THE DAILY ARGUS, MOUNT VERN ON, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4,1941 Mortimer Bell i jww ^^wesEs**"*^ '• •v-'-?*

V5* >*•- Second Large.1 Number to College'. History In Salisbury Gasoline Looms —Commencement Program To Begin Tomorrow Services in Riverdale Former City Official Drastic Curbs on Thirty-eight young women will ceive a diploma. Mrs. Mabel Carta. '^•Na..r —Thousands Pass Bier Civilian Car Use, receive A. B. degrees, and 88. will Darrow of Bronxvi^ wiUi^lve Was 77—Funeral To receive two-year diplomas at the her A. ». degree. This week her Be Held Tomorrow at Christ Church Home Heating Asked commencement exercises at Sarah small daughter, Mabel, «»•*•• Lawrence College Saturday St 11 nursery echool at Sarah "**•*«•• RIVERDALE—The last 1*4 sen­ A If. This is the second largest Patricia Holllster of Bronxville wtll SALISBURY, Conn-J. Mortimer tences were recited over Lou Oehrig WAeHUfOTOH,

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