INTERVIEWS: Tom Jensen 919-744-6312


Nelson safe in

Raleigh, N.C. – Two-term Florida Senator still holds big leads over every potential Republican challenger as the August 14 primary approaches. No potential Republican nominee comes within 13 points of Nelson, who was re-elected with 60% of the vote in 2006. In mid-April, when the last statewide Senate race poll was conducted, Nelson had similar double-digit leads over all candidates in the Republican primary field. The closest contest is with Congressman IV, who trails Nelson by 13 points, 36-49. Mack IV trailed by just 10 points in April, signaling that Nelson may be pulling away from his most threatening challenger. Former (appointed) U.S. Senator George LeMieux also trails by 13, 35-48. He has closed the gap 1 point since April, when he was down 34-48 to Nelson. Mike McCalister trails Nelson by 14 points, and former Congressman trails by 16 points. Nelson’s steady, convincing leads in such a notoriously divided state can be attributed to his broad appeal, as evidenced by strong support in a variety of demographics. Nelson performs very well with Independents in matchups with potential Republican nominees, beating each Republican challenger by at least 20 points. Nelson wins with every racial group, even Whites, in every head-to-head matchup with a potential Republican nominee. Nelson also wins all age groups in every head-to-head matchup. Among Florida Republican primary voters, Mack IV leads in a matchup of all Republican Senate primary candidates with 34% support. LeMieux comes in a distant second with 13% support, McCalister in third with 10% and Weldon in fourth with 6%. 28% are undecided. “Bill Nelson continues to be favored for reelection,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “And Connie Mack IV is still the clear favorite on the Republican side, with Dave Weldon having little immediate impact on the race.” PPP surveyed 642 Florida voters and 448 Florida Republican primary voters from May 31st to June 3rd. The margin of error for the general survey is +/-3.9% and +/-4.6% for the Republican primary survey. This poll was not paid for or authorized by any campaign or political organization. PPP surveys are conducted through automated telephone interviews.

Public Policy Polling Phone: 888 621-6988 3020 Highwoods Blvd. Web: Raleigh, NC 27604 Email: [email protected] Florida Survey Results

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Bill Q7 If the candidates for US Senate this fall were Nelson's job performance? Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Connie Mack IV, who would you vote for? Approve ...... 39% Not sure ...... 30% Bill Nelson...... 49% Disapprove...... 31% Q2 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion Connie Mack IV ...... 36% of George LeMieux? Undecided...... 15% Favorable...... 10% Q8 If the candidates for US Senate this fall were 22% Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Mike Unfavorable ...... McCalister, who would you vote for? Not sure ...... 68% Bill Nelson...... 47% Q3 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Connie Mack IV? Mike McCalister ...... 33% 20% Favorable...... 19% Undecided...... 27% Q9 If the candidates for US Senate this fall were Unfavorable ...... Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Dave Not sure ...... 53% Weldon, who would you vote for? Q4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion Bill Nelson...... 47% of Mike McCalister? Dave Weldon ...... 31% Favorable...... 9% Undecided...... 22% 13% Unfavorable ...... Q10 Who did you vote for President in 2008? Not sure ...... 78% John McCain...... 43% Q5 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Dave Weldon? Barack Obama...... 47% 10% Favorable...... 8% Someone else/Don't remember ...... 12% Q11 Would you describe yourself as very liberal, Unfavorable ...... somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat Not sure ...... 81% conservative, or very conservative? Q6 If the candidates for US Senate this fall were Very liberal...... 10% Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican George LeMieux, who would you vote for? Somewhat liberal ...... 16% 33% Bill Nelson...... 48% Moderate...... 25% George LeMieux ...... 35% Somewhat conservative...... 16% Undecided...... 17% Very conservative ...... Q12 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2. Woman ...... 49% Man...... 51%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. Survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Q13 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican, Q15 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1. If 30 to press 2. If you are an independent or identify 45, press 2. If 46 to 65, press 3. If you are with another party, press 3. older than 65, press 4. Democrat ...... 41% 18 to 29...... 12% Republican...... 40% 30 to 45...... 22% Independent/Other...... 19% 46 to 65...... 33% Q14 If you are Hispanic, press 1. If white, press 2. Older than 65 ...... 33% If African-American, press 3. If other, press 4. Hispanic...... 12% White ...... 70% African-American ...... 12% Other...... 5%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. Survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

