious image. school with all these Italian kids I think my age group is a little When did you graduate from learning to drive cars for the first more skeptical of all institutions Messiah, and how did you time, and I was this 25 year-old in general. transition to the seminary? guy who was trying to keep up I graduated from Messiah with the language. It was a little Is there an aspect of your in 2007. I then went to St. humiliating and a little funny, but ministry that you enjoy most? Vincent’s for a year and then helpful. Once I had the scooter A lot of our Christian to the North American College and was working in a parish, spirituality is cooperating with in Rome and studied at the I felt like I really lived in Italy. I the Holy Spirit, so if you do, Gregorian, which is a Jesuit loved my last two years there. you can be in the right place at university, for six years. I the right time, and that’s fun. When were you ordained, studied Theology and By fun I mean: not boring. It and what were your early Law. Seminary is seminary; can be really hard sometimes assignments? i.e., you’re in an insulated to cooperate with the Spirit, but I was ordained by Bishop environment where you focus exciting and life giving. I guess McFadden in 2012 and then I that’s what I like most. I enjoy on self-improvement and prayer went back to Rome. In 2014, life, so it wasn’t that much the priesthood because I’m I came back to St. John the called to be a priest and it’s fun different living in Italy. Baptist Parish in New Freedom. During my last two years to be where God asks you to It was a great parish. My first be. in Rome as a newly ordained year, Father Joshua Brommer priest, I lived in a house for was the pastor, and then for What do you enjoy in your priests and worked at a parish years two and three, it was free time? in the Neocatechumenal Father Robert Yohe. Their On my day off, once a month I Way. It was a small group of contrasting styles of pastoring go and visit my spiritual director younger people in a relatively was good for me to experience. who is a Jesuit in Wernersville, poor area. I was learning how Father Yohe has continued to Pa. I’ll spend part of the day to be a priest, and they had stay in touch and mentor me in there and do spiritual direction no problem interrupting my my current assignment. I greatly and Confession with him, which homilies to correct my grammar, admire his natural virtues and is super recharging. I take my Theology, or my adherence his spirituality. resting very seriously! I don’t to the ritual. They were telling Now I’m in my fourth year at have cable or internet access me what to do all the time, and Holy Spirit in Palmyra, and it’s at my house, and I have a flip it was just like being a brother such a good match. I love the phone, all to protect my ability in a family again because we community, the parishioners, to rest and recharge. Zoning felt comfortable supporting, the volunteers, and the staff. I More THE CALLED, correcting, and when necessary, cannot believe how supportive page 12 December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 12 THE CALLED incredible gift. It connects us with God and helps continued from 11 us learn how to live with grace. Give God time, out and resting hard are some of my favorite because God wants you to be fulfilled and He’ll pastimes. make you joyful. I also like to run. When Covid started, I got Living the Christian life is about gaining more time for that. I like books on tape. I have freedom. It’s not just about being afraid to sin; Audible and flip between all kinds of books – God can handle sin. We try more and more to fiction, nonfiction, religious. I’ve listened to St. avoid sin because we are motivated to never Teresa of Avila’s autobiography more times than be away from God’s love. But Jesus Christ died anything else. I listen to the Scriptures a lot, too. on the Cross and rose from the dead – God is I do watch movies sometimes; I like to laugh. I bigger than any sin you can commit, and infinitely also usually like any movie that has a scene with bigger than death. What he doesn’t handle is detectives getting called into their captain’s office indifference or not trying. So, try to love God. and being told to put their guns and badges on He wants you to love Him no matter what. If you his desk. make a mistake, that’s fine; He can handle that. But love Him back and put yourself out there, see What advice do you have to a high school or where he takes you. college student who has a thought about a (Interview conducted by Chris Heisey, The religious vocation? Catholic Witness.) Christian spirituality is a serious thing and an

