0 U.S. Aid to UNITA

In the interests of the peoples of and those struggling against the apartheid government of we would like to call on you to contact your representatives to Washington and urge them to reject any pro­ posals for aid to. the South African supported rebel group .UNITA in Angola. UNITA - the .Union for the Total Independence of Angola - and its leader are being. touted as "freedom fighters" fighting for the over­ throw of the legitimate Marxist . government of Angola. UNITA,.s supporters in the U.S. also point towards Cuban troops in Angola as a justification for the overthrow .of that government. The ironies of the situation are as follows:

' ' 1) Savimbi himself embraced Marxism five years ago during a tour of the u.s.. He told the Wall Street Journal "You can't apply in Africa." ·

2) Cuban troops in Angola were called in eleven yeats ago when at the time of Angola's independence from South Africa invaded and attempted to install UNITA in power (UNITA, by the way, in the early seventies fought on the side of Portugal during Angola's war for independence). The Cuban troops have since remained to repel South African and UNITA raids on the country. Currently Cuban troops are being used also to guard u.s. oil installations which have been targeted by UNITA as important strategic bombing points. Oil is one of several vital economic areas that foreign capitalism has been allowed to con­ t inue in by the Angolan government. Savimbi, who is currently "touring the u.s. to drum up support (Jan. 28 - Feb. 12) has once again avowed his intention to attack these U.S. corporations.

Importance to the Anti-Apartheid Movement:

1) Angol a is an important base for SWAPO - the South-West Africa Peoples' Organization - which is fighting to end South Africa's illegal occupation of the country of .

2) Recently on 11 60 Minutes" Jonas Savimbi ·declared South African president P.W. Botha to be his "best friend". South African intentions are to install a regime in Angola friendly to their government and its apartheid s.ystem of enforced racial segrega­ tion and. oppression. South African monies freed up by the sub­ stitution of u.s. aid for ·UNITA .. would be used: to bolster. its own military and br utal oppression of blacks under Apartheid.

Savimbi would like to see himself become a new ruler in Angola, and is willing to use any means to achieve his goal. The MSU Southern Africa Lib­ eration Committee is asking that you and anyone else concerned about the oppression in southern Africa contact your representatives to Washington and tell them to vote NO on any proposals of aid to UNITA., The people of Angola have suffered enough under UNITA 1 s and South Africa s terrorism. Please stand up for the rights of those who have no voice.

on Feb. 5 call and leave a message for your Washington representative * (Senators included) at 1-202-224-3121. Along with asking them to vote NO on any u.s. aid to UNITA ask them to support bill HR 3690 which bans sending aid to UNITA.