2008 Vote 2008 Vote John Bar ack Someone else/Don't John Bar ack Someone else/Don't Bas e McCain Obam a remember Bas e McCain Obam a remember Nelson Approval LeMieux Favorability Approve 39% 17% 61% 27% Favorable 10% 16% 3% 10% Dis appr ove 31% 50% 13% 30% Unfavorable 22% 12% 33% 17% Not s ur e 30% 32% 26% 43% Not s ur e 68% 72% 64% 73%

2008 Vote 2008 Vote John Bar ack Someone else/Don't John Bar ack Someone else/Don't Bas e McCain Obam a remember Bas e McCain Obam a remember Mack Favorability McCalister

Favorability Favorable 19% 31% 9% 19% Favorable 9% 9% 8% 15% Unfavorable 27% 16% 38% 29% Unfavorable 13% 8% 18% 14% Not s ur e 53% 54% 53% 52% Not s ur e 78% 83% 74% 72%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

2008 Vote 2008 Vote John Bar ack Someone else/Don't John Bar ack Someone else/Don't Bas e McCain Obam a remember Bas e McCain Obam a remember Weldon Favorability Nelson/LeMieux Favorable 8% 10% 6% 10% Bill Nelson 48% 12% 84% 37% Unfavorable 12% 5% 19% 8% George LeMieux 35% 68% 6% 25% Not s ur e 81% 86% 75% 82% Unde cide d 17% 20% 9% 38%

2008 Vote 2008 Vote John Bar ack Someone else/Don't John Bar ack Someone else/Don't Bas e McCain Obam a remember Bas e McCain Obam a remember Nelson/Mack Nelson/McCalister Bill Nelson 49% 12% 85% 40% Bill Nelson 47% 10% 83% 37% Connie Mack IV 36% 71% 6% 32% Mike McCalister 33% 65% 6% 25% Unde cide d 15% 17% 9% 28% Unde cide d 20% 24% 11% 38%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

2008 Vote Ideology

Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very John Bar ack Someone else/Don't Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e McCain Obam a remember Nelson Approval Nelson/Weldon Approve 39% 62% 55% 50% 19% 18% Bill Nelson 47% 10% 83% 36% Disapprove 31% 14% 16% 17% 48% 57% Not s ur e 30% 24% 29% 34% 33% 25% Dave Weldon 31% 62% 6% 22% Unde cide d 22% 28% 11% 42%

Ideology Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative LeMieux Favorability Mack Favorability Favorable 10% 3% 4% 7% 12% 19% Favorable 19% 14% 5% 11% 29% 38% Unfavorable 22% 38% 32% 23% 13% 16% Unfavorable 27% 31% 42% 31% 19% 16% Not s ur e 68% 59% 64% 70% 74% 65% Not s ur e 53% 54% 53% 58% 52% 45%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Ideology Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative McCalister Weldon Favorability

Favorability Favorable 8% 2% 3% 7% 11% 15% Favorable 9% 8% 6% 8% 10% 15% Unfavorable 12% 22% 13% 15% 5% 7% Unfavorable 13% 20% 19% 14% 9% 8% Not s ur e 81% 76% 83% 79% 84% 79% Not s ur e 78% 72% 75% 78% 81% 77%

Ideology Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Nelson/LeMieux Ne ls on/M ack Bill Nelson 48% 87% 81% 62% 17% 12% Bill Nelson 49% 90% 86% 61% 16% 12% George LeMieux 35% 6% 11% 16% 62% 70% Connie Mack IV 36% 8% 9% 18% 64% 75% Unde cide d 17% 7% 8% 22% 20% 18% Unde cide d 15% 3% 5% 20% 20% 13%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Ideology Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Nelson/McCalister Ne ls on/We ldon Bill Nelson 47% 87% 84% 61% 12% 10% Bill Nelson 47% 91% 84% 59% 11% 11% Mike McCalister 33% 9% 8% 16% 59% 68% Dave Weldon 31% 8% 8% 14% 56% 68% Unde cide d 20% 4% 7% 23% 29% 22% Unde cide d 22% 1% 8% 27% 33% 21%