Sister Joan Lundy, OCD also took classes in clinical pastoral education Sister Joan Lundy, a to help her in her role as coordinator of sisters Discalced Carmelite nun for at St. Anne’s Home in Columbia. 59 years, died at Emmanuel She taught elementary school for 30 years Center in Danville on Dec. 4. and was principal for 11 years. She served at A private burial will take St. Mary School in Steelton and at schools in place at All Saints Cemetery, Missouri, Illinois, North Carolina, Georgia and Elysburg. Arrangements have New York. been entrusted to Brady Sister Agatha Marie served her community Funeral Home, Inc. as director of novices and postulants and was (The Witness has not the last leader of the former Columbia Province received a fuller obituary for before three provinces converged into one Sister Joan. It will be published if received.) region. She served on the first U.S. Region novitiate Sister Agatha Marie Groft, ASC community in Belleville, Illinois, mentored Sister Agatha Marie associates in the Adorers’ spirituality, and Groft, ASC, died Dec. 7 assisted the Columbia archivist. She also at St. Anne’s Retirement served on the Sisters’ Council in the Chicago Community in Columbia. She Archdiocese as well as the Immaculate was 88 years old and had Conception parish council in East Chicago, been a professed member of Indiana. the Adorers of the Blood of Burial in the Columbia Center convent Christ for 68 years. cemetery will be private. A memorial Mass will Sister Agatha Marie grew be celebrated at a later date. up in Adams County. She Donations in memory of Sister Agatha Marie earned a bachelor’s degree Groft may be sent to the Adorers at 4233 in history from Carlow College in Pittsburgh and Sulphur Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63109 or made a master’s in religious studies/sacred scriptures online at from St. Charles Seminary in Philadelphia. She December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 13 sense, their Blessed are the Poor in Spirit eyes are By Sister Geralyn Schmidt, SCC of the priest of our Diocese on heaven Special to The Witness that totally took me off guard while their Looking recently at my and made me pause for much feet are blinking cursor on a white piece reflection. If you want to view planted of “virtual” paper, I thought, “I his homily, you can find the link on earth! have finally hit a wall! I’ve got to the Mass at the end of this They know nothing to write about!” So, article. These musings offered that only seeking a “muse,” I called Jen here spawned from his homily the grace Reed at The Witness. Over the and my reflection on it. of God phone, I asked her, “What’s The most important one on can bring next?” As I posed my question, the list, the one that makes us “Thoughts from a true riches I picked up an article that had remember Jesus’ life, death, Catholic Evangelist” and true I cut out of The Witness from and resurrection is the last one. happiness. November 2016. All of the Beatitudes lead us on In order to actually live this, In this article, Cindy Wooden a journey to follow Christ to the we have to be meek. Meekness of Catholic News Service writes Cross, to the Tomb and then on is not about being a doormat. about Pope Francis offering to heaven. Meekness is a virtue that kills “new” Beatitudes for Saints of According to the priest’s our pride, our personal plans for a New Age. Before I reflect on recent homily, the first three our life. The virtue of meekness these statements by the Holy Beatitudes – blessed are the can be seen in Mary’s response Father, Jen and I both agreed poor, those who mourn and the to the announcement of the that we need to reflect, discuss meek – call us to “die” well, and Angel Gabriel: “Be it done unto and “chew” on the original ones! the next four call us to “live” well. me according to YOUR word.” They can be found in Matthew As I heard this, I pondered, Meekness and poverty of spirit 5:3-10 and are as follows: “What?” I am sure you might be also open us to the ability to cry. • Blessed are the poor in spirit, thinking the same thing. Let me Tears soften the place in our for theirs is the kingdom of explain. hearts that have become rock- heaven. The “death” that Father spoke solid because of our pride and • Blessed are they who mourn, about is not a true “death,” but a holding onto the things of this for they will be comforted. death to self. You see, because world. Tears admit that we don’t • Blessed are the meek, for of our wounded, sinful nature, have it together, and that the they will inherit the land. we tend to think and to live as if only One that can fill that place • Blessed are they who hunger “It’s all about me!” This reminds is God Himself. and thirst for righteousness, me of a first-born child who has This death to self allows us to for they will be satisfied. a major awakening when a new truly live. Justice, mercy, purity Blessed are the merciful, for baby arrives. The lives of mom of heart and peace give us the they will be shown mercy. and dad now have to revolve grace to be instruments of the • Blessed are the clean in around two children. Depending Kingdom. God’s hands and feet heart, for they will see God. on the personality of the first to build the Kingdom of God • Blessed are the born, this transition can be hard. here and now. Isn’t this what peacemakers, for they will be We go through our own Jesus did? Isn’t this what we are called children of God. transition when we realize that called to do? • Blessed are they who are the “things” of this world – fame, persecuted for the sake of wealth and popularity – can righteousness, for theirs is never truly make us