Ge nder Ge nder

Bas e Wom an Man Bas e Wom an Man Nelson Approval LeMieux Favorability Approve 39% 41% 37% Favorable 10% 6% 13% Dis appr ove 31% 22% 39% Unfavorable 22% 19% 25% Not s ur e 30% 37% 24% Not s ur e 68% 75% 62%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Ge nder Ge nder

Bas e Wom an Man Bas e Wom an Man Mack Favorability McCalister

Favorability Favorable 19% 15% 23% Favorable 9% 8% 10% Unfavorable 27% 26% 29% Unfavorable 13% 12% 15% Not s ur e 53% 59% 48% Not s ur e 78% 80% 75%

Ge nder Ge nder

Bas e Wom an Man Bas e Wom an Man Weldon Favorability Nelson/LeMieux Favorable 8% 5% 10% Bill Nelson 48% 58% 39% Unfavorable 12% 11% 12% George LeMieux 35% 26% 42% Not s ur e 81% 84% 78% Unde cide d 17% 16% 18%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Ge nder Ge nder

Bas e Wom an Man Bas e Wom an Man Nelson/Mack Nelson/McCalister Bill Nelson 49% 55% 44% Bill Nelson 47% 53% 41% Connie Mack IV 36% 30% 42% Mike McCalister 33% 27% 40% Unde cide d 15% 15% 14% Unde cide d 20% 20% 20%

Ge nder Party

Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other Bas e Wom an Man Nelson Approval Nelson/Weldon Approve 39% 58% 23% 33% Bill Nelson 47% 54% 40% Dis appr ove 31% 15% 47% 29% Dave Weldon 31% 25% 37% Not s ur e 30% 27% 30% 38% Unde cide d 22% 21% 22%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Party Party

Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other LeMieux Favorability Mack Favorability Favor able 10% 7% 13% 8% Favor able 19% 13% 27% 16% Unfavorable 22% 28% 16% 23% Unfavorable 27% 34% 20% 29% Not s ur e 68% 65% 71% 70% Not s ur e 53% 52% 53% 55%

Party Party

Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other McCalister Weldon Favorability

Favorability Favor able 8% 8% 10% 4% Favor able 9% 11% 8% 7% Unfavorable 12% 18% 5% 12% Unfavorable 13% 16% 10% 14% Not s ur e 81% 74% 86% 83% Not s ur e 78% 72% 82% 79%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Party Party

Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other Nelson/LeMieux Nelson/Mack Bill Nelson 48% 82% 15% 48% Bill Nelson 49% 81% 17% 48% George LeMieux 35% 9% 66% 25% Connie Mack IV 36% 10% 67% 28% Undecided 17% 9% 20% 28% Undecided 15% 9% 16% 24%

Party Party

Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other Bas e Democrat Republican Independent/Other Nelson/McCalister Nelson/Weldon Bill Nelson 47% 80% 13% 46% Bill Nelson 47% 81% 13% 45% Mike McCalister 33% 9% 64% 24% Dave Weldon 31% 8% 61% 21% Undecided 20% 11% 23% 30% Undecided 22% 12% 26% 34%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Race Race African- African- Bas e Hispanic White American Other Bas e Hispanic White American Other Nelson Approval LeMieux Favorability Approve 39% 46% 37% 51% 24% Favorable 10% 13% 9% 7% 11% Dis appr ove 31% 26% 35% 12% 23% Unfavor able 22% 27% 21% 21% 23% Not s ur e 30% 28% 28% 37% 53% Not s ur e 68% 60% 69% 72% 66%

Race Race African- African- Bas e Hispanic White American Other Bas e Hispanic White American Other Mack Favorability McCalister

Favorability Favorable 19% 23% 20% 14% 14% Favorable 9% 19% 6% 16% 13% Unfavor able 27% 31% 27% 27% 23% Unfavor able 13% 15% 12% 18% 16% Not s ur e 53% 46% 53% 58% 63% Not s ur e 78% 67% 82% 66% 71%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Race Race African- African- Bas e Hispanic White American Other Bas e Hispanic White American Other Weldon Favorability Nelson/LeMieux Favorable 8% 9% 7% 9% 11% Bill Nelson 48% 54% 42% 85% 42% Unfavor able 12% 14% 9% 21% 18% George LeMieux 35% 35% 40% 6% 31% Not s ur e 81% 77% 84% 70% 71% Undecided 17% 12% 18% 10% 28%

Race Race African- African- Bas e Hispanic White American Other Bas e Hispanic White American Other Nelson/Mack Nelson/McCalister Bill Nelson 49% 49% 43% 82% 47% Bill Nelson 47% 47% 41% 82% 42% Connie Mack IV 36% 33% 42% 7% 32% Mike McCalister 33% 31% 38% 8% 29% Undecided 15% 18% 14% 11% 21% Undecided 20% 22% 20% 10% 29%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Race Age

African- 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r Bas e Hispanic White American Other Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 Nelson/Weldon Nelson Approval Bill Nelson 47% 48% 40% 83% 46% Approve 39% 35% 38% 41% 39% Dave Weldon 31% 29% 37% 5% 29% Dis appr ove 31% 22% 29% 31% 35% Undecided 22% 23% 23% 12% 25% Not s ur e 30% 43% 33% 29% 25%

Age Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 LeMieux Favorability Mack Favorability Favorable 10% 5% 9% 10% 11% Favorable 19% 8% 10% 23% 26% Unfavorable 22% 24% 20% 23% 22% Unfavorable 27% 27% 28% 27% 28% Not s ur e 68% 70% 71% 67% 67% Not s ur e 53% 65% 62% 50% 46%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Age Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 McCalister Weldon Favorability

Favorability Favorable 8% 11% 7% 8% 7% Favorable 9% 19% 10% 5% 9% Unfavorable 12% 11% 13% 10% 12% Unfavorable 13% 14% 17% 11% 12% Not s ur e 81% 78% 80% 82% 80% Not s ur e 78% 68% 72% 83% 79%

Age Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 Nelson/LeMieux Nelson/Mack Bill Nelson 48% 51% 43% 53% 46% Bill Nelson 49% 54% 49% 50% 46% George LeMieux 35% 19% 41% 31% 40% Connie Mack IV 36% 19% 33% 38% 43% Unde cide d 17% 30% 16% 16% 14% Unde cide d 15% 27% 17% 11% 12%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Age Age 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r 18 to 30 to 46 to Olde r Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 Bas e 29 45 65 than 65 Nelson/McCalister Nelson/Weldon Bill Nelson 47% 49% 42% 52% 45% Bill Nelson 47% 49% 42% 52% 44% Mike McCalister 33% 27% 33% 32% 37% Dave Weldon 31% 19% 33% 30% 37% Unde cide d 20% 24% 25% 17% 18% Unde cide d 22% 32% 25% 18% 19%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 642 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Florida Survey Results

Q1 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion Q5 The main Republican candidates for Senate of George LeMieux? are George LeMieux, Connie Mack IV, Mike 15% McCalister, and Dave Weldon. If the primary Favorable...... was today, who would you vote for? Unfavorable ...... 16% George LeMieux ...... 13% Not sure ...... 69% Connie Mack IV ...... 34% Q2 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Connie Mack IV? Mike McCalister ...... 10% 6% Favorable...... 34% Dave Weldon ...... 9% Unfavorable ...... 19% Someone else...... 28% Not sure ...... 48% Undecided...... Q3 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion Q6 Would you describe yourself as very liberal, of Mike McCalister? somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, or very conservative? Favorable...... 10% Very liberal...... 1% Unfavorable ...... 10% Somewhat liberal ...... 4% Not sure ...... 80% Moderate...... 21% Q4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Dave Weldon? Somewhat conservative...... 39% Favorable...... 10% Very conservative ...... 34% Unfavorable ...... 7% Q7 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2. 44% Not sure ...... 83% Woman ...... Man...... 56% Q8 If you are 18 to 45 years old, press 1. If 46 to 65, press 2. If you are older than 65, press 3. 18 to 45...... 20% 46 to 65...... 43% Older than 65 ...... 37%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. Survey of 448 Republican primary voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Ideology Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative LeMieux Favorability Mack Favorability Favorable 15% - 10% 8% 14% 21% Favorable 34% 50% 10% 33% 34% 37% Unfavorable 16% 50% 39% 23% 13% 13% Unfavorable 19% - 35% 25% 17% 15% Not s ur e 69% 50% 51% 69% 73% 66% Not s ur e 48% 50% 54% 42% 49% 48%