happy. watch?v=8SqkrvEa6tg&t=2253s the kingdom of heaven. Those who are “poor” do not Recently, I heard a homily hold onto these things too tightly about the Beatitudes from one because they are fleeting. In a December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 14 OBITUARIES The names of the following deceased persons have been submitted by their parishes. Please remember in your prayers the happy repose of these recently departed souls and the consolation of their loved ones. Deceased Clergy Abbottstown Lebanon Please pray for the following clergy who Immaculate Heart of Assumption BVM: died in December during the past 25 years: Mary: Jeanne W. Wolf Leland Steinke John T. Zohner Msgr. Joseph Bradley, 1996 John Rudegeair Bloomsburg Father John Aurentz, 1996 St. Columba: Marcelle Quintilli Gloria Burke Audra Schlegel Cowsette Father Vitale Leonard Casey, 1997 Mary Ann Snavely Josephine Faux Father Joseph Blascovich, 1999 Dolores Miller Camp Hill Father Robert Kobularik, 1999 Good Shepherd: Mechanicsburg Deacon Michael Lydon Sr., 1999 Frank Ascani St. Katharine Drexel: Ralph James Gloria Newkam Deacon Charles Rebuck, 2005 Carlisle Millersville Father Thomas Hemler, 2006 St. Philip the Apostle: St. Patrick: Father Thomas McLernon, 2009 Charles L. Hursen Margaret Beck Father Paul Aumen, C.PP.S., 2010 Rosella Burkholder Kim Bodenstine-Hoffman William S. DiBerardine Rohrerstown Msgr. Leo Bierster, 2011 Conewago St. Leo the Great: Msgr. Robert C. Gribbin, 2013 Sheila C. Rickerhauser Sacred Heart of Jesus: Deacon Sabino Moschella, 2013 Gary Francis Adams Sunbury Amy Pisula St. Monica: Father Joseph H. Fennessy, 2015 Harrisburg Kathryn Pakuta Deacon Andrew Fine, 2018 St. Catherine Labouré: York Deacon John Mowery, 2018 Elizabeth Horoschak St. Joseph: Father Thomas R. Hoke, 2019 Debra Blascovich Maureen Thesing Eva Caruso Joseph Holden

Diocesan Youth Protection Program To report suspected abuse of a minor, call the toll Para reportar la sospecha del abuso de un menor, free PA Child Abuse Hotline: llame al número de teléfono gratuíto Línea de 1-800-932-0313 Ayuda Abuso del Niño Pennsylvania To report suspected abuse of a minor by a church 1-800-932-0313 , employee or volunteer, also please call the Para reportar la sospecha del abuso de un menor Diocese of Harrisburg Youth Protection Hotline: a manos de un official, empleado o voluntario de 1-800-626-1608 or email: ReportAbuse@ la iglesia, también llame al número de teléfono gratuíto de ayuda diocesana: 1-800-626-1608 o envíe correo electrónico: [email protected] December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 15 for the presentation, go to https:// will be entered at the national DIOCESAN level. An awards ceremony for speaker_series. Registration local winners will be planned NOTEBOOK deadline is December 15 at for late May or early June 2021. Retreats & noon. Registration is free, though Please feel free to leave a voice Pilgrimages free will offerings are gratefully message at 717-390-9035 if you Pilgrimage to the Holy Land accepted. have any questions. in 2022 with Father Michael Women of Grace St. John the Baptist School Reid, pastor of St. Vincent de Foundational Study begins in New Freedom, Open House Paul Parish in Hanover. Father Saturday, January 16. Join on Jan. 31 from 12:30-2 p.m. Reid will lead a group of 24 this virtual study on Saturday If you or someone you know pilgrims on an active and spiritual mornings from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 is interested in a faith-based tour of the Holy Land, Jan. p.m. Embark upon a journey of education for the 2021-2022 31-Feb. 11, 2022. The 12-day discovery and transformation as school year, this is the open itinerary organized by Select you explore the great call and house you’ll want to visit. We’d International Tours includes gift of your femininity. For more love to show you all we have to Mount Tabor, Nazareth, Cana, information, contact Chris Arnold offer from small class sizes to Galilee, Tabgha, Magdala, Mount at [email protected] rigorous academics. All Diocesan, of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Mount or 717-379-6041. CDC and Department of Health guidelines will be followed during Carmel, Caesaria Maritima, Events & Bethlehem, Shepherd’s Field, this event. Please contact the Jericho, Baptism Site, The Fundraisers office at 717-235-3525 with any Dead Sea (with optional visit National Education Contest additional questions, or check to Masada), Mount of Olives, of the Catholic Daughters us out on our Facebook page @ Mount Zion, Jerusalem, St Anne’s of the Americas. Lancaster stjnschool or on our website Church, and Ein Karem. Land and Court Queen of Peace #1023 of at Air cost is $3,695; a deposit of the Catholic Daughters of the $500 is required by Oct. 3, 2021. Americas invites all youth in Job Openings Flights depart from and return to grades 4-12 from all schools to Newark International Airport. For enter the National Education Holy Family Radio in a brochure and other information, Contest. 2021 themes are “Let All Shiremanstown is seeking please contact Father Reid at 717- You Do Be Done with Love” and a Community Relations 637-4625, ext. 113. “Show Love to One Another.” Coordinator (part-time, average Enter one or more contests in art, of 20 hours per week). The goal Education & essay, poetry, computer art, music of this position is to increase Enrichment and photography. Go to http:// awareness of the mission and goals of Holy Family Radio “Truth, Beauty, and Under Member Resources, select and build listener and donor Goodness” Evangelization Forms, and go down to Contests relationships. This is to be done Speaker Series continues Dec. for contest rules and details in through communication activities, 16 from 7-8:30 p.m. via Zoom. English or Spanish. Entries must public events, and personal Topic will be The Sacred Art be postmarked by or delivered to contacts on behalf of Holy Family of Iconography, presented by Margaret T. Giordano, Education Radio (HFR). The Community Roberta Davis, who will speak Contest Chairman, 1530 Relations Coordinator will work on the spirituality behind Icon Hollywood Drive, Lancaster, in partnership with the HFR Writing as well as displaying PA 17601 by February 1, 2021. Station Manager. Tasks include: and explaining some of her All 1st place local winners will own work, including icons be entered in the state education More NOTEBOOK, appropriate to the Advent and contest, and 1st place state winners Christmas seasons. To register page 16 December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 16 NOTEBOOK, seeking nurses to staff its mobile Services Manager. All duties and continued from 15 ultrasound unit. Shifts available responsibilities are performed in M-F 8am-4pm, FTE: PRN with support of Morning Star’s Mission develop, coordinate and oversee no maximum hours. Hourly rate: and Vision. Position open to RDMS the efforts of the Fundraising $22. PA RN license is required or RN with sonography experience. Committee; provide content to the for this position. Must be trained Salary commensurate with Station Manager for the monthly in limited obstetric abdominal/ experience, benefits included. Send newsletter and social media transvaginal ultrasound or open résumé and a cover letter to Linda activities; some travel throughout to training. The mobile unit will Plummer, Executive Director, the Diocese to promote awareness, be deployed to abortion clinics to lplummer@morningstarclinics. listenership and support; attend change the way abortion-minded com. For more information call events to raise awareness and women look at their pregnancy. Linda Plummer at 717-901-3377. listenership; develop relationships The mission of Undefeated Morning Star Pregnancy with businesses with a goal Courage is to help women choose Services is hiring a Nurse of underwriting support and/ life for their baby and themselves. Clinic Manager. At Morning or gathering gift certificates for Undefeated Courage is a sidewalk Star, you can be a part of a team use during pledge drives and the advocacy organization in Central that serves the women and men annual banquet; research and Pennsylvania that provides prayer, of the Harrisburg area with love, solicit corporate, foundation and pregnancy testing, education compassion and understanding. individual donors; make calls to on pregnancy, referral to local The nurse manager oversees gather challenge matching gifts for pregnancy care centers and other the provision of patient care pledge drives; and develop a long social/legal services outside of and medical services operations term plan to address the needs of abortion clinics at no cost or and performs client/patient HFR, working in conjunction with judgement. A free ultrasound is an care. Position will be 30-40 hours the station manager, Fundraising obstetrical tool used to evaluate the per week. RN required, CRNP a Committee and volunteers. For health of the pregnancy and can plus. Salary commensurate with more information, including be a method for abortion-minded experience. Please send your compensation details and/or to women to make informed decisions résumé and a cover letter to Linda apply, contact HolyFamilyRadio@ about their pregnancy after Plummer, Executive Director, reviewing their ultrasounds. Visit lplummer@morningstarclinics. Our Mother of Perpetual https://www.undefeatedcourage. com. For more information, call Help School in Ephrata is org/employment.html for more Linda Plummer, Executive Director seeking a preschool teacher. information and an application. at 717-901-3377. Responsibilities include: develop Morning Star Pregnancy Holy Trinity Catholic School and implement a developmentally Services is seeking an RDMS for in York is seeking a full time th appropriate preschool program for its Ultrasound Program. When educator to teach 4 grade young children; supervise children it comes to changing hearts and students in person and virtually. in the preschool; communicate minds, ultrasound is the core of our The candidate should possess the with parents and members of the pregnancy medical center. Morning necessary skills and traits to create community; maintain program Star Pregnancy Services is a nurturing environment focused on administration; and perform expanding its Ultrasound Program academic, spiritual