Ideology Ideology Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative McCalister Weldon Favorability

Favorability Favorable 10% - 10% 10% 11% 11% Favorable 10% 50% - 10% 8% 12% Unfavorable 7% 50% 23% 6% 5% 6% Unfavorable 10% - 33% 11% 10% 8% Not s ur e 83% 50% 67% 85% 84% 84% Not s ur e 80% 50% 67% 80% 82% 80%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 448 Republican primary voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Ideology Ge nder Very Som ew hat Som ew hat Very Bas e liberal liberal Moderate conservative conservative Bas e Wom an Man 2012 GOP Sen

Prim ary LeMieux Favorability George LeMieux 13% - 3% 10% 18% 10% Favorable 15% 12% 17% Connie Mack IV 34% 100% 49% 25% 35% 34% Mike McCalister 10% - 6% 18% 7% 9% Unfavorable 16% 11% 21% Dave Weldon 6% - - 5% 5% 8% Not s ur e 69% 77% 62% Someone else 9% - 26% 15% 7% 6% Undecided 28% - 16% 27% 27% 34%

Ge nder Ge nder

Bas e Wom an Man Bas e Wom an Man Mack Favorability McCalister

Favorability Favorable 34% 33% 34% Favorable 10% 8% 11% Unfavorable 19% 11% 24% Unfavorable 10% 8% 12% Not s ur e 48% 56% 41% Not s ur e 80% 84% 77%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 448 Republican primary voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Ge nder Ge nder

Bas e Wom an Man Bas e Wom an Man Weldon Favorability 2012 GOP Sen

Prim ary Favorable 10% 6% 14% George LeMieux 13% 10% 15% Unfavorable 7% 5% 8% Connie Mack IV 34% 32% 35% Not s ur e 83% 89% 78% Mike McCalister 10% 13% 8% Dave Weldon 6% 3% 8% Someone else 9% 7% 10% Unde cide d 28% 35% 23%

Age Age 18 to 46 to Older 18 to 46 to Older Bas e 45 65 than 65 Bas e 45 65 than 65 LeMieux Favorability Mack Favorability Favorable 15% 11% 13% 19% Favorable 34% 18% 31% 46% Unfavorable 16% 27% 15% 13% Unfavorable 19% 29% 16% 16% Not s ur e 69% 62% 72% 68% Not s ur e 48% 53% 53% 38%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 448 Republican primary voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988 Crosstabs

Age Age 18 to 46 to Older 18 to 46 to Older Bas e 45 65 than 65 Bas e 45 65 than 65 McCalister Weldon Favorability

Favorability Favorable 10% 11% 10% 10% Favorable 10% 13% 6% 13% Unfavorable 7% 11% 5% 6% Unfavorable 10% 18% 8% 9% Not s ur e 83% 78% 85% 84% Not s ur e 80% 69% 86% 78%

Age 18 to 46 to Older Bas e 45 65 than 65 2012 GOP Sen

Prim ary George LeMieux 13% 16% 13% 11% Connie Mack IV 34% 24% 31% 43% Mike McCalister 10% 13% 12% 6% Dave Weldon 6% 9% 4% 6% Someone else 9% 11% 8% 9% Unde cide d 28% 27% 31% 26%

May 31-June 3, 2012 3020 Highwoods Blvd. survey of 448 Republican primary voters Raleigh, NC 27604 [email protected] / 888 621-6988