and emotional other related duties as required. at its new location in Harrisburg. growth of each child. Interested Qualifications include minimum of In this role, you will be working candidates should send a cover a bachelors degree with an active with moms and dads to view their letter and résumé to Mrs. Kathleen teaching certificate preferably in unborn child, see its beating heart, Smith at [email protected]. The Early Childhood or Elementary and begin the bonding process. The Diocese of Harrisburg Professional Education. Send a letter of interest RDMS provides patient care and and résumé to [email protected]. medical services working under the More NOTEBOOK, Undefeated Courage is supervision of the RDMS Medical page 17 December 10, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 17 NOTEBOOK, for educators, specifically from creating, performing and/ continued from 16 long term substitutes that are ready or listening to music. Candidates to join our team in the Harrisburg must have the ability to teach the Employment Application and area. Teachers in all grades and history of music, how to read and required background clearances all subject areas are needed. write music, understand beats and may be found at the following Certification is preferred but not harmonies, as well as directing links: https://www.hbgdiocese. required. Catholic Schools in the our annual school musical. org/catholic-schools/employment- Diocese of Harrisburg provide Candidate will need to submit applications/ safe, joyful school environments current background clearances https://www.hbgdiocese. that follow current scientific best and an active Pennsylvania org/safeyouth/background- practices on schooling during a certification in music education certificates-and-youth-protection- pandemic. For more information or is desirable. Qualified candidates requirements/#adult-employee- to find a school location near you, should complete and submit protection-requirements. click on https://www.hbgdiocese. to the Diocese of Harrisburg a Catholic Harvest Food org/find-catholic-school/. Send teacher application at https://www. Pantry in York is seeking an your résumé and letter of interest Executive Director to lead the to either the location near you or to employment-applications/ and organization. Send an e-mail to [email protected]. contact Mrs. Christine McLean, [email protected] if you You may also call the Harrisburg Principal, at 717-392-2441, ext. 3, are interested in the position. A Diocese Department of Catholic or [email protected]. comprehensive job profile will then Schools for more information at be forwarded to you for this full- Harrisburg Catholic 717-657-4804 ext. 222. time position. Elementary School is seeking a dedicated, inspirational and Delone Catholic High School St. Joseph School in Hanover enthusiastic full-time third in McSherrystown is seeking a is seeking substitute teachers grade teacher for the remainder principal. Minimum requirements: on an as-needed basis for the of the 2020-2021 school year. 5+ years’ experience as a high 2020-2021 school year. The The position will begin following school principal or vice principal; minimum academic requirement the Christmas break on Monday, thorough understanding of Catholic for a substitute is a baccalaureate January 4 and has the potential school philosophy both in practice degree. The minimum age to become permanent in the and knowledge base; commitment requirement is 21 years. State 2021–2022 school year. The to modeling the values of Catholic teaching certification is preferred, position will entail instruction in educational leadership; outstanding but not required. If interested, religion, reading, social studies, oral and written communication please send a cover letter, résumé, math, ILA and science, with an skills; demonstrated achievement transcripts, and pastor letter to ability to differentiate in all areas in cross-functional or matrix St. Joseph Catholic School, 5125 and a desire to work with a diverse structured organizational models; Grandview Road, Hanover, PA group of students. Interested PA Administrators’ Certificate 17331, or e-mail Mr. Terrance candidates should forward their (or in process); and Catechetical Golden, Principal, at tgolden@ application, résumé, pastor’s letter Certification (or in process) and of recommendation and copies of a minimum 5 years of teaching St. Leo the Great School in current clearances to Harrisburg experience. Full job description Rohrerstown is seeking a part- Catholic Elementary School, 555 available at time Music Teacher. Candidates South 25th Street, Harrisburg, PA, employment . Send résumé and must have a history of academic 17104, Attn: Mr. David Rushinski, letter of interest to Dan Breen, excellence, positive attitude, or email materials to drushinski@ Diocese of Harrisburg, 4800 Union teamwork skills and a devotion to Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA our Catholic identity. Music classes 17111, or [email protected]. are a standard in our PreK – 8th Schools in the Diocese of grade programs. We believe that Harrisburg are currently looking every child can enjoy and benefit